This is my sixth story posted to this site about Belly Riding as a way of life. For context this is one of the earlier stories I’ve written as a compendium originating from a story called “The Belly Riders – by Jillian, and Pomponio Magnus.” that I did not write. I just fell in love with that story and felt like it needed to be expanded upon a lot. So I did. Unlike many of my stories this is is a fairly short story since it all takes place in a single afternoon.

Almost of my stories have some length to them because they have to describe the entire set-up each time. So they aren’t quick to conceive, write or edit. The themes are pretty much always around the catharsis of women learning to love sexual intercourse with stallions and the men as a secondary backdrop to the real exhibitionism/voyeuristic bestiality story line. Each story is particularly detailed and errs on the side of grotesque detail. I do greatly appreciate your feedback. Without further ado:


Sabrina’s family had moved to Argentina only a few years before she was born, but like many of the people in Argentina, she was of European descent. Many of the people in her class had blond hair and blue eyes, so she was no different, even though her parents and the entire Pitersen family were actually from the Netherlands. So she too was blond with blue eyes. Her friend, Ines was petite and had almost flame red hair and blue eyes. Sabrina lived in a very nice house up on the hill, overlooking the city, and her father, Max took a job with the local political party, so they were well off and very prominent in the local community. Her mother, Doris, did a lot of social work, and managed to keep herself busy.

Sabrina wanted to take her friend Inez, who had just broken up with her boyfriend only a few days before down to the county fair. Apparently they had broken up because Inez wouldn’t have sex with him. It was drama that Sabrina frankly didn’t want to get involved with. It was only about a two mile walk, and mostly downhill, so Sabrina suggested to Inez that they could just walk, especially since neither of them had a car, and it was nice weather. They were both 18 and without a vehicle, but they didn’t let that stop them. It was a chance to chat anyway. So they walked, dressed in skimpy tank tops and short shorts down to the very large county fair.

They arrived at the fair and Sabrina made a b-line to the beverage cart and ordered drinks. Sabrina wanted to get drunk and she wasn’t going to let Inez tell her otherwise. They walked around, rode a few rides and drank several more drinks until both of them were laughing hysterically and pretty well drunk. It was getting late in the day by the time Sabrina and Inez happened across the belly riding side show. No women were riding at that time, it was just the horses themselves and some paintings of women hugging horses. Sabrina yelled at the man standing near the horses. “Hey!” The bored looking man looked up and over, while Inez said, “What are you doing?” “Don’t worry. Hey!”

The man walked over, “Yes?” “Where’s the belly rider? I want to see some belly riding.” “No belly rider tonight. We don’t have any traveling with us, but both of those horses were belly riding horses. They’re hard to find too, they have to be trained from birth not to run or trample the women.” Sabrina felt like picking a fight, but was suddenly very interested, “How many women have ridden them?” “Oh, just one. The owner was my sister, actually, but she died a few years ago.” “Did she die belly riding?” “No, she was in a car accident. Belly riding is far safer than the car you drove to get here.” The girls laughed, and Inez said, “Actually we walked.” “Even safer!” the man said with a smile.

Sabrina didn’t say a word for several seconds before Inez looked at her and said, “What’s wrong?” “I was just thinking.” “About what?” Sabrina turned to the man and said, “How much would it cost to let us try it?” Inez’s eyes opened extremely wide, “What?!” Sabrina’s expression didn’t change, “I’m dead serious. We should.” “Wait, who’s we?” “You don’t have a boyfriend, I don’t have a boyfriend. We’re young, we’ll never get a chance to do it again. Why not?” “Because, I don’t fuck horses, that’s why! If I wanted to get a random dick in me, I’d just call up Raul or Juan, or Ricky or one of the other disgusting boys in class.”

“Exactly, they’re all gross. This is just fun. I didn’t recognize a single person at the fair, did you? Even if anyone walks by, which they probably won’t, no one will know it’s us.” Inez frowned, “I don’t think I could.” Sabrina smiled, feeling her friend’s will fading, “Yes you can, come on, let’s try it.” Inez stood there with an incredulous look on her face and her hand on her hip, as she looked around, seeing that where they were was off the main path and they hadn’t seen a single person walk by. “I hate you, Sabrina, you know that?” Sabrina laughed and turned to the man, “Okay, two belly riding tickets, please!”

The man took some money, which Sabrina knew wasn’t very much money, even for him, but she didn’t argue. He probably just wanted to see a blond and a red head screw a horse, but Sabrina wasn’t going to let that stop her. She was drunk and curious. She stripped down naked in just a few seconds leaving only her socks and shoes on. Inez looked around several times before finally doing the same. The man let the two young naked girls through the gate. Sabrina was first into the saddle. The man tied her up to the horse, then he helped Inez into her saddle.

The man then masturbated the horses one by one and got them ready by giving them both shots. Both girls commented on the size of the horses as they tried to become accustomed to the feeling. “He’s huge isn’t he, Inez? God!” “Yes, whoah, I had no idea it would be like this.” Sabrina admired Inez’s open pussy that was topped by flame red pubic hair that matched her long mane on her head. Sabrina’s brown pubic hair was far less impressive, but she liked her breasts better than Inez’s which were much smaller, but looked great on her skinny body. The two girls gently moved their hips upwards, getting accustomed to the sheer size of the giant penises. They were each rocking their hips, and Inez said, “Oh my god, I think I’m actually going to cumm.” Sabrina moaned when she heard that, “I’m not far behind you.” The two drunk girls were suddenly lost in their stupid game that had already gone too far.

The two girls began moan and rock their hips more openly. They didn’t care that the old man was watching them as both of their impaled pussies began to contract around the stiff erections of the horses they were each mated to. They both moaned and twisted as their anuses contracted and their cervixes spasmed deep in their pussies. The old man smiled as the girls began to calm down and said, “Okay, you paid for an hour. Now that you are accustomed to the feeling, I will be back in a bit. Please enjoy yourself while I’m gone.” The girls began to protest and ask where he was going, not that they could follow anyway, but the man didn’t answer any of their questions, and simply left.

The girls were left to themselves, hidden only partially by the fence and the side of the trailer the horses were tied to. The girls were completely stuck and helplessly impaled. The girls blushed at one another, not knowing quite what to do. Their game had gone beyond where either of them thought it would, so they just sat there, trying not to move much, but both desperately wanting to. The girls tried to hold a conversation, calling the old man a jerk, while both girls tried to pretend they weren’t engaged in a sexual act with horses. Sabrina laughed and said, “Well at least we have rocking chairs!” As she begun to swing herself, absently, forgetting how lewd she looked swinging back and forth, taking a few inches of the horse cock with each downward swing. Inez smiled and continued to chat, while Sabrina rocked, absently.

Finally Sabrina began to get too horny to notice her own movements. She began to gently rock her hips up and down with each swing, not realizing that she was making loud, obscene squeaking sounds with the saddle as her butt flexed involuntarily. Sabrina was getting more and more aroused, with each thrust, as she began to tense her abdomen and legs at the bottom of each swing. Inez coughed in an awkward way, shaking Sabrina out of her trance momentarily. Sabrina laughed, completely embarrassed, “Oh god, Inez, I need to do that a few more times. Hope you’re not done for the day because even if that old guy wanted me to leave, I wouldn’t go anywhere. I need to do that again.” “Don’t worry, sweetheart, I’m not going anywhere. I’d like to try that again too, I had no idea how quick I’d cumm.” “Promise me if I stay you won’t leave.” “Don’t worry. I promise!” “Good, now, I have to cumm again, and I mean now. Mmmmm….”

With that both of the girls began to rock their hips again, and move them in circles. They were a bit novice at fucking horses so it took several minutes before they got the right rhythm. Before long the two of the girls were moaning again, getting closer and closer to an orgasm, but Inez suddenly said, “Whoa, wait, what? He’s growing! He’s getting bigger, whoa!” Sabrina looked over through somewhat glazed eyes and said, “Lucky you! Maybe he’s going to cumm.” Inez began to panic, “Wait, what? Oh geez…” But the more she squirmed the more she was stimulating the horse and he began to thrust his hind quarters forward, slamming his massive rigid cock into her tiny frame, violently.

She screamed, “Oh god! Stop him! Oh my god!” The man was still nowhere to be seen and Sabrina was helpless, but it definitely looked like Inez was getting thoroughly fucked by a stallion, against her will. She tried to pull away but before long the horse was thrusting even harder. Suddenly Inez stopped looking like she was fighting and started looking like she was on the verge of another orgasm. Sabrina started to hump her horse harder, as she watched her red headed friend get her red haired pussy impailed on a horse cock. By the stiffness and the vigor of the horse’s movements, it was clear to Sabrina that Inez was on the verge of being inseminated by the stallion, right there, in broad daylight.

Sabrina humped hard and within a few seconds her horse’s cock too began to increase in size deep in her pussy. Sabrina said, “He’s going to cumming in me too, honey. We should try to time it.” Inez looked almost faint as she said with distant eyes, “Okay. Oh god! I’ll try.” Sabrina’s horse began to thrust into her pussy too. Sabrina tried to accommodate her lover by spreading her legs wide and lifting her butt, so that each thrust bottomed out against her cervix. It was painful but it also felt great. Sabrina was getting the fucking of her lifetime and both of the girls were spectacularly gracious as they held onto their partners in a perverse embrace.

Suddenly Inez was cumming, and hard. She rocked her hips upwards and gritted her teeth, taking each thrust with lust in her eyes. Her breasts giggled wildly and just when Sabrina didn’t think it could get any sexier Inez began to whimper, “Sabrina! He’s cumming in me! He’s cumming. Oh my god!” Sabrina was wild eyed, trying to watch as the giant stallion injected a tremendous amount of semen into her little friend.

But Sabrina had her own problem, her massive stallion was on the verge of his own orgasm, and suddenly, without fan fair he began to ejaculate into her too. Sabrina managed to say, “Me too Inez… He’s cumming in me too. Oh god!” Sabrina began to cumm hard. Both girls were writhing in ecstasy, moaning and lifting their buttocks to take as much of the girth as they could manage. Inez’s eyes flew open again, “Whoa, it’s overflowing.” Sabrina didn’t have time to understand what Inez was saying before she felt it herself – a sudden spurt of hot semen overflowed and began to flow down her butt and onto the ground, “Oh god, Inez, oh god!”

Sabrina watched the semen drool out of Inez’s pussy, matting her soft red pubic hair around her vulva with fresh warm cumm. The horses continued to inseminate the girls and the girls continued to orgasm for several more long perverse seconds. The scene was overwhelming as the two pretty girls’ legs tensed and their pussies pulsated in unison. Finally the two girls began to relax as they came down from their intense intercourse. Their breasts were heaving, and they suddenly both felt very sheepish.

The girls relaxed for a few seconds and looked at each other and laughed at how dumb they felt, but they had made a pact to stay, and neither of them had any intention of leaving now. “Did we really just do that?” Inez nodded, “I have no idea what we just did.” “I think we just put ourselves out to stud.” “Yeah, he’s definitely a stud, that’s for sure. Wow.” Inez petted the horse’s side with her hand which was bound at the wrist.

“Does this mean we like horses?” “I think it does. Wow. But we can never tell anyone. Okay?” “You got it.” Suddenly they realized the old man was watching them from behind the fence, as he began to climb over it. The man was looking at the two girls’ drooling pussies and said, “Well you’re half way to becoming belly riders.” “Half way?” Inez said incredulously, “Mister, I don’t think you were paying attention, or something, because there was nothing half way about what we just did. I just had my brains fucked out, personally. How about you, Sabrina.” Sabrina rocked her hips once more, absently as she said, “Oh god, yes. I’m pretty sure he came in me. My pussy is drowning in sperm right now, personally. I think that qualifies.”

The man smiled patiently and said, “Yes, a horse can ejaculate anywhere between 8 and 50 times as much in volume as a man.” Inez scoffed, “No kidding, I’ll be leaking for days!” The man smiled again at Inez, “While that does qualify you for having been successfully mated, belly riding originated by women who had caught their husbands cheating. They rode their horses publicly to humiliate their husbands.” “Right, we rode the horse,” Inez said. Sabrina was curious where the man was going with this. Maybe Sabrina was horny, maybe she was drunk but she was in no hurry to free herself from her current state. The man said, “What you haven’t done is the public part. It’s time to take you for a walk.” “WHAT?” Inez began to panic again. “Just a little walk. You can come back after you’ve made the horse orgasm once more. But you need to walk him in front of people before you can call yourself a belly rider.”

“This is bullshit. He’s just trying to get us away so that he can steal our stuff, Sabrina.” “If I wanted to steal your stuff I would have already, it’s not like you could do anything about it. The horses are worth more than anything you have in your pockets anyway. This is for my sister, not for you. You bought a belly riding ticket, and now you are going to help me honor her memory.” Sabrina caught a tinge of pain in his throat when he said that and she felt suddenly bad for him. She turned to Inez, “Oh, come on Inez, let’s just do it.”

“What?! Are you kidding? No way, you can, but I’m not.” “You promised you wouldn’t stop belly riding until I did.” “Yes, but that was before you decided you wanted to go off and fuck a horse in front of the entire fair.” “No one will know who we are. We can just go out there for a few minutes, have some fun, come back and we’ll have a story to tell for the rest of our lives. Come on.” “No way.” The man said, “You don’t have a choice, actually, I’m putting you out to be bred. You’ll have to mate with the stallion somewhere out there, and I’m not going to let you back into the gate until I see fresh sperm down there. And no hiding, you must come back a different way than you leave, so I can be assured that you are holding up your end of the bargain.”

He began to lead Inez and Sabrina’s horses out of the yard. Inez was protesting heavily but she had no where to go. She begged Sabrina to help but Sabrina said, “Just go with it. I couldn’t do anything even if I wanted to.” The man walked the two horses outside of the fenced off area and out to the edge of the crowd. The two girls were almost totally paralyzed with fear, even Sabrina for how tough she was acting. Inez began to bob her butt quickly and in annoyed voice she said, “Let’s just get this over with.” Sabrina started moving her hips quickly too but the man said, “No no, don’t even bother. It will be a while before either horse is ready. Give it anywhere between twenty minutes to an hour. Now have fun you two.”

The man left leaving Inez and Sabrina to themselves. No one seemed to notice them yet, and the two stood there silent, not wanting to make a sound. Both started thinking maybe they could stay completely still without making a sound for twenty minutes and then get it over with. But just as that thought entered their mind a handsome looking man with what looked to be his grandmother in tow said, “Look, Grandma! Whoa! Let’s go check it out.” That was it. Sabrina said to Inez, “We might as well start walking, we’re already found.” The man dragged her grandmother over to the horses who were suspiciously without riders as his Grandmother protested, “No dear, those are belly riders, I don’t think they want you disturbing them.”

Sabrina looked around and sure enough the two were drawing more unwanted attention. Inez said, “You can come over and talk.” It was obvious she just wanted them to stop making such a commotion as the Grandmother said, “Really? Are you sure? He doesn’t need to.” “Oh, it’s no problem.” “Oh, well, thank you so much.” The Grandmother looked very prim and proper, as she hiked her purse up higher on her shoulder, and looked down at Sabrina. The man smiled akwardly and said, “So, how do you like belly riding.” Sabrina didn’t know how to answer that question, “It’s good I guess.” “Just good? That seems like a big risk to take for just good.”

“Well, I mean, no, it’s amazing, I’m just not used to it, that’s all.” “Ah. Well you seem like you both are doing it just fine, by the looks of it.” Both girls blushed knowing that the woman was eluding to the semen that was obviously coating their pussies their butts and the horse cocks still buried deeply in them. Inez said, “Thanks.” Sabrina didn’t quite know what to do, but Inez said, “Just talk a little walk with the horse around a little and I’ll entertain Grandma, here.” Sabrina began to squeeze the horse’s stomach with her strong thighs, hoping that might make it move, and sure enough, it did. But unfortunately, she had no idea how to turn it, so she began to walk right into the crowd of people with the Grandmother and the man only a step behind.

Much to Inez’s dismay her own horse began to follow Sabrina’s horse without having been instructed to move. Inez began to panic again, but it was already too late, the two young women who were both openly fornicating with horses as they began to trod through the large mass of people. Everyone commented, and pointed. Unlike Brazil it wasn’t that common of an occurrence. Everyone knew it happened up in the hills, but this was definitely a new site. Two, obviously well kept young women were walking around, completely nude, except for white socks and tennis shoes and completely impaled. It was the most pornographic thing most of the people had ever seen.

After a few more steps the mother said, “Okay, John, let’s go.” “But I don’t wanna.” “Let’s leave the nice women alone.” At this point Sabrina didn’t really want to be left alone, but she didn’t know quite how to ask that favor, so she let the Grandmother pull her 20 something son away from them into the sea of people. The horses kept walking on their own, not particularly bothered by all the people. Sabrina noted how well trained the horses were, through her amazing embarrassment. But after a few seconds Inez caught up to Sabrina and said, “You know what, I was really freaked out, but you’re right, I still don’t recognize anyone here. Maybe this isn’t such a bad thing. I thought more people I know would be here.”

Sabrina began to loosen up too, and they began to walk around aimlessly, trying to figure out how to steer the horses, while still impaled. Inez began to stop responding to conversation before Sabrina said, “Something wrong?” “No, geez, no… sorry, I’m just about to cumm again, I’m sorry.” Sabrina thought that sounded like a great idea. “Let’s go into that clearing over there and have a quicky.” “Okay.” They walked over to what was not really so much of a clearing as an absence of dense crowds, near several less popular trucks selling cotton candy and a really poorly constructed slide.

Sabrina said, “There, finally, some peace!” Inez began to hump quietly, and Sabrina took that as her queue to do the same. Sabrina closed her eyes and began to thrust upwards. The two girls began to moan, finally getting more relaxed with their nudity. Maybe this whole belly riding thing had gotten out of proportion with reality. After almost twenty minutes, no one seemed to care that much, and in fact several people seemed interested in watching, which really turned Inez on, Sabrina was quickly realizing.

The two were vigorously milking the giant stallion erections in them and Inez was on the verge of her orgasm guys in their early twenties came up and said, “Can we take some pictures with you?” Inez wanted to tell them to get lost but she was really close to an orgasm and she couldn’t speak, and Sabrina said, “Sure.” Sabrina thought that she couldn’t stop them anyway, so she had better let them do what they wanted. The boys began to snap pictures of the girls, taking tons of pictures. So many that Sabrina was getting annoyed, and Inez was trying not to move. One of the boys said to Inez, “Go ahead and move, I want to take some action poses.” Inez didn’t say a word but nodded her head in a horny motion. She began to lift her butt up high, taking the rigid flesh into her pussy as far as it would go.

Inez even started to moan again, and that turned Sabrina on. Maybe it was the alcohol talking but Sabrina really wanted another orgasm, and Inez’s moans were driving Sabrina closer to the edge as she started fucking her own horse roughly. After several close up shots of the girls and many action shots of Inez’s pussy and anus and Sabrina’s face and breasts as Inez started to moan louder. Inez was going to have a great orgasm, Sabrina could tell, but Sabrina’s horse was reacting differently. She could tell he was getting tense and that made her more tense. His penis began to expand again, and Sabrina began to panic. She didn’t want anyone to see, but if she stopped, they’d ask what was wrong. Maybe she could hold him out for a few more seconds and they would leave on their own.

But Sabrina had no such luck. The horse began to thrust into her, violently. Inez said, “Really? Already?!” Sabrina shrugged, “I don’t know… oh god… but he’s ready, I guess, mmmmm…” One of the boys said, “I’ll get this on video, wait. There we go.” Sabrina decided to go with it, it was her ticket out of her situation, even if she was being taped by the boy with the camera. She raised her butt high off of the saddle and braced for the torrent of semen. Her butt began to quivver with each thrust of the hard cock and she felt her own orgasm approaching. The boy was walking back and forth with a small hand held camera that was shooting film. She could tell he was zooming into the union of the horse thrusting violently in her, then her breasts and finally her face. He also took some film of Inez who stopped humping once she realized she was being filmed, so he went back to Sabrina. Finally the horse began to shoot ropes of hot semen into her already sperm filled pussy. Her body reacted to the overpowering ejaculation by having it’s own orgasm.

Her body was spasming from head to toe as each thrust of the horse’s dick forced even more semen through her sucking cervix and into her womb, until it began to spill out of her onto the ground. The boy was excited and got low to the ground to watch the sperm drooling out of her and hitting the ground. Sabrina was still climaxing, as she bucked upwards, feeling the girth in her, squishing around inside her. She felt so erotic and sexy, she loved it. The boy finally shut down the camera, while Sabrina finally started to calm down and catch her breath. The boy said, “Well thanks for this.” Sabrina said, “Would you mind sending me a copy of that? I’d like to see it.” “Sure, what’s your address?” He pulled out a pen and paper from his small backpack. Sabrina told him her home address and gave him her name. The boy nodded and promised he’d send her a copy.

“Okay, folks, please let us be now,” Sabrina said. And with that the crowd began to dispurse. Inez was obviously flustered and horny, but didn’t want to admit it. She wanted another orgasm badly but the crowd was overwhelming. She was still gently rocking her hips, but she was trying to do it while being stealthy, but Sabrina and everyone else who was still watching could tell what she was actually doing. She wasn’t fooling anyone, except herself. She had gotten so close too, so her clitorus was extended, and her chest was flushed. She was a mess.

Sabrina was the first to talk, “Well that was interesting.” “I can’t believe you let him take that movie of us.” “Why not? We’ll never see him again. Besides, I couldn’t have stopped him if I tried.” “I guess.” Inez shook her head, not wanting to mention the fact that Sabrina had given her name and address to the guy. Sabrina looked at her horny friend who was still squeezing her swollen pussy, visibly, trying to slowly get herself off, “Let’s walk back towards the corral, maybe you can coax him to an orgasm before we get there.” Inez huffed, “Okay…” The girls slowly and deliberately turned the horses, with much ado, trying to figure out how to steer the horses while impaled on them. Inez looked puzzled for a moment, and then finally changed the subject, “You seem really comfortable with this.” Sabrina blushed for a moment and then said, “Can you keep a secret?”

“Yeah, of course,” Inez said, sounding suddenly interested. “This isn’t my first time… with an animal.” “What?!” Sabrina blushed again, as the two girls walked their horses, slung beneath them. The horse penises in them disappearing into their sperm soaked vaginas, as they swung gently with each  step of the horses they were mating with. “Yah, well, it started a year ago.” “I can’t believe it!” “Well, you’re in for another shock. It wasn’t a horse.” “What? What was it?” “A dog, actually.” “Really?! No way.” “Yes, and please don’t get mad.” “Mad at… what? Oh. You didn’t?” Sabrina knew Inez had figured out her secret, “Yes, I did.” “You fucked my dog?” “Just a few times.” “A FEW times?” “Yeah… well, maybe… ten or twenty times?” “Oh my god!” Sabrina explained that she had done it when Inez’s family had asked her to take care of the dog while they were out of town.

“I drank a little too much and got horny. One thing lead to another, and he and I started having oral sex, and then real sex.” “Ew, he’s licked my face!” “Haha, yeah, he’s licked more than that on me.” Inez looked grossed out as Sabrina continued, “It only lasted a few months. It was just a fling.” “A fling? You’re talking about him like he was your boyfriend.” “Well, not boy, no, but yeah, we were sorta seeing each other. When we had sleep overs, I’d sneak out when you were asleep and find him and we’d sneak outside and I’d let him have me. I didn’t want you to be upset, so I never told you. And then you almost caught us once and I decided to call it quits.” A year prior Inez had woken up and wandered downstairs, looking for Sabrina, while Sabrina was mid coitus outside. She had already stripped naked, and had nowhere to go and was only moments from being found out, “Thankfully he had already cumm. Although it was painful getting untied, I managed to pull free and jump in the pool.” “Wait, that was the time you said you were skinny dipping?” “Right.”

“So wait, tied?” “Yah, he tied with me. He got his knot suck in me. I didn’t let him tie with me until a month or so in, but then I finally got used to his size and I let him. It’s awkward, but so much fun. He’s a great lover, although I’m thinking I like horses better now.” Inez shrugged, “I couldn’t say which I like better.” “I bet you’d like dogs. They’re easier, you just bend over and they take care of the rest. Plus you can let them sleep in your room and your parents won’t even notice. I let your dog sleep in my room while I was taking care of him, actually. My parents never noticed.”

Inez shook her head and laughed, “You slut!” “I hope you don’t hate me.” “No, no, I just might have not done this whole belly riding thing in the first place if I had known you were prone to fuck any animal you could.” “Not any animal. Only a few. A few dogs and this horse.” “Wait, there were more dogs?” “Three. That includes yours though. I slept with Tati’s dog and Sandra’s dog too.” “Wait, I just realized, you were only friends with girls at school that had male dogs. Were you just using me?” “No, I really was friends with you first, which is why I kept talking to you, even after I stopped having sex with him. I didn’t like Tati or Sandra much, so I stopped talking to them after Tati’s dog was neutered and Sandra’s dog died in that car accident. I just stopped seeing your dog after you almost caught me.”

Inez laughed again and raised her hips, fucking the horse hard as she did so, clearly turned on by Sabrina’s story, “Well, even if I was only good as a friend because of my dog’s dick, I’m still glad we turned into friends.” “You mean it? You’re not mad?” “No, I’m not mad, and now that I know what else he’s good for, I might take my turn. It’s a lot more discrete than belly riding, I never noticed, and you must have been with him for months.” “Yeah, about six months, but only a few dozen times total. Which was a bummer because I think I just got him to have sex the way I liked it right at the end. Anyway, he should be perfect for you, if you wanted to try it.” “Crazy.”

The two girls slung beneath their horses finally got back to almost where they had started, just out of sight of the corral but not in the dense crowd either. They were by no means hidden from view, but not in the thick of the mass either. Sabrina said, “Okay, Inez, get going. No more stalling.” Inez nodded, knowing it was do or die time. She had to get the horse off or she might have to stay under it all night long, or worse yet, she might have to wait until she ran into someone she knew who might untie her. She began to raise her hips, and used her arms and strong legs to get a swinging motion. She was immediately aroused, as her breasts giggled and she looked down her body, to see the thick horse meat disappearing beyond her flame red hair of her pubic mound. There were a number of onlookers gathering, but Inez didn’t care, she had to go through with it, both because she wanted to get untied and because she was also really turned on.

Inez moaned loudly and began to thrust, feeling every inch of the horse’s girth in her sliding back and forth. She couldn’t believe she was openly fucking a horse, but she needed to make this happen, for her and for the horse. After a minute or so, she began to feel an orgasm approaching, she wanted to hold out as long as she could, so she kept it inside, trying not to push herself over the edge. She diligently worked her hips upwards, squeezing her buttox as she did, trying her best to milk the giant animal’s throbbing penis of more semen. Sabrina did her best to cheer Inez on, “You go girl. You look hot all worked up like that.”

Inez continued to writhe, stretching and contorting her body, working the length of the seven inches in her as best she could. She strained and arched her back, moaning. She was very close to an orgasm, when her prayers were met and the horse began to neigh and shake his huge head. She could tell she was having a big effect on the stallion. She continued to have rigorous sex, feeling the head of the thick horse meat pushing hard against her sperm coated cervix. Finally the horse began to thrust, but then Inez’s worst nightmare came true as she heard a familiar voice from the crowd, “Inez?”

Inez’s eyes shot open and she froze as her eyes adjusted and settled on her ex boyfriend, Ernesto’s, face, who was standing right beside another classmate, Mario, who she knew Sabrina had a crush on. Sabrina gasped, “Oh my god!” Inez was still frozen even though the horse was beginning to thrust harder. “What are you doing,” Ernesto asked as he stepped forward. Inez didn’t know what to say, but she was tense, trying to fend off a huge orgasm, just as the huge stallion began to ejaculate into her. She gasped and held her breath as Ernesto said, “What’s the matter?” Inez’s eyes were wide as she held her tongue and her breath, as several more violent thrusts rocked her loins. Finally and unceremoniously, a flush of hot sticky ejaculate erupted from Inez’s open vagina and onto the ground. Ernesto instinctively said, “Ew!” Inez was totally humiliated as she laid in her sling, suspended and taught trying her best to hold in her explosive orgasm. Her body was flush and her clitorus was distended as her engorged vulva tensed involuntarily with each of the horse’s remaining thrusts.

Her dark brown eyes hadn’t moved from Ernesto’s as he finally started talking, “I didn’t know you were a belly rider. Why didn’t you tell me?” Inez finally started breathing, still tense, “Oh, Ernesto, I’m so sorry. I’m not really. I was just a dumb thing that Sabrina dragged me into.” “Hey!” Sabrina said, laughing, while looking at Mario, who smiled at her. “It’s true. Anyway, I’m sorry, Ernesto. I got sorta trapped into it, you aren’t mad are you?” “No, it was kinda sexy, in a gross sorta way, I guess.” Inez smiled, sincerely, “You think so?” “Yah, actually. It was weird, but sexy.” “We had to make the horses cumm before the guy who let us belly ride would give us our clothes back.” Mario inspected Sabrina’s pussy and nodded, “I guess you’re clothes are free.” Inez said, “Would you mind going and getting them for us? I don’t want him to go back on his promise? He’s right around the corner in the corral.” Mario nodded and headed off in a chivalrous gesture.

Inez looked at Ernesto and said, “I wish we hadn’t broken up.” “Me too, actually. I thought you were kinda boring, but wow, you have me beat.” Inez looked slightly more encouraged, “Really?” “Yah, wow, I had no idea you were capable of something like this.” “Well I’m actually thinking of trying dogs out next.” Sabrina flashed a big smile and a wink at Inez who smiled back. Sabrina was happy for her friend. Ernesto said, “Really? A dog? Can I watch?”  “Sure.” “Well, do you want to come back to my place? I’m kinda in the mood. I guess this whole belly riding thing kinda got me off.” “Sure….” She paused for a moment and felt butterflies in her stomach as she realized she was about to ask the most erotic question of her life, “But before we go, would you mind letting me have one more quickly with the horse before we go? I really need it.” “Uh, okay, sure. Do whatever you want.” Inez couldn’t believe what she was doing, but that was all the approval she needed.

She moaned and stiffened. She arched her back and began to vigorously hump her hips upwards as her boyfriend watched her mate with the stallion. A long strand of horse ejaculate swung wildly back and forth from her anus, lewdly, as her impending orgasm approached. She knew she could cumm almost immediately, but she decided to take her time, and prologue her intense orgasm. She could tell Ernesto was getting aroused as he shifted in place and adjusted himself. After another long minute, she moaned louder, as every muscle in her body began to tense, and pulse as, her body desperately tried to impregnate itself with the giant rippling beast she was impaled on.

Her cervix sucked at the head of the flat horse phallus drinking the sperm that coated her insides. She was so proud of herself. She had successfully mated with a stallion, in front of her best friend and her boyfriend. She had orgasmed around the thick prick of her horse lover, while dozens of people watched her. Her anus pulsated in lust of her stallion lover as her intense orgasm finally subsided and her moans quieted. Her pussy was full and happy. Her whole body felt electric and beautiful. “Wow… you two look great together,” Sabrina said to her friend. Inez blushed, feeling the same way, “I can’t believe I did that, mmmm… wow.” Mario returned just in that moment with their clothes. He handed Inez’s clothes to Ernesto and said, “Good news, he gave us your clothes. Inez you can drop the horse off and be on your way, and I’ve also paid to let Sabrina ride a little longer. I’ll walk her home, if she’s okay with that.”

Sabrina’s eyes were wide, “You did what?” Mario winked, “I’ve got your clothes and I’ll let you go when we get back to your house.” Sabrina smirked, still feeling a little drunk, but thinking it would be very sexy to be walked to her house while she was still fucking a horse, “Okay.” Inez laughed, “We’re officially belly riders, Sabrina!” “I know! Weird, huh? Do you feel any different?” “Yes, I feel like I’ve got a massive cock shoved in me for starters! It’s a great feeling actually.” Ernesto looked embarrassed, “Okay, we should go.” Inez breathed heavily, “I know I promised I’d wait for you to get unsaddled before I did, but is it okay if I….” “Of course, go on and you two have fun.” Ernesto smiled and with her clothes in one hand and the reins of her stallion that she was still mated to in the other hand, he lead his girlfriend out of view, leaving a thin trail of horse cumm behind her.

“So,” Mario said with a smile, “alone at last!” “Yup, take me home!” With that the two began to slowly walk out of the county fair, as onlookers watched her the entire way. Sabrina was horny, and was excited about riding the horse up the hill to her parent’s house. Mario asked about her day and what had happened, and Sabrina told him the whole story, minus the part about her telling Inez about her dog fetish. But she had the feeling Mario wouldn’t mind. The walk was only a few miles, and Sabrina had a few small orgasms along the way, making only a minor nuisance of her moans as she did so.

The long walk up the hill to her house began, and Sabrina immediately was thrust further down the pike of horse meat buried in her loins. Her eyes flew open, “Whoa, he’s going to split me in half! Oh my god!” “Are you okay?” Sabrina rotated her hips and strained with her arms and legs to push herself against the sling to reduce her weight on the assailing horse’s cock, “Unnnnn… I think so… I just have to get used to it. If I did this every day I’d be in great shape though, this is taking all my strength to hold myself up.” Mario smiled with a weird smirk on his face. Finally they reached the top of the hill and just got within visual range of Sabrina’s house, “Okay stop here.”

Sabrina looked fearful, but didn’t see anyone. Of course it was impossible to tell if anyone was home since the cars parked around the side, but Sabrina thought she could go unnoticed. Her parents were usually home by now, but it was quiet so she stopped protesting. She dismounted from the horse with Mario’s help. A flush of hot sperm that her vagina had collected that afternoon quickly spurt from her and began to ooze down her thighs, as she drained. She giggled a little as she put on her skirt, and her bra and thin top. She left her panties off as she muttered something under her breath that Mario couldn’t quite make out about needing to “dry off first.”

They approached the front of the house, and Mario lead the stallion. And almost the moment that they reached the front porch the front door opened suddenly, scaring Sabrina. In the door was Sabrina’s father, looking mad, “What are you doing, Sabrina?” “What do you mean?” She suddenly felt very guilty, but she wasn’t quite sure why. Maybe he was upset about the horse that was trailing them, or maybe he was upset about her being late, or Mario being there. The horse was still wearing the belly riding saddle but she was sure he couldn’t have noticed it that quickly. She couldn’t quite yet tell why he was upset, but then her worst nightmare became a reality, “You’re all over the news! You and that horse!” “What?!” “Yes, you. You’re on the news. You and that red head friend of yours. Someone shot video of you both screwing that horse at the fair. It’s on the news right now. It’s even got your name at the bottom of the screen!”
