(c) 2007 by Narrator123

Bob was happy; the party was going really well. He couldn’t believe his luck that his latest move had put him opposite the perfect family. He hadn’t done the usual meticulous research, as he had to leave his last home in a hurry. He introduced himself to them the day after he arrived, came around to borrow a cup of coffee. Now three months later here he was in their living room celebrating the 16th birthday of their eldest daughter Lisa.

He let his eyes linger lustily over the deliciously developing body of the birthday girl, and then moved on to her 15-year-old sister Mandy who was already showing the promise of the beautiful woman she would be. Smiling over her drink and talking animatedly to her husband, Louise the 33-year-old mother of the girls was still a vision of beauty and looked younger. And then of course Daryl her husband, dead beat and a gambler. Daryl had started borrowing from Bob since the second week of his arrival in the neighbourhood, and was now into him for $25,000. Bob didn’t expect the money back, it was small change to him and it was a cheap price to pay for the total control he now had over him. Control that Bob was not shy about exerting.

It started small, getting Daryl to remove the curtains in the bedroom windows, so Bob could catch an eyeful of the girls from across the road. Then telling Louise about the debt and forcing her to service Bob’s needs whenever he wanted. Poor Louise, she loved that loser so much that she would do anything to save him from the vicious moneylenders Bob told her they borrowed the money from. Soon after, Bob had insisted that all females in the house should shave their cunts, no longer use underwear, and wear only mini skirts, tops and high heel shoes. He correctly assumed this would make the girls very popular in school, but they were forbidden to interact with any boys.

Looking at Lisa now as she had become slightly drunk he could see almost to her hairless virginal love tunnel and it was making him horny. He finished his drink and said “Lisa honey can you get uncle Bob a refill?” She got up took his glass and went to the kitchen to get some fresh ice. Bob followed her out, “we need some mixer as well”. He came up behind her as she bent over at the fridge and shoved his hand between her legs allowing his fingers to roughly spread her pussy lips and scrape her clit. She stood up shocked and turned, slapping Bob across the face. Daryl heard the row and quickly came in. “You treat your uncle Bob with respect Lisa, you know how much he helps us. Don’t you ever hit him again!” “No problem Daryl, she is still young,” replied Bob. “Listen mate I got a couple of friends coming round in about half an hour and it would be better if you weren’t here. Here’s five grand go out and have a good time.”

Bob could see Daryl fighting his addiction, he knew his family would be in danger if he left but the pull of the money was too strong and he snatched it from Bob’s hand, told Louise he was going out and left. Louise suspecting that something was going on decided to get the girls out of the way and sent them to bed. Now with just her and Bob in the room, she waited for him to talk first. “I got some friends coming round tonight babe and we got some great fun planned for you, (taking out his erect cock) here lets get in the mood and get those lovely lips of yours around this.”

Louise took the 8-inch throbbing cock in her small hands and kneeling began with circular licking motions around the head, just the way Bob liked it. “Oh yes baby, you are a real slut!” moaned Bob as she increased her movements moving up and down his long hard shaft with her tongue. Then taking it in her mouth she took it in as far as it would go, and sucking gently slowly drew her lips back out along the smooth hardness of it. She was truly gifted and combined with the anticipation of the night to come Bob could not contain himself for very long. Suddenly grabbing her long blonde hair in each hand he urgently increased his rhythm, ramming his long thick member down her throat in quick hard movements, and banging her chin with his balls as he went to the hilt. Bob had never done this before and Louise snorted with surprise, but was so busy trying not to gag and to catch a breath between plunges that she didn’t have time to say anything. With a heavy grunt Bob emptied his load deep in her belly. He patted her head, as she remained knelt before him. “You are wasted on that loser Louise,” he said,” Come work for me and we can make a fortune. You are one of the most gifted sluts I have come across in years.” Louise did not like the sound of that one bit, she had been brought up to respect the sanctity of marriage, and until Bob, Daryl had been her only lover. “I love my husband Bob” she whispered, “even though he has his faults there is no way I will ever leave him.” “But you will prostitute for him” smiled Bob, “you are a crazy mixed up kid.”

The doorbell rang and Louise’s heart leapt in her chest. “That will be our guests” Bob said going to the door, “right on time. Go pour three whiskeys slut.”

Louise prepared the drinks as she watched Bob’s friends enter the apartment. One was as black as the ace of spades and at least six foot six tall. She guessed he was about 40 and he was large built and strongly muscled. The other was a white guy in, she guessed, his mid fifties thin and fit looking with long mostly grey hair tied behind his head in a single ponytail. Each was leading a large Doberman cross and both dogs looked as mean as Louise had ever seen. Large dogs frightened her anyway, but she was even more nervous as she wondered why they were here.

The men sat down in the living room and relaxed, making small talk and catching up on old times. “Where are those drinks bitch?” growled Bob and Louise immediately became alert and quickly brought them from the kitchen. The ugly leers from the two men as she handed them their drinks disgusted her, but she held her tongue. These could be the men chasing Daryl for money. She stood there waiting for instructions and suddenly the black lifted her miniskirt and admired her bare pussy. She went to pull away but a sharp look from Bob made her stay put. She knew then, if she hadn’t guessed already that she was to be the night’s entertainment.

“Get naked Louise” ordered Bob, and after a few moments hesitation she complied. “Now bend over and let our guests admire your juicy assets”. Feeling totally degraded Louise spread her legs and turning her back to the men, bent over and displayed her sacred parts. Her guests made very appreciative comments. As the three released their massive cocks Louise got an eyeful of what she knew would be invading her body tonight. The Black’s cock was about 9 inches and thicker than anything she had ever seen before, the white guy’s was not as thick, but was still a mean width and must have been at least 11 inches long. She gasped.

“This is Black Dave, and Merv” sniggered Bob as he introduced his friends, and that’s Brutus and Hades their very well trained pets. Meet Louise guys, she wants to make this a night to remember for all of us. Don’t you Louise?” This last in a threatening tone. “Yes Bob” she answered submissively. Louise had already decided that she could not escape her fate tonight and she would have to suffer further humiliations to keep her husband out of danger. “Get some more drinks, and then come back and dance for us Louise,” ordered Bob putting on some mood music. As the evening wore on and the alcohol started to take effect Bob, Dave and Merv made increasing demands on Louise forcing her to do more and more degrading moves to the music as they stroked their enormous hard members. Finally Bob had enough. “Right” he said, “time for the main event of the evening. Get on your hands and knees Louise and make like a dog. I don’t have a pet for the night so you will have to be mine. That’s good, now whine, bark, sit, roll over”. The others clapped as Louise completed the routine. “Now come over here and lick our cocks and balls bitch, and you better obey every order immediately tonight or that sorry loser of a husband will meet with a nasty accident”.

Louise crawled over and did her best to please all three men in turn, licking every inch and moaning when they fingered her clit making her wet and horny. As her juices flowed the dogs began to whimper and get restless. Prancing around and making short whelps while looking at their masters.

“Looks like your dog wants to fuck my bitch Merv”, said Bob in a matter of fact voice, “And she is in heat I can smell her cum juice from here. Be cruel to disappoint them, us being dog lovers and all”. “You are right there Bob,” laughed Merv, “you know how frustrated dogs and bitches get when they are not allowed to mate when they are both up for it”.

“She is a pretty small bitch,” said Dave sounding concerned,” do you think she will be able to handle him?”

“No problem” Bob assured him, “Louise is a willing bitch, she loves cock”.

“Well no skin off my nose buddy” returned Dave “she is your bitch after all’.

Louise began to refuse, looking indignant, and preparing to end the evening right there.

“Fuck the dog Louise!” said Bob with an air of finality. Louise knew she was beaten; Bob would not hesitate to punish her by hurting Darren, so she had no option but to do as she was told. She knelt down and got in position on all fours. Bob got out the video camera and set up to record. “We want to be able to enjoy this more than once” he said smiling at her. “Ok Hades, fuck the bitch”, said Merv and immediately the big hound loped across the room to take up position behind Louise. He stuck his big tongue into her snatch and began to lick out the love juices that had been driving him wild all night. Louise in spite of her self-disgust found the effects of the dog’s long powerful tongue on her clit very stimulating and began to moan as she felt an organism building in the back of her mind.

“You are right Bob”, laughed Dave, “the bitch loves it!”

Louise didn’t want to cum in front of these perverts but her body betrayed her and she moaned loudly as the orgasm racked her body. The dog never stopped his treatment and almost immediately she felt the tremors of orgasm building in her snatch again.

“Mount!” ordered Merv and Louise gasped as the big long thick rod of the monster dog suddenly invaded her fuck hole. She felt totally degraded as Hades pounded her with quick powerful thrusts, the tip of his cock pushing her cervix further inside her as he sought full entry. Louise so small under the enormous body of the big dog was pushed further and further forward until her head was pushed against the back of an armchair and she could go no further. Hades was now all the way in and Louise came like she had never come before. The awesome power of the orgasms that shook her body was so surprising that it was at least a minute before she realised that the high pitched screams belonged to her. Then Hades shot his puppy juice deep in her. She registered the fact that it was slightly warmer than a man’s but the power and quantity of it caused her to peak for the umpteenth time. Before she realised it the dogs knot had swelled and was stuck inside her. She guessed it must be the size of a tennis ball as it pushed her legs apart, and she was grateful that her vagina had already been stretched by birthing two children, otherwise she knew this would be a whole lot more painful than she was experiencing. The dog, having secured his bitch painfully turned on Louise and now faced the other way.

“Jeeze Bob” marvelled Dave, “that has got to be the best movie we have made in ten years. Who would have thought that little bitch could handle Hades that well, I almost came just looking at it”. “Told you she was a horny bitch, Dave,” laughed Bob, “How long does he normally tie for?” “About 45 minutes mate,” said Merv “that slut will be pretty sore by the time he releases her. What are we going to do for fun in the meantime?”

“Well now that Mum is tied up for a while” sniggered Bob at his own pun “I guess its time for the birthday girl to get her big present”. “No Bob! Not Lisa” cried Louise, “I will be enough for all of you, please leave my daughter alone, she is a virgin don’t let her first time be a rape. Please Bob I will do anything for you”

“But you already are Louise” laughed Bob, “what more do you have to bargain with? And that stuck up bitch slapped my face tonight, she needs taking down a peg or two.”

“Please Bob, Please No!” Cried Louise desperately trying to pull herself from the enormous dog. But her pleas fell on deaf ears as Bob smiled leeringly and proceeded up the stairs. Louise sobbed her heart out, realising she was helpless to do anything until her animal lover decided it was time to set her free………….

In no time at all Bob lead Lisa to the living room. The birthday girl was a vision in her t-shirt nightie as she stood in the doorway rubbing the sleep from her eyes. Her nipples made little peaks against the material as she stretched sleepily; she had still not taken in what was happening around her. Bobs hand pushed against the back of her head tangling in her long blonde hair all tousled from sleeping, and pushed her into the room. Her lithe slim body turned on Merv and Dave immediately. “She is a real looker Bob, coughed Dave around his half finished cigarette. “16 you say and still a virgin, that is criminal, no girl should reach that age unfucked”. The rude language brought Lisa quickly to her senses and she suddenly realised the full implications of her predicament. “Oh!” she said as she stared at the exposed fully erect cocks of Bob and his guests. Then she found her mother, impaled on the dog cock to the side of the armchair. “Oh Mum,” she cried, “what’s going on?”

Louise just hung her head in shame at the embarrassment of her beautiful daughter seeing her fucking a dog. Sobbing from her heart she whimpered, “ I am so sorry Lisa, I could not stop them”.

“Do as you are told and you wont be hurt, slut!” rasped Bob brutally. “Me and the guys are going to have some fun with you. Co-operate and you might still be pretty in the morning. Give us any grief and that little face and body of yours will be so ugly even your own mother will not want to look at it.” Lisa whimpered, “please don’t hurt me or mum, Please uncle Bob just let me go back to bed, I wont slap you ever again, I swear” The tears streamed her beautiful young face and turned on the guests even more. “Quit stalling Bob”, said Dave “ Lets get the slut in action now, she looks gagging for it”. Merv laughed wheezily.

“Right” said Bob finally, “As its your first time Lisa you can choose which ever cock you like to pop your cherry.” He smiled lustily at her, but the steel in his eyes removed any doubt that she was losing her virginity tonight. “You can have mine said Bob holding his member in front of her. Feel it and see what you think”. He slapped her hard around the face as she went to pull away. Louise sobbed even louder in her place on the floor, still unable to free herself from the big dog. “This is the best virgin basher around,” sighed Bob as Lisa rubbed her hand up and down his throbbing cock. “No please,” wept Lisa, looking pleadingly in Bobs face. “Ok go check out uncle Merv,” growled Bob pushing her across the room. Merv caught Lisa’s hand and put it on his cock making her rub it. “No uncle Bob please” cried Lisa “ I don’t wanna do it”. Merv pushed her away in disgust and threw her towards Dave. Slapping her so hard around the head that her ears rang. Afraid now she tentatively grabbed Dave’s cock and rubbed it gently like Merv had made her do. “Uncle Bob, I don’t want to do this” she sobbed “please let me go”

Dave punched her in the stomach and as she bent over brought his fist hard down on the back of her head. When she fell to the ground Dave and Merv kicked her hard in the ribs making her grunt with pain. Louise was screaming out of control. ‘Get the knife Bob” said Merv menacingly “I wanna cut off her ears and nose to teach her a lesson!” “No please,” shouted Lisa suddenly terrified “I will be good I will do what you want I promise”

“Too late” Said Dave sadly, “you had your chance slut and blew it. Now we will have to put a bag over your head to fuck you” Lisa got on her knees, “NO PLEASE, I WILL BE GOOD, I WILL DO ANYTHING YOU WANT! PLEASE! PLEASE! Her chest heaved as the heavy sobs racked her body. Nobody said anything for a few minutes as Lisa crawled over to Bob and hugged his legs kissing his feet. “Please uncle Bob, Please, I will do anything, please”.

“What you think Guys? We give her another chance?” said Bob trying his best to sound sincere. “That slut just rejected all three of us Bob”, said Dave, I reckon she deserves what’s coming to her. Get on with it I say, I wanna see the bitch bleed”.

“I’m with Dave on this one Bob,” said Merv, “no stuck up virgin prom queen is gonna make me feel like shit”.

Bob looked sorrowfully down at Lisa. “I’m sorry babe, I tried,” he said sadly pulling away from her. Lisa held his legs even tighter “Please uncle Bob, I will do anything you want, give me one last chance, Oh Please!” Bob looked down at her “even if I could you have rejected everyone in the room so you haven’t got a cock left to fuck you”

Louise still tried to pull herself off Hades but only succeeded in stimulating him to pump more cum into her and keep the tie up longer. “Let her go Bob, please I am begging you”.

“I choose yours Bob” I will let you take my cherry please, please” Lisa was really over the edge now, the thought of what they were going to do to her totally horrified her. “I can’t Lisa, even if I wanted to, you see you have already rejected me and you only get one chance. I am so sorry babe”. Bob loved this; it was going a lot easier than planned.

“Hang on Bob, there is one cock she hasn’t rejected” Said Merv. “Oh yea”, agreed Dave. “I choose that one uncle Bob”, cried Lisa, “I choose that one. “Are you sure Lisa?” asked Bob slowly, “you can still reject it you know, although it IS your last chance to keep your face intact. “I will do it uncle Bob, I promise, please don’t hurt me.”

“Ok Lisa I believe you,” said Bob, grinning from ear to ear. “You must do everything we say, and one moments hesitation and we will carry out our threat. You got that?” ‘Yes uncle Bob, anything” cried Lisa calming down a little. “Ok, get naked Lisa, so we can admire that virgin body of yours”. She reached up and pulled her nightie over her head. Turning, naked now with legs spread and arms in the air showing her body to her captors from all angles.

“Come here slut, I wanna see what you taste like”, said Dave, Its been a long time since I drank virgin cum juice”. Lisa slowly walked over to him and spreading her legs, let Dave stick his tongue deep in her bare shaved pussy. Dave knew his job, and in seconds in spite of her fear, Lisa’s fuck hole was creaming like a whore. “Ambrosia”, leered Dave as he pulled his mouth away to catch his breath, Lisa’s juice showing moist on his lips. Lisa just closed her eyes, her head hung in shame. “My turn Dave” said Merv catching her arm and pulling her roughly to him. He pulled her in close and continued where Dave left off. Lisa moaned as her first orgasm shook her body. “Told you this slut was made for sex, didn’t I guys?” laughed Bob. “Come here bitch, let me see if you are as good a cock sucker as your mum there”. Merv freed Lisa and she hurried across, to take Bobs massive cock in her hands and put it in her mouth. She had discussed cock sucking with her friends in school so she had a rudimentary idea of how to please a man like this. Bob soon made her an expert. He took her tossed sweaty hair in his hands and roughly shoved his cock to the hilt. Lisa gagged and panicked fighting for breath. “You get sick on me bitch and you’ll be very sorry”, growled Bob pumping her throat as hard as he could. Lisa managed to keep from spewing up but her wild eyes showed her extreme discomfort. Finally Bob, shot his load in her belly, forcing her to swallow in order to breathe. “Now, go practice your new skills on Dave and Merv, slut!”

Lisa went to Dave and after licking the length of it a few times, forced her head down on the monster and allowed it to slip down her throat. She though it would reach her stomach before she got to the end of it. But she was so afraid of what would happen if she didn’t succeed that she finally managed it. Dave held back as long as he could, enjoying the sight of this teen slut milking his cock with her rose red lips, but finally he could hold out no longer, he grabbed her hair and shoving himself to the very hilt, pumped his baby seed down her food canal.

Lisa licked him clean then performed the same operation on Merv, hoping he would cum quickly as her throat and gullet were very sore by now. As Merv came he pulled out of her mouth and filled her face and breasts with his semen. Lisa took it, knowing she had no other choice. “Ok Lisa, its time to pop your cherry” said Bob “Get on all fours”. Lisa got down wondering who’s cock was soon to be inside her, she did not see any other men there. Then she cried, “OH NO!” as Dave called Brutus over. “What’s that Lisa?” asked Bob menacingly. “Are you rejecting Brutus’s cock too? He was your last chance you know.” “No uncle Bob” replied Lisa quickly, “I didn’t reject him, I didn’t,” She sobbed from her very soul at the degradation she knew was to follow. “Well I am not sure you think he is good enough for you Lisa, you think you are too sophisticated for Merv’s friend don’t you?” No uncle Bob” pleaded Lisa “I don’t”. “Well I know you have hurt Merv’s feelings now, so you better go across and beg him to let you fuck Brutus, otherwise he might refuse and then where would you be?”

Lisa could not believe the nightmare she was in and hoped she would wake up soon. But she crawled over to Merv and lowered her head to his feet. “Please Merv, Please let me fuck Brutus, I really want him to take my cherry, please Merv, please let him”, she pleaded. Louise let out a gut-wrenching wail of pain that only a mother could, seeing her daughter degraded like this.

“Ok Lisa, last chance, you pull away or make it look like you don’t want it, that’s it. You better smile and cum like a train, slut or I’ll give you what for.” “Thank you Merv” whispered Lisa trying to smile. “Get in position Lisa. You got the camera rolling Bob?” “Never turned it off,” laughed Bob. “Brutus, fuck the bitch,” said Merv, and Brutus, who had been feeling left out up to now, trotted over and stuck his tongue in the virgin teens snatch. As his tongue licked deeper and deeper Lisa’s mind was in a whirl. ‘How could she do this? How could she beg these men to let her give up her precious cherry to a dog?’ She knew how, they would have carried out their threat. Her orgasm hit suddenly and she moaned aloud as the strength of it overcame her. “The slut is a born bitch like her mother” laughed Merv. “Brutus mount!”

Lisa locked her arms as she felt the great weight of the dog on her back, his fur warm against her skin. She felt the tip of his cock against her as he sought her opening. “Help him bitch,” growled Bob. She put her hand back and found the dogs cock. She gasped it was enormous; she knew this was going to be very painful. But she put it between her pussy lips and let go. In one powerful thrust Brutus burst through her cherry and pushed his way right up, smacking his cock against her cervix. Lisa screamed as the pain hit her. Her Pussy felt like it was going to burst outwards. The next thrust pushed Brutus even further in and increased the pressure on her insides, squeezing tears from her eyes. ‘Smile bitch” shouted Merv, “You don’t look like you are enjoying this” Brutus was all the way in now and pumping furiously. “ Lisa looked at Merv with pain glazed eyes and forced a smile to her lips, “oh I am Merv, this is lovely, thank you for letting Brutus take me first”.

She felt the orgasm coming from a mile off as the relentless pummelling of the great dog stimulated her body without respite. When it hit, it amazed her, she screamed and clamped her pussy as hard around the invading cock as she could. Her young body shook with the powerful thrusts of the great hound. Somewhere in her mind she knew she should not let these perverts see her body respond to this, but despite her shame she had lost all control. Then she heard Brutus yelp and felt the hot power of his seed as it pumped deep within her womb. She cried again as the knot expanded and forced her already stretched body to accommodate the enormity of it. “ The slut looks like she is having a baby,” laughed Dave, “You get all this Bob?” Bob replied with a wink.

Lisa groaned loudly, as Brutus turned on her and faced opposite scratching her back and locking her even harder onto his cock. “What do you say to Merv bitch?” asked Bob, getting off on the agony in Lisa’s eyes. Lisa looked at him not fully understanding. “He has let his favourite dog do you a favour and save your looks, not to mention cure your cherry problem, and you didn’t even thank him. How selfish can you get?”

“TH-TH-TH- Thank you so much for letting Brutus fuck me Merv, It was very good of you,” said Lisa in a high sobbing voice. “You are welcome slut,” said Merv “only I am a bit disappointed cos now he is your first mate, he has first dibs on you everytime. I sure wish you had chosen me”. What do you mean?” asked Lisa nervously? “Well you are now his bitch wife, so whenever he even looks like wanting a fuck, no matter when or where you get naked and let him have you.” “Oh!” cried Lisa horrified all over again. “Aren’t you bringing him with you when you leave? How will I know when he wants me?” “All will be explained later,” said Bob mysteriously.

The teen looked at her mum, Hades had turned again and was fucking her anew. Louise was moaning as her orgasm hit and Lisa wondered if she was going to be in for another dog rape when Brutus recovered. She hoped that Brutus would go down soon as the pain in her over stretched pussy was excruciating. She moved slightly trying to get to a more comfortable position but only succeeded in stimulating the dog to pump more of his juice into her. She tried to force a smile to her face everytime one of the men looked in her direction, but she could not stop the silent tears that flowed as she mourned the loss of her virginity and the complete degradation she felt.

“Well now we found some bitches for the dogs, its time we got some fun ourselves, what you think guys?” asked Bob in a happy voice. “You mean there’s more to come?” asked Dave, genuinely surprised. “Time for desert” laughed Bob heading for the stairs again.

“Bob please NO!” cried Louise, “She is still only a baby, no please Bob!” “She’s had her period last month, Daryl told me,” said Bob, so she is now ripe for popping. She will not get a choice Louise, so when I bring her down you better tell her to do as she is told and enjoy it or we WILL cut her up bad”. Louise wailed in her despair.

In minutes Bob appeared with the sleepy Mandy. She looked so young and innocent as she walked into the room that Dave and Merv could not tear their eyes from the little princess. She wore a slinky pink silk nightie (a present from Bob) that showed off her girl body to perfection. The wild red curls that tumbled past her shoulders framed her face wonderfully adding to the picture. She gasped as her eyes absorbed the vista, her mum and sister naked on the floor their pussies filled with dog cock. And two strange men on the sofa, with their massive cocks in their hands watching her. “Your Mum has something to say to you Mandy,” said Bob looking meaningful at Louise, “don’t you slut?”

“Please Bob, not Mandy….. Leave her be, I beg you” sobbed Louise. “You get that one for free Louise, don’t fuck up again” warned Bob coldly. “Now say your piece slut!”

Louise tried to gather her emotions; she knew that Mandy’s life was in her hands right now. “Mandy honey.. Unc… Uncle Bob and your father have decided that all the girls in the house are old enough to be full women, so they have thrown this party to help you girls get relaxed and enjoy the experience. Dave and Merv have kindly come around to help”. Louise began to panic as she saw the confusion in Mandy’s eyes, she knew she mustn’t let her refuse or all would be lost. “You must make love to our guests now. You MUST NOT make our guests unhappy by refusing, do you hear me? You are to do everything Uncle Bob tells you and NOT complain. This is for your benefit after all”.

Mandy could see the pain and fear in her mother’s eyes and knew they were in terrible danger. She was a smart girl and the situation was clearly evident to her. She said nothing but looked questioningly at Louise. Louise closed her tear soaked eyes and slowly nodded. Then with a plop Hades popped his cock from her stiff, aching pussy and went to the corner to lick it clean. “How convenient” laughed Bob. “Now you can help and instruct her so she doesn’t make any fatal mistakes”.

Louise stood up and winced as she felt the dog cum running freely from her abused pussy and down her inner thighs. Her brain was working feverishly; she knew that she and both her daughters would be put through a terrible ordeal this night, and that the perpetrators were very dangerous men. Her most important task was to ensure that they all lived through it.

“My turn first Louise”, said Bob enjoying the power he wielded over his captives. “You know what I like, make sure she pleases me good. Get her ready, and make sure she is wet, dry fucks kill my cock”.

‘Be brave honey”, whispered Louise and gently removed Mandy’s nightie. Then she led her by the hand to the centre of the room and turned her round so the men could ogle her heavenly teen body. “Bend her over, so we can admire that tight little fuck hole of hers”, said Bob, and Mandy did as she was told. “Now lick her out Louise, get her nice and wet, the better you do it the easier it will be on her” said Bob sitting in the armchair and rubbing his newly hard cock. Louise got on her knees and pushed her tongue into Mandy’s little pussy and proceeded to lick and gently nip her tiny button. Mandy who had never even masturbated before gasped as she felt the tremors move trough her body. Her Mums tongue was giving her feelings she had never felt before and she liked them. She pushed herself harder onto Louise’s mouth in order to get her tongue in deeper. “They are all horny sluts,” laughed Merv watching the show. Bob couldn’t wait any longer; he had to have his pulsing cock covered with this teen meat right now.

“Bring her over Louise, and make sure she takes it all or she will pay dearly”. Mandy walked over to Bob’s chair and Louise helped her get in position over Bobs cock. Slowly she helped Mandy sit over it and poise it against her cute virgin snatch. Bob wondered how this tiny girl was going to fit all of him inside her, but that was not his problem. “What you waiting for slut, get on with it. You are not impressing me so far”.

“Ok baby, easy now”, said Louise as she pushed Mandy slowly onto Bob’s 8-inch member. Mandy grunted and groaned as she allowed it to enter her until it pushed against her hymen. She moved up and down for a few strokes and then with Louise helping pushed her ass hard downwards and burst her cherry open as Bob’s cock pushed deep within her. She was crying now, “Oh Mum! This hurts!

“It will be alright soon, sweetie”, whispered Louise, “keep moving up and down, and let it further in each time, good girl”. Louise smiled though her heart was breaking.

The tightness of Mandy’s teen snatch and the look of pain and determination on her face as she tried to accommodate the full length of him turned Bob on big time. He groaned as he felt her pussy make contact with his groin. Mandy’s eyes were wide and rolling as she fought against the agony inside her. She never stopped though and with Louise helping her she milked Bob’s cock with long delicious strokes of her body. Bob caught her face in his hands and crushing her lips to his put his tongue down her throat.

“Get down there and lap up the juices Louise, you know you want to you dog bitch slut, and don’t waste any!” ordered Bob as he felt himself suddenly explode inside his beautiful teen sex slave. As Louise worked feverously lapping up the cum as it seeped from her daughters ravaged pussy Bob sighed and turned to Merv. “This is heaven man, I been dreaming of this since I saw her and the little slut has not disappointed me. You wanna burst her other virgin hole pal?” “Just try and stop me”’ growled Merv his eyes smiling in anticipation. Louise pulled Mandy off Bob as his cock softened and licked out Mandy’s cunt cleaning up the remainder of Bob’s seed dripping from her. “Get her ready for Merv Louise”, said Bob” “grease her ass well or else Merv wont be happy”. Louise looked at Bob with angry wet eyes. “What you gonna do Louise? Just keep your litter co-operative or we will have to get rough”, said Bob menacingly.

Louise hung her head and gently led Mandy over to Merv. She guided Mandy into a bent over position and with some of Bobs cum still in her mouth she proceeded to push it gently into Mandy’s virgin asshole with her tongue. This sensation was new and very pleasurable to Mandy and she glanced around to see her mum on her knees behind her. “Get over here bitch” growled Merv, “I aint gonna wait any longer. Mandy walked tentatively over to him. She had figured out by now that Merv was going to fuck her ass and she was very nervous. The pain from Bob’s rape was still throbbing in her pussy and she imagined that a cock in her ass would hurt a hell of a lot more.

“Come on honey” said Louise tenderly, “try to relax your ass as much as possible, like you are making a pooh and it will hurt a lot less. Whatever happens you must smile and look like you are enjoying it, or Bob’s friends will get very nasty.”

“Haven’t you forgotten something bitch?” asked Bob.

“Thank uncle Bob for taking your cherry Mandy love” smiled Louise to her very scared and confused daughter. “Thank you uncle Bob, for taking my cherry for me” Mandy complied in a small high voice, and with a prodding from her mum, “it was very nice”.

Suddenly Merv caught hold of her, “enough stalling!” He had just greased his cock with KY, as he didn’t like to fuck dry ass. Pushing Mandy over he put his throbbing monster at the entrance of the young girls virgin anus. “Don’t fight me or it will be the worse for you”, he growled, and suddenly pushed hard to get the tip past her sphincter. Mandy cried out in pain as Merv gave her all 11 inches at once. He smacked her round the head’ “SHUT UP YOUR BAWLING BITCH! Tell me how much you love it. Now!”

Mandy tried to pull herself together as Merv pounded her ass without mercy. She took a deep breath to get the intense pain under control and forced a smile to her lips. “Oh I love your big cock in my ass Merv, it is really lovely, please keep fucking me there” she grunted between breaths. “Beg me to fuck you harder slut, and you better do it good or I’ll beat you good and proper” said Merv panting. “Fuck me harder Merv as hard as you can, oh please! Please fuck me as hard as you can, I love your cock fucking my ass, harder Merv please, please!” responded Mandy. She could feel Merv’s cock stiffen, as he got ready to shoot his load. “Take that you little slut fuck, take it all” shouted Merv as he finally let himself go and pumped her little ass full of cum. The little girl fainted with the pain and was only held in place by Merv’s softening cock and her hair that he held in his hand. “Not bad Bob, not bad at all” he cooed at Bob as he nonchalantly let her slip off him and fall to the floor.

Lisa suddenly found herself free of Brutus, and sighed softly as her pussy relaxed after the enormous knot of the hound. Dave got up. “I guess that’s my signal for a virgin ass bashing,” he laughed, leering at the beautiful teen. “Come here bitch slut, you better earn your keep while your dog husband is resting himself”. He used some KY to grease his pole and without any preamble caught Lisa, bent her over and shoved it straight up her ass. Lisa gasped, it hurt like hell, and pushing as it did against her already aching pussy increased the pain even more. She definitely did not like this, her ass felt like it was on fire. But Dave did not care for Lisa’s enjoyment and pounded her tight young ass mercilessly. Then noticing the blood on his cock he laughed, “guess it really was a virgin ass slut!”

“Look at the camera and tell us how much you are enjoying this dog slut”, growled Bob “and you better cum or we will still carry out little operation on your face. Dog husbands don’t care what their bitches look like you know”. Lisa grunted through the pain and forced a smile to her lips. “OH THIS IS SOOOO GOOOD!” she moaned. “Harder uncle Dave please fuck my virgin ass HARDER. She wanted to scream as Dave complied with her wishes but instead she breathed harder and pretended to reach orgasm, tightening her ass muscles around Dave’s torture pole to convince him it was real. Dave seemed convinced, because he suddenly shot his load deep in her belly and then allowed her to slip off him. “Get round here and clean your mess bitch, lick every last piece of your crap off my cock, miss one bit and I will beat you senseless!” Lisa turned and gagged at the sight of her shit and blood covering Dave’s black pole. But she steeled her nerves and carefully cleaned him as ordered. “Whadya say slut?” said Dave to the top of her head.

“Thank you for fucking my ass uncle Dave it was lovely”, replied Lisa in a small voice, giving his cock a little kiss. “I am so lucky to have you for an uncle”. “You say all the right things you little fuck bunny” sniggered Dave. “Get over in the corner with the rest of the cock fodder while we decide what to do with you.”