(c) 2007 by DoggyBreedMe

It seems “No” is not in my vocabulary when it comes to a horny male dog wanting a hot piece of myself. “YES!” is all that comes to mind. Here’s how it goes.

As my horny k9 male comes to me he instinctively sniffs my crotch to see First if I’m a girl. Sniff, Sniff, “Are you a femal?”

“Yes” see for yourself as I let him sniff my crotch.

He runs around to check me from the more natural end. My Behind. As I spread my feet and bow my knees for his easy access to my posterior, he asks with a few sniffs and a whuff, “Yeah, she’s got a pussy. Do you wanna screw?”

“YES” I again answer as I spread myself for his inspection and bending down at the waist to let him smell my pussy even better. I’m moistening by now from his armorous advances and the seemingly eager display his excitement.

“Oh Yeah!! Hot pussy!” He whuffs through his nostrils as the scent of my womanhood seethes through my shorts and his keen nose picks it up. “Wanna screw?” He asks with a swipe of his tongue to the tender inside of my thigh.

“Oh YESSS!!!” I respond by spreading myself even wider and pulling the crotch of my shorts aside for his easier access to my receptiveness.

He then takes control and jumps up onto my back and grips my hips and his pecker protrudes from the sheath and spits tiny droplets of watery precum all over the backs of my legs and thighs asking, “Well , where’s that pussy? Can I stick my dick in ya?”, as he dances around behind me looking for the hot pussy he knows is there somewhere.

“Yes!” I again answer as I rip my top over my head and strip my bra from my swelling nipples. They rise and harden from my sexual excitement and the cool breeze blowing across my gooseflesh.

He jumps down and races to my front and licks at my face eagerly asking, “Wanna fuckk?”

I answer his advances by returning his licks and as we explore each other’s tongues his question is clear. “Hey bitch, I want a piece of your ass. Where did it go?”

I answer, “Yes, I know! Here it is loverboy.”, as I undo the button and unzip my shorts. I straighten slightly so I can peel them from my hips and down my thighs til they can drop to the ground. I step out and he’s right there behind me sniffing my exposed crack.

“Can you show me your pussy?” he asks with a quick sniff and shoves his snout between my thighs.

“Yes I can.”, as I bend even further and spread my legs for his inspection. My pussy almost drooling from the excretement of my girl juices in anticipation of the hot sex I expect will follow shortly. I slip the band of my undies from my hips and tug them from my crack and shed them completely.

As I raise my leg to completely remove them to save them from being destroyed like so many pairs in the past from their prancing hind feet between my knees, he probes directly into my wet slit with his questioning lick of my most private of places. “Are you ready for me to breed you?” He asks.

“Oh Hell YEAH!” I answer him as I spread my knees wide and let him check my rediness for himself.

He again jumps up on my ass and grips my hips, searching for the hor pussy he knows is there somewhere, “Where’s your pussy hole bitch? Are we gonna fuckk?”

“It’s right here baby.” I coo to him, “and ,YES, we’re gonna screw like wild fuckin animals.” The coolnes of the breeze blowing across my nakedness and knowing he can see as well as smell all of me has me on the verge of creaming down my thighs as he drops to the ground and laps wildly at my swelled pussy lips. I jump playfully away from him and drop to hands and knees and face him quickly.

As he rushes to catch me, afraid that I will escape him, he comes up to my front all bristled up, “You know I’m a stud dog, don’t you?”, he asks as he struts across in front of me and shows me his powerful physique.

“Oh definately, YESSS!!” I answer.

He comes to my side and laps feverishly at my titties and down my tummy, then sticks his snout between my parted thighs and licks my slit making my engorged clitoris emerge as he drives me foreward toward the point of no return. “Are you ready to breed?”, he asks with another well aimed stroke of his marvelous tongue through my slowly opening vulva.

“YES!”, my body responds of it’s own accord as my hips rock and my pussy drops down onto his invading tongue. Knowing how wrong most people would think this act to be, it just makes me hornier for him to take me. The sheer naughtiness of being so lewdly naked and exposed to a horny male dog who is about ready to take me as his bitch and we can breed with each other makes me shove my chest down and foreward, strutting my titties for all to see my erect nipples and know my state of sexual arousal as he explores my swollen, dripping cuntal folds with his tongue.

He retracts himself from under me and springs to my side, raising his paw tentatively up to the naked flesh of my hip and looks at me questioningly, “Are you ready to mate?”

“Oh fuckk yeah,!” I respond slipping my hand down the length of his sheath and feel the length of his semi-erect organ to the partially formed knot and gently fondle his heavy balls hanging a light year behind the pointy tip of his dick, “I want your dog dick inside me.”

He jumps up to mount and with practiced ease steps between my thighs. He makes a futile humps against my thigh, spraying his lubrication all over them and searches for warm juicy place to stick his cockk, “Hey bitch. Where’s your pussy?”

“Right here stud.” I answer wiggling my knees even wider and lowering my eager snatch and backing myself in front of his pointy member until I feel the tip flicking up and down my slit.

He, sensing the warmth of my slit, eagerly nudges further from his sheath and my lips easily part over the head of his emerging phallus. He is now ready for full and undeniable control of my body and soul, he no longer asks, “Well bitch. If you’re gonna mess around with a horny dog, here’s what you get! A good, hard, DOGFUCKIN!” Then he slams himself into me roughly as he grips my hips and skewers me onto his pointy shaft and burries his long slim, doggy-bone into me as deeply as the two of us can manage.

I’m in heaven as he ravishes me. Plunging into me with such eagerness, knowing that with each passing second his chances of tieing inside my pussy increases. “Oh Yeah lover! Dogfuck me!”

His knot is forming as he hammers into me and the tip of his pointy prick spears into my cervix. He will not be denied access to my uterus, “I’m gonna give you a motherfuckin, bitch!”, he body language tells me with each throb of his expanding dick as he screws himself completely into me.

“Oh yes! Yes!! Yes!” I whimper as he rapidly approaches his orgasm.

He slows as his knot engorges just as his impending orgasm wetly approaches. “Gotcha!”, his knot says.

“Oh lover. You’re so big and hard!” I coo.

His testicles raise up to the occasion and struggle to release their contents into me. It churns and boils from them, causing him a painful burning desire for release. His member swells and expands into me as his boiling seed rushes the length of his engorged organ and awaits his ejaculation into me. “Oh shit bitch! I hope you wanted a big family, cause I’m gonna breed you good!”

“Oh yes!”, I scream as my girl juises pour from me and around his dogcock and covers it in my appreciative flow of cream.

His orgasm starts with a bang as the first huge ropes of semen gushes from the sexxy tip of his penis, followed by a strong nudge of his hips and then the fireworks begin. His fully erect penis wedging into my cervix as it angrily spat his sperm into my unprotected womb in a huge eruption. “I’m giving you puppies!”, his heart happily sings as he knowingly knocks me up.

“Oh YESSSS!!!!”, I scream as my orgasm blinds me. A wave of orgastic bliss washes over me as I continue to contract my vaginal muscles lovingly around his exploding cockk. “Fill me up lover. Screw your puppies inside me. Breed me!”

When we both finally calm down and awake to the realization that we’re going to be stuck together for some time as he continues to deliver his seed into me and the knot can recede, I calmly look around and much to my surprise we have an audience!

“Holy shit!” I mutter urgently under my breath.

There sitting not but a few feet away from us and watching intently are my other three male dogs. Calmly waiting their turn with me. I can see the pink tip of their pointy dicks sticking out in anticipation of their turn to breed with me. A happy smile on their faces as they pant lightly and ask, “Can I have some too?”

“Yes.” my mind answers all of it’s own. The warmth spreading from my face as I blush, knowing what they must be thinking. “Get in line boys and wait your turn. You can all have a piece of ass.” Three more nice big dogcocks and six more testicles to deliver their sperm inside me. Gonna be a busy afternoon. Especially if someone gets greedy and wants seconds!

See ya, DoggyBreedMe