This is my fifth story posted to this site about Belly Riding as a way of life. For context this is one of the earlier stories I’ve written as a compendium originating from a story called “The Belly Riders – by Jillian, and Pomponio Magnus.” that I did not write. I just fell in love with that story and felt like it needed to be expanded upon a lot. So I did. This is is a fairly short story since it all takes place in a single afternoon.

Almost of my stories have some length to them because they have to describe the entire set-up each time. So they aren’t quick to conceive, write or edit. The themes are pretty much always around the catharsis of women learning to love sexual intercourse with stallions and the men as a secondary backdrop to the real exhibitionism/voyeuristic bestiality story line. Each story is particularly detailed and errs on the side of grotesque detail. I do greatly appreciate your feedback. Without further ado:


Chapter 1

Katie had only been in the country for a year and she had already run out of money. Her family wasn’t exactly the most supportive group of people, and she had gone to Brazil on scholarships, no thanks to her own family. The jobs were tough, especially because she wasn’t perfectly familiar with the local customs. So when she read in the paper that there was a good paying hostess job at a new upscale restaurant that hadn’t yet opened, she jumped on the chance. Foreigners were always good choices for those kind of jobs, especially if you were like Katie and very pretty, with an accent.

When she arrived she introduced herself to the owner, Juan. The place was still in the final stages of being cleaned up and organized for the opening night, which was the following day. The owner was a cranky old man and he asked if Katie would be willing to belly ride a horse as a hostess. Katie had no idea what that meant, but was sure she’d be fine with it, since she had always wanted to ride a horse. She agreed, but said, “I’m not sure what that is, but I’m sure I can learn.” The man winced slightly and frowned, he scribbled an address on a small scrap of paper and handed it to her, “You’ll need to get lessons for tomorrow.” Katie nodded her head quickly. The man looked her over a few more times. “Okay, you and one other girl will trade off. When she can’t work, you work, and vice versa. You’ll cover for each other. Are you almost on your period by any chance?” Katie thought that was an odd question and said, “No, I just finished a few days ago.” “Good. Be here tomorrow at 5. We open at 6.” Katie thanked the man, not knowing quite what to think, but shrugged it off quickly.

She rushed to the address which was a small samba school away from the downtown area. She found someone who was willing to talk to her and give her a belly riding lesson. The woman agreed, and it turned out it was free – even better! After a few minutes of back and forth they selected a horse and a belly riding saddle was found. The woman said, “Okay, take off your clothes.” Katie was shocked and wasn’t quite sure what she was being asked to do, “No no, I just want to learn how to ride… you know… steer the horse. I don’t need to be naked for that.” The woman frowned slightly, but shrugged, “Okay, fine, get under the horse.” Katie sighed slightly and did as she was told.

After some fumbling, Katie managed to get under the horse. The woman began to bind Katie’s arms and legs to the horse. Katie almost began to protest, but then realized that it would be much easier to be bound to the horse from that position so she wouldn’t have to use as many muscles to steer the horse from underneath. She quietly acquiesced since the woman appeared to know what she was doing, as the woman bound her wrists and legs. After some last minute checking she began to lead Katie around giving her instructions on how to move her arms and legs. It was relatively easy after a few minutes. In no more than an hour, Katie no longer needed the woman’s help, even though she was seeing the world upside down from between the horse’s legs.

This was cake. The woman shrugged in vague approval, “You don’t need my help anymore.” Katie asked if she could stay under the horse for a while longer, “It’s part of my job.” she explained. The woman said, “No problem, just come get me when you’re done.” Katie walked in circles around the small courtyard for another hour switching back and forth, getting the horse to stop, back up, move right to left and so on, until she was satisfied she could move the horse gracefully even in the relatively tight quarters of the fairly open restaurant she would be working in. She was picturing herself like a circus act so she tried to be as graceful as she could, given that she was strapped to a horse.

The next day Katie put her makeup on, and a very cute top and pants. She would have worn a dress but riding under the horse would have shown everyone her panties and she was far too modest for that. She put her hair up in a bunwhich gave her a sexy school teacher look, she thought. She wanted to look sexy for her first day of work. She arrived promptly at 5 and the place was already buzzing. There were people lined up outside to get in, even though it wouldn’t open for another hour. Katie managed to get past the crowd when the manager, Juan, saw her. He let her in and told her unceremoniously, “The horse is in the back, go get ready.” Katie went back and found the horse. It was a big stallion, similar to the one she had ridden the day before. Even though she wasn’t much of a horse person even she knew that stallions had a bit of a temperament, and she was surprised to see that Juan had picked one instead of a mare. She didn’t put much thought into it as she began to climb under the horse.

One of the waitresses walked by and Katie stopped her, “Would you mind fastening my wrists and ankles?” The waitress smiled graciously and said, “Sure, no problem, you’re the main event. What’s your name?” “Katie!” “Well, Katie, do you want to take your clothes off before I tie you up?” Katie frowned. That was the second time she had been asked that. She was really  beginning to wonder about this whole belly riding thing. “No thanks, just tie me up.” The waitress shrugged and did as she was told. Soon Katie was well tied up. The waitress stood back up and admired her work, “So you just want to get a feel for this before you get naked or what?” “No! I’m not getting naked. Why do you keep saying that.” The waitress said, “Uh oh. One second.” She walked back and after a few second she came back with Juan.

“Your hostess doesn’t want to get naked.” the waitress said to Juan. “What? You agreed yesterday.” “No I didn’t, I said I’d belly ride, not get naked.” Katie protested. “That’s what belly riding is. Someone find me some scissors.” “What?!” “I’m going to cut off those pants and shirt off of you.” “No way!” “Yes way, you agreed, and I don’t have time to find another hostess.” “What about the other hostess? Didn’t you say I have another person who can cover for me?” “Yes, but she’ll be here in a few minutes. She’ll be taking table numbers, answering phones, and all the stuff you can’t do.” “Why can’t I do that stuff and she do this?” “Because she’s on her period. She’s still spotting!” Katie frowned. That’s why he had asked that.

The waitress came back from the kitchen with some scissors. After a few protests of Katie trying to kick with her bound legs Juan cut into the pants, “Hold still or I’ll cut you. You’re not ruining my opening night. I’d rather send you to the hospital, trust me.” She did believe he was serious in that minute. She began to relax a little out of fear as he cut off her pants, and then her blouse, “You’re paying for my clothes.” The man said, “Fine.” Her panties came off with a few quick snips, then her bra, and with no fan faire she was completely naked. She blushed realizing that everyone around her
was watching. The manager stood up and said to the waitress, “Okay, can you masturbate the horse and get him in her for me? I have some things to attend to.” “WHAT?!”, Kelly nearly yelled. “Belly riding, Katie. You ride the horse.”

“You mean, you want me to have sex with a horse in front of a resturaunt full of people? Are you kidding me? No way! What kind of pervert are you?” “I want you to belly ride while being a hostess. That’s all. If you don’t like it, that’s your choice. Protest all you want, you can quit after tonight, but you’re doing this. I don’t have time to replace you.” The man walked away before Katie could complete her protest. The waitress leaned down and began to rub the horse’s sheath. “No really, please, you don’t have to do this. Just let me go.” “No way, I need this job too bad. He’d fire me in a heartbeat. It’s easy to find waitresses. It’s hard to find belly riders.” Katie saw that the waitress had begun to get the horse head to emerge slightly as she rubbed. “Please, don’t. What’s your name?” “Katrina.” “Please Katrina, I’m begging you, don’t.” Don’t worry, just relax. It’ll be easier that way. Besides, all the people out there are expecting to see you. You shouldn’t be scared.”

Katie relaxed slightly hearing that. It’s one thing if she was the pervert, but if everyone were expecting it, that made it a little easier. They were the perverts, she was the one being tied up against her will. Suddenly she felt a jolt of sensation against her labia as the thick head of the horse’s penis gently touched her most vulnerable opening. She wasn’t really wet, but that sensation turned her on ever so slightly. After a few tense minutes of Katie trying to avoid the giant penis by moving her hips around, the head began to push hard against Katie. She wanted to resist it, but she suddenly felt very curious to know what it would be like and instinctively stopped and let it push against her. She had to play a game of subtly resisting so she didn’t look like a perverted slut in front of Katrina, but she also was really curious to feel a horse head in her, “No please don’t.”

Katrina didn’t even acknowledge her halfhearted plea, as she finally managed to wedge the horse’s huge head into Katie’s tight hole. Katie’s eyes flew open. It was so much bigger than she had imagined. But it also felt great. She gritted her teeth, and tensed her stomach involuntarily. The woman pulled and pushed the thick horse shaft back and forward a few times before 6 inches had fully disappeared into Katie’s pale gringo body. The waitress stood up, and found a small white box and after a few seconds produced a syringe. Katie looked at her in fear, and Katrina laughed, “Don’t worry, sweetheart, it’s not for you, it’s for him. Well, I guess in a way it’s for you too.”

Katrina administered a shot to the horse and smiled, “There you go. You’re all set.” She gently spanked Katie’s naked butt and said, “Have fun.” Katie glared at Katrina with a stern in her eyes, but it was a fake glare, she actually loved the current sensation between the thick folds of her labia. The waitress stood up straight and smiled and said, “Okay, I gotta fold some napkins, have fun!” Katie accidentally said, “Thanks.” instead of an obscenity that she had meant to say. Once Katrina left, Katie was left suddenly alone off to the side of the kitchen. She started to rock her hips back and forth, rotating them gently. She managed to take almost two full inches more in doing so. Now she was completely full, as the giant head pushed against her cervix. She had never felt anything so big in her. Even the biggest dildo she owned was tiny in comparison. It was an extremely tight fit but it felt wonderful.

She closed her eyes and as she continued to move, she felt a gentle throbbing in her loins. Was she really getting close to an orgasm while copulating with a horse? Was she really capable of that? A bus boy not much younger than Katie walked by quickly and smiled as he walked into the kitchen. Katie stopped moving her hips, hoping he hadn’t caught her, but she was certain he had. She was so embarrassed. But maybe he hadn’t seen. She began to convince herself of it. Maybe she was good enough that she could get away with fucking a horse and even climaxing, without anyone suspecting that she was enjoying it.

She began to rock her hips up and down again, feeling the girth slip back and forth between her labia. She realized that despite herself, she was extremely wet now. To her dismay this was really turning her on, visibly. She convinced herself that no one would condemn a naked girl from getting wet when a horse’s penis was unceremoniously buried in her, even if it might be obvious that a few inches of lubricant had made it’s way up the thick shaft. People might just think she was adjusting herself in the saddle. She was doing everything she could to convince herself.

After a few more tense seconds she felt her labia begin to throb again, bringing her back to where she was before the bus boy had walked by. She quickly glanced around, looking to see if anyone was coming, but the coast looked clear. She closed her eyes and began to rock her hips much more violently, squishing her body around the stallion’s rigid shaft. She heard footsteps as Juan walked by. He nodded his head as he walked by, and Katie stopped fucking the horse until he vanished out of sight. Had he seen her? She suddenly felt invisible. Was she really able to screw a horse in broad daylight in the middle of a restaurant without anyone noticing she was most certainly in heat over it? She felt uneasy but maybe it was possible that she could get away with this.

Katie resumed her activity, feeling so sexy. Katrina walked by after a few minutes, and Katie stopped again. Her anus was beginning to clench on it’s own, as small spasms rippled through her loins. She had been holding her breath, listening for footsteps, and when Katrina walked by she let it out. Her breasts heaved slightly. Katrina said, “You look a little flushed. Are you okay?” Katie nodded and said, “Sorry, it’s a little hot in here.” “I see, well I know it’s your first time, so don’t worry, everyone is here to see you. I think we’re about to open, you ready?” Katie said, “Yes!” Katrina smiled at Katie’s overly enthusiastic response, “Good to hear.” Katie realized she might have sounded a little too eager there, but maybe Katrina hadn’t noticed. Her manager walked by again and said, “Okay come with me.” Katie nodded and began to steer the horse as she had the day before. It was a lot different with an erect penis buried in her, but she managed to do fine.

The manager introduced her to the other hostess, an Greek girl named Sasha. She had bright green eyes and long dark brown hair. Katie thought she was stunning, and almost forgot about her own predicament as she came to realize several more of the wait staff, the bar tender, the two bus boys, the chef, the two sus chefs, and the dish washers all were standing there looking at her. “Everyone, this is Katie. Katie is our hostess for this evening.” Everyone smiled and said hello. Katie couldn’t really wave, but she lifted her butt, slightly, at everyone, which she suddenly realized was very obscene, since her anus was still gently spasming in pre-orgasmic rhythm and the giant shaft of a stallion was partially hidden from view in her wet hole. She felt like such a slut.

The manager gave the workers a little bit of a pep talk and then said to Sasha, “Okay, everyone get to your stations and Sasha open the door in 5 minutes.” Katie was the only person who didn’t move when he said that. Sasha explained to Katie where each table number was and after Katie was sure she had mostly memorized it Sasha said, “Okay, here we go.” Katie took a deep breath as Sasha opened the door. Almost immediately the people began to flow in. Sasha took the reservations of the first group of people, two men and two women. Sasha asked Katie, “Could you please seat them at table 4?” Katie had a lot to think about, and now she had to memorize tables from memory too. It would be a long night. Katie put on her best smile and said, “Please follow me, folks.” She hadn’t even realized what she said, but by their following her instead of going ahead of her they had a perfect view of the union between her and the horse.

Oh well, it’s not like they weren’t going to see it anyway, she thought. They filed in behind her and the horse as they walked down the hallway, and took a right into a dining room. The tables were already set up with menus, making her job even easier. The couples all sat in around the table. Katie put on her best smile, trying to avoid thinking about her naked breasts that giggled as she raised her head, and said, “Is this seat okay?” One of the women said, “Can we sit a little closer to the window?” Katie said, “Let me go and check and I’ll be right back.” The woman thanked Katie. Katie knew perfectly well that it would be okay, but she had secretly wanted to come back and show herself off to the people again. Plus each step felt great as the giant phallus moved in her. Katie was glad to have a few seconds alone as she steered the horse back to the front. She took the time to begin to rock her hips again.

She was beginning to think she would have to have an orgasm before long, or she would end up making a lot of trips for nothing. She asked Sasha if she could move the couple to the seat next to the window and Sasha said sure. Katie walked her horse back and only just barely managed to not move her hips as she did so. When she reached where the two couples had been seated she said, “No problem, you can sit over there, I checked and that’ll be just fine.” One of the other waitresses had already filled their water glasses and said, “I can just move them, don’t worry.” Katie turned her horse around, and suddenly got a wild urge to rock her hips. The woman had had a slightly bitchy tone in her voice about wanting to move and Katie wanted to get back at her.

Katie bobbed her butt up and down very openly a few times as the couples sat down. They immediately noticed what she was doing of course, as Katie was staring immediately into the woman’s eyes as she openly fucked the horse. Even as her hips were still moving up and down, Katie said, “Is that better, ma’am?” “Perfect, thanks.” Katie thrusted her hips upwards and held them high as she continued to speak, “Good, please let me or your waitress know if you need anything more.” Katie let out a small moan and smiled, as she dropped her hips again. “Thanks, I will.”

Katie lead the horse back to the front of the restaurant. She couldn’t believe herself. She suddenly felt so empowered. It was wonderful, but she really had to stop herself, it was too much. She might end up doing something she’d regret. Sasha began to hook Katie up with more seats. Soon over half of the main room was packed, and several of the smaller rooms were packed, and there were still tons of people waiting to get in. Katie gyrated her hips, for each of the customers as she sat them. It was her small way of paying all these perverts back for wanting to patronize a place where a girl was forced to fuck a horse. She tried to justify her actions to herself as payback but at the same time she was definitely enjoying the sensation. So much so that she began to lose control.

She began to have small orgasms. She was doing her best to hold them in, but it was tough, especially because she felt so sexy. She felt like she was swimming through the air. The thick erection in her was uncomfortably large and just the knowledge that she had an animal’s meaty dick in her and everyone was watching was almost too much for her. The stallion was ridiculously strong and it’s muscles rippled as it walked. Katie was amazed her tiny body could somehow successfully manage to mate with such an enormous animal. She stopped the horse in the hallway at one point and felt her whole body shudder momentarily. After a few more tense moments she started the horse again. She had narrowly avoided a massive orgasm, she could tell. She hadn’t had sex or masturbated for more than 45 minutes in her life without an orgasm and she had already been fucking a horse for over an hour. She knew she couldn’t last much longer.

Sasha asked Katie to sit a small group of men, suddenly, Katie realized she had gone to school with at least half of the 5 guys. None of them seemed to recognize her though. Maybe she looked a lot different mid coitus with a horse. She had no idea. But it was suddenly very sexy to be anonymous. She began to gyrate her hips more. She had been very attracted to one of the guys who had sat a few rows away from her in class, and all of them were pretty cute. Katie rocked her hips more openly, once she realized they didn’t recognize her. She wouldn’t mind having an orgasm in front of these guys. It would be fun even. She had masturbated thinking about a few of them before, so why not take advantage of her situation. It’s not like they’d mind.

She bobbed her butt up and down and made the horse walk extra slowly, down the hall. She took a right instead of a left, into one of the side rooms, intentionally taking a very scenic route through the resturaunt, so that she would have more time to parade herself. She continued bobbing her butt up and down several times with each step, feeling the horse’s thick penis moving in and out of her. She couldn’t make eye contact with the boys, since the horse’s body was in the way, but she knew they were checking her out, as her wet pussy milked the giant phallus. She began to moan a little, for her classmates. She would give them a show, that’s for sure. She squeezed her pussy muscles, and tensed her butt. She could feel an orgasm getting closer. She wanted to time it so she would cumm right as they sat down. She wanted to see their faces when she did.

Finally they got to the correct room of the large restaurant, just as Katie’s stomach began to tense. She couldn’t hold it in much longer. She was moaning gently, making a number of the other patrons stop eating and turn to look at her as she passed. She managed to stop her moaning as she said, “Okay, gentlemen… mmmm, here is your table… oh god!” Her classmates sat down and just as they did she saw one of the boys frowning slightly as he looked at Katie in the face and said, “Katie?” Katie immediately began to panic, he had recognized her! Her orgasm was nearly upon her too. She tried to stifle it but she was super close, “Yes?” “Katie, it is you!” Katie didn’t know what to say, but right in that moment the horse’s penis began to expand even bigger than it had been and worse yet the horse began to thrust it’s hindquarters, working it’s huge cock into Katie’s tiny body. Katie’s eyes opened wide in panic. She had had totally forgot that horses probably orgasm too.

The horse began to buck, and haunch it’s back legs, making it’s  giant testicles wave back and forth. Katie tried to hold in her orgasm as much as she could, but it was no use. The horse fucked her extremely hard, and Katie’s poor cervix was pounded by the giant horse head. Her body felt naked and exposed, and all five boys and indeed the entire room had their eyes transfixed on Katie. She had brought this on herself by trying to get herself off. She had felt so anonymous, but not now. She closed her eyes, leaned her head back and began to shriek, as the horse violently ejaculated into her tiny body. Her whole body tensed, and writhed as she tried to get away from the massive explosion taking place inside of her. Katie’s whole body milked the giant phallus, despite herself. The entire room watched as she mated with her stallion lover.

She moaned and writhed and her butt flexed lewdly as she looked around the room at all the faces that were watching her. Her back arched as long rope after rope of white hot horse cumm erupted into her tiny hole. She knew her cervix was sucking what it could into her womb. Her body had successfully mated with the horse’s and it wasn’t going to let this giant stallion’s sperm go if it could help it. Even if the whole thing was hugely embarrassing to Katie, her body was determined to suck as much of the hot sticky fluid up as it could. As if her embarrassment hadn’t piqued, suddenly Katie felt a hot flush of liquid on her anus. She suddenly realized, more than half a cup of horse semen was drooling out of her pussy. Her classmates had a front row view. In fact they were only a few feet away, and could probably even smell the freshly milked cumm, mixed with her hot vagina’s juices that she had been excreting for nearly two hours at that point.

Katie couldn’t believe how much sperm had come from the horse, though. It just didn’t seem like it would ever stop. Katie blushed furiously, as the horse fucked back and forth a few more times, making a wet sloppy sound as it did so. There was no denying what Katie had just done. The stallion’s sperm covered penis was still very much buried in her as a few last small spurts continued to inseminate her, and her face and chest were flushed from embarrassment and from her intense orgasm. Her butt was covered in fresh animal semen, and her nipples were taught, wanting to be touched. She was most certainly a perverted slut, just like everyone had come to see. The room erupted into a gentle applause as Katie blushed again. Finally everyone sat down again and went back to eating their dinner.

Katie had to explain to her classmates what happened. She made it sound like she was a victim, but it was clear that the boys weren’t buying it, “If you are so held against your will, how come you didn’t ask us to let you go? I think you’re having a good time down there. What do you think guys?” The guys all laughed and said their affirmatives. Katie blushed, suddenly enjoying their attention. After all, they were the cutest boys in her college class, “Maybe. I mean, it’s a lot better now than it was an hour or so ago. Maybe I’m getting used to the idea.” She lifted her butt making a squishing sound as she did so, to give the guys a cheap thrill, “But you have to promise not to tell everyone at school.” “What do we get if we do?” Katie thought for a moment. “Come here tomorrow I’ll do this again for you. Deal?” The boys all nodded. It was clear she had given them special treatment, and they were eager to see a second show. Katie was relieved, and she said, “I have to get back to work.” The boys nodded.

She began to walk away as a bus boy walked past her and got down on the floor to clean it up with a rag. He was no doubt told to clean up after the mess of Katie’s sexual intercourse, because he was quick about it. The thought of the boy not much younger than Katie cleaning up her mess turned her on again. Just as she left she realized that she had just agreed to belly ride again for another day. Maybe she had already decided that an hour ago, but was just looking for an excuse. Either way, even two days wouldn’t be that bad. She could quit in two days.

Several hours passed and Katie managed to sneak in one more small orgasm in a hallway. Katie was moaning heavily, just as Katrina passed. “Having fun?” Katie coughed as she caught her breath, “Yes, uh… I mean… yes, it’s okay. I’m fine. Thanks.” Katrina smiled and kept walking. Katie felt betrayed by herself. She needed to stop cumming. But it was really hard with such a great sensation between her legs. Another hour or so passed and Sasha gave a very elegant looking woman and her husband over to Katie. Katie said, “Please come with me.” Realizing in a split second the double meaning of that phrase, which made her rock her hips gently, as she suddenly realized that she was really horny again.

She made it down one hallway and began to really rock her hips hard, and then looked her over a few more times. “Okay, you and one other girl will trade she just decided to give in and she began to really buck hard, taking as much of the giant penis in her as she could manage. Back and forth, rocking hard. She moaned gently, as the horse continued to walk and she managed to make it turn as she gyrated her hips, sinking down deep around the cock which felt like it was suddenly growing again. Katie’s eyes flung towards the couple, just as the horse began to dance. The horse was blocking the hallway, as it started to have it’s second orgasm of the night, Katie felt suddenly very awkward. It was one thing having the horse orgasm when everyone was seated at their table, but she had her two guests captive since they couldn’t really pass the horny horse, mid orgasm in the somewhat tight hallways.

Katie was also close to her own orgasm though, so she really wasn’t in a good spot to stop the horse either, but through her moans she managed to say, “Mmmmm, oh, god, I’m sorry, it’s just …. oh god, been a very long day… mmmmm… please excuse me, this can’t wait. Ohhhhhhh!” The woman stepped to the side and made eye contact with Katie, and watched her. Katie looked back, and her eyes locked onto the woman’s. The two stared at each other. Katie’s face was pained, by the onslaught of the massive erection in her, but also by her own orgasm that was on the verge of erupting. The horse jerked and thrust into Katie’s body. Katie held on tightly, rotating her hips quickly, giving the most amount of sensation to the horse that she could. She realized that she was actually enticing the horse in that moment, like a real lover would. She was trying to please the stallion. She had become submissive to a horse and the couple was forced to watch.

Finally the giant stallion rewarded her by fucking hard once more and sending her over the edge, just as it’s own body tightened, releasing a torrent of now familiar hot fluids deep into Katie’s still cumm soaked hole. Katie’s cervix pulsated in her but her eyes never left the beautiful elegant woman’s gaze, even for a second as Katie continued to moan and arch her back. Katie wanted as much of the sperm in her as she could get. She squeezed her butt and her pussy muscles intentionally as hard as she could. She was greedy and wanted as much of the milky fluid in her as she could manage.

Her body was trying to impregnate itself, in front of the two very nicely dressed patrons, and she desperately wanted them to watch her as she did so. The second round of horse semen began to leak out of Katie, over her anus and onto the floor. She had suddenly become very proud of how much horse flesh she had taken in her and she even surprised herself when she heard herself saying, “You try to take that much cumm in your pussy.” The woman smiled, “I know, sweetheart. I know it must be hard to hold that much in there.” Katie nodded, still moaning slightly, as her anus still pulsated and the horse’s penis still throbbed heavily in her. The woman bent down and ran her fingers over Katie’s still pulsating anus, making Katie jump slightly. The woman smiled and leaned forward offering her fingers to Katie, “Here, have a taste.” Katie looked at the woman as if she was crazy, but she didn’t say no. Katie gently licked and then began to suck on the woman’s fingers. The taste was pungent, and Katie was sure her breath would smell like she had given a horse a blow job, but it was extremely sexy and she knew it would get her off later.

The woman ran her fingers from her other hand just under Katie’s vagina and brought it to her own lips, licking them clean. “You taste good.” The woman said as she stood up, “You two make a good couple.” Katie couldn’t believe what had just happened, but the woman smiled again and said, “Could we go to our table now?” Katie sighed deeply as if she had never orgasmed before, and the tension has completely left her body. “Yes, please come with me.” She smiled again to herself and lead them to their table.

The rest of the evening went very quietly. The patrons left, and after it was over, Sasha untied Katie. Sasha asked, “So, how was it?” Katie stood up suddenly noticing how naked she was, as the runoff of horse semen embarrassingly drooled down her legs towards her high heeled shoes. “Not bad. I’ll be back tomorrow to ride again.” “No, tomorrow is my day, my period is over today, I should be fine.” Katie shook her head, “No, I promised I’d do it tomorrow for some friends, please, you have to let me.” Sasha smiled slowly, “Okay, I’ll let you, but how about you do it for the rest of the month, straight. I’ll take next month”

Katie shook her head confused, “No, wait, why? I just need one day.” Sasha finally confessed, “I really don’t like to degrade myself… like this. I belly rode once when I was a teenager, but I don’t think I could do this in front of all these people. I’ll be gone in a month anyway, and you can find a new belly rider. I just needed some quick cash.” Katie thought to herself, she could be upset or angry, but she had actually really enjoyed herself. Maybe she could get into this. It wasn’t the worst thing that had ever happened to her. In fact, it had been the most fun she had had in a long long time.

She finally nodded and agreed, “I don’t blame you, I wouldn’t have wanted to do this unless I had been forced into it. But now that I’ve done it, it’s not so bad. You got yourself a deal. Just help me find a replacement for that time of the month.” Sasha smiled, thanks! Katie even threw her a bone, “You don’t have to quit. You can still work here.” Sasha thanked Katie with a hug. Katie loved the feeling of Sasha’s thin sweater brushing across her nipples. Katie smiled, feeling like she had done her good deed for the day. She went back to find her shredded clothes. She felt really weird being completely naked, and walking around the restaurant. She quickly went to go get her wallet and keys.

She stole a towel and an apron and covered all her private areas and headed towards the door. The manager said with only a mild bit of amusement in his voice, “You going to bring those back tomorrow, right?” Katie thought for a second, “You going to pay for my clothes?” “Sure, whatever.” Katie thought for a second and said, “On second thought, I don’t need new clothes, especially if I’m doing this job, just put the money towards my tips.” Juan shrugged and turned.

Katie left with a smile. The warm Brazilian breeze still cooled the sperm between her pussy and butt and down in between her two legs all the way down to her high heeled shoes. She wasn’t naked, but she felt free, for the first time. No one seemed to notice her cumm soaked legs or her weird attire as she walked home in the darkly lit streets.


Chapter 2

The next day, Katie showed up at the door to the restaurant an hour early just like the day before. She didn’t bother wearing a lot of clothes this time. She wore another pair of high heels since the ones she wore the night before were horse cumm soaked and still drying at home. She also wore a thin sun dress with no underwear, in anticipation of her demanding job. Juan was going over some paperwork. Katie said in a chipper voice, “How was the haul last night?” Jaun looked up confused, “Huh?” “Did you make a lot of money, silly?” “Oh, yes, about 200,000 Reais, after paying everything.” Not bad, Katie thought, “Good, you can give me a raise!”

“Actually…” He looked at Katie, “How many times did the horse cumm last night?” Katie frowned, “Twice, why?” “That’s not terrible, but I only heard people clap once.” “Oh, the other time was in the hallway.” “I see. Well, let’s make it more like three or four times tonight, okay?” “But how am I…” Katie’s voice trailed off as Juan reached in his pocket and pulled out something that was confusing looking. It was a steel ball hooked to an eight inch braided chain which was hooked to a large shiny green glass crystal. “What’s that?” Katie asked, wanting it, whatever it was. “This will help. Put it on tonight.” Katie took it from him, “What is it?” “It goes up your butt, Katie. The ball part. The charm hangs down.” Katie’s eyes opened wide. Did he really want her to use a butt toy in front of hundreds of people?

“I don’t know…” Katie began to protest. “Just do it, Katie. You did a good job yesterday, but it’s clear now that you need more practice belly riding. That’ll help in the meantime. Now, I’ve got to get back to work.” Katie felt she had done a great job, but she also realized she was a show and she had to perform, so if that meant she had to wear a charm, Juan didn’t care, he just wanted the show to go on. She put the charm in her purse quietly and left without saying a word and went into the back where the stallion was waiting.

Katie looked around for someone to help her, but she got cold feet whenever someone would walk by. She wanted Katrina to help her, but she was nowhere to be found. Finally Katie stopped a friendly looking bus boy and said, “What’s your name?” “Tony.” “Hi, Tony, I’m Katie – would you mind helping me get saddled up?” Tony blushed a little, “Uh, sure.” Katie didn’t say a word as she pulled her sun dress over her head and gave that and her purse over to the boy. Can you make sure not to lose those? I’m entrusting you with them. The boy nodded. “Good! Now help me.” Katie got into the saddle and shifted herself into place. After a few seconds she managed to get herself as comfortable as she had been before. She wished the boy would stop staring at her breasts and her now exposed vagina, as she said, “Okay, tie my wrists and ankles up.” The boy was shocked into action, as he was far more interested in looking at her.

After some trouble the boy figured out how the straps worked and managed to tie Katie. He stood back and admired his work and Katie. “Good, now rub his cock and get it in me.” Katie couldn’t believe how direct she was being. Tony looked around to make sure no one was watching, “Are you sure?” “Yes, of course I am, I need your help.” She thought Tony was charming in an immature sort of way as he bent down and began to massage the horse cock to an erection. Katie smiled to herself thinking that Tony was probably envious. He would probably be plenty happy to stick his little dick into Katie, but she was going to screw a horse for hours upon hours that night instead. Once the giant penis began to emerge and grow, Katie felt a little devilish and said, “He’s huge, isn’t he?” Tony cleared his throat slightly and swallowed. His hand was wrapped around the giant cock as he gently masturbated it, “Yah, it is.”

Katie laughed, “You’re cute.” Tony blushed, realizing at that moment that he was jacking off a stallion, and he stopped suddenly. Katie looked alarmed, “No no, please, don’t stop, I have to do this. It’s my job. Sorry, I wasn’t making fun of you.” Tony paused for a moment with his hand still around the girth of the giant horse cock, but he finally nodded and continued rubbing the horse cock to a full erection. Finally, Katie felt the familiar yet still unfamiliar sensation of the horse penis against her sensitive vulva. She stiffened slightly which scared Tony, she could tell. She tried to calm herself down for Tony’s sake. But she also knew she was so wet her own juices had started to drip out of her.

After a while of pushing, Tony managed to wedge only the tip of the horse cock into Katie. Her stomach tensed when he did and she even said, “Ow!” She had forgotten how big the horse was and it was uncomfortably large, but she had scared Tony again, “I’m sorry, did I hurt you?” “No no, it’s not you, it’s his huge cock, I mean look at that thing! Who would have thought it was a good idea to try to breed a girl with a full sized stallion in the first place is what I want to know?” Tony had no answers, but Katie was on a roll, “My pussy just isn’t that big. I’m surprised this works at all. I feel like I’m only getting his head in, and I know I took almost eight inches yesterday. No wonder he only came a few times. I don’t have a pussy the size of a mare!” Tony stood back, visibly fearful that she was angry with him.

Katie’s eyes softened after a moment, “I’m sorry, Tony, I didn’t mean to lash out at you. I really want to do this, it’s just harder than it looks. Would you mind trying again? Just keep pushing, don’t stop unless I tell you to.” Tony nodded his head silently and did as he was told. After several tense minutes of the fat cock sliding against Katie’s extremely wet vaginal opening it finally pushed into her and she moaned, “There you go! God, finally!” She had been so frustrated – Katrina had been much better at this whole thing, but Tony had managed to get a horse to mate with Katie, and for that she was grateful.

Katie began to rotate her hips to push inch after inch of the flesh into her loins as she said, “Thank you, Tony. You’re a life saver!” Tony said, “No problem.” He stood for a moment watching Katie rotate her hips until her eyes opened wide, “Okay! Wow, whew, he’s finally all the way in there. He’s so big! He’d push all the way into my uterus if he could.” Tony nodded, and then nervously said, “Okay, well, I’ll see you later.” Katie almost let him go but then remembered something, “No wait, Tony, I need to ask you one more favor. I totally forgot about the charm in my purse. Can you get it?” Tony rummaged through her purse and found the ball with the chain and the crystal at the bottom and Katie nodded, “Yup, that’s it. Now put the ball in my butt, please?”

Tony looked around again, “What?” “Just push the ball into my butt.” Tony looked around once more and got down and did as he was told. He pushed and Katie winced. It was tough to relax and Tony was pushing hard. “No wait a second, Tony. Can you lick it first and then put it in?” He looked at it but then without saying anything he began to run his tongue over it before he returned it to her anus. She smiled again thinking how cute that was before she winced again in pain as the ball pushed into her. After a few tense seconds Tony managed to push it free. His finger pushed it almost half an inch into her and Katie felt him pull his finger out of her. He pulled gently on the chain as he let the charm drop so that it was suspended in mid air. It felt really strange in her and she lifted her butt slightly, feeling even more tension in her than she felt before.

She could imagine that the ball was resting right under the sensitive part of the horse’s penis head on the under side of it’s shaft. No doubt it would be a lot of fun for him tonight, but Katie wasn’t sure she liked that feeling, and she was sure that she’d have to learn how to get the horse to climax naturally so she wouldn’t have to wear the charm anymore. She decided to make it her personal mission to ride in her off-time until she mastered the technique. Maybe she could even do it before her next day of work. Until then the belly rider charm stayed with her. She excused Tony who took her dress and her purse.

After a few minutes Katrina showed up. “Well! Look at you. You look nice and settled in. I thought you’d wait for me.” Katie said, “I did, but I was worried you wouldn’t show up, so I had Tony help.” “Ah, well did he hook you up correctly?” “I think so yes, thanks. I should be good.” “Good!” Katie tried to lay perfectly still, only moving slightly once in a while to get accustomed to the new feeling. After several more minutes Juan walked by, “Katie, get up front, we’re opening.” Katie did as she was told and guided the horse the entire time while seeing the room upside down. The coarse horse hair rubbed against her shins, thighs and wrists as she embraced the stallion, mid coitus.

She felt the heavy crystal swinging beneath her, tugging gently at her anus as it moved. The feeling was intense and she knew it would quickly drive her crazy. This was going to be an even longer day than yesterday, she thought to herself. Finally she got to the front and met Sasha who was much more smiley than the day before, knowing that she wouldn’t have to fuck a horse like Katie did. Katie managed to turn the horse around without moving too much. She didn’t want to provoke the horse too quickly. Sasha gave her a once over before pointing and saying, “Wow, what’s that?” Katie knew she was talking about the emerald colored crystal dangling from a long chain from her anus, “It’s my charm. Juan got it for me to help the horse climax. Why?” “Oh, it’s just kinda pretty, that’s all.”

That made Katie feel a little better as she lifted her butt slightly to make it start swinging again for her colleague, “Thanks, I just haven’t gotten used to it, I guess. Truthfully I wish I didn’t have it in me, it’s almost a badge of failure. I’m going to have to figure out how to make the horse cumm more often on my own, so I can go back to doing it the way I was yesterday – au natural.” Sasha smiled, “I’m sure you’ll figure it out. It’s only your second day belly riding. Don’t be so hard on yourself. I bet you’ll figure it out in no time.” Katie wanted to ask Sasha for help, but Sasha had told her that she had only belly rode once before so that would be like the blind leading the blind.

Katie sighed, “Thanks. Okay, I’m ready when you are.” Sasha nodded and proceeded to open the door. Just like the night before people began to flood in. It wasn’t quite as urgent as before but there were more than enough people outside waiting. Katie ushered the first several groups of people to their seats without issue. Katie tried desperately not to move. She wanted to wait until there were at least a dozen or so tables filled before she began her show. Until then she bit her lip and tensed slightly with each movement the horse made, trying not to move too much or give the horse too much pleasure too quickly.

After several minutes the restaurant began to fill up. A dozen or more tables had been seated, and Katie began to loosen up. She started to move her hips. It started slowly, but after a while she sped up. She could feel the ball in her butt moving ever so slightly as she did so, moving the chain ever so slightly against her sensitive anal opening as the giant horse cock slid in her pussy, only obscured by a thin flap of skin from the ball in her anus. The horse didn’t take long to start reacting. He was horny, Katie could tell. Katie began to get into it herself. She was excited by the horse’s reaction. He was beginning to stamp his foot a little and even whinnied. She walked one of the groups of customers to their table as she absently began to grind her hips, pushing the tip of the horse soft penis skin firmly against her cervix.

Katie began to rotate her hips hard, and lifted her butt and dropping it, making the horse cock slip several inches back and forth, but still never leaving the warm wet orifice between her legs. She began to moan slightly, biting her hips, barely paying attention to where she was guiding the horse. Then almost without warning she began to climax. She screamed, which scared her, but the release felt wonderful. Her whole body writhed and bucked and suddenly she heard a crash and people yelling as the horse bumped into a table and knocked over some chairs as it began to have it’s own violent orgasm. Katie’s eyes rolled back in her head as the intense orgasm ripped through her. Several of the patrons who had already been seated stood up from their chairs as the unpredictable horse skipped and thrusted his giant phallus into the tiny girl.

Katie wanted to care about the commotion she was creating, but she was lost in an intense orgasm as the ball in her butt pushed back and forth with each thrust, just as the thick horse’s head slammed against her cervix and began to squirt out ejaculate almost directly into her womb. In Katie’s crazy horny brain she wished she were ovulating and that the horse were pumping her fertile body with potent semen to impregnate her. She widened her legs and lifted her butt off the saddle taking as much of the squirting cock as her body could manage. Her pussy greedily milked the ejaculating horse’s member with each strong pulsation. Her legs shook and her anus clenched around the thin braided chain. The lovers were in deep ecstasy, orgasming in unison. It was an impressive sight, and was made more so as the cups of hot semen finally began to flow out of Katie’s tense body.

The hot fluid drooled out of her pussy, down her anus and flowed unevenly down the braided chain which was still waving wildly. After a few more moments her body finally relaxed, as the semen began to lewdly coat the green crystal for all the patrons to see. The milky liquid unevenly covered the surface of the glass and dribbled off of it onto the floor. Katie’s breast heaved as she fought to catch her breath. Suddenly she became extremely aware of what had happened. She felt immediately ashamed. She was a whore. There was no two ways about it. She was being paid to have sex, and not just with a guy, but a big stallion at that. Worse yet, she was a whore who was quite obviously enjoying her job. She would have procreated with twenty horses if she was left to her own devices. She was so extremely ashamed, and just as if she thought things couldn’t get worse the horse began to shrink and withdrew from Katie’s body with a liquidy sucking sound.

A hot flash of fluids immediately gushed out of her gaping hole, down her anus and completely covered the pretty green crystal with semen. Katie was mortified. The silence was suddenly deafening but it was broken when people started clapping for her. Katie wanted to smile but she felt more like crying. Not knowing what she had done wrong she looked over at the waitress who was orking and said, “Can you find Katrina please?” Katie felt suddenly extremely naked and more vulnerable than normal, as the she tried to navigate the horse backwards away from the table and turn him around, “I’m sorry everyone, I’ll have someone come and clean this mess up. You’re table is right there, your waitress will be right with you.” The couple thanked Katie and sat down as Katie navigated the horse to turn around and leave her sudden humility behind her. Her exposed pussy felt barren, vacant and cold.

Katrina ran up to Katie before she managed to exit the room and said, “What’s up? Oh! I see.” Katie again felt like she was going to cry. Most of the people went back to eating as Katrina asked, “Wait, so… did you give him his shot?” “No, I mean… I guess not. Tony didn’t that I remember. Why?” “Ahhh… because without it he won’t stay hard after he cumms. You have to give it to him, and then he’ll stay erect for the rest of the evening.” Katie’s felt less like she was going to cry when she heard that, it was a simple explanation. Katrina stood up and found the white box as Katie waited, her gaping hole still facing the room for everyone to see. The semen covered emerald looking crystal swung gently, dripping cumm onto the floor. Katrina returned and gave the horse a shot. Then she began to coax the horse’s cock back to an erection.

Slowly but surely the large penis emerged from it’s sheath. It was still glistening with a lewd mix of horse sperm and Katie’s vaginal excretions. Katie was embarrassed looking at it and was even more not embarrassed by the fact that Katrina was masturbating a horse in front of dozens of onlookers so that Katie could have sex with it. After another minute or so the horse’s erection was big enough that Katie began to feel it glide across her wet labia. She moaned involuntarily, which sounded odd coming from her mouth, so she bit her lip instead as the cock gradually pushed harder and harder against her.

Katie was wishing she could do this in the hallway. Previously it had taken quite a while, and Katie really didn’t want to be any more embarrassed at that moment as she struggled to successfully mate with a horse. Katie wished it wasn’t making such liquidy squishing sounds as it pushed. Slow minutes passed as Katie moved her hips and widened her legs as far as she could to let the horse enter her, but she was so slippery that the horse’s huge phallus just wouldn’t enter her. She was frustrated, and wanted to cry, and worse yet, she was getting horny again as the meaty flesh slid across her sensitive clitorus.

Finally Katie was both happy and appalled by the loud sound it made as it finally entered her. A mix of air and liquids made the most unattractive sound Katie could imagine but after a few moments, the horse cock was back where she wanted it. She rolled her hips several times in circles getting it back to where it was before, deeply settled in her, as her anus clenched around the ball that was being gently tugged at. The crystal mimicked her hips’ rolling motion in an exaggerated circle beneath her. The patrons clapped again, sensing Katie had accomplished something big. Katie smiled a big smile, but also panted heavily. She couldn’t believe it, she was about to cumm, and she couldn’t stop it.

She moaned and bucked her hips slightly and suddenly her toes curled and she was arching her back, pulsing and writhing. Katrina stood back and laughed, “Whoa, down girl!” Katie moaned and looked over, “God, unnnnn, I’m so sorry, oh god….” Her face was flush with embarrassment as her whole body began to shake in the final throws of her small orgasm. Finally she slumped back into her belly riding saddle, flushed and embarrassed. Katrina continued to smile, “Okay, Ms. Trouble-Maker, I need to get back to my tables.”

Katie said thanks but then secretly wondered if Katrina thought that Katie had done that all on purpose. Katie did get off on it, true, but that would be pretty underhanded. Still, Katie did learn a trick on how to get people to pay a lot more attention to her, even if only for a few minutes. Katie was beginning to like the attention, even if it scared her. She wagged her butt a few more times for the room’s benefit making the charm swing wildly as she said, “Okay, enough fun, back to work!” Enough fun? Had she really said that? She still wasn’t at all comfortable with what she was doing. Why had she sounded so perky, she wondered.


Chapter 3

The next hour went by smoothly. There were no major incidents, although Katie did manage to sneak in one quick orgasm as she walked a couple of girls in their 20’s to their table. Katie wasn’t sure why, but being able to almost see up one of the girl’s skirts turned her on, and she stifled a moan as she came. She did her best to conceal her pleasure, and she was pretty sure she got away with it too. She was getting better at that.

Eventually the boys from her class showed up. They were more rowdy than the night before, and Katie greeted them with a smile. They were all eager to see the show. Sasha found a table big enough and told Katie where to find it. Katie breathed deeply. She knew if the ball in her butt did it’s job she’d be filled up with horse semen rather quickly. She began to hump upwards as she walked, “Okay boys, mmmm… follow me.” She rocked back and forth, riding the horse’s huge penis with abandon. She even began to moan a little. She was ready for an orgasm herself. Before she knew it she was at the table with happened to be the same table as the night before in the other big room and as she continued to rock her hips, she said, “Okay… mmmm… please sit here…” The boys did as they were told.

Katie settled in for what she was expecting to be a nice orgasm, but almost before she could start to really relax, Juan walked in and grabbed the horse by the reigns and said, “Sorry, Katie is needed in the front.” Katie continued to hump even though she was surprised and somewhat annoyed. She looked back at the boys who looked crestfallen and said, “Sorry, I’ll be back!” She really didn’t want to stop fucking the horse thought, she was really horny, as she said, “Okay, Juan, what’s wrong? Where are we going?” The President just showed up, with his wife. Katie perked up, “What? Really?” “Yes. Mr Cardoso and his wife Ruth are here.” Katie didn’t know what to say, but she was intent on impressing the President and his wife, the only problem being, she was ridiculously close to a huge orgasm.

She tried to stifle it as she arrived at the front. She couldn’t help herself as she wiggled slowly, trying to subversively move the horse penis in her vagina as she met the President and his lovely wife. Juan said, “Mr. President, this is Katie, she will take you to your table.” Sasha said, “Table 15, Katie.” Katie smiled as best she could but her stomach tensed as she came even closer to her climax, “It’s nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Cardoso, please come with me.” Katie winced slightly as she thought again about the meaning of those words. The President couldn’t take his eyes off of Katie, but Katie didn’t want to make Mrs. Cardosa hate her so she tried to be as dignified as possible. Katie even tried to curtsy slightly, which looked more like a lewd squat that only shoved the head of the horse’s cock against her cervix and made the green semen coated charm swing from her anus.

Katie walked the couple and their two body guards deep into the restaurant. The table Sasha had picked was in it’s own private room. The hallways were dimly lit, and Katie took the few steps in the dark as a good moment to writhe heavily, and even buck her hips, several times. She caught Mrs. Cardosa’s eyes at one point as she left her hips at their full height, having moved just a little too long. Katie was caught, but she tried to play it off but breathing deeply, and pretending it hadn’t happened, as her breasts giggled with each breath making her nipples visible move.

Finally they arrived at the table and Katie turned the horse around. As Katie did so she lifted her butt high in the air, taking as much cock as she could in as the horse turned, getting herself off in the brief moment it took to do so. The waitress walked to the other side of the table and greeted the royals, drawing their attention away. Katie took their brief lapse as a good time to start bucking her hips. She really needed to cumm and it was taking forever to get free of the President and his wife. She began to move faster, getting closer and closer to her orgasm. She really didn’t want to cumm in front of the royals, but she figured she could stifle her orgasm just like she had for the two girls earlier. But in trying to subversively take advantage of the momentarily lapse in everyone’s attention she had a very unintended consequence.

The horse’s glans began to expand. Before Katie could stop moving the horse began to thrust. That immediately drew everyone’s attention. The waitress laughed nervously, and said, “Ah, I see Katie has decided to break with formality. I’m sorry, Mr. President.” Katie felt immediately embarrassed, “I’m so sorry, oh god… sorry, he’s just… excited… ” The horse began to buck and skip. The giant horse thrust hard into her. The sex was painful, but it still was driving Katie over the edge and she began to moan, loudly. She tried to stop herself from enjoying it but it was all too much for her as the giant stallion aggressively mated with her.

The horse finally let go and with a deep thrust, the horse’s thick member began to spurt hot cumm into the hostess as the President and his wife watched with grimaces on their faces. They did not look pleased. Katie bit her lip, raised her hips to meet her climaxing lover and with a loud moan she too found herself in an intense orgasm. The horse and the hostess were in deep ecstacy, both trying to get as much pleasure out of each other’s loins as they could. Through barely open eyes and in the midst of mid climax and she moaned louder. At this point, Katie didn’t care. It was too late, everyone had seen her now.

Her pussy sucked up the sperm and milked the giant cock with each pulse. The horse was still haunching it’s back legs, trying to get deeper into Katie and Katie was raising her hips, trying to take more. The lustful union finally spilled over and began dribbling out of Katie and onto the floor. After several more grunts, Katie fell back into the saddle, spent. Katie felt suddenly sheepish, as she said, “I’m sorry, Mr. President. I really am. It’s difficult to be polite when you’re belly riding.” The President straightened up and said, “I’m quite sure it is. Waitress, now that this young woman has had quite her fill, may we have our menus, please?”

Katie felt terrible as she guided the horse away, unceremoniously. Ruth shook her head in disgust, but Katie knew she had watched with every bit of interest as anyone else had, even if she was disturbed by what she had seen. As Katie was almost out of earshot, she heard a rather dim-witted woman in the corner who hadn’t been paying attention, apparently, “Why was that woman peeing on the floor?” Katie smiled. The woman had obviously thought the sperm was urine. Katie laughed out loud, trying not to draw any more attention to herself as she broke down into a fit of giggles. In the meantime she had to get back to her job.

Almost an hour passed as Katie frantically sat people. Katie only managed to have one small orgasm and she kept catching the eye of the boys who were eager to get their show. Katie even explained, “The President is here, and I inadvertently gave him a show. Yours will have to wait. The horse needs time.” Eventually Katie felt like the stallion had had enough time. Katie needed to feel him fucking her again is really what it came down to, but she liked to pretend that the horse needed release. The place was beginning to calm down a little and less and less people were coming in, so it seemed like a perfect time.

She walked the horse over to where the boys were sitting. They had long since finished with dinner and desert and coffee and were just waiting there. They had all had some drinks with dinner so they weren’t in any hurry. Katie smiled, “Okay, boys, it’s your turn.” Katie got a sudden burst of adrenaline and her breath shortened as the boys quieted down to watch as she began to lift her butt. She lifted her butt, feeling the charm swing wildly, pulling on her anus, as she did so.

She started to moan, feeling an orgasm begin to well up within her. She kept up a rhythmic motion for several minutes, before she began to climax. She arched her back and writhed, feeling wonderful, but also ashamed that the horse wasn’t cumming too. Katie was on a mission to please her stallion and her audience. Still though, even after what felt like days Katie hadn’t made her horse orgasm. She was getting really frustrated and embarrassed. She was hoping the horse would climax almost immediately, but she had been fucking the horse vigorously for over fifteen minutes to no avail. Katie began to have another orgasm just as Sasha walked up.

Katie was moaning and writhing in ecstasy, feeling the squishing of the stallion’s sperm covered penis in her. Sasha waited a moment, but Katie was deeply engrossed in her sexual intercourse, “Eh hem. Katie? Are you almost through here?” Katie stiffened as another wave of orgasm overtook her, “Mmmm… no, I need to get him off… ohhhh…” “Uhm… I need you though. The President wants to talk to you.” Katie’s orgasm was still in full swing as she sighed, and tensed at the same time, “Okay, guys, do you mind? … Oh god… The President is calling.”

The boys shook their head and said she could go, “I’ll be back, don’t go anywhere… mmmm, ohhhh…” Katie continued to moan as Sasha lead the horse into the room where the President and his wife were. Katie continued to openly have intercourse. She didn’t bother to stop, given that the royals had already seen her most intimate and perverted moments play out. When she came into the room she was still climaxing. She had never had a multiple orgasm before but she was definitely still orgasmic, even minutes later. She continued to swing her butt up and down swiftly, making the charm swing wildly.

Sasha turned her around, so that Katie’s rear end was facing the royals, as Katie still was moaning and writhing. It must have been awkward for everyone else in the room because Sasha cleared her throat again, “Katie, the President’s wife would like to talk with you when you have a moment.” Katie continued to climax, but managed to tone down her vocals as she said, “Mmm… of course… sorry… please, don’t mind me. Oh god…” Ruth cleared her throat too, “I had some questions for you, if you don’t mind, Ms. Katie.” Katie was surprised, “Oh… mmmm… okay… sure…”

“How did you learn to be a belly rider.” Katie’s vulva was still spasming hard as she managed to say, “Oh, gosh… mmm… this resturaunt, I guess. unnnnnnh I just kinda fell into it. mmm… I’ve only been… doing this… for two days.” The President spoke up, “Where are you from, originally, Katie?” Katie’s butt rose up and tensed for several seconds as she said, “The US, sir!” She thought she probably looked funny as she did that, almost as if her butt were saluting the President.

He nodded, “Are you a citizen of Brazil or the US?” “The US but… unnnnh… I’m dying to get a Brazilian citizenship. Oh god…” Her breathing was still erratic as the President said, “Belly riding is a hidden national treasure. It’s been all but completely eradicated. This place had to have special permission to open and even so it had to be far from the capital. The belly riding and samba schools are now all on the outskirts of town. But I think belly riding is noble.” It was in that moment that the horse began to finally react to Katie’s sexual ministrations. The horse began to thrust into Katie. It’s fat cock swelled up and began pulsating in her, as a thick load of sperm readied itself. “Would you like for me to make you a citizen, Katie?” The horse thrust hard, jabbing the head of it’s enormous penis against Katie’s cervix. To both her lover and the President she yelled, “Yes! Oh yes! Yes! MMM!”

The President smiled sensing that Katie was embarrassed by her horse’s frantic thrusting, “Go ahead, Katie, no one will be upset with you.” Katie looked at Ruth in the eyes who nodded and although still looking disgusted. “Thank you sir… oh god! He’s about to cumm!” All eyes were on Katie as she finally let herself go completely. She raised her butt hard and held herself high for her lover to pound into her. “Yes! Fuck me! Give me your cumm!” The stallion didn’t understand her, but he gave her what she wanted. After several more hard thrusts his gigantic penis let loose a flood of semen into her vagina. Her uterus was already very full of horse semen, but even more gushed into her, as her extremely prolonged orgasm continued. With thrust after thrust her orgasm piqued. She screamed out and her butt muscles tensed. The charm hanging from her anus bounced with each thrust of the horses spasming and spurting orgasm.

A flash flood of sperm spilled out from her lewd union. Apparently Ruth was equally annoyed with the rather loud mouthed and dim-witted woman in the corner as she said loudly to her, “See? It’s not pee, the horse just tried to make babies with her.” The woman looked rather shocked until she realized what was going on, and then she just looked embarrassed. Katie moaned again as she said, “He feels wonderful inside of me. Would you ever consider belly riding, Mrs. Cardosa?” The President’s wife blushed blushed furiously at Katie’s question.

Ruth said, “Oh, I don’t think so.” Katie poked further, “Would you like to see that Mr. President?” He smiled a sly smile and said, “Yes,” eagerly. The President even laughed, “Yes, I’d definitely be interested in seeing that, I think. It would certainly cause a stir to have you riding around the royal court, taking lessons from Katie.” Ruth deflected and with a glare she said, “You would get a stir out of that.” She clearly didn’t want to discuss it, so Katie came to her rescue, “Well if you ever change your mind, come find me.” Ruth smiled at that and in a more calm tone said, “You never know, maybe I’ll get too curious someday and I’ll come knocking.” Katie smiled and said, “Anytime, Madam!”

The President said, “Are you working tomorrow, Katie?” She nodded, “Yes, sir.” “Good, I’ll send a judge over, and get you to sign some paperwork to become a citizen. If that’s okay with you.” “Oh yes, sir, I’ll be here… working. As long as he doesn’t mind my situation.” “I’ll make sure to warn him that you’ll be on the job.” Katie almost laughed she was so happy, “Thank you, thank you sir… thank you! I can’t tell you how much this means to me! It’s such a big load off.”

With that Katie said her goodbyes. She had a job and it was calling. Katie walked her horse back and started to seat people again. The squishy feeling in her, with the still rigid horse penis was an odd one. She caught the eye of her friends who were eager to see her get the horse to cumm again, but Katie didn’t see how that would work, “I’m sorry guys, I got him all riled up, but then I was taken away. He came in me in front of the President. I’m sorry, I really tried. It’ll take at least another hour before he’s ready to go again, I’d guess. How about this, come back again tomorrow.”

The guys groaned, but it was clear that when Katie moved her hips a little more semen would grotesquely ooze out from her pussy lips. She couldn’t lie if she wanted to. They argued that they could stay for a while but one of them had to get back to his girlfriend. The guys jeered at him, “If she knew why I was out the last two nights, she’d dump me for sure.” Katie tried to take his side, “Why? It’s not like you’re the one screwing the horse! That’s my job!” The guys laughed and finally agreed to come back tomorrow.

The night wore on and eventually people started going home. The President and his wife left after a while, and Katie showed them to the door. She thanked them again and Ruth thanked Katie for being so nice. Katie was very gracious and with that they left. Katie was left with a hard cock and a restaurant that was finally emptying out. It was a long day. Katie was hot and Sasha offered to take her out back and let her and the horse cool down. Sasha would say goodbye to the rest of the guests. Katie was lead out back and Sasha untied Katie, so that Katie could get down. Katie didn’t move though. She was still savoring the feeling as she cooled down in the nice evening air. It wasn’t cold at all, but the breeze cooled her down a little.

Katie shifted her hips, absently, looking up at the stars. She walked the horse around the back of the restaurant so the lights wouldn’t make it hard for her to see. She reached her hand down to feel her clitorus, which was sensitive. She gently massaged it, looking at the stars. She felt amazingly sexy. Finally after what must have been a long time, Katie had a nice little orgasm. She straightened her back and finally got out of the saddle. She kissed the horse’s muzzle and headed to go back inside. The green emerald color charm was still lewdly hanging from her anus.

However, it had been a while, Katie guessed, because the restaurant was empty. There was no one inside and the lights were out. Worse yet, the door was locked, and Katie couldn’t get back inside. Katie walked around the side of the building, and sure enough no one was inside. Katie began to panic. She thought it through, and even if she could break inside, she had no idea where her things had been placed. She decided to make a run for it. She’d just go back to her apartment. It was only a few blocks away. So that she did.

She half walked and half jogged back to her apartment. She tried not to run too much because her breasts and butt jiggled too much when she ran and it felt weird. Her loud high heels protected her feet but made quite a sound when she ran. She might twist an ankle she thought, since the warm semen in her pussy and uterus had been slowly leaking down her legs and to her ankles and eventually into her shoes, making them very slippery to walk in. Plus she didn’t want to draw any more attention to her nude body than she had to.

She finally made it back to her apartment, but she could have smacked herself. Half way there she got annoyed with the green charm and she squatted beneath a lamp post on the sidewalk and began to pull the charm out of her butt. An elderly couple walked by just as she managed to pull the ball free. She moaned slightly as she looked up at them. They shook their head and left. Katie felt terrible about herself, but she was on a mission. She walked the remaining few blocks. Of course her apartment was locked and the keys were in her purse locked in the apartment. Katie groaned. She felt like she could cry, as she placed the charm on her doorstep and sank down in a slump, curled up by her door.

Then she had an idea…


Chapter 4

Katie arrived naked at the samba school and knocked on the door. It was almost three in the morning so it took quite a few knocks and eventually bangs on the door for Katie to summon someone. The same older woman who had taught Katie how to belly ride several days ago stood in front of her. The woman looked at Katie who had a panicked look in her eyes, no clothes on except for her high heeled shoes and a thick coating of horse sperm between her legs spanning the length between her crotch and her shoes. The woman looked concerned and said, “Yes?” “I locked myself out of my house and I can’t go back to work, can I stay here for the night?” “Of course! I don’t have any beds though.” “Oh.” Katie said, disappointed. The woman looked at Katie, “I could get a belly riding saddle for you, if you like.”

Katie had never contemplated sleeping with a horse in her before, but she didn’t see why it couldn’t work. She pondered it for only a split second, thinking she still wasn’t entirely comfortable with her new profession, but this woman taught belly riding, and she had no room to judge, “Why not?” The woman smiled, “I thought you’d never admit to yourself that you wanted horses the way you were acting a few days ago!” Katie smiled, not wanting to retell the entire story. Katie said, “I really want to learn how to make horses cumm on demand. My boss was upset that I couldn’t do it on my own.” “Your boss? Wait, are you working at that new restaurant downtown?” “Yes, why?” “Oh! That place is famous. I think a lot of the girls here are envious. They’d love to work there.” “Really? Maybe I could get one of them a part time job as my replacement when I’m sick or whatever.” “That would be wonderful. I know belly riders are always looking for jobs where they can still ride at the same time.”

Katie smiled, “Well I think I can help them, but can you help me?” “Of course we can. The girls can give you a crash course in getting a horse to cumm if you like.” “That would be perfect!” The old woman showed Katie to her stallion. After several minutes the old woman had saddled Katie’s horse and Katie was already climbing into the harness. The old woman efficiently tied Katie to the horse and began to masturbate it. In no time at all, Katie was being stuffed full of a new horse. Katie mused that in just a few short days Katie had already had sex with two horses.

Katie moved her hips gently, getting used to the new horse and the old woman said goodnight. Katie was so exhausted she fell asleep almost immediately. She was woken up ever once in a while by moaning or the squeaking of saddles as women had sex with their horses in the stable. The women were rewarded by a few horse ejaculations as well, Katie noticed. She was also turned on, but she was so tired she just fell back asleep quickly.

Katie was finally awoken by a sudden jolt. Her horse had decided it was horny and woke her up, by beginning to thrust into her. Katie was bewildered and had  trouble remembering where she was. The fact that her arms and legs wereincapacitated and the giant erection that was quickly expanding in her shook her back to reality. The reality was that a horse that she had had sex with all night was about to ejaculate into her. Katie laughed slightly at her predicament as she jokingly said, “Whoa there boy, we only just met! What kind of girl do you think I am?” But the horse didn’t understand her joke and thrust harder into Katie. Katie didn’t have time to think about it but in several more thrusts she got a cunt full of hot semen. She laughed again, at her situation as hot spurts of white hot fluid were spurt out into her and at the same time were erupting out of her pussy and onto the ground of the stable.

Finally after many more thrusts, the horse calmed down and stopped cumming. Katie sighed and tried to stretch. The morning sex was just what the doctor ordered. She actually felt refreshed and alive. And funny enough, she felt like she wanted more. The samba school students went around and fed all of the belly riders, spooning oatmeal into their mouths and letting them drink water and juice through a straw. Katie noticed that several of the women’s butts bounced up and down all through breakfast and a number of them orgasmed. Katie began to realize she wasn’t the only one who craved attention when she was impaled on a horse penis.

After breakfast, the samba school owner began to give Katie her first class on getting a horse to orgasm, but she did so by unstrapping Katie from her horse. She inspected Katie’s pussy and the horse’s penis and said, “Well you already made him cumm, we’ll need some more stallions.” Katie was slightly embarrassed by that, but tried to shrug it off. The samba students got five stallions and the woman said, “Okay, Katie, now go over and make them cumm, but with your mouth and hands this time, and only touch the last six inches of their penis. That way you’ll understand what gets them off.”

Katie thought that was an innovative approach and she eagerly squatted and began to suck the first stallion’s penis, trying to ignore the fact that horse cumm was dripping out of her pussy as she squatted. She tried several different approaches. She tried slow and then fast. Circles and up and down. She tried back and forth. She kept trying before she began to notice the horse reacting to a combination of the circles and a hard upward thrust at the end. Katie kept at it for several more minutes, keeping the horse on the verge of a big orgasm. Katie like the fact that she could control him.

She began to see his balls lift and Katie decided to give him what he wanted. Within a few more seconds the horse was thrusting wildly into Katie’s hands and Katie had to pull back just as a torrent of hot semen jetted violently out of the horse and onto Katie’s face and chest. Rope after rope streamed out of the hot cock in her hands and onto her face. Katie laughed as the horse’s orgasm subsided. It was amazing how much cumm it shot out of her.

Katie stood up and smiled, her face covered in semen. Katie was suddenly thankful that she had worn water proof makeup. She moved onto the next horse and repeated the trick she had just learned. Sure enough the horse too began to hump her hands and mouth within no time. Soon she was rewarded by another eruption of gooey white semen. This time she aimed it slightly higher and it went all over her forehead, her hair and her shoulder. Katie laughed and began to enjoy how gross it was as the last of the drops landed on her thigh.

Before long she had made all five horses orgasm and she was almost completely covered with cumm. She walked over to the woman and put her hands on her hip. Her entire body was covered and dripping and she had a big smile on her face. A long strand of semen was in her dark public hair, and it stood out. She looked like a perverted slut, and she knew it but she was obviously very proud of herself. The woman smiled, “Good, now do it again.” “Do what again?” “Go down on all the horses again.” “What? Why?” “Practice makes perfect. Besides, they were all fresh, it’ll be harder this time.”

Katie huffed but was secretly excited to do it. She got back down in her position and repeated her tricks. Sure enough it was quite a bit harder this time, but the stallion finally gave up it’s semen to the persistent girl who was working so hard at milking him. Katie laughed again as her whole body got a nice thick coating of semen. She moved onto the next horse and so on. Eventually she had managed to suck off all five horses for the second time that morning.

She was literally covered head to toe as she stood in front of the old samba school owner, “Okay, let’s get you tied up again, one horse at a time. I want you to try the same thing.” Katie’s eyes opened up wide. Was she really expected to fuck five different horses who had already cumm twice? “Are you kidding?” “Of course not, you’ve learned how, now it’s time to practice it for real.” Katie’s flipped her semen coated hair backwards over her cumm soaked shoulder and thought it over. It might be kinda fun. So she shrugged, “Okay, let’s try it.”

Katie got under the first horse and began to fuck it just like she had masturbated it. She rotated her hips in tight circles, lifting her buttocks off of the saddle. It felt weird having a thick cock in her and rotating her hips like that. It also felt great. She added in the quick thrust upwards, which felt great on her own G spot. She was excited to realize it felt just as good for her as it did for her lover. She felt like she might cumm pretty quickly like this, and before long the horse began to give her signs like it felt the same way.

After a few more quick circles followed by thrusts upwards, her pussy felt the horse’s giant shaft begin to expand. Before long the giant horse began to thrust into her. It was a wonderful feeling, and she knew the two of them were about to successfully mate with one another. Her pussy began to contract and the horse thrust hard into her, the tip of it’s erection pounded against her cervix. She moaned hard as the first spurt of horse cumm entered her pussy. Her cervix tensed and sucked at the end of the lovely horse penis. The old woman clapped, “Good! You two are orgasming together. That’s what we like to see!” Katie’s vagina was overwhelmed and began to erupt out hot burps of white fluid with each of the last thrusts that the horse had left.

The old woman helped Katie out of the first saddle and into the next. Katie continued on her path. She came twice more with the remaining four horses. Katie was spent. Apparently it had taken hours because they began to serve a late lunch as Katie crawled into the saddle of the same horse she had slept with. Katie and the old woman talked about who might be good candidates to come work at her restaurant. Katie realized she was completely naked, covered in horse semen with another horse in her and talking about hiring another girl to come in and screw horses at work in her absence. Katie’s life suddenly felt surreal to her.

The old woman picked out one of the girls to meet with Katie. Her name was Sandy, and she immediately struck Katie as being a perfect fit. She was young, pretty, and her pussy was definitely leaking fresh semen as they talked and yet she was still gently moving her hips and moaning ever few seconds. Katie was sure she was having an orgasm the entire time they talked, as Sandy’s anus was pulsating almost the entire time. They must have talked for hours, because Sandy made her horse orgasm as she talked. Sandy acted as if it were perfectly natural and normal. Katie decided that she’d try it herself, but not then. Katie told Sandy to come by on the weekend, and Katie would make sure Juan was there. Sandy and the old woman thanked Katie.

The old woman suggested Katie suck off the horses once more. “The fourth time is the hardest. They generally only cumm four times a day.” Katie agreed and excused herself from Sandy. Katie squatted down and began to pleasure the first horse again for the fourth time that day. Katie guessed only ten or twenty minutes passed before the horse orgasmed all over her face, neck, chest and legs. Katie smiled again. Eventually she had managed to suck off all of the horses again, and once again her body was coated with semen.

It was starting to get dark and Katie suddenly freaked out, “Oh! Geez! I bet it’s late, I gotta go to work!” Katie didn’t even hesitate as she bolted to the door. She knew she was still covered in horse cumm, but she didn’t want to get fired. She suddenly realized this was the best job of her life. Not only did it pay well, it was fun and she didn’t want to lose it over being late, that’s for sure. She walked down the day lit streets, people gasping at her cumm soaked nude body. Katie walked quickly and with determination, her breasts and butt jiggling as she walked. She even walked in a sexy way. She felt sexy, so why not?


Chapter 5

She arrived at the restaurant a few minutes later, and sure enough she was late, but only by a few minutes. The door had already opened, and Katie rushed into the back to get herself into the saddle. Sasha saw her run by with cumm all over her body, but only laughed and smiled, “Have fun today?” Katie didn’t say a word, she was in a huge hurry. Katrina saw her get into her saddle and began to help her get situated. Katie noticed that Katrina didn’t say anything about her appearance, or the fact that her pussy was obviously, noticeably full of semen, just like her body was covered in it, meaning she had clearly been belly riding earlier. Katie suddenly remembered she hadn’t showered since the day before, so she had even more loads of sperm up in her – nine or ten in all, she had lost count. But Katrina just chit chatted about how the tips were and some guy with really bad breath from the night before.

Katie was glad not to be ridiculed, but she knew she’d have explaining to do that day, and it didn’t take long. After the horse was in her, and given it’s shot, Katie walked it up to the front to meet the guests, and she was immediately horrified to see her ex boyfriend with his current girlfriend in tow. Katie gasped audibly, which drew his attention. He had to wait for his eyes to focus and even still his brow was furrowed for several seconds before she saw recognition in his eyes, “Oh my god! Katie?” Katie was so embarrassed. Her ex and her had broken up several months earlier because he had cheated on her with the very same girlfriend that was standing next to him. Katie was speechless, but managed to say, “Hi, Chad.”

Chad said, “Whoa, you look… Well, I was going to say great, but… You look like you’re covered in…” Katie breathed heavily, her naked breasts heaving as she did so, “Sperm? Was that the word you were looking for, Chad? Sperm?” Chad could sense hostility as he changed the subject slightly, “This is Monika.” Katie nodded, “This is your new girlfriend, right? It’s nice to meet you, Monika.” Katie opened her hand which was bound to the horse as if to reach out and shake Monika’s hand. Monika looked at Chad and in an awkward movement she took the several steps over to Katie and took her semen covered hand. Monika looked at her hand as she politely but dishonestly said, “Nice to meet you.” Katie said, “You too, Monika, I’m Katie, Chad’s ex. Sorry for the semen, I gave blow jobs to five horses today three times each. It’s messy work.”

Monika looked horrified as she searched for somewhere to wipe her hand and settled on Chad’s shirt. Sasha chimed in, “Table 11, Katie.” Katie smiled disingenuously and said, “Please follow me.” Chad and Monika did as they were told without saying a word. Katie sat them without saying a word back. They were seated and Katie left without another sound. She was upset, of course, but worse, Katie actually thought Monika was beautiful. Katie’s sperm coated nude body, was obviously ridiculously sexy, but certainly not refined, like Monika appeared to be with her designer handbag and clothes.

Katie walked the horse to the front where she huffed and immediately complained to Sasha, “Why does she have to be pretty?” Sasha tried to comfort her semen coated friend, “You’re beautiful too, you know. That’s why you got this job. I mean, normally you look a little more… fresh… but it at least looks like you were having fun today.” Katie smiled, Sasha didn’t comfort her much, but it was nice to hear a friendly voice. Katie began to seat more people. She walked by Chad and his girlfriend several times, without saying anything.

Eventually, Katie’s feelings turned into anger. She wanted to get back at him, and she only had one way to do it in her situation. She decided the next group that sat next to Chad would be her in. The next group came along only a few short minutes later. Katie hadn’t quite figured out what she was going to do, but her hear began to race. She suddenly felt kind of horny, and began to move her hips. That was it. She would have a big orgasm in front of Chad, to show him she was over him.

Katie sat the foursome next to Chad’s tabld and then turned to Chad and Monika and said honestly, “You two look great together.” Chad looked down at Katie and said, “I’m sorry, I really am.” “Oh, it’s okay, Chad, I’ve moved on, as you can tell.” Chad nodded, “So I see. How long have you been doing this?” “For just a few days. But I’ve had sex with six horses in that time, most of them today, as you can probably tell. I’ve had a lot of fun.” Katie began to hump the horse’s penis in her, openly, lifting her butt, which made her heart race faster. She was really nervous all of a sudden. She had cumm dozens of time in front of people over the last three days, but Katie wasn’t sure she could go through with this, suddenly.

Chad saw her butt flexing and her hips rotating as he said, “Yes, I can tell you’re having fun.” Monika was quite clearly getting jealous as she said, “Chad and I’ve been having fun too.” Katie smiled and lifted her butt, taking almost three inches of horse cock in her as she raised her hips, and letting those same three inches go as she lowered her buttocks. She continued to thrust as she listened to Monika, “We’ve traveled quite a bit since we got together. We went to Bogota and all the way down to Chili too, for a short vacation.” Katie moaned gently, “Ohhhh… mmm… that sounds nice.” Monika continued on saying all the great things that they had done together. Finally, Katie’s embarrassment faded as her sexual tension increased, she decided to use her newly found trick.

She began to rotate her hips in small circles, each time raising her hips up high and squeezing her vagina and butt on the height of the thrust, giving the maximum pleasure to her giant stallion. Katie noticed that Chad and the foursome that she had just sat were all watching her intently, as Monika continued on and on. Katie nodded her head and try to engage Monika, “Really? What was it like” and “What else did you see while you were there?” and so on, dragging out the conversation as Katie managed to get herself and her horse off, Katie began to moan regularly, which Monika tried to ignore as she continued telling her story.

Chad finally got bored of Monika’s story and said, “And what about you, Katie?” Katie said, “Mmmm… ohhh… well…. yesterday I met… oh god… the President.” “Really?” “Yes, and … his… wife… … ohhhhh.” “Why?” “They… came to eat… but got me…. instead. Oh god he’s huge….” Chad nodded, trying to probe Katie for more information, “So wait, you belly rode in front of the President?” “Yes… oh god… I accidentally made the stallion cumm once… unhhh… and then they… invited me back in… oh god… and I did it again… ohhhh… and the second time, … they intentionally wanted… to watch me… get… bred… out…. to a stallion. Oh god! It was… amazing, Chad!”

Katie licked her lips, which still had wet horse cumm on them from all the stallions she had made cumm earlier. Chad shifted in his seat. She could tell she was turning him on, and she was turned on too. She decided to go for broke and make the horse orgasm. Katie continued to tell Chad and Monika about her job as she began to feel the horse begin to react. She decided to give Chad and Monika a play by play, “Look… his cock is getting thicker… it was already huge… oh god! But look at it! And his balls are tightening… he’s… going to cumm… see? He’s thrusting… oh… god…. he’s… thrusting… He’s as far… as… he can go! God! Thank god… I’m wet enough… with all that sperm… from before… mmm… plus I’m wet… or this… would really hurt… Oh god, he’s going to cumm… in me… mmmmm ohhhhh!”

Katie rolled her head back and arched her back, squeezing her butt as hard as she could, giving as much friction to her assailant that she was impaled on as she could, just as the horse finally released himself, “Oh god, Chad, he’s cumming! He’s cumming! So much cumm! I can feel his soft cock way up in me… oh god! It’s like it never stops!” Katie moaned harder, “Okay, excuse me, OH GOD… I have to cumm now too…. ohhhhh…” Katie cried out loudly and her whole body was tense. Her toes curled, her cumm soaked fingers clenched, and her engorged clitorus stood on end as her orgasm overtook her.

Katie moaned loudly and began to narrate again, “My pussy is milking… him… for all it’s worth… oh god… he’s so big… oh wait, see the sperm? It’s starting to leak out of me. Monika, look! Isn’t it amazing… oh god… I can feel him way up against my cervix. All that cumm is up in my uterus. We’re mating, Chad. Can you believe this is possible? I never knew a little girl like me could mate with a full grown stallion like this? It’s amazing. My body never orgasmed like this with you. His cock is so deep in me. I can feel my cervix pulsing. I’ll have horse cumm in me for days, Chad. Look at my butt, you can see I’m still cumming. Once I kept cumming for half an hour afterwords… mmmm… you can see my anus pulsating, can’t you? See?”

Chad nodded, “I see, Katie, don’t you see, Monika?” Monika was speechless but she nodded too. “Look at me cumming. It’s like I’ve never had sex before. It’s electric and can’t get enough. And I fucked six horses today already. This is my seventh and I still can’t get enough. I want to be put out to pasture, Chad. I need to mate with horses every day for the rest of my life. I need to be brutally fucked by these massive beasts. I need to feel myself orgasming around their huge cocks and I need my pussy to be overflowing with horse cumm. Will you buy me a horse, Chad? Will you put me out in a field and make me fuck a herd of stallions until you’re sure I’ve milked every last drop out of each and every one of their massive pricks? Will you make me stay out there until all of their balls are empty and I can prove I’ve done it by how wet my cunt is? Look at how wet my cunt is, Chad! Seven horses! I’d fuck seven more if you bought them for me, Chad! I promise! I’d let you and Monika both watch anytime you wanted too!”

Chad was in a hypnotic state, listening to Katie’s perverted orgasmic story telling, “I’d buy you a horse.” Monika elbowed Chad, “What?” Chad looked at Monika, “I owe her some money anyway, it’s not like that. Besides, it’s her job.” Katie groaned as her orgasm continued, “I’d hire photographers to take pictures of me and I could send it to you and your step mother as a Christmas card. She hated me anyway. What does it matter?” “She didn’t hate you.” “Are you sorry, Chad? Are you sorry I’m not your girlfriend, or are you glad because now you don’t have to be jealous that I’ve found a better partner to mate with?”

“I am sorry, Katie.” Monika huffed audibly, “What? She’s a slut!” Chad tried to explain, “I didn’t mean it that way. I just meant, I’m sorry I hurt you, Katie.” Katie smiled, “Oh god, Chad, I don’t care, look at how red my pussy is – I’m so swollen. These stallions get the blood flowing to my pussy in a way your puny cock never could. Sure I miss you every once in a while, but I hadn’t thought about you once since I started this job. But honestly, it’s hard to think about much while you’re impaled on seven or eight inches of throbbing horse penis that’s constantly ejaculating in you.” Katie moaned again, smiling, rocking her hips.

She was so proud of herself, she had finally freed herself of her ex. She needed that closure, and even though she was completely slathered with horse semen and had a fresh batch of horse cumm that had been ejaculated in her hot vagina, she felt like a new woman, fresh and clean. She said, “Okay, Chad, you’ve had enough fun. Monika it was really nice talking to you, and I’m glad you got a chance to see me in all my glory. It was a great orgasm, so I thank you for being patient and watching. Maybe we can do it again later, if you two don’t leave too quickly. I’ve got to get back to work.” Katie moaned as she slowly turned her horse around, leaking semen as she did so.

As she walked away She couldn’t believe she had orgasmed through that entire conversation. She gradually came down to earth and blushed almost immediately as soon as she did. She had really hammed it up in there, but it felt great to get closure. Katie was happy that she had shown Chad that she could move on and she was even more glad she made Monika jealous. Katie smiled to herself and she even said out loud to no one in particular, “Mission accomplished.”

An hour or so passed without anything much interesting happening. Katie passed Chad and Monika several times and only smiled. She felt a little sheepish, but they stayed there well after their desert came and left. Katie knew at least Chad was ready for a round two and she started getting horny thinking about it again. As luck would have it the Judge that the President had cornered to work out Katie’s citizenship showed up. Katie was happy to meet him and said, “Please, come in and sit down, dinner is on me. Sasha, can I sit him at table 12 please?” Katie knew that was right next to where Chad and Monika were sitting. She wanted them to see how important she had suddenly become. “Sure, of course.” Sasha furrowed her brow as she said it, but Katie winked at her. Sasha suddenly and an expression of realization and Katie smiled as she said, “Please come with me, your Honor.”

Katie immediately began to get her horse worked up, even as they began to walk to the table. Katie tried to keep the conversation light as she asked how the Judge liked his job, where he lived and so on. He seemed happy to chat with the pretty girl who was interested in talking to him, even if she was messy with sperm and openly mated to a horse. Katie was sweet a sugar to the older man as she rounded the corner and sat him at his table. Katie stole a glance at Chad and Monika as said said a little loudly while wiggling her butt in small circles for her stud horse’s pleasure, “So what is the process of getting the paperwork for my citizenship?” She knew that would dig at Chad a little because he had lived in Brazil for years longer than Katie and still hadn’t managed to get his own citizenship.

“Well, for most people it’s quite a process, but with you, the President told me what he wanted, and it really comes down to filling out some paperwork. I gathered most of your information up but you’ll have to answer a few more questions and then sign the document.” Katie noticed the older man was staring at her cumm covered nipples, so she arched her back, then she noticed him looking at her pussy so she tried to open her legs wider to give him a better view. “Well, let’s get started so you can eat!” “Great, good thinking.” She started answering his questions, but at the same time she worked her hips in circles. Chad and Monika were sitting completely quietly, listening and watching.

Katie began to moan gently, in between questions and as the Judge wrote down Katie’s answers. She felt the soft skin of the horse’s giant penis gliding in her, coated pleasantly with a mixture of it’s own sperm, six other stallion’s sperm and her own sloppy vaginal juices. She amused herself thinking that she had essentially been turned on for three days straight. She wondered if the other belly riders felt like she did, but also felt saddened that many women had to hide their desires or had to do normal day jobs. Katie knew how lucky she was and her steamy pussy lovingly pulsated around the giant phallus for her audience.

The pressure was mounting for both Katie and her lover. She began to moan louder, which was embarrassing in front of such a prestigious man, and her own ex boyfriend and his girlfriend, let alone the rest of the room, but suddenly she stopped caring. Katie realized even in that moment that she always stopped caring at a point leading up to her actual orgasm. It was like the point of no return and no matter what perverted thing she could think of, it was never over the top, and she would do it if she could think of it. Her mind started racing, she decided she wanted the horse to orgasm right when she was signing the document, but it was too risky, because she had no idea when the Judge would say she was done, so she just decided to spell it out.

“Your Honor, I know this might… mmmm… seem like an odd request… but… oh god… I’d like to sign… while… he’s having… his orgasm… is that… uhhhhh… okay?” The Judge said, “Well, in all my years of officiating, that is a first, but I don’t see why not? We’re almost done here, we can just hold off on the actual signing until you’re ready.” Katie said, “Thank you, your Honor, it means a lot to me.” The Judge smiled and continued asking his question, as Katie got more and more lewd. She began to bend her knees, drawing her butt up higher after each circle she drew with her butt. The giant horse penis thrust into her each time, deeply. Her breath began to draw short and her legs began to tense as she moved. Her butt tightened with each thrust upwards. Katie was barely paying attention to the Judge now as he sat straight and straightened the paperwork as he said, “Well that about does it, Katie, when you’re ready to sign, let me know.”

Katie smiled, “Thank… you… your Honor… mmmm… it’ll just be a moment.” The older man smiled and said, “Take your time.” Katie sighed deeply and decided to do just that. This was going to be the most important day of her life. She would finally become a full blown Brazilian belly rider and not just some gringo exactly at the moment that she became a citizen and not only that, but she’d have an erect cock jetting semen into her at the same time. How many other people could claim that she thought with a sly smile?

Katie could feel the thick veiny cock gliding over he sensitive G spot as she lifted her butt. Every movement seemed to last a lifetime as Katie suddenly noticed how quiet it really was. Everyone was watching Katie and the horse. Katie knew they were waiting for the horse to inseminate her and that silence was driving her crazy. She decided the only way to combat it was to be louder. She began to moan louder and louder, until she was almost yelling, “OH GOD, OH… OH GOD! YES!”

The Judge was blushing and looking around, but no one was watching him, except for Katie, who’s eyes were darting between the Judge’s, Chad’s and Monika’s. For some reason the horse wasn’t cumming though and it was taking much longer than normal. She was really giving it her all too. Her body was electric and on the tip of a huge orgasm, yet she held herself off. She wanted to cumm at the same time. The two, girl and stallion, engaged in sensual bestiality, would climax at the same time, and she was intent on it.

Their intimate moment lasted what seemed like an hour, but was probably only ten minutes. But finally, after an excruciatingly long ramp up, Katie felt the giant phallus increasing in girth. Katie squeezed her butt hard when she felt that, “Oh god, yes! Finally! He’s cumming, get the paperwork ready, your Honor.” The Judge quickly got his pen and put it in her bound hand and put the paperwork against the hard back of the menu and said, “Okay, ready when you are.”

The horse began to thrust into Katie, who looked over at Monika, who was watching intently. Katie looked back at the Judge who was shifting his weight. He looked uncomfortable in his pants, and Katie guessed he was rather happy to get thie special assignment. She worked her hips harder, taking each thrust of her stallion as they lewdly mated. Their vigorous thrusts were almost violent, and they both were frantic to orgasm. The horse was first, as the first hot jet of semen exploded in her. Hot sticky ropes of white sperm shot past her cervical opening and inseminated Katie’s womb. Katie’s eyes flew open, as the horse tried as hard as it could to impregnate her she screamed out, “OH GOD, HE’S CUMMING!” The Judge lifted the papers to her hand and Katie steadied her hand which was moving violently with each thrust that continued to pump her uterus full of the horse’s fluids.

Finally with one last thrust, and just as the sperm erupted out from around her blood engorged vulva, Katie began to cumm. She screamed and bucked and thrust backwards, meeting the horse at the height of their thrusting, banging the flat phallus against her tender spasming cervix. She tensed her whole arm and just as the most amazing orgasm of her life ripped through her body, she signed her name to become a citizen of Brazil. Her orgasming insides slurped up as much of the horse’s semen as it could, greedily milking every last drop out of the rigid pulsating horse. “Oh god, thank you your Honor, thank you! Oh god! Ohhhhh… ohhhhh!” Her orgasm kept going and going, and her pussy continued to ooze out long strands of horse semen, as she proudly continued to fuck the cock. She was so happy that she decided to celebrate, “Thank you so much… your Honor. I want to celebrate… oh god… I’m going to keep cumming the rest of the night… mmmm… if I can.”

“I’m glad, Katie, and welcome to Brazil.” Katie gave his pen back to him, still moving and oozing small spurts of sperm as the horse finally began to calm down. But Katie was nowhere near done. She said to the Judge, “I hope you … oh god… have a good meal, sir… mmmm… I have to … attend … to my duties, oohhhhh… and try… to keep cumming…” “It’s a tough job, but someone has to do it, Katie. Brazil is lucky to have you.” Katie batted her lashes at Monika and said, “You can have him, Monika… I’ve got… oh god… something… way… way…. oh… ohhhhh… better…” And with that Katie resumed her humble duties, and true to her word, she kept her orgasm going nearly continuously for the next several hours, taking only short breaks to catch her breath and recuperate. So began her re-birth as a Brazilian belly rider.

The End