(c) 2007 by Hairbear58

As best I can remember I was in my later teens(18-19), and spent all my free time by myself due to being ostracized and outcast by other kids my own age, you know the kid everyone ignored or picked on so I had no friends to hang around with, but that was ok, by this time and age animals had become my friends, mostly dogs, or horses, and I spent my time being with them, of course I’d learned by now a few things about sex, most of it from overly friendly dogs .

Being in a small Simi rural town helped a lot in this as if, or when any of the families or other nearby dogs didn’t or couldn’t play I could hop on my bike and ride around the county seeking out my other or new ff.gif friends. At this time I’d also developed a passion for horses, I don’t know why, there was just something about them that drew me like a magnet. And I of course thought the smell of them was wonderful

Back then it was normal to be able to be gone all day and the parent never had to worry about their safety, or if they were doing drugs as then this wasn’t as big a problem, anyway as a teen lots of us had some type of job for spending money, mine was a paper route, it was both in the small town I lived in and the rest was to the outlying farms, ranches and scattered house’s in the countryside and the fields of many between these had horses or other livestock.

I had by this time made fence friends with many of them as I always stopped when I saw them so I could pet and stroke whoever would come to me. Many by this time many would amble over as soon as they saw me stop my bike by their fence as they knew I would pet them or feed them hand picked grass from my side of the fence or better yet those days I had sugar cubes.

This day was no different it was a wonderful warm spring afternoon and I’d been riding for awhile both to pass the time and to see my friends, as “playing” with any of the dogs around home that day had been impossible. In this field were I stopped was a group of about 8 horses. Of all colors, one of them was a small pinto pony mare, tThe others were normal sized horses. One of the main reasons I liked being around horses was the way they smelled, to me it was a wonderfully pleasant odor, even more so the musky odor from their genitals.

It seemed that the male horses, all geldings to this point didn’t mind as much if they were touched and fondled in those places, mares on the other hand seemed harder to find or to allow touching in their private places. I’d been over the course of time able to find a few mares that didn’t mind it but they were normal sized horses so anything more than using my hands hadn’t been possible due to the height differences, and I’d never been in a place were using aids like a stump or bucket or hay bale etc had been feasible.

But I had several times pleasured a mare with my fingers, hand, and arm while using the sight and feeling and juices to masturbate with.
So today when I stopped to visit these equine friends, while I had hopes of some play time I didn’t realize I was going to lose my virginity (female horse wise) I just hoped for a little visit and play time with them.

I’d just topped the long steep hill, and was coasting on the flat plateau catching my breath from the exertion of pedaling my single speed to the top, as I coasted I started pass the fenceline to the field that began at the hill top and looked over into the field to see if I could spot any of my horse friends, and sure enough about 100 yards into the field I saw the group of them as they grazed, they were in the shadowed part of the field, where the shade from the tall trees outside the adjoining fenceline to the one I was on by the road cast their shadows as their height and the sun behind them made this a cooler spot rather than the other half which was still in sunlight as I got off my bike and stretched my legs.

I laid my bike in the grass off the road next to the fence. Wiping the sweat off my face with the back of my hand I started picking the tender green grass’s on my side, one of the horses sensed or smelt me and looked up from grazing and gave a snort, as I picked more grass I could see him testing the air. Giving another snort and whinny he suddenly started trotting up to where I was at, as he did so the rest of the herd looked up and then followed suit, till all 8 horses were coming up to the fence.

When they all saw it was me they jostled for position to get their pets and faces stroked and more so to be the one that got the grass I was holding, grinning I managed to make sure each horse got some and no one hogged it to all for themselves, and the horses milled about in front of me driving each other off or crowding up and pushing their neighbor aside so they got their mouthful too.

Most stopped long enough to get the nose or face rubbed but backed off so they could chew their grass without others bothering them. Slowly as the excitement of my being there and the grass ran out only the ones that wanted pets stayed closest the others stood close by in case I picked more grass, one or two moved a few feet up and down the fence and tried reaching thru or over to get at the grass there but most of it was out of reach by now having long ago been eaten.

Finally the only horse still standing in front of me demanding attention was the pony, a brown and white pinto at that. She was continually seeking pets and sniffing on my hands and arms, reaching her nose out to my face and smelling me, when she’d reach out to my face I’d lean into hers and share breath with her, not that I really understood exactly what I was doing then but knew it was sorta like two dogs sniffing each other butts when meeting so weather it was a greeting or getting to know me better I mimicked her, she’d blow out of her nose a warm horsy breath that smelt of hay and grass and I smelt it and then I’d blow out my breath into her face, then her nose explored my face and up to my hair letting her lips walk and wiggle over my forehead and lisping my short crew cut hair, suddenly she stuck her horse tongue out and licked across my forehead and upward to my scalp, licking up the sweat that was there and slicking down my short hair.

After the first time she stretched out her neck pointing toward the sky and curled her lips, grinning I wondered just why she was doing this, it was at this point she moved sideways a bit letting me see just a little more of her side and flanks, then she spread her hind legs and squatted, lifting her tail she started peeing. It was at this point I actually realized her gender as female, as she was new in the field and I hadn’t yet been able to check her out yet. I like watching horses piss so I moved down the fenceline I little so I had a better view, and as she finished pissing I watched as she flashed repeatedly, I wasn’t discreetly looking at her I was blatantly staring, wishing I was closer or had some kind of shelter so I could see if she’d allow some fondling,

As I watched she kept her tail half up and slightly to the side as she continued to flash and drip fluids from her sex as it pulsed in and out. I stared wantonly at her horse sex admiring it, gazing at the pink and black mottled flesh of her ass and pussy lips then seeing the moist pink insides as they continued to show themselves as she kept her stance and kept flashing, expelling more fluids from her lips

I looked around and realized I was standing right next to the road out in the open staring too intently at her sex, what would passerby’s in cars think; I wondered, plus as I looked around I realized while none of the houses were really close I could see several of them and even thou I couldn’t see anyone outside looking my way there was a chance someone might be looking out a window, regretfully I looked away and tried to appear to be looking away from her at the other horses facing me but my eyes were glued to her flashing sex.

Just at the same time I contemplated moving closer to her she started back stepping toward where I was standing, then as her butt came in contact with the fence she squatted again and with tail raised flashed some more, her sex squirting out even more juices, at this point she was close enough and the wind changed enough I suddenly smelt the sweet scent of her, some how I put it all together, she was in heat and wanting to be bred and the smell was her signal to a male horse she was ready and as wonderful as it smelted to me I wondered what it would do to a intact male horses libido.

Now I was really frustrated here was a ready willing wanting mare and I was a horny ready male and it seemed nothing could be done. And even if I wasn’t a horse, her smell had had me ready, willing and hard as hell, my pecker was ready to split, it was so hard, both from the sight I was taking in, and the smell, and being trapped in my cloths only made it more painful.

While I pondered what I would do she became restless with my lack of attention, and finally resumed a normal stance and wheeled around and walked back down the few steps of the fence line and shoved her nose back into my hands and as I pet and stroked her she resumed walking parallel to me letting my hands stroke the length of her back, as soon as her walking and my reaching hands neared the hindquarters she stopped, and looked back at me, then she squatted again and raising her tail she starting flashing her sex again and shoved the side of her rump towards me into the fence.

The other horses had formed a loose circle around us, sorta blocking the view of anyone across the fields, and watched as she squatted and flashed, my hands which had been fondling her rump and scratching around and down the sides of her ass seemed to travel of their own accord to the heavenly region under her raised tail, I suddenly bravely pushed the flat of my open palm against her sex, feeling the pulsing of her clit as it spilled her juices out.

As soon as she felt my hand there; she froze, and seemed to brace herself for what came next, my heart pounded as I realized I was actually touching her sex, and she liked it, I let my fingers trace around her pouting lips and then pushed them in-between them, as I felt my finger penetrate her I almost came in my pants, as the heat surrounded my digits all I marvaled at this feeling, and thought how much better it would have to feel if it was my pecker and not my finger feeling this moist slick pulsing heat.

As the other horses watched I rubbed and finger banged this little mare till she suddenly gave a squeal and as her pussy muscles clamped down of my invading fingers, she suddenly squirted even more juices out of her heated pussy and it spread over my hand and dribbled down the insides of her legs, after this she straightened her legs a stepped away a pace or too and kept flashing me, looking back at me and nickering, I was trying to let my pounding heart slow down both from the sexual excitement of the past moment and the horny expectation of what else might be done.

While I stood there it seemed the most natural thing in the world to raise my damp fingers to my nose and sniff the juices from her sex that still soaked my hands, the odor was overwhelming in its effect on me, the sweet smell only seemed to make my throbbing penis swell and pulse even more, it was like I was a male of her own species and I had to mate with her, so heady and lustful did this scent make me.

At this point I lost most rational thought and could only think of one thing and that was the two of us actually mating, the where didn’t matter and the when was now, the how, well I didn’t think that would be a problem.

I quickly crawled thru the strands of the barbed wire and walked the 2 paces to her rear end, to where she still stood in her squat legged flashing stance and laid one hand on top of her rump and pushed the flat of the other against her dribbling pulsing sex. I slid the thumb of that hand into her heated sex and felt the walls of her pussy clasp against it. When she felt my thumb invade her sex her pussy gripped it, and she gave a squeal and even more juices spilled out, and she seemed to be backing herself up into my hand as if she wanted even more.

I was as lost in my lust as she seemed to be, and finally realizing just where I was, I knew that if anything else was going to happen I had to get anyplace else rather than right by the side of the road, where any passing car could see all of what was happening, anyplace would do and I wasn’t going to be to picky about it. All I whated at this point was a place were I could finish what had been started, and it could only end with us having full genital to genital sex.

Frantically I looked around the open field as I continued pleasuring her with my fingers and realized just how open an area I was in, and how far away any barns or shelters I could use were and how close the few I did see actually were to the homes I could see on the far side of the field.

As I continued frantically glancing around I out of desperation finally picked a open spot in our field about 200 yards away that actually was a small depression that was several feet lower than the rest of the surrounding area and with my lust filled brain thought it would do, not stopping to think the upper half of us could still be seen and it wouldn’t take a genius to figure out what we were doing in that field if they saw me standing that close to the rear end of a small horse, but lust ruled me right then not clear thought.

Quickly I stopped my pleasures to the pony mare and started walking towards the shallow depression, after I got about 10 feet away from her she snorted and quickly fell in step behind me, and the rest of the herd followed. when I arrived at the chosen place I stopped and turned as my new little very horny mare friend came up to me and then herself turned till her ass faced me and with her pouting dripping pussy lips flashing me, she backed into me till she felt my body against hers. Then she stopped and looked back.

The rest of the herd had followed and arranged themselves in a loose circle around us, so they at least partially blocked the view of what was happening here, and as the pony mare kept pushing into me I frantically unbuckled my belt and ripped my pants and shorts down around my ankles freeing my stiff 6 inch pecker so it could jut proudly out showing itself ready for what was ahead, the head oozed its own sex juices in lustful anticipation.

As I prepared to actually finally have full sex with this wanton little mare, who was gong to actually get my virginity (a female that was willing and with almost similar to human type sex organs) i gave no thought to just how open and exposed we were, the dip in the field was less than 100 feet form the road and at the right angle we could be seen plainly with the dip not hiding any part of us if the drivers stopped at the right spot, and the houses across the far side of the field were 200 or so feet away and in plain view as long as I couldn’t see anyone outside looking at us, it was ok, the watching horses were actually our best barriers to keep us form being seen or caught.

As I rubbed and stroked the mares sides and butt she kept her squat and flashed her pussy at me as I pressed against her I felt the heat of her body radiating off her against my naked legs and as I raised my shirt up I felt it wash over my waistline and gut. I pulled myself against her rear and reached forward to scritch her back and withers

The heat and horsy odors coming from her whole body and the sweet perfume scents issuing form her ready sex had my poor olfactory scenes on overload, at this point I only wanted to be a horse so intense were the smells to me, so erotic and lustful did they make me, to this day these same scents do more to and for me than any odor humans would have on them.

As I pressed against her and ground my groin into her rear she kept flashing her sex in wonton desire begging in her way for me to fill her with what I had, to late I remembered just how close I was standing against her and were her squirting juices were landing after dribbling down my legs, needless to say my shorts and pants got soaked, the pants I hid in the wash after I got home the shorts for months afterwards were kept in a bag in my room for those nights I used the smell to jack off with.

As I rubbed my hands over her rump I pressed my aching rock hard dick against the cleft leading to her swollen pussy lips feeling the velvety smooth warm softness of them, the heat issuing from her neither region had my cock oozing a steady stream of human precum that left slippery trails smeared on her soft mottled pink and black skin, the short horsehairs of her rump and ass tickled against my naked human thighs and legs and her long colored tail hairs flagged across my bare chest and swept over my cock shaft further driving me over the edge as she tried arcing it more over her ass giving me full access to her sex, as my cock bounced around in this delightful place, she hoping to hurry me squirted out more of her slippery passion juices bathing my dick and balls in it.

All this lust was to much, before I could position myself to place and drive my stiff cock in her my dick suddenly swelled and throbbed as fast as a machine gun, and before I could pull away and grip myself tightly at the base to stop the orgasm my dick paused in mid throb and began the steady pulses of a intense orgasm, spitting 6 or so strong jets of thick whitish human jizz against her mottled pussy lips, franticly I slammed my spitting dick into the folds of her twitching lips and felt her heated horse cunt envelope my straining cock as the last spasms shook my body.

Slowly my ragged breathing slowed down and my pounding heart returned to my chest so I didn’t hear it pounding in my skull anymore and I let her half hold me upright while my weak legs trembled. I was a bit disappointed in myself that I’d came so soon and hadn’t been able to enjoy myself more, with actually being able to have humped her for awhile, but as I basked in the afterglow of what had happened ,the mare was obliviously not satisfied either, as I rested against her with my dick still in her she pulsed her pussy several times and managed to push me out ,and as she continued to flash her sex my dick was treated to the massaging of her lips as it was trapped between our bodies as I was still pressed tightly against her, after less than a minute her antics had me hard again and my dick sought out her sex like the missile it was, her lips were coated in her own juices plus mine and my first load of cum added to the slimy mess that made finding her heated equine crack a simple matter of pressing my loins into hers.

Swiftly my dick was swallowed by her sex, and as I slammed myself into her depths shoving myself as hard as I could I pulled back with my hands which were gripping her by her hipbones as she felt my dick traveling in her passage she squatted and braced herself like I was a real horse, as I locked myself into her I felt her clit as it throbbed and pulsed still trying to wink as the base of my cock slid over it and it kissed my ballsack repeatedly, as my balls got kissed her hot slippery cunt gripped and squeezed my dick trying to milk it just like it was a pony cock and not a human one.

After pausing I began the age old motion of love, lust, mating, sex, of joining of two into one, I was trying my damn’st to bury myself fully into her, seemly trying to shove my whole body into her. trying in the pleasure of sex to actually become one with her, and she braced herself against me and with feet firmly planted she almost seemed to want me to drive myself that deep into her so we did become one, and as I slacked off she seemed to back into me wanting as much as I had to offer and wishing for more.

We coupled, mated, joined together in the most basic of ways, we gave and received pleasure from one another, as I drove myself in and out of her hot slippery sex I felt the heat of her lust as she pulsed and squeezed me each time I slammed forward or withdrew my dick from her, she for her part stayed firmly in place taking all I had to offer her. The rest of the horses watching us stood as silent witnesses to our coupling, one of regular sized horses even moved closer and stretched out its nose taking in the scent, as I glanced at him I noticed his undersized erection stiffening in the breeze under his belly and thought pity for him as all he was missing was nuts and he could have been the one enjoying this, but he still got a respectfully sized hardon that I wished I had myself to give this hot little mare.

Faster and faster I coupled with this mare slamming myself in and out of her reveling in the wonderful feelings she was giving me and I hope I was giving her, finally I felt the tingling in my nuts that signaled the impending orgasm, and as I drove myself in and out of my lover I gripped her flanks and pressed harder at the bottom of each down stroke trying to press just another few inches in her, to feel myself a little deeper in her before pulling back out and letting her winking clit push against my cock head and then drive it back into the depths it lusted for.

Suddenly on the last down stroke I froze and my balls throbbed and my dick pulsed and spit its seed into her hot massaging depths, As my dick swelled and pulsed in its spilling of seed in her pussy her muscles clamped down around my shaft and pressed it ,then relaxed and pressed again, traveling in rhythmic waves down the length of my shaft to her cunt lips then her clit flashed against my ballsack

MY pubes are pressed tightly against her and my hands are pulling us together as I pull her into me ,my legs are stiffened and toes curled as I grit my teeth and the tingling waves of pleasure wash over me. Slowly the orgasm fades and I’m able to release my grip on her, and her pulsing throbbing cunt pushes my softening dick out of her, and as I try to catch my breath I’m treated to the wonderful view as she keeps her ass facing me and while squatting and still flashing me, I see strings of my cum appearing and begin dripping toward the ground, as a long sting hangs from her lips to the ground I see globs of it form and fall like raindrops, grinning I watch as the other horses break out of the spell they were in and several come up to sniff at the wet stains on the ground, slowly I recover and then realize just how exposed I had been and hope like hell no one saw me.

I quickly pull my cloths back on noticing then how wet she’d got them and then walked back to the fence and got on my side of it and tried to appear as normal as I could by feeding the horses, all of which had followed me back to the fence grass I pulled on my side of the fence, of course my little mare friend was still eager for some loving as she kept walking Back And forth in front of me and stopping when her ass was where I could reach it, we’d only been there about 5 minute when a car belonging to one of the locals came by, my only thought was thank God it hadn’t happened 5 or 10 minutes earlier, or that I hadn’t fell for the mares charms again and started something just the minute before and gotten myself caught red handed so to speak.

I left only a few minutes later and ended up going home, I did many other times check out that field looking for her but never saw her there again( and never had the change to it with her again either.


As a footnote this isn’t the only mare I ever had the chance to know in this way, there were others, but she was the most memorable one of them all and she was the only one I knew back then that was small enough to have sex/make love to and not need a ladder or bucket etc, which in my mind made it that much better.

And before someone says an animal cant protect itself against this, she was in a open field and had no halter or no rope to hold her, she ask and let me and then ask for more, and just so you know they can say NO.

Another story maybe It was around the same time frame I got launched by a pony mare that said NO she ended up kicking me square in the nuts. I’ll explain that one another time but when they say NO YOU BETTER LISTEN.