(c) 2009 by bellyriding

Day 1

It was a long flight from the United States to Brazil, but Tonya definitely needed the time away from school. It was her first semester at college and she was really killing herself. When her parents planned the trip to a posh new Hotel that was just opening, Tonya lept at the chance. Her Father knew a little Portuguese from a friend of his, and he knew the owners through some business dealings. They had offered to fly him and his family down for free to see the Hotel before it even opened to the public, although several hundred people were scheduled to be there at the same time. It was a very exclusive Hotel hidden away from the hustle and bustle of the major cities. Tonya’s Mother was all hugs when she saw her and they gossiped about school, and work, and what was going on through nearly the entire flight.

When they arrived, they were still wound up. The drive from the small airport was long but adventurous. The Hotel was just as luxurious as Tonya had pictured it to be. It was out of the way, on the beach and gorgeous. The staff were courteous and full service, taking each of their bags and swiftly taking care of things without their even thinking. No one was tired, so Tonya’s Mother suggested they go for a horseback ride. Everyone thought that was a good idea, so after they unpacked a little and changed into something more appropriate for the warm temperatures of Brazil in summertime, they walked down to the beach and down several hundred yards where they found the stable.

They walked into the opening of the stable and found a nice man who in broken English started getting them ready for a ride. It was all charged to their room, so it was super convenient. The man and a younger man helped get them up on their horses one at a time. Before it was Tonya’s term she happened to glance over and caught a glimpse of a nude woman in her 40’s in an odd position. It looked like she was completely naked and slung underneath a horse and maybe even having sex with it, slowly. She was clearly relaxed, so it wasn’t like she was in danger, but Tonya couldn’t make out her entire body to tell if she was completely naked or not. All she could see was the woman’s breasts, her arms and her head through a slightly ajar door.

The woman turned her head slightly and saw Tonya. She smiled at Tonya and although her hands were bound she wiggled her index finger beconing Tonya to come closer and said something quietly that Tonya couldn’t make out or understand. Tonya turned her head quickly and pretended not to see the woman. The younger man came over and helped Tonya get on top of her horse and Tonya did her best not to look over her shoulder again. She felt like she was spying and she had been caught and she didn’t want to take the chance the woman might say something more and alert her parents to the fact that Tonya had seen her. Tonya wasn’t sure why, but she felt very guilty.

They went out on their horseback walk and Tonya acted as if nothing had happened. It was a short walk though because her Dad suddenly became jetlagged and decided he had better head back in before he got too tired to stay awake. So the three headed back. Tonya glimpsed back through the ajar doorway but couldn’t make out anyone this time. The woman and the horse were gone. Tonya was incredibly curious but she decided she would have to come back later, or maybe the next day.

After a quick dinner at the local Hotel restaurant and a shower, Tonya nearly passed out, the jetlag affected her as well and after she masturbated thinking about what that woman might have been doing she fell deeply asleep.


Day 2

After a quick breakfast with her family Tonya excused herself to wander around. Once she was out of eye sight she made a b-line down to the stables. She wasn’t sure what she had seen but she was dying to know what was going on. She arrived at the stable and quietly went straight to the ajar door that she had seen the woman behind, hoping not to alert anyone to her presence. Sure enough there was a woman behind the door, and she looked like the same woman, but this time she was clothed and was grooming a different horse. This horse was dark and the horse she was under before was definitely a white color.

Tonya coughed slightly to let the woman know she was there, and the woman nearly jumped out of her skin she was so scared, which in turn scared Tonya. The women both caught their breath and laughed. Tonya said, “I’m sorry about yesterday, I didn’t mean to…” and she trailed off, because she could tell the woman didn’t understand her English. The woman said something back to her in Portuguese, but it was useless. The two couldn’t communicate. Then the woman smiled and raised her finger as if she was telling Tonya to wait a moment. The woman disappeared back into a tack room and got a sling. She put it on the horse, as Tonya watched, amused. The woman asked Tonya for help by motioning once in a while. Tonya got the hint and helped where she could, holding the saddle in place as the woman positioned it and got it tightened on the horse.

Once it was in place the woman stood back and checked everything once more and then nodded and said something to Tonya which Tonya of course didn’t understand. But Tonya got the feeling that she was supposed to do something at this point. Tonya shook her head in bewilderment. The woman mimed taking her clothes off and pointed to the horse’s underbelly. Tonya laughed. She understood what she was supposed to do now. She was supposed to get under the horse naked. Tonya’s suspicions were realized. She shook her head no, and the woman gently prodded Tonya to do it anyway. The woman was so pleasant and insistent that Tonya had a hard time saying no. After a few minutes of Tonya wondering if she really should, she figured, why not? Her family had no idea where she was and clearly this woman wasn’t malicious. She could have some fun and get back before her parents were the wiser.

She finally gave in and began to strip out of her shorts and thin tank top. The woman clapped gently and bounced – her breasts giggling enthusiastically as she did so. She was clearly happy that Tonya had given in. Tonya unfastened her bra and let it drop into the straw at her feet. Tonya slid her panties over her bottom, exposing her vagina to the warm Brazilian air. She shivered even though it was actually really warm. She looked at her new friend who smiled and motioned towards the horse. Tonya took a deep breath and wormed her way into the saddle and kicked off her sandals as she did so. Tonya watched as the woman walked around her and began to fasten soft leather cuffs to Tonya’s wrists and ankles holding her comfortably in a bit of a fetal position as she stared upwards at the heaving chest of the white horse.

Her legs were spread apart by the sheer width of the horse’s body, leaving her vagina open and vulnerable. Tonya knew she was extremely wet, which embarrassed her slightly. She didn’t want to seem too interested in the horse to the woman, even though she was obviously about to have sex with it. She didn’t know what was coming but she had an idea. The largest thing she had ever had in her vagina was her own finger. She had never had sex with a boy. A few had tried but they were awkward and she was saving herself for someone she really liked. A horse didn’t count into that equation and she figured just this once would be fun. A secret she’d never have to tell anyone.

Besides, loosing your virginity to a horse didn’t count anyway, did it? She pondered that question as the woman began to strap Tonya’s wrists and ankles to the horse’s body. Tonya didn’t know what she wasn’t protesting, because every rational thought in her head was telling her it was a bad idea to fuck a horse. She knew her life would be over if she were ever caught. She had remembered there was a girl in one of her classes the senior year of high school who had been caught by her older brother and his friends having sex with their family dog in her parent’s bathroom at their house. The boys had told other kids in school, and she had to move away, because she couldn’t handle what the kids were saying anymore. Even if it wasn’t true, and Tonya believed it was, she couldn’t live that scenario down. Tonya knew she’d have to keep this a secret or her life too would be over. College was different, but not that much different!

The woman began to gently massage the horse and after a few moments a giant head emerged from the thick black folds. It fell out of Tonya’s view immediately as it grew. Tonya had no idea how big it was as she glanced down her long naked body, but she could tell it was a lot bigger than her finger. The woman began to press the giant horse penis against Tonya’s tiny wet vagina. It almost certainly wouldn’t fit Tonya thought, but she was determined to try. A small amount of pre-cumm from the horse’s head slathered over Tonya’s clitorus and opening. She was too wanton and horny now to stop herself. She wanted to feel what a horse cock felt like. She struggled and squirmed against the cuffs. She almost started crying at one point she was so desperate. She was hot and sweaty and getting tired after almost ten minutes of frantically pushing against the horse penis until finally her eyes flew open.

She had somehow managed to take the horse’s massive head into her tiny vagina but now she was wondering if that was such a good idea. The swollen tissue felt absolutely huge inside of her. She stunned herself, and she was so elated that she almost cried again. The woman smiled and nodded and pushed the penis further into Tonya’s slick opening. Tonya winced in pain slightly at the huge shaft being forced up in to her, but she did her best to accommodate the girth. The woman kept feeding the soft horse flesh deeper and deeper into Tonya’s 18 year old body until it had reached further inside Tonya than anything ever had.

Tonya knew her clitorus was rock hard and she felt like she could cumm instantly if only the woman would just touch it for her, even just a little bit. It would surely touch her off. She was truly uncomfortable but she was so turned on that she ignored the discomfort as inch after slow inch was fed into her hungry orifice. Just when she thought she couldn’t take any more the horse began to flare up inside of her and stiffen. It hadn’t even occurred to her that the horse shaft might grow bigger.

Indeed it swelled in her tiny wet hole and Tonya felt like she was going to faint from the size. She somehow managed to retain consciousness even though she was completely overwhelmed by the size of the animal’s penis she was now helplessly impaled on. It took several seconds for Tonya to catch her breath again. She realized she had been holding it. She tried to breath, but the size of the penis she was now mating with was almost too much for her. The old woman massaged the horse penis gently, making sure it was well within Tonya’s 18 year old pelvis. Once she was satisfied that Tonya was well coupled to the stallion, she reached for a small box on a table next to the horse, and within a few seconds a small syringe appeared with a vial exclaiming the word, “Papervine.” Tonya was scared that the old woman might want to give Tonya a shot, but instead the woman gently gave a shot to the stallion’s penis near it’s scrotum.

Tonya was relieved but confused. She knew she wouldn’t get an answer so she just decided to ignore the event. There Tonya found herself, in a small barn on the beach in one of the most beautiful hotels in the world, fucking a stallion. She felt a million miles away from everything and she let herself relax by gently rocking her hips back and forth. After her initial shock and the pain subsided Tonya decided the feeling was amazing. The soft skin of the horse penis felt amazing as it rubbed across Tonya’s lubricated pussy skin, disappearing deep inside of her, where her cervix was gently pummled by the massive horse’s penis head. She wanted this feeling to last forever. She felt so perverted and dirty, but it turned her on.

Just as she was beginning to relax enough with what she was doing to begin to enjoy herself, the woman stood up abruptly, said something and walked over to a door that lead to the interior of the building. She looked around, and yelled something which made Tonya wince. She hoped no one would hear the woman yelling and with the silence as an echo, Tonya figured that no one was around to hear her. The woman turned and looked at Tonya and said something as if she was pondering a tough question. She raised her finger as if she had an idea. Tonya wasn’t sure she liked whatever idea this woman had suddenly come up with if it at all involved other people, like it appeared she might be telling Tonya to wait for. Tonya cursed her inability to speak to this woman.

The woman went to an outer door that lead outside, she opened it, and a blast of bright light flooded the room, before Tonya could protest. Tonya tried to squirm but it was clear she wasn’t going anywhere. Although the leather handcuffs and ankle cuffs were soft they extended her arms and legs in such a way that she had almost no leverage, and certainly she was stuck even if she could manage to dislodge the huge horse phallus she had decided to couple with.

The woman grabbed the reigns of the horse and began to lead the horse with poor Tonya beneath it, who was trying to whisper to the woman to let her go, but her protests only lead to more smiles from the woman who seemed undeterred. Tonya felt like she would faint again. What if some stranger saw her? Worse yet, what if her parents saw her? The thought she could just have some fun and be let go, but she didn’t know any Portuguese to make that happen. The woman was walking the horse, and naked Tonya by association, mid-coitus down to the beach.

Tonya felt lost under the horse as if she were swimming as she swung beneath the stallion. Everything was upside down and backwards to her. The stallion’s front legs blocked a lot of her vision as her head was nestled neatly between them. The seven inches of warm horse flesh thrusting against her cervix with
each footfall made it nearly impossible for her to think. She really couldn’t tell where she was going while peering out from under the horse’s legs until she recognized the Hotel’s distinctive outline out of the corner of her eye.

Tonya could see people walking around down the beach and over by the Hotel but so far no one had yet noticed her. Tonya fought more to be let go, hoping the woman would understand her predicament, and feel some mercy, but instead Tonya was only met with a sideways glance and a few more words in a language Tonya had no hope of deciphering in the few moments she had left before her impending discovery. Sure enough, just to confirm Tonya’s worst nightmare, the woman turned up the path towards the Hotel. Tonya’s medium long blond hair was no longer gently hovering just above the sand, but above the cobble stones of the sidewalk, as the clip-clop of horse hooves rang out deafeningly in Tonya’s ears.

She nervously looked around as the woman walked her right through the building’s open courtyard and into the open area where the Hotel manager’s desk was. A few people began to notice Tonya and they pointed and look in awe. Their faces were burned into Tonya’s fragile brain as she helplessly took the giant penis thrusting into her with each footfall. They finally reached the front desk. Tonya was thankfull that it was relatively quiet since there were still only a few people staying at the Hotel, and it was the middle of the day when people were mostly out hiking and shopping around town. A rather button-down concierge looked down at Tonya, but surprisingly had almost no reaction. He looked at the woman and began saying something in Portuguese. The two talked together quickly, while Tonya could do nothing but wish that she wasn’t so naked and had a lot less horse dick in her. Her nipples and clitoris defiantly stood erect, against her will.

The man leaned down to Tonya and said, “Hello, Miss. Marcia would like to know what room you are staying in.” Damned Tonya’s luck, this was a question she could have answered with even a little bit of Portuguese. “114, sir.” Tonya shook her head, wishing she had lied almost as the words came out of her mouth. “We need it so that we can bill your room.” She felt her heart sink. She could never explain that charge when they checked out. The man looked at her, “How old are you?” “18 sir.” Tonya wasn’t sure why he was asking. She looked her age, or may be a little younger, but she wasn’t sure what that would have to do with her situation. “One second.” He looked at a printed sheet of paper and then picked up the phone and dialed a number. Tonya’s heart sank, was he calling the room? He said into the phone, “Hello, Mr. Abraham, are you missing your daughter? There is a young woman at the front desk.” Tonya bit her lip waiting for what was going to come next. “Yes, she would like to expense a rather expensive service to the room and I’d prefer if you came here to authorize it. Okay, thank you sir, yes, we’ll be right here at the front desk.”

Tonya began to freak out, and tug again at her bonds, hoping to get away as the concierge set the phone down. The horse began to become aroused feeling Tonya’s vulva clench as she tried in vain to get away from her sexual partner. “Let me go, please,” cried Tonya struggling. “Let’s wait until your Father arrives. I’ll do whatever you wish once he gets here,” said the concierge. In just a few seconds Tonya’s Father appeared and before he could take a full step into the open air room his jaw almost hit the floor as his eyes focused on his 18 year old nude daughter.

“What are you doing,” yelled Tonya’s Father. “Nothing, I just…” “Nothing?! This is nothing?!” Her Father turned to the few onlookers nervously, “Hey, everyone, the show’s over.” He waved everyone off, and the half dozen or so guests began to mill around and pretended to start doing something else. But it wasn’t as if there wasn’t still a pretty nude girl having sex with a horse in the middle of the room. Tonya’s Father looked the situation over and said, “One second, let me get your Mother.” Tonya’s eyes flew open and she yelled after her Father, asking him not to, but he had already turned to leave. Tonya was humiliated. Her life was over, that was it. She really hadn’t wanted her parents to see her like this, but now it was too late.

Tonya waited nervously and didn’t have to wait long before her Mother and Father returned in a huff. “What are you doing,” Her Mother asked in a hushed voice. She was bright red from embarrassment. Her father breathed heavily as if he had been punched in the stomach just as the large horse took an exploratory thrust into his young daughter’s vagina. Tonya exhaled from the powerful motion and said in an nervous and noncommital tone, “I dunno.” Her Mother bent over and whispered, “Are you okay? They’re not hurting you, right?” Tonya smiled and laughed a little at the question, “No, Mom, I’m fine, I promise.”

Her Mother breathed deeply and stood up straight, “Well good.” Her Mother stood there and looked around, “What are we all standing around for?” The consierge cleared his throat and said, “We just needed to get your okay to charge the bill to your room, for your daughter’s riding.” Tonya’s Mother looked at her husband who then cleared his throat. Her Father looked at her Mother who shot him a look that Tonya couldn’t immediately decipher. Her Father managed to say, “Uhm, okay, how much is it?” Knowing her Father, Tonya suspected that he would try to negotiate since she had only ridden the horse for a few minutes at that point. He wouldn’t want to pay for a day of riding when she only had been on the horse for a fraction of the time.

The consierge asked, “You mean our stud fee, sir?” “Yes, how much does it cost to stud my daughter? Is it per hour or per insemination or what?” Tonya realized they were offensively talking about her as if she was being mated with, and it was a brokered deal. The idea of her own family talking about her in this way turned her on intensely and caused a knot in her stomach. She tensed her anus and pussy and rocked back and forth gently massaging herself on her oversized stallion’s cock slowly but deliberately. She tried to do it as subversively as possible, pretending she were just adjusting herself in the saddle to avoid detection, but she was extremly aroused. She felt her vagina contract gently with each stroke. She continued listening to everyone talk about her as if the horse was impregnating her.

“No, sir, we definitely do not charge per insemination. That would be too difficult to track, and the last thing belly riders want to do is have a chaparone moderating their actions once they are mid-coitus. I’m sure if you asked your daughter she could relate to that. The cost is $200 a day or $500 for five days.” Tonya’s father thought for a moment, “Days, huh?” Tonya thought her Father would pay the part of the $200 for Tonya’s fun and games that morning, they’d untie her, she’d run back to her room and cry for a while at how embarrassing the whole thing was, her mother would console her and then the family would never speak of it again. They could go back to their life as if this had never happened. Maybe her mother would tease her about it at her batchelorette party when she eventually got married or something, but other than that, she would leave the resort in several days and slip back into her normal life. She could probably see herself even being able to masturbate thinking about the whole ordeal if she could get over the embarrassment.

Instead, her Father sensing a bargain said, “How about $200 for three days?” Tonya’s jaw dropped and she was speechless. What was he doing? Was her Father seriously negotiating this? Her Father was a businessman and had made a lot of money negotiating on behalf of his company. But this was different! What he was negotiating was days on end that his own daughter would be having sex with a stallion. She couldn’t figure out why her Father would even consider that. Maybe he was trying to be supportive. The consierge thought for a moment, “$300 for two days.” Tonya’s Mother whispered something in her Father’s ear that Tonya couldn’t completely make out. Her Father nodded and paused.

Tonya’s pussy was more moist than it had ever been, and her clitorus was erect and begging to be touched. She strained to move her hips in a way that might touch her clitorus to the horse’s shaft as she waited with baited breath for her Father’s answer. Her Father said, “How about $400 for all five days?” Tonya’s eyes got even wider. What had just happened? Was her own Father really negotiating to let her fuck a horse for the remainder of their family holiday? For five days straight? Really? Tonya suddenly felt like she was swimming. She couldn’t believe what was happening. How could her family really allow her to do this? Her Father must have been very uncomfortable by the whole thing, and just figured he wanted her to be happy, no matter how compromising and de-humanizing it was to her personally. Tonya longed to know what her mother had whispered.

Tonya started to quickly think it through. She wasn’t sure her Father knew what he was signing her up for. He was basically trying to negotiate a fair price to have his own daughter spread eagle with over half a foot of horse cock buried in her, filling her completely as she orgasmed in front of a hotel full of strangers for the entirety of their family vacation. Tonya began to rock her hips gently backwards and forwards as she bit her lip gently thinking about mating with a horse for her entire vacation. She was never a nudist or an exhibitionist but suddenly the thought of her family not only being okay with her nudity but actively signing her up to have intercourse with an animal for an entire week made her desperately want an orgasm. Just the thought of everyone watching her made her stifle a moan.

Tonya needed a break from school and this would surely do the trick. Her roommate was always telling her she needed a good lay, and this stallion’s was the biggest penis she had ever seen – even on TV or in magazines that her girlfriends had tucked away under their beds – and it was currently buried deeply in her, spreading her vagina so tautly that she could barely think about anything else. No wonder Marcia looked so relaxed when Tonya first saw her in the barn, fornicating. So far Tonya’s roommate was right – this was exactly what she had needed, a hard penis in some remote getaway, even if there was no way Tonya could admit that to anyone, especially because of who, or what the penis belonged to.

After what seemed like a very long pause the concierge finally spoke, “You have a deal, Mr. Abraham. You drive a hard bargain, but the Hotel is glad you chose to allow your daughter to belly ride on our premises. It is a hidden perk of staying with us, and your daughter appears to have found that perk. We would like to encourage our guests to try it, so I don’t mind giving your daughter a discount. We will charge the bill to your room, and rest assured, we will do our best to accommodate your daughter’s coupling so that she can have the most pleasurable experience possible. If she should need anything from our staff, all she need do is ask.” And with those words Tonya was assured that she would be able to have as much sex with her stallion as she wanted for the remainder of her vacation. That did it for Tonya. She couldn’t hold in her lust any more.

School and her normal life seemed a million miles away as she lewdly arched her back upwards to feel the hard horse penis push hard inside her. She figured her family had just prescribed a week of her vagina being filled with horse cock so she felt a small amount of her inhibitions disappear as she began to gently rock her hips. She obscenely pushed downward with her arms to feel more of the length of the horse cock, the horse suddenly began to thrust, catching her off guard. She hadn’t considered what the horse might do to her. Tonya tried to squeeze harder with her vagina hoping to slow the horse down, as Tonya’s parents looked at her. She really didn’t want the horse to cumm in her in front of her parents, but it was inevitable now. Tonya was almost completely unaware that she had held in an explosive orgasm since the first second she had first began her vulgar coupling with the horse. And now the overwhelming girth and sudden motions of the horse’s penis were overwhelming both her and her stallion partner at the same time.

With one last motion the horse began to orgasm inside the teenager’s young pussy. Tonya felt the horse’s head flare up inside of her which felt wonderful and weird at the same time. All this pushed her over the edge as she began her own orgasm. In fact, it had been such a pent up orgasm and the thrusts were so merciless that it was easily the strongest and most explosive orgasm she had ever had. She tried not to move an inch, though, because her parents were still watching as the horny stallion emptied the contents of it’s huge testicles into their little girl in the middle of a hotel in broad daylight. Tonya’s pussy spasmed violently as did her anus as she felt the power of the horse’s penis erupting against her cervix, bathing it completely.

Her cervix betrayed her by greeting and eagerly sucking up the gushing flow that was being released in long torrents within her. Much to Tonya’s surprise she felt like she was leaking. She hadn’t even considered the horse’s sperm would fill her up completely. Her pussy was easily overwhelmed by the hot milky horse semen and she felt the liquid flow out of her, and tickle her anus, which was still heavily spasming. The hot fluid mix of freshly milked sperm and vaginal lubricant dripped down on the tile floor in the middle of the room for everyone to see. The consummation of the young girl and the horse’s obscene union was complete. Tonya realized no one had said a word since the horse began to have it’s orgasm, which had been nearly a minute ago. She also realized she hadn’t taken a single breath, as she began to come down from her own depraved high.

She tried to relax, but in doing so she suddenly realized how obvious it had been to the small but growing crowd that was now watching that she was heavily sexually excited by her huge lover. As she took her first breath she noticed her stomach was taught, and her buttox was shaking from being so tense. So too her legs and arms were tense and even her toes were curled. As she relaxed all her muscles, she also realized she was completely flushed in the face and on her chest, and no doubt her vagina and clitorus were a dark pink with blood. A thin sheen of sweat was now covering her body too. There was no doubt in anyone’s mind that she had just had a huge orgasm as she ungritted her teeth and started to pant as her naked breasts jiggled and heaved with her long belabored breaths. As she tried to catch her breath, Tonya’s ears focused on the fact that the only sound she heard was her own breathing. Everyone was intensely focused on her.

Tonya blushed furiously, realizing how slutty and perverted it was to let a horse orgasm inside her in public, and not just that, everyone there was clearly aware that she had gotten off on it. Tonya couldn’t believe her own parents had seen this! Tonya’s pussy pulsated several more times as she realized she couldn’t ever remove this mental image from her parent’s brain. They’d forever remember the time their daughter copulated with a horse, and thanks to her Father’s shrewd negotiation skills, Tonya was expected to stay like that for the whole week! Innumerable inter-species orgasms had been ordered for her, like you’d order food at a restaurant. Tonya felt like she would die of embarrassment.

Thankfully Marcia broke the awkward silence by saying something to the consierge, who relayed the message, “Marcia would like to know if you’d also like a chaperon to help guide you. It’s only $50 a day, and she recommends it to first time riders.” Her Father sensed that he was getting a bad deal so he said, “No thanks, my daughter will be fine, won’t you sweetheart?” Tonya smiled and un-assuredly said, “Yah, I guess so.” The concierge relayed the message in Portuguese which then sprung up an argument between Marcia and the concierge which ended in Marcia shaking her head and walking away.

Everyone was starting to wonder if it was actually a good idea to have a  chaperon after all in seeing Marcia’s reaction, but it was too late. The concierge clapped his hands together and said, “Well it’s all set. I told Marcia to return your clothes to your room, Ms. Abraham, and the bill will also be charged there at the end of your stay. You are free to roam around as you please. Let us know if you need anything.” Tonya’s Mother bent down to whisper to her nude daughter, “Are you sure you’re okay?” Tonya nodded, which made her breasts jiggle slightly and her hair sway back and forth, “I think so, yes.” Her Mother whispered again, “You realize you can’t get pregnant this way, right?” Her Mother was so cute, which made Tonya laugh, “I know Mom. Geez.”

Her mother began to talk quickly, obviously nervous, “Okay, I just wasn’t sure. The way they were talking about studing you out kinda made it sound like they are trying to impregnate you. I mean… I guess in a way, we are mating you with a horse, so it sorta makes sense. I guess I didn’t realize you liked horses at all, let alone this much.” Tonya wished her Mother would stop talking and leave. She was so embarrassed at her own orgasm and the horse semen that was still leaking out of her. She just wanted to get dressed and pretend this never happened, “I dunno, I don’t have much to compare it to, I’ve never been with a boy. It seemed like fun.” “Do you mean you lost your virginity to a horse?!” Her Mother was shocked. Tonya hadn’t really thought about it before that very day, but it was true. She had never wanted to sleep with a boy until she knew the timing was right, and it just never seemed right.

She had instead given up her life long chastity to a massive horse. Did horses really count? Would she have to lie in bed at some point with her husband and tell him about her first time – with a horse? She had willingly stripped naked, spread her pussy lips and fucked her hips back and forth until the giant animal emptied it’s seed into her previously untouched body. It was a hell of a thought, “I guess so.” “Wow, and I always thought it was going to be a nice boy that you were too scared to bring home to your Father. Weren’t you always talking about finding Mr. Right? I mean, your first is clearly well endowed, I guess, but still….” Tonya blushed furiously at that.

“I’m so sorry Mom. I didn’t think through it all the way and I certainly didn’t think it would come to this.” “No no, nothing to be sorry about. It just took us by surprise. Your Father made sure it wasn’t a problem and you can do whatever you want. We’re always behind you in whatever you want to do with your life.” Tonya flushed again at the thought that her Mother thought casual sex with a horse was her lifestyle, but it also made Tonya rock her hips slightly in hearing it, causing even a little more sperm to drip out and further coat her equine lover’s thick shaft with the slick liquid. The thought of this being her lifestyle definitely turned her on, even though she couldn’t admit it to herself.

Tonya’s Mother looked her over and pointed to where the horse’s penis was disappearing into her daughter, “You should really shave if you’re going to go around like this, sweetheart.” That embarrassed, Tonya – she wasn’t exactly thinking she’d be fucking a horse in front of a bunch of people that morning when she took a shower. She wasn’t as groomed as she would normally like to be. She winced as she realized that horse sperm was almost certainly sticking to her pubic hair in an obscene and obvious way. Even still, she wished her Mother would stop pointing it out. She responded in an annoyed tone, “Mom! I know, I will.” “I mean his… sperm… it’s all over down there… sticking to your hair and your butt.” “Stop! Geez!” “I’m sorry, it’s just really… graphic.” “Mom, please, stop. Really! I’ll shave tomorrow.”

Tonya’s Mother forced a smile and nodded as she stood up straight again, “Okay, well, are you going to make it to dinner tonight, or are you going to be busy, doing… well… the horse?” “No, Mom, I’ll be there.” “Okay, well… good! Well, we’ll see you tonight.” “Okay.” Her Mother gave her a kiss on the forehead which was only inches from the horse’s chest, “Have fun, sweetheart.” Tonya’s Mother turned to her Father who nodded wordlessly at Tonya before they both left her alone in the courtyard to ponder her own predicament.

She wasn’t sure what to do and after a few false starts in awkwardly twisting her body, hoping to make the horse move, she resorted to asking the concierge, “Could you point me towards a pretty place to spend the rest of the afternoon?” The concierge said, “Of course.” He lead the horse and Tonya under it towards an open doorway and out into a beautifully manicured garden and said, “If you want to go out to the beach again just head down there, but the gardens are really pretty this time of year, if you head back that way a little ways.” He pointed to what looked like a maze of ferns and palm trees that disappeared out of view into dense forest. It was a little awkward looking at everything upside down, but she thought she was kinda getting used to it.

The concierge left Tonya alone, and Tonya hung there, slung under her horse, who’s penis was still engorged and trapped inside her sperm coated vaginal walls. She tentatively rocked back and forth gently, as the tame horse began to take a few steps forward toward nothing in particular. She squeezed her legs together gently and noticed that that made the horse start walking. The sudden vibrations in her as the horse took each step felt wonderful, and soon she was letting the horse walk itself down the path. Tonya closed her eyes and let the horse wander outside and down the path as she immersed herself in the wonderful sensations. She was glad to be out of eye shot of people, so that she could relax. Soon enough she was feeling her second orgasm rise up in her. She was alone now, and suddenly realized she was no longer in the garden but had somehow managed to reach a trail and was in the forest.

She wanted to stop the horse but she wasn’t sure how. And even if she could she wasn’t sure she could force her body to stop him now that she had an impending orgams approaching. She decided she’d figure it out once she had her climax. Another minute passed and she began to cumm. She squeezed her buttocks and her vagina, feeling a little more of the horse sperm leak out from around her labia, as her cervix pulsated against the gigantic horse head pressed firmly against it, sucking up even more of the horse sperm deep into her womb. Her Mother was right to tell her that Tonya couldn’t get pregnant. Tonya’s Mother knew that if Tonya could, this horse could easily accomplish the task and her body was encouraging it. Her body betrayed her by trying to impregnate itself with her huge lover’s semen – even if she knew very well that was impossible. She shuddered and moaned and writhed. Each step kept her going. She would come down for a few seconds and then another heavy step would bounce her back into an orgasmic state.

At least twenty minutes of this passed before Tonya was completely spent. She collapsed into her belly riding saddle breathing heavily. With a sudden sense of panic, She looked around and realized she really had no idea where she was anymore. They had crossed multiple paths, gone up a small hill, which had driven the horse’s erect penis even harder against her spasming cervix and across a dense forest plane. She was so helplessly lost she would have no hope of getting back, even if she was on foot, let alone incapacitated and strapped beneath a horse with no clue on how to steer it.

Almost just as she decided to start yelling for help, the forest began to thin slightly and she suddenly found herself on a small dirt road. The horse, on it’s own accord turned on the road and began to follow it. Tonya breathed a sigh of relief. At least she wouldn’t die in the jungle, but still, she suddenly felt nervous again she had no clue where she was or where she was going or who might find her. She decided to wait and see where the road lead before she broke down into a full blown panic and started calling for help. After a few miles of walking, on the dusty road, Tonya was beginning to feel parched in the hot humid air. The sex had made her tired and she wanted a drink of water. Just as she was thinking that she passed a man on the road, who was walking the other direction. She yelled at him, and the man turned, and smiled, and waved, and kept walking. Tonya was confused. Why had he hardly noticed her?

After another several miles and as the sun was beginning to dip below the treetops finally giving her some much needed shade, she realized she was walking into a village. Tonya was just glad she had remembered to put on sun screen tip to toe before she had even put on her clothes that morning. She would have been cooked by now if she hadn’t! She could only imagine what she would look like. A sun-burnt, pink, naked girl strapped under a horse is quite a sight to behold, Tonya mused. Well, who was she kidding, sun-burnt or not, she was a sight!

People started appearing all around her. They were locals though, and although she called to them, they didn’t understand her and barely looked at her other than to smile and wave. People were awfully friendly, but totally unhelpful. Finally a woman came up and smiled and said something. Tonya had no idea what she said, but asked her if she spoke English. The woman shrugged, not knowing what Tonya was asking. But she grabbed horse’s bit and lead it to a small trough of water that was down the road a ways next to a building. Tonya would have been much more embarrassed but no one seemed to care one bit that a naked girl was walking through the center of town whilst slung beneath and impaled on a horse that she had quite clearly been mated with for the better part of the day. She felt like she was in the twilight zone – only sexier. As the horse drank from the trough after it’s long ride, the woman grabbed a small rope that was attached to a bar next to the trough and tied the horse’s lead to it.

Tonya wasn’t sure she wanted to be tied to some random post, as the woman walked away, but her thought was interrupted by cold water splashing over her as the stallion sloshed it’s head back and forth noisily sucking down water. She laughed as she kind of enjoyed the cool water too, since it was so hot outside. She licked her lips, enjoying the few drops of water. Even though she was naked, it was still very warm. A small breeze passed over her wet skin and even chilled her slightly as she felt her nipples become erect. It felt great. The nice woman came back with a short man who said, “Hello?”

Tonya almost felt like she was being shocked when she heard the man speak English, “Oh! You speak English!” She didn’t know why but she suddenly wanted to cover up when she heard her own language. In broken English the short man replied, “Yes. She belly rider too.” Tonya realized the woman next to him also must have sex with horses, which might explain why people were so calm about Tonya being there. Tonya thanked her and almost before she could get the words out of her mouth the woman smiled, curtsied and walked away, leaving Tonya with the gruff short man.

“I’m lost, actually. I started riding this horse at my Hotel, and I somehow got disoriented. I was pretty distracted as you can probably imagine.” “What Hotel?” Tonya was surprised he didn’t ask about the horse, but she didn’t want to mince words with the man who held her fate in his hands. She told him where she was staying, as best she could and he nodded and said, “I’ll get Ernesto to take you back.” Tonya looked surprised, “Oh! Okay! Thank you!” The man didn’t smile or nod or even acknowledge her thanks, but went and fetched a boy around Tonya’s age, maybe slightly older, and said something to him.

The boy left for what seemed like at least an hour, which was just long enough for Tonya to think she was going to have to spend the night in the strange village. Ernesto came back with a long lead. He untied Tonya’s stallion from the pole and tied the lead to the horse and began walking her back through town down the same road Tonya had come from. The boy was good looking, and Tonya was happy to have some alone time with him as he began to walk her back. She tried to see if he spoke English, but he didn’t seem to speak a word. He had a long lead he had put on the horse and did his best to let the lead go slack and let the horse walk ahead. Tonya could tell he was trying to sneak peeks of her, and she could see a bulge in his pants as he watched her. Tonya blushed, thinking about this good looking boy watching her sexual act that had lasted the better part of a day at that point.

The sun began to really go below the sky line and it began to get dark. The boy no longer tried to sneak looks at Tonya as the visibility dropped lower and lower, which finally made Tonya comfortable enough to start relaxing and letting her orgasms overcome her again. Tonya began to really let her hips ride up and down openly grinding on the horse’s sensitive penis, giving it as much pleasure as she was getting. The horse stopped at one point suddenly and began thrusting into Tonya’s loins roughly. They boy stopped and patiently smiled. Tonya moaned reciprocally as the muscular beast ejaculated into her tight nether regions for the second time that day. Tonya’s stomach knotted up, as her own orgasm mirrored the stallion’s.

She really was mating with the horse, right there under the starry sky. Her body stiffened. It was a very pretty moment as her vaginal muscles pulsed, sucking up more horse semen, deep into her body where it quickly filled up the tight crevices of her soft sexual organs before it began to gush out of her vulva, down her curvy bottom and onto the dirty road. Her body was trying to impregnate itself with the horse semen again. She couldn’t get that idea out of her head. She couldn’t shake the thought that she was really enjoying herself – for the first time in ages. Maybe the concierge was right. Tonya’s Father was paying to have his daughter studded and right now, Tonya was in full agreement with her Father’s wise decision. She needed to feel the strength of the horse wedged in her, cumming wildly inside her. Now she understood that. She knew now that the rest of the week would be an adventure of a lifetime, if she could manage to keep herself out of trouble.

It was very dark out by the time Tonya had reached the Hotel. The horse seemed like he was on autopilot now though and was leading Ernesto back to the barn totally bypassing the Hotel, much to Tonya’s relief. The stallion instead went right up to the barn door where no doubt it expected food. The boy looked at Tonya when they reached the door of the barn, who shrugged. The boy knocked on the door and sure enough Marcia answered with a smile on her face. Marica exchanged words with the boy and they laughed together.

Marcia wordlessly smiled as she unhooked Tonya’s wrists and ankles. Tonya moaned as she moved her stiff legs for the first time from that position for that entire day. She stretched herself and she felt great. She almost got a headache from standing too fast, but after a few moments she recovered, only to notice she had gushed a great deal of sperm down her legs and onto the straw of the barn floor. Tonya smiled and breathed heavily as she probed her vagina, feeling her sensitive clitoris. She shuddered, hoping her vagina would go back to the way it was this morning. The last thing she wanted to do is tell a future husband that she was so loose because she fucked a horse for a week when she was a teenager. She sighed and hugged Marcia who hugged her back. The women shared glances, knowing exactly what one another were thinking. Tonya felt like she had entered a sisterhood of some kind, and she was honored to be a member.

Tonya turned to the boy who was standing there silently watching the semen drip out of her tortured vaginal orifice. The boy was obviously rather stunned by Tonya’s beauty as her hair fell luxuriously around her shoulders. Her nudity was stunning to Ernesto. Tonya was deeply flattered and appreciative. She reached over and gave the boy an innocent kiss on the lips. The boy smiled from ear to ear, said something and with a wave he headed off into the darkness. Tonya hoped he would be okay, in the darkness all alone, but she figured he probably needed some alone time after hearing Tonya’s stifled moans for the last several hours as orgasm after orgasm betrayed her normally chaste demeanor.

Tonya hugged Marcia again, feeling her nipples scratch on Marcia’s abrasive cotton top causing them to become taut. It felt great, and she even moaned slightly feeling it before she smiled and began the trek back to her room. Thankfully it was dark out and no one noticed her. She realized she was locked out though. So she ran to the concierge who wasn’t the same person as was there earlier in the day. She must have been a sight. Young, blond, beautiful, breasts giggling, legs shimmering with horse semen down to her toes and frantic to get a room key. The man looked shocked but helped her back into her room with haste, without another soul seeing her. She thanked him and quietly slipped into her room.

Tonya quickly used the restroom and fell fast asleep. She was hungry and sperm kept leaking out of her all night long waking her up constantly, but she still managed to have a wonderful night’s sleep.


Day 3

The next morning, Tonya showered for quite a while. She had no idea how much dirt she had accumulated over the day of riding on that dusty road. She was filthy. It took her quite a while to clean up. She pondered shaving again as she hurried through her shower and then thought against it. She kinda liked her pussy hair, and instead just trimmed it neatly, leaving a neatly groomed but still hairy pussy. She wasn’t sure she wanted to have another full day of belly riding after yesterday anyway. It was just too dangerous riding alone, and plus it was so embarrassing. She covered herself in sunscreen again, thinking about her long ride and being thankful she had, even if it was just a one-time thing.

Tonya threw on some shorts and a tee-shirt and went and had breakfast with her family. Her Mother seemed a little upset, but Tonya didn’t want to ask. Her Father sat wordlessly eating his food. Her Mother finally said, “So I guess you were too busy to come have dinner with us last night?” Tonya laughed, “Oh! That’s why you’re upset? I’m so sorry Mom! I got lost and this guy had to bring me back to the Hotel. I didn’t even get back until midnight, I think.” “Oh! I’m sorry, we should have really checked in, but we didn’t want to bother you.” “No, Mom, I didn’t intentionally miss dinner.” The women made up.

Tonya wolfed down her breakfast as Tonya’s Mother told her what dinner had been like and how many people had showed up. It was a pretty formal affair, even though everyone was dressed down, apparently. Tonya looked forward to meeting some of the elite people who were vacationing at the Hotel on it’s opening week. Tonya’s Mom said, “You know, if you want, we can go riding together while you’re under your horse. I mean, I don’t want to sound like I’m intruding or anything, I just thought it might be nice, you know? We can get a horse for your Father and I can ride on your horse, so we can talk. It would be fun!” Tonya had suddenly come to her senses since the previous night and hadn’t even really wanted to do it a second day, but she looked at her Father, who had already paid for her belly riding and her Mom who was hoping to go riding with her and expected her to be strapped under her horse. Her Mom had already planned it out which tugged at Tonya’s heart strings a little. It was clear her Mom wanted to accept Tonya’s new way of life, if you could even call it that.

Tonya wished she had never saw Marcia that first day, but now her family had pegged her as a mate for horses, and in a way, it turned out they were right. Even as she sat there her vagina was drooling out horse semen from the night before. She couldn’t imagine where all of it was coming from. It was like she was nearly constantly leaking out sperm since the second she uncoupled from her equine lover the night before, almost 8 hours before. She looked at her Mother as she squirmed slightly in her seat, picturing fucking a horse in front of her parents all day long. It was one thing being accepted by them, but it was an entirely other thing to spend an entire day coupled to a stallion while her parents watched. The idea turned her on, and she really didn’t think she was completely over the idea of copulating with horses quite yet, so she agreed. “Well, Dad did pay for 4 more days, right? I guess that could be fun.” Her Father said, “Yup, you get to do whatever you want with him until the end of the week.”

Tonya swallowed hard thinking about how brazen and sexy she felt, knowing how many times she had orgasmed the day before. She had lost count, and a few times she had been kept in an orgasmic state for ten minutes or more at a time during the long walk. Thinking about it, she suddenly couldn’t wait to get the horse dick back in her and start riding it again. After she had made it cumm the second time by writhing up and down she really wanted to try it again, but the night had ended too quickly. She tried to hide her excitement as she said, “I’d love to, Mom, it sounds like fun.” “I’m sure it sounds like a lot of fun for you, young lady! Just remember that some of us don’t get to have quite as much fun as you do.” Tonya blushed furiously, but she realized her Mother was just trying to be funny.

They made arrangements to meet Tonya at the barn in ten minutes. Tonya wondered if she’d have enough time to get the horse cock up her pussy again. It had taken longer than that last time. So after she parted ways with her parents, she frantically ran down to the barn and found Marcia to get as much time to prepare as possible. Tonya was naked in just a few seconds. She had worn panties to soak up all the horse sperm she had been leaking out, but no bra this time.

Tonya waited impatiently as Marcia saddled the horse and as quickly as she could she got under the horse and began rubbing it’s penis. It took a minute or so before it began to distend and Tonya shoved it against her vagina as hard as she could. She was more determined this time around, and worked her bottom, rotating it and thrusting the huge penis as hard as she could manage. The woman sensed Tonya’s urgency and pulled out the same shot she did before and administered it to the horse. Tonya didn’t have time to be inquisitive. She just pushed and strained, and then suddenly she was rewarded by the fullness of a three inch wide horse penis sliding into her that she remembered from the day before. Tonya sighed a huge breath of relief and rotated her hips, helping the stallion’s penis work deeper and deeper into her, until she felt completely filled to the brim.

Tonya noted that it was much easier the second time around, as Marica walked around their union, binding Tonya’s wrists and ankles to the horse. Tonya couldn’t help to feel perverted, knowing that she was being incapacitated in a sexual embrace with an animal specifically so that her parents could go on a ride with her. Her parents weren’t even protesting her new perversion. Instead they even paid for it, and were embracing it as best they could. Just before the last strap was secured, Tonya began hearing voices. She strained to hear, and the more she strained the more she thought she heard more than just her parent’s voices. In a few moments, her fear was realized when her parents with two strangers in tow appeared into view.

Tonya’s Mother could tell Tonya wasn’t okay with this and she said, “Oh, baby, sorry, I should have asked you first, but we met Todd and Sue last night and they wanted to go horseback riding too and we just ran into them. I told them about you. I mentioned the horse and they were curious. I figured since you’ve been doing this for a day or so already, you wouldn’t mind if some people tagged along. Is that a problem?” Tonya had no idea what to say. Her Mother was intentionally putting her daughter’s bestiality on display to complete strangers, “Uhm, okay. I guess so.” Her mother leaned over to her father, “See? I told you she wouldn’t mind. She likes being watched.” Tonya didn’t like that her mother said that but she tried to swallow her pride a little. Sue came up and introduced herself, but it was akward because she had to shake Tonya’s hand which was secured at the wrist to the horse which Tonya was freshly mated to. Todd also came up and introduced himself. Tonya noticed a glint in his eyes. He was clearly a little turned on by Tonya’s predicament because he was a little awkward as he introduced himself. That was a nice feeling, even if he was old enough to be her Father.

The group split up and began getting ready as Marcia and one other stable hand began to get the horses ready. Tonya’s Mother stood idle, since she would be riding on Tonya’s horse, as they had discussed. Tonya’s Mother looked her over and said, “I noticed you trimmed.” Tonya said, “Mom!” “No no, I just mean you look very pretty down there now.” Tonya blushed, “Stop!” “Okay, okay, I’m sorry!” Tonya was having a hard time feeling sexy with that kind of talk, but it was still outrageously sexy to be allowed to have intercourse with a horse in the open in front of her own parents and several strangers. Her depravity was growing, she could feel it, even though she wanted to fight it – or at least pretend to.

After a few minutes all the horses were saddled, except for Tonya’s which Tonya’s Mother rode bareback. It was too difficult to put both a belly riding saddle and a normal saddle on the horse, especially with Tonya’s pussy wrapped snug around the very horse they would have had to saddle, everyone could plainly see. Tonya’s Mother climbed up on top of the horse. It was a little uncomfortable with her Mother’s shoes rubbing against her arms or legs if she were to swing her feet so her Mother took off her shoes and just let her feet hang loose against the horse in the space between where Tonya’s wrists and ankles were bound to the horse. All the while, Tonya hung helplessly and nude beneath the very same horse, her legs open wide, impaled on the stallion’s hard cock.

The small party of five horses took off in a single file line, with the guide in lead, Sue following close behind, Tonya and her Mother were next, with Tonya’s Father and Todd’s horses last. The girl-talk started immediately as Sue started asking Tonya questions about school. Tonya answered, but was obviously distracted by the horse penis in her, and the fact that her anus and vagina were very much on display for her Father who followed only feet behind her. Tonya noticed that Todd was taking glances at Tonya’s firm young body, regularly. The girls chit chatted, and the two men also talked amongst themselves. Tonya’s Mother made a joke about everyone riding horses, except Tonya who was being ridden. The joke was appreciated, as it finally broke some of the tension everyone felt, including Tonya. With each step that brought her lover’s engorged head closer and further from her cervix, Tonya began to get more relaxed.

Sue asked Tonya something and Tonya realized she hadn’t been listening, “Oh, sorry, I didn’t hear you. I’m having a hard time concentrating, down here.” Sue laughed, “It’s okay, never mind. Go ahead. I can understand why you would be distracted. I’ll stop interrogating you for a few minutes.” Tonya’s Mother leaned over and laughed, “Yes, you just ignore us and go ahead and keep doing whatever it was you were doing under there, young lady.” Tonya was really taken aback by her Mother’s encouragement. Tonya’s Mother was acting like the stallion was a human suitor and she was trying to make sure Tonya would marry him, or something. It was one thing to be understanding, or even accommodating, but this was more.

Tonya’s mother also seemed like she was actually proud of Tonya and was eager to show her off to her new friends. As Sue continued chatting with Tonya’s Mother, Tonya suddenly realized she could finally be herself. Even though her Father was just a few feet away and watching, and even though her Mother was riding the very same horse she was fucking, she was free to do what she wanted. Tonya could have an orgasm openly, and no would would do anything to stop her, or punish her for her indecency. Todd said to Tonya’s father, “Well, I’ve been thinking about your daughter there, and even though screwing a horse
seems bad, think about it this way: at least you don’t have to worry about Tonya getting knocked up by a local or something.” That made everyone laugh. Tonya’s mother said, “Yes, she’s picked a low maintenance lover, I’d say.” Her father finally spoke up, “And I’m sure she’s happy that she doesn’t have to hide him from us. Because I’d probably smack a kid if he tried that with my daughter.” Tonya closed her eyes, thinking about Ernesto from the night before, as everyone chatted and let out a long sigh.

Tonya decided if this was going to be her first real intentional public orgasm she was going to make it count. She decided she wanted to draw out the experience and make it last as long as possible. Besides her family may change their mind and not let her stay under the stallion for the remainder of their vacation and she didn’t want to risk throwing away this precious moment. She took her time and gently rocked her hips, rotating them gently, as her legs began to tense. Her breath started to get a little more ragged as she imagined what her Father and Todd were thinking. It was so sexy that both her Mother and Sue had acknowledged what Tonya was doing and encouraged her to keep doing it. They were encouraging her by ignoring her. Tonya just couldn’t believe how lucky she was to have such kinky sex. Her parents must have known how dirty this was, but she liked feeling dirty. Tonya decided that she wasn’t going to hide this orgasm.

Tonya began to moan gently, but just loudly enough that she knew everyone could hear her well. She didn’t want anyone to miss out on what she was doing. Still the conversation continued, with only brief pauses, as the small group stopped to listen to the young girl sigh in ecstasy every once in a while. Tonya wanted this to last forever. She felt so sexy, as her breasts jiggled with each step that her Mother made the horse take. Tonya continued to fuck the horse as her Mother steered it through the jungle trails. It was just so odd, to Tonya, but she couldn’t question it any longer. She needed an orgasm. She knew the horse hadn’t had an orgasm either – she definitely would have noticed. She decided to try what had worked last night, and squeeze her vagina as she rocked her hips up and down again, which had the effect of making the horse thrust it’s penis back and forth and up and down at the same time. She was completely aroused by the thought that everyone would see her copulating and him orgasming in her.

Tonya wasn’t a mare, but she did what she could to pleasure her huge mate with her tiny body. Every fold of skin rubbed past the girl’s vaginal lips, and sent sensations throughout her body. She writhed and continued moaning delicately, allowing the sensations in her vagina to mount slowly. The horse finally began to react to her ministrations as she tightened her vagina as much as she could manage, given how overextended she felt. The horse began to dance on the trail and Tonya heard her Mother say, “Whoa, it looks like Tonya’s about to get a surprise. One second Sue, wait up.” Tonya opened her eyes slightly and looking down her naked body she saw her Father and Todd take a few more steps forward and stop on the trail. Tonya was overcome by embarrassment as she contemplated the fact that her Father was patiently waiting for Tonya’s horse to ejaculate into her.

The horse’s head flared deeply within her, and began to tense violently as the horse haunched forward, nearly buckling under the weight of Tonya and her Mother who was a little amused and bewildered by the horse’s actions. Tonya couldn’t hold back any longer, she let her body shake in strong convulsions, and moaned at the top of her lungs, so that no one within earshot could mistake her pleasure. Finally as Tonya looked down her body she saw the stallion’s testicles raise up and after a few more hard thrusts he release a huge torrent of sperm into her as her Father, and his friend watched.

The thick liquid splashed all over Tonya’s insides, erupting in wave after wave of sensual torrents against her orgasmic cervical orifice. Tonya instinctively pushed downwards to take as much of the horse as her body could, driving the erupting cock deep into her convulsing pussy. She forced the majority of the horse’s seed to shoot almost directly into her uterus. The girth of the flaring horse penis and how her legs were splayed out and tied made Tonya feel totally vulnerable and exposed, but she loved the feeling with all of her soul. Her moans reached a crescendo.

Sue broke the tension by saying, “You have such nice breasts, Tonya. I wish mine were still that perky.” Tonya’s glazed eyes glanced at her breasts and her stiffened nipples and moaned again. Her cervix sucked up more the sperm into her womb. Her body lapped at the spurting cock as her family and their friends looked on in amazement. Tonya’s body finally overflowed with the hot horse semen just as her own orgasm finally reached it’s own climax. She yelled, “Oh, god yes! Oh god!!” Her eyes flew open, and her whole body felt pin pricked as her orgasm wracked her body as wave after wave of sexual tension released itself. Finally her moans subsided, and she came down from her orgasm as the horse too stopped dancing. The horse’s penis too stopped pumping more liquids into the poor exposed girl who was still helplessly impaled on it. Tonya breathed deeply and finally came down to earth to find everyone looking at her, other than her Mother that is. Tonya’s mother was still on top of the horse that had just ejaculated into Tonya, and she was chuckling a little.

The first thing Tonya heard was her Mother’s amused voice saying, “Well, it sounds like Tonya is done having her fun and is ready for the walk to continue, don’t you think Sue?” “I dunno, maybe we better give her a minute to catch her breath, she still looks winded.” Todd said to Tonya’s father while pointing at Tonya’s pussy, “Wow, look, wow, it’s coming out of her. Amazing. I wonder how much that really was. I think you guys picked a good horse to stud Tonya to. I think he’s done a fine job. He literally filled her to the hilt!”

Tonya’s Father said, “I think you’re right, Todd. They did a very good job training that horse. He’s surprisingly gentle, despite how strong he is. Tonya sure seems to be enjoying her ride. I just can’t get over how surprisingly gentle he is.” Tonya’s Mother laughed, “Yes, he is very gentle, given the circumstances. I was worried he might buck me off to get more leverage. I know how you boys are when you get a young filly like Tonya.” Tonya blushed at all this sudden attention, and she rocked her hips, gently, feeling the moist shaft disappearing into her opening, that was coated with her own vaginal lubrication and semen. She passionately sighed, and not knowing quite what to say she said, “Thanks for being patient everyone. I give him a passing grade, that’s for sure.”

Sue said, “Okay, I think she’s had enough time to rest, don’t you?” Tonya’s Mother laughed and jokingly said, “Yup, she’s held us up long enough. You’re so selfish, Tonya!” Tonya tried to roll with it, but she was suddenly becoming very self conscious, “The horse decided to do that on his own, I’m innocent here.” That made everyone laugh. Clearly she was no longer an innocent girl in anyone’s eyes as sperm continued to ooze out of her and drip down her butt. They all got underway again, and Sue and Tonya’s Mother chatted about nothing. The topic of Tonya’s ongoing sexual intercourse came up again when Tonya’s Mother said, “Everything is so pretty out here. But then again, I don’t have to stare at Tonya’s white butt from my position up here.” Todd laughed, “Well it’s not all that bad.” Tonya’s Father shook his head, “Yeah, it really is.” That made everyone laugh again.

Tonya decided she was comfortable enough to start rocking her hips back and forth openly as they walked. Just like a professional horseback rider might post with each step, Tonya rocked her hips upward with each step, massaging her insides slowly as her Father and Todd watched. Both of them stopped pretending there wasn’t a naked teenager having sex with a horse – they both stared at her juicy pussy and butt. Tonya noticed both of them kept adjusting themselves. Tonya could understand Todd’s attraction to her. Tonya was beautiful, and obviously perverted. Every man’s dream, right? But her own Father was turned on by her. Tonya knew she was irresistible in her current state to any hot blooded man, but still. The thought was odd, but somehow erotic. Not that she was attracted to her Father in any way, but she enjoyed how her body was well received.

Tonya began to have orgasm after orgasm as they walked. They stopped the first few times that Tonya came out of curtosy, but after the third time, Tonya’s Mother said, “Okay, we’re not stopping anymore. At this rate it’ll be nightfall before we get back to the Hotel if we keep stopping like this every few minutes.” Tonya was still coming down from her last orgasm as she managed to say, “It’s okay, I don’t need you to stop, don’t mind me.” The whole group suddenly realized how horny Tonya really was. Her thoughts were almost completely on how she wanted to continue her mating with the horse every second
of the entire day if she could, until she was so tired that she fell asleep. Tonya had turned into a huge slut in just over twenty four hours. “Okay, then it’s settled, no more stopping for the rest of the walk.” Everyone agreed and Tonya moaned prettily as she ground her hips in agreement.

Tonya quickly started to have rolling orgasms. At one point during the walk, she managed to keep herself in an orgasmic state for almost fourty five minutes. Once she finally came down she was exhausted. She even said, “Oh my god, I’m so tired.” Tonya’s Mother laughed, “I bet! You were moaning under there for the better part of an hour. I was about to come down there and spank your bottom to knock the sense back into you. Are you okay?” “Yes, never better. I had no idea I could do that.” Tonya’s Father smiled and said, “Like Mother like daughter, I guess!” Everyone laughed loudly at that. Tonya’s Mother ignored her husband’s comment and said, “Well, just lay back and relax, we’re almost back to the Hotel.” Tonya was totally lost, she had no idea how she had gotten turned around. She was almost sad the ride was almost over, but she was exhausted, and really did need a break.

After a few minutes, just like her Mother said, the four horses emerged from the forrest onto the beach, where the sun was beginning to hit high noon. They rode the horses over to the stable where everyone but Tonya dismounted from their rides. Tonya’s Mother said to Tonya, “Dinner?” Tonya nodded, “Yes, dinner!” They all said their goodbyes to Tonya and left her there on the beach all alone. The horse meandered around the beach aimlessly, and finally ended up on the lawn of the Hotel, and ate some grass. Tonya took a nap under her horse, becoming more and more ambivalent of the people who no doubt saw her under the horse as they walked along the beach. She was tired from the night before and her countless orgasms that day already.

When Tonya woke up it was dark and she found herself in the stable. The horse was no doubt hungry and was looking for food, so it walked over to a barrel of hay and began eating. Tonya noticed a pretty Brazilian girl not much older than her strapped beneath another horse not far from where Tonya was. Tonya noticed one thing different about the girl. She was obviously very pregnant. Tonya amused herself thinking about the horse impregnating the young woman, but that was ridiculous. If it were possible, Tonya would almost certainly be pregnant too right now, but no. Tonya called to her but the girl didn’t speak any English, although she seemed happy and friendly. Tonya couldn’t believe the girl was pregnant and doing that. It was sexy, but was it safe?

The two looked at each other and settled on taking turns rocking their hips. Both of the girls had a few strong orgasms strapped to their respective horses before the pregnant girl fell asleep. Tonya patiently waited for someone to return, but began to realize she would end up sleeping while impaled on her stallion, just like the pregnant girl had. The pregnant girl seemed to be able to fall asleep quickly, so Tonya surmised that this was definitely not the first time the girl had had sex with a stallion. Tonya managed to make her stallion fuck her once more, ejaculating ropes of hot semen into her, just before she drifted off to sleep, feeling hungry and thirsty but satiated at the same time.


Day 4

Tonya was woken up early by Marcia who quickly unstrapped Tonya saying something Tonya didn’t understand. The pregnant girl was gone but the horse was still there. Tonya wanted to ask about the pregnant girl but Marcia wasn’t much of a conversationalist since she didn’t speak English, and Tonya’s Portuguese was non-existent as well. Tonya slowly pulled away from the giant horse penis, while her sloppy pussy made a strong sucking sound until the only semi-hard phallus popped free, leaving Tonya’s distended vagina hole gaping, as hot seminal fluids poured out of her body. Tonya couldn’t believe she had managed to fall asleep like that, but she actually managed to sleep pretty well – only waking up a few times, and only long enough to give herself a quick orgasm which put her right back to sleep.

Tonya was kind of getting used to always having sperm in her and wetness leaking down the crack of her butt at this point, but it was still a slightly uncomfortable feeling, as she tried to stand up on her wobbly legs. Putting them together felt great even though her legs felt sore. She was sore from keeping them spread apart like that for nearly a full day straight, but she didn’t really mind. It was worth it. She stood up and arched her back, making her breasts stand out and her nipples point as she stretched. She sighed and hugged Marcia again, who hugged her back. Tonya was grateful that Marcia had always been there for her, even though they had never managed to communicate in any normal way.

Tonya decided she needed a shower, and she ran back to her Hotel room, suddenly remembering she had missed dinner again as her hunger pangs hit her full force. She streaked across the courtyard holding her breasts to stop them from swaying with each stride. She startled a few people who weren’t expecing to see a flash of blond nudity in the middle of the Hotel. She got back to the door of her room without incident, and she realized she again forgot her key again. So she ran back to the concierge who was the same concierge who helped her with her key the time before. He laughed this time and said, “We really must stop meeting like this, Miss.” Tonya blushed but laughed at his joke. He helped her back into her Hotel room and Tonya settled in for a shower.

After she was showered, and newly trimmed she put on her sunscreen, and a nice flowery dress. She didn’t bother with the underwear though. She ran down to breakfast where her parents were already eating with Todd and Sue. Tonya started off by blurting out, “I’m so sorry guys, I wanted to go to dinner last night, but then there wasn’t anyone at the stable to untie me, and I can’t steer the horse to make him come back up here. I ended up sleeping in the stable just like how you left me.” Her Mother became Motherly, “Oh that’s terrible. They should really have someone there at all times in case you come back suddenly, or there’s an emergency!” Tonya nodded, thankful for the sympathy instead of the anger she expected at missing dinner twice in a row.

Tonya grabbed some food from the buffet and ate greedily. She had only eaten one meal the day before so she was famished. She was also very thirsty and drank lots of water. Her arms, legs, stomach and back were sore from keeping them tensed for so long, but she had a glow about her that was undeniable. Her Father chimed in, “Well maybe we should get a chaperon for you after all. What do you think, honey?” Tonya’s Mother agreed, “I think so too. If you’re going to tie yourself up to a horse, you should learn how to control it and you should have someone who can lead you around and untie you if need be. If you’re going to be doing this, you had better learn how to really do it right.” Tonya paused a moment. What her Mother had said almost sounded like she expected Tonya to have sex with horses after this week. Tonya decided not to comment, “Okay, that sounds great! Thanks Daddy! Thanks Mom!”

The three chatted, and Tonya told them about the pregnant girl. They all seemed concerned that horse sex might hurt a baby, but they didn’t seem too upset, Tonya noticed. Todd shifted in his seat. Tonya noticed his pants seemed a little tight on him all of a sudden and smiled to herself. Tonya decided to make his pants tighter by standing up and turning around so her butt faced everyone saying, “I’ve got so much sperm in me that it’s still draining out of me. See? It’s like I wet myself.” Sure enough there was a huge wet spot where she had been sitting. At least an ounces of ejaculate drained out of her over breakfast. Todd cleared his throat but didn’t say anything.

Tonya’s Mother said, “Eesh, I guess that dress is ruined.” Sue laughed, “Now you know what Monica Lewinsky must have felt like. That made everyone laugh. After breakfast, Tonya and her Father went to the concierge, who smiled at Tonya again, recognizing her immediately. Tonya blushed, realizing the only
two times he had seen her before was when she was stark naked, running in a panic through the Hotel. But he didn’t seem to mind. Tonya’s Father introduced his daughter, “Hello, this is my daughter Tonya.” The concierge smiled, “We met briefly a few nights ago and again this morning, but I never caught your name.” Tonya blushed and shook his hand as she realized horse sperm was now visibly leaking down her legs beneath the hem of her summer dress as she stood there, just like it had been both times he had seen her before.

She couldn’t bare the thought that he was now going to know that the liquid between her legs was horse sperm, but her Father continued as Tonya crossed her legs, looking like she had to use the restroom, trying to hide the dripping horse semen, “Look, we bought a week’s worth of horse riding for Tonya here,
and we’d like a chaperon. How much does it cost?” Tonya remembered it was $50 a day but she didn’t chime in. The concierge looked at Tonya with a glint in his eyes as he now understood why she had been running around naked and said, “It’s a $50 fee for mating chaperons.” Tonya wished he hadn’t said mating. She didn’t want her Father to get embarrassed, but he looked more determined than embarrassed. “I should sue this place for letting my daughter ride without one. She was forced to sleep like that all night! Do you have any idea how dangerous that is? I’ll tell you what, give it to me for free and I’ll forget the whole thing happened.”

The concierge swallowed hard as Tonya’s Father sweated him, “It’s fine, we’d be happy to cover the cost for one day if you’d like.” Tonya’s Father had won a small victory, although Tonya was still never quite sure why he had to bargain like that, especially about things like an instructor who was going to help her
understand the finer points of having prolonged intercourse with a horse. Tonya was still amazed at how nice her family had been to her this entire week.

The concierge and her Father worked out the details and Tonya was told to wait for a few minutes and someone would come and get her in her Hotel room. Tonya had butterflies in her stomach as she walked back with her Father. She held his hand and kissed him on the cheek. “Thanks, Daddy!” Her Father smiled, “Just have a good time, okay? And don’t miss dinner again, it means a lot to your Mother.” “I won’t. I promise. Even if I have to show up while under a horse, I’ll be there.” Her Father laughed, “I bet you would!”

Tonya waited in her room nervously. She was anxious to meet her chaperon and to see what they wanted her to do. She was excited but she tried to contain herself as she paced around the room. A few minutes later there was a knock at the door. Tonya almost jumped out of her skin, she was so nervous. A man in his thirties appeared when she opened the door. He had a horse already saddled and ready for Tonya tied up and standing in the grass just a few feet away from Tonya’s room. No wonder she hadn’t heard the horse shoes on the tile, the horse was walking on the grass. Tonya thought that was smart of the man who introduced himself as Marco, who was clearly trying to keep the nuisance of Tonya’s fetish to a minimum for the other guests.

Marco said, “Okay, take off your clothes, and give me your room key.” Tonya was already impressed by Marco. He didn’t seem overly interested in Tonya. His disinterest in her signaled that he had seen dozens or maybe even hundreds of girls fucking horses in his day. And no doubt he had. Marco waited patiently as Tonya flipped off her sandals and pulled her sun dress over her head. Marco smiled and said, “After you”, as he let more light into the room by stepping aside. Tonya didn’t really want to walk out onto the grass stark naked, especially because she still had horse semen leaking down her legs, but she swallowed hard and did as she was told after handing her room key to the man.

Tonya held onto her breasts to stop them from swaying violently as she ran out of the room to the horse. She quickly got under the horse and got into the sling. Marco laughed, “Careful – the last thing you want to do is spook the horse!” Tonya nodded, remembering every word he said. Marco rubbed the horse cock which began to distend while Tonya situated herself in the saddle. After a few minutes, Tonya had managed to slip the horse cock into her, without much discomfort or fan faire. Tonya even remarked, “It was easier this time than it has been.” Marco nodded, “It’s probably that your vagina is still slick. It appears you have already had sex with a horse this morning.” Tonya swallowed, nervously but didn’t say a word as Marco continued, “We’ll talk all about that in a bit, but let’s first get you situated.” He took a small case out of his back pocket and delivered a shot to the horse. “This is papaverine – it’ll keep the horse erect for many hours.” Tonya marveled both at his knowledge of the shot and that his English which was nearly flawless.

After Tonya was secured to the horse, she adjusted herself and Marco said, “Ready, Miss Tonya?” Tonya suddenly felt like a princess, and she said, “Yes, Marco, I’m ready.” Marco said, “I’ve got some stuff set up down by the beach, we’re heading down there.” Marco lead Tonya who was already warming up to Marco and her horse’s girth as she began to hump up and down. Marco looked back and saw that Tonya was already engaged in active sex with the horse and he said, “Pace yourself, Miss Tonya, it’s going to be a long day.” Tonya didn’t want to obey, but she felt like she was caught masturbating and it embarrassed her. She let out an audibly frustrated sigh as she tried to relax, feeling the intense vibrations of the horse penis deep inside her. She really couldn’t help herself. She still clenched her pussy defiantly, as she was lead out onto the beach.

Marco began to tell the story of belly riding and how it became so popular with women and even some men elsewhere in the world but especially in Brazil. Tonya was absolutely awestruck that men engaged in it too, but she intently listened. Tonya also noted that it was called belly riding – it was a new term she hadn’t heard, but was now intimately familiar with. Marco began to give her lessons and taught her that the reigns were actually always in her hands, she just needed to pull them to steer the horse who had been highly trained how to deal with large objects hanging from their belly without spooking. Marco set up a small course on the beach and Tonya spent the next several hours practicing moving through them, all while her pussy was invaded by the giant horse. She tried her best not to move too much under the horse, but it was unbearably sexy, being taught how to be a good belly rider by the knowledgeable Marco.

Tonya mentioned how sperm was always dripping out of her now and Marco nodded. “It’s the way with all belly riders. It can drip out for a day or more after you dismount. Your body sucks up a third of a cup or more of semen into your womb as if you are trying to get pregnant with the horse. Your body can trap a lot of sperm and it leaks it out slowly over a long period. A much longer period than a human male in fact, because of the volume of semen. Some women in Brazil use it as vaginal lubricant as a matter of fact. They will have sex with their horses before a date, which will give them enough sperm to act as lubricant to last up to a day. In Brazil some women do it the night before their weddings, for their bachelorette party. The bride and bride’s maids all go out on the town strapped to their horses, or sometimes it’s just the bride and the bride’s maids just have fun with the guys they meet at the local bars. That may be why horses are believed to improve women’s fertility, even though it’s unlikely to be true.” Tonya was amazed.

After only another hour or so of talking and riding she felt like she could control the horse well enough, but Marco was so interesting to talk to, that Tonya just kept practicing going through the course as Marco kept talking and commenting on subtle mistakes she was making in her practice. She tried to keep her hips from rotating, because of what Marco said, but it was nearly unbearable.

Marco continued telling her how girls spent years training to become good enough at belly riding that they could actually work while impailed on their horses. Tonya’s jaw dropped, “I can hardly think straight while I’m having sex, I don’t think I could carry on a job like that!” “Oh you’d be surprised!” Marco explained that even professional women, who were quite powerful in their community belly rode during the day while working, if possible. He told her story after story of powerful Brazilian women who could carry on important business meetings, even while a horse was ejaculating sperm into them. They wouldn’t even so much as pause their thought. “But,” Marco went on, “I’d be surprised if any one of those women weren’t rocking their hips during the entire meeting. That’s the trick with belly riders – they are nearly in a constant state of arousal.” Tonya agreed as Marco laughed, “That was your cue, Miss Tonya.”

Tonya laughed, “Oh!” And she began to move her hips and squeeze her buttocks, “Thanks, Marco, I was about to go crazy.” “You need to learn how to do this while talking if you’re ever going to get good at belly riding, Miss Tonya.” Tonya confessed that she didn’t think she’d belly ride after her vacation was over to which Marco laughed, “We’ll see about that, Miss Tonya.” Tonya ignored his comment, wondering if he was right and she’d ride a horse’s erect penis again.

Tonya asked about the pregnant woman she had seen the night before, and Marco laughed, “Ah, yes, that’s my sister. She was just here for the day visiting me. She traveled almost 10 miles under her horse just to visit. She switched horses when you saw her to give her other horse a break. I taught her how to ride.” Tonya was surprised to hear that, “Oh really? It’s okay that she’s with a horse so close to the end of her pregnancy?” “Oh yes, many of the women in the village do it. Their husbands lose interest in them near the end of their term, yet the women are extremely amorous. Plus it helps with muscle strength and helps with incontinence. My sister just really has always enjoyed belly riding since she first tried it. She only sleeps with her husband when she wants to have a child. This is her second time. Two for two! Belly riding is not that common but it’s common enough that many Brazilians around here are comfortable with it because some woman in their own family has probably tried it.”

Tonya couldn’t help thinking about those business women as she rocked her hips. It would be so incredible to tel people to do things at her Father’s stuffy office building while naked and under a horny stallion. Her imagination was running wild. Just then Tonya’s Mother walked down to the beach and yelled and waved at Tonya. Tonya was unhappy with the timing, as she was getting close to an orgasm, but she was also happy to see her Mother too. Tonya introduced her Mother as Kathy Abraham, and Marco said, “Well you are just in time Mrs. Abraham, Miss Tonya was about to have her first orgasm of the day, if you’d like to stay and watch.” Tonya’s Mother wasn’t comfortable with that word, orgasm, but she smiled and said, “Well, I don’t know.” Marco flashed her a big smile, “Please! I insist, stay and watch.” Tonya apparently had no say in the matter, but she didn’t care at this point. Tonya had had almost a 45 minute long orgasm the day before under the same horse her Mother was riding. She had nothing to hide from her mother now.

Tonya began to rock her hips back and forth more carelessly, she was frustrated, and turned on, and she needed some release. The fat horse’s cock suitably forced it’s way up her tender vagina in just the right way, getting Tonya off in the process. Just then another voice rang out in a hello. A woman that Tonya had never seen was walking towards them and wanted to introduce herself. The woman introduced herself as Ellen and it became clear she was aristocracy of some sort and knew the owners of the Hotel. She was fascinated by Tonya and had seen her walking around briefly the day before. Tonya was happy to introduce herself but really she couldn’t stop her hips from moving now. It had been nearly two hours of walking and she hadn’t even had one orgasm yet.

As Tonya’s Mother talked with Ellen and the two busied themselves getting to know one another, Tonya just gave up and started to moan. She didn’t care anymore. She pushed hard down towards the horse penis as Marco encouraged her, “Use your arms, you’ll get more leverage and can even swing yourself slightly.” Tonya nodded and felt like she was a bizarre freak show, but she did as she was told. Tonya’s Mother tried to be polite and ignore her daughter who was equally ignoring them to engage in her perversion with the stallion. Ellen asked questions about where they were from, and how they’ve enjoyed their time here. Tonya’s Mother told her all about their horseback ride, “My little girl was having just a little too much fun there. I never thought she’d stop climaxing at one point. I was about to stop the horse and tell her to shut her hole! But then I thought she’d be confused about which hole!” They both laughed at that. Tonya’s Mother said, “You hear that moaning? Try listening to it for 45 minutes straight! I’m surprised she didn’t lose her voice after that.”

Ellen said that the boys must be into Tonya, and her Mother shook her head, “No, Tonya is very shy about the boys. In fact she just lost her virginity to that very horse just a few days ago in the Hotel. Right there in the middle of the lobby actually. I couldn’t believe my eyes!” They laughed and that sent Tonya over the edge. Her perversion was amusing to everyone else, and Tonya just couldn’t handle hearing them talk about it anymore. She needed to cumm.

She clenched hard and uttered a gutteral moan as her body stiffened and she rotated her hips getting as much of her lover into the deepest crevices of her body as she could manage given her situation and how large the stallion was. Her buttocks tightened and her anus pulsated. All three of her spectators cheered suddenly and clapped. Tonya was totally humiliated, but her pussy was still pulsating wonderfully. She knew she was totally flush but it felt too good to care. She breathed heavily and said, “I’d courtesy, but…” and she used her legs to raise her buttocks off the sling slightly to show how ridiculous that normally polite and cordial act was since it made her push the horse penis hard against her cervix in the process. The twinge of pain made her pretty smile turn into a wince. Everyone laughed.

Tonya excused herself, “I’m so sorry, Ellen, I’ve just been really distracted recently. I’m normally not like this.” Marco chimed in, “It’s something that she can fix with enough practice though.” Tonya smiled, “Yes, apparently, with enough practice I can actually perform a job like this.” Tonya’s Mother laughed, “Oh, is that the plan now? Not until you finish college, young lady!” Tonya didn’t expect her Mother to say that, Tonya wasn’t even suggesting it, it was just more amusing to Tonya than anything that women did this all their lives.

Ellen said, “Now don’t say that until you hear the girl out, Karen. Listen, I want to hear all about this but I have to go, but I wanted to invite you to our formal get together tonight. It’s mostly women in evening dresses and men in suits, but I think they could use some youth at the table. Would you and your family like to join us tonight, Tonya?” Tonya nodded, “Sure! That sounds great!” Ellen smiled, “Perfect, then I’ll see you tonight at 8. Just ask the concierge and he’ll show you to the ballroom. Oh, and one more thing, Tonya, please don’t bother to change. I like what you’re wearing right now. See you then!” Ellen placed some money in Marco’s hand and said, “Please make sure she gets there okay, will you?” Marco nodded, “Of course ma’am!”

Tonya’s Mother was impressed by the attention Tonya was getting, but Tonya tried to shrug it off. She didn’t want to think about it – it would just make her more nervous. The day wore on and Marco taught Tonya how to control the horse’s orgasms a little better but he admitted that even the best belly riders weren’t very good at making a horse stop his orgasm once he decided he was going to, but then Marco paused and smiled as he said, “But I can’t be sure any woman has actually ever genuinely tried to make their horse stop, now that I think about it.” Tonya nodded as the horse’s sperm drooled out from her vulva and stuck to her pubic hair.

Marco had lunch delivered on the beach for Tonya and her Mother and they gossiped and laughed. Marco fed Tonya so she didn’t have to get out of her saddle. The hours slipped by slowly and countless orgasms passed over Tonya as her Mother chatted with Marco. Marco was a good looking guy, but Tonya had a feeling her Mother was really into him. Eventually dinner time rolled around and Tonya’s Mother retreated to get readying but only after making a snide remark, “Some of us have to get dressed to get invited to dinner.” Tonya laughed at her Mother’s joke.

After another hour or so, Tonya’s Mother came down to the beach looking stunning in a dress she had brought along with her for just for such an occasion. Tonya was glad she didn’t have to wear anything because she didn’t bring anything nearly that nice, but her Mother surprised her by bringing some pearl earring and a pretty black choker and she put them on her daughter. She also put Tonya’s hair into a ponytail, without making any bad puns in the process, “There! She’s a princess!” Tonya really felt like one too. “Okay, come on, your Father’s waiting by the concierge desk.”

Marco led Tonya and her well dressed Mother from the beach up to the Hotel. It was the first time Tonya didn’t feel ashamed at all being near the Hotel without any clothes on, let alone with a giant horse cock in her, and sperm still coating her labia and anus from earlier. Being on the beach all day, plenty of people had walked by and seen her, mid coitus. But with her choker and earrings on, she imagined she looked radiant. She felt so squishy inside, but the feeling was wonderful. She was proud of herself. She had come a long way in just a few days and she didn’t care that a few hotel patrons saw her. Once they met up with Tonya’s Father the concierge lead them to the ballroom.

As soon as they walked in the room the several dozen people gasped, and Ellen stood up, “Don’t worry everyone, this was the surprise I was talking about. Tonya, come here by me.” Ellen, introduced Tonya who was lead around the giant table of extremely well dressed people who were all around her parent’s age or older. Men in tuxs stood up as she passed and women smiled and nodded acknowledging her existence, although by the looks of it, she was definitely not welcome in some of the guest’s minds. A few of the guests actually stood up and excused themselves to leave, in a huff. Ellen didn’t seem sorry to see them leave, but it made Tonya extremely nervous. She was obviously not welcome by a good chunk of Ellen’s guests.

Tonya decided to break the ice, “I’m sorry I came a little under-dressed.” That set off a roar of laughter. Ellen came to her rescue, “I met Tonya on the beach today, and she wanted to dress for dinner tonight, but I told her not to. I wanted you all to meet the Hotel’s newest belly rider.” She went around the room introducing everyone, but Tonya was too nervous to remember any of their names. Tonya’s parents found seats near her and they all sat down.

The conversation wondered slightly but one woman tried to bring Tonya into the conversation, “What made you decide to become a belly rider?” Tonya wasn’t sure she had become anything, but she tried to answer the question, “I just saw one of the girls doing it in the stable and I thought it seemed like something that I kind of wanted to try.” Her Mother chimed in again, “Yes, she lost her virginity to that very horse. Kids these days! When they were my age, we slept with pigs, er, I mean men!” That got another good laugh. People began to chat openly and more freely.

Ellen asked Tonya, “So you said you wanted to find a job while belly riding, right? What kind of job did you have in mind?” Tonya had no idea how to answer that question, she hadn’t even considered it really, and she was pretty sure she’d never belly ride after that week, so she stammered, “Uh, uh… I dunno, I guess I never really thought about it.” Marco chimed in, “There was one woman named Lorena who was a very famous belly rider. She even became the mayor of a town. Others have managed factories, several have managed people, or even humble jobs like delivery women. These courageous Brazilian women have found after many years of trying that anything that does not require use of your hands is possible to do under a horse if you train hard enough for it.”

Ellen was prodding, “So if you could do anything in the whole world and you wanted to stay like that, what would it be, Tonya?” Tonya looked around and everyone’s eyes were on her. She said the first thing that came to mind, “Maybe I could manage a Hotel, like this one.” Everyone laughed, but as silly as it sounded and as Tonya meant it, Ellen didn’t laugh, “You’ll need a degree first, but I think we could arrange for that, if you’re still serious in a few years. I’m sure we could find you all kinds of jobs that would suit your lifestyle actually, in the mean-time, while you got your degree. I’m just happy to see women doing what they love. Even if that means mating with the humble beasts of burden.”

This was all going so fast, Tonya’s head was swimming. Tonya’s Mother said, “Tonya, what do you say?” “Oh! Yes, sorry, thank you, Ellen.” Tonya was confused by her predicament. People were pushing her into this, and as attractive as it sounded to live the rest of her life with a horse cock in her, she just couldn’t picture it. Her life felt very far away from her, and with each breath the horse took that moved it’s cock within her gently, her old life slipped further away. But with each rocking of her hips she cared less. This group of aristocracy could look at her naked body, and examine every inch, and she somehow felt almost at ease. Tonya was beginning to feel completely comfortable with herself. In fact, she thought it would be hard to go back to wearing clothes every day once school started again.

Tonya cleared her throat gently, and timidly said, “I don’t want to offend anyone, but would you all mind if I relax during dinner? I’ll try not to bother you.” People smiled, and even the women who looked at her with ice in their eyes before felt a little endeared to her when she said that. They all knew what “relax” really meant. They also knew that if they were in her shoes they’d be relentlessly horny too. It was just unavoidable. Ellen said, “Don’t worry, you are welcome to have your fun down there, Tonya.” Tonya, cleared her throat again and said, “I don’t just mean me though, I kinda want the horse to… well, you know….” Her voice trailed off and she tried again, “I want him to cumm in me again. It feels great and makes it easier for me to have… you know… my own orgasm.” Ellen smiled, “Oh, I see.” Tonya went on, “And it’s fairly messy. As you can probably see, I’m kinda messy already. It’s a lot worse right when it happens. You’re probably going to get his sperm on your nice rug.”

Ellen nodded, “Oh, yes, I see.” Ellen looked at Tonya’s pubic hair, which was matted down and sticky with horse semen as she continued, “We certainly can’t have that! Marco, can you please get a platter and hold it under Tonya so she doesn’t ruin the carpet?” Marco said, “Of course, ma’am.” and he fetched a small silver platter from a side table as he was asked. Tonya nodded and looked at her Mother who smiled and nodded with affirmation and she whispered, “Go ahead, sweety.” Tonya couldn’t believe she was getting the go ahead to openly encourage a horse to ejaculate inside her still sperm covered pussy in front of a large group of strangers, who were all clearly well educated and part of the upper crust. Tonya didn’t need any more encouragement. She moaned as she closed her eyes and lifted her butt up off the saddle and humped her hips towards her huge lover. She did so in the way Marco had described that helped the horse ejaculate faster by maximizing how much of his cock she took and withdrew rhythmically from her pussy.

She moaned again as the thick horse head pushed hard against her cervix. After a minute or so of Tonya’s ministrations the horse began to get more aroused. Tonya was lifting her butt higher and rotating slightly, to which Marco coached her from the sidelines, “Nice twisting there, that’ll feel great on his penis. Now take as much of it as you can. Press his penis head against your insides. That’ll get him going.” Tonya didn’t need much encouragement, she was doing everything she could to get her equine lover to orgasm. She was also trying to keep herself from cumming too quickly, which was a challenge that she enjoyed tremendously. Politely the crowd ignored her, even though she wasn’t even slightly trying to hide what she was doing now.

The saddle’s leather was creaking loudly, and Tonya was moaning rhythmically as she openly humped her buttocks up to take as much of the horny horse’s penis into her as her small, supple body could. After another minute the horse began to dance, which made everyone stop talking and look up. Tonya’s moans reached a high note as the horse’s penis began to bounce rhythmically, pulsating. In one last shove, the huge stallion haunched forward, shoving it’s thick flaring penis head abruptly against the lusty girl’s cervix. She moaned one last time and gritted her teeth violently, as her orgasm finally overtook her. She was almost completely lifted off the saddle as every muscle in her legs held her in a passionate embrace with her huge lover. Rope after rope of hot liquid shot into the girl as one of the men broke the silence and said to Tonya’s Father, “That’s quite a young girl you’ve got there. She’s got a lot of spirit!”

Tonya’s Father blushed a little and said, “Thank you. We’re very proud of her.” Tonya couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Her Father was proud of her ability to make a horse cumm? Was he proud that she could make herself writhe in time so that her orgasms matched the stallion’s ejaculation? Was he proud that his little girl was doing everything she could to get as much of the horse sperm into her womb as she could? Was he proud that she could fuck a horse for an entire day? Was he proud that she had managed to have a nearly continuous orgasm for almost an hour the day before? Was he proud that she was eager to sexually satisfy herself with an animal in front of a crowd of people, but only if she got to make it ejaculate in her so that everyone could see? She had no answers, but she felt another orgasm quickly hit her as her mind raced through the unanswered questions.

She began to rock her hips again, just as the horse’s sperm leaked out of her. Marco, true to his word was ready in wait with the silver platter and every drop was captured before hitting the beautiful carpet. Tonya was just so horny that she couldn’t help herself, as she said, “Oh god, he’s so big! I’m going to cumm again!. Sorry everyone!” People visually and audibly shrugged off the lewd comments, pressing her on. It didn’t matter though what they said. She was about to have another powerful orgasm no matter what they thought.

She moaned louder than she had before and humped her hips upwards wildly until her body finally contracted all at once in one head to toe orgasm. Her cervix wildly pulsated and sucked the horse’s sperm up. She said in a harsh whisper, “Oh god, I want him deeper!” A few more hard pulses of her vaginal muscles and anus as she forced the horse penis as deeply as she could making a few more drops of horse sperm drool out of her wet hole lazily, which was in stark contrast to how urgent her orgasm felt. With one last thrust, she finally collapsed into her saddle and began to pant as she recovered. Her heavy breathing made her breasts heave and jiggle, but she didn’t mind. She was too tired to care as she looked over at her Father, “Are you really proud of me, Daddy?” Her Father nodded, “Extremely, sweetheart. You’re amazing.”

Everyone agreed, and then there was a toast to Tonya. Tonya really was the princess. Her pearl earring and choker really made her lack of an outfit come together. But she was so happy she almost cried. Her vagina pulsated a few last times in part thanks to her onlookers. Marco lifted up the platter now that Tonya’s used pussy had mostly stopped leaking sperm and grabbed a napkin which he gingerly used to clean up Tonya’s vagina and anus. Marco handed the platter to Ellen, who inspected the rather large amount of sperm on the platter and eyed it as if she were measuring how much it was.

She handed it to her husband who did the same and it got handed around the table. One woman touched it with her finger gingerly and jiggled. Tonya watched the woman even after she passed it on. She pretended like she had wiped in her napkin and if touching it were a joke but she hadn’t cleaned her finger at all. Tonya could see her hand under the table, still with a small drop of semen on her finger tip. The woman quietly and quickly stuck her finger in her mouth a moment later, which made Tonya horny again. Tonya would have to orgasm while thinking about that later, when she recovered from her intense sexual experience. Everyone commented on how much it was, to which Marco said, “There’s still quite a bit trapped in her. If she were to dismount right now you would be amazed how much is still in her uterus and vagina.” That got another round of comments.

The plate got passed around to her Father who looked at it and smiled, “I think he likes you, sweetheart. This is quite a lot.” Tonya had no idea how much normal men came but she suspected it wasn’t anywhere near how much she had just been filled with. Tonya was proud. She was pretty sure she had had more sperm inside of her that day than any of the women in the room had ever had. She smiled ear to ear as her Mother inspected the plate and said, “Very cute, sweetheart. Got any more tricks hidden up there?” “Tons Mom!” Everyone laughed.


Day 5

The evening had been a success, and Tonya had dismounted and had had a great night’s sleep only to wake up feeling like she needed more from her stallion. She knew this was her last full day at the Hotel. They were scheduled to leave the next day, and it was a long trip back. They’d have to leave early in the morning. She was a little sad but she did her morning ritual, threw on the same sperm stained sun-dress she had only worn for a few hours the day before and went down to eat breakfast only to find her Mother was nowhere to be found. Her Father said, “Oh, your Mother went for a walk. You’ll see her in a bit, I’m guessing.” Tonya didn’t really think twice about it, but she had to ask her Father, “When you said you were proud of me last night, what did you mean?”

“You’ve just come a long way from being a shy fly on the wall. You’ve grown into a woman that other women look up to. I’m proud you’re my daughter.” “So you don’t care that I’m off having sex with horses?” “I’ll be honest, at first, yes, I was mortified. But I know this is your thing and I’m supportive. Plus it’s made the vacation a lot more… interesting, that’s for sure. I know you didn’t really want to spend that much time with your folks, but if having intercourse with horses is the way to make you come and visit on your breaks from schoole, I’m happy it’s that simple.”

Tonya hugged her Father and gave him a kiss on the cheek, although she was non-committal on whether she’d even ever do it again after this vacation. After breakfast, she went down to the stable. As she walked she pondered getting a chaperon again, but she was pretty self sufficient now that she could steer the horse herself so she decided against it. When she arrived at the stable she received a huge shock. She saw her Mother belly riding under the same horse Marco’s pregnant sister had been riding under just a few days earlier. Marcia was just finishing up getting her strapped in as Tonya walked in. Her Mother was wearing a tight athletic shirt and a short tennis skirt, which hid absolutely nothing from her waist down, but looked really cute. The horse penis was disappearing into Tonya’s Mother’s pussy, just Tonya’s horse had done to her the entire week. She noted that her Mother’s pussy was impeccably clean shaven.

Tonya said, “What’s up, slut?” Tonya’s Mother almost jumped out of her skin, “Oh my god, Tonya, you scared me! And is that any way to talk to your Mother?” Tonya leaned against the wall and shook her head, “What’s with this?” “Well, I saw how much fun you were having and since this is the last full day we have here at the Hotel and I wanted to spend more quality time with you, I thought I’d indulge.” Marco suddenly appeared out of nowhere, “Hello, Miss Tonya. Hello Mrs. Abraham. How are you feeling?” Tonya’s Mother rocked her hips upwards, “Just getting used to his size. I didn’t really get how big he was until I tried to get him inside of me. I thought that since I pushed Tonya out this would be cake, but wow, this guy is huge.” Tonya shook her head as her Mother whimpered slightly in pre-orgasmic lust. Tonya’s Mother’s legs were already quivering in apprehension of her first climax.

It quickly became clear that her Mother had been planning it for a full day. Tonya’s Father had paid for Marco for the day for both of them. He was being sneaky by not telling Tonya where her Mother was. He obviously knew full well what his wife’s plans were. She had planned on fucking a horse for the rest of the day. “What did Dad say when you told him you wanted to do this?” “I didn’t have to talk him into letting me do it. He actually brought it up on his own saying that he wondered how I’d look in your position. I just encouraged the conversation along a little, I’m a little ashamed to say. In fact, I think I more than pushed the subject a few times over the last few days. I think I might have even hinted that it’s either a horse or a guy who’s hung like one, so it was up to him.” “Mom!”

“I was only kidding, although I’m sure there’s no way your Father could have known that, on second thought. I couldn’t stop day dreaming about it to be honest. I had to try it out for myself. I’ve gotten a lot more sexually adventurous with age. When I was your age I wouldn’t even kiss in public. Boy how times have changed. But I think your Father may have secretly wanted to see me studded by a horse. Well, who cares, even if he didn’t. I know I did! I don’t think he expected his wife to want to be adulterous with a stallion, but I really wanted to try it. Please don’t tell him I said that though, okay, sweetheart? Guys don’t like to share.” “I won’t, Mom, I promise.”

“I just wanted to see what it would be like to be successfully mated to a horse. I want to be inseminated by one, like you were. I want to sexually arouse an animal and have it ejaculate in me. Gosh, listen to me! You’re right, I’m such a slut! I could probably fuck my way through an entire stable of horses before I’d get bored enough to go back to your Father. Don’t tell your Father I said that either. I like him and normally I’d say he’s a good lover, but he just can’t compare to this. He’s so funny though. I do think it made him feel better to negotiate a price for me though. ‘How much money do stud my wife out? My daughter has been happily studded out for the entire week. Can I get a family discount?’ Your Dad is so silly!”

Tonya could relate, “Yah, it was a little weird having him haggle on the cost of having me have sex with a horse, especially when I already had the horse in me at the time! And then he did it for an entire week, on top of it! That was quite a surprise!” Tonya’s Mother nodded, “Well I had a little to do with that part. I could tell you were in season and that you and your horse were getting along well. Plus I figured if you were already having that much fun, why cut you off after just a few days? I know I probably wouldn’t want to stop, why would you?” Tonya could tell her Mother was highly aroused. She must have been fantasizing about this all week long.

“So Mom, tell me, how did he finally end up agreeing to it?” “Well, we were talking about the family and how we really shouldn’t tell anyone back home, even though, I kinda wanted to tell my girlfriend, Barb.” “Please don’t!” Tonya’s eyes were wide. “No no, I won’t, but then I asked your Dad what she would say if I had been the one screwing the horse all week.” “Yeah?” “Yes, and he said that he thought Barb wouldn’t care too much and that she seemed pretty open minded. So then I asked what he would think if he learned that his wife would prefer to screw a stallion for the rest of our family vacation than sit on the beach doing nothing.” “Ha! Mom!” “I know, I lost my head. He thought for a minute and said, ‘Are you asking me if I’ll be okay with you having sex with a stallion, or am I missing something?’ To which I told him I would only do it if he wouldn’t get bored being by himself.”

“Geez, I thought you’d say only if he didn’t mind sharing his life partner with a barn animal.” “Well I didn’t want to phrase it that way, but yes, that’s essentially what I was saying. Your Father asked if I really wanted to degrade myself like that, to which I said, ‘If our own daughter is doing it, it can’t be that bad. And yes, I do want to try it out. Maybe it’ll be fun to degrade myself for a day.’ He said that he couldn’t believe that I really wanted to fuck a horse. He was pretty mad at first. But then I said, ‘No matter how many times I cumm, or how many times the stallion ejaculates in me, I’ll still be thinking about you.'”

“And he bought that load of crap? The only think you’re going to be thinking about is getting yourself off!” “Yes, but he doesn’t have to know that. He just needs to believe that it’s meaningless sex. My vagina might be older than yours, but it still needs a good stiff cock in it every once in a while, and this is the biggest cock I’ve ever had. Who cares if it belongs to a barn yard animal? That much the better. Dirty sex is sometimes the best sex. Plus, at least your Father won’t be as jealous as if I fucked Marco or something.” “Mom!”

“I’m just kidding. Although, again, your Father might not have realized that when I said that to him. I’m very faithful to your father. Except for the horse in me, of course.” She said this, even as her pussy clenched and she rocked her hips upwards, taking more of the hard horse shaft buried six inches into her wet orifice. Her clitoris was hard, her pussy lips were engorged and she looked as if she had been on the edge of an orgasm the entire time they talked. “Yes, well, I’m sure Dad didn’t have this in mind when you two were saying your vows.” “He didn’t tell me he’d be sexually aroused by his own daughter either, but I didn’t get upset at him for that.” “Mom!” “It’s okay, he’s a guy, he can’t help it. It was completely innocent, but at the same time, if he’s going to be turned on by that, why can’t I be turned on by having the same thing done to me?”

“I guess I can’t argue about that, and I’m sure it’ll happen plenty of times today if you keep moving your hips like that. But, did he say something about me?” “No, you know your father, but I can tell.” That wasn’t enough of an answer for Tonya, but she decided to let it go. It took Tonya several minutes as they talked to get undressed and for Marcia to get Tonya into her own saddle, but before long the two women were parading themselves down the beach. Tonya was navigating herself and Marco was leading Tonya’s Mother by her stallion’s reigns.

Tonya’s Mother quickly laid down the law, “Okay, first thing’s first. I need to feel him cumming in me, and mean now. I’ve been thinking about this for days. Tell me how to do it.” Marco lept into action showing Tonya’s randy Mother how to arch and flex her back, and use her legs at the same time to lift her buttocks, giving the maximum amount of pleasure to her white stallion that she had seen both Marcia and Marco’s sister ride. Tonya thought her Mother was beautiful like that.

She was clearly still a gorgeous woman, who Tonya was happy to be related to. Her butt and legs were still beautiful. She was almost a mirror image of Tonya, only older. A little rounder in places with age, but otherwise, still gorgeous. Tonya humped her own pussy upwards in time with her Mother. Tonya thought it would be really fun to have an orgasm at the exact same time as her Mother. They were both openly mating with horses on a public beach, moaning, and struggling to get their horses to ejaculate inside of them. Neither cared who saw their perverse act in that moment, or would let anything in the world stop them now. They were freight trains heading into the abyss.

Both of their butts bobbed up and down side by side out of sync with one another taking as much hot horse flesh into their tiny pussies as would fit. Neither wanted to cumm before their horses did and they didn’t have to wait long. Both horses began to orgasm almost at the same time. Tonya’s Mother’s horse was first, as it pranced sideways slightly and began to haunch forward. Tonya’s Mother’s eyes flew open, “Oh my god, Tonya, his dick is growing! OH OH! I think he’s cumming in me. Oh my god! Oh god! He’s still going! OH GOD! Don’t stop!” She pleaded to the horse as her own orgasm lifted her buttocks high into the air where the horse head met within her and emptied white rope after white rope of semen deep into her.

Tonya’s Mother moaned as her intense climax began to fade and she glanced over as as her daughter’s own horse was being massaged vigorously by her daughter’s pussy. Tonya’s horse’s head flared inside of hers shortly after, growing and tensing in a rhythm that signaled an impending orgasm. Finally, Tonya’s horse too began bucking slightly and forced it’s butt forward, shooting a violent stream of warm semen deep into Tonya’s open loins. She moaned loudly as her body rewarded the stallion by pulsating heavily in an intense orgasm, making the horse’s sensitive head release even more milky seed into the young girl. Tonya’s Mother was still shaking and holding her position, milking every last drop out of her lover, even though it was already spilling out of her full vagina.

That didn’t stop Tonya’s Mother from greedily humping back for more in an obscene moment that was immediately burned into Tonya’s mind forever and made even more memorable by a family that just happened to walk by in that exact moment with a look of shock on their face from the bizzare scene. Tonya mimicked her Mother’s pose and tried her best to do the same. Both women were filled entirely to the brim. Both of their butts were in nearly suspended animation as both of their bodies sucked at the horse’s cocks as their bodies tried desperately to impregnate themselves with the wet penises that had given them such much pleasure. They continued to shake up until they both collapsed and more sperm began to discharge from their hot sex. Tonya rotated her hips as she savored her aftershocks. They both started laughing hysterically, even as Tonya continued pleasuring herself.

“That was so hot Mom, we have to do that again!” “No doubt. Oh my god, wow. I don’t think I’ve ever had this much semen in me before. It’s unreal. He was so violent I thought his dick would go all the way through me. That felt really dangerous, but wow… I know I’ll be trying that again. Now I know why you’ve been doing this all week and ignoring us! I might have to leave your Father!” “Really? Would you really?”

“Well, no, I’d never leave your Father, but yes, it’s world’s better. I’ve never had such an intense orgasm. Wow. I can feel it so deep inside. There’s so much sperm in me, I can feel it squishing around in there! I’m glad we can’t get pregnant like this, though. I’d be having horse babies right and left! His dick grew to be huge too. I thought it would rip me in half. And the way he was thrusting! I can’t believe you could handle this as a virgin, sweetheart.” “Oh, well it hurt a lot, but I got used to it. I mean, I really lost my virginity to your dildo, but yeah.” “You used my dildo?” “Yah, are you mad?”

Her Mother smiled at that, feeling like she should be grossed out but for some reason she wasn’t at all, “Not at all sweetheart. It’s fine.” She was still breathing heavily as Marco clapped his hands, “You did wonderful Mrs. Abraham, and you too, Miss Tonya, as always. We’ll make real belly riders out of you two yet. The best belly riders stay studded to a horse pretty much every waking hour of the day. You two are well on your way.” Tonya’s Mother blushed, “It was definitely our pleasure, Marco! Definitely!”

A professional photographer was wandering down the beach taking pictures of couples and he saw Tonya and her Mother who were still shuddering from their erotic copulation. He asked if they would like some photos taken. He assured them he would be discrete. The girls giggled and agreed. They wanted something to take with them to remember everything that happened, anyway. The man positioned the two girls so he got the best possible picture of their horses’ penises disappearing into their gaping vaginas and the glinting of the sperm around their vaginal lips and butts. The two women smiled with huge smiles as the man snapped dozens of photos of them. They both arched their back and lifted their butts for several of the shots and made sexy faces to make them more like action shots. All the while sperm leaked out in long strands from both of their full pussies and drooled onto the sand. The photographer promised to have them back to their hotel rooms by the time they checked out and he would send the bill to the room.

“Just wait until I send those pictures to your aunt!” Tonya’s sister was the slut of the family, but Tonya knew deep down that her Mother was jealous and wanted to show her sister that she could have fun too. Tonya wasn’t sure she wanted anyone back home seeing those pictures, but she trusted her Mother’s discretion, since it was her reputation too. Just the thought of those pictures getting out to everyone made her horny again. She half wished everyone at her college could see her now. She’d let her horse ejaculate in her as often as the students wanted. She’d never stop. She’d just be that girl who is always having sex with horses. Her imagination went wild.

“Just wait until Ellen sees us tonight!” Tonya hadn’t even considered that. Of course her Mother wanted to show herself off to Ellen and the others. She was a babe. Although her breasts may sag a little, her butt and legs were still stunning, and she was happy to wear her tee shirt which concealed any imperfections in her self image. Plus she looked really cute in her tennis outfit. “I’m sure she’ll love it. But let’s surprise them!” “I agree… so what do you say we go on another walk like we did the other day? I want to see if I can cumm for 45 minutes like you did. Even if I can’t it’ll be fun and I’m just happy to be spending time with you. Real Mother daughter bonding time.”

Tonya felt so close to her Mother right now. She wished she could give her a hug, but she was clearly trapped, “I love you Mom!” Her Mother repeated her sentiments. Marco took his cue and left the girls alone and went and got Tonya’s Father and Todd and Sue together for another ride. Marco was given specific orders from the two belly riding Abraham girls not to tell anyone about Tonya’s Mother. Of course her Father knew already, but Todd and Sue had no idea. When they all arrived at the barn it was all laughs all around when they spotted the Mother-Daughter pair each mating with their stallions. Todd and Sue examined Tonya’s Mother and Sue laughed, “This is one fine filly you have here!” Sue spanked Tonya’s Mother’s exposed butt cheek playfully. Tonya’s Mother blushed, but it was hard to deny; she was in fact mating with a male horse. Tonya’s Father laughed, “I’m just glad we’ve finally found something that can satisfy her sexual appetite. Now maybe I can get some sleep!”

“You’re right, maybe I can finally get screwed hard enough to make me tired!” Tonya’s mother retorted in a sassy way as she moved her hips from side to side to waggle the giant horse cock she was impaled on. The couples laughed. Todd said as he pointed to her sloppy sperm covered pussy lips, “Looks like you’re wife has already been bred out there.” Tonya’s father said, “Ah, yah, so she has. I had no doubt that they’d make a successful couple.” Todd muttered, “And your daughter too, it looks like.” “Yup, both of them appear to have been successfully mated. Not surprising, given the circumstances, I guess. I leave them alone for an hour and both the women in the family come back sloppy.” Everyone laughed. Tonya’s mother said with a tang of lusty desperation, “I told your daughter that I was happy horses couldn’t impregnate me.” Tonya’s Dad said, “Why?” He waited for the punchline.

Tonya’s Mother bit her lip. It was clear she was extremely wanton and anything that came out of her mouth was going to be shameless and dirty and hurtful as she breathed heavily and said, “Because I’d probably stop taking the pill and stick around for a few months to see what would happen.” Todd said, “I think your wife is a little out of it, man, let’s just get going and maybe an orgasm or two will knock the sense back into her.” Everyone laughed except Tonya’s Mother, who was deadly serious, as they mounted their horses. Marco lead the pack on his own horse, Tonya’s Father ended up riding Tonya’s Mother’s horse behind Marco, and Sue rode Tonya’s horse, leaving only Todd in the rear.

Tonya made a joke to Todd saying, “You know, Marco was telling me that some men do belly ride if you want to try riding under Marco’s horse.” Todd laughed, “No thanks, I got raped hard enough with the cost of the plane tickets down here.” They all laughed. The walk started off wonderful, and both women kept themselves on a verge of a luxurious orgasm. After nearly half an hour of riding Tonya’s Mother said, “What time is it, Sue?” “11:35, why?” “Just checking… oh god! Don’t stop the horse, please…. MMMMMmmmm…” And with that, Tonya’s mother began to climax hard. Her stomach and legs tensed as her butt bobbed up and down. Everyone laughed a little, because it was so sudden it had taken everyone off guard, including Tonya who had been holding her own orgasm in too.

After a few minutes, Tonya’s mother was still orgasming as she moaned and bucked her butt up and down and Sue said, “Wow, you sure are having a good time down there, aren’t you? Maybe I’m missing out on something. What do you say, Todd?” Todd laughed, “Hey, if you want to fuck a horse, be my guest.” Sue laughed and shook her head, “No, I couldn’t. You’d tell everyone.” “You’re damned right I would! Hell, I’d take pictures and put it on our Christmas cards!” It suddenly occurred to Tonya what her mother was doing, “Oh! I get it. My Mom is trying to beat my record. That’s why she asked what time it was. She’s trying to beat my record of a forty five minute orgasm.”

Tonya’s father sarcastically said, “Oh, it’s a Mother Daughter orgasm-off. Where’s my camera when I need one?” He rolled his eyes as Tonya laughed, “Hey! Some of us have two foot long horse dicks shoved in us! You can’t blame Mom for having a good time. It’s not every day a girl gets to have this much fun.”
Tonya’s father defensively said, “Don’t you have enough horse semen in you for one day? I mean how much do you two really need? You said it yourself, you can’t get pregnant and it’s already overflowing out of both of you. You’re just disgracing yourself for no good reason. So why do all that work for nothing?” Joe, trying to be funny said, “Sue, time check.” Sue looked down at Tonya, “You’re mother’s been orgasming for nearly ten minutes now.” Tonya could tell her father wasn’t entirely happy about her Mother. He hadn’t reacted this way to Tonya’s belly riding, but he had upon seeing both her and Tonya’s Mother at the same time.

Tonya said, “That’s exactly the point, Daddy. We could take a dozen horses in a day. Maybe more. I don’t think I’d ever get tired of it. My uterus is completely filled with semen, sure, and has been for days, but that’s how belly riders live. Ask Marco! It’s not about the quantity though, because I can’t even handle one load and trust me, I’ve tried hard! Neither could Mom. But it feels great being so full. Stallions are so wild and strong. It’s scary, but really sexy to know that my tiny little body can get such a huge animal to ejaculate. That may be indecent, but I can’t lie about how it feels.” Todd said, “See, Sue! You should try it. Maybe you’d be a better lover!” Sue tried to reach back and hit him from her horse, but she was no where near close enough, “Shut up!” Everyone laughed, except Tonya’s mother who was still orgasmic and moaning.

Tonya said, “Come on, everyone, I know from personal experience that it helps when you cheer her on.” So everyone began giving her compliments and telling her how good a job she was doing. Finally after nearly 20 minutes straight of moaning and rocking and the group cheering her on, Tonya’s mother fell back into her saddle, exhausted. She was sweating, and flush in the face, but obviously sexually tapped out for the moment. Sue checked her watch. “Well here’s the verdict. While I’m sure you had fun, you weren’t anywhere near your lovely daughter’s record. You only made it to 21 minutes.” “Less than half?! Really?” Tonya’s mother was incredulous. “Yup, I’m sure you had a good time, it sure sounded like it anyway. But nope, you’ve got a long way to go before you beat Tonya.” “Well, I’ll have to keep practicing I guess.” Everyone got a kick out of that, except Tonya’s father who said, “I guess I’ll have to spend another vacation alone.” Everyone said, “Awwwww…” all at once, in a semi-joking manner. His pouting might have been serious, but obviously the two women’s immodest perversion had won the day.

Another half hour passed by and Tonya had a few small orgasms, but Tonya’s Mother eventually made the party stop again when she got the horse so riled up that it began to prance about. Tonya laughed, “Look, Sue, Mom’s about to get a pussy full!” Sue didn’t need any prompting to watch, her eyes were already glued to Tonya’s Mother’s lewdly visible vaginal lips. Tonya’s Mother moaned and wiggled her butt quickly, getting herself off, and forcing the stallion over the edge.

Tonya’s Father couldn’t see his wife from his vantage point on top of the horse and he said jokingly, “I know I’m missing something here. Are you all watching my wife get inseminated or something? I get a sneaking suspicion.” They all laughed, except for Tonya’s Mother, who was indeed getting the insides of her vagina splattered by a fresh coat of fresh horse sperm. Wave after wave lapped over Tonya’s mother as the horse relieved it’s tension. She lifted her butt high, pushing herself over the edge at the same time. The thick horse cock bobbed and flared in her forcing a huge amount of the sperm up into her womb. But Tonya’s Mother wasn’t protesting – she was doing everything she could to help.

Everyone suspected she was rather enjoying herself as her butt shook in a climactic fit. Indeed, she was encouraging the giant animal to ejaculate as much of his fluids into her insides as he had to offer. She definitely looked like she was indeed trying to get herself pregnant on her new lover’s stiff prick, but Tonya didn’t want to say anything that might hurt her father. Tonya watched the semen gush out of her Mother’s pussy, down her butt and onto the trail. There was a stain down the back of her tennis skirt from before, but it was getting a fresh coating of the horse’s juice. Tonya’s Mother rocked back and forth, as thin shimmery strands of semen stuck to the inside of her tennis skirt and danced around as she continued to orgasm.

Something told Tonya that that skirt would be Tonya’s Mother’s new favorite thing to wear when she got back home. It would be her dirty secret. In the end she fell back into the saddle, defeated and exhausted. Everyone congratulated her and Tonya’s Father said, “Like I said, like Mother like daughter. They both ended up on the wrong side of the horse by the end of the vacation, didn’t they?”

Tonya’s Mother huffed as she caught her breath, “Who said it was the wrong side of the horse, dear? You have no idea what you’re missing Sue.” Sue laughed at her friend who she could clearly see slung beneath her horse, “No no, it’s okay, I can tell you’re having quite a time down there, I just like watching. I’m glad you two are having a great time though.” And that they were. Orgasm after orgasm rang out in stifled moans through the forest as the women egged each other on for the loudest and longest orgasms. It was a fun game that everyone else got into as a spectator sport. After a few hours Marco lead them back to the Hotel where everyone dismounted except Tonya and her Mother. They all parted ways leaving Tonya and her Mother to walk down the beach swinging beneath their horses lazily. Marco lead them, casually talking as their hair swung back and forth just inches from the sand. Marco fed them some snacks and a drink so that they weren’t hungry.

Evening finally rolled around several hours later and the two met Tonya’s Father at the concierge desk where they went into the same ballroom as before. There were even more gasps and murmurs than before in seeing both of the lovely ladies mid coitus with their equine lovers. People clapped a little when they saw Tonya’s Mother, and stood up. They took their places by the table, and someone said, “Who said horses can’t breed with humans? Look, now there’s two of them!” Everyone laughed. It was a silly moment, but Tonya could tell her Mother was eating it up. Tonya’s Mother spoke up and tried to explain the situation in as proper a way as she could manage. She tried to find the words to fit the mood, but how often are you put into a situation where you’re committing an act of bestiality in front of people wearing tuxedos and dinner dresses? “I’m sorry I didn’t bring enough horses for all of us, but just as you indulged my daughter here, would you all mind if we had some fun with our horses while you all ate? Think of us as the mid-dinner entertainment.”

Ellen smiled, “We loved your daughter’s entertainment last night. Are you planning a similar show?” Tonya’s Mother spoke up, “Similar yes, but this time we’re going to try to do it at the same time. We practiced this earlier, which you might notice is the reason we are currently so… wet. I will admit, I did have a lot of fun practicing, don’t get me wrong. You’ll have to excuse us, we didn’t have time to clean up before dinner.” “No excuses necessary. I sympathize with your situation. It must be hard to maintain grace and elegance under your circumstances.” That made Tonya laugh, “Oh I think we’ve become accustomed to it by now. Although, one could argue, it’s not particularly elegant to be having sex with a horse at dinner.” “Oh, pish posh! Don’t think anything of it,” said Ellen. Tonya’s mother smiled, “Thank you. Always being filled up with semen is an odd feeling, but I think I’m getting used to it.” That made a few of the men shift slightly in their seats. She could tell that comment and the two naked women were having their effects on the males of the dinner party.

No one seemed to have a problem with their show, which was all Tonya’s Mother needed to hear. Tonya could tell this had been a huge fantasy for her since she saw Tonya do it the night before. Tonya’s Mother tentatively rocked her hips slightly. Tonya could tell she was nervous and having second thoughts. Tonya said, “Marco, could you position us so people can see us easier?” Marco nodded and moved the horses so that both women’s vaginas were easily seen by the onlookers, which meant the horses were facing away from everyone as well. Tonya’s Father looked as his wife and said in a loud but somewhat glum whisper, “Go ahead. I know you have to do this.” Tonya’s Mother nodded and mouthed, “Thank you,” to her husband before closing her eyes and thrusting upwards just as Marco had taught her to do.

Tonya did the same, and soon enough both women’s butts were rising and falling independent of one another. It was quite a sight to behold. Both women were moaning and writhing with each thrust. The engorged vaginal lips of both women engulfed the large penises that were already extremely slippery from the sperm they had collected deep in their womb earlier. Not to mention both women were extremely aroused and getting more so with each movement of their hips. They both began to moan and huff as their bodies tensed and moved in any way they could think of to get their horses to ejaculate. After several tense minutes, the two women finally managed to bring their huge lovers to a level of arousal that they had been waiting for for the better part of the day. First Tonya’s horse began to jump around, trying to force more of it’s huge penis into her tiny body. Tonya would have willingly taken more if she could, but the thick flaring head of her stallion simply butted hard and somewhat painfully against
her cervix as the dangerously strong animal approached it’s climax. With one last thrust the horse fucked forward and unleashed a huge torrent of semen deep into the young girls’ spasming body.

She moaned loudly and said, “Oh god, he’s cumming in me, Mom! Hurry!” Tonya’s Mother fucked harder, but the horse wasn’t quite ready. “I’m trying honey, you go ahead!” The two women were in passionate lust, openly bouncing their butts upwards and back taking as much penis as they could, until Tonya couldn’t hold out any longer and she cried out, “I’m cumming!” Marco was quick to remember to go fetch a silver platter just in time as the first drops began to ooze out of Tonya’s extremely horny and engorged teen aged pussy that was still contracting and sucking each drop out of her stallion’s penis. Ellen smiled, “Nicely done, Marco.” A few of the patrons raised their glass and said, “To Marco!” Marco blushed a little. Finally Tonya’s Mother managed to get her horse to start to buck slightly just as Tonya’s horse sperm covered anus was beginning to stop it’s violently visible spasms.

Finally a huge orgasm overcame the horse Tonya’s Mother was impaled on and it jumped wildly and haunched forward over a dozen times, pummeling Tonya’s poor Mother with blow after blow to her sensitive cervix. People began to murmer in worry but Tonya’s Father said, “Don’t worry, she likes it rough.” Tonya was so turned on by the whole thing that she began rocking her hips again and she blurted out, “Feed her the sperm, Marco.” Everyone suddenly sat up straight to watch and Tonya’s Mother’s eyes got wide as the horse fucked hard into her insides. Marco looked at Tonya who’s eyes were glazed over with lust and he turned to do as she asked. He took the platter and with one finger he spooned the sperm to the edge of the platter and into Tonya’s Mother’s mouth, leaving some on her mouth and cheek. Tonya couldn’t believe she had asked Marco to do that, and more impressively that her Mother let him do that. That sperm had just came out of a horse and had just filled up Tonya’s pussy and her own Mother was greedily drinking it just as her own horse finally erupted into rope after rope of cumm deep into her.

That was all it took. Tonya’s Mother was so turned on she couldn’t take it. She screamed in a way that scared everyone in the room momentarily and bucked and her own orgasm overcame her body. Not a single person there had ever seen a more powerful orgasm than what they were now witnessing. Tonya’s Mother’s orgasm dwarfed even her own earlier that day. She was just extremely turned on by being watched and with the feelings deep in her as her horse cumm covered lips parted, gasping for air.

The incestuous act was more than Tonya could bear herself. She bucked her own hips again and rode began to roll orgasm after orgasm into one another. She couldn’t take it. Marco was busy collecting the sperm from Tonya’s Mother’s leaking vagina as Tonya moaned louder, “Feed it to me, Marco!” Marco turned around once he was reasonably sure Tonya’s Mother was done dribbling fresh horse semen from her engorged vulva. Tonya returned the favor her mother had done for her by drinking the semen she had milked and greedily sucked down the sperm from the platter once offered to her. It was fairly messy and quite a bit ended up on Tonya’s chin. It tasted great to Tonya even if it hadn’t it turned her on more than anything ever had. Tonya’s Mother’s eyes looked glazed over as she watched her own daughter drink sperm that had just leaked out of her.

Tonya couldn’t believe herself, and she moaned loudly as the last echos of her orgasm finally ravaged her young body. She writhed and rode the sperm covered horse penis as best she could, as her vagina spasmed, until finally after several last tense seconds her body finally gave out on her. She collapsed into her saddle one last time, and panted heavily. Their breath began to calm slightly and both women were suddenly deeply embarrassed by their depravity. What would people say back home if they knew? Family members weren’t supposed to eat sloppy seconds from eachother’s pussies, let alone sloppy seconds that
were left over horse sperm that had leaked from eachother’s vaginas. The silence was deafening and both women blushed furiously suddenly becoming completely aware of how disgusting, inaproproate and perverse the scene had become.

“Encore!” Yelled one of the men which nicely broke the silence with laughter and clapping. Everyone was totally transfixed. It was a truly remarkable site, both women having their sexual deviance play out in an amazing display of bestiality. It was the most erotic day of both of their lives. Tonya’s Mother huffed with one more obvious thrust of her hips, “As you can see, we have a lot of work to do to get the timing down. It’s tricky to time it just right. But I hope you all enjoyed our little show.” Everyone murmured their approval.

Tonya’s Father asked Marco, “Is that the craziest thing you’ve ever seen a belly rider do? You would know!” Marco laughed, “Well you have to remember, I taught my sister to belly ride when she was only 18 years old and now she is 24. Pregnant women tend to be really kinky and crude and this is her second pregnancy, so she’s had practice.” Marco went on, “Just a few weeks ago she entered herself into a belly riding competition. Her and four other women lined up in four corrals. They each had 20 horses to themselves and there was really only a few rules. They could switch horses as often as they wanted but whomever had the most horses ejaculate won the championship. But it only counted if they were mated to the horse at the time.”

He continued as he began to feed Tonya and her Mother some of the food from the table, “As you probably do not know she is very pregnant, so going from horse to horse quickly is a task for her. But she was a trooper. From the minute the sun came up until the sun went down is when the competition lasted. Most of the girls only had one person helping them. Her husband was preparing the horses, getting them lined up and saddled and I was helping her into the saddle and getting her horse ready for her. It was quite a race! The real prize was for which ever collected the most semen at the end. The sperm was collected and put together in the end to be painted onto the winner, head to toe, even the winner’s hair.”

He explained that naturally the girl who collected the most sperm probably also had the most amount of horses ejaculate in them, but not necessarily. It was mostly the job of the belly rider’s helpers to make sure they captured the excess semen in the buckets that were provided for them. Since the helpers were so busy with the horses, sometimes they’d drop the buckets or forget to capture some of the sperm as it gushed out of the belly riders. The women were so focused on their part of the job, getting the horses to orgasm, that they mostly couldn’t keep track of anything else.

In the end the buckets were combined and the entirety was slowly poured all over the winner’s body, from head down to their toes. “And if you can imagine what twenty men could produce after many orgasms, try to imagine what twenty horses could do!” The horses were donated for the event by the local belly riding and samba schools, so there was enough for the event. “My sister was the only one who was pregnant, and she’s almost due, so she had quite a handicap.” One of the men asked, “So how did she do? Who won?” Marco smiled from ear to ear, “My sister won, Sir. The other teams had only one helper. Her husband and I both helped. It was a close finish but I think without us she would not have won.” The people at the dinner table laughed as he said this. It was not very humble to say, but they didn’t doubt he was right. A pregnant women cycling through and fucking twenty horses for 16 hours straight needs all the help she can get.

“Yes, she had quite a smile on her face when we poured all the semen that had been collected that day over her. She was so proud, she wore the thick coating well into the next day. She managed to get about 85 ejaculations out of the twenty horses. The other girls were more like 60 and the next closest was about 75. That means she was getting saddled, getting tied up, getting the horse in her, making the horse ejaculate, collecting the overflow, getting unsaddled and on to the next horse, all within about 20 minutes, each time. Of course she would usually manage to have her own orgasm each time as well, which is the main reason the competition is so much fun for the women. The women can really have as many orgasms as they want during the competition, which is nice for them, I think.”

He continued, “But it can also slow things down, because sometimes the girls won’t want to get out of their saddles until they are satiated. I’ve seen a few girls waste twenty or thirty minutes at a time after their horses have finished, because the girls weren’t satisfied yet. Even my sister who is pretty disciplined, still made us wait quite a while once early in the competition. I guess she said it was one of ‘those’ orgasms that is the reason she got hooked on belly riding in the first place, so she wasn’t about to let it go. How can I argue with my naked pregnant sister who is that insistent in continuing her lovemaking? You don’t want to see her angry, let me tell you! Once she was done she apologized of course, but her husband and I both understand, and support her. All the women rave about it afterwords, but the slots are limited, so only a few girls get to compete each year. They usually pick the best belly rider of their group and send her.”

He continued, “But she was really making the crowd happy. So all told it was around 300-350 ejaculations in the bucket that we combined to make the one very full bucket of semen at the end. She drank quite a bit of it too as we poured it on her face. I’ve never seen her so happy! She said she lost count of her own orgasms as well but that it was the best day of her life. I tried to keep track, but it’s hard to know for sure. I’d guess she had close to 100 orgasms that day. She was the crowd’s favorite, I think. I think you all would love her when she’s pregnant. She’s really crazy and in love with belly riding. But yes, Mrs. Abraham and Miss Tonya have a lot of potential, especially knowing how little experience they have. They’re still experimenting which makes it a lot of fun to watch.”

Tonya wiggled her bottom for her audience and laughed at her own silliness. She loved being so care free. The dinner came to a close and a few of the people came up to thank Tonya and her Mother for the show. The woman who had tasted the sperm the night before came up to Tonya and whispered, “That was really amazing, Tonya. Thank you! It was a pleasure making your acquaintance.” Tonya smiled knowingly and said, “No, the pleasure was all mine.” The woman laughed and excused herself.

After it was over, Tonya and her Mother decided to take a walk out to the warm night air on the beach. They decided they were going to sleep under their horses. They excused Marco who said he would meet them in the morning. They talked and gossiped and after a while they both fell fast asleep. Only occasional muffled orgasms were heard through the darkness as the night dragged slowly on.


Day 6

The last day there was a sad one for Tonya, and it was supposed to be a brief one. The two women were let free by Marco at their rooms. They showered, packed up quickly, ate a quick breakfast with Tonya’s Father, Todd and Sue who were already packed and headed to the airport immediately after breakfast. Tonya and her Mother took one last walk down to the barn to kiss their horse lovers on the muzzles. They figured there probably wasn’t enough time to have another ride and get cleaned up again, even though Tonya’s Father had paid for it. Marco was there and smiled, “You’re leaving today, right?” The two reluctantly nodded. “Can I ask you to do one last thing for me before you go?” The two were inquisitive as to what they could do for Marco, “Would you mind putting on a little show before you go in the Hotel? I’d like to drum up some business and I think you two can help, if you’d like.”

The women looked at each other and with a sly smile and they both agreed. They were looking for any excuse to have sex with horses one last time. They still had some time before they needed to head to the airport anyway. Marco began saddling the horses and they pulled off their clothes. Tonya’s Mother left on her shirt, but took off her jeans. She was a little embarrassed about her breasts which sagged slighty after having had Tonya, which is why she kept them covered, but she looked stunning standing there bottomless. They hugged each other as they waited. Tonya’s sensitive nipples rubbed against her Mother’s thin cotton shirt which sent chills through her body.

The women got settled in their positions and took their horses’ huge phalluses for the last time. They both sighed in relief once the horses were deeply implanted within their tender insides. Marco walked with them out of the barn, down the beach and to the Hotel. The naked women lead their own horses the
entire way, guiding them from beneath with their reigns and squeezing their legs to move the horses. They were so proud that they had managed to figure out how to walk the horses on their own, without being lead by another person. Marco too was impressed and he complimented them. Both Tonya and her Mother’s vaginas were extremely wet, thinking about what they were about to do. Marco basically wanted them to have sex with their horses as openly as they could and draw as large a crowd as possible so that he could solicit the women to come and take belly riding lessons from him.

When they got to the Hotel Marco said, “Well, now that you can steer the horses yourselves, I’ve got an idea. Why don’t you ride through the Hotel, round up as many people as you can and then meet back here for your grand finale?” The women looked at each other and both twisted their torsos, wiggling their butts in anticipation as they agreed. It sounded great. Tonya’s Mother said, “Show off, baby, give them a show but don’t finish until you get back here, okay? Tell them there are two of us and they’ll get to see the horses have their turn if they follow you.” Tonya agreed and took one wing of the Hotel and her Mother tool the other.

Tonya first passed a small family of four. She felt very weird about what she was about to do, in front of the two adults and their girls who looked to be in their 20’s but she didn’t want to disappoint her Mother and Marco. She began to rock her hips up and down, massaging the horse penis and herself in the process, and she moaned gently. She pretended like she hadn’t seen them as she guided the horse through the Hotel, but once she passed them, insuring they could get a good look at her perverted act she said, “Oh! Hi! My name is Tonya. I’m just trying to get some people together for a show my Mom and I are putting on for the local belly riders.” The Father almost blurted out, “What kind of show?” “Oh, well, my Mom and I are going to let our horses cumm in us so that everyone can see what it looks like. The belly riders are trying to drum up some business. Meet me in the courtyard in ten minutes.” The wife of the man looked like she was going to slap her husband as Tonya got her horse to start moving again.

The next people Tonya passed were two women in their mid thirties. She decided to put on more of a show for them. She rocked her hips back and forth quickly, showing off as much as she could, showing exactly how much horse penis was buried in the soft folds of her stretched out vaginal opening. She was starting to get more turned on as she did it, “Hi! My name is Tonya!” The two women looked shocked as the teenager blatantly rode the vaginally lubricated penis, swinging her butt up and down openly, as her breasts jiggled freely, and her blond hair swung just inches above the tile. One of the women said, “Hi, Tonya, what are you doing?” “Just putting on a show, it starts in a few minutes in the courtyard. It’s for women mostly, to drum up some business for the belly riders so if you can, please come by. It’s free! Ohhhh…”

Tonya bit her lip as a small orgasm rippled through her body. The women stared at Tonya who muffled a whimper as her pussy contracted and her anus pulsated visibly. One of the women’s curiosity got the better of her and she asked, “Are you cumming?” “Sorry, yes, it was just a little one. It’s hard to concentrate like this sometimes. I didn’t mean to be rude.” The women shook their heads as if they couldn’t believe what they were seeing. Tonya broke the silence, “Anyway, I hope to see you in a few minutes.”

Tonya smiled to herself as she navigated the horse near the swimming pool area. There were a bunch of different people there. Tonya cleared her throat, but her heart felt like it was going to pound out of it’s chest. This was the largest group of people who had ever seen her like this, other than the village she had gotten lost in. But these people weren’t like the Brazilian villagers who were used to belly riding. Tonya tentatively rocked upwards as she heard one guy about her age say to his Mother, “Whoa, check it out, Mom! Look at the girl.” The older woman responded as if she were annoyed, “I know honey. I see the girl.” Tonya bit her lip and closed her eyes for a moment, writhing up and down slightly, feeling the length and girth of the fat horse penis. She felt like her heart would explode because she was so nervous, but she managed to start speaking even as she moved her hips, “Hi, everyone, my name is Tonya. My Mother and I are putting on a show in the courtyard in a few minutes, and you are all invited.”

There were a few boys close to Tonya’s age staring at her. She could tell through their thin bathing suits that Tonya’s nude body was extremely sexy to them. Tonya knew that her butt was beautiful and they were all admiring it, even taking into account the huge phallus that she was fornicating with. She was completely impaled and obviously enjoying it. A few people asked what the show was and she bit her lip. She decided to stop being so shy about what she was doing, and as her heart raced and her hips bobbed she said, “My Mom and I have been mating with horses all week and we are going to demonstrate what it’s like to have a horse ejaculate. My Dad decided to have me studded me out earlier this week and the horse has been trying to breed with me ever since. My Dad only studded my mother out yesterday, but we are both getting the hang of it. My Mom and I want to show you what it looks like. We really like doing it in front of people, and we hope you’ll enjoy it too!”

One of the girls who was dressed in a skimpy bikini asked, “When is it happening?” Tonya could tell her audience was hooked as she began to feel her body contract. She tried her best to speak normally as her body quivered, “It’s… in just a minute… in the courtyard.” Tonya began to turn her horse and just as she managed to get it to turn around she began to climax. She didn’t try to hide what she was doing for her audience as she displayed herself for them. She moaned unevenly as the walls of her vaginal canal pulsated, trying to milk the horse’s verile member in vain. The horse wasn’t ready yet. Her engorged labia slid easily up and down the erect shaft. She was so wet should could hardly stand it. She desperately wanted the stallion to empty himself into her waiting hole in front of all these people. But she promised to wait. She stopped moaning as her intense emotions subsided long enough to catch her breath, “Okay, it’s his turn next in the court yard. I need it now.”

Tonya continued to move her butt gently as she urged the horse back to the Hotel’s courtyard. She passed a few people in the hallways who looked at her inquisitively and she simply said, “He’s going to cumm in me soon, come and watch in the courtyard. My Mom has a horse in her too and she’ll be there as well. Come on, everyone!” She managed to get several men and a handful of women to turn around and start following her. She made sure to still flex her buttocks to give them something to look at as she approached the courtyard. When she arrived, it was just Marco. Her Mother was nowhere to be found. Tonya was beginning to get nervous. Would she have to entertain this growing crowd by herself? People began to trickle into the courtyard, slowly. Tonya recognized all of them from her short walk, and blushed when she realized many of them had already seen her cumm. She waited with baited breath for her Mother to return.

She didn’t have to wait long as she started to hear the clip clop of horse hoofs on tile flooring. Her Mother had gathered quite an entourage. Tonya had managed to get about two dozen people together, and her Mother had gotten nearly forty people. It was a huge group. Tonya’s Mother looked flushed. No doubt she too had had a bit of fun herself as she enticed the group to follow her. Her Mother rode up next to Tonya and positioned herself so that both women’s butts faced the majority of the crowd. Tonya smiled, “Wow, Mom, geez. Nice crowd! Are you having second thoughts?” “Yes, but it’s too late now.” Tonya nodded. Marco came up and agreed with them, “Thank you so much, ladies! This is a great showing.” Tonya’s Mother breathed heavily with a red face and chest giving away her recent climax, “I had to work for it, but yeah, I hope you get some business out of this.” Tonya nodded, “Agreed! Whelp, I’m ready when you are, Mom.”

Marco started by giving a small speech to the audience so they knew how culturally rich bestiality was to the Brazilian people, and thanked the Abraham ladies for giving a public demonstration of belly riding. Tonya noticed the girl in the bikini again. She was shapely and pretty and looked extremely interested as her nipples stuck visible out through her thin, wet bathing suit. She was obviously aroused. Tonya would have bet money that that would be Marco’s next client. After Marco finished his speech he said, “And now, please enjoy Mrs. Abraham and her lovely daughter, Miss Tonya.”

Tonya’s and her Mother exchanged glances. Both of their vaginas were well lubricated, and their horses were erect and ready. Their audience was curious to see their bodies filled up and the women were eager to show them. Tonya’s heart was still beating hard though. She was getting stage fright, but when she saw her Mother close her eyes and begin rocking her hips and raising her buttocks, Tonya finally threw her inhibitions to the wind and followed suit. The audience watched as the two blond women’s buttocks lifted and took more of the horse’s penises as their legs and butt muscles tensed and squeezed. Their wet vulvas slid up and down the thick shafts, while deep inside them their horse lovers’ sensitive heads were pressing hard against the women’s insides.

The women began to moan and grind out of unison, each lost in their own private deviant lust. Their clitorises were engorged and their vulvas were fat and red with sexual tension. The women rotated their hips, showing off to the audience exactly how much of their the animal lovers was able to slip back and forth inside them. Tonya’s nipples were erect and gently jiggling with each rocking motion she made. She made a special effort to try to get the horse penis to go as far in and out out of her as she could manage, feeling the massive horse head sliding back and forth inside of her wet orifice. She was giving the horse as much pleasure as she could, while she herself was feeling extremely aroused.

Her Mother was clearly winning this race though. Her moans were reaching a crescendo and it was clear she was nearing an orgasm quickly. She rocked back and forth, moving the horse penis up and down with each thrust. Tonya could tell her Mother tried to make the horse bottom out against her cervix as much as she could. Her Mother was doing everything she could to get the horse to impregnate her, even though both women knew it was impossible. Her Mother was ecstatic to be bred out to a horse by her own husband. She reveled in it and wanted everyone to see her depraved sexual act. Thrust after thrust from Tonya’s Mother’s hips came up to meet her huge lover’s engorged member.

Tonya’s Mother began to stiffen as her horse began to step sideways in an impending torrent. Tonya’s Mother said, “Oh god, he’s cumming!” A few more violent thrusts of the stallion’s rump sent shock waves through Tonya’s Mother as she struggled to capture every drop that burst out of her lover’s explosive erection. The horse shot jet after jet into Tonya’s Mother’s awaiting vagina as the crowd stood transfixed. Each thrust brought another moan from the pained woman as her excruciating orgasm swept over her. A few more forceful pushes drove Tonya’s Mother wild.

She shuddered and whimpered as her body lapped up her horse’s hot fluids, until finally the eruptions spilled out over Tonya’s Mother’s sex, drooling out around her vulva and pouring down her anus in long perverse strands. The viscous liquid continued to drool out of the perverted woman’s sperm filled sex until it connected her butt to the tile of the courtyard by way of a long, thin, jiggling strand that shimmered in the warm sunlight. Tonya’s mother’s butt quivered, still involuntarily milking every ounce that was left in the bobbing shaft. A few of the audience members walked away in disgust, saying something unintelligibly derogatory as they left. Neither Tonya nor her Mother cared at this point.

Tonya’s Mother collapsed, panting back into her belly riding saddle, totally spent. Tonya’s pussy, however, was still very barren of the prize her remaining audience was waiting for, Tonya’s eyes scanned over the audience. The girl with the bikini was standing near the back and had her hand tucked down the front of her bikini bottoms and was rubbing herself. Her eyes moved further across the audience and Tonya saw her own Father standing there, just like anyone else. His eyes followed her every move. Her eyes locked on his. She was so embarrassed. She was sorry she had put him through all of this.

Her Mother had already finished, and now all sixty pairs of eyes were on Tonya. She was terribly turned on though. She couldn’t stop now. She was about to entice a stallion to inseminate her in front of her family and a large group of strangers. She thought back to Marco’s sister who had had 85 horse orgasms shot in her while she was pregnant in front of a crowd probably far larger than this. Tonya felt she had a duty to belly riders to go through with her task, even though she wished she could disappear.

It was dead silent except for the creaking of Tonya’s saddle. She was all alone now. Her Mother’s pussy was completely overflowing with horse semen, and now it was Tonya’s turn, and everyone was anxious to watch the teenager fulfill the task she had boasted about. She was committed to her own depravity. Tonya bit her lip and forced herself to buck her hips harder. She felt the thick soft skin of the horse’s member sliding back and forth in her. She felt completely on display, especially to her Father’s eyes, as her legs were spread out wide. Minutes dragged on, and she couldn’t seem to get into a rhythm. She was getting more and more nervous that everyone was just staring at her, and as she got more nervous she got more aroused.

Her anus tensed as she felt more and more aroused. She looked over and her Mother was watching her with glazed eyes. Tonya was on her own. Her family had watched her mate with a horse for a week straight and now they expected her to do it in front of all these people. Worse yet, they might even be disappointed if she didn’t go through with her vulgar sexual encouter. Even though this was all Tonya’s doing, her Family had paid for her to be in this position. Her own parents had wanted her to stay coupled to the horse for a week and she had somehow managed to live up to their bizarre expectations. Now it was her turn to show everyone that she had grown up. She wanted to feel the warmth of the sperm bathing her insides, the rough thrusts of her stallion lover and the intense tickling of her own orgasm. She was ready.

She leaned back and lifted her butt with her legs, and intentionally let her legs splay apart as far as they would go. She wanted everyone to see. She was excited when everyone saw the thick veiny cock stiffening as the horse’s balls tightened. She knew the horse was close as it began to walk forward and then thrust. She felt the horse’s huge penis begin to flare deep inside, pushing her towards her impending orgasm. She could feel the intense strength of the stallion’s loins as it’s tensing cock nearly lifted her out of her saddle by itself. Tonya egged her stallion on by forcing her body down the lubricated cock taking inches at a time into her wet hole. The horse responded by bucking roughly and skipping two steps sideways. Tonya’s body flushed and she used all her strength to hold herself as firmly as she could to the massive animal as it humped into her wildly.

The onlookers were clearly not accustomed to this, as the virile stallion bucked, out of control, thrusting hard, and in a way that everyone realized was now impossible to stop until the stallion decided it was through with the young girl. His aggressive thrusts were welcomed by Tonya’s open hole, though, and she moaned in pleasure. The stallion whinnied, and much to everyone’s relief it began to empty the contents of its massive prostate directly into Tonya’s willing body. Milky hot ropes erupted from the flaring head of the horse’s penis, in a warm, familiar way that made Tonya begin to orgasm. It was so overwhelming and erotic, she just couldn’t help herself. Tonya’s impaled body began to spasm in reaction to the violent discharge. Her toes curled as her moans reached a crescendo.

Tonya’s young body rippled. Her cervix perversely spasmed, sucking up the foreign sperm as quickly as it could, deep into her uterus. Marco said, “See, the horses have now successfully mated with both the women. Both of their insides have been thoroughly inseminated. Even as they lay there, both of the women’s sex organs are entirely bathed with the horse ejaculate and the horses’ penises are acting as plugs to keep the sperm in place. In nature this would increase the women’s likelihood of getting pregnant, but of course we all know that’s a silly thought. However, there are a few things I’d like you to notice.”

Marco moved closer to Tonya and pointed at her vagina, “The first thing I’d like to draw your attention to is Tonya’s vagina as it clenches around the horse penis. Oh yes, and of course Tonya’s anus which is spasming too. Tonya is having an intense orgasm as I speak, which you may be able to tell from her moans as well. But more importantly her orgasm is making her cervix spasm, which effectively sucks up the horse’s seed. Watch carefully and you’ll see young Tonya here won’t be able to contain of of her lover’s semen, just like her Mother there was unable to. You may notice that both women will only leak a little semen – a quarter cup or less. That’s not because the horse ejaculated only that much into them.”

Tonya wasn’t quite sure where Marco was going with this but she blushed furiously at the sudden attention Marco was drawing to her orgasm. Sure enough the spasms deep within her finally filled her to the brim with a slick coating of semen. It began to flow out of her as Marco continued to talk, “The actual volume of semen the horse has deposited into both Tonya and her Mother’s vaginas is actually quite a lot more than you see leaking out of them now. To understand this, you must first understand that both women have intentionally studded themselves. They were both intensely aroused by the thought of inter-species mating and they both seek out opportunities to have the horses ejaculate into their bodies, as a matter of fact. The bodies of these two women have naturally reacted to how much they love horse penis, in the same way an average woman would react to the man of their dreams.”

Tonya rocked her hips, finally coming down from her orgasm as she tried to listen to Marco talk, “Due to their climaxes both women will individually suck up a about a third of a cup or more of the horse’s semen, into their wombs, where it will stay for hours or even days. The women’s bodies try desperately to impregnate themselves with the horse’s seed, helped by their own orgasm. Of course the notion that these women could become impregnated is ridiculous and disgusting, as I said, but they are so aroused by their deviance that their bodies have been fooled into trying anyway. That’s how you know these women love their horses. Real belly riders become so desperate to receive as much stallion semen as they can, that they will give up almost anything to be successfully mated, and will often stay like that for hours or even days on end. My own sister is one of those belly riders who will forsake everything for an opportunity to be put out to pasture and bred out to another horse, as a matter of fact.”

“But while this demonstration a good example of belly riding, don’t be fooled. If they were to get the horses to orgasm again inside of them you would notice quite a bit more semen flowing out of each of them, simply because their uteruses are already filled with the horse ejaculate. There is only so much these women can hold in their bodies at once, but again, that won’t stop them from trying again and again. You can see how aroused they are by looking at their sex organs – both red and swollen. Both women are extremely aroused, and like many belly riders before them as they get more accustomed to this lifestyle they will stay impaled for many waking hours. Every once in a while, in a moment of lust, belly riders will even admit their true feelings, which is how you know you’ve met a true belly rider. If we’re lucky these two belly riders may tell us their feelings in their own words here and now too.”

Marco turned to the women as if it was their cue. Tonya’s mother nodded, and turning to Tonya’s Father she said, “It’s true. I’m sorry sweetheart, don’t be mad. I don’t think I could stop this if I wanted. And the real problem is, I just don’t want to. It feels too good having such a strong animal in me, filling me up! I don’t suppose you ever thought I’d cuckold you with a horse, and for that I’m sorry. And it’s true, if I could have gotten pregnant, I’m sure our daughter and I would both already be carrying, as crude and awful as that sounds. It’s not for lack of trying either, I opened myself as wide as I could for him and willingly took everything he gave me. And I’d do it again in a heartbeat. It’s just so erotic to have a horse in me. But, I’d totally understand if you hated me right now. Please know that while this stallion might have filled me, you have fulfilled me.”

Tonya nodded in agreement, “Me too, Daddy. I know you wanted me to find a nice boy, but I really doubt I’ll find anything quite like this. While I don’t think I’m ready to have babies, I’m pretty sure I would let a stallion impregnate me, if they could. I’m sorry if that’s disgusting, and I can’t even begin to explain why I feel like that. It’s hard to explain what his huge erection feels like when he’s pulsating and erupting. But, yes, I’d probably do anything to be with horses, even if that meant I’d get pregnant. Thankfully I won’t, which is even better, and I don’t care if people think it’s weird. Like Marco said, mating outside of the human species has been part of the Brazil culture for hundreds of years, and if it’s good enough for them, it’s good enough for me. I proud to take part in the belly riding tradition, even if it is for selfish reasons, I admit. Please be happy for me. I’m not horrible, I promise. I’m still your daughter.”

Tonya’s father said, “I have to admit, this isn’t what I had expected our family holiday to turn out like. If you would have asked me if I would have expected my daughter to screw a horse all week and then… well… and then having your own wife tell you she’d prefer procreating with a horse of all things…. Well… I would have said you’re crazy. But I’m proud of you both for admitting it to yourselves, and to me. I obviously care if you two want to mate with horses, and really wish you wouldn’t. But as long as we can stay together as a family, I guess I’ll have to settle for what I do get to see of you two. Even if what I see is mostly the two of you studded out by horses. I’m not going to leave you two, even if you two would rather be the sperm receptical for a horse than hang out with an old guy like me. I do think you’re both perverted, and depraved, but despite that, I still love you both very much.” The audience of people obviously had mixed emotions at the vaguely touching moment but there were a few claps that sounded out of place.

Tonya hearing those words felt her muscles in her abdomen and vagina ripple as she began to have another intense orgasm. Marco continued, “The belly riders will be able to savor their horse’s secretions for a day or more due to their coupling. See? Here comes some more sperm out of Miss Tonya as she moves. See? See the white fluid there? Even an experienced belly rider can’t handle an this volume of semen, but these women continue to try regardless. Some people think this is all in vain, but ask any belly rider and they will tell you they are never more sexually and emotionally satisfied than after a day with their horse. Many belly riders will tell you that you haven’t really experienced sex until you’ve been on the receiving end of a sexually pent up animal with the strength of a one full horse-power.” Tonya yelled out and struggled with her orgasm.

Tonya’s body rocked and she arched her back as the last small ripples of her orgasm subsided. Her anus was still clenching involuntarily and her red vulva was now covered in her own lubricant and the horse’s excretions. She finally came down from her high, and noticed the intense silence as people watched in awe. She was so embarrassed that her flushed body turned even more red. She wished someone would talk, but no one did. Tonya simply said, “Please give my Mother a round of applause! She worked hard for you.” The audience began clapping hard, while her Mother blushed furiously. Marco said, “And for you, Tonya!” The audience clapped hard for the two naked women who’s bodies still pulsated gently as the slimy horse semen trickled from them.

Marco said, “Thank you for watching the belly riding demonstration, everyone. I can be found down by the stables most of the time, you can ask the concierge to arrange a ride, or you can come up to me now and we can talk if you have questions. Again, thank you to the lovely Abraham women, who unfortunately must leave to catch a flight, or I’m certain they would stay and show us more.” There were a few last claps from the audience as it began to disperse. A few women came up to them afterwords and thanked them profusely for the show. Marco was asked a few questions slyly, including by the girl in the bikini that Tonya had noticed earlier. Surely he got a few clients from their show and that made Tonya and her Mother very happy.

Marco thanked the women profusely again and untied them. Tonya pulled herself free from the giant invading penis she had learned to live with for the entire week, only to feel hollow inside. She missed it already as she stood up and felt a large volume of semen exit her and cover the insides of her legs as it made it’s way to the walkway. Tonya massaged her aching nipples as a one of the women asked some inane questions about how Tonya met Marco. Tonya was good humored and nice as she stood there completely naked.

Tonya even began to rub her clitoris as she talked to the woman wearing the bikini who stuck around, even though her Father was standing right there. Once her Mother was to her feet she saw what Tonya was doing and began to do the same. No one cared at this point. The two women masturbated standing up, as Tonya asked her what she thought. The young woman in the bikini said that she was very impressed and wanted to learn more. Both Tonya and her mother had tiny and gentle orgasms as they stood and tried to hold intelligent conversations. But before long it was clear their fun had ended, as the woman in the bikini took her leave and it was time to get ready to go. It had been a great Mother-Daughter bonding experience, and both of the women giggled that they had something to take home with them. The sperm in their uteruses would keep them company on the long trip back home as it annoyingly drooled out of them.

Just before they left, the photographer ran up to them from the day before and he was smiling ear to ear. The pictures turned out amazingly, and they caught every last detail. The girls even laughed at some of the funny poses and how you could see the individual strands of pearly sperm drooling out of Tonya’s vagina, clinging to her matted pubic hair in one particularly immodest picture, which they insisted Tonya’s Father look at and comment on. He simply said, “Looks like Tonya had a good time! It looks like you both were very happy there.” It was plain to see the wet coating of sperm covering both their labias and anuses in all of them. Tonya’s Mother’s skirt was obviously wet immediately below her anus where the droplets of semen had soaked into her cute skirt as she bobbed her hips up and down – obviously swinging the skirt under her drooling pussy lips as she did so.

The girls were obviously still highly turned on in the photos since they had both just had just came. Their pussies were still swollen and their chests were both still flushed. They both looked very satisfied and happy. The girls laughed and pointed and shared the photos with Marco and Tonya’s Father. The afternoon sun made their wet skin between their legs glint beautifully and Tonya’s breasts and nipples looked great in the pictures. They kept the negatives but gave a few copies to the concierge on the way out. Tonya’s Mother said, “Maybe this will keep some of the women coming back.” The consierge smiled, and said, “Thank you, I’ll put this in our recreational activities book. Please come back any time. We’ll give you a discount next time!”

The women begged Tonya’s Father to bring them back for their next vacation in just a few months between semesters. He agreed saying, “I don’t think I’ll ever hear the end of it if I don’t.” The women kissed him on the cheek. They quickly dressed, got their luggage together and piled in the car back to the
airport. Once aboard the flight Tonya sat impatiently, squirming in her seat as both her and her Mother’s vaginas leaked for the rest of their journey. Tonya intentionally didn’t wear panties and wore a short sun dress. She sat in the aisle seat and put one leg up to relax on the flight, while being barely aware of the fact that she was flashing anyone who walked down the aisle. A few men walked past more than once, noticing her pussy which was still obviously drooling sperm – or at least it felt obvious to Tonya. If they only knew where she had obtained it, Tonya thought! Tonya and her Mother continued to laugh as Tonya teased the boys. Tonya and her Mother busied themselves looking at their photos as discretely as they could, giggling for the remainder of the flight home.
