An oversexed parodie of the same named fairy tale of Brothers Grimm, sequel to “Snowwhite part I”, “The Virgin Hunters of Bremen” and “Sleeping Beauty”. Excerpt from the same named E-Book.


Chapter 11 – Misunderstandings and new findings


Florian and Sven march again back to the herbal garden outside. Grumpy and Anastasia pay a visit to the still laying Bashful. Miri brings back the book into her room to put it back into the shelf. Strolch follows her and enjoys the odor emit by her moist shining thighs and her pussy. When she puts back the book into the shelf, she bends down deep forward and presents Strolch her small butt and her pussy. Strolch takes this as an invitation and buries his long doggy tongue in her crotch. Miri moans quietly, stretches her ass some more towards Strolch and holds herself at the shelf.

Strolch splits her pussy lips and licks her juice out of her love canal. Deep his tongue enters her. Her juices flow and Strolch has a lot to lick off. Her knees bend and fast her butt is in the right hight for Strolch. Strolch ends the licking and fast he mounts Miri from behind. His red cock shows up and searches her entrance. Miri holds herself at the shelf, because Strolch is heavier than she has thought. His still light trusting she is able to parry with her arms yet, so the shelf keeps its stand. Strolch cock tip brushes along her crotch, pokes a little bit on her clit, then it splits her pussy lips open. His cock finds her entrance and Strolch rams his pole in Miri’s pussy.

Miri moans out loud, when the red rocket plows through her count canal. Strolch starts to trust her hard and fast. In no-time he has buried his cock completely inside her. Now Strolch fucks her that hard and fast, that she isn’t able anymore to parry his trusts. The shelf shakes dangerously now, Books fall, papers flutter around. Miri moans now audible loud in the tact of Strolch’s hard trusts. Strolch licks her neck to turn her on some more. Miri enjoys the hard cock inside her hole, she feels the raising orgasm in her. Unlike Sven’s monster donkey cock is her well ridden slit with the measurements of Strolch’s pole not overwhelmed. His cock tip just touches her cervix, but it doesn’t blow it open.

To avoid, that the trusting shakes the shelf empty and the books fall down, Miri let the shelf go, supports herself on the floor and crawls with the fucking Strolch on her back through the room. Strolch holds her with his front legs at her hips. With power her jams his rod inside Miri’s slit, takes her more and more closer to her orgasm. Strained, with a hanging out tongue, using it again and again to lick over her sweaty neck, he gasps along her ear. His knot starts to grow, getting noticed by Miri, too, because Strolch works like possessed on it to push it into her.

Miri’s eyes bulge, when the knot, big as an orange, squeezes itself through her pussy lips and she stretches to the max. Unlike the monstrous dicks of Agathe and Sven, which are thick and fat from the bottom to the tip, the dog cock seals her right behind her pussy lips and not in her uterus. The first shock and stretching pain are gone and Miri enjoys the colossal filling of her slit. Her orgasm is on the edge, just like the shooting off of Strolch. He still gives her some hard trusts, then he stops, howls up and the first jets of his sperm shoot inside her slit. That’s enough to send Miri over the edge, too. Miri comes. Her cunt muscles cramp tight around Strolch’s shooting cock, squeezing some more sauce out of him. She trembles on her whole body and a long, throaty ‘Oah!’ comes out of her mouth. She throws her head back, her mouth stands open. Each jet of Strolch extends her own orgasm, till they both, laying on top of each other, sinking down exhausted to the floor. They both gasp loud, trying to catch some breath and just slowly their heartbeat slows down again to a normal speed. Fully pleasured they both keep laying on the floor, connected tightly by Strolch’s thick knot in Miri’s well filled pussy.


In the same moment when Miri sinks exhausted by her orgasm because of Strolch’s hard doggy cock and his extensive fucking of her pussy sown to the floor with him, reaches the angry Agathe the hut. She circles it with her carriage to unload the goods through the back door. Florian and Sven greet her friendly, when they see each other. Agathe puts two fingers on her forehead and greets back. Agathe stows a part of her goods in the garden shed, the rest she is carrying into the house. Florian opens her, as a gentleman, the door.

“Thanks, feathered friend. At least one, who doesn’t mock me today”, smiles Agathe.
“Ma’am”, bends Florian.

Sven watches the scene from the garden and shakes his head. He buries himself again into the feeding trough. Inside the house Agathe marches through the large room, till she reaches the table. there she puts her bought goods down and sorts them into their storage places. Breathing out loud she let herself falling down on a chair. After some deep breathes she stands up again, puts her weapons belt down, undresses her leather armor jacket, the bracers and hangs everything back on its storage place.

She considers to confront Grumps first, whose shadow silhouette she can recognize near the injured Bashful or to discuss everything with Miri instead. When she thinks about Miri, she feels a light pulling in her loins and a smiling plays around her mouth. Yes, at first to Miri,she thinks by herself. Agathe jumps up and goes up the ladder to the bedroom of them. When she stretches her head through the trap door, she doesn’t see only Miri.

She sees, how this dog of that dwarf lays on her Miri, heavy panting and slobbering on her. Miri pants so exhausted, too, what the fuck is going on here,Agathe thinks by herself. Quietly she climbs up the ladder to the end, not loosing sight of them. Strolch and Miri are laying with their heads in the other direction, Strolch covers Miri’s spread crotch completely, in which his knot still stuck. Agathe undresses her remaining clothes, boots, trousers and shirt, which has much to carry with her massive large tits. After she slips out of her trousers, her slowly hardening monster tranny cock swings between her legs. Quietly she walks towards Strolch and Miri, throws a large shadow onto the bed next to the two.

When she stands right behind the two, she coughs and says: “What are you two doing here. I hope you has your fun, because now it’s my turn, Miri!”

Scared they both turn their heads in Agathe’s direction. Strolch carries on panting and it seems like he is grinning. Miri gets a red head. “That’s not what it looks like, Agathe, I …”

“How does it looks like? The book shelf is a mess and the mutt stuck with its cock inside you. Was it at least fun, Miri?” says Agathe acting angry.

“Well …. yes”, grins Miri.

“And now he is still stuck?” asks Agathe.

“Yes”, whispers Miri.

Agathe caresses her rod and says: “Do you still have a free hole, Miri?”

She doesn’t wait for an answer and grabs Miri under her hips and lifts her ass up including Strolch into the air. The she turns Strolch 180°, so he stands ass to ass with Miri. Strolch’s eyes bulge by the sight of Agathe’s monstrous tranny rod and instinctively he clamps his ass cheeks close. But Agathe steps over them and puts her fat cock at Miri’s asshole. From above Agathe is able to see, how the fat knot spreads Miri’s pussy lips. With one hand Agathe holds Miri on her hip, with the other she holds her cock. The firm tip presses against Miri’s rectum and stretches it open slowly. Now Agathe notices, how bulging Strolch’s knit is. Miri’s eyes bulge, when Agathe’s fat tip enters her ass. She knows that thick thing well, but till now there was never any fully bulged doggy cock including the knot and masses of sperm inside her cunt at the same time.

But Agathe pushes hard, Strolch howls quietly, it’s getting tight inside Miri’s cunt and Miri stands it bravely. Then the fat tip of Agathe passes Strolch’s knot and fast the half of the shaft follows it into the bowels. Legs spread Agathe squats above Strolch and Miri and she starts to let her hips circle. She opens up Miri’s asshole further, then she grabs Miri again at her hips and drives her cock completely with a loud grunt into Miri’s bowels. Her firm balls and her butt cheeks bruises Strolch’s fur. Miri squeals out loud.

Agathe enjoys it, to have her dick completely sunk in Miri’s ass, for her it’s just new to have a light tickling of Strolch’s fur at her balls and butt cheeks. Again she let her hips circling and her rod rotating in Miri’s bowels. Agathe pulls her dick out a little bit, than she rams it back home. Faster and faster. Agathe’s shaft rubs through the thin skin separating the bowels of Miri from her pussy canal along at Strolch’s knot and cock. All three of them moan and pant in the rhythm of Agathe’s trusts.

Strolch’s cock is getting massaged too by Agathe’s rod in his hole and fast Strolch is ready to go again. But in the position he is in now, ass to ass with Miri, he can do nothing, except to wait and enjoy. The load of jizz, which he has shot into Miri’s cunt, gurgles around his cock, when Agathe fucks Miri’s asshole hard. He has to dislocate his neck to watch how this massive muscular ass bruises over his own, electrifies his fur and moves up and down in a fast rhythm. He feels Agathe’s pole at his knot and his tip sliding along, back and forth, when she penetrates Miri’s bowels hard and deep.

Agathe’s muscle loaded, tensed thighs stand spread wide over Miri and Strolch. In opposite to her standing firmly on the ground lower legs with her tensed calves, her thighs pimp her firm ass up and down. Agathe’s large hands hold Miri’s hips tight. Agathe’s whole body is tensed, the strong muscles allow her nearly none existing body fat no unnecessary movements or swings. Even her large tits are tensed tight and they barely move. Only the constant circling and trusting of her hips Agathe allows. With wild passion Agathe slams her rod into the little mocha cave of her girl friend. She shows Miri, who’s the boss, who wears the trousers and who owns her fuck holes. Miri stretches her ass devote towards Agathe, the head put down on the crossed arms. She enjoys it to get fucked that hard and brutal, her next orgasm is just on the way.

Getting caught by her mistress directly giving her fuckhole willingly to a dog, getting knotted by him, arouses Miri overly. Getting fucked hard and deep anally without any foreplay is Agathe’s deserved right, she fevers. Her masochistic nature takes control of her again and some hard trusts of Agathe later, Miri comes the first time in this fuck. She cries out her lust silently into her arm. Strolch and Agathe feel how Miri’s lower belly twitches spasmodically, her juices flood her slit, but it has now chance to escape because of the knot. Agathe feels Miri’s splinter squeezing her thick shaft, while Strolch’s is milked hard by Miri’s pussy muscles. But both are far away from coming soon yet.

But Agathe doesn’t let herself be confused and continues ramming in her own rhythm. She bends down to the panting, moaning and coughing Miri till she reaches her ear and hisses to her: “Well, my little bitch, are you getting off hard? Is it horny with two dicks inside?”

Miri nods breathless.

Agathe once again speeds up her rhythm and fucks her even harder. Strolch feels that, too, he has the feeling to get sucked in onto Miri’s cunt. he howls out quietly, while Miri moans out loud. The faster fucking still supports her orgasm and it seems, it won’t end soon.

Agathe hisses again something into Miri’s ear:” I’ll give it to to you. my rod is steel-hard and I fuck you, till my balls are empty, believe me! Today I finish you off!”

And over her shoulder to Strolch she says: “Hey, dog, position change! Show me what you are able to do and fuck her like you mean it.”

Now it’s getting complicated, Strolch thinks. How is that supposed to work? But in the next moment he is been pulled at his cock by the two. Agathe straddles beneath the two through and turns Miri with one arm wrapped around her hip 180° around with her, so Agathe sits in the floor now, Miri in her crotch, the cock buried completely inside her ass. Miri’s cunt turns around itself once on Strolch’s cock, so he is now standing between her legs, his ass shows in her direction.

Strolch turns his head and looks back. Next to him stay two pairs of legs, one of them very fine limbed, nearly fragile and thin, the other one extremely muscular and firm loaded. Miri lays with closed eyes and dazed face impression between the monstrous bells of Agathe, who looks grinning aslant over Miri’s head to Strolch.

“Come on, dog, turn around or do you need help from me?” Agathe asks pertly.

Strolch doesn’t know exactly what to do now and soon he is getting grabbed by two muscular arms, lifted up, letting Miri and him howling, because Agathe pulls him nearly out of Miri’s pussy. But fast he is been put into the right position between the two pair of legs. Agathe puts his front legs next to her upper body, but spreads them that much, that Strolch lays between Miri’s small breasts with his nose.

“Come on, boy, bang that piece hard, move”, he is been cheered by Agathe.

Easier to say then done for Strolch. He has no grip for his front legs and the hight for his hips isn’t optimal, too. He tries his best, but if he wraps Miri to get more grip, he scratches Agathe’s six pack with his claws, what she doesn’t like either. With his hind legs he kicks often Agathe’s butt, because he slips away. She doesn’t like that, too.

“Stop it, dog. That doesn’t work this way”, resigns Agathe.

Strolch obeys, this demanding tranny is somehow creepy for him. Deep inside he has the fear, if he mocks this monster, she rams her cock inside his virgin ass till it comes out again off his mouth. Agathe looks around and gets an idea.

“Hold tight and don’t you dare to scratch me, dog”, says Agathe and soon she grabs Strolch under his butt, pushes him deep into Miri, together with her own hard cock, then she stands up. he muscle loaded legs lift her and her two passengers with easiness upwards. For a moment Agathe stands there, her on her cock anal impaled girlfriend at her chest and a petrified dog, which stuck inside Miri’s slit on her hollow hand. Miri has bend her legs and wrapped around Strolch, so she is able to insert both cocks properly on which she sits. Strolch puts his front paws on Miri’s shoulders, no he is able to look past Miri’s head, there he finds some halt without scratching anyone. Agathe can’t leave it and presses Strolch with her hand even deeper into Miri’s pussy, at the same time she trusts with her own hips. Miri moans quietly, when she gets both cocks administered. Agathe now walks with her sweet freight in front of her belly through the room to the clothing chest at the other end of the attic, taking good care that Miri gets well trusted by both cocks.
Now it’s getting a little bit complicated again for the three of them. The chest is closed and quite low. If Agathe bends just down, they will all fall onto the chest for sure. Agathe gets that right on time. She squats with both of them in front of her belly in front of the chest, where she has to look out for Strolch’s hind legs and to get no overweight to the front, too. Not so easy with a fucking couple in front of her belly and a massive set of tits, but she makes it. Agathe holds them with one hand in front of her belly and on her cock, with the other hand she opens the chest. With it Miri gets Agathe’s cock shoved really deep into her bowels again, which she answers with a moan. Strolch on the other hand freaks out now. This is all so different to the normal fucking he does and he can’t find any concrete halt or support. He gets fidgety, what Miri feels inside her pussy and Agathe on her hand.

“Keep calm, boy, just a second and we can get it on for real, to nail this piece of fuck meat”, tries Agathe to calm him down.

At the same time she searches blind with one hand inside the clothing chest to find something very special. She throws in the chest some leathered bracers, belts and even two trousers aside, then Agathe finds, what she is looking for. a stable, leathered jacket, changing at the upper end into a bustier. She pulls it out and puts it into Miri’s hands with the words: “Hold it!” Agathe looks over Miri’s shoulders down into the chest and finds another useful item. Now she squats next to the chest’s side and pulls out two small leather gloves from it.

“OK, you two. I’ve got everything. And now we return”, grins Agathe.

She pulls herself up again with her two fuck passengers, serves Strolch and Miri a few sharp trusts with her hips, then she carries the two together with the leather stuff in the direction of the bed. On the way there, Miri starts to breath heavier and to moan. Agathe knows exactly the meaning of this, her tiny girl friend is close to come. Agathe stops, drops the leather stuff, grabs Strolch tighter under his butt and gives him with the other arm more support. Together they fuck Miri to her orgasm. Agathe sets the beat for Strolch with her hand and her hips. Hard and deep the two rods rotate inside Miri’s pleasure holes. Agathe feels, how her hand gets wet under Strolch, his jizz floods out of Miri’s slit past his knot, over his balls on Agathe’s hand. A quiet gurgling comes from Miri’s crotch, because additionally to Strolch’s jizz Miri’s pussy still produces a lot of pussy juice.

Agathe and Strolch notice, how Miri’s lower body squeezes around their fuck poles, milking them and she is twitching around between them without control, as if she can’t get the poles deep enough inside. She throws her head around between Agathe’s tits and Strolch’s furred doggy chest, then she cries her orgasm out into Strolch’s fur. Her legs tremble behind Strolch’s back, she claws herself inside his fur. Agathe notices the sweat of Miri on her belly and between her tits. Agathe feels the first twitches in her balls, but she won’t come yet. She concentrates herself to extend the orgasm of her girlfriend with sharp trusts of her hips and Strolch’s rod to the max. Agathe threatened it to Miri to finish her off today real good. She doesn’t know yet, what Miri still has to take inside today, but she is quite sure, Miri can take it, that little bitch.

Like a wet sack Miri hangs between Strolch and Agathe, impaled on their dicks, when her ecstatically pleasures fades she is able to breath again normally. She cuddles herself into the warm fur of Strolch’s chest, left and right tightly wrapped by Agathe’s hard monster bells. Limp she holds herself in Strolch’s fur, her legs hang now loose down past Strolchs hind legs.

“Hey, sweetie, don’t give up now. We will carry on soon”, Agathe grins and walks with the two of them towards the bed.

At the bed, Agathe squats in front of it, so she can lay down the two on the bed. Strolch is no friend of being ridden and to lay on his back, but everything is better for him than hanging in the air like a puppy like before. Miri still lays on his chest breathing heavy, his cock and knot buried deep inside her pussy, together with nearly a half liter of sperm and pussy juice inside, what she won’t miss at all cost. Agathe stands up again and pulls her hard pipe with a single pull out of Miri’s ass, so that she moans out loud and gets an empty feeling. Agathe looks at Miri’s regardless of the doggy knot still gaping asshole and grins:” Just go on without me for a moment, but keep your asshole that open, Miri. I’m with you immediately and inside you again.”

Agathe turns around and collects the leather stuff again. She puts on the leather vest, closes it on the backside loose, then she tries to get her giant tits inside the bustier. She can’t do it, because they are to large. She remembers, why this thing stays all the time in the depths of the clothing chest … her monster tits won’t fit inside the bustier. She rolls the bustier part, which should actually supports her tits and keeps them in place, down and ties it as good as possible behind her back together. She takes the two leather sheets, pulls them apart and walks back to the bed. Strolch lays there under Miri, all legs stretched out in the air, what’s exactly what Agathe wants now.

She grabs Strolch’s hind leg and puts the sheet over his paw. When the sheet fits, she ties the strings tight around his leg. The same she does with the other hind leg and paw.

“OK, my friend, now you can’t scratch me anymore. Back to you Miri. Now you will be fucked seriously!” says Agathe loud and she let her open hand smack on Miri’s butt, making a loud sound. Miri cries out loud, the slap on her butt has waken her up again.

Agathe stands behind the two and sets her hard monster cock on Miri’s asshole again, which is still snapping open like a fish on the dry ground. Fast Agathe’s cock is buried inside Miri’s bowels again and she kneels above the two. To bring back Miri in the right mood again, Agathe fucks her ass hard and fast. Like a jackhammer she plows powerful past Strolch’s knot, the swapping jizz and his tip up to her balls inside Miri’s bowels. Miri cries out her lust into Strolch’s fur. He pants in Agathe’s fast beat, because his cock is been stimulated hard, too.

Agathe puts herself onto the two, her tits hang left and right past Miri’s small body and she gives it to Miri hard and heavy again, since Miri is close to come again. Then Agathe suddenly calls out loud: “Position change!” and rolls herself together with the two of them on her back, so Strolch is now on Top of them. He has to make friendship with the new situation yet, especially with the leather sheets on his hind legs, but gets the idea fast, because he is able to support himself on Agathe’s protected by the leather jacket six pack now. Even with the leather sheets at his hind legs he has still enough grip on the bed to nail Miri now as it is the profession of a ‘Virgin Hunter’.

He can’t swing back wide because of his knot inside Miri’s pussy, but he can throe his hips against Miri’s crotch and rotate inside. With his covered hind legs he supports himself against Agathe’s ass and gives his very best. Agathe feels now the globe of his knots rubbing on her shaft, his fur tickling her balls and how Strolch’s wild thrusts move Miri on her dick up and down. With a hanging out tongue he stands above the two and slobbers Miri into her face and Agathe on her tits. Powerful her rotates his rod inside Miri’s filled up pussy and mixes his first Load with her plentiful flowing pussy juice. With a horny grimace of a face Miri holds herself at Strolch’s front legs, bends her legs to let him fuck into the deepest depths of her and enjoys the two fuck poles inside her body, her next orgasm is really close.

Agathe whispers her girl friend by the way a few nasty things in her ear and how lewd she is. She plays on Miri’s masochistic nature like a virtuoso on a violin. In no-time Miri has her next orgasm. Again her legs tremble without control behind Strolch’s back, her belly quivers, her tiny breasts shake and with her mouth wide open she cries out her lust silently. Her sphincter squeezes Agathe’s arm thick phallus, nearly jams it off, her cunt muscles milk Strolch’s cock hard, but he doesn’t give anything. Slowly the pressure inside her wet cave increases to the max, because more and more pussy juice pushes against the knot, trying to escape past it into the open. Her cunt is in the meantime that wet, that Strolch’s whole cock is coated completely. The greasing is that perfect, that his knot is able to slide dangerously back and forth.

Then it happens, his knot slips out of her wet pussy lips when he pulls back and a flood of pussy juice mixed with his sperm gushes all over Agathe’s balls and his hind legs. The hot stuff runs down her balls, between her ass cheeks and builds up a lake on the sheets. Agathe’s rump is pickled in wetness, while Strolch continuous to ram his rod into Miri’s pussy.

Once again her presses the wetness out of Miri’s slit and again Agathe’s balls and rump get a shower. Something like that Agathe doesn’t know from her fucks with Miri and she feels the well known pulling inside her balls. Strolch doesn’t let himself be confused and carries on banging. The two women beneath him moan and pant and he knows, speed up and the start to cry for happiness. While he bangs he gives Agathe’s balls some unintentional kicks and Agathe starts to grunt, too. She grabs Miri by her hips and bangs her hard from down below, ignoring Strolch’s rhythm completely. Agathe pants and gasps, then she throws Miri and Strolch with a wild rearing of her hips up in the air. She comes. And how she is coming. Her balls unload themselves and shoot jet for jet extraordinary amounts of sperm into Miri’s bowels. From her buttocks drips the mix of doggy sperm and pussy juice she was in.

Strolch hangs in the air, carries on banging bravely yet, till he feels the pulling inside his loins and balls, too. Wild he twitches laying on Miri around to get somehow any support for his thrusting. Agathe holds Miri tight on her cock, her balls are pumping and pumping, jet of jet runs down her urethra to explode finally out of her tip and to waste itself inside Miri’s bowels. Miri gets her beloved sperm enema and comes once again. The filling of her holes is enough to push her over the edge again.

The strain falls down from Agathe, she let herself and her two fuck buddies sink back on the bed again, into the puddle of pussy juice and doggy sperm. Now Strolch has all his grip again he needs and he bangs Miri’s pussy again, since his own balls open up all the gates and send his second sperm load on its journey. Miri’s pussy is so wet and relaxed, that his fat knot slides in and out without effort. He slams his tool in up to the hilt, including the knot, inside Miri’s cunt and fills her up. She feels, how his load slaps jet for jet against her cervix and she gets filled completely. Fast the canal is full again and everything to much of juices floods past his knot into the open. Its splashes against her thighs, runs down her rim to her asshole and on Agathe’s balls. From there it joins the puddle where Agathe’s rump rests. Strolch lays down on Miri and Agathe and let his balls carry on pimping. Exhausted from their orgasms the three of them lay on each other, still tightly connected. Deeply satisfied for now the three pant and breath heavy. The attic is filled by the scent of sweat, sperm and pussy juice. For them it’s heaven on earth.