(c) 2015 by the_kinky_couple

Him, Chapter 1

“In half a mile, turn left”

I can barely hear the GPS over the sound of the movies you are watching on my cell phone, reliving our adventures from the previous night. Day two of our road trip and the air is warm as the sun sets, the open top Jeep letting us enjoy the feel of the breeze against us as we drove through miles and miles of empty country. We had planned this trip for months, picking strategic stop-off points as we explored areas of the US we had never been, looking for similarly kinky, open minded people always up for adventure. Next up was a forest nudist camp site known for their sexual adventures – but in the dimming light I was seeing no sign of our destination.

“Holy shit, was his cock really that big?” you exclaim from next to me, reclined naked in the passenger seat. On screen, one of the three men from last night was approaching you from behind, as you busied yourself with the remaining two in front. My vantage point from behind had perfectly captured the moment his monstrous black length had penetrated your willing asshole. “No wonder I was so sore this morning!” you say, smiling at me as your hand dances over your pussy. You had been naked for all of the drive, stripping off within seconds of leaving our previous location. I had lost count of the number of orgasms you had enjoyed, going through our bag of sex toy supplies, practicing with each increasing size. A few remained too large still to take on in the cramped confines of a passenger seat, but I was confident we would get there in the next few days of our trip.

The light was fading fast now, and my headlights only show emptiness ahead of us. I don’t want to raise any alarm and spoil the mood of our trip, but the gas gauge has been dropping steadily for a while, with no sign of any gas station either.

“Hey baby”, I look over to you, where you are trying to force an extra large dildo into your hungry pussy, both feet on the dashboard as you focus, determined to take everything you possibly can. The toy doesn’t budge, held outside your pussy by your tightness. You moan, frustrated, holding the dildo aside while you briefly fist your hot sex with the other hand, working yourself open. Satisfied with the stretch, you resume your efforts with the monster dildo and cry out in pleasure as it is swallowed by your open pussy, filling you to the brim again.

“Fuck, that feels soooooo good. What did you need honey?”

“Can you check the GPS? I haven’t heard any instructions in a while, just wanted to make sure we are on the right track”.

You pause the video, just as the three are finishing unloading inside you for the third time. Last night could not have gone better, it had lived up to every expectation I had and more, since discussing the stop-over online with the guys. When I had mentioned a dirty slut willing to do anything, with a particular fondness for extreme anal and blowjobs, they had instantly agreed. When I had mentioned their sizes to you and showed you some of their texts, detailing their desires, you hadn’t taken much convincing either.

“Um….I think the GPS is down…there is no signal out here”

“Well shit” I say, knocking the steering wheel in frustration. With our gas tank ever dropping, no light and no GPS, we were getting pretty desperate. Our camp gear in the back would be fine for the night, but the empty roads would make it hard to get anyone to come by the next day.

We drove on, hoping our forest camp ground would magically appear on the horizon. Eventually, we see lights, but as we approach, it is clearly not the camp. Instead, a single farmhouse sits alone in a vast expanse of fields. We turn in and pull up to the house, noting lights on and plenty of cars in the drive. I jump out and you follow, pulling the dildo from your wet sex with a loud slurp, throwing on some clothes.

Holding your hand, I knock on the front door. The lights are on in the windows of the huge farmhouse, but no-one appears to be moving around. I look at you and shrug, peering through the windows to try and see if anyone is there. It is late, but not too late to expect some kind of activity.

To our left, we hear a noise from the barn, the sound of laughter and applause rolling over to the house. We walk over, the grass of the yard soft underfoot, and more sounds mix in – sounds of screaming and moaning. “What the hell is going on in there?” I whisper to you, oddly excited and aroused by thoughts flashing through my head. We reach the door, slightly ajar and peer inside.


Her, Chapter 2

“I’m going to cum!”

We look at one another is disbelief as the sight before us unfolds. “And I thought we were kinky!” I whisper in astonishment, watching this young girl get overtaken by an animal so large I can only imagine how much her sexy little body was being stretched from the inside out. I was instantly jealous and envious all at the same time. The barn was an old barn built a long time ago, and some of the pieces had rotted out. Allowing us the perfect view as we watched a horse pound himself into a girl that couldn’t have been 20 years old. As my own wetness starts running down my leg, you instinctively run your hand up my thigh and rubbing my wet slit. You cover yourself with my juice, preparing to ram my ass hard with your fist. Watching this young, hot girl being stretched and drilled by this sloppy wet horse cock made you instantly hard. Even in the moonlight I can see your hungry eyes. It is my most favorite sight, those eyes make me do incredible things.

“How big do you think that horse cock is?” I ask, unable to hide my excited curiosity. Licking my lips, my eyes growing wider with each thrust and moan of this amazing show.

“At least 15 inches.” You answer confidently. You have done your research on the size of a horse. You had looked into buying me one of those toys that resemble a flared horse dick and you wanted to get the biggest one, closest to actual size. Now you wish you would have splurged and bought it, you have never been this hard watching a girl get off in your life. “Did you know that a horse can cum as much as 30 ounces at a time. That is like a whole water bottle full!”

“Yummy, my brilliant boyfriend is a genius at horse cum quantities!!” I laugh as I moan watching the girl writhe and scream below the stallion. “What do you think this place is exactly? I mean, the girl is not exactly complaining about being fucked by that horse and everyone is cheering her on.”

You seem to care less what everyone’s purpose for being there is when I hear you whisper for me to pull my skirt up so you can slide your hand inside me. I am more than happy to accommodate you. The whole ride up here I had been focusing on my pussy so my ass needed some attention. I hated being empty for too long and you were not too fond of me not being constantly plugged in one way or another. “Fuck baby, you’re gushing!”, you whisper as your hand starts to open up my waiting asshole.

“I can’t help it, have you noticed what is going on right in front of us?!” I scream a little louder than I should, as I moan and push myself onto your hand. The feeling of your fingers touching my tight little hole as you circle it with my own wetness make me crazy. My whole body responds to your hand as it squeezes it’s way passed my entrance. I can hear you moaning and grunting as well, knowing it must look and feel amazing. We have filmed ourselves so much I can almost see your exact view in my mind. I know I should slow down and watch the horse show more, but I am overcome with the need to let everything go and cum all over you. You start moving faster, in time with the horse. I close my eyes and imagine its me laying there on that table, feeling every inch go deeper and deeper. Letting the horse push himself all the way inside my wet hot tunnel. Just begging for the horse to unload his cum all over and in me. You close your eyes too and imagine the same, your girl being fucked to oblivion by this large mammal.

Suddenly we both realize it has gotten quiet and we no longer hear the stomping or neighing of the horses and the crowd has gone silent. Both of our eyes snap open and we are suddenly face to face with a group of people, both shocked and maybe a little upset. My impending orgasm is so close that we can’t stop and i just keep pushing myself more and more on your hand, squirting and screaming your name, “Mmmmmatt!!! I can’t stop baby, please!” Spraying you, gushing like a fountain, drenching everything around us, including nosey a dog that has snuck up behind us.

A few moments pass and I am able to realize what just happened. As I pull myself away from you and lower my skirt back to its original place, I start apologizing frantically. But no one is saying anything back, staring at us from the center of the barn and I start to get scared. Everyone is naked, and the men of the group are hard, stroking thick, long cocks as the stare at me. I look around the crowd, there are three younger girls and one guy and an older couple, maybe late thirties or early forties. They all look similar to one another which confuses me. Are they a family, I wonder? I look to you but you are trying to wipe your hand on your shirt as you try to make the dog stop licking at you.

The dog barks and pulls us all out of our trance and everyone snaps back to reality.

“Hi, I’m Olivia and this is M–” I started to say as I was interrupted by the older guy.

“And this is Matt, yeah we heard!” He replied laughing. “Why don’t you two come on in, join the party”


Him, Chapter 3

We are encouraged into the barn, the great dane licking his face clean of your juices bounding in alongside us. My heart is racing, this had to be some kind of dream. The barn is large inside, the stalls are well maintained and the central area is filled with benches. Professional lighting equipment and cameras are everywhere, capturing the scenes of debauchery. As we approach, the brown horse withdraws from the small blonde girl on the table with an audible wet pop, and her pussy flows with a river of cum, more cum than I have ever seen in real life. The blonde lay there, panting, exhausted, a look of pure bliss on her face. She caught my eye as I stared, and winked, easily fisting herself and licking her hand clean of the animal’s seed.

Your face is flushed as we approach the center of the barn, the older man beckoning for the dog to heel to him. Your eyes dance around the barn, taking in all of the sights in front of you, things you had dreamed about, masterbated to, but never thought you would see in person. Huge toys littered the benches and ground, tubs of lube everywhere. Every stall of the barn contained a horse, and big dogs were running around everywhere. The entire group of people were naked, and appeared comfortable that way.

The older man looked at us and smiled “Welcome to the farm, what brings you two all the way out here?”

I explained our predicament, without enough gas or GPS to get much further beyond the farm. “We just need to use your phone and then we can be picked up, and on our way”.

The man looked us over, pausing especially on you, still panting and flushed from my fist in your ass. “I don’t think we can let you do that, at least without earning it first. I can see your girl is hot for what we have here, if you do what we tell you, then maybe you can use the phone, and leave. If you want to, that is”

I glance at you, and can see the surge of fear in your eyes. You look at me, biting your lip, your mind racing with the potential laid out in front of us. The trip had been set out as our wildest kinks come to life, but this hadn’t even made the list of possibility. Now though, it was reality, and you nod slowly, smiling at me.

“Right” said the man, grinning at his family “well I am Ned, this buxom lady here is my lovely wife Stacey, and these are our kids”. The family waved in turn at us, casually without any hint of embarrassment at the situation. The girl on the table even gave a wave as cum continued to ooze from her pussy. “As you can see” Ned continued, “we go by a no-clothes-in-the-barn policy, so if you wouldn’t mind…”

I am a little surprised at the request, but have no shame in my body. I know you would rather be naked 100% of the time if you could, and we both quickly undress. My cock is throbbing with arousal, and I can see your wetness between your legs dripping down your thighs, as your ass struggles to close after my fist fucking. Your body is amazing, eve though I see it regularly, it never ceases to get me as hard as humanly possible. I slap your ass playfully as we stand naked, side by side, waiting for the next commands. You tug teasingly on my cock, flicking my tip with your forefinger and licking it clean of my precum, loving the taste as you always do.

“Right, now we need to take your measurements. Matt, my daughters Allie and Sara will take care of that for you, and Olivia, my wife, son and I will deal with you. Ruby is a little indisposed on the table, as you can see!” Two of the blondes skipped over to me, dropping to their knees instantly. Both were college age I would guess, busty like their mom, with pretty features. “Oh oops, nearly forgot the guy-log” said one, jumping up and running to the other side of the barn, returning with a leather-bound note-book and pen. My brain was having a hard time processing everything going on in front of me still, as you were lead to a nearby bench and encouraged to get into a doggy style pose, your favorite. Behind you, the son and mom held extremely large toys, while Ned positioned a camera up close. Their eyes went wide seeing the state of your pussy and ass, well abused by me for a long time now. Stacey nodded at her son after whispering something in his ear, and he ditched a few of the toys, running back for the bigger versions.

In front of me, the girls were discussing my body, particularly my cock. “What do you think Allie? 7 inches or so?” The blonde with the short styled lob grasped my length gently, tracing her fingertips along my shaft “maybe more like 7 and a half sis? Maybe even 8 on a good day” she winked at me, licking my tip. “and holy hell, he is a thick one isn’t he? Definitely up there with Jeff and Tom”. My numbers were noted, deep in the back of the book. I wondered how many names and numbers were in there, and just how they had got there. I turned to watch you, bent over and exposed, as the family examined you closely.


Her, Chapter 4

Laying down on the bench, bent over, slightly shaking still, I take in the atmosphere around me. Not wanting to take my eyes off of you as you are led away by two beautiful blondes, I start to think about what is going to happen to us. With just a little pang of jealousy, I watch one blonde bend over and lick the wetness running out of your cock. It never ceases to amaze me watching you with other people, girls or guys. You are so erotic looking, the perfect look of pleasure as you throw your head back, suck in your breath, bite your lip and let a tiny moan escape as her tongue touches you. I almost cum watching you, then I remember there is a team of people measuring my gaping holes.

I can hear them whispering, but I am not sure if it is shock or gratitude. Maybe both as I look around at all the toys they have lying around. The guy is walking off and I hear Stacey yell, “No Alex, I don’t think that will be big enough. Grab the next size up please!” Alex turned around and gave me a wink. If I was able to be any redder in the face, I was now. It is one thing to stick those toys in me and get off in front of people. It is quite another to be measured by mother and son, with the father capturing photos of my body. I was confused but extremely turned on and I could feel my excitedness running down my thighs. The warm air of the barn felt amazing over my exposed holes, and I moved my hands to touch myself as I heard Ned cough, “There will be plenty time for that a little later young lady. But please don’t think I am not enjoying this little show. You are quite the little slut, aren’t you? I think you and your friend are going to be very happy here.”

“Yes sir. I am glad you are enjoying yourself, but what exactly are you doing to us? I am a little confused as to why we are being measured and photographed.” I ask shyly, trying to keep him happy waving my little ass in the air, winking my gaped ass, still with my eyes on you. Alex made his way back to me with a collection of some of the biggest toys I had ever seen. Your smile at the sight and thoughts of what was about to happen was also one of the biggest smiles on you I had ever seen. And that is saying a lot, considering I have done pretty much everything you have ever imagined sexually.

“Well you see Olivia, my family has lived on this land for generations. There is no one around for miles. At some point my family made enough money to never have to worry about working another day in our lives. Having all that time and privacy on your hands does stuff to your mind, especially if you have a mind like ours.” He said winking. “Anyway, not really wanting our farm to go into the hands of someone who is not born into this family has made us a bit close, if you know what I mean. We don’t mind playing with strangers who just happen to wander out this way, but we very rarely venture out to meet people. So when this happens, we like to keep a record of what people like to do sexually, we measure their bodies when they first get here so that we will know how to please them to the very best. We also like to kind of keep score on the best measurements as well. The girls get competitive, and you know how guys always like to compare!”

“And how am I measuring up?” I asked playfully. Ned was really attractive. Standing just a little over six feet tall, very fit, dark hair and amazing smile. His cock just begging for me to reach out and grab it, so thick and long, with just a little drop of precum oozing out the tip. He wasn’t much older than you and I, and I was starting to picture you and him together going at me. His voice so deep and demanding, telling me how to take his cock inside me, his fingers pinching my nipples as his tongue ran up my body. A small moan escaped from my mouth as I sucked in and bit my lower lip.
“I think I can speak for everyone in this building when I say that you are blowing our minds.” Ned said as he adjusted himself, with a grin at his wife. Stacey was quite gorgeous as well. I would love to get my hands on her. She was short like me, maybe five feet tall, blonde and full figured in all the right places. I could just get lost in her breasts all by myself.

“Ned, behave yourself!” She teased. “He likes them young and feisty, and I think you are making him test his control Olivia.” As she spoke, I felt a sudden pressure at my wet pussy, followed by an aggressive thrust and instantly I was filled, gripping the bench for support, screaming in pleasure. I try to push back on the invading monster toy, but as soon as it comes, it is gone with a wet pop. I moan, breathless as my heart races, my sex on fire from the sudden intrusion. “10 inches of the Thor dildo Mom” called Alex from behind me, adding “without much effort at all!” I turn even redder, feeling a mix of pride and embarrassment – mainly pride.

Just as I was catching my breath, continuing to watch the girls measure your amazing cock, I felt the cool wetness of lube being applied to my ass. I turned my head to see Alex applying it generously, scooping a fistful from the large, industrial sized tub nearby. Stacey continued to take notes, as Alex ran his fingers around my asshole. “Face the front please Olivia” he said in a mock stern voice “and hold on tight”. I face the front, so aroused by everything in front of me, more than I could ever dream of. I am dying to cum, my whole body is tingling, on the edge of orgasm. “Liv, you can call me Liv. All my friends call me Livaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh”

I close my eyes, letting the sensations rush through my body as Alex slams a monster plug into my waiting ass, urging more and more of the length inside me, each inch of the toy opening me wider. Your fist in me opened me up, but the plug fills me so well again. When I open my eyes, you are in front of me watching, the two girls openly masterbating. I lock eyes with you, and biting my lip, push back onto the plug hard, forcing it in to the hilt. My body can’t take it anymore and I surrender, screaming in orgasm as my entire body shakes. My ass clenches hard on the thick invader and I squirt, gushing all over the barn floor without even a fingertip on my pussy.

You kneel beside me and kiss me deeply, our tongues dancing over one another as my orgasm continues for what feels like hours. I can hear bits of Alex calling notes out to his Mom in a whisper of amazement “big red plug…….little effort……..4 inch girth…” The blondes and Ned have moved behind me, and tug the toy out with glee, applauding at the sight of my abused holes as Ned takes pictures and films as my holes pulse with my abating orgasm.

“Well, you have trained her very well indeed” said Ned, slapping you on the back “she has a lot of potential. We may be able to take her to the next level, what do you think girls?” The blondes kneel in front of me, bending over to show off what it meant to go to the next level. At first we don’t see anything but two sets of beautiful pussies and assholes. But the girls push, groaning in pleasure as enormous mangos stretch and pop free from their wet pussies, leaving their lips hanging and gaped. After a brief pause, they keep pushing. “What else is up there?” I whisper to you, amazed as huge matching double dildos, thicker than my wrist, snake free from their asses, dropping heavily to the barn floor. Both sets of holes, tight and closed a second before, were wide open, winking at us, teasing us with what we could have.

I can’t believe my eyes, and I know you are as shocked as I am. This had to be a dream, but it wasn’t. I want everything and more, my brain raced with potential, I could think of nothing else. I didn’t ever want to leave this place. “This has got to be the most amazing place I have ever seen. Please show me more!” I begged. Ned smiles and nods, as the blondes stand, high-fiving one another. The family walk to the young girl on the table, and beckon for us to follow.