(c) 2007 by HairBear58

This story starts during the later parts of 1978 and or 1979 and goes thru later 1980, some of the other bits happened within a few yrs after that so I’m legal, both for the story and almost to drink.

I’d been living on my own for a few years and moved to where ever I could that was close to my current job, I’d recently changed my full time work from trail and park maintenance, back to fulltime restaurant work, in a very small rural dairy town, the place I was working at was a quaint dinner house and bar combination that also served breakfast and lunch to the local dairy workers, or townsfolk’s and the random tourist, so as the dishwasher, janitor, and cooks help I could work all the hours I needed, and I’d found a studio apt at the edge of our township which was only 3 blocks away(which gives you a idea how small this place was)

The name of this folksy watering/dining place was Seagull Inn,(I know the name sucks but we were only 3 miles from the ocean) After I’d been there for a short while, the owners were desperate to see a profit, after sinking all their savings into this place, these Two families that had bought the place as a joint venture hoping to use it as a investment and were trying to run the place without a lot of knowledge, so then they were smart enough to hire, a chief that knew his job quite well and they let him run the kitchen while they ran the bar and paid the bills, the chief had his own very small crew of people who generally followed him from job to job and they came with him, this is how I in part kept this job because I was part of his crew from other places.

And he and I had on one or two occasions had bedded down together as he was 100%. And after many years of working with and for him we had finally came out to each other, Him and me zoo, he also told me about another older friend who was also into both these lifestyles, who at times had been a boss to both of us, but as both these men were 20 to 30 years older and we all wanted to appear normal, we never did anything to cause talk about us although there were rumors for years about what these other two had done to and with each other or with.

Anyway back to the Seagull Inn, One of the families in the partnership had a son and daughter, he was the am breakfast cook and she one of the waitress’s, the mom was the bookkeeper and accountant, the dad did the day bar tending, and any of the odd jobs not passed to me, the mom, Debbie had a office in the back of the place behind the kitchen and next to prep room, there was also a employee’s bathroom back there which had doors leading into it from both the back of her office and the side prep room, this made it easier for us rather than having to go out to the front of the bar area and use the one there,

For company she kept one or more of their family dogs back there with her, one was Joshua the older dashound, another on occasion was the husband’s younger water spaniel. Once in a while the sons Dobie was in the back store room off the other side of the kitchen. Anyway while I like and love dogs I wasn’t too interested in Joshua because my perffence was for bigger dogs and I didn’t think he had much to offer. And in the time I’d been there he had never even made an offer to want to get to know me, keeping to himself.

Now I try to remember if I had ever offered to engage in any type of play with him before this day or not, but I don’t remember, however, one of the first times any sexual play or even touch was offered his snapping slamming teeth as I touched his sheath told me quite clearly the answer was no, of course I could have picked a better time, cause the poor fella was in a fair amount of pain then. What had happened was one afternoon as Debbie had been leaving for home for awhile she gone out her outside office door next to the restaurant to her car and somehow Joshua had gotten under the tire without her knowledge and, she’d rolled the Gremlin wagon so it had started to run him over, she’d heard him yelping and stopped and gotten him out from under the car and gotten him the vets, where it was determined one of his rear legs had been badly damaged or broken(I cant remember now) but he’d been doctored and returned back to the restaurant and was resting, spending most of his time in her office.

On one of my trips back there to use the can, or just visit with him when no one else was in her office I had while petting him been stroked his side and belly as he lay in his bed with his injured leg sticking out, and he’d rolled just slightly over more on his back and was showing me his sheath and nuts. Now I need to clarify just how big and rotund this fella was, dashound’s wouldn’t normally be this plump and heavy but he was a overfed and spoiled fella so he was packing about 20 lbs more than was actually healthy for him.

So to put in bluntly he was FAT, so course that made his parts look bigger, with the extra padding and I imagine there was a bit of swelling still, from where his leg and hip had been injured, so as I pet, and he rolled I gently tried feeling him up and give him a few pleasurable feelings, either he didn’t want that type of thing being done or I had bumped something to cause his leg to give him a jolt of pain cause his only response had been to damn near bite me. I backed off and let him be, and never attempted to try anything again with him except a quick pat of the head. “IF” I felt like bending over that far.

Our first encounter for anything sexual happened only a short time later, Joshua was still being kept in the office, and this day the spaniel was in there with him, Debbie was out front in the bar visiting with friends and I had gone back to use the can, I’d used the door from the prep room and closed it behind me, and as I turned to close the door from the office I saw both Joshua and Sam (the spaniel) in the office, well I left the door to the office open and sat to do my business, the office bathroom door being close enough and opening into the bathroom I could close it if anyone were to come into the prep room or office

As I sat there the spaniel came in the say hi and get pets and I fussed over him and as he stood there I leaned forward and started jacking him off, he was old enough to know what I was doing and responded like any dog would, and happily humped into my hand, the bathroom was narrow but long so Sam during his thrustings had moved over to the side and Joshua was watching us from the opening of the doorway from the office, my pants are down around my ankles and I’m taking a dump and leaning over as I allow Sam to use my hand so to spray his few jets of doggie jizz on the carpeting.

As I sat there bent over like this Joshua walked up between my legs and placed his front paws in the cradle my pants and tried hopping up, as he did this I took my free hand and stared petting and stroking his head and back. Remembering his reaction the last time I didn’t expect anything more, but then Joshua hopped up getting his front paws on the lip of the toilet seat between my legs, I leaned back as he came up so he didn’t bump heads with me, and now I sat on the pot tilted to the side so I can keep my hand wrapped around Sam’s squirting dick and pet Joshua’s head as he leans forward, then Joshua started sniffing deeply at the space around my legs, and suddenly his tongue darted out and swiped at my thigh close to my crotch, this startled me a bit, but it felt wonderful and I’d known from other dogs earlier how good a tongue bath was, so I opened my legs a little more and rolled my pelvis so more of my dick and balls were offered.

Joshua immediately dove into the space shoving his head between my legs and started a tongue lashing on my dick and balls that left me breathless and made me forget about giving any more pleasure’s to Sam. As I watch in fascination Joshua is rooting around and leaving dog slobber all over as he feasts on my legs and crotch, I don’t quite know what to think, based on our previous encounter I assumed he would never do this type of thing but he seems determined to wash me spotless clean or till I cum, so I adjusted myself so my legs are wide open and my dick and balls are displayed openly for him to do with as he pleases.

Joshua pays little mind to me and what I’m doing above him, as long as he has assess to my sex. His cold nose had first wedged itself under my shaved ballsack and I felt his breaths as he inhaled the odors from my crotch, then I felt his tongue as it darted out and slurped over the flesh from the edge of my anus and swept across my naked nutsack as he drew his head backwards and then with his cold nose parting the way I felt his tongue as it swept up the side of my sack and leg crease, then his probing nose swirled around the base of my dick and scrotum and around the top wetting down the skin were my dick joins my upper pubes.

I slumped back letting my sex become even more exposed to him and watched in excited disbelief as his tongue traveled up the length of my shaft nudging it around so he hit all sides and then got his tongue slurping around the back of my circumcised glans were the flesh gathered on the underside at that sensitive spot and then he drug its slippery, wet slightly rough surface over the head of my dick eagerly and frantically drinking up the seeping pre cum leaking form my aroused hard cock. Joshua is panting heavily in his excited state and my breathing almost matches his, as his actions have me gasping for air as his wonderful tongue dances over my groin. Joshua keeps rooting around; slurping at me like his life depends on it. And also like he knows what he’s doing, like he done this with someone else, and knows there a tasty treat if he dose it right, I really don’t care at this point, as he has me on the edge of a orgasm all ready.

Joshua’s whole body is wiggling in his excitement and as he continues to assault my pecker with that talented tongue of his, he tilts his head sideways so his tongue wraps around the diameter of my dick as he moves up and down its length, by now I’ve slumped so far forward my anus is hanging over the front of the seat, and Joshua has moved his paws so there resting and draped over my own thighs or he’s using my thighs to brace his paws on, as he moves himself around to get better access to whatever part of me has fallen under the attention of his tongue.

Sam suddenly decided he wanted in on the action too as I guess the smells of sexual excitement coming from Joshua and I were getting to him too. So as Joshua assaults my front suddenly I feel Sam’s cold nose as he buries it in the crack of my ass and starts licking my ass cheeks and butt hole dragging his tongue thru its length and seemingly finding the tastes and odors much to his likening cause he keeps his nose buried in my crack and bathed my anus till it was beyond clean and the feelings of his warm wet tongue as it bathed me had my ass ring throbbing and made my dick pulse wildly, especially when his tongue would fold in on itself and the super slippery silky smooth underside and bottom of his probing tongue swept over any part of my highly aroused groin area.

Joshua seemed quite pleased when these actions brought more fluids welling to my dicks slit and as they oozed and dripped form me he licked them up faster than they could form. Then Joshua made a frontal assault on my dick, he nosed it around so he was looking straight at it and franticly drew his tongue over my cocks head. He then suddenly opened his jaws and shoved his muzzle forward so my swollen head was engulfed in his mouth and then he closed his jaws over it and he deliberately seemed to be rolling it around in his warm mouth and trying to suckle it too, as his tongue did a wild dance over the bottom off it. In the split second that Joshua had engulfed my dick in his mouth I thought he was going to bite my dick off after he’d tricked me into doing this, or just in his excitement he would be way to rough, but he only seemed intent on getting me to give him the tasty treat he seemed to know was coming, which again made me wonder if someone else had ever trained him or even done this with his cause he knew exactly what he was doing. And even thou I’m not that damn big (6inchs long and 1.5 wide) the head of my dick filled his mouth fully.

Finally I decided to lend a hand so to speak and attempted to bring my hand down to my dick so I could hold it still for him, as soon as Joshua saw my hand approaching the dick he was bathing he stopped his washing and started growling showing me some bared teeth and fangs, and half heartedly it seemed snapped at me. But didn’t connect, as soon as he realized I was only holding my dick steady for him he clamed down and returned to his oral teasing, he seemed to put a little more effort into it as a apology and as I held it in place for him so he could lick the part he wanted too he seemed to be directing where my hands should be so he could get the spot he wanted most, which beat all to hell when he would hold down my member with his paws using way to much weight.

As he and Sam kept this up I wondered how much longer I could hold off the pending orgasm that was boiling up within my balls, and decided this was a hell of a lot better way to get my rocks off than a simple hand job to myself, the phrases flogging the dog, and pounding the pup suddenly had a whole new meaning to me and I giggled at the play on words that pun conjured in my head at that moment. Sam had stopped for a minute only to raise his head from the crack of my ass and see if he could join in the lick fest up on the top, as soon as he tried sticking his nose into my ballsack while Joshua was working the shaft, Joshua got pissed and snapped at Sam warning him away from what he considered his area, but in doing so he’d had to stop his licking and his movements had forced him to slide off from where he’d been perched.

After telling Sam off Joshua excitedly jumped back up so his fore paws were once again on my legs and took two quick licks of the ooze dripping from my cock head and suddenly grasp his paws into my thighs, and then started humping wildly, I felt the spurting of his dicks pre cum hitting my legs as he dry humped me, and leaning out I gently grabbed his sheath and let him do a wild dance as he shoved his swelling dog dick out of his sheath and sprayed more dog juice onto my legs and the toilet. Still holding Joshua’s spurting dick I slid forward and off the toilet seat and dropped as best I could to the floor and then let Joshua change the grasp of his short stumpy forelegs from my thigh to my waistline and as he mounted me we were basically doing it missionary style and I let him hump himself silly, as his dog seed sprayed over my ball sack and cock.

Joshua’s wild humping ended and he had a happy content look on his face as drool fell from his muzzle and landed in my bellybutton. His throbbing dog dick shot its essence into my groin, bathing my dick and balls, as his member rubbed and slid against mine, Sam was by my head and whining, so as Joshua suddenly pulled himself off me and backed off just enough to bury his snout in my groin and wash me up of his seed, I guided Sam so he stood at a angle over my head, in a position where Joshua didn’t feel challenged by him and started to jerk him off, after only a few seconds Sam’s cock showed itself outside of his sheath, and as he swelled up, he gave a dozen jackhammer thrusts of his hips and then stood motionless over me, as his penis swelled and throbbed I wrapped my mouth over it and sucked gently on him trying to draw out of him, his tasty treat.

Sam being a bit young had the tool and the nuts, but not a lot of juice and being a virgin he stood there in a arched back stance, and as his penis swelled and throbbed he made open mouth gasps and vocalizations like he was going to retch. Then as his dick offered its fluids, I after getting my mouthful pulled his dick out and let it point towards my chest letting his last spurts fly down to were Joshua was still licking his own seed off me.

Joshua went nuts when he smelt Sam’s dick juice on me, after a few hurried licks to get rid of it he jumped on my torso again and started humping his dick onto me letting his seed spray over my aching cock, and Joshua’s body heat as he ground his chest against my dick as it was trapped between us had me ready to burst, then Joshua released my waist and started crawling up my chest, as he did his dick ended up folding backwards as he came forward, till it was pressed against my balls and my inner thigh and as he moved up he licked the sweat and Sam’s cock juice off me. Then with his dick pressed against my thigh and nuts he gave several frantic licks to my lips tasting Sam’s seed there, and after washing that off, did a u-turn on my chest and with his butt close to my face gave my human cock several more licks and mouthing, while his dog dick swelled, throbbed, and spit his cum on my chest before he got much further I realized I was tempting fate time wise and pushed him off me long enough to get up and sit back down on the edge of the seat, and let Joshua back up so he was wildly washing me once again. I grasp my pecker and squeezed the base and started jerking off. Between Joshua’s tongue and mouth action on my cock, and Sam’s work on my ass I felt the orgasm coming quick so I held my free hand out under my cock tip cupping it and pointing my dick into Joshua face, I gave the final few rubs that had my dick spitting its treat into my hand, Joshua did everything but deep throat me at this point, his licks were as fast as the spurts and he greedily lapped up my spunk as fast as my dick gave it, finally as the spasms slowed down and Joshua concentrated on the head of my dick I let Sam have the offerings left in my hand.

After both dogs had cleaned me up leaving no traces of cum on me or anywhere else for others to see, and we’d caught our breaths and got back some semblance normalcy, I opened the door that led to the office and let them out of the bathroom, after several minutes as I was finishing up and coming out of the bathroom, using the side door leading to the prep room, Debbie came walking back from the kitchen, going to her office, I could only be thankful the dogs and I had finished when we did and not kept going or we would have likely been caught, but I knew too at this point that Joshua and I were likely going to have many more wonderful times together, if he was as frantic and devoted to the task the next time as he’d been this time it would be wonderful.

But even if this was to be the only time he would have even done this or allowed my pleasuring of him I would never in the future ignore him again, I would always be more friendly and willing to pet, visit and give treats just because he’d shown me that the size of the dog don’t matter its what they allows or want that should count.


After our first carnal encounter I had; like I said, been more friendly towards this little dog, always bending way down to pet his head and rub his ears, Joshua for his part would eagerly greet me, jumping up with his stumpy little front legs, bracing them against my kneecap and shove his head and face into my outstretched hand eagerly seeking attention, problem was he still weighed enough that this would put me a bit off balance, and I would generally end up having to drop to my knee which suited Joshua fine as it brought me more to his level. when this happened he would then rudely and noisily shove his nose in the region of my crotch sniffing and carrying on, so if others were present I would push and press firmly with my pets and strokes trying to keep his head and nose away ,so it didn’t appear as obvious to others what his intension really was.

On the night of this story, I like normal had spent the day working in the restaurant part of the Inn, and the kitchen finally had closed, I’d had my offshift drink and several more; sitting with the rest of the crew and chatting about the day’s events, after the others finally left, John the cook And I had had a few more drinks and were loose enough to be chatting away about some very private aspects of our own life’s with each other, you see John was about 30 years my senior, my boss in the kitchen, and 100%. He looked, acted, dressed and talked normal, so it wasn’t apparent unless he’d told you, or you’d heard stories about him, which is how I found out when someone told me about him and the rich male friend own had owned a restaurant he use to be the chef of.

Anyway I knew John was, and he knew I was a zoo who would bed down with male animals as readily as with a female animal, and we had sometime before or after this night had a few flings together ourselves thou they were more for him than me, as people have never been my favorite sexual partners. But this night he was telling me about the time he and the rich friend had been bedding down together (the rich friend is very BI-sexual), and they had included the friends very well hung male ST. Bernard. I’ve always wanted since hearing this to see if the rich friend is into zoo but we both hide our true self’s so we appear normal. Oh well, it’s not like I’d do much with him anyway as the only person I touch these days is my wife but I’d love to see if any more of his critters are sexually in tune with humans (as he was the source of a female rott/dobie mix who became my lover years later)

Anyway John and I finally left, he to his home which happened to be right next to the restaurant on the other side of the parking lot, and I walked the 3 blocks the other way down and over to my studio apartment. It was only about 1230 at night and the talking about things sexual had left me feeling slightly horney. I decided after only a few minutes at my place to take a night time walk and see if I could find any willing critters.

I left my place I headed north down to old highway road that fronted my place, and as I passed the dimly lite intersection whose street went back to the Inn, I glanced up the road and saw a shadowy figure scampering about by the back door and alley that ran behind the Inn, pausing for a second I tried to determine what it was and decided to walk up and see, as I approached the rear of the Inn and the alley I heard the jingle of dog tags smiling I whispered; Joshua?? The sound of tags stopped rattling and a instant later they started again as I was approached by them, bending down I waited and out of the darkness came the short stumpy fat figure of Joshua, his tail beating wildly side to side in time with the sound of his collars tags. As I knelt there petting and stroking him I glanced around checking to see if anyone was in sight and seeing no-one I quickly and quietly got up and walked into the alleyway, Joshua happily followed.

Halfway down the alleyway which was actually never used by vehicles was a short but leafy tree that actually grew out on the corner boundary of John’s place and the restaurants parking lot fence, whose limbs and foliage would provide cover for us, I crouched and started crawling under the overhanging limbs with Joshua insensately trying to shove his snout into my asscheeks thru my pants. As I stopped crawling and began trying to roll over so I could get ready for my horny friend he got tangled up in a flailing of limbs as I tried to straighten out my legs, Joshua began franticly grasping and humping against me, finally I was able to deter him long enough to lay on my back reach down and start unbuckling my belt, and opening the snap and zipper of my pants. Joshua was excitedly hopping and jumping around and causing more delays with his eagerness than he was helping.

Finally I was able to pull my pants and shorts down, partway to my knee’s just enough so Joshua could finally get to his goal, and I sucked in my breath as he painfully shoved his cold wet nose into my groin and he started sniffing and licking my nutsack and hard dick like he was possessed, greedily and franticly his tongue slurped over my flesh as he still sought to position himself between my legs getting himself tangled in my bunched up clothing, trying to raise myself and further lower my pants I had to almost fight Joshua, as he had no intention of stopping.

Finally I was able to shift him just enough to get him off my pants and shove them all the way down around my ankles and as I fell back Joshua, continued his assault on my groin, shifting so my elbows held my torso up I watched as my fur friend danced a happy jig with his body and his tongue slithered its way up and down my asscrack then danced up over my nutsack and lapped up the length of my pole, as he reached the tip he leaned into me turned his head sideways and opened his jaws taking the head of my dick into his mouth, his sharp canine fangs held me in his panting mouth. Then just as frantically he would release me and begin licking whatever his excited movements put closest to his questing tongue.

After several minutes of this when he couldn’t contain himself any more Joshua would stop licking and bodily heave himself on me mounting my waist and hips like I was his bitch, his short stubby forelegs would grasp me as his heavy chest would squish my dick and balls as he starting a rapid humping of his hips trying to give his doggie cock its turn at pleasure, he would pull into me with his forepaws walking his rear closer as his chest slid over my groin and his paws moved up the sides of my torso leaving scratches, till his wildly swinging cock came into contact with any part of me and spray his doggie pre-cum over my thighs, grinning I reached down with one hand while I balanced on the other elbow.

Reaching under him I grasped his sheath, aiming his spurting dick so it would spray on my balls and run down my asscrack wetting my asshole, inching his cock closer to my rosebud I let Joshua hump himself till his canine cock tip found its mark, and as he drove it wildly into me I let go and allowed him to screw his cock into me, after several wild humps Joshua couldn’t wait anymore, and in his sexual lust would throw himself back and off of me pulling his squirting cock out of my ass before he could get his knot embedded, and return to slurping up the juices his cock had sprayed all over me licking up his own mess and attacking the head of my own dick which leaked human pre-cum.

It didn’t seem to matter to him as long as he could bathe my dick he was happy, even the sweat that was forming around my groin and between the crease of my leg and ball sack seemed to drive him to greater passion, as I suppose my sweat carried the scent of my own sexual lust for what we were doing.

As I reclined there letting my doggie friend have his way with me, I again wondered if someone in the owners family had trained him to be a cock hound as he seemed to know the best way to get my leaking dick to give up what he knew was the reward for his efforts, I lay there letting Joshua do as he pleased; he would franticly lick and then satisfy himself with a quick hump, spraying more of himself on me. He didn’t seem to care weather his cock penetrated my ass or slid against me, sliding between my ballsack and leg or pressed between the two of us, my torso and his hot belly being the target.

Then seemly just to change things Joshua scrambled out from between my legs and came up to my head, giving fast licks to my face and ears then scrambling, he crawled up on my chest from the side and began licking on my dick, he seemed to know that that from this angle he could get at the head of my leaking dick, “head-on” so to speak and after cleaning it of its oozing pre-cum, opened his mouth wide and engulfed my glans fully in his mouth, the feeling of his panting tongue sliding on the bottom of my dick and the ridged palate on the top and the hot breaths flowing over the tip had me in heaven.

Wanting to give as much pleasure as I was receiving I bent my head low and reaching over and under with my free hand I grasped his sheath and began stroking him directing his emerging wet red dog cock into my waiting open mouth, catching the first sprays of his dog juice on my lips and tongue, Joshua only paused in his attentions to me long enough to hump his swelling dog cock in and out of my eagerly sucking mouth, till his knot had emerged form his sheath and swelled in my hand up to its golf-ball size and after several jets of his tasty emissions had bathed my throat he stopped humping and let his cock rest in my mouth, and returned to licking my dick with his same frantic pace. Trying to follow suit I rolled my tongue around and over his red rockets shaft and pressed its pointed flaring tip against the roof of my mouth, gently sucking on his pole swallowing whatever he gave me.

Joshua suddenly wanted to change position and tried leaping off my chest to my side jerking his cock out of my mouth, he scrambled back down and around so he was again between my legs his nose shoving its way in-between my asscheeks his tongue darting into it slurping up anything in its path.

Even thou we were deep in the dark shadows of the unlit alley, and under the cover of the low hanging branches I was a bit worried about people who might walk by the entrance of the alley on the street being able to see us or hear our panting and moanings and I was getting a bit of a chill laying on the cool ground with my bare ass, I also really wanted to get rid of the rest of the clothing as it was only getting on the way of our activities, and Joshua was making a mess of it with his paws, besides being totally naked is the only way to truly enjoy sex with a partner.

Much to Joshua’s dismay I pushed him away and pulled my clothes back up, and got myself dressed and as presentable as I could while hiding under the tree with Joshua nosing and nudging me with disappointment showing on his face at not having gotten his treat. Crawling out from under the tree I crept down the alley till I could see up and down the street checking to see if anyone was out and about, and seeing no-one I casually walked out of the alley and down the side street towards my place quietly calling for Joshua to follow me. He willingly followed me still expecting to get his treat and I wasn’t about to disappoint him.

As soon as I got in the door of my place and got it closed I was pulling my clothes off as fast as I could and heading to the bathroom which happened to have the only floor space big enough for me to lay down and not be crowded, Joshua was doing a happy dance and as soon as the last piece of clothing was off I dropped to the floor allowing Joshua to resume his attack of my groin. as he happily licked me back to oozing hardness I pet and stroked his head and ears, telling him how much I enjoyed what he was doing to me, and just like under the tree, Joshua would lick for a few minutes then jump up and hump me spraying his cock juice over me or penetrating my ass and squirting it in me then wretch himself off and return to licking me all over, then racing up to my head and crawling up on my chest to attack my dick form that angle.

Each time he did head this way I would try to get him to let me return the favor by giving his cock a lick or suck, Joshua was just to excited to slow down and stay in one place, he seemed to want to be everywhere at once, and couldn’t complete a task before racing off to another. But even Joshua’s stamina had it limits, and I knew that soon even he would be slowing down,

This time as he came up to my chest to slurp on my dick from this angle; rather than his normal half mount from the side he crawled fully up on me so he was literally standing on me, his nose in my crotch, his heavy front paws digging into my waistline, his rear paws close to my nipples, and his ass over my face, he eagerly licked and mouthed on my dick. I reached up to balance him and shift him a little so his ass wasn’t totally in my face, seeing his nut sack and sheath wiggling to close I couldn’t resist and gently grasped him and stroked his red dog bone thru the covering of the sheath causing him to start humping. As soon as his dog cock was out of its cover I folded it backward, holding it just behind the knot, as it was swelling to its full size Joshua stopped his fervent licking of me and dropped his fore paws so they clung to the sides of my waist, his dewclaws making more scars there, his back paws where making hamburger of my nipples, and his throat pressed my dick between us as his tongue danced down the side of my thigh and nut sack.

I took him into my mouth and as his cock knot swelled to its full size he stopped his wild gyrations on me, and as his cock pulsed its tasty treat into my hungry mouth Joshua collapsed onto me, his hind feet slipping off my nipples and down over my shoulders, scratching me till they were on the floor straddling my neck, he scrapped his front paws up from my waist so they where nestled between my legs effectively trapping my dick between them and he seemed to be deliberately holding my shaft still with his paws, he engulfed my glans and a little of the shaft and mouthed it giving me almost the same kind of blow job as I was giving him

My mind couldn’t believe the fevered pitcher we had reached, as I tried to comprehend the fact that this was truly a classic male on male sixty nine, both partners trying to deep throat their lover even thou one was a canine who one would think couldn’t do such a thing. Almost there; I thought as my body started to tingle in pre-climax when suddenly much to my disappointment Joshua loosed my dick from his mouth and leapt off me pulling his own cock out of my mouth, and causing more scratches as he scampered over me to get back down between my legs, stopping on the way to give his own cock a few quick licks to make it soften a little, between that and dragging it over me and on the floor it retreated back into its den.

Now Joshua seemed to understand if he could trap my dick it would hold still while he lavished it with his tongue so now he pressed his chest against my nut sack and the base of my dick and placed his paws on either side, his paws kept it from moving side to side and his chest held if firm against us, and he rose up to get to the tasty leaking tip, knowing he could finish me off he drew my dickhead into his mouth and let his tongue slither around it drawing out my lube, between his warm body and his talented tongue his final assault on me only lasted a few minutes and as the pre-climax tingles raced thru me he let my dick fall out of his mouth and leaning against it kept if trapped between his paws and chest and ran his hot wet tongue up from the where the base and scrotum join to the nubbin of flesh at the bottom of the glans that marked where my foreskin would have been and using his front teeth gently nibbled.

DAMN this dog is talented and knows just what he’s doing, this simple act has finished me, as he concentrates his attention on this area I feel my orgasm approach, and hit just as fast as a lighting strike at arms reach, so quickly am I in the throe’s of ecstasy that the flash and bang are at the same time , my dick swells and pulse’s shooting its load of cum; like lava, shooting it out like a geyser my glans feels like the top of a volcano that just blew its top. Joshua must have felt the pulse’s and knows its payday for him as his panting mouth is over my dick trying to catch the sprays of cum as they fly out of me, some he catches in mid air. Those he miss’s land on my gut and chest, as my dick pulse’s and throbs, his warmth and shifting body cause even more pulse’s to erupt from me, till finally my balls are totally drained and I have no more to give.

As I lie in post orgasm bliss Joshua eagerly wash’s me as my softening dick gives him the last dregs of cum his nose eagerly seeks out the trace’s and globs of cum on my chest and he toughly wash’s me making sure he gets all he can. My whole body tingles in post orgasmic bliss and stupor, my dick right now is too numb to feel Joshua’s hot wet licks, his questing nose leads him to the last remnants of cum scattered on my body and in stretching and reaching for them Joshua has walked his body up onto me, with his fore paws draped over me while his nose roots around my strum at the bottom of my ribcage slurping up the last traces of jizz.

Of course this put Joshua in the proper mating position and his instincts kick in and he grips me firmly and begins wildly humping. Wanting to share the enjoyment of the moment I reach down between us and grasp his thrusting dog cock and aim it at my asshole, as his hot red dog cock slips inside me, Joshua becomes insane and furiously drives himself into me impaling me with his boner. To give him better access I raise and spread my legs and knee’s and as his knot pops into my ass for the last time and finishes swelling to its golf-ball size I reach down to stroke his head and body, holding him there with my hands, thighs, and tightening of my sphincter, telling him its his turn, and as he begins to pulse within me I happily wait for him to blow his load in me.

Joshua though suddenly begins a frantic dismount. But he’s tied to me!!, and I knowing now’s not a good time for him to do this continue to try to hold him still and prevent him from yanking his knotted cock out of my ass, with arms and Legs, and also I’m using my ass muscles to try sucking him in further. Weather he’s trying to stop his own orgasm for some reason or trying to dismount and turn so we’re butt to butt I don’t know, all I do know is even thou his knot isn’t that big it’s going to hurt like hell, and in his overexcited state Joshua doesn’t seem to care. And with a final convulsion of limbs he yanks his knotted dog cock form my ass, abusing my sphincter muscle and causing instant pain. True he’s not that big but have someone yank a anal bead the size of a golf-ball out of your ass without any lube or time for you to relax and tell me how it feels to you.

My first reaction is to grasp tightly at my asscheeks with my hands and roll around on the cool tiles of the bathroom floor, moaning and groaning as my ass ring tells me its been ripped in two. In my haze I see Joshua beside me rolled over on his back squirming and flopping about like a fish out of water as he try’s to reach his own cock and lick its throbbing redness as a last few jets of doggie spooge fly out and land on his belly and the floor.

After several more minutes of rolling about both of us calm down and rest next to each other. Finally, reluctantly, I raise myself from the floor and gather my strewn clothing putting it back on, as I do I gently try bearing down and drawing in on my sphincter which still protests and aches in its soreness. Dressed and as composed as I can get in this short time I gather up Joshua and we walk out the door taking the darkest path back to the side street where he can see the door to the office. I leave him there and proceed to the front door of the bar and enter, gently parking myself on a stool I order a drink and start chatting with Stan, the barkeep, and Lucy, (the female half of the owners of the place, and Joshua), as we’re the only ones left there this late.

It’s not 10 minutes later that Joshua himself sticks his head around the doorjam of the bar and is noticed by Lucy, who calls him in and takes him back to the office in back, asking him as they walk into the kitchen were has he been.