(c) 2007 by sugarpuss54

Well, friends, it’s been awhile since I posted but as I only write what truly happens, sometimes it takes awhile for new stories to develop! Sorry, but no new events concerning my daughter and her dog but I keep waiting!

This is the tale of my neighbor dogsitting for us when we went out of town recently. We were going to be gone over a long weekend and needed someone to look after Ivan, our German Shepherd. He is a huge loving guy but very loyal only to Lee and I so we were a bit concerned about when Sue offered to keep him. We relented only after we spent lots of time introducing them in our house instead of her being on the other side of the fence in the backyard. We had a great weekend away and on the drive back home, Lee made mention that he thought Sue had some ideas about Ivan that included more than feeding and watering! I told him his imagination was getting away from him and he just wished it were true..still I kept wondering. She really had taken a real interest in him since we got him whereas she hadn’t been much for the other dog we had. She did say that she had a German Shepherd as a young girl and they really had a lot of fun!

Anyway, we got home a bit earlier than we had thought we would. We walked into the house and Ivan was gone. Lee said with a smile that he knew where the big stud was! Now Sue lives directly behind us in a small house and the bedroom is in back ; only a heavily wooded ridge is behind the house. Lee is a hunter and has lots of equipment, including night vision binoculars. He grabbed them and told me to come along and be very quiet. We slipped out into the darkness, excitement building as we sneaked into the treeline behind Sue’s house.

I couldn’t believe we were about to spy on our neighbor in hopes of catching her in the act with our dog! We settled into the woods and Lee put the binocs to his eyes; Sue’s curtains were open and a candle was burning in her bedroom. Lee grabbed my wrist and a smile lit his face. He told me to look at this and tell me what you think is about to happen. I took the binocs and looked into the bedroom which was suddenly bathed in eerie light. I could clearly see Sue lying on the edge of her bed with her legs spread wide while Ivan was tonguing her pussy for all he was worth! She is a tiny blonde in her late 40’s with a small build but kind of sexy, too. I saw her thrashing her head from side to side as I could imagine her impending orgasm from that glorious tongue! Suddenly she stiffened and I could hear her cry out as she grabbed Ivan’s head and pushed him away. I was immediately wet in my panties as well because i recognized this response! Lee took my hand and put it on his rock hard erection and I could hear his heavey breathing. Sue kept cumming and thrashing around on her bed as Ivan tried to get back at her wet pussy for more! Lee slid behind me and put his hands inside my blouse, tweaking my already hard nipples as juice filled my panties!

Suddenly Ivan reared up on the bed and began humping forward toward Sue’s hot gaping pussy, wanting his reward. The scene was so clear and seemed so near as to touch. I watched my boy jump forward and knew the hot, stiff cock was inching toward it’s mark! His haunches began to jerk forward and I saw Sue’s legs open wider and suddenly he began jackhammering in a blur and I knew he was inside her! She threw her head back and tried to stifle a scream as he entered her. Her legs came up over his sides, drawing him deeper inside her hot wet pussy, her arms draped over his massive neck as he continued to hammer that hot wet smooth love tunnel! She gave herself over to him completely now; hot, unadulterated animal fucking sex! She screamed and cried out his name over and over as he plunged deep inside her, his knot wedging firmly inside her swollen pussy. He sudenly stopped and I could see him twitching, his long tongue hanging out over her face as she clung to him desperately, kissing him and whispering her love. Lee had helped me stand as I watched her there and he dropped my shorts and panties, entering my slick pussy in one deep hard motion! He fucked me hard as I came in torrents over his stiff cock. He finally plunged deep inside me and filled me with cum as my own orgasm took me while I watched my neighbor filled with my dog’s glorious cock! After about 5 more minutes we managed to go back to our house.

In about 30 minutes Sue called and said she saw we were back and she guessed we needed Ivan back home now. I said, oh yes, we surely do, I’ve missed him so much! In less than 10 minutes she came in the back door with him and he was looking at her and dancing around like he wanted more of her; I knew that look. Lee asked if he had been a problem and she said oh no, not a bit! I hate to bring him home, she said. Lee smiled and said yes I bet you do after what you’ve been through! Sue looked at him and smiled nervously asking what he meant by that. Lee took out his cell phone and said well it looks like you really enjoyed him just a few minutes ago! We were both shocked! I didn’t know that he had taken pictures with the phone while Sue was fucking Ivan! She began to cry and apologize but Lee told her to hush, it was allright , we understood. He told her I did the same thing and we enjoyed the lifestyle.

Then he became very stern and told her to strip naked, she belonged to him and Ivan now. She objected but began nervously to take off her shorts and shirt, whimpering. I was getting excited now and so were Lee and Ivan from the looks of their cocks! We admired her tiny naked body as Lee went to her and began stroking her tiny breasts and pulling her stiff nipples. We began getting naked as well as Lee told her we had always wanted out own personal slave……..

I’ll write more later on if you’d like…right now I need a break!!!!
Love, Sugarpuss