The bus took me part of the way and the rest I had to walk. Five miles walking along a quiet country road in Devon, England, pulling a large suitcase and on one of those rare hot days. Oh my, I was sweating like a pig and dog tired. Now why did I mention those animals? Just expressions.

I was just 19, sweet, innocent and never been kissed. Well, not really true. Although I was technically a virgin. Vibrators, dildos and fingers don’t really count do they? I had just had a very steamy relationship with a much older lesbian woman. I had never thought that I could ever fall in love with a woman and we were lovers over six months. It had ended in tears, mostly mine when she had found someone else. I wasn’t kinky enough for her she had said and I had refused to do some very way out things which were so disgusting I can’t even describe them. Well, not then. But things change don’t they? She should have stuck with me……..

A little about me. I am 5ft 4in tall, brunette, 38D top, 34 in waist but a big ass. If I had had the money I would have had it reduced but I didn’t. I never knew who my parents were. I had been dumped on the steps of a hospital in Exeter with a note, “Find this a home.” ‘This’. ‘Baby girl’ would have been nicer. The home I was sent to and stayed with for sixteen years was ‘The Devon and Cornwall County Council Children’s Home where I learnt the art of domestic service. I left their with the greatest qualification a young teenager needs to make it in this lovely world – I was a qualified maid. I even had a certificate to prove it.

However, I soon found out I was competing with students studying at colleges. To further their real academic qualifications they needed the cash to supplement these studies. So they worked as bar tenders, waitresses and maids and would work a lot cheaper than the minimum wage my union demanded. I was a full time qualified maid and when I demanded the minimum wage I was told I also had an attitude. But I did find work in grubby hotels and allowed the horrible old male owners and managers to ‘feel me up’ and give them a ‘flash.’ Of course they wanted more but a loud voice in my head said ‘No’ and when I actually uttered it I was dismissed.

Then my luck changed and went to work in a small private home for the elderly that was managed by Alice. Alice was a middle-aged lesbian and she listened to my tale of woe and promptly paid me a pound over the minimum rate, gave me a room free and shared my bed. There is always a price to pay for kindness, I suppose, but I enjoyed our time together. I loved her kisses, her tongue, her fingers and being fucked by her strap on cock that got longer and thicker as the weeks progressed. But I disliked anal sex. I thought it was so wrong and I cried every time she pushed that plastic phallus into my little ass hole. It made her cross and she would spank me very hard adding to my misery. I told her I loved her and she shouldn’t do this to me but she laughed and told me to be good or I would be thrown out ‘on my ear.’ And so I was when she engaged another young girl who proved to me more adventuresome than me..

Luckily I had saved a little money and was able to afford to stay in a small, but nice, bed-sitter for a month whilst I searched for work. It was during the second week there when I came home to find an envelope addressed to me that had been hand delivered. There was only a type written ad asking for a live-in maid with experience of looking after paraplegics and the elderly. From my work with Alice’s Home I now had experience in this area and the fact that this ad had landed on my doorstep someone else had thought I was suitable. I surmised it had to be Alice. There was a telephone number to call and then my eye caught the salary. 1,000 Pounds per month. That had to be a typo. No one would pay that. Still, even at 100 pounds with full board and a room – I hoped it included food – I could save a little. I called the number and a recorded voice told me that all applicants for the job of maid were to go to the reception at one of Exeter’s top hotels at 10am on Friday 13th and ask for Mrs Jenkins. Friday 13th was the next day. Being superstitious I hoped the date was not a bad omen.

Obviously it wasn’t because I got the job. In fact I was the only person there apart from Mrs Jenkins, a thin elderly lady and a younger man in a wheelchair whom she didn’t introduce. From my questions I ascertained that the elderly person was just herself and the paraplegic was the man in the wheelchair. I was puzzled, however, that she hardly looked at my resume I had carefully written out and asked me was I regular with my periods and the date of my last one. Upon supplying this information she glanced across at the man and said something to the effect that they would have to work immediately. At the time I surmised she meant employing me because I was offered the position after the man had nodded.

A glass and beaker full of some fruit juice (I couldn’t determine the fruit or fruits) was produced and I drank it. The taste was refreshing, almost intoxicating and I asked for some more. She poured it for me with a smile and at the time I never thought it was strange neither of them drank. I then felt extremely tired and started to yawn. Then I remembered nothing more as I fell asleep.

When I awoke I found myself lying on a bed in a strange room which I soon learnt was a guest room at the hotel. There was envelope lying there and a scribbled note saying I had passed out and called a doctor who had examined me and found I was just tired and needed nourishment and vitamins. I was to start work on the Monday next with an address where I was to be employed. Also enclosed was five hundred pounds with the explanation that I would get the rest of my month’s pay on the Monday. So the salary was correct and I was being paid in advance. What a lucky girl I was.

Since I was in this room I decided to use the facilities and undressed and decided to take a shower. It was whilst stepping into the shower stall and before turning on the water I noticed my pussy hair was matted with a slightly sticky discharge of some sort. It had to have come from me and when I gingerly pushed a finger into my vagina it was wet. Very wet. My finger came out glistening. I smelt it and gently licked it. It was ever so slightly salty in taste but then remembered I had been examined by a doctor. The dirty old man (if indeed he was old or even a male) had included an internal vaginal examination in his determination I was healthy.

So now here I was tired, sweaty, and dying on my poor feet. I cursed myself for not spending some of my money on a taxi. I finally arrived at my destination, outside the iron gates of a huge mansion complete with beautifully cut lawns and a winding stone chipped driveway leading up to the imposing wooden front doors. I rang the bell by the gates. Almost immediately two large dogs bounded up to the gates barking. I was not used to animals but I had found that when I did meet them they always seemed to like me. This was the case here because as soon as they got my scent they stopped barking and waited for me to enter as the gates swung open. Both of them surprised me as they jumped up on me but it was friendly as they took turns licking my face. After patting them they got down and one of the dogs led the way up the driveway whilst the other trotted behind me.

I thought we were heading for the front doors but the lead dog took a detour to the side of the house and stopped to make sure I was following. The dog behind me pushed his snout against my behind and I got the message that I was to follow. It was now hard work dragging my case across the grassy lawn.

Mrs Jenkins and the man in the wheelchair were sitting under an umbrella in deck chairs . She got up as I approached and both dogs licked her hands. She told me to leave my case where it was and led me to one of the empty chairs. We both sat down and the man was introduced as her son, David. He had had a swimming accident when another swimmer had dived into the pool from the highest board landing on top of him. David had been nearly drowned but had suffered terrible injuries resulting in permanent damage from his waist down. Allisson, as Mrs Jenkins insisted I call her, had looked after her son for fifty years now but her age now had made it too exhausting so she needed the help from me plus some menial cleaning. She would do the cooking. After some trivial chatting about myself and some refreshing drink we moved into the house. We all boarded a lift (elevator), accompanied by the two dogs, up to the next floor and I was shown my bedroom which was situated next to theirs complete with adjoining door.

Both rooms were almost identical with king size four poster beds, en-suite bathrooms, and walk-in dressing/wardrobes. One of the dogs jumped onto my bed and was immediately scolded by Allisson with the words, “No, not yet!”

“You must be tired,” she said. “Lie down my dear.” I was. As soon as my head hit the pillow I fell asleep. I do not know for how long, But when I awoke I found I was dressed only in my panties and bra. Against my bed and stroking my tummy with his hand was David in his wheelchair whilst Allison was sitting on the bed smiling down at me. When I tried to rise I found my arms and legs were tied to the four posters of the bed and panic and alarm started to build within me. She moved a hand to my bra and pushed it up exposing my breasts and then David’s hands were upon them squeezing them whilst she took one of my nipples between her fingers. I tried to cry out but no sound came. What had they done to me? It had to have been in the drink I had swallowed whilst sitting on the lawn

Then I felt a weight landing on the bed down at my feet and there were the two dogs. I squirmed as I felt them licking at my thighs, their tongues delving under my panties into my pussy.


I squirmed beneath their administerings. I don’t know what was affecting me more – the squeezing of my breasts, the pinching of my nipples or the licking of my pussy. All three were sending me off into orgasm. I tried to stop it. I was tied up. I was being forced. Rape. The word came into my head. Yes, my body was being violated. An elderly woman with her thin, bony fingers were pinching my nipples. A middle-aged man in a wheelchair was squeezing my breasts. Hurting them but not enough to cause extreme pain. This pain I was enjoying. How could it be so? And then there were the dogs. Two huge dogs were lapping and delving their tongues beneath my panties into my pussy. Dogs. What breed I do not know. Maybe part German Shepherd? What did it matter? This was so Disgusting. But I was having orgasms. Not one but multi. I was a church going young woman. How dare they do this to me? How could I possibly be enjoying this?

Then Allisson and David’s mouths descended upon my nipples. They took them into their mouths. Their tongues licked at them. They sucked them. I felt my nipples grow into their mouths. Then I heard a tearing noise as now both dogs bit into my panties stretching them like a tug of war held by their teeth before finally pulling them apart. My pussy was exposed. Trickles of moisture ran slowly down my thighs betraying my orgasms. This was my juice from inside my vagina and not the lickings from the dogs tongues.

Tears welled into my eyes at this indignity. My only feeling of gratefulness was the thought that this couldn’t really be rape as neither of the human could actually penetrate me. I would still technically be a virgin as no male organ would be forced into me. I expected a piece of plastic or something similar would be pushed into my vagina and I readied my body to accept this indignity. When the two humans suddenly stopped their sucking of my breasts and I felt them move away I knew my suspicions would soon be confirmed. This was how David ‘got his jollies off’ I concluded and I felt a little sorry for the man. His mother was obviously a lesbian. Would I be made to bring her to orgasm with my mouth like I readily did to Alice? I remembered the salary I was getting. Alright then, I thought, so be it. I would be angry with them for forcing me but I would forgive them and would expect these horrible acts would be limited to once a month. But what about those horrible dogs? I would not allow that to happen again. I would insist they would have to be tied up before allowing any of these indignities upon my person. Tied up. It was me that was tied up.

I struggled a little and I gave an unheard gasp as one of the dogs attacked my pussy with relish. His tongued darted up into my vagina and stayed there licking the walls and sending another orgasm shooting through me. The other dog now moved up onto my body and his great jaws locked themselves around my neck.

I mouthed the words “No. No. Help.” I knew I was about to be savaged and my throat torn out. But no sound came forth. That damnable drink had left me still mute. I would die in silence.


Then to my surprise instead of those dog’s jowls snapping shut and giving me a terrifying death his tongue started to lick my neck. More of a caress than a lick. My breath expelled from me in relief. My pussy juice was being lapped up into the mouth of the other dog. When the dog at my neck stopped to lick at one of my nipples I was so turned on if i could have shouted for joy I would have. It was nice. Yes, I silently decided, they could do this to me again, but only when I decided. They would have to be very well behaved.

I came again. And again. And again. I don’t know how many times and when I felt the nipple on my other breast being pinched I was astonished to see it was by one of the dog’s paws. How was this possible? It felt just as if human fingers were squeezing the nipple between fingers. How could you train a dog to do this? Why would you want to? This was crazy? But it all felt so nice. Better than any touching up I had felt by men. Even better than Alice’s caresses. Better than Alice’s tongue. The other dog had such a long and strong tongue. It was made for pussy licking. That wicked thought entered my head and even though I tried to stifle the thought it would not go.

Still pinching my nipple with his paw, the dog moved again and his head rested upon mine. Our eyes locked together and I could hear him talking in my head. This was strange. I really could hear him.

“Kiss me.”

I opened my mouth and he opened his. Our heads locked together and both tongues met. We french kissed like two lovers just before we would commit the act of bonding. The sexual act millions performed every day.

I felt the bonds at my legs and hands being removed. Allisson was releasing me but I made no move to escape. I did not move from my tied down position. I carried on pressing my tongue against the dog’s. It felt so beautiful. So erotic. David’s hands were back at my breasts. Both of them. My puss was being tongued by the other dog. Allisson was now at David’s side. She hugged her son and whispered in his ear. It was like a secret signal because everyone stopped at once. The dog at me head even nudged me and the voice in my head told me to sit up and I did.

“I am sorry we had to tie you down. We didn’t know how you would react.” David said smiling at me. “You enjoyed what we did.”

I think it was a statement but I made out it was a question.

As I couldn’t speak still I glared at him. I gestured at my mouth.

“You will get your speech back very soon. The drug will wear off.” Allisson explained. “Barney and Brewster don’t like it when their mate cries. It puts them off and affects their performance.”

I looked round to see where Barney and Brewster were hiding. I was their mate? Was I about to lose my virginity after all? The dogs looked at me. Their mouths were open showing their teeth as if grinning with tongues hanging out. I had an irresistible urge to hug them both. Then it dawned on me. Barney and Brewster were the dogs.

“Hallo,” said the voice in my head. “I am Barney. I am already in love with you.” This was the dog I had been french kissing.

A different voice entered my head. Slightly lower in pitch. “Your pussy is so tasty. I could lick you there for hours but you have made me so horny. Look what you have done?”

And before my eyes I saw a pink tip appearing from the sheath attached to two large testicals.

“Please will you roll over and get on all fours so I can fuck you my dear.” The voice was almost pleading. “And then we can mate and I can show you how much I love you, too”

Barney’s voice was just as urging, “Please dear love. We can have so much fun. And you are at the right time of the month for breeding. My brother was first out of my mother’s womb so he is the lucky one to bond with you and get you pregnant. At least I will be second. Our four brothers will be so envious when they see you tomorrow.”

“Enough,” Allisson scolded. “The poor girl will be frightened. She does not need to know everything yet.”

So Allisson could also hear Barney’s voice.

“I am so sorry Christine.” He called me by a strange name. My name was Ruby. “Forgive me. Trust me though. You will enjoy the experience you are about to receive. We are both very good lovers. Mother taught us well.”

A dog had taught her offspring how to fuck humans? What was this, but I found myself rolling over and crawling up into position. I had no sooner adopted it when a heavy weight landed on my back. I felt fur against my skin. Two big paws grabbed me and wrapped themselves around my waist. Something prodded and poked me at my rear and then I felt it. Brewster’s cock entered my body. I had just lost my virginity to a dog!


From the size of that little tip I had seen protruding from Brewster’s sheath I was now astonished at the size it was growing inside me. Every savage thrust and pull from the huge dog’s cock was increasing its length and thickness. Glory, glory, Alleluia. This member was reaching places in my vagina where no phallus, fingers or tongue had gone before. I mentally pictured the spaceship Enterprise exploring my love canal, and as I felt spurts of liquid shooting into me from this intruder, I imagined the Enterprise was attacking an alien craft with its lasers. However, the spaceship’s ride inside my body was far from a calm sailing.

When Alice fucked me with her strap-on she had moved it in and out of me with her hips banging against my rear with a regular forward and backward motion. Brewster was certainly fucking me with a forward and backward motion but at five times the speed. I had thought the jets of liquid I was feeling meant he was cumming and therefore he would soon be spent. The pictures, the movies and the descriptions I had seen, heard, and read of “THE ACT” all suggested this. But this was not a human cock. This was an animal. The very thought made me feel so guilty. I wasn’t even tied down now. I had moved into the required position myself so that this bestial, awful and disgustingly perverted act could be achieved upon my person. And I was enjoying it!!! Enjoying it so much I came. I didn’t even try to fight it. I reveled in the pleasure of it. I basked in it. I loved this incredible feeling. How I wished that drug hadn’t stopped me from showing this pleasure with my voice. I longed to gasp. To groan. To shout. To tell everyone how much I adored what was happening to me.

I now urged Brewster on by thrusting back against his cock. It had stopped growing in size but was making little noises from within my vagina because of the trapped air and lubrication from his cum. I could hear him panting and his fur was tickling the flesh on my back. I could even ‘hear’ him in my head groaning in time with his thrusts. Then I felt something else. Something large, like a ball, was expanding against my pussy lips. It banged against them. It was trying to get in but it was much too big. But that wasn’t stopping its attempts.

Brewster was slowing down his thrusts but there was more force to them. I now stopped pushing back against him as I did not want that ball inside me. He sensed this because his paws gripped me tighter and actually pulled me back against each thrust and I was helpless to stop him. His groans were louder now as was his panting. I felt wetness from his spittle land on my neck and his hot breath their too. His back arched up over mine and he actually lifted me up from the bed. He gave a tremendous lunge forward and a I felt a searing pain at my cunt. That huge ball found success. It shot up past my entrance and lodged itself hard against my clitoris. The pain was instantly forgotten as I climaxed and my pussy was drenched by hot liquid scalding my womb and sending me into la la land.

“Yes. Yes. Oh yes.” Brewster shouted in my head and I knew that this liquid still shooting into me was his cum. He was breeding me. That’s what Barney had said. Impregnation. Pregnant with pups. I was at the right time of the month. I was fertile and ready for his, no their semen. Dogs. But it wasn’t possible. You can’t crossbreed between the species. But Barney’s voice had sounded so positive. But even that wasn’t possible. Dogs couldn’t use telepathy to communicate with humans. But he had. Allisson had heard him too. She had scolded him. This all had to be a bad dream. Dream? A nightmare! I would wake up in a minute. I tried pinching myself but another spurt of cum inside me triggered another orgasm within me. The sensations of his cum, his pulsating cock and the quivering ball felt so wonderful. This was a drug I could easily get hooked on.

My head and shoulders slumped down upon the bed. Brewster’s weight was taking its toll upon my body. Whilst I was being fucked by this beast I felt no aches but exhaustion and pain now started to rake my through my body. Allisson sensed this.

“Just one more mating my dear and we will make it more comfortable for you, I promise. Then you can sleep. You have a very big day ahead of you tomorrow. And so many brothers and sisters for you to meet. They will be so excited to see you David and I will be hard pressed to stop them loving you up. It has been so long. They have had to put up with my old body for their relief. Now they will have you.”

What was this crazy old lady talking about? She was quite mad.

I didn’t time the minutes Brewster lay on top of me, his cock buried up to his balls in my vagina. It had started to feel very pleasant and once I moved my arms around and adjusted the weight on my back to a different part of my body even the aching pain wasn’t quite so bad. Then the cock within me slowly started to get smaller and Brewster moved off me, his cock pulling out of my pussy with a plop. His cum pored out wetting my thighs and legs and he moved to my rear and soon his tongue was licking me there as he went about cleaning my pussy.

David and Allisson were at my sides and pushing cushions up underneath me. I helped them as best as I could. Brewster now came to my head. He licked my face.

“Thank you dear sister. You are divine. I hope you will give me a big litter.” I found myself nodding as his voice reached my brain. At that moment I did want to be pregnant. Then I collected my senses. Was I going as mad too. But Barney now leapt up upon me and with only a couple of probes his cock thrust into me and I prepared myself for more.


“Oh, heaven. Oh yes. Your pussy is so hot and wet.”

Barney’s voice leaped into her brain as he thrust his cock to and fro inside me. He wasn’t as frantic as Brewster was but his cock was definitely bigger. It felt big when it first entered me but now it was enormous. His back legs scraped against the back of mine and even came off the floor as he strove to get more of his weapon into my cunt. I tried helping him and pushed hard against his thrusting.

Dearest readers, please forgive my depravity. Do not be too judgmental. I knew it was so wrong to allow an animal to mate with a human being and worse to actually enjoy it. I could not help myself. I was loving it. It felt soooo gooooood.

Barney lasted much longer than Brewster. I felt that ball forming at the end of his cock just as I had with Brewster but again this was bigger. Barney was not ready to end our mating. He actually slowed down and to my despair he pulled out. I felt our combined juices start to run out and his damp cock against my ass. He moved further up upon me and he started humping again. When i felt his cock start to hit around my rose I knew his intention and involuntarily started to move and try to push him off. he griped me tighter and actually gave me a little constraining nip upon my neck.

“Relax my darling,” his voice was soothing. “We will both enjoy this. Trust me.”

I still tried to move away but it was too late. His cock slipped into the valley in my ass and thrust against the flesh until it found the opening into my ass. My sphincter gave way at the force of the penetration and he rammed his boney cock home. If my voice was operating you would have heard it a mile away I am sure. I screamed but it was a silent one, although I did manage to make a few guttural noises. The sudden pain brought me back to reality. Not content with this vile act being perpetrated on my person in the right hole I was now being defiled in my smaller one not designed for such an intruder. Sodomy was a sin and bestiality was a worse one. I was condemned to hell.

Barney humped my ass faster than he had done my pussy. I was thankful for the spurts of liquid his cock was injecting into me and giving some lubrication to that tight passage. Thankfully the terrible pain I was suffering from now started to diminish. I felt fingers at my pussy. It was David. Allisson was behind him in his wheelchair and she could see my discomfort. She urged him to find my little clittie and play with it.

“I’m sorry my loved one.” Barney was sending me a message. “I did not realize how tight you are there. You will now start to find pleasure.”

He was right. Whether it was from David’s fingers, or my passage was getting used to the pummeling it was receiving, but I could feel an orgasm building up. How could I actually enjoy this? However, I had asked myself the same question previously at the other indignities I had suffered this day. Now my ass was moving back against the dog’s furious thrusts forcing more into me and I knew he would try to force his ball into me there. This would surely do me a great injury but there was nothing I could do about it. I gritted my teeth and forgot about it allowing another orgasm to run through me.

barney was losing control. too. I could hear his pants from his mouth. I could feel his heart beating through his ff.gif hide. I could hear his voice in my head crying for release. He was thrusting into me like an express train shunting down the railway lines trying to break the track record. Then my sphincter muscle gave way and that great ball ‘of fire’ shot in as his cum exploded into my rectum coating the walls and my intestines. It felt like a huge enema that I had to endure when I was a child at the home, whenever I was constipated. Shot after shot of semen. A cock pulsating. A huge ball knotted in my ass quivering. Fingers at my pussy stroking my clitoris. Then Allisson’s hand started to squeeze my breasts. A tongue now licking my face. Brewster had returned to torment me. Now the biggest climax of my young life came upon me. My mouth opened and Brewster’s tongue locked with mine. Again no sound came from me but I was yelling. Yelling because I didn’t want this to end. I wanted this to continue forever.


Forever. If only it could have been. Knotted and locked together with Barney’s magnificent penis and ball in my ass. It could not escape. The passage was so tight and that ball, that knot, was lodged in place. Oh, it hurt but the pain felt so good. Brewster, Allisson and David had now stopped their play and were sitting around me on the bed smiling down at me. Occasionally Brewster would lean forward and give me a lick on my face. If only I could find my voice and tell them how much I enjoyed this. But still that damned drug had still not left me. If only I could have uttered the words of love then maybe the terrible tragedy that was going to happen could have been avoided. ‘If only’. How many times in our lives have we uttered those words?

Dear Barney never stopped telling me how much he loved me as we lay tied together like this. He licked the back of my neck. He still referred to me as his lovely sister and called me Christine.

“I will be with you in all your matings with your brothers and see no harm comes to you. And I will be such a happy father when you give birth to our offspring. We must have lots of puppies together.”

His voice pounded this nonsense in my head but I found myself agreeing with him and I nodded.

We stayed together for over half an hour before, with great reluctance, his knotty ball slowly shrunk and he was able to pull free form my ass. His tongue was there licking up his spend that started to seep out form my tiny opening. Tiny? It must have been gaping wide open now. It certainly felt so. Would it ever shrink back to normal, I wondered.

They all left me finally. Alone now I almost crawled to the adjoining bathroom, ran my bath and climbed in letting the hot water rise around my tired and aching body. I reached for the soap and found a jar of bath salts and bubbles. I poured them into the water and marveled upon this great luxury I was wallowing in. Bubbles enveloped me and I felt the soothing effects of the salts as I slowly washed my self. My pussy and especially my ass were sore but the pain was slowly ebbing away. I closed my eyes and faded into a comfortable sleep.

When I awoke I was lying in my bed. I have no recollection how I got there. I was naked but lying under the covers. I got up and pulled the curtains from the window. It was dark outside. I tried to recollect what had happened. The memories that floated into my mind filled me with revulsion. I checked my pussy and my ass. the latter seemed normal – it was shut tight but both my openings were tender. Something definitely had happened. I had been violated. I opened my mouth and very cautiously spoke. My vocal chords were working. Then came a knocking from the adjoining bedroom. before I could answer Allison walked in. She was wearing a sheer see-through negligee. Even though she was elderly she had a beautiful figure. Her breasts were full and did not droop. They swung sensually beneath the negligee and I could clearly see her long pink nipples surrounded by a large brown areola. It was all so beautiful and my lesbian instincts took over and I wanted desperately to expose, suck and play with them. She smiled as she noticed her body was turning me on. She touched her breasts, stroking them slowly and then her hands moved down to her crotch. I gasped. Allisson sported a cock and balls where her vagina should have been.


Allisson noticed my shock. Her cock, although flaccid, was still an impressive weapon, not that I had seen many cocks except on pictures and videos. But it was bigger than most of those in a similar condition. Allisson was really a man but she had wonderful boobs. They looked real. What would they feel like when I touched them. And I so wanted to feel them, against my hands, my flesh and my lips.

Allisson removed her negligee, letting it drop at her feet. She approached me and her hands went to her cock and stroked it. My eyes were hypnotized and locked as i watched her phallus grow before my eyes.

“On your knees, my daughter,” she said, “and suck it. Open your mouth and take it all in before I fuck you.”

Like a zombie I did her bidding. I dropped to my knees and she walked slowly up to my waiting mouth. I had never sucked a cock before and my handling of them was scarce. I was a novice but when that growing morsel of flesh entered my mouth I instinctively knew what to do. I devoured it pushing the cock against the back of my throat as I sucked upon it causing me to gag a little. I fondled her balls. I licked the lovely weapon. I sucked hard making her give a sharp intact of breath. I then took it out of my mouth and licked the head and then the shaft. I squeezed her penis gently with my hands whilst I turned my attention to her balls. As I did this, I recalled her words. She called me her daughter. Her? She was my father? I started to push the cock into my mouth again but she stopped me.

“Enough.” she said. “Lay on the bed. I need to be inside you again.”

Again? When had she done this to me before. As I marveled on this the answer came in a flash. She had made love to me in the hotel bedroom the day of the interview. The wetness and salty taste. It was her semen. Why was I calling her – her? She was a man. But she didn’t look like any man I had ever seen before. She was so feminine. And how old was she? Before I could ask these questions her hands were lifting me up. I allowed myself to be led to the bed and I lay on my back with my head against the fluffy pillows. She sat astride me and moved down positioning herself so her breasts swung against my mouth. I allowed a nipple to drop into it, my tongue licking across the breast and my lips suckling on the teat. My other hand clasped the other breast. It was real. No silicone filling. Firm and soft at the same time. I alternated my sucking and handling of her luscious mammaries like a windscreen wiper blade. I even felt slightly dizzy as my head bobbed to and fro between them.

Too soon, for me, she pulled them away from my lips. She sat upright and moved further upon me with her cock now protruding a massive ten inches. She placed it between my breasts instructing me to push and wrap my breasts around it. She started to fuck the valley between them. Her cock felt so nice there and a sticky fluid dropped from its tip like a thick oil lubricating its path. She smiled down at me and she was enjoying this as much as I was. She spoke gently and her eyes closed as she said the words

“I have longed to have you in bed with me my lovely daughter. I am so grateful I found you.”

“You really are my father?” I asked timidly. I braced myself for the answer. I so wanted to belong.

“No.” she replied. Tears welled up in my eyes and I felt a tear drop out and run down my cheek. She noticed it and her head bent down so she lick it off.

“I am not your father. David is.” I breathed a sigh of relief I did belong. But she had called me her daughter. The incredible truth came upon me at the very second she confirmed it.

“I am your mother.”


She could see my bewilderment as she pulled her cock away, repositioned herself upon me and with our breasts pressing against each other moved it against my pussy. Her cock entered me, slowly, tantalizingly so. I was wet from the pre-play and it fitted my love canal like a glove. So this was her second time inside my love canal. It felt different from the two doggie cocks I had now experienced earlier. Allisson’s slow fucking was in sharp comparison to the frantic humping by both dogs. Barney had been slower than Brewster and he had tried to make it last but his primal instinct was too strong and his thrusting was hard and forceful. Allisson teased me. She would bring her cock almost out and rest it with the helmet against my pussy lips before she would move it gently up into me again.

Her technique was driving me almost insane. I ground my body against it trying to drive the cock harder into me but she wasn’t playing my game.

“No, my child. All good things come to those who wait. Come spelt c-u-m.” Allisson laughed at her own joke. She bent her head down and kissed me. Then she nuzzled my neck and then bit it hard making me jump and yell.

“Pain makes pleasure, darling. You will learn that. Just the right amount stimulates it. When barney fucked that delectable ass of yours didn’t it hurt so good?

“Yes.” I replied. “Yes. Hurt me then.”

“I will personally truss you up and whip you at the farm as each animal there takes you.” Allisson’s voice sounded excited as if conjuring up erotic memories. “I have lots of restraints there. Many. All designed by David. He loved watching me unable to move whilst the animals had their way with me. Long cocks. Thin cocks. Cocks with corkscrew ends. Cocks with huge knots at the base. Monster cocks with a flare at their tip. Cocks that expand inside you. Cocks that keep on cumming and cumming. That fill your belly so it swells as if you’re pregnant. And you, my sweet will be pregnant if you’re not already. When I took you before I felt unconsciously I was impregnating you. This will make sure. You are the saviour of our race. You are our Breeder. You will breed our humanimal to take my place and much later a breeder to take yours. And you will regenerate everyone. You will always be pregnant. Always being cocked.” She laughed nastily. “Nice juicy cocks plunging into you like this.”

Now she rutted me fast. Her words had triggered an orgasm. She plunged inside my pussy, to and fro. She herself was like an animal. Her breasts rose up above mine and rivulets of sweat now dripped down onto mine. I fought to keep pace with her as my climax started to build. Faster and faster we rode together. She was in my saddle steering me to the winning post. We crossed the line to cheers from the crowd. I came as the yells went on. I realized when I came back to earth that the yells had been from both of us, mine being the louder. She collapsed upon me and my arms wrapped themselves around me.

A little later I was sitting up on the bed with plumped up pillows behind me. Allisson was sitting on the edge of the bed with David in his wheelchair at her side. Laying across my legs was Brewster whilst Barney was by my head occasionally giving my face a lick.

“Time to tell you all,” Allisson said, “You will find it difficult to believe but it is all true. You see, we, including you, are aliens. Our ancestors landed here over 2,000 earth years ago. In a space-ship that was recorded in a book called “The Bible” as Noah’s Ark.”


I was incredulous. But her date had to be wrong.

“You mean 2,000 years B.C.?” I asked

“B.C?” she queried. ‘You mean ‘before Christ?”

I nodded.

“Interestingly, you query the date but not that we are aliens arriving from another planet in an ark.”

“I was coming to that,” I retorted.

“If I told you that the person you call Christ was one of us? What would you say?”

“You were mad.” I said and found myself getting angry.

“When you give birth to puppies and mate and produce offspring to the rest of the animals at the farm will you believe then?”

“No. I cannot believe. I know I have mated with these two dogs but who says I’m going to mate with other animals?”

“Dogs? They have names. They are your brothers. I am their mother. I am mother to all the animals at the farm. All of them. I mated with their fathers and their fathers before them. You are the rightful Breeder. You were born to do this. To give pleasure to all your brothers. To produce their offspring.”

I found myself getting angry but at the same time a feeling I recognized as excitement, a lusting, was also there. I allowed my anger to suppress the feeling.

“Let them fuck their sisters!” I exclaimed.

“Yes. They will.” She nodded agreement. “They only have one sister, though. One animal who is sister to all of them. You.” She looked at my bewilderment and her voice changed as if she was talking to a child. “I was born a male. My breeder was my mother. I impregnated her and she bore me David and later his sister, Madeline, a breeder.” To emphasize the point she added, “Like you. Then disaster struck. Madeline, before she could be bred, at the age of twelve died.” She stopped speaking, and I saw a tear well up in her left eye.

“How?” I asked. David spoke for her.

“She took one of her brothers for a walk outside this house. It was forbidden but she had a will of her own. She had not yet learnt the truth about herself or the dog that was with her was her brother. He had never been outside the house and when he saw a speeding car coming towards him he panicked and ran into the road right into the car’s path. Madeline ran to him, grabbed at him to get him out of the way but it was too late. The car hit both of them and did not stop. Both were killed instantly.”

“I am so sorry.” I moved and put my arm around Allisson. She gratefully touched my hand and recovered. She continued the story.

“We now had no breeder.”

“What about your mother?” I asked, “You mated with her before. Couldn’t you impregnate her again?”

“I mated with her many times but a breeder can only produce two humanimals. One male who stays in the womb for eighteen years before being born as humans call it. And one female who only stays in the womb for nine months. The male, once born, grows to full maturity in nine months. He has learnt everything whilst being inside his mother and feeding on the sperm continually being injected into her womb by his animal brothers. If you do not mate with your brothers every day at least four times you will starve the fetus and the male humananimal will die. Enough for now of explanations it is time for more breeding. I will tell you more afterwards. We will do it slightly different. Ever heard of double penetration?”


I had heard of double penetration and seen pictures of women with a cock in their pussy and ass at the same time. I had wondered what it must feel like. I nodded.

“You mean you are going to get Barney and Brewster to do my pussy and ass togther? No way, Jose. My ass is too sore for that.” I retorted. It was Barney who spoke, his voice sounding so kind in my head.

“I know, darling. I’m sorry I hurt you there. I should not have forced my knot into you but I’m afraid I couldn’t help myself. Brewster and I would like to fuck your delicious pussy simultaneously. You will feel our knots pressing together inside you, squeezing your little clittie and squirting our love juice into your womb. Two jets of hot cum coating your insides. Just imagine it for a moment.”

I did and I involuntarily squirmed. How could I refuse?

“What do I have to do?” I asked.

David explained whilst Allisson maneuvered us into position.

Barney laid down on his back and Allisson held his sheath, stroking it gently. I watched the pink tip appear and grow in front of my eyes. When it reached a reasonable length (about 6inches) and sitting up proud with a nice round ball, I now knew was called ‘the knot’ (I judged just under 2inches diameter), with liquid dripping from the pointed tip – now educated to know it was pre-cum, I couldn’t resist the temptation to gobble up the whole thing in my mouth. Mmmm. It was such a nasty thing to do and the taste was very metallic but I didn’t mind. I was enjoying doing something this dirty. I even got Barney to tell me to stop as I sucked and sucked at the lollipop. He was frightened he would cum in my mouth, something I wanted to experience. I was turning into a dirty filthy slut by the second. What was to become of me? I did stop and David told me to position my pussy over the cock being careful not to put any weight on Barney’s balls and legs as I guided it into me and sat down. As I proceeded to do this Brewster took the opportunity to give my gash a few licks before my cunt sank itself down upon the lovely wicked, wet, red and highly veined penis. It felt so good inside me and I moved myself up and down a few times feeling it slide in and out of its new home.

Allisson gently moved me forward raising my rear end up and at the same time pushing hard onto Brewster’s cock. His knot was resting up against my pussy lips but in this position she was able to force most of the knot inside. It pressed delightfully against my clitoris and at the same time I felt little jets of pre-cum shooting off inside triggering an instant orgasm in me. Allisson judged I was ready and Brewster jumped up onto my back forcing me further down upon Barney his front paws around my breasts whist Brewster wrapped his around my waist.

The two dogs were obviously experienced in this type of rutting with a human and I guessed Allisson had been the filling in the sandwich when she obviously had had a pussy and not a cock. Brewster, instead of humping madly with his cock trying to locate the opening as he had done before, waited for Allisson to guide it against my already filled vagina. I felt her holding it in position with the tip just entering me and pushing against Barney’s knot when Brewster humped forward. My pussy opened up at this rude intrusion but allowed access and with short but hard thrusts and pulls another cock was inside me fucking away against my insides and his brother’s cock.

I heard myself groan and gasp because now not only Brewster was humping me but Barney’s too moved. Obviously not as much as Brewster’s but enough to cause the most incredible sensations within me. Next David’s hands pushed between our bodies and grasped and squeezed one of my breasts and Allisson positioned herself in front of me with her cock jutting firm and straight lined up and touching my face. I instinctively knew what she wanted and my mouth opened on cue as she moved herself forward and the third cock entered my wanton body. One hand held my head and the other was stroking Brewster’s as he humped and humped at my now very tight hole. It got increasingly tighter as his cock grew and grew sending me further and further into oblivion as wave after wave of orgasms hit me.

Allisson thrust her cock further and further into my mouth and hitting the back of my throat but by instinct I learnt how to breathe even though it was doing a good job of blocking off my air supply. I was a very good pupil with a natural talent. Wasn’t I a Breeder? A humanimal? I could take anything they dished out. I was Maid for Animals wasn’t I?


Three cocks moving inside me at the same time! Two doggie cocks crammed together in my pussy. A woman sporting an 8 inch erection moving it in and out of my sucking mouth. Hands grabbing and squeezing my breasts and nipples. How could I not be having continual orgasms? I heard myself giving a muffled scream, as the cock now forcing itself down my throat was restricting my vocal chords somewhat, as Brewster now forced his knot into my poor full pussy. The timing was perfect. Three jets of cum shot off together. Three cocks unleashed their spunk. Three cocks coated my insides with their lovemaking broth. At that moment I could have drowned in the stuff. I would have died happy. I loved the whole depravity of it. I welcomed it. And I passed out.

When I regained consciousness, Allisson was sitting on the bed beside me, wiping my face with a damp cloth. Cum was seeping from my pussy and I felt I was lying in a pool of water. I realized instantly it was more cum. Brewster and Barney were sitting in a corner of the bedroom licking their genitals and looking smug. David watched from his wheelchair at my side.

“You enjoyed that my darling little slut bitch?” Allisson asked with a smile. Slut bitch. In less than 24 hours this is what I had become. I nodded feeling very guilty.

“When I performed your duties I did too. It is so much more fun being a Breeder. I’m glad I had the opportunity to change although the actual birth deliveries is painful. Especially horses and bulls. Pups and piglets are the nicest. You will even enjoy your first litter. You will remember it the rest of your life. And feeling them wriggling around in your belly. I was in a state of constant orgasms that made me so horny. I allowed myself to be mated continuously.” She even closed her eyes as she relived the events.

“But you said you were originally born a male.” I commented and she opened her eyes and nodded. “How were you able to change into a woman? Did you always have breasts?”

“No, darling,” she replied, “we males can change our sex once and only if the situation demands to keep our race alive. It takes nine months to change and is a very hard and painful ordeal. My male genitalia disappeared inside me and my female organs appeared together with my breasts. When Madeline died there was no breeder but there was another male, David, to inseminate. I had no choice. His seed was the more potent and he was so much younger. He was also now the head of our race. He commanded I do it and I had to obey. As soon as I was changed we lay together and made love. Our love produced you. His was the first male organ to penetrate me. I was his father and now as his mother I was his sexual partner. And I then had to replenish our race. During those nine moths in my womb I mated with every animal at the farm and gave birth to a litter of six pups and four piglets and when I gave birth to you I was heavily pregnant with a kid goat. With you, now quite big in my womb, there was only room for one kid.”

I pretended interest in this nonsense and then asked, “And why don’t the animals mate with their own kind? Males with their females?”

“We are all one kind. We are not human. I told you we are aliens. From another planet. There is only one female humanimal per crop. She is born to keep the crop race alive and to provide sexual pleasure. All animal forms are born as males. They are all of the same intelligence despite their bodies. We communicate with our minds as you will learn to do. You can hear Brewster and Barney in your mind and I and David can do the same.”

At that moment David’s voice came to me inside my head. “Can you hear me?” he asked.

“Yes.” I replied out loud. His voice sounded the same as if he had spoken normally.

“When we inhabited your earth all those thousands of years ago there were many of us crops. We were so far more advanced than you earth people. Barbaric beings. Always fighting over nothing. A few feet of land when there were acres and acres of it. All the great women in your history were once male humananimals but had to change like I had to. Cleopatra, Boudica, Catherine the Great, Joan of Arc, Florence Nightingale and the greatest of us all, Judith of Bethulia.”

“I have heard of all the others but not Judith or Bethulia. What did she do? Fuck herself to death producing thousands of baby elephants? Didn’t Catherine die by screwing a horse and Cleopatra by masturbating with a snake and trying to feed it from her breast?” My voice was scoffing.

Allisson was angry. “I thought better of you than that. Do you want to hear the truth or not?”

“Yes, go on,” I said and apologized. Even though this was all utter rubbish I was curious. “How did I end up at a home for unwanted babies? How do you know I am one of your crop? How many other crops are there?”

David answered as Allisson was still trying to control her anger. Even Brewster looked at me fiercely whilst Barney’s expression was pained.

“During your pregnancy I met with my accident and I was assigned a full time nurse from the hospital when I was brought home. She was also spying for the chief hospital physician, Professor Karkova Aramas. Dr. Aramas noticed that my blood type did not match anything ever recorded and other internal characteristics that were definitely not human. He also found a possible link between me and earth’s animal kingdom. Incidentally, although our animals look remarkably like animals on earth they are not nor do we that look human. We cannot crossbreed with any earth creature. The same with earth humans breeding with animals. When you realize you are pregnant with Brewster’s pups you will then believe.”

“I think her eyes are so blinkered and her ears so stuffed up she will find an answer more silly than the one she hears truthfully now.” Allisson cut in. “But no matter I will try. The nurse, her name was Joan Matthews, unknown to us spied, watched me mate with the animals at the farm, give birth and took pictures. I was warned because she was seen but she always had a good explanation for being where she was and I thought if she had seen me in the act she would have shrieked with the shock. But when she witnessed your birth and reported it back to Dr. Aramas he told her to steal you.”

“Some doctor.” I thought but I kept it to myself and instead said, “And what was he going to do with me?”

“Experiment on you. Dissect you. You would have died. Thankfully Nurse Matthews was horrified at what he was going to do. She did steal you but substituted you with another baby at the children’s home she found on the door step. She switched the labels and took this baby to Dr. Aramas. He soon found out it was no different to any other earth child and gave it back to her. She decided to keep it herself and immigrated to Australia where she had relations. She could not come back to us. We searched for you. Oh how we searched but it had to be undercover. We are aliens. We could not have any publicity. We did finally trace Nurse Matthews to Australia but there was more tragedy. She had to change planes in Australia and the small internal flight plane crashed and everyone was killed. We thought our race would now die. You see we are the only crop now living. The only species left alive. Our planet is dead. It got sucked into a black hole in space. Earth will eventually suffer the same fate as the sun dies. You were our only hope and we were convinced you were dead.”

“And all the time you were on our own doorstep.” David took up the commentary. Nurse Matthews wrote a confession to what she had done leaving it with a friend who also was a nurse at the same hospital. She is retired now and it was only when she was packing up her belongings she found the envelope and it was addressed to Dr. Aramas who now head of a government laboratory. He came to see me with the incriminating photographs. I introduced him to Allisson and we decided to tell him everything we have now told you.”

“But he believed us.” Allisson piped in still glaring at me. “I decided there was no point in trying to find you now because there would be no male humanimal to impregnate you. I was now female, a breeder, and we cannot change back again. He told me there was no such word as ‘cannot.’ He said there could be a way. He had examined David and he thought I would still have my male organs preserved intact inside my body even after the change. He asked to examine me and see if it was possible. He said he wanted to make amends as to what had happened and he would keep our secret. I had nothing to lose. Our race had nothing to lose. We would all kill ourselves if he made it public that we were aliens and our strange breeding techniques. So I gave up myself into his hands and he was able to change me back again but because of my age my sperm count to breed would get less and less. We had to find you quickly and you were surprisingly easy to find. You never left the area. We found you were staying with Alice and paid her to fire you.”

“The damn bitch.” I yelled.

“Don’t be hard on her.” David said. “She didn’t want to and professed her great love for you. If she hadn’t accepted the money we would have still got you by other means. We had to have you.”

“I see. And are you sure I am your daughter?”

“Yes,” Allisson replied, “we checked your DNA on the glass you drank from at our first meeting. But we already knew. We could feel you were one of us. Now we will leave you to get some rest. Brewster and Barney will stay with you just in case you get some stupid idea to run away. They will also want to mate with you again during the night. Have fun. Tomorrow is going to be a very busy day. You will be transferred to the farm where you will meet your brothers. Boars, bulls, wolves, horses. goats, rams, bucks and Brewster and Barney’s kind.”

With that she and David went next door. The two dogs leapt onto the bed but I ignored them. I snuggled down into the bed grimacing at the wet and cold sperm left by them and pretended to go to sleep. Actually I was plotting a way to escape from these maniacs.


Barney and Brewster mated with me twice during the night. Each time I was asleep but I dutifully rolled over and got into the classic doggie position and let them have their evil way. Or was I the more evil? I liked what they did to me, especially with Barney. When he mounted and thrust his lovely cock into my vagina it was an act of love. Almost as though he was giving me a part of himself. Brewster fucked me as if I was a being made for his enjoyment. I had no feelings myself. I was their simply so he could have a nest for his cock and to produce his offspring I suppose. I did not buy any part that he could physically get me pregnant and produce his pups. Barney though spoke to me through my head. he told me how much he loved me and thanked me for mating with him. I was the saviour of our, sorry, his race. I fear, dear reader, that if I was somewhere else and had taken him in as a pet I would have done the unthinkable. I would have had a bestial relationship with this beautiful animal. I could feel myself falling in love with him.

I was awaken early morning by Allisson with a tray full of breakfast goodies. Cornflakes and milk, bacon, eggs, tomatoes and buttered toast and a hot cup of tea. I truly felt I was a princess.

“I know you are supposedly our maid,” she smilingly said, “but you are my lost daughter, too. I must perform a motherly duty.” She pointed to the closet. “In their you will find some clothes. Pick whatever you think is suitable. Our journey will be about three hours to the farm. It is going to be another hot day and there is no air-conditioning in the car so I would wear something light. No underclothes will be permitted. You won’t find any but do not try to use your own. I will inspect. I want you ready by nine o’clock sharp when the bus will arrive.”

A bus? I would at least have thought a chauffeur driven car would be a more fitting means of transport for a princess.

At nine o’clock Allisson came for me. I wore a light cotton green dress with a high neckline that finished just below my knees. My breasts pressed tightly against the material and whenever I moved I was conscious I was not wearing a bra.

When we went downstairs, waiting in the hall was David and the two dogs wagging their tails in greeting and showing off their teeth. Also with them was a stranger. He was middle-aged, rugged complexion, slightly over weight with a small paunch and just under 6ft in height. He wore a uniform like a security guard would wear and a set of handcuffs hung from his belt. My heart sank. If I was going to be handcuffed my plan of escape would not be possible. Any other thoughts were broken as both dogs gave a bark and jumped up on me. Brewster gripped me from the rear, his front paws wrapping me around the waist whilst Barney did the same but from the front, his mouth almost level with mine and he licked my face.

Allisson tut tutted. “Alright,” she said, giving way to them. “They both want you. Pull your skirt right up and kneel on the floor.”

She saw me look at the stranger. “Don’t mind Horace,” she said, “He’s seen me do this hundreds of times and even stolen a few fucks from me. I say stole but I let him even though i have threatened to tell his wife.”

Horace laughed and with the look he gave me I knew he expected to steal a few fucks from me, too.

I did as I was told, hoiking the bottom of me dress right up exposing my bare ass. I positioned myself so Horace couldn’t see it but he slowly moved around so he could get a good view of my intimate parts. This time Barney got to do me first. He started licking my pussy and ass and each touch of his tongue turned my guts to jelly. Thankfully I didn’t have to wait too long for the main event because the now familiar pause and his weight landed on my back almost knocking the wind out of me. I was to be fucked by a randy four legged beast once again, with three human spectators and another beast waiting his turn.


Barney’s sheath probed around me pussy and he seemed to be more excited because he couldn’t connect straight away. I could feel his cock starting to emerge as it stabbed around my pussy entrance. I didn’t try to help him even though I was now quite eager for him to enter me. He got frustrated and annoyed with himself so he jumped off me. I felt his tongue back at my pussy lips and I spread my legs wide.

“No,” his voice sounded in my head, “together. Put your legs together.”

Brewster was lying on the floor beside me with his mouth open and tongue out looking amused at his brother’s failing. Barney jumped up onto me again, his cock humping wildly against my rear and everywhere but my pussy opening. This time I reached down underneath my body and waited for his jabbing cock to hit my hand. It eventually did, and grabbing it I guided it against my cunt, and with a big thrust forward by Barney, he sank it inside me. I gasped as he humped me madly, feeling his cock getting bigger and bigger. There was not his usual love in his fucking that I had expected from him. He seemed to be trying to prove himself the master of me but he had had a poor start. Now he was angry with himself and he was taking it out on me.

With every thrust and pull the next duo seemed to be even harder. I could hear his breaths as he gulped air into his mouth to give himself more energy. I heard myself gasping, too. We even started to slide a little across the floor with the power of the thrusts. Do not imagine dear reader, that I wasn’t enjoying this. I was finding more about myself. I was liking being in his power. I had an urge to shout to him to hurt me in some way. To punish me for the thoughts and plans I was making to escape. I knew, too, that part of me would not want me to be successful and if I was, to be found and humiliated. I wanted to be forced to do these unnatural acts.

All these thoughts crowded my mind as he finally thrust his knot deep into my cunt and his hot semen spurt inside me right up to my womb. If I was pregnant my baby and pups were getting quite a soaking. Then Barney did something different. He was still cumming when I felt him moving slowly off me, his cock and knot turning within my love canal. He continued this manouvre until his ass was resting against mine but we were still tied together. Obviously this had been planned between the two dogs and I soon realized why Barney had mated with me first. Brewster jumped across my ass, landing with his rear legs either side of my body and his front paws gripping me around my waist. He waisted no time in lining up his cock for his intended target. I even screamed as he sank his cock into my ass hole with his very first thrust forward. My second double penetration!

How Brewster fucked me in my narrowest of holes. And to my utter amazement I was enjoying the pain. I could feel both of their cocks rubbing together, even though there was a thin membrane separating them. As far as I knew their cocks were rubbing that membrane away and even that thought did not worry me. I felt my head pulled up and Allisson was there, his cock standing proud from his trouser opening, his zip right down. It was then it occurred to me that she was now dressed as a male.

“Come,” Allison said to Horace who was fondling his cock through his trousers, “She has a big mouth. It can accommodate two.” Without waiting for Horace he thrust his member against my lips and I dutifully opened my mouth and sucked upon it. It was only a second later when a slightly smaller human cock made its way into my receptive mouth. I now had four cocks inside me.

David, not wanting to be left out, moved his wheelchair forward and his hands groped under me, locating my breasts and pulling them free from my dress. He pinched my nipples hard. The utter depravity of the situation I was in finally got to me. Me – a plain maid, and leading a mundane but normal existence until yesterday, was able to turn on three men and two dogs to do wanton despicable inhuman acts upon my person. I was able to produce these carnal feelings in their bodies. I really was a princess. They all thought they were mastering me but at this precise moment I was their master. I came. I came again. And again. Time passed but it could have stood still. I relished every thrust of their cocks in my body. Every grasp upon my breasts. Oh, darling reader, what had I become? I was a receptacle for their acts. For their seed that suddenly exploded into me from both ends. I had nursed their weapons to produce their explosions. I swam in their semen. I welcomed the pain they inflicted upon me. I was maid for them. At that moment they were all beasts. And I wanted more.


It took ten minutes before the two dog knotted cocks inside my pussy pulled out releasing me. Horace had wiped his cock clean of semen with my hair and laughed at my disgust. I was not even allowed to clean myself up and had to stand there with cum running out of both my holes wetting the back of my thighs and legs. My breath smelt of cum and I could even feel it like a crusted cake where semen had dried around my face and chin. My breasts were hurting and my nipples were on fire. Horace took no notice of my discomfort and escorted me outside to the bus.

The bus was small and had been adapted to take David’s wheelchair. It had originally been designed to take twelve seats but the rear six had been removed and the floor sectionalized so it dropped down via hydraulics so a wheelchair could be easily accommodated. I was placed near the front and to my dismay I was handcuffed to a steel ring welded to the back of the seat in front. Horace even took the liberty of thrusting his hand up my dress and between my thighs. He inserted two fingers into my very wet pussy, removed them, smelt them and then made me suck them clean.

“Oh, yes,” he said, “we’re going to have some fun with you. Can’t let the animals have you all to themselves. Me and the boys will make you purr, sweetie.” He gave me a lurid smile and left me feeling awful. I even started to cry. How could I have got myself into this mess. I was also horrified to read the sign on the sides of the bus. “BESTILLIA MENTAL HOME.” I was now a mental patient!

The two dogs boarded next. Barney laid himself down upon the seat opposite me and Brewster the one in front. Horace wheeled out David and he soon was elevated into position. Allisson sat immediately in front of him. Then Horace got into the driver’s seat, started the engine and off we moved. The fans inside the bus were totally inadequate for the heat and Allison opened some of the windows but carefully leaving the one by me up. Not that it mattered as my plan for escape had already gone out of the window closed or open by being handcuffed to the seat ring.

We had been traveling about ten minutes and I recognized the park coming up on our left. It was close to where I had spent those lovely months with Alice. David had lit up a cigarette and it was really making me feel a little nauseous as the smoke was being driven into my face by the fans. A germ of a plan came to me. It was now or never. I screamed out.

“Please stop. I have to go to the toilet. I’m going to be sick. Please let me out. See, there are public toilets.” I pointed to them right by the entrance to the park. I started to wretch. This was acting worthy of an Oscar.

Barney looked worried for me and I could see him telepathically sending a message to Allisson. Reluctantly she said, “Stop the bus, Horace and release her. Brewster you go with her. You have my permission to bite her hard if she gives you ant trouble.”

“I can’t stop here.” Horace protested but Allisson cut him short.

“Do it now. I don’t want to travel for three hours smelling her vomit. Let them hoot and curse. Then when she is out drive around the block ’til she comes back with Brewster.”

To my relief I was freed. I jumped out the bus and ran to the toilets with Brewster at my heels. I didn’t even look back to see where he went as I rushed into the toilet stall. I was free but what was my next move? I had to get rid of Brewster somehow. Distract him? But how? Maybe I could get some of the people around the park to help me if I shouted and cried that a dog was molesting me. But this dog was half human. No it wasn’t. I did not believe a word of that rubbish I had been told. Right? Right! And the telepathy? The dog’s voices in my head. That was real. Well, I couldn’t ponder on that. I could not allow myself to dwell on it. Escape. Concentrate on trying to escape.

Brewster’s voice came to me. “Hurry up or I’m coming in. I don’t trust you, Christine.” The name ‘Christine’ used again. So this was my real Christian name, but what was my surname? Was it Jenkins? Another question? I shook myself. None of this was true. My name was Ruby Parsons. I cleaned my pussy and washed my face and was able to get Horace’s dried semen out of my hair. I only had to get past Brewster and I would be free. I walked out into the communal area between the Mens and the Ladies and I spotted the Janitor sitting in his little office reading a newspaper. I nervously approached him.

“Excuse me, sir.” I said, getting his attention. He was a middle-aged portly gentleman and had kind eyes which got bigger as he smiled at me.

“Yes, my dear. What can I do for you? Let me guess. One of the toilets is blocked again? You dropped a ring down the bowl?”

“Nothing like that.” I smiled, too and put on my pleading voice. “There’s this dog. It’s been bothering me all morning. I’ve never seen it before but it keeps growling and even tried to bite me. I had to hide in here and I just peeped out. It’s still there outside. I think it wants to eat me.”

“Eat you?” He laughed but he saw my scared expression. “Well let me come with you. Let’s see if he tries to take a bite out of me.” He got up from his chair and reached for a long handled mop that was standing in a bucket in a corner of the room. “Best take this with me.”

He led the way out of the toilet block into the park and Brewster was standing waiting for me. The janitor saw him.

“Is this the brute?” he asked. I nodded. “Shoo. Or I’ll give you a crack with this.” He pushed the mop head at Brewster who made no move but glared at me with his eyes.

“I knew you’d try to pull a stunt like this. You will regret it.” Brewster’s voice in my head was angry. Without warning he leapt at me, his body hitting me with full force and knocking me over onto my back. He snarled and his mouth opened baring his teeth and he sank them into my arm making me shriek with pain. Then it was his turn to yelp as a mop head side swiped across the head and he jumped off me. He just narrowly avoided another swipe as the janitor was more agile than he looked. Brewster gave a loud bark and ran off. I guessed he was going to get reinforcements.

A crowd had gathered around me from nowhere and hands helped me to my feet. I could feel blood running down my arm and the sleeve of my dress was torn and slowly changing color into red.

“Let’s get you back inside and clean and dress that bite.” The janitor took my hand. I protested I was all right but he would not hear of it. A young woman stepped forward and showed him a card.

“I’m a nurse,” she said. “Let me take a look at that.” I had no choice but to allow myself to be propelled back into the toilet. As we were just going in we heard hooting of cars, squealing of brakes and shouts of alarm. We turned and looked where the noise was coming from.

A large petrol tanker was out of control and approaching the park where we were. It hit a number of cars which were in its way which in turn hit others. I could clearly see the driver fighting frantically with the controls but to my horror I saw my bus pull up outside the park’s gates where Brewster was waiting oblivious to the oncoming danger. I screamed as Allisson climbed out just as the tanker struck the bus. It plowed right into the bus which turned over instantly crushing Allisson and Brewster and the tanker continued its journey. It mounted the bus squashing it as if it was a lemon, plowed right through the railings of the park before finally stopping as it hurtled into a big oak tree. There was a sudden explosion as the bus’s fuel tank ruptured and the petrol caught fire from a spark from the grinding metal. We flung ourselves to the ground and sheltered ourselves behind the toilet building from the flying debris and fire. I could still hear the dying screams of Brewster and Barney in my head and darkness came upon me as I passed out with the shock.


I don’t know how long I was unconscious or where I was taken. I drifted into and out of a terrible sleep. Demons were possessing my soul. I relived that terrible scene a thousand times and each time it was worse than before. I could hear my voice crying out. I had caused this. I was responsible for their deaths. Humans and animals who loved me and i had murdered them as if it was my own hand. If only I could turn the back on time. If only….. I wanted to die. This would be the only way to blot out this memory, that if I lived, would be in my mind forever. My very soul was in torment.

I saw light and realized I was lying on a bed. I could hear voices. A woman’s voice was familiar and a man’s voice was of a stranger.

“I think she’s coming out of it,” the woman said with relief.

But I didn’t want to ‘come out of it.’ I willed for the darkness again. I willed it to stay with me forever.

“No,” the male voice was urgent, “she’s leaving us again. We have to protect the the embryos. It is the only hope for them. The humanimal must be preserved.”

A different strange male voice came to my ears. “No. None will survive outside her womb. We must bring her back. Let’s call for Judith. Remember what Allisson said. Call Judith’s name.”

As I sank thankfully into my blessed darkness I heard them chant the name ‘Judith.’ As their voices got fainter I tried to remember where I had heard that name before. It had been recent. Judith. And something else. I struggled to remember. Judith of —- of —— Bethulia. That was it. As soon as that strange name came to me I felt calm. For the first time I was at peace. And then I felt myself going backwards. Both my mind and body were going back…. in time.

Judith sat in her throne chair, as she always has since her husband, Manasseh died, wearing completely black including the heavy veil that hid her beautiful face. Beautiful did not describe her. She was the loveliest person in the whole Universe. Her enemies were bent on destroying her and with Judith, all of us. Our whole race would die. When our planet died we had traveled and settled here on Earth but so had The Ass. An animal race similar to ours, but with no humanimals like Judith and me, as rulers and breeders. They were ruled by the Great Horned Bulls. Fierce and terrifying. We had bulls too, but they were kind as they carried our blood. I mated regularly with them without fear but G.H. Bulls were the opposite. Smoke and even fire pored from their nostrils when they were angry and they were often angry. We were a peace loving race, they were warlike. More warlike than the humans that inhabited this planet, Earth. For some reason, lost in time, The Ass hated us. We must be destroyed. Extermination by any means. That was their cry. And they had found us again.

We had been herded together. All of our different crops were here but I was The Maid to Judith. I, too was revered, but not like She. When The Ass attacked our crops, killing them without mercy, where they had settled in all the different continents on Earth, she had summoned all to sanctuary in Bethulia. All had flocked here and we were safe. But only for a while.

I remember that awful day. I had lain under Manasseh whilst he rutted me to give me child. A male humanimal in his image. I would make Judith so proud to nurse her husband’s baby in my womb. And he was a great lover. We were watched by our brothers and even by a few breeders as this was a special occasion.

I clung to Manasseh as his wonderful instrument of pleasure and life brought me to orgasm and I felt his potent seed spilling into my womb and impregnating me. We lay in each other’s arms and finally his penis slipped free and he stood up. It was then it happened.

One of The Ass had infiltrated our numbers. Hiding himself in the sun’s brightness he came as a stallion, rising up on his hind legs and stamping his front hooves down upon Manasseh crushing him instantly to death. He then turned to me and I knew fear for the first time. His eyes were black as coal like his color and reared up again and I saw death.


I waited for the hooves to trample me to death. I braced myself for the pain.


The command came from a voice I knew so well. Judith stood there. I had never seen so much anger in her eyes and her voice was of steel. The horse paused for a moment and I watched as those eyes changed before me. They registered fear. There was a glitter of brilliant yellow as the sun caught flashing metal, blinding those cruel black eyes. A blade of shining steel from the sword in Judith’s hand whirled and struck the evil stallion in it’s heart and he collapsed in an instant at my feet. Before I could even rise Judith was beside her dead husband’s trampled and broken body. Tears flowed from her eyes as she knelt before him and her sobbing was like a hundred arrows piercing my heart.

Manasseh was buried in a field between the crops of Dothan and Balamon. Judith and I visited his burial ground every morning at sunrise, even in the depths of the cold and harsh English winters. From that moment I was her only lover and gratefully I carried her husband’s baby in my womb. I gave birth to many brothers, dogs, horses, bulls, pigs, goats and many others. Milk flowed from my breasts like wine but I was never more happy as when my Queen was drinking from me as we cuddled close to one another in bed. I felt so safe in her arms and snuggled up to her ample bosom with one hand pushed tightly into her vagina where I felt her juices spilling into it.

Our peace was shattered three years and four months to the day of Manasseh’s death. The Ass surrounded our farm and cut off our water supply. They could not approach and raid us as we were in a valley and the only narrow pass into our farm was blocked and Judith had it guarded. She had taught our horses, bulls and wolves to fight but with no water we would surely not survive.

The Ass revered their Emperor, who was a G.H. bull called Nebach Azar. He never appeared in public and left his fighting to his general, the most terrifying creature ever to walk on land, Holofernes, a G.H. bull who looked more like a dragon. It was Holofernes who was camped outside the gate to our valley.
After 27 days and with now hardly a drop of water, he sent us a message via a horse. This was one of his captains who was in disgrace because he had disagreed with Holofernes over strategy. The horse gave his name as Achior and he told us that unless we removed our blockade within the next three days Holofernes would strike. He outnumbered us ten to one and all of his brothers were soldiers. If we surrendered now he would not kill us, only the breeders. Our race would live on peacefully until we finally died out. If we didn’t surrender all of us would be killed.

I was present when the humanimals debated the ultimatum. Their self appointed leader, an elderly male called Uzziar, made the decision to wait for the three days to go past and then accept the ultimatum with the proviso that Judith would be spared as long as she did not mate. Any sign of her pregnancy and she would have to be killed. My other breeders came crying to me as they realized their fate. I didn’t know what to say to comfort them except that I would speak to Judith. I did, however, say that I couldn’t see how our race would manage without a breeder to rut with. They were all very sexual but I supposed life was better than death. But I did not believe Holofernes would keep his part of the bargain, anyway.

When I told Judith she was very annoyed and she told me to order Uzziah and his male humanimals to meet with her immediately. I did her bidding. They all arrived looking very uneasy as she looked down from her throne. Her eyes blazed with anger and she singled out Uzziah to vent her wrath.

“How dare you agree to end our race without even a murmur. Who do you think you are – God?” She yelled at him, her voice cutting the air and making everyone wince as if their flesh was being cut. Only if it God’s wish will our race cease. You do not speak for him and your words are unsound. You will not surrender, do you understand?”

Uzziah looked shamefaced but he tried to save himself. “We would hide some of our breeders from The Ass. We would secretly mate with them.”

Judith laughed with scorn. She looked at me. “What do you say to that My Maid?”

“The dead do not mate with the dead.” I replied.

“Well said, Maid. Is she the only one among you who can see that accepting Holofernes’ ultimatum is a death sentence as certain as the sun will set this evening? You will NOT accept the ultimatum. I will do something within these three days and do not ask me what it is for I will not tell you. You will not stop me either. My Maid will accompany me and upon our return on the third day you will know what you must do. You are dismissed. Uzziah, you will meet with me and My Maid down at the blockade at the entrance to the valley.”

She rose from the throne and looked down from the high platform at her subjects with a glance that told them all she was still their leader. With a glance at me she left for her bedroom and I followed. She discarded her black clothing and anointed her body with perfume and oils. She dressed as a queen. A silver crown adorned her head sparkling with diamonds. She chose sandals for her feet, and put on her anklets, bracelets, rings, earrings, and all her other jewelry. Thus she made herself very beautiful, to captivate the eyes of all The Ass who should see her. I dressed as a princess leaving my breasts bare and a long necklace with a ruby dangled between them. My long dress was slit at the front showing I was wearing no underwear.

“You will give yourself to The Ass and pleasure as many as you can whilst I seduce Holofernes.” Judith told me.

I was horrified that she would contemplate giving herself to such a terrifying creature. I told her I was afraid for her safety and begged her to allow me to perform the act. She would not hear of it.

“You carry the baby that will save us all if I should fail. If I successfully carry out my plan Holofernes will not touch one hair of my body.” Then she told me what she was going to do. We kissed and then her mouth sort my nipples tasting my milk. “The Ass will not be able to resist you.”

We walked down the hill to the blockade. Everyone gasped at Judith’s beauty. Many had forgotten it but then she had never looked as dazzling as she did then. Many, too, glanced at me and I felt my pussy go damp knowing I was going to be fucked almost to death by every animal imaginable. I hoped it was just almost.


I was carrying a large bag full of vegetables and fruit. We never ate meat nor fish but we knew The Ass did. Uzziah met us at the blockade.

“You are both foolish but brave.” He said to us as Judith instructed to make an exit for us. “I know we will never see either of you again.”

“It is a pity you have not grown as wise as you have with age, Uzziah. You do not see the future.” She then turned to the many who had flocked to see her. Her voice was loud and it echoed bouncing off the surrounding hills and filling the valley. “At least one of us will return in three days. If it is only My Maid you will obey her in everything as if it was me.” There were cries of “Judith, you will return!” “I will do everything I can even if it is only to disprove Uzziah’s certainty of my demise.” People laughed and ridiculed poor Uzziah who walked quickly away.

We said our ‘goodbyes’ and we were through the exit. We walked down the hill and before long we were surrounded by a pack of twenty snarling dogs. I noticed there were at least six bitches among them so perhaps my services would not be needed. I also saw the claws on their feet and knew instantly I would suffer many scratches if I was unlucky to mate with them. But the dogs could smell the heat from between my legs and their snarls soon turned to excitement. They fought to be first to press their snouts at my crotch whilst others pushed their heads under my dress and tongues licked at my ass. The bitches sat down circling us and I signaled Judith to join them. My eyes searched for something of a convenient height as I would not be able to take their weight upon my arms for such a long time as I knew I would be servicing all fourteen of them. I found a boulder and turning I ran quickly to it, lying my belly over the rock and hoisting up the skirt of my dress.

They were all large dogs. Judging from the weight that suddenly landed on my back this was one of the biggest. He had to be well over 200 lbs and I tried with some difficulty to get into the perfect position to line up his cock to my cunt. After three attempts I managed it and he sank into me with frantic thrusting. I mercifully thanked the pre-cum as it spurted into my vagina and nicely oiling up the passage. I was, unfortunately correct about the claws. His front paws grabbed my waist and I felt the pain from them as the nails tore through my dress. I used my mind to blot out the pain as even his rear legs were scratching my thighs as he excitedly pushed more of his expanding penis into me.

I always loved the feeling of a cock banging away in my pussy and a doggie cock was always my preference. That’s one thing this animal really knows best. How to fuck. He doesn’t last as long as a normal humanimal but it is more intense and as I felt his knot forming I braced myself with excitement. His ff.gif body moved forward along my back and his knot popped into me hitting and squashing my clitoris. I felt it pulsating and a blast of his cum hosed my love canal and I gasped as I orgasmed. He howled and he then laid still his cock still jumping and spurting more juice inside me.

He didn’t lay long like this. The other dogs were barking again letting him know it was another’s turn and he pulled out with a plop and cum spilling down my thighs onto the ground. A second dog gave a couple of licks at the cum leaking onto my pussy lips and then he was upon me. My height was now perfect and his cock entered me first time. I mentally braced myself for a long evening ahead as this was only the beginning.


The second dog was fast and furious. His cock was not as big as the first one but he put everything he had into it. I don’t think any of these dogs had fucked a human before and I wondered how different my pussy must be to their own bitches. He didn’t last long and soon his knot was in me spilling his seed deep into my womb and mixing with the first dog’s spend. A brief tie as we lay still, his claws adding more scratches to my body, a dismount, a lick and another dog was humping me. And another. And another. Then another until all fourteen had buried their bone. For about two and half hours I was subjected to their bestial demands and I loved it, although I was careful not or knot to show I enjoyed it.

The dogs were ready for another round but by this time a troop of horses had arrived and Judith was conversing with them. The good thing about telepathy is that there are no language barriers. The captain of the troop was very annoyed with his dog army and he sent them back to their guard duty. The captain was a beautiful red chestnut mare with a beautiful mane.

“So, this is a breeder?” she asked Judith.

“She was but she is now barren. Normally we rid ourselves of such creatures when they cannot produce offspring but she is special. She is The Maid and my property. She has a non-stop appetite for rutting with anything and everything. She’d fuck that rock if she could get it inside her. Wouldn’t you darling?” Judith smiled. “She pleasures me all the time. Would you like her to pleasure you?”

“No.” The captain replied. “I prefer a nice big cock, don’t I lieutenant?” She nodded towards a handsome black stallion with a pair of big black balls. The lieutenant nodded his head. “But he might be interested in mating with a human if she would be able to take him?”

“She’d like that.” Judith gave me a look. There was an apology in her eyes and I flashed her a secret message that it was alright. This was our first hurdle and we had to get to Holofernes so I would do everything possible to achieve this. I walked over to the stallion and bending down gently stroked his balls and licked his prepuce. He snorted but did not move away. As I began my work, his cock started to appear and grow like a snake and I sucked it slowly into my mouth. he was obviously liking my administrations because his cock grew now at an alarming rate and before i realized what was happening his flare unfolded inside my mouth and he started cumming. I tried to swallow what i could but I chocked on the amount and force of the jet of cum. It spilt out, down my chin and onto my breasts. The stallion pulled away and I think he was disgusted with himself for not being able to control his climax and missing out on penetrating a human vagina.

The captain smiled and indicated for us to ride and we leaped up onto the two horses she had provided. the ride did not take long and soon we were in Holofornes’ encampment. There was only one tent, a very large tall one and I guessed that was where we would find Holofernes. The captain left us surrounded by some very fierce looking wolves who soon started to sniff at my pussy, even the females. Then the captain returned with a bull who stopped in surprise when he saw Judith. he scolded the wolves around me and they moved quickly away. The captain nodded at us and left.

The bull introduced himself as Yu Nuck and said he was Holofernes’ Aide and wanted to know our business. Judith told him who she was and she could get Holofernes’ troops inside our farm without him losing a single animal. Yu Nuck never looked or inquired who I was, his eyes were only for Judith, but when he walked away I noticed he had been castrated. The wolves grew nearer to us again and soon one of them pushed his snout under the skirt of my dress. I was still very wet from the gang-bang I had received from the fourteen dogs and he was enjoying lapping up the copious spend seeping from me. Yu Nuck returned and we were shown into the tent to meet Holofernes.

I had heard stories about this fierce-some general but this had not prepared me for the animal standing in front of me. Holofernes really was standing, on his hind legs. He must have weighed over 4,000 pounds as he towered above us. He was jet black in color, with green piercing eyes that I felt looked into my soul. A large sword was strung around his body on a golden chain and his front legs looked like two huge hands as they hung down. He gave me a quick glance but gazed at Judith as if she mesmerized him as he was mesmerizing me. My eyes were drawn to his penis that hung from two enormous testicals. Even is a flaccid state his penis was surely two feet in length. I wondered what it would measure when erect!

Judith knelt down at his feet and taking her cue I followed suit. Then he spoke. What sort of creature was this? A bull who could communicate with us in our own language by mouth. I was indeed in awe. He bade us to stand up and Judith introduced himself and me. I was a gift to him, she said. She informed him I was barren but a wonderful lover to all. I would provide much fun to his animals and to him as well. “However,” she added, “I would like the opportunity to mate with you, first.”

He was pleased. He ordered us food and drink but Judith declined the food and indicated the bag I was holding. She told him she could only eat certain fruit and vegetables and hoped he understood. She had brought only one days supply and hoped we would be allowed out to gather more. She suggested he attack the farm in three days when the sentries would not be so alert. She would lead the way and he would conquer the farm without any blood spilt. Holofernes agreed

“If this is true,” he said, “I will make you my wife and you will live with me in a huge palace.”

“Oh, great master,” she replied, “I will be honored and your name will be known above all names. Even above your Emperor, Nebach Azar.”

He then told Judith he wanted to see me perform, to see if I was a great pleasurer. He had never seen a human, as he called me, mate with animals. Judith told him I had mated with fourteen of his dogs before our meeting and he smiled.

“Then let us see how she can handle three boars, three goats and three ponies,” he said. I smiled until he added, “all three species at the same time.”


Fear gripped me. Nine animals – at the same time. Impossible. Three for each opening in my body? No. I would be torn apart. I looked pleadingly at Judith, but she looked away and motioned to Holofernes to bring his head down to her level. He did so and she whispered in his ear before throwing her arms around his neck and kissing him passionately on his lips.

They stayed exchanging kisses for a long time, then Judith broke the embrace and knelt down before him. She took his penis in her hands and I watched with my pussy getting moist as she slowly sucked the expanding phallus it into her lovely mouth. Holofernes groaned as Judith gently squeezed his huge balls and I heard sucking sounds from her mouth as she put more action into her fellatio. I had forgotten how accomplished she was at performing this act. Holofernes tried so hard not to cum. His eyes closed as he fought to control his climax but Judith was not to be denied. He gave in and I saw her gulping his spend down her throat. She even pulled his cock from her mouth and lovingly licked off a drop of cum that was last to leave his weapon. And what a beautiful weapon it was. At least three feet in length and Judith had managed to swallow all of it! Judith and Holofernes kissed again. Afterwards he said something to her. She nodded and walked over to me.

“Come.” She said and I followed her like a dog out of the tent, except I was on two legs, but not for long!

Yu Nuck appeared as if by magic and she spoke quietly to him so I couldn’t hear. She led me to a post and four rail fence and pushed me down onto the dirty ground on all fours.

“Stay.” she commanded and I obeyed. She avoided looking at me and I could see we were being watched. Animals of all species were looking at us. Was it me or Judith that had attracted them? Probably both of us but I expected everyone knew I was a prize for all of them. Judith was Holofernes’ and no one would dare touch her.

I felt a drop of liquid run down my tummy onto the dirt, followed by another one. My breasts were heavy and full of milk. In this position one of them had started to leak because of gravity. Then the other one started. Judith noticed this and she inadvertently licked her lips. She ordered me to stand up and rest my back against the fence and I readily complied. Her lips were upon the nipple of my right breast in a flash. Her hands gently squeezed it and jets of my milk flowed into her mouth. I so loved feeding my mistress. Her mouth went from breast to breast suckling at the nipples and the feeling was so nice I climaxed silently and closed my eyes. This was indeed heaven.

I was so caught up in this exquisite feeling I didn’t notice that Yu Nuck had returned. She stepped away for a moment whilst he placed a chain with his mouth around my neck like a collar. Another but longer chain he carried in his hands and he waited whilst Judith emptied my breasts. Leaving some milk behind she stopped and indicated to Yu Nuck to feed from them. His bullish face nuzzled over them and his large jaws opened and a thick tongue licked at one of my nipples. Judith helped by squeezing the breast and milk flowed onto his tongue. He now licked greedily as he found the taste to his liking. I could hear his tail swishing and hoped that was a good sign. It was.

Finally the castrated bull finished as my breasts were now empty and I was pushed down onto all fours again. Judith helped chain me up to the fence and I was moved up onto me feet with my head between the top and third rail and the chain measured for length so I could get into this position for the larger animals.

“Dearest Maid,” Judith explained, “my General has agreed to spare you from mating with the nine animals.” I breathed a sigh of relief but this was short lived as Judith continued. “Until the day after tomorrow when I will be married to him. You will be the entertainment at our wedding. First three of my husband to be’s prize boars will insert their penises into all three of your orifices at the same time. I know you will love that. This will be followed by the three goats and finally three of his biggest and fiercest stallions. I know he said ponies but I suggested the stallions. Much bigger cocks. You will feel such ecstasy that the pain you will be sure to suffer will be stifled. You might even die but it will be a very happy death. This is my gift to Holofernes to show him I am truthful in my love for him and to hand him my farm – Bethulia. My people deserted me to listen to that traitor Uzziah and I will have my revenge on all of them. If my Great General acts merciful or harshly it matters not to me. You will entertain his troops whoever wants you. They will not harm you for fear of Holofernes’ wrath. I will come for you just before sunset so you can help me gather our food of berries and vegetables. Have fun my dear.” She kissed me on the lips and un-noticed she squeezed quickly my right hand before taking her leave with Yu Nuck.

The animals came nearer to me from out of the shadows. I did not know how they had come to decide the order of mating with me and I did not have even time to care as a large gray wolf strode cockily forward and I dutifully got down on all fours as his snout pushed into my rear. He vigorously licked at my pussy and ass before jumping up and mounting me. He thrust forward and i felt him stabbing around my openings. He was un-used to a female frame like mine and it toll six mounts and attempts before his cock found my warm wet slit and slid home and his frantic thrusting in and out began. My great ordeal of the night had just begun.


I do not remember much of that night. I was taken by wolves, ponies and horses, goats, and a ram whom, I remember, took me twice. In fact he got very much attached to me. I think he was in love as he dug up some flowers and handed them to me before banging me again. I was so sore in my pussy that I offered the animals my ass but alas for me it was a horse that took that! Now my ass hurt even more that my pussy and by the time Judith came for me I was hurting so much I could hardly stand.

She gave me the large bag and I followed her in much agony and picked the many berries we needed. I scrambled down onto the ground and dug up the vegetables that had been planted by the earth humans. I wondered where they had gone as their stone homes looked inhabited. My ram lover followed us. Our horse and wolf guards had been warned that we would be looking for our own food and did not hinder or question us.

When our bag was full we sat down and ate and Judith told me quietly not to worry and to trust her. I was scared but she did not have to remind me to put my trust in her. I would give my life to my mistress, that was my destiny.

We finished our meal and filled up the bag once again. I discovered my ram lover was called Shep and before we went back I went to him kneeling down. I put my arms around him and gave him a big hug and kiss. I fondled his penis and let him know I was ready for him again by going down on all fours. He was up and on me in a flash. His penis filled me and he thrust into my vagina, his wooly coat upon my back, tickling my flesh. Judith lay down under me and her mouth sought my breasts suckling my milk into her mouth. Oh, it was exquisite. To be fucked so gloriously by an animal who was showing so much love for me and only a few hours ago was a stranger, was in itself so satisfying. To have the woman I loved more than anything or anyone in the whole Universe lapping at my breasts…. no one could be more happy than I was at that moment in time. Alas, it was over all too soon.

Yu Nuck came looking for us and he berated poor Shep who jumped off me before he could finish leaving us both frustrated. I was taken back to the fence and chained up as before. Thankfully no one was in the mood for me or they were mating with their natural partners, so I took the opportunity to fall asleep.

“Christine. Christine.” A voice from far away was calling me. Then a female voice that was so familiar, yet I couldn’t place it. “Ruby. Can you hear me. Darling, Ruby. Come back to us.” Ruby? Christine? Who were these people? But the names were also familiar…. I sank back into sleep.

I awoke to being shaken heavily. The horse captain with four other horses were standing there. He indicated with his head what he wanted. What they wanted. I moved my head to try to get rid of the sleep still trying to invade me. How long had I been in the land of Nod? By the position of the sun it had been awhile. I placed my head between the fence rails again and immediately a pair of hooves came crashing down upon the top rail and a thick bar was prodding hard against my rear pushing me against the fence. Then, after missing a number of times the bar hit home. The horse captain’s cock thrust into me. After only four thrusts that I felt up into my stomach and then his flare opened up cushioning my internal flesh from further damage. Cum pored out into my womb like a milky fountain, helping to anesthetize the pain. He pulled his large cock out and his cum fountain flowed out of me like a stream anointing the ground at my feet.

I hardly had time to take a breath when a second horse was crashing his front hooves onto the fence and I braced myself for more of the same. Two more mated with me after this, the last one deciding to take a piss at my expense. My lovely dress was already in tatters from the claws of the wolves and dogs and now it was drenched as I was in horse pee. If I laid down it was now on a muddy puddle! However, I managed to get myself through the fence and onto the grass which lay on the other side.

The novelty of mating with a human was wearing off as I was not troubled like I was the evening and night before. Shep did visit me four times that day and I enjoyed mating with him, even getting him to try my ass which he liked, too.

The night, however, was a different story as three packs of wolves and five goats fought to see how many times they could fuck me. some of the wolves had huge knots and I was tied rump to rump for long moments in time feeling their cocks quivering and pumping and filling me with more of their seed. Two of the goats hooves kicked me on the side of my face almost knocking me unconscious. I knew I would be marked with bruises.

Judith came for me again the following morning, unchained me and we went for our walk to seek out her berries, fruit and vegetables. However, she said she was looking for some very special berries she needed for the party in the evening. The part. My heart sank. I was the party entertainment where I was to spend my last hours alive.


Shep appeared from nowhere and Judith spoke to him about the berries. He disappeared with Judith’s bag and she took my hand leading me to a nearby stream. She took off my torn dress, tut tutted at my scratches and tenderly bathed the bruise on the side of my head. She undressed, too and we bathed together in the water, playfully splashing each other. Afterwards we lay naked on the grassy bank drying ourselves in the sun that had now come up.

Shep arrived and the bag was filled with berries that were strange to me. They were of a very light brown/green color, and when one held the berry up to the light you could plainly see the sun through them. Their taste was bitter but with an almost almond flavor that made them almost palatable. Judith told me I must eat everyone of them. She then indicated to Shep that he was to suck on one of my breasts whilst she suckled upon the other. It took a very pleasurable half an hour to empty my breasts of the milk contained therein and Judith gave me strict instructions that my milk was not to be drunk by anyone until Holofernes’ party in the evening.

Shep by now was getting frisky and I smiled and kissed him, kneeling down into the mating position. He licked my pussy with his strong tongue making me wet and I welcomed his cock when he lovingly entered me. He quickened up his thrusts in case Yu Nuck came on the scene again to stop his rutting. It was a good job he did as Yu Nuck did indeed appear but not before Shep had poured his love juice into my womb and we had climaxed together. he trotted off content.

Yu Nuck instructed me to remain with Judith for the rest of the day and make myself attractive and presentable for Holofernes. No one was to touch or mate with me until Holofernes gave the order. He said he would be sorry to see me die when the three horses impaled me together but he had asked them to trample me to a quick death and not leave me to slowly die in agony. I thanked him whilst trembling. Judith said nothing except to add her thanks, too.

Judith and I spent the rest of the day in her tent, pampering each other and making love. She found time to repair my dress whilst I rested and tried to sleep but none came. My heart was beating faster at each approaching minute and my death. I managed with some difficulty, but at Judith’s urging, to eat all those berries and my stomach almost rebelled in having to digest them. I noticed she would not eat anything of them herself and she just shook her head when I offered her any.

We were summoned to Holofernes at around 6pm in the early evening. He was adorned in gold and he had two swords tied around his waist and they gleamed when the light struck them almost blinding us. He nodded with approval at our appearance and I could see the lust in his eyes as he looked at Judith. She would be feeling his massive penis inside her before the night was over. I hoped she would be able to take it without it causing her too much pain but the smile she gave him was radiant. I almost believed she was looking forward to it. She sat by him but not before playfully touching his penis, fondling his balls and kissing him passionately on the lips. They looked like two lovers smitten with each other. I felt sick and it was not because of the berries.

There were ten other people present. Yu Nuck, three ugly fat boars, three goats with fierce looking horns, and three of the biggest and blackest stallions I had ever seen. They looked mean and I knew I was not going to receive any mercy there. I could handle the other beasts and might even get some enjoyment from them but I was going to be torn to pieces by the horses. To my astonishment Judith seemed oblivious to my approaching and painful death. Then she spoke.

“My dearest and powerful Lord. My husband to be. The most powerful being in the whole universe I give you my maid to pleasure you and your faithful followers. Let her start the entertainment by offering her milk to you and them. She has plenty. No one has drunk her sweet liquid and you can see how heavy her breasts are. You be first, my General.”

“No.” he replied. “Let Yu Nuck and my three horse warriors quench their thirst for the other animals here will die after they have pleasured them selves upon your maid.”

“How will they die, dearest Lord?” Judith asked.

“I will kill them, or they will kill me.” He laughed at that impossibility. “I want to show you how skilled I am with my swords. To make you proud of me.”

“I am already proud of you. Your fame is widespread and will be even more after I have handed you Bethulia.” Judith smiled and her eyes shone. At that moment the thought finally came, Judith was going to betray us.


Judith ordered me to feed my breasts to Yu Nuck and the horses. I reluctantly complied. Yu Nuck and one of the black stallions suckled on my teats whilst the other two stallions patiently waited their turn. Judith asked Holofernes if he had changed his mind offering my milk to him. He smiled and shook his head. They lovingly kissed each other. It took a long time for my breasts to empty. The boars and the goats didn’t seem to mind. They had at least a few more minutes to live on this Earth. Alas, for them time waits for no one and the three boars were given the option of which hole of my body they were going to possess. There was much squabbling on their part until Holofernes told them he would kill them now unless they decided. I stroked the beasts and kissed them. I told them I would try and please them and they knew I was to receive the same fate as themselves so we had a bond.

The larger of the boars lay down and turned over, his belly pointing upwards. I knelt down, my face between his hind legs and took his penis in my hand before placing my lips around it. Quickly it grew in size and like a needle with a corkscrew end it bobbed around inside me mouth. I wasted no time in moving my body over the boar and squatting myself down guided the penis into my pussy. It felt good as it twitched and turned inside me, the corkscrew trying to find and insert itself into my cervix. I squirmed as this was something i could never get used to. At least in this position I had some measure of control. But not for long. The second boar jumped up onto me, narrowly missing spiking me with his tusks. He was very heavy and squashed me almost flat against the first boar. He started to hump and I could feel the end of his penis trying to find an opening. he almost managed to get it inside my pussy along with the other one but the first boar squealed warning him to move further up. At last he found the right receptacle and another pig cock entered my body, twirling and twirling inside my rectum. The third boar jumped up on the shoulders of the second boar and he was at the perfect height for me to wrap my mouth around his penis. I had three pig cocks occupying all my orifices and we moved and danced the rhythm of love.


Pigs cum in very large quantities. Their actual humping does not last long but for over fifteen minutes they jetted their semen into me. Into my womb. Into my rectum. Into my mouth. On and on and on. I also came too. All four of us moved as one. Joined together, with me the filling, the receptacle. Both Judith and Holofernes were turned on with the spectacle. They could see and hear our grunts and groans. Mine were muffled, of course. The pigs were in no hurry to release me but I managed to squeeze myself free and roll away as Holofernes set upon them with one of his swords. I cried and cried and could not bear to look at the slaughter in front of me. Even Judith looked away, her face white as death. The three goats bleated with fright knowing their fate and I suddenly got up enough courage to go to them. I indicated for them to escape but they were too scared to move. I looked for the horses and for Yu Nuck. To my amazement they were lying on the floor as though dead.

Holofernes finally finished his carnage and he noticed, too that four of his spectators were laying still. He shouted and berated them. He kicked them but there was no response. Then he turned on me. His face was a picture of rage. I could clearly see smoke whisping form his ears and fire crackled and blew forth from his nostrils. He was a most fierce-some sight. Holding his sword in his right hand, red and bloodied from the poor pigs he pulled forth the other sword.

“What have you done?” He bellowed at me. I stuttered and my mouth refused to open properly. “Your milk. What was in your milk? Have you poisoned them? And you would have poisoned me! Take this now!”

He threw the second sword at me. I was rooted to the spot as I watched it fly through the air, hearing its music as it carved through the air. It suddenly dipped just before it reached me and buried itself into the ground, its blade and handle quivering before coming to a stop.

“Pick it up.” He ordered. “I am giving you a chance to fight me for your life.”

One of the goats came to life and with a scream he scampered off and the other two followed. I grasped at the sword and tried desperately with both hands to free it from the ground. Holofernes watched, his whole body still shaking with rage.

“Hurry up,” he said, “or I will kill you now whilst you wrestle with my sword.” He turned to Judith who was already walking towards me. “Help her pull it out and keep well back, my sweet. I do not want to see your body and clothes spattered with her blood. I am going to cut her body into a hundred pieces.”

Judith was by my side and together we pulled the sword free. When i gripped it in my right hand I found it was too heavy for me to hold and I could barely hold it up with both hands. I knew I was doomed.


Holofernes raised his sword. “Move out of the way, darling. I don’t want you to get killed.” He moved towards me.

“No!” Judith’s voice rang out stopping Holofernes in his tracks. She took the sword away from my hands. “Move away my darling.” It took me a few seconds to realize she was speaking to me. “I do want him to be killed.” And she held the sword powerfully in one hand before transferring it into the other and back again. I moved quickly away.

Holofernes was confused. It was some seconds before he realized the human female he had fallen in love with was his enemy.

“You. You want me dead? You want to fight me?”

“Yes.” Judith’s voice was as cold as ice. “You were responsible for having Manasseh killed. I saw his trampled body lying seconds after your warrior horse had done his deed. I struck your horse dead with my sword. Manasseh was my husband. I was his wife. Manasseh was also my son.” Then her voice ripped through Holofernes. “I was his father!”

Holofernes actually trembled. For the first time in his life, I think, he felt fear as Judith continued.

“Our race, when born in male human form after spending eighteen years in our mother’s womb, can change their sex when circumstances make it inevitable to keep our ancestry alive. I was trained as a warrior and a general similar to you. I say similar because we are taught only to kill when we are threatened, otherwise we live in peace with our neighbors. Your race wants to kill and obliterate everyone who is not an Ass. Thank you for telling me where your emperor, Nebach Azar, is hiding. I shall enjoy meeting with him just as much I have enjoyed meeting you.”

“Everything you said to me were lies?” Holofernes still could not believe he had been duped by a beautiful human like female. Judith smiled, but her eyes looked to chill your very soul. “My soldiers.” He pointed at his lifeless horses and bull. “You killed them? It wasn’t your maid? But I saw them drink milk from her breasts.”

“Melatonberries are usually hard to find but here in your camp they grow profusely. You really should listen to the humans and study their medicines and herbs. Humans especially good with poisons. Melatonberries are not that pleasant to eat but do not harm you. Maybe a minor stomach ache. My maid, at my bidding, ate over a hundred. However, melatonberries when mixed with milk induce sleep and even death. I am so sorry, I momentarily forgot that my dearest maid is lactating and the berries must have tainted her milk. I am so sorry.” Judith paused. “I am so sorry I could not get you to suckle the nectar at her nipples. It would have made it easier and less suffering for you when I take your head.”

The words were no sooner out of her mouth when she struck. She was as fast as lightning. Holofernes’ sword switched between her hands like magic. Her legs sprang forward and she was upon him before he could offer any defense. With one thrust, his heart was pierced with his own sword and as he slumped to the ground gasping his last breath, Judith grasped the sword with both her hands. She swung that blade from high above her head, twisting it at the last minute like a scythe, and with a sickening crackle of broken bone it cut right through Holofernes’ neck. His head actually landed right across to the other side of the tent where it lay, his eyes open, staring with fright.

Judith through the sword away and came to me. She took me into her arms and I trembled against her body, sobbing and wetting her breasts with my tears. She soothed me with words and touches. She kissed me, her tongue swirling into my mouth and touching mine. They parried like two swords and I forced mine into her mouth and we continued the sword play. To and fro our tongues twirled until finally our mouths clasped together as one. Our hands sought each others breasts, squeezing them hard and just before we climaxed she took her mouth away and I felt her teeth sinking themselves into my neck, drawing blood and we both yelled with joy.

For the rest of that night we made love. First it was me, sucking each nipple, squeezing each breast, biting on them. I returned the favor and gave her neck love bites drawing gasps from her. I dove down between her legs, my lips brushing against her soft pubic hair. My fingers gently prized apart her cuntal lips and I pushed three digits inside. She was already wet and my mouth then busied itself around the same entrance. My tongue snaked inside and I tasted her musty sweetness. It was intoxicating. I wished I could push my whole being inside her. I felt her climax and her juices flowed into my mouth. Then I made my left hand into a fist and started to force it inside her vagina. She tried to help me by opening her legs real wide and pushing her body down onto my hand. I pushed my fist as hard as I could and I felt her flesh give in and slowly it went inside. Once the first part of my fist had entered the rest was easy and I did not stop pushing until my fingers felt the entrance to her womb and I was deep inside her past my wrist. I told her to roll over onto her stomach. She knew what I was going to attempt and she actually whimpered “No.” But I knew she meant “Yes.” I pushed against her body and she finally helped me and still with my hand inside her she lay with her gorgeous bottom at my mercy.

I prized apart her cheeks with my free hand and my tongue licked at her brown rose pushing aside the petals. I licked and licked at the tight small opening tasting her sweat and smelling her other odor that was Her. She murmured a little protest as first I sank one finger, then two, and then three into the holiest of holiest of her sanctuaries. I thrust and pulled, thrust and pulled and sank my fourth finger inside. I twisted and turned my hand letting her ass get used to the intrusion. It was used to expelling, not receiving. I could feel my other hand inside her with only that thin, elastic membrane separating them. Finally I forced my thumb inside that opening, too and pushed and pushed until it was enclosed just like my other hand. I moved my hands slowly inside her body. As one moved up the other move down. She climaxed and climaxed. Liquid flowed from her pussy like pee but this was a different liquid. It oiled my hand there and I was able to force even more of it inside. I grasped my other hand and actually shook it like two friends and it felt as if there was no skin separating them.

I continued doing this for seemingly hours until my hands cramped up and I could not stand the ache. I always paused after each great climax so she could recover and my ears were deaf to her pleadings of “No more.” Finally, after I had pulled my hands slowly free from her pussy and ass and she had rolled over onto her back again, I lowered my pussy over her mouth. Her eyes searched mine and she nodded giving me permission. This was an act she readily did to me but seldom was I able to do it to her. She opened her mouth and I relieved myself of my pee. She drank it all, hardly letting a drop spill. She now had part of me inside her. When I had finished I lay atop her, kissing her and tasting my own urine. I clamped my pussy against hers and we ground them against each other until our clitoris’ hardened and swelled touching each other like tiny penises. We climaxed and swooned and we were as one.


Later Judith made love to me. Her hands and mouth touched and entered me everywhere making me moan with passion and longing. Longing for more and more. I am such a greedy woman. She made me reach heights I had never been before. I felt dizzy from the experiences I was receiving. Would I ever be able to climb down. Alas I did.

Judith helped empty my breasts from the poisonous milk I was carrying and forbade me to let anyone suckle upon them for seven days. The smell of death and blood from the bodies of the pigs and Holofernes was becoming nauseous. Blood from them lay in bright red puddles still slowly soaking into the ground. The slaughtering of the pigs bodies was a terrible sight and I will always remember it to my dying day. I managed to help Judith put the head of Holofernes into the food bag and we waited for just before sunrise to leave the tent.

The guards were now used to our early morning excursion into the fields and did not question us. We had cleaned ourselves as best we could from the carnage and made our way to the stream to bathe properly and rid ourselves of any lingering blood. I could not get the smell of death from my nostrils. Whilst bathing my dear lover Shep appeared. Judith smiled and left us alone. I hugged my wooly friend, kissed him warmly and then crouched down on all fours offering my self to him.

Shep licked my sex. He smelt my sex. He delved hard into it with both his nose and tongue. He made me gasp. He took his time as if he knew somehow this was to be our last time together. Finally he mounted me and his cock found and entered me quickly. He thrust and I gasped at it filled me so nicely. He withdraw and I opened my mouth to protest but in it went again. He played my pussy as if it was a musical instrument. Our passions rose and rose. My pussy was slick and wet with my spendings. His precum was like beeswax making the canal smooth and shiny and his cock effortlessly moved to and thro within me. His thrusting got quicker and quicker and my gorgeous ram did just that. he rammed me hard and fast now and we came together. I heard myself cry out loud as I was rewarded with his spend, coating my insides with his baby making sperm. I wished , oh how i wished he could have impregnated me at that moment. At least I had that final memory and we laid joined together for many minutes, at peace.

I was loathe to leave him but I had to tell him something.

“Shep, dear Shep.” I said, “We will probably not be able to meet again. We are on an errand.” I couldn’t bear to use Holofernes’ name and lie to him. He looked at me with pain in his eyes and my heart melted. I saw Judith returning and she motioned to me we had to leave. I spoke quickly. “Shep, I love you but we can never be together. You must leave this place. It will not be safe. get away from here as quickly as you can. As far away as possible. Do it now. I do not want you to die.” Tears sprang from my eyes and I turned and ran from him. I could feel him looking at me but I dare not turn to see him. I carried his sperm inside me and I hoped it would stay there forever.

Judith and I made our way back to Bethulia without incident. Shouts of joy greeted our ears as our kinsfolk saw us approach. By the time we entered it seemed everyone was there. They could not believe we had returned safe and well. Judith spoke to them, her voice so loud and clear it carried to all their ears.

“Praise be that My Maid and I have returned to you today from our enemies who seek to destroy us.” Then she took from the bag the bloodied head of Holofernes and held it aloft. “See, here is the head of Holofernes, the terrifying and most feared general of the armies of the Ass. He has been struck down by the hand of a woman. It was my face that tricked him into believing the lies I told him. He did not defile my body though he wanted to. My Maid showed great courage and gave up her body to many of his army so mine would be untouched. She deserves as much, if not more, praise than I. My deed could not nor would have been accomplished without the sacrifices she made on your behalf.”

At this, there was a roar of applause and my name, “The Maid! The Maid!” was shouted over and over again. Although pleased I blushed and felt I did not deserve such worship as I was getting.

Uzziah stepped forward with Achior, the captain of the Ass who had come and joined us. He confirmed that this was indeed Holofernes’ head and he knelt down at Judith’s feet and kissed them. His eyes were filled with admiration and worship. Uzziah thanked Judith and myself and bowed his head as Judith spoke again.

“Listen to me, my animals. Take this bull’s head and hang it high for all to see. Then I urge you within the hour to rise up, let every valiant animal come with me and My Maid and go out of our farm and into the camp of Holofernes. Take any weapons you have and can use and slaughter all The Ass. They will be frightened, dismayed and confused as they will go into Holofernes’ tent and find him dead along with others and his second in command, Bagaos Yu Nuck. They are dead, too, from the poisoned milk in My Maid’s breasts. I warn you at your peril not to drink from her until seven days are up then all of you must come and suckle one drop from them. For from the last one who has received her milk, My Maid will be your Leader for all time. I shall retreat and I shall mourn my beloved son and husband Mannaseh. Only My Maid will be received by me and all my fine clothes and jewels are hers. Together now we will lead you. I give her this very moment my most precious ring and one of my golden ankle bangles to show her my love, my thanks and to show you all my faith in this great lady.”

More cheers and my eyes wept with the sheer emotions. I did not deserve this. I had been afraid. I had doubted Judith even, but I knew I had to go along with it. We had to convince our animal kingdom we were invincible as the ass outnumbered us so greatly.

An hour later, Judith and I, astride our two finest horses. Swords at our sides. Me, wearing Judith’s ring and her ankle bracelet, my own necklace dangling between my bare breasts, and all our comrades rode and run at great speed to banish forever The Ass.


There was little fight and to my dismay, as I tell this, I got caught up in the killing and blood lust. The Ass, when they learnt their leader had been killed and decapitated by the warrior woman who was leading an army bent on killing them, were terrified. And she really did look fierce-some. She swung her sword from side to side killing all before her. Her clothes and face were streaked with blood. The Ass had to be exterminated because we would never be able to live in peace. That was our mission. The blade of my sword tried to keep pace with Judith’s. And following behind us were other humanimals astride horses, packs of snarling wolves, dogs, bulls, goats, boars, sheep, unmanned horses, all tearing with their teeth and trampling to death all in their path. Hundreds and hundreds died that day. We lost no one. The Ass were gone except for Nebach Azar. We entered his hiding place with Achior but there was no sign of him, his personal guard and attendants. We searched but there was no trace. Somehow he had been warned but we knew we were safe. He was too small in number now to bother us for years and years to come.

We returned to Bethulia and I ruled. Judith retired but she did allow someone else to be with her as well as me. Achior. He worshipped her. Although they never married he did sleep with her. Eighteen years later I gave birth to my son, John. He had been in my womb all that time. Learning. Within nine months he was a fully grown and handsome man and he came to my bed every night. Soon I was pregnant again and nine months later our daughter – our breeder – was born. We named her Judath. She suckled at my breasts until the milk dried up when I was seventy. Up until then I mated with every one of my animals and kept our numbers replenished. When she was eighteen, Judath mated with John and another generation was conceived. She also increased our numbers and I loved watching her being pleasured by our animals just as much she loved watching me.

When Judith died at the age of 105 she was buried alongside Mannaseh. Many of our [SPAM] left Bethulia and settled in other parts of the world. We lived in peace.

But it wasn’t forever. There was danger. I could feel it. I had fallen asleep. For how long? And where was I? I was lying on a bed in a strange room. I sat up and shook my head. Gradually memories came back. I had been dreaming. I was now back in the present.


“She’s coming round. I’ll get Dr. Aramas.” It was a woman’s voice. I struggled to sit up.

“Hallo Ruby.” I recognized that voice instantly. It was Alice. She took my hand and kissed it. “We have been so worried. We didn’t think you would survive.”

“But how..?” So many questions formed and then I remembered. I started to relive the horrible events outside the park. The horrifying cries in my head. The accident I had caused by trying to escape.

“The accident. You know about the accident? The one I caused. Did everyone die?” My heart pounded. I knew they all did but I had to have the confirmation.

“Yes.” Alice’s reply was sad. “But you did not cause their deaths. And it was no accident. It was a planned annihilation of your race.”

“By The Ass.” The words were out of my mouth before I realized.

“Yes, but how did you know?” The voice was a man’s and turning my head I saw a copper skinned very handsome Egyptian looking man whom I guessed was Dr. Aramas. There was a woman beside him and I recognized her as the nurse from the park.

“Dr. Aramas?” He nodded. “I have heard a lot about you and your interest in me. Are you going to put me under and dissect me like an alien animal?”

“Of course not.” He replied. “I am here to help you.”

“Dr. Aramas has saved your life and your babies. You are pregnant. A humanoid and four pups. Very early stages but it is confirmed.” The nurse was quick to explain.

My stomach jumped. Pregnant. I started to panic. My heart beat fast and I found myself gasping for breath. This was not possible. A nightmare.

“Calm down, Christine.” Dr. Aramis noticed my panic. “No harm will come to you.”

“My name is Ruby.” I retorted. “Let me get out of this mad house.” I tried to get out of the bed but I was restrained. I was wearing the dog collar around my neck and three long leashes from it attached me to the bed. I was aware then of something dangling down between my breasts. I pulled it out. A necklace. The same one in my dream. The one the Maid was wearing.

“Who put this on me?” I demanded.

“No one, darling.” Alice’s voice sounded surprised. “I’ve never seen it before. It wasn’t there yesterday and I haven’t left your side except to go to the bathroom. It’s beautiful.” She examined it closely. “It must be worth a fortune. How?” She looked at the nurse and the doctor. They both shrugged. Unless they were wonderful actors they were just as mystified as Alice and me.

I moved my legs and brought them up from the covers. Around both were three golden anklets. The same Judith wore. Upon my fingers were rings. Also Judith’s. But this all happened in a dream. But then this must be a dream, too.

“What’s this?” The nurse picked up a sword. She struggled with it being so heavy. I knew before I could even examine it. It, too, was Judith’s.

“Be careful.” I warned. “The blade is extremely sharp. It will chop your hand off before you even realize it.”

“So, you’ve seen this and your jewelry before?” Dr. Aramis asked.

“The necklace is mine. No. The Maid’s. The rest belongs to Judith.” Dr. Aramis nodded.

“Judith did come to you.” He said. I nodded. “In a dream. It was so real. I was beside her. We conquered The Ass. It’s a long dream. You had better all sit down.” I told them as quickly as I could. They listened without an interruption. I skipped over some of the details, especially the mating with the animals. I looked at Alice. “Now tell me, what you have to do with all this.”

Alice began. “I missed you terribly. I’m in love with you, Ruby. Your real name is Christine, though. I came to see Dr. Aramis and told him I had to be with you. I should not have let you go. I wanted to return the money but he refused. He said he would consider letting me be with you but not just yet. You had to go to a farm and accept your new life. He told me that he would trust me. No one would believe me anyway. When he told me you would mate with animals I wet myself. Darling, if we had stayed together I was going to mate you with dogs. Lots. I wanted you to be my bitch. I even put a down payment on a trained dog. A lovely chocolate labrador. Three years old.”

“You mean. Human’s actually do this?” I was incredulous.

“Yes. More than you think.” Alice said. “I have tried it. It’s nice but I get more turned on watching someone else and then playing with them afterwards. I dream of you being bred to packs of dogs. One after the other.”

“I am turned on by the thought, too.” The nurse agreed. “I wouldn’t do it myself but I would love to see you do it.” She blushed. “What did it feel like?”

“It was – was – horrible.” I said. “I won’t do it again.” They all looked at me with shock.

“But your babies will die.” The nurse said. “Dr. Aramis said you have to be bred four to five times a day. The more the better. Your humanoid must live.”

“How long have I been here in this bed?” I asked.

“Over four weeks. You had been fixed to a life support machine. We thought you were lost to us but we were determined to keep your pups and baby alive inside you. Your baby for eighteen years. Then four days ago you started recovering.” Dr. Aramis still looked distressed.

“But I haven’t been bred during that time unless…..” I stopped. “Unless the times in my dream counted. But that’s impossible.” Then I thought about the jewels I was wearing and the sword. I hid my face in my hands in my confusion.

“We’ve been breeding you.” Alice said quietly. “We’ve been injecting you with sperm five times a day. I’ve been doing it with this.” She showed me a plastic syringe lying on a table by me bed. “You’ve received human sperm, doggie sperm, horse sperm and lots of pig sperm. Whatever we could get.”

“Some of the horse sperm was from one of our finest race horses.” The nurse interjected and they all laughed.

“We even tried to get some from Shep.” Alice said.

Shep? My eyes widened. I had not mentioned my lover Shep. The sheep I had fallen in love with.

“Shep is here?” My turn to be incredulous.

“We nicknamed him Shep. He was the only survivor.” I could see Dr. Aramis’s eyes watering. “The farm is no more. The day after the killing of Allisson and the others The Ass somehow got into the farm. They killed and burnt down everyone and everything. Total massacre. It was when that was happening you went into a coma. You must somehow have felt the pain. Over three hundred of your race butchered and burnt. We found Shep hiding. Bleating. But unharmed. He is here in the woods at the back of the hospital grounds. If you don’t believe us go and see him. Tell him his survival is for nothing. You are going to let the babies you are carrying die too.”

“I will go to him.” I said. “Undo my restraints. If I can communicate with him I will believe. I will mate with your dogs Alice. Even Shep and anything else. I promise. Find me a big overcoat.”

Wearing a coat two sizes too big but only a chemise underneath I strode out of the rear entrance of the hospital to find Shep. The coat was very heavy and I would be very happy to shed it. it seemed to weigh a ton. I found my way across the lawns and into the woods. I sat on a fallen tree trunk and called for Shep

Shep was beside me within seconds. I didn’t hear him coming. It was Shep. Shep from my dream. He seemed surprised to see me but I could tell he recognized me from his sad eyes.

“My maid.” Shep spoke. I could actually hear him. I flung off my coat and it fell behind me. I wrapped my arms around his head and kissed him fully on the mouth. I was actually kissing an animal allowing my tongue to enter his mouth and feeling his against mine. My heart filled with passion and i knelt down beside him. My hands sought out his penis, finding it, stroking it.

“My darling,” he said, “I never thought I’d find you. Please. Let me take you. Now. I cannot wait.”

“Yes. Yes.” I replied. excited and not even considering the taboo act I was about to commit. To mate with a male sheep!

I laid myself over the tree trunk trying to adjust to a suitable height. His front hooves moved up and crashed down again to the ground but this time either side of my head. His body was heavy against my back and his rear started to move against mine. I felt his cock expanding as it sought to find my entrance. It seemed to be an eternity before it found its home and I yelled out a cry as it pierced my cunt. A sheep’s bony cock was thrusting into me and I was loving every push and pull. How he cocked me. hard. It felt so good. It hurt. it felt so good. The front of my body scraped and to and fro against the tree trunk beneath me in time with the pistoning of the cock I could now feel hitting the lining of my womb. I was now praying no damage was being done to my dear babies but I was longing for the spunk to pour into me and anoint them. I didn’t have long to wait. With a sudden heave his cock head exploded and warm delicious balm pored into me. I felt his seed jetting inside me and I climaxed again and again and again.

When it was over we laid tied together in the same position. Alas I felt his cock shrivelling up in size and with an audible plop it fell out along with his sperm that wetted the back of my thighs and legs. When i had recovered my breath I turned and stood up. He looked at me. His eyes eemed even more sad.

“Thank you dearest maid,” he said, “that was wonderful. But now I have to kill you. I will try and make it quick and therefore less painful.” He move back wards lowering his head. He was going to pierce and toss me with his horns before stamping on me trampling me to death.


“You are the traitor.” I said moving to my coat lying on the ground. “You told Nebach Azar to run, after the Maid warned you to get away from Bethulia. You opened up the gates of the farm and had all my people slaughtered. After the Maid gave her love to you.”

“Yes.” He replied. “I loved you too. I had no choice. I have to obey orders. I will regret killing you.”

“Killing me?” I retorted. “What makes you think I will let you kill me?” That stopped him. “When I was told you had survived the massacre on the farm I knew then you were the betrayer. I knew then you had betrayed The Maid. So, I came to you knowing that you had plans to betray me, too.”

“Then why did you come here to meet me and certain death?” He asked.

“To mate with you. To use your sperm to keep my babies alive. I’m pregnant you worthless creature. I needed sperm and it is fitting yours should help keep my race alive because it is you who will die.” I did not recognize my own voice. It was like…. like The Maid’s.”

“How can you possibly kill me? I am invincible. I will now make you suffer.” He moved one of his front legs imitating a bull. Scraping it against the dirt on the ground.

I reached down and turned my over coat over pulling out the sword. It had felt heavy when I had picked it up with both my hands and hidden it in the inside cover of the garment. I was now holding the handle with one hand and it felt like a feather. I moved it swiftly cutting the air and hearing it hum.

“This is Judith’s sword.”

There was now fear in his eyes as he charged. He knew he was dead as soon as he rushed towards me. My hand moved swiftly as I stepped at the last minute to one side. The sword pierced his heart and he was dead even before he crashed to the ground. Taking the sword in both my hands and holding the blade high I smote it down. It took just three strokes to cut through the flesh and bone and I felt hardly a jarring in my arms as his traitorous head came off. I wiped the blade carefully leaving no trace and hiding the sword in the lining of the coat put it on and walked back into the hospital entrance. The sword now weighed very heavy and the event that had just happened seemed a dream. I did not feel part of it.

Dr. Aramis was waiting. Concern written all over his face.

“It’s over.” I said. “Shep is dead. I killed him. He was sent by The Ass. He was responsible for what happened at The Farm. You will have to convince The Ass that he was killed after murdering me. I’m sure you can find some witnesses and a convincing story. Where’s Alice?”

“Nervously waiting in your private room in the ward. What’s your decision?”

“I’ll do whatever it takes. I believe you but I will have to be restrained most of the time. It will help my guilty feelings. I had no choice. That sort of thing. Although I did mate with Shep before I killed him. It felt nice.” I started to walk past him.

“You are now very wealthy. You inherit everything. Quite a few billion pounds. Plus land.”

“Enough to start again, then.” My voice remained calm but my heart was racing. “What happens after my pups are born? Can Earth animals make me pregnant?”


“So I will start a new race. A cross breed.”

Dr. Aramis nodded. “Most likely.”

“As long as you don’t dissect them. Tell your shareholders that.”

“There is only one now. That is you.”

It was my turn to nod. “I shall be staying the night with Alice at a hotel. I will look round for somewhere more permanent and private.”

I used the elevator and found Alice. We chatted for over an hour. She made some calls. Two hours later we were in the best suite of a 5 star hotel. A complete wardrobe of clothes arrived for me. We purchased Alice’s choc lab and two rottweillers. We caught a cab to collect them, stopping off to buy myself a good second hand Jeep. The dogs were lovely and I fell in love with them immediately. There was something about my smell that excited them and in front of the breeder I allowed myself to be trussed up over a chair. The breeder was a large woman called Nancy and the dogs obeyed her every command. She gave Alice a lesson in handling them and I watched the excitement in her face as she gave the order for the choc lab she had named Coa Coa to mount.

Coa Coa wasted no time and I felt him land upon me, his front claws scratching into my flesh. He couldn’t find the mark and after stabbing away at nothing he got down. An inauspicious start. I felt his nose bury itself into my ass and his tongue slurped away at my pussy. It felt good and I sighed. he jumped up onto me again. Still no good. I felt his frustration and it was getting to me too. Nancy instructed Alice to help and when Coa Coa mounted me again they both were at hand to lign up his cock. As soon as it went inside me he went to town. I orgasmed immediately. He was good. His back legs lifting off the floor as he pushed into me. I could hear my breath squealing as each thrust pushed air out of my lungs and I gasped to suck in more. He was fucking me now as if his life depended on it. Perhaps he knew he was going to new owners. I was to be his bitch for life. later on I would bear his pups and that thought was enough to trigger another orgasm.

Nancy’s face came into view. She peered down at me. “Enjoying it bitch.” She said. I ignored her but I heard her laugh. I wondered how often she had been in this position. Did she do the training herself. Then I felt it. Coa Coa’s knot. Banging away at my lips. A final thrust and I was knotted. It sank into me and swelled and swelled. Cum pored forth. Hot and wet. very wet. He pumped me good for about three minutes and then lay quiet atop me, his cock pulsating and his knot quivering inside me. I was loving it. Loving it. I knew then I didn’t really mind “doing it.” This naughty and illegal bestial act. But with the drooling and licking I was getting from the dear doggies’ mouth I knew he was enjoying it as much as me.

I turned my head and saw Alice with her hand thrust down inside he panties. Her eyes were closed. She moaned as she came and her eyes opened. She gave me a lovely smile and came over to us. She stroked Coa Coa’s back and told him he was a very good boy.

“You liked that pussy, did you?” she said to him. “Whenever you want it she is yours. Whenever and wherever.” She walked round and squatted down beside me. “I’m going to arrange lots of gangbangs for you my love. White and black cocks. Rutting away in all of your orifices. A cum slut. With plenty of animals. I will place ads for lots of dogs. I will take you to stables where you will be mounted by horses. I will tie you to a sty and leave you to mate with lots of boars. We will see how many animals you can fuck. We will visit with anybody with an animal. Anybody can fuck you. Anyone. You understand?’

I murmured “yes” but she made me say it louder. “And you will let all my lesbian friends use you and you will pleasure them with your tongue. Pleasure Nancy, darling. She wants your mouth.”

Nancy was naked and she dropped down in front of me. Alice pushed cushions under he bottom raising her pussy up to my face. Her big hairy gash opened up as my tongue delved in and her big thighs wrapped themselves around my head. She tasted of pee but I didn’t mind. I was in a state of lust and Alice’s words had excited me. I licked and licked and my tongue explored Nancy’s pussy. I felt her little clitoris and it expanded under my tonguing. I knew I was good at that. Alice had taught me well. She panted beneath me and then she came just as Coa Coa pulled himself out of me. I felt his tongue lapping at his juices spilling from my cunt. I felt Nancy release her spend and then she started to move. “I have to spend a penny.” she said.

“No stay.” Alice said. “She will take it. Won’t you my darling?”

“Yes.” I said in my childish voice. How could she make me do this disgusting act? because part of me wanted it. I clamped my mouth over Nancy’s pussy and felt a few drops of pee trickle into my mouth followed by a stream. I did my best to gulp most of it down but when one of the rotties jumped upon me and speared me almost immediately with his cock, my mouth moved away and her pee hit my neck running down onto my clothes.

The Rottweiller was heavier and even more energetic than the lab. He pounded away. More scratches to my skin. My doggie race had no claws. I wondered if that was going to be the same when I gave birth to their pups. I climaxed. I was knotted. More cum flooded my insides. Then the third dog mated with me and I came again. I was tied and flooded. My mouth sucked away on Alice’s pussy. I received her pee and I was released. I was not allowed to clean myself up but was led to the back of the Jeep. The seats were pulled down and I lay on them with the three dogs. They licked at me. They lay on me and we were nearly back at the hotel when Coa Coa wanted me again. I turned over and presented my ass and that was exactly where he speared me. His cock shot into my ass but I was past caring. I hardly felt the pain as he pummeled that smaller opening. He didn’t last long and he didn’t knot me this time.

Alice pulled into the parking lot of the hotel as one of the rottweillers took his place banging into my pussy and fucking me good. I could hear people walking past and could even see them. If they would turn and peer in what a sight they would see. He knotted and I was stuck with him inside me for almost half an hour and of course the third dog was now ready to have his fun. He did.

My new life had begun and I knew it was going to be a lot of fun. I was maid for beasts.

The Final End.