(c) 2007 by Liketolook

I am a working mother who has found sex to be less enjoyable and more of a “wifely duty.” My husband and I had found ourselves in the rut of love making only in the middle of night in the bedroom after the kids had gone to bed. Most of the time I was too tired, but to keep him happy, I’d play along.

One day after work, I sat down and checked my email, which always helps me to relax. I usually get a lot of spam email, so I sort through and delete most stuff. One of my emails was titled “Improve your sex life without him.” This caught my attention, I figured it was some type of sex pill or toy ad, but it was typed out text. It was from a woman who said she was married with kids who talked about not wanting to cheat on her husband, but expressed her dissatisfaction with her sex life (which sounded like my life story). As I read on, she talked about how she began her relationship with her male lab…At the end of the story, it said “I hope this helps!” and had a link to this forum.

My husband and kids had gone to pick up dinner, so I followed the link. I read several of the stories and watched a few videos and it looked like other women were quite enjoying themselves and their dogs didn’t seem to mind. I have been watching videos here from time to time and was very aroused by them. On the nights I would watch them; I would be so aroused that my husband got laid, guaranteed. He sleeps in the nude, so I would be waiting in bed with just a top on and start rubbing my bare butt against him to let him know what I wanted. I normally didn’t like it from behind, but I could close my eyes and imagine that I was one of those women that I had been watching and I got off something incredible!!

My husband and kids had planned a trip to go see his mother for the weekend and because I was on-call, I couldn’t go. I thought this would be my perfect chance to try what I had been wanting. I asked my husband to take the dog (we have a German Shepherd “Jake” that sleeps outside) to the pet store to get him bathed and groomed. I always bring him inside when my husband goes out of town; it makes me feel safer when he’s gone. He took him early Saturday morning and brought him home smelling nice a looking extra shiny. I had made a little bed for him in our bedroom (coincidentally in front of my large stand-up mirror) with a large thick comforter. Shortly after lunch my husband and kids set off to visit my mother-in-law.

After giving them about 30 minutes (enough time to ensure they hadn’t forgotten anything and would be returning for it) I decided to play around with Jake. I called him over to me and started petting him. He was very excited, just to be in the house and to have someone petting him. He is very well trained, so I had him sit while I scratched his head and back. He seemed to really enjoy this attention and I could see about 1 inch of his pink penis sticking out. Being this close really excited me and I knew I was starting to get wet just looking at him. I had him lie down and roll over so that I could scratch his chest and belly. His pink was showing more, but I was a little afraid to touch it, not knowing what he might do.

Jake is really funny and is a very demanding dog (and strong) When he is not being petted and he wants to be, he will nudge you with his nose, until he works his head under your arm/hand. When my husband plays with him in the yard, he will hide his tennis ball in his shorts pocket sometimes and pretend like he threw it and I have seen him pull my husbands shorts down jus trying to get the ball…When I finished rubbing his belly he stood up and began nudging me and walking back and forth against my legs. I think he was able to smell that I was excited. I had on a pair of my husband’s boxers, which offered little barrier, and he started to sniff and nudge my crotch. He had worked one leg of the shorts up to the fold of my inside thigh and he gave me a lick. His wet tongue on the inside of my thigh sent chills through me. I pushed him away and went to the bathroom to get a towel, with him at my feet the whole time.

I laid the towel out on the edge of the couch and took off the boxers. When I sat down, he immediately started nudging my knees to get my legs apart. He went straight for my pussy and started licking like my husband has never done for me! There is no way I could have done this with my kids or husband there, because when I started to cum, there was no way I could keep quiet. I let out a loud noise and he stopped for a minute. I reassured him he/I was ok and pulled him back to me. I could see that his pink was hanging out quite a bit more and decided to move this to my bedroom.

The two things that I was really concerned with was getting clawed and taking his knot. Taking his knot I was not as concerned with, since I had 2 kids, I figured this wouldn’t be that big of a problem, especially since I had seen several other women on here take the knot and others talk about it being the best part. I decided to leave my t-shirt on, hoping it would provide protection from his claws.

When we got into the bedroom, he was licking at my crotch, before I could even get down to give him what he really wanted. I got down on my hands and knees on the bed that I had made for him. He started licking my face…I started to pat my butt to get his attention back there….he had never even been with a female dog, so he was as new to this as I was. He finally realized where I wanted him to go and he started licking me. He would lick me then come back around to my face as seeking approval.

Finally the last time he gave me a few licks, then jumped up on my and started humping. He was heavier than I thought, but his front paws had a tight hold on my hips. I could feel his penis rubbing against my belly because he was no where near his mark. I lowered down to my elbows and raised my butt up a little more and he hit is mark!! He went wild and started humping twice as fast! I could hear him slapping against my butt. He began to grow inside of me and his warmth sent me into another orgasm. I was squealing out loud out of pain and pleasure, but he didn’t slow down a bit! When I opened my eyes, I could see my husband standing behind me watching the whole thing. I was morbid, but at this point, there was nothing I could do! Before I could think of what I was going to say, I had another orgasm and I could feel his knot swelling inside of me at the entrance of my pussy. He started to slow down and finally stopped. I tried to get up, but Jake growled at me! He has never done that and it scared me! I realized that we were stuck and that I probably hurt him by trying to move. I didn’t know what I was going to say to my husband!! After a few minutes Jake began to decrease inside and I could feel a rush of cum inside of me and running down the inside of my leg. I was completely exhausted and would have liked to lay there in the moment, but I ran to the bathroom to wash up and try to come up with an explanation for my husband.

He came into the bathroom and asked me “did you enjoy yourself? It looked like you did.” I didn’t know how to respond. I said “you don’t understand, it’s not like” which he quickly interrupted by saying that he did understand. He asked me if I got the idea from an email that I had gotten. I said “yes, but how did you know about the email.” He told me that he had been a member on this forum for quite some time and he too was getting bored with our sex life, but had no intention of cheating. He said that seeing women with their dogs really excited him and he got the idea to create a yahoo email with a woman’s name and send me a story that sounded much like our life. He said that if I had deleted it, he hadn’t lost anything, because I would have never known it was him, but because I read it and apparently was excited by it that maybe we could both enjoy together! He said that he had planned this whole thing! He said that my internet history told him that I had been visiting the site and that he figured that I would eventually try it if given the opportunity. He arranged to take the kids to a friend’s house for the night, not to his mother’s house which is an hour and a half away. That’s how he was able to get home so quickly.

Jake now sleeps inside the house full time!!