LB-1067 Her Well Trained Horses by Ted Leonard


The seething passions that lurk within many individuals are often hidden beneath a veneer of normalcy, exposed only under extremely tempting conditions.

The woman who, after a few drinks at a party, takes on all comers, male and female alike. The man, who during a strip show at a stag party, climbs up on stage and performs with her in front of his friends. The couple who surreptitiously join the neighborhood mate-swappers.

Cindy Foster is an outwardly proper and quite normal teenager. But within her lurk perverse passions of which she is not even aware, passions awaiting only for the proper stimulus to arouse them.

HER WELL TRAINED HORSES-a fictional story about a rural society that refuses to face many of its real problems.

The Publisher



Pretty Cindy Foster was born and raised on a farm, so it was only natural for her to fuck with the many animals. Right from the start, she was surrounded by packs of dogs, cattle, goats, pigs and horses. She was fond of all of them, and many were her personal pets.

She was very young when her fondness for animals changed to fuck-lust for animals. But even as a young girl, playing with her pets meant erotic pleasure. While city girls her age were wearing protective clothing and trying to avoid even thinking about their pussies, Cindy was running around half-naked with a hot little cunt.

It was not unusual for Cindy to romp around the meadows with a pack of hounds at her heels. So that day started out like any other. She went skipping through a field with three dogs bounding after her. Like many times before, the mutts knocked her to the ground. Cindy giggled and laughed and wrestled with them. She turned and twisted in the tall grass, unmindful that her dress was very short and that she never wore panties in the spring. She was happy.

The noses of the playful dogs poked at her face and neck and tits and legs. It was then that a new element entered her relationship with her pets. As her pretty legs flailed in the air, the dogs got a good whiff of her fresh young pussy. One of them stopped playing.

He pushed his large head between her thighs. His long snout forced her legs apart and at the same time his nose lifted her short dress. His big, thick tongue licked her cunt.

“Oh!” Cindy gasped.

The other three dogs smelled her pussy, too, and they got in on the act. Soon all three doggie-snouts nudged and licked her cunt. Cindy whimpered as first one dog, then another and another got to lapping her wide-open crotch. Suddenly, big doggie-tongues licked her thighs, her ass-cheeks, her pussy-lips and her quivery little clit. The new sensations in her furry young cunt made her open her legs even wider.

Cindy didn’t know too much about fucking then. Her mother had told her a few sterile tales about the birds and the bees, and had read to her from a sex education book. Cindy hadn’t understood a word of it. The only thing that made any sense to her at the time was a very good drawing of an erect male cock. Only that had struck Cindy as sexy.

She never really began to understand sex until girlfriends whispered stories about their brothers’ pricks, which they had accidentally seen from time to time. These stories made Cindy wish she had a brother.

Though she didn’t know much about sex with boys, she knew it was wonderful when the dogs licked her pussy. So she permitted the animals to assault her cunt as she moaned and writhed in the grass.

The moment she spread her legs, the large tongues of the animals were at her crotch, licking her pussy so fast and hard that she whimpered with pleasure. Never had she felt anything so marvelous in all her life, not even when she rubbed her pussy with her hand.

As the dogs went on licking her cunt, she shivered with excitement. She lifted her pussy up for them and, as they lapped at her cunt, she played with her jutting, tingling tits. Her eyes closed and she drifted into a private world, a world of extreme pleasure. It was her own very secret world, where the wonderful throbbing feelings in her cunt were intensified by the vigorous licking of the three doggie-tongues.

The dogs growled from time to time, each shoving to get his snout and tongue at her pussy. Cindy loved the affection and animal eagerness, and she wished she could satisfy all three doggie-tongues at once.

Her senses reeled as the hot cunt-licking drove her crazy with forbidden fuck-desires. She groaned and pulled her dress down in front. She mauled her aching young tits and teased her spiking pink nipples as her cunt grew hotter and hotter.

Then it happened. Cindy felt her fuck-urge for the first time in her life. It started deep in her twisting belly and burned its way down through her squirming cunt-channel to the mouth of her moist pussy, where the doggie-tongues licked so furiously. She caught her breath when she first felt it, because it tickled her in a most intimate way. Then she knew what it was from things girlfriends had told her, and she knew she wanted to fuck.

Gasping for breath, she pushed her trembling hands down to her cunt. She pried her pussy-lips apart with shaky fingers. Then she thrust her cunt upwards, offering it.

The strongest of the three dogs took command. His sandpapery tongue licked into her wet cunt-chute and gave the girl the wildest feelings she had ever had up her cunt. Her fuck-urge erupted like a volcano.

Instinctively, she rolled over onto her hands and knees and hiked her little dress way up on her back. She set her knees far apart and lifted her naked ass high.

The largest dog jumped up on her back. His forelegs wrapped around her neck and held her captive. His huge red cock poked around her juicy crotch for a moment, then his cock speared into her wet cunt. Instantly, it started fucking in and out at a rapid pace.

“Ohhhh, Mamaaaaaa!” Cindy moaned as the huge beast fucked her pussy.

Her excited little cunt was so drenched that the dog’s big prick slipped in and out easily with short, hard fuck-strokes. Cindy lost her mind as she got fucked. That was all she wanted now. Just to be fucked. Just to be thrilled. Just to enjoy wet, juicy, cummy pleasure. She couldn’t think of anything else.

For the first time, her sexual pleasure was total. Even her nipples tingled because the dog was fucking her hot cunt. Her tits felt as if they might burst with the pleasure she was feeling in her young body. Her ass responded, too, as the animal’s great body pounded against her to get his cock deep up her pussy.

Murmuring helplessly with mind-boggling sensations, Cindy thrust one hand down and violently frigged her clit as the big dog-cock ripped into her pussy. She came wetly, furiously, continuously-and the more she came, the more the dog fucked her cunt. He panted and drooled over her shuddering body and fucked his big prick into her cunt as she came.

Her first fucking was traumatic for Cindy and she fell madly in love with the dog immediately-at least as long as he fucked her pussy. And her first fucking orgasm was volcanic. Great shudders tossed her body to and fro, and she moaned loudly. Every inch of her hot flesh quivered with excitement as the fucking dog-cock got her off again and again.

Her luscious cunt-cream drowned the doggie-prick and made it even stiffer in her pussy. Her spasming cunt-muscles choked the dog-cock and sucked on it for him as he fucked into her cunt. Cindy could feel every solid inch of the dog’s boner as it rammed into her tight little pussy. She humped her pussy wildly and massaged her quivery clit anxiously as yet another cum built up in her heaving belly. Floods of fresh pussy-juice washed over the stiff, fucking doggie-prick.

The other dogs smelled the sex aroma of her hot cunt and they grew quite excited around Cindy. It only added to her pleasure and surprised delight when the mutts lashed their hot tongues at her face and mouth and neck and naked young tits. Out of her head with fuck-pleasure, she licked back at a doggie-tongue and moaned hotly as her pussy oozed streams of fresh cunt-honey.

“Mmmmmm-mmm-mmmmm,” she moaned as she got licked and fucked at the same time. Her little clit throbbed wetly between her clawing fingers as she got fucked.

Even as her soaked pussy flooded with another rush of silky fluid, the rampaging doggie-prick let loose with a fiery torrent of thick jism. Jet of heavy fuck-cream torpedoed into her squirmy pussy and Cindy whimpered w with greater pleasure. The dog’s body locked with hers and his enormous cock gushed huge amounts of cum into her hot pussy.

Cindy’s cunt tightened up around the fucking, cum-spitting cock. Her senses reeled and her breath quickened as she came again on the cum-shooting prick. Never had she felt such nice things up her cunt as when that dog-cock was firing its load of jism into her pussy. The fucking and the cumming left her dizzy and moaning helplessly.

The big dog dismounted from her quivering body and Cindy gasped as his cock pulled out of her clenching cunt. Her head fell forward onto her crossed arms and her ass wiggled nervously in the air. Her silky cum, mixed with doggie jism, dripped down her smooth white thighs. When she felt it, she laughed sensuously.

Her throat laughter turned to girlish giggles when another dog leapt onto her exposed body. Before she knew it, his big stiff cock fucked up into her horny cunt and started fucking the life out of her with his animal power. A whole new set of fuck-needs and fuck-pleasures gripped her as the beast fucked her pussy violently.

This prick wasn’t exactly like the first one. Cindy could tell, even in her dazed state. She could feel that this doggie-cock was knobbier, sort of gnarled-and longer than the first. She felt the stiff end of his cock probing her insides and the feelings in her pussy were enough to make her squeal with pleasure.

“Ohhhh, golly!” she gasped, screwing her cunt round and round on the fucking prick. “Oh, ohhmmm, ewwww, how nice! Ohhhh, I didn’t know fucking could be so good! Ummmmm, fuck me, fuck me, fuck meeeeee!”

She was quite out of her head as the drooling hound pounded her pussy with his enormous horny cock. With the might and power of an animal driven by pure fuck-lust, the big dog fucked her cunt relentlessly. His prick stiffened and enlarged and swelled up more and more as Cindy’s hot cunt-lips tightened up and sucked on his prick.

Cindy laughed throatily as she felt her pussy doing that to the dog-cock. She was fast discovering how to give herself tremendous pleasure with a pet. The moment she found a new fuck-movement that gave her a thrill, she repeated it, so that within minutes, she was fucking her cunt wildly on the dog’s big, wet, ram-rodding cock.

The dog’s lean body strained over her. Grunts and groans were forced from his throat as Cindy’s pussy took all the cock he could give. His long tongue hung loosely from his mouth and drooled saliva all over the girl’s twisting back. His haunches hunched and pistoned mightily, driving his thick cock in and out of her squirming cunt violently.

The dog soon sounded as if he had run a mile, panting and gasping as his big prick raped the girl’s small pussy. Cindy’s pussy-lips felt delightful around his cock, and her movements made him fuck all the faster. As he neared his impending climax, his lower body hunched harder and fucked faster and faster. His big cock fucked in and out of the pink flesh of Cindy’s sucking cunt.

She clawed her clit some more, working it between her thumb and forefinger, getting rough with her clit as the doggie-prick turned her on again.

“Oh, Mama! Oh, Mama!” she gasped, humping her ass hotly. She could feel her cum building up and she knew she would experience another fantastic orgasm in her twisting pussy. The ticklish feeling reached an unbearable intensity and she squealed. Her whole body twisted and jerked violently as her pussy flooded once again with burning, silky fuck-juice.

The dog grunted and drove all of his big cock up into her sucking fuck-hole. Cindy’s pussy locked on his cock and held it deep as he fucked her cunt. The doggie-prick swelled up in her pussy, then blew up like a bomb. Huge wads of thick cock-cream burst into her cunt, making her moan.

She buzzed from head to toe as the dog got off her quivering, trembling young body. Her tits were hard with fuck-feelings. Her clit quivered. Her ass writhed. She gasped for breath and started to collapse.

Before she could fall to the ground, the third u dog mounted her body and fucked his big, red prick into her juicy cunt. Cindy wailed as the long cock-shaft invaded the warmth of her pussy. Thrills shot through her as the horny mutt fucked her cunt wildly.

She panted and moaned continually as the dog fucked her. Her whole pussy was alive with new feelings because the fresh hard-on felt so fucking good in her fuck-hole. With new strength and new power, the dog fucked his prick in and out with lust, aiming only to shoot his load.

Cindy knew what to expect from a dog now-and she writhed her ass hotly for it. Now she wanted the dog to cum in her pussy, because a cumming prick gave her greater thrills. The slip-sliding fucking of a cock became a wonder and a joy to her, and she wanted more cock as the fucking went on. To get more, she humped back on the stiff dog-cock and came again and again.

Moments later, the dog growled, and Cindy knew he was ready to let loose with a good supply of jism. She giggled impishly and clamped her cunt-walls around his power-driven prick. The dog howled with his cock locked inside her hungry, sucking pussy and his prick enlarged greatly. He fucked faster and harder. His hot balls tightened up against the base of his thick boner, then sent huge wads of jism up through his cock into Cindy’s humping, fucking pussy.

“Ohhhhhh!” she cried, getting off on the fucking dog-cock.

She quivered and shook violently. Her cunt became soaked with fuck-juice, triggered by the cum-shooting prick in her hot pussy. And her cumming got the dog off in turn. They enjoyed a mutual orgasm then, both cumming wetly and hornily, screwing and fucking with pleasure.

Only after the dog released her was Cindy able to finally collapse onto the ground. She fell onto her back in a writhing mass of female flesh and gasped for breath as she fondled her aching young tits. Her tongue licked at her lips and her fingertips toyed with her pink nipples as she moaned and whimpered with pleasure.

“Oh!” she gasped when a doggie-tongue licked into her juicy cunt.

Then she laughed and spread her legs wide and let the three mutts fight over her cummy cunt. Big dog-tongues lapped and licked her crotch for her, sucking up all her pussy-juices. Cindy loved the feeling this gave her, getting her cunt licked after fucking. It made her pussy feel so nice.

She sprawled out on the cool grass with a smile on her pretty face. Her eyes closed and her hands covered her jutting tits. The dogs licked her pussy until it was fresh and pink, as if she’d just come out of a shower.

When Cindy next opened her eyes, she realized she had fallen asleep in the sun. She raised up on her elbows and looked around for her pets. They were nowhere to be seen. is

Cindy wasn’t dismayed. She got to her feet and stuck her pinkies between her lips. She gave a special whistling sound and, two minutes later, she was surrounded by bounding, leaping hounds-all trying to get her to wrestle with them.

Cindy giggled happily and dropped down onto her knees. She peeled her little dress completely off and tossed it onto the ground. Stark naked and looking lovely, she teased and tousled the mutts, exciting them. Soon noses, snouts and tongues were at her ass and cunt and tits. She kissed a big dog’s head and roughed the fur of another pet, laughing all the while as her nipples and clit stiffened.

She picked out the biggest hound she could find and captured him for herself. She rolled onto her back and pulled him along with her. As dogs licked her tits and pussy, she reached under her favorite dog and worked his cock out of its furry protective sheath.

When his prick was exposed, all wet and sticky, she grasped it in her small fist and jerked on his cock slowly, and with pleasure. She watched his prick lengthen and thicken in her hand, and it excited her to watch it grow. Smiling peacefully, she stroked and pumped his cock until the dog was growling with lust.

She laughed and teased his big balls with her other hand as she jerked his prick faster. She drew one knee up and let the other dogs lick her pussy as she watched her pet’s prick enlarge and grow menacing.

She very much wanted to see the dog-cock shoot a load. She wanted to see what his prick looked like when it was shooting cum up her cunt. With excitement and pleasure, she jerked the doggie-prick harder and faster.

The dog grunted and started humping his haunches at her. Cindy giggled and whacked his cock even harder. She felt his balls tighten up and somehow sensed that this had something to do with cumming. It excited her to feel that his climax was near, and she pumped his prick with all her might.

Then big wads of thick jism came spurting from the end of the dog-cock, alarming and thrilling Cindy. She hotly pulled his prick toward herself and thrust her tits out. Hot doggie-cum splashed against her tingling tit-flesh and she moaned homily. The mere sight of a dog-cock shooting cum made her very hot.

Instinctively and impulsively, she pushed her face to the dog’s cum-spitting prick and quickly took the shooting cock into her mouth. A soft moan escaped her throat as she sucked his cock and rubbed his jism onto her tits at the same time.

Cindy managed to suck up a few spurts of the dog’s cum. She wanted more doggie-cum. With her young mind whirling and her body aching for fucking, she got on all fours and let the dogs fuck her hot pussy. Then she coaxed a mutt down onto his side in front of her and, as her pussy squirmed like crazy on a drilling, fucking dog-cock, she sucked the other animal’s prick.

As dog after dog mounted her young body and fucked her horny cunt, she sucked off five dogs in a row. Each time, she got her mouth filled with rich, creamy cum-and she discovered that she loved doggie-cum. She especially liked the feeling of a stiff dog-prick fucking into her mouth and another one fucking her cunt at the same time. It made her feel so feminine. She felt lucky to be a girl.

Moaning passionately, driven by her newfound lust for animal sex, she rolled and twisted in the grass as dog after dog ravaged her body. She fed them her tits once in a while. She let them lick and nibble her pussy. And she fucked continually, getting every dog she could to fuck her hot pussy.

All in all, Cindy felt that she had had a wonderful afternoon. Playing with the hounds would be more fun from now on-she was sure of that.

She would have continued her sex-play with her pets, but she heard her mother calling her for lunch. Reluctantly, but obediently, she pushed the horny mutts away from her and quickly pulled on her little dress. She ran laughing through the field with the dogs barking after her.

She pranced into the old farmhouse looking pink and fresh and rosy-cheeked. Her mother smiled at her and looked pleased to have such a healthy, happy daughter.

“Having fun, honey?” her mother asked.

“Mmmmm, yes!” Cindy laughed, sitting down at the table.

“That’s good,” her mother said, sitting across from her. “It’s good to see you so happy.”

Cindy secretly knew that she would never be unhappy again. Not as long as animals had cocks.



The next morning, Cindy skipped along the dusty road to school with a mongrel yapping at her side. She giggled and ran, frolicking with her pet. She followed the road along the meandering stream and through the big trees. Beneath her brief little minidress she wore no panties, and the mutt kept trying to nibble her pussy. This made Cindy laugh and run faster.

“Come on, Bruno!” she laughed excitedly. “Get it if you can!”

The horny dog bounded after the girl like she was a bitch in heat. He jumped up several times, almost knocking her down with his weight. But Cindy stumbled back, gasping and giggling, then ran on, cock-teasing the animal.

Once, Bruno got up behind her close enough to shove his wet snout between Cindy’s thighs. She squealed as if she’d been goosed.

The touch of the dog’s nose against her warm flesh turned her on, though. Her blue eyes searched the road ahead. There was no one around. The schoolhouse, she knew, was just around the next bend. It would be hours before she would see Bruno and her other dogs again.

With a toss of her blonde hair and a giggle, she pranced off the road into the trees. Well out of sight of any passers-by, she leaned up against a large oak and hiked her dress up on her flat belly.

She opened her legs and exposed her furry little pussy for the anxious dog. Bruno smelled her cunt and followed his nose. His wet snout nudged her pussy and Cindy sighed happily. She pushed her pussy forward for him and wiggled it to get him started licking.

The dog’s big, thick tongue flashed from his mouth and laved her pussy-mound. Cindy’s breathing quickened. Her knees trembled. She stretched her thighs wide and rubbed her furry cunt up and down against the lapping doggie-tongue. Each time the dog’s tongue scraped her tit, she shuddered and moaned.

“Ohhhh, hurry, Bruno,” she panted. “I’ll be late for school! Hurry! Eat my pussy! Make me cum!”

Her pretty face twisted into a mask of pleasure-pain as she reached with all her might for a quick orgasm. She fucked her naked pussy homily on the dog-tongue and whimpered helplessly with sexy feelings. Her head fell back against the tree and rocked to and fro loosely as the big dog licked and lapped her pretty cunt.

“Uh-uh-uhhh!” she groaned, feeling her pussy-juice starting to cascde from her horny fuck-hole.

Then she gasped and shivered violently. Her tender young ass scraped roughly against the bark of the tree as her cunt flowed wetly with a huge supply of silky cum. Bruno licked her out, lapping up every tasty drop of her fresh young cunt-juice. Cindy moaned hotly, cumming and cumming as the doggie-tongue licked her pussy clean. She let the dog get all her cunt-cream out of her pussy before she dropped her dress back in place.

A few moments later, she entered the classroom-looking fresh as a daisy. She sat in her chair and smiled prettily at the teacher, Mrs. Wagner.

The old bitch narrowed her eyes on the young girl and thought it was scandalous the way the teenager came to school looking so beautiful. Mrs. Wagner was well into her sixties, and sorely regretted a long and sexless life. She secretly envied the young girls like Cindy who looked and acted so goddamned fuckable.

The woman heard a dog yelping outside, and she went to the window. She tried to send the dog away, to no avail.

“Whose animal is this?” she demanded.

Cindy swallowed nervously. “He’s mine, Mrs. Wagner.”

The woman’s fury subsided a little. After all, Cindy was the prettiest girl in class, and one of her favorites.

“Well, you shouldn’t bring pets to school, Cindy,” she said, returning to her desk. “Please correct it in the future.”

“Yes, Mrs. Wagner,” the girl said shyly.

The woman would have raked anyone else over the coals, but she didn’t have the heart to embarrass Cindy. She put the pupils to work over their books, then she sat and daydreamed her private lascivious fantasies about Cindy.

Glancing at the blonde girl, she thought Cindy would look very pretty all naked and hot and playing with her cunt. I wonder if she masturbates? she thought. She looks so sweet and innocent. It’s no wonder men like to rape such darling girls. I wonder how she would look getting a good stiff cock rammed up her sweet pussy? I’ll bet her cunt is just beautiful!

The frustrated old woman spent most of the day thinking sexy things about pretty Cindy.

But Cindy had her own erotic thoughts all day. She was anxious for the day to end so she could get out there and fuck with Bruno. She kept picturing his big red prick, all wet and throbbing. She couldn’t wait to get her hot little hand on the dog’s cock. Then she thought of her mouth on his prick, then her horny cunt.

All these teasing ideas only made Cindy very uncomfortable. Her pussy grew quite heated between her tightly closed thighs, and her cunt got juicy just from her thoughts. Oh, how she ached to fuck Bruno!

It was a tremendous relief to Cindy when three o’clock rolled around. She was the first one out the door. Mrs. Wagner watched her from the window and saw the big dog romping after her twitching little ass.

“Hmmmm, I wonder,” the old woman mused. Her black eyes flashed evilly.

She quickly packed up her papers and retrieved her bicycle from the rack outside. She pedaled down the dusty road in the direction Cindy had taken.

As she mounted the crest in the hill, she saw the teenager ahead, her blonde hair flashing in the sunlight as she ran along with her pet. Mrs. Wagner slowed down her pace and stayed well behind, watching carefully-and expecting the worst of the young girl.

She’s the type, all right, she thought lewdly. Cute little farm girl. Probably been fucking animals since she was ten! There’s something wholesome about her-something wholesomely erotic. I wonder?

Cindy pranced into the woods, leaving the road. Mrs. Wagner rode a few more yards, then concealed her bike in the brush. She stole into the trees and made her way in Cindy’s direction, hoping the damned dog wouldn’t give her away.

But she needn’t have worried about Bruno. When a dog was with Cindy, he rarely scented anything except her hot, juicy cunt..

Cindy knew how to make herself cum long and hard. She pulled her dress up high and offered her furry pussy to the lusting dog. Bruno’s thick tongue licked up against her pussy-lips and clit. Cindy knew just how to turn and twist to get the maximum thrill from the doggie-licking.

Today she wanted to really make the joy last, and she held back cumming for as long as she could. Bruno’s wild tongue drove her to the peak of her sexual excitement, and she maintained the height for long, precious moments.

Her quivery clit tingled and throbbed hotly as the doggie-tongue lashed it. Cindy was determined to enjoy it thoroughly. She burned up with wild desire, but held her ground, gasping and panting as the dog licked her cunt-mound all over.

“Oh! Now, Bruno, now!” she gasped, fucking her cunt homily.

The dog licked the tip of his thick tongue up into her wet fuck-hole and tickled her pussy. Great washes of slick cum drowned his tongue and he drank it up thirstily.

Just at that moment, Mrs. Wagner pushed through ferns and brush and stood with her gnarled fists on her bony hips. Her black eyes flashed obscenely.

“I thought so!” she declared.

Cindy choked. “Mrs. Wagner!”

The sight of her teacher watching her get eaten by a dog frightened Cindy so much that she came again, even though Bruno was looking at the woman. Her juicy cunt-fluids dribbled out of her furry cunt and streamed down her inner thighs.

“Just as I thought,” the woman said, coming forward. “You little slut! And I thought you were a nice Christian girl! Imagine! But you don’t fool me, young lady. I had a feeling about you.”

Cindy started to shake and she tried to lower her dress into place.

“No!” her teacher said. “Keep your dress up! Why hide your shame now?”

Her eyes darkened more than ever, and it gave Cindy the creeps. She’d always thought Mrs. Wagner looked at her funny, but that was nothing compared to this strange gaze.

“So you like to get licked by dogs, do you?” the woman said leeringly. “You have to be punished for this.”

“Please don’t tell on me!” Cindy whimpered, tears forming in her blue eyes.

But that wasn’t the kind of punishment Mrs. Wagner had in mind. Cindy had done naughty things in the past, and her mother had scolded her. Sometimes, she had to stay in her room for being bad. But that sort of punishment wasn’t what the teacher was thinking about, and Cindy suddenly sensed that. She trembled to think of what the old woman would do to her.

“Don’t you know it’s evil to have sex with animals?” Mrs. Wagner sneered. “Just because your little pussy is pretty doesn’t mean you should enjoy using it like that. God made it so you could have children when you grow up.”

On the surface, Mrs. Wagner sounded no different than other adults Cindy had heard. But there was something in the old woman’s leering eyes that told the girl that she was up to no good. And she was right.

The old lady suddenly pulled the narrow cloth belt from around her waist. Cindy gasped as the woman tied her wrists to a tree.

“Mrs. Wagner! Stop! What are you doing?”

The woman cackled and tied a good knot. Then she flipped the helpless girl over onto her tits. Cindy resisted at first, struggling and trying to escape the old woman’s clutches. But Mrs. Wagner was being driven by some deep need.

“Stop struggling!” she growled at Cindy. “If you don’t do as I tell you, I’ll take you home and let your parents deal with you.”

Cindy caught her breath but relaxed her body and submitted, afraid that the teacher would tell her mother she had let dogs lick her pussy.

The old hag had no intentions of turning the little blonde over to angry parents. Unknown to Cindy, the old bitch was a sexually frustrated woman. She had never had the courage in youth or old age to let her panties down and get a good fuck. So she went through life hating the joys of sex that younger folks experienced. She also got off secretly just imagining her young pupils in all forms of sexual activity.

With Cindy bent over on her knees, the woman called the dog over. “Get over here, you mongrel,” she said nastily. “Jump up here! Come on. Up!”

Cindy realized then what Mrs. Wagner was up to. She smiled to herself, with her face hidden from the woman. How dumb she was! She thought she was punishing Cindy, but Cindy had already started fucking her dogs!

But the old crone had something more raunchy in mind. She forced the big dog up onto Cindy’s body. As the dog hornily fucked the empty space with his rigid cock, she fingered Cindy’s cunt and wiped the girl’s cunt-juice into her asshole.

“Mrs. Wagner!” Cindy gasped. It felt awfully funny to have the old lady sticking her wet finger up her ass. Cindy had never had anything pushed into her asshole before.

“Come on, you fucking stud,” the woman said to Bruno. “Get your cock ready for a special little treat.”

“No!” Cindy cried, realizing what it was the woman was going to have the dog do. “No, Bruno! Don’t! Please, Mrs. Wagner! I’ve never been screwed there!”

The old lady cackled and gave the dog’s rump a hard push as her old eyes burned into Cindy’s sweet ass. Her bony hand slipped between Bruno’s belly and Cindy’s crotch, and she grasped the big doggie-prick. Laughing oddly, she guided the dog’s boner to Cindy’s quivering wet ass-crack and helped him get his cock into her asshole.

Cindy gasped as Bruno’s immense cock drilled up into her ass. She choked as the horny mutt began fucking her ass, his thick cock stretching her asshole widely.

“Ohhhh, nooooo!” Cindy whimpered helplessly.

Bruno’s whole body shivered with exertion as he instinctively fucked his big prick in and out of her tight juicy asshole. All he knew as an animal was that he wanted to fuck and shoot his fiery load of jism.

Cindy moaned after a while, feeling new sensations deep in her belly. Then she heard Mrs. Wagner making funny noises. Cindy twisted her pretty head and looked. Her eyes widened on the old teacher.

The woman was kneeling on the grass, watching hotly as the dog fucked the girl’s asshole. She had her dress up and her panties down, and she was vigorously finger-fucking her hairy pussy.

Cindy gasped to see that the woman’s cunt was beautiful. Surprised and puzzled, she gasped, “Golly, your pussy is as cute as mine!”

“What did you expect?” Mrs. Wagner sneered. “An old dried-up, withered cunt? You young folks are all the same. You think you’ve cornered the market on pussy. Don’t you know that the last thing to grow old on a woman is her cunt? Wake up, girl!”

Cindy looked on in amazement as the prim teacher went wild. She watched the woman’s hand rub and piston, and she could tell by the teacher’s noises that she was cumming as she watched Bruno fuck.

Mrs. Wagner gasped with orgasm and glared at the panting girl. “Keep your pussy wet most of your life and it’ll be your best friend,” she said hotly, finger-fucking her cunt-hole vigorously.

Bruno lunged into Cindy’s asshole with the full length of his rigid prick. Cindy gasped and her forehead fell onto her tied arms. She bit her lower lip and submitted to the strange but increasingly nice ass-fucking. Small moans started coming from the girl as the big dog-cock turned her ass on. Even her pussy and clit tingled as the dog fucked her asshole.

The old bitch still wasn’t satisfied. Suddenly, it wasn’t enough to see the teenager getting fucked in the ass by the big dog.

“Why should you youngsters have all the fun?” the woman growled angrily.

Cindy stared in disbelief as Mrs. Wagner suddenly freed her hands and pushed the panting Bruno from her body. The doggie-prick sloshed out of Cindy’s asshole and she collapsed to the grass.

She rolled dizzily and looked to see what was happening. Her mouth fell open when she saw that Mrs. Wagner had stripped naked and was now getting on her hands and knees.

“Come on, you fucking animal!” the woman said. “Fuck me! Fuck me!”

Cindy swallowed nervously as Bruno mounted the old woman and rammed his big prick up her cunt. The teacher howled as the dog-cock ripped into her deprived pussy.

“Ohhhh! I’ve never been fucked by a dog!” she shrieked. “Oh, how I’ve wanted it! Ohhh, God, it feels so fucking good! I haven’t been fucked in-Jesus!-almost ten years!”

Bruno fucked his aching cock into the old woman’s cunt and Cindy stared wide-eyed as the teacher began moaning and shaking all over.

“I’m getting fucked!” the old lady screamed in a strange voice. “By a dog! Ohhhh, I’m cumming!”

Cindy looked on in horror as a wild stare came to the teacher’s eyes. The woman’s frail body began to tremble and shake violently. Mrs. Wagner seemed to be having trouble breathing as Bruno drooled and fucked wildly into her humping pussy.

“Bruno!” Cindy gasped. “Wait! Bruno! Back, boy, back!”

As Cindy pulled the wildly fucking animal from the woman’s body, she collapsed in a heap on the ground.

“Mrs. Wagner!” Cindy squealed, crawling over to her. “Mrs. Wagner! Are you all right? Please, Mrs. Wagner, answer me!”

But the old lady was dead.

The intensity of the dog’s fucking and her orgasm were too much for her weak heart. Her black eyes stared lifelessly into the sky. Her skin already felt cold.

“Oh, my God, Bruno, she’s dead!” Cindy said to the puzzled dog with the dripping cock. “Let’s get out of here!”

Cindy quickly pulled the dog away from the dead body and rushed home with him. She locked herself in her room and said nothing to anyone about the horrible incident in the woods.

* * * *

A few days later she heard her mother on the telephone with neighbors.

“Did you hear?” her mother rasped. “Poor Mrs. Wagner! The paper says she was found dead in the woods. No foul play of any kind, the sheriff said.”

There was a pause, then her mother gasped. “What? Are you sure? Naked? But . . . but . . . Mrs. Wagner was such a conservative lady. Why would she be naked in the woods if there was no foul play? She wasn’t raped? How odd!”

Only Cindy knew why the conservative old lady had been found naked and dead in the woods. She kept the secret for most of her days.

At the funeral, she offered a special prayer of thanks for Mrs. Wagner. She bore the woman no ill will for having tied her to a tree. Actually, she was grateful to the dead woman-because Mrs. Wagner had turned her on to ass-fucking.

Cindy walked away from the funeral smiling to herself, with three dogs at her heels. Mrs. Wagner had taught her the joys of getting fucked in the asshole by a big, stiff doggie-prick. She could be thankful for that!

She added ass-fucking to her sex fun. Every day, she would get fucked in her cunt for a while, cum a few times, then help the dog get his rigid prick into her tight little asshole. In time, she was able to cum just as readily by getting fucked up the ass.

Her dogs became special to her that year. She was never seen except in the company of some kind of a dog.

Cindy’s dog-fucking had a beneficial effect on her appearance. She seemed to blossom into ripe girlhood. Her blue eyes sparkled. She was always smiling or laughing. There was bounce to her step. Even her blonde hair looked richer and thicker. She lost her childish amble and began walking tall and proud, with pert tits jutting beautifully.

Now she never went to bed alone. She didn’t have to rub her pussy alone any more. Every night there was a different mongrel in her bed licking her mouth and tits and cunt and asshole. She loved all the doggie-pricks.



Cindy soon discovered the wonders of horse-cock. It happened one sunny afternoon when she was in a field playing with her dogs. Two of them were licking her naked cunt and she had one standing over her face as she sucked his stiff wet cock.

Her blue eyes, sexy and glazed with lust, were attracted by the sight of a stallion fucking a mare in the corral. Just the sight of the huge animals fucking like that got her off a good one. She sucked doggie-cum up out of the whining animal’s balls.

Suddenly, Cindy liked horses. It was something her mother had expected. Young girls often took to riding. It was only natural.

“Mom?” Cindy said that day. “Can I ride Hero?”

“Of course,” her mother smiled. “But you gotta wear jeans.”

“Okay, Ma.”

In a tight little shirt and even tighter faded jeans, Cindy hauled herself up on Hero’s broad back and began riding him all over the farm. Her faithful dogs trotted alongside.

The first thing Cindy discovered was the wonderful feeling in her pussy as it banged continually on the horse’s back. She discovered that if she leaned forward just right, she could get her stiff wet clit to rub hard on the animal’s backbone. Delicious thrills shot through her cunt as she rode the horse across the meadow.

In her secret spot among the trees, she dismounted and dropped to her knees to look at the animal’s huge cock. She crawled under Hero and got her hands on his prick and giant balls. It took her breath away to play with such big goodies, and when she saw how large the horse’s prick got when it was stiff, she almost passed out with delight.

With her blue eyes flashing and her tits heaving with excitement, she stroked the colossal horse-cock with both hands for a long time, enjoying herself thoroughly.

She giggled when the dogs got frustrated. They couldn’t fuck her when she was wearing jeans, and they went wild trying to mount her and lick her cunt. Doggie-tongues got the crotch of her jeans all wet because they could still smell her sweet pussy through them.

Concentrating on the big horse-cock in hand, she went ahead and bared her thrusting young tits and let some dogs lick her tits. It felt nice, getting her pink nipples licked with scrapy tongues as she jerked the mighty horse-cock.

Her hot young eyes absolutely devoured the new prick. Her horny gaze ran up and down the full length of the gargantuan cock. Just seeing Hero’s prick and playing with it got her very tense and excited. Her fuck-urge erupted wildly in her cunt.

Breathing faster than usual, she inched her face closer to the magnificent prick in her fist. Jacking the horse’s cock-meat with pleasure, she stuck her little tongue out and gave the cock-head a few experimental licks. Against his immense cock, her pink tongue looked like a clit.

“Mmmmmm, so big!” she murmured, lapping the horse-cock faster.

Growing quite horny, she licked her tongue all around the end of the giant cock while her small hand pumped his thick, stiff cock-shaft. The feel and taste of horse-cock aroused her all the more, until she just had to have a tongue in her pussy.

Grunting like a hot little piggie, she lapped her tongue wildly along the horse-cock and, with her free hand, she unsnapped her tight jeans. She took the horse’s cock-head into her mouth, closing her soft lips around it, and pushed pantingly at her jeans until they were down around her creamy thighs.

One of the dogs immediately attacked her cute little pussy, getting ahead of the others. He snuffled her pussy, then shot his sand-papery tongue up into her cunt-hole to get at her pussy-juices. Cindy moaned and humped her pussy hotly on the licking doggie-tongue as she slowly and carefully sucked on the big horse-cock.

The dog-tongue slid inches into her pussy-channel and swirled in there, firing up her already raging fuck-urge. He tasted the hot fluids in her cunt and made them flood as his active tongue ravished her quivering feminine cunt-flesh.

The insistent plunging of the doggie-tongue invaded Cindy’s most secret places with heated thrusts that delighted her. She moaned on the horse-cock in her mouth as she felt the dog’s wiggly tongue slither so excitingly up into the steamy tunnel of her pussy. She quivered with delight and fucked her hips convulsively. Her cute tits hardened and tingled against the other wagging doggie-tongues.

The tongue up her cunt shafted suddenly as she came on it. His tongue fucked in and out of her fuck-hole in such a wonderful way that Cindy came violently and sucked furiously on the giant horse-cock.

It seemed impossible for such a young girl to stretch her mouth wide enough to suck a horse’s cock, but Cindy tried really hard and managed to get what she wanted. Her lips parted wider and wider as she took more of the giant prick into her hot mouth. She sucked on the horse-cock by sliding her lips up and down his prick-shaft in rhythm with her pumping fist.

She just knew that a horse had to cum in quarts, and she ached to find out. As a dog licked her nipples and tits, as another doggie-tongue fucked in and out of her horny cunt, her own tongue started licking and lapping on the big prick she was so passionately sucking.

Loud smacking sounds came from under the horse as her mouth slipped wetly to and fro on his prick. A look of pure delight lit up her pretty face as she sucked his cock, revealing her true joy. She was really enjoying sucking the horse-cock.

A doggie-tongue aroused her pink nipples. Another made her pussy squirm in anticipation of yet another juicy cum. She moaned and sucked cock faster and faster. Her eyes sparkled and her tits heaved and her pussy squirmed as she jacked and sucked the powerful horse-cock.

Her breathing grew rapid and her tits started lifting up hard and cute as the dogs lapped them. Small animal sounds escaped her throat as her sucking mouth worked hotly on the gigantic cock in her throat.

Her cheeks ballooned in and out as the horse-prick fucked in and out of her mouth.

Her little tongue lashed lustily at the cock-head. She liked the feeling of stiff wet cock-flesh against her tongue, which had become as sensitive as her clit.

Sucking voraciously, she writhed her pussy round and round on the licking, stabbing doggie-tongue that kept fucking up into her fuck-hole. Her throat constricted as she swallowed convulsively and gasped for breath. She was about to get what she was after and she knew it. She screwed her cunt hornily, cumming juicily on the doggie-tongue, and jerked the horse-cock roughly. She sucked harder on Hero’s cock, bobbing her pretty head rapidly. Her mouth had adjusted to the immensity of his prick now and it was easier for her to suck the horse’s cock.

She moaned hotly and her cute tits quivered beneath lapping, scraping doggie-tongues. Her hand darted to the horse’s huge hot balls and she started squeezing them playfully and hornily as she sucked his prick. She knew she could suck the cum right out of his big balls, and that’s what she wanted to do.

Her pussy exploded violently. There was no way for the highly excited young girl to keep from groaning and moaning erotically as she squirmed her juicy clit on the dog’s tongue and plunged her mouth on the horse-cock. Her arm pistoned like a pump handle as her tight fist rode up and down the length of Hero’s throbbing cock. Sweet, erotic thrills washed through her cummy cunt as she sucked faster and faster. Her pussy creamed wetly and twisted harder. Sucking the horse’s magnificent prick had her in a state of high excitement.

The horse started grunting and snorting. Cindy sucked and licked his prick with increasing urgency. He pawed the ground around her and his balls tightened up in her small hand. His prick jerked in her mouth and seemed to grow ever larger as she sucked it.

Hero snorted with animal lust as huge wads of thick horse-cum gushed out of the huge hole in his jolting cock. Cindy gasped and swallowed frantically, trying to drink the vast amounts of creamy horse-cum filling her mouth. Her eyes shot open wide in wonder and surprise as the horse-cock pumped and gushed thicker and thicker jism. She swallowed desperately then, to keep up with the torrents of cum.

Her head bobbed faster as she gulped and gulped. She jacked his prick with a fury, as if she were trying to pump more and more hot jism out of his jerking balls. Her throat rippled continually as she swallowed, gulped and drank heavily.

She found the horse-cum thick and creamy and delicious. Her blue eyes glowed with lust.

Her whole body shook with erotic feelings as her pussy creamed on the doggie-tongue, her tits rubbed against other tongues, and she sucked hungrily on the horse’s swollen prick.

Though she tried her best to suck all the cum into her throat and down into her belly, she couldn’t possibly keep up with such a big, hot animal-cock. Thick, white horse-cum streamed from the corners of her sucking mouth. Cum glistened in the sun and dripped down her chin onto her thrusting young tits. The dogs had a field day licking the horse-cum from her beautiful tits, and that only made Cindy cum more.

The horse-cock was just too much for her. She pulled her hot little mouth off Hero’s cock and staggered back. She jacked his prick furiously and watched the rest of his cum splash and splatter onto her body and the grass. All the dogs dashed to the stuff and Cindy looked on wide-eyed as they gobbled up the jism as she had done. It was a very erotic sight to the young girl, and she rubbed her pussy hard as she watched.

It was especially stimulating to her to see the big cock in her hand jerking and jolting and still spitting huge globs of jism all over the place. Her hunch had been right. Horses did cum in quarts! She giggled at her own cleverness and stuck her tongue out. She poked her face near the pumping prick and caught some more horse cum in her mouth before it stopped shooting. She liked the taste of horse-cum.

Cindy grew quite fond of the horses after that day. She hurried home after school every day to ride Hero or Satin or Black Beauty. A pack of dogs would bound after her, eager to get at her body once she got it naked for them.

Day in and day out Cindy rushed to her secret place in the woods with her pets. There she got nude, let the dogs lick her body all over, and sucked off a horse until she could watch it shoot cum all over her. It was a special treat to stretch out in the grass and just let the dogs lap the horse-jism from her tits and belly and thighs and pussy.

Then came the day when she wanted to eat the cum. She wanted very much to swallow all of an animal’s jism. She had enjoyed sucking off her dogs because their pricks were slender and they came nicely down her throat. But she couldn’t keep up with the cum-pumping prick of an excited horse.

So one day she hurried home from school and, instead of climbing up onto one of the horses, she chose a pony she called Pinto. She rode Pinto to her secret hiding place in the woods and there she peeled off her shirt and jeans and rubbed her tits and cunt a little, just to warm them up. Then she let a couple of the mutts lick her tits and asshole and cunt-hole while she played with the pony’s prick.

Turned on by all the sex-play, she crawled under the pony and took his rigid wet cock into her horny mouth and jerked his prick for him as she sucked it. Pinto’s cock was slightly smaller than a horse’s, but it still filled Cindy’s mouth completely. She liked that, and she sucked his cock with a passion, hoping to be able to swallow all his jism when he came.

Dogs licked her tits and ass and cunt as she sucked the pony-cock, and she got very excited by it all. Suddenly, she was too exhausted to continue blowing the pony. She needed a good fucking, just to calm her down some. With that thought in mind, she crawled away from the pony’s immense boner and offered her naked ass up to the first dog with balls enough to mount her.

It was a good fucking that she got and she enjoyed every inch of dog-prick, moaning and whimpering hornily as the huge mutt fucked his stiff prick in and out of her pussy. When he dropped off of her body, after depositing a good load of jism up her cunt, she knelt, panting and wanting one more doggie-prick to fuck her cunt.

Just then, Pinto sidled up to her quivering naked body and brushed against her. The way he moved against her, Cindy knew he wanted her to play with his cock again. Her heart went out to him and she stroked his flank. He nuzzled her soft hair. Cindy moaned.

The soft tickling of his nose around her neck and shoulders gave her the shivers and she giggled. He started nudging the back of her head as if he were telling her to bend over. Cindy went lax and dropped forward onto her hands.

Pinto moved around behind her and nuzzled her ass. Cindy moaned again and spread her knees apart. Her furry little cunt peeked from between her creamy thighs. Pinto’s huge red tongue slapped against her pussy. Cindy gasped.

In the next moment, she was panting and moaning hornily as the pony licked her sweet cunt with his enormous tongue. His tongue lapped harder. Her clit stiffened and throbbed. She humped her cute ass back at him, encouraging him to lick her cunt. Her pussy grew quite juicy from the rough licking, and her cunt-flesh buzzed with a thousand pulsations. Her eyes closed and she concentrated on the pleasure the animal was giving her.

She came again and again and again. Still, she ached for more sex.

Her erotic moans were not wasted on the pony. As if sensing the presence of a hot, wet cunt, as if sensing the girl’s fuck-needs, he nudged the back of her head with his nose and set his forelegs to each side of her body. Cindy felt the weight of his furry belly against her upturned ass.

“Oh, my God!” she gasped. “Pinto! Wh-what are you doing?”

But she knew. And it alarmed her. As the pony clamped her shoulders between his two front legs, she wondered if her little pussy could endure the size of his enormous boner.

The drippy end of his prick kissed the soft flesh of her crotch.

“Oh!” she gasped.

His giant prick pushed at her wet pussy, and that alone made her cunt hungry for cock. Cindy moaned and spread her knees farther apart, hoping to help the beast get that magnificent cock into her pussy. The ponycock nudged her pussy, hit her clit, teased her cunt-hole. Cindy couldn’t stand the suspense any longer.

Panting breathlessly, she thrust a hand down between her shaking thighs and grabbed the pony’s huge prick. She thrilled to the touch of the throbbing wet thing, and she gasped at the size of his cock. Thinking of that cock-meat stuffing her cunt made it seem monstrously big. But she wanted a good fuck even more now.

She pulled Pinto’s prick to the right place and pressed his thick cock-head against the mouth of her juicy cunt. The massive hunk of cock-meat soaked her pussy-lips and forced them open. Her cunt was so drenched with her own cum that it helped his slippery prick to ease up into her fuck-hole. Cindy choked, as if the huge prick was forcing its way into her mouth.

The pony-prick invaded the tightness of her young pussy and filled her completely with throbbing prick-meat. Never had she felt such fullness in her pussy as when the pony inched most of his thick cock into her cunt. It did something wild to Cindy. She suddenly wanted the pony-cock to rip her pussy apart with fucking force and cummy pleasure.

She grew so impatient to experience her pleasure that she started fucking before the animal did. With his huge cock stuffed up her cunt, all she had to do was work her pussy back and forth on his cock to achieve tremendous fuck-thrills. She took advantage of the situation and fucked her soaked cunt up and down on the prick, gasping breathlessly with each push of her cute ass.

Then the pony felt her tight pussy sucking on his prick and his instincts took over. Pawing the ground anxiously with his front legs, he stomped with his rear legs as he started fucking the girl’s juicy cunt with powerful fuck-thrusts of his immense prick.

Cindy got so excited as the big cock ravished her tender pussy that she shivered from head to toe and moaned loudly. She shoved a hand downward and rubbed her clit vigorously with trembling fingers as the pony fucked her.

“Oh! I’m-I’m cumming!” she squealed.

It didn’t take many fuck-strokes of Pinto’s prick to get her off. Her eyes rolled in her head and her tits jutted hornily. Her sweet little ass quivered and fucked back against the driving, drilling pony-cock and she came profusely, soaking the pony’s big fucker.

The wetter her pussy got, the deeper the pony fucked his horny cock. Cindy went out of her mind with lovely fuck-feelings and she started fucking her cunt crazily all over the plunging, sliding prick. Foaming cum cascaded from her pussy to drench the drilling cock. She shivered and trembled and shook violently with her horny cums. Moans and giggles and laughs and whimpers escaped her throat as she fucked wildly on the pony’s wonderful, mind-boggling cock.

Her hot moans drifted out of the woods. Her little squeals and shrieks had been overheard by someone. The leaves and bushes rustled slightly, but Cindy never heard it. She was too busy creaming and fucking on the rampaging pony-prick.

Two large, callused hands parted twigs, and deep blue eyes peered at the young girl getting fucked by the pony. The eyes widened, then stared hotly. A shock of white hair flashed in the leaves as the man moved closer.

Ben Holder stepped out of the bushes, eyes on fire. In the front of his overalls was a huge cock-bulge, a big, throbbing bump. He swallowed hard and stared at the cute naked ass of Cindy Foster, wiggling so hornily as a giant pony-cock fucked in and out of her little cunt.

“Well, bless my soul!” he rasped.

Cindy’s pretty head jerked. “Mr. Holder!” she shrieked.

The pony’s immense cock suddenly exploded in her pussy and, before she could do anything about her position, she no longer wanted to. Lust overwhelmed her. She buried her face in her arms and shook there as the cum-spitting animal-prick turned her cunt into a squishy, foaming, twisting, churning piece of female flesh.

“Ohhhhhhh!” she groaned as the pony fucked his thick supply of cum into her hot pussy. For those few fantastic moments, she forgot all about the man watching her. so

Everything left her mind except the pleasure which was overcoming her.

Ben Holder gritted his teeth and ogled hornily as the lusty animal fucked the hell out of the sweet young girl’s fucking, humping pussy. He couldn’t believe this was sweet, innocent Cindy Foster. But he was glad it was!



The minute Cindy could free her tight little pussy from the fucking pony-prick, she pulled off it and rolled away from the animal. She fell onto her back, gasping and panting for breath.

“Mr. Holder . . . ” she whimpered as her pussy leaked her fuck-juices mixed with pony-jism. “Please . . . I can explain . . . I . . . I . . . “

The leering man chuckled in a way that made Cindy quiver. This was the man she had always disliked intensely. He was old and mean and had a way of appearing respectable to her parents while he secretly eyed her luscious young body. Cindy had always despised the man. Now she was afraid of him.

The man circled her writhing young body several times, chortling at her. Cindy kept her eyes on his shit-caked boots, afraid to look him in the eye.

“So this is the sweet little Christian girl, huh?” he sneered, ogling her heaving young tits. “Fuckin’ all the animals, huh? And here you was claimin’ ta be a fuckin’ virgin! Yellin’ at me fer lookin’ at ya! Threatenin’ ta tell yer pa on me if’n I kept lookin’ at ya! Well, you ain’t tellin’ nobody nothin’ now, you sexy little heifer.”

Cindy saw his big hands pull his overalls from his broad, muscular shoulders. She watched the filthy garment slip down the length of his body, leaving him stark naked. His cock throbbed big and wet, looking more like a weapon than a thing of love.

Cindy wanted to protest. She wanted to threaten him. She wanted to cry, whimper, complain, resist. She wanted to plead, beg and make false promises. But she could tell by the fire in the ugly man’s evil eyes that she could do nothing to stop him.

Ben Holder grinned knowingly at her and dropped to his knees beside her luscious body. He was drooling.

“You ain’t gonna tell a soul, are you, Cindy?” he taunted her. “If’n ya do, I’ll tell thet you been fuckin’ these here beasts. Right? Right?”

“Yes, Mr. Holder,” Cindy whimpered. “You gonna be nice ta me?” he asked lewdly.

“Y-yes, Cindy sniffled, defeated. “Ya gonna do what I say?”

“Yes, sir,” she whispered, finding it hard to talk.

Her thoughts became muddled as she watched his terrible cock throb near her thigh. Her senses whirled as it dawned on her that this horrible beast of a man was going to take advantage of the situation and abuse her sexually.

To Cindy, he was worse than a beast. At least, Pinto and Hero and Bruno loved her. They were her pets. But this monster was evil, a gloating full-grown man with a powerful cock that would choke a mare! Fear and confusion boggled her young mind.

She could feel the heat of Ben’s closeness and it sent strange thrills through her tensing, straining body. Then she realized that he had slipped his arm under her neck and that his free hand was sliding onto her ripe, jutting tits.

He slowly stroked her perfect young tits. He traced his rough fingers maddeningly around her tender tit-flesh and teased her pink nipples with his fingertips. Cindy quivered beneath the lewd assault and her breath caught in her throat as he pinched one taut nipple between his thumb and forefinger.

Playing with her tit and nipple, he leaned down and licked his wet tongue into her cute little ear. Squeezing her tit, he whispered, “You cute fucking little bitch!”

Cindy gasped. It was wicked of him to say such a thing to a young girl. She wanted to tell him so, but his hand mauling her sensitive tits made an unwanted flood of excitement and pleasure ripple through her unresisting body.

Ben chuckled at what he was doing to the horny kid. Laughing, he moved his hot hand to her thighs and, with lust-provoking slowness, edged it up her creamy legs. He forced Cindy’s close-pressed thighs apart and started teasing the light blonde hairs at the base of her straining belly.

Cindy gasped at the wicked pleasure Ben’s fingers induced in her sensitive body. Just tickling her pussy-hair was enough to drive her crazy, and her cunt started quivering excitedly. The moisture in her cunt increased and hot cunt-juice soaked her pussy right before the man’s eyes.

Pleasure rippled through her pussy, making her writhe beneath his wicked hand. It was evil, Cindy was certain. Her body liked what was happening, but she just knew it was wrong-because this wasn’t one of her loving pets. It was lecherous old Mr. Holder who was giving her these deliciously scrumptious feelings in her pussy. Her body stiffened against the pleasure, but a thrill made her jerk in response to his maddening touches and strokes.

Ben chuckled obscenely and pressed his thick middle finger to her cunt-lips. Cindy made a little gurgling sound as the man’s big finger separated her pussy-lips and wormed its way up into the wetness of her cunt-hole. Her pussy yielded immediately.

“Ohhh, noooo!” she moaned, wishing she didn’t like it.

She squirmed her pussy on his impaling finger and gasped as Ben inched all of his finger into her fuck-hole. Her torso quivered and shook as he worked his finger in and out. He turned and twisted his probing finger, teasing the helpless girl, pleasing the inside of her cunt with every twist of his wrist.

The lewd taunting of her cunt sent shivers of excitement roaring through her trembling body. Her fuck-urge erupted on Ben’s drilling finger. The delicious agony drove her senseless and she moaned with pleasure.

Her whole body went lax on the grass, surrendering completely to the man. Her eyes closed and her tits jutted as she submitted to the incredible turn-on. Nothing mattered now, nothing but the cunt-teasing, cunt-pleasing finger up her pussy.

Ben dipped down and fastened his mouth on the small quivering bud of Cindy’s nipple. His tongue lashed at her nipple, exciting the little bump into a hard erection. Then he sucked on her tit, lightly at first, then with such lust and lewdness that Cindy whimpered and fucked her hot pussy on his probing finger.

Ben eased his soaked finger out of her hot little pussy. It came out of her cunt with a soft sucking sound that told him her cunt was going to feel great around his immense, throbbing cock. He thought Cindy sure looked fuckable. His most raunchy dreams were about to come true. No more lusting after the pretty girl. No more suffering aching hard-ons over her.

Chuckling obscenely, he crawled down to her feet. He grasped her ankles and swung her trembling legs open.

“Let’s see this here cunt ya been teasin’ me with so long,” he said thickly.

He stretched her thighs wider and wider until Cindy whimpered with pain. She saw his eyes burning into her exposed wet cunt and knew he was insane with fuck-lust for her. She swallowed nervously when she saw him grip his swollen, throbbing cock and inch between her defenseless thighs.

He leaned forward and guided his aching prick toward her hotly pulsating fuck-hole. With her lovely legs stretched so wide, her pink, juicy cunt was open and ready.

“No! Ohhh, noooo! It’s too big!” she cried.

Ben Holder burst into laughter. “Too big? Why, you was jest fuckin’ a damned pony!”

“But Pinto loves me,” Cindy whimpered. “You’re a mean man!”

Ben chortled and inched forward with his immense prick.

“Please . . . don’t,” Cindy sniffled. “It’s so big. You’ll split me open. Please, please!”

Ben loved to hear her begging for mercy. It further aroused his horny balls and stiff cock.

It thrilled him to see the little cock-teaser helpless beneath him. It added to his private pleasure to see her lips quiver and her tits jiggle as she fought for breath.

Cindy stared, hypnotized by the very size of his monstrous cock, and she screamed when the swollen head of his blood-engorged prick forced her pussy-lips apart.

He chuckled evilly and lodged his bulging cock-head in the narrow opening of her juicy cunt-mouth. Cindy felt the tight lips of her cunt give way for the wet prick, just as it had done for the pony-cock.

“Oh, my God!” she squealed, no longer sure whether she liked it or not. Shivers of excitement shot through her pussy as the big cock invaded it.

The resisting cunt-muscles went lax then and the man’s long, thick, throbbing cock burrowed deeply into her juicy, clenching pussy-sheath.

Ben pushed into her and Cindy pulled her cunt back. She groaned and twisted her ass-cheeks deep into the grass, trying to escape the advance of the horny man’s impaling prick. Ben wanted none of that. He grasped her hot little ass, squeezed it tightly, and fucked every solid inch of his cock into her drenched cunt-hole. Cindy shrieked and almost fainted.

Ben sank his cock up to the hilt and his pelvic bone mashed against her quivery little clit. Then he yanked his prick back and fucked it into her cunt again. Cindy’s lips began to tremble and quiver in torment as he pulled out and fucked in again and again. After seven fuck-strokes of his powerful cock, her lips trembled in small, sexy spasms of pleasure. His big cock felt good.

Against her will, her silky young cunt caught fire and heat burned into her belly where Ben’s cock kept drilling. Fucking a man was pure torture for Cindy, who would have loved to stick with her animals. It seemed obscene and lewd for the man to be fucking her so hornily. He seemed to delight in making her defenseless young body jerk and writhe on his pistoning prick.

Ben arched backwards and withdrew his rigid, throbbing prick, then fucked all of it up into her wet pussy. He started sawing back and forth in a fucking motion that made Cindy lose all control of her emotions. She began mewling like a fucked cat. Her fingernails dug into the man’s giant shoulders. Her tits thrust upward and rubbed back and forth against his strong chest. Her pussy closed and clenched around his fucking prick and she started fucking like she needed a good stiff cock.

Ben fucked his cock into her again and again, pounding her pussy with joy, fucking into her swampy cunt-channel like a machine. Cindy thrashed and jerked under him, surrendering completely to the lewd pleasure that rippled through her pussy. She hated herself as she made her cunt suck him off.

I hate him, I hate him, I hate him! she told herself as her cunt churned and fucked fiercely. But at the same time, she felt the wonder of his mind-boggling cock and knew she didn’t want him to stop fucking her. Not just yet.

Her pretty face screwed up in a look of intense pleasure-pain and small squeals of delight escaped her throat.

Ben chuckled with pride and fucked her cunt with increasing power and force. He gripped her ass in both hands and ram-rodded her hot cunt with his massive, pulsing cock. He yanked her cute ass up and, at the same moment, fucked all of his big prick into her fuck-hole.

He rammed her cunt again and she gasped. A small cry of obvious delight came out of her mouth. Her arms tightened around Ben’s neck. Suddenly, her lovely legs wrapped around his pistoning hips and held on for dear life as he fucked his stony cock in and out of her spasming cunt.

Her throbbing, wet little pussy clasped his big prick and sucked it like a lollipop as she gave herself completely to the unwanted but needed pleasure. With the raising of her legs, her cute ass elevated, and now she felt a new sensation as Ben’s cum-filled balls slapped excitingly against her asshole and ass-cheeks. Little shivers exploded throughout her body as his balls slapped her ass and his big cock-head pounded her pussy-guts.

Cindy threw her head back and pushed her hard tits up against the man who was fucking her so brutally. All she could think of was the thickness and strength of his mighty prick raping her defenseless cunt. She churned and fucked in wild abandon.

“I’m cumming!” she shrieked. “Mr. Holder! Oh! Ohhhh, Mr. Holder! I’m-I’mOhhhhhhh, I’m cummmiiinnnggg!”

Her pretty head rocked from side to side loosely. Her mouth fell open and her pink tongue lashed at her lips. The hot juices of her cum spilled from her horny pussy and coated Ben’s relentless cock.

Her burning cunt-juice and the sucking of her horny pussy made Ben cum. He groaned like an animal and fucked his prick faster and harder into her twisting cunt. His aching balls tightened up against the base of his prick, then fired a salvo of thick jism through his cock-pipe into Cindy’s ravenous, fucking pussy.

Ben’s cum gushed through the length of his fucking cock and spurted out in powerful streams to fill Cindy’s squirming, screwing cunt. Her pussy sucked at his cock hungrily and she came again even as he shot his fiery load of cum into her heaving fuck-hole.

Thoroughly fucked, Cindy collapsed on the ground, dropping her arms and legs weakly. Ben lifted his ass and withdrew his spent cock from her clenching little cunt. Cindy started weeping then, sobbing pitifully.

“You shouldn’t have done that to me, Mr. Holder,” she whimpered tearfully. “You’re not a nice man at all. I feel so ashamed now.

I’ve never been fucked by a man. How could you?”

Ben chuckled, eyeing the soaked mouth of her gaping cunt. Her glistening fuck-hole was precious and pretty as he watched his thick jism come seeping from between her cute pussy-lips. He watched cum trickle down her ass-crack to tickle her asshole, and he liked the way it made Cindy wiggle and moan.

“I ought to tell on you,” she sobbed.

“Yeah,” Ben laughed, getting to his feet. “But you won’t.”

He pulled on his overalls and left her quivering there, weeping sorrowfully. Tears streamed from her eyes and cum streamed from her pussy. She felt so miserable.

Only the appearance of her dogs made her feel better. They took her mind off her troubles for the moment. Doggie-tongues licked her face and tits and cunt, and she began to feel much better. She came wetly on two lapping dog-tongues and rubbed her tits to make them feel better, too. Within the hour, she forgot all about Ben Holder and what he had done to her. She loved her pets.

Ben Holder didn’t forget about her sweet cunt, though. Cindy soon found out that she wasn’t off the hook just because the man had fucked her once. He wanted more and more of her sweet, innocent body. She soon discovered that she had to submit to his depraved assaults again and again. He followed her every day, no matter where she went, and came up on her as she was fucking or sucking an animal. Then he would rape her.

Cindy learned to outsmart him when she could. Ben grew to like the game. Some days, he couldn’t find her in the woods anywhere. Those days were disappointing and frustrating. But on the days he found her, he fucked the hell out of her.

He found her down by the stream, licking a doggie-prick, and he secretly watched for an hour. Then he put in his appearance, stark naked. He laughed and decked Cindy. He sat on her proud, jutting tits and made her lick his prick until it was immense. Then he got up on his knees and forced his prick into her soft, sexy mouth and fucked her face until he came. Huge amounts of thick, rich cock-cream gushed down the gulping girl’s throat.

Ben found Cindy getting fucked by Pinto the pony one afternoon. He whipped the animal back away from the panting teenager and shoved his own cock up her twisting, cummy cunt.

The next day, he saw her romping through a field with some mutts and he hurried around the other way, reaching the woods ahead of her. Moments later, he jumped out from behind a tree and almost scared the poor girl half to death.

Cindy ran, squealing, and he took out after her. She led him a merry chase for almost half an hour. Then he caught her, gasping and panting, and threw her to the ground. He tore her dress off and gripped her ankles. He lifted them straight up into the air and stretched them wide apart. He held her ankles aloft with her head knocking against the ground, and he sucked her cunt and asshole like she’d never had them sucked.

Sometimes, Cindy saw him first and was able to evade him. This made her giggle. She loved it when she could avoid Ben and be alone with one of her pets. Then she could strip naked and have lots of fun with some animal’s big, stiff prick.

One day, she fooled him completely. She ran into the woods with a pack of hounds after her ass. Laughing girlishly, she circled around and came right back out of the woods in a different place. She saw Ben Holder entering the woods and giggled excitedly. Then she quickly made her way to the barn, where she chose a horny goat to play with.

The goat’s cock, she discovered, was long and wiry and rather slender, as pricks go. But it was fantastic when she got his cock in her hand and jerked it. She jacked the goat’s prick for a long time and watched it with soulful eyes as he pumped a big load of cum all over her ripe jutting tits. She rubbed the goat-cum into her tits like a body lotion, giggling all the while.

Then she took the goat’s prick into her mouth and sucked his slender cock. Cindy had a wonderful time down on all fours with her pretty head stuck under the goat’s belly, sucking his cock. She sucked him off voraciously and was able to drink every drop of his spitting jism. Not a bit of cum escaped her mouth and she gulped it all down, proud of herself and feeling horny as hell about it.

After that, she bent over and, after some struggling with the unruly animal, managed to get his stiff prick fucked into her wet pussy. She held onto a railing with both hands as the goat fucked her pussy violently. He pumped a huge load of jism into her sucking little cunt and Cindy squealed with pleasure, cumming with him. She loved her animals.

Even so, she still had to put up with Ben Holder’s frequent assaults. Time and again, the horny son-of-a-bitch found her and fucked his cock into every fuck-hole the girl had.



Cindy blossomed into young womanhood that summer. Her pretty legs were now longer and more curvaceous. Her tits were still high and proud, but not as tight. They were fleshier, and when she walked, her tits jiggled just a little, like two perfect cones of firm gelatin. All in all, Cindy was quite a mouthwatering girl.

She liked the developments in herself, and she often admired them in her bedroom mirror. She felt grown-up as she stood stark naked, gazing at herself. And, as if fate agreed with her, she was called upon to help others.

That summer, the Bakers needed someone to help around the farm. Old Mrs. Baker had taken ill. Though Mr. Baker and a son-in-law lived there, they weren’t much help. Mr. Baker had rheumatism and Len, the son-in-law, worked in town at the mill. It was his wife, Darlene, the Bakers’ daughter, who needed the help. She couldn’t take care of everything by herself. So Cindy was asked to help out, just for a month or so, and she agreed.

But Cindy fell madly in love with long and lean Len Butterfield, Darlene’s husband. She couldn’t help it. The Bakers gave her a nice room right below Len and Darlene’s room. That was the problem. Every night, Cindy had to lie awake and listen to Len fucking his pretty fuck-happy wife.

It was bad enough for Cindy that she missed her pets so much, but to hear Len and Darlene fucking every night drove her out of her mind. Their bed and the floor creaked louder and faster, and Cindy heard the brunette moaning excitedly. And Len seemed to be able to fuck her for a long time, just fucking away at her hot cunt for all he was worth.

Cindy avoided the animals on the Baker farm because she didn’t want to get caught fucking. That only frustrated her young pussy, which had become accustomed to at least one animal-prick a day. It was pure hell for her to be in bed naked, listening to Darlene getting a big, stiff prick shoved to her.

Her attraction to the twenty-year-old stud naturally increased. He wasn’t very handsome or even sexy, but Cindy couldn’t keep her eyes off of the cock-bulge of his tight-fitting jeans. And when she saw him without a shirt on, her pussy always twitched and drooled cunt juice.

She was definitely turned on by the young man. And she figured he felt the same way. It was the way he looked at her sometimes, when no one could see him. Cindy just knew that he had an animal nature by the way he fucked Darlene. She was sure that his prick was large and that it could get real stiff between her legs and fill up her hungry cunt. Before her first week was up, she really wanted to fuck Len.

She went to bed horny as hell because she had seen the most beautiful stallion fuck a pretty mare in the breeding corral. She stretched out on her bed, stark naked and panting with fuck-needs. She daydreamed about the huge animal-cock she’d seen, and she toyed with the thought of that horse-cock ramming into her cute little pussy.

Her private thoughts were interrupted when she once again heard Len climb onto his wife’s ready body and start to fuck her silly. Cindy got very wet between her legs. Her hands flew to her writhing cunt and she rubbed her cunt and finger-fucked it in rhythm with the creaking of the old bed upstairs.

In time, all three of them were actually moving in rhythm. Len fucked his horny cock into his wife’s juicy pussy. Darlene moaned as his cock speared her cunt. And Cindy thrust her soaked finger into her own aching pussy. The tempo increased-Len fucked, Darlene moaned, and Cindy fucked her finger up into her cunt-slit.

Len fucked his wife’s cunt, Darlene gasped, and Cindy went crazy on her bed. Her eyes rolled in her head as she fucked her fingers up into her squirming, cumming cunt. She bit her lower lip to keep from groaning, and she fucked her hips violently, cumming and cumming on her stabbing, probing fingers. Her pussy drenched her fingers as she came.

After she got her rocks off, she lay there and rubbed her tits and pussy, listening to Len fucking Darlene’s lucky cunt. Cindy was jealous of Darlene. She wanted to be under Len, getting that big cock shoved into her cunt.

She panted hotly and listened to the fucking. She rubbed her clit and toyed with her pink nipples. She decided that she was going to do something about this. She was determined to fuck Len.

She knew she was prettier than Darlene, even though Darlene was eighteen. She knew that her pussy could really turn a guy on, if she he saw it. She decided that she was going to do everything in her power to attract Len. She was going to get his throbbing prick up her pussy one way or another.

From then on, Cindy wore only sexy things-little skirts and tight shorts that accented the curves of her cute little ass, and tight shirts cut in a big V to show off the thrust of her pert tits. She moved sexily whenever

Len was around and made his eyes rivet to her jutting tits and swinging ass. Her cunt was always soaked because she fingered her pussy a lot, and she knew Len could smell her musky aroma when she got close to him. On two occasions, when she knew he was in the living room, she pranced naked from the bathroom to her bedroom, knowing full well that he saw her.

Within a week there was a secret, underground communication between Cindy and Len. His eyes lusted for her tits and pussy and she smiled at him across the room, letting him peek and glance and look at her. An energy force built up between them whenever they were in the same room. More than once, Cindy saw that she had given the guy an enormous boner in his pants. Oh, how she ached to get that cock in her pussy!

The lonely nights grew unbearable for the horny teen. She fucked her fingers every night, longing for Len’s stiff prick, and she would rub her pussy relentlessly to ease the need. But her squirming little cunt really needed the young man’s hard prick.

One night, another hot one, she stretched out on her bed and gazed up at the bright moon as she stroked her aching tits and stiff little clit.

She didn’t hear the door open or hear Len steal up to the side of her bed. He said nothing, only gazed down and watched Cindy playing with her tits and pussy. Silently, he lowered himself onto her bed and gathered her quivering young body into his arms.

Cindy gasped when she realized who it was and what was happening. Then a soft moan escaped her throat and she turned to him. Her whole body went lax and surrendered to him. He reached for her proud, pointed tits and sucked them gently with his hot mouth. He touched her cunt and whispered sweet things at her tit. He told her he was glad her pussy was so wet and juicy, and that pleased Cindy. She spread her legs for him.

He made tender love to her at first, wondering how fragile the kid was. But when his kisses and licks and feels turned her into a dynamo, he knew Cindy was no kid.

She reached down and her soft hand grasped his huge, blood-engorged cock, and she pulled the big hunk of cock-meat to the narrow, cum-slickened slit of her wet quivering pussy. Len groaned when his stiff, throbbing prick kissed her pussy. Then, with a grunt of animal lust, he fucked his slender prick into the moist, clenching channel of her waiting pussy.

Cindy bit into the guy’s shoulder to smother her squeal of delight as his enormous boner fucked up into her horny cunt. She clung desperately to him and opened her thighs wider.

Len gasped over her heaving tits and pulled his prick back in her tight fuck-channel, then fucked it deep again. Slowly and with increasing pleasure, he fucked her pussy with a long, regular tempo that thrilled Cindy. She writhed and twisted her sucking cunt on his nice prick, loving the way he fucked her with it.

Gasping for breath as his cock ravished her cunt, Cindy thrashed her ass on the bed, humped hotly as he fucked her, and screwed her pussy round and round on his long, thick prick. She drew back when he withdrew and thrust forward when he fucked into her. Cunt and cock banged and screwed and fucked hornily. Cindy was a good fuck, and Len soon found that out. He fucked his stiff prick into her willing pussy and ground her hot ass deep down into the creaking bed.

His immense cock sank into her juicy pussy and took her breath away. Her tits bounced up at the guy. She gasped. Then her hand shot downward and she grabbed one of his. She shoved his hand under her and pressed it up against her quivering ass.

“Ohh, please,” she rasped into his ear. “Here! Fuck your finger up my ass!”

She grabbed his middle finger and thrust the tip of it right between her tight little ass-cheeks, up against her quivery asshole. Her obscene demand and her action boggled Len’s horny mind. A new fire coursed through his veins and turned his blood to molten lava. He grew hotter as the panting young girl forced his finger into her asshole.

He drilled his stiff cock up into her cunt-hole and at the same time pleased her by shoving all of his finger up her ass. Cindy moaned and squirmed her cunt and asshole, aroused by the sudden invasion.

“Oh! Ohhhh,” she whimpered with helpless horniness. “Yessssss! Ummmmm, how nice! Give it to me, Len! Ohhh, fuck my fuck-holes! Get me off. I wanna cum!”

A heavy lust-chuckle escaped Len’s throat. He shoved all of his finger up into her clenching asshole and every solid inch of his wet prick up into her sucking cunt.

Cindy buried her face against his shoulder and smothered another outcry of delight, and she humped her turned-on fuck-holes hornily.

Len pushed his cock deep into her hot, dripping fuck-hole again as Cindy fucked her ass down on his stabbing finger, and he felt a maddening impulse as he fucked his finger inside the juicy confines of Cindy’s hot young ass. Through the filmy partition inside her heaving belly, he felt his own cock surging against his fingertip, his fingertip rubbing against the throbbing head of his prick.

He groaned with new pleasure and fucked her in a wild rhythm, his prick and finger fucking her hot fuck-holes wonderfully, in and out, in and out, in and out!

Cindy whimpered weakly and came strongly.

She stretched her pretty legs wide open as Len continued his dual fucking of her body. Erotic pressure built up in Cindy’s cunt and in Len’s aching balls. They fucked toward their mutual climax of pleasure. His balls slapped viciously against her screwing, fucking ass as his prick fucked in and out of her sucking cunt.

Cindy’s eyes closed tightly, her face twisted up in passion, and a long horny moan emanated from her throat.

“Fuck me!” she rasped hotly, screwing her fuck-holes wildly on his finger and cock. “Give it to me! Ohhh, you animal! Shoot! Fuck your cum in me! Ohhh, I’m gonna cummmmmmmmm!”

His bony finger slid into her twitching asshole. His rigid prick fucked into her pussy. Cindy gasped. Then her pretty legs shot up into the air in a magnificent V and her feet flailed the air as her cunt and asshole clasped his cock and finger tightly, fucking on them hotly.

Her hot little fuck-holes became sucking voids, pulling at him, aching for more. Len fucked in and out furiously, and the same wildness gripped him that gripped Cindy. Like two animals, they fucked viciously, gasping and panting hornily as they climbed to their peak of pleasure.

Cindy fucked up and down on his impaling finger and prick, her eyes glazed over with mounting lust. Her mouth went slack and her tits ground against his chest. Her pussy and asshole yanked on his cock and finger.

“I’m cumming!” she cried into his ear, and she shoved her tongue in there as her body started to quiver.

Convulsions threw her young body this way and that under the fucking man. At the same time, huge spasms of lust rocked Len. His heaving balls burst then and sent shot after shot of thick cock-cream through his cock-pipe into Cindy’s sucking, fucking, twisting pussy. His hot jism gushed like boiling lava and spewed angrily into her pussy.

Cindy went out of her head with passion and lust and fuck-hunger. Her whole body shook and vibrated as her luscious cunt boiled over with pussy-juice, drowning Len’s fucking, pumping cock.

“Oh, oh, ohhhhh!” she moaned with pleasure, and she gave the guy all she had. She fucked hornily, clinging to him and digging her fingernails into his back as she got off again and again on his rampaging prick.

Little did Len know that he was lucky to be fucking the sweet teenager, that he was fucking her only because she was so incredibly horny for animal-cock. Even as he pumped his fiery load of hot jism into her hungry cunt, Cindy was thinking of her horses and goats and dogs. As his slender prick delighted her, she was daydreaming about a horse-cock fucking furiously into her horny cunt.

Even so, Cindy enjoyed the fucking very much. She had needed it. And after Len stole quietly out of her room, she knew she had it made-that she would fuck him again and again, just to get her rocks off in a nice way.

So they came together like that many nights, rarely speaking, just melting together and fucking their asses off. Len would crawl into her bed and she would stroke his prick as she dreamed about an animal-cock. Len caressed her tits and rubbed her cunt all the while, until they were both horny as hell, ready to fuck again.

They led a double life. They rarely looked at one another during the day. But Cindy’s cunt and Len’s prick waited for night. Sometimes, Cindy worried about the situation. How long could she get away with using Len as a substitute cock for her cherished animals?

Then, one night, Cindy waited in unbearable heat and lust for hours-but Len didn’t come.

Desperate for a stiff prick, aching to cum, she tried finger-fucking her pussy. But it wouldn’t satisfy her, no matter how many times she came on her naughty fingers. She had gotten used to a nice stiff cock ramming up her cunt as she thought about fucking animals.

She tried to get off once again, but just then, even as she humped her hot ass up off the mattress, she heard a familiar sound overhead. Len was upstairs fucking his wife!

Cindy experienced strange, twisted emotions. She wanted to run up there and pull Len away from Darlene’s fucking cunt. But she also wanted to cringe and hide-and never let anyone know she had fucked a man. Tears burned her eyes that night as she sorrowfully played with her lonesome cunt.

Night after night, she heard Len fucking Darlene and it became too much to bear. She tired of waiting for him to come to her and fuck her. Yet her passion and lust for him increased as her cunt got hornier and hornier each night.

Finally, she packed her suitcases and announced her departure.

“But we need you here,” Darlene said, shocked at the news. “We thought you were happy here with us.”

“I’m glad I was a help,” Cindy said sweetly, lowering her eyes. “But I miss my pets at home.”

Darlene smiled at the girl and slipped an arm around her shoulders. “I understand,” she said nicely.

If you only knew, Cindy thought as the older girl caressed her. If you only knew how much I need my pony’s stiff cock up my cunt! You have Len!

“You don’t have to go,” Darlene said. “I think you and I should have a woman-to-woman talk.”

“About what?” Cindy asked.

“Let’s go to your room, where we can have some privacy.”

Cindy felt funny going to her room with Darlene. The brunette seemed to have something on her mind, and Cindy couldn’t figure it out for herself. But Darlene made things very clear.

She guided Cindy to the bed and sat with her. She gazed at the girl and smiled all the while, making Cindy feel self-conscious about the thrust of her tits.

“Why are you staring at me like that?” Cindy asked timidly.

“Because you’re so pretty. You have darling tits. You know that?”

Cindy peered down at her tits, then glanced at Darlene’s. “Yours are much bigger,” she remarked, as if to say bigger meant better.

“But yours are so cute, so cuddly-and very exciting,” Darlene murmured in a strange voice. “Look, Cindy, I know all about you and Len. I knew he was visiting you at night and fucking you. I don’t blame him. Don’t blush like that. It’s all right. I can see why his prick got stiff for you. You’re so beautiful and sexy for your age. I’m attracted to you, too. I got jealous of Len fucking you.”

“Y-you did?” Cindy stammered. “I-I don’t understand.”

“Girls can get off with each other, too, you know.”

“Th-they can?”

“Let me show you,” Darlene breathed.

Quickly but gently, she lowered Cindy to the bed and proceeded to introduce her to lesbian pleasure. Cindy stretched out naked, quivering slightly, as Darlene gently aroused the pink nipples of her tits and stroked her cute cunt. Cindy at first fought back the little thrills of excitement, dazed and amazed by Darlene.

“I’ve been wanting to do this ever since you got here,” the brunette revealed hotly. “I knew Len wanted to fuck you-and I pretended to be asleep so he could. I watched every night at your door. You look so pretty when your pussy’s on fire. I want it on fire with me. Have fun with me, Cindy, and I’ll let Len fuck you a lot.”

Cindy’s senses whirled as the soft, tender girl turned her pussy on with her hands and tongue and lips and teeth. Before she knew it, they were both quite excited.

Five minutes later, Cindy’s face was buried between Darlene’s thighs while Darlene sucked her pussy. Rubbing tits and eating each other, the girls moaned and whimpered with newfound pleasures. Cunt-to-mouth, they got each other off in a series of rapid little orgasms that led to one gigantic climax.

Cindy discovered that she liked to suck pussy as much as she liked to have her cunt licked. From that day on, Cindy fucked Len every night and enjoyed lesbian fun with Darlene every day.

It was only Cindy’s basic need for animal-love that made the girl give up the good fucking eventually. She had massive animal-cocks yet to conquer. Fucking with humans got too complicated. Animals were so easy to fuck, with no emotions involved. Cindy wanted sex that way . . . uncomplicated.



Cindy had a tough time parting with Len and Darlene. Len didn’t know what to make of it, but there was nothing he could do except let the girl go home if she wanted to. Len knew nothing at all. He thought he was fooling both Cindy and Darlene with his hanky-panky, but the girls were willingly sharing his big cock.

It was harder on Darlene, who had come to relish the curvy young body of Cindy Foster. She shed tears all over Cindy’s writhing pussy one afternoon and begged her to stay. But Cindy was determined to return to her animals.

Even as Darlene’s wicked tongue licked into her juicy cunt-hole, Cindy knew she had to leave this paradise. Darlene and Len were married; they belonged together. Cindy knew she couldn’t keep Darlene’s tongue up her cunt, and she knew she could never fuck Len all she wanted to. Either way, she was the loser. She would be better off with her loving animals, and she knew it. So she left.

The minute she got home, she took a long walk through the country that she loved. It was a pleasant walk and it took her mind off Len and Darlene. She felt free again. The hills were lush and green, dotted with thousands of pretty flowers. The air was filled with the sweet aroma of hay and alfalfa and perfumed flowers.

Walking through the woods, she heard the familiar sound of a babbling brook and she followed it. At the stream, she found a horse drinking.

“Well, who’s horse are you?” Cindy laughed. He looked magnificent.

He raised his head and tossed his mane in a gesture of pride that turned Cindy on. She liked horses to look strong and proud and dominant.

She smiled and reached out a hand to pat his muscular side. The horse brushed closer to her as her hand smoothed over his coat, inching under his belly. The way he moved his body close and rubbed against hers told Cindy that he liked her and that he wanted to be fondled.

She pressed her pointed tits against his side and reached under him for his cock. Her fingers stretched out, found his balls, then curled around the thickness of his massive prick.

“You want the same thing I want,” she whispered affectionately. “Don’t you? Is this why you came here? Looking for some love?”

As she spoke gently to the horse, she kept her smooth hand moving up and down his lengthening prick. With tender words and soft touches, she worked his cock into a state of rigidity that took her breath away.

Then her finger closed around his massive cock and she started pumping it up and down, making his prick even bigger and thicker than ever. The huge hunk of cock-meat got wet in her fist. Huge drops of clear pre-cum bubbled out of the hole in the end of his cock, and Cindy laughed and rubbed the slippery fluid up and down the full length of his prick. That made his cock feel real nice in her hand.

The horse snorted and his head wheeled around. His gigantic tongue came out from between his full set of gleaming white teeth, and it tickled her throat and shoulder.

Cindy looked around and saw that she and the horse were absolutely alone. They were quite deep in the woods, and the only sound was the babbling of the stream and her heavy breathing. Cindy stripped her clothes off and stood naked near the horse’s head, smiling at him and encouraging him to lick her body.

The big, fat horse-tongue laved her jutting tits and flat belly until Cindy was breathless with excitement.

“Ohhh, good horsy,” she breathed She arched her back and spread her feet apart in hopes that the animal would get his fantastic tongue against her feverish little cunt. She whimpered with fuck-need and threw her arms around his neck and pulled hard. The horse seemed to understand. His head dipped and his big tongue lapped wetly against her naked thighs.

Cindy moaned and wiggled around until her pussy was in the right position to receive those delicious licks. The big red tongue lashed against her cunt-hair, leaving it wet and glistening, then her cunt got what it ached for. The horse-tongue licked and lapped roughly all over her pretty pussy. Cindy moaned with pleasure.

A strange but beautiful animal-human bond was forged between them. The horse suddenly pushed the side of his graceful body against Cindy’s. It was a gentle nudge, but powerful enough to knock her to the moist grass beside the stream. Then he lowered his head to her straining belly. His huge nose parted her thighs and his thick red tongue licked her sweet pussy.

A moment later he was licking her pussy-hair, cunt-lips and clit. Cindy squealed and shuddered with delight as the marvelous horse-mouth laved her cunt.

Oh, lover, she thought girlishly, how magnificent you are. Just like a fairy prince disguised as an animal. Ohhhh, please your princess, you lovely beast!

So she dreamed as the horse nudged and nibbled her cute little cunt. A smile played on her lips continually as the horse’s lips and tongue worked magic between her shivering thighs. She humped her pussy upward and spread her legs wide. The oversized horse-tongue lapped her ass and cunt at the same time. Cindy whimpered with delight and mauled her tits as the horse licked her pussy.

Her ass-cheeks quivered, and each time the big tongue sloshed across her tingling clit, she gasped. Her body jerked, then whipped in the grass as her pussy-juices erupted in her hot cunt. Cindy squealed the next time the horse-tongue lashed her pussy, then her whole body twisted and humped furiously as she came wetly.

A great stream of cunt-juice rushed from her pussy-guts and through her churning cunt-channel. As the cunt-juice emerged from her pussy-mouth, the horse lapped faster. He seemed to like her cum.

He licked faster. Her pussy throbbed and got wetter. Cindy thrust her cunt higher and parted her pussy-lips with her trembling fingers so the tongue could get deeper into her horny pussy.

“I’m cumming so much!” she gasped, screwing her ass ’round and ’round as the horse-tongue licked her swampy pussy.

Her eyes closed tightly and her tits heaved hornily as the great pleasure overwhelmed her senses. She came a half dozen times. Her lovely body jerked and bounced erotically until she was a small mass of writhing female flesh beneath the huge animal. And she ached for more cunt-lapping.

The horse nudged her body with his head as if to rouse her from sleep. Her eyes fluttered open and immediately darted to his enormous red cock, fully erect and throbbing beneath his broad body. She suddenly wanted that giant prick up her cunt.

There was no doubt that the horse wanted to fuck her. He nudged at her and snorted his passion and lust, smelling her pussy and aching for it. Cindy smiled and liked to think that he was telling her he wanted to fuck her pussy.

She rolled onto her hands and knees. The horse’s head knocked against her cute ass so hard that she squealed and fell forward laughing. He nudged her again and again, until her head bumped against a tree trunk.

Cindy automatically wrapped her slender arms around the small oak tree and held on. Bent over, she offered up her cute little ass and the horse neighed his approval.

His head pressed down on her naked shoulder and Cindy obediently lowered the upper part of her body. This put her juicy cunt at the proper angle for animal fucking. She set her shoulder lower on the tree trunk and lifted her naked ass higher in the air.

The horse’s hoofs pounded on the ground as they moved to each side of her body. As his forelegs locked her into position, she breathlessly wondered if her cunt could take the fullness of such a giant prick.

The immense horse-cock inched toward her hungry little pussy and jabbed a few times. Cindy moaned and spread her knees farther apart. Her willing cunt opened like a flower and beckoned to the horse’s magnificent prick.

Wanting it badly now, she reached down through her parted thighs and grasped the mighty horse-cock in her hot little hand. Just touching the large prick thrilled her and her pussy quivered in anticipation. With a little grunt, she pulled the animal’s cock to her tiny cunt-hole, hoping like hell that it would be able to fuck into her pussy.

But her hot pussy was so drenched with cunt-juice that the enormous cock-head lodged easily in her fuck-hole. Cindy gasped as the wide, thick fucker wedged into her cunt-gash, and she held onto the tree for dear life as the horse-cock inched up into her cunt.

She whimpered and even wept a little as the snorting horse forced almost all of his stiff cock up into her quivering cunt-hole. He stopped pushing into her pussy only because his massive cock-head hit her womb. He had all of his prick in her body that the young girl could take.

Cindy’s pussy was filled fully and completely. Never had she felt so full of cock as at that glorious moment. She saw stars as the huge prick throbbed in her belly. Her cunt was stretched in a wide O around the immense horse-prick.

The deeply embedded horse-cock drove her wild. That was all she wanted now-just to be filled with cock. She didn’t even care if she came. She needed the hugeness of a big prick fucking her pussy like crazy. And that’s what she got.

The horse snorted and made low animal sounds as he fucked all of his mighty cock-rod in and out of the girl’s tight, sucking cunt.

She grunted animalistically as the heavy body on hers pushed her down. She felt the powerful head of the horse-cock pounding her cuntal depths and she gritted her teeth against the mind-boggling pleasure. Her cunt arched upward and clung to the huge cock plunging in and out of her guts. Her ass lifted to meet each fuck-plunge of the cock that was threatening to split her up the middle.

The horse-cock ram-rodded her cunt, and her pussy clung wetly to the slip-sliding hunk of cock-meat. The immense size and tremendous power of the animal-prick dazed Cindy until she lost all control over her ass and pussy. Her cunt belonged to the fucking, panting horse.

As sensation rushed after sensation in her body, Cindy squealed, shrieked and cried out in alarm. A few times, she thought the giant prick was going to rip right through her womb and lodge in her throat. Hot, drooling saliva dripped onto her quivering back as the pistoning horse-cock ravished her cunt-hole.

Her arms tightened around the tree trunk. Her fingernails dug into the bark. Her hands scrabbled up and down wildly as her cunt squirmed and twisted and fucked hotly on the drilling, driving prick.

“Oh!” she squealed as the horse-cock plunged into her cunt. “Oh, ohhh, ohhhhh!”

Her ass thrust upward in a quivering, shuddering spasm, humping and shaking and jerking. She shrieked as she came, and the horse grunted loudly and fucked his mighty cock into her juicy cunt with faster and harder fuck-plunges.

Her quivering cum left her breathless and dazed. It was a moment before she realized she was still clinging to a tree in the woods-with a giant horse-cock relentlessly fucking her cunt. A hot spark ignited her insides, right in the depths of her cute cunt where the plunging horse-prick devastated her guts. Her thighs quivered and her toes curled as the immense boner fucked her thoroughly, continually and viciously.

“Ohhhhh!” she moaned hotly, and her cunt-walls clenched tightly around the soaked, fucking cock.

Cindy’s second orgasm was even more violent than her first. The horse-cock seemed to feel better and better. She shrieked this time and her whole body whipped and jerked as if m she were caught in a hurricane. The big tickle in her pussy spread like wildfire through her loins and seemed to activate every inch of her cute young body.

“Ohhh! Oh, my God! I’m-ohhhhh, I’m cummmiiinnnggg!” she cried, and a series of electric jolts racked her body.

Her lithe young hips writhed in cummy pleasure as she thrust them upward to meet the savage, brutal fuck-thrusts of the immense horse-cock.

“Ohhh, ummmm, ewwwww!” she squealed as she got fucked faster and faster. “Ohhh, Mamaaaaa! Ummmm, I’m cumming some more! Ohhh, fuck me, you beautiful animal! Screw me! Bang me! Pound my pussy! Ohhh, your cock is so goooood! Give it to me! Ohhh, if you shoot your load in me, I’ll just die! Ummmmmmm!”

Before she could even think about slowing down, the full length of the wet horse-cock stabbed brutally again into her writhing pussy. Huge balls crashed against her clit as the horny horse fucked with gusto. Her sensitive little clit quivered and tingled and helped her cum some more as the powerful animal-prick plunged and fucked and shafted into her pussy.

The wild stallion fucked into her little pussy with increasing force. He snorted and snuffled around her neck and shoulders as his gigantic cock fucked into her twisting, humping cunt. Cindy felt her orgasm building up again around the amazing prick as she felt him gathering his lust for the final assault on her cummy little cunt.

The horse raised his head and neighed loudly as his prick went wild in Cindy’s pussy. His cock swelled up more than ever, and Cindy felt his prick working toward its explosion in her twisting young cunt. Her hands clawed at the tree and she held her breath for the final battle between cock and cunt.

Suddenly, the horse growled and his haunches went crazy and his cock pistoned in and out of Cindy’s sucking, foaming, clenching little cunt. She howled, too, when she felt his massive prick burst forth with mighty jets of thick jism. Her cunt was immediately deluged with horse-jism as massive gushes of cock-cream filled her hot little pussy.

Cindy whimpered helplessly as the massive prick spit and spurted and shot cum wildly in her clinging fuck-hole. She thought the horse would never stop shooting jism. The big horse-cock pumped and pumped until thick white cum came squirting from the sides of Cindy’s twisting pussy.

Long jets of cum splashed noisily onto the ground, and lots of it dribbled down her quivering thighs to her feet. Cindy moaned passionately as she felt the animal’s cum warming her tender flesh. It made her feel sexy and fucked to have the jism all over her. The jism was her sign of completion, the sign of her victory over the wild animal. It felt so good to make a big horse-cock shoot that hot cum into her cunt and onto her naked body.

She whimpered and panted for breath as her cunt sucked slowly on the sliding wet prick. She could feel the horse-cock shrinking in her pussy, getting less vicious, spitting less and less cum into her. She giggled.

At long last the horse stomped the ground and started pulling his spent prick out of the girl’s hungry young pussy. The full length of his cock, soaking wet with his own cum and Cindy’s, slipped slowly out of her fuck-hole and dangled wetly m the air beneath his belly. Cindy whimpered and shivered as the mighty cock left her cunt-slit. She collapsed in a heap on the ground.

“Ohhh, you beautiful fuck!” she gasped, out of her head with delight after such a marvelous fucking.

She rolled and gasped, her blue eyes riveted to the horse’s immense wet boner. With an impish smile on her face, she crawled under the beast and grasped his big prick in her hands with affection.

“What a powerful cock you have,” she whispered.

Shivering with feeling for the loving animal, she caressed his prick and balls and licked her tongue up and down the length of his slimy cock-shaft. The horse-prick stiffened in her fist and she began jacking it slowly as she ran her wet tongue all over the huge cock-head. The horse stomped the ground again, and

Cindy giggled with pleasure. She took his cock into her mouth and started sucking on it.

She couldn’t stop sucking the animal’s cock. She wanted to give the horse all the wonderful feelings that he had given her when he was fucking her pussy. With that thought in mind, she stuffed her mouth with prick and sucked it with gusto. Her hot mouth slid smoothly back and forth on the rigid prick as her tongue lashed and swirled teasingly. The horse-cock grew and grew until Cindy’s mouth was stretched in a big O like her pussy had been. The bigger the cock got, the less of it could she take in her mouth.

But she didn’t mind. She just wanted the cock in her mouth. Finally, the horse-cock was so swollen that she could suck only the cock-head. That was nice for her. She liked the feeling of the immense cock-head stuffing her whole mouth. Her pretty head bobbed rapidly as she worked her sexy wet mouth up and down on the thick cock-shaft. She kept her tongue on the move, knowing that she was driving the stallion wild.

That’s what she wanted to do now that she had been royally fucked. She wanted to please her new-found pet. She wanted to suck him off and make him shoot another huge load of jism -this time, down her throat.

Soon, his prick enlarged in the girl’s sucking young mouth, then burst forth with gushes of thick cum. Jets of the white jism filled Cindy’s mouth and she gulped it down. Her mouth filled again immediately, and she gulped some more. Her smooth white throat worked hard to keep up with the fast and hot spurts of thick jism.

“Mmmmm,” she moaned, drinking down all his cum.

Her cheeks billowed as her mouth filled once again, and streams of white jism oozed from the corners of her mouth. The big horse-cock jolted in her hand and jerked in her mouth as it spit loads and loads of juicy cum.

Cindy giggled hotly and licked the cum-spitting cock clean of all cum. Her pink tongue wallowed around her mouth and lapped up the rest. She spit some cum onto her perfect jutting tits and laughed as she smoothed creamy jism over her flat belly.

She felt so good after fucking and sucking the horse that she pranced all the way home, laughing to herself, feeling light and carefree in the summer sun.



On Sunday, Cindy didn’t really want to get up and go to church with her parents. She awoke feeling very horny for an animal-cock, and she wanted to get fucked by one of her pets. But she couldn’t very well insist on staying home. After all, her mother had raised her a good Christian girl, and Cindy had never missed church before, except when she was sick.

“Come along, Cindy,” her mother said. “Quit poking around. What’s the matter with you this morning? Get in the truck.”

Cindy resigned herself to her fate. She figured she’d do today what she usually did during services. She would daydream about big, stiff animal-cocks and squeeze her thighs together till she got all cummy in the cunt.

But there was a surprise waiting for Cindy. Nate Catling, the tall, stringy preacher, had a special subject for his sermon and, before the hellfire and brimstone settled in the little church, Cindy was all turned on.

The preacher had apparently worked himself up to this subject, something that must have been on his mind in this rural community.

“Sex with animals!” he screeched at the top of his lungs. “Bestiality! Men and women with beasts of the field! Oh, Lord!”

And he launched into a tirade about the evil generations who had fucked animals down through history. He stormed up and down in front of his congregation. His face turned red, and sometimes purple. He beat and waved and thrust the Bible in the faces of the cowering parishioners.

Cindy thought that if the man put that much energy into fucking, his wife Ida must be a very happy girl.

Her ears pricked up when he began raving about sex with animals. He frothed at the mouth and his eyes got really big as he recounted the evils of such sexuality. Cindy never knew so much about bestiality until she heard the preacher tell it.

Nate Catling flipped open his dog-eared Bible to a pre-marked page and held it aloft as he shouted: “A man shall have no sexual intercourse with any female animal, and a woman must never give herself to a male animal, to mate with it!”

He jumped up and down and bellowed another quotation: “If a man has sexual intercourse with an animal, he shall be executed and the animal killed! If a woman has sexual intercourse with an animal, kill the woman and the animal!”

Nate paused for effect and his beady eyes moved from person to person. Many men and women avoided his fiery glance.

Turning to another page, he suddenly exploded again. “Cursed is he who has sexual intercourse with an animal!”

His accusing eyes darted around again for guilty faces. He slammed his Bible down and roared, “Do you know why the Lord had to bring up such a filthy subject? Do you? Do you know why He had to punish men and women for such things? Do you? Do you? Because they was doin’ them! Yes! Yes! Oh, Lord, forgive the people for their ignorance. How they did these evil things! Men and women having sexual intercourse with goats and pigs and horses and dogs! Oh, Lord, what a wicked generation!”

On and on he ranted, and the more he raved, the hotter Cindy got. The preacher got quite graphic about how women fucked with their farm animals. Cindy’s nipples stood up in her dress. Her cunt got juicy as she listened to Nate’s descriptions of human-animal intercourse. He sure knew a lot about fucking animals!

Cindy’s mother was no less aware of the preacher’s focus. After church, on the way home, she grumbled to her husband about it.

“Land sakes, I don’t know where that young man gits his topics from!” she blurted. “I think it’s time we got ourselves another minister. Did you ever hear such talk!”

Cindy’s father spit some tobacco juice out the window and drawled, “Wonder why he brought it up in the first place? Ain’t none of that going on around here, is there?”

In the back seat, Cindy smiled to herself as she thought about all the animals waiting for her to get home. Her hand slipped under the hem of her dress and she slowly but carefully stroked her horny little cunt. Her nipples were still stiff after that hot sermon, and she felt very much in need of a stiff animal-prick.

By the time she got home, she had a plan in mind. She asked her mother if it would be all right for her to take a small picnic lunch down by the brook, instead of eating at the table. Her mother smiled and told her to go ahead and have fun.

Cindy carried a small lunch bag and pranced through the meadow with four dogs bounding after her, yelping and barking noisily. They appeared as happy as she was.

Through the woods the small group ran, and Cindy found her special spot near the stream, she sat down and shared her lunch with the hounds, feeding them little tidbits to keep their attention.

One large dog especially interested her and aroused her fuck-urge, a huge mongrel as large as a Great Dane. Even as he stood munching part of Cindy’s sandwich, she could see the thickness of his nice prick. When he romped with the other dogs, she watched his big balls swing and knock together between his muscular legs.

She finished her lunch quickly and peeled her dress off. She kicked off her sandals and sat there beautifully naked, with her luscious young tits rising and falling cutely with her breathing.

She tried with all her might to get the biggest dog to come to her, but he wasn’t the friendliest mutt around the farm. After quite a few attempts to lure him to her cunt, she had to give up. The dog just didn’t trust her, for some reason.

“All right, stuck-up,” Cindy sneered. “Then you don’t get any of my pussy. Suffer! See if I care!”

She turned to a furry young pup who had become sort of pesky around her. She had kepi trying to shove him away from her tits when she was lusting after the big dog.

Now she looked at the determined pup and laughed. “So you think you’re old enough! Fuck, huh?” she giggled.

She opened her arms and stopped defending her jutting tits. The pup immediately lapped his wiry tongue up and down on her tits, making her pink nipples stand up.

He leapt all over Cindy and she giggled happily, rough-housing with him and letting him give her some licks. They were close to each other and, getting interested, she reached for his rather small prick and began stroking it in her fist.

It always fascinated Cindy how pricks could be so small at one moment and so darned big at the next. She felt the pup’s cock growing rapidly in her playful hand, and she bent down to watch it grow big and stiff. His cock swelled up before her fascinated eyes, then started throbbing and quivering with fuck-needs.

The sight of a stiff doggie-prick always excited Cindy, and that’s what happened to her now as the pup’s little prick grew into a nice big cock. As if to help her along, the dog licked her nipples as she jerked his enlarging cock. Cindy moaned as she felt the wetness of his eager tongue lashing her tits. It made her nipples all tingly, like her pussy.

The pungent aroma of her furry little cunt attracted the dog right away. His head twisted about and his long red tongue sloshed against the softness of her inner thighs. Cindy moaned and opened her legs wide. Playfully, the mutt slurped at her bare flesh, making funny noises as his tongue licked and lapped against her belly and thighs. He licked her everywhere but where she needed it the most.

In exasperation, she released his stiff prick and dropped onto her back, spreading her pretty legs widely. She hunched her cunt up the air for the dog and made her pus available. When she least expected it, the mutt stretched his tongue out and lashed it against her pussy.

“Oh!” Cindy squealed, feeling it.

She jerked her head up and stared wide-eyed. “Ohhh, your tongue is longer than thought!” she gasped.

She propped herself up on her elbows and watched hotly as the pup licked his long tongue up and down her cunt-slit. Delicious feelings shot through her puss chute into her belly and awoke her fuck-urge.

She gazed hotly at the slick red tongue as slipped quickly up and down the valley between her pussy-lips. She opened her thighs wider and her cunt-lips parted, too. The doggie-tongue went after her pussy-mouth and its juice. Cindy whimpered with pleasure.

The pup wagged his tongue as if he was after something valuable inside the girl’s cunt. Cindy was sure he wanted to bury his long tongue up her cunt. If he only could!

His eager tongue flicked her clit and swabbed her cunt-mouth until she thought she’d pass out from all the pleasure. For a young pup, he sure could lick a cunt!

Her little clit swelled up like a sore finger and started throbbing for more and more thrills. The doggie-tongue moved quicker and faster now, making her pant for breath as she squirmed her hot pussy against it. There was no way she could keep from cumming. She felt the river dam up in her belly, felt it unleash its fury in her cunt-chute, about to gush forth with overwhelming power.

Cindy gasped. Her hips swiveled. Her cunt jerked. Then her head fell back on the grass and she moaned in ecstasy as wave upon wave of luscious, sexy feelings overcame her.

The sudden wetness of her pussy attracted the mutt. He nosed into her squirmy cunt and licked his tongue up into her cunt. He twisted his head to the right and to the left, wiggling his tongue violently in her churning pussy, trying to suck out all her juicy cum.

Cindy whimpered and grabbed her aching tits. She mauled her tits and squeezed them hard as her pussy flooded again and again. The stream of cum became a river, then a babbling brook, and finally a swelling sea of emotion.

Cindy’s cute young body whipped around on the ground as she moaned and groaned with pleasure. No matter how she turned and twisted, however, she always kept her legs wide open so the snuffling dog could keep his tongue moving on her pussy.

“Holy cow, Cindy!” a young voice exploded in the distance.

Cindy froze, her ass in mid-air, and she stared open-mouthed at the boy rushing toward her.

“Billy Joe Lassiter!” she squealed. “Wh-what are you doing here!”

“Your ma told me I’d find you down here, but she didn’t tell me I’d find you doing this!” the lad gasped.

Cindy stared as the boy yanked his jeans down and bared his enormous boner. He looked wild-eyed and hungry.

“Billy Joe . . . what are you doing?” Cindy panted. But she knew. It was obvious that the sight of her cunt maddened the boy.

“I’m gonna fuck you, Cindy,” he said thickly, dropping to his knees. “God, I never dreamed you was this kind of a girl!”

“No, Billy Joe,” she panted. “I don’t want you to fuck me. I like to fuck with animals! Please, get off of me!”

The gasping, panting boy dropped onto her luscious young body and shoved all of his horny prick up into her gushing cunt.

Cindy cried out, he pushed his cock in so hard. Then she lost her strength to fight him, because his prick was suddenly very nice, fucking in and out of her pussy so forcefully. The boy was out of his mind with lust.

“Gonna fuck you, Cindy! Gonna fuck you!” he kept groaning madly. And his young hips pistoned wildly, fucking his stiff cock savagely and brutally into her defenseless little fuck-hole.

“Ohhh, Billy Joe, don’t,” Cindy moaned, but she fucked her hot cunt on his marvelous young prick. “You shouldn’t be doing this to me. Ohhhh, you monster!”

Billy Joe gasped into her ear and fucked his rigid prick hard into her squishy little fuck-hole. Her cunt felt so tight and hot around his boner that he wanted to fuck her forever. It was his first real piece of ass, and it dazed him that he was actually fucking luscious Cindy Foster.

“Stop . . . don’t . . . ” Cindy panted, fucking her cunt homily on his vicious cock. “I’ll-I’ll tell!”

“You’ll tell nothin’! ” the boy rasped. “Not if you want me to keep your little secret.”

Panic seized Cindy’s wildly beating heart behind her thrusting tits. What if the boy told everybody that she fucked animals? Oh, God!

“Don’t tell on me, Billy Joe,” she begged.

“Then fuck nice for me,” he grunted, shoving all of his cock into her clenching cunt.

“I will, I will!” Cindy panted.

To prove it, she threw her arms around his neck and held onto him as she hunched her hot pussy good for him. She sucked his prick up into her twisting little pussy and gave him the fuck of his lifetime. In the process, she got herself off three times on his rigid, fucking cock. She had to admit that his cock felt awfully nice fucking into her horny pussy like that. The boy had a lot of power.

But even as she came and fucked him to a ferocious orgasm, she felt trapped. She saw Billy Joe as just another Mr. Holder, only younger. She didn’t want to become a sex slave again. She loved animal-cock too much for that.

As the sweating, shivering boy pumped a big load of thick cum into her cunt, Cindy thought of the solution to her problem. This was not a grown man, bent on fucking her to death. Billy Joe was just a kid who needed some cunt.

By the time the boy’s prick stopped spitting jism up her cunt, Cindy knew she could handle him. All it would take would be some female cleverness on her part and a stiff prick on his part.

After they had finished cumming all over one another, Cindy lewdly smiled at the boy and told him his prick felt real good up her pussy.

Billy Joe was beside himself with pride. “Jeez, Cindy,” he gushed emotionally, “every boy in school wants to get into you, but only I did! Imagine that! I fucked Cindy Foster!”

Cindy hated him for feeling that way, but she smiled and fondled his spent pink prick. “You fuck nice,” she purred, writhing her cunt for him. “I’ll bet you get your dogs excited, too.”

“My dogs!” Billy Joe gasped. “You nuts? I don’t screw dogs!”

“Oh, you should!” Cindy exclaimed, smiling sexily. “A prick like yours would just turn a girl-dog’s head. Look at Lady over there. Wouldn’t you like to push your stiff prick up her tight little cunt?”

“No,” Billy Joe muttered, but he looked at the sleek young female animal in a new way.

He had never even thought about fucking animals before. But Cindy’s nice hand stroking his hardening prick and the sight of the soft, welcoming bitch seemed to turn him on.

“Here,” she cooed, “let me show you how I fuck my dogs.”

The boy sat aside, dazed and amazed, as pretty Cindy Foster deliberately jerked a dog-cock and made the mutt mount her from the rear. Billy Joe gasped and gulped as the huge animal excitedly fucked the girl’s cute cunt. His own prick grew quite hard just from watching Cindy fuck like that.

After the mongrel shot his load up her pussy, Cindy slid from beneath him, laughing. She stretched out in front of the stiff-cocked boy and giggled.

“There. See? That’s the kind of fucking I like. Wasn’t it nice, watching Baron fuck me?”

“Well . . . yeah . . . ” the boy stammered.

“If you keep my secret, I’ll let you watch every time I fuck. And I’ll let you watch something else I do.”

“Wh-what?” Billy Joe asked nervously.

Cindy merely laughed and pulled a dog to her body. She kissed the animal’s large head and fed her tits to him for a moment or two, letting him lick them. Then, as the boy stared in amazement, she got the dog down and sucked his cock, letting him shoot his whole load of doggie-cum down her throat.

“Holy cow!” Billy Joe gasped.

Cindy sat up, giggling. She felt her little plan was working well. But she had almost overplayed her hand. Billy Joe now wanted her to suck his prick, too.

“Ohhh, I’d love to blow you,” she lied, “but I’ve got something much better in mind for you.”

She called the dog named Lady over to them and forced the bitch to lick the boy’s throbbing wet prick.

“Oh, wow!” Billy Joe gasped as the dog’s huge tongue lapped viciously up and down his boner.

“Here, feel this,” Cindy coaxed.

She turned the dog’s ass to the boy and had him touch the bitch’s cunt. Taking Billy Joe’s middle finger, she guided it up into the dog’s pussy. To Billy Joe’s surprise, Lady moaned and fucked her cunt on his stabbing finger.

Cindy drew back and left the boy to his own devices.

“Go ahead, Billy Joe,” she urged. “Get her off. Female dogs like to cum, too. Doesn’t her pussy feel nice?”

“Y-yeah,” he had to admit as the soft flesh clenched around his finger.

“Slide it in and out real fast and see what happens,” Cindy told him.

Billy Joe followed her advice and gasped to see the bitch get horny as hell for him. She backed up to him and offered her pussy and whimpered like a girl. The boy’s prick swelled up and throbbed wetly in the air.

“Your cock is awfully big for her tiny pussy,” Cindy said. “Maybe you’d better fuck me with your cock.”

“Huh?” the dazed boy murmured. “No, no, I can fuck her. God, but her cunt’s tight!”

“Your cock might not fit,” Cindy cooed. Her blue eyes were twinkling with triumph. She knew she had the boy where she wanted him.

Hooked on the horny bitch, Billy Joe knelt and grabbed Lady’s wiggly ass.

“I’ll make it fit,” he said threateningly.

Cindy sat back with dogs licking her pussy and tits and asshole as she watched the super-horny boy fuck the hell out of Lady. Cindy smiled with satisfaction.

After that afternoon, she was never bothered by Billy Joe Lassiter again. The Lassiters had some finely bred female dogs, and Cindy guessed that once he had a taste of hot animal cunt around his stiff prick, he wouldn’t be able to get enough of it.

Sure enough, Billy Joe spent many years just fucking dogs, and that left Cindy free to thoroughly enjoy herself with her favorite animal-cocks.



That Cindy was a luscious beauty was confirmed when her two teenaged cousins visited the farm. Both Don and Phil thought she was the prettiest girl in the county. Don was the older of the two boys.

Cindy’s aunt and uncle and her mother and father wanted privacy, so they sent the kids outdoors. As the three youngsters strolled around the house, Don grinned and said, “Damned if you ain’t grown to be pretty as hell.”

Cindy smiled at the boys and ambled into the barn. “You mean sexy, don’t you?” she cooed.

“Yeah,” Phil chuckled.

“Well, don’t go getting any ideas,” Cindy said. “I don’t want any boys pawing me.”

She leaned her back against a post, knowing that she was cock-teasing them. Her tits lifted, hard and pointed. She stood with her feet slightly parted and her short dress clung to the base of her belly and to the insides of her firm thighs.

Don and Phil looked her over again. In the safety of the barn, they got a good eyeful of her luscious body.

“You’ve sure growed a nice pair of tits,” Phil said seriously.

“Thank you,” Cindy cooed sweetly. She liked the way the boys kept eyeing her tits, as if they were special.

“Pretty legs, too,” Don added.

Cindy smiled and let her cunt-mound push forward at her light dress. The older cousin’s eyes riveted on the spot where her cunt was hiding.

Cindy’s eyes moved from cock-bulge to cock-bulge and she giggled. “You two are getting hard-ons,” she said.

“Can’t blame us for that,” Don said. “The way you’re standin’, it looks like you want to get fucked.”

“I said don’t get any ideas, Don!” Cindy snapped. She softened then. “I don’t mind you looking. Just don’t touch.”

“How come?” the younger cousin wanted to know. “You got a boyfriend, Cindy?”

“Yeah,” Don said, looking her up and down. “You gettin’ fucked regular, or something?”

Cindy laughed and her ripe jutting tits jiggled in her tight dress. “You could say that,” she said mysteriously.

The mystery didn’t last long. Baron came bounding into the barn and, without so much as a glance at the newcomers, he shoved his wet snout under Cindy’s dress and licked his big tongue at her cunt.

“Baron!” she squealed, jerking around. “Back!”

The startled dog retreated and sat down, but not before the boys understood completely. They both burst into relieved laughter.

“So that’s it!” Don chuckled. He stepped closer to Cindy. “You been fucking the dogs, you cute little bitch!”

Cindy just giggled and said nothing. Young Phil was open-mouthed and wide-eyed. His active imagination put Baron and Cindy together in the hay, and his cock stood up stiffly in his jeans. Cindy laughed again, knowing what the boy was thinking.

Don was thinking, too. He reached out and stroked Cindy’s soft, blonde hair. He smiled at her slowly and murmured, “Ya know, we can all have fun together.”

“What do you mean?” Cindy asked.

“Well, you like to fuck Baron, and we can go along with that, can’t we, Phil? Sure! Lots of girls fuck their pets. But, ya know, ya don’t have to be cold toward Phil and me. I mean, if no you was nice ta us, we could git ya real hot for Baron here.”

Phil caught on to his brother’s plan right away. “Yeah!” he blurted hotly, and his boner throbbed against his jeans.

Cindy’s fascinated eyes darted from hard-on to hard-on and she giggled. “You two have grown some, too,” she said.

“You like that?” Don grinned. He thrust his hips forward so Cindy could get a good look at the size of his cock-bulge.

“This is what you do to us,” Phil put in, thrusting his bulging crotch forward, too.

Cindy swallowed nervously as the two cock-bulges came closer to her body. The boys grinned so lewdly at her that it took her breath away. They were going to feel her up and kiss her-she just knew it.

“I just want Baron to fuck me,” she whispered hoarsely.

“Sure,” Don said, and he secretly winked at his kid brother.

Phil got the message and he moved up to Cindy’s weakened body with his brother. When Don started squeezing and feeling Cindy’s thrusting tits, Phil pushed his hand between her legs and rubbed her pussy through her dress.

“Jeez!” he groaned. “You ain’t wearin’ panties!”

His hand dipped under Cindy’s dress and his shaky fingers rubbed and teased her naked little cunt.

Don crushed his mouth to Cindy’s and pushed his tongue into her mouth. Cindy gasped on his wiggly tongue and humped her pussy against Phil’s hand. Her tits lifted hard into Don’s hand. She started panting.

As the boys kissed and felt Cindy, they exchanged glances and secret signs every once in a while, getting the girl hotter and hotter. This was their system for raping schoolgirls who looked ready for fucking.

Cindy shivered with excitement and whimpered, “Ohhh, take my dress off me!”

Not only did the boys strip her naked, but they undressed themselves as well.

Then they pulled Cindy into a stall and dragged her into a big pile of soft hay. She went to pieces as her cousins sucked her tits and pussy for her.

“Ohhhh,” she moaned, writhing on her back. “Bring Baron, too!”

“Don’t worry about Baron,” Don muttered, licking her cunt. “First, we have some fun with you. We’ll get you real hot, you’ll see.”

She saw, all right! Don stuck his eager tongue up into her squirming little pussy and sucked the hell out of her, while young Phil went crazy with her luscious tits.

As Phil sucked her spiking pink nipples, he pulled Cindy’s head down to his hard young prick and pressed it there.

“Ohhhh,” Cindy moaned, and her soft fingers wrapped around his rigid young fuck-pole.

She pushed her tit into the boy’s mouth and jacked his prick hard as she fucked her hot pussy round and round on Don’s thrilling tongue.

The only thing Cindy was conscious of was that the boys were helping her to get hot for her pet, Baron. She only wanted to fuck the dog and to feel his animal-cock fucking up her pussy.

“Christ, what a delicious cunt!” Don rasped between her quivering legs.

As he sucked her pussy and Phil sucked her tits, Baron romped round all three of them, eager to fuck Cindy’s horny young cunt. He could already smell the aroma of her sweet, juicy cunt, and his prick lengthened stiffly under his belly.

Stinging thrills of erotic pleasure shot through Cindy’s surrendered body. She gasped and humped and twisted. Then she cried out, “I’m ready! I’m ready!”

The next thing she knew, her cousin Don was crawling between her splayed thighs with his rigid cock held tightly in his fist.

“Don . . . wh-what are you doing?” she gasped. “No, no . . . I wanna fuck Baron

“Pretty soon, Cindy,” the boy said hotly, leaning down on her. He forced his brother’s face away from Cindy’s thrusting tits and pressed her tits down under his chest as he slipped his wet cock up into her fuck-hole.

“Oh!” Cindy gasped as his prick invaded her pussy. “Ohhh, you rats! You were planning to fuck me all the while! You tricked me!”

She might have said more, but Don gripped her hot ass-cheeks and rammed every solid inch of his boner up into her juicy cunt. The streaking hunk of stiff cock-meat rendered her speechless, and when her cousin started fucking her good, her arms slithered around his neck.

Young Phil looked on wide-eyed as his pretty cousin clung to Don and fucked her wild cunt furiously on his prick. Phil jerked his cock slowly, nursing his hard-on while his brother fucked Cindy. He knew he would have his chance. Don always got a girl in the mood first, then let Phil fuck her.

Cindy went out of her mind with passion. She had been willing to have the boys lick her cunt and kiss her tits so she could fuck Baron, but she hadn’t been prepared to be fucked by a raunchy boy like her cousin Don. The young stud had a great hunger for cunt. He gripped and squeezed her cute ass and fucked his prick viciously into her defenseless pussy.

Don’s prick was very large now, thickening and lengthening inside her deliciously convulsing pussy. Her cunt-chute was so tight that it felt like a hungry little mouth around his enormous cock. The smooth silkiness of her inner cunt was hot and wet, slurping loudly on his cock as if she were trying to suck the cum right up out of his balls.

Don grunted like an animal and bit into one of her jutting tits as he fucked his powerful cock in and out of her sucking cunt. Cindy wailed with pleasure that she didn’t ask for and fucked hornily under the boy. She soon realized that Don had, indeed, grown some since she saw him last.

Just a year before, she had spied on him in the outhouse-where she saw him jerking his prick furiously. His cock had looked rather nice to her, but nothing like her pony’s prick, so she left the boy to his jacking off. Now she found out that his cock had grown considerably in just a year.

Of course, Don was eighteen now, and a strapping lad at that. His father used him as a mule on the farm and worked the shit out of him. He was very muscular, as Cindy discovered as his big body pounded away at hers. He was heavy on her tits when he leaned on them, and that made her pink nipples stiffen and tingle something fierce. That, plus his rampaging cock up her cunt, was enough to drive her crazy.

“Don! Don!” she squealed, twisting her hot pussy on his fucking prick. “Ohhh, you bastard! I hate you! I hate you! Ummmmm, your prick is so big! Ewww! How did your cock get so big! Oh, ohhh, ohhhhh, fuck me, you bastard! Fuck me!”

At the sound of her voice, Baron barked and jumped around with his cock rigid and wet. us

Phil gave the mutt a swat with his free hand and went on beating his meat as he watched his brother fuck Cindy’s pretty cunt.

Cindy moaned helplessly as her orgasm built up in her pussy and set her fuck-urge on fire. With a shiver and shake, she jerked her hips up and thrust her pussy high in the air onto Don’s buried cock.

Her eyelids fluttered and she gazed at her own pussy-fur and her cousin’s prick sliding in and out of her cunt. She could smell the pungent aroma of her own cunt-juice. She saw her pussy-hair glistening with sweat and wetness from Don’s fucking cock.

She had known for some time that her cousins wanted to fuck her. Whenever they visited, they never took their eyes off her. The boys’ lust for her had turned her on and made her feel like fucking-not them-but her animals.

She never dreamed she would be fucking Don. As often as she’d thought about sucking his cock, she knew she would never do it. It was too much fun sucking a dog’s prick, or a horse’s cock.

The sight of pretty Cindy fucking like a slut under Don was too much for young Phil. “Jeez,” he gasped, stroking his wet cock, “you’re so pretty when you’re fucking, Cindy!”

His comment came at the precise moment that Cindy was about to cum. The combination made her burst into erotic laughter and she fucked and moaned and giggled and moaned and fucked, cumming wetly on her cousin’s drilling, fucking cock.

Her juicy, twisting cunt sucked voraciously on the boy’s cock until he could no longer hold back. He groaned animalistically and lunged with his prick, stabbing his cock all the way into her flooding pussy. He buried his cock to the hilt and Cindy’s fucking did the rest. As her cunt twisted this way and that, her hot pussy-flesh licked his sensitive cock-head.

Great wads of thick cock-cream torpedoed out of his balls and shot through the length of his prick into her sucking young pussy. Cindy came again in a series of jerks and twists as the boy’s enlarged prick spit and spurt and gushed violently into her heaving belly.

Don pumped his thick load of jism into her sucking, fucking cunt with a great deal of pleasure. He chuckled lewdly as he fucked her and shot his load, for he knew his cum-spitting prick was forcing her to cum again and again.

Cindy was still panting and gasping for breath when Don’s cock stopped shooting jism. While she was still out of her head with passion, he reached over and nudged his kid brother. He quickly rolled off Cindy’s writhing body-and Phil just as quickly leapt onto her, pushing his stiff boner up into her juicy fuck-hole.

“Phil!” Cindy gasped, seeing him on her, feeling his prick in her cunt. “No! You’re too young to fuck girls! Oh, how could you! Stop, in stop . . . please, stop . . . “

“Go git it!” Don encouraged the boy.

Phil chuckled against one of Cindy’s heaving tits. He mouthed her pink nipple and lashed it with his tongue as he grunted loudly and fucked his stiff cock up into her cum-soaked cunt. Cindy whimpered when his cock-head rammed into her cunt. She didn’t know his little cock could get so long!

“Fuck ‘er!” Don shouted hotly, watching the boy go at Cindy’s pussy. “Give it to ‘er good, Phil! Shove it to ‘er like a stallion! That-a-boy, Phil, fuck the shit outta her!”

Encouraged by his older brother, Phil fucked Cindy like Don had-viciously. Phil gasped often, drilling his eager young prick into Cindy’s juicy, sweet cunt-hole with a growing passion.

Don laughed evilly and thrust his hand under Cindy’s churning, bouncing ass. Chuckling lewdly, he worked his middle finger up into the helpless girl’s twisting asshole and finger-fucked her ass as Phil’s stiff prick ravished her cunt. Cindy almost fainted from the sudden and overwhelming pleasure of the wild fucking.

Don played around in Cindy’s asshole only long enough for his cock to stiffen again. Then he tapped his brother on the shoulder. Phil moved the upper portion of his body, but kept his prick fucking in and out of Cindy’s hot pussy.

With his kid brother’s shoulders out of the way, Don laughed obscenely and sat his naked ass right on Cindy’s heaving, thrusting tits. Gasping in alarm, Cindy forced her eyes open. Before her throbbed Don’s massive boner, all wet and stiff.

Before she could say a word, he leaned over her and pushed his thick cock into her soft, sexy mouth. A moment later, the two cousins were panting, fucking into her soft wet fuck holes.

Don fucked his prick deep into Cindy’s throat, deeper than any prick had ever been. She might have choked on it had she not been so fucking horny. As it was, her hungry throat opened like her cunt and she sucked on his fucking cock the same way her pussy sucked on Phil’s plunging cock.

Both pricks let loose with torrents of jism. Her hot cunt sucked wildly on Phil’s spitting cock and drew all the cum out of his young balls. Meanwhile, her mouth worked softly and wetly around Don’s massive prick-and because Phil’s cock got her so hot-she sucked Don off nicely. Her pink tongue lashed and licked at his cock-head and forced lots of thick cock-cream out of his prick. She gulped his cum down thirstily, moaning all the while.

Out of her head with passion, Cindy really started sucking Don’s prick, and he loved it. Phil was still going strong, fucking his jism into her writhing cunt. Cindy’s senses reeled so violently that she wasn’t even aware that the cocks left her fuck-holes.

The boys climbed off of her with spent, dripping pricks, and they called Baron over. The dog immediately lapped up all that hot pussy-juice between Cindy’s lovely cunt-lips and around her pussy-mound. Cindy was only aware of continued pleasure and joy, and she moaned and sighed.

The dog thrust his massive head between her trembling thighs and licked her clit until it was a throbbing red thing.

“Ohhh, marvelous!” Cindy gasped in a strange voice. Her eyes were closed and her pretty head rocked to and fro loosely as the doggie-tongue made her cum again and again.

Baron’s slick tongue moved in all the right places for the humping, panting girl. Finally, she opened her eyes and lifted her head and looked down.

“Ohhhh . . . Baron!” she gasped. Then she laughed. Her thighs parted wider and the boys watched hornily as she went crazy feeding her hot cunt to the animal.

Her stiff little clit, buzzing and tingling, stuck out from between her tight pussy-lips. She was drenched with pussy-juice down there, thoroughly soaked. Between her cunt-juices and the doggie-saliva, her pretty pussy was gooey and glistening.

Gasping for breath, she let her head fall back with a thump. Don and Phil exchanged glances and snickers as they watched the helpless girl go nuts with lust for the doggie-tongue. Then Don nodded his head at his brother.

“Come on, Cindy,” he said, taking her arm. “Over on your belly. Come on, easy now. That’s it. Roll over.”

“Huh? Huh?” Cindy murmured dumbly. She was in a complete daze of passion and fuck-lust.

The boys chuckled and got her over onto her hands and knees. As they had done so often with other girls, they got the dog up on her body and started him fucking his thick cock in and out of her juicy pussy. Then they lay on their backs and scooted beneath Cindy’s heaving, trembling young body.

Phil licked her jiggling, thrusting tits, and Don took her stiff clit into his mouth. They sucked her continually as the horny animal fucked his powerful cock in and out of her horny cunt.

Cindy felt all this and became absolutely delirious with sensations of fuck-pleasure. She wasn’t mad at her cousins any more for fucking her.

“Oh, ohhhhh!” she moaned hotly. “You’re the best fuckin’ cousins in the whole world! Ummmm, suck me, suck me! Baron! Ohhh, Baron, darling, fuck me!”

The boys sucked and the horny beast fucked, and pretty Cindy got the best of it all, shrieking and squealing constantly as she came and came.



Cindy did a strange and impulsive thing the following year. She got married. Just like that!

Everybody was surprised to learn that she had married Jed Wilton. He was such a nothing lad, a hulking sex-footer with no brains at all. It all happened so fast that her parents could do nothing but shake their heads and accept it.

“It’s thet boy,” her father said to his wife one day. “Sure enough. Strappin’ lad, Jed is. Must be hung like a horse.”

“It ain’t thet!” Cindy’s mother objected. “Don’t go thinkin’ like thet ’bout her own daughter! Cindy wouldn’t git all het up over a thing like thet! No, it musta been love.”

In a sense, they were both right.

Cindy had been strolling through the words one fine afternoon, on her way down to the pond, where she was going to fuck a dog. That was when she met Jed Wilton. Walking alongside the hulking guy was one of his dogs, a huge German shepherd. And Cindy fell in love immediately!

“Why, Jed Wilton!” she cooed breathlessly, eyeing the magnificent animal. “I didn’t know you liked dogs! He’s gorgeous!”

The young man watched Cindy’s blue eyes flash and her tits heave and he scratched his head slowly. “I didn’t know you liked ’em, either.”

“Oh, I love them!” she enthused, and she dropped to her knees and ran her hands up and down the beautiful coat of fur on the dog.

“Name’s Steel,” Jed told her.

“Well, hello, Steel!” Cindy giggled, hugging him. “Aren’t you a sight for a girl’s eyes!”

Something came over Cindy at that moment. She just knew she had to have this animal fuck her. But how? How in the world was she going to be alone with this hunk of beautiful beast?

God, he must be hung! she thought feverishly. I’d sure like to spend a month or two with him! It would take that long just to really enjoy what he’s got!

The sparkle in the dog’s eyes told Cindy that he understood her completely. He could already smell her cunt. It was love at first sight.

Cindy’s young mind went to work right away. Like a girl after the prize catch of the season, she launched a feminine plot to get what she wanted.

Getting to her feet, she looked up and down the massive frame of the overgrown boy’s body. She smiled demurely and fluttered her eyelashes at him.

“You know, Jed, you’re the biggest boy in school,” she cooed.

Jed blushed some and murmured, “Yeah, guess I am. Won the wood-choppin’ contest t’other day.”

“I’ll bet you did,” Cindy cooed, as if impressed. “You always did turn a girl’s head.”

He looked dubious. “Not yours, though,” he said.

Cindy looked amazed. “Sure, mine! Goodness, I’d hate to tell you what you get me to thinking about!”

Jed was completely dazed by her. Especially when she glanced at the front of his bib overalls where his big cock hung between his legs. Her glance made his Adam’s apple bob up and down nervously.

It just tickled him pink that pretty Cindy Foster liked him. He knew the farmers’ wives did. Rarely did he go on a job to earn a few dollars without the women of the house fucking him. Lots of older women in the country loved his enormous prick. But Jed never did have a girlfriend. Everybody in school knew that. He was just too big!

“I’d sure like to be your girlfriend,” Cindy said, nibbling on a blade of grass.

“Ya would!”

“Why, sure, you big oaf! Don’t you know what you do to a girl? I know you won’t tell anybody, so I’ll share my secret. When I see you, my tits get all tingly and my pussy gets wet between my legs. And real hot.”

The hulking boy’s mouth flapped. His eyes bugged out. His chest heaved. And his cock erected like a tent pole in his overalls.

He made a strange guttural sound in his throat and suddenly grabbed his throbbing hard-on. Cindy stared in amazement as his huge fist grasped his big hunk of cock-meat through his overalls and his whole body jerked convulsively. The guy was shooting a load of cum in his pants!

“Oh, Jed, I’m sorry!” Cindy gasped. “I didn’t mean for that to happen to you!”

“Thet’s okay,” Jed said through clenched teeth as his cock pumped wads of goo down his leg. “It happens three, four times a day, anyways. You jest took me by surprise is all. God Almighty, Cindy, I didn’t even know ya liked me. Yer so pretty and all!”

Cindy fluffed her blonde hair, making her tits rise up cutely before the lad’s hot eyes. She smiled slowly and cooed, “Well, I guess we should git married-now that we want it so bad from each other.”

“Married?” he muttered, staring at her pretty tits. “Uhh, yeah, I guess so.”

“Of course, we should,” Cindy said.

She moved up to him and removed his big hand from his pounding prick. As he stared down in complete amazement, the pretty girl stroked his throbbing cock with her soft little hand.

“I want it, Jed,” she purred, giving his hard-on a nice squeeze. “I want you to push all of your big cock right up my cunt. You want to fuck me, don’t you?”

“Huh? I-well-sure!”

“Good. Then you go home now and tell your pa you have to marry me. You hear? You tell him Cindy said you have to marry her.”

“Oh, he won’t let me do thet!” the boy said. “He says I’m worth ten horses any day.”

“I know all about that, Jed. You just listen to me. You tell your pa I said you have to marry me. Understand? Tell him we have to get married. He’ll understand. He won’t want my pa coming over there with a shotgun.”

The light flashed in the boy’s eyes. “Well, sure! You bet, Cindy! Gosh, but you’re smart!”

She was smarter than he was ready for. Within the week, she was Mrs. Jed Wilton. There was a big to-do on the Wilton place that weekend. People from all parts of the county came to the shindig for Cindy and Jed’s wedding. Brother Nate Catling performed the ceremony-after a long-winded sermon on the evils of sex before marriage.

When the men began hitting the corn liquor, a bunch of old biddies hovered around the cider bowl. All of them were sure Cindy was pregnant by Jed.

” ‘Bout two months gone, I figger,” Emma Laine whispered.

“Naw,” Maude Adams disagreed. “Two weeks is more like it. Look how flat her belly is.”

“Sure is a pretty piece, I must say,” Dora Cooper put in.

Geraldine Flatt looked like she could eat nails. “She’s got ya all fooled,” she said. “Nothin’ but a low-down, fuckin’ slut of a whore!”

“Why, Geraldine!” Emma gasped. “Whatever’s come over you!”

“Why, you dumb-headed ninnies!” the woman said. “Don’t ya git it? Thet Cindy ain’t any more pregnant then I am! Land sakes, open yer eyes! She’s done up and cor-raled our dildo! Ya think Jed’s gonna have time fer us now thet he’s got thet cute little thing to fuck?”

“Oh, dear Lord!” Dora said. She clasped her hand to her heart.

Cindy had them all fooled. Right from the beginning, she knew exactly what she was doing. She was after a big, stiff cock, all right, but it wasn’t Jed’s.

That very night-the wedding night-she fed so much corn liquor to the boy that he was stumble-down drunk by seven o’clock. Some of the farmers had to tote the lad to bed. They guffawed about it and whispered that pretty Cindy was going to have one hell of a time getting him to fuck her on their wedding night.

Cindy smiled to herself as all the guests rode off and left her alone in her new home, a cabin in the woods on the north end of the Wilton property. The minute she was alone, she stripped naked and dashed to the kitchen door.

“Steel!” she yelled.

The huge German shepherd came bounding into the cabin and Cindy giggled girlishly and happily. She dropped to her knees and rained kisses all over the dog’s large head. She pulled his snout between her open thighs and laughed sensuously as he licked her juicy little cunt.

“Ohhhh, you beautiful animal!” she gasped, shivering with excitement.

With her husband snoring in the bedroom, she giggled and crawled under the big dog and grasped his prick. She teased and jerked his cock until it was a whopping boner in her playful hand. Then, as Steel twisted his head and kept licking his tongue up and down her writhing pussy, she gave him his first blow-job.

She moaned softly, so happy to have his stiff prick to herself. She stuck her pink tongue out and licked it up and down the full length of his massive hard-on. She licked his balls and sheath and mauled his cock until it was a thrusting mass of stiff prick-flesh.

Then she whimpered with fuck-need and took his big cock into her soft, sexy mouth. She moaned on the dog’s prick and started sucking on it, lashing his cock with her saucy tongue at the same time. To Cindy, this was pure heaven.

Her eyes closed in rapture as she snuggled closer to the virile dog. She kept her naked ass up high so Steel’s long tongue could reach her drenched pussy. It felt good to have him licking her cunt as she sucked on his cock.

She pumped his prick faster with her little fist and took a few more inches of his fuck-pole between her soft, sensual lips. Moaning constantly, she sucked his prick up and down, up and down, sliding it in and out of her lovely mouth.

The faster she sucked his cock, the harder the dog lapped her cunt, until both of them were making animal sounds of extreme pleasure. The doggie-tongue lashed her stiff little clit and Cindy moaned on his throbbing, wet cock. She moved her hand to his balls and took all of his prick into her sucking young mouth. His enormous cock-head rammed into her throat and she gulped on it, tightening her throat muscles on his prick the way she would later tighten her cunt-muscles on it.

“Mmmmmm-mmm-mmmm!” she moaned hotly, feeling her cum flooding her pussy.

Great quantities of silky pussy-juice poured out of her cunt-mouth and Steel licked it up furiously. This gave her tremendous feelings of pleasure and it made her suck his cock even more hotly. Gripping his giant prick tensely, she bobbed her pretty head faster and faster. His rigid fuck-pole slipped in and out of her hungry mouth at a fantastic rate, as if he were fucking her throat.

The dog only knew that his horny cock was in a soft, wet fuck-hole, where it belonged when stiff. So he hunched his haunches with great fuck-thrusts of his powerful body and fucked his cock into the girl’s sucking mouth.

His big balls tightened up against the base of his fucking prick and low growls escaped his throat. Cindy heard that and felt his cock enlarge between her sucking lips, and she knew what was going to happen. She clutched his prick with both hands then and sucked hornily. Her little tongue flicked and licked at his bulging cock-head, teasing his prick toward its explosion.

Steel groaned. His hips fucked. His huge cock swelled up. Then all hell broke loose. Great wads of thick doggie-cum burst out of his prick into Cindy’s wildly sucking mouth, and it was so wonderful that she collapsed on the floor and took all of his cum-spitting cock into her throat.

Her cute ass fell to the wooden floor and she writhed on her elbows, sucking feverishly at the big, jism-splitting prick. She clung to his balls and cock, holding on for dear life as the powerful dog-prick jerked and pumped huge amounts of doggie-jism into her mouth.

“Mmmmmmm!” she moaned, eating the dog’s cum with delight.

Her small mouth filled several times and, every once in a while, thick white jism would squish from the corners of her mouth and dribble onto her heaving tits.

She removed one hand from the dog’s pumping cock and used it to smear his cum into her hard, thrusting tits. She especially liked to rub a wad of jism into her pink nipples. The cum felt so warm and creamy on her tits, and it made her nipples tingle all the more.

By the time she finished sucking the dog off, she was hotter than hell up the cunt. Her whole pussy was feverish, aching for cock. So, panting and moaning, she went on sucking the dog-cock to keep it stiff after it had pumped all the cum it could. Steel groaned with animal pleasure as the girl did for him what no female dog could do.

Keeping his cock rigid and wet and horny, she got on all fours and turned her sweet ass to him. Steel licked his long, thick tongue up and down her ass-crack and pussy-slit, turning Cindy on even more.

“Ohhhh, fuck me, Steel,” she whimpered helplessly, writhing her ass for him.

It took the dog a few moments to catch on, but Cindy knew he would. After some experience in this field, she knew that if her cunt was nice and juicy and smelling hot, an animal would mount her of his own accord. She was right.

After snuffling and sniffing her hot cunt for a while, the dog knew instinctively that his rigid fuck-pole belonged in her fuck-hole. He stopped lapping her pussy. He leapt up onto the girl’s waiting body. His front paws weighted her down on the floor, and her lovely ass jutted higher in the air.

After a few hit and misses, Steel got his rigid cock between the tight lips of her young pussy. Cindy squealed when she felt his huge prick enter her fuck-hole. It was all she had dreamed-and more!

Steel’s prick was enormous, compared to the cocks of the mutts she had been fucking. His cock was as gorgeous as he was, as far as Cindy was concerned. Giggling hornily, she opened her knees wide and offered her pussy to his prick.

It took the dog a few minutes to get adjusted to Cindy’s hungry young cunt. Then he was ready to go to town. His front paws clutched her neck as if to hold her in position. His great haunches started pistoning. He drooled all over her smooth, white back. And his powerful prick fucked in and out of her cunt with relentless fury.

Cindy whimpered and moaned as the dog fucked her silly. He was like a machine then, fucking his prick in and out of her clenching little cunt with brutal power. His cock enlarged considerably in the tightness of her cute pussy and it stretched her cunt-hole as his cock in and out, faster and faster.

“Oh-oh-ohhhhh!” Cindy cried with happiness as the animal fucked her brutally. The hotter her pussy got, the more violent the dog became. There was something about Cindy’s pussy that enraged an animal. It was as if female animals were simply obedient, whereas Cindy was downright eager to fuck an animal prick.

Steel made huge, powerful fuck-thrusts with the full length of his aching cock, and Cindy started weeping with pleasure. Her head knocked against the wooden floor as her hot ass writhed and twisted hornily for the wildly fucking dog-cock. Her cunt-hole tightened up on his cock-shaft and locked his fucking cock-head up inside her twisting pussy.

“Oh!” she gasped as her cunt flooded wetly with burning, silky fuck-juices. She drowned Steel’s plunging prick in her cunt-juice. Before she finished creaming, the dog-cock burst loose with a torrent of gushing jism.

“Ohhhhhhh!” Cindy howled. She bit her lower lip as the monstrous doggie-cock spit and spurt and gushed wads and wads of thick cock-cream into her squirming, juicy cunt.

Cindy was so pleased with the beautiful animal that she fucked him all night long. This was her wedding night, and she made the most of it. She sucked and fucked Steel until dawn!

Jed, she discovered, was easy to handle. He was so hung over the next morning that he really believed her when she told him that he had fucked her on his wedding night.

He didn’t understand why Cindy wanted to keep Steel in the house, instead of letting the dog go with him into the fields to labor. But he gave in to her winning ways. Then, as Jed worked like a horse on his father’s farm, Cindy spent the entire day fucking her pussy on Steel’s nice, big cock. She romped and played with the dog all afternoon, letting him mount her now and then and fuck his enormous prick up into her juicy, hot pussy. She loved every minute of it.

Cindy soon had Jed wrapped around her little finger. He would come to bed with a whopping hard-on, and all she had to do was claim a headache. He was so in love with her that he’d run and get her a glass of water and some medicine.

In time, however, the strapping lad with the giant cock needed some relief. Cindy began to notice that he made frequent trips out to the barn at night, when she wouldn’t fuck him. She followed one night and watched him fuck his giant prick into a sow, then a cow, then a sheep. She giggled all the while, excited by the fucking. He left those female animals whining after assaulting their pussies with his enormous cock.

As the months passed, Jed fucked more and more animals in the barn at night. As for Cindy’s marital bliss, she fucked Steel so much that she ruined him as a finely bred animal. Three months later, he could have been renamed Fifi. The poor animal was worn out! His ribs showed and he looked ready for burial. Cindy stopped fucking him and turned to healthier, younger animals around the place.

It wasn’t long before Cindy was bored to death. It was almost inevitable for a girl like her to seek greener pastures. Ten months of marriage to a clod like Jed was more than such a frisky girl could bear. Ten months of fucking every male animal around only made her horny for new conquests, new excitement, new thrills.

She had thought being married would end all her problems. She’d expected to live happily ever after in the cabin, just fucking and sucking big animal-cocks. But then days seemed like weeks, and weeks seemed like months. Poor Cindy was bored.

But there was something in the wind for Cindy. Something the whole country was whispering about. A mystery had come to the ridge. As time wore on, Cindy became more and more fascinated by it. It had something to do with an advertisement in the county paper.



Cindy stretched out on the sofa with the newspaper and spread her legs wide so her pet of the day could lick her horny cunt. As the dog lapped his tongue into her juicy cunt-hole, Cindy’s blue eyes scanned the familiar ad. It had been in the paper for two months in a row.

Wanted: Young girl to help new firm in animal-breeding business. Must love animals!

There was some mystery attached to this new firm. For one thing, it was apparently run by some folks from California. Why would California come into these hills to breed animals?

For another thing, it was rumored that three local girls had disappeared completely after going to work for that firm-Sissy Cartwright, Jill Barrett and Honey May Lowell.

Cindy humped her pussy a little against the wagging doggie-tongue and thought about that. She had once wondered why the local men-folk didn’t get their shotguns and go over there. But there had been some whispered gossip about that, too. It seemed that those out-of-towners were a tough bunch, men in business suits who seemed to be quarded by some rather rough-looking characters. The local men-folk didn’t think they could bluff these men.

Cindy thought about Sissy and Jill and Honey May. She had known all three girls in school. What had happened to them after they worked for that company?

Her blue eyes glazed as the doggie-tongue hit her quivery little clit and she stared at the ad again. “Must love animals!” Why?

She tried to remember if Sissy, Jill and Honey May ever had sex with farm animals. Why she was thinking about the sex part, Cindy wasn’t sure, but something told her that there was something special going on over on the other ridge where Californians were breeding animals.

Rumor had it that the company was breeding animals for rich folks in Beverly Hills, special dogs and horses and ponies.

Some men were implying that the animals were being bred and trained to fuck women! Cindy half believed that one.

What excited her the most this day-besides the dog’s tongue working her cunt into a lather-was the wicked idea of applying for the job listed.

She was bored stiff. The thrill of married life, even with all her fucking animals, had worn off.

She couldn’t divorce Jed. Divorce was out of the question in these parts. If a girl got divorced, she was automatically an outcast.

But there was a solution for a hill-girl these days. She could escape the country altogether. Maybe that’s what Sissy, Jill and Honey May had done, she thought. Maybe they went to work a little while, got some money ahead, and took off for the big world out there!

The thought excited Cindy and her pussy creamed wetly all over the licking, lashing doggie-tongue. She dropped the newspaper onto the floor and grabbed the mutt’s head. Groaning with cummy pleasure, she humped her cunt furiously and got off a good one by yanking the doggie-snout up into her cunt-hole.

By the time her quivers of pleasure ceased, she had made up her mind. Nobody would know, if she just went over there to inquire.

That afternoon she packed a little picnic lunch and, with one dog trotting along beside her, she made her way across the valley to the other ridge.

The Milton Breeding Farm was all she had heard it to be. There were the long white fences the Californians had built. There were all those magnificent stallions and mares. There were the hundreds of beautiful dogs. And there were the long, sleek limousines, so rich and black.

Cindy was greeted at the main gate by a uniformed man who kept staring at her thrusting young tits. He wanted to know her business here.

“I’ve come about this ad,” she said, noticing his hard-on.

The man picked up a phone and made a muffled call. As he spoke, he kept glancing at Cindy’s body. She felt like he was reporting to someone about her looks.

“Okay,” the man said, “you can go in. Go up to that big white house on the right and ask for Mr. Milton.”

Cindy was shown inside the big house by another uniformed man. The house was grand, more gorgeous than anything Cindy had ever seen. It left her breathless and a little afraid, now that she was here.

The man took her picnic basket and smiled as he set it down. He told her the dog would have to wait outside for her. Then, alone and breathless, she was ushered into the presence of the big fat man named Mr. Milton.

“So you want the job, huh?” he grinned. He had black, beady eyes that seemed to see right through Cindy.

“Well, I-I just thought I’d ask about it,” Cindy replied. She felt naked in front of him.

“Relax, kitten. Nobody’s going to hurt you here,” he said then, as if reading her mind.

“Oh, I’m relaxed!” Cindy squeaked nervously.

The man burst into laughter. He came around the huge desk and put his beefy arm around her slight shoulders. “Sure, you are,” he chuckled. “About as relaxed as a virgin on her wedding night. Come on now, tell me why you’re here. No girls answers that ad around here unless she’s got something specific in mind. Here, sit down. Have a mint. Relax. I really want to know what brought you here.”

“I-I told you,” Cindy stammered, sitting next to him on a big leather couch. “The ad.”

“Why?” the man probed. “You farmerettes aren’t allowed to go running around without your men. Where’s your father? Or are you married? Where’s your husband? Come on, out with it. If you want to make five hundred bucks a week, you have to be honest with me.”

“Five hundred dollars!” Candy gasped. Her tits almost leapt out of her tight little dress.

The man laughed again. “That gets them every time. Yes, five hundred dollars. Would you like to make that much money?”

“God, yes!” Cindy rasped. “Then I could get away from here.”

“Where would you like to go?” the man asked. “Want to go to California and get into pictures?”

Cindy relaxed then and smiled prettily. “I guess every farm girl has that dream,” she cooed.

He slipped his arm around her and gazed down into the V of her dress. “Would you like that dream to come true?”

“Y-yes,” Cindy stammered, knowing what he was leading up to. Or she thought she knew.

“Okay,” the man said. “Let’s get down to business. You come to work for us, and I’ll send you to California to make pictures. That’s where you make five hundred dollars a week. Here, you just audition.”

“Audition?” she frowned. “What’s that?”

“You show us what you can do. If you’re good, we send you to California, where you start living like a princess.”

“Wh-what do I have to do?” Cindy asked.

The man’s eyes sparkled. “What do you think?”

Cindy’s eyes dropped to his lap. Her pink tongue slipped across her lips, leaving them moist and sexy. “You-you want me to-I mean-you want to-“

The man chuckled and made her feel silly. “No, not with me,” he said. “With an animal. A dog or a horse or a pony. Maybe a goat or a pig. Your choice.”

“Oh!” she gasped, reddening in the face as if she never heard of such a thing.

“It’s up to you,” he said. “Nobody’s forcing you to do anything. If you want to make five hundred a week-doing what you’re probably doing anyway for nothing-now’s your chance. Take it or leave it.”

Cindy required only a moment’s thought. “I’ll take it!” she blurted shamelessly. Then she giggled.

“Good girl. What’s your name?”


“Okay, Cindy, let’s find out just how good you are. But first, there’s one other thing.”

“What?” she asked.

“Take my cock out and suck it for me.”

Cindy’s eyes widened on his lap and her mouth fell open.

“Just to see if you’re sincere,” he said.

“Oh,” she said, and she unzipped his fly.

She opened his pants and pulled out his growing cock, a big fat prick. She leaned down and brushed her blonde hair back. He settled back on the couch, and Cindy took his massive boner into her mouth.

She closed her eyes and her lips, bobbing her pretty head slowly with his cock in her mouth, pulling slightly with her lips, tasting his pre-cum with a pleasure. He had a fat cock.

“Tongue it,” the man groaned, stroking her head.

Cindy moaned on his huge prick and lashed his cock-head with her tongue the way he liked. Her tits got hard and her pussy started leaking warm cunt-juice. Sucking cock always made her horny.

Desperately, she swirled her tongue around the stiff cock inside her mouth until the pleasure made her cunt cream. For a moment, the only sounds in the room were Cindy’s heavy breathing and moaning and the squishy sound coming from her wet mouth sucking so hotly on the man’s enormous prick.

With a smothered groan, the big man seized the back of Cindy’s head in both hands and fucked his enormous prick in and out of her mouth, which was now stuffed tight with his plentiful cock-meat. Cindy’s expression was blissful as she sought to take all of his cock into her loving, sucking mouth.

Then the man gave another loud groan and fucked in and out of the girl’s clenching lips while his hips jerked spasmodically. Cindy moaned as her mouth and throat were deluged with vast amounts of hot cum. She gulped his cum down noisily, sucking voraciously all the while. The man’s hands held her head down and he fucked his cum-spitting cock into her soft, sexy mouth. Finally, he stopped shooting jism and fell back against the couch.

“There,” Cindy cooed, lifting her head from his limp prick. “You cum like a horse!”

Her remark seemed to delight the man. He literally leapt from the couch and ran to his desk. He pressed a button on a machine and said, “Rogers! We’ve got a live one!”

To Cindy, he said, “Come with me, kitten. Let’s see what you can do with a horse.”

Cindy felt a new excitement course through her veins as Mr. Milton and two other men guided her out of the building and around the back. They took her to what looked to Cindy like an ordinary barn, but once inside she saw the vast difference. It was luxurious and clean and set in stalls, with gorgeous animals waiting.

They led Cindy to a stall that housed a magnificent black stallion. Mr. Milton stroked her back and said, “What do you think? Can you take that on?”

“Mmmmmm, yes!” Cindy laughed sensuously. Her blue eyes lit up when she saw how the huge horse was hung.

The man winked at his partners and they pushed Cindy into the stall with the snorting, pawing animal.

“Easy, boy,” Cindy said soothingly to the savage beast.

With no fear at all, she approached the staring animal and started stroking his mane. She rubbed his side and his flank. Her small hand looked milky white against his black coat. She smiled at the horse and let her hand drift below, under his belly. Her fingers sought and found his powerful cock.

The men watched with hard-ons as the blonde girl worked the horse-cock into a state of rigidity. The massive prick extended far from the sheath and dripped with pre-cum as the pretty farm girl jacked it.

Cindy lowered herself to her knees, more confident with the fierce animal now, and she grasped his mighty cock tightly in her small fist and started jerking it faster.

The horse grew quite docile, except for his lust, which grew more furious as the girl pumped his prick. Cindy knew very well what she was doing for the animal, and she loved it. He had a beautiful cock.

When the stallion stomped the ground, she gasped, “Goodness, it doesn’t take much to get him horny!”

“What are you going to do with his prick, now that you’ve got it so stiff?” Mr. Milton wanted to know.

Cindy just giggled and slid beneath the horny animal. She squatted beneath his great body and took his beefy cock in both hands and jacked it hard as she licked her cute tongue up and down the length of the horse-cock.

Cindy stretched her mouth into a beautiful O and took the horse-prick inside. The men watched as she lapped, licked and sucked the monstrous prick. They groaned with lust as she played with the stallion’s huge balls and sucked him off.

The horse-cock grew and grew in Cindy’s widely stretched young mouth, but she wouldn’t give up on her cock-sucking. She took as much of the thick horse-cock into her pretty mouth as she could and sucked it hornily.

The larger the horse-prick got in her wet mouth, the hornier she became. Soon, the onlookers were watching a very horny young girl sucking the hell out of the horse’s colossal prick. They couldn’t believe it when the cock started pumping loads of thick white jism into Cindy’s gulping, sucking throat. It was amazing to see such a sweet young thing eat all that animal-cum without flinching. Cindy seemed to love eating horse-jism.

She came away from the horse-prick smiling, and that convinced the men that they had indeed found a live one.

“Beautiful!” Mr. Milton said, hugging her to him. “Terrific! Amazing! You really liked sucking him off, didn’t you? Baby, I’m going to make you a fucking star!”

He rushed Cindy back to his office, where he put in a feverish call to Los Angeles. Cindy heard the nicest things said about her, and she blushed all the while. She also got very excited. Mr. Milton kept talking about big pictures, lots of cameras, famous movies. And he always said it would be on account of pretty Cindy.

“Cinderella!” he said to her after the phone call. “No more Cindy from the farm, by God. You’re going to be beautiful, gorgeous, cock-sucking, prick-humping Cinderella!”

Over lunch, he kept raving about all that would be done for her. Cindy heard about cars and nice apartments and lights and cameras and motion pictures . . . and money! Men all over the country would pay millions to see her suck and fuck animals. It all left Cindy quite breathless with excitement. She couldn’t wait to get fucked before the cameras!

“Ohh, Mr. Milton,” she panted. “I’m so excited! I can’t tell you how wonderful it is that it’s happening to me! How I’ve wanted to get away from this ridge and my pa and my husband!”

“And fuck lots of animals?” he laughed.

“Yes!” Cindy giggled. “Oh, I can’t tell you how much animal-cock turns me on!”

“You don’t have to, kitten,” the man said. “Your audition told me everything I have to know.”

Cindy smiled prettily at him. She was so touched that she ran to him and perched her cute little ass on his lap. She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him warmly on the mouth.

It was during the nice kiss that the man turned on. The touch of Cindy’s young lips, the feel of her hard tits against his chest, and the rising of his enormous boner under her ass-cheeks were too much for him. His muscular arms tightened around her slim waist. His big, thick tongue invaded her mouth, then her throat. His powerful chest crushed her tits. Cindy went all weak and lax.

In the next moment, Mr. Milton was on his feet, with Cindy’s young body draped across his big arms. He carried her to the couch, set her down on it, got between her shivering legs and fucked his rigid fuck-pole up into her sweet, juicy cunt.

Cindy went wild with him, laughing and giggling as he fucked her royally-and she came five times on his ramming, fucking cock. Her cum was so hot and juicy, and her pussy sucked so nicely that he came in no time and pumped great quantities of jism into her fuck-hole. They both groaned with cummy pleasure.

Afterwards, he kissed her cute little ear and whispered, “You’re a smart girl for a hick, kitten. I’m glad you like to fuck. I’m especially glad you like to fuck animals. You aren’t like the other three chicks who came here.”

Cindy remembered her school-day friends. “Oh, you mean Sissy and Jill and Honey May! Are they in California making pictures and lots of money?”

The man’s eyes darkened and, for a moment, Cindy thought she’d talked out of turn or something.

“Yes and no,” he said abruptly, and he moved away from her. He lit up a cigar.

“I-I don’t understand,” Cindy murmured, puzzled by his behavior.

He gazed at her for a moment, then told her the facts of life. “You don’t really think we’d let you go back home after seeing what’s going on here, do you? Those three chicks cried like babies when they found out what we really wanted from them. They weren’t as honest as you are. They tried to scream and run and give me a bunch of bullshit about being Christian girls who didn’t do things with animals. Bah!”

“Wh-what happened to them?” Cindy asked. Her heart was beating faster behind her nervous young tits as visions of murder and mayhem flashed through her mind.

The man studied her again, then said, “I think I can trust you. You’re good fucking material, Cindy. Come on. I’ll show you where they are.”

On the way to a special room, he said, “Yes, they’re in California making movies, but no, they aren’t making lots of money. They aren’t making any money. They became a threat to us, with their crying and protesting.”

In the next hour, Cindy saw what happened to girls who gave these men a hard time. She sat with Mr. Milton in a private viewing room and watched two films. She stared wide-eyed and breathless as she saw Sissy, Jill and Honey May get brutally and violently fucked by gorillas, tigers and bears.

Cindy’s eyes hurt as she stared at a scene where a huge hulking gorilla grabbed the small body of pretty Sissy Cartwright. He yanked the helpless, screaming girl against his hairy body and fucked all of his giant cock up into her cute little pussy. The poor girl was impaled on the deadly weapon, and she writhed in apparent agony as the horny ape fucked the hell out of her cunt.

“Oh, my God!” Cindy gasped, shivering.

Mr. Milton pulled her into his arms. “Don’t be afraid,” he said. “Don’t let the movies scare you.”

“Th-they don’t,” Cindy panted, grabbing his prick. “They turn me on!”

And Milton got some sweet ass from her that time!

From then on, Cindy was Milton’s favorite little actress. He took her to Hollywood personally and directed all of her films, seeing to it that she got to fuck the most gracious, sleek and beautiful animals.

In time, Cindy became a star, a porn star unrivaled in the animal-sex business. She became famous for sucking and fucking her favorite cocks-the big, hairy, stiff, wet pricks of loving, fucking animals.