(c) 2015 by ToastyHS


“Fuck” thought Kate “Fuck that goddamn alarm” she rolled out of bed and squinted at the light spilling in through her bedroom window.


“GODAMMIT!” she screamed as she fell face first into her pillow and slammed down on the alarm. “Oh shit wait my alarm was on my phone” she whimpered.

“Kate, what’s all that screaming about? It’s Saturday morning what are you doing up?” yelled her mom from downstairs.

“Saturday? Had she heard that right?” Kate snatched up her phone and checked the date, smiling a Cheshire cat smile as she fell back into bed.

Usually, since she didn’t do anything Saturday morning she liked to lay in bed for a while and gaze out her window or try and drift back to sleep. But some mornings if she couldn’t sleep she’d finger herself to an orgasm. This felt like one of those mornings.

Kate stretched and yawned, watching as her perky 32C breast stretched forward, her pert little nipples pointing towards the ceiling.

“auhh” she moaned as she felt the fabric of her night-shirt rub against her erect buds.One hand played through her luscious brown hair while the other caressed her toned stomach.

“Aw man thank god its almost summer,” she thought, “tanning sounds really good.” pouting her lips childishly as she looked down at her caramel skin, watching her right hand slowly make its way to the waistband of her thong.

Kate dropped her left hand from her head and slipped it under her shirt, pinching her sensitive buds and biting her lip to suppress a moan.

Her hand slipped under the waistband and she shuddered, just barely brushing her clit. Spreading her fingers in a V shape, she ran them along her lips teasing herself, not fingering herself just yet. Her left hand played lightly with her nipples, sending small shudders through her body whenever her finger flicked the sensitive bud.

Finally she couldn’t take it anymore, spreading her legs, Kate curved her middle finger and slipped it into her pussy. Enjoying the warm wetness that had lubricated her entry.

She let out a deep moan as her finger rubbed her G-spot and felt her trim pubes brush against the inside of her wrist.

Slowly she began wiggling her finger inside her, opening herself up and slipping in a second. She had never been able to fit more than two in, but always felt full with just the two so she began pumping her fingers in and out of her tight hole, slowly picking up pace until her small quick strokes were visibly churning that honey out of her pussy.

“Oh my god I’m so horny” she moaned as her hand mauled her nipples, pinching and twisting the firm little peaks.

“Auhh fuck, oh, yes, oh, god ohhh” she moaned. Her hips lifted off the bed and grinded against the satisfying hand that was fucking her gooey cunt.

Kate bit her lips to hold back her moans, but her fingers felt so good… she couldn’t hold it, “AHHHH Uhh, Yes!” she screamed, flipping over to bury her face in the pillow and suppress her moans.

Kate had slowed her finger fucking, not wanting to climax yet but coming pretty close. This was her favorite position, she lifted her hips slightly, moving most of her weight to her shoulders and putting her left hand next to her head to balance herself. From there she reached under her and slipped a finger into her drooling cunt, making sure to fully coat it before pulling it out. Kate leaned into her left arm as she readjusted herself, pulling her right hand and out from under her and reaching it around to her plump ass. Those caramelized legs spread in anticipation and Kate slipped a cum coated finger into her tight asshole. She could only fit the one finger in there but it was more than enough to satisfy her as she thrust it into her tight ass.

Within a minute Kate’s face was red and she was biting her pillow, trying to hold back the tidal wave that was forming deep in her pussy. Kate loved fingering her ass, and the feeling of that finger squishing in and out of her tight hole was too much.

She exploded, burying her face into the pillow as she released in a massive, shuddering orgasm. Cum flooded out of her pussy and ran down the back of her thighs, pooling behind her knees and spilling out into her sheets. Her squirmy ass clamped down on her finger and Kate’s orgasm reached new heights as she felt the muscles in her cervix tighten and contract, pumping out wave after wave of cum.

Kate lay on her bed, shuddering as she recovered from her massive orgasm as cum still leaking from her saturated pussy.

She rolled onto her back and watched her chest rise in fall as she regained her breath before drifting back into sleep.


Kate opened one eye, glaring at the wretched phone which had woken her now twice today.

“Yes?” Kate mumbled into the phone. Bring her right hand up to wipe her eyes

“Hey Kate its Hannah…”

Kate zoned out of the conversation. “What the hell why am I sticky! It’s all over my hands! Holy shit its all over my legs and my sheets! How hard did I cum!?”

“Kate? Kate are you still there?” pleaded the person on the other end of the phone.

“Huh? Oh ya I’m here” responded Kate, snapping back to reality, “Sorry I zoned out for a sec, what’s up?”

“Well I was just saying we should go down to the pier, and maybe the beach today?” asked Hannah, sounding a little hurt.

“Ya that sounds great!” Kate sat up and smiled.

At 11 Kate found the will power to getherself out of bed. She was still covered in her own cum and stepped into the shower.

“Oh shit” she shivered. The cold water slashed against her shoulders and sent goose bumps running along her upper body. Her nipples stood on end.

Kate leaned on the far wall of the shower, waiting for the water to warm up.

“hehehe,” a small giggle escaped her a she gingerly squeezed her breasts.

“Awh man they’re so soft, and my nipples…ugh yes!” she moaned, rolling the sensitive tips in her fingers. She was soooo horny.

By that time the shower had gotten up to a reasonable temperature and Kate scooted in. The warm water running down the cleft of her breasts and down the curves of her body.

Fuck it felt good, the heavy droplets of water running down her flat stomach and dragging off her clit. Kate rolled her hips backwards and opened her legs, leaning forward and allowing the pressure of the water to shoot against her naked pussy.

“auhhh” she groaned. She slipped a hand down and immediately shoved two fingers knuckle deep in her pussy.

“aauhh yessss” Kate hissed, pulling her fingers out only to roughly shove them back in. She curved her middle finger and index finger into a C shape and shuddered as she felt the pressure on her g-spot.

“Ohhh fuck yea, oh, yes, oh that’s good, that’s, so, good!” Kate whimpered, picking up her pace and finger fucking her squirming cunt senseless.

*Knock knock*

“Shit!” she thought to herself.

“Kate hurry up you’re using all the hot water” moaned her sister Brianna. She was only a year younger, but could still be annoying as hell.

“Bri shut up!” Katie yelled, annoyed that her sister had so abruptly ended the climb to an amazing climax

“You’re wasting all the hot water! I have a birthday party I need to get ready for”

Kate shut off the water and slipped out of the shower.
At 12:30 Kate headed to the beach, clad in a modest blue bikini, covered by short shorts and a crop top.

She spotted Hannah a ways down the pier and leisurely walked to meet her.

Hannah leaned her back against the pier rails, her luscious D breasts stretching the fabric of the tiny bikini. Even from 30 feet away her nipples were visibly outlined in the thin fabric. She was an amazing sight for the groups of guys and even girls walking by.

Kate strolled up to her busty friend, who seemed totally unaware of the attention she was drawing, just leaning against the rail innocently eating an ice-cream cone.

A droplet of melted ice-cream dropped onto Hannah’s chest, rolling down the inside of her breast and sending goose bumps along her tender flesh.

She slipped her finger along the trail of melted ice cream and stuck it into her mouth, then she noticed her friend.

“Hey Kate!” she jumped and waved at her with the ice-cream holding arm, shaking more droplets onto her tits. “Oh shit!” she muttered.

A dirty thought crossed her mind: “I got that,” smiled Kate, leaning over and lapping at the cool cream melting on her chest. Giving all the people walking by a nice show.

Hannah moaned slightly at the feel of Kate’s soft tongue, “you ready to hit the beach?” Hannah asked.

The girls spent their day laying in the sand and tanning, or dipping into the water to cool off, and they stayed at the beach well into the afternoon.

Hannah sat up and turned to her friend, “Hey, Kate? can we just go hang out at your house tonight?”

“Ya” responded Kate, “My parents are out and Bri is at a friends house so we’ll have the place to ourselves.”

“Great!” Hannan perked up, lets get going.

. The girls piled their stuff into Hannah’s Nissan and took off for Kate’s house, arriving in just under 10 minutes.

“Alright c’mon I want to take a shower and watch some movies.” moaned Hannah

“Alright, alright, let me just get my keys.”

Kate slipped the keys into the door and Hannah pushed past her and shot upstairs.

“Hey what’s the rush?” yelled Kate.

“Sitting in that car all the sand mashed into my crotch, I gotta take a shower.” Laughed Hannah.

Kate laughed to herself as she closed and locked the door behind her. Hannan could be crass sometimes but she loved her.

Kate ran upstairs into her room to change, stripping off the bikini, but stopping to admire herself in the mirror. She ran her hands along the lines of her body, down her stomach and over her shaved mound, feeling the slight moisture and heat building as she teased herself. Before she got too horny Kate slipped on some shorts and a tank top and headed downstairs to set up the movie and make some popcorn.

By the time Hannah came down from the bathroom it was nearly dark out and Kate was sitting on the couch waiting to play the movie

“Christ Hannah, did you wash my dog while you were in there too?” teased Kate.

“Oh shut up!” laughed Hannah, “Where is Rourke anyway?”

“I don’t know, in another room or outside.” Kate waved her hand vaguely towards the back of the house.

Hannah giggled, “Okay, let’s start the movie!”. She sprawled out on the couch and laid her head on Kate’s stomach.

The girls watched the sappy romance movie for an hour or so before getting bored and switching it off.

“That was horrific” whined Kate

“What about TV?” pleaded Hannah.

“Meh,” Kate shrugged, “We could try to download something onto the computer?”

“Ya that sounds good”

Kate ran upstairs to grab her computer and, upon returning to the couch, resumed her position as Hannah’s body pillow.

As Kate flitted through a few pirate sites Hannah, getting bored, began to trace her finger along Kate’s thighs, gliding her finger from her knee to mid-thigh and back.

“Have you found anything yet?” moaned Hannah, her finger still tracing up Kate’s right leg.

“Jennifer Aniston, Romantic comedy?” asked Kate.

“Sure” huffed Hannah.

They waited a good 20 minutes for the movie to download, just talking about school and boys and complaining about the lack of any decent men in the world. (broad statement for 11th graders).

Finally the movie started and Kate hit play. Immediately they were thrown into the middle of a lesbian porn movie.

“What the fuck!” screamed Hannah as Kate slammed the computer shut.

“I dont know, sometimes when you pirate movies they end up being porn, I’ve never had it happen I’ve just heard about it.”

“Is that the shit that guys are so obsessed about?” Hannah hissed, recovering from her earlier shock.

“Ya I guess, I don’t see what’s so great about it”

“Maybe our brains just aren’t wired that way.”

“Maybe, we did also only see a few seconds of it,” mused Hannah

“Are you suggesting we watch porn together?” whispered Kate.

“Well we don’t really have anything to do, and I’m a little curious.”

Kate turned the idea over for a few seconds before finally agreeing and turning on the computer.

The movie consisted of two gorgeous girls, a redhead with green eyes, wearing a blue thong with pink trim and a green bra also complete with pink trim, and the other girl, a curly brunette hair with blue-grey eyes, wearing only a red lace thong and moaning as the redhead sucked on the nipple of her left breast.

Kate couldn’t admit it, but watching to two girls tease and play with each other was fueling the growing heat between her legs. She wished that someone would suck on her tits like that, or play their tongue along her stomach and down to her shaved little mound and just eat her until she screamed.

Watching the two girls kiss was the most erotic thing Kate had ever seen, and when the redhead slid her tongue into the other girls mouth Kate gave an audible whimper and looked down at Hannah.

Hannah had her eyes glued to the screen from the beginning, watching the two girls as they kissed and licked had her wet in seconds. She lay on the couch up against Kate, her left leg pressed against Kate’s right leg. Hannah had her right leg splayed up on the couch to her right, effectively spreading her legs. Her right hand slid along the inside of her right thigh, stopping just underneath the leg of her pajama shorts.

When Kate looked down she saw all of this, Hannah could have practically been drooling. Her face was flushed red and her tits were heaving as her breathing became heavier and heavier. She looked so sexy. And Kate, without thinking, leaned over and planted her lips on Hannah’s.

Hannah was a little shocked, the screen was suddenly blocked, and all of a sudden she felt soft warm lips pressing against hers.

It took her a second to realize that it was her best friend, another girl, attached to the mouth kissing her. Yet that only turned her on more.

She pulled her hand off of her inner thigh and up to Kate’s cheek, pulling herself into the kiss.

Kate felt a hand on her cheek, then something warm and slippery running along her lips. She opened her mouth and allowed it access, realizing it was Hannah’s tongue that had just slid into her mouth, Kate moaned and began to suck on it, sliding her tongue over the invading one.

Kate ran her hand along Hannah’s inner thigh and now it was the blonde’s turn to moan. She could vaguely hear the girls in the porno getting a louder and broke the kiss so she could turn to look at the screen. What she saw made her gasp and she felt the heat between her legs intensify.

The redhead slowly kissed her way up the Brunette girl’s inner thigh to the soaking red lace. The brunette’s eyes were shut and her lips were curled into a strained smile of ecstasy, on verge of an orgasm but not able to reach it.

Hannah became a little disappointed at the loss of friends lips, but sat gaping at why she had turned away. Seeing the erotic show on the screen made Hannah hornier than ever.

Without Kate noticing Hannah slipped off the couch and, sitting in front of Kate, stared up her smooth, caramel thighs.

Kate jumped a little at the feeling of the soft wet kisses making their way up her leg.

“Hannah -,” she started to protest but’ “oohh please don’t stoppp” came out instead. Hannah slipped off her own shorts and continued kissing Kate’s thighs.

Hannah was purposefully slow in her kissing and it drove Kate crazy, her pussy was soaking by the time Hannah reached the juncture of Kate’s thigh and pelvis, her nose and lips pushing their way under the loose shorts.

“Why don’t we take this off” Hannah hissed, planting a deep kiss on Kate’s shorts right on her clit.

“auhh” Kate moaned at the feeling, allowing Hannah to pull the shorts off and expose the blue panties beneath. Kate hurriedly pulled her tank top off and watched as her braless breasts rolled out.

“Cute” smiled Hannah, inches away from the soaking crotch, “Is someone a little horny?”

Kate bit her lip to suppress a moan and nodded her head.

Hannah ran her tongue up the middle of Kate’s underwear, sliding the fabric along Kate’s slit and over her engorged clit, rewarded with a low moan from Kate.

“Do u want me to take these off and eat you’re little pussy out?” purred Hannah.

“Yes please” whimpered Kate, suppressing another moan.
Hannah slowly slid them off and stared at the shaved pink cunt in front of her. Kate’s lips were sparkling with juice, like dew on morning grass and her clit stood out, engorged and sensitive from the session of teasing.

“You have such a pretty pussy” whispered Hannah.

“Thank you” Kate giggled, “now eat it!” she hissed, grabbing Hannah’s head and pulling it towards her.

Hannah’s prolonged teasing had gotten Kate so horny that she could think of nothing past her own orgasm, desperate to flood Hannah’s mouth with her cum. And the moment Hannah’s lips came in contact with Kate’s she nearly came, arching her back and grabbing Hannah’s head she pushed her clit into her best friend’s mouth.

Kate squirmed and squealed under Hannah’s fantastic tongue. She ran her tongue up the middle of Kate’s slit, stopping at her clit to flick it with her tongue and suck on the fat button.

Kate twisted her nipples painfully with one hand, using other pushing Hannah’s face deeper into her cunt.

“Aauugghh yesss don’t stop I’m gonna cum.”

Kate’s words spurred Hannah on, and she pressed her lips against Kate’s clit and slid her hand up Kate’s thighs, slipping her middle finger into Kate’s virgin hole.

Hannah was so horny she could feel her cunt dripping and was tempted to use her other hand to finger herself, but thought better of it.

On the second thrust of Hannah’s fingers Kate came, “AHHHHHHH FUCK YESSSS DONT STOP, IM CUMMMINNGGG!” screamed Kate.

Hannah quickened her pace, thrusting her finger in and out faster and spraying Kate’s cum onto her chin while she lapped up the river running out of her slit and along her thighs, making a naughty wet spot on the couch.

Hannah lapped slowly as Kate slowly came off her orgasm, removing her fingers from Kate’s dripping pussy.

“Uuhhh huh?” Hannah moaned, muffled by Kate’s cunt and held there by her friends arm she tried to turn around.

Something rough, yet wet and smooth, was stroking her cunt. Hannah managed to turn a little and out of the corner of her eye saw Kate’s dog, Rourke, licking her pussy. At first Hannah was horrified, but she was already so horny and that tongue felt so good. Her pussy was in desperate need of attention and so she didn’t stop him.

“Oh my god, Rourke no!” yelled Kate, interrupting Hannah.

“Kate noooo, don’t make him stop.” moaned Hannah.

Kate looked down and saw her friends face, contorted with lust, and then up at her dog, with his nose buried in Hannah’s soaking pussy. “God that’s hot” she thought.

Rourke was a golden-brown Boxer mix, about 4 and 1/2 feet long not including his tail. He acted as the family guard dog but usually just laid outside sun bathing or chasing his own tail until it was time to eat dinner. Now he was feasting on the juices of Hannah’s pussy, lapping it up with his long, sandpapery tongue.

Kate stared down at the scene before her, listening to the moans and whimpers of her best friend and watching as her dog attacked her pussy like it was his dinner, and to her surprise, she was turned on by it. She was horny and dripping again in seconds and had already stuffed two fingers into her pussy. Letting out a long low moan as they sunk in to the knuckle.

Hannah looked up to see Kate, her tongue actually licking her lips and as she stuffed two finger into her deliciously tight cunt. The sight of her friend fingering herself coupled with the feeling of her pussy getting tongued, compounded with the sexy scene on the computer still playing, sent Hannah over the edge and she erupted in a massive, shuddering orgasm.

Rourke easily lapped up the cum flooding from Hannah’s hot pussy, continuously stimulating Hannah and carrying her orgasm even higher.

Kate watched as her friend was reduced to a pile of shuddering screaming and moaning orgasms, her pussy flooding in an endless river of cum. Then Kate came. Cum gushed out past her finger and down her legs. She bucked and moaned and whimpered in time with Hannah, riding wave after wave of cum as it visibly gushed put of her pussy and ran down her smooth tan legs. She bit her lip at Hannah and saw that it only made Hannah come more, her face red and twisted in orgasmic ecstasy.

Finally the girls wound down, smiling at each other in the afterglow of the orgasm.

“Wow!” breathed Kate

“Oh my god” gasped Hannah, “Have you let him do that to you before?” referring to letting Rourke eat her out.

“No, is it good?” asked Kate

“Incredible!” smiled Hannah, “you should try it.”

“I might, I’m still pretty horny” Kate flashed Hannah a devilish grin

“Oh I didn’t know you were such a dirty girl” cooed Hannah

“Neither did I” she smiled, and they both roared with laughter.

“What are we gonna do about Rourke?” asked Hannah once they calmed down.

“What do u mean?” asked Kate

“Look”, Hannah motioned towards Rourke, he look frustrated, pawing at the ground while his fleshy red member bobbed beneath him.

“Whoa, how big do you think he is?” smiled Kate

“I dont know, 9, maybe 10 inches” mused Hannah, “I guess two naked, sexy girls cumming and cumming is enough to even get a dog horny.” she smiled

“Dare you to blow him!” squealed Kate.

“Fuck! No way!”

“Oh c’mon it can’t be that bad”

“Then you do it!”

“Fine!” smiled Kate, “since your such a chicken.” Kate kneeled down in front of Rourke and then got on her hands and knees, trying to crawl under him.

“Rourke up!” ordered Hannah.

Rourke jumped his front paws onto Kate’s shoulders

“Hey!” yelled Kate, as Rourke’s cock hit her in the face. She heard Hannah giggle behind her.

Kate grabbed the swaying member with her hand to stop it from hitting her and Rourke walked forward on his back legs.

“Hannah can you get a towel for my back, his claws hurt.”

Hannah came back a little while later and lifted Rourke’s front legs one by one to put the towel down. “Ok” she said.

“His cock feels slimy, are guys dicks like this too?”, frowned Kate.

“I wouldn’t know I’ve never really seen one,” said Hannah, “I doubt it though.”

“Wait really!?” Kate yelled, “I didn’t think you were slut but you come off less prude than that!”

“Ya I don’t know I just never really found a guy who was worthy of it and this isn’t the time Kate.”

“Huh? Oh ya,” she smiled turning her attention back to the dog. She started jerking his penis with her hands and was delighted to see a clear fluid bubbling around the tip, “Oh my god is he cumming already?”

“No” stated Hannah, “it’s pre-cum”

“Now how would you know that?” smiled Kate

“Just shut up and pay attention to your dog, you’re gonna give him blue balls.”

Kate jerked the dick harder and Rourke walked forward and humped at her hand. Hannah giggled again, Kate ignored her, focusing on the task at hand.

A steady stream of pre-cum was coating Kate’s hand, and as any teenage girl with with a healthy curiosity, Kate wanted to know what it tasted like so she scooped some of it off the tip and stuck it in her mouth. She felt her pussy start to dampen again.

“mmmmm” she purred, “that’s salty.”

“Omg that was hot,” moaned Hannah.

Out of the corner of her eye Kate saw her rubbing her clit lightly, like Kate, Hannah must have been turned on again too.

Kate closed her eyes and sucked the dick into her mouth, nearly choking when Rourke tried to hump forward. Kate swirled her tongue around the tip, tasting the salty pre cum before pressing her lips against the shaft and pushing down the length of his dick. She used her tongue to lick his head while she bobbed her head up and down on his cock, slurping and sucking it while her left hand played with his balls.

Kate felt a knob hit her lips at the base of his cock and it took her a second to realize that this was his knot. Her mom had explained to her once when they had mated Rourke a couple years ago. When dogs knotted it was to ensure their penis’s didn’t slip out while they came and so that another dog didn’t come along and try to matre. Kate wondered how that would feel in her pussy.

Knowing that he was going go cum soon Kate increased her speed, bobbing up and down faster and faster until she felt his balls contract in her hand. A second later a fire hose released in her mouth and hot, salty cum gushed down her throat. Kate did her best to keep up with his supply but Rourke seemed to be pumping out buckets of it and she began to choke and pulled her mouth away, only to be rewarded with two more ropes of cum on face. The next rope hit her dangling tits and she gasped as the hot cum lazily made its way along the curves of breasts and slowly dripped off her nipples.

Rourke retreated to clean himself up and Kate sat back on her knees, covered in cum from her tits up.

“Omg that was unbelievably hot!” gasped Hanna, who had two fingers knuckle deep in her pussy.

Kate began using her hands to scoop the doggy cum off her face and chest and slurped it off her fingers. She gasped as she felt Hannah’s hot tongue lap at her tits, licking up the cum and sucking at her nipples.

Kate moaned and fell back, “Stop, I’m worn out,” she pleaded.

Hannah sat back too and Kate crawled into her arms. She watched as Rourke cleaned himself up. The two girls lay wordlessly on the floor.


Kate sat up and pulled the computer towards her, sitting with her legs crossed she placed it on her lap and enjoyed the feeling against her naked thighs as it heated up.

“What are you doing?” mumbled Hannah.

“Just doing some research, you’re welcome to look over my shoulder if you’d like,” smiled Kate.

Hannah slowly sat up and scooted up behind Kate, her bare pussy pressed against Kate’s lower back and her tits squished against her shoulder-blades, wrapping her arms around Kate’s waist.

“Mmm you’re warm,” purred Kate.

Hannah pulled her closer and brushed some of Kate’s hair aside to look over her shoulder. Kate had logged onto a porn site and searched through the lesbian category.

“We aren’t lesbian are we?” asked Hannah.

“I’m not” Kate stated, “I’ve liked guys and you’re the only girl I’ve ever fantasized about doing stuff with, so I’m probably bi.”

“Ya same” smiled Hannah, “Wait you had fantasies about me?” added Hannah, she had to admit it was a huge turn on.

“I’m basically living one right now aren’t I.” Kate smiled.

Hannah planted a kiss on Kate’s neck, then a little higher, then instead of kissing her a 3rd time lightly nipped at her ear and Kate shuddered and smiled.

“You like that?” cooed Hannah.

“Yesss” Kate hissed, grinding against Hannah, “but save it for later.”

Kate, finding a video that satisfied her, clicked on it and made it full screen.

The scene started with a young blonde laying on a bed, clad only lingerie while another girl, taller with long wavy brunette hair, entered wearing a tight black dress.

The blonde, without saying a word, sat up on her knees and slid the dress off of her partners shoulders, letting it fall in a puddle to the floor, exposing the brunettes lavender bra and black lace thong.

At this point Kate’s cunt was drooling and she could feel a wet spot on her back from Hannah’s pussy juice and they weren’t even ten minutes in.

Kate skipped ahead, the blonde and the brunette were now sitting on the bed, their legs tangled together as they thrust towards each other in a scissor position. The sound of wet pussy slapping against wet pussy filled the speakers as the two girls pounded each other.

“let’s try that…” Kate turned to Hannah

“Yesss!” hissed Hannah, grinding her soaking cunt against Kate’s back.

Kate pushed the computer away and turned around to face her. Hannah draped her right leg over Kate’s left leg and pushed her left leg under Kate’s right leg and scooted forward. Kate shuddered as she felt Hannah’s hot sticky pussy make contact with hers. Hannah slowly grinded her hips, biting her lip as he dragged her clit down Kate’s slit. Kate followed Hannah’s lead, grinding her pussy against her friend’s.

Kate lifted her hips off the ground and pushed against Hannah, then retreated and did it another time. Hannah began to pump her hips to match Kate’s small thrusts until slowly the girls picked up speed. Kate grabbed one of Hannah’s legs and slammed into her harder.

“Aaauhhh! That feellls soooo gooood” moaned Hannah. Her eyes shut as she humped her best friend’s pussy. The room filled with the wet slurping sound sound of pussy against pussy and the hot moans of the two teens.

“Oh fuck I’m gonna cum” screamed Kate, her pussy humping in a frenzy at Hannah’s.

“OUHHH me tooo!” Hannah moaned, grabbing Kate’s leg and slamming harder against her friends sticky cunt.



The girls simultaneously exploded, they’re squirming pink cunts gushing pussy juice out and onto each other, soaking their legs and the carpet beneath them. But still the girls humped, slamming and grinding their gushing pussies together as they road out their orgasms.

“Auhhh yesss ahhhh” Kate’s face was flushed read as she milked every bit of ecstasy from her orgasm, driven on by the sounds of Hannah’s screams.

“Dont stop, Dont stop!” Hannah begged. Kate thrust harder and Hannah’s body jerked in response a small river of cum ran down her pussy and dripped off her asshole.

“Oh god I love this!” Hannah screamed.

“Auhh me….tooo!” Kate gasped.

At long last the two girls slowed down, finally coming to a halt and falling, panting, to the carpet.

“That was incredible!” smiled Hannah.

“I don’t think I’ve ever cum so hard in my life.” gasped Kate

“Me neither” laughed Hannah

“Well we’re not done yet” giggled Kate.


Hannah looked up a to see Kate roll onto her stomach and extend her head towards her crotch. She moaned a second later as something warm and soft slid slowly up her gooey slit, dipping into her hole for a second before continuing on its path and engulfing her clit.

“Uh my god!” Hannah choked. her hands raked desperately at the carpet as Kate buried her tongue into her squirming cunt.

“Yes just like that! Oooh Kate you’re so good. Please don’t stop! Deeper. faster!” She wailed as Kate tongue fucked her flooding pussy.

Drawn my the sound of the girls, Rourke was back up and sniffing around the two lusty teenagers. Kate, who had her face buried deep in Hannah’s snatch, didn’t notice the curious dog make his way towards her pussy, but Hannah, who’s eyes had narrowed with lust, watched as Rourke sniffed his way to Kate’s behind, his red cock growing rapidly between his hind legs.

Kate jumped, something wet and cold had buried itself in the canyon of her butt cheeks and it distracted her from her licking. She heard Hannah giggle above her and gave her pussy a sharp jab with her tongue.

“Oouuuhh do that again” she moaned.

“uuuhhh yesss Rourke!” Kate moaned as the tongue dragged from her clit, up her slit, to her tight pink anus. “Aaah ya!” she squealed again, jumping up on her knees when his tongue dipped into her tight pussy.

“Rourke up!” yelled Hannah.

At Hannah’s command, almost as if he had been trained, Rourke hopped up over Kate’s upturned ass and wrapped his forelegs around her slim waist, walking forward til his paws rested just below her swaying breasts and his cock nestled between her swollen labia.

“Hannah what the fuck-” Kate started to yell but was interrupted by her own whimpering as Rourke’s thrusting cock sawed against the clit. He backed up and she squealed again as a hot jet of pre-cum sprayed against her pussy.

Kate opened her mouth to protest again but, “Oohhhh yess!” was all that came out. She tried her best to ignore the fact that she was so turned on by this; It wasn’t just the hot liquid spraying against her ass and pussy as Rourke futily humped at her, but the thought of giving herself over to her dog had Kate watering at the mouth.

Hannah sat back against the foot of the couch, rubbing her pussy as she listened to her friend’s soft moans as that massive doggie cock sprayed against her pussy and tried to impale her.

Kate looked up to see Hannah masturbating to the sight of her being mounted by her dog and finally made up her mind.

Reaching back with her hand she caught Rourke’s swaying cock and aimed it at her pussy, pushing back and quivering as his cock shot hot pre-cum onto her slit. Finally she felt the tip against her entrance shooting pre-cum into her, but before she could prepare herself Rourke humped forward and buried 3 inches of his cock into Kate’s no longer virgin pussy.

Held in place by his powerful front legs, Kate could do nothing but yelp as something hot roughly shoved itself up into her pussy. Biting her lip Kate endured Rourke’s thrusting as he tried to get his cock all the way inside of her.

By now Hannah was furiously shoving three fingers in and out of her pussy as she watched Rourke shove his cock into Kate. Hannah focused on her best friends face, a mix of pain and ecstasy as she took her first ever cock all the way into her tight cunt.

Slowly the pain turned to pleasure as Rourke’s hot, shooting cock lubricated her tunnel and began to slide in and out easily.

Kate’s virgin tightness had forced Rourke to slow his thrusts and limited the amount of cock he could bury into Kate with each thrust so his penetration was a slow process.

Finally Rourke thrust in one last time, burying the last of his cock into Kate.
“OOAAHHH!!” Kate screamed as Rourke, with one hard thrust, pushed the last 3 inches of his cock into her.

With his cock buried to the root in Kate he stopped for a moment, feeling Kate’s soaking cunt grip his cock like a glove.

Kate began to shake from the feeling of that impossibly long cock stuffed all the way up her cunt. Hot, slick pre-cum shooting into her cervix as Rourke stood there, balls deep inside her.

Slowly Rourke began to pull back, his massive cock sucking and dragging against Kate’s tightness as she let out a long low moan.

“Omg that was hot!” gasped Hannah.

Kate looked her in the eyes and moaned again, then watched happily as Hannah’s thrusting fingers tightened up with the rest of her body as she squirted, some of the cum landing in Kate’s face and head.

Before Kate could respond Rourke thrust back in, burying himself fully in again as Kate let out another moan. Soon Rourke was pounding in and out of the girl, her hot cunt and his pre-cum lubricating her so much that Rourke’s thrusts got faster and faster until his hips were a blur and all Kate could do was scream in total disbelief at the level of sexual pleasure.

Within a minute Kate’s pussy clamped down on Rourke’s cock as she came in a massive wet orgasm, flooding over his cock and creating a delicious squishing as he continued to pounded her.”Ahh uh eaah euh” she whimpered as the cock hammered her squirmy soaking cunt. Again within seconds Kate was orgasming again, never really coming down from the first.

“OH SHIT OH ROURKE YES JUST LIKE THAT!” She wailed as she came in her third orgasm in as many minutes.

Panting and exhausted from the machine gun orgasms Kate sank to the floor, her face buried in the carpet as Rourke pounded away at her upturned cunt. Then Kate noticed something that wasn’t there before, a ball of some kind was smashing against the inside of her entrance. At first it was small and slipped pleasantly in and out, adding to the friction, but as it grew Kate noticed two things. The first that as the ball grew it had more trouble getting in and out, almost as if it her lodging inside her entrance. The second, that because of the ball Rourke had slowed his humping but was thrusting harder than before.

Then the massive Knot slipped in and Rourke let loose a torrent of hot sticky cum and Kate screamed, cumming from the intense pressure of the baseball on her g-spot and the feeling of the hot semen splashing against her walls. Then she began to squirt, she wailed in pure ecstasy as her fourth orgasm completely enveloped her while her gushing juices soaked her legs, Rourke’s and the carpet while she just lay there under the dog, twitching and gasping as Rourke emptied his balls into her and that knot pressed impossibly against her g-spot, sending her into two more orgasm before Rourke was able to dismount her.

Hannah sat and watched as Rourke mercilessly fucked Kate while she came over and over again. But by the time Rourke had dumped his balls into Kate, Hannah’s pussy was hot and wet again, compelling her to roughly pump two fingers in and out of herself while watching her friend on the floor, twitching and cumming and panting while Rourke’s massive knot stretched her little pussy.

When Rourke was finally able to pull out he pulled back a little and Kate groaned, feeling the massive knot trying to free itself. With one more pull Rourke freed his cock and Kate came again as she felt the massive tool slip out of her, followed by a tidal wave of mixed human-dog cum flood out of her pussy and down her legs.


“Oh shit its 7am” cried Kate.

“Wow we went all night,” smiled Hannah, “we are some hot horny bitches” she laughed.

“No seriously this is bad, my sister’s gonna be home in half an hour.” Kate said standing up, “Uh shit my legs” she moaned, rubbing her knees, “agh and my pelvis feels like someone beat it with a hammer.”

“Wow last night was fun” smiled Hannah even more, “I should get myself a dog!”

. “Worry about that later, help me clean up some of this cum, its everywhere! Shit its everywhere!”

“You’re wound pretty tight considering you just spent all night in a basically endless state of

“Ya, that was amazing” smiled Kate, relinquishing a small smile, “but I’ll enjoy that later we need to clean up now!”

“Kate calm down,” Hannah pulled her into a kiss and Kate melted into it.

“Thanks,” she breathed.

Within the half hour the girls had erased all evidence of last night’s romp ,except for a small stain on the couch, showered and changed. Rourke was lounging in the back yard the entire time.

Brianna’s friend dropped her off just as they came downstairs from the shower and greeted her at the door.

“Hey Bri” smiled Hannah, giving her friend’s little sister a hug, “Cute dress.”

“Morning Hannah, Morning sis!” Brianna beamed, “Oh this, we went shopping yesterday afternoon.” she twirled around in the light blue sun dress, modeling for the two older girls.

“Morning Bri” said Kate,”nice dress” she said as Bri spun. Kate noticed her sister hadn’t put on any underwear, but said nothing. “We’re going over to Hannah’s house so its just you and Rourke, mom or dad should be home around 8, 8:30.”

“Ok!” smiled Brianna, “I’m gonna go make myself some breakfast then, have fun” she yelled as the girls walked out the door.

Bri fixed herself some breakfast: bacon and eggs, Poured herself some orange juice and sat at the couch to watch some Modern Family.

“What the….” she said to herself, She scratched her finger along a wet spot on the couch and brought it to her nose. “ugh!” the smell was vaguely familiar but at the same time smelt spoiled. “Kate must have spilt some milk” she thought.

About halfway through the episode Rourke came bounding in to meet his favorite companion.

“Hey buddy” she cooed, leaning down to pat him, “We’ll play as soon as I finish my breakfast.” at the word “play”, Rourke became excited and Brianna had to give him a piece of bacon to calm him down. That satiated him for the moment.

A half hour later Bri finished her breakfast along with the show and sat up to go wash the plate. Rourke followed closely behind.

Even though she was only a year younger than her sister, at 16 Bri was still only 5’2 and had to lean forward to turn on the tap.

The act of leaning over the sink pulled the short sun dress up, exposing her naked pussy and shapely ass, and Brianna didn’t wear underwear, she didn’t like it, to her it was too constricting, she reasoned the same with a bra but still them wore it in public. Knowing she would In the privacy of her home though she didn’t bother putting them on today, so when she leaned forward and exposed herself, Rourke took the opportunity to sneak a quick lick, from her sensitive little clit to the tight, puckered entrance of her butt.

“Not yet”, Bri moaned and shuddered.
She finished cleaning her dishes and sprinted up the stairs, her obedient dog following suit. She ran into her room, closed the door behind her and flopped belly-up onto her bed. Her skirt flew up and exposed her little cunt, but she quickly covered before Rourke could get a lick in.

After a few seconds Brianna managed to divert his attention to her neck and face. Rourke began enthusiastically licking her neck and face and Brianna shuddered at the feeling of that sandpapery tongue on her skin. It sent goose bumps crawling across her chest and always made her wet. A moment later Bri opened her mouth to moan, but it was cut by Rourke’s long doggie tongue slipping into her throat. Bri tongued back, kissing Rourke in a wild passion.

Bri was absolutely soaking and didn’t even bother with letting Rourke eat her pussy. She tore the sun dress off and stopped for a second to admire her little tits. They weren’t as large as her sister, they were only B’s, but they were perky and her pink nipples stood out proudly and Bri was fond of them.

Brianna stopped admiring herself flopped onto the bed. She lay on her back with her legs dangling off the side and her ass right on the edge. Sitting herself up on her elbows she ordered Rourke up and he placed his front paws next to her chest. Bri looked between his legs to see his throbbing cock dangling hotly. She was so fond of that cock, she had been taking it since she was 14, when Rourke was only 1 year old and a clumsy puppy. She thought back dreamily.


Brianna was a little disappointed in herself when, at 14, she accepted that she really found no interest in men at all. The only person who had every really managed to get her dripping was her sister, and as messed up as that sounded, she wanted her.

Bri would spend hours at night just watching her sister, sometimes while she slept, sometimes while she was on the computer when her parents thought she was asleep, and once, Bri had seen her masturbate. It was the hottest thing she had ever seen and almost came on the spot watching. She had rushed back to her room and stuffed her middle finger in her pussy to the knuckle, flinching at pain of the rough entry but exploding into a massive orgasm a minute later.

As she lay on her bed shaking in the aftermath of her orgasm she woke her puppy Rourke, who slept on the foot of her bed. He was only a year old and naturally quite curious. So when he woke up to the pungent smell of female cum he investigated, giving Bri’s legs a tentative lick, then, upon finding the source, lapped greedily, rocketing Bri into another orgasm.

Once she had recovered from her second orgasm Bri noticed that her puppy, only 2 and a 1/2 feet long at that point, had a little boner.

Bri had heard about girls giving the boys they dated blowjobs and hand jobs and the older girls letting them fuck them, but this had never interested her until now.

“It can’t hurt,” she reasoned looming at her poor dog, ” and I’d hate to leave him hanging.”

Bri gave her first blowjob that night and came for the third time as she felt the cum slide down her throat. Rourke was still small, his penis only about four inches hard.

Two nights later she lost her virginity to him, cumming as he came in her and another time from his knot, still small at that time.


Brianna had watched, and felt, that cock double and then nearly triple in size. Rourke topped out at an impressive 11 inches. Bri enjoyed every inch of that cock since the day she first took it. Now it was her dog and her sister that fueled her sexual desires.

Bri knew that these had to be somewhat Taboo practices, fucking her dog and fantasizing about her sister, but frankly she didn’t care.

Bri smiled as she thought back. But there was no need for memories when it was all right in front of her.

Brianna reached forward and grabbed Rourke by the cock, leading him towards her soaking pussy while he walked forward on his back feet. “auuhhb!”. Bri moaned as she felt a hot jet of pre-cum squirt against her cunt. Rourke kept advancing and as soon as he felt her hot slick pussy he pushed forward, burying 4 inches of his cock into her tight hole. Bri let out a long low moan as Rourke sunk the last 7 inches into her gooey cunt.

Brianna smiled and wrapped her legs around Rourke’s hips as he began to thrust, lubricated by her own juices and Rourke’s hot, shooting pre-cum.

In seconds Brianna was red and wailing as Rourke thrust with all his might into his mistress. His hips were a blur as he flew in and out, the tip of his cock banged against her cervix and she moaned each time he bottomed out, “OH!….YES!……FUCK!…….YA!” Bri churned her hips under the battering of the canine cock, wailing as beads of sweat formed on her body. She sat up and tried to suck on Rourke’s tongue but as soon as she took in her mouth she collapsed again.

Bri’s pussy exploded and she gushed over Rourke’s cock, her inner muscles clamping down on his cock, desperate to milk the buckets of cum stored in his balls. Bri thrashed and screamed and Rourke kept fucking, adding to the intensity of her orgasm as cum flooded from her pussy and continued to lube her tunnel.

It wasn’t until she had come down from her first orgasm that Bri noticed the ball banging against the entrance to her pussy. It took her a minute to realize it was his knot, and shuddered as it slipped in and out of her sensitive entrance. Bri let it pop in and out while she played with her tits, rubbing her nipples and pinching them to add to her arousal.

She knew that once Rourke’s knot started forming he was close to cumming so she humped back faster, slamming back on his knot and squealing as it pooped back out, her orgasm building quickly.

Finally, with one particularly hard thrust, Rourke hurried his knot in Bri and have out a howl as he blew his balls. This time the knot didn’t come out and Brianna came as she felt hot cum splash inside her womb and run back through her over stuffed cunt, a little bit leaking past his knot and running in small streams down her butt cheeks and onto the sheets.

Rourke shot rope after rope of cum into Brianna, filling her womb and any available space in her pussy as she wailed and squirmed beneath him.

She knew that they would be knotted for a good 10 minutes before he could pull out but even more she knew that she could cum at least two more times just from the feeling of Rourke’s knot against her G-spot, and she settled down on the bed, as she felt the first orgasm already building.

It was at that moment, as Brianna settled down with Rourke’s cock firmly buried up her cunt, that Kate walked in the front door.

Hannah’s parents had planned a surprise out-of-town trip and Kate had returned home after she saw her friend off.

She walked into the house and plopped down on the couch, absentmindedly scratching at the cum stain she had left on the couch. She was disappointed at the loss, if only temporarily, of her new found fun so soon, and as she sat on the couch in self pity she heard something strange coming from upstairs.

Brianna was to engrossed in enjoying the climb to her orgasm to notice the front door open and click shut, and within two minutes was wailing at the top of her lungs as Rourke’s knot pressed against her g-spot.

Kate slowly approached the door of her sister and was shocked by the sound of the steady wailing. She had heard that before, it was the sound of a girl deep in the throws of a massive orgasm. she stood outside the door contemplating whether to peek when she heard something that peaked her interest.

Brianna whimpered as she game down from her orgasm, “Oh Rourke I love your cock so deep in me!”

It was that last wail that drew Kate’s attention, she cracked open the door and gasped, letting the door slowly swing open.

There was little Bri, her face beat read while she was sprawled on the bed, her legs splayed wide o
open, while she twitched and moaned softly on the cock lodged deep in her pussy.

It wasn’t until Kate began to speak that Brianna noticed her.

“Kate I can-” but she was cut off by her own moans as another orgasm washed over her and she came hard on Rourke’s cock.

“Oh my god Bri” was all Kate could muster, staring hotly at her sister.

But Brianna didn’t see that, she heard Kate’s weak exasperation and tried to come up with an excuse while she struggled to pull herself out from under the dog.

“Oh my god Bri this is so hot” Kate purred.

At the sound of those words Bri ceased all struggling and looked at her sister, “huh? What?”

Kate made her way across the room, shedding her loose shirt and denim shorts and let them fall to the ground as she climbed up onto the bed.

Bri could do nothing but watch as her sisters clothes dropped to the floor and she crawled onto the
bed. Before she could even react Kate lowered herself on top of Bri and their lips met. Bri moaned into her sisters mouth and felt the familiar warmth in her pussy as it grew hotter and wetter.
While still locked in their kiss Bri reached up and took on of Kate’s tits in her hand, kneading the soft flesh. It was Kate’s turn to moan now and she reciprocated by pinching one of Brianna’s erect nipples, and this sent her over the edge.

Bri gasped in Kate’s mouth and her body stiffened under Kate and Rourke as she came for the third time since Rourke had lodged his knot into her. Bri’s pussy gushed onto Rourke’s softening cock and as she approached the end of orgasm Rourke’s penis popped out, followed my a flowing river of cum that soaked the bed sheets beneath her. Before gasping at another feeling in her pussy.

Kate smiled down at her little sister as she watched her writhe in pleasure. Then when she saw Rourke’s cock pop out and that flood of cum following she came up with a naughty idea.

Kate looked down at the cum still bubbling from her little sisters swollen pink pussy, reached over and pushed her middle finger into her. Bri gasped and jerked her hips at the feeling of Kate’s finger slowly working its way into her tunnel. When she had only the first digit in she pulled back, slowly, causing Bri to moan as her finger dragged against her inner walls. On the next push Kate buried most of her finger in and pulled back out. Within a minute Kate had established a steady pace as she fucked the sticky cum back into her sister’s hot cunt.

“uuuhhhhh” Bri moaned, “Kate you’re fingers are so good..”

“you like that?” Kate purred hotly, “stuffing another finger into her sisters hole.

“mmmhhhh” Bri whimpered, suppressing another moan.
Kate stuffed two fingers in and out of her sisters gooey cunt while she slowly fucked herself with her other hand in time with her sisters moans.

As Bri felt her orgasm building she looked up at her sister, who sat on her knees with two fingers sliding in and out of her pussy as she watched herself finger fuck Bri.

Overtaken by lust Brianna reached over with her free hand and grabbed Kate’s ass. She jumped before realizing who it was and have her sister a little smile, shaking her butt enticingly. Bri slapped her perky butt and Kate moaned as Bri made contact, leaving a small hand print.

“hehehe” you’re a little dirty Bri.

“Uahh if you weren’t about to make me cum I would come over there and smack the hell out of you’re ass.” Bri retorted.

“I’ll have to keep that in mind,” Kate smiled.

With that Brianna’s body tensed and her pussy clamped down on her sister hand before she gushed all over it.

“auuuhhhh stop stop stop.” Bri begged.

But Kate refused and continued to thrust her fingers until Bri screamed and tried to roll away, forcing Kate to remove her fingers. Bri lay on her side trembling as small streams of her cum leaked from her pussy and down her hip, one hand between her tightly clenched legs and the other covering her mouth as she tried to suppress her moans.

Kate sat there in awe of Bri’s orgasm, it wasn’t entirely intense but it seemed to over stimulate her. Kate turned this over in her head as she lay back and lazily pushed her middle finger in and out of herself.

A few minutes later Bri had recovered enough to take her hand away from her mouth and roll to face her sister.

“Kate?” she whispered

“Ya” she said, looking up between her legs.

“I have this feeling we should talk about this but I’m not sure where to start…” Bri trailed off.

“Okay, how about you tell me how you started with all this and then I’ll tell you how I did, does that sound good?”

“Ya sure” Bri said.

So Bri told Kate about how she had started having fantasies about her and then how she started having sex with Rourke. Then Kate told Bri about the night before with Hannah and how she had lost her virginity to Rourke, like her sister.

“Wow Bri you aren’t the person I thought you were at all.” Kate breathed.

“Hey you had sex with your best friend AND our dog and then fingered me!” yelled Bri.

“Hey I wasn’t judging,” Laughed Kate, “but I’d like to do more than just finger you” she added.

“Kate can I eat you out?” whispered Bri.

“ooh I’d like that” giggled Kate. She lay back on the bed and spread her legs wide for her sister.

“No, sit on my face!”

Without another word Kate got down on her knees, one leg on either side of Brianna’s shoulders and sat back.

“ammhh” she whimpered when Bri’s tongue darted up at her swollen labia. Once she had relaxed again she leaned back again and moaned lightly as Bri spread her butt cheeks with her hands.

“Oh Bri” Kate moaned. Brianna took that as a green light and attacked her sisters pussy with her mouth. She was met with moans and whimpers as her tongue darted around the various folds and sensitive areas of Kate’s cunt, and at one point when her tongue dipped into her hole Kate gasped and reached back, grabbing Brianna by her hair and pulling her head up as she mashed her slit down onto her face.

Kate moaned with ecstasy as Bri added her index finger and slowly fucked it in and out. Bri was amazed at how soaked her sister was, her finger slid in to the knuckle without any resistance and it gave her an idea.

She added another finger and mashed them in until they were thoroughly soaked before pulling them out. Brianna shifted her eyes from her sisters slit to her puckered pink anus, admiring the tight ring before taking her soaking fingers and wiping Kate’s lube on the pink hole.

As soon as Brianna made contact with her asshole Kate squealed and a fresh wave of her juices flooded her pussy. She moaned on top of her sister, leaning forward over her stomach and arching her butt out to give her sister better access.

Brianna slipped her index finger back into Kate’s pussy, re wetting it before pulling it out and taking it back to her asshole.

“Kate” she began, “can I finger your ass?”

“Please Bri!” Kat moaned, she had now totally collapsed on top of her sister, her head between Bri’s legs and her soaking pussy only centimeters away from her gasping mouth.

Bri pushed and Kate pushed back until Brianna’s finger penetrated her with a soft pop.

“Uuuaahhhhh shit Bri that feels so good” moaned Bri, her hands clawing at Bri’s legs and ass.

She slowly pushed her finger further into Kate’s ass before burying it as deeply as it would go.

“Bri please fuck my ass.” Kate begged.

“Only because you sound so desperate and sexy.” Purred Bri, before pulling her finger out and quickly sinking it back in, eliciting a whimper from Kate.

Brianna’s finger was soon flying in and out of her sisters firm ass while her tongue ravaged her swollen soaking pussy.

“Oooh Bri I’m gonna cum!” wailed Kate as Bri felt her ass tighten up and grip her invading finger as a wave of hot cum flooded out of her pussy.

Kate squirmed in ecstasy on top of Bri, her hips and ass gyrating on that marvelous tongue while her hands clawed at Bri’s milky legs and firm little butt.

Finally Kate collapsed on top of her sister and Bri let out a sigh.

“That was fun.” she smiled.

“Ya” Kate whispered softly.


“Ya Bri”

“Can I watch Rourke have sex with you?” she asked, putting on that soft baby voice she used when she wanted something.

Kate smiled, “I’m not sure I can handle anything in my vagina right now, I’m a little worn out right now.”

“Oh,” Bri frowned

“But it felt really good when you had your finger in my butt..” smiled Kate.

“Are you saying you want to have anal with Rourke?” Bri gasped.

“That’s not what I said.” smirked Kate, shifting so that her face was resting on the comforter and her ass was poised high in the air above her.

“Rourke! Come” Bri called.

The dog, who had now blown his balls three times in less than 18 hours, came bounding into the room sporting a throbbing boner that was already leaking pre-cum.

“wow” breathed Kate.

Rourke jumped on the bed and began to lick Bri, first her mouth and then down her neck to her nipples, which caused her to moan, but she was able to stop him before he buried his snout in her crotch.

Brianna grabbed Rourke by the collar and led him to Kate, who’s position was an obvious sign to what she wanted.

Without an order the dog jumped up and placed his paws on her back, Kate whimpered as little sports of pre-cum slashed her back, cheeks and pussy.

Kate brought herself up to her hands and knees and Rourke was able to wrap his front legs around her waist while Bri guided his cock.

“Bri make sure its slow and try to make it as gentle as possible.” Kate whimpered.

“Of course,” whispered Bri, giving Kate’s firm butt a pat.

Bri stuck her finger in her drooling cunt and coated Kate’s asshole in her juices while she held Rourke’s cock, still pumping out pre-cum, against her anus.

Kate whimpered each time Bri slathered her asshole with her cum or a hot spurt from Rourke slid down her bowels.

“Okay, I think I’m ready” moaned Kate.

“Okay, I’ll keep it as slow as I can.” said Bri.

One hand holding Rourke’s hips and the other holding his cock Bri guided him towards Kate’s anus. She placed the tip against her tight muscular ring and let the tip shoot more pre-cum in while she held Rourke from humping.

When she saw Kate’s asshole relax and open a little she slid the tip inside.

As soon as Rourke felt his tip in her hole he tried to hump forward, because of Kate’s incredibly tight asshole, which only tightened up more when she felt him invade, Rourke was stopped after only an inch.

Rourke’s humping did little to help his penetration and Bri had to calm him down and then calm Kate down until she was relaxed again.

Holding his hips, Bri slowly pushed Rourke’s cock in deeper and Kate moaned with pleasure as inch after hot slippery inch slid into her asshole. When Rourke was about halfway in Kate began to push back and at the feeling of his cock sliding in faster Rourke humped forward and buried the last 4 inches to the root in Kate.


Bri quickly slid Rourke’s cock out and gawked at how he stretched her sister out before finally his cock popped free.

Rourke futily humped at the air as Bri pushed him off and sat wide eyed, looking at Kate’s gasping asshole as her muscles rapidly clenched and unclenched.

“Kate?” Brianna said softly, “are you okay?” never taking her eyes of her delicious ass

“Ya I’m fine I just need a minute before we try again.” she panted.

“I think I have an idea to help you relax a little.” Bri whispered

. “Huh-” was all Kate managed to get off before her little sister dived in between her cheeks, her tongue running circles inside her while saliva ran down her inner walls.

“Ooh Briii don’t stop!” she moaned, “Auuhh it’s soo good!” Kate buried her face in the comforters and thrust her ass up into her sisters face as her tongue dove in. She pushed her tongue in as far as it would go and bobbed her head.

“Auuh ggodd Bri you’re tongue feels so good.”

Kate’s words fueled her lust and Bri squeezed two fingers into her sister’s hot, drooling cunt, immediately pumping them in and out at blurring speed.

“Ahhhhh shiiit!! Bri I’m close,” Kate yelled.

Suddenly Bri pulled away and she whined.
“Hold on Kate I have an idea.” shouted Brianna as she ran from the room.

Kate was left, face down ass up, on the bed with Rourke’s still hard cock dangling below him a few feet away from her.

Brianna came bounding into the room a minute later with a purple bottle.

“I found some lube in mom and dad’s room” shouted Brianna triumphantly

“Ew they still do it!” laughed Kate.

“Ya they’re like forty!” Both girls erupted in laughter before Bri remembered the bottle of lube in her hands.

“Ok Kate hold still.” Bri placed the nozzle against Bri’s ass and gently squeezed, watching a clear, gooey liquid coat Kate’s sphincter and pour into her asshole.

“hehehe its cold,” Kate giggled.

“Ok do you think you’re ready again?” asked Bri.

“Oh ya I want it now,” purred Kate. She felt Bri shift behind her and then felt Rourke hop on top of her, wrapping his legs around her waist.

He humped around but his penis just bounced off the back of her thighs and Bri had to calm him down and guide his cock.

When she felt the hot tip against her hole Kate moaned into the bed and relaxed, allowing Rourke’s cock to slip into her lubed asshole without much trouble.

. Kate knew he was all the way in when she felt the base of his cock nestled between her plump cheeks and wiggled her hips, in awe of how that massive member had slipped so easily into her.

She only held this thought for a second before it was replaced by blinding ecstasy as Rourke pulled halfway out and slammed back in.

“Oouhhh,” Kate moaned, “Bri let him fuck me now.”
Overcome with lust Kate wailed as Rourke’s cock slammed in and out of her tight asshole and felt her juices running down the back of her legs as her pussy flooded over and over again. Kate screamed with pleasure as she felt that hot cock slam in to her again and again. That hot cock stuffed her ass to the brim and Kate moaned lewdly as she felt her gasping hole stretch under the onslaught of her lover.

“Aahh fuck he’s so big!” she screamed, trying to suppress her wails with the comforter. But with all the screaming and cumming she was doing Rourke still pounded away at her upturned ass while she wailed in ecstasy.

Wave after wave of orgasmic please crashed over her as the cock continued to drill her most taboo hole. Precum squelched out of her ass and poured down her legs, mixing with the cum water falling from her cunt. Kate burned with need and fucked back as Rourke thrust in, adding a while new level to the intensity of her orgasms.

Bri watched in complete silence as her sister took that massive dick in her asshole! She was amazed at how much he stretched her and even more amazed at how much Kate was screaming and cumming, it was visibly pouring out of her pussy and Bri even felt something dripping out of her own pussy, but she was distracted by something else.

“Bri!” Kate wailed, “his knot!”

Brianna looked up and noticed the base of Rourke’s cock had swelled up and even though Kate’s ass was too tight to take it, he was slamming her harder trying to force it in.

“Make sure it doesn’t go in, I don’t think I could take it” gasped Kate.

“It’s not gonna fit.” Bri yelled.

And with that Rourke stopped his humping and Bri held his hips in place as he came.
“Oohhh mmmyy goood!!!” Kate wailed as she felt rope after rope of hot cum slide down her asshole.

Bri gasped as her sister began to squirt and moaned as some of her sisters cum splashed onto her own hot pussy.

After what seemed like ages, only a minute, Rourke dismounted Kate and she moaned as his cock slid out, but she was too spent to cum again. Rourke left the room, also sexually exhausted from the night before and that morning.

Kate collapsed trembling as a little bit of dog cum dribbled out of her asshole.

Bri lay down next to her sister, ignoring the fire in her own groin as she held her shaking sister.

“That was incredible,” she said softly.

“We should do this again,” Smiled Brianna.

“Of course,” Kate smiled back, “but not today, I need a break.”

Kate fell asleep in Bri’s arms and Brianna lay there staring affectionately at her sexy older sister.


Kate woke a few hours later wrapped in her sisters arms. Brianna had fallen asleep too and Kate gingerly disentangled herself and planted a tender kiss on her lips before silently retreating from the room, down the hall and into her own.

Kate jumped onto her bed and grabbed her phone from the bedside table. She had a missed text from Hannah
“Hey babe, sorry my parents sprung this trip on me, I promise we can have some more fun when I get back.”

“Ooh I can’t wait ;)” Kate sent. She thought about telling Hannah about that morning with Brianna but decided against it, she set her phone back down and settled down in her bed.

The nap with Bri had definitely helped her but her ass and pussy were still tender along with her nipples so Kate decided it better to not get dressed and she lay naked in her bed waiting for Hannah to respond.

A few minutes her phone buzzed and Kate picked it up.

“When I get back its my turn with Rourke ;)”

Kate smiled and put her phone down, drifted off into sleep a few minutes later.

Kate woke up an hour later to the hungry grumbling of her empty stomach and upon checking her phone and seeing that it was 1:30 in the afternoon, decided to head down to the kitchen to make herself and Bri some lunch.

When she entered the kitchen Brianna was already sitting at the counter with an oven heated pizza sitting in front of her. She had put on her pink dress again and Kate could see her nipples through the thin fabric.

“Hey,” Bri smiled.

“Hey sis,” Kate said.

Bri smiled, “I kind like you this way,” nodding towards Kate’s naked breasts and lower.

“Huh?” Kate pouted, “Oh, ya I’m just a little sore.”
Bri laughed, “Here do you want some pizza?”

“Please! Im starving.”

The sisters spent the day together and as the time for their parents to arrive approached Kate reluctantly went upstairs and put on loose shorts and a sweatshirt. Around 8:00 that evening their parents arrived and the girls continued on as if nothing had happened.

Over the next week they were limited to quickies in stolen moments when their parents weren’t in the room. They could hide away to the hall closet or the bathroom and make out of a few minutes,or at night Kate would sneak into Bri’s room and they would silently finger each other to orgasms.

Kate had taken to not wearing underwear around the house and Brianna enjoyed sliding her hand up Kate’s shorts or skirts and feel her get hot and wet over her hand at dinner. She loved teasing her sister, watching her squirm in the seat next to her as she worked her finger around her pussy. The horny girl wanting to cum but at the same time trying not to since their parents were right across the table.

One night Kate got Bri back. It was Brianna’s turn to wash the dishes and while she was busy with the soapy water and dirty dishes Kate came up behind her, clamping one hand over her mouth and immediately shoving the other down the front of her shorts. Bri was shocked at first and almost panicked but began to grind against her sister as she felt her fingers massage her clit and probe her hole.

Kate knew Bri was going to cum when she started moaning into her hand and began to buck against her, so she pulled her hand and but kept her grasp on Bri’s mouth. Kate waited a few minutes, one hand firmly clamped over Bri’s mouth while the other played on her flat stomach. She waited until she was sure Bri had come down from her climb to her orgasm before sticking her hand back in and fingering her.

Once she felt Bri getting close to orgasm for the second time, she pulled her hand out again and released her hold on her mouth, quickly leaving the kitchen. As she retreated from the kitchen she beard Bri whimper with need but knew it would be a good ten minutes before she could finish the dishes and try to got some relief.

Unluckily for Bri her dad called a family meeting and twenty minutes the whole family was on the couch when their dad stood up.

“Ok girls, your mother and I have some news,” He said.

“Oh great,” moaned Brianna

“Oh hush” said her mother.

“Listen,” he continued, “I have my twenty year high school reunion coming up this weekend and your mom is coming with me. That means you’ll be on your own again for three days. Since you handled it so well the last time we think you could handle this one as well.”

Kate and Bri tried to hide their smiles as what their parents said sunk in, a whole three days to themselves!

They spent the next hour going over details, mostly “dont burn the house down, keep Rourke inside at night for protection, we’ll leave money for food, call the neighbors if something happens yadda yadda yadda…”

Once they had given the girls all the information they could possibly need for any contingent they left to go pack and Kate and Brianna raced upstairs, locking Bri’s bedroom door before collapsing onto her bed, laughing and excitedly talking about all the things they would doing.

It wasn’t long before Kate pulled Bri into a kiss, slipping her hand up her shirt she gave her little sisters firm tits a squeeze. Bri moaned into her mouth and Kate took the opportunity to slip her tongue in.

Their tongues fought for a while before Bri broke the kiss and moved her lips to Kate’s neck, kissing from where her jaw met her neck down to her collar bone, sucking on the soft flesh of her neck.

“Oh Bri I just thought of something!” Said Kate as her sister sucked on her neck.

“mmhmm?” Bri hummed, still kissing her way up Kate’s neck.

“We should- auhh ya right- we should get Hannah to come over this weekend,”

Bri stopped, “A three way?”

“Well Rourke too,”

“No, I mean, I thought it was just going to be you and I?” pouted Bri.

“Ya I just thought we could have Hannah over for one of the days since we’ll have three days to ourselves.”

“Ok then Friday and Saturday for us and Hannah comes over Sunday?” smiled Bri.

“Yes, but just you and I,” smirked Kate, kneading one of Bri’s mounds in my hand, “We’ll leave Rourke for when Hannah comes over.”

Bri leaned in and kissed her sister, moaning as Kate continued to knead her tits. Her other hand dropped and tried to worm its way into her pants but Bri stopped her.

“No, I wanna wait until tomorrow.”

Kate smiled, “Have it your way,” She gave her sister’s nipples one last pinch before she bounded out of the room.


The next morning was a regular morning, mom made breakfast, everybody ate, the girls watched TV. Then day became hectic as mom ran last minute errands and dad finished packing for the trip. The day went by and at 6:00 everybody said there goodbyes and the girls were finally alone.

“So Bri,” Kate smiled wickedly.

“Yess Kate,” she purred.

“What should we do first?”

Without responding Bri locked her lips over her sisters and with her free hands reached down and yanked Kate’s leggings to her knees. Kate bit Bri’s lower lip, not enough to hurt her but enough to elicit a small moan. Bri wrapped her left hand around Kate’s waist and cupped her right hand over her mound and squeezed.

Kate let go of her sisters lips to moan and brought her left hand up and pulled the front of Bri’s shirt down delighted that she wasn’t wearing a bra she gave her right nipple a pinch.

Bri was furiously rubbing her sister clit with her thumb while her middle finger curved inside her. She felt Kate hook her fingers on the elastic of her shorts and pull them down, Bri did the rest and kicked them off and Kate followed, kicking her leggings aside as well.

“lets go upstairs” rasped Bri.

“No time,” Kate gasped, kissing down Bri’s neck before pulling her to the floor.

Kate was mashing her mouth on Bri’s little pink nipples while her sister fingered her soaking cunt and grinded on her leg, leaving a sticky trail.

Without warning Kate sat up, pushing her sister back so that she was sitting back on the carpet too. Before Bri could began to question what had happened Kate scooted forward into a scissor position and moaned as she made contact with her sister’s hot sticky cunt.

Bri opened her mouth to say something but moaned as Kate started grinding her pussy against hers.

“Shiiitt….Kate where…did you…learn that,” she managed to get out in between gasps.

“Watched it in porn,” She moaned.

Bri was surprised that it turned her on so much to know that her sister watched porn and was soon mashing her pussy against Kate’s. The room was filled with the girls heavy breathing and moans as they picked up pace. Kate grabbed Bri’s leg and slammed hard, the sound of Bri’s whimpers and squeals replaced the soft moans as she felt her sisters hot pussy slam against hers, grind, pull back and then did it again.
A few thrusts later Bri was cumming in a shuddering full body orgasm, “AUHHH YESS KAAATTTEE,” She wailed as her sister slammed away at her gushing pussy.

Kate was close when her sister had cum and was only spurred on more when she heard her wail her name. Kate slammed against her sisters cunt, even hotter and wetter from the waves of cum flooding out. Finally Kate’s body stiffened and she gasped as she felt her cervix contract around waves of cum washing out of her tunnel.

Kate collapsed on her back, breathing hard as she felt the hot cum run down her pussy and dribble down her ass. She felt her sister’s legs relax, though still intertwined with hers, as she lay back. It was an erotic sight, two bombshell brunette sisters laying sweating and gasping on the carpet, their pink pussies only inches away still covered in their hot slippery cum.

Bri was the first to finally recover, she crawled up next to her sister and pulled her into a kiss. Kate moaned into her mouth before joining in the kiss, melting into her sister.

They lay there kissing, it was no longer lust filled passionate kissing but more gentle

“Kate?” Bri broke the kiss, “I’m tired, can we go up to you’re room?”

“Sure, ya” Kate frowned a little.

Bri trotted upstairs, leading Kate into her room and then into the bed where she slid her naked body under the covers.

Kate felt the familiar warmth between her legs when she slipped into bed, pressing her naked body against Bri’s. They were facing each other, legs intertwined and breasts squashed together when Kate pulled her in for another soft kiss.

“Mhmm kaatee” Bri moaned, “stop, we should wait until tomorrow,” she whispered.

Kate pulled back and groaned, “But Bri you get me so wet,” she whined, “and I know I do the same for you,” she purred, reaching her hand in between Bri’s slick legs and dipping a finger into her soaking pussy.

“Kate I want to save some for tomorrow,” she moaned, trying to suppress a whimper as Kate continued digging her finger into her slit.

“But Bri I want you,” Kate whispered, biting her sisters lower lip and rubbing Bri’s clit with her thumb.

“Ah shiiiit” Bri moaned as Kate began thrusting her finger, “oohhh okay, one more,” she said, collapsing into the kiss. Bri was tired but she was just as horny and gave herself over to her sister, spreading her legs as Kate added a second finger to her drooling cunt.

Soon Kate’s fingers were flying in and out of her sister’s soaking pussy and she decided it was time to try something new. Bri was laying on her back with her legs wrapped around Kate’s upper abdomen while she mashed her tits with her mouth and fingered her. Bri was getting hotter and hotter and as well as coating Kate’s fingers, her juices were running down her slit, down to her asshole and pooling in the tight ring before overflowing and running down the small of her back onto the bed.

Kate pulled her sopping sticky fingers out, moved her middle finger down an inch and pushed forward again. Her index finger slid back into Bri’s slit with no issue but her middle finger met resistance at her asshole.

“Kate no not there,” Bri moaned, still swimming in orgasmic ecstasy.

Kate ignored her, pushing harder until her finger slid in to the first knuckle. Bri whimpered and squirmed but could do nothing underneath her sister as Kate buried her finger in her virgin asshole.

“Auuhhhh Katteee,” Bri moaned as Kate pushed her finger into tight ass. The feeling was incredible, even though there were only fingers the double penetration was overwhelming and in a few thrusts Bri was squirming and cumming underneath her sister.

“AUUHH GODDD KATE!” she wailed, girl cum flooding out of her cunt and soaking her legs. Bri lay panting on the bed as Kate rolled off of her, planting soft kisses on her and chest until she was able to get her breathing under control.

Bri curled up next to her, still shaking In the aftermath of her massive orgasm.

“Goodnight Bri,” Kate whispered, kissing her on the cheek.

“I love you,” Bri whispered.

“Huh?” Kate mumbled.

“Nothing,” she said.

They lay in silence for a while, trying to fall asleep but not yet able too.

“Bri,” Kate started, “I love you too,” Kate’s eyes were shut but she smiled and she knew Bri was smiling too. Kate wrapped her arms around her sister as they fell asleep.


Kate woke up to the sun streaming in through her blinds and smiled remembering last night. Then she remembered Bri in her arms, still asleep and breathing softly Kate looked at her sister. She looked so innocent, naked and in the morning sun, and this made Kate want to take her again right there. But she stopped herself kissing Brianna softly and gently disentangling herself to get out of bed.
She slipped on some black cotton panties that hugged her shapely cheeks and slipped downstairs, loving the cool morning air on the rest of her naked body.
Kate walked into the kitchen and checked the fridge and cabinets, “Shit, mom and dad didn’t go shopping before they left,”

She checked the time and decided that the market would be open, then found her shirt and leggings on the floor from the previous night. Kate grabbed a pen and left a note for Brianna,

Morning beautiful 😉 I went to the market to get some food for breakfast so sit tight. Love you.

, before she grabbed her car keys and drove off, arriving at the market in five minutes. Kate grabbed an assortment of fruit, some eggs, ham, cheese and Bri’s favorite cereal before paying and deciding to head home. Half way home she was sitting at a red light when she noticed something, a new store had just opened up on the plaza, “Couldn’t hurt to take a look,” Kate smiled to herself.

Bri woke up a few minutes after Kate had left. A little disappointed in waking up to an empty bed, went downstairs in hopes of finding Kate making breakfast. And possible still naked, Bri smiled to herself.

She was even more disappointed to find the house empty, and after reading the note slumped against the counter pouting. Then she noticed poor Rourke on the patio, pawing at the glass in hopes of getting to her naked body.

“Sorry buddy,” She frowned, “I have to leave you until tomorrow.”

Bri lounged naked around the house while she waited for her sister. Two hours later Kate still hadn’t returned and Bri was worried. She picked up the phone to call her but as she was pressing the last few digits she heard the car drive up, and twenty seconds later Kate came in through the door with a mischievous smile.

“Morning sis,” Kate grinned

“Hey,” Bri said, “what took you so long?”

“Well I got the groceries then a special store caught my eye and I did a bit if shopping,” Kate cooed.

“Oh what did your get?”

“I’ll show you later, for now lets eat.”

Kate put the bag of groceries on the table and instructed Brianna to make a smoothie out of the fruits while she made an omelet.

Twenty minutes later the girls were at the table, Brianna now dressed in a long night shirt, eating the omelets and smoothie.

“So what’s in the bag?” Bri asked after swallowing a mouthful of egg.

Kate took a gulp of her smoothie and smiled, “You’ll see,”

“mmh” Bri pouted, eating the rest of her breakfast in silence.

A few minutes later Kate was finished too and she took the bag and went upstairs.

“Hey where are you going?” shouted Bri.

“I just ate I need to brush my teeth.” She called back.

Bri waited a second before she decided it would be good to do the same. She walked upstairs into the bathroom and leaned over the sink, gazing at herself in the mirror. Her hair was messy and curtaining half her face but she thought she looked cute and sexy.

“Bri come here,” Yelled Kate’s voice from down the hall.

“Coming!” she squealed. She bounded naked down the hall and into Kate’s room and gasped.

Kate was standing in the center of the room next to her bed, completely naked except for a black strap on proudly sporting an erect pink gel penis.

“Oh my god Kate,” Bri gasped.

“Do you like it?” Kate smiled wickedly, stroking the 6 inch phallus.

Bri just stared, mouth agape as Kate stroked the pink cock, slowly stepping towards the bed. Almost in a trance Bri followed, sitting down on the bed as Kate positioned herself between her legs.

Bri’s pussy was drooling just from the sight of her bombshell sister stroking that pink dick while her tits lightly bounced whenever she moved.

Kate smiled as she bent down and spread her sister’s legs, licking her lips at the sight of the soaked little pussy.

“I guess we can skip the foreplay,” Kate purred.

Brianna still hadn’t said a word, her eyes remained fixed on her sister while she nodded.

Kate’s pussy was getting wet behind the strap-on base plate as she watched her sister eyeing her with lust. Kate was soaking and in love, watching Bri’s eyes roll back in her head as she fed the cock into her soaking cunt.

“oohhh kkatttee” Brianna moaned as her sister slid the pink cock deep inside her. It wasn’t as long as Rourke’s 11 inch monster but it was alot thicker and she loved the way it stretched her.

“Oohh its sooo thick,” she moaned.

“You like that Bri,” Kate purred seductively, thrusting the cock further into her sister.

Brianna squealed as Kate stuffed the phallus deeper into her sopping pussy.

“Ooh fuck me,” She moaned, eyes narrowed with lust.

Kate bent down and kissed her sister, “Gladly,” and began to pull out.

Bri moaned, long and low as her cunt sucked on the retreating cock until only the head was left inside. She wrapped her legs around Kate’s waist and pulled her in hard.


Kate pulled back and thrust in again.


Kate began fucking Brianna, filling her sisters hot squishy cunt.


Bri was yelling and squealing each time Kate bottomed out and then pulled back for another brutal thrust.
At first fucking Brianna with the cock had been an awkward experience for Kate, who was unused to a thick heavy tool standing out 6 inches in front of her, but as she banged her sister she became more accustomed to it and thrust harder and faster. The sight of her nubile sister writhing and squealing beneath her was too much for Kate and she could feel her juices running down her legs as she slammed into Brianna.

After a hard, brutal thrust into Brianna’s upturned hips Kate felt her sister’s body cramp up against hers and watched as her mouth gaped, “Ooh sshiitt Katee I’m cummmming!”

Kate smiled and thrust again, hard, and sent her sister’s orgasm rocketing higher. She relished the sight of her sister squirming in her orgasm as she screamed every time she fucked the cock back in.

“AOOUHHHH Kate don’t sto-” she wailed, chocking on her words as Kate complied and slammed the cock back into her.

Bri’s eyes had rolled back into her head and her mouth hung open as Kate thrust her cock into her over and over again. Kate’s quads were on fire, but so was her pussy, and she was too in love with watching her sister squirm and scream underneath her to quit now.

Finally when Kate’s quads could no longer push her forward she collapsed next to her sister and Brianna moaned as the thick cock was pulled from her clenching tunnel.

“Oh…My….god!” Bri gasped, “Holy shit Kate that was incredible,”

Kate could only smile, still panting on the bed, the fake penis, now sticky with Bri’s cum, was pressed against her leg.

After a few minutes of laying there Kate sat up and took off the strap-on, “Okay Bri it’s your turn,”

Brianna sat up and gingerly took the toy,”I’m not sure I can do you with….with a penis…..I wouldn’t know how to use it,” she stuttered.

“Bri,” she said holding her sisters hand, “It’s fine, It was awkward for me at first too but then you get used to the feeling.”

“Okay I’ll give it a try,” she smiled. Bri slid on the base and Kate helped her adjust the straps, her pussy was getting wet up just looking at Bri sporting that fat tool.

“Oh ya Bri,” Kate purred, getting down in a doggy-style position. She wiggled her ass enticingly at her sister and Bri reached out with a hand and smacked on of her fat cheeks.

Bri grabbed her by the hips and angled the gel penis towards her juicy cunt. Kate spread her legs in anticipation as she felt the sticky head against her entrance.

“Ooohhh you’re right that’s nice and thick,” Kate moaned as the cock slid to the hilt in her pussy. Kate immediately began rocking back and forth on the cock, letting Bri get used to the feeling.

“Oh god yess that’s good,” kate squealed.

Bri pulled back until just the tip was in and slammed forward.

“I think I’m getting the hang of this,” She laughed, slamming into Kate again.

Kate moaned her approval, “Aaauuhhh” her face now buried in the bed with her ass high In the air.

Bri was soaking, the feeling of her sisters squishy cunt around the fake cock was almost as good as actually having her own pussy against hers.

Her eyes were shut as she slammed into her sister, her moans of pleasure only adding to her arousal. Bri opened her eyes and looked down. Her sister was in the hottest position possible, her face and tits squashed against the bed while her ass was high in the air. Her legs splayed apart for easy access to her cunt but it also spread her asscheeks, giving Brianna an amazing view of that pink ring clenching and unclenching as she slammed in and pulled out.

Almost in a daze Bri reached down and grabbed Kate’s hips with one hand, pulling her in and she thrust forward and slamming even harder into her.

“Auuh god yes Brii fuck me!” She screamed.

After a few strokes and more screams from Kate, Bri reached down with her other hand and roughly pushed her thumb Into her sister’s ass.

“OHH SHIT BRI!” Kate wailed.

Brianna slammed into her sisters gooey cunt while she fingered her squirming ass.

“OHHH FUUCCKK IM CUMMMMING” Kate screamed, gyrating her hips back into Brianna.

But she didn’t let up, Bri kept thrusting Into her sister as her ass clamped down on her thumb and she began to wiggle it around inside Kate.

“OHH YOUR THUMB,” Kate gasped.

Kate writhed in orgasmic pleasure until finally her body has pumped out all the cum it could and she collapsed, exhausted, to the bed. Bri collapsing beside her.

“That’s alot of fun,” Bri laughed.

“Hehe ya” Kate giggled.

The rest of the day was spent playing with the strap on, the girls fucking each other in a wide variety of different positions and both of their holes.

At the end of the day, as they lay exhausted in Bri’s bed Kate texted Hannah.

“Come over tomorrow around 10 ;)”


Bri moaned softly as she woke up, her ass still hurt a little from yesterday but nevertheless she smiled, thinking about the way Kate has bent her over the couch and thrust that thick pink dick up her little hole.

She looked to her right to see Kate still sound asleep and then saw the time.

“Shit why am I up at 7” she groaned.

Bri rolled out of bed, the strap on falling to the floor as she did, and went downstairs to get something to eat.

Ten minutes later she was leaning over the kitchen counter with a bowl of cereal and a glass of orange juice in front of her, absentmindedly flipping through channels (The TV was visible from the kitchen).

A few minutes later Brianna had settled on a show and watched intently as she ate her cereal. She was so enthralled In the show and eating what she didn’t notice Kate until her arms were wrapped around her.

“Morning beautiful” Kate cooed as she kissed Bri’s neck.

Bri giggled and smiled, already feeling the warmth building between her legs.

“Hannah’s coming over later,” Kate continued.
“oohh that’ll be fun” Bri squealed.

Bri was getting hornier but she found enough self restraint to get away from Kate before her hands began to wander.

As the time for Hannah to arrive drew closer the Kate and Bri began to get anxious.

“What are we gonna do when she gets here?” Bri asked expectantly.

“Well I know she wants to ‘play’ with Rourke,” Started Kate.

“Ooh what if we surprise her,” Brianna squealed.

“What do you mean,” Kate raised her eyebrows.

“Come here,” Bri said. She whispered her idea to Kate.

“Oh Bri you are a dirty girl,” Kate smiled wickedly.

“c’mon lets get ready,” She smiled.

At 5 minutes to ten the girls were on either side of the door waiting for Hannah. Kate wore only a black lace thong and Bri had borrowed Kate’s pink one from the other night. After a few minutes of giddy, nervous excitement there was a knock at the door.

Kate looked through the curtains to see it was Hannah before yelling (as if she was upstairs) that the door was open.

A second later the door flew open and Hannah sprinted into the house but almost immediately fell to the carpet. The two sisters had tackled her to the floor and held her down as she struggled under their combined weight.

“What the hell,” Hannah screamed.

“Hannah relax, just relax, stop moving,” Kate ordered.

“What are you doing!”

“Just relax we need to talk about something.”

As Kate said that Hannah noticed something, it wasn’t just Kate holding her down but also Bri and both of them wore only their underwear, their delicious perky tits bouncing as she squirmed beneath them.

“What’s going on,” she asked, abandoning her struggle.

Kate took a deep breath and sighed, “Hannah, after you left for your surprise vacation I came home and caught Bri with Rourke.”

Hannah was too busy listening to Kate to notice that had Brianna left and then quietly returned with Rourke, sitting him down behind her where she couldn’t see.

“-But since I had just had that night with you and after what I had done with Rourke I ended up getting into bed with her and….. we had sex.” Kate cringed at telling her friend those last words. Hannah was silent.

“Hannah?” Bri whispered

“Y-you guys had sex?” Hannah stuttered.

“Shit” mumbled Bri, “she’s disgusted.”

“Ya we did,” Kate replied.

“No I’m not,” Hannah said to Bri,”Its a little weird since you guys are sisters, but after what happened with Rourke I think we’re past that.”
Kate and Brianna smiled to each other, leaning back on their knees and letting Hannah get up.

She pulled her knees up underneath herself and pushed her torso up with her arms so that she was on her hands and knees and that was her mistake.

As soon as she got into that position Kate put a leg under her hips and then each girl grabbed an arm, pulling them out from underneath her and pushing her face back down to the carpet and pressing her arms, spread eagled, to the floor.

“Guys what the hell,”Hannah shrieked, her voice slightly muffled by the thick carpet.

“Relax,” Kate purred. Taking one hand off her shoulder, she moved it to the buttons of her shorts and undid them, pulling down the zipper and then reaching around and pushing them over the curve of her upturned ass and down to her knees.

“Kate what are you doing,” Hannah gasped. She had stopped her struggling and angled her head as best she could to see up and behind her.

Kate had one hand pinning her arm to the ground with a knee on hand while the other knee was next to her elbow. Kate was eyeing her butt as her hand traced circles around it.


“oohhh!” Hannah moaned as she felt the sting of the hand on her firm naked cheeks.


“OHH Shhhiiiitt!” Hannah gasped, her ass rippling from it’s spanking.

Kate watched as the pink lips, pushed out between Hannah’s legs, began to moisten.

“Hannah you look ready for Rourke,” Kate purred, giving her bubble butt another slap.

Hannah moaned her response into the carpet but then lifted her head, “Kate I can’t lose my virginity yet….” She gasped, “It was hot watching you have sex with him and I want to cum as much and as hard as you did but I dont want to lose my virginity to a dog,” she pleaded.

Kate was shocked. Brianna had already positioned Rourke on top of her and was coaxing his cock out of its sheath.

“Hannah but you said…” Kate pouted.

“I know”, Hannah smiled wickedly, ” but, have you wondered how good that might feel in your ass,”

Kate and Bri laughed and Hannah squirmed on the ground, confused.

Kate bent down, “It feels amazing,” she cooed, going giving that perfect ass another smack.

Hannah bit her lip and suppressed another moan as Kate spanked her and Bri ran upstairs to grab the lube. While she did thayx Kate rubbed Hannah’s clit and pushed a finger into her juicy cunt.

Half a minute later Bri was back with the purple bottle and squirted a liberal amount onto Hannah’s upturned anus. She watched goose bumps run across her cheeks as the cold liquid made contact and Hannah giggled.

Kate stroked Rourke’s until it was hard and spurting pre-cum, aiming at at her best friends ass.

“Auuuhh….. I’m ready…put him…. in,” Hannah moaned.

Without hesitation Kate released Rourke’s cock and pushed the head into Hannah’s tight hole.

“OHH SHIIT!” She gasped, “Oohh I can feel him squirting down my hole,” she moaned.

Bri had been holding onto Rourke while Kate slowly slid his cock into Hannah, but Bri let go of his hips and as soon as he no longer felt the restraining force of her arms he sank his hips into the tight virgin asshole in front of him.

The house filled with Hannah’s wails as the dog fucked his cock in and out of her clenching hole.


Kate slid of her panties stuffed a finger into her soaking pussy, relishing the feeling as her finger sank into the warm tight hole.

Kate increased her thrusting as she watched her sister slide underneath the squirming girl, positioning her head right underneath her upturned ass, Rourke’s balls slapping against Hannah’s ass cheeks only an inch above Bri’s advancing tongue.

“OOHHHHHAAUUHHH” Hannah moaned as the Brianna’s warm tongue made contact with her swollen clit.

Kate added a second finger and watched, drooling, as Brianna ate her best friend, who was moaning into Bri’s pussy each time her tongue slid along her swollen labia or Rourke bottomed out.

Brianna had only eaten a girl (her sister) a couple times, but she was a fast learner and knew she was doing well when she felt Hannah’s hot panting breath on her wet lips.

Bri’s pussy surged as she felt the breathing grow more and more ragged until the body above her tightened up and a wave of cum flooded her mouth.


She bucked and shuddered in between her two lovers, her screams filling the house as Bri licked and Rourke fucked her through her orgasm.

As Hannah came down from her orgasm she felt Bri yelp into her pussy. Hannah opened her eyes to to the sight of a thick, opaque pink cock sliding into Brianna’s asshole.

Bri moaned into Hannah’s pussy again as the phallus sank all the way in. Hannah had a second to look up at Kate’s smiling face before Rourke’s hot cock rocketed her into another orgasm.

“OOHHH MYY GODDD!” Hannah screamed, her ass clamping down on the thrusting cock while she felt wave after wave of cum dribble into Bri’s mouth.

While Hannah lay panting under the pounding dog cock she realized that Brianna’s breathing had become more ragged and she was moaning into her pussy more and more.

Hannah opened her eyes again and nearly came at the sight of Kate thrusting her cock into her little sister’s asshole. God that thing stretched her.

Bri’s gooey cunt was only inches below her face and looked in desperate need of attention, so Hannah did the what any logical girl would do, she pushed her tongue into the squirming cunt and came for the third time as she felt Brianna scream into her pussy.

Kate thrust in one last time and groaned as she felt Brianna’s body stiffen up and felt the tightening of her asshole as she tried to pull out.

Since the strap on was firmly lodged into Bri’s asshole Kate began grinding her hips against Bri’s bare flesh and heard her muffled screams as the cock rubbed against her inner walls.


Kate looked up from her sisters clenching asshole and saw that Rourke had stopped humping and nestled his knot in between Hannah’s cheeks.


Brianna was still jerking underneath the older girl as she screamed into her pussy as they both came in massive, simultaneous orgasms.

Rourke finished cumming and dismounted Hannah, who came again from the torrent of excess cum flooding out of her clenching asshole and down her legs, which Brianna happily lapped up.

Kate sat back and pulled off the strap on as Hannah gingerly moved her leg over Brianna’s head and rolled onto the carpet, the cum still in her asshole leaking out onto the floor.

“That was so hot,” Gasped Kate.

“Ohhh my asshole,” Moaned Hannah, rolling onto her side, her back to Brianna

Brianna giggled on the floor and rolled over, licking Hannah’s still gasping asshole.

“oohhh” Hannah groaned.

They lay there for a few minutes as their holes tightened up again and any remaining cum leaked out of them. Rourke came bounding back into the room sometime later sporting a hard on and it gave Bri and idea. Kate, who was laying on the ground facing away didn’t notice as Brianna whispered to Hannah.

“Hey Kate….” Hannah called, “Can I try that?” She asked, her face turning a little red.

“What, this? Kate smiled, holding up the glistening pink penis.

Hannah smiled and nodded, taking the straps and sliding the up her legs until it the base rested on her crotch and she giggled.

Hannah grabbed a pillow from the couch and lay down, putting it underneath her head.

Kate crawled over and sat up facing away from Hannah, one knee on either side of her pelvis and slowly lowered herself onto the dildo.

“Oohhhhh” moaned Kate as her ass sank down the thick shaft.With the strap on firmly up her asshole Kate wiggled her hips, feeling the gel flex inside her and run against her walls before laying back on Hannah, her fat tits and hard nipples crushed under her back.

Kate was laying face up with her asshole impaled on her best friend while she watched Brianna positioning their dog’s cock at her entrance. She gasped as the hot tip pushed its way past her sticky lips and spread her hole as he pushed in, slowly sinking all 11 inches into her gooey cunt and bottoming out in her cervix.

“ooohh god he’s sooo deep,” Kate moaned.

Hannah tilted her hips and pulled the dildo halfway out before thrusting in again and skewering Kate’s asshole.

“OOH FUCK,” She yelped.

Rourke walked forward on his hind legs, pushing his cock even deeper into the squirming teen before pulling back and slamming in again.

“uhhhhh” Kate moaned as her eyes rolled back in her head.

Rourke picked up a steady pace, fucking his cock in and out of her squishy cunt while Hannah pounded her asshole with the thick strap-on. Kate was going crazy, screaming and thrashing in between her two lovers. Hannah pounded away her best friend’s asshole from below while the dog split her cunt with his red hot cock and soon the house was filled with Kate’s screams.

Hannah suddenly felt something wet and warm engulf her panting mouth and gasped as she felt the gooey lips make contact with hers and here eyes shot open. Above her were the two firm, tanned globes of Brianna’s butt being lowered onto her face. She darted her tongue into the folds of the girl’s tight pussy and felt the legs next to her head jerk.

Bri reached down and grasped Kate’s tits, holding them still and pinching her nipples under the pounding she was taking in both holes.

Brianna was grinding her pussy on Hannah’s mouth and could feel herself rapidly approaching orgasm. It wasn’t helping that Rourke had now extended his head, while he was still fucking Kate, and was now lapping at her nipples.

“OOOHHH SHIT I’MMM CUMMING” Kate wailed. Her pussy clamped down on Rourke’s cock while her asshole tightened around the dildo and she came in a violent orgasm.

As soon as he felt the cunt clamp down on his member Rourke thrust in one last time time, lodging his rapidly expanding knot into the wet hole, and blew his load into Kate. She screamed and gasped as the hot gooey cum coated her walls and filled the little available space in her overstuffed cunt.

Bri shuddered and came to the sight of her sisters thrashing body. Her body tensed up and her thumb and forefinger clamped down on Kate’s nipples and Kate screamed as the stimulation overwhelmed her and she began to squirt. Wave after wave of hot slick girl cum shooting from her pussy as she shuddered and wailed.

Kate’s entire body was flush red and she was still impaled on Rourke and Hannah while her sister squeezed her rock hard nipples.

Kate came again and again, screaming and shuddering until finally her reserves of cum ran dry and the last of it dribbled out of her cunt.

Rourke slid his cock out and Kate moaned softly, too tired to react as the wave of hot dog cum flooded out of her pussy.

She rolled off of Hannah and Brianna released her hold on her nipples.

Kate lay on the floor, exhausted and breathing hard while cum ran down her lips and inner thighs. Bri leaned over and kissed her while Hannah removed the strap on.

The next few years were going to be fun for them.