(c) 2014 by Doghead_200

The mediaeval village awoke to strange happenings on that bright sunny spring morning. Unusually the streets were alive with sounds of moving carts and people shouting. Slowly the rumours of problems in the castle on the hill overlooking the village started to spread amongst the wakening citizens. Rumours that there had been some sort of fighting and that the King had been murdered during the night. Soldiers and strange rough looking men were filling up the village and hanging around. However these were not saying anything to the locals about what was going on.

At about nine o’clock a horn was heard across the valley where the village was situated, and things started to change rapidly. Some of the soldiers started to hammer on doors and round up the population and herd them towards the village’s large open square. Other soldiers started to clear the centre of the square and set up a cordoned off area in the middle. Yet more lined the main street leading up towards the castle forming a barrier leading right into the heart of the square.

A procession of some sort was winding its way down from the castle towards the village. As it got closer the locals could start to make out the lines of yet more soldiers marching at the head of the procession. Behind these came about five figures wearing what seemed to be dresses, these figures looked to be struggling to keep up, they were followed by yet more soldiers. Finally at the rear of the procession were a number of figures mounted on horseback, followed by three large carts being pulled by oxen.

As the procession approached the square the villagers were able to see that the five struggling figures were in fact the Queen, her two daughters and their two Ladies-in-waiting.

The two Ladies-in-waiting were in fact only young girls of about eighteen years of age. They were dressed in colourful silk court dresses that billowed out from their hips, their waists were corseted in very narrow and their large breasts were forced up and out in front of them in the latest court fashion. Both girls although obviously very frightened, were extremely pretty and their hair was done up high on their heads.

In front of them were the two princesses, aged 20 and 23; these were wearing basically the same style, except that they were all in white in their undergarments, long billowing underskirts, long sleeve vests and corset’s. Their hair was down over their shoulders in away that had never been seen before in public.

In front of all the other women was the queen, a forty- two year old woman, who thanks to good living was still a very attractive female. Unlike the others she was dishevelled and still wearing her long white, high- necked cotton nightshirt. This is in fact how she was dressed when the soldiers that had slain her husband in front of her, had dragged her from his bed in the middle of the night.

On reaching the Square the women were grouped together and surrounded by soldiers. A tall man on a familiar large black Stallion entered the square dressed in the finest styled clothes of the day. The villagers immediately recognised him as the Duke of DeMin, younger brother of the late King, who had been banished from the land because of his cruel treatment of the citizens by his much-loved brother.

The Duke crossed to the centre of the square and waited on his horse for the carts to arrive and then ordered the soldiers to set things up. Once the carts pulled up men were rushing around to unload them and set up a temporary wooded platform. An assortment of items, such as large barrels, hastily made wooden frames and large timber poles were also off loaded and set up, holes were dug and some of the poles were partially buried in the ground. Finally the Duke seemed satisfied at the preparations and signalled a trumpeter to sound his horn.

A hush fell over the assembled masses and one of the other mounted figures got off his horse and mounted the hastily constructed platform. He took out a parchment and started to read out a proclamation. To the dismay of the villagers, the old loved King was announced to be a false King who had been executed for his treason and the Duke was proclaimed the rightful King of the Realm. They were told that the old King’s family were also to be put slowly to death for their treason this day, By order of the new King.

At a signal from the Duke the former Queen and Princesses were seized and led over to three of the hurriedly erected posts. The two Princesses were stood against two posts next to each other on one side of the platform and the Queen was stood against a pole on the other side of the platform facing them. All three were bound with their hands tied behind the poles.

The Duke crossed over to the Queen and taking her nightgown in his hands, roughly ripped it from her body ignoring her pleads of mercy at the sudden forced exposure of her charms and her utter shame. Standing back away from her, the gathered crowds were able to ogle at her naked body, her large full breasts stood out from her chest like two great royal pillows, white and creamy in complexion, with two large brown nipples poking out from the centre.

Although there was a slight sign of sagging to the massive mounds from her advancing years, A woman half her age would have been proud to have been endowed with such impressive breasts.

The queen’s waist was firm and narrow, although the stomach did show the signs of creases due to childbirth in the past. Her hips were wide, childbearing hips, but showed no real sign of fat. Between the tops of her legs was a large triangle of blond bushy pubic hair, which hid her personal female charms from the onlookers.

Her legs themselves were shapely and muscular from years of taking part in her favourite dances in the royal court. Her face now was bright red, as the blood filled it with the flush of embarrassment from her shame of being exposed to her people in this way.

The Duke, a large man stepped forward and grabbed her around the hips, with his fingers encircling her around her buttocks, he lifted her up so that her feet were about a foot off the ground. As he held her there, one of his men placed a large dildo shaped piece of wood about eleven inches long and nearly three inches in diameter into a hole in the pole behind her.

As he stepped back the Duke pulled the Queens arse cheeks apart with his fingers and guided her anus onto the dildo, lowering her on to the invading probe until it had forced its way into her rear by about four inches and her feet again touched the ground. The Queen screamed out at this vile intrusion of her royal posterior. She was no virgin to anal sex as her husband, the former King had insisted on penetrating her at least once a week in this fashion. However she had never had such a large sized intrusion into her anus before.

The Duke stepped back to allow the crowd to watch the Queens pained reaction to this cruel impalement. After waiting for her to stop her protestations, he signalled for a couple of his men to carry on. They stepped forward and taking one of the distressed woman’s legs apiece, bent her knees, pulling her ankles back behind the pole, they nailed her feet to the pole level with her buttocks.

The Queen gave out an awful ear splitting scream that vibrated around the square, caused either by the pain of the nails being hammered in through her feet, or the fact that she had sunk down onto the full length of the eleven-inch dildo in her violated arse. The action of securing her feet behind the pole had forced her knees wide apart and she was displayed so that her Royal childbearing cunt was on full display to the onlookers, who could also see the impaling dildo disappearing into her tortured anus.

Turning his back on the poor tortured woman and ignoring her screams, the Duke turned his attention towards the so far ignored, terrified two young Ladies- in-Waiting.

Although not royalty, the Duke wanted to shame and extract revenge on these two young girls who had spurned his advances in the past before his banishment from the kingdom. He also saw in their punishment an opportunity to demonstrate to the princesses his cruelty and to give them an idea of their fate without actually inflicting any pain on them, and thus terrifying the girls even more while awaiting their own fate.

He had the two young girls wearing their brightly coloured court gowns tied to two square wooden frames on the platform. Their legs were attached to the bottom of the frames about six feet apart, while their wrists were attached a similar distance apart at the top of the frames, creating a large St. Andrews cross of their bodies.

He had his men cut off their bodices and corsets so that they were stripped to the waist, exposing their magnificent breasts and backs to the crowd. Taking a short horse whip from the pile of implements set out by his men, the Duke stood behind the outspread girls and started to lay its tip into the girl’s unblemished backs.

First one girl and then the other, sometimes a few strokes, sometimes a single blow, so that the girls were never aware when the next strike was to hit. The short horsewhip left no real damage to their skin, other than a few red marks, but the affect it had on the watching men was amazing.

With each strike that hit home the girls chests would be thrust forwards to try to get away from the stinging blows behind them. This would cause their magnificent breasts to bounce and wobble uncontrollably, exciting the men (and a few women) present into a sexual frenzy, even those citizens who had no grudge against these innocent girls were starting to enjoy the spectacle unfolding before their eyes.

Satisfied with his work, the Duke, ignoring the girls whimpers and screams, stepped in front of them and started to deal out the same punishment to their breasts, delighting in the way he could make them dance to his tune at will.

Finally tiring at this treatment of the girls, the Duke threw away the horsewhip and started to twist at the breasts and nipples of first one girl and then the other with his hands, inflicting as much pain into those beautiful globes as possible, whilst glorifying in finally getting his hands on those magnificent breasts to fondle.

Satisfied with his manipulations yet again, he retrieved a heated poker from the brazier set up by his men and started to apply the red hot tip to first one girls breast and nipple and them the other. Backwards and forwards he went between the girls, changing pokers for a fresh heated one as the need arose. The girls were screaming continually at this burning treatment of their sensitive breasts. When the Duke had had enough of this game and wanted to move on he instructed his men to strip the girls completely.

While he was waiting for this to be done he replaced the poker he was using into the braziers coals and took out a fresh one, crossing over to the now nearly silent Queen, who was only uttering the occasional whimper at the pain she was enduring from the impaling dildo.

Applying the super heated point to first one large brown nipple and then the other, he started her off screaming again. Pausing to wait for the woman to gain some sort of control over her vocal cords he studied her splayed open crotch area.

When she had regained some of her composer he plunged the hot poker about six inches into her royal cunt and moved it around so as to burn all her cunt lips and clitoris. Holding the now cooling tip in place for a good two minutes while the woman screamed out at the top of her voice. Without saying a word the Duke withdrew the hot metal penis and turned his back on her, returning to the girls after replacing the poker in the fire.

The two girls were now completely naked in front of him. Thanks to their spread-eagled posture he was able to feast his eyes on their very private female parts he had dreamt about for so long. Reaching out he placed his hand on one of the girl’s pubic mounds. Slowly sliding his fingers between her outspread legs, he rubbed her cunt lips and clitoral bud to arouse it.

Sliding his finger between her lips he was surprised and pleased to find out that she was still a virgin in the true sense of the word. Crossing over to the other girl he also started to feel her up between her legs, to his delight he found that he had two virgins to play with. They may have refused his advances, but at least no one else had had them first.

This was actually only partially true as the girls had learnt about sex by exploring each other’s bodies in their room at night, kissing and rubbing their most intimate parts against each other, using their tongues and fingers to bring each other to explosive orgasms. They had also joined the two princesses in their chambers to have three and four way all girl sessions that lasted all night on many occasions. Although nether girl had ever experienced the probing penis of a man or boy in their intimate sex organs, they did not consider themselves as virgins.

Determined to finally sample the delights of these two nubile girls, which had been deigned him for so long, he ordered his men to bring up two very large wooden barrels. These were rolled in front of the two girls. The girls were untied in turn and bent forward over the side of the barrels and they were lashed so that they were spread eagled over the top with their arses and private parts displayed.

The Duke stepped behind one of the restrained girl’s and removed his codpiece to expose his swollen manhood. Placing the swollen head of his maiden impaler against her virgin tight pussy he forced it in hard against her maidenhead until it burst and he could sink its entire length into her tight hole. Violently pumping his swollen prick in and out of the moaning girl’s cunt and at the same time leaning forward and squeezing her burnt sore nipples to make her body buck to his thrusts. It didn’t take long for him to spew his seed into deep into her womb.

Now the Duke, although a well endowed man wanted something special for these wenches so that they knew that they had been well and truly raped. With this in mind and knowing he would need a short rest before he took the virgin cherry from the second girl. He called four men to the platform who he knew to be so well endowed that they were practically freaks. They had been likened to having elephant’s trunks instead of penises by the rest of the soldiers.

Giving the go ahead to one of the men he watched as his massive engorged organ was forced into the now vacant cunt of the first girl. Her scream was loud and continuous as he forced the two inch thick, fourteen inch long weapon all the way slowly up the girls hardly used pussy, ripping her small insides up on the way in. As the man pumped his great dong into her, in piston type fashion, the Duke felt himself once again coming to arousal for his second task.

Allowing the man to finish and be replaced by a second man, the Duke turned his attentions to the virgin pussy of the second girl. Savouring every moment he forced his once again engorged penis into the tight virgin hole of the girl. Raping her until he shot his fiery load into her belly. Once he had finished he stepped to one side to watch the other two massive men take the girl’s cunt in a torturous rape.

When each of the girl’s had been raped the three times he instructed one of the men to butt fuck each of the two girl’s. Moving to stand in front of the first of the girl’s he grabbed her hair and lifted her head so that he could look into her face as the enormous cock split her anus apart and forced its gigantic size all the way up into her brutalised passage. Her screams were music to his ears as she was brutally butt fucked. As the man shot his load deep into her damaged bowels, the Duke said, “You should not have refused me when you had the chance my dear.”

With that he drew his belt knife and while still holding her head up and looking into her eyes, slit her throat from ear to ear. After a few seconds of gurgling gasps from the new open mouth at her throat, her eyes glazed over and she was dead. Crossing over to the second girl this series of events was repeated with another of the men violently raping her anal passage. Again when the rape was over the Duke slit the girl’s throat with his knife and watched the life drain out of her.

With the two young naked ladies-in-waiting dead and their brutalised bleeding bodies being un-ceremoniously dumped into the back of one of the ox-carts by some of the soldiers, the Duke once again turned his attentions to the three royal bitches on the platform.

The Queen was once again quiet except for the odd whimper from her pain. However the so far untouched Princesses still remained clothed in their underclothes and tied to their poles at one side of the makeshift platform. Their eyes showed the horror at having to watch their lovers being cruelly brutalised and murdered in front of them, as well as their mother’s torturous treatment at the Dukes hands. They were in no doubt that their fate, at the cruel hands of their Uncle, would be no less painful.

The Duke had both the Princesses stripped of their garments, much to the pleasure of the watching crowd. Although the kind old King had been very much loved by his people, The Royal females had been spoilt by their mother and turned out to be vile snotty nosed bitches that mistreated the villagers at every opportunity. With their bodyguards as their accomplices they would have the villagers beaten or whipped just for the fun of it.

The younger of the Princesses used to ride her large black stallion horse through the village at full gallop just for the fun of watching the villagers scatter out of the way of its thundering hooves. Over the years not all of the villagers had managed to move quickly enough, a number of them had been injured or crippled by the brutes pounding feet.

Two very young children had died under those pounding hooves while playing in the street, with no one to drag them out of the way in time. So the thought of these two royal females finally getting their just rewards held little sadness to the gathered crowd. In fact because of their obvious beauty, most of them were really looking forward to the forth-coming events to see what more delights the Duke could come up with.

Once the girls had been stripped naked a wooden cross member was attached to each of the poles they were tied to, these were nailed to the back of the poles behind the girls shoulders forming a cross. On instructions from the Duke the younger girl was untied and her arms raised outwards to be tied to the cross member with ropes. Once secured her legs were raised and tied to the ends of the cross member so that her legs were held gaping wide open at an obscene angle, her open crutch at waist height.

The older girl was also displayed in this manor on her cross; however instead of using rope like her younger sister, her arms were bent around the cross member and iron nails were driven through her hands. Her splayed legs were held wide open by more nails hammered through her feet into the ends of the cross member bar.

When the girls were suitably displayed in all their glorious nakedness, with their most private parts displayed to the whole crowd, the Duke once again turned his attention to the suffering Queen. He wanted her to die slowly and painfully, watching her daughters suffering their fate at his hands. Approaching her with his knife in his hands, he set to work with a skill that any butcher would have been proud of.

First he stuffed a piece of cloth into her mouth and bound it with a strip of material to stop her from screaming. Then with the knife he carefully removed the flaps of skin that were her eyelids so that she was unable to close her eyes and shut out any of the events to come. Taking first one enormous breast in his hand, and then the other he cut deeply into her chest and removed the royal baby milk machines, leaving two gapping bloody holes where her impressive bosoms had been. Moving his knife down between her legs he used his fingers to expose her clit button. With a swift movement of his wrist, the royal pleasure centre fell to the floor with a soft plop. Digging his knife into the skin around the royal baby delivery portal, he sliced her cunt clean off and threw it on the floor with the other useless royal body parts. With one more careful cut he slit her belly skin and muscles open from just below her breastbone to just above her pubic bone, taking care not to nick the stomach contents in the process.

As he stepped back, her belly split open like an over ripe tomato, spilling the contents onto the floor. Slowly at first, her intestines seemed to ooze out of the gapping wound, across her mutilated cunt and towards the floor. As they unravelled and flowed out, they started to speed up as the weight of the already hanging appendages dragged more of her guts out and down to create a steaming pile of offal under her suspended body. When the exodus of guts finally stopped, only a couple of thick sections of intestines ran up from the steaming pile on the floor into the woman’s mutilated belly.

The Duke had created a horrendous looking scene with the Queens mutilated body, however none of the wounds was life threatening in itself. She would be suffering great pain to her terrible injuries and would eventually suffer blood loss that would lead to unconsciousness and death. This would not happen quickly and she would be forced to watch the events unfold as her daughters were dealt with next in painful silence.

The Duke called for forty volunteers from the watching men to come forward to ravish the two bound princesses. There was no shortage of candidates and he picked half soldiers and half villagers. Twenty men were lined up in front of each of the two girls eager to plunge their cocks into the royal pussies. The Duke gave instructions that the men were to both rape and bugger the girl’s tight holes and fill them up with commoner’s seed.

At a signal from the Duke the pounding of pussies and arses began, and so did the screams of the princesses, to the glee of the unlucky onlookers, some of whom started to masturbate in public at the sight of the events going on up on the platform.

The rape and debauchery went on and on, as one man pounded the girls after another, stretching them and ramming their engorged dicks into the girl’s cunts and anuses. Finally the men had all had their turn, and the girl’s screams had turned to barely audible whimpers. As the men returned to the crowd surrounding the platform, the girls were left with gaping orifices on display with men’s sperm and fluid pouring out of them.

It was now time to torture and painfully execute the two royal bitches for the enjoyment of the watchers and for personal revenge for the Duke. He had decided when he killed his brother that none of the women could be allowed to live to produce offspring that might challenge his new throne in the future. However it was his sadistic cruel nature that had decided on their well-planned painful demise.

The older girl was to be the next victim of the Dukes sadistic lust for torture, already in great pain from the iron nails driven through her hands and feet and the violent misuse of her body by so many men. She was suffering badly.

Selecting a metal sphere with a sort of handle called a pear from the prepared instruments, the Duke approached the girl. Inserting the round end of the pear into the girl’s gapping cunt, he started to turn the handle, as he did so, a screw thread inside the device started to open up the sides of the sphere, expanding the devices size. At the same time small needle Sharp points started to appear on its surface. Within moments the device was starting to stretch the girls gapping cunt even wider and the sharp points were beginning to dig into the sides of her cunt walls.

As her pussy was stretched and stabbed by this evil instrument of torture the girl started to scream at the top of her voice, and still the handle was turned, opening up her cunt and stretching her pussy lips. She felt as if she was being split in two and the needle points were deeply embedded into her passage walls ripping her inner flesh to ribbons. The pain was excruciating. The Duke didn’t stop until the girl’s cunt was wide enough for her to have given birth to a good size baby.

Leaving the pear in her gapping cunt, he selected a smaller pear, which he inserted into her stretched anal passage. The girls screeching continued as he again turned the handle, stretching her passage even further and embedding the spikes into her passage sides. Once he was satisfied as to the way she had been stretched open to the limit of the cruel device, the Duke left both instruments in place and selected a evil looking instrument like a pair of long fire tongues, only these had sharp claws on the pick up end.

Opening up the handles he took a grip of one of the girl’s large breasts with the claws. As he closed the breast rippers, the claws dug deep into the flesh of the girls breast and he started to pull and twist back and forth, shredding the once perfectly shaped breast into a mangled mass of pulped flesh. When the claws broke free he would again open them and take another hold on her shredded mammary and continue to rip it apart.

The girl’s screeches carried on continuously at the pain of this treatment. Once the breast was unrecognisable he started on her other mound and didn’t stop until it also was no longer distinguishable as a woman’s breast.

Getting rid of the breast rippers he took hold of the two pears, one in each hand and started to twist and pull at the handles, tearing the girl’s internal passages to ribbons with the vicious spikes. As they started to slip out they split the entrances to the two holes, bringing large chunks of mutilated flesh, blood and tissue with them.

Finally they were out and the girl was bleeding profusely from her damaged internal organs. She wouldn’t last long bleeding like that so he decided it was time to finish her off. Two of his men held a long four-inch diameter sharpened wooden stake to what was left of her pussy, as they held it in place another man with a huge wooden mallet started to drive the stake up into her cunt and beyond in her final ever fuck. She died when the stake had passed though her stomach and pierced her heart.

Turning his attention to the youngest, and now only princess, who was still tied to her pole with her legs spread wide and semen still dribbling out of her overused cunt and anus from her rape and buggery, the Duke decided to dry her off.

With this in mind he took one of the hot pokers from the fire and ran it across the skin of her inner thighs and around the valley between her butt cheeks, moving it quickly so as not to inflict any real major damage to the skin, but rising shrieks of agony from the girls throat. As the poker tip cooled a little so that it was no longer glowing bright red, he dipped the end inside the opening of her anus. A sizzling could be heard coming from inside her arse as the semen it met was evaporated by the irons heat.

Returning the poker to the heat, he took the second poker from the fire, the tip of which was glowing bright yellow from its super heated surface. He applied this to her torso with relish Firstly touching her belly button and moving it around to touch her sides, arm pits and stomach. As the poker tip began to change to red, he applied its heat to her breasts, firstly lightly touching the sides and top surfaces, and then moving it in closed to the girl’s cute pink pointed nipples.

Finally the cute nipples themselves started to sizzle and turn angry red from the heat of the invading poker. As the poker started to cool a little and lose its colour, he moved it down and plunged its point into her still gapping wide cunt. Evaporating and drying out the still oozing semen, which was trickling out of the opening from her multiply raped entrance.

Replacing the poker, the Duke picked up a cane, which he brought down hard on the girl’s pubic area between her outspread legs. He started to use the cane to rain blows across the girl’s tortured breasts, exposed buttocks and cunt area, raising long thin welts in her skin from the force of the blows. The girl’s voice was starting to get horse from the continued screaming and she was now only able to utter loud sharp whimpering to the painful blows to her sensitive misused parts.

The Duke finally put the can down, it was time to execute the young princess bitch and he had devised a fitting excruciating demise for her that was sure to find favour with the local villagers. He had heard of her passion for riding her big black stallion (the very one that he had rode into the village on), and the way she used to scatter and terrorise the locals on its back. Now it was time for the stallion to ride the princess.

He got his men to roll a couple of the large barrels together, side by side, on the ground near the platform, making sure that they were in sight of the still conscious Queen. The princess was untied from the pole and dragged down the steps to the awaiting barrels. Hauling her across the top, face upwards; she was lashed to the containers with her legs splayed out wide and tied to the barrels top and bottom edges, her arms were pulled up above her head and tied to the other end of the barrels. She was now fully displayed with her legs spread wide and her hips sitting across the top curve of the first barrel.

The princess and the crowd were still unaware of the nature of the coming event to be unfolded in front of them. At a signal from the Duke the massive black stallion was led into the centre of the square. Four long ropes were placed around his neck and trailed off along the ground behind him.

Four big soldiers led the huge brute forward by his halter and guided him up so that his front hooves could mount the first of the barrels, carefully guiding the hooves either side of the bound girl. Finally the horses front legs were positioned on the second barrel either side of the girl’s outstretched arms. Six burley soldiers had taken up station on each of the four guide ropes to hold the powerful animal back.

The onlookers by now were beginning to realise what the spectacle they were about to watch was going to be, and their excitement grew to see this young arrogant bitch get her comeuppance in such a just way.

The princess herself was now also aware of what her painful fate was to be, although her pet’s penis was still placid and small, she was well aware of the results of it getting sexually excited. Many times she had seen the brutes sex organs swell to massive proportions, over two feet long and the thickness of a mans wrist. She had always been fascinated to watch as it swelled and grew in front of her.

She had even amused herself secretly in the stables, when none of the servants were around, by rubbing her hands up and down its throbbing pole, using her tongue to lick the huge appendage and taste her favourites maleness. She had even made the mistake of trying to take its throbbing tip into her own mouth to taste him.

He felt her warm sticky wetness over the head of his massive sex organ, it had swollen up even more, nearly splitting her mouth and jaw wide open. At the same time he had spewed gallons of hot sticky horse sperm into her mouth and down her throat, nearly causing her to drown and gag to death. However when she had recovered she had eagerly swallowed the salty tasting semen and then used her mouth and tongue to lick him clean.

Now her four-legged stud was to be the instrument of her doom. She was both excited at the thought of having his huge member enter her for the first time, and terrified at the pain she would endure as it split her apart inside.

With all the preparations completed the Duke signalled for one of his men to place a cloth that had been wiped on the sex organs of a mare in heat on the stallions nose, it was tucked into his bridle, where it could not be displaced. The reaction of the great black horse was instantaneous, as his animal instincts reacted to the familiar odours. His penis started to swell and swell, sprouting out from under his belly, it grew and grew in length and girth. The watching crowd were cheering as the huge sex organ grew to the size of a man’s arm, and more.

With the men on the ropes straining to hold back the stallions forward motion, two soldiers stepped forward and guided the huge shaft towards the girls gapping cunt opening. Slowly allowing the creature to push forward so that the penis could enter the girl’s open body, the men on the ropes took their instructions from the Duke.

The penis was buried in the girl about ten inches, its girth filling her cunt passage to its limit. The princess was bucking underneath the animal and moaning. Cries from the crowd where heard “Look she’s actually fucking her horse,” and “The princess is now a mare.” The Duke allowed this exhibition of bestiality to continue for the enjoyment of the crowd. Suddenly the princess started to cry out in the throws of massive orgasm, to the delight of the onlookers, who had never seen such a debased exhibition of animal lust by a sexy young female.

As the girl’s throws of passion subsided, the duke signalled his men to slacken off their ropes a little. Another few inches of the stallions inflamed cock sunk into the girls cunt, changing her moans of passion into screams of pain as the shaft ripped apart her cervix and womb. Slowly more and more of the animal’s penis was allowed to enter her as the ropes were carefully slackened. The penis ripped into her guts tearing at her intestines as it forced its way ever deeper.

Finally the huge member was buried nearly all the way in, and at a signal from the Duke the restraining ropes were released. The huge stallion now unfettered by restraints pounded his organ deep into the girl’s warm innards, ripping apart intestines and internal organs. The princess was having difficulty breathing as the head of the horse’s massive cock pounded right up against the underside of her diaphragm.

The crowd was shouting and urging the stallion on, making crude comments about its performance and the princess’s love for riding horses. The animal suddenly stiffened and made one final powerful thrust as deep as he could into the abused girl, before slipping his sperm covered shrinking penis out of her body and being guided off the barrels. The girl was dead from massive internal bleeding and from the final powerful lunge that had destroyed her diaphragm and torn into the bottom of her lung cavity, so that she was no longer able to suck in air to breath.

With the two princesses dead the Duke crossed over to the dying Queen, who was still impaled up her arse with the large wooden dildo, her tits and cunt lying on the ground next to her pile of spilled guts. Taking his knife he cut a hole in the centre of her mutilated chest. Reaching in to the gapping hole he took hold of her now exposed heart and ripped it from her body.

As he held up the heart for the crowd to see, murmurs started to go around the crowd.

They had always though the Queen to be a heartless bitch; the Duke had now proved that she was, now truly heartless.

As the villagers started to return to their houses, they began to wonder? If the Duke could treat his own sister-in-law and nieces in such a cruel way, what would be their lot under his rule?

That however is another story.