(c) 2007 by wolfe39

Chloe and Lauren had known each other for the last 15years, Before Lauren met Jack she had set up a very successful advertising agency, this came about naturally through the connections she had made as a photographic model in the early 1990’s. Chloe was a high demand corporate advertising consultant who had worked the odd account with Laurens’ agency on a freelance basis. The two women hit-it off immediately, Chloe with her ‘game for anything’ outlook was a perfect match for Laurens ‘devil may care’ attitude to life. They had more than once disappeared together for days on end – Cannes, Acapulco, Ibiza, Milan, Bangkok, Vegas- bingeing on coke and young studs. Jack had finally laid down the law and that’s when Lauren sold the agency. Chloe still hung around, the friendship now in a comfortable place; they trusted each other much like a long married couple……

A Ferrari Maranello growls up an oak tree- lined driveway and halts abruptly at the front entrance of 128 Munro Drive, “Hello babe!” Lauren, in Old jeans and a white T, throws her arms open to embrace her best friend. “Hey how you been sweetie?”, Chloe replies, pouring out of the Italian exotic, her long blonde hair tied back, she wanted to drive with the top down today. “Great, just great, Jack is away Jill wants to play!” they chuckled at each other, Chloe holding her and inhaling her exquisite scent.

They wondered through the rambling house and got comfortable out at the pool, “So Lauren lovely what you been up to?, how’s it going with the tennis lessons” Chloe enquired with a wink, knowing full well what her friend had been up to with the $300 an hour tennis coach from Acapulco.”Oh Antonio, actually to be honest it all got a bit boring, I’m doing his wife now!” it was hard to tell what was a joke sometimes, Laurens face slowly cracked into a large grin and the two of them laughed again.

“Um to be honest I have a new distraction, you remember Rotterdam 1999? You got into that thing with those S&M guys and we had to leave all our stuff in the hotel and run away to Zurich?” Chloe smiled “yes, I will never forget, it wasn’t all bad you know!” Lauren coughed nervously “No absolutely, well there was that live sex show we got dragged to, remember, and as we were leaving a large red headed woman in black leather came through the audience with a huge great Dane who had this studded collar on, you even admired the dog, but it was what you said afterward that made me wonder all these years after”.

Chloe not sure what to say, she wanted to but not what she was thinking!” Um ok so you have now discovered an S&M club in this dump? So Let me in on the secret, been looking for one for years, actually I don’t think one exists in this country!” Lauren wanting to lie but also wanting to test finally if her friend was at all shock able, “Well Chloe I guess what I’m trying to say is that when that large Dane mounted the redhead, I heard her scream and then I heard her moan and she didn’t stop moaning until that dog got off her and you said, I remember it like yesterday:-Lauren that woman isn’t acting she is really, really enjoying that! And I had to agree with you and I’ve wondered ever since what it would feel like to give myself to a big dog”- Lauren couldn’t believe what was coming out of her mouth!

Chloe felt warm, the heat started somewhere around her groin, without being able to control herself she realised she was getting wet, “Ok so you want to fuck a dog?” Chloe replied trying to sound uninterested and matter of fact. The reply Lauren gave Chloe was certainly not what she was expecting! “No I have already fucked a dog, or he fucked me and I came and came like I never have before!”

Chloe went silent, Lauren fearing the worst quickly added” hey it’s me okay I’m weird, I enjoyed it, so shoot me why don’t ya! Whatever just don’t say anything to Jack he’ll die!”Chloe’s voice choked with emotion squeezed out a sigh “ baby, baby no I’ve had the same fantasy, over and over I’ve wanted to do it but felt so guilty every time I looked at Max’s cock, sometimes he tries to hump my leg and I wonder what if, your’e not alone honey it fascinates me too!” Chloe really was Laurens best friend and her confession was like a drug fix 1 minute before hysteria, “thank you, I know its just sooo kinky but what a rush! I needed to tell someone I knew wasn’t going to judge me,” I love you!” Lauren went over and embraced her best friend. “Chloe I want it again, I have to have it again, Jack won’t let me keep dogs”, Chloe could see where she was going and pre-empted, “well if you don’t tell I promise not to, Max is a good specimen, I know he doesn’t look like much, he’s not a great Dane but he does have a nice long doggy cock, I did notice once or twice!”

They agreed to meet Saturday afternoon in the park, Chloe would take her dog for a ‘walk’ Lauren met her in the car park and they left with Max the golden Retriever in Chloe’s new Prado. “Chloe you said you had the fantasy, when are you going to do something about it?”, Lauren really wanted Chloe to feel what she had felt, the feeling of dog fur against her skin, the feeling of dog penis as it’s squirting deep in her vagina, a feeling so full, so fulfilling it leaves you gasping for more.

Chloe wasn’t too sure but the idea certainly made her wet! Lauren had decided to climb in the back with Max, Chloe now realised why, a quick glace in the rear view mirror revealed “goings on “in the back seat. As Lauren was talking to Chloe she had one hand under Max and was gently stroking the sheath around his penis, Lauren wanted him ready when they got to her house. Feeling like a kid caught in the act Lauren explained” I’ve done some reading up on the net and I’ve found a few good sites that explain stuff about pet-sex, so what I’m doing now is basically getting him in the mood”, Chloe quick off the marked added “like foreplay?’. They laughed, Chloe stole another quick glance in the mirror, Max’s cock was starting to peep, the head coming out to play, soon most of the shaft was exposed and when Lauren touched it very gently she was rewarded with a squirt which went all over the crotch of her Levi’s.

“He’s not so small you know!” Lauren stated with a note of surprise, Chloe pulled up in front of the main entrance of 128 Munro drive and turned to look at the 2 snuggling up on the back seat, she had seen Max’s cock on occasion when he was cleaning himself but now Lauren had pulled the sheath right down to reveal an impressive 9inches of throbbing dog cock!

Choking with emotion Chloe asked Lauren “honey are you going to get all that dog cock into your pussy?’ Lauren hardly restraining herself threw the car door open, jumping out with Max said, “I ‘m going to try, and I want to tie this time!” Chloe looking puzzled enquired “what’s tie?” her learned friend was happy to explain, holding max by his collar Lauren bent and reached under the dog, “you see this big bulb at the bottom of his shaft? Well that’s called the knot and I want that inside me!” Chloe could feel herself getting turned on, her panties were soaked, “what do you want me to do?’ Lauren quickly answered “just watch me enjoy myself!”

That’s exactly what Chloe did, the three of them went through to Laurens bedroom, Max happily springing onto the king size bed made himself comfortable. Lauren changed into an old pair of jeans that had the crotch area totally cut away to allow the dog access to her goodies. “rather me wear the jeans than tape up his paws, poor guy! I still have scratch marks from the first time!’” she fell backward onto the bed and spread her legs, “see no panties” they giggled naughtily and from her vantage point Chloe watched as max , tail wagging ten-to-the-dozen, stuck his soft lab shout between Laurens legs and started lapping at her labia, “AAAh!”, using both hands she pulled at her labia to allow the dog access, he was happy to oblige, his questing dog tongue lingered at her butt-hole and then licked the entire area like he was drinking water after two days in the desert. “Oh yes, good boy! Good dog!” Lauren voicing her appreciation of Max’s’ pussy-eating skills. Her vagina was running slick in anticipation, her wetness apparent, the old faded jeans were soon dark with moisture.

As Lauren felt the familiar stirrings of an impending orgasm Max started to paw her, this she had read was a sign that the dog wanted to mount. “C’mon Max, lick me boy!” at which point Max jumped off the bed. “Hey I’ve got an idea” piped up Chloe not wanting the show to end, ran off down the hall to the kitchen. Cupboard doors were heard opening and snapping shut then with a triumphant “AH HA” Chloe trotted back to the bedroom, a jar of extra smooth peanut butter and spoon in hand, “put this on your pussy babe!” Lauren grinning from ear to ear remarked “that’s what I love about you, you are such a pervert!” Laughter rang out, echoing throughout the rambling house. Lauren put a generous helping of peanut butter on her labia, especially her clit and then reclined on her elbows with her knees wide and her head thrown back, eyes squeezed shut.Max licked and slurped for all he was worth (the dog loves peanut butter!!) Needing to announce Lauren moaned “okay I’m cumming, AAAAH, AAAH, Fuck yes!!!” rolling contractions radiated from her groin and exploded with bright lights in her mind.

Lauren couldn’t wait any longer, turning away from where Chloe was sitting she kneeled up on the bed and patted her back, Max wasn’t too sure and finally jumped up but at her head, Lauren turned back to face Chloe, patting her back again. The dog had one or two more cursory sniffs at Laurens wet vaginal opening then clawed at her jean clad legs getting himself up onto hind legs he began humping at her, his hips were a good foot away from Laurens backside. “closer boy” Lauren crooned in a gentle voice simultaneously reaching back to use a ‘guide hand’, Max got the message and soon the tip of his leaking dog cock was pushing between the folds of Laurens slick labia, she pushed back at the same time tilting her hips ever so slightly. It went in, it went ALL in. “AAAAAAHHH!!!” she shook with the vigorous pumping of the Dog as he fucked in and out at 120 times a minute, soon her pussy was a frothy mess of her cum and the dogs cum!

He pulled and clawed as he had his pleasure, hers came almost immediately, and again “FUCK I’m cumming!” she was madly rubbing her clit as she supported her and the dog with one hand. The feeling of dog penis squirting so deep inside was amazing, and it didn’t stop, it went on and on. Lauren had forgotten Chloe was in the room, the experience transporting her to another place. Chloe was so turned on she had undone her zipper and was also frantically rubbing at her clit through the thin silk panties as she drank in the scene unfolding before her eyes.

The dog pulled out leaving a river of cum soaking into Laurens comforter. Panting and with chest heaving Lauren lowered herself onto the bedroom floor. Knees wide, hips tilted and elbows on the floor she enticed the dog again, this time he needed no encouragement and soon she was shuddering under his enthusiastic pumping once more. The dogs cock head was battering her cervix with each thrust, she was sure she had never been penetrated so deeply in all her life! It was awesome! “Yes Max, yes, Fuck me Max, fuck me hard!”.