(c) 2007 – 2009 by Domina_Desiree

Chapter One

Mariah stood waist deep in the warm waters of the small spring-fed pond behind her fathers ranch, the new morning sun glistening off of her curves. Pale green eyes sparkled the reflecting dawn aura, her ruddy red hair hung down, half damp, clingng to her body like plastic wrap. A delightfully lithe and toned feminine body sculpted by hard work, and a tan made prominent by days spent practicing roping . It had been a wild night, rodeo finals always proved to be entertaining, it had been Mariah’s favorite time of year ever since she had first attended, perched up on her fathers shoulders amid the ‘whoopin and hollerin’, the smell of Marlboro’s and Budweiser hanging in the air somewhere the sweet smell of the ‘stock and her floral scented parfum…Her heart raced just remembering, fingers trapsing over her nipples a smile came to her face, and then slowly formed a frown, her beautiful ‘moment in the sun’, as it always seemed was interrupted by reality, her thoughts flittered to her problems…

Around these parts livestock WAS real estate, the ‘realest’ form of it, animals weren’t just something pretty to look at, they were a means of making a living. The “Double C Ranch” had been in Mariah’s family for generations, and most of the land surrounding it had been kept in the original property owners patrilineal line as well, father to son, father to son…for exactly one hundred years it had been this way, 2007 was Oklahoma’s Centennial year, 100 years of statehood. Land-run families…

Times were hard and some of the old families were selling out to ‘strangers’ from back east. Mariah’s father was getting older, times were changing and not a day went by that Mariah didn’t think about the fact that she was her father’s only child, there would be no son to entrust the Double C. From a young age, Mariah knew her responsibility was great, everyday she felt compelled to ‘prove herself’ in this tight knit community of ‘The Good Ole’ Boys’. She loathed the way things worked around here, but she knew she would just have to try her hardest, and ‘keep her chin up’, as daddy so often told her. It was still difficult. She was only 23 years old for goodness sakes! However, when it came to wrangling calves with a rope, it was undeniable that Mariah was the best in the State, hell, she had three consecutive trophies to prove the fact. And yet, it nagged at her that she never placed higher than 11th at Nationals. If ever there was a young woman who fit the definition, this auburn haired firecracker was, “Stubborn headed.” Always had been…

There was something else Mariah ‘always had been’, everyone knew she was ‘a little wild’, but nobody knew just how wild. Sure, it was common knowledge she dated Cowboys. It was even rumored she was ‘a little promiscuous’. Now truth be told, there were alot of Cowboys that liked to tell tall tales, they told their buddies at the bar stories about being tamed by ‘WildFire’, trying to make themselves look good, trying to make themselves out to be studs and ‘big men’. Mariah had only been with two different men in her life, her highschool sweetheart, an innocent and playful encounter that was nowhere near emotional, and a neighbor boy named Allen who she was currently dating. Truth be told, Mariah had tamed more stallions than anyone would have guessed, in ways…those tame drugstore cowboys couldn’t imagine.

She lay back in the water, floating, bobbing and swaying with the ripples, her thoughts flowed easily to Allen. She really liked him, such a sexy smile, nice firm hands, very commanding….she closed her eyes and allowed her finger tips to re-enact his touch, she smiled and bit her bottom lip a little as her fingers reached her puffy nipples, hard as little river stones between her fingers. She squeezed gently, rolling them in between her index and thumb fingers. Something Allen had done to her…she had never realized there was a connection between her breasts and the tightening of her pussy until him…

Oh him…Tall, 6’6, dark hair, dark tan complexion and hazel eyes, beaming, sparkling eyes, always telling of what lay beneath the surface. Even in public, when they were together, all he had to do was look at her and she knew what he was saying, a sort of unspoken bond. Afterall, they had grown up practically next door to eachother, they had gone to different schools or chances are they would have taken a liking to one another sooner. She remembered their first time together. She remembered the feeling of his cock forcing itself inside of her for the first time on the night of her 21st birthday, made her forget all about whats-his-name, the fumbly pimple faced boy she dated in her senior year. She laughed a little, and un-afraid of being heard all the way back here, let out a deep moan as her right hand made a mad dash down her abdomen in search of her eager little clit. Mariah knew she couldn’t get off right in the water, it always washed away her sweet natural moisture, and she did so love to taste it off of her fingers. She rolled over onto her belly and stood up, her body feeling heavier than usual as she made progress to the bank. Her feet found firm ground and she shook her head, water ran down her small frame in tiny rivulets dripping soft green grass at her feet.

She walked over to the large red sandstone formation underneath the shade of an ancient oak where her clothing was and lay her wet body down to dry. Her legs spread to the pastures steady warm breeze, she started thinking about him again, feeling the delicate folds of her cunt swell and get genuinely moist. She felt a little guilty as she started fantasizing about things she would really like to do with him. But could she tell him? Dare she? She thought about what it would be like to share her experiences with him, to share her real passions with him. The sex was great and all, and she really cared for him, but she couldn’t stop thinking about how much she would love to let him in on her secret. But that could be disastrous, to not only their relationship but to the ranch. Right now, she didn’t care, she didn’t have to worry about it just this instant and she began slowly massaging her clit, spreading her ample wetness around, soft and slow, steady as the beat of her heart, she loved moments like this. She loved savoring the thoughts of her ‘other’ love, Marko. She opened her eyes and saw him there, less than twenty five yards away, grazing on the tender green shoots of grass, muscles rippling and shining like polished copper in the now risen sun. Suddenly he lifted his head and turned it her direction, nostrils flaring in and out. He began to walk her way, ears forward and trot steady. She smiled, exactly what she had hoped for, Marko had caught her familiar scent on the air and was looking for some fun. He was her favorite quarter horse, they had won so many trophies together, and had a real bond that went far beyond words and work. As he approached, Mariah sat up on the large rock with her legs open to greet him.

“Hey there big boy, what are you doin’ Marko?”, She laughed and strectched out her arms in welcome as he came close to her.”What? Did you catch a whiff of something you like?”

She placed a hand on either of his large ears and kissed him between his eyes as he lowered his head to get a better sniff. She felt his rough lips skimming her moist slit, felt his nostrils moving on the insides of her thighs as he gently nosed around her pink little pussy. She knew what he wanted, and he knew that SHE wanted HIM. He knew the routine, and he loved it. He stepped back a few paces like a true gentleman, leaving only his head and mane near for her to cling to as she raised herself up to meet him. Marko wasn’t a huge animal, he was smaller than average for a quarter horse, smaller and quicker in action than most, and she was smaller than average for a woman, they made a perfect team at competition and made a perfect pair in the pasture as well.

Mariah stood up and ran her hands across his warm body, down his neck, massaging the muscles in his back. Marko was not only familiar with this routine, he probably knew it better than she did, he was in demand for stud services, despite his stature, he had proven himself not only ‘worthy’ to many of the ranchers around the area, but outright desireable because of his accomplishments. Marko turned his neck to meet her face to face, she kissed him between his nostrils,and shared breath with him. An incredibly intimate moment, most wouldn’t understand, Mariah understood, Marko understood, that’s all that mattered to her. She walked down his left side, allowing her breasts to brush over his coat, making them hard again. She crouched down beside him, and he steadied his legs in anticipation. She gently searched his belly with her hands, tickling, massaging, she found his balls and began fondling them with both hands, feeling how big they were, how warm they were, smoother than the rest of him with a light covering of fuzz. Mariah felt his cock start to twitch within it’s covering, the muscles in his legs rippled as it began to awaken and he realized what was about to be allowed.

Mariah quickly reached between her legs and swept up her now dripping wetness into her palm, she began rubbing it onto the few inches of Markos semi-hard cock that was showing itself, mashing her juicy palm firmly onto the tip of his cock. He began to swell and lengthen, and as a result, Mariah became even wetter. It turned her on so much to play with Marko, such a big cock to play with, and he was so loving. Soon Marko’s stiff rod was at full mast, not huge in comparison to some horses Mariah had seen, but 17 inches wasnt anything to laugh at. He was thicker than a man, and granted, though she had small hands it took both of them to stroke him right, just to get a firm grasp on him. Mariah pulled herself underneath him a little bit more, still crouching on her knees she pulled his rigid cock to her mouth and began kissing the tip, licking all over it and stroking it back and forth with both hands, she got as much of him as she could in her mouth, pumping him back and forth, controlling the tempo with her hands. She tasted something familiar on him, mare. She didn’t mind sharing and it seemed to make him easier to handle one on one this way with her, if he had mated with a mare earlier in the day. The taste and the scent was so arousing to her though, she was actually excited by the taste and smell of the dried juices that covered his shaft from the union earlier that morning. The slick of the mare mixed with Marko’s cum drove Mariah wild and she began licking up and down his shaft, greedy for the taste of Marko’s cum, and eager to make him spew again for her. Mariah started eagerly sucking at the head of Marko’s cock, controlling it with her hands and eager to feel him flare, she kept sucking and licking and stroking but Marko seemed hesitant for some reason. She stopped. Feeling a bit defeated and confused. She stood up and rested herself against his back.
“Marko, what’s the problem?”, she spoke as if he could somehow answer her, “Was Mr.Johnsons’ mare THAT good?” She did feel a bit jealous now.

To her surprise, in his own may Marko did answer her, he began walking towards the area a short distance away, where the pasture met the dense woods.
“Marko where are you going?”, Mariah was puzzled, this was highly unusual, Marko had seemed turned on and everything was going as normal until he suddenly lost interest. At least Mariah THOUGHT he had lost interest, but Marko was showing signals of his curious, yet watchful nature, his guardian face. Mariah walked alongside him, a little scared, she heard rustling in the underbrush, about 10 or 15 feet past the tree line. ‘Damn!’, she thought to herself, trying to stay calm,’It could be a bob-cat!, What the hell do I do!’ She began to feel panic in her chest, they hadn’t had problems with wildcats killing the stock in years, but she was still fearful. Mariah was scared but knew better than to show her fear, the last the she wanted was Marko spooked. His ears were foreward, he didn’t seem to perceive whatever was in there as a problem. Mariah thought quickly, she didn’t want Marko hurt and she trusted his ability to sense danger, he wasn’t showing signs of fear, but he could still hurt himself if he went trapsing through the brush with a hard-on. She went ahead of him and stopped him at the woods edge, silently, with gestures, the two of them needed no words to communicate.

Mariah stepped cautiously into the dark woods. It didn’t take her long to find out what the problem was, the cause of the interruption and Marko’s curiousity. There was someone hiding there, behind the blackberry bushes all overgrown with honeysuckle. She was scared, scared to death, thoughts raced through her mind, one right after the other, she’d been found out! Caught by someone! Oh, she dreaded having to speak up, but she did.
“Who’s there? I know you’re behind those bushes and I know you’ve been watchin’, now why don’t you just step out so I can tear you a new one!”, She was trying to be as commanding as she possibly could be in the situation but her voice shook with fear.

A figure rose from out of the darkness, so dark in the woods, all she could see was a shadow. Tall…male…
Mariah heard a laugh that she knew instantly…Allen. He stepped towards her, her heart was racing in this moment of fear.
“Well…Mariah…”, he smiled at her and ran his hand across her forehead and through her hair, she could smell the scent of his hot cock as his hand brushed over her lips and his fingertips rested there, “You suck one mean cock baby girl. I didn’t know you had it in you, I was hopin’ you did, and thought maybe…but damn girl…you just keep suprising me.”

“Uh…um…well..”, she laughed in relief, her body trembled in excitement that Allen shared the same passion as she did.

Allen took her firmly by the waist, pulled him to her and kissed her deeply, his tongue searching her mouth more eagerly than ever before, his jeans were unzipped and she could feel his solid cock pressing against her belly, twitching as he tasted Marko on her breath. Allen pressed his body into her, holding Mariah tightly against him. She offered him her tongue and he sucked and licked on it eagerly, she knew he was a passionate lover, but she had never seen him this excited. He pulled his face away from her and looked into her eyes.

“Oh my God, Mariah, you have no idea….”, Allen cradled her face in his hands and smiled. “,you have no idea the kind of trouble you and I can get into now.”

Mariah smiled knowingly, playing coy. “And just what kind of trouble do you have in mind baby?”

Allen laughed a little and raised his eyebrows, “Well….”, he turned his eyes to Marko, “theres a big boy over there who is probably just itching to get inside a pretty little thing like you.”

Marko was watching, he was being obedient enough, staying out of the woods just as Mariah had directed him. But he was curious, and was still quite excited.

“Allen…I’ve never…I mean…I’ve sucked on him and made him come, but I’ve never actually….had him inside of me, I’ve never let him fuck me, thats dangerous you know, I mean…I could get hurt doing that by myself.”

Allen took her by the hand and led her out of the woods, and back into the pasture, “Darlin’ you ain’t by yourself anymore, and I know a thing or two about handling horses like this. It’s probably a good thing you didn’t try it though, just more proof for me of what a smart woman you are.”


Chapter Two

“Let’s walk Marko over to my parents place,” Allen suggested with a grin, “They’re out of town on vacation and I’ve got something in mind for you beautiful.”

Mariah giggled and playfully slapped Allens ass. “Maybe I’ve got something in mind for you too.” She said with a mischeviously sexy wink as she licked her lips.

Mariah and Allen hurriedly put their clothing on and led Marko up through the pastures tall grass to put his lead on him, it was a short walk to the Rawlings’ ranch but Mariah knew better than to take the already excited Marko out of the pasture, and away from the mares therein, without a way to control him.

The walk was short enough, and without incident, but the noonday sun was relentless and the humidity only worsened the trios discomfort. When they reached the gate to the Rawlings Family Ranch, sweat poured off of their bodies and Allen could tell Mariah was getting overheated. Her horse didn’t look much better off. She and Marko would need to cool off a little before anything could happen.

The Rawlings family estate was, one of, if not THE finest in the county, it always had been, and the family, through the years became known and well respected for taking care of their own and helping out neighbors in need. They were old money and had resources aplenty. The fine old two story farm house with shuttered windows and a guest house in the back, renovated in the past ten years with ornamental trim and a spacious wrap around porch, like a big white dollhouse, was evidence enough of this.

Mrs. Rawlings, Allens’ mother, kept the front lawn beautiful all year round, she took great pride in her garden, and this year it was particularly beautiful, a fine latticed white gazebo near the koi ponds, smothered in climbing white roses was the focus of her showpiece lawn.

Mariah looked past the big house to the ‘guest-house’ where Allen lived, his big red truck was parked behind it near the entrance and she could see it’s bright paintjob gleaming in the sun. Allen was very proud of his truck, as most young men are at that age. However, there was one ‘ride’ that Mariah knew would always be Allens favorite, Misty Grey.

Misty Grey, otherwise known as Misty or simply ‘Miss’, was an outstanding horse, Mariah knew this fact well. She had seen her in competition, though Allen never competed with Misty as his horse, Mariah was keenly aware of Mistys intelligence and loving nature. Misty was a stunning beauty of a horse, about the same height as Marko. She appeared to Mariah to be an appaloosa/arabian half-breed, but nobody was really sure. Her markings were, as her name might suggest misty grey, the large portion of her well muscled and healthy body was a fine light grey, her legs, haunches and face were smattered with beautiful silver dappling while her mane and tail were a mixture of all of these colors and very long and silky. Mariah often thought that Misty was the most beautiful horse she had ever seen. Misty had been bought at a stock auction four years earlier by Allens father, her sire and dam were unknown.

Mariah started to wonder if maybe Misty and Allen had the same sort of relationship as herself and Marko. The thought of it alone greatly excited Mariah, and she felt her pussy starting to twitch just thinking about Allen plunging Mistys beautiful black pussy. As they neared the guest house, Misty could be seen grazing in the pasture, not far from the gate that led into the field and to the stables and barn. Allen whistled for her, Mistys’ head rose up and she galloped eagerly over to the gate to meet her man.

“We’ve got company today Misty darlin’.” Allen smiled as Marko and Misty touched noses over the gate. Mariah and Allen went riding together often, and the two horses knew eachother well. Allen took a ring of keys off of his belt loop and unfastened the padlock on the gate. Mariah led Marko inside, removed his lead and allowed him and Misty to check eachother out. Allen refastened the lock and put his keys back in place.

“Lets go down behind the hay barn Mariah,” Said Allen, “,we’ve got more privacy down there and you and Marko can cool off a bit uner the shade trees.”

“You sure your parents aren’t coming home anytime soon?” Mariah looked at him nervously, knowing the only ones who could possibly get back there since the only way in or out was locked would be Mr. and Mrs. Rawlings.

Allen laughed, “Yeah baby, I’m sure, they’re still on the cruise ship, my dad made a point of calling me as they came into port somewhere in Europe, I heard the horn and everything.” He grinned, placed his hand around Mariahs’ small waist and headed for the barn.

Misty Grey led Marko over to the large trough and nuzzled against him as he drank. Mariah stood by Marko and splashed the cool fresh water onto her face.

“Why don’t you take your clothes off baby?” Allen insisted with a smile as he ran his fingers through her long red hair, “Nobody is coming through that gate, nobody can see us back here, and you look awfully hot baby girl.” Mariah smiled as Allen began removing her clothes for her. His strong hands never missed a beat, never shook, he never fumbled, he was always sure of himself with Mariah, and she liked that about him. When her shirt, bra and jeans and panties were lying on the ground, Allen stood back and took a good look at her. “Beautiful.” Was all he said, though his eyes, and the fat bulge in his jeans revealed he was thinking more. She was beautiful, standing there in the shifting shade of the oak trees and the barn, her moist auburn hair clinging to her body, her pert tan breasts with their bright pink areolae covered in tiny beads of sweat. Nothing on but cowboy boots and a smile.

Allen walked over to her and pulled her close to him with a strong arm. With a firm hand he cupped her oozing mound and slipped a finger between her pussy lips, feeling her heat, his breath on her neck. Allen swirled his finger over her clit a few times then brought his finger back up to taste her sweet cunt. Then he kissed her, deeply, passionately and with great meaning. She loved the taste of her own pussy and it drove her wild to taste it on Allens breath. Mariah couldn’t take it anymore, the teasing, the anticipation, she had been horny as hell all morning and hadn’t been satisfied at all. She took off Allens shirt and threw it to the ground with her own, revealing his well muscled tan chest. His smiling eyes glistened down at her as she squatted to unbutton and remove his jeans and boxers. She unbuckled his belt, unbuttoned his jeans and pulled down the zipper holding the cock she knew so well in it’s prison. As soon as his jeans were around his ankles, his long nine inch cock sprung out of the slash in his boxers and whipped her in the face.
“You did that on purpose!” She laughingly protested, Allen just laughed as he forced his cockhead into Mariahs pretty open mouth. She could feel it drooling pre-cum onto her tongue as she eagerly licked at its big purple head. Mariah felt Allens cock get bigger than she had ever seen it, it was thicker than she had ever imagined it could get. Allen was very hot, very hard, and incredibly horny.

Suddenly, he pulled his cock out of her mouth, leaving a trail of spit and pre-cum drizzling down her chin, and helped her to her feet. They walked over to the two horses, who were sniffing eachother and lazing in the shade. Allen walked over to Misty and stroked her neck as he looked back at Mariah a few feet away. “You may have guessed this already, but Misty and I are a little more than horse and owner, she’s my lover like Marko is yours, only she and I do more than you and Marko have.”

Mariah smiled knowingly, and walked over to Misty letting her small hand wander over Mistys swollen vulva, she said nothing, but parted Misty’s black lips to reveal a bright pink inside, looking at Allen she let her tongue glide up and down Mistys slit, taking the big black lips in her mouth and softly sucking them, all the time looking into Allens eyes. Mariah extended her tongue as far as she could and stiffened it as she began tongue fucking the beautiful phillys pink pussy. Misty’s muscles rippled and she turned her neck around to see what Mariah was doing to her.

“I think she likes that Mariah, I think she likes that alot.” Said Allen with a big smile on his face and a dripping cock. “I think I like that too.” He said, as he walked behind Mariah.”Get her good and wet for me Mariah, while I bang you, I want her to be good and slick here in a few seconds.”

Allen grabbed hold of Mariah’s tiny waist with one arm and positioned his rigid cock to line up with her hole with the other hand. The view was amazing for Allen, his beautiful girlfriend licking and lapping eagerly at his other lovers sweet pussy. With this beautiful sight in his vision he plunged deep and hard into Mariahs dripping pussy. Both hands around Mariahs waist he plunged his eager cock into her over and over again. He could hear Mariah’s muffled moaning as his thrusts forced her face to mash into Mistys wettening cunt. He could feel his balls getting heavy and drawing up to his dick, he didn’t want to come just yet though…he had other plans for that load, but at least Mariah was good and loosened now. Just as he had planned she would be.

Allen slapped Mariah on the ass, pulled out and ran into the barn, returning shortly with a rectangular stool. Mariah knew what was about to happen and she was incredibly excited as she watched Allen position the stool behind Misty and climb onto it, his cock twitching with excitement.

Allen began rubbing Misty’s rear with his open palms, letting his cock tickle her now very moist pussy lips. He grabbed his long rigid cock and slid it up and down Mistys slit, slapping her lightly on her pussy with the length of it before he positioned his cock head at her opening and slowly sunk into her. Mariah watched in amazement as Allen’s cock slid in and out of Mistys pussy, each time he brought it out, it looked wetter than the last. He had his hands rubbing all over Mistys haunches as he began to piston in and out of her, harder and faster he fucked her, his balls making a loud sound as they slapped up against her big slick cunt. Mariah saw the muscles in Allens legs begin to tighten as he pounded the beautiful horses pussy. Mistys pussy lips were gripping tight onto Allens cock, begging his cum into her deep vagina.

“Get your mouth down here Mariah, lick my dick as it goes in and out.” Said Allen, half panting, half screaming.

Mariah quickly complied and eagerly lapped at Allens sopping cock as it plunged quickly in and out of Misty. She saw his balls were getting tight and she reached around behind him to play with them, letting them bounce against her soft palm. Mariah was already in ecstasy, the taste of her boyfriends cock was barely recognizable through the heavy taste of horse cunt that filled her mouth and nose and was covering her face. She wanted to see him cum inside this beautiful horses pussy, and was going to do everything in her power to make sure he did. Allen was fucking Misty furiously, and Misty seemed to be enjoying every second of it when Mariah got behind Allens spread legs and began licking and tonguing his asshole as she fondled his heavy balls. Within seconds of Mariahs hot little tongue entering his ass Allen was grunting loudly and shooting hot jets of sperm into Mistys swollen pussy. With a few more pumps, he pulled his drenched cock out of Misty, turned around to Mariah and offered his softening cock to her open mouth, cum still drizzling from it’s head. Mariah sucked the sweet mixture off of Allens cock with gusto, slurping his half soft cock all the way down her throat and then cleaning his mare soaked balls with soft flicks of her tongue. Allen got down off of the stool and moved to kiss Mariah, but before he could, Mariah had gotten behind Misty and was fingering the sweet liquids of cum and slick out of Mistys hole with two digits and letting a small stream of white spode drizzle down into her open mouth.

Allen took the oppurtunity to check Mariahs wetness, and when his hand came back from Mariah’s pussy literally covered in clear slick juices, he smiled at her but Mariah was still busily cleaning Mistys hole out.

“You’re going to be glad you’re this wet here in a few minutes sweetheart,” Allen said to her as he looked over at Marko, who’s big cock was starting to harden at the scent of Mistys excitement. “,because Marko is finally going to get what he’s been wanting from you.”

Mariah smiled as she licked the last bit of cum off of Mistys black labia. She turned to face Allen.

“Don’t worry, I can take it.” Said Mariah with her head raised and her nose slightly in the air.

Allen chuckled as he grabbed her waist from behind and pulled her close, “You seem pretty sure of yourself girl, you can talk the talk, but we’re going to have to see if you can walk the walk.”

Allen knew his challenge would make Mariah even more determined. The fiery little redhead with cum and slick now drying on her face looked at him defiantly.

“Yes, we will see.”

She smiled at Allen, flipped her long hair, turned around, and with her hands on her hips, walked over to Marko….


Chapter Three

Allen watched, with a smile on his face as Mariah began running her hands over gently over Marko’s body, whispering sweet words in his the handsome stallions ear. Marko sniffed at Mariahs breath and his lip curled as he savored sweet Mistys’ scent on his riders mouth. Allen thought it truly remarkable that his beautiful kinky girlfriend and Marko were so close to eachother emotionally and had played together, but had never actually had sex.

This being Marko and Misty’s first time together, Allen led Misty to the side of the barn and secured her with a length of rope so she didn’t get too curious and cause Marko to spook. Misty was, after all in estrus and ready and willing to breed. Allen wanted this experience to be special, safe and pleasurable for both Mariah and Marko.

“What do you want big boy?”, Mariah whispered softly into Markos’ ear, nuzzling her nipples across his smooth coppery coat. She laughed softly and slid her fingers over her drenched slit, bringing them up to Markos’ nostrils and letting him taste her finger. Even softer, she whispered to him as she pressed her small frame against his muscular body. “You’re about to breed me Marko…fuck me, like you fuck all those pretty mares pussies….give me all that juicy cum big boy, I want you to fill me up with it.”

Marko seemed somewhat aware of his ladys intentions and lowered his neck, positioning his long face between Mariahs open thighs. He was eager for the usual play, a nice milking of his big cock onto Mariahs’ breasts and mouth by her hands. He wasn’t familiar with breeding women, and it seemed he perceived Mariahs oral affection as just that, affection. That isn’t to say he didn’t seek it out and demand it on occasion, he did initiate play with Mariah. However the concept of mounting and breeding his beautiful fiery haired rider was foreign to him. As intelligent a horse as Marko was, he was still only a horse, with the mind of a horse and the instincts of a horse. Marko could not fathom something he had not experienced himself or witnessed repetitively.

Mariah stroked her handsome equine lover affectionately and knelt down to begin her usual way of stiffening him. Marko immediatley assumed his stance, spreading and steadying his legs and tensing the strong muscles of his hind quarters in anticipation of Mariahs’ attentions.

Allen was soon by Mariahs’ side, stroking and petting Marko with one hand and letting him sniff and softly nibble at his other hand, slick with Mistys’ estrus scent, Allens’ own cum and traces of Mariahs’ breath. Mariah held Markos’ half hard cock in her hands, playing with it and gently rubbing his underbelly and very swollen balls. Markos’ shaft began to twitch excitedly as his nostrils were filled with the luscious aroma of Mistys’ scent, soon his cock was at it’s full length of 17 inches, twitching and ready for action. He remained very calm and collected as Mariah pulled his long cock out from under his body and began lapping hungrily at its’ length, she did not mash the head of it as she usually did though. Mariah wanted the real deal, she wanted Marko’s big cock inside of her pussy, she wanted entirely filled with the huge load of sperm she knew lay waiting in Markos’ heavy balls.

“Are you ready for this Mariah?” Allen asked in a calm tone.

Mariah looked up at her boyfriend and smiled as she flicked her tongue over Marko’s cockhead, licking at his pre-cum as it drooled out of the tip of his rigid and willing prick. “As ready as I’ll ever be. How is this done?”

“Well, since this is his first time and yours, I think it best that we secure him a little so he doesn’t get the chance to accidentally hurt you. I’m going to take this rope and secure Marko to the tree here by his harness so if anything gets out of hand, I’m right here and can control him if he gets a little too excited.” Allen looked Mariah straight in the eye. “Mariah, are you sure you want to do this? If you’re not ready…”

Mariah cut him off, “I’m plenty ready! I’ve dreamed about this moment for a long time Allen! I am just as ready now as I ever will be!”

“Okay baby, I know that, I’m just looking at the size of his shaft, and looking at the size of your body and wondering if this is such a good idea afterall.” Allen was just being considerate and loving, he was, of course greatly concerned for the health and wellbeing of the girl he loved so dearly, but Mariah could tell he wasn’t too worried or his recently drained cock wouldn’t be sticking out like a flagpole.

“Allen, I’ll be okay, I have worked with Marko for a long time now, not only do I trust you to keep me safe and keep him under control while he is in me, I trust Marko. I just know he wouldn’t hurt me.”

Allen sighed a little and smiled down at Mariahs’ eager face. With an outstretched hand he said, “Okay then sweetheart, stand up and we will get this started.” Mariah took his hand, smiling and raised herself up. Allen was such a gentleman, and knew just how to treat a lady. As sexually aroused as she was, Mariah couldn’t help but think how much she loved Allen, and how glad she was he had found her that morning with Marko. If he hadn’t, she thought, how much longer would it have been before he found out? It didn’t matter now, Mariah was living the most erotic day of her life with a man she loved and trusted now more than ever before.

Looking deeply into Allens’ loving eyes she said, “Just show me how Allen…I’m ready.”

“Okay, Marko is secured pretty well to the tree, he’s not breaking loose and he isn’t able to rear up. Let’s move him around so he is facing the tree, that will give you and him both alot more room. I know you haven’t done this before, but trust me on all this, even the calmest stallion can get a little wild now and then. He needs a little room to move around, It’ll be much better for you both that way.”

Mariah re-positioned her eager lover, so that the big horse was facing the tree, just as Allen had instructed.

“What now? He’s getting soft already.” Mariah looked a little disappointed.

“Don’t worry about that sweetheart, there are a few different ways for you and Marko to breed, I have some equipment in the barn that we might use later on, but forget about that. For now, what I want you to do is get over here on his left side, bend over facing away from him and spread your legs real wide.”

Mariah did just that, following Allens instructions to the letter.

“Now,” Allen began as he came up close to Mariah,’I need you to bend your knees a little and back up underneath him just a tad, not all the way though. There are ways you can be all the way underneath him, but not like this.”

Mariah cozied herself into this position, her hands fell into the natural position, supporting her spread knees. Mariah could literally feel the heat of Marko’s cock so very near her pussy, and she felt herself start to get tight from arousal. She could feel the moisture of the sweat from his underbelly brushing up against her smooth asscheeks. Allen sqautted behind Mariah and took hold of Marko’s cock. Marko turned his neck to look, recognizing instantly that these were not Mariahs’ small soft hands stroking him to hardness again. The big horse seemed to relish in the rough touch of Allens hands, the way Allen handled him was more direct and commanding than that of Mariah, and it brought Markos’ cock to full hardness again swiftly.

Allen reached down and found a small 3 ounce bottle of silicone based lube in the pocket of the jeans he had thrown to the ground earlier. He had been using it to masturbate with as he was playing the voyeur that morning. The bottle was just short of full.

“Mariah it’s very important that you do exactly what I tell you to do right now, and just as soon as I tell you to do it, okay?” Mariah said nothing but nodded her head in confirmation.

Allen had a most enviable view and he knew it. His gorgeous young girlfriends smoothly shaved bright pink pussy was spread wide open and drooling, and the big horses long rigid cock was bouncing in anticipation, already drizzling pre-cum from its tip. Allen emptied about a quarter of the bottle of lube into his palm and covered Markos’ veined shaft thouroughly, applying it even heavier on the head. He then took about the same amount and slathered Mariahs pussy with the slick lube, fingering it up inside of her tight pussy. Allen had always loved that about Mariah, how tight her pussy got, even after a really hard pounding from him. Most girls he had been with got loose after he fucked them, not Mariah, if anything she got too tight and pushed his dick out when she orgasmed. He was starting to become concerned that she really wouldn’t be able to take Markos’ cock.

“Mariah, if you can, you need to loosen up your pussy a little bit, let those muscles relax and ease out. It may feel great for me for you to be that tight, but the tighter you are, the harder it’s going to be for Marko to breed you.”

Allen felt around inside of Mariahs’ pussy. He was amazed at the control she had over her cunt, after no more than five seconds she had indeed loosened up enough to where Allen was sure Marko could get inside of her.

“Okay, now steady yourself good Mariah, you may have to dig your heels in a little bit. I’m about to put him in you, and soon he will be pumping. You’re going to need to be very, very stable.”

Mariah spread her legs a little further and steadied herself better as she prepared for Markos’ cock. She arched her back just a little as she felt the slippery lubed tip of Marko’s cock being run up and down her slit by Allen. She could look between her legs and see Marko’s huge cock extending from underneath his body, eager to be inside of her. Allen placed the head of Markos’ 17 inch long glistening horse cock at the soft pink opening of Mariahs’ pussy and slowly introduced Markos’ big cock head to Mariahs slick hole, easing it in. Mariah couldn’t wait though and backed up onto it, feeling it sink into her small tight cunt.

“Mmm baby, thats just beautiful, good job.” Said Allen as he began stroking the remaining portion of Markos’ shaft in and out of his girlfriends pretty pink pussy with both hands. “I’m going to do it harder now to get him to thrust in you, to get you ready for the kind of pounding you are about to get.”

Allen started jerking on Markos’ cock very hard, pushing it as hard as he could into Mariahs’ hole, mashing it into her slick pussy with earnest. Mariah began panting loudly and moaned in pleasure as she felt Marko stretching her out. She felt like such a slut taking such a big fat cock inside of her, and she loved it. She loved feeling like a dirty whore, a cum hungry dirty slut. She backed up further onto Marko and began grinding her hips around, feeling the big cock not just stretching her out wider, but pushing her twat to it’s limits depth wise as well.

“Oh fuck yeah Allen, Mmm, I feel so fucking dirty right now, I feel like such a filthy whore being filled up like this and having you watch, I want his load so badly, oh God I want his cum in me!”, Screamed Mariah.

“He’s about to start pumping his hips Mariah, get ready.” Said Allen. Within seconds Marko was pistoning his hind legs, forcing his big horse cock deeper and deeper into her tiny cunt, stretching it, and mashing violently at her cervix. Mariah started moaning loudly, she was in ecstasy with her dearly loved horses cock deep inside of her. Allen watched in awe as his petite girlfriend managed to stretch to take 13 inches of horse cock inside of her pussy. Allen leaned down and licked at her asshole, wriggling his tongue inside her pretty pink rosebud and watching as the huge cock rammed Mariahs’ insides.

When Allen was sure Marko wasn’t going to freak, and he saw that Mariah was having a little trouble staying upright from the hard heavy thrusting of the stallion, he came around in front of her to help hold her up. Mariah however, had other ideas and started eagerly sucking her boyfriends cock, swallowing it down to the hilt and allowing the thrusts of Marko to push Allens dripping rigid prick deeper into her throat. Mariah was being filled up with huge cock from both ends, her handsome stallion Marko was finally breeding her, and her thick cocked boyfriend was fucking her beautiful mouth.

“Oh baby that feels so fucking great, you look so pretty taking that big cock in your cunt baby girl. I’m so glad you’re mine, I’m so fucking glad you’re my girl Mariah, Mmmm suck that cock baby girl, swallow that big dick Mariah, make me shoot my load down into your belly you dirty slut. Suck my cum bitch, suck my load.” He groaned in pleasure as he pushed his cock deeper into Mariahs’ throat in sync with Marko’s pumps. Allen had hold of the back of her head and was furiously fucking her pretty face when he noticed Marko was showing signs of cumming.

“Mmmm Mariah, that skanky little pussy of yours is really about to be tested. We’re going to see just what kind of slut you really are. Marko is about to dump a huge load of horse cum into you baby girl, that stallion cock is about to get even bigger in your sweet little pussy you dirty slut. It may hurt a little but I’m not going to let you scream, I’m going to fill your throat up with this fat cock and empty my balls into your stomach.”

Mariah smiled the best she could with Allens prick fucking her throat and his tightened balls banging against her chin. Marko stood still, and within seconds Mariah could feel the horses cock begin to flare inside of her, deep inside of her. She had wanted so desperatley, and for so long, to be filled up, and got more than she bargained for. It felt like her pussy was being stretched to it’s breaking point inside, but it felt fantastic at the same time. Not only did Markos’ cockhead flare out, his entire shaft got bigger. She could feel it pressing hard against her g-spot and started to wiggle around on it. Markos’ cock felt stuck tight inside of her and Mariahs’ hand made a mad dash to her stiff little knub. She could feel hard, strong jets of sperm spurting hard inside of her cunt, she thought Marko would never stop cumming, and she wasn’t feeling any cum seeping out like she had expected. She could feel that there was alot of cum inside of her, it felt like it was literally flooding her box. She hoped it was and became even more excited knowing her dear Marko had just been satisfied, not by a mare, but by her, the one who loved him and wanted so badly to please him.

Allen cupped Mariahs’ face securely in both hands and rammed his cock deep into her throat. He could feel Mariahs’ muffled moaning and hot breath against his sac as he felt his cock swell and hot salty bursts of cum began shooting right into Mariahs stomach. Knowing full well her other end was flooded with sperm, hot sticky horse jizz. Before Allen was done releasing his seed, he pulled his swollen member out and shot two strong bursts onto Mariahs gasping awestruck face.

Mariah was working her clit furiously, mashing it and rubbing it hard, wanting so badly to come with Marko in her. She probably would have accomplished this on her own, but in gratitude for the great blow job he had just received, Allen got underneath Mariah and began flitting his tongue wildly all over her clit, sucking and nibbling until he felt Mariah start to clench and tighten. With Marko still inside of Mariah, Allen grabbed the horses still hard shaft and began plunging Mariah with it, violently stimulating her spot while he sucked her swollen hard little clit into his mouth. Mariah may not have noticed it but some of Markos’ cum was seeping out. Allen tasted it and lapped up and down her engorged pussy lips, trying to force his tongue into Mariahs hole at this point was futile, but he tried anyways, licking the stretched and sensitive skin around her opening where Marko was stuck tight. As soon as Allen heard Mariah begin to moan with the onset of her orgasm, he stopped stroking Marko into her and supported Mariahs’ limp body since she was losing control of it.

Allen wasn’t expecting it, but it didn’t suprise him when Mariahs’ orgasm tightened her so much that she actually forced the big horses cock out of her.

In a beautifully synchronized display, Markos’ softening cock ripped out of Mariah, releasing a gush of steaming horse sperm. At precisely the same moment, Markos’ partially flared, rough cockhead had just been forced past Mariahs’ super sensitive g-spot, and with Allens tongue still working her clit, Mariah began to squirt copious amounts of her sweet girl cum all over Allens face and into his mouth.

Allen, as usual did not miss a beat and buried his tongue into his girlfriends horse cum drenched gaping pussy hole, lapping eagerly at her soft inner walls and savoring the taste of the prize winning Markos’ sperm as it flowed out of her in tiny rivulets.

Marko was doing just fine, and looking very pleased with himself. Mariah on the other hand was in a post-orgasmic stupor and very overheated. Allen lifted her small frame into his arms and placed her into the comfortably cool waters of the horse trough, noticable amounts of cum floated to the surface of the water. Mariah looked up at Allen, her eyes half closed and managed to slur out the words: “I love you…SO much…That was so good.”

Allen kissed her sweat drenched forehead tenderly and simply replied, “I love you too.”

At that moment, he truly felt like he was the luckiest man that had ever lived. He stepped into the large trough, seated himself in the cool, refreshing water, and held Mariahs’ beautiful face to his chest.


Chapter Four

Mariah found Allen’s softening member with her hand and lovingly stroked the head with her open palm. She nuzzled deeper into his chest and took his hard nipple into her mouth, lolling her tongue over it gently and giggling, still somewhat groggy and lost in the moment.

Reality was coming back to the forefront and though the cool water surrounding them was just what she needed to recover from her sexual overexertion, Allen could sense she was more than just overheated.

“Sweetheart, why don’t we put some clothes on and run into town for a bite to eat?”

Mariah looked up at him with a smile.

“That’d be nice, I am kinda hungry. But I still feel pretty horny.”

Allen threw his head back and laughed out loud. “You are one helluva woman, you know that? I have never seen a woman take that much cock and still ask for more! As a matter of fact, I was afraid I had worn you out for the day. Hell, I was afraid I had worn you out for the rest of the week!”

She grinned deviously and brought herself up out of the water to stand in front of him, her feet between his knees. Her hair tousled about her face and sticking to her wet body.

“You underestimate the willpower of a determined woman.” She leaned in and kissed him deeply, then softly whispered in his ear,”You want something to eat? I’ll give you something to eat.”

Mariah turned her back to Allen and pushed his knees apart with her ankles. With her legs spread, she slowly leaned over and took hold of the end of the long metal trough. Before she could fully steady herself, Allen had spread her ass cheeks even further apart and was literally plunging his tongue in and out of her spunk filled cunt hole. Her pussy lips were still quite swollen from all the friction and excitement the day had brought thus far and Allen was considerate of this, lapping at them and kissing them, but not sucking. He pulled his face away.

“I think your pussy needs a rest Mariah, it looks like it’s hurting pretty bad. You look kinda swollen baby girl.”

Mariah just sighed, “You think I can’t handle a lot, but I can Allen, I can handle a hell of a lot more than you think.” The impatient red-head huffed a little and showed some visible signs of disdain at the suggestion that she couldn’t take anymore. She was headstrong, stubborn, she knew better.

Allen smiled wickedly as he stood up, he kneeled down behind Mariah and began tonguing her asshole like never before, licking all around the little virgin rosebud. He knew, just as well as Mariah did, that she had never had anything more than a tongue in her pretty little asshole. Mariah was panting in pleasure when Allen stopped and moved to retrieve the lube from the pile of clothing lying beside the trough.

“You can handle a lot huh?” He laughed a little as he liberally applied the lube to his rigid prick.

“Yeah, I can.” Mariah tossed her head defiantly, fully aware of what Allen was about to do to her virgin ass. She even wiggled her butt around a little, taunting his cock to harden even further.

“Oh girl…you don’t know what you’re in for….You know this is going to hurt. You’d better bite down on something, and soon.”

Mariah could feel him applying more lube to her asshole, stroking his finger in and out, trying to loosen her up a little. It was so foreign, so odd, it felt like his finger was his dick. It felt nice though. Mariah found Marko’s lead on the ground and placed it in her mouth, between her teeth. Soon Allen’s cock was rubbing all over her little bud, and she felt her ass clench up when he started to press it inside of her. But she was determined, and as much as it hurt, even with Allen being considerate, she managed to allow his big cock entry. Teeth gritted against the fibers of Marko’s lead, she didn’t scream, she felt Allen slowly pressure his cock into her ass until his balls rested against her swollen pussy lips. She could feel the big ridge of his cock head deep in her ass, touching her most private parts.

Allen watched in amazement as his petite girlfriends ass hole managed to swallow all nine inches of his cock. His jaw was open in admiration of Mariah’s sexual talents. This her first ass fucking, and she wasn’t even protesting! He couldn’t believe how tight she felt around his dick, and how soft she was inside. Allen began slowly stroking his cock in and out of Mariah’s ass, holding it steady with one hand, controlling his tempo, not wanting to hurt her. She was a very small woman afterall, and not that he was vain, but he knew he had a larger than average member. He was suprised however when Mariah began thrusting hard up against him, the lead thrown out of her mouth. She was moaning, almost screaming like she was coming.

“Oh fuck yeah Mariah! Baby, you just keep getting better and better. Oh my fucking god Mariah….Unghh…Yeah you feel so good inside baby girl. Oh hell yes…take it bitch, yeah come on…”

Allen drizzled more lubricant onto his shaft on the outstroke and began sliding the full length of his cock in and out of her ass, quick and hard. He reached around and began lightly pinching her hard clit between his thumb and forefinger, rolling it around, and then fingering it.

“Mmmm….Allen…I need to tell you something…” Mariah moaned in her sexiest voice.

“Whats that baby?” He said in a raspy whisper, his throat dry. Still stroking the length of his cock in and out of her.

“I want to fuck your dog too.” She began, moaning as she felt Allen’s cock twitch excitedly inside her, “I want to feel Danny pounding me like this. I can’t help but be how I am Allen…I’m just so horny, and I’ve thought about fucking a dog before but never have. I don’t know anything about dogs.”

Allen was not really all that shocked at this point, nor surprised, but he was pleasantly intrigued at the idea’s that were forming in his mind. Danny wasn’t HIS dog, Danny was his mothers dog, and Allen knew damn well that Danny had been trained to fuck his mother. He was bought specifically for the purpose, though he made a pretty good family pet, it was no secret in the household that Danny, the big black Labrador Retriever, was his mothers fuck-toy. Allen had a very sexually open family, something he knew would either make or break his relationship with Mariah. His beautiful and evidently very kinky girlfriend was unaware of his family’s history as expert animal breeders. A smile spread over his face as he thought of the possibilities that could come to pass.

Allen thought of the time he walked in on Danny humping his mother one day after school. She was on her hands and knees on the fine wooden floor of the kitchen, dinner was cooking on the stove and a pie was cooling on the kitchen window-sill. His beautiful mother was down on the floor getting fucked by Danny. She didn’t even realize Allen was there, he had stood back, somewhat in shock at the time. He knew his mother did things with Danny, his mother knew he did things with the horses, his father knew about all of it as well and had fun of his own, but it was always a private matter. It was known, but not shown, and only talked about in private. Allen remembered how he had watched, silently, watched his beautiful mother taking a pounding in her pretty pussy from Danny…How he had felt a little guilty about how much it turned him on to watch his own mother screwing a dog, her quaint skirt hiked up around her waist, bunched up with her apron, her large breasts hanging out of her blouse and bouncing up and down, back and forth. Hearing his own mother moan as Danny’s knot popped into her. Listening to her pant like a bitch in heat and scream as her pussy tightened around the big dogs cummy knot. Wanting to bust his own load right then and there when he saw the dog cum dripping out of her gaping cunt.

It was too much, Allen thrust hard and deep into Mariah’s ass and let out a loud grunt as he spewed his scant load of seed into his girlfriends ass.

“Oh yeah bitch…Mmmm yes…You can fuck Danny if you want. I know he would love this pussy and ass as much as I do…I wanna see you suck his dog cock too”,he moaned as her ass clenched and forcefully milked the last drops of sperm out of his softening cock head as he pulled it out of her with an audible ‘pop’.

“Then let’s get to it.” Mariah said as she turned to face him, getting down on her knees and licking the cum and stink off of his cock with passion in her eyes.

They clothed themselves, released the horses to play together, knowing full well Misty was in season, and headed for the house…and Danny.


Chapter Five

Mariah unlatched the screen door to the mudroom at the rear of the sprawling old house, Allen followed close behind. She kicked the dirt off her boots on the concrete steps before bending over to remove them.

Allen made a sharp whistling sound that nearly made the already tipsy young woman fall face first onto the concrete; “D-a-a-a-annnnny! Here boy! C’mon inside and get somethin’ to eat!”

The energetic young retriever perked his ears and rose from his favorite lounging spot under the front porch awning. In a matter of seconds a shining flash of black bounded it’s way across the yard and practically into Allen’s arms before he was distracted from his pal by an intriguing medley of scents. “Oh I see how you are Danny!”Allen teased as the dog stuck his wet nose between Mariahs thighs, “Whatever happened to bros before hos?”

Mariah probably would have shot him a piercing glare at the very least if she wasn’t so busy cuddling Danny. It was apparent to Allen that his mothers fucktoy was probably better suited to his petite girlfriend. They were definitely in the same weight class. This was going to be interesting.

“Mariah, darling,” He cooed as he genteely took her hand in his own and softly kissed it, opening the door with the other.”shall we?”

His beautiful vixen said nothing, but her face was quite flush with anticipation as she skipped through the door with two very eager males at her heels. She had of course been in the Rawling house many times prior to this day but somehow it was as if she was seeing it for the first time. Everything looked the same as she stepped into the den that adjoined the mudroom. Overstuffed sectional in soft black suede, bamboo sunscreens pulled up over the large picture windows on the west side of the room, looking over the picteresque view of the pasture.

The sun was starting to lower itself to meet the treeline, casting a warm rose and gold glow over the numerous family photos covering the expansive opposing wall. Mariah was more than a little creeped out by the thought of generations of Rawlings looking on as she was preparing to be mounted by this great slathering dog. She was, that is, until she considered the notion that more than one of those Betty Crocker look-alikes perfectly painted lips had likely been wrapped around the type of hot pink poker that greeted her now.

The thought of it thrilled her back to excitement. There was incredibly delicious about imagining Allens’ aunts and grandmothers being ravished by studs of various species. She could feel herself starting to moisten again, her tender slit was nearly bruised and so sensitive she could literally feel the beads of lubrication forming on her silky inner walls, coming together in a sweet stream and starting to dribble out onto her inner lips. As she slipped a hand down the front of her jeans she realized she had both of the horny males’ full attention. She unzipped and lazily stepped out of her jeans and cumsoaked panties. Bending over she dipped a finger into her puffy mound and gave them both an eyeful neither would soon forget. Shocked, she exclaimed: “Oh fuck Allen! I’ve heard of being fucked loose, but I’ve never heard of being fucked tight!”

Allen chuckled and kneeled behind her, “Wow. Damn girl…I’ve heard it can happen but…wow.”

“What!” She exclaimed, whirling around to look at him, concern permeating her sweet flushed face.”Allen what’s wrong with me!”

“Calm down baby. Nothings’ wrong with you.” He licked his lips and forced her back to her prior position.”Nothings’ wrong with you at all baby doll. See, sometimes a gals’ pussy can get so swollen from so much fucking that it tightens up.” He spat on his pinkie finger and tried in vain to get it inside of her, everytime he made a tiny thrusting motion the musculature of her canal gripped down even tighter. She grimaced, dissapointed and let down. Didn’t look like she would be trying her hand at being a bitch today after all. She was almost ready to cry when Allen bent her over further and suddenly dashed his stiff tongue into her hole. Mariahs’ knees buckled from the overwhelming pleasure just one jab of his tongue gave her. She writhed into his face and begged for more.

“Mhm…you’re gonna be taking Dannys’ cock afterall my sweet little cumwhore!” Allen grinned as he rose to his knees and moved hurriedly to the laundry room.
“But Allen! I can’t even take your pinkie in me! How am I gonna take THAT!” She hollered, pointing at the long bobbing dog cock that seemed to wave eagerly at her when she looked at it. Allen walked back in the room, a pair of flannel socks in hand.

“Just calm down.” He walked over to her and directed her sit down on the couch. Danny immediately ran over, tail wagging, tongue lolling. Allen took her face in his hands. “Just trust me, okay?” She smiled, how could she not? Mariah looked at him strangely when he put the socks on the big dogs front paws, but asked no questions. He kissed her deeply as the hungry pup began his work.

Danny, even as a young stud, was a seasoned pro when it came to pleasing his mistress. He needed no direction. He began by slowly licking her thighs until she was open fully to him and slightly bucking her hips in anticipation. With one long slow lick Danny introduced Mariah to the little slice of heaven that is a stud canines oral affection to his bitch. Allen had to stick his tongue down her throat to keep her from screaming. Danny heard her muffled scream and recoiled, afraid he had somehow displeased or hurt her. Mariah turned from Allen to Danny and with a reassuring ‘Atta boy’ and a kind hand she guided his soft muzzle back to her sopping wet, swollen cum tunnel.

Sweet Danny Boy had Mariah jerking and twitching with mass multiple orgasms within mere seconds, his hot hungry tongue eagerly licking her from clit to asshole. As his hot tongue wormed its way deep inside of her she felt her ongoing orgasm reach an insane height. He was lapping hard at her g-spot, his nose pounding away at her clit when she noticed the big dog was starting to hump the air. Unable to speak Mariah motioned that she wanted the dog to mount her. Allen had something a little different in mind.

Lying on his back on the soft-tufted oriental rug, Allen rolled Mariahs tiny frame over himself in the sixty-nine position. Danny was still lapping away at her oozing cunt as Mariah ground her protruding nubbin into Allens greedy lips. One hand pushed Mariahs’ head onto his bulging cock while the other made a ‘tap-tap-tap’ motion on the sweet little creamy rump over his face.

Danny knew just what to do. He positioned his hind legs squarely on either side of Allens head, rose up and grasped his prize securely between his forelegs. The angle was a bit odd for Danny and he was thrusting in vain. Not quite able to hit his mark, Allen decided to tease the stud and his bitch before letting them mate by grasping the big dog behind his growing knot and rubbing his long shaft slowly up inside of the writhing redheads sopping wet cum dumpster cock hole.

Mariah was almost screaming in pleasure already when Allen finally let the big dog begin his urgent thrusting. He was breeding a new bitch and did not want her to get away. He gently wrapped his strong jaws around the bitchs’ neck, pushing her cock stuffed face further towards Allens’ cum laden balls and began thrusting more urgently. Harder, faster he pistoned into her until finally he felt the bitches tight hole give way and his magnificent veined knot claim the enviable entrance to her womb. He felt the bitchs’ tunnel spasming and tightening around his cock, then a hot warm gush of her fluid down his ff.gif shaft and all over Allens lapping, sucking face. He heard the bitch gag and Allen moan as both males relentlessly sprayed their salty baby juice into her hot spunk holes.

The big dog turned himself around until he was tail to tail with his bitch. As he softened, cum dribbled out of his cock. Allen lazily sucked at the exposed inch or so of Dannys’ knot. Soothing their shared bitchs’ worn hole the best he could and relishing the sweet tang of dog cum and so many other flavors that oozed from his sweet vixens flower.

Mariah was still convulsing in orgasm when Danny popped out of her. Allen rolled her over onto her back sucked out the cream produced by the rutting pair and cuddled Mariah into his arms as Danny wandered off.
“So…How was that?” He beamed at her.

“Ngh-huh…” Was all she could say as the sun dipped out of sight and her eyes fell shut in sweet exhaustion.