PB-379 Horse And Dog Family by Jason Bonds


It’s been said that every person has some dark passion within his soul—some hidden secret, desire, or whim that may never surface to be seen by even the closest confidante. Such a secret can be evil and sinister, or it may be trivial and trite.

In America, such dark passions are easily submerged and hidden by the complexities of everyday living. Yet sometimes dark passions surface—and such taboo subjects as bestiality have to be dealt with.

HORSE AND DOG FAMILY is a dramatic representation of women who dare to let their most base desires and passions come to the fore. They are some of the few who are willing to accept the consequences, be it reward or punishment, for allowing themselves to be sexually liberated. Their story is a startling insight into the lives of people who dare to deal with the darker sides of their own sexual natures.

The Publisher



Jan’s pussy was already hot and moist with need as she lay in the luxurious canopy bed and watched her handsome husband undressing. Beneath the blue satin sheet, she rubbed her silken thighs together, causing her slippery cuntlips to tingle warmly.

Jackson, the family’s beautiful collie, lay curled contentedly on the bed near Jan’s feet. It was late and the dog was drowsy, but occasionally his nostrils flared and he glanced around with heavy-lidded eyes when he caught the fragrant scent of the woman’s overheated cunt.

Eric Hanley had stripped down to his white cotton briefs and was carefully hanging his tuxedo in the closet, which was filled with expensive suits. He slid the big mirrored door shut and checked himself out in the mirror, using his fingers to tousle his immaculately groomed blond hair. Then he crossed the huge bedroom with his most impressive macho swagger to join his gorgeous wife.

“You looked very debonair tonight, darling,” Jan said as he approached the bed. “But I still prefer you naked.”

“That wouldn’t have gone over too well at the country club,” Eric said, pushing his shorts down and stepping out of them. He scrambled onto the bed, sitting back on his heels, his limp prick dangling. “And speaking of naked what’s this with the negligee? You expecting company?”

“You like it?” she cooed, scooting up and propping herself against a satin pillow. Her long black hair cascaded over the pillow, and the strawberry-tipped points of her pert tits were faintly visible through the sheer white fabric. “I bought it in Dallas the other day, while you were in Venezuela.”

“It’s nice,” Eric said as he reached out and spread the front of her negligee open, filling both hands with the pliant flesh of her bare tits. “But I like what’s under it better.”

Jan laughed, rising up to kiss him briefly on the lips. “You oilmen are all alike-always in a hurry to find out what’s under the surface.”

“That’s right, baby,” he said, smiling wickedly as he let his hand trail down her cleavage, down over her satin-smooth stomach and into the dense thicket of pussy-hair at her crotch. “And this oilman’s ready to start drilling.”

Eric suddenly nearly smothered his wife with a passionate kiss while he kneaded her tit with one hand and eagerly plunged two fingers of the other into the warm wetness of her cunt. He moaned happily into her mouth when he discovered her pussy was already flooded with the juices of arousal. Humping relentlessly against her husband’s hand, Jan reached between his muscular thighs and grasped his cock, which was rapidly swelling and stiffening. He moaned into her mouth again at the touch of her dainty hand on his hardening prick.

Disturbed by the horny couple’s moaning and squirming, the collie at Jan’s feet sat up, sniffing the air nervously. The pungent scents of sexual arousal wafted to his nostrils more strongly now, capturing his attention. The dog rose to his feet slowly and crept forward, sniffing first at Eric’s bare ass, then following his nose to the more interesting scents emanating from Jan’s finger-stuffed cunt.

The curious dog began to lick around the woman’s exposed pussy, lapping at her husband’s embedded fingers at the same time.

“Hey!” Eric snapped, breaking their lingering kiss and yanking his fingers from Jan’s cunt. “Get outta here, Jackson! Get!”

When the dog tried to keep lapping at Jan’s cunt, Eric slapped the beast with the back of his hand.

“Get lost, Jackson!”

The collie leaped from the bed and trotted across the room, ears back and tail drooping. He quickly sat on his haunches in a comer, looking at his master and mistress with sad eyes.

Unaware that he had done anything naughty indeed, having no conception of such things as protocol in sexual situations-the dog obviously felt he had been scolded for nothing more than being affectionate.

“Awwwww, look,” Jan said. “Now you’ve hurt Jackson’s feelings.”

“Fuck Jackson,” Eric snapped, manhandling his wife in his eagerness to get her out of the offending negligee.

“No. . . fuck me,” she whispered, grinning cutely as she raised her ass and let him whisk the filmy negligee away. “You’ve been out of the country too much lately, honey. . . and I need a good long fuck so bad.” She grabbed his hard-on and squeezed it as he clamped his lips onto the stiff nipple of her tit. “I need your cock, Eric. . . I need fucking. . . I need two or three hours of hard fucking!”

Eric became tense abruptly, and she sensed it. He kept sucking at her creamy-smooth tit, titillating the rigid nipple with his tongue while he caressed her other tit, but she realized too late that in her excitement she had said the wrong thing. Eric had a problem with premature ejaculation, and he was sensitive about it. Two or three hours of fucking was absolutely out of the question, since he was lucky if he could hold out for five minutes of real out-and-out fucking once his big prick was buried in her greedy cunt.

Jan felt his prick going limp in her grasping hand, even though he was still caressing her naked body and sucking avidly at her tit. She suddenly felt like crying, but she controlled the impulse, knowing that would only add to the disaster she had already created.

“I love you so much, Eric,” she murmured, taking the pressure off him by releasing her grip on his softening cock. She began to caress his brawny back. “You make me feel so good.”

Eric began to lick his way down Jan’s smooth flat belly, lapping around the fringes of the dark triangle of curly hair that covered her cunt mound. Then, without looking up, he gripped her petite hips with both hands and started running his tongue up and down the slimy gash of her pussy.

She let him spread her legs and settle on his stomach between them, knowing that lapping a creamy cunt turned Eric on like nothing else.

His hands moved to her cunt-lips, which he spread open to reveal the delicate pink folds within. Then he buried his face into his wife’s open pussy, savoring the texture and flavor of those glistening cuntal folds like a gourmet at a feast.

While Eric ate her cunt with mounting ardor, J an caressed his thick blond hair and gazed at his lean ass, which was now squirming as his excitement mounted again. She couldn’t see his prick, but she knew it was getting hard once more-hard and ready for her needy pussy.

Becoming wildly aroused, Eric began rubbing his face in his wife’s wet cunt while he held her cunt-lips spread open with his fingers. His tongue was fucking rapidly in and out of her cunt-hole now, and he was using his nose to massage her sensitive clit. His hands suddenly moved up her stomach and her pussy lips clamped around his fucking tongue and the tip of his nose while he reached up to grasp both her tits.

Jan started undulating her hips, thrusting her cunt upward against Eric’s face while he spanned her tits with his big hands, rubbing her stiffened nipples with his thumbs.

“Eat that hot pussy, you beautiful cuntlapper!” Jan demanded in a throaty voice. She curled her fingers into his hair, forcing his face harder into her crotch. “Suck that cunt, you mother-fucker!”

The Hanleys were the wealthiest family in Pecos, Texas. They had abandoned the sophisticated life of New York City to live near the West Texas oilfields that had made them rich and they loved playing the role of big fish in a little puddle.

In everyday social situations, Jan and Eric were quite civilized and proper people. But in sexual situations both of them were turned on, by dirty talk, having discovered that lewd words were as erotically stimulating as the visual and tactile sensations of sex. And so the otherwise mutually respectful couple sometimes talked like low-life degenerates when they were fucking.

“I fucking love it!” Eric blurted, looking up and keeping his chin buried between her stretched cunt-lips. “There’s nothing I love more than eating a sloppy pussy!”

His blue eyes sparkled with excitement as he clung to her tits with outstretched arms and wallowed his chin in her wet cunt. “I’m gonna eat this pussy good. . . then I’m gonna fuck it.”

“Shut up and eat me,” Jan said, using both hands to force his mouth back to her cunt. “I want you to eat my cunt . . . then fuck it . . .then eat it some more.”

Jan raised her legs, clamping her creamy thighs around his head and holding him captive with his mouth and nose buried in her pussy gash. The bridge of his nose was pressing hard against her clit, which was tingling vibrantly now.

“I want you to fuck me, you big-cocked beauty,” she whispered urgently, releasing her leg-grip on his head. “I want you to fill my cunt up with your jizz . . . and then I want you to suck it all out of there.”

“Yeah!” Eric blurted enthusiastically. “Shit, yes!”

He rose onto his knees, his ten-inch cock standing out from his groin, stiff and ready to pleasure his pretty wife. Jan reached for his hard-on, pulling him by his cock as he moved up over her. As he moved into position for fucking, she guided the drooling tip of his big cock to the hot slippery entrance of her pussy and the two lovers’ lips came together for a tongue wallowing kiss.

A sudden knocking at the bedroom door startled the horny couple, stopping them just short of penetration.

“Aw, shit!” Eric growled, rolling off his wife and yanking the covers up to cover their naked bodies. “Yeah?”

“Are you all still awake?” a girl’s voice called through the closed door. It was Cindy, their teenaged daughter.

“Yes, honey,” Jan called, adjusting the covers quickly to conceal the facts. “Come on in.”

The door opened and Cindy came in shyly, holding her hands behind her back. She was a cute girl with brown hair and blue eyes. She was clad in a shortie nightgown.

“What is it, honey?” Jan asked, hoping the wild sexual excitement she’d just been feeling didn’t show on her face. “It’s quite late, you know.”

Cindy’s hands finally came from behind her back, and she held out a soiled-looking pair of yellow nylon panties for her mother’s inspection.

“Billy’s been at it again, Mother,” the girl said in disgust. “He’s been messing around in my room and been into my dirty-clothes hamper again.” She stamped her foot in exasperation. “I’m telling you, that boy’s got a screw loose or something. Just look at this!”

Jan took the panties and examined them while Eric looked on curiously. The panties were damp and slimy, but not at the crotch. It was obvious Billy had jacked off and shot his cumload into his sister’s panties.

“Oh, my!” Jan said. Then she sighed and handed the cum-sodden panties back to her daughter. “Well, Cindy. . . you just have to realize your little brother’s right at that age where. . . well. . . where boys do silly things. He’ll grow out of it, I’m sure.”

“That’s sick,” Eric said, wrinkling his nose. “How come nobody told me? And how long’s this been going on?”

“For months,” Cindy said, holding her cummy panties daintily with two fingers so as not to soil her hand. “And I think it’s just positively gross.”

“I’ll have a talk with Billy tomorrow,” Eric promised. “Now you run along… your mother and I need our rest.”

“Good night, sweetheart,” Jan said as the young girl left the room and closed the door. Then she turned to her husband, grasping his partially hard cock beneath the covers. “Now . . . where were we?”

“That doesn’t worry you?” Eric asked, concerned.

“Of course not,” she smiled. “I’m sure it’ll be hard as a rock again in a minute.”

Eric sighed, shaking his head. “Not my cock. I mean Billy. Doesn’t it worry you, him acting so weird and all lately?”

“It’s just a stage he’s going through,” Jan said, chuckling. “Boys will be boys.”

“I know. . . that’s what worries me.”

Eager to get back to fucking, Jan kicked the covers back and quickly clambered atop her husband, sitting astride his loins. She held his half hard prick up, looking down at him with her dark and fiery eyes.

“Let’s get this big fucker good and stiff again so I can ride it. I feel aggressive tonight,” she said, squeezing his prick gently. “Want me to fuck myself on it? Huh?”

“Jack it up, baby,” he whispered, running his hands lightly over the smooth flesh of her naked body and then grasping her firmly jutting tits roughly. “Get that cock hard and then fuck your brains out on it, you cock -crazy slut!”

“I am cock-crazy,” she admitted, grinning lasciviously as she scunted back and sat on his legs. “And I am a slut with you and you love it, don’t you?”

“Yeah, I like it that way,” Eric rasped, feasting his eyes on his wife’s petite but curvaceous body as she sat astride his legs and began jacking his cock. “Talk dirty to me, baby.”

Jan smiled mysteriously, her gaze fastened to his upthrust prick as she jacked on it. His prick was huge, and it looked even larger than it really was by comparison with her unusually small hand and dainty little fingers. Pre-cum was drooling from Eric’s piss-slit, and Jan’s pumping fist caused his ample foreskin to make obscene slurping noises as it popped back and forth over his wet cockhead. While she jerked on his prick, she began to hunch, rubbing her slobbering pussy against his leg. Cunt-juice was soon dribbling warmly over Eric’s leg.

“You hot-cunted bitch,” he whispered, pinching one of her taut nipples until it became almost crimson. “Tell me what you want, slut.”

“I want my pussy filled up with your big old prick,” Jan said, narrowing her eyes. She kept humping his legs with her pussy and jacking furiously on his stiff cock, causing his hairy balls to bounce lewdly between his thighs. “I want you to cum in me . . . and then I wanna fuck your face with my cummy cunt.”

“Get on it, bitch!” he snarled, pinching her other nipple hard. “Get on that cock and fuck yourself!”

“I will,” Jan said, bending forward. “But first I Wanna taste it . . . I want to suck this slime off your cock.”

In the next instant, she clamped her pretty lips around his thick cock, just behind the flared ridge of his cockhead. While she went on rubbing her runny pussy against his hairy leg, she swirled her tongue about the head of his prick, tasting the pre-cum that was oozing from his piss-slit.

Becoming very excited, Eric grabbed his wife’s dark-haired head and pushed her down, forcing half of his immense prick into her hot sucking mouth. She gasped as the blunt tip of his cock surged against the narrow opening to her throat. But then she went with it, bobbing her head, sliding her ovaled lips up and down the thickly veined shaft of his cock and sucking at the same time. While she sucked his cock, she caressed his cum-bloated balls delicately, letting her fingers trail lightly into the crevice of his ass to tickle at his sensitive asshole.

When Eric began to shiver and tear at her hair, Jan realized she was doing too good a job of cock-sucking-that she was about to inadvertently bring him off in her mouth and deprive her cunt of the pleasure of his big prick. So she raised up quickly and took her hands away from his crotch, hoping that he could bring himself under control and avoid another of the premature climaxes that so often left her wanting.

Caressing her own tits, Jan sat still and watched her husband’s standing hard-on quiver threateningly as more clear pre-cum bubbled from his gaping piss-slit. She was so hot she couldn’t keep from rubbing her cunt against his leg, even though she knew that might be all it would take to send him over the edge. As his prick shuddered and he clenched his fists at his side in an effort to stop the orgasm that was so close, Jan remained ever alert, ready to pounce on his cock with her mouth if he began to shoot off. She still wanted her husband’s cock in her cunt, but she figured a mouthful of cum was better than nothing, if it happened that way.

Momentarily, however, the spasms in Eric’s cock and balls subsided and he relaxed, taking a deep breath, proud of himself for the monumental effort it had taken to keep from cumming.

“Christ, Jan,” he said, squeezing her firm and silky thigh with a powerful hand. “You’re just too goddamned exciting for me sometimes. . . I mean, for me, you’re a living fantasy . . . you just make me so fucking hot I can’t stand it.”

Jan smiled demurely and patted his hip affectionately. Eric always said things like that. And she had never been sure whether it was true or if he was just trying to give an acceptable excuse for his frequent lack of self-control. In any case, she thought it was sweet of him to say such things. And she rather liked the idea of being a living fantasy, but she didn’t want him to think she was some kind of egomaniac, either.

“I’m no fantasy,” Jan said, taking her husband’s hand and bringing it to her flooded cunt as she scooted up to his loins. “Here. . .touch me . . . I’m just as real as you are, honey. . . and just as hot as you are.”

“Ohhhh, shit!” he gasped, rubbing his fingers eagerly in the juice-slimed gash of her pussy. “You sure as hell are hot.”

“You’re damned right, I’m hot,” she said, grinning as she raised her ass and moved up over his hard prick. Holding his colossal cock with her tiny fingers, she rubbed his cockhead in her wet pussy-slit. “Now, let’s get this big fucker up in me and see if I can get a thrill out of it. Okay?”

Eric’s immediate response was an upward lurch of his hips that wedged the thick head of his prick between his wife’s cunt-lips and brought a squeal of lusty joy from her mouth.

“Take it, baby,” he urged breathlessly, grabbing her tiny waist and pulling downward. “Sit on it, bitch. . . take it all!”

Slowly, Jan allowed him to pull her down onto his upthrust prick. She watched with wild eyes as her husband’s massive cock fucked into her descending pussy until she was stuffed with all ten inches of his cockmeat. Her cunt-lips were stretched tautly around the hairy base of his prick, and her lush black pussy-hair mingled with the blond hair of his crotch. Cunt-juice bubbled from her cock-stuffed pussy, running warmly down onto his balls. .

“Oh, God!” Jan gasped, throwing her head back so that her long hair brushed against his knees. “How fuckin’ good it is!”

“Baby. . . baby!” Eric said excitedly. He raised up so he could reach around with both hands and grasp the firmly rounded cheeks of her lovely ass. “My cock feels so good inside you. . . aw, shit, it’s so tight and hot. . ..so damned good!” .

Jan began to hump, moving very slowly at first, trying to estimate the intensity of Eric’s excitement. She wanted to fuck herself frenziedly on his wonderful cock, but she didn’t want to make him cum too quickly and wilt that stiff fuck-pole she needed so desperately. Running her fingertips over his muscular chest while he gripped her cute ass, she fucked up and down slowly, positioning herself so that his cockshaft rubbed against her stiffened clit.

Eric was content now to lie still and let Jan set the tempo of the fucking. Her slow rolling hip movements caused his cock to chum nicely within the hotly grasping sheath of her pussy, but didn’t generate enough friction to bring him to climax too quickly.

Once they both realized this was going to be a nice fuck that would last a while, they relaxed and settled into a dreamy state that had just a pleasant edge of excitement to it. Jan continued to roll her hips at a sensuously slow pace, gradually sliding her cunt up and down the long and massive shaft of his cock at the same time.

Jan and Eric were so totally absorbed in the tranquil but extremely erotic fucking that they failed to notice a slight jolt of the mattress that they had not caused.

The dog had jumped back up onto the bed with them.

Jackson stood there on the rumpled satin sheet, near Eric’s sprawled legs and behind Jan, sniffing the air. The distinctive bouquet of juicy cunt filled his nostrils, agitating the nervous animal.

The collie seemed to sense that something sexual was happening here. His cock started getting hard as he sniffed and watched at close range, undetected by the fucking couple. Slowly, the slimy red shaft of his pointed prick emerged from his furry cock sheath until a full-blown doggy hard-on quivered beneath his belly.

Jackson didn’t really understand what was happening. But his nose told him there was a bitch in heat here, and instinct told him that any bitch in heat would have a hot hole for him to plug with his stiff prick. And, being a proud and potent young male, the horny collie was not one to let any such opportunity pass untested. . .



The dog’s stiff red prick quivered vibrantly as he sniffed about behind Jan’s slowly grinding ass, still unseen by her and her husband.

Every time the woman’s heart-shaped ass came down, the man’s big cock vanished into her cunt and the cheeks of her ass sank against his hairy balls for a moment. Then, as her ass went up, the man’s cockshaft was revealed, glistening with aromatic cunt-juices.

It was a fascinating sight for Jackson, seeing the couple fucking up close this way. The collie, which normally slept in Jan’s bedroom as a watchdog because of her husband’s frequent and long absences, had seen them fuck before. But in his dim doggy brain, he had perceived it as some form of play, never associating their activities with the excitement he felt when he got lucky and happened upon a bitch in heat out on the property from time to time.

But now, watching and sniffing at such close range, Jackson had suddenly made the connection-they were fucking!

Then the dog caught the musky scent wafting from Eric’s leg where Jan had previously rubbed her hot cunt so fervently that she had coated the man’s leg with pussy-juice. Eager for another taste of that delicious cunt nectar, Jackson began cautiously licking Eric’s juice drenched leg. After all, he hadn’t been forbidden to lick the man, only the woman.

“What the fuck?” Eric said, raising up on his elbows to peer around his wife’s hip.

Jan stopped fucking up and down on her husband’s prick and looked back to see the dog lapping away at Eric’s cunt-slimed leg.

“Jackson!” she snapped, reaching back to push him away.

“What the hell’s the matter with that dog, anyway?” Eric said. “He never bothered us this way before.”

The collie’s ears lay back and he tucked his tail, backing away to the far corner of the bed, where he curled-up and tried to look innocent. He knew from the tone of their voices that he’d done a bad thing, but his interest was still keen. The exciting flavor of cunt-juice had only whetted his appetite for more. So he remained on the bed.

“I think Jackson’s horny,” Jan laughed. “When we finish, let him out. Maybe he can find some action out in the back pasture.” She squirmed her ass, twisting her pussy on the huge cock that stuffed it. “Right now, all I want to do is fuck myself on your wonderful cock, sweetheart.”

Eric raised an eyebrow suspiciously. “You haven’t been… you know… messing around with the dog. . . have you?”

Jan caught the wicked gleam in his eyes and, knowing her husband well, realized that although he was frowning the idea of her fucking with the dog in some way titillated his imagination.

“Don’t be ridiculous,” she said, slapping his jaw playfully.

And Eric detected the hint of interest in her tone, picked up on the momentary flash of wild depravity in her dark eyes. He knew in that fleeting moment that, although it had not happened, it was not absolutely out of the question that his lovely wife might let a dog fuck her, under the right circumstances. His imagination ran wild, and his cock began to tingle and pulse within the warm grasp of her pussy.

“I’m sorry, honey,” Eric said, caressing her marvelously firm and pointed tits. “Forget I said anything.”

“All’s forgiven,” Jan said with a sweet smile. “Now let’s forget the damned dog and fuck.”

She began undulating her slender hips, fucking her pussy up and down at a faster tempo on his upthrust prick. More cunt-juice foamed out around the hairy base of his prick every time her cunt descended to his balls. He clung to her tits, rubbing at the stiff pink nipples with his thumbs while her tight wet cunt sent delightful sensations through his cock.

“Oh, yeah!” Eric sighed ecstatically. “Now you’re fuckin’, baby. Shit, that feels good!”

Jan leaned forward, pressing her tits against his chest as she kissed him, probing into his mouth with her tongue. He sucked hotly on her tongue and squeezed her cute ass with both hands while she went on fucking herself on his prick. The new position caused his prick to rub hard against her explosive clit with every stroke, driving her to new heights of enthusiasm.

As her excitement mounted, Jan fucked faster, thinking now only of her own pleasure and forgetting the danger of bringing Eric off too quickly. She was hot as a pistol, and his huge fucker was sending erotic thrills all through her loins as it probed into the deepest recesses of her cunt. She was creaming so profusely that loud suctioning noises began to come from her foaming pussy as she fucked herself frantically on her husband’s cock.

The dog’s hard-on had not subsided, and the combination of erotic odors and lewd slurping sounds drew him irresistibly back to the fucking couple.

Sneaking up behind Jan again, Jackson eagerly shoved his long snout in beneath the crack of her pumping ass and began to lap at her juice-slimed cunt-lips and the base of Eric’s prick.

Jan and Eric both felt the additional sensation of the dog’s sandpapery tongue at the same time. But they were both so hot now that neither of them protested. Neither of them even mentioned it, but the truth was that the dog’s lapping tongue had added an interesting new dimension to what was already a marvelous fuck-and neither of them wanted to do anything to stop it!

Jackson went on licking around the creamy coupling of cock and cunt, his own arousal heightened by the delicious flavor of the fuckjuices that coated his busy tongue.

Eric didn’t want to admit it to his wife, but the sensations caused by the dog’s tongue lapping around his balls and the base of his pussy encased prick were only adding to the thrills for him. And although Jan said nothing as she went on fucking, the horny woman was being driven wild by the combined feelings of Eric’s prick plunging into her pussy and the dog’s raspy tongue swirling around her stretched cunt-lips. It was like being fucked and having her pussy eaten at the same time, and it felt marvelous.

And so the two lovers fucked on, clinging to one another and kissing passionately. And although both were enjoying the dog’s attentions immensely, there was a tacit agreement that nothing would be said about this bizarre three-way. It seemed to them that if they failed to acknowledge the dog’s involvement, it would somehow be less depraved to permit it., But Jackson wasn’t concerned with pretenses or propriety. He was having a good time licking around Jan’s cock-stuffed cunt, and made no effort to be stealthy about it now. His rough tongue dragged over cunt, cock and balls without any selectivity, so that each of the two lovers knew beyond doubt that the other was aware of the beast’s presence. Still, nothing was said about it. And the fucking went on at a frenzied pace now.

None of them, including the dog, realized they were being watched. . .

Jan and Eric’s young son Billy, who was just discovering his own sexuality and pursuing that interest zealously, had gone out on the patio naked to jack off in the open air. Jacking off outdoors always seemed nastier to the boy, because then there was danger of being seen. And although it was dark now, the very naughtiness of running around stark-naked outdoors had aroused him wildly.

Billy had been about to shoot his jizz onto the brick floor of the patio when he’d noticed the lights were still on in his parents’ bedroom and crept over to peep through a narrow slit where the draperies had failed to close completely.

It was then that he discovered his mother and father fucking, and only moments later he had been shocked to see the dog join them.

Now, standing just outside their patio door, naked as a jaybird and pounding his hard cock, the blond youngster watched with slack jaw and wide eyes as his parents allowed the family dog to participate in their fucking.

Billy had thought that beating off and shooting his jizz into his big sister’s dirty panties was about as depraved a thing as could be imagined. But this three-way fuck between his parents and Jackson nearly grossed the kid out. And he had thought he was depraved!

Jacking urgently on his cock, which was so hard it felt as if it were vibrating in his pumping fist, Billy continued to watch the odd coupling from outside. The sight was driving him wild. This was even more nasty than jacking off with Cindy’s panties, and it was certainly more exciting than just running around naked outside. This was real fucking, get down and get dirty fucking, with a dog involved!

Billy kept watching and beating his meat, imagining it was his prick his beautiful mom was fucking herself on, his balls the dog was licking…

“Aw, shit, Jan!” Eric suddenly gasped, arching his back and fucking his cock upward into her gyrating cunt. “I think I’m gonna . . . yeah . . . I’m gonna cum, baby! Can’t stop it! Ohhhh, yeah!”

Jan went into high gear, fucking her pussy so fast on his upthrust prick that her ass was almost a blur.

“Give it to me, honey. . . gimme your jizz! Fill my cunt up with that hot stuff!”

Jackson withdrew his snout from their crotches when both of them began to hump so wildly. But he remained crouched between Eric’s spread legs, watching the woman’s pussy devouring the man’s glistening prick. Jackson’s cock was still rock-hard, and a long filament of clear pre-cum drooled from the pointed red tip of his prick, staining the blue satin sheet.

The dog wasn’t stupid. He was waiting for the man to vacate the woman’s delicious smelling fuck -hole so that he could cram his own needy prick in there. It was obvious she was in heat, and Jackson knew from experience that a bitch in heat was always ready for one more stiff prick. And he had a stiff prick ready for her.

Eric was soon in the throes of a stupendous climax, writhing and shuddering beneath his naked wife, every muscle in his body rippling tautly as he unloaded his balls into her gyrating cunt. While he pumped shot after shot of cum into Jan’s pussy, his hands moved rapidly over her shapely body, feeling every sensuous curve of her tits, her hips, her ass-like a blind man wanting to savor every last detail of a woman’s curvaceous body. The firmness and satiny smoothness of her flesh only added to his excitement.

Jan wanted to cum with her husband for once. And she thought this might be the time she could do it.

She ground her pussy madly on his cum spouting prick crushing her sparking clit against his hairy groin while the massive head of his cock churned deep within her guts. She was close, but not quite there yet. She kept moving her ass wildly, desperate to get herself off before Eric’s cock shrank into a limp and useless thing in her cream-filled cunt.

But it was already too late.

Eric sighed deeply and quit squirming, his hands sliding limply down her body and coming to rest on her thighs. She quit moving, feeling his previously huge cock already shrinking in her pussy. She fell forward, clasping his blond head with both hands, her tits mashing against his chest as she panted near his ear.

“Oh, God,” she murmured, kissing the side of her husband’s neck. “I was so close. . . so damned close. . . “

“I’m sorry, baby,” he said, caressing her back. “I just couldn’t hold it back. Give me a minute to catch my breath, then I’ll get you off with my fingers. Okay?”

“Yes . . . sure,” she whispered.

But she was thinking that she didn’t need his fingers to get her off. She had fingers that were perfectly adequate for that. What she needed was a hard prick . . . one that would stay hard for a while. Jan adored her handsome husband, but his lack of self -control was a constant source of distress and frustration for her, because she was a hot-cunted woman with immense sexual needs. It was a sad situation.

The collie moved in close to their crotches again, attracted by the heavy flow of cockcream that was oozing from Jan’s cunt as Eric’s embedded prick wilted. He began lapping the warm slime from her cunt lips and his balls, causing both of them to flinch this time. . . but they flinched for very different reasons.

“Stop it, Jackson,” Eric said wearily. “No, boy!”

“Let him be,” Jan said. “It feels rather nice.”

“That’s because you’re still hot,” Eric said, not moving to dispatch the determined dog. “I’m wiped out, honey.”

Suddenly, the sex-crazed collie attempted to mount Jan, rising up and placing his forepaws on her back, prancing anxiously on his hindlegs as he blindly jabbed his slimy hard-on against her ass.

And at about the same time, Eric’s deflated prick slipped from Jan’s creamy cunt, pushed out by involuntary muscular contractions in her pussy as the dog’s stiff cock jabbed at her ass. A small gush of cock-cream poured from her open fuck-hole, matting her husband’s blond crotch hair beneath her.

“Good heavens!” Jan said, startled but mildly amused. “The damned dog’s trying to fuck me!”

Raising his head, Eric could see the dog mounted on his wife’s back above him. And for a moment he was repulsed and disgusted by the sight. But then he realized Jan hadn’t had her orgasm yet. He’d bad his pleasure, but as usual she was still in need-in need of something long and stiff in her hot Cunt. He was feeling guilty over his early climax now, and the fact that Jan was making no move to drive the frenzied dog off suggested that she was not entirely adverse to being fucked by the beast.

Eric sighed and lay back, closing his eyes to the ungodly sight.

“Let him fuck you,” he said, his voice tremulous.

“What?” she gasped.

“Let the goddamned dog fuck you . . . if you want to.”

Jackson was humping crazily at Jan’s bare ass, and his cock occasionally slid into her asscrack and brushed against her sensitive asshole, but he was completely missing the target of her pussy, aiming too high.

While her husband’s eyes remained closed and she sat astride his loins, her cunt still runny with his cum, Jan began to smile thoughtfully. She bent forward to kiss her husband’s forehead, presenting her rear-spread cunt for the dog’s lunging cock.

“You wouldn’t be too terribly upset if I tried it?” she asked nervously, stroking his temple and kissing all over his face.

“Maybe the dog’s got more stamina than I have,” Eric said, keeping his eyes closed. “Just do it and get it over with-maybe he can get you off.”

By this time, the collie was whimpering with frustration, unable to find the hot fuck-hole he sought so desperately.

Jan reached back and gripped the dog’s slimy prick. He was humping so wildly that she was barely able to hold onto his cock and guide it to her cunt gash. His claws were hurting her shoulders, but she was so intent on getting that dog-cock up her pussy that she didn’t care.

Once Jan’s guidance brought his pointed cock head in contact with the wet heat of her cunthole, Jackson needed no more help.

The dog quickly fucked the entire length of his long skinny prick into the woman’s pussy, whimpering and drooling dog-spit onto the back of her neck. Then he started fucking fast, plunging his prick all the way in on each cock-stroke, so that she was able to feel his furry balls slapping against her pussy-lips each time he fucked in.

“Jesus Christ!” Jan cried, clinging to Eric’s broad shoulders. “He’s doing it, honey! Jackson’s actually fucking me! Look!”

“I don’t want to have to see it,” Eric said solemnly, refusing to open his eyes. “Just get it over with soon as you can.”

Still on her knees, straddling her husband’s loins, Jan hiked her ass up a bit so the dog could fuck deeper into her cunt. He was still clinging to her shoulders with his forepaws, and she could feel the long soft hair of his belly touching her back. And with the collie’s long fur caressing her bare back, there was no way Jan could imagine she was being fucked by a man. The lush fur touching her sensitive flesh was a constant reminder that she was being fucked by a beast. The very depravity of being fucked by an animal while her husband lay beneath her gave the woman an erotic thrill such as she had never before known.

The dog’s cock was fucking in and out of Jan’s cummy cunt faster than she had ever been fucked by any man. And although Jackson’s prick wasn’t thick enough to really fill her hungry pussy, the incredible speed of his fuckthrusts generated so much friction that she felt as if her cunt were on fire. It was wonderful!

Wildly aroused by the dog’s fast fucking, Jan kissed her husband on the lips, fondling his limp and slimy prick at the same time. Then she felt Eric’s hand roaming into her crotch, and he began feeling with his fingertips where the dog’s cock was plunging so speedily in and out of his wife’s cunt. His tongue darted into her mouth, and she felt his cock coming to life again, swelling in her hand.

Within moments, Eric’s cock was huge and stiff within the delicate grasp of Jan’s tiny fingers, and she could feel it pulsing as his excitement rose. She broke the amorous kiss and began licking Eric’s face while the dog kept fucking her.

“You pervert,” Ian whispered, not accusingly, but sweetly and with approval in her tone. “In all these years of marriage, I never knew you to get it up again so soon after you shot your wad.”

The man finally opened his eyes, smiling at his lovely wife with a wanton gleam in his eyes.

“Pervert?” he said. “Hell, I’m not the one the dog’s fucking!”

“You know what I mean,” she said, her voice made tremulous by the dog’s rapid fuck-thrusts. “You’re getting off on seeing me degraded this way. . . aren’t you? Admit it!”

Eric grinned, squeezing one of her tits while he kept feeling around her dog-fucked cum with his other hand.

“Yeah. . . you know I love it when you really get down and get dirty. You’re a wonderful wife and a good mother. But I love this other side of you, too. The slut in you turns me on something fierce, baby. . . yeah, I like it!”

“Obviously,” Jan said, squeezing his rock hard prick.

“Get down there and suck my cock. . . while the dog fucks you.”



The collie’s long skinny prick fucked wildly in Jan’s pussy while she knelt over her beloved husband and sucked on his colossal cock. She felt the dog’s warm saliva dribbling onto her shoulder, felt his long soft hair caressing her back while he humped, his cum-laden balls slapping into her crotch with every fuck-thrust.

Occasionally, the cock-sucking woman gasped when the frantic dog clawed at her bare shoulders with his paws. He was panting rapidly, spit drooling from his long pink tongue as it lolled from his mouth.

Eric lay there panting, too. He watched with wide eyes now as his lovely wife’s red lips slithered up and down his upthrust prick while she caressed his big hairy balls.

Jackson was peering over Jan’s bent form, watching the prone man with his amber eyes while he kept his cock pumping in the woman’s wonderfully hot and clasping cunt. The beast seemed to have some instinctual awareness that he had infringed on the other male’s rights. While he fucked Eric’s wife, Jackson watched the man constantly, ready for trouble at any moment.

When Eric reached up to caress his wife’s raven hair while she sucked his cock, the dog snarled menacingly and. stopped fucking.

“Son of a bitch!” Eric snapped, jerking his hands away from Jan’s head.

“Don’t frighten him,” Jan said, holding Eric’s spit-soaked prick and looking at him over his looming cockhead. “I think he’s about ready to shoot his wad.”

“You want dog-jizz in your cunt?” Eric asked, obviously wondering if that might be carrying things a bit too far.

“Of course, darling,” Jan purred, flicking her pink tongue out to lap a droplet of glistening pre-cum from her husband’s piss-slit. “And, if you’re real nice, I might even let you suck doggy-jizz out of my pussy, afterward.”

“You crazy bitch,” Eric laughed, slapping her cheek playfully.

Suddenly, the collie was infuriated. He groaned and snapped at Eric’s hand. Eric jerked his hand back, startled by the dog’s abnormally aggressive behavior.

Jan began wiggling her upthrust ass, fucking her cunt on the beast’s embedded prick. The hot sensations her movements sent through Jackson’s cock and balls diverted his attention from the rival male beneath the bitch, and he started fucking furiously again.

“Ooooh!” Jan squealed when she felt the dog’s long prick stabbing into the depths of her cunt. “Now just keep your hands away from me, Eric. . . he seems to be very sensitive about you touching me.”

Eric frowned. “Well. . . just pardon the hell out of me,” he said. But he cupped his hands behind his head and lay back to watch the spectacle of his wife getting fucked by the dog.

Jan fisted Eric’s thick cock, her small hand making his prick look even more immense than it was. She bent down again, ovaled her pretty lips and slid them over the spongy knob of her husband’s cock. Bobbing her head and shaking her ass like a bitch in heat, the dark-haired woman moaned with obscene ecstasy as she got her mouth filled with man-cock and her cunt filled with dog-cock. Her dangling tits touched Eric’s muscular thigh every time her mouth sank down onto his prick.

It was a memorable moment for Jan. Her handsome husband had his second hard-on of the evening, something that rarely happened. And Jackson was plundering her pussy with the hottest, fastest fuck she had ever experienced and that was something that had never happened before. As Jan sucked on Eric’s raging hard-on, she was wishing she had let him watch a dog fuck her long ago.

Arching her back upward, Jan deep-throated her husband’s cock, taking the thick wedge of his cockhead into her clasping throat until her nose sank into the blond hair at his groin. As she elevated her ass to angle her throat for Eric’s cock, her new position caused Jackson’s cock to rub rapidly against her sparking clit as it fucked in and out of her pussy. The additional sensations sent a flurry of erotic thrills through her loins, and she moaned blissfully around her mouthful of cock meat. . .

Meanwhile, upstairs, Cindy Hanley had stepped out onto the balcony of her bedroom to spy on her crazy little brother. She knew he had been on a rampage of running around naked in the night, and she was curious about his bizarre behavior. Not that Cindy had any sexual interest in her brother, of course. She just couldn’t believe the things he did, and sometimes she had to see it three or four times before she believed it.

Cindy was still clad in her shorty nightgown and, even in the pale moonlight, the dark nipples of her pert little tits showed through the filmy fabric. She had taken off her panties and had been about to retire for the night when she’d heard the familiar sound of Billy’s patio door sliding open downstairs.

Now, looking down from above, and undetected by Billy, Cindy saw her kid brother standing naked at their parents’ patio door, beating his meat for all he was worth. His face was pressed to the glass, and he was obviously watching something very interesting.

Why, the little creep! Cindy thought. He’s watching Mother and Daddy fucking! I’m gonna tell on him.

But just so she would have plenty to tell, the girl decided she’d better watch and see just how far this went. The brat didn’t have any of her panties with him to shoot his cum into, and she wondered how he would conceal the evidence after he’d finished jacking off. Perhaps he’d just shoot his cum-load right there on the brick patio, then she would have something to show their mom, and Billy would no doubt finally get the belting he so thoroughly deserved from their dad. It would serve him right, too.

Billy kept jacking off at his parents’ patio door, his attention riveted on the bizarre scene inside-his mom sucking his dad’s cock while the family dog fucked her from behind. And the horny youth was no longer in the least appalled by his parents’ lewd behavior-far from it. He was thrilled to discover that he wasn’t the only one in the family who was a bit kinky.

The boy moved closer to the sliding glass door, jacking off furiously while he peered through the open slit between the draperies. Unconsciously, he adjusted the pumping rhythm of his fist so it coincided with the rapid thrusts of the dog’s prick into his mother’s cunt.

Jackson’s bushy tail drooped between his hindlegs and his humping ass was almost a blur as he fucked the kneeling woman. And her head bobbed on her husband’s upthrust prick as fast as the animal’s cock raced in and out of her pussy.

Upstairs on the balcony, Cindy reached beneath her nightgown and began to run a finger up and down the slit of her cunt, finding it wet and slippery. Despite her revulsion over her little brother’s outrageous behavior, the sight of the naked boy jacking off was turning her on. And she began to wish that she could see whatever it was he was watching so intently inside their parents’ bedroom.

When Cindy saw Billy’s lean ass cheeks clench tightly and his body tense visibly, she knew the kid was about to blow his wad. She crammed two fingers into her runny little cunt and pressed the heel of her hand against her stiffening clit, exciting herself into gushing frothy pussy cream onto her hand. Hot sensations surged in the pretty teenager’s loins, and she began fucking her fingers in and out of her cunt roughly while squeezing one of her pert tits with the fingers of her other hand.

In the silvery moonlight, Cindy saw her brother shoot his cum-load against the glass patio door.

Shimmering comets of cum shot from the tip of his prick as he pumped it, splattering onto the glass and running downward in glistening streaks. She heard the boy gasp with ‘relief as he gave his cock a few last strokes, then she saw him shake his cock to cast off a long filament of cum that was dangling from his prick-tip.

Cindy added a third finger to those fucking in and out of her hot cunt now, watching her little brother below on the patio. The boy glanced around furtively, seeming to have suddenly come to his senses. Then he ran quickly across the patio and vanished into his bedroom, closing his sliding door quietly.

Cindy remained on her balcony, finger-fucking her pussy and staring blankly down at the streaks of cum that glistened on her parents’ patio door. Pussy cream was running down the insides of her thighs now, feeling very warm on her flesh in comparison with the cool night air.

Impulsively, the girl yanked her hand from her cunt and whipped her flimsy nightie off over her head, reveling in the sensation of being so naked and naughty. It felt marvelous! And suddenly she understood why her little brother had taken to cavorting naked in the night outdoors that way-it was such a deliciously wicked thing to do.

Unable to restrain her curiosity about what Billy had seen in their parents’ bedroom, Cindy hurried inside and padded quietly down the stairs, emerging on the patio naked as the day she was born. Her lovely young body gleamed in the moonlight like alabaster, and her sharply jutting tits bounced slightly as she trotted over to peek through that open slit in the draperies.

Cindy gasped in shock, utterly bewildered at the sight inside. It was incredible! Her mother was giving her father a blow-job, and Jackson was fucking her mother. The girl’s jaw hung slackly and her blue eyes stared unseeingly for a few seconds. It was such a shock that her drooling pussy began to dry up.

But then a curious thing happened. As Cindy gradually accepted the idea of her lovely mother being such a depraved slut, her own pussy began to leak copiously again. She was startled from her frozen shock by the realization that cunt cream was running down the insides of her thighs again. As disgusting as it was to watch her mother being fucked by a dog, there was something darkly exciting about it, too.

The girl began finger-fucking herself once more, drenching her hand in warm and slippery pussy-cream while she watched.

Then her gaze fell on the streaks of Billy’s cum that still gleamed on the glass before her. Her pink little tongue ran sensuously over her lips as she considered doing something really depraved. If her mom could fuck with a dog, why couldn’t she lap up a bit of her brother’s jizz? Not too much-just enough to excite her into a quick orgasm.

Dropping to her knees, the pretty teenager struck her tongue out and licked cautiously at a blob of cum that clung to the glass. The alkaline flavor of her brother’s cum instantly excited Cindy, reminding her of the flavor of jizz she had sucked directly from the cocks of several of her boyfriends. She started licking in earnest, lapping up the gelatinous globs of cum while she peered through the streaked glass, watching her mother suck cock and get fucked by the dog.

Becoming more and more aroused, the naked teenager crammed her fingers back into her sopping cunt and began finger-fucking in a frenzy of uncontrollable excitement.

Cindy was still technically a virgin. But, like most modem virgins, she had discovered there was plenty a girl could do with a guy without losing her cherry. She began to wonder if Jackson might like to fuck her in the ass. Then she had a fleeting thought that now she was even worse than her perverse little brother. But it didn’t matter. Obviously, the whole family was a bit kinky, and Cindy figured she would have to get pretty depraved to out do the rest of them. Besides, the idea of getting fucked by the same dog that had fucked her mother had a certain naughty appeal. . .

Inside the bedroom, unaware their daughter was spying on them, Jan and Eric were still involved in their bizarre three-way with, the family dog.

Jackson would tolerate no interference while he fucked the kneeling woman, and so Eric still had his hands cupped behind his head. Jan was sucking furiously on her husband’s upthrust prick while the collie fucked madly at her pussy. Her bare shoulders were covered with red marks made by the dog’s nails where his forepaws clung to her, and the panting beast kept peering over her shoulders, watching the man menacingly with his amber eyes.

Jan rose up slightly, holding onto her husband’s huge cock with both hands, smiling wantonly at him while she churned her ass against the collie’s humping loins.

“Oh, shit,” she said. “I feel so fuckin’ trashy. . . I just love it!”

“Don’t stop suckin’, honey!” Eric said anxiously. “I wanna cream your pretty mouth while Jackson’s still fuckin’ you.”

She kissed the wet tip of his prick, then took it into her hot sucking mouth again, causing the man to moan with pleasure. He raised his head to watch, keeping his hands cupped behind his head to avoid antagonizing the nervous dog. He adored the sight of his colossal cock stretching his pretty wife’s lips as she bobbed her head, taking as much of his cock as she could while her tiny hand clasped the hairy base.

Although Eric had an immense fucker and took justifiable pride in it, there was a kind of optical illusion caused by the smallness of his wife’s hands that made his prick seem even larger than it really was. And having his ego boosted by that illusion of masculine massiveness never failed to turn Eric on wildly, so he thoroughly enjoyed watching his wife jack on the lower part of his cockshaft while she sucked on the rest of that throbbing, blue-veined monster.

Suddenly, the collie began to fuck faster and harder than his previous rapid rate. The resulting friction caused Jan’s pussy to itch and burn delightfully, and that only caused her to go after her husband’s prick with increased fervor.

Wanting to experience the depravity of this situation to the fullest, Jan reached between her thighs and felt where the dog’s cock was pumping in and out of her greasy fuck-hole. With her fingertips, she felt the animal’s slim cock dance, fucking in and out of her cunt. His furry little balls were bouncing rapidly against her knuckles and his long belly fur was sticking to her sweaty back while she clawed at her shoulders.

The very nastiness of it thrilled the horny woman to the core. It was absolutely the most vile thing she had ever done in her life, and she was loving it.

She crammed her mouth down hard on Eric’s rigid prick, causing the head of his prick to fuck into the tightness of her throat, causing herself to gag. But she stayed down. Eric suddenly grew tense, coaxed once again to the point of climax-this time by the hot caresses of Jan’s throat muscles as she gagged on his cock. It was all the man could do to keep from grabbing her head. But he resisted the impulse, knowing the dog would bite him if he did. “Gonna cum, baby!” he gasped, bouncing his ass on the mattress and fucking his willing wife’s throat roughly. “Stay on it, baby!”

Jan stayed down, squirming her upthrust ass against the humping collie’s belly, still feeling his long slimy prick fucking in and out of her wet cunt, and letting her husband fuck upward into her mouth with mounting aggressiveness. When Eric blew his wad, the force of his ejaculation sent displaced air wheezing from her flared nostrils as his cum filled her mouth. A moment later, twin streams of cum gushed from her nose, running down the man’s upthrust cockshaft to pool in his blond crotch hair. When he blasted a second shot of jism into her mouth the milky cum ran from the corners of her cock stuffed lips, slithering down her husband’s prick and coating his hairy balls.

Squirming her ass crazily on the dog’s fucking cock, Jan gulped, swallowing as much of Eric’s jism as she could while he shuddered and jerked beneath her, banging his thighs against her dangling tits. Jan swayed her back downward, rubbing her stiff nipples against her husband’s hairy thighs while she sucked the last few drops of cum from his wilting prick.

“Oh, God!” she cried, letting Eric’s cum-slimed cock slurp from her mouth and resting her cheek against his wet balls. “Oh, Eric. . . Jackson’s fuckin’ me so good, honey!”

She still had one hand between her thighs, feeling where the beast’s prick was speeding in and out of her cunt.

“I never realized dogs fuck so fast.”

Eric let his arms flop to either side, gasping for breath in the aftermath of his stupendous climax. His sudden movement caused Jackson to start snarling and growling over Jan’s shoulder. But the animal kept on fucking the willing woman.

“Get the goddamned dog off and stop it!” Eric snapped, suddenly feeling a sense of shame and remorse over such inexcusable debauchery. “I’m bored with this crap.”

“Of course, you’re bored, darling. . . you just came,” Jan said with a wicked laugh. She kissed her husband’s hard belly adoringly and wiggled her ass for the madly fucking dog. “You just relax and don’t move, and Jackson and I will be finished in no time at all.”

It better be fast,” he said irritably. “Shit. . . I can’t believe I’m lying here watching a damned dog fuck my wife. . . I must be sick!”

Jan tried to console her distraught husband by licking lovingly around his crotch lapping up all the spilled jism while she went on enjoying the wonderful doggy-fuck Jackson was giving her. She was still in a state of high excitement, even though she’d been experiencing multiple climaxes through it all, creaming heavily on the collie’s cock. Cunt-cream was streaming down the insides of her smooth thighs, and the dog’s fast fucking had whipped up a frothy lather that coated her pussy-lips and dripped onto the satin sheet below.

Jackson was panting harder now, drooling warm spit onto Jan’s back and shoulders as he fucked so rapidly that it felt to her as if something long and hot and hard was spinning its way into her pussy in a single, unending fuck – thrust.

“Jackson has incredible stamina,” Jan murmured against Eric’s stomach as she rubbed her sensitive tits against his thighs. “He just fucks and fucks and fucks-and it’s absolutely marvelous!”

“Slut!” Eric hissed angrily, closing his eyes and refusing to look anymore.

Jan smiled condescendingly, kissing the man’s limp prick tenderly. “You’ll feel different about it in a while. . . when you build up another load of cum in your balls. I know how you are, darling.”

Eric just grunted, knowing she was probably right. Bizarre as it was, it had been the most exciting sex he had ever experienced. But right now, he had emptied his balls and a limp cock and his heart was still pounding from his outrageous excitement of a few minutes before, and he only wanted his wife and the collie to finish fucking.

He didn’t have to wait long.

Jackson began whimpering and shuddering all over, clinging to Jan’s shoulders tenaciously as he fucked her pussy to froth. His shaggy tail was standing straight out now, and his pumping ass was almost a blur as he pounded the woman’s hot wet pussy with his stiff prick.

The dog’s whimpers rose to a crescendo as he unloaded his balls, filling her cunt with hotly spurting dog-cum.

“Oooooh!” she squealed, jiggling her ass and churning the dog’s cum-spouting prick in her cunt. “He’s just pumping me full of doggy-jizz, Eric! Jackson’s cumming in me, darling!”

“Hip-hip-hooray,” Eric said dryly, still refusing to look upon the abominable scene.

With surprising suddenness, Jackson pulled his cock from Jan’s cummy cunt and froze there for an instant, perched with his forepaws still on her back. One last spurt of dog-cum shot from the tip of his slimy red prick, splattering onto the woman’s lower back and running down into her ass crack.

The dog’s red cockshaft was lathered with pussy foam and cum, and creamy dog-cum was dripping from Jan’s still-tingling cunt. The woman pressed her head down between her husband’s sprawled legs, looking upside down between her own thighs at the obscene sight of that dripping dog-cock. She whimpered like a dog herself, finding some dark thrill in the nastiness of what she had just done.

In the next instant, the collie lurched from the bed and trotted over to a corner, his tail drooping now. He sat on his haunches and began licking his sore prick, glancing nervously at the man and woman on the bed while he cleaned the cum and pussy slime from his cock. His stiff red fucker was shrinking slowly now, gradually retracting into his furry cock sheath while he licked at it.

Even though Jan had climaxed repeatedly on the dog’s prick, she was unaccountably hot and seemingly in need of even more depraved excitement.

She crawled up over her prone husband, pushing her frothing pussy into his face before he knew what was happening.

“Here, darling,” she whispered urgently. “I want to see you suck doggy-jizz out of my cunt.”

“Good God, Jan!” Eric blurted, using both hands to push her back. “Have you gone mad?”

“I . . . I just don’t know, darling,” she said, his tone of voice having startled her back to her senses. She looked down at her frothy cunt. “Dogs foam at the mouth when they go mad . . . I just don’t know what’s gotten into me.”

“Well, by God, we have to draw the line somewhere,” Eric said. He scooted back and sat up against the big satin pillow. “I mean . . . we’re not animals, Jan . . . even if we do fuck with them.”

He was looking at his lovely wife’s cumstreaked face oddly, looking at her as if he had never really seen her before this moment.

“You’re right, Eric,” she said, trying to muster an expression of guilt that she didn’t actually feel. “I really must pull myself together. I don’t know what ever possessed me . . . thinking you’d want to suck dog-cum out of my cunt.”

She flopped over onto her side beside her husband, throwing an arm across him and pressing her firm tits against him as she kissed his shoulder. Eric sighed, caressing her long black hair fondly. . .

Outside their patio door, Cindy was frigging her own pussy to a froth. The sights she had witnessed had sent her into a regular tailspin of fuck-lust, and she was fucking four fingers into her pussy with wild abandon. She was wishing her father had gone ahead and sucked the dog cum out of her mother’s pussy, and she was a bit put out with the man for being such a bore.

Silvery moonlight bathed the young girl’s body while she knelt there on the patio, licking up the last traces of her little brother’s cum from the glass door while she fucked her fingers and fantasized about letting the collie have at her at the very first opportunity. She had no doubt he would be interested, now that he had learned how to fuck a woman.



Inside the bedroom, her mom and dad were quietly embracing on the bed, and the collie had curled up and gone to sleep on the floor. It seemed almost impossible to Cindy now that she had seen what she saw a few minutes before.

Cindy rose to her feet, caressing one of her pert tits while she kept four fingers crammed in her hot cunt. Witnessing the bestial fuck session in her parents’ bedroom had made the young virgin hot as a pistol, and she was toying with the idea of summoning Jackson and letting him take her cherry.

But then her gaze fell on her brother’s patio door, and she was suddenly seized by a wild idea. Billy was sex-crazy. He would fuck her. Yes! The kid had a nice cock on him, at least as big as the dog’s cock.

A lewd grin appeared on Cindy’s face as she decided then and there to rape her little brother.

Moving stealthily across the patio, the naked girl approached Billy’s door and quietly slid it open, creeping into his room. She still had her fingers jammed in her pussy, and her cunt muscles were grabbing at the embedded fingers as her arousal soared.

In the faint light inside, Cindy could make out Billy’s form on the bed. He was still naked, sprawled on his stomach, apparently exhausted after having jacked off outside earlier. But Cindy figured she could revive the kid’s spent prick in short order, since he had already become conditioned to jerking off into her panties in secret. This time, she would give him the real thing and to hell with dirty panties.

Crawling onto the bed, the girl ran a hand between her little brother’s thighs. She found his balls, and she could feel just the head of his cock where it was mashed between his balls and the mattress. Kissing the back of the boy’s neck, she rubbed the tip of his prick with her thumb-and was rewarded by a quick response. His prick began to swell, slithering from beneath his pillowed balls and into her waiting hand.

Then Billy awoke with a start.

“What. . . what the hell?” he mumbled, turning over to find his naked big sister beside him. “Cindy? What. . . what’re you doing?”

“I want you to fuck me, Billy,” she whispered excitedly, grasping his cock again. “I need your cock.”

Startled almost senseless, the young boy tried to scoot away. But Cindy moved with him, clinging desperately to his partially hard cock.

“‘Sis,” Billy gasped, “we can’t do that! Jesus! “

“Why not?” she cooed, stroking his cock to greater stiffness.

“It’s. . . it would be incest, Sis. That’s wrong.”

“Who the hell cares?”

“I . . . I d-don’t k-know,” the bewildered youth stammered. “But somebody might.”

His eyes were scanning her lovely tits and his mouth was becoming cottony dry as he looked at the dark shadow of pussy-hair at her crotch. She saw where he was looking and scooted closer, using her hand to bring the tip of his prick into contact with her wet cunt-lips.

“Make a woman of me, Billy,” Cindy whispered.

“Aw, shit,” the boy said, shaking his head as his cock throbbed in her hot hand. “Get serious, Sis.”

“I am serious. I’ve never been fucked . . . well, not where it really counts, anyway.”

She began hunching against him, trying to fuck her cunt onto his motionless prick.

“C’mon, Billy. . . fuck me, damn it!”

Abruptly, the boy lurched back, freeing himself of her grip. He leaped from the bed as if being pursued by wolves. But then he didn’t quite know where to go. He stood there, his cock jutting up stiffly from his groin, staring down at the unbelievable sight of his gorgeous sister writhing on the bed, reaching out for his prick.

“I . . . I don’t know. . .” He gulped, his eyes wide. “I don’t know how. . . how to do it. “

Cindy sat up, glaring up at him.

“You little worm!” she spat. “What the hell do you mean. . . you don’t know how to do it? There’s only one way to do it, idiot! You stick your cock in my pussy and start fucking. Shit, even a dumb dog knows that!”

Billy raised an eyebrow, suddenly remembering having seen the collie fucking his mother that evening. Immediately, he wondered if his sister had seen the same thing, or perhaps even. . .

“Sis?” Billy said cautiously, sitting down on the corner of the bed. “You haven’t been. . .you know. . . fooling around with Jackson, have you?”

“Certainly not,” she said indignantly as she grabbed his cock again. “You think I’d be in here messin’ around with you if I had a dog to fuck me?”

“Well, thanks a whole hell of a lot, Sis.”

“I didn’t mean it that way,” she laughed, taking his hand and drawing him back to the bed. “You’re a very sexy boy, and I want you to be the first one to fuck me. C’mon, Billy. . . relax and just go with it. Okay?”

Clinging to her brother’s stiff prick with one hand, Cindy drew his hand to her wet pussy, forcing him to rake his fingers up and down the slimy slit of her cunt.

“Awwww, damn!” the young boy gasped, flinching at his rust touch of a girl’s pussy. “It’s all gooey and slippery!”

“That’s because I’m hot for you, Billy,” she said, trying her best to sound sultry.

The youth’s hand trembled against his big sister’s cunt and his prick throbbed in the grasp of her curled fingers while his gaze remained riveted to her tits. Suddenly, a bit of warm precum oozed from the tip of his cock, wetting the palm of her hand. She smiled knowingly and moved closer to him.

Abruptly, Billy lowered his head and clamped his mouth onto one of his sister’s spiked tit tips, sucking ravenously at her rigid nipple. She gasped happily at the kid’s unexpected aggressiveness as he sucked her tit and sank his fingers into the juicy folds of her pussy. Keeping four fingers buried in her fuck-hole, he rubbed his thumb rapidly in the curly brown hair of her pussy mound while his other hand swept over the lovely curves of her satin-smooth body.

Cindy clung to her little brother’s drooling prick and used her other hand to hold his blond head against her tit while he sucked, nipping gently with his teeth. She felt his cock throbbing in her hand, and it seemed to be almost humming with the vibrant potency of his youth.

A sudden noise outside caused both of them to freeze for a moment. It was the sound of their parents’ patio door sliding open. The kids held their breaths.

Then they heard the pattering of Jackson’s claws on the brick patio outside, and their parents’ door slid shut again.

“They were just letting the dog out,” Billy said, sighing with relief.

“Yeah, I know,” Cindy said, a wicked grin appearing on her pretty face. “I wonder if-“

“Sis!” Billy snapped, looking at her in disbelief. “You wouldn’t. . . “

He saw her watching the open patio door hopefully.

“Yeah, you would.”

“Jackson. . . here, Jackson,” the girl called in a loud whisper.

The collie trotted in through the open doorway and came over to the bed, looking up at the naked brother and sister. Detecting the familiar scent of hot pussy, he began sniffing the air, obviously interested.

“C’mon, boy,” Cindy said, patting the bed. “Jump up.”

Jackson bounded onto the bed eagerly, immediately nudging his long snout into Cindy’s crotch, finding her wet cunt crammed full of Billy’s fingers. He started lapping around the boy’s embedded fingers, licking up the copious flow of aromatic pussy-juice.

Still holding onto Billy’s cock, Cindy reached under the dog’s belly and grabbed his hairy cock sheath, finding his partially hard prick protruding. She rubbed her fingertips over the beast’s cock knob, which was still slimy with her mother’s cunt cream.

Then Cindy noticed her little brother’s appalled expression.

“Don’t look so shocked,” she laughed. “If Mother can fuck a dog, then so can I.”

“But. . . but I thought you wanted me to fuck you,” Billy whined.

“Oh, I do!” Cindy assured him, jacking slowly on his tingling prick with one hand while the dog’s prick swelled in her other. “I want you to fuck my pussy-and I want Jackson to fuck my ass.”

“You’re one hell of a nasty bitch,” Billy said, but his tone was one of approval. “How’re we gonna do it?”

Cindy looked thoughtful, cocking her head to one side for a moment, trying to figure out how to arrange things. Jackson was still licking around her pussy, lapping at Billy’s juice coated fingers as they pumped slowly in and out of her cunt-hole. The delightful sensations caused in her cunt by Billy’s fucking fingers and the dog’s lapping tongue made it difficult for the girl to think straight.

“I know!” she said suddenly, pushing Billy down onto his back. “I’ll sit on your cock, and Jackson can fuck my ass from behind.” She quickly went onto her knees, astride her brother’s loins. “I’m really surprised Mother didn’t think of this, herself.”

“You saw them tonight?” Billy asked, still fingering her cunt while the dog moved with them to keep licking at her crotch.

“Yep,” she said, holding Billy’s cock upright and aiming it at her descending cunt. “And I saw you jacking off out on the patio while you watched ’em, too. . . and I licked up your jizz from the glass door where you shot it.”

“Why, you sleazy slut!” Billy said, grinning from ear to ear with pleasure. He obviously took after his father.

“I sure hope you’ve got another load of jizz for my pussy,” Cindy said, winking at him.

As her crotch descended, she pushed Jackson out of the way and Billy withdrew his slimy fingers from her cunt. In the next instant, the circumcised head of the boy’s cock was enveloped in the steamy gash of her cunt. Both youngsters gasped and sighed at the initial penetration, even though only his cockhead was fucked in. It was the first time Billy had ever had his prick in a pussy, and it was the first time Cindy had ever allowed a prick into her virgin pussy.

“Did I bust your cherry?” Billy asked anxiously.

“Hardly,” Cindy laughed, moving her hips and causing her wet cunt to slurp on the head of his cock. “You’re just barely in.”

The collie was trying to lick at Cindy’s cunt again, and his rough tongue was, also lapping around the exposed shaft of Billy s cock. Billy shoved the animal aside, and Cindy gently pushed him around behind her, encouraging him to lap at her ass. Then she giggled with pleasure when she felt Jackson’s tongue probing in her ass crevice, titillating her sensitive asshole.

Billy, who was growing impatient with his big sister’s interest in the dog, lurched his hips upward, fucking a bit more of his cock into her tight cunt. .

“Ungh!” Cindy grunted, taken by surprise.

Billy clung to her waist and held her in place as he lunged upward again, fucking more of his stiff cock into her pussy. Then he used brute strength to pull her down with him as his ass settled to the mattress. Her stretched cunt-lips sank down onto his upthrust prick, clamping tautly around his sparsely hairy cock base.

Cindy’s face contorted for a few seconds as a sharp pain surged through her loins, and her eyes went wide with fear of worse to come as she realized her little brother had Just ripped through her cherry with his prick.

“I reckon that did it, huh?” the boy said gleefully as he felt his cock being bathed in warm trickles of cherry blood.

“You reckoned right,” Cindy said, her voice tremulous as she waited tensely for the severe pain she had always feared. “Just be still a minute. Okay?”

But the terrible pain Cindy had feared never materialized. In fact, she was so enjoying the dog’s tongue slithering up and down in her ass crack, and so thrilled by the naughtiness of fucking with her own brother that she was only vaguely aware of the pain that did result from losing her virginity.

Gradually, a smile spread over the teenager’s pretty face. She began to move her hips sensuously again, enjoying the sensation of having her pussy stuffed full of hard cock meat.

Billy shuddered and giggled when the dog’s lapping tongue slithered beneath Cindy’s ass and teased at the base of his embedded cock. He reached up and caressed his sister’s cute tit mounds, strumming at her stiff nipples with his thumbs while he enjoyed the sensations caused by her hot pussy sheathing his cock.

It was then that Jackson began trying to mount the hunched-over girl.

“Ooooh! Yes, Jackson!” Cindy blurted. She leaned forward more, keeping Billy’s prick in her cunt. Her tit tips brushed the boy’s chest as she drew her knees forward to make her asshole more available for the horny dog. “C’mon, boy. . . fuck my ass!”

The collie was prancing frantically on his hind legs, clawing at Cindy’s back with his front paws as he jabbed his hard-on futilely against her asscheeks.

“Aren’t you afraid that’ll hurt?” Billy asked, squeezing his sister’s firm tits.

“Nope,” she said, squirming on Billy’s cock. “I’ve let a few of my boyfriends fuck me in the ass and I loved it.”

“Who?” Billy asked eagerly.

“Never you mind, nosey!”

Cindy reached back and grasped the dog’s jabbing prick, guiding his pointed cock-tip to the pucker of her asshole. The animal had learned a few things from Jan earlier that evening, and he stopped humping until he felt Cindy pushing his cock against her asshole. Then, clamping his front legs over the teenager’s shoulders, the beast lunged, fucking all of his long skinny prick up her ass.

“Eeeeee!” Cindy squealed, her eyes opening wide as she felt the dog’s slimy prick fuck smoothly into her ass guts. “Oooooh, yessss!”

Jackson started fucking madly, his hairy little balls swinging beneath Cindy’s crotch with every cock-thrust, bumping against Billy’s balls where his prick was embedded in the girl’s cunt.

Becoming wildly excited by the perversity of it all, Cindy began bouncing on her little brother’s prick, fucking her cunt roughly onto his prick at the same rapid pace with which the dog was fucking her ass. It was an incredible storm of sensations for the horny girl-having her cherry taken and getting double fucked by her brother and the family dog, all at the same time. Her tongue lolled out and her eyes rolled as her arousal soared, and she pumped her hips wildly, meeting the dog’s fast fuck-thrusts and fucking the hell out of her little brother’s upthrust prick at the same time. Her pussy was like a caldron, and she was creaming in rapid-fire multiple orgasms on Billy’s prick while Jackson’s prick seemed to be setting fire to her tight little asshole.

Billy, overwhelmed by the sheer wildness of what they were doing, grabbed his sister’s shoulders and pulled her down closer, trying to kiss her on the mouth. Jackson snarled, then snapped at Billy’s hand.

“Hey!” Billy yelped, slapping the dog’s jowls. “Knock it off, you dumb shit!”

The collie was too sexually excited now to be put off by Billy, even thought under more normal circumstances the dog would have run away, his feelings hurt. And so Jackson kept fucking Cindy’s ass, snarling and growling over her shoulder at Billy.

Cindy was so blissed out from having cocks in her cunt and ass at the same time that she seemed unaware of the mounting tension between the two males.

Billy, unaccustomed to being controlled by a dog, tried to put his arms around his sister again.

This time, Jackson’s reaction was even more vicious. Snarling and showing his white fangs, he suddenly bit Billy’s wrist, never missing-a fuck-stroke at Cindy’s ass while he clamped down on the boy’s wrist with his sharp teeth.

“Son of a bitch!” Billy blurted. “Get outta here, Jackson!”

He quickly used his free hand to hit the dog hard across the side of his head, hitting with such force that he knocked the beast away from Cindy’s back.

The startled collie whimpered and leaped from the bed. On the floor, he looked back over his shoulder at Billy, growling menacingly in his throat before slinking across the room to curl up on the floor beside a chair.

“Oh, Billy,” Cindy said in disgust, still sitting on his cock. “You can be such a jerk sometimes.”

“That damned dog’s nuts,” Billy said. He grasped her slim waist and started hunching his ass up, fucking his prick in her creamy cunt. “C’mon, Sis . . . move that ass!”

“You’ve hurt Jackson’s feelings,” she said, watching the dog looking at them with a hurt expression in his amber eyes. “And he’s still horny. Look at his cock.”

“Damn it,” Billy said, trying to force her to fuck up and down. “I don’t give a shit about lookin’ at any damned dog’s hard-on. I wanna fuck!”

Cindy surprised her little brother by jumping up, causing his prick to slurp from her pussy and slap wetly back against his belly. Before Billy could stop her, she got off the bed and ran across the room, kneeling to comfort the insulted dog.

“Cindy! For Christ’s sake!”

“Awwww, poor little Jackson,” Cindy soothed, stroking the collie’s head. “Did mean old Billy hurt you, baby?”

Jackson lapped at Cindy’s tits, his slimy red prick standing straight up as he sat on his haunches. Her hand went to his cock, and he whimpered as if in pain, licking down her stomach and into the sopping gash of her cunt.

The girl shuddered all over as the beast jammed his cold nose into her pussy, slithering his raspy tongue about as he gathered up her cunt cream.

Billy sat up on the bed, his hard prick throbbing with need, unable to believe his sister had just abandoned him in mid-fuck to mess around with the dog.

While Cindy jacked on the collie’s hard-on and he lapped at her pussy, a demonic idea suddenly possessed the insanely aroused girl.

She began to wonder what dog-cum might taste like.

Cindy had given blow-jobs to boys before, and she found the flavor of boy-cum delicious. And now that she had thought of it, she couldn’t see why it would be any worse to suck off a dog. And, as the desire to suck dog-cock overwhelmed the girl, she felt an incredible surge of horny excitement caused by the belief that since Jackson was the family dog, there was a naughty hint of incest along with the thrilling depravity of bestiality. It would be such a divinely wicked thing to do!

Billy watched, feeling madly aroused and a bit horrified at the same time, as his big sister lowered her head between the dog’s legs and licked tentatively at the tip of his red prick.

Cindy drew her tongue back into her mouth, tasting the rather raunchy flavor of dog-cock for the first time ever. It was difficult for her to discern the taste of Jackson’s cock, actually, since it was slimed with her ass-juices and her mother’s pussy cream. Jackson had been a busy dog that evening, and Cindy decided she would have to suck all those other flavors off his prick before she could really tell what dog cock tasted like.

“Easy boy,” she murmured, pushing the nervous collie onto his side so she could get to his prick easier. “You just lie back and relax. . . Cindy’s gonna make you feel good.”

Before the dog could object to being pushed over onto his side, Cindy had his cock in her mouth and the pleasant sensation calmed the jittery beast. He lay still, panting with doggy bliss while the pretty teenager sucked on his prick.

“Awwww, shiiiiit!” Billy blurted, unable to believe his eyes.

But, whether or not he believed it, his cock responded to what his eyes perceived. His prick continued to stand up from his crotch, pulsing and dribbling clear pre-cum from his piss-slit. The lewd sight of his sister sucking on that crimson dog-prick was exciting the young boy to new heights of depravity. It was even more exciting than when he had watched Jackson fuck his mother.

Cindy stroked Jackson’s flank tenderly while her ovaled lips slid up and down the greasy shaft of his cock. Every time her mouth descended on his red cockshaft, her lips came into contact with the dog’s furry cock sheath and the pointy tip of his prick fucked into her throat. She bobbed her head faster, fucking her face on the animal’s stiff cock.

Jackson lay back, panting, his eyes revealing a kind of doggy bliss while he enjoyed Cindy’s attention to his prick.

Billy left the bed, creeping up stealthily behind his sister. She was kneeling, bent over the dog’s loins while she sucked his cock, and her naked ass presented a tempting target for the lusty boy’s hard-on as he approached, cock in hand. He knelt behind her, his gaze on the pucker of her exposed asshole, which was still gaping open slightly from the wild fucking the dog had given her a few minutes before.

The youth nudged the juice-glazed head of his cock against her vulnerable asshole.

Cindy moaned around her mouthful of dogcock and lurched back, fucking her hot ass onto her little brother’s stiff prick. Then she gasped around Jackson’s cock, because Billy’s cock was considerably thicker than the dog’s skinny cock. Her taut ass ring clutched spasmodically at Billy’s cock, gripping it midway along his cock shaft.

The dog, feeling threatened once again by the presence of another male, growled in his throat, glowering menacingly at Billy. But when the animal saw that whatever Billy was doing didn’t affect the pleasure Cindy was giving him, he relaxed and quit growling.

Billy grasped his sister’s curvaceous hips with both hands and thrust forward, fucking the rest of his prick into her spasming little asshole. His belly banged against her asscheeks and he clung to her hips, holding his cock deep in her ass guts.

“Oh, yeah!” the boy breathed excitedly, thrilled by the sensation of having his cock buried balls-deep in his gorgeous sister’s ass. “Yeah, man! Uh-huh!”

Cindy kept bobbing her head, fucking her face on dog-cock. At the same time, she started wiggling her ass, delivering hot sensations to her little brother’s embedded prick as it churned in her ass guts.

Billy reached around and crammed four fingers into Cindy’s slippery little pussy. He began finger-fucking her, causing the wanton girl to shudder all over with nasty thrills. Then he started fucking, plunging his prick deeply into her asshole on every rough thrust, drawing it out until the flared ridge of his cock head appeared each time before fucking in again.

Obscene suctioning sounds began to emanate from Cindy’s cunt and asshole as her brother crammed four fingers in and out of her cunt while he fucked her ass. Driven to new heights of lust by what Billy was doing to her, Cindy doubled her efforts on the dog’s prick, slurping noisily on his red fucker in an effort to make him cum in her mouth.

The girl’s efforts were soon rewarded when Jackson began to squirm and whimper. She felt the beast’s prick pulsing hotly against her tongue, then there was a powerful burst of creamy dog-cum that filled her mouth.

Cindy was surprised to discover that dog-cum didn’t really taste much different than boy-cum. But it was a pleasant surprise, since she adored the flavor of jism.

Still sucking on Jackson’s jizz-spouting prick while her brother assaulted her ass with his cock and fucked her cunt with his hand, Cindy gurgled and swallowed dog-cum gleefully. Thrilled by the utter depravity of what was happening, she happily endured the rough ass-fucking her brother was giving her while her cunt creamed on his busy hand.

Jackson, startled by his own climax in this unfamiliar situation, was trying to squirm away from Cindy. But she clung to his furry body, sucking voraciously on his cum-spurting cock until there were no more spurts.

When she finally took her mouth from the dog’s cock and released her grip on his body, he leaped to his feet and fled out through the open patio door as if being pursued by devils.

Cindy giggled, licking dog-cum from her lips, wondering if there was such a thing as doggy guilt, or if it was just stupidity and confusion that had caused Jackson to flee in terror after getting his first blow-job.

Billy kept finger-fucking his sister’s creaming cunt, using his free hand to fondle her delightfully frim and pointed tits while he kept pounding his prick to her upthrust ass.

“Did he cum’?” Billy panted, fucking harder.

“I imagine!” Cindy said happily, the lingering flavor of the dog’s jism still in her mouth. “Tasted a lot like boy-cum.”

“Well, that doesn’t tell me anything,” Billy said. “Was it good or bad’?”

“Delicious,” she purred, licking her cummy lips again.

His big sister’s outrageous depravity was driving Billy into a frenzy of fuck-lust. He had discovered that, like his father, he most enjoyed a woman when she was wild and wanton. But it did occur to him as he considered it that he might have second thoughts about ever marrying a cock-crazy slut like his sister.

Cindy balanced herself on one hand and her knees, reaching back to grasp her little brother’s lean ass.

That small bit of additional stimulation was all it took to send Billy over the edge. He felt his balls rumble with impending climax and, in his excitement, he almost crammed his whole fist into Cindy’s creaming, convulsing cunt. He squeezed one of her tits hard, fucked in balls deep, then began to sway his hips from side to side, churning his prick in her asshole.

Cindy clenched her ass-ring around the base of Billy’s cum-squirting prick, squeezing and releasing pressure rhythmically. The contractions of her ass ring were so powerful that she was able to control the spurts of his cum-load into her ass, turning his jizz-spurting cock on and off like a faucet. The girl had learned to do that with her boyfriends while maintaining her virginity, in a technical sense, and she had discovered that it doubled the pleasure for the guys.

The strange sensation startled Billy, causing him for fear for a moment that he had lost control and was pissing inside his sister’s ass. But then he realized what she was doing and went with it, enjoying the stupendous surges of pleasure that went through his loins as his cumload was released in rhythmic and incredibly powerful spurts. He thought he was cumming twice as much as he normally did when he beat off, and his climax seemed to go on forever.

When she finally felt her little brother slump limply against her back, Cindy sprawled flat onto the floor, causing his spent cock to plop wetly from her cum-sodden ass. But she clung to his wrist, keeping his fingers embedded in her cunt, pinning his arm between her belly and the carpet as he fell onto his side.

The young boy looked at his lovely sister in awe.

Dog-cum still glistened on her pretty mouth, and her deflowered pussy continued to clutch spasmodically at his hand, which was drenched in girl-cum and cherry-blood.

Brother and sister smiled dreamily at each other, basking in the warm afterglow of a deliciously wicked sexual experience. In one fell swoop, they had entered the forbidden realms of incest and bestiality, and both youngsters knew that life would never again be the same in the Hanley house.



A few weeks after Jan had first let the dog fuck her, she and her husband were at an oilmen’s convention at the Pecos Country Club. It was an elegant but tiresome affair, since the gathering consisted mainly of rich Texans who persisted in boring Jan beyond endurance with off-color jokes.

Jan and Eric had drifted away from the crowd and settled at a poolside table with their martinis to enjoy the warm night air and a bit of quiet. She looked ravishing in her low-cut white evening gown, dark hair cascading over her bare shoulders. And Eric was the picture of sophistication in his tuxedo. Nobody would have dreamed the demurely lovely woman had been fucking a dog almost every night for weeks, and they certainly would not have suspected that Eric Hanley, a pillar of the community, was a willing partner in his wife’s bestial fucking.

They were both a bit tipsy from too many martinis, and the warm night air was caressing the exposed upper slopes of Jan’s tits, causing her to feel sexy. She was just high enough to finally broach a subject that had been on her mind lately. . .

Wanting Eric to be in the right mood before she dropped her bomb, Jan slipped her high heel shoes off and stuck one leg out beneath the table, massaging his crotch with her toes while she glanced about to be sure they weren’t noticed. She felt his cock and balls through his pants, and was pleased to feel his prick swelling instantly under her gentle toe-caresses.

“My God, Jan,” he said, looking around nervously. “You really shouldn’t be doing that here.” But then he grinned. “I’ll give you one hour to stop it.”

“Darling,” she said, peering over her martini glass, “have you given any thought to what you might want to give me for my birthday this year?” She rubbed his hardening prick with her toes, smiling seductively. “It’s only a few weeks away.”

“I know, honey,” Eric said patiently, long accustomed to his wife’s demanding attitudes concerning gifts. “I’m going to be in New York next week, and I thought I’d stop by Tiffany’s and pick out something decadently spectacular for you.” He reached under the table and grasped her ankle, enjoying the sensation of her squirming toes against his hard prick. “You have anything special in mind?”

“I’ve got more jewelry than any woman could ever wear now,” Jan said, sipping demurely from her glass. “You’ve been such a darling over the years.” She raised an eyebrow suggestively. “But there is something I’ve been wanting lately.”

“You name it, sweetheart-I’ll buy it for you.”

Jan put her glass down and gulped nervously, knowing that he would immediately attach the correct significance to what she was about to say, and hoping he wouldn’t be too shocked.

“Well, actually,” she said, “I’ve been thinking that perhaps I’d like to have a horse. . . maybe an Arabian stallion.”

The man looked startled for a moment. But then a knowing grin spread over his face. He squeezed his wife’s ankle while she caressed his cock-bulge with the sole of her bare foot.

“A horse, huh?” he said, letting wild images of his wanton wife fucking with a stallion fleet through his mind. “I see.”

He seemed to be considering her request in the way any respectable man might regard a decent wife’s interest in becoming an equestrienne. But that was only superficial, since Eric was a devout pervert and his lovely wife was a wanton slut at heart. The couple exchanged fiery looks, each certain what the other was thinking.

“We’ve got so much land around the house,” Jan said. “And that storage building out in the east pasture could easily be converted into a stable.”

She clutched at his throbbing prick with her toes.

“Please, darling?”

Eric smiled condescendingly. “What color do you want?”

“Color?” she said, looking at him blankly for a second. “I didn’t realize they came in colors.”

“Of course they do,” he laughed, finishing his drink and setting the empty glass down. “And Arabian stallions don’t come cheaply. I wouldn’t want to have to exchange it, you know.”

“I think white would be nice,” she said quickly. “I mean, white suggests a kind of purity, doesn’t it?”

“Purity waiting to be defiled,” Eric said, giving her a significant look.

She lowered her dark lashes demurely, still fondling his hard-on with her foot beneath the table.

“I mean,” Eric said, leaning forward so he wouldn’t have to speak too loudly, “you do intend to let the beast fuck you. . . don’t you?”

Her lashes fluttered and she looked away from her husband, feeling an unfamiliar sense of shame as she watched elegantly attired couples dancing on the club’s huge veranda. While it was true that she’d been fantasizing about fucking with a horse-especially since letting the family collie fuck her had proven to be such a turn-on for her beloved husband, there was something about putting it into words that made the idea seem terribly crude and vulgar. Perhaps it was the country club setting that caused the words to strike her that way, she wasn’t sure. “Well. . . uhhh . . . yes, I suppose that is always a possibility,” she finally said, looking at Eric with a tinge of embarrassment. “After all, Jackson really has enlivened our sex-lives. . . and . . . well, I keep thinking that getting involved with a horse might be even more exciting . . . for both of us.”

“Jan,” Eric whispered, still leaning forward over the table, “do you have any idea how big a horse’s prick is?”

He grasped her wrist, as if to get her undivided attention.

“Good Lord, honey… you could be killed!”

But the wanton woman knew from the lusty gleam in his blue eyes that he was already thrilled by the idea of seeing a horse fuck her. And she was confident he would not let her be killed in the midst of it, no matter how excited he might get.

“There are women in Mexico who get fucked by donkeys and horses onstage every night,” Jan said. “If they can do it, I can do it.”

Eric sat back, putting a hand to his chin as if considering the matter rationally-although rationality had little to do with the utterly depraved thoughts that were flitting through his mind at the moment.

“There’s a hell of a difference between a dog’s cock and a horse’s cock,” he said.

“That’s the whole point,” Jan laughed, squirming her foot in his crotch. “You’ve often said yourself that I’m insatiable.”

She gave him a vampish smile, her dark eyes flashing.

“And I am.”

Her open admission that a man and a dog together still failed to satisfy her driving fucklust only served to excite Eric more. He glanced around furtively, then unzipped his trousers and pulled his colossal hard-on out, using his hand to press her bare foot against his exposed prick. She curled her toes over his massive cockhead, feeling the slippery pre-cum oozing from his piss-slit.

“Oooh!” she cooed. “Speaking of horsecocks!”

She raised her other foot, clasping her husband’s big fucker between her feet. Then she began sliding her grasping feet up and down, jacking him off beneath the patio table.

“You sleazy goddamned slut!” Eric rasped, a glazed look in his eyes as he enjoyed the kinkiness of being jacked of right there in public. “I can’t believe I’m married to such a depraved, cock-crazy cunt.”

“Why, thank you, darling,” Jan said, knowing he meant it as the supreme compliment.

Eric leaned back, gazing at the bare upper slopes of his wife’s sweet tits while he luxuriated in the .feeling of her feet stroking his pulsing prick.

“I should warn you,” he said dreamily, “that I absolutely forbid you to fuck a horse. . . unless I can watch.”

“I wouldn’t have it any other way,” she said. Then she glanced past Eric’s shoulder. “Oh, shit! Here comes Hank Jones. Let’s get out of here before that silly son of a bitch ties me to the chair and forces me to listen to dirty jokes’. “

“He’s such a vulgar fellow,” Eric said, shoving his hard-on back into his trousers and zipping up quickly. “I can’t imagine why the membership committee ever let him join the club.”

“I know,” Jan said as they hurried across the crowded veranda to make a hasty departure. “It’s gotten so they let any kind of trash in, long as they’ve got money. It’s an absolute outrage.”

On the way home in the Mercedes, they discussed new ways in which Eric and Jan might abuse Jan’s luscious body that evening. And they agreed it was high time Jan gave the faithful collie a blow-job, both of them thinking it would be a new kind of thrill for the dog.

They had no idea that innocent little Cindy Hanley had been fucking the beast and sucking his cock regularly for weeks.

As they turned off the country road and headed up the long drive that led to the big house, Eric ran his hand beneath Jan’s silky evening gown, rubbing her smooth thigh affectionately.

“I think I’d like to fuck you dog-style,” he said, “while you suck Jackson’s cock. I’ve never seen a woman suck a dog off before.”

“I hope Jackson’s up to it tonight,” she said, resting her head against her handsome husband’s shoulder and caressing his cockbulge. “I think I’ve about worn him out lately. . . he sleeps a lot more than he used to.”

Eric laughed. “Yeah, I think maybe the stallion will provide blessed relief for poor old Jackson, the way you’ve been-“

Both he and Jan gasped in surprise when the car’s headlights abruptly illuminated their naked son and daughter running toward the house with the collie hot on their heels. The kids’ bare buns, pale by comparison with their suntanned bodies, gleamed like reflectors in the momentary glare of the headlights.

And something else was gleaming, too-the dog’s stiff red prick!

“Good Lord!” Eric exclaimed, almost running off the driveway. “It’s Billy and Cindy.”

“And Jackson,” Jan added significantly, “with a hard-on.”

The kids quickly vanished through Billy’s patio door and the dog followed them in. The door slid shut and the curtains were drawn while Eric parked the Mercedes. He and Jan sat silently in the car for a minute, both of them deeply shocked by the implication of what they had glimpsed.

Eric finally broke the awful silence. “I don’t think there’s any room for doubt, Jan . . . our children are worse than we are.”

“Oh, surely not,” she said, shaking her head. “Maybe they were just skinny-dipping in the pool.”

“Jan. . . our son and the damned dog both had stiff pricks. . . and Billy and Cindy were stark-naked.” He drummed his fingers on the steering wheel. “Those little shits! They’ve outdone us . . . added incest to bestiality! I just can’t believe it.”

“But we . . . I mean . . . we didn’t actually see any sexual activity,” Jan protested.

“Jan, there are some things you don’t have to see with your eyes to know that they happened. And they are our children, you know. There’s a little of each of us in them.” A wicked grin suddenly curled his upper lip and a lusty gleam came into his eyes. “And, I have to admit, I wouldn’t mind getting a lot more of me into Cindy. She’s really blossomed into a hot-looking little cunt in the last-“

“Eric! My God!” Jan blurted, knocking his probing hand away from her crotch. “Is there no limit to your depravity?”

“I don’t think there is, honey,” he said as he leaned over to kiss her on the cheek, squeezing one of her tits. “It’s the one thing you and I have in common . . . we’ll both do anything for a moment’s pleasure. And our kids have obviously inherited that trait, so we might as well make the best of it.”

Jan sat there staring out into the darkness through the car’s windshield while Eric pawed at her tits and pussy through her silky evening gown. He was getting her hot, despite the emotional turmoil she felt at the moment. But something else was making her cunt heat up and get juicy, too-mental images of her naked young son with a hard-on. She had never really dealt with it on a conscious level before. But now she knew that she did, indeed, have a sexual interest in Billy.

And she knew Eric was right. They were amoral people, a couple who-despite their facade of respectability-had no sense of right or wrong in sexual matters. When it came to fucking, it was full speed ahead and damn the torpedoes! And she knew Eric had surmised correctly when he’d said their children were even worse than them.

Suddenly, Jan realized her husband had pulled one of her tits out over the low-cut top of her gown and was sucking hotly at the turgid nipple. While he sucked on her tit, he was pushing his hand up beneath her gown, sliding his fingers inside one leghole of her panties.

“Uuummm!” she moaned dreamily, resting her head against the seat’s headrest and spreading her legs slightly. “That does feel nice, darling.”

Eric crammed three fingers into her pussy and started finger-fucking her while he licked in circles around her nipple.

“You’re really wet,” he whispered against her tit, adding a fourth finger to those fucking her cunt. “Thinking about incest, aren’t you?”

Jan hunched her ass up from the car seat, pulling her dress up and bunching it around her waist so she could see Eric’s fingers fucking in her sodden cunt.

She pulled her taut panties to one side, giving Eric’s fucking fingers more freedom at her pussy.

“Actually,” she said, “I was thinking about everything. . . that beautiful big fucker of yours. . . Billy’s little-boy cock. . . Cindy’s pretty little pussy. . . her cute tits . . . crimson, slimy dog-pricks. . . big black horse-cocks. . . everything that makes life exciting and worthwhile out here on this God-forsaken prairie.”

“You fucking trashy bitch,” Eric said approvingly. He lowered his head, licking around the lips of her finger-stuffed cunt. “Does this mean you’re going to let me fuck our daughter?”

“I suppose if I’m going to fuck a horse, I can hardly object to you fucking our daughter,” Jan said, running her fingers through his blond hair .

“Of course, that means I have the right to play around with Billy. . . if I want to.”

A fresh gush of pussy-juice flooded Eric’s embedded fingers, and he licked up the overflow over her cunt lips, rubbing his nose in the thicket of dark, curly hair that covered her cuntmound.

“Do you think he’s old enough to be fucking?” Jan asked, her excitement over the prospect revealed by her drooling pussy.

Eric looked up, amused by her question. “Considering the trails of cum the boy leaves all around the house from his infernal jacking off. . . yeah, I’d say he’s old enough.”

Jan giggled. “Billy is rather indiscreet at times.”

Becoming impatient with the obstruction of his wife’s panties, Eric grabbed the flimsy garment and yanked, ripping her panties off and tossing them out the window. Instantly, he buried his face in her crotch again. He used his fingers to spread the juicy lips of her pussy, then he fucked his tongue deeply into her hot cunthole.

Jan humped her ass up from the seat again, plastering her cunt lips to her husband’s sucking mouth while his probing tongue writhed in the soft inner folds of her pussy. She maneuvered her hips so that her clit was rubbing against his nose, then she squirmed frantically, clinging to his head with both hands.

Within seconds, the horny woman creamed her husband’s tongue. But there was no relief for her, and she kept fucking her pussy on his tongue, seeking yet another orgasm. Mental images of the family dog fucking their pretty daughter and visions of their young son jacking off flitted through Jan’s demented mind as she soared to the crest again on Eric’s fucking tongue.

“Fuck me, Eric!” she gasped. “Get that big prick of yours out and fuck the shit out of me . . . now!”

Eric raised up, smiling with the ego-pleasing satisfaction of being needed. He kissed his wife quickly, then opened his door and got out, coming around to open her door quickly.

“Get out,” he said, a tone of authority in his voice now. “I’m going to throw you right over the hood of this damned car and fuck your brains out, bitch. C’mon! Hurry it up!”

Thrilled to the core by his masterful approach, Jan stepped out and walked around to the front of the Mercedes, still holding her gown bunched up around her waist, her bare ass gleaming in the pale moonlight. She glanced around. The car was parked in front of the house, where they had stopped when they spotted their naked kids fleeing the car’s headlights.

“I don’t know, Eric,” she said uncertainly, still holding her gown bunched up. Cunt-juice was glistening on her inner thighs, and one tit was still out of the top of the gown. “Maybe we should park the car in the garage, and do it in there.”

She was glancing around nervously, as if afraid of being seen.

Eric looked at her in bewilderment. There was nobody around. There was no sound in the open countryside except for the chirping of some nearby crickets.

“I mean,” she said, “the children. . . they might see us fucking.”

“Good Lord, woman,” Eric said, shaking his head as he slapped her bare ass. “A dog-fucking daughter and a sister-fucking son might see us fucking? Who the shit cares what they see?”

“You’re right, darling, “she laughed, bending over the hood of the Mercedes. “I suppose the motherly instinct is so strong in me, it’s difficult to suppress it. I keep having these momentary lapses where I imagine that we’re decent people. “

“That’ll be the day hell freezes over,” Eric mumbled.

He unfastened his high-waisted trousers and pushed them and his briefs down to his knees. His stiff prick bobbed up as his underwear went down, bouncing lewdly from his hairy groin. He moved in close behind his wife’s lusciously bare ass, rubbing the drooling tip of his prick up and down in her ass crevice.

“Not in my ass, Eric,” she said, hiking her ass a bit. as she flattened her tits against the warm hood of the car. “My pussy needs your big cock. . . fuck my pussy.”

Eric slid his prick down the crevice of her ass and nudged his cockhead against her pussy lips where they pooched out from between her shapely thighs. He grasped her hips, looking down at how his colossal cock seemed to dwarf her cute little ass. She still had her high-heeled shoes on, and her legs were spread wide, making the sight all the more enticing for the horny man.

He thrust his pelvis forward, fucking half the length of his prick into her sopping pussy with brutal force.

“Umph!” she grunted, clawing at the car’s hood with her long red nails as his cock caused warm juices to flow from her cunt. “Ooooh, shit!”

Eric lunged again, fucking in to the balls. He groaned blissfully, loving the sensation of having his cockineat sheathed in his wife’s hot cunt.

Pussy-juice spurted from her cock-stuffed fuck-hole again from the impact of his sudden penetration, wetting the hair at the base of his prick. He felt her satisfied pussy caressing his embedded cock with undulating muscular contractions, and he slapped her ass hard with his open palm to let her know he was in charge.

“Fuck me to death, you brute!” Jan rasped, waggling her ass against his hairy crotch and clamping her strong cunt lips around the base of his prick. “I like it rough!”

As her husband started fucking in and out, pleasuring her needy pussy with his immense prick, Jan stripped her white evening gown off over her head, tossing it onto the driveway. She was naked now, except for her high heels. She remained bent over the hood of the car, wallowing her tits against the warm metal of the hood while she reached back and clung to his thighs, urging him to fuck her faster and harder.

“Oh, dear God,” she murmured, her voice uneven because of Eric’s rampant fuck-thrusts. “How I do love a big stiff cock fucking my cunt . . . love it so much!”

Jan was thinking about the white stallion Eric had promised her for her birthday, imagining what it might be like to have a real horse-cock pounding her pussy. Her husband’s cock was immense, and yet it was never enough for her insatiable cunt, and she was eager to find out if a stallion’s cock might finally bring her the satisfaction that constantly eluded her.

As Eric’s cock-lunges became more regular, Jan could feel his hairy balls swinging up against her stretched cunt lips with every deep thrust. He was panting heavily already, slamming his hard belly against her soft ass cheeks every time he fucked in, and she knew he would cum too soon if she let him go on that way.

Abruptly, she moved forward, causing his wet prick to pop from her pussy.

“Eat that cunt you’ve been fucking, stud,” she demanded as she turned around and lay back over the hood. “Eat it . . . then fuck it some more.”

Eric stood there looking at her for a moment. She was a delectable sight, spread out over the hood of the car like that, thrusting her gaping cunt at him, her pointy tits jiggling on her chest, her long black hair fanned out over the hood. He still had his tuxedo on, his pants down around his ankles now. And his hard-on throbbed urgently as the cum seemed to rumble in his balls.

He wanted to cram his tingling prick back in her glistening pussy and finish fucking her, to unload his balls right away. But he knew she needed more than that, so he controlled his own need and knelt between her spread legs.

Wrapping his arms around his pretty wife’s sweet little ass, the man pushed his face into her furry crotch and clamped his mouth to her cunt.

He fucked his tongue into her hot, slippery pussy, wallowing it in her juicy pink cuntal folds and sucking at the same time. Delicious pussyjuice seeped into his mouth, and he started making obscene gurgling noises as he ate his wife’s pussy enthusiastically.

Lying back over the hood of the Mercedes, Jan fondled her own tits while Eric slurped at her cunt. The toasty warmth of the metal hood against her back and the cooling night air wafting over her tits and her husband’s hot mouth on her cunt all combined to cause a myriad of pleasant sensations for her. She arched her neck, resting the back of her head against the hood, looking at the moonlit scene around her upside down.

And then she spotted the kids.

They were on Cindy’s balcony, both of them still naked, and they were watching with rapt interest. She stared upside down, trying to make out more detail in the pale light of the waning moon. Then she realized Cindy was holding onto Billy’s cock, and he was rubbing the girl’s pussy while they watched their mom and dad.

“They’re watching us, Eric,” Jan whispered. “But don’t let them know we know. . . just keep eating me out.”

Eric kept lapping at her pussy while he peered up along the smooth plane of her tummy. Just past the twin peaks of Jan’s pertly upthrust tits, he could see the kids on the balcony.

“Let’s really give the little devils a show,” Eric whispered, rising to his feet. “Get up on the hood on your hands and knees.”

While Jan scrambled into position, Eric tore his bow tie off and hurriedly shed his clothes. Naked, he climbed onto the hood of the Mercedes and knelt behind Jan’s gorgeous ass. He guided his prick to her cunt and fucked in, causing her to gasp.

They began humping against each other, fucking in a frenzy of wild excitement that was only enhanced by the knowledge that their children were observing them. Jan braced herself with her hands along the top of the windshield, her dangling tits rubbing against the glass as Eric dog-fucked her with increasing zeal.

Suddenly, there was a metallic creaking sound as the car’s hood bent downward under their combined weight.

“Oh, shit,” Jan murmured. “We’ve damaged the car.”

“Don’t worry about it,” Eric whispered, pounding her pussy with gut-plundering strokes of his big prick.

Jan giggled girlishly, thinking how lovely it was to be filthy rich-taking a perverse pleasure in knowing that no family in Pecos was filthier or richer than hers.

Pussy-juice streamed down Jan’s thighs as her cunt creamed allover Eric’s fucking cock. She was creaming so much that his cock began making lewd suctioning sounds as it fucked in and out of her drenched pussy, the gross slurping noises only adding to the nastiness that so aroused both of them.

“Look, honey!” Eric whispered urgently. “Jackson’s out on the balcony with them now . . . he’s sniffing at Cindy’s crotch.”

Jan looked over her shoulder just in time to see Cindy drop to her knees and take Billy’s cock into her mouth. And as the girl knelt, the horny collie mounted her from behind, trying to fuck her. Cindy reached back and guided the dog’s prick to her pussy from behind, and the beast clung to her shoulders and started fucking frantically.

“Why, the little tramp!” Jan gasped. “She’s fucking my dog and sucking my son off. . . and both of those cocks belong to me!”

Eric chuckled at his wife’s surge of petty jealousy, but he kept fucking her with deep and rhythmic cock-strokes.

Cindy spanned her little brother’s lean ass and began fucking her pretty face on his hard cock while the dog fucked her pussy. The young boy kept watching their mom and dad down below, fucking madly on the bent-in hood of the Mercedes.

Jan kept watching them while Eric fucked her. She had the distinct impression that the kids knew they had been spotted, that they were intentionally exhibiting their lewd behavior to excite their sex-crazed parents into doing something totally irresponsible.

“I think they want us to join them,” Jan whispered, waggling her ass against her husband’s hairy groin. “I’m sure of it! They must know we’re onto them.”

Eric stopped fucking and slithered his big prick from Jan’s cunt, slapping her on the ass playfully.

“Well,” he said, “what are we waiting for?”



The frenzied collie whimpered with excitement as he fucked Cindy’s cunt from behind while she knelt and sucked on her brother’s cock. Billy leaned sideways over the balcony railing, watching their mom and dad walk naked to the house and enter, leaving all their formal clothes strewn around the car in the driveway.

“They’re coming up, Sis,” Billy said. “It worked!” Cindy let her little brother’s hard-on slip from her mouth and looked up at him. “Good. . . now let’s just carryon like we don’t know they’re around. Let them make the first move.”

Jackson began to snarl, annoyed because Cindy had raised up slightly, making it more difficult for him to keep his cock in her cunt. She swayed her back, grasping Billy’s thighs as she thrust her ass up for the dog. Jackson settled into a fast tempo of fucking again, his furry little balls slapping rapidly against the teenager’s wet cunt lips.

“Remember now, Billy. . . let them make the first move,” Cindy urged, licking her brother’s rampant cock lovingly.

Billy signed nervously. “I just hope their first move isn’t to take a belt to both of us.”

“Are you kidding? They’re as horny as we are.”

Billy leaned back against the railing as his big sister took his prick back into her mouth and began bobbing her head at a fast pace, fucking her face on his cock in time with the dog’s fuckthrusts in her pussy.

Both youngsters were trembling with nervousness now, but the combined thrills of exhibitionism, incest-and bestiality drove them on, suspending all rational thought. All Billy could think about now was the wildly arousing possibility of fucking his gorgeous mother, and all Cindy thought of was getting that colossal cock of her dad’s crammed into her tight little cunt.

All the dog knew was that Cindy’s pussy felt good to his aching prick when he fucked her. And so the dumb brute kept fucking Cindy, oblivious to the human drama that was unfolding around him. . .


Eric’s booming voice startled the collie, causing him to lurch from Cindy’s back and skitter into her bedroom. It was a conditioned reflex. Whenever Jackson heard Eric use that sharp tone, he knew he was in trouble.

Cindy jerked her head around, letting her brother’s wet cock slip from her mouth as she looked up at her naked parents. Billy covered his hard-on with both hands, but his gaze went directly to his mother’s hairy pussy, and Cindy’s eyes were riveted to that gigantic fucker standing out so lewdly from her father’s crotch.

“Just look at yourselves!” Jan said. “Shame on both of you!”

“Your mother’s right,” Eric said sternly and rather unconvincingly, considering the way his massive hard-on jutted out over Cindy’s head. “This is absolutely unacceptable behavior.”

“Wh-what?” Cindy stuttered, standing up. “But. . . but you all were. . . I mean. . .”

“You dumb shit,” Billy said under his breath, glaring at his big sister, whose judgment he had trusted. “Now look what you’ve got us into!”

“Yes,” Jan said, taking Billy by the back of his neck and pulling him into the bedroom. “I agree with your father. This is absolutely unacceptable . . . fucking out here on the balcony like this.”

She let her hand slide down the boy’s back and grasped one of his firm ass cheeks.

“Such things should be done in the privacy of the house, and shared with the whole family.”

“Come on inside, Cindy,” Eric said, putting a muscular arm around her and fingering one of her cute tits. “I’ve got something for you, sweetheart.”

Inside, Cindy grinned knowingly at Billy, curling her fingers around her father’s monstrous hard-on while he closed the draperies. Billy was still uneasy, even though his naked mother was holding his cock with one hand and caressing his bare ass with the other.

“There are too many secrets in this house,” Eric said. He moved behind his daughter and wrapped his arms around her tiny waist, pressing his upthrust prick into the warm cleavage of her ass. “If we’re all going to be the way we are, let’s at least give it the dignity of openness . . . and give each other the pleasure of sharing the thrills.”

Jan nodded in agreement as she sank to her knees and took her young son’s cock into her mouth, squeezing his ass with both hands. Billy sucked in a deep breath as his mother’s hot sucking mouth caused electrifying sensations to course through his stiff prick. He entangled his fingers in her lush black hair and began fucking her pretty face, looking down and watching his wet cock slithering in and out between her luscious red lips.

A second later, Eric dropped to his knees and pressed his face into Cindy’s crotch, licking up and down the wet gash of her young pussy. He knew the dog had been fucking that sweet pussy just a few minutes earlier, but Jackson hadn’t shot his cum-load, so Eric figured it didn’t really matter.

“Oooh, Daddy!” Cindy gasped, thrilled by the forbidden act.

She grabbed her father’s ears, holding onto them as if they were handles, and began fucking her hot little cunt on his probing tongue. The man’s rigidly standing cock dribbled glistening precum, and he reached up, fondling his daughter’s nubile tits while he tongue fucked her precious pussy.

Jackson came slinking back into the girl’s bedroom, circling curiously around the wildly aroused group of people. Dumb beast that he was, he began sniffing at Eric’s drooling cock. The man pushed the dog away, his mouth never leaving Cindy’s cunt.

When the collie sniffed at Jan’s ass, she went on sucking on Billy’s prick and ignored the animal. Detecting the familiar scent of Jan’s creamy cunt, Jackson knew he was onto something. His slimy red prick began to emerge from his hairy cock sheath, quickly growing long and stiff. .

Jan felt the dog’s raspy tongue slithering beneath her ass and touching her sensitive cunt lips from behind, and the prospect of being fucked by the beast while she sucked off her son increased her arousal.

Without taking her mouth from Billy’s prick, the woman gently maneuvered him downward, urging him to lie on his back on the carpeted floor. This altered position put her in the right situation for a good dog-fuck while she sucked the boy’s cock.

Jackson, by now thoroughly accustomed to fucking women, was quick to respond. He mounted Jan immediately, humping and thrusting his hard-on blindly against her upthrust ass. Cindy, still enjoying her father’s tongue fucking into her pussy, giggled as she watched her mother reach back to guide the dog’s prick to her cunt. Billy raised his head, grinning with perverse delight as he saw Jackson clinging to his mother’s back while her dark head bobbed relentlessly at his crotch.

Jan gasped around Billy’s upthrust cock when she felt the collie’s cock fuck into her cunt. But then she smiled around her mouthful of cockmeat as the dog started fucking, heating up her puss-y with the friction of his incredibly rapid cock-lunges. She loved the hot sensations caused by such fast fucking and, even thought the dog’s cock was skinny by comparison with her husband’s massive fucker, the lack of size was more than compensated for by the intense friction that seared her clinging cunt walls.

Jackson was fucking wildly now, his hindfeet prancing about on the carpet, his forepaws skittering on Jan’s upper back and shoulders. Sucking voraciously on Billy’s potent young cock, she raised her eyes, seeing that the youth was watching intently. And just seeing, her cute young son gazing at her while a dog fucked her and she sucked his cock turned Jan on so that she began to cream on Jackson’s plunging prick.

Cunt cream streamed down the kneeling woman’s inner thighs, and the collie’s fastfucking cock was causing gross suctioning and slurping sounds.

“Mother’s creaming on the dog’s cock,” Cindy said, pulling away from her father’s busy tongue. “I wanna cream on your great big cock, Daddy.”

The girl sank down to her knees and lay back, spreading her slender legs to reveal her pink pussy gash to her kneeling father.

“I’m pretty big,” Eric said proudly, wondering if his cock would be too much for his little girl.

“I know,” Cindy breathed, her gaze on the man’s blue-veined fucker where it jutted up from his hairy crotch. “That’s why I want you to fuck me, Daddy. I need something like that filling up my little pussy. . . I need it bad.”

Eric petted her pussy affectionately, chuckling. “So Billy and Jackson just aren’t enough for you, huh, little girl?”

Cindy giggled, squirming on the floor. “Oh, Daddy. . . I just want to be so stuffed with cock that I explode!”

“That might be a bit extreme,” Eric laughed.

“But my big old cock’s just aching to get inside you, angel. And I promise you it’ll be better than any damned dog’s cock.”

“C’mon, Daddy!” the eager teenager squealed, using her fingers to spread her cunt lips, exposing her glistening pink inner folds. “Fuck me . . . fuck me, Daddy! Hurry up and fuck me!”

The girl’s wild cries attracted the attention of Billy and Jan. Billy raised his head again, peering past his mom and the dog that clung to her back. Jan went on sucking the boy’s cock, but she turned her head slightly, so she could see her husband and their daughter. Billy’s cockhead swelled her cheek out as she turned to watch them, but then he adjusted the angle of his hips so that his cock was again fucking into her tight throat.

“You sit on it,” Eric said to Cindy as he lay back on the floor. “That way, you’ll be in control of the situation. . . less danger of really hurting you. Okay?”

“Sure!” the girl agreed. “I’ve fucked with Billy that way, and it’s neat.”

Cindy clambered atop her father, straddling his loins on her knees. Her hands went immediately to his throbbing hard-on, and his big hands cupped her divinely youthful tit mounds. She nudged the drooling tip of his prick into her cunt slit, then she began to sink down slowly.

Eric’s massive cockhead vanished into his daughter’s fuckhole quickly, but then she stopped, with only the knob of his prick buried in her pussy. Her tongue lolled out and her eyes rolled with the ecstasy she felt as a result of having her cunt lips spread so widely around his immense cock-knob.

“Wow!” Cindy exclaimed, clinging to the pulsing shaft of her dad’s prick with both hands. “It sure doesn’t feel like dog-cock!”

“I should hope not,” Eric said dryly. I’d hate to think I wasn’t hung any better than a collie.”

Across the room, Billy made a face at his big sister, annoyed by the implication that his own cock wasn’t that much bigger than the dog’s. But Cindy was so enthralled with her father’s prick that she didn’t notice her little brother. All she cared about at the moment was the marvelous feeling of having her father’s big cunt-splitter inside her.

The young girl lowered herself a bit more, fucking a few inches of Eric’s thick prick into her seething pussy. Her tautly stretched cunt lips gripped his prick strongly, but the flow of her cunt-juices lubricated the way as his prick slowly disappeared up into her descending pussy.

Cindy continued to sink down slowly, taking more and more of her dad’s enormous fucker into the unplumbed depths of her loins. Neither Billy’s cock or the dog’s cock had ever fucked so deeply into her pussy.

Wildly aroused by watching the dog fuck her cock-sucking mother, Cindy soon began bouncing astride her dad, fucking herself into a state of oblivious bliss on his colossal cock. Eric groaned with incestuous satisfaction as his sweet daughter plundered her own pussy on his upthrust prick.

Yet despite the intense excitement father and daughter were experiencing, both of them couldn’t keep from watching the lewd scene on the floor nearby.

Jackson was fucking Jan with bestial gusto while she sucked and slurped at her young son’s cock. The animal’s furry haunches were almost a blur as he fucked her, and his shaggy tail swung from side to side like a rudder as he powered his long skinny prick into her juicy pussy.

Overcome with wanton desire, Jan suddenly let Billy’s cock slip from her lips and pushed the kid’s legs high in the air. Lapping around his pink balls, she pushed his legs back farther and licked down into his hairless ass crevice, teasing his asshole with her tongue.

Billy yelped in surprise, unable to believe his own mom was licking his ass that way. But it felt good, and he didn’t try to stop her.

Jan moaned ecstatically, wiggling her ass against Jackson’s furry belly while she fucked her tongue into her son’s tight little asshole. Billy groaned with unexpected pleasure, keeping his head raised and peering between his upthrust legs at the collie that was fucking his mother.

Suddenly, the boy rolled aside, leaving Jan’s busy tongue lapping at the air. In the next instant, he was trying to push the dog off his mother’s back.

“Get outta here, Jackson!” Billy demanded, shoving the startled dog aside. “I wanna fuck my mom!”

Jan felt the dog’s prick slither from her pussy, and she felt his claws scratching her back as he fought to mount her again. Jackson was snarling at Billy, snapping at him with bared teeth. Jan sat up on her heels quickly, trying to separate the boy and the dog.

“Stop it! Both of you!” she said loudly, pushing them in opposite directions.

Jackson dared not snap at the woman with the hot cunt he had become so fond of, so he backed away sheepishly, ears back. But his juice-slimed cockshaft was still standing out stiffly beneath his furry belly and his nostrils were flaring. He whimpered, pawing at the carpet eagerly, seemingly trying to communicate his horny need to the angry woman.

Billy, who was as horny as the dog, wasted no time in taking advantage of the moment of confusion he had caused. He pushed his mother down onto her back and scrambled between her legs, fucking his cock into her slippery pussy before she knew what was happening.

“Billy!” she gasped. “For Christ’s sake!”

“Gonna fuck your brains out, Mom!” the boy panted, plunging his prick balls-deep into her receptive cunt. “Oonna shoot my jizz in your hot pussy. . . you dog-fuckin’ whore!”

“Oh, Billy,” Jan cooed, smiling. “You’re so like your father!”

The collie was frantic with the need to unload his balls now, and he was prancing nervously near Jan’s head, his crimson prick dribbling precum onto the carpet as he whimpered for attention.

“Oh, poor Jackson,” Jan said, reaching for the dog. She pulled the beast around into a position in which he was straddling her head with his hindlegs, his bushy tail swishing in Billy’s face. His glistening red cock jutted against Jan’s face, and the sex-crazed beast immediately began humping, driving his pointed cock-knob roughly against her cheeks and chin until she used her hand to guide his cock into her open mouth.

Feeling his prick in a hot wet hole, the frenzied collie whimpered with doggy pleasure and started fucking Jan’s mouth, banging his hard balls against her chin with every cock-stroke. The long fur of his underbelly swished against the woman’s face, getting into her eyes and tickling her nose as he fucked her hot sucking mouth.

“Yeah, bitch!” Billy rasped, fucking her clasping cunt more urgently. “Suck your own pussy-juice off that filthy dog-cock!”

Jan could taste her own cunt cream on the dog’s prick as he fucked her face, and that only increased her arousal. She raised her legs, clamping her lovely thighs around her young son’s pumping ass and clenching her pussy-muscles on his fucking cock to make it better for him.

The dog’s tail kept slapping Billy in the face while he fucked his mother, but the kid was so hot he didn’t care. He could see between the brute’s legs, could see his ugly red prick plunging in and out of Jan’s mouth, and the naughty sight drove him wild.

Jan made little gagging sounds as the dog’s prick fucked into her throat on every thrust, and she felt his hairy cock sheath jamming against her cock-stuffed lips each time. But she was loving it, adoring every vulgar moment of this bizarre double-fuck with Jackson and Billy. She had never felt so low-down and nasty before in her life, and she moaned continuously with the unholy ecstasy of it all.

“Look at that, Cindy!” Eric blurted. “She’s sucking the dog’s cock!”

“I know,” Cindy purred, fucking up and down on her dad’s big prick with remarkable ease now. “I’ve sucked Jackson off a few times, myself. . . dog-jizz isn’t bad.”

“You hear that, Jan?” Eric called, squeezing his daughter’s cute tits while she fucked herself on his upthrust prick. “Cindy sucks the dog off all the time. . . and you thought you were going to teach the brute something new!”

Jan nodded her head, taking in the sight of innocent-looking Cindy bouncing like a cock crazed slut on her daddy’s big fucker. Watching them while the collie’s prick kept pumping in her mouth and her son’s prick kept fucking her cunt, Jan shuddered with an overwhelming sensation of wonderment. It was a moment of supreme beauty to her. And she had never felt so erotically stimulated before in her life.

Abruptly, Jackson started whimpering in a different way, and his cock-thrusts into Jan’s mouth increased in tempo.

Knowing the beast was about to cum, Jan jabbed a finger into his ass. The startled dog lurched forward to escape the woman’s impaling finger, jamming his hard little balls against her mouth. Hot cum burst from the tip of his prick, which was lodged deep in her throat. It happened so fast that Jan wasn’t quite prepared for the explosive force of the dog’s ejaculation, and she choked on the dog-cum that quickly flooded her throat, backing up into her nasal passages.

Dog-cum ran from the woman’s flared nostrils, flowing down each side of her face in milky trails. Her eyes watered from the force of the cum load that had burst forth in her throat, and creamy cum dribbled from her cock stuffed lips.

Jan gurgled, trying to swallow what she could from the flood of dog jizz that was filling her mouth. She found the gamey flavor of the beast’s cum-load interesting, savoring it as the slimy jism coated her tongue. It wasn’t too different from the taste of a man’s cum, tasting rather like the cum of a man who was a heavy smoker.

“God damn!” Billy blurted, shoving the collie’s tail aside so he could see the dog-cum burbling from his mother’s lips. “What a fuckin’ gross bitch you are, Mom! I love it!”

His arousal heightened by the fantastic sight before him, Billy increased the speed of his fucking. His ass pumped wildly as he fucked his mother’s cunt with the incredible vigor of a potent youth, almost smashing his cum-loaded balls against her hairy cunt lips.

Jan squealed with glee around the dog’s cum gushing prick, unclamping her legs from Billy’s hips and waving them crazily in the air as her creaming cunt convulsed on his fucking cock.

Billy grunted and fucked all the way in, stopping. His cum-load burst forth, filling his mother’s pussy. She moaned at the welcome sensation of her son’s hot jism gushing into her cunt while the dog was still shooting cum into her mouth. It was the most wonderfully wicked thing the depraved woman had ever done, and she tingled all over with the thrill of it as one more marvelous orgasm surged through her loins and her cunt creamed her boy’s cumming cock.

Boy-cum overflowed from Jan’s cock-filled pussy, running down into the crack of her ass and sliming Billy’s hairless balls while dog-cum gurgled from her nose and cock-stuffed lips, streaking down her cheeks and onto her slender neck.

“Son of a bitch!” Eric shouted, watching with wild eyes. “That’s the nastiest goddamned thing I’ve ever seen. . . a sleazy slut getting pumped full of jizz from both ends by a dog and her own son. Damn, that’s a turn-on!”

It was such a turn-on for the horny man that before he even realized he was about to cum, his balls abruptly drew up and his vibrantly rigid prick shot thick wads of hot cum up into his daughter’s pussy. He threw his head back gripping Cindy’s slender thighs, his tongue lolling out as he grunted and groaned with unleashed passion.

“Oooh, Daddy!” the girl shrieked, fucking herself faster on his cumming cock. “I feel it! I feel your jizz filling up my pussy! Awww, shit!”

Her father’s slippery cum lubricated Cindy’s tight pussy, and she went into a mad frenzy of fucking herself on his cum-slimed prick. The flood of jism coated her pussy walls, and her rapid bouncing caused Eric’s cock to slurp loudly in her fucking cunt. His cum foamed out around the base of his embedded prick, coating her pussy lips and his hairy crotch in bubbly fuck slime.

Cindy’s blue eyes opened wide as a massive orgasm surged through her loins-the most powerful orgasm the teenager had ever experienced. She fell forward, mashing her nubile tits against her dad’s hairy chest as she kissed him passionately on the mouth. While she held her father in a tongue-wallowing kiss, her cunt creamed heavily on his cock. Cunt cream gurgled out around the base of Eric’s prick as his lovely young daughter shuddered through her tremendous orgasm. Her cunt cream mingled with the jism that had already flooded Eric’s groin, and those mingled fuckjuices ran warmly down into the hairy crevice of the man’s ass.

When all the sweaty bodies finally separated, Jackson fucked in his tail and backed away from Jan, who lay there on the floor, panting and licking the dog-cum from her lips.

The room reeked of the musky aromas of fucking, and the dog’s nostrils flared as he looked around at the naked family members scattered about on the carpet. The poor beast was satisfied now, but thoroughly confused.

Jackson sat on his haunches and started licking his red prick, which was streaked with milky cum. His naked cockshaft began to shrink, gradually retracting into his hairy sheath. The brute licked away a few droplets of jism from the fur around his prick, tasting the interesting flavor of the woman’s mouth along with his own cum. He raised his head, his ears erect again as he surveyed the scene in Cindy’s bedroom. The people were all just lying there, breathing heavily and looking at each other’s naked bodies with adoring eyes. He stood up and yawned, then trotted out of the room and down the stairs to see what goodies might be found in his bowl in the kitchen.



The white Arabian stallion Eric had promised Jan arrived on her birthday amid considerable fanfare.

Eric Hanley, never one to do things in a small way, gave his lovely wife an elegant and spectacular birthday party that was attended by rich Texans and even richer Arabs. It was a theme party in keeping with the gift, and the Hanley spread was temporarily turned into something straight out of the Arabian Nights, complete with colorful tents and a herd of camels.

Emir, the magnificent white stallion, was the center of attention all evening, and the party went well.

All the proper people were duly impressed though they might have been even more impressed had they known about the thoroughly improper way in which lovely and sophisticated Jan Hanley intended to use that big-cocked beauty.

It was well past two a.m. by the time the last guests had departed and the Arabs had herded the camels out to the north pasture. A few workers were scurrying about, getting ready to dismantle the tents and take away all the banquet tables. But Eric dismissed them for the night, suggesting they finish the job next morning.

He knew his wife was eager to try fucking the stallion.

“Isn’t Emir just gorgeous?” Jan said enthusiastically. “Especially in this romantic setting?”

“He should be gorgeous,” Eric laughed, “considering what he cost.”

Jan and Eric were finally alone with the horse inside a big tent that was gaily decorated with silken banners and plush satin cushions and carpeted with fancy Eastern rugs. They were still dressed in their Arabian outfits, and the white stallion looked powerful but graceful standing in the midst of such splendor.

But then Emir most ungraciously shit on the fancy rug, tainting the romantic atmosphere somewhat.

“Oh, dear!” Jan gasped, looking away in disgust. “What a rude horse.”

Eric chuckled, slapping her on the ass. “He is just a beast, honey. You can’t housebreak a horse like you can a dog, you know.”

Jan shrugged, walking around the statuesque stallion, looking him over as a potential sex partner rather than as the prize-winning steed he was. He had beautiful pale-blue eyes with huge, grayish hued lashes, and his nostrils were mottled pink and black. His sleek coat was pure white, and his cock and balls were black and leathery-looking.

“You want to fuck him right now?” Eric asked, noticing his wife’s gaze riveted to the stallion’s dark cock.

“Oh, could I?” she squealed, jumping up and down like a thrilled child. “Right here? Right now?”

“I don’t see why not,” Eric said. “Everybody’s gone, and the kids are in bed.”

“Do you think they suspect?”

“Probably,” Eric laughed.

“I really wouldn’t want the little darlings to see a crude thing like this, I mean, a horse fucking their mother-at least, not until I’ve tried it a few times and perfected a technique.”

“I agree,” Eric said seriously. “It’s a giant step from fucking dogs to fucking horses. I wouldn’t want Cindy to get hurt messing around with Emir without our supervision.”

Emir flared his huge nostrils, twisting his neck toward Jan, his big blue eyes rolling. She was getting horny just talking about fucking the stallion, and he was already picking up the distinctly sexual scent that was wafting up from her hot cunt.

“Oooh” Jan cried. “Look! He’s getting excited just from hearing us talk about it. Is’t that cute?”

“Don’t be silly, honey,” Eric said, shaking his head. “He’s smelling your pussy, which is probably drooling, if I know you.”

“Oh,” she said, a bit disappointed. “As a matter of fact, I am getting wet . . . I mean, this is about the most outrageous thing I’ve ever done. It’s exciting!”

“Well then, let’s get on with it,” Eric said, taking the reins and leading the stallion toward the tent’s exit. “C’mon, slut. If you want to fuck this beast, you’re going to have to do it in the stable, like we planned.”

When they had led the horse into the stable, Jan stripped naked while Eric set up the equipment he’d built himself, not wanting to-have to explain such a contraption to any curious workmen. He had seen a donkey fuck a girl in a show in Juarez a few years before, and had tried to construct something similar to what had been used on that occasion.

What Eric had built was a slanted wooden platform, constructed of very heavy wood and covered with soft carpeting. It was designed so that the stallion could brace his front hoofs on the upper end and J an could lie beneath him on the angled platform, scooting up or down as required to get her insatiable cunt at the correct level for the beast’s prick.

Eric, still clad in his billowy satin costume of the evening, checked everything out one last time as his naked wife stood by nervously. But her nervousness didn’t stop her hot pussy from streaking her inner thighs with glistening cunt juice.

“Oh, I do hope I don’t get trampled to death or anything,” Jan said, stroking her wet cunt gash and fingering her clit. “Do you think it’s safe, darling?”

Eric looked up, grinning. “If I didn’t, would that stop you?”

“I’ve waited too long for this to back out now.” Then she smiled cutely. “Take off your clothes, too, Eric. I may want to suck your cock while the horse fucks me. I do so enjoy group-sex, you know.”

“I don’t think that’s going to be possible,” he said. “But I may want to beat my meat while Emir’s fucking you.” He began removing his clothes. “And I might want to fuck you, after the horse has finished. . . if I don’t fall in.”

“Really, Eric. . . you can be so crude at times. “

Naked, Eric went to Emir’s stall and led the beast out to the fucking platform. There was a moment of confusion when he tried to force the horse to mount the platform. The beast had never seen such a contraption before, and he wasn’t inclined to trust these naked strangers.

But after a bit of stomping, snorting and rearing, the stallion finally planted his front hoofs on the massive wooden pedestals on each side of the slanted platform and stood there proudly, his magnificent body angled upward above the platform. As an extra precaution, Eric clamped padded restraints around the spirited animal’s front ankles, and that made Emir a bit skittish for a minute, but then he settled down.

Jan approached the platform and knelt, looking at the horse’s cock up close for the first time.

“He doesn’t have a bard-on,” she said, disappointed.

“Of course not,” Eric chuckled. “He doesn’t know why we’re here.” He squatted beside his naked wife, peering beneath the stallion. “Why don’t you suck on his cock, honey? Then he’ll start thinking about sex, maybe.”

“What? Suck a horse’s cock?”

“Well, I hardly see where that’s any worse than sucking off a damned dog.”

“But, Eric. . . look at the size of that fucker! Would you put a thing like that in your mouth?”

“Certainly not” Eric said in disgust, moving away slightly. “That’s your department, baby.”

“Well,” Jan said uncertainly, “I suppose you’re right. You usually are.”

She reached out and grasped the horse’s soft cock with one hand, cautiously feeling of his immense black balls with the other.

Emir jerked his head around. It made him nervous, and he nickered, staring back at her with his huge blue eyes. Slobber dripped from his rubbery lips and he snorted, pawing the straw-covered floor with one hind hoof.

Jan jumped back when the stallion reacted that way, afraid he was going to kick her brains out. She looked up at Eric.

“Darling,” she said sheepishly, “do you think it’s possible I’ve been a bit imprudent in wanting a horse to fuck me’?”

“Imprudent’?” he said, holding his fingers to his chin thoughtfully. “No, honey, not imprudent. Perhaps a bit greedy, but not imprudent. I’m sure it’s possible. I saw it done in Juarez.”

Then Jan noticed a promising sign. The stallion’s big black prick was swelling in response to what she had done. Encouraged, she reached out again, gripping his leathery horsecock firmly. She began to stroke his prick slowly, and it swelled and stiffened even more.

“Oh, look!” she gasped. “I’m getting him horny, Eric… I’m making Emir hot!”

“Suck his cock, bitch,” Eric demanded. “Get him ready for your pussy.”

When Jan looked up, she saw that her naked husband had sprung a hard-on along with the horse, and he was jacking his big prick slowly while he watched his wife jerking on the stallion’s cock.

“You’re such a pervert, darling,” she laughed. “Don’t get yourself off too soon, now . . . nothing’s even happening yet.”

“Suck his cock,” Eric rasped, thrilled by the sight of his naked wife kneeling and jacking on Emir’s hardening prick. “Suck it, you dumb bitch!”

Moving in beneath the stallion very carefully, Jan clung to his leathery cock and stuck out her tongue, taking a tentative lap at his piss-slit, which was already bubbling with pre-cum. It tasted very salty, and there was a rank odor about the beast’s cock that caused her to wrinkle her nose.

But determined to do such a thing at least once-mainly for her husband’s edification, of course-Ian opened her mouth as wide as she could and moved forward. The black, rubbery head of the stallion’s prick nearly filled her mouth. She clamped her tautly stretched lips just behind the ridge of his cock-knob and laved the meaty slab with her tongue, sucking at the same time.

The stallion’s eyes rolled and he twisted his neck farther as his cock swelled to even more massive dimensions.

Jan, realizing that the horse was going to tolerate her now, grasped his colossal cockshaft with both her tiny hands and began to frig him while she sucked on the head of his prick which was all she could possibly cram into her mouth. A massive amount of warm pre-cum dribbled into her mouth, and she had to gulp the slimy stuff down to keep from choking on it.

“God!” Eric blurted, jacking off faster now and causing his hairy balls to swing crazily. “What a trashy fuckin’ sight!”

The compliment made Jan feel a warm glow of satisfaction, because she dearly loved to exhibit her incredible depravity for her equally depraved husband. It pleased her to please Eric.

But a moment later, Jan became tense. The horse’s prick had continued to enlarge under her loving care, and now her jaw was pushed open as far as possible by the bulk of the immense cock “head in her mouth. She almost panicked, fearing for a few seconds that she could not disengage her mouth from his monstrous fucker. Horrid visions of bizarre headlines on cheap tabloids flashed through her mind.

Clinging tightly to Emir’s throbbing hard prick, the frightened woman pulled her head back. It took considerable effort, but she managed to free herself. The stupendous horse cock popped from her mouth, and a mixture of her spit and his pre-cum flew everywhere. She fell back onto her ass, staring at his big black prick with wide eyes.

“Good heavens!” she exclaimed, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. “I really had no idea they got that big.”

Eric moved close, caressing her long black hair with one hand while he went on jacking off. His balls were slapping against her bare shoulder and his stiff cock was near her face. Eric was so hot that pre-cum was seeping from his piss slit, and his foreskin slurped noisily back and forth over his gleaming cockhead.

Tempted by that cock she so adored, Jan turned her head and tried to suck Eric’s cock. But he moved out of her reach quickly.

“No, Jan,” he said hoarsely. “I’ll shoot off if you touch me.”

He squeezed his prick hard enough to cause a bit of pain, wanting to delay the climax he knew was so close.

“I want to be hot when I watch you fuck the horse.”

“All right,” she said. “But don’t waste your cum-load on the ground, darling. Save it for me. Okay?”

Emir was watching the man and woman, his nostrils flaring occasionally when the heady scent of Jan’s juicy pussy wafted up to him.

Jan rose to her feet and reached up to pat the nervous stallion’s neck, but her closeness seemed to agitate him more, so she moved away. Bending down, she eyed the beast’s great hard-on with a mixture of horny anticipation and fear, wondering if a cock that big could actually be crammed into her cunt. It seemed impossible.

“Go for it, baby!” Eric urged, slowly stroking his own hard-on, his eyes looking glazed with perverse lust. “Fuck him!”

Jan smiled at her naked husband, knowing this was going to thrill him every bit as much as it would thrill her.

Cautiously, she maneuvered herself onto the slanted platform, lying on her back beneath Emir’s belly. Her movements unnerved the highstrung stallion, and he began to snort and snicker, stomping his hind hoofs in the straw.

“You may have to help me, Eric,” she said uneasily, watching the stallion’s hard cock swaying above her as he stomped and jerked at his restraints. “I don’t think this guy’s ever worked the stage shows in Juarez.”

Eric moved quickly, quieting the skittish stallion by stroking its neck and talking to it in soothing tones.

When the horse was still again, Jan scooted forward on the carpet-covered platform, getting her crotch in line with the animal’s cock, which had remained stiff despite his nervousness. Raising her knees, she used both hands to grasp the stallion’s leathery cockshaft, pulling his drooling cockhead against her cunt gash.

Emir’s prick was seeping so much slimy precum that the woman was able to thoroughly lubricate her pussy by just rubbing his cockknob up and down in the slit. The horse’s precum mixed with her ample cunt-juices, and soon the slot of her pussy was thickly coated with the slippery fuck-slime.

Raising her ass slightly, Jan forced the immense knob of the horse’s cock into her cunt. She gasped with delight at the marvelous stretching sensation as her greased cunt lips slipped over the flared ridge of his cockhead. It felt to her as if she had just crammed an orange into her pussy.

The stallion neighed at the sensations that shot through his stiff prick.

The beast lunged forward with terrible force, fucking several inches of thick cockmeat into the woman’s resisting cunt-hole. The horseprick was so huge that the abrupt penetration caused cunt-juice to squirt out around his cock as it fucked in.

“Oh, my God!” Ian screeched, trying to scoot upward on the platform as the horse lunged. “Help!”

Eric steadied the stallion, trying to keep it from lunging again. But Emir was driven by instinctive responses now, and his cock was responding to being sheathed in a hot pussy. He thrust once again, cramming a few more inches of his big black fucker into the woman’s cunt.

“Eeeiiieee!” Ian screamed, writhing helplessly beneath the white stallion.

Eric looked down, aghast at the sight of his lovely wife impaled on that colossal horse-cock. The thick black cock lance was half buried in her cunt, and she was clinging to the remaining seven or eight inches of cockshaft with both hands, writhing on the stallion’s cock like a fish impaled on a spear. Her face was pale, and a sheen of sweat shone on her tits.

“No more!” Jan cried, looking up imploringly at her husband. “It’s just too much. . . I can’t take it!”

Acting quickly, Eric used all his strength to push at Emir’s flank, finally getting the beast to back up a bit. The stallion’s dark prick slithered from Jan’s pussy, looking like a wet charcoal log as it emerged. When his giant cockknob slipped out, her cunt made a loud suctioning sound as air and foaming pussy-juices rushed into her vacated fuck-hole. Her cunt lips quivered, gaping open for a moment, the ravaged inner folds crimson and gleaming.

“Are you all right, honey?” Eric asked anxiously, holding the horse steady with brute force.

“I . . . I think so,” she said uncertainly, raising her head to stare at the black horse-cock that bobbed above her crotch, dripping fuck-slime onto her belly. “He just took me by surprise. I wasn’t really ready.”

Emir began stomping his back feet again. His hard-on was pulsing angrily, and a huge string of sticky pre-cum drooled down from his gaping piss-slit, momentarily connecting the tip of his hideous prick with Jan’s lovely stomach.

“Maybe you’ve bitten off more than you can chew this time,” Eric suggested, his gaze locked on that stupendous fucker. He was seriously concerned now, and his own cock was wilting. “I don’t want you to get hurt, honey. . . maybe we better call this off.”

“No!” Jan snapped. “I’m sure I can do it.” She spread her shapely legs again, gripping the stallion’s slimy prick with both hands. “Let’s try once more.”

Jan didn’t want to admit it to her husband, who was so proud of his own big cock, but that brief experience with the horse had made her feel something she had never felt before in her entire life. During those moments when half of Emir’s prick was stuffed in her pussy, she had felt a marvelous kind of satisfaction that had always eluded her before. It was a peculiar sense of erotic fulfillment, a feeling that she was taking all she could take and giving all she had to give. And she wanted more of that.

“Okay'” Eric finally said uneasily. “But if you scream for help one more time we’re calling this whole damned thing off.”

Jan noticed that Eric’s cock dangled limply against his balls now. But she knew that was only a temporary problem, that seeing her being fucked by a stallion was all her husband needed to bring his prick back to its previous state of grandeur.

The horse was humping blindly, stabbing his stiff prick against the woman’s crotch, trying to find her fuck-hole again.

Eric bent down and helped Jan guide the beast’s rampaging prick to her swampy cuntslot. Then, before the man and woman could manipulate things further, Emir lunged powerfully.

The stallion’s big black prick fucked into Jan’s pussy, jamming in until it seemed to bottom out, leaving a few inches of his leathery cockshaft still exposed.

“Yeee Gods!” the woman shrieked.

But she didn’t cry out for help this time. She was frightened by the intensity of the experience, but she wanted it. Her guts were filled with horse-cock, and she felt a strange mixture of burning pain and surging pleasure in her grotesquely stretched pussy.

“Still think you can handle it?” Eric asked as he struggled to hold the horny stallion still.

“Yesss!” the wanton woman wailed, squirming her foaming cunt on the horse’s prick. “I’m gonna go for it . . . it’s fantastic!”



Eric released his hold on the rampant stallion and stood back, watching in wide-eyed wonderment as the beast started fucking his beautiful wife.

Jan squealed with unholy glee, waving her lovely legs in the air on each side of the humping stallion’s flanks while he fucked his immense prick as far into her pussy as it would go on each powerful thrust. She felt the horse’s huge balls thudding against her upturned ass each time he fucked into her juicy cunt, plundering her guts with his colossal cock. .

Emir’s alabaster coat rippled as the muscles of his body strained, his long white tail swishing rhythmically behind his humping rump. His nostrils flared wildly and ‘be snorted with each violent fuck-thrust, pumping his prick into the woman’s hot cunt.

Jan was thankful that Eric had planned well, else she might have been pummeled to death beneath the horse’s belly while he fucked in such a bestial frenzy. But the platform had been constructed at the right angle, and she was placed at just the right height beneath the beast so that he was able to give her all the cockmeat she could take, but so that she was not smashed beneath his massive body.

Eric’s prick started stiffening again as he watched the unbelievable sight, and he unconsciously began jacking off slowly.

Every time Emir pulled back, his gigantic prick pulled Jan’s pussy-lips outward, almost turning her cunt inside out before he plunged back in. And on each fuck-thrust, her pussylips sank inward so fat that her cunt hairs were caught and pulled by the horse-cock as it fucked into the depths of her loins.

Jan, still waving her legs crazily and squealing with wanton lust, was oblivious to everything except the incredible sensation of having her cunt stuffed to the limit. She was creaming heavily on the horse’s fucking prick, and the tightness of the coupling caused cunt-cream to spurt out around the beast’s black cockshaft as he fucked in. On each plunge of the horse-cock into her pussy, Jan half-expected the head of his cock to rip outward through her back and drive itself into the wooden platform, skewering her to the platform. Again, images of lurid headlines in cheap tabloids flashed through her mind.

Each time Emir’s fabulous fucker bottomed out in Jan’s pussy, pain shot through her loins, but that pain was nothing compared with the heady thrill of actually being fucked by a horse!

Gradually, as Jan grew accustomed to the mighty fucking she was getting, she relaxed and went with it, clamping her slender legs against the stallion’s muscular flanks to keep her ass elevated and her cunt at the right angle for the deepest penetration.

Emir settled into a steady fucking tempo, his long tail swishing behind his rump while he fucked the willing woman. Now the stallion held his head high, seemingly proud of what he was doing, and his beautiful mane rippled rhythmically while he plundered the hot, clasping pussy beneath him.

While that immense horse-cock pleasured her pussy, Jan gasped with rapture, her eyes rolling and her tongue swiping back and forth over her red lips in time with the animal’s fuckthrusts. Her legs remained clamped to the stallion’s flanks, and her arms hung limply to either side of the slanted platform while her upthrust tits jiggled under the beast’s hard fucking. The horse’s prick was grinding her sparking clit on every stroke, the rough, leathery skin of his cock shaft nearly rubbing her clit raw.

Eric stepped closer, taking his blissed-out wife’s limp arm and placing her small hand on his own raging-stiff prick. Her fingers automatically curled around his cock and she turned her head, looking at her naked husband from beneath the steadily humping horse. Eric took another step, bringing his chest in contact with the smooth fur of Emir’s side, and bringing his drooling cock-tip in contact with his wife’s luscious lips.

Jan craned her neck a bit, taking Eric’s prick into her hot sucking mouth while her body was jolted and her tits jiggled under the relentless assault of Emir’s fucking cock.

“Ohhh, yeahhh!” Eric breathed. “Suck it, bitch!”

Jan twisted from the waist to better suck her husband’s cock, keeping her pelvis angled correctly to receive the stallion’s fuck-lunges. Her hands went to Eric’s muscular thighs and she clung to him and whimpered, thrilled by being stuffed with cock-meat at both ends.

Her cunt was still creaming in non-stop multiple orgasms, and she slobbered profusely on Eric’s prick as he began to fuck her pretty face. Emir’s massive pussy-plunger was pumping pussy cream from her cunt, causing a foaming lather to collect in her hairy crotch and run down into the crevice of her ass. And the feeling of all that warm fuck-slime foaming in her crotch only added to Jan’s enjoyment. It was a moment of decadent glory for the insatiable woman, and she moaned and whined blissfully around her husband’s prick.

Emir, made jittery by Eric’s nearness again, twisted his neck and looked at the man. The whites of his big blue eyes showed more than usual now, and stringy slobber was drooling from his rubbery lips as his arousal mounted. Even though the beast was disturbed by the naked man at his side, he kept on fucking the woman beneath him with steady cock-thrusts. But he pawed the straw with his hind feet, snorting at Eric as if in warning.

“Settle down, Emir!” Eric bellowed indignantly, slapping the stallion’s hips authoritatively. “That’s my wife you’re fucking . . . ungrateful brute!”

“Eric!” Jan blurted, slurping her mouth from his prick. “Don’t frighten Emir. My God. . . do you want to get me killed?”

“I’m fed up with all these goddamned animals thinking you’re their property or something,” Eric said angrily. “You’re mine.”

“Oh, really, Eric!” Jan laughed, swatting his bare ass. “Animals don’t think anything. Surely, you’re not jealous of a dumb animal. . .perhaps you had a bit too much to drink tonight. “

“I don’t think I had quite enough,” Eric mused, keeping his eyes on the menacing stallion.

Emir glowered back at the man and began to fuck the woman more forcefully, as if to prove he was in control. Jan gasped with pleasure as the stallion’s prick fucked more froth from her pussy, his heavy balls slapping hard at her upturned ass.

Eric stuck his tongue out at the horse and plunged his prick back into his wife’s waiting mouth, but he was careful this time to keep his chest from bumping against the beast’s side.

Jan wrapped her arms around Eric’s ass and let him fuck her face while she was repeatedly jolted and jounced by the stallion’s increasingly furious fuck-lunges at her cunt.

Satisfied that the man did not represent a threat to him, Emir thrust his proud head high again and settled into a steady fucking pace, pummeling the woman’s pussy with his gut stuffing prick.

Jan sucked dreamily on Eric’s cock as it fucked in and out of her mouth. She was in her glories. For the first time in her life, she was getting her seemingly insatiable cunt stuffed with all the cock meat she could take. And she was so happy that her beloved husband could be there to share this supremely satisfying moment with her, to see the sensual delight she was experiencing as Emir’s massive fucker probed the uncharted depths of her cock-hungry cunt.

Suddenly, Jackson’s barking startled Jan and Eric. Jan jerked back, letting her husband’s wet prick slip from her mouth. She and Eric looked toward the stable door, seeing Cindy and Billy following the collie in. Cindy was wearing her shortie nightgown, and Billy was barefoot, wearing nothing but jeans.

“Didn’t I tell you so?” Cindy said to her little brother, standing there and putting her hands on her hips. “See? A woman can so fuck a horse! “

“I see it . . . but I don’t believe it,” Billy said, looking at the appalling scene with wide eyes. “Christ!”

Emir shuddered, glancing down at the collie, which was moving around him in a wide circle, fearing to get too close to such a huge animal as the stallion. The horse kept fucking Jan, watching the circling dog suspiciously.

Jackson kept trotting back and forth, at a safe distance, watching the colossal beast fucking his woman. Instinctive possessiveness caused the dog to react badly, and he began to snarl and growl, baring his vicious-looking fangs.

“Oh, isn’t that cute?” Jan said, twisting her neck so she could see the offended dog. “Jackson’s jealous!”

Emir kept fucking, and the woman grunted with every thrust of his immense prick into her lathered pussy. But she was taking the fucking easily now, so relaxed that she had unclamped her legs from the stallion’s flanks and placed her feet flat on the carpeted platform, knees raised and spread widely apart.

“You kids shouldn’t be up this late,” Eric said, standing there with his wife’s spit dripping from his hard-on.

“But all the best stuff always happens late,” Billy said. “Mother!” Cindy gasped, moving in closer to watch the stallion’s prick fucking in and out of Jan’s pussy. “How can you stand it’?”

“Oh, it’s just lovely, darling,” Jan said dreamily, her tits still bouncing with Emir’s cock-lunges. “It’s… oh, God… it’s fabulous, honey!”

“It doesn’t hurt’?” Billy asked, stepping closer and watching the horse-cock plunging into his mom’s foaming cunt.

“It’s killing me!” she wailed, rolling the back of her head against the platform, her long black hair flailing with the swiftness of her movements. “Killing me . . . and I love it!”

Eric and the kids stepped back in shocked horror as Jan went into a kind of sexual hysteria, thrusting her pelvis upward and trying to take more of that impossibly long horseprick into her ravaged cunt.

“Fuck me, Emir!” she cried, reaching up and clinging to his coat with clawing fingers. “Gimme all of that cock of death, you big cocked beauty! Fuck my goddamned guts out! Fuck meee!”

Her frantic clawing at his sides drove the stallion wild, causing him to fuck harder, jarring the breath from the woman’s lungs with every tremendous cock-thrust. Slobber drooled in glistening stings from the beast’s lips as he snorted and whinnied with mounting excitement. The increasing brutality of the horse’s fucking sent Jan into a frenzy of bucking and squirming on his pounding prick. She grunted and gasped and groaned with the wanton wickedness of her bestial fuck-lust.

Cindy and Billy watched in disbelief as their lovely mother struggled futilely to take the huge horse-cock to the balls in her grotesquely stretched cunt. It was an outrageous sight Eric didn’t know what to do. He was afraid his horny wife had gone totally mad from the thrill of the horse-cock in her cunt, afraid she might actually damage her insides with the awful violence of the fucking. But his fascination with the utter depravity of her behavior kept him from acting. He stood there jacking off, watching as she kicked and screamed and begged the rampaging stallion to kill her with his cock Jan’s shrieks and wild movements, combined with the horse’s snorting and whinnying and humping, alarmed the nervous collie even more. He seemed to think the stallion was attacking his woman.

Jackson suddenly made a run at the stallion’s rear feet, nipping at his ankle. Emir kicked, missing the dog. The dog barked and darted in again, nipping Emir’s other ankle. The horse kicked at him, neighing loudly. But he kept fucking the hot juicy cunt that sheathed his throbbing prick, never missing a stroke as the collie snapped at his ankles and the woman beneath him writhed and screamed in wanton ecstasy.

For a few moments, it was a scene of pandemonium. Cindy was trying to catch the dog as it barked and snarled and dashed in and out between the stallion’s kicking hoofs; Billy was yelling a_ Cindy to watch out for the horse’s kicking feet; Eric was shouting for Cindy to grab the collie; and Jan was being buffeted about like a rag doll impaled on the horse’s prick.

Emir’s brutal fuck-thrusts sent the screaming woman careening sideways on the slanted platform. She suddenly found herself dangling over-the edge, seeing her panic-stricken family upside down while the stallion’s prick jolted her roughly.

Jackson’s relentless attack was making the horse wild, and he was kicking and stomping his rear hooves, struggling to free his front feet from the restraints-and still fucking the hot pussy that clasped his cock at the same time.

“Aaaiiieee!” Jan shrieked, dangling upside down. “Oh, my God!”

The changed angle of her body had somehow made it possible for Emir’s colossal cock to fuck the rest of the way into her seemingly bottomless pussy, and she felt his big balls jammed against her foam-coated cunt lips as the head of his cock pushed into her guts.

Then, humping with increased fervor, Emir sent his prick fucking all the way into the woman’s cunt on each and every thrust. Her screams of confused bliss and agony filled the stable, rising in loudness and pitch with every bone-jarring plunge of the stallion’s cock.

“Get that damned dog away from Emir!” Eric shouted, grabbing for the stallion’s reins.

“Show him your pussy, Cindy!” Billy yelled.

Quickly, Cindy whipped her nightie off over her head and stepped out of her panties. Then she dropped to her knees and grabbed the circling collie on his next pass, jamming his snout into her crotch forcefully.

The frantic dog resisted at first, but when his nostrils were filled with the scent of hot cunt, his tongue automatically slithered from his mouth. And when he tasted the teenager’s pussy juice, she finally had his undivided attention. He forgot all about his screaming mistress and the sex-crazed stallion.

“Dogs are just like men,” Cindy remarked, squirming her cunt against the unfaithful collie’s lapping tongue.

Jackson’s red prick slithered from his furry cock sheath and he licked merrily away at Cindy’s runny cunt, oblivious to the hysteria around them.

Eric quickly brought the overly excited stallion under control while Billy helped his mother right herself beneath the beast.

Jan stopped screaming and began to whimper blissfully as the stallion’s fucking became more regular again, her position on the platform limiting the depth of his cock-thrusts. The woman had finally found her limit, and now she was satisfied with only about two-thirds of Emir’s colossal cock fucking into her raw cunt.

As if in a daze, Jan looked up at her young son with bleary eyes, smiling wantonly. Then her hand went to the crotch of his jeans and she grasped his cock-bulge, pleased to find that he had a hard-on. Deftly, she unfastened the boy’s jeans and he helped her push them down his thighs. His stiff prick stood out, pulsing and dribbling clear pre-cum.

Billy fucked his cock into his mother’s mouth, gasping with naughty pleasure as her hot sucking lips slithered to the base of his hard-on. He clung to her head and began fucking her face.

Jan moaned with perverse satisfaction, thoroughly enjoying it all again. Something about the contrast between the boy-cock in her mouth and the horse-cock in her cunt seemed to enhance the depravity she felt. She reached around Billy’s hip and crammed a finger up his ass, causing him to gasp and fuck his prick into her throat.

By the time Eric was sure the stallion was under control again and could be left unattended, he had lost his place at his wife’s mouth.

“Cock-crazy slut,” he muttered in disgust, seeing that their son was fucking Jan’s face while the horse fucked her. “No sense of decency whatsoever.”

Naturally, Eric thought immediately of his sweet young daughter’s hot little cunt. Turning, he discovered that the teenager was on her hands and knees in the straw now, and the collie had mounted her and was fucking merrily away.

Hey! the man blurted irritably. “What the fuck about me?”

Again, he felt incensed over being upstaged by a dog and a horse. . . and by that little twerp of a son! His face reddened as he was overwhelmed by a jealous rage. He tried to tell himself It was silly to feel that his masculinity was threatened by animals and kids. But he did feel that way, and he couldn’t help it.

“C’mere, Daddy,” Cindy said with a cute smile, licking her pretty lips. “Let me suck you off while Jackson fucks me. C’mon!”

Eric wasted no time rushing over and kneeling before his adorable young daughter. She ovaled her lips in invitation, and he stuck his prick into the warm moistness of her sexy mouth. She grasped his hips and began to bob her head, fucking her face on her daddy’s beautiful cock while she wiggled her ass and fucked her little pussy on the dog’s cock.

Jackson snarled and bared his teeth, glaring up at Eric with his amber eyes.

Eric bared his own teeth in the animal kingdom’s universally understood sign of aggression and growled deep in his throat, daring the dog to challenge his dominance here in his own territory.

Startled, the collie let his tail sag and lowered his ears, looking at the man with new respect. But he wasn’t respectful enough to stop fucking the man’s daughter, and his furry ass kept humping as he pleasured his prick in Cindy’s tight pussy.

Eric put his hands behind Cindy’s head and began fucking her mouth with his big prick, all the while, glowering menacingly at Jackson. The dog kept on fucking the girl, but didn’t challenge Eric any further.

Abruptly, Jan released Billy’s cock from her mouth and began crying out with shrieks of pure delight, while the boy kept trying to stuff his cock back in her mouth.

“Emir’s cumming!” she screamed. “Oh, God! What a cum!”

She kicked her legs upward again, clamping her lovely thighs to the stallion’s flanks and bouncing her ass upward for her cunt to meet every one of the stallion’s cock-lunges. She reached up with both arms, clinging to the horse as if he were her lover.

“Eric!” she cried out. “Look! Horse-jizz in your wife’s pussy! Hurry! Come look!”

“Dizzy bitch,” Eric said under his breath refusing to stop fucking Cindy’s mouth. “Your mother’s a sick woman, Cindy.”

Billy was standing there with his jeans down around his knees and his wet hard-on abandoned as his mother gave all her attention to the stallion. He wanted to slap the shit out of the bitch, but he resisted the urge, knowing that was not the best way to get her to suck his cock.

Jan’s dark eyes opened wide and she gasped in amazement when she felt Emir’s massive cum-load bursting forth deep in her cunt.

The horse came with such force that she thought for an instant his jism might blow a hole in her guts and come spouting out from her open mouth. It felt for a few seconds as if her cunt had been inflated very abruptly. No man or dog had ever blasted her pussy with such force.

Horse-cum came gurgling from her pussy, foaming out in a creamy flood around the beast’s cock, which was still fucking in and out. The slimy sea of horse-jizz gushed out in a milky tide that inundated her loins, pouring down each side of her hips and soaking her ass-crack.

All the jism that filled the woman’s cunt caused her previously gripping cunt walls to become lubricated with slime, and the stallion’s prick fucked in and out with increased ease. Loud and lewd-sounding suctioning noises filled the stable as the cum-slimed horse’s prick kept fucking into her.

Billy began jacking off, watching horse-cum gush from his mother’s cock-stuffed cunt. The horny boy had never before seen anything as nasty looking as that big black horse-cock, all streaked with milky cum, fucking in and out of his mother’s jizz-drenched pussy. When the debauched woman ran her hands all around her rummy cunt mound and the stallion’s fucking prick, then rubbed horse-cum all over her pretty face, her young son sucked in his breath, awed by her wonderful depravity. He had to stop beating his meat, fearing he might shoot his cum-load before there was a mouth or cunt available for his cock.

Emir seemed to relax suddenly, and his great cock began to soften and shrink in the woman’s cum-flooded cunt. He drew back, and his huge fucker caused her pussy to slurp loudly as his cockhead popped free. The stallion stood there, unable to move because of the restraints, looking around dumbly as if wondering what the hell had happened. He looked puzzled but satisfied.

Jan, still on her back, slithered from the slanted platform, falling limply onto the straw. Her pussy was still drooling horse-cum, and she left a huge snail trail over the edge of the platform where she had slid down.

Billy stood there, gaping in wonderment.

Emir’s big black prick was still dripping cum, and Jan’s well fucked pussy was gaping open like a crimson crater in her loins, that crater filled with foamy horse-cum. It looked to the youth as if his mother’s cunt lips had been stretched beyond repair, as if her abused pussy might never close up enough again to clasp his pint-sized prick the way it used to. He stared with wide eyes, hoping her condition would not be permanent.

In any case, the youngster certainly wasn’t going to make a fool of himself by trying to fuck that messy, gaping cunt. He figured his mom would never even feel his cock in her cunt, so soon after being fucked by that damned stallion. He dropped to his knees, wagging his hard-on over her face, banging his cockhead against her forehead to get her attention.

The woman’s face was covered with horsecum, and she looked very weird to Billy-as if her lovely face had become a gleaming onyx mask. When she opened her eyes, filaments of horse-cum clung to her lashes, blurring her vision. But she could tell that her son was holding his cock over her. So she arched her back, turning her chin upward as he knelt at her head. He stuffed his cock into her mouth, his balls dragging over her cum-slimed nose.

Billy started fucking his mother’s mouth, pillowing his balls over her nose at the bottom of each cock-thrust. She reached up and grasped his lean asscheeks, squeezing his ass and taking his stiff young fucker into her throat.

Seeing his wife’s legs sprawled on the straw and that steaming crater of a pussy beckoning, Eric slowed his fuck-strokes into his daughter’s mouth. He stared, feeling lured by the gross nastiness of that cum-filled cunt. Her entire crotch was awash with horse-jizz, and her cunthole gaped open lewdly, the inflamed folds of her inner cunt lips gleaming scarlet in that white lake of cum.

It was the most disgusting sight Eric Hanley had ever seen-and it turned him on powerfully.

The man slipped his prick from his daughter’s mouth and got up, staggering naked across the stable, irresistibly lured by the siren call of a sloppy, well-fucked cunt.

Cindy was so enthralled with being fucked by the collie that she hardly noticed her father’s departure. Her eyes were glazed with fuck-lust and her lips remained ovaled, as if her dad’s prick were still in her mouth. Jackson’s zipping red prick was causing so much pleasure in her little pussy that she seemed oblivious to her surroundings now.

The collie kept fucking the blissed-out teenager, seemingly more confident now that he no longer had to contend with that awful man.

Eric dropped to his knees between his wife’s spread legs and fell forward, plunging his raging hard-on into the cummy morass of her pussy. The interior of her cunt was all mushy and slimy, and it felt to him as if he had stuck his prick into warm, raw liver. The stallion had stretched her cunt walls so drastically that there was no real sensation of fucking for Eric-just a clammy warmth sheathing his embedded cock.

Jan released Billy’s prick from her mouth and raised her head to look at her husband. Horse cum moved in waves down her lovely face like viscous glaciers, dripping sluggishly from her chin.

“Oh, yes!” she said eagerly. “Do fuck me, Eric. . . give it all to me . . . balls and all!”

A wicked gleam came into the man’s eyes. He had never thought of such a thing as giving a woman his cock and balls all at once in her cunt. He wondered if it might be possible.

Jan smiled, watching through curtains of cum-filaments that dangled from her lashes as her intensely aroused husband used his fingers to cram his hairy balls into her abused cunt along with his cock. The slimy lips of her pussy slipped around the man’s balls, and her pussy sucked hotly on his cock and balls.

“Goddamn son of a bitch!” Eric blurted, overjoyed by the unique sensation of burying his cock and balls in a hot juicy cunt. “Oh, baby! It’s too much. . . too fuckin’ much! I’m gonna shoot!”

The man knew there was no point in trying to hold back his cum-load. He had never been so excited before in his entire life.

“Give me your cum, darling,” Jan whispered, clenching her cunt lips rhythmically around Eric’s embedded cock and balls. “And you too, Billy! Give your mother your cum, baby!”

She angled her head back and the young boy fucked his cock into her mouth, watching with wide eyes as her pussy devoured his dad’s cock and balls. The wildness of it all had Billy ready to shoot his wad at the slightest provocation. And his mother’s hot sucking mouth was provocation enough.

At the same moment, Eric and his son dumped their cum-loads, pouring man-cum into her ravaged pussy and boy-cum into her mouth. Billy shot off with unusual force, and creamy cock snot cascaded from the woman’s flared nostrils, running down over her cheeks to mix with the horse-cum that already coated her features.

Billy fell back onto the straw, his wilting cock still leaking cum onto his belly. Eric pulled out and fell back, exhausted, his cock and balls coated with creamy fuck-slime from his wife’s cunt. Jan used her fingers to push some of the cum on her face toward her mouth, lapping obscenely at the slimy stuff with her pink tongue. All three of them were panting, their bodies glistening with sweat that caused the straw to stick to them.

Cindy wasn’t far behind the rest of the family. She was waggling her cute little ass, creaming on the collie’s cock as he fucked her pussy with grim determination. Dog-slobber dripped down onto the teenager’s back as she wallowed in the glory of the dog’s incredibly fast fucking. She gasped with the thrill of it as Jackson filled her hot little cunt with dog-cum and it trickled out and streaked her inner thighs.

The collie dismounted quickly after his climax and trotted out of the stable, unconcerned about the moaning young girl he had left writhing in the straw.

Cindy, who had inherited her mother’s insatiable nature, crammed four fingers into her cum-drenched pussy and gave herself one more marvelous orgasm. Then she, too, flopped over and lay there panting, looking blankly up at the rafters above.

The magnificent white stallion stood there above the fucking platform, unable to move since his front feet were still hobbled.

He looked down curiously at the naked people scattered about in the stable. He didn’t understand what the hell had happened. He had been called upon to perform at stud farms before, but nothing like this had ever happened. It was all very strange.