(c) 2007 by neverumind

I had owned Bruzer for a almost a year now, he had originally been my sisters, but she followed her usual suit and had lost interest in the dog after a few months, so I had inherited him. Neither my sister or I had the time nor the extra money to get him neutered so we didn’t bother. He was a big dog, a mutt that we had picked up outside of home depot where my sister worked. Even as a puppy he had been huge, the vet had guessed he was part Husky and a mixture of god knows what… Owning a large property of land Bruzer was usually outside romping around, chasing geese, so the problem of his constant erections was not a problem. I came home early one day after a particularly hard day of work, I was tired and horney… Not seeing my boyfriend because he had been visiting family in Spain. As I dropped the keys on the kitchen counter Bruzer came up to me, wagging his tail in greeting, I leaned over and scratched him behind his ears for a moment. I desperately needed a shower, It was the middle of July, and at the peak heat of the day, not to mention it was unbelievably humid, and the repairman for the AC wasn’t coming until later today.

I slipped out of my clothes on the way to the bathroom, leaving a trail throughout the house, blazer, shirt, skirt, bra, garter, and finally my nylons. Little did I know that after dropping my skirt, Bruzer had assailed it, sniffing it thoroughly, his nostrils flaring. Obviously I had left a mark of my feminine scent… I leaned over and flipped the cold water on. Stepping inside, my nipples quickly grew taunt as the cold water ran over my body. I brought the soap over my body watching away the grime of the day, shivers ran through my body as the soap slipped between my legs and brushed against my clit. Setting away the soap I let my fingers roam over my body, finally reaching my clit I began to stroke it softly, my free hand tugging and tweaking on my hard nipples.

I stopped just before cumming, for fear of slipping in the tub and hurting myself. Stepping out of the shower after turning the water off and grabbed a towel, I began to dry myself off, my pussy growing wet as the rough fabric brushed by it. Wrapping it around me I walked to my room down the hall and smiled as I saw Bruzer there waiting for me. I scratched him behind the ears again as he wagged his tail happily. I had no fear of being naked around him, I had done it before without consequence and I didn’t think about it twice when I threw the towel on the bed. Dogs are renowned for sniffing crotches, I just wasn’t quick enough to pat his nose away when he began sniffing my pussy, His cold nose hit my burning and oh so sensitive clit and my knees went weak, I slapped him softly on the nose and he jerked back, offended. Sending him out of the room and throwing he door closed, yet not really caring that it was an inch short from closing, turning on some classic rock, I sat down on the floor, closed my eyes and began practicing the yoga I did before bed.

My finishing pose was one that involved me lying on my back, legs far apart. Queens: Champion was playing so I didn’t hear the door open. To finish the pose, I raised my hips high in the air; a slight smile came to my face as the thought of how my boyfriend loved this position crept into my mind. Just as I ran the memory of how on his last night here he had eaten me out like this, and how I had had one of the best orgasms of my life, I felt something wet sniffing my pussy. Startled I opened my eyes just as Bruzer’s pink, long tongue took its first swipe, starting at my ass and ending at my clit. I couldn’t help but shudder and moan. Bruzer figured that he could get more of the sweet juice that had flown from my cunt if he repeated it, and before I could stop him he was licking my pussy better than any men in my life have ever done. My eyes closed as I concentrated on the tight coil of tension that was building up within me. I couldn’t help but feel a little ashamed as I let him continue.

Growing up in a strict catholic house had taught me all about the dangers of sin and hell. I went with my more primal human instincts though and pressed my hips forward with a long sensual moan as he began to stick his tongue into my tight cunt hole. Discarding my mothers metaphysical speeches that had begun to play in my mind, I began thrusting my hips against his tongue, one of my hands reached down to my clit, and within a few strokes I was cumming hard, my hips convulsing and Bruzers name being moaned out on my lips. I lay down on the ground, Bruzer didn’t stop though, he kindly began to clean up all of the juice that was flowing from my cunt. Within a few moments, he was able to bring me into a wave of smaller, yet still satisfying orgasms. I finally regained enough breath to tell him to stop and sit.

He did so, being a very obedient dog. As I sat up I was surprised to see a huge monster cock hanging in-between his legs. Long and fat it had to be at least ten inches long and a baseball size knot at the base of his dick. He was becoming agitated, his own needs compromising the want to obey and please his master. My mouth watered as I continued to stare at his dick. “Lay down Bruzer…” It was soft in disbelief of what I was about to do, yet still strong enough for him to obey. I crawled over to him and grasped the monster in my hand, hardly able to touch my long nails together. He whimpered softly as I began to slide my hand up and down the shaft, my other hand weighing his huge balls in my hand, enjoying the meaty and heavy feel they had. Slowly I leaned over and brought the tip of his dick into my mouth and began to suck, my hand still stroking him up and down in a vice grip.

He began to hump my mouth feverishly and I could taste the thin fluid that was leaking from him. I knew how dogs fuck; I had seen it before on a cousin’s ranch, so I slowly slid him out of my mouth, the short spurts of pre-cum hitting the side of my mouth. I licked it up and then crawled on my hands and knees, Bruzer knew this position instinctively, he stood quickly and mounted me. With a quick, hastened thrust he hit his mark and slid into my, to my pleasure he began thrusting so hard that the heavy sacs were hitting my clit. My cunt was tight and not long enough to hold all of him, honestly I think this pissed him off and made him push into me farther. Loud moans were coming out of my mouth, they slowly turned to heated screams as I endured the best fuck of my life.

He couldn’t believe what he was seeing, standing there in the door way, his dick grew hard, and strained against his pants as he watched the woman get fucked by a huge dog. He had knocked on the door several times; he was here to fix the woman’s air conditioner … He had almost left after the third knock, but had heard faint screams and became worried. The front door had been unlocked so he walked in and ran upstairs, the screaming becoming louder. He had expected to find a robber over a woman, ready to kill her, or maybe some one trapped… anything but this. The woman hadn’t noticed him yet, nor had the dog. So he carefully slipped his dick out and began stroking it. He watched as the woman shuddered and groaned with a strong climax, he had almost busted a nut right then yet the only thing that flowed from him was a deep, guttural moan.

Both the woman and dog turned to him then, she had a horrified look while the dog began barking, thinking he had been here to steal his bitch. The woman couldn’t escape, the dogs knot had been thrust into her, he could see her look turn to arousal as he moved to stand before her, kneeling down he spoke gruffly, “You bitch, fucking your own dog… I’m gonna make you my bitch…” and he struck her cheek with the back of his hand, not hard enough to hurt, yet enough to sting slightly. He stuck his proud eight-inch thick dick to her face, “Suck it bitch.” and she did, greedily in fact. He moaned as her mouth enclosed over his hard dick and began expertly sucking, her teeth grazing slightly. His hand went to her hair and began pressing her further down his cock, the other began to fondle his nuts.

He couldn’t take his eyes off of the dog who was still fucking the shit out of her, he couldn’t believe it when after only a few moments the dog stopped and jerked, he could tell that the dog was cumming in her pussy. He smiled and pressed himself even deeper down her throat. Watching her shake with another climax sent him over the edge, he groaned and spurted a hot load down her throat, she moaned and swallowed every bit of it. The dog’s knot went down a few moments later and he slid out of her, content to retreat to a corner of the room and clean himself up. He lifted the woman’s face to look at him by pulling her by the hair, she smiled sheepishly at him and he chuckled, “Ma’am, I think your air conditioning work is going to be free…”