(c) 2009 by OldHorny

Really should start this story as it was told to me only the names and places are being changed because any squady that was there would have known about it.

Jan Black was an officer’s daughter. She had a lot going for her apart from being quite well to do she was considered by most a really hot fantastic looking young woman.

When I went out with her I think she was one of the best looking ladies I had ever seen. Like all people we have our secrets and she had a very special one.

Just as all girls get inquisitive at a certain age Jan was no different and she went through the standard touching and playing till finally she brought herself to orgasm.

Ofcourse her friends and she often talked about sex topics they had over heard either their parents whispering about or the soldiers mentioning.

Some of the stories they were privy to were out and out bull told by soldiers that where bored but they still got the girls horny thinking about them.

One evening wearing their new micro mini skirts which was the fashion then it was grin and bare time, the lads grinned and the lasses bared if they dared.

They went to the local youth club which was starting to get a little bit of a reputation.
That evening the youth club was raided.

Catching about a dozen couples in various stages of undress and acts of love making. Including these youngsters who were just under the legal age of consent.

All the girls and some of their families were flown home. To hush it up the squaddies involved were posted.


This is where the real story starts

The aunt that Jan went to stay with as they couldn’t get her into boarding school had a large German Shepherd named Shadow. Kept in her room because of the disgrace, Jan and the dog became close friends.

She didn’t like the new school they seemed to be stuffy. Her Aunt enforced the staying in rule saying she was a disgrace to the family.

Shadow used to be her only companion and would lie often and watch her as she played with herself. After all she had discovered sex and enjoyed it so naturally she played any chance she got.

Sometimes Shadow would be on the bed as she lay and listening to her cassette player she imagined the man of her dreams was starting to make love to her.

She would feel him in her mind kissing her neck sending shivers down her body toying with her. His hands running around her body with out touching her cunny making her really get turned on.

While she imagined this her hand would run around with out ever touching her sex and then just as she imagined she would start to play most times she kept her knickers on in case her aunt just came into her room with out knocking till one day.

She arrived home from school it was a very hot day she was really sticky and decided it would be a quick bath. Her aunt told her she was not to go out and that she was going with a friend, her tea was in the oven.

Having bathed and played a little she dried quickly and then took great pleasure walking naked to her room. Shadow was laying on one side of her bed as she lay back and leaving her door open began to play some more.

Soon she was getting close thinking about this imaginary guy fucking her when she felt this cold wet nose between her legs but before she could do anything Shadow had licked her a couple of times.

The electricity that ran through her body was as if she had been attached to the mains. Opening her lips with her fingers she let Shadow lick for all he was worth.

Sometimes his tongue sank deep inside her it seemed to touch every bit of her inside. Other times he just seemed to rasp across her now fully erect clit which was standing proud of its hood.

She could of stopped it but the feeling was so intense she wanted it to go on and on and on. It didn’t seem to take long when she felt her orgasm not just approach real fast but sort of over power her whole body.

Shadow tried to mount her in this state and if he had of been able to she would not have been able to do anything about it, as it was he couldn’t get low enough.

She came back to earth so to speak and pushed him away her door was still open so standing she closed her door and dressed and lay doing her studies.

The truth was though that studying was the last thing on her mind all she could think of was the feeling she had been given by the dog.

She had tried oral sex but the boys at school were more interested in receiving it than giving it. It was no good she thought she was going to have to try it again.

Just thinking about letting Shadow do it again had her juicing.. She dropped just her thong off and laying back on the settee downstairs which made her feel even naughtier she encouraged the dog to lick her.

Shadow performed straight away and soon she was actually squirting because she had never done that before she thought she was peeing herself.

Again the dog tried to mount her and once more she pushed him away and he went and lay down in the kitchen. She started to tidy up and dried her cum from the floor which was difficult as it was fully carpeted.

She had just finished and made a cup of coffee when her aunt and her friend drove up. She sat there with just her skirt and top on and no undies but her aunt did not notice anything.

This also gave her a feeling and at times she actually could feel her juices running so she made her excuses and went to bed. I

t took two weeks before another episode with shadow happened but again it was only using his tongue by this time she was using the net in her bedroom her old aunt not really knowledgeable with computers.

Thought there was no way she could get into trouble with one. But Jan was now into chat rooms and was speaking to many people only a few were her age, most were a lot older.

One woman told her how her dog would satisfy her how she would let him actually fuck her. Jan pretended to not be aroused by this but secretly wished that shadow had just taken her.

Almost a month past! School was on a break and her aunt decided to go out for the day Jan pretended to not feel well as she really didn’t want to accompany her old aunt really.

With in an hour of her going Jan was showered and dried and laying on her bed playing. Shadow was already licking her and deep inside she felt her cum starting to take over her body.

Thinking about the hot way the woman she had spoken to about fucking a dog she decided to just let him enter her a little way. It had to be now as she was so close to cumming.

She took some white ankle socks like the woman had said she used and placed them on Shadows front paws. He looked so funny in them but rubbing herself she was soon back in the mood.

She kneeled on the bed allowing the dog to stand behind her thinking this way she could control him better but as it was the large dog kept slipping off the bed. So she kneeled and bent across the bed.

Straight away Shadow started to lick her bringing her back to the boil then with ion a few minutes he stopped licking her and was licking himself.

“No, I want it!”

She needn’t have worried his cock came out of its sheath slowly and as she watched it she became that little bit more scared.

Shadow had his own plans and was soon up on her back his weight holding her captive as his cock head pushed at her behind.

Scared he may miss her hole she eased her hand down and inserted him herself thinking with her hand there she could control the depth.

I t was at this point she told me she felt real fear mixed with a lot of pain as Shadow with out any emotions a human would have literally just shoved himself right up.

Deep in and a long way back out. Her pussy was being pistoned by an automated vibro and she had no control at all over it.

She felt her body go through the orgasm stage and as Shadow pile drivered into her faster than she thought possible She could feel his first few spurts of cum shooting inside her.

She told me that it was then when she couldn’t do anything she worried was it possible she could get pregnant.

She would have felt fear then but was so intoxicated by the pleasure she was being given, that was the farthest thing from her mind.

She lost count of her orgasms as though in a trance and only came too when the dog his knot not fully inserted between her puffy lips was pulling out of her and walking away to the corner where he started to clean himself.

She climbed on to her bed totally exhausted and if any one had of walked in could have done nothing even though she was totally naked.

She woke some two hours later and though stiff and tender below dressed and opened her windows. Since then she has always had a dog mostly for protection sometimes for when she needed a good fuck.

While I was with her, I can see it going through your mind. Let’s say we had many a sexually fulfilled night as a couple and sometimes me watching.

Though have to admit Shadow always showed who could fuck her best. Sometimes his speed could be likened to a jack hammer.