(c) 2007 by pcgs9112000

It has been a few weeks since I have written you all an update as to the status and events of our sexcapades. This is mostly due to the fact that we have been so busy around here that we have not had enough time to have the adventures worth writing about. Of course the girls have both continued to mate with Max almost every other day and we have also had our little threesomes as well. Lastly and definitely not less important is the fact that the sex between my wife and I has been better than ever. We spend solo time alone a lot and ravish each other as much as we can.

This brings us to today and the events that occurred this past weekend. I knew we were in trouble when the girls said they wanted to get wasted and have a party. Both of them said they needed to cut loose and get wild. I of course readily agreed.

We had our daughter spend the night over at a friend’s house and we set out to have a big party. Pool clean, bbq cooking and the beer pouring. We started out with about 10-15 people, many of which I had no idea who they were. Most of them, soon after drinking a lot of beer, were getting naked or undressing other partiers and jumping in the pool. It looked like a nudist colony.

About midnight some people started leaving and soon after there was only 7 people total left. Myself, my wife, Tanya (our now live in nanny), Elizabeth (a hot redhead), her husband Tom and two guys Tanya knew, Mark and Alex. We hung out on the pool deck in our swim suits talking and still drinking beer. After a snide comment Tanya made to me I told her to watch her p’s and q’s or suffer the consequences. She got up and came over and sat on my lap and told the group I was getting a hard on. Which I was. Next she reached down my trunks and grabbed a hold of my cock shaft and started to jerk me off while she sat there on my lap.

The group looked stunned and even more stunned when they looked over at my wife who just smiled. She stood up and came over to us and pulled Tanya off my lap to the relief of Elizabeth. She then smacked Tanya on the ass and told us if we were going to carry on we should do it in the pool. With that she pushed Tanya in the pool and I soon followed her. My wife took my chair and downed another shot of petron. Elizabeth looked at her and then at us in the pool. I had just surface behind Tanya and was wrapping my arms around her waist in a wrestling attempt to dunk her. Tanya pushed off and we went backwards under water.

Mark and Alex had already joined us in the pool and Tom was taking off his shirt. As I surface I triumphantly raised out of the water the bottom half of Tanya suit. I tossed it up on the chair next to my wife who congratulated me on my catch. I then dove back under water in hunt for the desired target, of which both Mark and Alex were seeking as well. It was dark and the lights were now out (turned off by my wife) so we could not really see where Tanya was in the pool. There was a dim light in the bottom of the pool that would show us shadows.

On my tenth attempt to find her, I called to my wife and Elizabeth to join us. My wife got up and slid her robber off revealing her tiny thong. She helped Liz up and helped her take off her shirt and shorts. Liz was conservative and had on a regular bikini, light blue with flowers. My wife ran her hands over her breasts and took her by the hand leading her into the water. Tom had surfaced near me and saw the brief exchange. He whispered to me that he hoped my wife would get his to make out with her. I smiled at him and let him know if anyone could, it would be my wife.

Over the next hour we swam in the pool playing Marco polo and other childhood games. By the end of the hour and a whole bottle of petron, we had the girls all naked including Liz. Tanya and my wife had both taken turns making out with Liz and mark and Alex had also both taken turns at giving her a little underwater pleasure. Each girl in turn had given us an underwater blowjob as well, taking turns going from one to the other. Liz would only be with her husband though.

Tanya had swum over to me and was straddling my waist, her legs wrapped around me. My rigid cock was resting right in the center of her pussy and she slid it up and down on my shaft staring me in the eye. She got down and took me by the hand and led me out of the pool and into the house. As we left the pool I saw my wife on one of the chaise lounges having mark go down on her. From the sounds she was making she was enjoying it. Elizabeth watched us leave the pool and then looked over at my wife. She whispered something to tom and then I watched as he sunk down and took her nipple in his mouth.

As soon as we entered the house Tanya pushed me down on the couch and quickly climbed onto my rock hard shaft. She bounced rapidly up and down on me moaning and screaming as loud as she could. After several minutes of this I rolled her over and placed her legs over my shoulders and pounded in and out of her wet hole. My wife, mark and Alex had just walked into the room as I pulled out and shot my load on Tanya’s hot flat stomach. She rubbed my cum all over her pussy and slid her finger in between her lips. I sat back on the couch and she slowly played with herself as we watched my wife sit between the two young studs and enjoy their sucking on her breasts and fingering of her pussy.

As Alex moved to the floor and dove his face between my wife’s legs, Liz and tom walked into the room and took a seat on the floor. We all watched my wife take mark into her mouth as Alex performed oral sex on her. After several minutes of this Alex sat on the couch and my wife got on her hands and knees and continued her famous blowjob. Mark moved behind her and slowly slid his cock into her tight hole. They fucked each other for about 10 minutes switching from one to the other when both men screamed out as did my wife and they all came together. At this time Alex was fucking her from behind and shot his load all over her ass. Mark grabbed the back of her head as he filled here mouth with his load. We watched as she gulped and swallowed everything.

Looking back over to Liz and tom, I caught tom just as he was grabbing his wife by the hips and shooting his cum into the pussy he knew so well. We all laughed and then commented how Liz had to be fucked by someone other than her husband. By this time inhibitions were lost and the girls were all horny. Tanya and my wife started making out with each other on the floor. Soon they were in a raging 69 and mark and Alex were sitting there enjoying the show. Tom had gotten up and went to get another beer and while he was gone I reached out my hand from my chair and pulled Liz to me.

Liz stood up and moved over to where I was sitting. Standing there in front of me I found myself staring at the thinnest of red bushes. I reached around her buttocks and pulled her closer to me. She knelt on the chair each knee straddling me and she lowered herself down onto my lap. My rigid cock easily slid into her wet pussy. I could feel Toms deposit of cum squish out of her hole as I slid into her. She then began to ride me, slowly at first and then picking up pace. After about 5 minutes she stood up, spun around and reaching between her legs guided me back into her as she slid down to ride me once again. I looked around her and saw the my wife was now giving Tom a blowjob as Mark and Alex double teamed Tanya. This continued until we once again each had our orgasms after bringing the girls to one if not more each. Problem was that the girls were still horny and we were pretty much exhausted.

I looked at my watch and saw that it was now almost 230 in the morning. Liz was playing with herself and Tanya and my wife were once again making out on the couch. The girls were calling us names and telling us they wanted to be fucked. As I got up I told them I would solve that problem. With that I opened the door and let max in. Tanya and my wife were excited as they knew what max would do. Liz was taken aback but did not get off the floor as max moved to her first and then to Tanya and my wife.

Liz gasped as she watched my wife get on her hands and knees and let max mount her. We could easily see his cock lunge into her well fucked hole. Before he could tie with her she slid out from under him and he moved to Tanya who had taken the doggy position for him. Max easily mounted her as well and for the next 10 minutes the girls switched and let max fuck each one of them so that they could have their orgasms. Then my wife told Liz to take the position and we all cheered her on. She denied to do it until by surprise my wife slapped her on the ass and demanded she get on her hands and knees. Quietly Liz turned over and got on her hands and knees. My wife slapped her ass once more hard and told her to bend over. Liz obeyed and laid her head on the floor and spread her legs more. Tom was in shock and it dawned on us all that this was something that must have happened in the past as Liz was obeying without question.

Tanya released max and max ran over to smell at Liz’s pussy. The deposited cum was leaking out and Max was licking it up. Then without warning max jumped up onto Liz’s back and started to hump her. Liz was moaning, tears rolling down her cheeks, as max achieved penetration and Liz screamed out in both pain and pleasure. As he fucked her savagely, max realizing this was virgin pussy to him, she rolled her eyes and we all knew she had an orgasm she would never forget. Pushing up on her hands she let out yet another blood curdling scream as he tied with her. Within a few minutes she was panting as hard as the dog was and coming down from one of her many orgasms he gave her that night. Tom, sitting stunned in the chair, had a hard on larger than any he has ever had before. Seeing this, Tanya walked over to him and started to give him a blowjob as he watched his wife being fucked by a dog.

Twenty minutes later, max plopped out of Liz’s well fucked pussy. She collapsed on the floor and sobbed with what we later found out was tears of pleasure. My wife and Tanya then started to caress and massage her body and soon they were in a three-way lesbian triangle. As this continued, we discussed everything and pacts of secrecy were made. As a reward for this my wife said she would give us all something to really appreciate. She stood up, took Tanya and Liz by the hand and helped them into robes. As they walked out the door they told us to follow. We quickly put on our swimsuits and followed the girls out to the pool and then out to the barn. As we approached the barn I had a feeling what was going to happen but was in for a surprise myself.

My wife opened the barn door and led us inside. Once inside she went over to the breeding stall and directed everyone inside. Our guests walked in first and she stopped me outside the stall. She whispered into my ear to get the rack and straps. The rest of our guests all leaned against the wall wondering what was about to happen. I rolled in the breeding rack and set it in the center of the room. I then went back out to get Snowy. While I was gone my wife disrobed and led Liz and Tanya into the center of the room and slid their robes off as well. They all started to kiss and caress each other and as I led snowy into the stall, Liz and Tanya were each sucking on one of my wife’s breasts. I heard Alex, Tom and Mark simultaneously whisper “what the hell” as I entered the stall with pony in tow.

Liz stopped and stepped away form wife and walked over to join her husband. She stood in front of him and leaned back against him as she asked my wife if she intended to fuck the pony. My wife, not saying a word, approached snowy with Tanya. The two of them started to pet and talk to him. Once again, a ritual which they had practiced a few times before obviously. As they continued to pet and stroke him they moved to his withers and knelt down beside him. It was my wife who first reached under and started to gently massage his balls. Tanya started to work on his sheath as his penis slowly slid out. Soon all 12 inches of his pony cock was disposed as the girls used a special cream to lubricate his penis as they masturbated him.

Snowy was ready and willing to go after about 10 minutes of this manual stimulation. My wife stood up and with my assistance laid down on the breeding rack. I then led snowy up to the rack and he stepped onto the platform. His rigid pony cock bounced off her stomach and feeling the flesh on flesh he started to hump at his target. With Tanya’s guidance she helped him slid his cock into my wife’s well lubricated pussy. Our guests all gasped but moved close wanting to see the full penetration of my wife’s pussy. Snowy pumped into her and as I my wife sensed he was going to cum she signaled for me to stop him. Snowy reluctantly stepped down from the platform and my wife looked around the room. Liz shook her head and stepped back. Tanya went to step back but stepped right into me. My wife took her by the hand and led her to the rack.

Tanya begged to not make her do it but we cheered her on and told her she would be okay. Still hesitant she laid down on the rack. Once there she became even more nervous and pleaded with my wife to not make her but my wife ignored her. Then my wife told me to make sure she could not change her mind as I did with her first time. I went over to the rack handing the pony over to Alex. I reached under the rack and took the strap and wrapped it around Tanya’s waist. As I secured her so she could not get up my wife took lubricant and a large dildo and started to fuck Tanya with it. Tanya was moaning in pleasure and reaching that point where she wanted to have sex and didn’t care with who or what. The time had come.

I led snowy up to the platform and as he stepped up my wife removed the dildo from Tanya’s pussy. More than ready, Snowy’s large horse cock bounced off of Tanya’s hard flat stomach. Horse precum leaked all over here exposed and well lubed pussy adding to make her more wet. She arched her back unconsciously not realizing her pussy was seeking the pony’s large member. My wife took hold of Snowy’s large cock and guided the head to Tanya’s young pussy. Slowly she helped him work into her hole, Tanya yelling out with each inch that entered her. To make sure she could not slide away, I took her legs and locked them around his back strapping them to each other, ankles crossed. I then took her arms and did the same with her wrists. Within 15 minutes he had worked most of his cock into her and had now started to fuck her. Her body had lifted about 2 inches off the rack and she was truly belly riding snowy as he fucked her. We had hobbled his back legs so that he could not step down and his mating with Tanya lasted almost 10 minutes before we saw horse cum gushing out of her hole from around his cock. We knew in advance he had filled her as she let out a loud moan and scream as he shot his sperm deep inside her.

As snowy and Tanya mated Liz was now being fucked by Tom in the standing position, the two of them watching the whole scene. Alex and Mark were sporting hard-ons again and my wife volunteered to take care of them. As I untied Tanya and cleaned her up, my wife let both Alex and Mark take their turns doing her in the stall on the rack. She then called Max over and let him lick their deposits out of her.

By the time we returned to the house it was 5am. We ended the night in a tag team orgy where we moved from one girl to the other. Since then we have quieted down the sex parties (it has only been a week) and kept it to the three of us. Liz has called my wife several times about borrowing Max and she told her she could come over and visit him anytime.