(c) 2008 by uosdwisrdewoh

Amanda was actually having a lot of fun on the camping trip. They sat around the fire talking and laughing and drinking. Then she and Dave stumbled back to their tent for some great drunken sex. As messed up as they were she made sure he used a condom. She’d been having some bad reactions to her pill lately. Then she fell into a deep sleep.

When she woke up she was being pulled and pushed around roughly.

“Not now, Dave!” She groaned.

She tried to push him away and her hands touched fur. What the hell? Thick, rough fur covering hard muscle. Suddenly she was fully awake. A bear! Dave had sworn there were no bears in these woods!

She screamed and pounded on the furry mass. Then a hand clamped over her mouth. A big, rough, powerful hand. She thrashed and kicked and with a burst of adrenaline slipped away from the big thing holding her. It still had her by one shoulder and she continued to scream. The hand slammed down on the back of her head, with the open palm but very hard. She collapsed and went limp.

Amanda clung to consciousness but just barely. She offered no resistance as her naked body was dragged over the rough ground.

In the middle of a clearing it let go of her and she lay there on her back, still feeling very woozy and hung over. The creature stood over her and for the first time she saw it clearly in the moonlight. It was huge! It had the body of a man but was covered with thick fur and had an apelike face. Even under the fur she could see that it had huge powerful muscles. Big foot! But that wasn’t real! How could it be real?? And it was male. It had a gigantic glistening cock that stood out a foot from it’s body, thick and hard.

It squatted down and she whimpered in terror as it’s big hand engulfed her breast. It leaned down and she felt it’s hot breath blowing over her nipple. It’s tongue snaked out and slobbered all over her breast. It had huge teeth like she’d seen on a gorilla in the zoo.

She moaned and cried as he continued to paw and lick her trembling body, grunting happily. His dick rubbed and ground against her, oozing precum onto her leg. It was so hot and hard, and the head was the size of her fist. When his long tongue slid between her legs she moaned involuntarily. And she was wet. She was terrified but something about the way he smelled, the musky, feral animal scent, and the rough groping. Her body was responding to it.

Then he lifted her like a small child and turned her onto her stomach and lifted her hips. She knew what was coming and she found the strength to struggle again. She felt the huge cock head against her pussy and she started screaming again.

“No! No! It’s too big!!” She shrieked.

His huge hands held her tight as he pushed forward. At least he slid it in gently at first but as soon as the fist sized head pushed into her she felt like she was being split open. She continued to scream but this time he didn’t seem to mind.

Okay, it was all the way in, it had to be. She’d survived. She panted and gritted her teeth against the pain. He pulled back and thrust forward, shoving it in several more inches and she screamed again. He started to pound her harder, grunting with effort, mutilating her with that impossibly huge cock. She felt like it was going to come out her mouth any minute. She gave up trying to get away and collapsed forward, sobbing and whimpering with her face in the dirt.

He slammed all the way into her and she screamed at the new explosion of pain as he roared with orgasm. Her insides were flooded with hot animal cum.

They stayed that way for a few minutes, both panting and gasping. Then he slowly pulled out. There was fresh pain and a long, drawn out slurping sound before it finally popped out. Her pussy felt like a gaping tunnel and hot cum gushed down her leg.

He lay down and pulled her against his warm, furry body. His huge hands were surprisingly gentle now as he stroked and petted her body. She just lay there for a while letting him do what he wanted and listening to the thumping of his powerful heart. Then she tried to pull away. His arm tightened around her and he grunted disapproval. She relaxed for a few minutes and then tried again with the same response. Obviously he wanted to keep her.

She stretched out her arms and felt around, searching for anything that could help her. There were no rocks on the ground nearby. Her fingers slid through his thick fur and then encountered his smooth, soft dick. She pulled it back in alarm.

Oh, what the hell? She had no better ideas. She reached out again and wrapped her hand around it. It was as thick as her arm. She started stroking it and he started making a contented purring noise. She reached down to cup his big balls. Maybe she could hit them as hard as she could but that would probably just piss him off. She went back to stroking his cock, which was getting big and hard.

She squirmed down his body and he let her move but kept a hand firmly on her hip. She stuck out her tongue and licked the thick cock experimentally. It didn’t taste that bad. Musky and sweaty but at least clean. She began licking and stroking. She’d never sucked a cock half this big and she couldn’t get much more than the head in her mouth but he seemed to like it. She reached down to stroke his balls and the thick fur reminded her that she wasn’t just playing around with a regular guy here, she was fighting for her life. She started stroking and licking the huge throbbing cock even faster.

His balls tensed in her hand and he howled as his hips buck forward, slamming the huge cock head into the back of her throat. Hot cum shot down her throat and then filled her mouth as she tried desperately to pull off. Even more hot cum splattered over her face and she swiped at her face, trying to get it out of her eyes, coughing and gagging.

She recovered and started wiping the cum off her face. Out of habit she put her fingers in her mouth and sucked them clean. It tasted surprisingly good. Like human cum but different. Interesting. She leaned forward and started licking his dick clean.

She was exhausted and ached all over. She lay there and he started petting her again. She remained perfectly still against his furry body with his hot, soft cock pressed against her cheek. Eventually his hand stopped moving on her ass and his breathing became deep and even. She slowly slid away from him and staggered to her feet.

She limped in the direction of the camp site with one hand clamped over her aching pussy. She wouldn’t be walking normally for quite some time. She saw the tents up ahead and almost cried with relief.
The tents were all dark and the fire had burned down to nothing. They were all so damn drunk they hadn’t even noticed she was missing, not even Dave.

Something crunched under her bare foot and she squinted down at it in the dim light. It was a condom wrapper. She slowly raised her hand to her face. Her fingers were slick with cum that wasn’t human but was close.

“Oh god no!” She moaned.