(c) 2011 – 2018 by equineslurp

Chapter 1

This story takes place in an alternate world. It is very similar to what ancient Rome was here, the only difference being that this world is a totalitarian Matriarchy. Women rule completely and males are relegated to the role of slave. Shorter, lighter, and weaker than the females, they have no rights, no power, no freedom and are used, abused and disposed of as the female owner or Mistress decides. Enjoy.

Warning for deaths mentioned.

“SOLD!” The auctioneer states firmly as she slams her gavel down.

Gnu, one of the slaves in the group feels the numbing terror of an unknown future as he and the others are marched, naked and chained together at the neck, to meet their new Mistress. He chanced to glance toward the ladies that purchased this group

“Not a bad lot. Lots of bodies in that group. Are you not pleased?” the young vixen asks.

“Oh, I don’t know” the Domina sighs. “They seem to get thinner and more gaunt every time. More to fatten up you know?” She says slightly dismayed.

“Yes yes, but that is easy enough. Perhaps not of the best quality but as said, the numbers are impressive for such little coin” The youngster brightens. She sees the lot of men and knows they will make a nice profit from them in the coming weeks in the coliseum.

“Do you see any that seem fit to replace your barn slave”? Domina asks. Both ladies watch as the auction guards line the ragged crew of males up for inspection. Naked, dirty, and many of them bearing brutal whipping scars and even missing body parts stand apart, eyes cast downward. Beaten. And all older specimens. Definitely coliseum material it appeared.

“Mostly expired field labor it seems” observes the Domina. The ladies, attired in silken gowns walk elegantly down the line and take in the male flesh as one would at a livestock show. Judging, assessing….concluding.

The young Miss stops before one of the slaves and examines much closer. “This one doesn’t appear to be field labor” she observes. “Tell me your name slave?”

“Gnu Ma’am” he said never daring to look up.

“Gnu?” She laughs. “Named after a wildebeest? Never mind. And what were your duties before coming to this end?” She inquired.

“I was a favored pleasure slave ma’am” he stated…with some pride in his voice.

“Well, it’s obvious why she sold you, your a bit long in the tooth now, are you not?” She said with a coldness in her voice. “Your not a “favored” anything now are you?”

“No Ma’am” a softness there, as he recalls his days in Mistress’ bed chamber.

“Gather them up then” orders the Domina. “Let’s get them back to the villa and sort them out” she says as she and the young vixen get back on their coach to go home.

Gnu looks about as the bedraggled group of slaves arrive at the grounds of Domina’s estate. Rolling fields of wheat, lush green grass with horses grazing, a grand barn on a hillock just behind the main house. Out buildings of tremendous size. An estate of power and prestige.

“Line up!” shouts one of the girls. The slaves, well rehearsed in the discipline that follows should they not adhere to orders immediately. One of the ladies starts at one end and begins appraising the new arrivals.

One by one, each male is closely inspected. Muscles are pinched, mouth is forced open and teeth and gums are inspected. Even the males genitals are cupped and fondled. After the short appraisal, a letter is drawn on the forehead of each individual. Most receive a “C” for Coliseum. No male has ever entered that foreboding place and returned to tell the tale. The lucky ones are given an “F” for field labor and are relieved. They are marched to their new barracks and readied for their toil in the fields the following day, while the males destined for death in the coliseum are marched to an open air enclosure to await the following days games. Only Gnu is pulled away from the main group and led to the large barn where the young lady who was with the Domina at the auction awaits him.

“Slave, my name is Mariana, but you will address me as Ma’am or Mistress. Got it?”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

“So, you were once a pleasure slave then?” She inquires.

“Yes Ma’am”

“Well, you’ll be glad to know that your duties as pleasure slave are hereby reinstated” she says cheerfully. “but perhaps not in the way you think” she giggles and leads him inside the barn. He see’s two long rows of stalls, at least 40 stalls in all and all of them have an occupant. Horses….

She leads him to the first stall and brings him inside with her. “This is Maya. She is one of my mare’s and she is my favorite. We believe that in order for our animals to be truly happy, all of their basic needs must be met, and met to the highest standards. The finest hay available, the best feeds, clean water and clean stalls. But there is one more thing a horse needs to be completely happy. Can you guess what that might be….pleasure slave Gnu?” She smiled rather amusingly at him.

He had no idea. He was very confused at this moment. If he was to be a pleasure slave, why in the world was she talking to him about horses? Wouldn’t a barn slave be needed here? One to muck the stalls, groom and feed the horses and such?

“Ma’am, deepest apologies but I’m not sure what this is all about? I don’t know very much at all about horses”

“Well let me educate you some” She says and leads Gnu behind Maya and gently lifts her tail. Maya looks back over her shoulder and knickers softly.

“Don’t worry girl, we’re getting to that” she laughs and then looks to Gnu. “Look under her tail there Gnu, what do you see?” She says, obviously having fun at his expense.

Gnu’s face flushes fiercely as he looks at the horse’s sex. He is not in his element and cannot think straight as to what all this is about. He simply looks at the horses rear and cannot form the words. It’s obvious to him he’s looking at the horses ass and pussy. Maya’s pussy is all black, with rather plump labia, quite hairless and above all….clean, Gnu notes to himself. He’s not at all aroused as he has no experience with horses. Still he can’t bring himself to use the words to answer his waiting Mistress. Time passes in silence. Finally Mariana states “Don’t push my patience slave! Tell me what your looking at!”

“Ma’am I’m l-looking at h-her…..her…it’s her vagina Mistress” He whispers and lowers his eyes, his face raging red with embarrassment.

“Very good Gnu. Now can you tell me why an ex pleasure slave such as yourself is standing behind a beautiful mare such as Maya here? What would I have a pleasure slave’s use for in such a situation?”

It suddenly dawns on Gnu what she is teasingly getting at with him. “Ma’am, your not suggest….suggesting…Am I to….you wish me to fuck your horse?? He says astonished.

Mariana’s smile suddenly vanishes and she glares at him. “How dare you use such language with me!” and she takes her riding crop and strikes Gnu on his thighs several times in quick succession, bringing angry weal’s up from his flesh immediately. Maya unsettles a bit at hearing the whip, but quickly calms as she realizes it’s just the slave being whipped. She has seen this many times before.

“Apologies Madam!” He supplicates himself before her and begs forgiveness. “Please instruct the slave as to what you wish of him. I’m confused as to what domina wishes!” He keeps his eyes down awaiting further punishment. Finally he hears her giggling and raises his head to see her grinning and laughing down at him.

“Get up slave. You ARE rather confused aren’t you? Let me explain. First of all, no. Your not going to be using that pathetic cock ever with any of the horses in this barn. While it is a fairly sizable cock by human standards, Maya here has no use for such a trivial thing as that” She says tapping his flaccid cock. “Certainly not much compared to a stallion now is it?”

Gnu breathes a sigh of relief. He thought he was going to be asked to perform like some side show freak for the amusement of this strange lady.

“Now, as a pleasure slave you were taught in the arts of pleasing your lady with your tongue is that not true?”

Gnu’s face again flushes beat red. “Yes, that is true Ma’am. I was taught over many months of training to please my lady in that fashion, yes”

“Good, so here we are. Why don’t you show me and Maya here how much of that training you’ve retained. Mind you slave. If I don’t like what I see, I’ll paint a “C” on your forehead and it will be off to the Coliseum with the others. I don’t think you would want that. Tomorrow the lionesses get fed you know”

The full meaning of her words finally sink into Gnu’s mind. He looks back at Maya’s rear end, Maya is still looking at him over her shoulder rather expectantly and knickers again as if in confirmation of what is now expected of him.

His eyes go wide. He can’t believe what she is suggesting. Never in his life had he heard of such a thing. He looked back at the horse and shockingly, her vulva flinched at him. He looked at Mariana as if for final confirmation. She raised an eyebrow and then tapped him lightly on his ass, urging him forward toward the horse.

“You wish me…you wish…umm, Oh gods you wish me to pleasure the horse? With my tongue?” Although he was a slave, he was used to being a pleasure slave for his Mistress, one of the highest things a male slave could ever hope to aspire to. This wasn’t even in the realm of possibilities moments ago.

“I’ll not force you slave. If it’s not what you want, well, the lions will simply be that much fatter tomorrow. Delilah, my lioness is scheduled for tomorrows show. She is rather quick with the death blow….well, most of the time. Sometimes I go to see the feedings and a slave will have to endure being eaten while still alive by the kitties. But I don’t want to bore you with the details” she laughed. “At least try it before making such a rash decision”

Gnu was sure he was going to faint. He was light headed and his knees had gone weak. He knew what he must do, but his embarrassment and shame were too much. Maya made the decision for him. She had had enough of the humans inane babbling. Their was a male human here and he wasn’t doing as he should. She raised her tail and began to slowly back up towards him. “See? She likes you Gnu. She’s not going to take no for an answer slave, best do as she wishes or she’ll squish you like a bug against the wall”.

Mariana backed up and let the two have some room. Gnu watched mesmerized as the horse backed toward him. Like all males here, Gnu was much shorter than the females here, most males were lucky to reach five feet in height and he was just that. He wasn’t a tall man, and Maya was near 17 hands high, making his head at just about the perfect level. All that was required was to bend his knees ever so slightly.

He watched the winking vagina of the horse come towards him, the tail was now draped over his head and the heat coming from her was evident. Finally her butt cheeks brushed against his and he closed his eyes and bent forward giving in to both females demands. Maya’s pussy enveloped his face and he felt his nose slide effortlessly within her folds. Putting his hands to either side of Maya’s rather substantial rump, Gnu pressed forward and simply let his training kick in.

As his tongue worked it’s way for the first time from his mouth and into a horses puss, he was immediately struck by the absence of any thing even remotely foul about the taste. This was encouraging. Perhaps he could do this after all.

His first few moments with Maya were merely exploratory, he wasn’t familiar with a mares anatomy. As he worked to please the horse it began to dawn on him…how would one know if the horse was happy with his actions?. At just about that moment, his tongue found Maya’s huge button of a clit and he began exploring. Suddenly Maya’s pussy gave a strong flex in response to his actions and his question was answered. Now his tempo increased. Kissing, rubbing, licking and using his hands and arms to massage and caress the horses rump all came into play.

He was getting into his zone and as their lovemaking continued he began to lose his inhibitions. No longer was Maya a horse, but his lover. Now using long, slow, sensuous licking motions he explored her depth, which of course for his tongue was bottomless. He nibbled and pulled on her folds, kissed her labia, massaged her clit, nibbling and mouthing it as he had been trained.

He soon realized Maya had started to rock and sway to and fro in response to his actions. Again, this was encouraging. By now, his whole face was awash in mare juice and he just kept working on her to please her. Her pussy’s winking and flexing actions came at a steady pace now, and she was starting to nicker and neigh softly in appreciation of his dutiful and dedicated service to her pussy.

Although he couldn’t see it, her head had dipped, her ears were fully relaxed and her eyelids were slightly shut in complete relaxation as she enjoyed the humans attentions. Now Maya’s pussy was pulsing. Strong vaginal muscles were squeezed and relaxed. Her moistness flowed and her juices were seeping out and running down his bare chest and sopping the bedding in the stall.

Finally, Maya could take no more and she backed up until the human was pinned against the wall. Pressing him, she buried his face fully into her opening, taking from him what she wanted. Gnu was shocked at this occurrence and wasn’t sure how to respond. He kept up his oral ministrations as best he could but it appeared the mare was now in control. She pressed him to the wall and he almost panicked as he couldn’t breathe. Bending his head forward just slightly allowed him just a small amount of air. Just enough to keep the panic at bay.

Maya rocked to and fro, grinding Gnu against the wall, and then finally she pressed very hard against him, almost crushing him as she derived her last bit of pleasure before releasing him, stepping forward. Gnu fell to his knees as soon as the mare released him, gasping for breath.


Chapter 2

“Very good slave!” Marianna said good naturedly. “Maya enjoyed that, I can tell. What did you think of your first experience with one of my mares?” she inquired.

Gnu was still catching his breath from the intensity of his first experience. He looked down and realized he was erect from the experience and he immediately covered the offending member, hoping not to be punished for such an indiscretion. “I…I…I think it was…well, I hope your horse enjoyed it and I have pleased you” he said, his eyes down cast.

Marianna tapped her whip on his hand covering his crotch. “You don’t have to tell me if you enjoyed it Gnu” she said slyly. “Your body answers for you. Consider such reaction a compliment to Maya. I’m sure she doesn’t mind your arousal. Come, we have the next mare to attend to” she said and stepped from the stall, fully expecting and knowing the male slave would dutifully follow. Gnu raised his head at her words “next mare” and was shocked. Was he expected to serve all the mares in the barn? He was already a bit breathless from being used by Maya, how could he sustain the energy to serve all the mares? He began to get even more nervous as he gingerly stepped around Maya, who was now ignoring him now that she was satisfied, and out of the stall to follow his Mistress.

As he stepped out into the aisle way, Marianna was waiting. Motioning with her arm, she swept it to indicate the lengthy row of stalls lining the aisle on both sides. “So, you understand? One mare at a time, until they have all been served. You’ll be serving them each once in the morning and once in the evening, then I’ll show you to the kennels”

“Kennels, ma’am?” he inquired, a bit confused. “Yes slave, kennels. I told you, we want all of our animals here to be as happy as possible and so we see to all their needs, their desires be it a male animal or a female. This will be your duty slave. I want you to keep your mind on the task at hand now slave. You seem to have a natural way with animals if Maya is any indication. If you keep your mind on your duties, you can forestall your fate in the arena of the coliseum for some time, at least until you’ve been used up by the animals and we need a fresh barn slave…… I would expect you should thank me for such a mercy slave, or would you prefer to meet the lionesses now?”

Gnu realized he had angered her by questioning her mention of the kennels. It was not a good idea for a slave of low status such as him to do so. With a few mere words from Marianna, he could indeed find himself thrown to her lions. He knelt before her and begged her forgiveness for such a transgression and thanked her for his station in his new life.

“Next mare slave. I’ll be back soon to check your progress.” She said and walked away. Gnu looked at the row of stalls and heard the impatient nicker of the next mare awaiting his attentions.

Gnu stepped into the next stall, extremely self conscious of his nakedness and the embarrassment of what he was doing. He was actually shy in front of this new mare, hiding his erect penis from her gaze. This mare was larger than Maya, much more muscular and bulkier. If Gnu had known anything about horses he would have realized this was a draft mare. Her coat was a dark shimmering copper hue and it gleamed, shiny and healthy. Her mane was short cropped and he marveled at the muscles dancing beneath the surface in her neck and shoulders. This was a mare of power and he was in awe. Her eye was gentle though as she watched him expectantly. Walking behind her, he was once again surprised as he saw that the mares tail had been docked to just a nub, a common practice with draft mares, so their tails would not get caught up and pinch in the harnesses as they worked. Her sex was openly displayed before him and it’s plump, moist appearance made his penis twitch in arousal, something he was wholly unprepared for and confused by. Never would he have thought to be aroused by a mare’s sex.

Touching her rump he ran his hands down her flank, amazed at the warmth and smoothness of her coat, the muscles rippling beneath. He slid his hand between her massive thighs, rubbing and massaging her to relax her into accepting him. He rubbed his head lightly against her rump and cautiously and respectfully worked his way toward her sex, eventually seating his face between her massive rear and nestling comfortably upon her labia, nuzzling and kissing her with reverence. As he began to service her, Gnu realized he was fully aroused by this encounter. Her scent, her taste, the fact she was engaged in the act just as much as he, her pussy flicking violently outwards as she enjoyed his attentions. Lost in and amidst so much horse flesh, Gnu soon forgot all his inhibitions and worked in earnest to please her. Using long slow licks with his tongue and establishing a steady metronome rhythm, Gnu noted the mare began to moisten copiously, her puss flexing eagerly around his tongue and lips. As with Maya, this mare too, began backing up, impatient to feel this puny human’s attentions and once more, Gnu found himself trapped against the wall, the mare pressing him hard, smothering him in moist, warm, pleasantly scented horse pussy.

This time there was no panic. He licked, nuzzled and rubbed her just as he had been trained with women so long ago. The fact he couldn’t breathe was irrelevant, the only thing important that he please her. Soon the mare rocked back and forth, her urgency reaching a peak. He hung on, even though the back of his head was being scraped painfully against the wall behind, he put it out of his mind and continued to pleasure her as best he could. He felt as though she would devour him with her cunt, so deeply pressed within it he was. He concentrated on her clit, licking and even lightly nibbling it to intensify her pleasure. The big mare responded by winking strongly, flexing her huge button of a clit so that it pushed out, and into, Gnu’s mouth, filling it and gushing mare juice into his face and mouth. The amount of weight she was placing on him was starting to worry him. His ears began to ring from the pressure but he was stuck so he had no choice but to forge onward. His tongue worked feverishly to pleasure her, the encounter far more intense and violent then any he had had with a human female. The mare only had one thing on her mind and that was her pleasure, the insignificant male behind her of little importance. Only her pleasure mattered and Gnu was made fully aware of this as she crushed and smothered him with her weight and her massive rump and pussy.

Using his breathing trick, by tilting his head downward, he was able to sip precious little wisps of air, keeping him from passing out or even being smothered to death. Such thoughts of imminent death were kept at bay however as he serviced her. Lost in such intense sex, his arousal had become such that he realized too late that he was losing control of himself and before he could prevent it, he ejaculated copiously, thick ropes of semen jetting forth from his pulsing cock, some of it splashing onto the mare’s muscular legs, disgracing himself. Fortunately for Gnu, the mare was in the midst of her own tremendous orgasm and no women were there to see such loss of control. He hadn’t even touched himself and he had ejaculated. Had he done this with his previous Mistress, such an indiscretion would have resulted in his castration or even execution. The first thing a pleasure slave learned was that his orgasms were to be kept in check until and if the Mistress decided he may have one. He was fully capable of controlling them, easily in fact. So why now, with a horse yet, had he lost control? This scared Gnu and he was careful to remove all traces of his emission from the stall. Even the mare gave him a withering look as if to reprimand him for such a lapse in control. He gave her a lingering apologetic kiss on her plump labia….and then with a final farewell lick of her puss, he patted her rump and walked out to meet mare #3.

And so it went. Gnu understood just how serious his situation was. If he wasn’t able to do this job, certainly he would be joining his fellow slaves destined for the coliseum. He had never been there but he knew that the males who went to that dreaded place never, ever came back. So he continued to use his skills with his hands and his tongue just the way he was trained to, only now he was applying those skills to mares…mares who seemed to him really really appreciated his attentions. He was amazed at the diversity of personalities of different animals. Some were sensual and sexy, some were demanding and bitchy, some were impatient and others were slow to warm to his attentions. On his first day doing this he also met a mare who was rather sadistic and took great pleasure in nipping and biting him, terrifying him with her flat sharp teeth and her flashing hooves. But he stuck to it and by deferring to her and acting as submissive as possible to this highly dominant mare, he managed to win her trust. She essentially raped his face but that was ok with him, as long as it kept him from the lions. Another mare insisted on invading his mouth with her tongue and he found himself kneeling before her as she kissed him, her rubbery lips and massive tongue a shocking experience for the former pleasure slave. Yet another mare knocked him over and, in an ultimate form of humiliation, urinated all over him, soaking him in her scent.

Gnu was just finishing up with the last mare when he realized Marianna was back. The mare orgasmed and he stepped from the stall, three hours of pussy licking behind him. He was tired, he was wet, and he smelled just like the mares he had just serviced.

“Very good slave” Marianna said. “You’re doing well, certainly the mares seem pleased.

Ready to meet the boys?”.


Chapter 3

“Your done with your evening duties with the mares, Gnu” Marianna said as the two walked from the horse barn and began heading to a barn located close by that was just as nicely appointed but appeared to be quite a bit smaller to Gnu. When she had mentioned meeting “the boys” Gnu had a horrid feeling that she was going to ask him to perform with male animals. And he would be correct in that feeling.

Gnu had no interest or experience with males, much less male animals. As a purely heterosexual male, the very idea of engaging in sex with another male struck fear in Gnu, it scared him and with his life on the line, how would he be able to do so if it was demanded of him? He thought of the mares though and he had never entertained ideas of being with them ever in his life. Yet he had performed his duties well, and in a deep dark corner of his mind, he realized he had actually enjoyed it. He enjoyed it and found himself looking forward to seeing some of his favorite mares again. His traitorous cock began to rise erect again as he had these thoughts, thoughts of the plump juicy pussies he had just serviced. Their taste, their texture, their wonderful smell and the sheer volume of their size…it was exciting indeed. He watched as Marianna turned her head and noted his rising erection. “Ah, excellent….excited about meeting the boys I see!” she proclaimed. Gnu just dropped his head shaking it ruefully.

“Here we go” Marianna said as they stepped inside the barn. Gnu noted it didn’t even smell of a barn such was the impeccable cleanliness of the place. As they walked he noted two large spacious stalls, and then saw that each was occupied. The first with a giant of a horse, larger than the draft mare Gnu had been with (and in Gnu’s mind he realized, his favorite mare) and even more muscular. Gnu didn’t know it yet, but this was a draft stallion, his coloration and looks very similar to the draft mare.

“Now slave, before you get to meet big boy here I need to warn you about some things. First off, we only have two stallions, but they are going to be keeping you very busy, very busy indeed. They love to have their cocks sucked and as you will see they are rather enthusiastic partners and will express their enjoyment of your oral ministrations by allowing you to swallow loads of their cum in tribute to their magnificence. If you’re curious, this big guy is Bayard and you’ll meet his friend Cerus over there in good time. You will provide your tight little hole for them to defile in the very near future, a spectacle me and some of the other girls enjoy intensely. But for today, they are just going to use your whore mouth for their pleasure, and I’m sure you will feel honored to provide that pleasure. So, are you ready to learn how best to suck horse cock, slave Gnu?” She said, tapping her crop on his ass to encourage him towards the first stall door.

Gnu could only flinch and lower his eyes in disdain as she said this, barely containing his contempt, fear and terror at such an idea. Another male’s cock was of no interest to him, regardless of species.

Marianna continued “While the mares tend to get a bit excited and perhaps a little demanding, they are somewhat patient with new barn sluts. With these two stallions, however, they aren’t going to put up with any resistance or reluctance on your part. Gnu, they know who you are, they know why you’re here and they are going to get what they want. They are going to get what they want and they are going to get it on their terms. If I just put you in there without some direction, it’s likely they will hurt you or even kill you. I’ll have your full attention now or you may not survive the next few minutes.” Marianna stated all this in a rather serious tone and then she seated herself in a nearby chair.

“Come here slave and kneel before me, so I may instruct you. All for your own good you know.” Gnu knelt before her and noted immediately that from this vantage, he could see that Marianna had no under coverings on her to maintain her modesty. In fact, Gnu had a plain view of her pussy beneath her dress and he liked what he saw. A young attractive woman such as her and here he was staring straight at her sex. Trimmed and neat, her sex had that pouting, plump and juicy look that Gnu loved. He would have loved to bend down and kiss it in reverence but of course such a move would be quite suicidal. Even staring at it was incredibly dangerous. Marianna noted his distraction and spread her legs wider to tease him. She found him attractive of course, his being an ex-pleasure slave he had to have been very handsome at some point. She was aware that his staring was a harshly punishable offense but that would stay for another time. No harm in showing him that which he could not have, she thought cruelly. After her little tease it was back to business and she closed her legs, meeting his eye and letting him know it was a lost cause.

“Here Gnu, put this on” she said tossing him a rag of a shirt to wear. As Gnu put the rag on, she explained “Horses are driven by sight and smell mostly and that shirt means one thing to these boys, sex. So what I want you to do slave is enter the stall easily and casually. Don’t challenge his space, let him come to you. If he confronts you, yield and move slowly and steadily. He’s likely to grab you, biting you and trying to dominate you. Usually, he doesn’t draw blood, his objective is to show you he’s in charge and he simply wants you under him so he can get his cock in your mouth. He’ll push downward forcefully on you and you’ll want to let him get you on your knees. Now, you smell like mare and you’re wearing that rag that tells him you’re here to suck his cock. So….he’s going to be in a high state of arousal, very very excited at the promise you offer. To him, you’re just like his mares but a lot more defenseless. My guess is he sees you as an easy score, which is basically what you are. Once you’re on your knees he’s going to move over you.

The next part is important Gnu. His penis will have already dropped in anticipation, and it’s important you communicate your willingness to please him by getting that monster in your mouth as soon as possible. Getting the head in your mouth is likely the best you’ll be able to do, so use your hands to rub his shaft. You’ve certainly masturbated before Gnu; I’m guessing you’ll have the technique down. Just remember a stallion likes the top of his shaft rubbed, where you probably are more sensitive on the bottom. One final thing Gnu” She said and dropped her hand which disappeared elegantly beneath her dress to pet her pussy. “I like watching slaves suck horse cock almost as much as I enjoy watching them being fed to lions, so try to give me a show…ok?” Marianna smiled sadistically at her own cruelty and lifted her foot. Placing it on Gnu’s shoulder, she kicked him lightly toward the stall door and his first date with a massive stallion.

Gnu reluctantly opened the door to the stall expecting the horse to simply start mauling him with his teeth and throwing him around. All the horse did was put his nose to him and start sniffing and snorting as he assessed his new stall visitor. As the horse deeply inhaled the various mare scents, the scent of the ragged shirt, and the promise it held, he began to get very, very excited and agitated. A few moments later after a simple once over, Bayard was nickering and dancing about and the big stallion finally grabbed Gnu’s shoulder with his teeth making the trembling fearful slave yelp in surprise. The horse bit hard and clamped onto the puny human, but no blood was drawn. There was no question in Gnu’s mind however, that if the stallion wished it, he could probably tear a chunk out of him. The ex-pleasure slave realized quite quickly the power of the big animal. Gnu’s fear level escalated rapidly and realized he would do whatever this beast wished of him, just to minimize the aggression that was pulsing just under the surface of the huge equine. He looked into the eyes of the big beast and saw none of the gentleness he had seen in the eyes of the big mare he had serviced. This animal showed nothing but raw lust. Bestial, unbridled desire, nothing more. As the horse controlled and dominated the whimpering slave, Gnu realized what it was like to be utterly and completely helpless before something so powerful. Gnu felt himself dragged helplessly to the center of the huge stall and then the horse threw him to his knees. Before he could regain his senses a shadow fell over the petrified slave and something slapped him in the face. Gnu got slapped again and realized it was the horse’s gigantic phallus that was slapping against him and in fact was just now staring him in the face. It was erect, throbbing and twitching with anticipation. The sheer ridiculous size of the thing shocked Gnu and he was beyond wondering how he would be able to do anything with such a weapon. The heat from it wafted over Gnu and he knelt there blinking in disbelief. The horse had him just where he wanted him. Was he just supposed to open his mouth and engulf the thing? Would the horse push it toward him? What if he just refused to start servicing the monster? Would Marianna really give up on him right away? Gnu contemplated his choices, the lions, the cock before him, what else did she have in store for him. Gnu’s mind flashed amongst all these choices and decisions in but a moment.

It wasn’t much of a choice. At just that moment, one of the lionesses gave out a roar in the distance, making the hair on the slaves neck stand on end. Without thinking, Gnu simply opened his mouth and engulfed as much of the massive cock in front of him as he could. He felt the horse shove forward, stuffing even more of his massive cock into his mouth and pushing into his throat. Gnu couldn’t help it, he gagged horribly and pulled away gasping and coughing. The horse impatiently nickered and pushed forward again, the stupid human seeming to defy him. A stallion’s patience is a fickle thing and Gnu was unaware of the dangers of such delay.

“Don’t give up slave, he’s just excited. Give it a nice kiss slave, let my boy know your a good little cock sucker and you wish to please him. Get that cock back in your mouth quickly now and give him what he wants. I want to see you make him cum slave” Marianna giggled as she watched the inexperienced slave deal with the first cock of his life. He was obviously untrained but she didn’t care and neither did the horse. Gnu looked to her, holding the horses erect cock in his hand then, reluctantly, leaned forward and kissed the cock as she commanded. Gnu endured her giggles and then returned to the task he had been presented with. Gnu licked the head experimentally, feeling foolish, and then before he could think, the horse pushed forward again and Gnu found his mouth full of horse dick once again.

This time he started sucking and using his hands, rubbing and stroking the massive cock doing the best he could. The horse was certainly excited and kept pushing and humping his face. From his vantage point, the slave could see the shaft of the cock he was sucking and it was huge. Above, he could see the beast’s belly quivering and shaking as he danced around. He could see the stallion’s testicles slapping lewdly against the muscular inner thighs of the huge animal, the sheath flesh undulating with the stallion’s movement. The head of the penis filled his mouth fully and the small voice in his head told him to be careful not let his teeth hurt it, fearing the consequence of such an oversight. Gnu closed his eyes and concentrated. As the cock in his mouth was moistened (and Gnu was unsure if the horse was leaking cum or if perhaps it was just from his oral ministrations) he was able to let it slide in and out of his mouth. He learned rather quickly to calm himself when the horse pushed and gagged him…controlling his gag response became important to Gnu, for keeping it in check would hurry this distasteful, humiliating task along.

“Good. That’s it slave. Let him slide in and out….gooood…Let him do it. Suck him Gnu, he’s soo hard….” He could hear Marianna breathless instruction. Gnu didn’t have to see her to know she was enjoying the scene. Great. He was used to being dominated, punished, humiliated and enslaved by women, he had been so his whole life. It was all he knew. But being subjugated by another male, a male horse of all things wasn’t something he was used to. Not at all. And she was enjoying it! His face reddened in shame but he continued.

The horse had actually picked up a rhythm and was humping into and between Gnu’s hands and into his mouth. Gnu fought to match the horses pace and rhythm, bobbing back and forth in synchrony with the raping cock so that he wouldn’t gag and cause the animal to become more aggressive. The horses cock would pulse, pulling Gnu by his mouth as it flexed. His jaw was wider than he had ever felt and he could feel the strain and hear the popping sound of tendons stretched to their utmost limit. His eyes bugged out from the sheer size of the thing in his mouth. Gnu used his tongue, not knowing if this was helping but he tried. The stallion was in charge, he realized, and he felt like his mouth was just a hole for the beast to fuck. The horse was simply fucking his mouth, using him. Nothing he could do would change that. He managed to look over at Marianna and she was boldly rubbing her pussy as she watched the horse use him and rape him orally. The slave had no control at all over the situation. Helpless, humiliated and fearful, he simply did the best he could with the little experience he had.

Only a few minutes had gone by but to Gnu he felt as though he had been under this massive animal for an hour. He found himself hoping the horse would cum soon. His jaw ached terribly, the musky, meaty taste of the stallions cock wasn’t bad, but it was just too much for him. Just as he thought he would give up, he felt the head of the cock in his mouth expand greatly. It suddenly felt spongy and it filled every bit of space in his mouth, even his cheeks. Gnu was far too inexperienced to understand that this massive flaring was a prelude to the horse cumming. And then it came, suddenly and violently gushing forth hot and heavy with no where for it to go but down Gnu’s throat. Gnu gagged and coughed, sputtering cum as it forced its way out of his mouth as well as down his throat. It was too much for him and he sputtered uncontrollably. Pulling away, Gnu found himself looking down the gun barrel of the stallions ejaculating penis, it spewing into his face covering him in horse cum, the stallion continuing to unload into his face.

Marianna watched as the slave was used by the big stallion, idly thrumming her clit, her pussy moistening in response to what she was seeing. She loved watching Bayard and Cerus do their thing. Whether they were mounting a mare, getting sucked off by a lowly slave, or even pushing their massive meat into the helpless arse of a tied up slave for her viewing pleasure, she enjoyed the show they put on, the size and appearance of their cocks arousing as hell for her. Rubbing herself at an ever increasing pace, she was getting her pussy nice and moist while watching the barn slave paying homage to the big beasts cock. It was indeed a rape. This slave was submissive enough to accept such a rape, and that turned her on as well. She couldn’t wait to see what humiliations she could pace this slave with. She thought of the wooden mounting mare and all the slaves before that had been put in it, to be penetrated by the randy stallions. Penetrated and for many, a lead to their ruin….

Gnu, on his knees, wiped the cum from his face as best he could, spitting out the seed that flooded his mouth. As his vision cleared he was shocked to realize the stallion was walking forward, straddling him. The stallion walked forward, dragging his softening penis over Gnu’s head and then dragging his pendulous testicles over the kneeling slave. Gnu’s head was forced back and he found the horses genitals being dragged across his face. The stallion simply continued forward, uncaring of the slave beneath him. Gnu was afraid the animal was going to trample him. Having the stallion essentially wipe his dick off on him as he walked forward was humiliating enough, but Gnu was more worried about being stepped on. As the stallion passed over him, he could feel the hefty weight of the balls as they flopped and dragged over his face and neck, and he could feel the strength of the animal as it barged over him. Finally he was clear of the massive beast and he watched incredulous as the stallion went to the corner to eat some hay. He was done with Gnu for the moment and made it clear that it was so. He then heard Marianna breathing heavily and rather lustily as well….obviously enjoying his being used by the horse.

Marianna didn’t even stop rubbing herself. She just looked at Gnu expectantly and glanced at the horse in the other stall, giving him a wink. Gnu got up and went to go see his next “date”.

Finding himself under another stallion, Gnu was a bit more prepared for what was to come. The stallion treated him like the fuck and suck toy Marianna had trained these animals to see him as, bumping and barging him around the stall, asserting his dominance. Finally, the horse knocked him over and as Gnu got up on his knees, the horse side stepped and presented his cock to his face. Cerus cock was not as thick as Bayard’s but its length was impressive. Cerus pushed forward and Gnu found the huge horse cock pushing insistently against his face. The horse flexed the erect member and by chance managed to align the head with Gnus mildly resistant mouth. The horse pushed forward expecting the slave to open his mouth. This time Gnu closed his eyes and humbly accepted the duty he was being forced into, opening up and allowing the stallions cock to invade his mouth. He was helpless to prevent it after all.

There really wasn’t a choice here. Even without the lions as a threat, he was but a slave to Marianna and all women. They had the power to do with him as they wished. For most of his life, Gnu had been treated to privileges that most other males were not exposed to. Just being in and amongst the women was a privilege. But now those same privileges had been turned on their head and here he was, kneeling beneath an aroused animal sluttishly sucking on its massive member. His submissive nature; that which had been a big reason he was a trusted pleasure slave with his previous mistress, kicked in and he simply accepted the horses huge penis into his mouth and let the horse use him as it felt. As with the big draft stallion, Cerus rape of his mouth was energetic and violent. He pushed deep into Gnus slack, accepting face hole, fucking him for his own pleasure. Gnu bobbed his head, trying to keep in rhythm and also trying to keep the horse from fucking the huge equine member down his throat. He was sure if the stallion ever managed such a feat, Gnu would surely suffocate to death, not that the stallion or Marianna, or any of the other women for that matter, would care. Gnu suspected Marianna would probably enjoy such a spectacle.

Gnu let the cock head slide slightly in and out of his mouth, lubricating it with his spit and hoping to do his best to make the stallion ejaculate quicker, so as to end this humiliation. He could hear Marianna’s heavy sensual breathing as she sexually enjoyed his debasement. He was sure if he was able to turn to see her, he would see her masturbating furiously to his bestial rape. Instead, Gnu found himself staring hypnotically at the stallion’s scrotum as it bobbed and swayed, slapping heavily against the stallions heaving flanks. Gnu sucked, licked and mouthed the erect monster feeling utterly used, his face red with exertion and with shame. Despite his distaste for the humiliating task he had been assigned to, Gnu found himself willingly pleasuring the animal and apparently doing it quite well. The stallion was making heavy grunting, snorting noises and was dancing about as he felt the slave beneath servicing him.

The stallion worked up lather as he approached climax. Gnu was aware the horse was going to spew and simply worked harder to help Cerus along to that end. Cerus cock head expanded into a flare, filling Gnu rudely enough and now he was but a passenger along for the ride while the stallion built toward unloading. Gnu’s mouth was violently pushed back as Cerus brought himself off at Gnu’s expense. The gush of cum was just as violent and Gnu coughed and sputtered, helpless to do anything else but gulp down what he could while much of it spilled down his chin and ejected onto his face after he managed to pull away. Gasping for breath, Gnu quickly slid from under the animal, not wanting to chance being trampled over as the horse left him.

Looking over he was surprised to see that Marianna had company. She was there with the Domina and they were both watching as he finished up, both of them apparently having done some finishing up themselves.


Chapter 4

Gnu stepped from the stall and kept his gaze lowered, proper for a slave of his low station. The women stood and looked down upon him, appraising.

The Domina spoke “I’m really not too impressed with him quite honestly” she said. “Our stallions deserve better, he simply isn’t trying very hard, he won’t take the cock fully. His gag reflex is much too strong. It’s difficult if not impossible to train that out of older slaves. Perhaps we can find a younger one to train after tomorrow’s games….” The Domina straightened her dress and looked around the barn and then up at the ceiling….thinking. Finally she shook her head and then walked over to Marianna.

“Go ahead and send him to the coliseum with the lions tomorrow morning, we will find another slave tomorrow who can better satisfy our boys here. This isn’t the slave we need.” she said to Marianna and walked away.

Gnu heard her words and his world shattered. Here he was soaked in mare pussy juice and splattered with cum from the stallions. Four hours straight of satisfying….how many? How many horses? All had orgasmed, all had used him. How could that not be good enough? He thought of the lions and he began shaking uncontrollably. Never having seen lions when they were eating he could only use his imagination, but the stories he heard were truly horrific. He was to be executed tomorrow, fed to the lions… and it was more than he could handle. He fell to his knees and began to weep, uncaring that Marianna was standing there watching him crumble.

Suddenly, he felt her hand on his shoulder and she spoke “I’m sorry Gnu, I thought you did well. She has very high standards for her horses and it’s not your fault. I think with some more experience you could have done well enough for them she would be more accepting.” Marianna waited until Gnu regained his composure. “Come Gnu, lets get you prepared, I need you presentable for your time in the arena tomorrow” She stated and waited while Gnu slowly arose, a condemned slave now, his fate sealed.

As the two walked slowly across the compound toward the area where the coliseum slaves were kept, a woman shouted from the distance at Marianna waving her hand. Marianna stopped and Gnu looked towards the lady. She had a large dog with her and they quickly closed the distance so that Gnu could see that the dog was actually very large. An ancient breed of Great Dane in fact, the dog was huge. Heavier and stockier than a modern Great Dane, the dog was jet black in color and intimidating indeed. “Greetings Marianna” the lady smiled warmly towards Gnu’s Mistress. “It’s been some time, how are you doing this fine evening?” The lady was middle aged but obviously kept herself in good condition. Gnu was under the impression this lady was one of wealth and prestige by the way Marianna spoke with her in tones of respect and courtesy. “I’m doing just fine this evening, Ms. Olivia. I’m honored by your presence yet again. A pleasant surprise for me.”

Marianna was actually very surprised by this visit from an old acquaintance. She had provided her with her slave’s special services often in the past. Sadly, the dog with which the lady had been companions to had passed recently and so Marianna had not seen her in some time. Obviously she now had a new canine companion and so was back to sample Marianna’s services once more. Gnu stood by patiently while the two well dressed, elegant women spoke with one another. Once the small talk was over, Marianna asked “So, is this handsome young boy yours?” referring to the brute of a dog who up until this point was laying down quietly next to his Mistress, being a polite canine guest. “Marianna, I’d like to introduce you to Caesar” She stated proudly. “He’s my new companion and I was curious if he could sample some of your fine services you’ve offered all these years?” She spoke excitedly as she said this, obviously looking forward to seeing the dog in action.

Marianna brightened “You may indeed. However, I must tell you that the Domina has not taken to our latest barn slave at all.” She stated waving her hand across to Gnu, indicating he as the barn slave. “She’s condemned him to be fed to my two lionesses in the arena tomorrow. Apparently Gnu here wasn’t energetic enough with her stallions to pass her usual high standard, so he’s off to the cats you see” She said all this with a pleasant smile, no drama at all, just another slave being fed to the cats. Gnu hung his head in shame at her words…not able to look the lady in the eye.

“Ah, excellent!” Olivia said enthusiastically. “I haven’t attended the lionesses in some time, it’s a pleasure to see them hunt and eat” Olivia seemed truly excited at the prospect and she circled around his naked form, appraising him. “Gnu is it” She laughed at the name and it’s appropriateness for what was to come. “He’ll make an excellent meal for them…well muscled, long of cock, no apparent maladies…they should enjoy him indeed. I assume you’ll have him shaved and oiled for the arena? He’ll look delectable and you know how the cats love the spiced oils you’ve used in the past.” She said, uncaring of Gnu’s feelings on the matter. He’d never felt such embarrassment and shame before. She was literally critiquing him as meat for the lions. For reasons that escaped Gnu, his cock arose to attention, twitching and pulsing as the lady appraised him. Her close proximity, her perfumed smell, and her predatory demeanor reminded Gnu of his previous Mistress and his cock responded accordingly. The ladies ignored it. “Not to worry, Olivia. Gnu here will live up to his namesake and offer them a fine meal and an entertaining one for us as well. I’m sure Gnu here will be brave and cooperative about the whole affair, won’t you Gnu?” Gnu felt as though he could crawl into a hole. “Yes ma’am. As you wish”

“And how are the girls, Delilah and Diana?” Olivia said, referring to the lionesses that were to feast upon Gnu. Marianna frowned “Fat and lazy I’m afraid. Such easy prey has made them so….they don’t even bother with stealth anymore. The game has staled for them I’m afraid. They still play with their food though, so that certainly provides some bloody entertainment” Marianna’s words were like needles being driven into Gnu’s skin. How could she be so cruel? “Well you spoil them so Marianna, it’s no wonder they have become rotund. You need to give them something to chase.” She said with a laugh.

“So, to my original reason for being here” Olivia said, “I’d like Caesar here to have a nice time, he’s randy as hell. His own personal boy is worn out and Caesar has lost an interest in him. He likes his boy’s holes tight and fresh. He goes thru quite a few, you can see his equipment is substantial, thus he destroys his boys rather quickly. I think it’s better for me financially to rent rather than buy for him” she laughed. “Is Gnu here available for rent this, his last evening? He’ll make a fine bitch for Caesar I’m sure, and I’m guessing you’ll have found another by tomorrow, but I’m afraid Caesar will simply burst with need if we make him wait.”

Marianna thought for a moment. It would take but a few minutes to get the breeding bench ready, and Caesar, depending on how many times he took Gnu, would be finished up within an hour or two…..Yes, she still had time and she didn’t want to disappoint Ms. Olivia. She was one of her best customers. “What do you think Gnu? Care to sample Caesars special brand of affection? Be a dear and tell Ms. Olivia here how you’d be honored to be Caesars bitch at least once before you have the honor of feeding my kitties”. Gnu could only redden in shame and bow humbly before Ms. Olivia. She delighted in seeing his submissive nature in action and she moistened readily as he humbly asked to serve as her dog’s bitch before the honor of entertaining her with his death at the claws of the lions. He spoke the words chokingly, but what was important was that he deferred by speaking them. “Good Gnu, well said” Marianna said smiling.

“Very well, I’ll enjoy letting Caesar have a go. Come….let’s get Gnu here onto the bench and get him strapped tight. The two women began walking towards the kennels and Gnu, the well disciplined slave that he was, followed along hesitantly, but willingly. Caesar followed too, his eyes keen on the slave before him. The dog sensed what was to come and began to prance about excitedly.

As the group passed the kennels, Gnu could see that there were at least fifteen dogs in long runs. He noted how they looked to him, tongues lolling and cocks peeking forth from the sheath. They were expectant. “See Gnu? See how they long for you? Perhaps the lions don’t sound so bad now yes? Had you stayed on as a barn slave this is what was to await you this evening, all of them Gnu, the males and the bitches would have enjoyed you the rest of the evening. All of them at least once and probably several times for the Alphas.”

Gnu looked on as they passed the cages and he could see the longing in the dog’s eyes. The males stared at him with unbridled lust and the bitches in a separate cage showed their teeth to him, but also Gnu noted the bitch’s swollen pussies, ripe with desire.

The bench was a simple device bolted to the floor and made strong with thick substantial timber. No padding or comforts were afforded but the wood was worn smooth from use and as Gnu laid belly down upon it, he found it not uncomfortable. He didn’t fight or resist as the women set about tying him tightly to the bench. Marianna worked efficiently having done this so many times before; she didn’t even break a sweat. Soon Gnu found himself tied and vulnerable, his ass hiked into the air, ready for mounting. Marianna produced a jar of thick lubricant and then, placing a long kid skin leather glove on her hand, glopped a handful in and around Gnu’s exposed anus. Gnu felt her put the cold stuff on him and felt her push it up into his anus. Had he known what he was in for, he would have thanked her for this kindness. Mariana reached up and pulled down a wooden frame that went over Gnu’s neck and to the sides of the bench, effectively blocking access to Gnu’s head by the big dog at his rear. The reason for this would soon become obvious. Olivia took the time to tie off Gnu’s balls tightly and bring them forward and tucked up out of the way. “I don’t want Caesar to think them a rare snack he can help himself to” she laughed. Marianna giggled as well. “I do the same. My dogs, having all been on hunts before, know well the taste of a slaves genitals.” Gnu was unsure if the women were teasing at his expense or if they actually hunted slaves with dogs. He shivered involuntarily at the thought.

Marianna disappeared for a moment and returned with a dog of her own. She had with her a short haired Doberman bitch. She too, was much thicker and broader than a modern Doberman and obviously in season. Her pussy was thickly swollen, blatant with need, dripping juices. She came in and boldly began sniffing and tasting Gnu’s face and mouth. Marianna released the dog and allowed her to do as she pleased with Gnu. With the two dogs separated by the frame that Marianna had pulled down, the dogs kept their interest to the slave that was tied and available before them, instead of one another. Marianna took a rag and after wiping it on the bitch’s swollen pussy, handed it to Olivia. Olivia had been through this procedure many times before, and knew to wipe the bitch scent upon Gnu’s exposed ass.

The two ladies stood back and simply watched the action unfold. Caesar’s arousal peaked as he smelled the scintillating aroma of bitch in heat. Not one for delay, Caesar immediately mounted Gnu, and having had experience with these odd human “bitches” he was able to line up quickly. Meanwhile, the Doberman was insistently licking Gnu’s mouth eventually succeeding in making Gnu accept her tongue. With all that he had been through this day, Gnu simply let his mouth go slack and allowed her to invade him. He was hers.

Caesar probed and found his target, pushing in to the unresisting male. Feeling his cock slide into the tight orifice, Caesar growled and clamped his jaws into Gnu’s shoulder and his front claws dug into the human’s sides as he began his rape. Gnu grunted as the huge cock invaded him while the bitch in front of him continued to probe intimately inside his mouth. The women watched as Gnu was used, then pulled up some conveniently placed chairs to sit and relax to watch the dogs work.

Gnu felt Caesar invade his ass and was now thankful his previous Mistress had opened him up back there. Often she used a strapped on phallus, one of fairly large dimensions to fuck him with when she was feeling the need to submit him. Caesars cock was larger than anything she had used on him, but at the very least it made it bearable. Gnu was unaware of a dog’s anatomy though and had no idea what a knot was. He was about to find out.

Meanwhile the bitch had stopped her insistent tonguing and turned herself, presenting her pussy to Gnu’s face. Gnu glanced at Marianna, and she winked at him as she once again began pleasuring herself at Gnu’s expense. Gnu sighed and knowing it was no use resisting, gave Marianna what she wanted. Closing his eyes, he kissed the proffered pussy several times before extending his tongue to service the bitch. Like the mares, Gnu started to get her worked up and at just that moment, Caesar let himself be known.

Thrusting hard, Caesar rammed his ever expanding knot past Gnu’s stretched anal ring and now he was locked in place. Gnu squealed and then screamed in agony as the knot rudely tore into him. The burning sensation from his ass slowly spread through his body and he went rigid waiting for it to subside. The bitch backed into him her pussy smearing itself over his facial features demanding service. She whined with need and then growled, making Gnu aware that her patience was wearing thin. Gnu resumed his oral ministrations, ignoring the pain from the massive cock thrusting hard in his ass. Despite the fact the women had tied him down tightly, Caesars powerful thrusts were moving Gnu around on the bench, rag dolling him as the beast fucked him. He could feel the rope pulling painfully on his tied testicles as he was rocked by the canines fucking.

Trying hard to concentrate on the pussy in his face, Gnu once again closed his eyes and gave long lingering licks of her puss. In his mind, perhaps there was still a chance of avoiding the lions if he just tried harder. The bitch continued to whine but Gnu sensed she was doing so in pleasure, at least he hoped so. She rubbed delightfully against him, using the contours of his face to scratch her itch. Gnu did his best, licking and kissing her swollen vulva, slurping her messily, working his tongue to her pleasure. She was flowing copiously, a good sign that he was doing well. He hoped Marianna and her guest noticed this, noticed how the bitch was responding to him. Gnu thrust his tongue into her and wiggled around, the bitch backing into him in response, practically seating herself on his tongue. Pulling out he again kissed her submissively, with reverence; showing his full supplication and surrender to the dogs. This was no act….for at this point Gnu felt he was but a fuck toy for these powerful beasts, something for them to use and abuse. Being powerless to do anything about it, he simply reverted to that which he knew all his life…submit and accept whatever was dealt him. His life as a pleasure slave trained him to be so. He wondered…would he be so submissive with the lions? Or would he go down fighting? Sadly, he already knew the answer to that question.

He grunted and groaned as Caesar made him his own, the big black animal now pounding mercilessly on the tight bitch below. Gnu felt his insides being rearranged and it was difficult not to cry out from the assault. He was quite sure the dog was destroying him….how could any slave take this, much less fifteen dogs at one go? Surely Marianna couldn’t expect him to survive a whole large pack of dogs taking him one after the other.

Caesar enjoyed this bitch. It was so supplicant and accepting of his mating. It’s hole was hot and tight and the dog reveled in his dominance over the strange bitch. Mastering it so, the dog applied more pressure to slave flesh with his jaws, being rewarded with a resounding yelp of terror from the bound fuck toy below. Caesar pumped rhythmically, and felt his body steadily pump seed into it, seeding the tight hole like a true Alpha. Finally turning, Caesar remained locked, now ass to ass and the bitch would simply have to wait while he pumped seed and await the slow process of his substantial knot shrinking down.

Gnu felt the weight of the dog leave him, and underwent the excruciating agony of the massive cock inside him twisting in his abused hole. He felt fluid leaking and was sure it was his life blood flowing out; such was the pain of this forced pairing. As the pain of the turn subsided to tolerable levels, Gnu found himself once again able to turn his attention to pleasuring the bitch. He simply started lapping steadily at her swollen moist vulva and she responded by rocking and swaying; rubbing herself against him sensually. Her orgasm had her quivering delightfully and the big Doberman panted happily with her heated pussy in his face. As things quieted down, Gnu became aware of the sound of moist pussies being manipulated and guessed correctly that the watching women were rubbing themselves off as they watched his degradation and humiliation. Gnu continued to lick and kiss the bitch’s pussy and finally felt some movement from Caesar as the dog sensed his knot was shrinking. The dog gave a couple of experimental tugs, measuring whether he could pull free or not. Finally, Caesar gave a mighty yank and Gnu was caught by surprise by the violence of dismount. A loud clearly audible *plop* was heard by all as Caesar withdrew, done for now with his bitch.

The bitch too moved off, both dogs tending to their parts, content for now from their use of yet another strange humanoid bitch supplied for their pleasure.


Chapter 5

Ms. Olivia went over to Caesar and began praising him “He’s a good puppy, yes….yes he is, did you enjoy your bitch? Hmmm? good boy!” she exclaimed happily. She loved watching him take the slave so brutally and was looking forward to more.

Marianna went to Gnu and examined his hole. Her eyes widened in surprise as she observed the devastation. “Olivia, come see….your dog has done a number on poor Gnu here”. When Olivia came over she too was astounded. Gnu’s ass was a gaping crater. The substantial size of Caesars cock had cored him out like a hollow tomato, swollen, red and puffy. Now his ass simply stayed wide open, submissively awaiting further use.

“Let’s leave him here for Caesar for while we go have some dinner. I’ll help you prep him for the cats upon our return, how does that sound?” Olivia said.

“Excellent idea” Marianna enthused. As they gathered their things they looked over to see the bitch was once again tonguing Gnu’s unresisting mouth. She again turned, presenting her swollen moist vulva to Gnu for more attention. Gnu humbly raised his head and began servicing her once again. The ladies just giggled and went to have some dinner.

The bitch was insatiable. Gnu’s tongue was cramping and his mouth was glued up with pussy juice from the encounter. He stopped servicing her, thinking perhaps with the women gone and no one watching him, he could take a break. He quickly found out this was not the case. The bitch turned and again began tonguing his mouth. This time, once she invaded his mouth she got aggressive and grabbed Gnu’s tongue, chewing it in an aggressive manor. Gnu jerked away and the bitch gave him an appraising look as if in warning. Again she turned, presenting her pussy to Gnu and the slave submissively began to service her again. He was quickly becoming exhausted with the stress of the day, his impending doom and all the work his mouth and tongue had been subject to. But he forged on. Finally, he felt her orgasm at his expense and finally she went to lay down again.

Gnu laid there helpless and tied. The dogs were done with him for the moment and he tried to relax and rest. Caesar had scratched him and the scratches stung, as well as the area where his jaws had clamped down, he could feel it bruised and swollen. It was his ass that felt the worst though. It was throbbing and stung with every effort to relax it. He heard what the women had said and he could feel the cool air of the breeze blowing thru the kennels blowing up into the crater that was now his anus. He was sure the dog had destroyed him back there.

Over the next hour and a half, Caesar took his bitch two more times while the Doberman continued to rape Gnu’s tongue and face. Various women, many of them enjoying some wine and simply strolling the compound and taking in the sights on such a beautiful evening, stopped by to watch the big dogs abuse the tied and bound slave. Gnu heard their whispered voices and giggling laughter but could do little about it except bear his shame. The women seemed used to such bestial sights as they stayed for some time to enjoy and then moved on to other entertainments the farm had on offer.

When Marianna and Olivia came back, the bitch was pressed forcefully against Gnu’s face, rubbing herself against him, and Caesar was simply laying over the slave, his tongue lolling and his massive cock buried in Gnu’s ass. Olivia noted with satisfaction the furrows of bloody scratches Caesar had made in the abused slave’s flesh, her pussy quivering in sadistic excitement at the damage she saw. She was proud of her dog’s sexual conquest of the lowly slave….proud and also happy for him to have been so fully satisfied with the services the bitch slave provided.

Finally, Caesar dismounted, his massive cock slipping out with a pop and it appeared he was done for the evening with this slave. The Doberman followed suit a moment later, leaving Gnu alone and going to a favored corner to lay down and sleep. Olivia stroked Caesars head affectionately, looking forward to seeing the big beast and his conquest of more fuck slaves. This slave however, was destined for the lions and she looked forward to that as well.

Marianna and Ms. Olivia untied the slave and Gnu was able to stand shakily after having been tied to the bench for several hours. It felt good to stretch his sore muscles and move about some. Marianna grabbed his arm lightly and the threesome walked out of the barn and towards the cat compound. Gnu walked as if in a trance, the women were bringing him to be prepared to be fed to the lions. He heard them conversing as they walked.

“So, we have Delilah and Diana tomorrow for the show, along with Gnu and another slave. One slave for each lioness, that should keep them entertained for some time. Also we have the snake feeding tomorrow as well, she will be devouring a smaller fellow tomorrow and then of course the gladiator show. I think we will have a full house tomorrow, the snake always brings a crowd” explained Marianna. “Domina stands to make good coin tomorrow, she shall be pleased.”

“I understand the Queen is allowing the Princess to attend tomorrow as well, her first time to the games. I hope Delilah and Diana provide a good show….it would reflect well on your Domina.” said Ms. Olivia sincerely.

Gnu was aware of such cruelties in the arena but listening to the women talk with such casualness about it was shocking. His previous Domina always attended the games and he noted that her sadism peaked after such event with her stringing up some poor wretch of a slave and whipping the hell out of him. After such activities she would essentially rape Gnu using him for hours to bring herself to many many orgasms at his expense.

They arrived at a very large building and stepped inside. The women commanded Gnu to lay down on the floor while they prepared various instruments and lathers so they could shave and remove all the hair from his body. The women giggled and laughed as they went about sheering Gnu like one would a sheep. The women were both tipsy from several glasses of wine and teased Gnu relentlessly.

Finishing up with the hair removal, both women stood back to observe their handiwork.
“Your going to be delicious Gnu!” said Marianna, cruelly teasing the ex-pleasure slave. “We’ll oil him up tomorrow and the cats will feast. Come Gnu, time to meet the lionesses.” Gnu was amazed at the ladies expectation that he simply follow them along to his own slaughter. What was even more astounding to him was that was exactly what he was doing. His legs carried him reluctantly along with his head hung low, to go and meet the animals that would devour him. Astounding, he thought as he meekly went along. Was there nothing a horny submissive male such as himself wouldn’t do for beautiful women?

Upon entering the building where the women brought him, he was again astounded. The building and outlaying area were huge. All this for the two lionesses. Breezy, cool, well shaded, well appointed, and excellence in design. The lionesses had plenty of room to roam, though Gnu wondered where they were. No animals were in sight upon entering the building. Marianna went over to a corner and opened up a gate “Come Gnu, in you go” Gnu looked and realized that the gate led to a small area separate from the lions. It was a cage and within he realized another male slave was sitting, apparently this was the other slave to be fed to the lions along side him. He went in willingly, the voice in his head scowling at him to run, make a break for it, but he simply walked in and heard the gate lock behind him. Watching the women, Gnu raised an eyebrow and his jaw dropped as he watched both women open another gate and step inside so that they were on the same side of the fence as the lions would be. Marianna whistled and Gnu watched in shock as two huge lions came bounding up to the two women. But instead of attacking, the two lionesses rubbed up against both women with great affection, licking them and enjoying the women as they petted and stroked their fur.

Looking at the lionesses, instead of feeling fear and loathing Gnu felt…….awe. Unadulterated awe. They were beautiful. Simply stunning. Marianna had said the lionesses were fat, Gnu didn’t see it. These animals were fit beyond description. He could see the sheen of their flawless coats, their muscles rippling beneath that coat and the litheness with which they moved. One lioness parted her mouth and Gnu saw her killing tools. She had long incisors and a small shiver ran thru Gnu as he thought about what she would do to him with those teeth. But more than that, Gnu was consumed by their dangerous beauty. His legs felt weak and he was in danger of collapsing to his knees being this close to the pair of felines.

Gnu watched in disbelief as the two women stroked the lions and petted them completely unafraid. The lionesses responded by sensuously rubbing up against the women, obviously enjoying the attention. The lionesses were flicking their tails high into the air giving Gnu an unhindered view of their sex. Pouting plump vulva, small but neat greeted his eyes. They both seemed to delight in flicking their tails up in the air and showing off what they had. Gnu was no zoophile; he just did what he was told, but looking at these cats, Gnu couldn’t help but admire them. The beauty in their movements, their expressiveness and eagerness to be with the women, the feline beauty of their movement. Even the perfection of the dark line that ran down their spine. He thought of them in terms of their predatory perfection, not so much in terms of their sexuality. So why was his traitorous penis rising in response to what he was seeing? And why did he not feel fear being so near them when they were to be the very instrument of his death?

The women finished petting the felines and stepped out, confronting the two slaves imprisoned and awaiting their time in the arena the very next day.

“You lion food boys get yourself a nice night’s sleep okay? Don’t let the girls keep you up tonight; you both have a big day tomorrow!” Marianna joked and blew them both a kiss as the women turned and left.

Gnu looked to the slave that was in the cage with him, but he was beyond terrified and couldn’t answer Gnu coherently when Gnu tried to engage him. He was a blubbering terrified imbecile. Gnu gave up, but found himself staring at the two lionesses as they prowled about. Absolutely stunning Gnu thought. One of them lay against the bars that separated them from him. Gnu could have gone up to the bars and reached through and pet her. He had an insane impulse to do just that.

Gnu didn’t sleep at all. The other slave had literally cried himself to sleep, so terrified was he. Gnu didn’t sleep, but it wasn’t from fear. All he could think about was the lions, not what they would do to him, but simply their nature. They weren’t the cold blooded killers he had heard about. Seeing them with the women showed him that. They ate meat and that meant they killed, but it was out of necessity, not cold blood. Gnu watched the lioness as she slept next to the wooden bars separating them, and in a moment of impulse, moved himself closer to her. He wanted to see her close up. Quietly, he got up and moved within three feet of her. At this distance he was in danger of having her lash out between the bars and grab him with her claws, but for now she continued to sleep peacefully. Her sister wasn’t much farther away, the two lionesses maintaining a little body contact for reassurance even as they dozed.

From here Gnu could smell the lioness near him. Her feral feline scent intoxicating, not offensive in the least. Obviously these animals were very well taken care of; even Gnu could see that. He could actually feel the heat emanating from her body. Gnu sat admiring her in her sleep. She was indeed dangerous Gnu realized….for even in sleep she exuded a predatory presence. Not at all sure of his own feelings, Gnu had an intense urge to pet her. His cock raged in it’s erect state but for what Gnu had no idea. Surely the intense pressure from his impending doom had sent him insane.

Before he could pet her, the lioness suddenly raised her head and looked his way. Their eyes met and she regarded him with a cool gaze, measuring him. Gnu actually smiled at her and whispered sweet nothings her way to keep her calm….letting her know he was of no threat to her. Gnu kept this up for some time and it seemed to work. She indeed was relaxed as she observed him and relaxed further still as Gnu slowly reached towards her to pet. His lack of fear seemed to throw her off; there was nothing in his demeanor or in his actions that would cause her concern. They were not at the coliseum and thus she didn’t really regard him as food yet. She never ate in this place, always on the sands with prey that was sometimes well secured, tied for her convenience. Sometimes she would be allowed to hunt and chase naked men and sometimes they would merely be tossed to her with arms tied so she could feed at her leisure.

Gnu’s hand found her haunch and he ever so lightly caressed her. The slightest rumble of a growl emanated from her. Was this a warning or was it a sign of contentment? She made no aggressive moves, a good sign. Fortunate for Gnu, for if she had, he was much much too close to be quick enough to avoid her slashing claws. He surely would be done for then. Gnu dared not meet her gaze, but kept his eyes lowered respectively. He could feel the heat from her predatory gaze though; it both excited his submissive nature and unnerved him as well.

Gnu caressed her for some time, then withdrew his hand to relax and breath again. He realized his heart was thumping and his head felt faint. He needed to calm himself and thus keep her calm and unthreatened. He was seated so that her rear was close to him, just on the other side of the bars. As she watched him, she flicked her tail as if in advertisement of her goods residing just beneath. Gnu calmed his breathing trying desperately to remain relaxed. Though he knew nothing of lions, an instinct within told him that remaining calm and collected would help keep her predatory aggression to a minimum. Prey was panicky and terrified….that would draw her out toward attack. Relax and be non-threatening, and she might relax as well. He again resumed his soft caress and she watched him as he did so, but seemed to relax further by the moment.

Gnu wasn’t thinking of her in a sexual way, he truly was not. But perhaps just the close proximity of such a lethal lady aroused him in ways he simply could not understand. His unruly penis was hard, though he barely noticed. He watched her as she flopped her head down heavily, seeming to accept that Gnu was nothing of interest at this moment….or perhaps she was simply enjoying what he was doing. Being ignored by her as he petted helped Gnu’s confidence and he began to explore her with his hand. Softly at first, then a little more boldly and he found himself scritching her a bit harder and finding more areas to pet. Gnu scooted closer and now there was but a few inches between her and him. The space between the bars was significant enough that he could now pet her with both hands and rub her luxuriantly. He was literally totally at her mercy now, for if she lashed out, he was in no position to react. He would be dead and that would be that. Gnu didn’t care.

The lioness suddenly stirred and an astonished Gnu jolted. But all the lioness did was shift herself so she lay fully upon her back, her hind legs spread obscenely. Not just that, but she had shifted herself so her butt was right up against the bars, and her tail flopped heavily into Gnu’s side of the cage. Gnu literally gasped aloud as he realized her pussy was right there. The bars were sufficiently spaced so that if he wished, he could dip his head between the bars and kiss and lick her there. Gnu stared, mesmerized by her sex. So dangerous, but so inviting. Never in his life had Gnu actively sought out an animal for sex. It didn’t even register as a possibility to him until this long day. But here was a lioness, and she was quite possibly offering herself to him?

Gnu could wait no longer, for now her availability aroused him. Resuming his caress, he carefully positioned himself so that he could kiss her there. He couldn’t help himself and simply figured he had gone quite insane. It was just that simple….the pressure of impending death had scrambled his brain, so he thought.

Gnu lowered himself and pressed his lips to her pussy, kissing her. It was electrifying, and though Gnu expected that his head would be ripped from his body in that very instant, it didn’t happen. Nothing happened but he could feel her body vibrate as he began to cautiously kiss and lick her. Being able to run his hands thru her soft white belly fur, and to be able to explore this dangerous feline so intimately, Gnu was astounded. That astonishment quickly rounded to horniness as he probed her with his tongue, licking and nibbling. She was much more like the women he had licked before if for no other reason than her size there was somewhat similar. Actually, this lioness was a bit smaller in her sex than most women, but just as neat and trim. Gnu lost himself in her, this dangerous ferocious lady who was allowing him such intimacy. She moistened in response to his ministrations and he could feel her rumble deep in pleasure as he serviced her.

Encouraged, Gnu slipped into his zone and closed his eyes in concentration as he gave her the best he had on offer. Pushing and probing, Gnu tasted her. She was a bit more tangy and musky than the Doberman and not nearly as sweet as the mares, but Gnu didn’t care. It was as if he were pleasuring a Goddess, one who might take his life in the morning….and that thought suddenly wasn’t nearly as horrible. If there is such a thing as love at first sight, Gnu was experiencing it. He was no longer servicing her, but making love to her; such was the bond he felt for her. As he feverishly lapped and sucked at her, kissing and caressing her he felt a happiness and warmth that he had never experienced before. As he felt her tense and as he heard her build towards her orgasm, he too felt himself building toward his own. He was going to cum simply by licking her and rubbing his dick against the floor slightly. The lioness gave voice to her climax and Gnu buried his face deeper into her fur, feeling the intensity of her orgasm as he himself felt himself spew at the same time.

Rolling away from her to catch his breath and recover, Gnu opened his eyes to see that the other male in the pen was sitting there wide awake, staring at Gnu in wide eyed wonder at what Gnu had just done. Ignoring the other male, Gnu rolled over and cuddled as well as possible against the bars so he could be with his lioness. The reality of his situation came crashing in then and he felt a sadness in his heart as he thought that this would be his last night on earth and that he would no longer share time with this beautiful predator. He kissed her one final time and the lioness grunted her approval. Gnu lay awake for some time thinking. The ladies had decided his fate and assumed he would be devoured in the morning. Gnu decided that wasn’t going to happen. He could no longer accept such a fate just yet. Gnu had an idea.


Chapter 6

Gnu continued to pleasure the lioness until he literally fell asleep with his head atop her thigh. So tired from the long day, Gnu simply passed out where he lay and didn’t stir until the morning sun beamed into the barn. The lioness didn’t seem to mind him laying there and she had stayed the night relaxed even with Gnu sleeping on her. Gnu slept the night thru and it was one of the finest nights of sleep Gnu had ever had.

Gnu awoke to find the lioness regarding him, her sister on the other side of the cage, leaving them alone. Upon awakening, Gnu smiled at her, whispered niceties to her and then simply started rubbing her inner thighs, caressing her paws (and those were some very big paws, Gnu noted). Gnu kept her attention and proximity to the bars with his scritches, kisses and whispered soft tones. He needed to keep her interest while awaiting company he knew, or at least hoped, would soon arrive.

As the sun rose higher in the sky, Gnu heard the tell tale sound of feminine laughter and voices of women approaching the barn. Gnu immediately buried his face into the lioness’s pussy, kissing and licking her. She rumbled her ascension and arousal, spreading her hind legs wider so that Gnu had complete access to her. In fact, she curled around and leaned in close to Gnu, sniffing and snuffling him and finally licking at Gnu’s face even as he licked her pussy. It didn’t dawn on Gnu that this was the closest her “dangerous” end had ever been to him. They had an unspoken understanding that was cemented the night before and Gnu didn’t feel threatened at all by the close proximity of his lover’s predatory, formidable jaws. Pausing his ministrations, Gnu sensed the presence of the women and could only imagine the surprise on their face as they watched him servicing their murderous savage man-eating lioness. Gnu continued, pretending as thou he was unaware of his audience and gave the ferocious man-eating lioness a friendly kiss on the cheek as she fondly licked him. Gnu buried himself again in her pussy, licking her with enthusiasm as her warm breath washed over him. Ignoring his audience fully, Gnu made a show of his lovemaking. His life perhaps depended on it. He was able to pleasure her orally relatively unimpeded, despite the annoying bars separating them and despite his nerves. He would pause to caress her soft fur, kissing her inner thighs, even kissing the warm pads of her paws, an involuntary shiver running thru him as he felt the formidable size and sharpness of her claws. Thinking of her lethality only excited in him his natural masochism and submissiveness and spurred him on further, so he returned to her juicy pussy, slurping and nibbling, boldly tongue fucking her now.

After some time with the two unlikely lovers spending several moments together, Gnu was distracted by a noise and turning finally acted with mock surprise and shock to see Marianna and the Domina staring wide eyed, and mouth agape at what their predatory cat and intended prey were doing. An awkward silence followed, with Gnu withdrawing, completely unsure of what the ladies would think of his boldness, cleverness, daring….and outright insanity. The women looked at each other, mouths still agape, and then back toward slave and lioness.

“Incredible” Marianna whispered. “That’s impossible” agreed the Domina quietly. “Slave….how?” was all Marianna could manage as the shock of what she had witnessed certainly hadn’t worn off.

Gnu gathered himself and moving quickly knelt respectfully before her as she stood at the open gate to his cage. “Ma’am….I….I-I cannot explain what has happened…..I just….I just t-thought p-perhaps she wanted some c-companionship”

“Companionship?” Marianna was incredulous. “You and she are scheduled for a little dinner date together on the sands of the arena today and you’re worried she needs some companionship?”

Gnu paused. “Yes….Yes Ma’am.” Was all he could manage. It was quiet for a moment,
Then Gnu finally spoke up again. “Ma’am….I thought….I t-thought you s-said all the animals needs would b-be taken c-care of? W-who has been taking care of Delilah and Diana? Sexually?” Gnu said, perhaps more defiantly than he wanted to.

“No one has been crazy enough or stupid enough to try it yet slave” the Domina said evenly. “I see that self preservation isn’t one of your finer points. For most slaves it’s a natural instinct to keep as far away from man-eating lions as possible. It appears that instinct is quite lost on you. In fact it appears you’ve gone quite insane and you have gotten away with it, for the moment at least.”

“I appreciate your concern for her sexual needs, I really do, but we have a male lion from another province brought in during her heat cycles to tend to that. I think she’ll enjoy you much more when you’re tied up nicely and spread eagle on the sands. We will have you oiled up and presented to her like a succulent roasted pig just like she prefers. You wouldn’t wish to deprive my lioness of a fine meal now would you? Or would you like to fight our male lion for the honor of being her escort instead?”

Gnu realized his plans had failed. He had hoped they would see value in his brave actions to sexually please the lioness and let him live. She and Marianna looked down upon him with disdain making him wish to crawl away. Now he was going to be presented to the lions in the arena and he was out of options.

“Get him ready for the show Marianna. I’ll meet you at the Coliseum” the Domina spoke coolly and walked away briskly.

“Nice try Gnu” Marianna looked at him. “How did you manage that? I never would have imagined Delilah allowing you….or any male for that matter…such intimacy. You _do_ realize she sees slaves as food don’t you? What were you thinking? What did you do to win her trust like that?”

Gnu thought a moment. “I’m not afraid of her Mistress. I can’t explain it. I…I…..care for her Mistress” Gnu flushed red as he admitted that.

“Well, you need to understand we have a job to do Gnu. It’s my job to put on a good show in the arena. Part of that show is feeding the lions. Your job whether you like it or not is to be the meat that feeds them. The women of our community enjoy seeing that and remember that the Princess is attending the games for the first time.
I’d like you to think of Domina’s reputation. Don’t be so selfish. You don’t want to ruin the day for the Princess do you? All male slaves in our tribe end up in the arena to die at some point Gnu, you know that. It’s just the way it is, I shouldn’t have to explain that to you.”

“Would they not be pleased with something else? Something akin to what you just saw? S-Surely you haven’t seen the like before have you? Would the Princess not be pleased to see Delilah being serviced sexually?” Gnu couldn’t help but sound desperate.

“The Princess must be seen as being strong, Gnu. Watching slaves being disposed of by being eaten by lions and enjoying it is exactly the impression she needs to project. The Queen herself told me that. Our enemies will think twice before deciding to attack when they see our fortitude and what awaits them should they be foolish enough to try something. If we can watch mere slaves die and enjoy it, imagine what we would do to captured enemy Gnu” Marianna paused and regarded him. “Perhaps Delilah has other plans for you Gnu, but my plan right now is to get you ready for the arena. Come.”

Less than an hour later, Gnu found himself in a horse drawn wagon on his way to the Coliseum. Marianna and Ms. Olivia had oiled his body (“Marinated” is the word Ms. Olivia used, referring to the lionesses love of the concoction they were applying to both Gnu and the other slave destined for the cats) He was tied naked, spread eagle, upright and facing outward to the frame work of the wagon so that he was fully on display to anyone who happened upon them. Marianna had tied a leather thong about the base of his cock and his testicles, making them protrude, displayed vulnerably just outside the wagon. Anyone passing by could poke at them or play with them and surely this was her intention. The sniveling slave in the wagon with Gnu was similarly displayed. Above them hung a sign “Cat food” and they were traveling just behind another cart containing Delilah and Diana leaving little doubt which cats they were destined for.

Arriving at the Coliseum, Gnu saw what a festive atmosphere there was. Had he lived in the modern world, he would have recognized this festive atmosphere as his world version of “tailgating”. Vendors selling wine and food, side shows, large gatherings of women and trades people as well as animals. All _kinds_ of animals. Gnu could see that women from different clans had brought along different animals. Elephants, apes of some sort, Tigers, bulls, large breed hunting dogs, and horses. Mares, Gnu noted with a smile. Apparently Marianna and her Domina were known for Delilah and Diana as well as their fine horses and dogs. Women from different clans were easily identifiable from the clothes-or lack thereof- they wore. Even the type of slaves that were to be the day’s arena fodder differed. Some slaves were effeminate weak little things. Some were huge massively muscled beasts. All were bound, caged or tied in some manner and the women were often teasing them. Most were naked but some of the large slaves wore fighting gear. Gnu had always been of the impression that only older slaves were destined for death in the Coliseum, but he could see that many of the slaves here were young and healthy. Sooo many slaves here today. Were all destined to die? That couldn’t be right thought Gnu. It would decimate the numbers too quickly. In his limited knowledge of this world of female supremacy, Gnu had always heard that all slaves that went to the Coliseum died there. What if it was just certain types of slaves that died here? Used up, older pleasure slaves for instance Gnu thought grimly. That and perhaps expired field labor.

Gnu took notice of the different women as well. Distinct in their fashion but also in their bodies, some of the women were elegantly dressed and frail appearing. Some appeared dressed for battle or perhaps for hunting and one clan off to his right, a tribe of perhaps 20 or so women looked downright savage. War paint, bare breasted and well toned muscular bodies, taller than the other women, just the sight of them brought fear to Gnu’s senses. He could see that they were cooking something on a spit over hot coals. The thing being cooked was obviously male, it’s strangely erect penis pointing out and bobbing about with the motion of the spit. Gnu couldn’t make out what animal it was. As it turned on its spit Gnu got a better look at it and he suddenly realized what it was. He turned away, unable to look further. The women from that clan were truly savages and they scared him to his soul.

He was actually relieved to see Marianna strolling the grounds close by. This place made him very nervous; it was like being a mouse in a room full of cats. He sensed and saw danger everywhere. He watched as males like him were tied up by merchants and then, to display their fashionable whips, the vendors selling such items would allow patrons to try the whip out on the unfortunate male victim. At another vendor sight, Gnu noted with horror a blacksmith who specialized in custom brands. A slave lay prone there under the tent so that patrons could apply various brands to his flesh to see how well they took. Gnu was sure the slave would not survive the day. Finally, he watched as a woman brought out a huge hound, obviously a prime specimen stud dog. Apparently she was showing him off hoping to sell his services; she led him to a bound slave, who was tied very much like Gnu had been with his ass raised an vulnerable awaiting use by this stud beast. The dog leapt up and mounted the unresisting slave violently. Within moments the stud had stuffed his tremendous cock up the effeminate slave’s ass and was pumping with vigor, the helpless slave being bounced and jostled about beneath the dog. Finally inserting the huge knot, he could only sympathize as he watched and heard the slave squeal helplessly as the dog mastered him.

Suddenly Gnu felt an excruciating pain in his balls. Looking down, he saw three young women there just outside his wagon. One had a firm grasp on his balls, squeezing tightly while she and her friends giggled and laughed. They were all drinking wine and were fairly drunk. Gnu could do nothing; he was securely bound and helpless. She could squeeze his balls to paste and no one would do anything about it. “How are you today lion food boy?” she smiled winningly up at Gnu. “You’re on the menu today slave. Are you nervous? You should be. I’ve seen them eat before; you’re in for quite a time!” Another girl started slapping his penis about and Gnu yelled out in pain as they tormented him. Suddenly Marianna was there “Ok ladies, leave him be. He’s got enough torment coming his way. He belongs to the lions now, let’s show some respect. You don’t like others playing with Your food do you?” she said appraisingly. The girls let go of Gnu’s balls and went off to find some other poor slave to torment. Marianna went to her wagon and pulled out some more oil to apply to Gnu’s genitals. It felt good as she applied it and Gnu sighed with relief as Marianna rubbed the stuff into his flesh. Gnu realized the oil was for the benefit of the lionesses but it didn’t matter…..it felt good!

Gnu looked over at the slave who had been mounted by the big stud dog. The dog had dismounted and Gnu saw that the helpless slave was not to be shown mercy. Another, even larger dog was brought forth and released upon him. The dog jumped up and after a moment, Gnu heard the anguished cry from the slave indicating the dog had knotted him. The women watched with intense interest as the slave was taken yet again.

After awhile, the great gates to the Coliseum opened up. The games were about to begin.


Chapter 7

Gnu was bounced and jostled around in the wagon as it trundled along the rough stone way into the coliseum. Cheering women, now very tipsy from the amount of wine they had consumed trotted along beside the wagon slapping and scratching at Gnu’s vulnerable bound genitals. Many were laughing and making lion noises and snarling and lashing out to scratch him. Others were gnashing their teeth at him, already in a frenzy to see his flesh devoured by the lioness. Gnu was astonished at how worked up many of the women were, he could plainly smell their arousal, see the moistness forming between their thighs, most were now bare breasted and it seemed the madness of the coliseum had consumed them utterly and he was very, very afraid. Thankfully, he could see that they were now passing the huge gate into the arena.

Entering the arena and getting away from the crowd was a relief. He looked up and saw just how massive the coliseum was. Surely it could hold the entire population it appeared so large. Looking up at its vastness Gnu felt himself become lightheaded; such was the magnitude of the place. Imagining it filled to capacity by aroused sadistic women filled him with terror of course. They were coming to see him die. And Gnu was under no pretence that it would be just him that would be placed in such peril. But Gnu was also filled with a morbid curiosity. What types of entertainments would they ply these women with? What inventions of torture? What types of executions? Did he have it right? Was that all this place was, a place to terminate used up slaves and males unfortunate enough to be deemed expendable? Gnu was fearfully fascinated with the possibilities.

The wagon upon which he rode entered the arena, rolling across the sands upon which he was to be offered up as fodder for the lions, and continued on until it reached a small opening on the far side. Marianna opened up the wagon and addressed Gnu “Here we are sweetheart. Let me get you loose here.” Gnu felt Marianna behind him as she loosened his bindings. Her breasts rubbed against him and her closeness felt warm and soft. Being so close to her had the predicted effect on him and he felt his cock rise. He felt her lick him, licking away some of the oils they had applied to his skin “mmm, Delilah is gonna love you. That’s a good thing Gnu, isn’t it? I know you like her and I think she likes you. I would have loved to see you and her continue your little love affair, I really would have. I don’t think it’s fair and I’m sure you don’t either, but life really isn’t fair anyway now is it? Your going to make a good meal for her and I would bet if she could says so, she would thank you for your sacrifice” She spoke softly and sincerely and Gnu noted a sadness in her expression. She gave Gnu a kiss and continued untying him. Marianna was the enemy, yet he felt an attraction to her. Why? How could that be? She was at this very moment preparing Gnu to be fed to her precious lions, a painful death for nothing more than it would be entertaining for her and other women to see. He should feel loathing and fear towards her but all he felt was desire and attachment. When she released him, Gnu didn’t run, didn’t fight. He simply offered her a “Thank you Mistress” and humbly awaited her instruction. He watched her untie the other slave and then she addressed them.

“Follow me lion food boys” she said smiling. Gnu followed her along with the other slave and they exited the wagon. Going thru the small gate they went down some stairs into a dank, dark, torch lit labyrinth built beneath the sands of the arena and beneath the stadium seats upon which women would watch the bloody show. And there is where they saw the magnitude of the place. Almost one hundred slaves, many awaiting their own moment in the sun on the sands (or perhaps labor to help the women running the show) were here. Many were caged and ready to be brought to the surface for feminine entertainment. Also below in this labyrinth as well; lions, tigers, horses, elephants, baboons, hyenas, huge hunting dogs, an absolutely massive python and animals Gnu could not identify. Marianna put him in a small cage with the other slave, locking them in. “Ok boys. I know you’re anxious to entertain the ladies, but you will have to be patient. You’re due up on the sands around at lunch time. The women will be eating along with the lionesses. I’ll come and get you soon, just relax” and with that she left.

Gnu noted two things immediately. He realized that Delilah and Diana were in the cage just next to them and he also noted he was in a cage with a view. Standing up on his toes, Gnu could look out between the cage bars and look out upon the sands. He was just at sand level, peering out at the vast expanse of the arena, an ant’s view, but a view nonetheless. He was fortunate; he would be able to observe the show while many below had no view at all.

Looking over he could see Delilah looking at him. Gnu understood she had been here before and probably, Gnu thought, had been in that same cage, with her future meals in the cage he was now in. The other slave, terrified beyond description, lay huddled at the opposite side of the cage away from the lions, his head buried beneath his hands unable to even look at the cats. Gnu smiled at Delilah thou and whispering softly to her, extending his hand slowly to pet her. She pressed forward and let Gnu slide his hand lovingly along her cheek and caress her face and jaw. He bent down and gave her a kiss, ignoring the shocked gasps from the other slaves watching. Delilah licked him and rumbled her affection for him. Gnu smiled, she was still with him. She had not gone feral on him and that was a good sign. Gnu darkly assumed though, that when he was offered up to her on the sands, she would devour him despite their friendship. He couldn’t possibly expect her to turn her nose up at such an easy meal. She had to eat and surely she was hungry. Gnu agonized over this thought. What if she refused him? What would become of her? He didn’t want her to go hungry but of course for her to feed he would have to die. He wasn’t sure which way he wished it to go….

Gnu relaxed up against the cage, stroking Delilah’s fur. The other men within the confines of the labyrinth stared incredulously as he did so. Never had they seen a slave be so bold or downright insane as to approach the animal scheduled to eat him, much less pet the damn thing! Gnu ignored them, affectionately stroking her massive head and giving her little rubs on her ears. He lay there with her for quite some time, almost dozing off as he did so.

Gnu got up though when he heard the crowd building in noise and then outright cheering. He looked out to see that the show was beginning. Several female guards were escorting five naked males to the center of the arena. Gnu noted these men were young, effeminate, weak little things. They were escorted out to several stakes pounded into the ground, and the guards had them stop before them. Ordering the slaves males to kneel and then to get on all fours, the guards then tightly tied each slave to a single stake, the thick rope around their necks binding them tight to the stake; their asses hiked up and vulnerable. Gnu noted that as they were bound to the stakes, the audience in the stands (which had grown to full capacity in the last few minutes) had grown louder and were obviously in the process of something. As Gnu watched, he made out that the women were actually placing bets with one another. He didn’t understand at first but then a loud cheer went up and a huge black monster of a dog was released into the arena.

He watched the beast in awe as it loped along with an easy stride. The dog was huge and muscular. Obviously male, his heavy sheath flopping ludley from side to side under him, his balls swinging heavily as well behind his thick muscular thighs. Gnu trembled as the dog passed close to the gate Gnu was looking thru and he cringed involuntarily from the dogs close proximity. The dog trotted easily, lopping along directly towards the defenseless bound males.

As the dog arrived at the center of the arena, the women quieted down as they watched with anticipation, watched as the beast began boldly smelling at each bound helpless male. The boys were whimpering in fear and begging to their gods the dog choose another. The dog took to a keen interest to the one on the end nearest Gnu and he watched as the hound began licking and nipping at the boy’s bum. The boy frantically wiggled about trying to avoid the dog’s direct and aggressive attention. The dog’s long wet tongue slurped at the boy’s ass and then he reached under and nipped at the hanging ball sack, tugging on it with his teeth. The male squealed as the dog did this but seemed to quickly get the message and despite the pain, the boy went still and silent like the dog apparently wanted him to be. Gnu watched amazed and when the dog grabbed the poor boy’s testicles he was sure the dog was about to have himself a little snack. But then the dog released and jumped up on the helpless bound figure and his claws raked into the sides. Gnu could see the beast’s arousal, thick and pendulous. Gnu surmised the dog had done this before, for there was no fumbling or false mounts. The dog had jumped up and managed to align his cock with the male’s ass immediately. Pushing in, the dogs quick thrust drove the cock in and Gnu heard the human male’s helpless wail as he felt himself skewered. The male hung his head in submission, not resisting as the dog took him. The dog grabbed up the male’s neck in his jaws and pulled back, making the victim look up at the women watching his degradation. He was being completely and utterly dominated by the beast.

A cheer went up from the audience and Gnu noted money exchanging hands amongst the female spectators. It was then that Gnu realized the women were betting on which boy the hound would take. The dog’s front paws gripped his victim’s torso and worked to pull the boy further back on the beast’s cock, impaling him. The dog’s thrusts were full and powerful, pounding the crying male beneath. The women in the audience went silent watching the rape and Gnu could hear the quiet breathless moans of orgasm fluttering down to him as they sadistically enjoyed the bestial rape. Gnu was amazed at the dog’s power, his fuck thrusts coming in stattaco succession as he drilled the human relentlessly. Soon the dog was completely engaged and locked with his new “bitch”. A few more short thrusts and Gnu understood from his own experience the dog’s massive knot was buried within the bowels of the whimpering, squealing male. The dog lay there, drool rolling copiously from his mouth to wash the male beneath in slobber. Moments later, the dog rotated around and stood ass to ass as his cock pumped the male full of cum, the beasts tongue lolling out of his mouth, a silly happy look on the dog’s face.

A woman came up and producing a knife, reached down to cut the male loose from his stake. The dog realized his bitch was free and so simply walked away, dragging the frantically screaming male with him. The dog walked along as if the additional weight of the victim dragging along behind was of no concern. The dog exited the arena to cheers from the women who watched the male being dragged away, his fingers desperately digging into the sand. Pulled along by the dog’s knot tied inside his ass, surely his agony was palpable. The women cheered the dog on though and Gnu was sure many were masturbating furiously as they watched the male bitch being dragged thru a gate, disappearing from the sands. Gnu was unsure what would happen to the male that was locked with the hound. Would he be made a meal to the beast? Was he destined to be fucked to death by him? He had no idea, but before he could ponder further, another huge beast was released to make his choice among the four remaining males. Gnu watched spellbound as this dog too, made a choice and mounted a squealing male. The cheers went up and bare-breasted women cheered lustily as the dog fucked the male-turned-bitch into oblivion. Cut loose and then unceremoniously dragged away, Gnu saw the expression of terror on the males face as he exited the arena, locked ass to cock with his new master.

And so it went until only one male remained. As punishment for being the last unclaimed bride, he would suffer the worst. A dummy horse on wheels, specially designed for such occasions was wheeled out. The women began chanting “Mare! Mare! Mare!” as the contraption was positioned on the sands. Cutting the remaining male loose, he was unceremoniously dragged over to it. The rear of the “horse” opened up and the male was pushed inside and strapped securely in. Now secure within, the male was positioned so that his rear took the place of where a mare’s sex would be. Open and exposed, he could only await his fate, crying and whimpering in fear. Even in his terror addled mind, he could figure what would come next. A roaring cheer went up as a jet black draft stallion came trotting into the arena, unfettered and free to do as he please. The women cheered him on, undoubtedly understanding what would occur.

It didn’t take long for the stallion to calm down and then take a keen interest in the unusual “mare” waiting for him, her tail curled up and to the side invitingly. Fooled by the accuracy of the dummy, the stallion began grooming her and rubbing her neck sensuously. Some of the women giggled in response. The ruse was such that the stallion was completely enamored with this “mare” and soon was sniffing curiously under her tail to assess “her” condition. Of course the women who had set this whole thing up knew well what would drive the stallion’s lust, and so of course they had thoroughly washed the rear of the dummy horse in mare scent. The big stallion’s arousal made its appearance. Thick, bulbous and incredibly long even by horse standards, the horses cock hung semi erect, bobbing pendulous with intent and arousal. The stallion curled his upper lip in typical flehmen behavior testing his new love for condition. The male inside was visibly trembling and rightfully so. He had figured surely what was about to happen and from his vantage he was able to peek at the stallion’s ridiculously sized penis and swollen ball sack and knew what the animal intended. Surely he wouldn’t survive such a coupling.

The stallion turned and in an excited manner, leaped up to cover the dummy mare. After dancing around a moment, he pushed forward and after a few thrusts to get his bearings, found his cock head nestled nicely within warm flesh. Thrusting, the stallion was rewarded with an agonized squeal and felt his cock bury into hot clinging flesh. The women in the audience went silent; watching the hideous rape of the trapped male, watching as the stallion’s cock disappeared, sinking into the terrified human. Utterly unconcerned with who or what he was fucking, the stallion’s rape of the unwilling victim within the dummy mare was brutal. The whole contraption rocked and creaked under the assault. Long forceful thrusts impaled the male as the stallion buried his cock in the male’s ass, pulling out and then ramming in again.

Gnu watched in horror. Such a massive cock raping the trapped male, he could not imagine the boy would survive such an assault. Gnu gawked at the women in the audience. Avid, greedy eyes drank up the scene and many of the women were plainly within the throes of orgasm as they watched. Gnu finally turned away, unable to watch further. He went to Delilah and cuddled with her for comfort. She licked his face and he gladly accepted her attentions, letting her curl her paws about him and pulling him hard up against the cage towards her so she could maul his face with her tongue. Whether she was tasting the oil on him or showing true affection Gnu did not know. But Gnu accepted her rough yet oddly tender embrace and closed his eyes, letting her have him.

After laying with her for some time, Gnu’s curiosity would not let him stay from the view he had of the arena. Every time he came back to look out upon the sands, another affront or horror confronted him. At one point five male baboons were viciously raping a bound male, one after another, something the women seemed to enjoy and found amusing as well. The baboons used every orifice and fought over their rape victim, pulling him this way and that, even biting him into submission. When the Baboons had filled their need for sex, they then turned on their rape victim and filled their need for food. A horrible savage way to go for the unfortunate male and while Gnu tried to turn away from the awful scene, he could not. Although Gnu understood that many men in his world died in rather violent ways at the whim of their female superiors, it was the first time Gnu had witnessed such violence. It was the first time he had seen a male executed in such a fashion.

Gnu grew numb as each act was played out upon the sands. Some males survived, many were executed and some Gnu simply wasn’t sure if they would survive or not. One act that fascinated Gnu involved the elephant and a very small male. The male was of age Gnu was sure but he still had boyish features which the women seemed to enjoy, Gnu could hear the ribald comments being made. The boy was led onto the sands and tied upright to a smooth greased pole. The boy himself was well lubricated; Gnu could see that as the lubricant cast sheen upon his small frame and smooth shaven body. The elephant was being ridden by a lady dressed in a fancy brightly colored dress and as she rode the elephant around the arena she happily waved and blew kisses to the crowd. The audience waved back and Gnu could see this seemed to be a rather special act as the women were in a high state of arousal, seemingly knowing what was coming. The lady guided her elephant to the male and then turned her so that the boy was now directly behind the elephants massive hind end. Backing her up, the lady positioned the elephant carefully. Gnu noted she was speaking softly and kindly to the massive beast and caressing her softly.

Gnu watched astonished as the elephant then began to squat, her huge rear casting a shadow over the small trembling male victim below. The elephant raised her tail up and out of the way and Gnu stood with mouth agape as he watched her descend, her intent obvious. One guard guided her carefully by laying her hand on one leg or another to make sure she was on target. Just as her vaginal opening was about to engulf the boys head he screamed in horror. But that scream was cut short as the elephants massive pussy enveloped his head and continued down, devouring the small figure easily. The body slid easily within her folds, and Gnu noted with surprise at how such a large beast could move so delicately and deliberately as she swallowed up her living dildo. The elephant seemed to enjoy the sensation as Gnu saw her expression appeared quite relaxed and happy. The elephant wiggled and swayed as she adjusted herself to accommodate her new companion. She continued her descent until the entire body was swallowed up and she sat fully down upon the sands, a happy silly grin on her face as she savored the sensation of the living dildo wiggling within her.

Finally she stood. But Gnu was in for another surprise. He expected that as she rose the boy would be disgorged and given the mercy of fresh air on which to breathe. Not to be the case, Gnu was horrified to see that as the elephant raised off of the greased pole, she had taken her victim with her. Gnu could see that she had flexed her muscles, clamping down upon the body of the male, holding him tight within and sliding him up and off of the pole. She stood fully and Gnu could see that only the victim’s wiggling feet stuck out slightly as she began to walk off. Then to add to Gnu’s horror, he saw as the elephant worked her muscles to pull the victim fully within, the feet slowly being sucked into her, to be swallowed up utterly. Her sex closed then, condemning the boy within. She walked around the arena naturally and freely as the women cheered her performance. No awkwardness in her gate belied the fact a living human was within her sex. If he had not seen it himself he would never have believed it.

Gnu would never know the fate of the elephant victim. He couldn’t stay in there forever. Would the elephant push him out of her own accord or would she need the help of the women? How long could the victim survive in such an environment? Was he already gone, suffocated? Or crushed to death…..perhaps by the female elephant’s massive orgasm? Or was there enough air for him to survive until she was done with him and he would be disgorged?

Just then, Marianna came in and smiled brightly at Gnu and his cell mate. “It’s just about time for your performances. Are you excited Gnu? You two are to be the main event just before the gladiators come out. We are going to feed big girl next and she motioned towards the huge python that was just now being guided up a special ramp to the sands. She was followed by her meal, a rather short plump male who trudged up the platform to the sands behind her. He went willingly and Gnu shook his head in wonder as predator and prey went out to entertain the crowd. He would be next….


Chapter 8

Gnu was now even more shocked by what he was witnessing. He watched incredulous as the short chubby male walked out upon the sands, his Mistress giving commands to him as they followed the huge python out. Mariana came into Gnu’s cage and watched the event unfold beside him.

“This is my favorite act next to watching my lionesses eat” Mariana said somewhat breathlessly. “She doesn’t eat as often as the cats do but when she does she puts on a show. Just watch Gnu”

Gnu was watching. He couldn’t help but watch, mesmerized by the cruelty of what was transpiring. At least it appeared cruel. The Mistress was directing the chubby male rather harshly, ordering him about and getting him in position. A small alter was in place and the male cooperatively lay upon it in deference to his harsh Mistress, the consummate sacrifice to feminine sadism and pleasure. The fat succulent male now found himself laying supplicant and submissively before the python. The tremendous snake took a keen interest in the proffered treat before her, her tongue flicking excitedly and tickling her meals feet, tasting him. The snake crawled over him, letting her body slide sensuously over the naked and unresisting male. For his part, his eyes were on his Mistress, his face awash in fear, giving her a look that plead for mercy. He would not find it. His Mistress was watching the show intently, even petting the python and talking soothingly to her, only occasionally giving the fat male a stern look that told him to lay quiet and submissively as the snake explored him. She had fattened him just for this moment, for now he resembled a fat little piggy more than a man, and being quite hairless and pink, with a sheen of oil over him he certainly appeared just as she wanted him to appear. The effect was not lost on the audience of women watching and some started making pig noises to tease the male who was being offered up as such. A large coil of the python slid over the males face, smothering him. He did not dare react, so fearful of his Mistresses wrath should he disobey. The snake was now completely on top of the male, all 250 pounds of her, and she managed to wrap a few coils around the fat slick male to hold him still so she could begin eating.

Eventually, the python found the pig’s feet, and at his Mistresses command, the male voluntarily put his feet close together so the python could envelop both at the same time. And so it began…..the snake opened her cavernous maw and began devouring the male feet first, a trick that her Mistress had trained her to do. Gnu watched in awe as the snake began swallowing her living meal. The male victim was obviously very afraid and yet he cooperated fully in his own execution. Gnu understood why. His situation was completely hopeless, for resisting would simply bring the wrath of the sisterhood down upon him and he would face an even more cruel circumstance. And so he submitted to his Mistress’ will, allowing the snake to have her way with him.

Despite his fear, or perhaps as a result of it, his penis was fully erect as the snake devoured him. She was up to the thighs now and his Mistress became so aroused she now walked over and stood straddling the males head. The male stared up at her, she was giving him a grand view of her well trimmed sex, labia swollen and vulva engorged with lust. Lowering herself, she plopped her moist and flowing pussy upon his face, demanding he service her even as the snake swallowed him up. The male dutifully licked her as she watched the great serpent eat. Grinding her pussy on the face of the sacrificial male, she had the first of several orgasms at his expense. She watched his devourment along with the thousands of women in the audience. Slack jawed and sex copiously moistened, the only sound in the arena was the hushed moans and gasps as the women masturbated luxuriously to the sadistic show.

Gnu and Mariana watched together, Mariana as aroused as Gnu was horrified. The snake was swallowing the hips now and her reptilian lips began to brush lightly against the fat males erect penis. Gnu watched the scene unfold and it occurred to him the boy’s cock, hard and twitching, appeared to honor the great female intent upon devouring it. The female was a reptile of course but her touch brought him pleasure just as she brought fear and death. Gnu watched again amazed as the male bucked his hips, rubbing his cock against the snake’s lips and as she swallowed, Gnu could see as well the boy rub his cock against the roof of the snake’s mouth until moments later he finally, violently gave up his seed in great spurting gobs that landed unceremoniously upon his belly and chest. The snake was unperturbed and simply continued to devour her living meal. The male’s Mistress rocked violently upon his face enjoying the bliss of an orgasm of her own. Unlike the male beneath however, this would not be her last.

“Come Gnu, it’s your turn now” Mariana surprised Gnu for he thought she would wait for the snake to fully consume her sacrifice before offering him and the other slave up to the lions. Mariana pulled the other slave to his feet. Whimpering and begging he made a spectacle of himself as she dragged him toward the gate to the arena. Once again, Gnu found himself willingly going with Mariana. Perfectly docile and subservient he simply did as instructed. Mariana passed the whimpering begging slave over to one of the female guards who was only more than happy to give him a thrashing to keep him in line. Mariana then grabbed some leashes hanging on a rack and gave one of the leashes to another guard. Calling softly to Delilah, Mariana put a collar on the big cat and led her out of her cage by the leash. Gnu smiled as Delilah came out and rubbed sensuously against him in a show of affection.

“Don’t get too comfortable Gnu. She’s a nice girl but don’t think for an instant she will turn her nose up at you. See her belly? You’ll be residing comfortably within in just a little while.” She chuckled. Gnu wasn’t convinced. He gave the lioness a friendly smile and she seemed very relaxed with him. He was certain the ladies were in for a disappointing show.

Mariana led Delilah to the gate and Gnu confidently came up and walked beside her petting her head and stroking her fur. Delilah leaned into Gnu enjoying his caress and Gnu enjoying her warm fur and her sexy scent. Then he fell behind the pair on purpose, Gnu gladly watching as both deadly yet very sexy females walked before him. While Mariana certainly had a beautiful backside, Gnu found his attention riveted to the sexy lioness walking before him. She flicked her tail in the air giving Gnu a show. He watched her slow relaxed gate, watched her muscles slide smoothly beneath her gleaming coat. When she raised her tail, Gnu got an eyeful of her pouting pussy. Gnu had never seen a lionesses sex before her, but if he had, he would realize that Delilah had an exceptionally plump one for her species. Fat hairless labia and a pouting vulva moved between muscular thighs and the casual confident way in which she moved attracted Gnu greatly. In an odd way, he would be honored if she had him for her meal today. But for now, Gnu simply walked behind, watching for a glimpse of her treasure. Mesmerized by the flirting feline, Gnu found himself walking onto the sands exposed and erect, much to his embarrassment. Fortunately most of the audience were watching the final moments of the snake devouring her meal.

Gnu looked at the spectacle still taking place on the sand. The fat male was almost completely swallowed, yet his Mistress continued to ride his face. The snake had devoured up to his chest and Gnu could see the male desperately licking his Mistress’ vagina perhaps in a last bid to win her mercy. Gnu understood that wasn’t going to happen. It was likely too late anyway. The snake surely would not give up her meal at this point. As he followed Mariana and Delilah, Gnu looked behind him. The other slave, whimpering and begging was crawling beside the Guard, pleading for mercy. As the Guard led Diana along, Gnu noted the other lioness had her eyes intent upon the quivering, sniveling male and that look was unmistakable. It was a look of unfettered hunger. She couldn’t wait to get her teeth into him, that much Gnu understood. As if to confirm Gnu’s suspicions, she wetly licked her chops in anticipation of her meal.

Mariana stopped to watch the end of the snake show. Her and her group along with the lions stopped and watched as the snake Mistress finally stood and looked down upon the almost fully devoured meal. Gnu watched astonished as the Python rose up, opening her jaws fully and allowing gravity to help pull the last of the male within her. For just a moment, the devoured male looked at Gnu before the jaws closed over him and Gnu could see that he had made peace with this world, accepting his lot as snake food. As the snake closed her jaws swallowing him up completely, Gnu observed the lump that was the male sacrifice travel slowly down the python’s body, an occasional movement indicating he was still alive within the snake’s body.

And just like that, the snake show was over. The python was guided back to the exit gate where she would digest her meal over the next month. Gnu watched the huge reptile crawl slowly away, the movements of live meat within her belly quite disturbing to Gnu, but apparently looked upon with relish from the watching ladies. “Ok boys, come along. The girls are hungry and it’s time to eat!” Mariana strolled along the sands to two more empty altars placed in the center of the arena. The altars were extravagant things made of ornate woods and marble signifying the importance of the lionesses to this society. The flat surface was approximately three feet above the floor of the arena. Artwork adorned the sides depicting gruesome scenes of male sacrifice and female empowerment. Heavy chains locked in place on all four corners of the altar promised no escape for anyone unfortunate enough to be presented to the lions in such a fashion. It made Gnu shiver with fear, yet he maintained his composure. He wished he could have a moment with Delilah before he was bound to the altar. He dreaded being devoured if but for no other reason then he would greatly miss her.

Mariana showed the way and Gnu nervously noted an excitement in Delilah’s temperament that was not there before. She had her eyes on Gnu and actually licked her chops as he climbed up onto “her” altar. Suddenly, Gnu wasn’t nearly as confident in his friendship with her as he had been just moments before. He lay down as Mariana instructed and even spread his arms and legs cooperatively so he could be tied spread eagle. The women guards pulled his arms and legs uncomfortably tight and he realized now just how utterly helpless he was. The situation had quickly degraded for him and seeing Delilah straining on her leash to get to him wasn’t at all what he expected. He was afraid now as well as humiliated. He was naked, shaved and oiled just for this occasion and this was not lost on the ladies in the stands. He could see many were already boldly rubbing themselves in anticipation of his devourment and they didn’t look like a crowd that expected to be disappointed. Apparently what was to happen was a highlight of the arena and Gnu understood he wasn’t expected to survive it. His traitorous cock sprouted hard and long from his body, seemingly accepting of his fate. He waited while the women tied the struggling and whimpering slave next to him, shaming himself in the process. Gnu promised himself he would go bravely and with honor, not like the sniveling slave next to him.

And so the time had come. Looking at Delilah and seeing her hunger, as well as the confident aloofness the women showed, Gnu realized he had been dreaming. Why in the world would a hungry lioness, one who was quite accustomed to eating men in this manner, in this place, on this altar….consider sparing him?

Before Gnu could contemplate his thoughts further, the women finished binding him and the slave next to him and with great fan fare and flourish, Mariana slipped off the leashes to the lionesses, allowing them their freedom. The lionesses immediately greeted one another, rubbing their heads sensuously together and giving one another gentle licks with their tongues. Delilah stretched and rolled the kinks out of her neck in a purely feline fashion and lashed her tail before finally regarding Gnu. Looking back at her, Gnu couldn’t determine her intentions and he tried to remain calm despite the horror of what was to come if she decided to devour him.

Delilah hopped up easily upon the altar and immediately sniffed and licked Gnu experimentally. She wasn’t aggressive at all but that didn’t make Gnu feel better. Gnu tried talking soothing to her as he had before but his voice was cracking and his throat was dry. She started licking his thigh with more intensity and her sandpaper rough tongue felt odd at first, but as she licked harder, Gnu winced for she was pulling bits of skin with her. In Gnu’s mind, he thought perhaps his devourment had begun.

A scream startled both Gnu and Delilah. Gnu looked over and saw that Diana had already begun her meal. Between her prey’s legs she had started by devouring the wretched slaves genitals and was busily tearing at him, lustily pulling off the soft tender meat with gusto. Gnu tried to turn away but he could not. Seeing the lioness so casually devour the male to his side was horror inducing for Gnu and he could not help but panic as Delilah now approached him. Closing his eyes he steadied his breathing and cleared his mind as best as he could. The distraction of the slave beside him making such horrid noises made it extremely difficult for him to so. He suddenly felt Delilah begin licking his cock and balls and he tensed up. He realized it was important he not do that; presenting himself as prey. Instead, as best he could he simply relaxed and even though he wasn’t sure Delilah would even hear him above the cacophony of the slave beside him, he still whispered to her soothing words and attempted to woo her to think of him as something other than food. As he did so, he looked over at Diana as she fed. She wasn’t being violent at all. She was simply eating and it was of no concern to her that the slave she was eating was still very much alive. No concern that she was eating his genitals while he suffered her actions. She was in fact, simply doing what lionesses do. They eat other animals. He would have to endure until the bliss of death took him. Gnu was astonished at the power she revealed. She seemed to exert little to no effort while eating. No more than he would when eating an apple. A sobering sight at the least. Gnu realized the women in the audience seemed to enjoy what she was doing to the slave. Obviously seeing the slave unmanned so casually by the great cat was rather arousing to most and he could see them watching the gory proceedings with avid, intense eyes.

Gnu would normally save some pity for the slave beside him but he had other things on his mind at the moment. Delilah was now giving him quite the tongue bath, enjoying the flavor of his flesh, licking the “marinade” the women had applied to him for her benefit. He continued to sweet talk her and he was unsure if she was even listening, so involved was she in tasting him. But she would occasionally glance up at Gnu and stare into his eyes and Gnu took those opportunities to comfort her and show his trust. It was getting easier, as the crowd as well as the poor slave beside him slowly quieted down, only whimpers coming from him as Diana made a meal of him. Perhaps he was in shock or perhaps he simply accepted his lot as lion food. Whichever, it was a relief to Gnu he had quieted down, even as Diana bolted down shockingly large portions of him.

Gnu felt his lioness’ warm breath wash over his cock and balls as she mouthed and licked him. She was causing him to become extremely aroused. He felt her teeth which made Gnu fearful, but her mouth and lips were otherwise soft, warm and inviting. Without thinking, he began pumping his hips to thrust his hard cock into her killer jaws. The watching women giggled as they saw the horny slave act so brazenly with the lioness. He was boldly thrusting his cock into her maw and the ladies watching were sure he would pay a heavy price for such brashness. So odd was his behavior, many in the audience started to watch him rather than the bloody entertainment next to him as Diana fed on the twitching meal presented to her. Gnu’s boldness was paying off. Delilah herself seemed entertained and amused by Gnu’s actions, much like a cat entertained by the antics of a caught mouse. Gnu wasn’t thinking about what or where he was thrusting into though. Her warm moist inviting mouth felt great on his cock and so he pumped into her. Lost in the moment and before he could even think about it, Gnu spurted helplessly within the dangerous confines of Delilah’s cavernous mouth and she lapped it up with apparent relish. She continued to lick and engulf his entire package. As he involuntarily pumped his hips and his orgasm waned, he had thoughts that she might take this as a sign to begin feeding, but he couldn’t help it and continued fucking his sensitive cock into her mouth as his spending subsided.

Gnu’s cock rapidly softened, as if the organ suddenly realized where it was and the very real danger it was in. But even as it softened in a feeble attempt to withdraw from the confines of the lions mouth, Delilah lightly gripped his penis and testicles, enclosing them within her menacing jaws. She pulled her head back stretching them away from Gnu’s body, and then using her tongue, she lapped at them drawing more flesh within her mouth and letting her teeth settle, trapping the tender morsels within. Gnu gasped at this, sure that she was about to begin her meal. He raised his head and whispered to her, croaking her name despite his terror. Their eyes met and for a long moment they regarded one another closely. Gnu’s breathing came in shallow gasping breaths. He was no longer able to contain his terror and was acting just as any prey would when within a lions jaws and that was a bad thing. He could see in Delilah’s expression and could feel her jaws tighten around his imperiled genitals. He could see it in her eyes and knew his life was in the balance. He could understand her thoughts just as clearly as if she spoke them in words…..

Delilah was making a decision.


Chapter 9

Gnu now understood what it felt like to be at the mercy of a predator. To be…prey. He was utterly helpless to do anything to change his terrifying ordeal and Delilah appeared fully intent on dining upon him. Gnu closed his eyes and willed his heart to slow down so he could breathe. He wasn’t very successful and so panicked, struggling to free himself, all the while knowing that acting in such a manner only confirmed his role as prey to the big cat. She was now slowly mauling his genitals, savoring them and lapping at them to enjoy his flesh and the flavorful oils that Mariana had applied just for the lionesses delectation. Tugging on the tender meat, Delilah’s jaws tightened and Gnu could feel her mouth drool around his precious penis and testicles, testament to how much the lioness was enjoying their taste. Gnu slumped defeated and meekly awaited the awful moment she would sink her teeth in and begin devouring him as her rightful prey. A tear rolled down Gnu’s face as he conceded his end. Grimly he thought perhaps it was all for the best and at the least she would be well fed.

But the severing bite never came. Fate has a way of interfering with the inevitable. The slave next to Gnu let out a howling cry which distracted Delilah and startled Gnu as well. Delilah let go of Gnu’s genitals and jumped up skittishly upon hearing the startling cry. Gnu had assumed the slave next to him had succumbed but unfortunately for that slave, he was still alive. Still alive and feeling Diana gorging on him. She apparently had begun feeding on something that was rather sensitive or perhaps the slave had let out a cry of anguish for his horrible fate. Whichever it was, it was startling enough that Delilah had jumped up and was now pacing….agitated and grumbling her displeasure at the rude interruption to her meal.

Gnu, being tied down and flat on his back could only look up at Delilah as she paced around him. She even trampled over him, her paws pressing in on him square in his belly and Gnu had the indignity of being crushed by her 450lb weight. As she paced Gnu could only appreciated just how large she was. His point of view, looking up at the intimidating predator made her look even larger, her shadow casting down upon him; devouring him in it’s own way. She glanced down at him but Gnu could see she wasn’t really engaging him. He was on her menu and she was simply abiding her time until she could eat in peace.

Fate once again came into play as Delilah flopped down, exasperated at the noise of the crowd and of course the squealing slave. Diana, unlike her sister didn’t care at all about her prey’s cries as she fed. She was too far into her meal to care. But Delilah was more sensitive and being a feline, she could become quite irritable and skittish when it came to loud noises and disruption. Delilah had flopped down and as stated, fate would again deal Gnu a winning hand. Delilah had lay down so that her rear end was mere inches from Gnu’s face, her tail lashing furiously, beating a tattoo rhythm upon Gnu’s body and head. Gnu was getting pounded and it hurt, for her tail was heavy and thick. But her rear was there and Gnu realized his last chance on earth had presented itself. Impulsively, Gnu buried his face into her sex, licking her and pleasuring her. He desperately worked to please her, to get her mind off of food, to distract her the best and only way he knew how. All of his experience and training as a pleasure slave engaged and he lost himself in his duty, thinking only of the lioness, tuning into her reactions to what he was doing. It was working he surmised, as Delilah stopped lashing her tail and started to relax. In fact her tail went up and out of the way, a good sign. This gave Gnu full access to her treasure and made it easy for him to explore her.

The crowd too, saw what the slave was doing, leaving many of them slack jawed with shock and surprise. Not only was this odd slave boldly licking the lionesses sex, but she was allowing it. So too, it was obvious to the watching women that Delilah was enjoying his ministrations, her mood changing quickly from one of irritation and moodiness to sensual and aroused. Her emotions were easy to read in her body language. From her relaxed tail to her ears that were no longer laid back and tense…she now opened her jaws into a grin of satisfaction as Gnu submissively worked beneath her tail. Gnu had even moved on to humble himself further by kissing and licking her puckered sphincter in an effort to further stimulate his potent and deadly mate. She enjoyed this as well and growled her ascension and demand that he continue. Gnu had nothing to lose and so he continued to debase himself kissing and licking her there. As he did so, Delilah increasingly became interested in what this odd slave was doing to her and her hunger for sexual pleasure slowly overcame her hunger for flesh.

Gnu closed his eyes realizing Delilah enjoyed being rimmed so lovingly, and despite his embarrassment at such a lowly activity, Gnu continued to caress her in such a manner with his tongue, preferring such humility to the alternative of feeling her teeth in him. The hot, humid and cloying environment beneath her tail made Gnu feel cut off from the rest of the world. The only thing that existed at this moment was Delilah’s ass and cunt, and Gnu made himself their servant. Long moments passed and the crowd hushed, having never seen such a display by any slave, or any lioness for that matter. Delilah began to rumble softly, her version of a purr unmistakable. Gnu could hear her approval and redoubled his efforts to please his deadly Mistress, but Gnu was becoming frustrated at being tied, it was difficult to service her properly and he was straining his neck and shoulders to do so. He longed to be free to explore her unhindered, but this would have to do at the moment. Delilah was obviously in a state of bliss, fully enjoying his effort and suffering. It mattered not to her what he was going thru as long as he continued.

The crowd took it all in and Mariana looked on as well, helpless to avert this change in events. She glanced up into the crowd and saw the Queen and the Princess looking down with surprise, their mood hard to read. Gnu was supposed to be devoured for the benefit of the Princess, it was her birthday after all and he was ruining it, or so Mariana thought. She was here to see such a sight and while the one slave was being dully and properly devoured by Diana, Mariana was quite unsure how Delilah’s odd performance would be received. It made her nervous to say the least.

Delilah stood finally; she looked down at the tied captive and no longer saw a potential meal, but a source of pleasure long missing from her daily life. She looked over to her sister who was ignoring everything but the twitching meal upon which she fed. Delilah was hungry of course, but her hunger now was of a different nature and she wished to continue to slake it’s need. Walking over to the prostate form of Gnu, she regarded him momentarily, then she turned and straddled the slaves head. Aligning herself, Delilah unceremoniously plopped her rear end down upon his face in a most unladylike like fashion, sitting on him rudely.

Gnu watched as the lioness maneuvered and when she straddled him, he was able to glance up, happily taking in the overwhelming sight of her muscular thighs astride him, and the juncture which led directly to her sex, something he had come to worship in the precious few hours he had known her. When she sat upon his face he was shocked by the abrupt manner in which she did so. It hurt having such a large animal sit down upon him, but he quickly understood this was simply her way of telling him to continue. He managed to struggle and work his face into the proper position and her sex shifted enough so that it aligned with his mouth allowing him to continue to pleasure her.

Buried beneath a mountain of warm fur, he managed with some difficulty to begin licking her and she responded smartly, raising slightly to give him better and more comfortable access to her rather moist sex. Gnu’s thoughts brightened and he forced his aching neck and jaw muscles to work harder. He could feel the lioness rocking in a slow back and forth motion as she derived pleasure from his efforts. Her pussy flexed and Gnu delighted in the thought that she was enjoying his artful manipulations. As if to confirm his thoughts, he felt her moisten copiously. Gnu’s tongue found her sweet spots and though he could barely breathe and certainly could see precious little with her rump upon him, he still managed to work his magic in a prolonged fashion. Her intensity ratcheted up and she worked herself upon him until pressing down on him, she orgasmed with a snarl. She continued to rub sensually against the features of Gnu’s face, letting the afterglow of her orgasm subside slowly. Delilah was unaware; or perhaps uncaring that her weight not only was painful for Gnu, but also it made it rather difficult for him to breathe. Looking over, she again watched her sister, still feeding but now at a more leisurely pace as she pulled her meal apart. But Delilah’s mind was still as yet not on food, not at this particular moment anyway. Her companion had gone still beneath her and she was sated. Lifting off of him, Delilah laid down panting, her body close to her new toy.

Gnu was grateful for the cool fresh air. As he sucked in long drafts of that air to fill his aching lungs, he rejoiced in his change of fortune. He wasn’t completely sure he was safe from her, but he had a good sense she wasn’t about to start tearing into him. As he caught his breath, he suddenly realized something was different. Looking around he saw nothing amiss, though the sight of the ravished slave beside him was quite distressing. It dawned upon him how quiet the arena had become, save but for the horrible wet, crunching sounds of Diana’s feeding. It was otherwise completely silent and he raised his head to take in his surroundings. All the crowd was still there but they were utterly quiet. Gnu initially had no idea why, but then he saw a regal lady dressed in a flowing dress and a young lady dressed just as smartly descending the main stairway of the arena.

Gnu was about to receive a visit from the Queen and the Princess.


Chapter 10

Cheers and applause grew in intensity as Queen and Princess descended to the arena. They made their way delicately down and onto the sands, waving to the admiring crowds and began strolling leisurely toward Gnu and Mariana; and of course Delilah and Diana as well. Mariana greeted the pair with respect and courtesy, welcoming them happily.

Mariana bowed to the pair “My Queen” she said sincerely and then turned to the wide eyed Princess “Happy Birthday Princess!” Mariana enthused. “I do hope the show has exceeded your expectations. I apologize for Delilah’s behavior, she is usually quite dependable in such matters. Part of the excitement of the show is you never quite know what to expect. And well….here we are!” She laughed, although she was quite nervous about the proceedings as well as seething with anger with Gnu’s treachery. She would have him flayed alive for this.

“Unchain him” said the Queen calmly. “I’d like to speak with him personally.”

Mariana summoned the guards and they proceeded to unchain Gnu. As the crowd realized the slave was to be unchained, it was difficult to distinguish the boos from the cheers. The crowds sentiment seemed split down the middle. This turn of events made Mariana slightly nervous. Her contract with the state went directly through the Queens office and if she was upset at one of her lionesses not performing as expected, she and her Domina may very well lose their contract. That would be a financial disaster for her.

Mariana turned to the Princess “So Princess, have you enjoyed your first visit to the arena?” She smiled to the Princess but her nerves were beginning to betray her.

“It’s not at all what I expected, but I have indeed enjoyed it ma’am” The Princess answered. “My mom….err, the Queen, has been cautioning me on what would be on display here. Indeed, seeing such things has been quite a shock today….” and her eyes wandered over to where the lioness Diana was still feeding peacefully upon the carcass of the slave chained to the altar. “But I understand the importance of it to our society and the ladies within it. I found it rather…..stimulating.” She said and her cheeks colored as she tried to contain her arousal at such remembered thoughts.

The guards brought Gnu over to the ladies and Delilah bounded along beside him, happily pawing at him attempting to trip him up in a good natured game with him. Gnu stood naked and very self conscious amongst the ladies and was quite nervous as to what his fate would be. Still, Gnu was no fool and understood he was standing before the Queen and her daughter. He needed to be on his finest behavior before them, for if he had any chance at all of surviving the day, it would only happen through their good graces. He knelt respectfully before them, his head bowed before arising again to await what would befall him.

Delilah happily rubbed up against Mariana and investigated the Princess, but even the lioness seemed to defer to the Queen, unsure of how her playfulness would be received. The Queen put her at ease however, patting her politely on her head to reassure. Finally, Delilah flopped down comfortably relaxing amongst the ladies and observing with curiosity this change in events.

“So Slave” the Queen said evenly. “I assume you think yourself quite clever? You seem to have taken the lions fancy, that much is apparent, though I’m not at all sure what or how that was allowed to happen.” She gave a meaningful look at Mariana. “You were brought here, slave, as not much more than meat on the hoof to please the crowds and, more importantly, as entertainment for my Daughter’s coming of age and her first outing to the arena. Have your Mistresses allowed you to become so bold as to think your life more important than my Daughter’s celebration?”

Her stare made Gnu wish he could bury himself in the sand. She had an air about her that made him want to simply disappear. “My Queen, I meant no disrespect to you or the Princess. I understand why I was brought here and understand it’s purpose. I simply felt that Delilah wanted some company when I met her and…a-and…we s-simply d-de-developed a bond together.” Gnu’s nerves gave out as well as his ability to speak coherently. He hung his head wondering how he would ever get out of this. Facing the Queen was more unnerving than facing death by lioness. She had said little but it was apparent that she felt he was to blame for ruining her daughter’s birthday.

“Very well slave” the Queen said, her economical use of words and of course her power more than enough punishment for him. She understood this, and surely the stress of being offered up as fodder to the cats was a draining experience. She certainly felt no pity, but was still quite annoyed at the change in well laid plans.

“Apologies my Daughter.” The Queen put a kind arm around the Princess. “This slaves trickery has interrupted your celebration. His life was purchased and bestowed before you upon the sands for your benefit. And while he certainly provided an unusual and surprising entertainment with his clever actions, he yet lives. And so I leave him to you. Having now grown to become woman, I leave his fate in your hands.” She said this in a voice loud and clear enough for the utterly quiet crowd to hear her words. And then in a whisper, “Choose his fate wisely dear daughter. His punishment must suit the crime and the crowd grows impatient to see as such” And then she kissed her lightly on the cheek.

The Princess’ widening eyes sparkled with the revelation. Never had such a decision been left to her and it stirred in her an arousal at the possibilities. She could have him crucified, burned at the stake, crushed by elephant….or simply have another lion finish what Delilah refused. As she regarded Gnu, her mind played over her Mother’s words. “Let the punishment suit the crime” The slave stood there as she observed him in thought. He appeared to her defeated and tired. She knew him to be an old pleasure slave, the size of his cock alone told that story. Even flaccid as it was now it was an impressive thing, and it hung over sizable testicles that bulged nicely within such a plump fat sack. He was a slightly older specimen than the young studs that pervaded the ranks of pleasure slaves that was true, but there were handsome features that surely must have been breathtaking when he was but a few years younger. Shaven as he was with traces of oils upon his skin she could see a beauty in him. She softened. No longer did she see him as a disposable play thing but something more than that. She began to sadden at the thought of visiting death upon him. She needed to be strong however. The crowd and her Mother would demand it.

Her thoughts flashed back to all the wonderful spectacles she had seen that day thus far in the arena. The dogs taking their human bitches, the elephant that could swallow a male whole, and of course the snake and then breathtakingly, watching as Diana fed upon her live prey and then as well watching as Delilah sat upon this slave’s face. She smiled at that and wasn’t sure at all which of these last two she found more arousing. Her pussy moistened at the thought alone.

“Let the punishment fit the crime”

The Princess realized as she thought back she had missed a portion of the show. She had gone to the ladies room to relieve herself of some of the wine she had consumed and had missed watching the fine stallion take the male who had been placed within the confines of the false mare. Her own Stallion was given boys to mount at her own home but she was never allowed to observe such things until today. At night she would often wonder at such thoughts and she loved her horse. Loved to think of what he did to those boys he mounted. He was an impressive horse. Not overly large but stocky and muscular with the ability to move with amazing grace. He had the flash and the pride that one expected when in the employ of a Princess. A jet black Freisian with the highest standard of breeding within him, she was very proud of him. Secretly though, the Princess had chosen him to be hers because he was thick and long of cock even by horse standards. She was going to watch some wretch of a slave suck that cock and she looked forward to that, but today….today she was going to watch Leonidas fuck a slave and she hoped, fuck him hard. She had him brought to the arena today merely to show him off and ride him in celebration of her coming of age at the end of the day in the arena and really nothing more but now her plans for him had changed.

“Mother, I’d like to see this slave within the confines of the mare.” She said, her eyes twinkling with mischief. Leonidas is here, he hasn’t had a boy in over three days. Surely he is bursting with need. And I have an idea to entertain the crowd as well, Mother.”

“ And what of the slave after this day, should he survive?” The Queen inquired, wondering at her daughter’s intent. Sometimes when males were mounted by horses the injuries received would be the end of them. But more often than not, they did survive, although of course sore for many days. “Perhaps Mariana would be so kind as to give him to Diana in a few days, hmmm?” and she smiled at Gnu innocently.

“I’d like to have him to play with Mother. I’m a woman now and I think I should have a male to play with. I have yet to perfect many of my uses of them. Also, if Mariana would be so kind, I’ve taken quite a liking to this lioness, perhaps she would be willing to sell her to me. I think she and this slave make a fine pair, and though it wasn’t the entertainment we came to see, I enjoyed watching the slave perform for her.”

“Very well then” the Queen replied. It is your coming of age and I intended on furthering your education on males anyway. Are you sure you wish to have such a used up specimen? He has some years on him. And I don’t like his cleverness, he is not trustworthy. Quite honestly I thought perhaps we would have Mariana fatten him up and offer him as a gift to the Red Women tribe. He would make an excellent feast for them I would think.” She said laughing. But she also said this so that Gnu could hear and understand. He thought back to the savage women he had seen earlier outside of the arena and shuddered at being within their clutches. The Queen’s awful suggestion made him tremble.

“I’ll fatten him up for them after I’ve had my uses of him. The palace guards will keep him in line. He can sleep at night with Delilah. Perhaps she will have a change of heart and the matter will resolve itself.” Said the Princess cheerfully. “Thank you mother, I’m sure he’ll make for fine entertainment.”

“Your quite welcome my dear” Said the Queen. “But let’s not get ahead of ourselves, the crowd demands satisfaction and the mare and Leonidas await. Mariana, please fetch my daughter’s stallion. He has a date with Gnu here.”

The Princess chimed in. “Mariana, if you could be so kind, I’d like him saddled for me to ride as well.” Her mother looked at her in surprise. “Don’t worry Mother, I know what I’m doing.”

The arena was cleared, Delilah was walked back to her cage and Diana was coaxed to follow after releasing the bonds that yet held her food. She proudly dragged the carcass with her so she could finish in peace within the confines of the arena. The Queen retook her seat, again to cheers and waves of hands from the adoring crowd. The Princess had retired to change into her riding gear leaving Gnu alone and naked upon the sands. He had never felt so exposed. The casual way in which the women discussed his fate moments before had his penis hard and erect. It again awakened his submissive and masochistic ways. And here he was; naked, erect and alone on the sands. The crowd he saw was for eating their lunch during this short intermission and for the most part ignored him. Some saw fit to tease him with ribald comments and displays of bared breast.

Guards finally approached and Gnu was brought forth toward the hollow mare that now awaited him. Having seen it’s use, Gnu could only resign himself to his fate. But he held hope. For if he could survive his punishment today, the Princess had spoken of letting him sleep the nights alone with Delilah. Oh, how he longed for this day to end and to be alone with her, unimpeded by cage walls or bondage. To be free with her for a night would be a lifetime gift for him.

As he contemplated the design of the “mare” the Princess came riding into the arena atop her stallion. Gnu looked at her in awe as she trotted the big stud around with confidence. He was indeed an impressive animal and Gnu could only moan in anguish as he saw the heavy balls bouncing heavily between muscular thighs and the impressively sized sheath which surely contained a monster cock within. To be skewered by such a beast Gnu could only imagine. The Princess waved to the crowd as she and Leonidas pranced about the arena showing off his muscular body and the sheen of his coat. Leonidas did not let the dummy mare escape his notice and he nickered hopefully toward “her” as he trotted. He was obedient to the Princess and her commands but Gnu could see a sparkle in his eye as he took in the sight of the “mare” he was very very familiar with. He had covered “her” many times and the boys who had been placed within had paid the price.

Finally the princess trotted up to Gnu and looked down triumphantly at him. “What do you think slave? Would you like to serve him for me?” She sounded sincere and not mocking at all. Perhaps in her innocence she was unaware that slaves didn’t share her enthusiasm for her horses sexual conquests? But then she spoke again and it was clear she understood what humiliating a slave was all about. “Slave, I believe Leonidas has an itch back there. Would you be a dear and itch it for him? Oh, and just use your tongue. He loves being tended to as such, or so I’ve heard. As if the stallion understood what was said, he raised his tail to expose his pucker to the recalcitrant slave. Mariana walked up to him and whispered in his ear “Your date has need of you slave. Isn’t he a wonder? Your not to proud to kiss his arse are you? Now do your duty slave, Lets see how that tongue performs on a fine stallion’s ass”

Gnu, having been a slave his entire life, realized the futility of resistance and so he humbly walked behind the stallion, his eyes never leaving the fluctuating doughnut of an anus awaiting his attentions. As he neared he could feel the humid heated air wafting from beneath the horses raised tail. It felt like a surreal dream to him as he pressed forward, ready to do his humiliating task. Naked, humbled and with thousands of women looking down upon him he pressed his lips to the stallions pucker and kissed. Gnu wasn’t foolish enough to think this would be all that was required of him. And so he made a show of making love to the stallions asshole. Gnu closed his eyes and began to lick, making sure the women could see he was fully immersed in his degradation. Fortunate for Gnu, the stallion was clean back there but it didn’t really matter. Here he was performing the lowest duty he could possibly think of, to the animal that surely would be skewering him in his own ass momentarily. The women in the stands began to moan and gasp lustily, their eyes drinking in the delicious sight of the slaves performance. A prelude to the real show yes, but seeing him debase himself so willingly had the desired effect of erected nipples, moistened vulva, and flushed , plumpened labia. Delicate hands fluttered over aroused clits and brushed over breasts as they watched the lowly slave perform for them.

The stallion too, was delighting in this performance, His tail flagged and twitched as the slave honored him. Slowly, his immense cock slipped from it’s sheath, to drop fully in appreciation of the slaves talented tongue. Deep throaty nickers of lustful heat rumbled from the horses mouth and his head tossed as he voiced his arousal. As moments past, the stallion became fully aroused from the attention his anus was receiving and so his cock spasmed, slapping lewdly against his belly. Gnu could feel the horses pucker pulse in his face, and he licked and slurped upon it, his submissive nature roiling in conflict. A part of him rose up within to celebrate such humiliation and degradation as it washed over him, but another part found his actions repulsive and dirty. Still, knowing the women were enjoying his debasement was enough to drive him on, and so he fully extended his tongue, giving long luxurious swipes of it across the stallion’s now juicy and fully moistened butt hole.

The princess, sitting upon her beloved stallion, turned to look down upon the slave that was servicing the big horses butt. She giggled watching the slave slurp and lick at his pucker. She heard Leonidas nicker in appreciation of having his butt cleaned so intimately, and she patted his head reassuringly. She made a note to have this done by a slave every day after he evacuated, giggling aloud at the mere thought of it. Here she was on her birthday doing the thing that she most enjoyed doing, that being riding Leonidas. But today she was a woman, and was able to share in the experience of the arena with others. Not just that but she got to show off her fine stallion and his power over this slave.

Mariana felt herself moisten and she became flushed as she watched Gnu debase himself. She enjoyed watching slaves suffer of course, but watching one degrade himself so willingly aroused her passions like nothing else. Seeing him lick mare pussy excited her certainly, but she didn’t see it as degrading. She saw that activity as being a very entertaining but necessary chore for the well being of the mares. Same with making sure the stallions ejaculated regularly. But having him lick the stallions pucker was pure humiliation and this particular slave seemed prime to do so. Or perhaps he was just happy to be alive after being offered up as a hot lunch to the lions.

Mariana saw the horses arousal and nodded to the Princess that is was time for Gnu to get well and truly fucked. The Princess nodded back smiling. She was enjoying her first day at the arena greatly and all she could think about was future shows and how she could influence them and bring her own brand of torture and degradation to the males that would serve to entertain her. She asked Leonidas to move on and the horse stepped up into a frisky walk, his penis flopping comically between his legs as he moved on. Mariana watched as the Princess made one more lap around the arena before dismounting and letting one of her Guards pull the saddle from Leonidas. He would now be free to mount the mare as soon as it was properly prepared, with Gnu offered up for his mounting pleasure.

“Come Gnu, let’s get you ready. Your lover is certainly ready!”

Gnu was led to the rear of the dummy mare and he cooperatively crawled in and allowed himself to be strapped in. He wondered at himself about that. He didn’t even protest but allowed the women to simply put him in and bind him into helplessness. When they were finished, Gnu felt utterly exposed and vulnerable. His rear was hiked up and his legs well spread. It was a well designed structure and no matter how he tested the binding he couldn’t move at all. He was quite surprised however, as to how comfortable it was. Padding was liberal and he felt quite snugly within it’s warm confines. Bizarrely, it reminded him of his time beneath the tails of all the mares he had licked to orgasm. He thought about that and he couldn’t believe it had been just a few short days since that day in the barn. It seemed a lifetime since that day. The stallion nickered lovingly across the arena and Gnu was snapped back to the present. As he waited, he could feel cool air on his rump and could feel the women patting his ass teasingly.

The dummy had little windows in the side so that whoever was within could look out and see a bit of what was happening. He could see that Mariana was donning a long glove upon her hand and arm and then Gnu watched as she liberally lubed the glove with generous amounts of oil. Disappearing from view, he realized she was behind him. Suddenly and without warning, he felt her probing his vulnerable opening and then he went wide eyed as she pushed her hand in to him. “Just getting you prepped Gnu. I don’t want Leonidas injuring himself when he pushes in. I want him to have a pleasant time with you.” Gnu grunted as he felt her fisting him and he could tell she was enjoying this.

Mariana was indeed enjoying it, her payback for Gnu’s selfish actions. Pumping her fist rhythmically within his bowels, she giggled as she heard Gnu grunting from the pounding she was administering to him. “For your own good Gnu!” she said smiling. Pulling her fist all the way out, she rammed it home, doing her best to imitate what the stallion would soon be doing. Actually her arousal continued to excite her and she felt the warm flush of arousal flow through her. Her pussy continued to drool wetly in response to her sadistic revelry.

Gnu writhed helplessly as Mariana pumped her fist into him. He couldn’t imagine the horse could feel any bigger. He felt like a pig on a stick and the heat within the confines of the mare only supported such a feeling. An image flashed in his mind of him in the form of a pig, rotating helplessly over hot coals, the spit stuck up his ass and exiting his mouth as sexy women watched and giggled. He wasn’t far off from such.

Mariana finally withdrew, peeling the glove off with some disdain and tossing it away casually. “Ok, Gnu. Your punishment is at hand. You ready sweetheart? Try to relax and enjoy yourself, I know we will!”

The princess walked over to her horse and gave him a kiss on the nose whispering to him to have good time. Giving him a nice pat on the neck she strolled over to Mariana waving to the crowd.

Leonidas walked over to the mare, a contraption he was very familiar with, his dick fully extended, showing his anticipation of what was to come. The horse sniffed at the intriguing scents the women had rubbed on the mare’s rear. Scents that to a stallion like Leonidas would be impossible to ignore. He rubbed his neck against “her” rump and pawed his front hoof lightly across her leg and thigh. Mariana watched, licking her lips as she stared at the stallion’s cock twitching in it’s full erect length.

Gnu could feel the stallion wooing the false mare, and he trembled as he realized the horses horniness and his complete helplessness. As if to accentuate that helplessness, the wind picked up and he could feel it blow across his exposed and vulnerable ass. Struggling was quite useless, but he did it anyway, the instinct too strong to resist. He looked out the little side window and saw the two women looking on, quite pleased with how the show was going.

Leonidas had enough foreplay. It was time to fuck. He leaped up to cover his mare and, having had plenty of experience with her, lined his cock up with expert economy of effort, and pushed in. His eyes rolled in the back of his head as he felt the heat and tightness caress and pleasure his cock. He pushed in and buried himself in it.

Gnu felt the horses breath near his rear and closed his eyes, just concentrating on trying to stay calm and more importantly….relaxed. For when the stallion plunged that huge cock into him, being tense would not help the situation at all. But Gnu had no time to prepare’ for the stallion leaped upon the contraption and Gnu was sure the thing was going to crumble under the weight, such was the racket that arose in the form of groaning wood and creaking nails. It rocked so much Gnu was sure he was to be crushed beneath the weight of the stud rather than being fucked by him. Gnu found himself debating for a moment which would be worse. But then he felt the cock press excruciatingly against him.

Gnu’s eyes bulged like a pond frog’s as he felt the fat spongy cock tip push itself against his pucker. After Mariana’s rough treatment, Gnu could already feel his anus give up, submissively opening…..unresisting to the cock threatening to invade. After the dogs and Mariana’s lube job and her fisting, his sphincter had no fight left and so it simply opened up to welcome the raping invader. A part of Gnu found this arousing, the way his body accepted so willingly, the brutal violent rape that was sure to come. In fact, he felt perhaps his body was in full betrayal, actually wanting it….the way it seemed to welcome the teeth and claws of Delilah.

The stallion pushed and then Gnu’s thoughts were no longer so coherent. If he thought Mariana was unfair, then having this monster invade him was simply criminal. No way should it fit…this was all he could think as he felt things being rearranged within. A scream….no. It was a squeal erupting from him and his mind flashed back to that spit roasted pig scene, only now it seemed much more real. Gnu felt the ridiculous sized cock push up into him and could only gasp in protest of being violated so. He heard the stallion above grunt in approval as he sank his cock deep into him and then felt the monster withdraw, only to plunge into him again. Gnu felt himself pressed into the restraints and then as the cock pulled out, so he felt the restraints hold him so he wouldn’t be dragged back with it.

The horse picked up a rhythm, horrendously long fuck strokes pistoning into the slave, the false mare rocking unsteadily under the assault. The horse didn’t know and really didn’t care, but his fucking was causing Gnu to squeal helplessly under the assault, the horses cock so deep within he felt well and truly impaled.

As the horse fucked him at a steady pace, Gnu felt his inside accommodate somewhat, the pain lessening just enough for Gnu to get his thoughts back. Here he was, bound and helpless, being taken by a stallion for the pleasure of the Princess, the Queen and all the other women at the arena. As that feeling of humiliation and helplessness washed over him, he began to accept his lot. He was a piece of meat for the stallion’s pleasure, for the women’s pleasure. He began to submit to that idea. He relaxed into a submissive stupor, allowing what happened to him to simply happen. It helped him….just accept the cock, accept the pain, accept the humiliation and degradation. Relax around it and let it happen. He forced his thoughts in that direction. Hearing the stallion grunt with effort above him made him proud he was giving the fine beast such a good ride.

Mariana watched along with the Princess and she had to smile as she heard the Princess clap and gasp excitedly as she watched her horse work the slave. She was positively beaming with pride as she heard the crowd cheer him on….her horse….and she felt as well the warm heat spread throughout her pussy, her nipples hardening as well. The stallion was such a beast when mounted up, and yet so gentle with her, it made her feel special. She watched wide eyed as her beloved Leonidas pressed his huge cock home and was glad for him. She spared little thought for the slave receiving that cock, it wasn’t important other than the fact it was a slave and because of her he was made to suffer. Not being able to see him or his suffering helped her harden to his plight and she swelled with pride at the thought.

The stallion’s coat began to froth with sweat as he fucked. Normally, stallion’s mount up and it’s over rather quickly. Leonidas was not quick, nor was he overly frenetic in his lovemaking. He was more methodical and paced, enjoying his pleasures in a more prolonged affair. But even Leonidas could not hold out for long when within the confines of such a tight slick orifice. His cockhead flared greatly within, limiting his ability to stroke in and out and his orgasm overtook him suddenly, causing great spurts of his cum to erupt, ejaculating deep within the bowels of the slave he was raping.
Gnu certainly felt it, felt his belly balloon with the addition of the horses issue spilling and spraying within him. It actually felt good to Gnu for he knew he was that much closer to leaving this arena alive.

The stallion lay there for a moment in post coital bliss, just relaxing atop his mare. Gnu thought he would be cooked from within if the heated cock stayed there much longer. But then, after a moment and before the horse cock deflated fully, Leonidas backed off letting his cock slide out and then with an audible plop, the thick bulbous head exited and he was free, cum spilling freely from Gnu’s gaping hole. Gnu took a deep breath, relaxing into unconsciousness after the ordeal

Gnu was dragged out and dropped unceremoniously upon the sand. The Princess and Mariana then discussed the sale of Delilah and Gnu to the Princess. Mariana wanted a handsome sum for the lion, and she got it. But Gnu was given over to the Princesses tender mercies free of charge. Mariana would have given a free meal for the lioness upon selling Delilah anyway. Gnu recovered slowly and found himself now in the employ of the Princess and the Queen.


Chapter 11

Gnu found himself on the floor of the Princesses coach as they trundled away from the arena. Gnu was too tired to do much more than lay submissively at her feet as she chatted excitedly to her friend about his future.

“My first slave! What do you think we should do with him?” The Princess enthused to her friend Camilla. Camilla was the Princess’ teacher, trainer, confidant, and friend. Older than the Princess, it was her job to educate her on life in general, the politics of her family and ruling the country and most notably, how to deal with males like Gnu.

“I don’t know, why don’t you make him kiss your pussy?” Said Camilla “Make him kiss my pussy” she continued with a wry smile.

“You know he’s an expert at that. My mom says he’s moved on to other, more interesting things. They have him kissing and licking the mare’s pussies lately, but I’m sure he still knows women. Tell him to kiss your pussy….he won’t refuse” said the Princess, daring her friend to continue. Camilla looked down lustfully at Gnu, laying helpless and worn out on the floor. She had certain privileges being the Princess’ assistant, and nothing excited her more than dealing with male slaves. Even though Gnu had serviced animals or perhaps because of it, the thought of him on his knees in front of her worshiping and kissing her vagina made her moisten copiously.

“Slave, get on your knees and honor me properly” Camilla said, smiling lustfully down at him. Gnu looked up at her and she had raised her dress, spreading her legs to display her vagina. Gnu couldn’t help but gaze upon her treasure, noting she kept it devoid of any hair, displaying her pouting labia and boldly protruding clitoris. She was glistening wet in anticipation of Gnu’s submissive servitude to her. “Slave, you will soon know me well. My job is to teach the Princess how to use you, how to punish you, how to humiliate you and if necessary, assist in terminating you. I suggest you honor me properly.”

Gnu was tired; certainly his rectum was throbbing painfully from it’s recent rape and violation by the Princess’ stallion, but upon seeing Camilla offer up her pussy for his delectation he couldn’t help but rise to her, not that he had a choice in the matter anyway. Once Gnu moved forward, Camilla draped her dress over him so that only the outline of his head was visible beneath. Smoothing it down, she settled back and winked at the princess good naturedly. Under her dress, Gnu reverently planted a respectful kiss upon her moist vulva, and then felt as she pulled him in tighter with a firm hand to the back of the head, pushing him in to be smothered by her puss. Gnu dutifully accepted her domination and began licking away. She began to grind herself against him, boldly masturbating against his face. Gnu enjoyed being within the confines of her dress and between her thighs. He applied his skills almost without thought and she orgasmed rather quickly, but still she rubbed against him as he continued to slurp, nibble and lick away at her aroused and swollen sex. Her clit protruded quite prominently and he found himself sucking on it as she guided him to the large nub. Finally she was done with him and using her foot, she pushed him away rudely where he rolled onto the floor, breathing heavily the suddenly fresh cool air now that he was no longer beneath her dress.

“Was that enjoyable for you?” The princess asked her friend as both women went back to their conversation. “Indeed, he still has skills. But I think I’ll stick with the younger studs I have at my disposal. I suggest you ask the Queen for a nice young stud for yourself. We’ll use this one for training. I’ll teach you how to use your whip, how to bind a slave with rope, how to enjoy yourself with his suffering. As well, when he’s not in use, I think your stallion will enjoy him as well as your mares. You are keeping him with Delilah at night correct? I’m sure she will enjoy him as well, at least until she grows bored of his novelty. I suspect she’ll eat him eventually but we shall see.” Gnu never got used to such casual talk about his possible death, but it no longer shocked him as much. And, if he had to die, becoming Delilah’s meal wouldn’t be the worst way he could think of.

“What do you think Gnu? Would you enjoy being my whipping boy? I need to learn how to use it and other implements as well. Will you help me learn?” She said innocently. Gnu had been whipped before and he dreaded it, but she was such a young woman he couldn’t imagine she could really do much harm. He would be wrong in that assessment. “Of course Princess, I am honored to assist you in any manner possible” he said trying to sound sincere and actually succeeding. The women giggled at him and resumed conversing on lesser matters of the day as the wagon trundled along to the Princess’ home. It would be evening before they would come to the Princess grand home.

Upon arriving the women showed Gnu his new living quarters. He was to spend his evenings in a spacious and well appointed setting with Delilah. Gnu stepped thru the gate and Delilah bounded in after him, sniffing about her new surroundings. The area was warm and cozy, with an open air ceiling allowing sunlight in, lush grass covered a large portion of the cave and a cool breeze came in from gated openings all around. Everything a lioness could ask for.

As the women watched the lioness prowl about, Camilla asked the Princess if she thought Delilah would devour Gnu in the middle of the night while they slept. “She was given some meat on the way in, enough to take the edge off her hunger. If she doesn’t eat him tonight, I’ll have a whole pig brought in the morning for her to munch on. But I’d hate to miss it if she did decide to take him tonight…” She lamented.

Camilla thought for a moment. “Gnu come here and listen carefully” she ordered. Gnu came to the gate and awaited her instruction on his knees, head bowed.

“Gnu, you just heard the Princess. She would like to watch if Delilah decides to consume you. I’m sure you think Delilah isn’t ready to do so, and I tend to agree. I’m just asking you to watch her mood. If she starts getting restless, or starts acting aggressive to you, I’d like you to try to alert the guard outside and let her know so that she can get the Princess. Can you do me that favor Gnu? It would be ashame if she missed you and Delilah’s final act. I’m sure she would enjoy that…..You want her to enjoy herself don’t you Gnu?

Gnu was used to such talk. Such cruel indifference to his fate, it no longer shocked him. “Of course Mistress. I wouldn’t want to deprive her of such privileges.” He tried to sound sincere but he was sure he sounded sarcastic. He hoped not. Camilla gave him an appraising look and then added, as if to humiliate him more “If she begins to eat, I want you to lie still and allow her to feed. Do not interrupt her meal or annoy her or us with useless screams or writhing about. Do you understand Gnu? You don’t want to disappoint the Princess now do you?” Camilla spoke without malice or temper, yet her point was driven home. She was instructing Gnu on what was expected of him, how he was to act should Delilah decide to feed upon him. No thought on her part as to what Gnu would think in such a situation, simply that he should obey, even in death, for the entertainment of the Princess. And that would be how it would be. Gnu, a male slave his entire life would indeed obey this command should the need arise. There was not even a question to it. He would do as told to the best of his ability and that was that.

“Yes, of course Mistress” he said evenly, head still bowed in supplication.

“Gnu” said Camilla coming forward, lifting her dress “Kiss it goodnight and maybe we will see you in the morning. Gnu raised his head to see Camilla offering her pussy to him on the other side of the gate. Gnu immediately came forward and pressing his face to the bars, managed to give her puss a good long lingering kiss. “Thank you Gnu. Have a good night with Delilah” and with that Camilla and the Princess made their way to their own bed chambers.

Gnu was excited, for now he was finally alone with Delilah with no obstruction, no bars, no gates, no ropes, and no interference from others, just him and the lioness. His rampant penis rose hard and long in anticipation of being with her. He turned and saw her laying luxuriously on the green grass in the fading sunlight. She appeared relaxed and content as Gnu gazed upon her. Getting up, he walked towards her as if in a trance wondering at what he would do when he got there. Wondering as well what she would do. He hoped she had eaten enough to keep her mind off of food. He didn’t even really mind if she did decide to eat him…there would be a certain honor in such a sacrifice. No, he wouldn’t mind, he just hoped there would be a space of time between now and when that happened.

Delilah turned in time to see Gnu approaching her. Her ears perked and her mouth parted in a silly feline smile. Rolling over, she never lost eye contact with him as she rolled completely on to her back, rear legs splayed and front paws in the air, relaxed and playful. Gnu came to her and crawled up and upon her, hugging her close and reveling in her warm fur. Delilah wrapped her huge front paws around him and felt as he snuggled against her neck, his arms wrapped tightly about her. Gnu hugged her for quite awhile, feeling nothing but comfort and love for this lioness. She was indeed special and he felt it the first time he met her, despite the circumstance of that meeting.

Rubbing his head against her, Gnu felt her pushing back into him. She was obviously enjoying his company and Gnu kissed her neck in response, kissing her and rubbing her shoulders chest and neck. Gnu moved up slightly and for the first time ever, he was face to face with her in the open, within her deadly embrace. He looked her in the eye and realized that in the feline world, perhaps that wasn’t the smartest thing to do, so he lowered his gaze. Her mouth was parted and he got himself a full close up view of her formidable weapons within her mouth. Her breath wasn’t at all as bad as he thought it might be, but then again she was a lioness that was very well taken care of. He gave her a kiss on the nose wondering how she would respond. She cuffed him lightly and playfully and pulled him even closer with her giant, lethal paws. Gnu suddenly found his face enveloped by her open jaws, but her gentleness belied her lack of ill intent. She was simply being playful.

Gnu found himself feeling a perverse thrill while most of his head was within the dark, moist confines of her mouth. Feeling her teeth resting lightly on the sides of his skull he quickly developed a healthy and new found respect for what she could do to him should she decide to. He relaxed and let her maul him playfully, but feeling the tips of her claws and feeling her teeth scrape against his skull was admittedly a bit disconcerting. She teased and tormented him for several long moments and Gnu hoped she would continue to be gentle with him. She was and she enjoyed his closeness, enjoyed wrestling and nibbling on him. Something within her told her to be careful with her new toy. She knew he wasn’t another lion and therefore she couldn’t play with him as roughly as she played with her sister. He didn’t act like prey and so she didn’t see him as such, but in her own way she knew that he could be eaten if she chose….in fact she knew he was supposed to be her food. But he acted in such a way that she found him to be more than that.

Gnu for his part found her play arousing. He could feel how incredibly powerful she was as she lightly played with him. He was certainly no match for her and that excited him in ways he couldn’t possibly understand.

Finally she released him and stood up. Gnu rolled into the soft grass onto his back and she walked off a bit to have a stretch. She explored the area some more and began marking her territory as was her custom. Gnu was tired and so he nodded off, perfectly comfortable and content to be within the well appointed home of a man-eating lioness.

When Gnu awoke, it was dark and the only light was from the moon light streaming into the enclosure. He realized rather quickly that he had not awoken of his own accord. Delilah was standing above him, her face mere inches from his and Gnu realized it was she who had awoken him. When Delilah saw he was awake, she moved forward and before Gnu understood completely what was happening, he found himself once again gazing up between her thighs as she straddled his face. Gnu could not possibly have known it at the time, but Delilah’s intent was much different this time.

Gnu watched as she squatted above him and lowered her pussy to his face. When it was mere inches above, Gnu closed his eyes, and opened his mouth to extend his tongue in preparation to lick her as he assumed she wished. But then suddenly a torrent of piss cascaded down upon him, drenching him. In shock, Gnu could only freeze, horrified as she disgraced him. Even his mouth remained open momentarily, allowing it to fill with her piss. Coughing and sputtering and with her above him, he could do little but accept this humiliation, confused as he was about her intent. When he thought she was done, he opened his eyes, only to see her squirt once again upon him. This time he waited until he felt her step away from him before opening them.

Gnu didn’t understand why she did that. Why had she pissed on him? He thought about it and realized perhaps she was marking that which she thought of as hers. And he was indeed hers. Gnu had seen her marking her territory so he guessed she was simply making sure no other lions would claim him. Gnu took that as a sort of compliment but that didn’t stop him from going over to the pool of running water and washing his face off.

He sat down and watched her finish her inspection of the place and then she came towards him. Knocking him onto his back, Gnu did not resist as she once again straddled him. Worried that perhaps Delilah was going to mark him again, he closed his eyes and awaited his humiliation. Perhaps she had seen him wash himself off and this was her way of telling him not to do that. But luckily for Gnu, she was merely horny and wanted his tongue to go to work. Gnu smiled as she sat fully upon his face, and after some adjustment found himself licking and lapping happily away on her puss. She rubbed herself upon him as she loved to do, using his facial features as well as his talented tongue to get off on. Perhaps she was more comfortable with Gnu as a lover now, or perhaps the darkness relaxed her, but she was intense in her need and at the same time much more relaxed as she used him. She quickly built to orgasm and as she came, she sat heavily upon Gnu, grinding herself upon him. Finished, she walked a few feet off and slumped over, utterly relaxed and satisfied.

Gnu was not satisfied however. His fulsome cock twitched, hard and ready for action. At first Gnu thought perhaps he should just masturbate and call it a night but his familiarity with Delilah had made him confident if not foolish. He couldn’t help himself and even Gnu wasn’t quite sure of his own intentions when he approached her. Petting her back, he got on top of her and rubbed her shoulders, head and ears soothingly. He kissed her between her shoulder blades reveling in her warm fur and delighting in tickling the sexy dark line that ran down her spine. Finally, he worked towards her hind end and his hand slid back and beneath her tail, exploring.

Delilah must have sensed his need, or perhaps she had needs of her own. She gathered herself up, legs tensed beneath her and rolled on her back splaying her legs invitingly. Gnu understood she wanted him to please her more with his tongue and so he obliged. Licking and nuzzling her he made sure she was enjoying herself. As he licked her she become copiously moist which excited him no end. Teasingly, he kissed his way up her belly to her chest and then her neck. He kissed her nose and then wrapped his arms around her hugging her close. It was then that Gnu realized his rampant hard cock was lined up perfectly to her puss. Would she let him penetrate? Gnu looked at Delilah, not at all sure how she would react to such a bold move. Gnu wasn’t stupid….He didn’t know a lot about lions but he understood that any aggressive move on her part would possibly be fatal. She seemed relaxed enough and Gnu was in such perfect position, he was able to simply push his cock forward and he felt her pussy begin to envelope him. Delilah simply stretched her neck some and gave a little shiver. Nothing aggressive at all. Gnu pushed in some more and now he had the head of his cock buried. He buried his face in her neck fur, realizing he wouldn’t be able to resist any more.

Laying carefully atop her and cautious not to put too much weight upon her, Gnu ever so carefully slid into her. He realized he must be quite a bit larger than a male lion. Had he known, he would have realized that him fucking Delilah was similar to a human female being fucked by a small pony. The difference of course is that Delilah could simply rip his head off with one blow should he hurt her during this mating.

But she didn’t seem to mind. In fact, she rolled her head back and pushed her rump up and closer to Gnu, forcing his cock in deeper. She wanted to fuck. Gnu was only more than happy to provide that service. He felt her shift her weight as if getting herself ready for a good session. Gnu smiled and pulled out, then gently in again. He was absolutely shocked by her tightness and the sheer amount of heat coming from her puss. But she was also wet, dribbling in fact. Gnu wanted so badly to start pounding away and take care of his own need, but he knew better. And he felt Delilah deserved better. He wanted her to enjoy this. In fact, he wanted her to enjoy this for the obvious reason that his life probably depended on it, but more than that, he felt she deserved to enjoy it. So Gnu concentrated. He concentrated on making her feel the pleasure that he, as a pleasure slave, could give. Rocking in and out at a careful measured pace, Gnu pumped. Gripping her fur with one hand and stroking with the other Gnu worked to please her. Lions don’t purr, but her body language showed unmistakable signs that she was enjoying what he was doing.

Gnu picked up the pace, still unbelieving that he was mating with her. Her tail lashed excitedly, bumping into him rather harshly, but Gnu hardly noticed. He couldn’t possibly be this lucky. Here he was, alone with a lioness….a lioness who had been dispatched to devour him no less, and now here he was pumping rhythmically into her. He rubbed his face deeply into her fur, utterly in the dark. It gave him a dizzy, heated, surreal feeling being with such a dangerous animal and sharing such an intimate moment. He could hear her breathing become more labored as he mated her, and then felt the elation of her huge furry paws wrapping around him in a tender embrace. Gnu was sweating profusely, not just from the exertion of fucking, but as well from the tension and giddiness he felt in being with her. Perhaps it was a nervousness as well. But it wasn’t just a nervousness born of her predatory demeanor and her danger. It was also a nervousness of wanting to please her. It was a giddy nerve filled happiness of something so new and unusual to him that he wanted to cry out in pure animalistic revelry.

As Gnu pumped into her, Delilah moved her head and after some shuffling about, each of them found themselves staring at one another. Delilah gave Gnu a big lick on the face and then bit him lovingly on the shoulder. Her claws were out some and Gnu could feel the painful scratches on his back as she raked him. But it did not make him lose focus, in fact, it spurred him on to pump harder and faster. As he increased the intensity of his love making, Delilah too, increased her intensity and low growls began to issue forth from deep in her chest. Her claws came out more and she wasn’t as careful with them. Gnu was in to it too much to notice or care. Every muscle tense, he rocked into her, sweating profusely now. A dim part of him was aware his back was bleeding, and it only heightened his pleasure. He felt her stiffen under him as she approached orgasm, and so he kept up a steady rhythm, so that she could finish. As she plateaued, Gnu felt her bite him hard. Wincing and almost crying out, he held on to her tight and tried to ride it out. Her teeth didn’t penetrate the skin but the amount of pressure was considerable. It felt as thou he had a bench vise on him, he couldn’t believe how hard she was biting. But once again, Gnu’s submissive nature kicked in and he accepted the pain, embraced it and turned it sexual. His body responded erotically to the pain Delilah was inflicting and he steadied his pace and concentrated on pumping steadily into her, enjoying the red hot heat of her pussy and the furry coziness of her coat.

She was enjoying herself intensely but her way of showing affection was killing him, it was too much even for Gnu. The pain brought him to his threshold and he orgasmed violently, surely the best orgasm of his life. He gave into it’s urgency and surrendered to her primal ways of showing affection. He relaxed completely, a sign of submission itself and if Gnu had understood more about feline psychology he would have understood the very real danger he put himself in for doing so. Submission was a prey’s reaction to being caught and Delilah could have easily gone from arousal to predator in a whisker of a moment. Fortunately for Gnu, she was unused to mating as was too preoccupied with her new found delights. Gasping audibly for breath as he came down off of his orgasm, Gnu could only lay atop her for a moment to compose himself.

Gnu rolled off of her and felt the blood seeping from his back. He thought perhaps the damage was bad but had no way of knowing. He felt his shoulder and it was severely bruised but nothing felt broken and no teeth had punctured him. He rolled gingerly on his back and let the cool grass soak his wounds and soothe. Looking up he could see the moon was full and the night air felt fresh upon his face. He realized suddenly he was still out of breath from his intense session and sweating profusely. It hadn’t even dawned on him until that moment the energy he had expended with Delilah. As he recovered he relived his the moment and a smile crept slowly upon his face.

Several moments later while still bathing in the afterglow, Gnu suddenly felt Delilah lay down beside him. Gnu spooned with her, wrapping his arms around her, snuggling close warm and secure…inhaling her scent; kissing the back of her neck; loving.

And they slept.


Chapter 12

Gnu awoke with the first few rays of sunlight peaking into the cave. Still mostly dark, just a whisper of morning light filtering in was enough. “In the cave of a man-eating lioness” He laughed aloud at the thought, about how crazy it sounded as he rolled the words around in his head. Laying on his back, he was relaxed and reminisced over the last few days. How long since he was sold to Mariana and her Domina? A day? Two days? A week? He couldn’t remember. It seemed a lifetime ago. It didn’t matter, he had Delilah now and that was fine with him. He smiled at the thought of her. Rolling onto his side that smile vanished as he grimaced from the pain in his shoulder and back. Wow….she had bitten him hard. Looking down at it, her teeth marks were quite clear in the bruising pattern she left. Rolling onto his back once again, he took some deep breaths and let the pain fade a moment.

Gnu could hear Delilah walking around the area, marking here and there. He listened as she came closer and then felt as she snuffled and sniffed at him. He looked over to her and petted her great grand head and she affectionately rubbed it against his in return. Then Gnu stiffened as she straddled him so that her vulva was above him. Gnu hoped against hope that she simply wanted some oral attention, but he was sure she had other intentions. She squatted above him, her pussy mere inches from his face and Gnu closed his eyes awaiting the inevitable. A moment later her warm urine splashed upon him and Gnu simply lay there, submissively accepting this humiliation yet again. He understood that her marking him was something of a compliment, but it wasn’t something he looked forward to. Perhaps with time he would accept it, become used to it. Perhaps it was one of those acquired tastes, he laughed to himself.

Delilah then lowered her pussy onto Gnu’s face and growled softly. Gnu reluctantly licked her wet puss, accepting her dominance and degradation of him fully. When she was satisfied, she sauntered off looking rather pleased with herself. Training of her new toy was going very well as far as she was concerned.

A few moments later, Gnu and Delilah were interrupted by visitors. Two guards opened the front gate and hauled in the fully intact carcass of a boar pig, staking him out between four spikes hammered into the ground, very much the position Gnu had been placed in when he was to be fed to Delilah. Gnu watched alongside Delilah as the pig was bound and stretched tight between the pegs. Gnu was thankful the poor animal was not alive, for it was obvious this pig was here as food for his companion. He looked at Delilah as he pet her and her full predatory attention was upon the succulent looking swine, she even licked her chops as she watched the proceedings. The gate door swung open and Camilla strode thru walking past the pig toward Gnu and Delilah.

“So, did you two have a good night…..” Camilla stopped in mid sentence and grabbed Gnu’s arm, rotating him around so she could see his injuries. Her eyes widened as she saw the deep furrows in his back, obviously made by Delilah.

“Did she attack you Gnu? What happened?” She exclaimed. “I told you to alert the guard should she become aggressive” She examined him closer, seeing the bite marks and the scratches. Convinced that Gnu had ignored her orders to alert the guard should the big cat become aggressive. “What if she had eaten you and the Princess missed it? Do you think of anyone but yourself Gnu?” She admonished heavily. It was apparent she was very upset with Gnu for such selfish behavior and none too pleased.

“No, no ma’am it wasn’t like that at all” Gnu tried to explain.

“Then why do you have her scratch marks all over you? Gnu I asked you to do one simple thing and you failed even that. You’ll have to be punished for this.”

“Ma’am, she scratched me while we…while we..err…we embraced”
Gnu said fidgeting. He wasn’t sure at all how she would react to news that he had mated with her.

“Embraced?” Camilla asked incredulously, almost laughing. “You don’t expect me to believe…….oh” Camilla suddenly realized what Gnu was getting at and looked at his scratches and his shoulder more carefully, putting the pieces together and slowly realizing the truth.

“You fucked her Gnu? She allowed you to do that?” Camilla looked down at Gnu’s flaccid yet impressive member. Grabbing it up, she rolled the massive yet flaccid thing in her hand. Feeling the sticky residue of a recent mating confirmed to her his story. “Thats…..that’s impossible….” she whispered almost to herself, but it was obvious she wasn’t sure. “You fucked her?”

“Yes ma’am” he smiled sheepishly thinking back on it as she continued to examine his injuries. “I…..I am quite sure she….she enjoyed it” He was sure she did and thought perhaps this would be important for Camilla to hear. “But slave…your too…too big for her aren’t you? How could she accommodate…..this?” She said indicating his cock. “I was gently as I could be Ma’am, and she…well she wanted it. She…she demanded it.”

Camilla walked around the slave and considered what had happened. If the lioness didn’t want it and Gnu had forced himself upon her, well, he’d be dead. She certainly wouldn’t let him do that to her if she wasn’t on board with such a mating. The fact Gnu was still alive was proof enough of that.

“Well Gnu, you never cease to amaze” She said, finally done with her examination of him. I don’t know how this is going to turn out, but I can tell you I’m going to recommend to the Princess you be punished. Not for having sex with the lioness of course, but for not following my one simple instruction. Trust is important to me Gnu, try your best to gain it.”

Gnu thought about her words. He didn’t think he disregarded her command, he simply never entertained the thought that Delilah was going to devour him. But it didn’t matter. Camilla had said he would be punished and so it would happen. How, Gnu did not know, but it would happen.

Camilla looked up to see the Princess arriving and with the guards having finished staking out the pig, Gnu and the girls watched as Delilah trotted over to examine her surrogate meal. She circled the boar and nosed the body here and there, before settling down between the outstretched hind legs to feed. Gnu watched, a bit uncomfortably as the lioness bit into the pig and started to feed. Seeing her decimate the pig so casually was a bit sobering for Gnu as he realized how close he had become to being that meal.

“You should feel ashamed Gnu. It was supposed to be you she’s feeding upon and not that pig.” Camilla said. Gnu wasn’t sure if she was just being cruel or if she was teasing, or if she was serious. Probably serious, he thought. In this society, a pig’s life was more dear than that of a male slave.

Gnu watched Delilah eat and couldn’t believe he had just made love to her just a few hours ago. She was in pure predator mode now, ripping the flesh from the pig. Even though the pig was not alive when it was presented to her, Gnu still felt bad. What she was doing to it looked painful as well as humiliating. She had started by devouring the pigs substantial sized testicles, ripping the scrotum open with ease and pulling them out, stretching the cord that attached them. It made Gnu cringe and he involuntarily closed his legs. The move wasn’t lost on Camilla and she giggled as she watched Gnu’s discomfort. “You’re not off the menu yet Gnu, remember that.” she teased. Gnu continued to watch his lover eat, unable to turn away. She ate with a gusto for she was obviously hungry and Gnu felt a pang of guilt for that as well.

Finally Camilla slapped his ass and said “Well, let’s get going slave. The Princess’ pets await your attentions. You get to start with her mares Gnu! My understanding is you’re pretty talented in pleasing them. I want to see!”

“Hi Gnu” the Princess called smiling. “Come, let’s see my girls” she said excitedly. Gnu couldn’t help but become aroused at the thought. She wanted to see him pleasure her mares and with his previous encounters with mares he knew the task to be generally an enjoyable one. His cock arose expectantly as the trio left Delilah and her meal behind. Delilah looked toward Gnu as he left, her muzzle a bloody mess and her eyes wilder than Gnu had ever seen. It was a bit disconcerting so Gnu turned away and looked forward to seeing the Princess’ horses.

Again, Gnu found himself walking outside, completely naked and in the company of two well dressed and coiffed women. They walked along casually and Gnu took in the tasteful surroundings of the Princess palatial grounds. He thought Mariana and Domina had a great estate, but this….well, it was certainly fit for a Princess. As they walked along, several women were out and about as well. Some had male slaves with them, some were together with other women, all tastefully dressed, or rather the opposite in some cases, in a state of some undress, breasts prominently displayed or in some cases, vagina boldly and proudly displayed. Many shorn bare and others well trimmed. Gnu noted that some males were tied to posts with an array of implements readily available beside them. The implements were usually whips, canes and paddles but some instruments were of a more sinister nature and Gnu didn’t want to think about what the women did with those.

Before he knew it, the trio had arrived at the barn and Gnu was guided inside to behold his new duties. He instantly realized this barn was somewhat different than Mariana’s barn. As they entered the barn, Gnu’s eyes beheld two seemingly infinite rows of stalls. But what was different, as his eyes took in the vision, he saw that the horses were all facing toward the outside of the barn. He was looking down a deep long middle aisle way with rump after rump after rump of mares. Their tails swished lazily and the only portion of each horse that Gnu could see, was their asses that were poking out from the doorway of each stall. The door way had a leather strap contraption which at first was confusing to Gnu. As he took in the details, he could see that the straps formed a sort of vertical hammock, within which (Gnu assumed based on the shape) a human could be placed, so the mare could press upon said human and pleasure herself upon it’s face, tongue or even (at least Gnu hoped) it’s cock should he be positioned accordingly. For well above the stall, more straps adorned the door way with which the humans upper half could be bound making adjusting positions a snap. The sweet smell of horses, the oily pungency of the leather and the possibilities of what he was about to experience made him achingly hard and his cock eventually started to drool pre as it too, anticipated what was to come.

“What do you think Gnu? That’s a lot of horses is it not?” Camilla said as the Princess smiled at him.

“They are lined up Gnu because it’s time for their daily pleasures. They await your ministrations slave. Do you think you can pleasure all of them Gnu? Pleasure them for me? Said the Princess innocently.

“For you Princess, of course” Said Gnu but his gaze never left the rows of rumps awaiting him. Many a tail from the mares closest to him had already been draped to the side, as the mare’s proudly showed off their glistening pussies Gnu was soon to get acquainted with.

“We’ll have you do the mare’s first Gnu, then you’ll be offered up to the stallion once more, then…..well…then we’ll see. Remember you must have strength, for this afternoon the Princess will be learning to use a whip, and you’ll be helping her along in that endeavor” Camilla said grinning with malice.

Gnu went limp as the women easily strapped him into the first leather hammock, and Gnu marveled at it’s ingenuity. He was fairly helpless very quickly, and the women didn’t have to exert themselves in the least putting him within it’s embrace. The mare which Gnu was to service waited patiently the few seconds it took to immobilize him. His face was at the perfect height and he was completely helpless and at the mercy of the mare whose stall entrance he was now bound within. Gnu took in the details of this mare as the ladies finished up. She was a deep bronze color and while she wasn’t of draft size, she was certainly formidable, with large rump and muscular neck and shoulders. She had a sparkle in her eye which she cast back, observing the events unfolding as her toy was positioned for her use. Gnu glanced at her pussy and he couldn’t help but feel a shiver of sexual anticipation as he soaked in the details. Plump, glistening and jet black in appearance with smooth, shiny and luxurious labia nestled comfortably and quite hairless between warm furry inviting rump seemed to call to him. He looked over at the watching Princess and she was licking her lips in anticipation of seeing Gnu orally service the first of many of her mares. Knowing this was the Princess’ first time seeing a slave serve a mare, Gnu was both humiliated and excited that the young lady was going to see him perform as such. He wondered what she would think of such a display and if she would become aroused at his performance.

With Gnu immobilized within the leather harness the mare backed up to Gnu slowly. She had done this before obviously for she was very deliberate in her motions. As she drew closer, Gnu inhaled deeply her wonderful mare scent and closed his eyes just waiting for her to press herself to him. As the humid heat from beneath her tail wafted over Gnu, he found himself leaning forward, eager to taste and pleasure her. Having done this before, his erection was throbbing and leaking with unfettered need. It would have to wait however, as the mare would be using his face, not his cock. Finally her rump enveloped Gnu and her puss pressed delightfully against his facial features, molding itself to the contours of his skull. Gnu lapped eagerly, making small adjustments so he would be perfectly positioned to service her. His world was dark now as her rump smothered over him and as she pushed onto him the leather restraints creaked and groaned as they accepted her weight as well. Yielding to her pressure, the straps stretched in an odd way, allowing Gnu to be pushed back and down, all the way to almost a 45 degree angle. Thus positioned, Gnu found himself in the alarming position of practically being sat upon by the horny mare. She had spread her hind legs and was squatting almost over top of Gnu, demanding his service.

Gnu panicked in such a precarious position, but there was little he could do. He obediently licked her, his face buried completely within her copiously moist sex. Squashed between her formidable weight and made helpless within the leather bindings he had never felt so helpless. His oral servitude to her became a frantic race to get her to orgasm before she crushed him utterly. He felt her rocking and swaying, extracting her sexual need from him, using him completely and with little regard for his well being. Yet Gnu continued to serve, and his rampantly erect penis seemed oblivious to the peril involved. The mare ground herself excitedly upon him, rubbing her puss over his face with a steady rhythmic pace. She was masturbating herself upon him, without heed to his well being of course.

At one point her tail flagged and she rubbed downward so that her donut shaped anus was pressed firmly against his mouth. Shocked, Gnu could do little but service her as she saw fit, and so he licked and sucked upon her in a way he assumed was pleasing to her. At one point the mare moved away for just a moment and Gnu could see the Princess and Camilla greedily drinking in the sight of him submissively servicing the mare in such a dirty manner. His world quickly went dark again as the mare again pressed her anus to his mouth for further energetic service. Her weight was unbearable and Gnu was alarmed at the brutality of her need.

Morbidly determined to finish his duty to her, Gnu accepted that he would be crushed by this horse, yet he still felt obligation to serve her, his executioner. She would sit fully upon him, and he would suffocate or his skull would implode and that would be that. He wondered at that. Why would he not bite or at the very least stop his ministrations in protest to being executed in such a callous manner? Of course he had no answer, and like an automaton he continued to lap and lick and engage her sex in a worshipful way, for this was all Gnu understood at the moment. She now demanded more service to her alarmingly moist pussy and Gnu was sure he would drown now rather than be crushed. He felt the mare’s voluminous pussy flood his face with her juices and she started to fluctuate and flex her strong muscles as her intense orgasm overtook her. Just when Gnu thought he could not bear anymore weight upon him, she backed further, so that she was now over top of him, his helpless face utterly buried within as she orgasmed on him. Gnu’s ears were ringing, his head felt ready to pop and his lungs burned with need. All was dark within the hot moist confines of her sex. With no air left in his lungs, Gnu’s thoughts became incoherent and he went limp beneath his lover, his executioner?

Gnu felt as his consciousness fled and he felt no more.


Chapter 13

Gnu awoke to find himself being strapped into a new harness in another mare’s stall.

“Ah, your awake! Good! It always works better when the slave is conscience when the mare uses him, though not always necessary” Said Camilla. Gnu’s head ached from his most recent abuse and his face and head were slick with mare juice. His eyes burned, his vision blurry from the mare’s cum. As his head cleared and he took in his surroundings, he realized that Camilla and the Princess were busily strapping him in. He felt a little bit like a fly being wrapped up by two hungry spiders as they busily worked with the leather to bind him.

Once strapped in he found himself essentially spread eagle and at the mercy of the mare in front of him. This one was a massive draft horse and her tail had been cropped off so as to show off her puckered anus and pouting pussy. She was cinnamon brown with black socks, heavily feathered. She was turned and was gazing patiently at the proceedings behind her and when the women had moved back, this was her signal to begin. Gnu watched as the mare’s massive rump loomed larger as she backed up…..she was being careful as if aware that her bulk could crush him without effort on her part. As she backed up she would occasionally look over her shoulder to assure herself she was in the correct position.

For the first time since he had begun servicing mares, Gnu felt the nervous excitement that comes with true danger as the mare’s massive rump came toward him, covering him in it’s shadow. He had not yet recovered fully from the mare before and had hardly caught his breath. He looked down and was unsurprised to see his cock had a mind of it’s own, stupidly and suicidally erect in the face of such danger. He could see as well, the Princess and Camilla will unconcerned with his well being, the excitement on their eyes apparent as the mare prepared to use him.

But then Gnu looked up to see the mare’s pussy looming now only inches from his face, her scent and heat radiating and enveloping him. He couldn’t help but lust for it, even if she decided to smother him into oblivion with it. How the mare would use him was not a sure but he leaned forward in anticipation of burying his face within her heated folds.

With one more step back on her part and that was exactly what Gnu was able to do. She was rather large so Gnu was able to rub his face up and down and side to side just enjoying her puss. He wished he could wrap his arms around her massive rump, but being tied as he was, he was helpless to do any but lick , nibble and slurp her pussy. She responded by rocking slowly back and forth, swaying in a slow rhythmic fashion, all the while moistening copiously. She was used to having slaves at her disposal, but fortunately for Gnu, she wasn’t in season. For if she was, this particular draft mare had a habit of squishing unfortunate slaves to death with her lust. Today she was content to simply allow the puny insignificant slave behind her to worship her in a respectful manner. She would allow this one to live as long as he did his job. And so she simply swayed to and fro letting the arousing feeling of the slaves face and tongue in her pussy relax her.

Gnu was doing his job, and doing it right. He had recovered from the abuse heaped upon him by the previous mare, and having his head buried in this massive animals vagina was a treat unto itself. She tasted exquisite, her humid heat comforting. Quickly finding her hot spots, Gnu played her with his expertise and stamina, ignoring the ache in his genitals to fuck and release.

When he was a pleasure slave for women, Gnu was certainly aroused, but he was quickly becoming even more enthralled with mare’s and their voluminous vagina’s. He found that when beneath the tail of a mare he would be lost in a world of moist hot flesh and it was a world he loved. And he was quickly becoming addicted to it. There was danger here just as there was with Delilah, and for reasons lost to him, his lust responded deliciously and masochistically to that danger. The women who had placed him such circumstance were dangerous as well, but their danger was ever present and predictable, Gnu understood that when death came to him it would be at the whim of these ladies, nothing could prevent that. And it would most likely be from one of these mares, or perhaps more likely, from Delilah. It was a price Gnu found acceptable in his grim resigned outlook on things. He found no fear in it any longer and that it was in fact, comforting.

The mare he was pleasuring was done with him and the girls untethered him and introduced him to the next mare, and the next mare after that. The mares had surprisingly different tastes in how to use him. Some were gentle and trusting and the girls wouldn’t tie him, simply let him service them soothingly and tenderly. Gnu enjoyed these mares well enough, and they certainly enjoyed him. But Gnu found himself drawn to the mares that were much more aggressive and randy in their need. They would press him into their cunts, drowning him in their juices. Some wouldn’t let him near their puss, making him lick and caress their pucker instead. The humiliation Gnu felt as he performed this in front of the Princess and Camilla was profound, but it felt right to Gnu.

The stallions were next and it wasn’t something Gnu looked forward to. However he was determined not to let the Princess and Camilla down as he had when performing for the stallions before.

“Here we are Gnu, You remember this big fellow right? I bet you are still sore from your love making in the arena!” Camilla said brightly.

“No worries Gnu, he isn’t going to mate with you today, all you have to do is get beneath him and use your mouth. You are getting good at this with the mares, it should be a breeze with the boys!” The Princess giggled and slapped Camilla playfully “Stop it!….You are embarrassing him!” She said lightly. “Gnu, just do your best. I’m sure the stallions will be quite satisfied with your efforts, they are certainly randy enough…..”

Gnu forced himself to appear willing, even thou the task at hand didn’t appeal to him. Gnu threw caution to the wind, and knelt beneath the randy beast, his cock already semi hard and humongous before Gnu’s face. Handling the pendulous thing softly Gnu brought the tip to his mouth and engulfed as much of it as he could. Slicking it up with his tongue he began to fellate it, though he felt ridiculous doing so, especially in front of the young princess. He could hear their breathing pace increase, his actions having as much effect on them as it was the stallion. The stallion was certainly ready and it didn’t take much for Gnu to coax him to full hardness quickly. The stallion humped forward gagging Gnu but he kept at it and tried to portray enthusiasm in his task, rocking back and forth and getting as much of the insanely huge dick in his mouth as he could. The horse nickered and danced around….light on his hooves, enjoying his blowjob apparently.

As Gnu performed before his female audience, he began to concentrate trying his best to do a good job at such an impossible task. Closing his eyes, he forced himself to relax his mouth and throat. As the horse humped, the horse managed to begin pumping in and out a little and Gnu began to sense the horse was pleased with his efforts. Moments passed and the horse picked up a rhythm as he humped….Gnu did what he could but he found that simply relaxing and allowing the horse to fuck was the best option….let him use his mouth as a fuck hole. It didn’t take long and Gnu felt the horses penis flare, filling his mouth and the entrance to his throat with penis meat. His mouth was so full in fact, his cheeks bulged out as the spongy dick managed to fill every vacancy within. Gnu was helpless to do anything but accept dick. The horse ejaculated with intensity, too much for the little slave to handle and it spewed from his mouth under pressure.

The ladies watched wide eyed, intensely aroused as the horse fucked their slave’s mouth. They too, could see that Gnu was getting better at it, and this was a pleasant surprise for the horny ladies. They allowed the other stallion to use him and then his duties in the horse stall were done. He walked along following the ladies respectfully out of the barn, naked, covered in mare juice and stallion jizz. Other women stopped and chatted with the Princess and Gnu could feel their eyes roving over his nakedness and seeing plainly that he was coated in juices….just another humiliation among humiliations.

“Gnu, go get yourself cleaned up, something to eat, and then report back to us in one hour. You won’t be sleeping with Delilah this evening….we have something else planned for you. Something special” Camilla said with a mischievous smile.