(c) 2007 by HairBear58

The doors swished closed behind me as I hurriedly walked out from the drill floor, the breeze chilled my bare legs, as I briskly walked to my truck I checked my watch, seeing that if I hurried I could still get to the ranch in about 40 minutes, I grinned to myself as I thought about what I was finally going to be able to do once I got there and finished the feeding and watering chores, and decided that having to have taken the excise test today going to be worth the sweat and sore muscles as it left me dressed in running shorts and a tee shirt, so disrobing later would be simpler than if I’d been in street cloths,

I jumped quickly into my truck and started it up, then pulled out of the unit’s parking lot and drove as quickly as traffic allowed out of the city. Down the freeway I rolled and thought about how I would go about the after work pleasures I was planning on, and in what order I would see my ladies tonight, well only one of them really mattered to me, the others would be more t.l.c. and cuddles and limited foreplay as the other three dogs weren’t to interested in sex with a human.

Not that I would force any of them, but only Dolly really wanted to be pleasured this way, the others each allowed me to give them certain pleasures and as long as I didn’t push them beyond whatever limit they willingly allowed they were ok, so what if I gave them more loving attention than a normal dog lover would,

I guess now is a good time to let you know I’m a zoophile, what that means is not that I use animals as sex toys, but rather that I desire to have a mutually consensual loving relation with them were sex is sometimes a extension of the affirmation of my love for that animal, but weather or not sex happens I’d rather be in their company than that of people most of the time, my reason for rushing tonight was this was finally going to be, I hoped the night my doggie friend and I would finally be able to have full and complete sex with each other rather than having to settle for the all to short gropes and finger penetrations only, that we’d had to settle for as there had never been enough time alone for us to be slow and deliberate.

Quickly the miles passed and soon I turned off the freeway, taking the old 2 lane highway that would lead me to the ranch. Finally the county road appeared and I turned off, letting the county road guide me to the waiting pleasures, I had to keep telling myself to slow the truck down so I wouldn’t risk getting a ticket. Also to keep trying to keep my heartbeat down in the anticipated excitement of what was soon to be. Just near the dead end of the country road I happily turned off onto the ranch road, and drove as quickly as I could over the rutted gravel road, to the gate. Stopping only long enough to unlock it and then pass thru and make sure it was relocked, spinning the combination several times to make sure it was well and truly locked, so I couldn’t be surprised later by someone being able to open it.

As I jumped back in the truck and put it in gear I reviewed the facts, my friends that owned the place were away for several days, and I was tasked with checking on and feeding the horses, dogs and other animals twice a day. Most all of the animals knew me well, especially the dogs, and hearing the sound of my truck each knew that it was almost time for their dinner.

Pulling up to the barn I got out and as rapidly as I could made sure all the animals were accounted for, then I checked and refilled all the waters making sure to spray off the top layer of floating debris, hay bits, and slobber, that only a horse could leave. Racing around I put out the flecks of hay out so each horse had there own pile, and then watched with amusement as they each, after only a few bites ran and charged around, running one another, off because someone else’s pile had to taste better or have more in it. Finally I turned away, and finished making sure the other animals had their food and waters furnished, finally having done all the needed chores, I began putting into action the rest of this nights activities.

Walking over to the dry lot which was also the dog yard that was next to the barn and the door to its barn apartment, I greeted my canine lady friend’s who where all gathered at the gate that lead into the pen, and was also next to their spacious dog house, reaching over and greeting all four of them In turn as they franticly and happily sought to be first for my attentions, finally relenting I opened and slipped thru the gate so it was no longer between us, bending down I petted and stroked whoever managed to get their head or body under my hands as they jostled around each seeking their share, after several minutes of this and getting my face randomly washed, I finally got them settled down enough that could get a hay string leash around Blue the oldest dobies neck, and led her out thru the gate fighting to keep the other three eager dogs in.

A few steps to the barn apartment door and we were inside, and I removed the string from Blue’s neck so she could wander at will. While I quickly pulled off my running shorts and tee shirt, getting down on the rug covered floor I called Blue over, and pet her as she drew next to me, running my hands over her finely formed head and sleek body I reached around and under her, stroking her nipples letting my hands wander back to her bitchhood and gently rubbed over her fleshly nether lips, getting her to lay next to me I slowly and gently rolled her over on her back and continued to fondle and caress any part of her I could while murmuring softly to her. Finding her nipples again with my fingers I gently rolled and pulled on them, and my mouth closed over her pouting pussy, licking around it and stabbing into her slit wetting her and getting her lubricated for the next part. pulling my mouth away I gently slipped her a finger and felt her walls spasm around it, grinning I withdrew it and moved to lay myself down beside her.

Blue relaxed waiting for my hand to return to her sex, when I did, I rubbed and rolled her lips till they parted and allowed two of my fingers within. As I stroked in and out of her sex I felt her spasms as she quickly reached her doggie orgasm her rear legs stiffening as her hips bucked off the floor into my impaling fingers and she licked her tongue over own lips in bliss. As soon as she was done she rolled out and away from me getting to her feet and did a few bounces around the room, then after quickly coming back she smelt my fingers with her juices on them and cleaned them off, then went straight to the door, indicating she ready to go back.

Wistfully I donned my shorts and tee shirt so to comply with her wants, thinking maybe someday she’d like to go further than a simply fingering, and some oral, but up to this point she’d been quite clear on what was allowed and what wasn’t.

Returning to the dog pen I managed to get Blue back in without letting any of the others out, and the selected the second Dobie Sandy. leading her the same way we took the few steps to the apt. door, and once it was shut I disrobed again while Sandy checked out the smells, once I was again naked I called her over as I laid on the floor and after walking up to me she simply flopped herself down next to me rolling till we were side by side she on her back with paws waving in the air as her stump of a tail gyrated her whole rear while I reclined on my side next to her. Unlike blue who was intact, Sandy had been spayed many years ago after she and a lab fella had had a wonton night of doggie sex and the owners hadn’t wanted the 16 pups the x-rays had shown she was carrying.

So while Sandy was a bit smaller in the bitchhood dept. than Blue was, she still toughly enjoyed a finger banging or some oral ministrations to her canine sex and nipples, I hoped that one day she’d be stretched enough so we could be joined in full sex, but I wasn’t in to much of a hurry the added benefit with Sandy was she did more freely give kisses and didn’t mind if I laid her on top of me so her canine pussy rubbed against my stiff human dick while I tweaked her many teats, and rubbed her clit thru the outside of her vulva causing her to hump herself silly against me as she would lick my face. We shared the same pleasures as Blue and I had had me licking her sex or sucking and fingering it and playing with her many teats, and after Sandy had finally been satisfied she sprang to her feet off my prone torso and jumped around the room for a minute, then came back and gave me a quick lick across the lips and one swipe of her warm wet tongue over my leaking cock, and then paced to the door indicating her wish to go out, regretfully I again donned my shorts and lead her back to the pen and then lead Dot the dalmatian back to the room.

Dot is a very eager and loving dog and is a insistent licker and kisser, she’s known me her whole life, as she was born in my house, her parents being my dogs, as a pup before she’d been sold she would escape almost every night from the puppy room into ours sometimes scaling a 4 ft sheer wall that blocked the room off, so she could sneak into our bedroom at night to be with us and her parents and her first place to snuggle up too, was against me.

Well she hadn’t changed at all, she loved any and all attention I paid her and she didn’t care what position we ended up in as long as she could fervently lick and kiss my lips and mouth.
After I disrobed and sat down she crawled into my lap tail beating against my crossed legs and chest and wiggling and squirming she settled herself down and tried to lick my tonsils out,

Only halfheartedly I fended off her slobbering attacks so I could lay her on the floor so I could better rub and caress her entire body, running my fingers over her nipples and letting them wander down to her furry mound, I teased her, lightly brushing my fingertip against the slit of her opening, Dot wiggled and squirmed round curving her body so her head and rear were close to each other and blatantly sought out my mouth with her tongue, rolling over and laying in front of her I placed my elbows on either side of her, one hand stroking her head, ears and upper chest, the other busy teasing her pulsing mound of doggie love.

I speared her sex lips with my finger and brushed against her clit then slipped my finger to the depths of her sex, feeling the tugging and pulsing of her vagina as it spasmd, leaning forward I took each of her nipples into my mouth in turn and suckled them like as puppy. Dot tried her damn’st to never break the tongue lock she had on me, but finally gave up as her lurching jerking body went into orgasms from the pleasure she was receiving, I was grinning in delight and happy she was receiving such pleasure.

I quickly repositioned myself into a cross legged sitting position, and pulled her into my lap, with Dot still upside down. she fervently licked me as I raised her in my arms so I could seek out her nipples or pussy, nibbling and licking at each in turn, after she became to difficult to hold due to her happy wiggling, I dropped her rear to my lap, turning her so we ended up chest to chest, her hind legs sticking out on either side of my hips, our groins pushed together and her face level and facing mine.

Well she was ecstatic now as her muzzle was even with my face so she did her best to stick her tongue down my throat. Grinning under her kissing assault, I yielded to her demand and parted my lips and jaws giving her full access to my mouth, with our chests and bellies together and our pubes grinding against each other the sensations were wonderful. Holding her upright with my arms I kept one behind her head and neck the other which had been holding her around her hips left there so it could wander in between our heated torsos reaching downward I found the top of her vulva pressed into my penis which was trapped between us.

Rubbing her button thru the outer skin of her flesh I felt it throbbing, keeping us balanced I reached under her and guided my finger to her slit and speared her, letting it slide within her to its depth quickly she started bucking against me, Rocking her hips as best she could without having her rear paws braced on anything, she did clasp her forepaws over the tops of my shoulders to give her leverage.

Suddenly her invading tongue left my mouth and her lithe body stiffened, her neck stretched out and her muzzle pointed to the ceiling. Her dog sex spasmd and pulsed against my finger and I felt the contractions against my cock which was trapped between us, it too was throbbing and ready to spew seed even if it wasn’t were it wanted to be. I pushed Dots hot body back just slightly separating us at the overexposed and excited region as it was just a bit to much, and so my poor human dick could get a breather, finally dots wild humping is over and she leaped out of my lap, stopping only for 3 quick licks on my oozing dick head, slurping up the pre cum that was leaking profusely from its tip, before dashing around the room, jumping on and off the chairs and bed.

Finally she comes to a stop in front of me and gives more kisses letting me taste the traces of myself and her own fluids which she’s bathed her mouth in during a few quick washings during her romping around the room. Belatedly I rise to my feet to take her back to the pen as I know she’d never stop this activity without being forced too, and while its not that late I still want to get to the time I get to spend with Dolly as soon as I can, so I lead a happy Dot back and finally tell Dolly its her turn.

The two dobies are ignoring us and Dot only wants back in so there’s no struggle to get Dot and Dolly in their proper place, and now its time for my canine lady lover and I to completely consummate ourselves, and Dolly seems to know this is going to be the night that this will finally happen, as she races me to the door and inside the room.

As I tear off my clothes for the last time tonight dolly sniffs the air in the room, and her nose follows the scents from the carpet, to the bed, or wherever the other three had left odors of themselves and our passions, mine and theirs, plopping her butt down next to me she whines impatiently, as I slip out of my restrictive clothing dolly begins leaning into me using her weight to trap me, and in her mind bring me down to her level, laughing I thwart her plans and drop to the floor next to her before she succeeds, our bodies pressed together with me kneeling and she sitting, dolly allows my free hand to caress her, as soon as I reach her chest she leans her whole weight against me and allows her mass to slid down against me and drops herself to the floor.

Once prone on the floor her head turns to gaze up at me and she jostles herself till she’s rolled into me and she’s flat on her back, her fore paws are bent and resting lightly against her massive chest her rear legs are spread wide open in expectant trust, her stub of a tail wiggles wildly shaking her entire rear, with her tongue hanging out one side of her mouth, she pants and gulps air and she vocalizes to me telling me to hurry,

I gaze with love into the depths of her eyes, seeing not just a dog, but seeing the beauty of her soul, and the love we share, wondering why it is that animals are so openly honest about this while man hides from it, thankfully Dolly and my many other nonhuman soulmates and lovers have never been bothered by the covering that the other is in, I count myself lucky and blessed to have known all of them and eternally grateful and thankful they reached out to me while I was in my human form

I lean my face down to hers reclined on my side, pressing myself against her eager form. I touch my mouth to hers and share breaths, then dip down slightly and try trapping her own panting tongue in my mouth, while I rub and caress her massive chest, tracing my fingers in circles around her nipples my hand and fingers walk teasingly up and down her body. While I rest my weight on my elbow my other hand strokes and rubs her ears and head, slowly my free hand wanders downwards to her exposed mound offlesh, teasingly going near, then backing away, then advancing, only to brush against the conical pyramid, giving a quick light rub to the outside fleetingly teasing the nubbin of her clit thru the flesh,

Dolly moans in expectant pleasure, groaning deep within her chest, she urges me to stop teasing her and pleasure her, as I continue my slowly deliberate arousal of her ,Dolly impatiently whines then wiggles wildly and twists her head sideways and upwards, to suddenly grasp my hand traversing her nipples in her powerful jaws, her mouth closes gently over my wrist and she bends herself further and stretches herself till she reaches her crotch, then with deliberate thought places my hand so it rests directly on her sex, feeling it there she looks at me with eyes pleading, and then gently releases my wrist as she feels my fingers begin their massage of her plump and juicy temple.

As my fingers dance over the lips of her sex dolly laid back and spread her legs even wider arcing her butt up slightly to greet my probing hand and sighed contentedly, grinning I leaned forward and began licking and suckling her teats treating each in turn to my oral caress’s. I nurse her like one of her pups would, trying to draw from her life giving subsistence, my lips and nose tickled by her fur, I inhale the scent of her and am overwhelmed with passion, no fragrance or perfume smells better to be than that of the natural scent of my lover.

Shifting lower I adjust my body so I can reach her lower nipples, those closer to her bitchhood, and press my face into the softness of her belly letting it envelop my face. Finally my questing lips join my caressing fingers and I mouth her vulva and surround it, except the slit which is teased by my finger, as it spears inward, then rubs and finds her nubbin of flesh that is her clit, I crawl around so I’m between her hind legs bowed before her alter, resting my upper body on my elbows I have my hands and mouth free to kneed, caress, probe, lick, suckle and mouth her quivering pulsing mound of female flesh and nearby teats.

Happily I use all my skills to bring to my lover the greatest pleasures I can, I’m overwhelmed she trusts me so much that she allows and asks, and wants me to do these things for her. We two different species, and her out of heat, when being in heat would normally be the only time she’d allow such actions to her private areas without the perpetrator being assaulted by her formable teeth and that normally being another dog much less a human!

Greedily I lap and lick at her now dripping sex, stabbing my tongue into its folds tasting of her. Relishing in pleasing her, feeling her spasms as her hips rock lightly in response to her desires to be mated, using both thumbs I pull the lips of her sex apart and gaze into the pinkness of her tunnel, blowing puffs of warm breath at her clit then darting my tongue to brush against it, dolly’s head flops back and forth and moans and groans of satisfaction issue form deep within her chest and escape her jowls, I glance at her face and see her glazed eyes, and hear the ragged gasping of her breaths as her world centers on the pleasures her body is receiving.

My mouth returns its attentions to her lowest two teats grasping each in turn I nurse of my love and three fingers of my hand join together tightly as they probe and then penetrate her slit, pulling back slightly I allow her freely flowing juices to lubricate them and slid them back in deeper, each time I withdraw I keep them slick in her juices and then return them to the confines of her clenching passage, till all three of my tightly clenched fingers are pushed as deep into her as I can get them, the walls of her sex cling and grip on them then release as she works herself into the throes of pleasure, finally I pull my slick fingers from her slippery sex, knowing that now her treasure is open and relaxed enough at its entrance to allow the entry of my blunt shaped, and dryer human shaft, which is a far difference from the narrow slick pointed dog shaft she’d normally receive which wouldn’t expand till the male dog had drove himself fully into her, and then expand to it fullest size, mine had to enter and travel it entire length already at almost it largest size.

Certain now that dolly is ready to receive me completely and totally, not only in her sexual want, but could also accept my flesh into her; I was ready to begin the final steps of our long sought after joining. As I crawled up from where I’d been kneeling and began straddling her relaxed form I thought about all the times leading up to this night, the simple cuddles, the many times of simply using fingers, first one, then two, then three, till I was sure she could take me. Not that I’m that big, at a fraction over 6 inches long and just over a inch and one half wide I’m happy to count myself as an average guy, sometimes I think I’d like a bigger cock. What guy wouldn’t? but if I was bigger then it would be harder to have dogs as my lovers, and I’d have to be happy with horses not that I mind that either as horses are wonderful. And I have had a few as mates and lovers but really unless I were hung like a stud all I’d do is tickle the mare silly))

Knelling over Dolly my knees are pressed up against her butt, her hind legs are spread wide and the backs of them rest against my upper thighs, I hold myself over her with one hand on the ground next to her head and shoulders, the other one caress’s and strokes her, as I look deeply into her eyes I ask both verbally and nonverbally.
Are you ready my love?
Do you want to go all the way tonight?
Will you let me make love to you?
Will you make love with me?

Gazing back into my eyes Dolly pours out her love to me, telling me thru her eyes.
Yes! I want you.
Let’s make love!
Can’t you tell silly man with all this body language I want and need you?
I desire you.
I want not only to be pleased by you,
I want to please you!

Our gazes hold each others. As I look deeper into her eyes I felt Dolly looking past my eyes, seemingly thru me and into the depths of my soul seeing there, the truest picture of myself, reading me like a book, and in her gaze I saw only true love, at its deepest and purest level, and utter acceptance of me, as I was, my form not mattering to her, as long as there was love.

Suddenly as if a inner door had been thrown open and a dark room flooded with light I understood something I’d struggled with for years. This wasn’t the sick perversion I’d been brought up to believe it was. Suddenly the label of being a zoophile or earlier in my youth a bestliest wasn’t a label I needed to any longer be scared or ashamed of, NO. I may not run out and shout it in the streets, but I will never again think less of myself. Because now I see beyond what others see, and I can accept now, this part of me, as opposed to when I first became aware that my attraction to animals both normally and sexually was more than others, which had filled me with shame and loathing of myself.

Dolly’s passionate lustful moan brought me out of the trance I’d fell into and I now with renewed focus bent over my lover and continued our merging of souls, bending my head lower I kissed her muzzle as she returned a tender lick, my free hand groped between my own legs finding the stiff flesh of my ridged erection, leaning my hips slightly forward I placed the oozing tip against the portal of my loves chamber. Rubbing it around, mixing my slippery pre cum with her silky juices, the blunt head of my penis peeled aside the puffy flesh of her nether lips and started it journey within as I rocked my hips forward in the prelude to sex, but as the swollen head advanced her lips turned in on themselves, catching and stopping me, I pull back slightly, rolling again the head of my sex around in the opening of hers gathering more secretions to lubricate ourselves.

Again I advance into her sex pausing, as her lips start turning in, rubbing our junction I spread more secretions around, making her sex slicker with fluids from our combined passions, again we start the age old rhythm, again we halt, one more time I push gently into my love, parting her lips, and my blunt human sex is swallowed up by her sex, I feel her lips enveloping me just behind the head of my penis as I lodge in the opening of her portal, pausing, I adjust myself, knowing that now I have to chance the angle of my strokes, as right past her opening her sex takes a turn, and with Dolly on her back, rather than continue pushing straight forward, I’ll have to start pushing downwards and almost backwards.

Slowly I thrust into her, feeling the hot walls of her sex unfold and spread before my advance, as her outer lips fold in on themselves and drag on the part of my shaft still outside, I stop. Then I pull back, feeling the grip of her lips releasing me as they reappear outside. As my penis withdraws from her well, I can feel the inner walls clasping and pulsing against me as if trying to draw me back within her, pausing only for a instant I push again. Burrowing down into the depths of her, suddenly half way in I meet a band of tightened resistance, that seems to bar me from further penetration, pausing again, I savor the silky molten heat of her canine sex.

The rhythmic pulses and waves of her vaginal muscles almost cause me to orgasm right then, Dolly is wiggling and writhing under me and her gasping, panting breathing tell me she’s enjoying this as much or more than me. Seeing and feeling me stop and becoming impatient with me, Dolly suddenly and wildly throws her hips up into me driving her sex into mine her front paws straighten out and stiffen, then hooking and bracing her paws over my shoulders and against my chest for leverage, she pounds herself up into me.

Back and forth my penis slides into her sex hitting the barrier, again and again,. When suddenly the head of my penis is forced past and slides into the deepest, warmest, recess of her convulsing passage, it dawns on me that this hasn’t hurt her at all, rather I’ve slipped past the sphincter muscle that would stretch over and trap me, tying me to her in a lovers knot, if I’d been a male dog, with the corresponding bulge in the base of my pecker, I wistfully wondered what it would really be like to be tied to my lover in such a way and wished rather than I bigger pecker I could at least have one shaped like a dogs, so I could be tied to Dolly myself, but I think Dolly likes this sex as much or more, as she gets repeatedly filled and drilled by a fully stiffened penis rather than a few strokes to plant oneself and then wait for the swelling to reside.

After the bulging head of my human dick is past that tight band of canine flesh, my rock hard penis finds itself bottomed out, buried it the depths of my loves wonderfully hot, tight, and pulsating canine sex chamber. My shaved human pubes and nutsack pressed tightly against Dolly, her Hershey’s kiss shaped furry dog pussy pressed tightly against me. The short furry hairs around her pussy tickle my cocks naked base and hairless scrotum. Here both of us rest for a brief moment; two souls merging together in shared bliss, each savoring the intensity, and passion of the moment. Each reaching out to the other, on that plain of existence that’s beyond the physical, both knowing before we’re done our minds, hearts, and souls will be as one.

As I start the rhythmic movement of sliding my aching cock out and then back into its lair,
I glance down at where our bodies are connected, seeing my fleshly hairless white human cock, sharply contrasted against the furry odd shaped darker skinned canine pussy, seeing the glistening at our joining of the shared juices that wet us both, as they leak freely from Dolly’s sex covering my dry shaft and wetting my balls, while I wonder at the differences and I marvel at the love shared across interspecies boundaries, and I begin the lovers dance of bliss driving my aching, wanting cock, into Dolly’s willing, ready, pussy.

Slowly I drive myself into her, savoring the intense heat, the silky smoothness of her gripping pulsing snatch, feeling her gripping my shaft with her pussy muscles, as I press tightly against her at the end of my stroke, pausing, then withdraw, her slick tunnel collapsing behind me, seemingly trying to suck me back in as it reluctantly is emptied. Dolly bucks her hips up into mine in a counter stroke, driven by her own lust and desires to be filled with meat. Our rocking and humping together, both trying to gain as much pleasure for ourselves, and to satisfy our lover.

Rapidly our pace is increased till we couple as fast as a pair of rutting dogs. Dolly driving herself up into me, me driving myself down into her, her clasping pussy is milking my throbbing pole; the heat and wetness have us both on the edge of a massive mutual orgasm. As I hit the bottom of my stroke I suddenly drop my body onto Dolly’s torso and shove my hands and arms under her neck and butt. Pressed into her and holding her tightly I roll to her side, and flip her over so now I’m on the floor on my back and dolly is laying fully on me.

Quickly dolly realizes what’s happened and hooks her fore paws over my shoulders. Her back paws scramble to get themselves planted on the carpet next to my waist. Then as I release my hold on her, she lifts her rear and beings humping wildly onto my pecker which is still firmly embedded within her sex. With my hands somewhat free I slip them between our sweating bodies and kneed her dog teats, till I manage to get my hand down in-between her legs and, rub my thumb over her vulva teasing her clit thru the skin as its pressed down onto my body by her driving thrusts, smashing against either my pubic bone or my thumb tip she brings herself to mini orgasms.

Her pussy is throbbing and clenching me, seeking to have my seed in response to the pleasures it’s receiving. With her on top, dolly is able to enjoy many small orgasms as she impales herself on me and gets her clit rubbed in ways it never would; were she with a male dog, or in a normal standing position with a male on her back, and she seems to relish the ability to get so much intense pleasure, her ragged gasping breathing, tell me of her enjoyment, her muzzle drools, and her slobber falls to my face, as we kiss and lick each others faces, lips, and mouths.

Suddenly dolly freezes, on a down stroke, her overheated canine sex ground tightly onto mine and her pussy walls spasm wildly around my cock, her eyes screw shut and her legs stiffen, arching her back, a whining groan escapes from her clenched jowls, and a flood of wetness suddenly soaks my pubes and scrotum.

With dolly froze in her climax I grasp her torso again and roll us over, so I’m back on top and my lover is on her back, her body still stiff in her orgasm I begin the final desperate thrusts that will bring me also to mine. Driving my stiff throbbing shaft into her I feel the overheated walls clench and clasp at me, her muscles rhythmically squeezing me from the tip to the base of my dick, her sphincter muscle tightens around my shaft seeking the knot thats not there, but trying to trap me in its embrace, failing that it grips with abandon acting somewhat like a cock-ring.

This delays my orgasm as it pass’s up and down the length of my cock, and I keep driving myself into her. On each down stroke into her seething sex it grips me near the base of my dick as I withdraw it traps the head as it nears her vulva lips, not allowing me to escape as it tries to use the back of my glans head like the base of a dogs knot. Then grips me like a tight wedding band as I plunge my shaft back deep within her sex, finally even this tightened band can no longer deny me, us, our final orgasmic pleasures.

As I slam myself into Dolly’s sex the final time, my own orgasm erupts from me. And I join my love in the throes of shared orgasmic bliss, my balls twitch and jerk, and my seed shoots from my dick and bathes the walls of her womb. Each spurt of my shaft as it gives her my seed is met with a pulsing of her sex as it accepts and asks for more. My seed mix’s with her loves juices. The sperms seeking out the eggs they’d wish to find and join, with, my breathing now as gasping and ragged as Dolly’s we remain locked willingly together, as the throes of orgasm continue to overwhelm us, joined tightly in body, our minds find each other; on those plains that aren’t of the physical realm, and we join each other in blissful contented happiness. Our souls now joined we bask in the afterglow savoring the tenderness of the moment.

Slowly we both recover and return to the present, still embracing one another, our sexes still joined we look at each other and share tender sloppy dog kisses, our ragged, gasping breathing slows and our heartbeats finally return to normal. Slowly and almost reluctantly we start to separate ourselves from each other. The tingling sensations to both of our sexes are a just desert to the wonderful feast we’d just shared.

Dolly snuggles next to me as I finally drop off from over top of her and we lay spoon fashion, she seeking out my face for a tender lick and kiss, while I stroke and pet her sides.

Finally and reluctantly we part, she to clean herself a bit, me to replace my clothes. Finally done we head for the door and walk to the pen. Both of us still a little week legged, at the gate I bend and share a deep throat full mouth tongue kiss with her, tasting in it the essences of both of us. Slowly we break lip contact and she contently walks into the pen to be sniffed over by the others, her body language seems to tell them, see what you guys missed))

Grinning I depart and leave the ranch locking it up behind me. Knowing I get to return tomorrow, as I drive home, I lick my lips and mustache several times still savoring the taste of my lover that remains there. I finally get home, and as I walk in, my own three dogs, two of them males greet me and sniff me over excitedly as their noses tell them what I’ve been up too.

But that’s another story…