(c) 2010 by NeverBeAlone

It was a beautiful high summers evening and we were traveling home to our large cottage in the country when my husband Geoff reached across and began caressing me which soon found his fingers creeping up under my silk panties and then fingering me. We had had a very romantic candle lit dinner at a local Hotel to celebrate our third anniversary and, although Geoff was driving and touching me at the same time, there were no one else on the little back road to worry about. I also had several drinks while Geoff just nursed his since he was driving.

The evening had finished with us cuddling and kissing passionately in the car and so on the short drive home I was pretty aroused and had sunk down in the leather seat with my short mini-kilt round my hips. It’s a long reach in a Range Rover from the driver’s seat but Geoff at six two was really hitting the spot and in no time I had my panties off and he had two fingers busy deep inside me. My long legs were wide open and I was nearly coming, my small diamond hard nipples were clearly visible thru the sheer demi-cup bra and sticking through my thin blouse. I unbuttoned my blouse and then undid the front clasp of bra to set free my firm D cup breasts.

I couldn’t wait to get home!

Our country cottage is very isolated and as the electronic gate opened we swept into the long winding drive and our large jet black dog Rogue ran to meet us. Rogue is a crossbreed of Old English Mastiff and Great Dane and quite a massive magnificent beast in both stature and breadth!

Rogue would never wander off and so we usually left him out if we were only going out locally. Rogue is very much my dog and is always to be found wherever I am, usually asleep in the room where I’m working. As we pulled up he ran to my side of the car and as I opened the door he bounded towards me barking in greeting. I swiveled in my seat to get out with my legs open, my short kilt was still almost around my waist and my open blouse billowing in the slight breeze, and as I placed one foot on the ground Rogue pushed between my legs and thrust his cold wet nose against my just waxed bare pussy!

I had been so aroused by Geoff that Rogue must have smelt me and before I could push him away his huge tongue had run from my bum right through my pussy parting my labia, then up and over my clit; I shivered involuntarily and my pussy that was already dripping became electrified. As I grabbed him to push him away, he resisted strongly pushing against my hands and as he did so his long tongue pushed right inside me, as deep as a cock had ever been and my efforts to push him away became weaker and weaker.

Geoff had come around to my side of the car and burst out laughing as he saw me struggling to get out with Rogue’s head buried between my thighs. He pushed Rogue aside and pulled me from the car and into a clinch, our mouths and tongues devouring each other. If I hadn’t been turned on already by Geoff administrations, Rogue’s tongue would have done it anyway and although Geoff was now fingering me it was Rogue’s tongue that my pussy was remembering. Suddenly, I staggered against Geoff with a loud moan as Rogue had gotten behind me and had swiped his long powerful tongue from my bare pussy up through the cleft of my buttocks! I was wearing 4-inch stiletto high heels that had the affect of raising and tilting my small firm ass, which also easily facilitated his tongue to swipe all my erogenous zones! Before I could recover, another swipe of his tongue easily delved the tip of his powerful tongue into my vaginal entrance. Geoff had to catch me as my knees buckled, overcome by this powerful sensation, as I uttered a weak command of Nooooo! to Rogue.

Geoff suddenly turned me around in his arms and said “You sexy bitch, I’m going to give you one right here and now!” and with that he pushed me on to all fours on the lawn. He flicked my short kilt onto my back leaving my bare bum exposed and as I looked behind me Geoff pulled his trousers down, his six inch rigid cock sticking out towards me. I opened my legs in anticipation as he started to move behind me, but before he could kneel, Rogue leapt between us and onto my back!

His front legs gripped my sides and he started to thrust his groin into my bum.
“Get him off; what’s he trying to do?” I cried laughing.
Geoff started laughing as well and said, “He’s trying to fuck you!” I could feel something hot, hard and very, very wet bumping against my bum, my pussy and my thighs. When aroused, my short labia would swell and openly parted which I knew they already were and only accented by being on my hands and knees.

The whole of my groin area was absolutely dripping wet!
I had just gone to the salon the day before and had the entire area waxed and it was still highly sensitive. I could clearly feel each powerful squirt of hot precum against my entire hairless groin, between my parted cleft buttocks and running down across my pussy, it felt like a large syringe of endless hot water was being squirted onto me.
Suddenly, I felt a powerful hot blast of precum directly against my exposed vaginal entrance creating an erotic sensual shiver to shudder through me momentarily freezing me in place. Geoff admitted later that as I struggled to push Rogue off and then seemed to freeze in place for several long moments, he had reached down behind me and guided Rogue’s cock so that the tip was pointing between my pussy lips and as he did so it was spraying precum everywhere. The next thing I knew was that on Rogue’s subsequent thrust he drove his cock partially into me. I cried out in shock and horror as he thrust a massive amount of cock into me. It was burning hot and huge, much bigger and thicker than Geoff’s and it was reaching places no real cock had ever been!

Rogue was now gripping me hard with his front legs and thrusting into me faster than anything I had ever known, pumping in and out driving his cock ever deeper and he seemed to be coming continually. Time seemed to slow down to a crawl as I felt every inch of cock pushed ever deeper inside, felt every jet of hot precum blasting into me. Only later did I realize the time dilation was from the massive adrenaline spike that occurred when Rogue started fucking me.

I was wondering how deep it would go as it went ever deeper and quickly realized once I felt it battering my cervical entrance and then start passing through that I was being fucked by a real cock much, much longer and thicker than any real cock I had ever experienced before, and not all of it was in yet!

His searing cock was making my pussy to feel on fire and I couldn’t help myself, I instinctively started to push back against his thrusts and almost from the moment he entered me I had started to come.

Almost as soon as Rogue entered me Geoff appeared kneeling in front of me and he pushed his cock against my mouth, which as I orgasmed opened involuntarily and he pushed it deep into my throat. In seconds Rogue was fully embedded, I could feel his groin hard against my pussy lips, I could feel his cock seesawing in and out of my womb powerfully stimulating me causing me to be so aroused that I began pushing back onto him as hard as I could, instinctively trying to get as much inside me as possible and actually grinding my pussy against him feeling my first ever uterine orgasm building!

All at once Rogue seemed to push his groin into me – God it hurt! Whatever it was it was that had entered me was huge and as it went in his cock seemed to push right up into my stomach. Whatever he had pushed into me quickly started to grow and grow inside me, forming a bulge that had expanded inside my pussy to what felt to be the size of a softball!

God, it was painful but the pain started to go almost immediately as my pussy quickly adjusted, I had never been so full. As the bulge grew Rogue’s thrusts slowed to a stop as whatever it was inside me locked us together and he stood up on his rear legs, which were outside of mine, hunched over my back just holding himself deep inside me. I could feel every inch of his burning cock and it seemed to reach right up into my stomach. The bulge was exerting tremendous pressure against my G-Spot triggering another orgasm! Geoff was busy sliding the tip of his cock in and out of my encircling lips, but I hardly noticed as my mind was completely dominated by the feeling coming from my pussy and from Rogue’s huge cock. It twitched and throbbed deep inside me and just seconds later Rogue started to shake and shudder and then he came! He seemed to have been coming from the moment he entered me but now it was as if a scalding hose pipe had been turned on inside my stomach, there seemed to be bucketful’s being emptied into my womb, it went on and on and on, there was so much that I could feel it filling me and expanding my womb! As Rogue came my continuous orgasm became even bigger, I couldn’t help myself, I just came and came, I had never ever had an orgasm so intense! Geoff came too and I swallowed distractedly as I my whole mind was concentrating on Rogue’s huge fiery cock emptying it self into me.

The whole thing had only taken a couple of minutes and as the three of us came down, Geoff pulled his cock out of my mouth and reality hit me. I couldn’t believe what I had done – my dog had just given me the most thorough and royal fucking of my life and as he filled me with his cock and his sperm I had come and come! I had had the biggest intensive mind blowing multiple orgasms I had ever had in my life and it was my dog and his cock that had taken me there!

“Get him off me!”
I cried in embarrassment and humiliation and struggled to pull myself out from under him, but he seemed to be stuck inside me. Rogue abruptly pushed up with his paws on my back and turning stepped over his cock so that our bums were pushed together with his tail along my back and yet all the time he remained fully inside me. I tried to pull forward to get him out but his cock would not budge it was firmly stuck. I could feel a building fluid pressure inside my womb realizing Rogue was still pumping fluid into me!

Geoff stood up and stared at us both and then reached underneath me to my blouse and loose bra and as I protested he pulled it over my head and down my arms, lifting each hand in turn he pulled it from me. I now only had my small kilt round my waist and he undid the zip and with some difficulty pulled it from me in the same way. I was now naked on my hands and knees on our front lawn bum to bum with my dog whose massive cock was still firmly wedged inside me. Whatever it was that was inside me remained solid locking us together, holding his cock fixed and allowing none of his sperm to escape, I could feel his sperm still completely filling and burning my womb. Geoff stared at us both thoughtfully and then pulling up his trousers, headed for the Cottage leaving me moaning in despair. Moments later he returned with his digital camera and despite my protests took loads of photos of me naked with my large dog’s bum pressed hard against mine, with its enormous cock embedded fully inside my pussy. He took lots of close-ups from the top and from underneath that must have clearly show my pussy impaled by Rogue’s cock, I wailed in protest but he just continued, ignoring me, then he turned on the video feature of the camera.

After about ten minutes Rogue’s bulge started to shrink, I could feel it getting smaller and then slowly I could feel the bulge slowly slip out of my vaginal entrance. I heard a low audible slurping pop when it emerged! Then, huge amounts of his sperm ran out of my extended pussy, I could feel it pouring down the insides of my legs, unwillingly a low moan escaped my parted lips as I felt the hot deluge roll over my pussy and inundated my clit, triggering another orgasm. It felt like forever as the rest of his still massively thick and long cock slowly slithered out of me. Geoff was underneath with the camera filming the cock slowly sliding out and the enormous amounts of precum and sperm gushing out. I was in shock and momentarily frozen to the spot, I couldn’t believe that Geoff had allowed my dog to fuck that and me I had come and come on a dog cock. I think I started to sniffle and Geoff took me in his arms and kissed and kissed me and told me that he loved me, and he had never seen anything so sexy and erotic and as he did so he touched my body and it started me off again. My mind was fixated on the feeling that huge dog cock had caused and in no time I was responding to Geoff’s caresses. Very soon I was on my back on the lawn and as Geoff knelt between my legs he thrust his cock into me. After Rogue’s it seemed small, but I started to come anyway and as I did so, so did he, his thick white sperm joining Rogue’s hot sperm in my womb.

“I have never seen anything so sexy or amazing in my life!” were his first words he muzzled into my ear after he had come, “God he was huge, and he really fucked you. He shagged you like a rag doll and he made you come and come, you were whimpering like a bitch on heat!” he was so excited he couldn’t seem to stop talking. “He got every bit of it inside you, even his knot, every inch and you couldn’t get enough of it. God did he give you it! It must have been at least 12 inches if not more! I thought he was never going to come out. Fucking Hell! Did he fill you, you were drenched and it looked as if you’d wet yourself! What did it feel like? How far was he inside you?” That knot must have been the size of a small orange when it finally popped out; I imagine it must have been much, much bigger swelled up inside of you! I lay there under him with his cock still inside me and thought ‘Whimpering? As far as I knew I hadn’t uttered a sound. What had it felt like? How far had it gone? Knot? That must have been the bulge. Rogue had made me like a nympho souped up on sex hormones and that’s exactly what I had felt like, what on earth could I say without shattering his ego? It had reached so far inside me that it was fucking into my womb stimulating me into a first ever uterine orgasm, the rarest and most intensive orgasm a woman could ever have! I could remember myself in the middle of my orgasm pushing back as hard as I could to get more’. So taking the coward’s way out I just said “BIG!”

We picked ourselves up slightly embarrassed and collecting our clothes went into the cottage, my lower body was covered in sperm of both types and so opted for a shower. I stood there letting the water cascade down my body quite stunned by what had happened and to my reaction to it – I had never been as turned on in my life as I had been when Rogue’s huge cock was inside me, everything Geoff had said was true. I had pushed back so hard that the bulge, his knot as Geoff called it, had entered me and I’d done that! – I was staggered.

Drying my self off I pulled my short kimono robe with the high slit sides around my body and walked into the bedroom and as I did so the door pushed open and in padded Rogue. He looked at me with eyes that whilst full of adoration seemed apprehensive and as I extended my hand he came forward and nuzzled it almost gratefully. I moved my hands to caress his silken ears and I couldn’t help myself, my other hand ran along his muscular neck, down his silky coat onto his solid back and then under his tummy and onto his incredibly soft furry sheath. I caressed his soft sheath and could feel its firm contents, which was beginning to stir. Amazed at the monster cock it contained, disbelief still reigned that I had taken that incredible monster. As I touched his sheath with my finger tips his wet nose slipped through my short robe and his tongue licked my pussy hungrily causing it to explode, unconsciously causing my fingers to make small jacking off motions on his sheath causing, in seconds my pussy was dripping wet again as I felt the rapid building of an orgasm. I guiltily pulled my hand away when I heard Geoff’s shout from down stairs “Are you coming?” “Yes I’ll be about five minutes.” I replied and at the same time thought ‘if only’. My hand returned to find his cock now partially sticking out of its furry sheath and as I ran my hand along it, it grew and grew. I looked around and under his body and was stunned to see at least ten or eleven inches of reddish pink dog cock staring up at me. The tip was pointed and yet swelled very thick quickly, despite its thickness I could see why the tip had entered me so easily.

I said, “Sit!” and as he sat I pushed him over onto his side, immediately he rolled over onto his broad back that he is wont to do when he gets a belly rub. Kneeling, I couldn’t help myself and continued to slowly caress his cock watching it grow to monster proportions! “I’ll see you later” as I began to get up to join Geoff. I I looked at him laying there and I couldn’t resist opening my robe and then straddling Rogue, laying my naked body against his, rubbing it against his, feeling his solid muscles and his silky furry coat caressing my breasts, my nipples and tummy. I could feel the heat emanting from the tip of his massive cock just an inch or so from my own inflamed pussy. As I rubbed my body against his, I felt intermittent contact of the tip of his hot massive cock against my vaginal entrance, my will power just barely preventing insertion as my mind warred with previously conceived/inoculated sexual conventions.

Thoughts and ideas quickly warred and struggled with each other how these conventions came about. With a flash of realization, I came to the conclusion that these conventions must have all been devised by men after witnessing what unbridled lust and passions could be arisen from a woman being physically and powerfully fucked by an animal – an instinct and fright unburied and awakened deep in a man’s subconscious psyche that a woman could be so powerfully aroused just by the brutal physical fucking act of an animal that threatened their masculinity! A belief perpetrated through the ages by men, subjugated upon women, because men were afraid of their masculinity being affected!

As part of my mind warred with these conventions, the physical part of my mind seeked increasing pleasure and I realized I was still straddling and sliding against Rogue, rubbing my body against his, suddenly realizing as I felt a jet of hot precum explode inside me that I was allowing a couple of hot inches of cock to slide in and out of my vaginal entrance! My physical contact with Rogue was getting me tremendously aroused, but remembering Geoff’s call I kissed the top of his head and jumping up I pulled the robe around me and walked down the stairs leaving Rogue sitting up engrossed licking his aroused cock. I walked down the stairs with my whole body tingling from Rogue’s touch, my nipples were standing on end and pussy was drenched.

I entered our large lounge to see Geoff kneeling at the side of our 72-inch high definition Plasma TV and as he rose he said, “Watch This!” I sat almost in a daze on the floor next to him and stared as huge images filled the screen, the camera was on auto play and plugged directly into the TV, so each photo remained for a while to be replaced by the next in order.

It was quite surreal; I was completely detached as if it was someone else on the screen. I saw a tall, strikingly attractive slim athletic naked young woman with her long blonde hair obscuring her face, kneeling on all fours on a lawn, with just stiletto high heels on.

She had long limbs, exquisitely shaped firm large D cup breasts with hard erect nipples, a very flat ripped tummy and a magnificently pert muscular bum pushed firmly against a huge dog. The huge black dog had a gorgeous shiny short hair coat and rippling muscles and had his rump pushed hard against the blonde’s bum with his tail along her back and his rear legs between hers. Their bodies were rump to rump and the next photo clearly showed why. The dog’s massive cock was pointing backwards and was securely embedded in the woman’s pussy and even though it was as if I was looking at a stranger, my body reacted intensely and my pussy could actually feel that huge cock inside me.

The pictures taken from underneath showed that the woman had taken every inch of him and the thick root of his cock, covered their shiny juices, was graphically shown in close-up poking through her pussy lips. The little landing strip of blonde pubic hair appeared almost black as it was coated with their combined juices, which were glistening, as well as where they caked her inner thighs. Suddenly, the still shots ended and video began playing.

The shots of his bulge coming out stunned me, it was cricket ball sized and it had shrunk! The bulge, or knot as Geoff had called it, was about a third of the way from the base of the cock and it was easily double the thickness, no wonder it had locked them together, how could it have been inside her? And the amount of sperm that flooded out of the woman’s pussy was startling, how much had he come inside her? He must have filled her completely. I had expected it to be white and thick, but it was clear and watery and it looked as if she was wetting herself; it would almost have filled a large glass. As the dog withdrew, the enormous size, both in length and thickness, became apparent and as the large screen hugely exaggerated it, every detail of the reddish pink monster could be seen.

Unconsciously my tongue licked my lips, as I could almost taste it. It was coated with their combined juices glistening under the flash and it was huge and the woman had taken every inch of it inside her. My body started to shiver as I stared at the huge cock displayed on the screen and from memory my body could feel every tiny bit of it. My hand reached over to Geoff’s zipper and exposed his rock hard cock slowly sliding my hand up and down his cock and as the pictures rotated he laid back onto the floor and opening my robe I straddled him, facing the television mesmerized as the pictures he drove himself into my sopping wet pussy and made love to me. As I lay there thrusting down at him I was watching the ever-changing pictures and yet with Geoff panting below me all I could feel was that gigantic dog cock pounding and pounding me.

Suddenly, I felt a long powerful swipe of a huge tongue starting at where Geoff’s cock was thrusting into me and up between my cleft bum over my tiny tight anus. I tried to push his invading muzzle away, but it was to no avail, simultaneously I felt renewed thrusting underneath me and I looked down and saw Geoff’s smiling face as he grabbed my hips and furiously bucked under me, bouncing my hips up. His long wet tongue began to send new strange sexual impulses through my body, completely beyond my control. Unconsciously I began to undulate my curvaceous ass towards his lapping tongue as a Geoff’s cock furiously thrust into me from below.

His tongue slipped between my parted bum cheeks to my puckered asshole and licked it with his powerful tongue tip. I raised my ass to further expose my pussy to the fevered licks.

Then I felt Rogue move up onto my back and began his entry preparation thrusts. Again I looked down and saw Geoff grinning at me as I wondered how both of the cocks could possibly fit inside, and even if they didn’t, that I would immensely enjoy just feeling the squirting thrusting attempts bathing my erogenous areas. I resumed my thrusting to meet Geoff’s thrusts enjoying the hot squirting massive invader trying to join in. A few times the tip of his cock wedged in alongside Geoff’s cock but could not get further than just a couple inches in. The I felt his huge cock sliding up between my parted bum sparking and renewing new strange sexual impulses as each thrust slid up and over my tight puckered anal opening, occasionally enhanced by feeling his squirting cock directly against the tightly closed entrance. Suddenly with a slow steady powerful thrust, Rogue managed to slip two pointed inches into my unsuspecting ass!

My eyes popped open wide in surprise and part in pain as I tried to shake the sodomizing beast off, causing Geoff to repeatedly buck up underneath me in effect raising my ass with each thrusting buck and also further embedding the cock deeper into my ass! I could feel each hot massive squirting inch as it slowly advanced deeper with the combined movements of both Geoff and Rogue and soon Rogue was shoving the remainder of his lubricated prick up my stretched asshole.

“Aaarrrghhh!” I gasped as I felt his invading shaft pumping my colonic tube with bestial lust, arousing powerful orgasmic sensation, quickly realizing that from the sensations, I was soon to experience massive body racking multiple orgasms. I could feel Rogue’s cock began expanding in all dimensions, further stretching my ass to new limits, previous only use to Geoff’s average proportions when he ass fucked me.

I began to experience tingly pinpricks all around my hot and sticky crotch. The pleasure/pain connection had been made. Two cocks thrusting into me almost in an alternative rhythm, my tight anal opening only allowing moderate thrusting speed. I spread my knees and legs further apart to allow Rogue’s massive prick to penetrate to deeper depths.

I ground my swollen clit against Geoff, as an orgasm racked through me, knowing the earth shattering orgasm I was expecting was yet to come. Every thrust expanded my tight asshole and brought delicious pleasure. I could feel his prick sliding in and out of my ass as well as feel Geoff’s thrusting cock through the thin barrier of my wet pussy. I was actually being ass– fucked by a dog, doubled-teamed by my husband!

Feeling the massive orgasm now quickly building that I had been expecting, I noted that Rogue began to heave and thrust heavily as his cum boiled up from his huge balls. I met each thrust with a thrust of my own. I began to pant in synch with the powerful thrusting, my large firm hard nippled breasts bashing against Geoff’s face.

Then I felt Rogue’s massive cock expand one more and blast forth its sperm into the depths of my heaving belly. The feeling of cum filling up my asshole pushed my own orgasm over the brink as my sphincter muscles milked the sperm from the enormous shaft, the muscular contractions of my anal muscles triggering Geoff’s own exploding orgasm and I could feel his cum erupt inside of me. I was in heaven as Rogue’s and Geoff’s labored thrusts subsided. After ten minutes Rogue’s cock had slowly shrank and then slowly, very slowly emerged out of my tight ass with a final plop, with the rest then slowly slithering out like an anaconda with a prolonged slurping noise. Geoff, beginning to feel Rogue begin his withdraw, again slowly started thrusting up into me and as the tip of his Rogue’s cock finally emerged, repeatedly thrusting hard causing my final crashing orgasm as I thoroughly exhaustedly collapsed upon Geoff as he continued with a few more thrusts until he came again.

As a lay upon Geoff’s broad muscular chest and hard corded stomach, exhaustion carrying me to sleep, as my brain dwindled to unconsciousness, briefly and fleeting I felt both revulsion and excitement over what I had just experienced, being royally and thoroughly fucked not once by twice by an animal in the course of an hour. Unbridled lust was now part of my life and I realized that never would I be so blindly indoctrinated by a social convention until I myself researched the origin of such belief and I would never again be hesitant to explore the unknown!