Monday night after Janet and I finished our dinner, we went into the living room. I sat down on the couch, Janet took the loveseat. Samson jumped onto the cushions and laid his big head on my lap. His big sad eyes looked up at me, pleading with me to pet him. I couldn’t help myself, I laughed and starting rubbing his ears. Something that he immensely loved for me to do.

“What are your plans for next weekend?” Janet asked.

“I don’t have any as of now, why are you asking?”

“I was thinking about Lilly and maybe making some money for us. You did last time, I think it is my turn now. Besides that, I like that Lilly has something special planned for me.”

It had been a month since Lilly sent me my first commission payment of $3,200. I know Janet was feeling a bit low that she hadn’t contributed any extra cash to our funds. It didn’t bother me any, but if it was something she was thinking of, it might be best to make the call.

“Go ahead and make the call. I’m sure Lilly will be glad to hear from us, especially you. As far as the extra money is concerned, who is counting? Not me and besides that, look how much fun I had doing it. It was a great way to earn my puppy.”

Of course I was referring to how Janet and I fucked, on camera for Chuy and Samson, the dogs that we now owned. Unconsciously I was rubbing Samson’s sheath. I realized what I was doing when I felt the wet tip of his red cock. Janet was watching me with interest.

“Big cock, right?” Janet was expressing her approval.

I jerked my hand away. Samson looked at me like he disapproved my last action.

“Call Lilly and set up a date that we can make your video. I’m sure you can’t wait.”

Janet placed the call, “Hi Lilly. Lacy and I are just sitting here thinking about making another video for you. Are you still interested in us? We are ready anytime you are.”

I watched Janet’s face to see any reaction she was having to what Lilly was saying. She soon had one of the biggest smiles I’ve seen on any woman.

“Oh, Lilly, that would be great. We should be at your place by noon next Saturday. Yes, I’m excited to find out what you have for me to do. No, there’s not much that I won’t do. No anal, no scat, that’s about all. What should I wear, anything special?”

Janet paused while Lilly talked to her.

“Okay, by noon and dressed casual. Thank you Lilly and goodbye.”

Janet ended her call.

“We can be there by noon can’t we? Lilly wants us to spend the weekend, so we have to bring our dogs with us. She said we can keep them with us in our rooms. I’m so excited to see what she has for me. She told me it was a surprise and she thinks I’ll like it. Damn, this is going to be a long week for me.

“Me too, Honey. Me too,” I replied. “So, no hint as to what she has planned for you. Interesting.”

The week did pass slowly, but then it was Friday evening and we hadn’t yet packed yet. I threw some clothes into a suitcase and packed enough meals for Samson. I was done with my suitcases at the door by 9PM. Janet was ready about an hour later.

The drive to Lilly’s place didn’t take as long as it did the first time. We were there by 11:30. Lilly came out of her house as soon as we pulled into her spacious driveway. She seemed pleased and walked towards our car. Janet and I got out of our car and walked to great Lilly.

“Hi, Ladies.”

It was very obvious that Lilly was pleased and anxious to see us. She hugged Janet and I both.

“Please, come with me, oh wait, you have your dogs with you. Get your puppies and come with me into the house. I’ll have my husband get your luggage. I’m sure you will want to freshen up a bit from your trip here.”

We got our dogs and followed Lilly into the house. The house was massive inside, it looked smaller on the outside. While we were looking, Lilly’s husband walked into the entry hall.

“You remember Cameron, my husband, don’t you?”

We both acknowledged Cameron with a ‘Hello’.

“Cam, Honey, would you please retrieve their luggage and bring it in. The ladies will be using the front two guest bedrooms.”

As Cameron departed out the front door, Lilly said, “Follow me ladies.”

Janet and I followed Lilly up the stairs to the second floor. I couldn’t help myself as I thought of what a nice ass Lilly had. Ever since Janet and I became roommates and we had a few lesbian encounters, I noticed a woman’s features more. Not that I wanted to have sex with them. I just started admiring their bodies more and thinking of them as sexual creatures.

“These rooms are exact duplicates, so take your pick and make yourself at home.”

I walked into the room that was closest to me. Inside facing the front of the house was the bedroom. There was another door which lead into a massive bathroom that had a massive walk in closet attached. I was impressed to say the least. Cameron had our luggage upstairs by the time I was done ogling my weekend accommodations. There was a dresser with empty drawers for my clothes. I was unpacking when I heard a knock on the door. I went and opened the door and nobody was there. I looked out and the hallway was empty. I heard the knock again and then I realized the knocking was on the door adjoining the two rooms. I opened the door and was staring into the face of Janet.

“Nice, huh?” Janet said, more than asked.

“For sure,” I replied. “How fancy, better than any hotel. Are you unpacked yet?”

“Yes I am. Lilly said to come downstairs when we were ready. She has some snacks for us and our puppies. I’m ready, so when you are, let’s go down.”

Downstairs we met Lilly in the kitchen. There was an array of light snacks.

“Sit down girls and we can discuss this afternoon’s activity while we eat something light. Cameron is treating us ladies to dinner at seven and I’m sure both of you will be hungry by then.”

Lilly tossed Chuy and Samson each a big chew bone. The three of us placed some snacks on our plates and sat down. Lilly passed a pitcher of lemonade. Lilly was the first to speak.

“Can we start being honest with each other? I know the names Lacy and Janey have to be fake and that’s alright. Lacy, your name is now forever linked with your movie, and Janey will soon be linked to hers. What are your real names?”

“Mine is Luellen,” I said.

“And mine is Janet. Is it okay if you call me by my real name? I’m not a fan of Janey. I don’t care if you use Janet for my videos either. I have no one to hide from. All my family is gone, only me left and I’m not going to reproduce.”

“Okay, Janet it is. Luellen, what a pretty sounding name. To bad we can’t use that, it sounds so pure.”

“I do have someone to hide from, so I guess it’s Lacy until we can hatch up a better name.”

“Something for you to work on this evening. I’m hoping we can make another video of you tomorrow. I’m sure you will want to after this afternoon.”

“Janet, in about an hour we will start your video. It is a pleasant one, a walk down a beautiful country lane. Of course there will be the horny lady fucks her dog in the woods scene. Cameron and crew will be there. Kitty said she wants some good pussy and cock shots. Is that okay with you?”

“Fine with me. I think I can act sexy while walking. I want to build the audience’s expectation and excitement.”

“Don’t forget their hornyism also. I want whoever watches your video to be so damn horny, they will be cumming without being touched. You are a very pretty and sexy girl, I know you can do it.“

We finished eating and Lilly cleared the dishes into the sink.

“Let’s go meet your costar,” said Lilly.

She lead us out of the house and to the building that we had already been to. Samson and Chuy were placed in a pen. Chuy wasn’t happy until his nose was buried in Lilly’s crotch.

“Horny dog you have there. I might just want to see what he can do for me later.”

We walked into the studio. There were only us three women. Lilly motioned for us to sit down. I sat in a chair and Janet sat on the round stage. A couple minutes later Lilly returned with a Beagle.

“My god,” exclaimed Janet. “He’s so small, he won’t even reach me.”

“Don’t get ahead of yourself,” Lilly cautioned. “He’s a lot bigger than your think and he’ll give you the surprise of your life. He is well trained and will have you cumming in a matter of minutes. Trust me. If you’re ready, I’ll see if the crew is ready.”

“I’m as ready as I’ll ever be. Panties on or off?”

“On, you have to tease the viewers. I’m sure you’ve seen women remove their panties and being sexy. I want you to not only too tease the viewers, but Brutus also. He gets very horny by being teased.”

I knew Janet could be sexy. I experienced it first-hand when I came home from work one day and she was ready for sex. She teased me so hard I was panting to get at her pussy before her panties hit her ankles. Just thinking of having sex with Janet was making me horny.

Lilly handed Brutus’ leash to Janet. Lilly walked outside into the yard. It was a nice day for filming outside. Not bright sun, just a slight overcast, perfect conditions. The crew was standing by waiting. Lilly gave them some last minute directions before she came back to Janet.

“Luellen, go with the crew and stay out of camera view. Janet, see that country path alongside the barn there? Walk along there and head out along the path. Wait with the crew and stay close to them when you hear me yell “Action.”

I walked with the crew, we were in front of Janet. Janet was doing a good job of looking like a woman taking an afternoon walk with her dog. She stopped a couple times to pick a small flower, one she stuck in her hair above her ear. The other flower was trapped in Brutus’ collar. So far there was no action between Janet and Brutus. That ended when there was a small clearing in the woods near the path. Brutus pulled on his leash, nearly dragging Jane into the clearing. Brutus must have been here before and knew what was to take place.

Janet spread the blanket, that she was carrying, out on the grass. All the while Brutus was trying to get at her crotch. Janet’s panties were stopping him from accessing her pussy. Brutus didn’t let up, he was ready to fuck her. Janet lifted her skirt and Brutus shoved his nose into her panties. He started licking. The camera crew was filming from every angle. Kitty was up close, getting her closeups of Brutus’ tongue rasping across Janet’s panty crotch.

I knew firsthand how Janet liked her pussy to be licked. She had to tease though, so she hooked her thumbs in her panty waistband and slipped them down enough to see the top of her landing strip. Brutus saw that and licked her belly. Janet pulled her panties back up, stopping the belly licking. Brutus went back to licking her panty clad crotch. I could see that the licking was having an effect on Janet. Her eyes were locked on Brutus’ tongue.

Again she lowered her panties, only going lower, a fair amount of her slit was exposed. Brutus’ tongue was lapping at her again. Janet held her panties down with one hand. Her other hand was rubbing the dog’s head. Janet was becoming very turned on. Brutus kept licking and forcing his nose deeper into her crotch. It was time for her to remove her panties altogether, his tongue was now going into her vagina. Janet hooked her thumbs and pushed her panties to her ankles.

While Janet was bent over, Kitty got some excellent shots of her pussy. I could see how wet her labia was. Janet kicked her panties aside, they landed on the grass a short distance from the blanket. Brutus was pressing his nose hard into her pussy. He alternated that with humping her leg. Janet bent forward, spreading her legs. Brutus now had full rear access to her glistening wet cunt. He was lapping her pussy and Janet was slowly collapsing into the doggy position.

Brutus stayed behind her and continued lapping his long tongue through her slit. Janet’s back was arched downward, she was in position to fuck. Now it was Brutus’ turn to tease. His tongue was working her pussy like a professional cunt licker. Janet was moaning loudly when Brutus mounted her. He was a little short, but he was trained well, he stood on the calves of her legs. I watched as his cock became unsheathed, the pointy end trying to find her opening.

Brutus humped her hard, but his cock kept missing her pussy. He jumped off and went around to her head. He jumped up, trying to fuck her face. Janet pushed him off. Brutus mounted her again. This time he was successful on his third hump. I saw his pointed cock split her labia. Brutus rammed and buried his cock. Then he repeated the age old dance of mating his bitch.

Janet was having orgasm upon orgasm as Brutus knotted tight with her. Brutus surprised her by jumping off, but staying tied. He pulled some, but her pussy would not release him. Janet was looking at me when we heard a snarling coming from the cover of the woods. It was scary, the plant leaves were shaking, whatever it was it was headed for the clearing.

With a loud snarl the animal broke cover and Janet and I saw it for the first time. It looked as big as a wolf, but it wasn’t. His nose pointed upwards as he sniffed the air. His head shifted, he was looking straight at Janet and Brutus. His snarl turned into a growl. His teeth bared, showing canines that looked all of two inches long. Brutus lunged to get away, no way would he mount a challenge to the intruder.

The beast took two steps toward Brutus and Janet. I saw the look of holy terror on Janet’s face. Brutus jerked hard and his knot slipped from her pussy with a loud wet snap. Janet screamed from the pain. Brutus ran towards the house, his cock tip dragging on the ground. Janet was frozen with terror as the large beast moved towards her. She didn’t move, she must be thinking that he wouldn’t see her. He sniffed the air again, then covered the distance between them in two bounds.

Janet was still on her hands and knees, the same position when Brutus mounted her. The beast didn’t mount her, he licked her soaked pussy and curled up his lips. The scent of her was meant to breed. That’s when he mounted Janet, holding her tightly with his strong forepaws. That’s when Janet realized this huge beast was going to fuck her. I could again see the frisson of fear on her face.

~~~ Janet’s Experience ~~~

I was glad that my video was gong to take place outside in nature. What better setting than outdoors with a happy puppy to take for a walk. Brutus was a very polite animal, he walked along side me, stopping once in awhile to sniff the ground. As we walked along I stopped to pick a flower, a pretty yellow daisy, which I placed in my hair. A short distance away was another, which I picked and attached to Brutus’ collar.

We walked a bit farther, then Brutus’ behavior changed. He began pulling me towards this small clearing in the woods. He was very insistent, so I followed him. He stopped in the middle and looked at me. This must be the place where the remainder of my video would be recorded. I remembered that Lilly wanted me to tease the viewer and the dog. I unfolded a blanket that I had, and placed it on the grass. I made sure that I bent over so the cameras could catch a glimpse of my panty clad crotch. Brutus was jumping around like an idiot. He must know that he would be getting some woman pussy shortly.

Brutus kept trying to push his nose into my crotch. I lifted my skirt, but my panties stopped him from direct contact. Brutus licked my crotch, my panties becoming wet from his slobber. His licking was having an effect on me. I felt a tingle in my pussy when his hot tongue was drug across my clit. Brutus would have to lick some more to get me in the mood though.

I had to be a tease, so I hooked my thumbs in my panty waistband and pushed them down to just above the top of my landing strip hair. Brutus immediately started licking my belly. I pulled my panties back up and Brutus went back to licking my crotch. The dog’s tongue was now having the effect that I wanted. I was getting hot and wanted his cock. Watching his tongue lick me wasn’t helping.

I pushed my panties down, Brutus took advantage and pushed his nose into my crotch. I was becoming more turned on as his tongue licked my labia. My pussy was dripping now. I pushed my panties down to my ankles. I made sure to bent over at my waist so Kitty could get some excellent tease shots of my now very wet pussy. Brutus now had full access to my pussy and he went for it. Tonguing me, then humping my leg. The poor dog needed to be fucked.

I bent forward and spread my legs somewhat. Brutus was behind me, licking my pussy and licking up inside my vagina. I had never been more ready to be fucked. This little doggy sure could please me. His assault on my pussy was having benefits for him and for me. I couldn’t help myself, the harder he licked, the move I moved down into the doggy fuck position.

Brutus attacked my pussy with his tongue. I wanted him to mount me and give me the doggy cock I so desired. I arched my back downward forcing my pussy upwards, the perfect position for entry. Brutus was teasing me with his tongue, licking me until I was moaning. I hope the cameras picked up my moaning, not that I gave a shit, I wanted to be fucked. I let out a loud moan and Brutus mounted me with a vengeance.

He had to stand on my calves to be high enough to enter my pussy. I felt his cock poking me back there, not close enough to my opening to enter me. A couple times I thought he would, but his cock tip hit my labia. He must have become frustrated because he jumped off and came around to my head. He mounted my head, so I shoved his off. Brutus mounted me again from the back.

His cock tip hit my labia, the second poke came closer to my vagina, on the third poke his cock tip hit the mark. I felt my labia split as Brutus rammed his cock in all the way. My pussy was in perfect alignment with his cock, no pain at all. Brutus kept ramming my cunt, his cock swelling along with his knot. His knot giving me pleasure and making me orgasm over and over. This little dog sure knew how to fuck a woman. When he was tied tight inside me, I clenched my pussy to keep him there. Brutus turned, his knot pulling inside me, rubbing my G-spot, making me cum again. Brutus was fully turned, his furry ass tight against my butt. The strength of our tie holding us tight together. I couldn’t count the number of mini orgasms I was having.

Then I heard snarling, whatever was snarling was coming towards the clearing. I heard the plants shaking as it came towards the clearing. I didn’t know what to do, I was trapped with a dog cock firmly inside me. I thought of standing up and running, but that was impossible with Brutus lodged tightly in my cunt. I just stayed on my hands and knees, hoping for the best.

The animal entered the clearing, he looked like a wolf, but wasn’t, just a huge nasty dog. He tipped his head up, sniffing the air. His head turned toward me, his eyes locking with mine. His snarl turned into a horrifying growl. His canine teeth were like short daggers in his mouth. Brutus lunged forward, trying to escape. His huge knot pulling inside of me giving me a monstrous orgasm. The dog took two steps towards Brutus and me. My orgasm ended when Brutus lunged again and we separated, my pussy stretched to release him. I screamed from the pain. Brutus took off running towards the house.

I was frozen with terror as the beast came towards me. I was going to end up dead and nobody cared. Not Luellen or Lilly or her crew. The beast sniffed the air again, then looked at me. He closed the distance between us in a couple of bounds. I was still on my hands and knees, but he didn’t mount me, he licked my pussy. I looked back, his lips were curled up, the scent of a bitch to breed, then he mounted me. Although I was scared as hell, there was a certain thrill that permeated my body. I was going to be raped by this huge dog, whether I liked it or not.

It was then that I noticed Lilly, she had a big smile on her face. She knew what was going on and set the whole scene up. I felt kinda sorry for poor Brutus, have the shit scared out of him like that. I remembered how he ran towards the house. His huge cock swinging back and forth, the tip hitting the ground. I had read the Beagles have a huge cock, but can only fuck petite women, due to their small size. I think I would like to try Brutus, somehow I would position myself so he could stab my pussy with his cock.

Janet was on all fours, her head hanging down, her hair touching the ground. The big dog was mounted her, poking his cock towards her pussy, looking for entry. He poked quite a few times, one time his cock slid along her thigh and I saw what Janet would soon be taking inside her. It was thick, red and long. Much bigger than Chuy’s big cock. Then he must have gained entry, Janet stretched her leg out, trying to keep his cock out of her.

The dog growled and rammed forward. His brute strength alone forced Janet back into the doggy position. I don’t think his cock ever left her pussy. It was with some trepidation that I watched him fuck her. He was big and he was strong, his front paws wrapped around Janet’s thighs, trapping her to him. There was no way she would be able to break away. I don’t think Janet was afraid of the dog anymore, she lowered her back, giving her pussy to the large cock inside her. She turned her head and smiled at me. She was safe, she was being fucked good and she liked it. The dog must have like it too, he pounded her pussy like a man would.

Lilly’s camera crew were working their asses off trying to get the best shots of what was happening before them. This was going to be one hot video and the crew knew it. Janet was moaning now, her belly filled with dog cock. The dog kept ramming into her, he fucked her good for at least five minutes before he rammed hard.

Janet cried out, “Oh god, his knot is in.”

I saw her scrunched up face as another orgasm ripped through her body. She relaxed after a few seconds before another climax shook her. I’ve seen Janet orgasm before, but never like this. Kitty had her camera aimed upwards as she took picture after picture of their joined sex organs. One of the video crew had a small camera aimed upward, recording Janet’s ass wiggles as she enjoyed the big cock inside her.

Thankfully the dog did not have long hair. It was possible to see the movements of his balls as he pumped his sperm laden cum into her. Cameron was recording it all. Soon there was a steady drip, drip as Janet’s cum laden pussy could contain no more. Soon she was spurting every time the dog pumped. It was all on video.

Then the beast turned, pulling Janet backwards. He continued to turn until he was ass to ass. Janet moaned again as another orgasm shook her body.

“Oh fuck,” she moaned. “This is one knot that isn’t going to pull out for a long time. It feels like a basketball inside me, so much pressure. Oh fuck, I’m going to cum again…”

Janet sunk to the ground, her ass held up by the cock inside her pussy. Her orgasm caused her to pass out. She lay there, ass up, for a couple minutes before she stirred again. Cameron was recording, Kitty was taking pictures. The beast’s knot was starting to crown Janet’s pussy. I watched fascinated as the dog knot slowly exited Janet’s swollen pussy. She didn’t make a sound, just a light whimper as the large knot slipped loose. A flood of dog cum shot from her snatch, I was impressed.

The beast stood over Janet, he was showing her that she was his bitch. Janet laid down, she was pooped from so many orgasms. The big dog nuzzled her pussy and Janet spread her legs. He licked her clean, slopping his tongue up in side her stretched vagina.

“Oh god, that was some fuck,” Janet loudly whispered. “I’ve never ever been fucked that hard.”

Janet was talking to the camera.

“If you want another video like this, I know another woman who would gladly fuck this huge beast. Let Princess know if you want that. So, goodbye for now, my pussy is tired and needs a rest. Love ya.”

Janet blew a kiss at the camera.

“Cut,” Lilly yelled. “Janet, you were superb, that was the best fuck scene I have had the honor of video recording. You are going to be coming into some big coin from this one. How are you feeling, Honey? I know having Jake attack you like that had to be both scary and thrilling at the same time. Next time you can just do a nice slow fuck with him. He likes it that way also.”

“I’m feeling fine, just my pussy is sore. I hope I’m done for the day. I don’t think I can take another fuck like that twice in one day. He is one good dog fuck.”

Lilly helped Janet to her feet. She was a little unsteady for a minute. Lilly folded up the blanket and tucked it under her arm. “Let’s go back to the house and have a good stiff drink.”

As we walked back, Jake was at Janet’s side. His head was boob height on Janet. He was a huge dog and Janet was the lucky one today. I hoped someday in the future I would be the one on all fours with Jake fucking the shit out of me.

Lilly poured us a drink and we sat down in the living room. Jake stayed by Janet, even though he was on the floor, his head was on her lap. The look in his eyes was pure love as he starred at her.

“Call him over, Luellen. Let’s see how he reacts to you.” Lilly must be auditioning the two of us for a future video.

“Come here, Jake,” I said. “Come to mama.”

Jake looked at Janet. Janet pushed him away, “Go, smell her cunt, see if she is as sweet as me.”

Jake wandered over to me, kinda confused. He perked up when I lifted my skirt and spread my legs. I pulled my panty crotch aside. My pussy was glistening with my wetness. Jake licked my pussy lips, it felt so good. Jake licked again, his tongue going deep into my pussy. I thought I was going to cum, the roughness of his tongue on my G-spot was mind boggling. My pussy was boiling hot. Jake walked back over to Janet and laid his head back on her lap.

“I think you have new friend, Janet. I want you to come back soon for a repeat. Does that sound good to you?”

“To quote Arnold, ‘I’ll be Back’. I wouldn’t miss another opportunity to fuck the best cock in the world. Name the day and I’ll be here.” Janet was more than enthused at that thought.

It was getting late. “I think we should be leaving soon, it’s a couple hour drive back,” I said.

Janet and Lilly stood up as I walked to the door. Janet and I walked to the barn where Chuy and Samson were penned up. I was hot and Samson was all to willing to satisfy me. I dropped to all fours and he was inside me in a second. He hit it on the the first try. Janet and Lilly watched as Sammy fucked the shit out of me. I came almost immediately. I held his cock, I didn’t want his knot until I was at home. I stood up and his cum drained out of my cunt and onto the floor. I would in all honesty be the one attacking him when I was behind my closed bedroom door.

Chuy shoved his nose under Janet’s skirt and smelled her pussy. He could tell another dog’s cock had been there today. He just licked her panty crotch and laid down.

The ride home was uneventful. Janet talked some about Jake and how good he felt inside her. Her talking just made me all the more horny. Samson was going to be one spent puppy tonight.


Four months later another package arrived, only this time it was addressed to Janet. We both sat at the kitchen table as she opened it. There was a note inside along with a thick envelope. Janet opened the note.

It read:

“Dear Janet,
You won’t believe the enthusiastic response to your movie. It has now been ordered in thirty-two countries around the world. The sales are bonkers, to say the least. If sales continue like this, we will have to have a follow-up movie ready and waiting. We can’t let this cash cow die. Cam is already training Jake for another hot scene. Can’t divulge much, Cam ain’t talking. Anyhow, enjoy the money in the envelope, you so richly deserve it.

Tell Luellen that Cam and Jake have something special for her the next time she comes here.

Love and hugs,

Janet opened the second envelope. Inside was a neat bundle of one hundred dollar bills. Janet took them out and started counting. When she counted to fifty, she put those aside and started counting the rest. Five thousand and still counting, wow. There were twenty-one more hundreds, a total of $7,100.

“My gawd Janet.” To say the least, I was dumbfounded. “More than twice what we made before.”

“I know, I know. I’ve never ever had so much money in my hand. What are we going to do? Somehow we have to figure out a way to deposit such a large sum of cash. It’s under ten grand, but do banks report cash deposits of less? Maybe if we deposit smaller amounts over a period of time into each of our accounts. Maybe we will slip by under the Feds and the banks radar.”

I don’t know,” I said. “Lilly must have a way. She makes a lot more than we do. I’ll ask her the next time we speak. Which I think should be soon, very soon.”