Chapter 1

Sandra had just turned 20 and still a torrent of hormones, she had a few sexual partners over the years, but they never seemed to work out or they didn’t fulfil her sexually. One day she was sitting in her room doing not much then she got an email through from an old work friend Daemon (Sandra used to work at a local stable), the email was just simply entitled “Something you might enjoy. Curious Sandra opened the email and to her shock there was a picture of a women slung underneath a horses belly, clearly having sex with it and by the looks of the women in the picture, seemed to be enjoying it. Underneath the picture was just the one line: “I know you like to experiment, hope this gets you thinking”

Sandra laughed at the picture and after a while sent an email back, just saying “It most certainly will get me thinking” Sandra and her work friend were very close, she had a crush on him at one point but he was moving so they decided not to peruse it, however he knew how kinky she was, and this was his way of having playful banter with her.

Later that night while getting ready for bed, Sandra’s mind was filled with the image she had seen earlier that day, she was both disgusted but interested at the same time, she tried to force the thought out of her mind and think of other things, she managed to fall asleep but her dreams were invaded once again by that image of the women fucking a horse, she abruptly awoke feeling extremely flustered and horny at the same time. She slid her hand down to her pussy, to her shock she was extremely wet, she slid on finger into her pussy letting her mind go where it wanted to, and of course her mind conjured up that horse image again, but with her taking the place of that random women in the picture, sliding another finger into her now dripping pussy she used the other hand to rub her clit while slowly fingering herself, the speed quickened until she could feel an orgasm approaching, she fought it desperately. But alas her body betrayed her and an orgasm rippled through her body causing her to collapse on the bed.

After she calmed down she decided to clean herself up quickly and get back to sleep, yet her dreams where still filled with that lewd image of a women screwing a horse. The next day she had a day of work (She still works at a stable but one that was a bit of a drive away). She couldn’t stop thinking about what had happened last night; she decided she wanted to know more about it. So she emailed back her work friend asking what the picture was about. After a while he responded by saying that it was called “Belly Riding” and that it was quite common in Brazil and that women would sometimes spend hours or even days impaled on their mates.

A few days past and Sandra and Daemon exchanged a few more emails, Sandra was trying to find out as much as she could about Belly Riding but trying not to seem like she wanted to try it; she had masturbated several times about the idea over the past couple of days, but she didn’t tell Daemon that. However it didn’t take long for Daemon to see through her little rouse enough to see that she wanted to try it. One day he sent her an email saying that if she was so curious about what belly riding was that perhaps she should come down on day and see for herself. She thought long and hard about his offer, however after a few hours she decided to agree to his offer, she emailed him back saying she thought that it was a marvellous idea and asked where and when. He emailed back saying that he would meet her at a friend’s stable on the following Saturday, giving her two days to ‘prepare’ he gave the address, it turns out the stable was only an hour’s drive away from Sandra.


Chapter 2

Sandra could barely sleep those next few nights, her mind kept showing her images of belly riders fucking horses and being fucked relentlessly. Finally the day arrived she decided that she wanted to dress a little provocatively, so she wore a fairly low cut top which a short skirt on, with matching underwear the bra made her already big breasts looks even bigger. “Perfect” she thought, she then proceeded to her car and started the drive to the stable.

As she arrived at the stable Daemon was there to greet her, following in toe was another woman who looked just a bit older than Sandra. “Hello Sandra, this is my friend Sasha, he will be helping you today, is that ok?” “Helping me how?” Sandra asked. “You’ll see” Daemon said with a slight grin on his face. “I have some errands to run and will be bad in a few hours, will you two be fine until then?” “Of course we will” Sasha said without hesitation, Sandra was now beginning to wonder what Daemon had planned. “Well then I’ll leave you two alone, she you in a few hours” and with that he got in his car and drove off. “Ok let’s go down to the stables then shall we?” said Sasha with a big grin on her face. “You’re going to love the horses we have there, they are lovely.” Without another one she turn around and started walking towards the stables, Sandra followed in her steps still wondering what Daemon had planned.

After a short walk they arrived at the stables, it looked old but Sasha assured Sandra that the building was safe; she opened the big wooden door into the stable and led Sasha inside. “Today we have lots of horses to choose from, go ahead and take your pick …” Sandra walked into the stable and started walking down seeing each horse in turn, she finally decided on a tall black horse right at the end of the stable. “Hello pretty” she softly said as she approached him. “Oooh good choice we call him Storm, although some of the people round here have dubbed him BFG” Exclaimed Sasha. “Why is that?” questioned Sandra. Chuckling Sasha said “Oh don’t worry you’ll find out soon enough.”

“Ok I’ll bite, what has Daemon planned?” Sandra asked Sasha in a concerned tone. “Ok well, Daemon told me about your ‘situation’ and felt that there was only one way to get all of your questions answered …” It took a little while for Sandra to cotton on to what Sasha was on about. “WHAT?!” she almost shouted. “You want me to fuck a horse?!” “Yes” Sasha happily said, “It’s the only way for you to know what it is like”. “Well I don’t know …” Sandra said rather slowly. Sandra had been dreaming of this moment for the past few days, but now the possibility was staring at her right in the face.

“Oh what the hell … what have I got to lose.” Sandra said. Sasha was overwhelmed with excitement, “Fantastic!” she said clapping her hands together, “stay there while I get everything you need, you might as well take those clothes off.” “Oh right yeah ….” Sandra had almost forgotten the point of belly riding was to do it naked. “Ok I’ll be back in a minute” and with that Sasha disappeared outside leaving Sandra on her own with Storm, “might as well get to it huh” she said to Storm stroking is mane and jet black coat. She took off her top and bra and even though it was a warm day and the barn where the horses were kept was warm, her nipples were still erect. Next she took of her skirt and panties; she was shocked to find that she already was wet.
After a few more minutes of Sandra standing there stark naked, she heard footsteps from outside. “I’m back, seems it didn’t take you long to get ready” Sasha beamed looking Sandra all over and noticing a little pool of her juices on the floor. “Errm …..” Sandra had become terribly embarrassed all of a sudden. “Don’t worry sweetie, this isn’t the first time I’ve seen this, in fact I used to do it occasionally” Sasha said this without concern in her voice. This seemed to work for Sandra as she felt much better knowing that Sasha had also partaken in this and that she wasn’t some creepy weirdo. “Well sit down over there, while I attach the saddle” Sasha told Sandra; and with that she busied herself attaching the saddle to the belly of Storm.


Chapter 3

After a few minutes of fumbling about the saddle was attached, Sasha beckoned Sandra over and told her to get into the saddle; Sandra did as she was told, following Sasha instruction carefully and to the letter. After a couple of minutes of fumbling she was seated. “There comfy?” Sasha asked. “Actually yeah I am” said Sandra rather surprised. “Ok then let me tie up your legs and arms, don’t worry it makes it easier for you to relax and to make sure he doesn’t trample you” Sasha words of comfort eased Sandra’s nerves.

Now Sandra was fully at the mercy of not only Storm but Sasha as well, but she trusted this woman not to do anything rash. “Ready?” asked Sasha. “As I’ll ever be” replied Sandra, it felt almost childish saying it. Without another word Sasha began to massage the horse’s sheath, after a little while his penis began to emerge and grew thicker is Sasha’s hands and she guided it towards Sandra’s now open vaginal lips.

As soon as the horse’s cock touched Sandra’s labia it sent a shock all the way through her body, it felt great but wrong at the same time. By this time Sasha was trying to push the horse’s cock into Sandra’s pussy, Sandra was getting more and more turned on and wet as time progressed, after a few more minutes of frustration from both parties, Sandra was finally rewarded as the horse push hard at the exact right moment, his flare was now in her. “Wow, OMG he’s HUGE, it hurts … please stop.” Sandra winced in pain. “Just hold on, it’ll get better I promise you.” Assured Sasha, “I feel like I’m gonna be split in two, but ok”. Sandra tried to relax and this thick fleshy invader crept more deeply into her most private place. Inch after inch disappeared into Sandra’s body, she had unknowingly starting rocking her hips back and forth to although the horse more access. After about 5 minutes she felt a sharp burst of pain as the horse entered into her as far as he would go. “Ok stop he’s all the way in”. Sasha then took out a syringe “Ok let me administer the shot, it keeps him hard for longer, can’t have him going limp now can we …” She giggled a little as she administered the shot, although the horse didn’t mind, it shocked him slightly and thrust forward slightly, forcing his cock even deeper into Sandra’s already filled pussy. It felt painful but at the same time it felt great.

Ok before we go any further I’ll let you grow accustom to the whole idea of this. Sandra couldn’t believe what she was doing she was strapped underneath a horse with its cock buried 8 inches deep in her pussy not to mention he must have been about 6 or 7 inches across. “I can’t believe how big he is, this feels great and also painful.” Sandra said in a slightly breathy voice as she realised that for most of the initial experience she had been holding her breath. “Don’t worry you will get used to the length, now you know why we some people call him BFG he is a Big Fucking Giant, what you didn’t know is that you picked the horse with the biggest dick here, only a few people have ridden him and none have complained” Sasha told her. “Yeah I can see why this feels great …” Sandra was now moving her hips up and down faster and faster, up and down Storm’s cock she went, and then out of now where she felt an orgasm coming, she fought it, but once again her body betrayed her and a orgasm rippled through her body, it felt so good, the best one she had so far.

“Enjoying it are you” Sasha had clearly noticed that Sandra just orgasmed right there in front of her. “Mhmmm yeah” is all Sandra could muster; she was a little out of breath. Sasha was now kneeling beside Sandra and whispered into Sandra’s ear, “Now horses just like humans have special ways to get them off, if you rotate your hips or squeeze your legs a bit you’ll notice he does something” Sandra didn’t need to be told twice, she tried rotating her hips as she was moving them up and down, to her surprise and amazement Storm responded by thrusting a little, butting out against her cervix. Which felt great, Sasha noticed this and whispered “See, now squeeze your legs …” Which Sandra did and the horse started walking forwards, each step the horse took, thrust the cock even deeper into Sandra’s pussy. Sasha stopped the horse before he walked out into the fields, and walked him back to where they were before. While this was happening Sandra had two more orgasms in quick succession.

Sasha congratulated Sandra and told her “See when you squeeze his legs he’ll walk forward, but we are getting ahead of ourselves, for now just use a combination of up and down and rotation, don’t rotate to many times though, it can be painful, right I’ll leave you two alone for a little, don’t worry I’m not going far I’ve just be over there” Sasha point to a bench about 10 feet away. “Oh ok …” Sandra felt a little disheartened she enjoyed Sasha’s company, but she didn’t protest, she was too busy right now.

After Sasha had made her way to the bench and sat down, Sandra who was now so turned on she could barely stand it, began to rhythmically thrust her hips up and down, every so often rotating her hips as she did so, which of course led to Storm lightly thrusting his cock deeper into her. This went on for a few minutes, Sandra was beginning to get into a nice rhythm when she noticed something, Storm’s cock seemed to be growing bigger. “OMG he’s getting bigger Sasha help! …” Sasha came walking over and said “Don’t worry it’s natural he’s getting ready to cum in you, although I wasn’t expecting him to be ready this quickly, normally it takes a little longer with Belly Riding virgins, you must just be a natural.” Sandra wasn’t sure whether that was a compliment or not “WHAT?! He is going to cum in me, no stop!” But even as she said it Storm started thrusting, not like before, this time it was hard and deep.

“Don’t worry you’ll be fine just relax, besides there isn’t anything you can do about it now”. This was true, there was nothing either Sandra or Sasha could do at this point, and which that thought in her brain, something inside Sandra’s just snapped as he almost yelled “Fine!” raising her hips as far as they would go and opening the legs as wide as possible, thus allowing Storm more room to maneuverer. At this point Storm had picked up the pace and was now fucking Sandra relentlessly, but he wasn’t slowing down, he just kept getting faster and faster, Sandra’s insides where being pummelled by his giant cock, each thrust pushed her closer to another orgasm, she tried to hold it in. Then with one last forceful thrust deep into Sandra’s pussy jets of hot liquid gushed out of his cock, deep into Sandra’s pussy “Oooooh FUCK YES!” Sandra yelled, she too was cumming hard, it was the best orgasm of her life, rope after rope of hot semen gushed into Sandra’s pussy filling it to the brim, then it started trickling around his cock and started dripping onto the ground, after a few minutes Storm finally started calming down. Sandra however was still orgasmic. “Well you two are successfully mated now, how did it feel?” asked Sasha in a curious tone. “It felt amazing; I want to do that again.” Maybe later Sandra, you need to rest a bit.


Chapter 4

The next morning Sandra couldn’t wait for work to finish, she literally spent the whole day fantasizing about what was coming up, the fact that one of the mares where she worked had gone into heat and she witnessed steamy horse mating, just made her even more horny, to the point where she could not stand it any longer and lied about needing the bathroom in order to get off in the bathroom to satisfy her needs. This sort of worked, she was still horny as ever, but not to the same degree as she was earlier.

The end of her shift came around; she got changed into some older clothes she had packed before she came to work and drove to the other stable. She was greeted by someone new, she asked if Sasha was in, the person looked her up and down quickly and said “Sure, follow me” Sandra was then led to Sasha’s office, she knocked and just heard Sasha call “Enter”. As Sandra entered, she was welcomed by Sasha who beamed and needed no introduction as to why she was there.

“Hello again, well not point beating around the bush, let’s get to it” Sasha grabbed the questionnaire from the drawer in her desk and asked Sandra to follow her. They both went to the same stable as before, however unlike last time the door at the other end was open (which Sandra didn’t even know existed). Sasha looked over at Sandra and smiled a little; “You’re in for a bit of a treat today, again take your pick of horse, although I guess I already know who you’re choosing …” Sandra just nodded and heading over to Storm’s stall, where she could see that he was already saddled up, however she noticed there was also a saddle on Storm’s back as well as his belly, Sandra enquired why Storm had two saddles.

“Oh, I’ll be accompanying you today” Sasha responded with excitement in her voice. Again Sandra asked why, Sasha just giggled and said “You’ll see, now get those clothes off missy” in a fake commanding voice. Sandra did as she was told and within seconds was naked. Sasha took her clothes and put them in a bag with she hung up on the wall, while doing that she noticed Sandra’s panties were rather wet, “I see we were excited about this …” “Oh most definitely, I couldn’t wait I was so horny today at work …” was Sandra’s response. “Well then, let’s not waste any more time, let’s get you situated” With that they began the same routine as before, before too long Sandra was bound and seated properly in the saddle and Sasha was massaging Storm’s sheath.

Wasn’t too long before Sandra felt Storm’s cock rub against her labia, she moaned softly and opened her legs up more, allowing more access to her pussy, after a little while she felt Storm’s head pass into her pussy for the 2nd time in as many days. “Ok time for the changes” Sasha said, she slapped the horse’s hind quarters which made Storm jump and because of that he jolted and thrust forwards, forcing practically all of his cock into Sandra (well all that could be accommodated). “Ooooooooh” Sandra moaned, the sudden thrust had made her cum already. With help from both parties Storm’s cock was soon all the way inside her. “Ok time to administer the shot, this is a longer one than yesterday, which should please you” The shot was administered, by this time, Sandra was already slowly moving her hips up and down, taking more of Storm’s massive cock with each thrust.

Once Sasha had put everything away she revealed the next part of her plan “Now for the second change, as you saw I’ve attached a regular saddle to Storm, that is so that I can take him for a ride while you are underneath, you said you liked it when he started walking, well that’s what we are doing now, and this is also a traditional part of belly riding. I have a private area just outside this barn; no-one is allowed here apart from me Daemon and the horses, so we will be in complete privacy.” Sandra liked this idea a lot; “Well then, let the riding commence” With those words of encouragement Sasha proceeded to mount Storm as if she was taking him out for a hack.

“Ok from here on out you know what to do and I’m not going to tell you anything more, going to let the rest be a surprise to you. Ready? … Let’s Go”


Chapter 5

With that, Sasha lightly coaxed Storm to walk forward; the first step forced even more of Storm’s cock into Sandra, it was painful yet the same time pleasurable. The second step was even better and the third even better still. Soon Sandra was having a hard time concentrating on which way the horse was going. She was timing her hips to the rhythm of Storm’s walk, the effect was instantaneous even more pleasure than she had before. Slowly storms cock entered her tiny pussy, each thrust felt great, she was having orgasm after orgasm, soon, she couldn’t tell when one orgasm finished and another started.

Just as the pleasure was reaching and almost intolerable level, something surprising yet wonderful happened, she felt Storm start walking up a hill, which required him to put a bit more effort and therefore a bit more speed into his walk, this with the added pressure that was now on her pussy, was almost too much for Sandra to take. She climaxed hard right then and there, the feeling was great. “Fuck yeah …. So good, don’t stop, right there” Are the only things that could escape Sandra’s mouth.

After a little while Sandra heard Sasha call down to her “Sounds like you’re having fun down there, we are approaching our first rest stop, but I can teach you to control Storm on your own if you like.” “Oh yes, that sounds like a wonderful idea, I never want this feeling to stop” Sandra responded with lust. As they got to their rest stop, Sasha dismounted and handed the reins to Sandra, after a little bit of explaining and attempts, Sandra could successfully, make Storm walk, turn, stop and reverse.

“Very good, you’re a natural, ok you go have fun while I set up our rest stop.” Sandra didn’t need to be told twice, with that she turned Storm around and started walking in no particular direction, slowly buy rhythmically Storms cock pounded her pussy, Sandra felt like she was in heaven, then something new happened, Storm started prancing and walking from side to side. Sandra was completely taken aback by this and didn’t know was happening, until she felt Storms cock getting bigger that is. “Oooh yes, I want you to fill me up, and want you to fuck me as hard as you can, don’t hold back.”

As if Storm could hear her, that is exactly what started happening, first came the slow but deep thrusts, then something happened which Sandra did not predict. Storm reared up, doing so filled her to bursting point, Storm placed his front legs onto of a fence which had been walking close to. This was all Storm needed to begin, the thrust were becoming quickier now, and more forceful, Sandra was loving this, each thrust led her to have a small orgasm, but she could feel something bigger brewing. Faster and faster the thrust did become, until finally with one last deep thrust, hot jets of sticky seamen erupted from Storms cocks, completely soaking Sandra’s cervix. Sandra two was climaxing hard. While thrusting her hips up and down as energetically as she could. Storm seemed to enjoy the extra attention, because he kept cuming, Sandra’s pussy was overflowing with his cum. After a few minutes Storm calmed down and returned to level ground.

“Good Boy, that was so good, I think it’s time we headed back home don’t you …” With that Sandra turned Storm around and starting walking back the way she came, still very orgasmic, that feeling wasn’t subsiding due to the fact that Storm was still working is cock deep into her. After about 15 minutes during which time Sandra had orgasmed a dozen more times or so, they arrived back at the intinial point where she could see a picnic for two had been set up.

“Ahh great you’re back, I’ve got some food here for you, you must be starving” announced Sasha.


Chapter 6

After a quick meal for everyone, Sasha posed Sandra a question: “So I remember you like to do things fast from time to time, so I’ve got a decision for you to make, you can either stay with Storm who can go fast, or you can go with this other horse who is the fastest horse we have.” “Can I do both? Can I get Storm to cum in me once more then go for the other horse?” replied Sandra with slightly puppy dog eyes. “Hmmmm …. Ok we can do that, but first I need to attach something to Storm to get him ready.” Out of her bag Sasha took out some sort of clamp with some padding at the end of it and explained that she would attach this to Storms cock so that when we go faster he doesn’t hurt you by making sure it can’t penetrate you all the way.

Sandra felt crestfallen and said “oh, ok.” Sasha hearing Sandra’s disappointed tone added, ”It’s not that much, it’s only half an inch, after all you don’t wanna be the front page of a newspaper do you?” and with that Sasha began to pull out some of Storms cock, then attached the clamp and fastened all the fixings together. “There all done, see there wasn’t that much difference was there.” Announced Sasha, Sandra agreed. Sasha then said for this she would be controlling Storm as it will be better that way.

With that she climbed into the saddle of and started walking Storm forwards, the sudden jerk forwards, sent Storms cock deep inside Sandra, but didn’t go as far as before because of the device attached to his cock. After about 5 minutes of walking, Sandra heard Sasha ask if she was ready to go faster. Sandra moaned and said “Yes, I cannot wait.” Sasha kicked the horse again and he picked up the speed to a trot, the effect was immediate, Storms cock was now going in and out of Sandra and a much faster speed, causing her to orgasm at least twice within two minutes.

Sandra started to move her hips up and down to match Storms rhythm and speed, making it feel even better, wave after wave of orgasms hit her. She could sense a big one approaching, and decided she wanted to go even faster. “Oh god yes, faster, faster!” she practically shouted. “Well if you insist … here we go stage 3.” With that she signalled Storm to go into a Canter, by doing that two things happened, the speed at which Storms cock was now entering Sandra’s pussy was increased yet again, with push her over the edge, completely losing control, fucking the horse as fast as she could, and because of the way Storm was cantering his cock pushing up with each thrust, which added extra pleasure for Sandra. This pleasure was perfect, but the speed didn’t last long as fairly quickly his cock began to expand in her again, and Sasha quickly brought Storm to a hault and quickly dismounted.

Just in time to as Storm began to thrust, this time was different however, it seemed more relentless, Sandra didn’t mind in fact she was relishing it. “Oh god yes … do me, have your way with me”, Storm didn’t need anyone to tell him, this girl was gonna get the fucking of a lifetime, his pace quickened as he got closer and closer to cuming in her, then with one final push, more jets of seamen erupted into Sandra’s already full pussy, making it overflow and land on a pool on the ground. Sandra too was also cumin hard, hard that she had ever come before. “OH GOD, THAT WAS SO GOOOOD, I wanna do that again but go even faster.”

“Well, you shall have your wish, your second horse awaits you in a little field over there”, and for the 4th time today Storm starting walking with Sandra underneath.

They arrived at the field, it was starting to get dark out, but they didn’t seem to bother either of them. Sasha explained that there were lights that could be turned on, as this route happens to lead to a good place to star gaze at night. As much as Sandra wanted to do that, she had to decline she was too tired and wanted to get some rest, thankfully she had a day of work the next day, so she asked if she could sleep her overnight.

“Sure you can, but we don’t have any beds here so you’ll have to sleep like that I’m afraid.” This didn’t seem to bother Sandra one bit, “That’s fine as long as doesn’t go limp while I’m sleeping I’m good.” Sasha said she thought about that and brought along another shot, the biggest one they did which should last for 8 hours. Sasha got down administered the shot and bid her good night, while she busied herself with unpacking everything, Sandra drifted off to sleep quite quickly.


Chapter 7

Dawn broke the next day and Sandra was awakened by the sound of Sasha getting breakfast ready. “Good Morning sleep well?” asked Sasha noticed that Sandra was awake, “Actually yes, slept rather well” she said while yawning. Sasha stood up and said “No doubt after what happened yesterday, well I’ll let you down so you can eat and wash up, there is only cold water I’m afraid.” Oh ok, well then best get to it then hadn’t I …. Let me down then.” Sasha began undoing all of the straps and helped Sandra out of the saddle; Storms cock had gone limp by this point and receded back into its sheath.

After having a nice breakfast, Sandra excused herself while she went and got cleaned up. “Take as much time as you need, let me show you were it is, there is soap there so don’t worry about that”. With that Sandra followed Sasha inside the barn to a corner where a makeshift shower stood. “Here we are” announced Sasha “again take all the time you need …” Sasha turned tail and left Sandra alone. Sandra turned on the water and began to wash of all of the dried seamen from yesterday’s activities. It was only then she realised she was still leaking his seamen; she did her best to clean herself up.

Back outside the barn Sasha had finished packing things up, and 10 minutes later Sandra returned. “Ahh good your back, here put these on, wanted to get you dry and warm before setting off” said Sasha handing Sandra her clothes from yesterday. Sandra got dressed and for the next hour her and Sasha just chatted, Sasha was saying that most of the time Sandra was riding yesterday, she was in fact horny and wanting to try belly riding again. “That sounds like something we should try” Sandra excitingly told her.

“Perhaps one day, well that should be enough time, you ready for your treat today?” Sandra had almost forgotten what was happening today, with everything that just happened, it kind of got wiped from her mind. “Oooh yes” she jumped up and down, her breasts bobbing up and down as she did so. “Well then follow me” as Sasha gestured inside the barn. Sandra followed Sasha’s steps and turned right into a section of the barn which hadn’t noticed before.

“Well here he is” and into view came a beautiful, tall snow White horse. “We got him yesterday actually, just before you got here, we haven’t had a chance to name him, so we are calling him what his previous owners called him …” “And what is that?” Sandra asked “Thumper, mainly because when he was born he kinda had the same colour as the Disney character Thumper” Sandra nodded and replied with “Ahh I see, well let’s get started shall we” as she began to get undress. As she was doing this she noticed that there was only one saddle on Thumper.

“Oh you’re not riding with me?” Sandra queried. “Oh no I am, I just felt like riding bareback today, it’s gonna be fun.” Although Sasha didn’t want to say anything she secretly wasn’t wearing any panties and wanted to see if riding just in Jodhpurs would get her off, she’d be wanting to ride bareback ever since yesterday. “Oh right, well then, let’s begin then” by this time Sandra knew how to get into the saddle without the aid of Sasha, however she still needed her help fastening the straps.

Then she started massaging the horse’s sheath, and out came Thumper’s cock, as Sasha held it in her hand it started to grow bigger, just the sight of it turned her on. But she resisted her urges. She then began to slowly rub his cock against Sandra labia, it didn’t take long for Sandra to get wet, in fact it was mere seconds after initial contact. Sasha held open Sandra’s pussy with one hand while pushing Thumper’s cock against it with the other; it didn’t take nearly as long as it had done the previous two times. “Wow, he’s big, in fact he feels bigger than Storm, hmm so good ….” Sandra moaned. “Yeah, thumper is bigger than Storm, but didn’t want to tell you, thought I would leave it a surprise” Now relax while I get him seated properly.” With that Sasha began pushing Thumper’s cock deeper and deeper into Sandra’s pussy, a couple of times he gave it a quick firm push, which felt great for Sandra. After a few minutes, Thumper cock hit Sandra’s cervix “Oof … ok he’s all the way in” Sandra said, “Great now for the same adjustments I did yesterday to Storm, so you can go faster.” Sasha in between Sandra’s moan of pleasure, she pulled a little of Thumper’s cock out of her pussy and attached the clamp to his cock as she did with Storms. Finally she administered the shot, the maximum length she had (which was 8 hours).

Sasha then stood up and mounted Thumper Bareback style, while she said there she moved her hips backwards and forward slightly, the feeling was great if a little weak, but it would have to do she thought. “Ok, ready … here we go” Sasha coaxed Thumper to move forward. Sandra noticed immediately that Thumpers walk was slightly faster than Storm’s was. With each step Thumper’s cock was thrust into Sandra’s pussy it wasn’t long before she was having her first orgasm, then her second and third in quick succession. “Hmm please go faster …” Sasha who by this time was really horny from the sensation she was feeling between her legs, happily obliged. “Ok then ready, here we go.” What Sasha didn’t tell Sandra was that she wasn’t planning to steadily increase the gait, she was going to make him gallop right then, bypassing trot and canter altogether. Sasha gave the command and assumed the corrected position.

What followed for Sandra was the best fucking of her life, Thumper’s cock was fucking her deeply and so fast that she was practically having one constant orgasm. “OH FUCK YES!!!!!” Sandra was getting the fucking of her life and she didn’t want it to end, she was moving her hips up and down as fast as she could trying to keep up with Thumper’s gallop, her clit was rock solid and she wished someone would touch it would make this feeling so much better. She badly wanted Thumper to cum in her right there and then. As quickly as the gallop started it slowed down again.

“Why have we slowed down?” moaned Sandra, “Thumper gets tired quickly carrying two people rather than just one. As thumper slowed down to a halt, so did Sandra as she was timing her thrusts to Thumper’s movement. Sasha dismounted and knelt down by Sandra and said. “You two look so hot together it’s really turning me on, do you mind if I ….” Sandra knew what Sasha was on about and gave her the go ahead.

Sasha stripped naked Thumper smelling Sasha’s excitement raised his head and tried to nibble on her tits, Sasha was too horny to try and stop. The feeling was great his soft velvety lips working their magic on her tits. She began to finger herself, starting with one finger and adding another finger in quick succession. After about five minutes of this during which Thumper had started to nibble on Sasha erect nipples, which she loved. She had one explosive orgasm and fell to the ground.

After regaining her strength her crawled over to Sandra and whispered in her ear “I so want his cock deep in me, perhaps we can go riding together at some time, but for now I want you to fuck him like you’ve never fucked him before. Take all his cock into you as much as you can and then rotate your hips as you do so.” Sandra did as she was told the pleasure was great, Thumper also seemed to like it as he was stamping his back leg while slowly thrust into her which each complete rotation Sandra did.

Moments later Thumper’s cock began to grow bigger. “He’s getting bigger, hmmm, I want his cum in me, I want him to make me his bitch, make him fuck me with all his strength.” Screamed Sandra, Sasha happily obliged, she took out a riding crop and gave Thumper a little smack on the back signalling him to start thrusting. She did it again thus giving the signal to not hold back. With that Thumper reared up forcing as much of his cock in Sandra pussy as it would accommodate, then the thrusting began, the riding crop obviously worked as the thrust were coming thick and fast and deep. Sandra was still cuming from the galloping session, this feeling was great, she began cuming again quickly. She could feel Thumper’s cock pulsating deep inside her and knew he must be close, she spread her legs allowing Thumper more leverage and access. After a few more moments, her eyes flew open as jets of hot, sticky seamen, erupted inside of her. IT didn’t seem to stop each new jet was met with a deep thrust from Thumper, which one final deep thrust the last jet erupted into her pussy, filling her already full pussy.

Sasha broke the silence “That was so hot, I wanna try that right now, but we have to head back, let’s get you down from there. No-one knows what we are doing out here.” Moments later Sandra was unshackled from Thumper and slid of his still throbbing cock with a loud squelch, a torrent of seamen burst from her pussy onto the ground. While Thumpers cock was still dripping cum.

“Actually Sandra I have an offer for you” Sasha announced, “How would you like to work here at these stables, you would do all the work your currently doing at your current stables, and you could have access to any of the horses at any time.” Sandra was ecstatic. “Including Thumper and Storm?!” “Especially them … what do you say” Sasha was praying she said yes.

“Of course I will, when do I start?” Exclaimed Sandra. “You can start next week if you want, let me get the contact details of your old stable and we can get all the paperwork sorted.” Sandra gave her the phone number and told her she couldn’t wait to start working here.

End of Story