(c) 2007 by abadbuck

Wow, I can’t believe it today is finally the day that we set out on our adventure to see the Donkey Show in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico. “YEEE, HAAAW”. I find that I am so excited that I can not sit still and it is really hard to keep a thought in my head. I feel as if I did not sleep a wink last night for thinking about this road trip and the adventure that lies at the end of it in a sleepy little Mexican border town. We are actually not making the trip to Texas just so that we can go to the donkey show but so that Cathy can have a car there when she goes on her two week work trips. But the donkey show certainly is a very good side benefit to the trip and I am happy to make the trip for whatever reason with her. I really don’t care that Cathy is doing this for me and not for her, after all right is right and fair is fair, she promised this to me last year. And besides I think in a secret part of herself she really does want to see a woman fucking a donkey, I think it turns her on in a place she would never talk about with me and a place that is deep inside of her.

Were this not the case why would she have ever agreed to let me take her to the donkey show in the first place. Oh sure, I am sure that she had her doubts. Namely that maybe I wasn’t serious about wanting to go and if a donkey show even existed in the first place. Well, at the end of this journey she is going to find out that I was serious about wanting to go to the donkey show and that the donkey show in fact does exist. She is going to find out that someplace in this world a woman actually does fuck a live donkey for the lusty amusement of a horney audience, and possibly likes it.

Off we go on this most marvelous of adventure and I could not be happier. First of all because I am taking a road trip with Cathy and that is something that I have always enjoyed. Oh sure when I was a younger man and a real tight ass I didn’t understand the joys of travel but I have since learned that getting there is not the joy, the trip is the real joy. I can think back to road trips of the past with great fondness and delight, and I must confess that thanking back on some of our road trips gives me a hard on. I don’t know if this a statement about my lust for Cathy or how good she looked and made me feel. I can honestly say though that in all the years I have been with her she has just gotten better looking as time goes by.

Cathy has always been a pretty girl but she has turned into a very beautiful and ravishingly attractive mature woman that constantly shocks me when I look at her. How does she do it after all these years. When we go out for company functions or special occasions and she takes the time to straighten her hair, apply make-up, and dress sexy it almost stops my heart beating just to look at her. And on top of that to know that she is mine and devoted to me makes me wonder how a poor dumb and homely fellow ever got so lucky. But I bless my lucky stars and thank God every day that she is mine and I am hers now more than ever and especially after all the storms we have weathered together.

The day of the start of our donkey show adventure dawned as beautiful as any you would ever want to see, a clear, deep blue cloudless sky that makes you feel good just to be alive. I had just come back from a wonderful vacation with my two brothers, Chris and to Washington, D. C. and Cathy had flown in from working in Texas. And as always it was good to see her and have her back in my arms again. One of the great things about being separated for a couple weeks at a time is that it has made us need and depend on each other more than ever, and this is something that I really enjoy.

We were all packed up with all our goodbyes said and we headed off down the road, just the two of us at last again in Cathy’s beautiful Monte Carlo. I am ok with company and I love family but this is my favorite condition, just me and my best friend, lover, and wife Cathy alone on a road trip. And as we began this adventure I couldn’t help but think back to our first road trip together and others that we had taken. Funny thing about our road trips is that they don’t have to be long, cross country trips for me to enjoy them. Some of my most memorable trips included the simple drive from our house to Eastgate, how weird is that.

On these trips the joy was in the return trip and not the trip down in fact. The trip down was to invariably go shopping and although I love spending time with my beautiful bride there is absolutely one thing about her that just drives me crazy and that is shopping with her. I used to have far more patience for it than I do now and it is funny my roll in shopping and road trips have reversed themselves. I used to be very impatient with road trips and hated to stop and now I find them a joy and like to stop to look around at things. With shopping I used to be very patient while Cathy compared five different cans of pork and beans and now I find this almost intolerable. Oh well, that is what happens with maturity, with age comes wisdom and we find out what the important things are.

But you see the real joy of these short road trips was the challenge. Let me explain. In those days for what ever reason Cathy used to wear shirts that buttoned down the front and I don’t know what it is about my nature but this is always something that I found sexy. Especially if the shirt was of a thin material that highlighted Cathy’s nipples, yum, yum. She was also in the habit back in those days of wearing bras that hooked in the front, and if she didn’t she would almost always undo her bra at the end of a long day to “unleash the beast’s”.

Now the challenging part of all of this was that we only had about a fifty-minute car ride from Eastgate to home and I wanted to see how naked I could get Cathy in those fifty-minutes. Invariably about five-minutes into the trip Cathy would doze off, shopping is such hard work after all, so that would leave me forty five-minutes or less. And I would wait until she dozed off because that was the fun and the challenge of the trip. In preparation for my challenge I would always turn up the heat in the car or roll the windows up so that Cathy would not get cold and wake up. And as stealthily as I possibly could I would begin to undo the buttons on her shirt all the way down the front to see the beasts.

I find it funny humorous that from the time I turned on the heat in the vehicle until I pulled in our drive way I would have the biggest boner imaginable, how great is that? And what does it say in regard to my passion and lust toward my sexy wife of all these years. Anyway if I were successful in unbuttoning Cathy’s shirt and laying the tails aside I would sometimes tease her nipples into an erection. If I were feeling particularly mischievous I would lower the temperature in the car gradually so that her huge brown areolas became erect all by themselves. Back in those days when Cathy had real hang-ups and possibly Mommy issues if she woke up during my adventure she would sometimes get upset and angry with me.

That is ok because I still enjoyed the challenge of it. As time has passed and we both have matured into the real people that we were meant to be I am happy to report that foolishness no longer occurs. These days when we take a road trip Cathy is only too happy to oblige my requests to ride around topless or nearly so. I still have a challenge remaining though; I would one day like to convince her to take a trip with me while she is completely naked. Oh what a hard on that would cause me, I am now getting stiff just at the thought of it.

As we began this trip Cathy quickly changed into my favorite shirt, well I must use the term rather loosely here. The shirt in question is the type of thing that a woman would wear over a tube top because it is made of a mesh type material. The reason this is my favorite shirt is that it leaves absolutely nothing to the imagination, I can see the beasts in all of their glory and Cathy’s nipples poke through the mesh. My biggest thrill about this shirt is the rare occasion that Cathy wears it once she gets out of the car. For instance she may jump out of the car to retrieve something from the back at a gas station and then hop back in. I guess that would make me an exhibitionist as I enjoy for people to look at my lovely bride and I like to see the reaction on people’s faces when they see her.

As we crossed the bridge over the river that separates our state from its neighbor I thought the same things I do every time that I leave my home state, when will I see home again. But I know the old saw is true, home is truly where the heart is. Cathy and I have made most of this particular trip about seven times in our years together and some of them have been more memorable and enjoyable than others. None of them have ever been really bad, no accidents, break downs, robberies, or other assorted misfortune, but some have been a lot more adventurous than others. For instance, our first trip across the country from Texas so Cathy could meet my folks was certainly memorable.

Cathy had just turned 23, I was 25 and we had just begun our life together. We had known each other for a scant eight months but had already pledged our love and fortunes to each other as I had asked for her hand in marriage shortly before this trip. What makes this trip memorable as it was start, stop in nature as we left our home in El Paso, Texas around midnight and drove for about three hours on the way to home. After this three hour period we turned back toward El Paso because I had left my duty post in the Army without signing out of my unit and was afraid that I would be counted as absent with out leave and sent to jail. This trip commenced and in fact concluded without incident and my family really seemed to embrace Cathy as a true family member. As my brothers took turns hugging Cathy I embarrassed everyone involved by commenting, “Man fellows aren’t those some big hooters”. Needless to say that earned me a fairly hard wack from my lovely bride. Oh well it was all in good fun.

Traveling down the interstate on this cross country trip was as enjoyable as any trip we had taken. Cathy is normally shy and does not wish to flaunt herself but she quickly became engaged in my desire for her to flash truckers that we passed and I consider this to be very erotic and exciting. I have never quite understood Cathy’s reluctance to flash the beasts while we are traveling as my point of view has always been, we don’t know these people and will never see them again in this life time. And I am sure that the truckers we pass have seen far more in their time on the road than just the occasional pair of tits staring at them. I have a cousin who used to be a trucker and he has some interesting stories to tell about the sites he has seen and I often wondered why he got out of the business.

Crossing into Tennessee brought back to my mind another of our road trips from the past. On this trip we were making the run from El Paso to Ohio to move Cathy’s sister and her husband’s household goods. Imagine this if you will. Cathy and I driving a 24’ fully loaded U-haul and towing a car on a trailer. One would think that surely a couple of grown adults could not possibly get up to any mischief in this situation. If you thought that you would be wrong I am happy to say. This particular day was extremely bright and sunny, one of those pleasant summer days that make you happy to be alive. As you may be able to tell I have a lot of those days, but I digress.

Due to the beautiful sun and the cheeriness of the day Cathy decided to go sans shirt and bra to get a bit of a tan. This is a fairly normal and routine activity for my lovely wife but she is always careful to hastily cover up whenever we are passed or pass another vehicle. To my great good fortune Cathy made the crucial mistake of falling asleep in the sun lying down with her head on my lap. A situation that is was quick to take full advantage of. ‘I wonder’, I thought, ‘How is it that I can turn this dull and mundane cross country trip into an erotic adventure. The opportunity quickly presented itself.

As I have stated before I am a bit of an exhibitionist in relation to my lovely wife. I love to show her off and I love to have other men look at her body to see their reaction to what they see. A fantasy of mine has always been to watch Cathy make love to another man, but we have already covered this territory so I will go on. Shortly after leaving Nashville we ran into a very heavy construction zone with restricted passing and traffic so heavy that you could not pass even should you want to. To my great good fortune we ended up being stuck in double line of traffic right beside a tractor trailer. Due to the differences in the size of the two vehicles the driver of the tractor had a perfect view inside the cab of the U-haul with out me being able to see him. As a consequence the driver could gaze at my lovely bride with impunity and I know he took full advantage of the situation.

We were stuck in this traffic for about fifty-miles and said truck driver did everything in his power to stay beside us the majority of the time. Upon exiting the construction zone I noticed that we needed to stop for fuel at the next available exit. Imagine my surprise when we hit the exit ramp and our constant companion of the last hour pulled in behind us. I supposed that he wanted a better view of Cathy with the potential for something more. I must confess that even though this was what I wanted to happen I chickened out at the last second and did not let the trucker approach us. More is the pity, and I since vowed that if I was ever presented with the same situation I would not allow opportunity to pass us by.

As always the drive through Tennessee in the month of May is fantastic and we enjoyed ourselves to the fullest. A beautiful sunny day with temperatures in the 90’s, not a cloud in the sky and all of that mountain scenery with my lovely wife by my side, it just doesn’t get any better than that. All during this day Cathy would occasionally tease me uncovering the beasts long enough to flash them to the truckers we passed. I am not sure who she was teasing, me or the truck drivers but I really enjoyed this game anyway. Cathy has perfectly round areolas and relatively large nipples and she would squeeze and stroke them as she held the beasts up on display. Usually when she placed a nipple in her mouth or licked on it as we passed a semi this would cause a minor jerk of the steering wheel as the trucker reached to blow his horn in approval. Oh the joys of travel!!!

Along towards late afternoon and entering Arkansas we decided that we had enough driving for one day and decided to stop for the night in Little Rock. I have driven through Little Rock on many occasions but had never taken the opportunity to visit and I was glad at once that we did decide to stop. We drove around just a bit up and down President Clinton Avenue until we decided upon staying at the Courtyard by Marriott in the River Chadet District. The Courtyard was not the ideal old style hotel with charm that I would have preferred but it was close to our line of travel and had all of the modern amenities; indoor pool, internet access, and so on.

Another benefit to choosing the Courtyard was that it was within walking distance to restaurants and night clubs so if we decided to go out for the evening to drink or whatever we could walk and not worry about it. Having done a bit of research about Little Rock before hand I told Cathy about what I thought was a good dinner club just couple of blocks down the street from our hotel called Willy D’s. Having read the description of the place on the internet I knew it had a very upbeat live rock and roll show featuring music from the 50’s to the 90’s and sounded like a fun place for dinner and entertainment.

Willy D’s lists itself as a energetic and lively nightspot where the audience is expected to participate loudly if not talentedly and sounded like our kind of place. Willy D’s lived up to all of our expectations and was a blast to be in. The food was fantastic, the atmosphere was energetic and fun, and the crowd was very diverse and loud in a good way. Unlike most night clubs it was well lit so the audience could see the entertainers and vice versa so that led to much interaction between the two. The pianists were fabulous and there seemed to be no end to the number of songs they knew.

When a pianist finished playing one song someone from the crowd would jump up and shout out a request for another immediately. I would think the highlight of the evening for Cathy was when the last entertainer struck a very lively rendition of “The Time Warp” from the Rocky Horror Picture show. I have to admit that it was a real trip seeing Cathy and about 75 other people gyrating to that old cult movie song. Just picture this, 75 people of all ages, races and sex doing the pelvic thrust and laughing hilariously. It truly was a site to see and one I am glad I got to experience on this trip.

As I looked around the room during this evening of fun and entertainment I noticed that there were a couple of men on the far side of the room who seemed to pay us more attention than I would expect of strangers in a strange city. One of the men in particular would be looking at us every time I looked in his direction but not in an aggressive or threatening way, but just curious and interested. I was ok with that as I don’t mind being the object of talk and speculation; I was used to it living in a small town.

Along toward the end of the evening this man even became bold enough to give me a smile and a small wave, a gesture I returned as discretely as possible when Cathy was not looking. At the return of my wave and smile the man’s smile became even bigger and seemed to be very genuine. Having drunk my fair share of whiskey and mixed drinks I excused myself from Cathy and headed to the bathroom to make room for more. Not being drunk by any means I was none the less feeling very good and possibly had no inhibitions at this point. As I was standing at the urinal in the customary pose I felt a presence walk up behind me and take the urinal right next to me.

Who should it be but the man who had waved from me across the room in the flesh? It seemed as if both of us had drunk our fair share of liquor because it was a marathon session for both of us. Sneaking a guilty peak (The Cardinal Sin in the bathroom) I couldn’t help but notice that he was well hung, bigger and thicker than I by at least half. I was very impressed to say the least by this man’s large dick as well as his handsome smile. He was an attractive man even by my standards, jet black hair, six foot one inch, two twenty or so and middle forty’s.

There always has to be a start to any conversation and I decided to open the ball with this tall dark stranger. “Quite the place”, I said, “Are you having a good time”? “Yes I am having a blast”, he said, “How about you and your lovely wife”? I told him that I was having a great time and I was sure that Cathy was as well, especially after the time warp performance. After finishing our business and washing our hands he stuck his out and said, “Hi, my name is Pete, Pete Reiser”. To which I replied, “My name is Bob and my wife Cathy is setting out in the lounge”. “Judging by your accent you don’t live around here, where are you guys from”? Pete said. I told Pete that we were passing through on our way to Texas for some fun and a little excitement on our vacation.

“I hope you both find what you are looking for”, Pete said, “And if I can be of any help to you I know the local area very well”. Along about midnight Cathy and I decided that we had enough entertainment for the evening and it was time to turn in for the night. It was a wonderful stroll in the moonlight back to our hotel and we walked arm and arm along the way. Opening our hotel room door we walked in and both of us collapsed onto the bed. Cathy was asleep almost immediately and I began to undress her and put her under the covers so she wouldn’t get cold. I waited for an hour until Cathy was sound asleep and then I began the experiment that I had thought about for about the last ten years. I had thought of this experiment in 1997 when Cathy and I were having a night out. I had not dwelled on this experiment but I had thought about it from time to time and thought that I would go through with it if I ever had the opportunity. On this night opportunity knocked and I answered the door, literally and figuratively.

You see I had always wondered if the circumstances were just right would Cathy realize, in a dark room, with enough alcohol in her system would she understand who was making love to her, me or someone else. I opened the door and asked Pete to come in to join us for an evening of excitement and adventure. Pete and I stripped down naked and I instructed him to stay in the bathroom until I came to get him. I returned to bed with Cathy and began to make love to here as I have in the past while she is sleeping. I have found that there is a certain technique that works well with Cathy and I have used it often. I will begin by licking on her breasts and lightly caressing her clitoris. Cathy would begin to moan lightly and her thighs would spread imperceptively in order to give my better access to her pussy. As I start to rub a bit harder on her slit she will open her legs wider, open and close, open and close, open and close. I started to rub Cathy’s pussy harder and faster and she had her first orgasm.

After Cathy’s first orgasm I got out of the bed saying that I was going to the bathroom. Pete and I had this part worked out before hand and he knew exactly what to do when he returned to bed in my place. Pete took up where I left off without missing a beat. Pete began to suck on Cathy’s breasts and rubbing her clit, slowly at first and then with more speed. Cathy began moaning again and I could tell that she was reaching another orgasm, the second of many she would have that night. I heard Pete roll over on his back and Cathy mount him. Having been in this position many times before I could clearly visualize what was going on in my mind. Just then I heard Cathy exclaim, “Honey you are so big tonight and so incredibly hard”! I couldn’t help but smile at this point, with a huge, raging hardon, as I thought my experiment was going fantastically at this point.

I knew that Cathy had Pete’s cock in her hand and was placing the head of it against the lips of her pussy. I heard a sharp inhalation from Cathy and I could picture Pete thrusting fully into her beautiful pussy in one long, very hard thrust. I had instructed Pete on how to suck on Cathy’s breasts, the fact that Cathy loves to have her tits bit almost to the point of drawing blood. I could hear the slurps and smacks of Pete doing just that and heeding my advice. Cathy was cumming hard and long by this point and screaming, “fuck me, fuck me, oh please fuck me hard”. After Cathy came again and came back down to earth I heard noises from the bed and heard Cathy moan in a low, husky voice, “Take me from behind like a dog”! I heard Pete’s feet hit the floor and I heard Cathy scramble to the end of the bed. I heard another loud moan escape Cathy’s lusty lips as Pete rammed his nine inches all the way in her pussy with one stroke.

There is nothing more erotic and sexy than hearing the impassioned moans of lust escape the mouth of your well fucked wife as she is getting pounded from behind by a big dick that doesn’t belong to you. I had been on the giving end of this exchange on any number of times but obviously never thought about what it would be like to listen to anything like this. I could not resist the erotic nature of the event and began to masturbate in time to the rhythm that I heard coming from Pete and Cathy. This sexual interlude began with long, slow strokes that Cathy moved in time to. As the speed of the fucking became faster I could hear Cathy’s breathing increase and also the sound of their skin slapping together. Pete was pounding Cathy with ever increasing intensity and I knew that a monster orgasm was just seconds away. With a scream from her last orgasm, Cathy collapsed onto the bed and having been here before I knew the end had cum.

Pete laid down quietly beside my wonderful, well fucked wife to allow her the time to go to sleep and sure enough she was snoring lightly in a matter of minutes. Pete eased out of the bed and came into the bathroom to join me and we had a good giggle between ourselves thinking how we had fooled Cathy. He began to dress while we chatted about the events just past and the shear erotic nature of what had taken place. Pete said that needless to say this was the first time that he had ever experienced anything like this and I assured him that Cathy and I were in virgin territory as well. We quietly exchanged phone numbers and Pete eased open the door, hugged me and said goodbye. What a great ending to a wonderful day and I was sure it was only going to get better. I returned to the bed and lay down beside my beautiful wife, held her close, and drifted off into a very comfortable and restful sleep.

Awakening the next morning beside my lovely wife I was surprised to see that she was already awake and laying on an elbow looking at me. This was truly surprising as I am usually awake well before her but I guess the events of the previous evening had left me really fatigued. I leaned over and kissed her good morning and asked her how she slept. “Great”, she replied, “And how about you”? I told her that I had a wonderful, restful sleep and was anxious to return to our travels. I asked Cathy if she had enjoyed herself last night to which she replied, “Yes I did, I thought you were fantastic”, with a gleam in her eye. I looked at her a long moment and said, “I have something to confess, I conducted an experiment with you last night and brought in a guy I met at the lounge to make love to you”. “I had always wondered if you could tell the difference between me and someone else if we used the same technique”.

“He was a really nice guy by the name of Pete and he was very attractive as well”, I snuck him in the room after you went to sleep last night and gave him some instruction on what you liked and how you responded to different things”, I said. Cathy smiled a strange little smile, like the cat that had just ate the canary and replied, “You forgot to mention that he came well equipped as well”. This made me laugh long and loud, not only because Cathy enjoyed herself but Pete and I also fooled her. Laughing with me Cathy said, “I have a confession to make”. “What is that”, I asked. With a very sly smile on her face Cathy leaned close to me, kissed me long and deep and said, “I knew it wasn’t you just as soon as Pete got into bed with me, I could tell by the smell of him that it wasn’t you”.

“When Pete got into bed with me”, Cathy said, “I knew that this was a set up but I was determined to see how far you would take this”. “I thought after Pete started that it felt very good and exciting and I didn’t want him to stop, so I just went along with it”. I did not know what to think or say. It seemed like my plan worked to perfection but Cathy had reversed it on me. “Oh well”, I thought “I guess she can tell the difference between me and someone else”, “That is ok it was really erotic and fun and I had a great orgasm to boot”. We decided to get up, start our day and continue our trip to the Donkey Show.