This story is fictitious but based on my actual animal and human experiences. The basic plot outline was given to me by my dear friend “sefriendlyguy”.

I could hear Terrence was not happy as I was overhearing his side of the telephone conversation he was having. I hate eaves dropping so I went outside in the yard. Although small, it was comfortable for me and my husband and our two young children, twins, Alice and Donald who were three. We had a barbecue grille, wooden patio and a big hot tub. What more outdoor comfort does one want? Alright, maybe a pool.

Our house was large. Much too big for us but it came with the job. Terrence was an Episcopalian priest, the rector of St Mathias Church in the parish of R——, New Orleans, Louisiana, not far from the wetlands. What is an Anglican church doing in an area predominantly Roman Catholic and Protestant dominated American Christian community highly influenced by the French and Creoles with a smattering of Germans, Africans and Irish? I am not good on history so cannot answer that but the stone built church dates back to the early 1800’s and has withstood time, wars and hurricanes. Not even Katrina could put a dent in St Mathias. But we are one of several churches within the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana. Christ Church on St Charles Avenue being the Cathedral.

Our congregation is small but faithful. My husband of seven years being tall, handsome, charming and, I am almost ashamed to say it, very sexual. Terrence is a mixture of French, on his mother’s side and English from his father’s. Me? I am Anne. Twenty-eight and born in Houston, Texas. Father, Irish/American. Mother, English and very religious. Daddy wasn’t, so I brought up as an Anglican. It was at the local church there that I met Terrence who was a deacon in training to become a priest. It was love at first sight and everyone said it was a match made in Heaven. We married to everyone’s delight. Soon after, Terrence was offered his first parish as a rector and so we moved to New Orleans.

I never met any of Terrence’s family. His parents both died in a motor car accident when he was only four. He has an older sister but Terrence refuses to talk about her. We have never met and there is not even a photograph of her in the house. I have never pressed Terrence to tell me more although I have wanted to badly. I am intrigued by mysteries. The only thing I know about her is her name, Alixes.

Terrence, and presumably Alixes, was brought up by a close family friend, Bishop Henry Golding, whom has become a friend to me as well. Yes, Terrence is very well connected within the political and influential confines of the church and already he is being cast as a future ‘star’ in the Episcopal Church of America. But they don’t know, Terrence, as a wife does in the secrecy of their bedroom.

Terrence enjoys the more kinkier side of sexual mating and goes to great lengths including patience to get me to explore and ‘get off’ on these ‘shocking’ couplings. I have been initiated into masturbation with fingers and objects whilst he watches, fellatio, sex in the ‘doggie’ position including anal sex. Recently this has included sex with another partner in our bed and double penetration. Wouldn’t the congregation be shocked? But then, maybe not. The other partner is a member of the congregation. A very prominent member, not only in our church but in the community. I leave it there.

Bondage has lately entered our ‘games’ and I have found I enjoy the role of being dominated as long as it doesn’t involve pain. I have now become a willing partner to Terrence’s fetishes. The last one to mention is that after I weaned the twins off breast feeding Terrence took their place. Three times a day Terrence breast feeds from me and now his partner is involved too, my breasts are full of milk. If I travel, which is thankfully infrequent, my breast pump comes with me. Do I enjoy this? Of course. Very much. My breasts have always been large – 40D – and now 42DD. I liked the looks I got from the men in the congregation. More men now attended with their wives and Terrence smilingly said he was sure I was the reason. I blushed and was flattered but, of course, I acted my role as the very proper minister’s wife.

Alice and Donald were playing with their ‘big’ toys, a car and a tricycle. And they were oblivious to my appearance in the yard so I flopped myself down into a chair and watched them for a while. My three year old 84lb. monster mongrel, Justus, joined me with a yawn. I tickled his ears and his mouth opened in delight. He rolled over exposing his crown jewels reminding me that I had to get him fixed. I tickled his chest which he loved until Terrence poked his head outside.

“There you are.” He dropped into the seat beside me. His face was flushed. Justus, seeing that he had lost my attention, walked disgustedly away to watch the twins.

“What’s the matter?” I asked.

“That was Henry on the phone.”

“How is the dear Bishop? I hope you scolded him for not paying us a visit recently? I hope he appreciates how hard you have been working? Did you tell him how much the congregation has grown? Have you —–?”

He cut me short.

“Whoa. Listen to me. Henry is coming over.”

“What?” Now I was alarmed. I started to rise from the chair. “I have to tidy up. I have to prepare something for dinner. Just like a man. Short notice.”

“Sit back down. It’s not a social visit. He’s not staying long. He’ll be here in an hour.”

“What’s wrong? It can’t be good news. Has the mayor been talking about us? Damn him!”

“No. Nothing like that. It does concern you, though. He wants a big favor.”

I gasped. Bishop Golding. He couldn’t possibly want me… or could he. I mused for a second.

“Tell him O.K. The dirty old man.” I smiled. “Perhaps he’d like a drink from these.” I pushed my tits out before realizing the twins were looking at us. I called out to them. “Go on with your playing. Mummy and Daddy are talking.” I turned back to Terrence. “Perhaps we had better go inside.”

“It’s nothing like that. No. The Bishop? You’re bad. That’s why I love you.” He kissed me and we got up and went inside the house.

A very passionate kiss, our tongues touching and my hand went down between his legs feeling his manhood growing in my hand. He pulled away.
“No. Not now. After he’s gone. I have to tell you what it’s about and you aren’t going to be pleased. Sit down.”

This had to be serious. Terrence was always randy and I had expected him to take me there and then. Over the kitchen table even. I sat down and he paced around the room a few times before his shocking revelation.


When we had entered the mist I thought we must be nearing the Island. I was wrong. I looked at my watch. We had been chug chugging along through the chain Chandeleur and Breton Islands for nearly an hour and I was soaked through and cold. Justus huddled up to me and whined. I tickled his ears.

“Are we nearly there?” I asked the lady at the tiller. This was my third time of asking and the response was the same. Nothing. She kept up her task of trying to peer through the almost impenetrable gloom. As far as I knew we were going around and around in circles. If I had not heard her exclaim with an assertive “No!” when she first understood I was bringing my mongrel brute of a dog with me I would have thought she was both deaf and a mute. She had only backed down when I turned and signalled for a cab to pick me up and return to the rectory.

“If he doesn’t come neither do I!” I had shouted back at her. I suppose clerics don’t shout at their hosts but I was knew to the job. Very knew, less than twenty-four hours.

Terrence’s revelation was that I was to leave almost immediately and go to an island within the remnants of the St. Bernard Delta called Lyra Isle. Only women inhabited Lyra. Men were banned and they had a license to put to death any male intruder. This had been demonstrated many times with no prosecutions and no prisoners taken. The island is surrounded almost completely by bottomless bogs and marsh lands with only one small inlet leading to a cave that is the entrance which is heavily patrolled. To add to the island’s isolation is a mist that stretches out for many miles around the perimeter making navigation very difficult. One small diversion the wrong way leads you and your craft into being sucked down with no trace. How many had met this fate? I shudder to think.

“You have to go.” Terrence told me. “The Bishop insists.”

“He can insist all he likes. I’m not going. He doesn’t employ me. He doesn’t own me.” I answered back.

“In a way he does. By marrying me he has an invested interest in you. It will only be for two weeks. Well, maybe four. Six at most.”

“Stop there,” I warned. “In a minute it will be a year or even more.”

He laughed but it was a nervous one.

“And why do I have to go there?”

“They need an ordained priest and the cleric has to be female.”

“Good. That leaves me out. As both you and the bishop know I am neither.”

“That’s why Bishop Henry is on his way over here. He has a special license to ordain you first as a deaconess of the Episcopal Church of America, then as priest and then curate in charge of the Episcopalian Church of Judith, Lyra Isle. Technically it falls under my domain but as I am male I can’t go there. The license though only entitles you to serve as deaconess and priest on Lyra Isle and at Judith’s.”

“St Judith.” I mused and tried to consult my memory on the lesser known saints. “Wasn’t she German? I have no idea what she did to make her saintly.”

“St Judith was Prussian but this church is not dedicated to SAINT Judith. Just Judith. This is the sword wielding widow who beheaded Holofernes whilst he slept. He was going to make love to her.”

“If you insist on me going to this island of women for an indeterminate time and administering priestly duties there you had better not go to sleep tonight. My middle name might be Judith!” I walked out to my bedroom and locked the door.

But I had agreed. I was now the Reverend Anne. My predecessor, Reverend Mary Triggs had just disappeared. No one knew where. Search parties had combed the whole island but there was no trace. All her belongings had been left behind and she had been last seen at a function the previous evening attended by nearly all of the two hundred plus inhabitants. She had been missing for over two weeks and it was obvious she was not coming back. She had definitely not left the island and it is was now assumed she had wandered off into one of the marsh areas. Apparently the mist that surrounded the island came into the land at night with no sun to burn it off during the day. She must have lost her bearings. There were a number of these mysterious disappearances.

Lyra Isle belonged to the British Crown and not the USA nor the French. It had been forgotten by the latter two countries and was administered by the Anglican Church of which our Episcopalian Church is part. However, if there was no administrator present for over three weeks the island would revert to France. Neither the British Government nor the USA wanted this so a female Anglican priest had to be found quickly. I was it. Whilst I was temporarily in charge a properly ordained female priest would be sought and sent out to take my place.

Bishop Henry had told me privately that if I agreed to this it would seal Terrence’s rise in the church and he would be a bishop within five years.

So, here I was in a small boat with two suitcases and my dog, Justus, as a companion.

I looked at the boat’s pilot. She looked middle-aged, but I am not a good judge of age. She could have been older or younger. She wore make-up and stud earrings but she wore a black cloak wrapped all around her so I could not see what sort of dress she had on. I wondered if she was a lesbian. An island only of women. What else could I think? I tickled Justus’s ears and bent down and kissed him. I was startled by her voice.

“How often do you fuck him?”


“How often do you fuck him?”

The words bounced around in my head. I was astonished. Shocked. No, astounded!!!

“You disgusting, bitch!” I shouted back at her, holding Justus even closer as if to protect him from her.

“Well. He’s full grown. I’d say four years old. Hmm. Maybe a little younger. And he’s not been fixed! Look, Your fondling him is making his little pinkie show. And if you’re a reverend so am I!”

I couldn’t help but look down at Justus’s ‘thingie’. Sure enough the end of his cock was protruding from his sheaf. He took that moment to lick my face and then to jump up knocking me flat on my back. The boat rocked dangerously as I pushed him off.

“Wait until we’ve landed if you’re going to have sex. We’ll capsize unless you stop.”

I scolded Justus, even giving him a hard slap, and he moved away licking at his member before lying down looking crestfallen.

“I was not going to have sex with him. I have never had sex with him nor will I ever do such a thing. It has never entered my head. It was a disgusting suggestion. The worst I’ve ever heard.”

She contemplated before answering.

“How many confessions have you heard?”

I decided to be truthful.

“None.” I replied. “I have only just been ordained. My husband is a priest. Rector of St. Mathias’. I have helped him a lot.”

“St. Mathias. Your husband is Rev. Terrence Daniels?”

Very surprised I replied. “Yes. You know him.?”

“Of him. His sister is The Beloved Chief Justice Alixes.” She crossed herself and looked very worried. “I’m sorry for what I said. Please don’t tell The Beloved. I will be severely punished. Please. I didn’t know. I understand now why you have been brought here.”

“Terrence’s sister is on the island?”

She nodded. “The Beloved is the law. The Beloved is our God, beneath Jesus Christ, of course. She communicates with Him. The Beloved has complete power over all of us.”

“I did not know she lived on Lyra Isle. Neither Terrence nor Bishop Golding informed me. Perhaps they aren’t aware either. Terrence never talks of about his sister.”

“They both know. She meets with them often. When I take her over to the mainland they are always waiting for her. I have heard her greet them both by name.” She lowered her head. “I think I have said too much.”

“You haven’t told me enough. I know none of this except I have been sent over temporarily to replace Rev. Mary Triggs who disappeared a couple of weeks ago. Do you know anything about that?”

She shook her head vigorously and looked frightened. No amount of trying to get her to talk again was successful. I even asked her to turn around and take me back but that request was ignored in silence.

It was about ten minutes later that we can to a stop alongside a metal pole that stuck up 6ft. out of the water with a red winking navigation light perched on top of it. My pilot took out an object from a bag beneath her seat that looked like a flashlight. She aimed it at the navigation light and pressed a button. I realized from the green light that emerged it was a laser pointer. It was obviously pre-controlled, because a series of long, medium and short flashes hit the navigation light. It, too, flashed back until another beam of light, this time amber, pierced through the mist. She put the laser pointer away and the navigation light went back to its steady winking. She steered the boat towards the amber light that grew in intensity. So this was how how boats were able to find the cave entrance to the island. Without it would be impossible.

Just before I could just make out a tiny landing pier she spoke again.

“Tomorrow you will have to attend The Truth or Dare Ceremony. Answer all questions truthfully. A lie means death. If you can’t then you must accept The Dare. Only Dare when it is impossible or inadvisable to tell the Truth. If you think the question I asked you was bad the Dare that you will be instructed to do will be much more offensive to you. I tell you this in the hope you keep quiet at everything I said to you.”

“I won’t say anything. I promise.” I took her hand and squeezed it. “If I refuse the Dare.”

“Death.” She stared intently at me. “I believe that you don’t mate with your dog but if you love him and don’t want him put down let them think you do. If you like, I’ll tell them I saw you perform with him in the boat?”

“There’s no need for that.” I quickly said. I swallowed. “I’ll think on what you have said.”

At that precise moment the boat pulled up alongside the pier and I stepped out. To meet me were four women heavily armed with automatic rifles hanging from their shoulders and looking like Middle Eastern terrorists. They didn’t even nod at me and I was left to pick up my suitcases. My pilot whose name I still didn’t know walked in front of me leading the way through the well lit cave. I managed to hold onto Justus’ leash and thankfully he trotted peacefully alongside me. He seemed to be looking forward to the adventure. I wasn’t. To me, I was walking into a nightmare. If only I would wake up.


At least the floor of the cave was smooth so wheeling the cases was easy and I noticed vehicular tire tracks. I wished there had been a vehicle to pick me up as the floor was rising ever so more steep as we walked and I was soon puffing and blowing. My pilot was now some yards ahead and disappeared from view as there was a sharp bend. Thankfully when I got there and turned it was the end and I was in beautiful sunshine. More guards and barriers. I had to go through a metal detector and my bags were put through an x-ray machine just like at an airport.

“What’s this?”

The guard searching the screen pulled one of the others over to take a look. Then I was instructed to open the case. It was the breast pump. They pulled it out.

“Breast pump.” I explained and felt my cheeks reden. “I’m lactating.” Puzzled looks. “Milk. My breasts are full of milk. I have to extract.”

They nodded and replaced the pump, zipping up the case.

“You get more interesting by the minute, Reverend Mother.” commented my pilot with a lecherous grin. At least she could smile and she looked younger when she did. She had taken off her cloak to reveal a yellow dress that reminded me of ones you see at a renaissance fayre. She was almost flat chested and she watched me staring at her.

“Do you find me attractive, Mother?”

“I – No, of course not.”

She took one of the cases and her hand touched mine.

“Pity. I am a lesbian as I’m sure you’re wondering. Most of us are or bi. Most, too, are butch. You most definitely aren’t. If you were my mate you wouldn’t need that breast pump. Or your dog.”

With that she strode off again. I followed and it was now a very steep hill. I also was shaken at my feelings. Her words had aroused me and I even had a vision of her suckling at my breasts. It was not an unpleasant thought. I struggled to catch her up.

“What’s your name?” I asked her as finally we came to a stop at the top of the hill.

“I am called Sister Janet 2. There are ten Janets. We never use our surnames. We will wait here for someone to pick us up. They will have telephoned. It won’t be long.”

“I have never had a lesbian experience. “ I told her. “That doesn’t mean I won’t.”

We looked and she nodded. “I’m in a relationship. You also are our spiritual mother, confessor and guide. However.” She shrugged but she took both my hands and squeezed them. “Your dog?”

“Yes? You really want to keep him?”

“Of course.”

“Teach him quickly to mate with you.”

“I could never do that. It’s – it’s – abhorrent. No. I couldn’t.”

“Then he will be destroyed. I am told the experience is fulfilling and very orgasmic.”

“You’ve actually seen it?”

“Of course. At the Truth or Dare. It’s one of The Beloved’s favorite dares. She’s heavily into animals and not only dogs. I’ll speak to Sister Veronica 1. She trains the animals. She’ll call you tonight. You haven’t much time. You can trust her, too. Otherwise don’t trust anyone else. I like you Rev. Mother. I want to be your friend.”

“Call me Anne. There is no need to call your friend Veronica. I could never mate with my dog or any animal.”

“Then you will be sentencing him to death.”

Just then an electric car came into view. It was like one of those carts you see at a golf course. A woman similarly dressed like Janet was the driver.

“I will call her anyway. I hope she can convince you. You might be Dared at the Truth or Dare tomorrow. Shush now. The driver is Sister Tonilee. She is one of The Beloved’s lovers and spies.”

“You don’t like my sister-in-law?”

“I hate her. It was her decision to send your predecessor to The Judith.”

“The Judith?” I queried, puzzled. She crossed her neck with the side of her hand.

Judith. The slayer of the evil general Holofernes. The name of my church. And there was a modern day Judith alive on this island?

Sister Tonilee. No numbers attached to her name. Presumably she was the only one. She was pretty and young. Blonde. She smiled at me as she jumped down from the cart, but only with her mouth. Her eyes were large, staring, almost like a Siamese cat with little pigment.

“Welcome to Lyra Isle, Reverend Mother Anne. I expect Sister Janet 2 has told you all about our customs, ways, our sources of income, manufacture, —-” Her voice was hard as she looked at Janet loading up my cases.

“The good sister,” I replied, also with a smile, “Has told me next to nothing. She was not at all communicative. I took it almost as a vow of silence.”

But Tonilee was looking at Justus. Her face contorted in rage. She pointed at him.

“What is that?”

“I believe it is called a dog.” I turned to Janet. “What do you think, Sister Janet 2?”

Janet didn’t answer. She jumped up onto the back of the cart but I could see she was trying not to smile.

“It will be destroyed. Only you were allowed here.” Tonilee turned again to Janet. “Your instructions were implicit. Only her.” She pointed her finger at me. Now I was just a ‘her’.

It was my turn to assert some authority.

“I am not ‘her’. You will address me as Reverend Mother at all times, whether in my presence or not. I insisted Justus came with me or I would not either. The exchange between us was very heated. I expect that is why I found Sister Janet uncommunicative. Even so, she only allowed Justus on board when I explained we were lovers. She even asked me how often I fucked him? I think that was the expression you used, Sister Janet?”

“Yes, Reverend Mother. I apologized for the use of the word immediately after I said it.” Janet answered.

“And I accepted. Are you going to apologize for referring to me as ‘her’, Sister?” I deliberately left out calling Tonilee by name.

She didn’t answer. I pulled Justus up beside me as I got into the passenger seat in the cart and we drove off in silence.

We didn’t drive far before we were in the center of what was obviously the town. There were shops and buildings were just like an early American village with a few people chatting and peering into the shop windows with wicker baskets. The only difference was they were all female and dressed the same. Only the colors were different but the renaissance style remained as my two companions. We passed a church bearing the name “Judith Episcopalian” in large bronze letters. It had a tall steeple complete with bell and wooden shingled pitched roof on an ‘A’ frame. We stopped at a house next door which I perceived was to be my living quarters for what I hoped was to be a very short time.

Tonilee made no effort to say goodbye or indicate that this was my home but turned her attention to Janet.

“Help her and I’ll wait for you. The Beloved wants a report and I imagine she will not be pleased.”

“I have one to give The Beloved when we meet and it will be mostly about you.”

She gave what could only be called a snort, glared and looked away. Janet took one of my cases and we walked up to the door of the house and as we got there it was opened suddenly by a tiny, young, almost dwarf like, girl. Janet introduced us.

“This is Mattie. Don’t be fooled by her looks. She is very worldly and she is nineteen although she looks much younger. She was rescued from the New Orleans brothels by Reverend Mary. Unfortunately, she has returned to her old ways and is in much demand by some of our less desirable residents who pay her very well. She is deaf and dumb. But don’t let that fool you. She can lip read, write and is well educated.”

Mattie gave me a beautiful smile, curtsied and took the cases. She stooped down and petted Justus who followed her happily into the house.

“Mattie is no angel and she reports everything to The Beloved. Everything. That’s why she is allowed to prostitute herself to the community. People disclose a lot whilst in bed. Be very careful of her. As for Sister Tonilee, it was foolish to make an enemy of her. She presides over The Truth or Dare. She will Dare you to do something very sexual. She is a deviant and a sadist.”

“I’ll survive.” I said it convincingly enough although my insides were turning over. “Who is this Judith? When do I get to meet her?”

“You won’t ever want to meet her. To do so is death by decapitation. No one living knows whom she is. She could be anyone of us. Veronica will call this evening when the mist is up. It will be good that Mattie sees her here. It will help convince the supreme powers that you are a zoophile.”

I reluctantly nodded. She turned to go and then back to me. She grabbed and pulled me to her. It seemed natural for us to kiss. A peck at first and then were sucking at each other’s mouths, her tongue pushing into mine and her hands at my breasts. My passions grew and I didn’t want it to end. It was Tonilee’s voice that interrupted us. We had both forgotten in that intimate moment she was there watching us.

“No communication between the two of you?” she mimicked. “I don’t believe a word of it. And Reverend Mother. Isn’t lying one of the ten commandments thou shalt not do? Get in Sister Janet. I hope you don’t leave anything out in your report to The Beloved. Judith is itching to use her sword again. Goodbye, Reverend Mother. I look forward to meeting you again at The Truth and Dare.”

“I’m looking forward to it, too.” I called back at her. I would not reveal how scared I was becoming.

“Your top needs some attention.” she shouted back at me. “It looks like your tits are leaking.”

She was right. When Janet had squeezed my breasts they had expelled quite a lot of milk. It had soaked through my bra and onto my top. Before I could say anything I heard her laugh at my embarrassment and she drove off.

I went into the house and closed the door. I closed my eyes and prayed but I knew forgiveness for my sins was not going to be an option. And I dreaded I would be committing even bigger ones and very soon.


The house was big and it took a few moments to find Mattie. She was already opening one of my suitcases in a bedroom I assumed correctly was mine. It was a big room with a high antique looking wooden Queen sized 4 poster bed. My breast pump was already lying on the covers much to my embarrassment but Mattie was engaged in putting away my clothes in a wardrobe/dresser that matched the bed. I grabbed the pump and went into the en suite bathroom locking the door behind me. I almost jumped when something bumped into my ass. I shot around. It was Justus. He had slipped in without my noticing. I have never allowed him in a bathroom with me before but I didn’t want Mattie to see the ever increasing milk stain on my top so I scolded him and made him sit down.

I took my top off and bra, found a stool conveniently under the vanity and sat down in front of the mirror. I hunted for a receptacle and eventually found them on both sides of the vanity. I plugged the double pump and attaching the cups to my nipples switched it on. The bottles I used were still inside the case so I had to discharge the milk down into the basin. What a waste. I enjoyed the sensation I was getting from my nipples being squeezed. The pump was very good and it was a wonderful imitation of a baby or adult suckling the milk from my tits.

I worked my skirt off by wriggling and pulling without disturbing the pump and slipped my left hand down inside my panties feeling my cuntal slit. I was wet and one,t wo and three fingers slipped inside. I gently masturbated in time with the pump and for the first time for twenty-four hours I felt at peace. I shut my eyes and dreamed it was Janet doing all this to me. I should have been ashamed that I was not thinking of my husband but I wasn’t. That kiss I had just experienced from her was intoxicating, erotic and so wrong. I had never had a lesbian experience before but knew I was going to taste Sapphos love very soon. Perhaps an island full of lesbians would be fun after all.

I wanted more so I slipped my panties completely off giving more access to my pussy pushing my fingers further inside, wishing Janet was down there slipping her tongue around the lips and pleasuring me. I could even feel her tongue and now I used both my hands to spread my pussy lips, opening my legs for her to get better access.

“More. More.” I murmured as I could feel the beginning of an orgasm approaching.

“Harder. Harder. Yes. Yes. That’s it. Good. Good. Oh, yes. Yes! Yes!! Yes!!!”

I yelled and pushed her head hard between my legs and came. I shook and I could hear my heart, and her tongue slurping at my juices. I opened my eyes and gave a shriek. It wasn’t Janet’s tongue I was imagining. It really was a tongue. It was Justus. My dog was licking me and had brought me off. I shoved him away. He didn’t want to go and even gave a growl moving towards me again. I gave him a slap that hit his nose and he yelped. I detached the pump, opened the door and pushed him outside into the bedroom.

Mattie stared at my nakedness and then at the dog. She smiled. I slammed the door.


I jumped into the shower, my heart pumping, my hands and my knees shaking. It took me some moments to figure out how to get it to work, almost drowning myself in ice cold water at my first attempt. When I did find the hot water I sat down in the stall letting the water cascade all over my body whilst I contemplated on my present situation and what had happened over the last few hours.

I found myself getting very angry at Terrence. Wy hadn’t he told me his sister was not only living here on this lesbian island but was in charge? Then I thought of the twins. My children. I hadn’t given them a thought until now. What sort of mother was I? They had cried when I left. They had wanted to come with me. I promised I would call them every day. That was my first duty as soon as I had gotten out of the shower. Call home, speak to them and give Terrence a big piece of my mind. I would even try and go home tomorrow. I had been lied to. Well, not exactly lied. Not told information he knew I would find out as soon as I got here.

I could hear Justus scratching at the door and whining. I had never hit him before. I would have to pet him. It wasn’t his fault. I suppose I must have given off some sexual smell. He hadn’t ever been around me naked before. I wouldn’t make that mistake again.

Milk was still oozing from my beasts so I hand expelled the fluid watching it whiten the water from the shower as it flowed down over my belly down to my pussy. I even found it almost sexual and I fought to control my emotions again. What was happening to me? Was it the air here?

Finally all the milk was gone. I got up, soaped myself and washed. When dry, I wrapped a towel around me and ventured out into the bedroom. Mattie had laid out some underclothes for me and a couple of dresses for me to choose. Justus ran to me but when I raised my hand he backed off, standing still, wagging his tail and mouth open grinning. I dressed quickly, bent down and loved him up.

Finding my cell phone on the dressing table I tried to call home. Nothing. There was no service. I looked for a telephone. There wasn’t one. I explored all the rooms. No phone. There was a message from Mattie though.

“Sorry I have had to leave. Engagement. Curfew soon. Will be back in the morning when curfew is lifted. Food in fridge and larder. You have a lovely dog. Matt.”

Curfew? Well I had no intention of going out but this island was now looking like it was a prison. What would happen if I did try? Shot on sight or would the sword wielding Judith come flying down from the sky like some mad queen from Alice in Wonderland shouting “Off with her head! Off with her head!!”

Just then there was a loud wailing noise like an air raid siren from the WWII days. It was so loud it rattled some of the crockery in the kitchen before finally stopping with a descending wail as if in terrible pain. I surmised this was to signify it was curfew.

I had just got myself something to eat after feeding Justus with some tinned ham he gulped down with great relish, when there came a loud knocking at the kitchen door, startling me. I warily went and opened it. I was almost knocked off my feet when a large woman rushed in with a large german shepherd. I just had time to see that the thick mist that had surrounded the island had now invaded inland, some of which entered the room before I was able to close the door.

“That was close.” the woman said, breathlessly. “Almost got caught. Timber barked.” she bent down and fondled the dog. “You nearly lost your mistress’s head.”

“He’s frightened of the mist, but we had to come. Janet told me how urgent it was. So this is your dog. He’s a real heinz isn’t he?”

The two dogs had been eyeing each other suspiciously but after a few sniffs they wagged their tails and made friends.

“I’m Veronica. You were expecting me?” the woman held out her hand. I nodded and shook it. “Where’s Mattie?”

“Out. She left a note saying she had an engagement. She’ll be back after the curfew.” I replied, forgetting that Janet had insisted veronica visit me.

“We had better get started. Heinz is virgin in these matters?”

“His name is Justus.” I replied a little haughtily. “And, if you mean, has he mated with his own species he has not. And definitely not with a human.”

“Janet said that but I wasn’t entirely sure. You shouldn’t have brought him here. He’ll be put down if The Beloved finds out. But She hasn’t so we will put that to rights tonight.” Veronica ruffled Justus’ ears and scratched his neck. Justus approved. “So, you’re going to lose your virginity. What a happy dog you’re going to be from now on. Where are we going to do this? Your bedroom will be best.”

“Let me get one thing clear. I am not going to mate with Justus. Not now. Not ever.” I spoke firmly trying to suppress my rising anger.

Janet pursed her lips. “Well, if you don’t do it now you’re going to have to do it tomorrow at the Truth or Dare and not just with him.” She pointed at Justus who seemed to be understanding what she was saying as he was getting excited.

“I will not!”

“You will or both you and your dog will be terminated. And I don’t mean being sent back to the mainland. Let’s go to the bedroom.”


Without a look back at me Veronica strode off with both dogs trotting at her feet. Hesitatingly I followed. She obviously knew her way around my predecesor’s house as she made straight for my bedroom. She looked around the room and pursed her lips. I was able now to get a good look at her. She was elderly, the grandmother type and certainly not a woman I suspected that was into bestiality. Then I thought, what do women look like who have sexual relations with their pets and other animals? Can we distinguish them when we pass in the streets? Having never even thought about this taboo subject before it was an irrelevant question for me – until now.

“We will need an old blanket or plastic sheet.” She said glaring around the room. “Find something. Dogs make a mess when they cum.”

I stood looking like a dumb idiot. I shrugged. I had no idea where to look.

She marched out of the room leaving me alone with the dogs. Justus came to me wary at first. I had never smacked him before. I bent down and made a fuss, even kissing him on the head. The shepherd, what had she called him? The name came. Timber. He came to me as well, expectant of a cuddle and stroke. I didn’t disappoint. He really was big. I put his weight at around 90 lbs. He made Justus look positively small.

“Good. Glad you’re making friends.” Veronica had returned with a large white bed sheet. “Had to take this off the bed in the spare room. Make sure it gets washed tomorrow. Now where do you want to do this? On the floor? Over a chair or on the bed?”

“I don’t want to do this at all.” I replied, moving away from her as far as possible. I sat down on a chair against the wall by the door so I could make an escape.

“You do want to save Heinz, don’t you?”

She really was irritating. I had told her Justus’ name.

“Justus won’t come to any harm. It will be over my dead body.”

Veronica looked at me hard.

“That’s exactly what will happen. Both of you will be dead. There is only one law here. The Judith. Obey the rules. Tell the truth and don’t ever get caught. Then you won’t get a visit from her.”

“Who is this Judith?” I asked her.

“No one knows who is alive except The Beloved. A visit from The Judith is death.”

“And that is what happened to Rev. Mary?” I asked.

“You’re asking something no one really knows or wishes publicly to speculate. The Beloved is your sister-in-law. Ask her? It will be better for your first time to do it on the bed. More comfortable and I will help Heinz into you. You can get better penetration though on the floor or better still over a chair.” Veronica busied herself laying the blanket over the bed.

“Will you stop calling Justus Heinz? However, if you really want me to get mad then keep on calling him that. And I am not going to mate with him. I will allow you to train Justus, however you want to go about it as long as it doesn’t involve me.” I said the beginning of the last line with great reluctance and with much force at the end.

Veronica ignored me.

“Right.” She said, admiring her work of folding the sheet and laying it over the bed. “Damn. I forgot to bring any socks. You don’t have any do you?”

“As a matter of fact I do. I don’t think they’ll fit you. Your legs and feet are fatter than mine. As the rest of you, for that matter.”

I instantly regretted my insulting remark and apologized at once. She wasn’t fazed at all.

“They’re not for me. The dogs. Their paws are sharp and it’s best you get naked. In their enthusiasm when they fuck they tend to scratch, especially the front ones.”

“I’ll see if I can find them. Mattie unpacked my cases and put everything away.” I went to the chest of drawers and found my socks straight away. “How many do you want? Any particular color?”

“Two pairs will be fine. I’ll just do the front legs. It will look good if you have a few scratches on your ass and a little pain in sex is a gain don’t you think?”

I decided not to answer but threw two pairs of black socks on the bed. She was taking her clothes off. This was a signal to Timber as he started to get excited and started to bark his tail wagging furiously. This also got to Justus who seemed to suspect something nice was about to happen. I sat down again, watching Veronica strip although doing my best not to appear so. What I had taken for fat was not so. Yes, there was a little bit of tummy flab but Veronica was well built, almost muscular. Her breasts were small in comparison to her body and as a result did not sag. Her pussy was shaved, something that appeared shockingly erotic on an elderly woman. She noticed me staring at her there and smiled.

“You like?” She touched herself there, opened her legs, pushing one, two and then three fingers inside her pussy. Much as I had done to myself in the bathroom a short time ago. Still working her fingers she walked right up to me with Timber followed by Justus at her rear. She pulled out her fingers offering them to me.

“Taste.” She commanded.

“No.” I said, turning my head and shutting my eyes.

Her fingers were at my nose. I could smell her and it was arousing me. I had never tasted another woman, only imagining it. She suddenly grabbed my hair with her other hand, yanking my head back.

“Lick! And if you bite I’ll pull every strand of your hair out.”

That’s all I wanted. To be forced. It added to the excitement for me. It was so sensual. So erotic. To be made to do something taboo. Terrence had discovered my weakness. How had I made it so obvious to Veronica? I licked at her fingers liking the taste. I licked them clean. She pushed them back inside herself, working at her juices, coating her fingers and putting them back into my mouth.

“Good. Now on your knees. Lick my cunt, bitch. Do it.”

I obeyed. I was on my knees. I stared up at her open pussy. It was like a baby’s. Bald. But this one was so inviting. I licked at it. It reminded me of an open would. A huge sore that I had to administer with my tongue. Then I was not alone. Timber was at her rear, licking at her ass hole before moving down to her pussy. Our tongues met. It was amazingly naughty. It was superbly nice.


I continued attacking her delicious pussy whilst Timber alternated between licking at her rosebud and joining me. Veronica started moaning and I could even feel her clittie start to expand when she suddenly shoved my head away.

“Enough, bitch!” she snarled at me. “Go and sit over there and watch. Take your clothes off!”

My pride was hurt. I went sulkily away and sat down on the stool by the dressing table. I watched her but I did not undress. If she wanted me to do that she would have to make me.

Veronica patted Timber’s head and called Justus over, but again calling him Heinz. To my dismay he answered the call, wagging his tail furiously and ignoring me. I could taste her sex on my lips and tongue. Annoyingly I loved the taste and it aroused me. My heart started to beat faster and I could feel excitement growing in my stomach. I shook my head and tried to control my emotions. I gradually calmed myself down to watch this disgusting show. I even tried to close my eyes but that lasted only a second.

Veronica was now lying face up on the edge of the bed. Her legs wide open, her fingers once again busy at her slit. Both dogs were there, only inches away, their mouth gaping wide, waiting excited, expecting. Timber knowing what was in store. Justus knowing something nice was about to happen. He had tasted me just a few hours earlier and a similar smell was permeating the air making his nostrils twitch, his jowls beginning to drool.

Veronica offered her glistening fingers, so wet with her juices to Justus first. He smelt them and then licked at them until they were completely clean. Unexpectedly he suddenly dived between her legs, his mouth and tongue devouring her sex. She jumped, pushed his head away and closed her legs. She scolded him quietly but firmly.

“Wait my darling. Mummy has to call you. There’s plenty there,” she tapped her pussy, “for both of you. And much, much more.” She pulled Justus to her and knelt down, a hand sneaking down under his body. I watched now fascinated as it brushed and stroked against his sheath. She rubbed it, nursed it and gradually the pink tip of his penis peeped out just like the point of a lipstick. To my utter amazement she pushed her head underneath him and licked at the protruding cock. Justus stood still, almost like a statue, his mouth gaping wide. I even saw his eyes close, blink and re-open. He must have felt he was in a wonderful doggie dream.

After a few more licks at his cock that was protruding even more she stopped and gripped his sheath near his balls and rubbed vigorously. She opened her mouth, directing his cock at it and then it happened. A spurt of liquid shot out into her mouth and she slowly swirled it around her lips, the interior of her mouth before letting it go down her throat.

“Mmmm.” she murmured approvingly. “His pre-cum tastes so good. Would you like some?”

I shook my head, screwed up my eyes and covered them with my hands before looking at the scene before me again.

“Silly girl. You soon will. You will be attacking him at every chance you can get.” She almost leered at me. “But somehow I think heinz will be your master. You will answer his call and I am almost sure he will be very demanding.” She laughed. “Won’t you darling?”

She stroked him and lifting up one of his ears she whispered into it. He seemed to understand because he walked a little away and sat down watching like me after a few cursory licks at his dwindling cock head.

“Come, Timber. Let the game begin.”

The dog came to her and she grabbed a pair of the socks and put them on his front legs. He was used to this as he even held up his other paw when she had completed the first task. He looked positively ridiculous with the blue socks on but I had no time to chuckle. Timber sprang to life as Veronica climbed onto the bed, kneeling, her big ass facing me like an arch, her legs now together, but this arch was still open for traffic. Timber licked vigorously at her puffy mound. She moaned into the pillow and then when he stopped she slapped her ass with her left hand. This was a signal because Timber mounted her, his sock covered front paws wrapping around her waist gripping her tightly. I could now see her point as to why she wanted them covered. They were digging into her flesh and even though she was big the dog was still able to pull her back a little as he thrusted forward, his sheathed cock hammering away trying to find an entrance. They were both skilled. She adjusted her height and it sank into her as she gave a loud gasp.

Timber’s thrusting was fast and got quicker with every second. I couldn’t see very well because of his balls and tail but I knew he was burying himself into her pussy with great vigor and depth. I was aware how a dog’s cock grew and Veronica was moaning louder and louder. I had had only two men put their cocks to me and none had shoved it in with such speed and determination as Timber’s was doing to Veronica. What must it feel like? Her moans were getting to me and unconsciously my right hand drifted down, pulling my skirt up and slipping in beneath the bottom of my panty, two fingers entering my pussy and giving me instant relief.


Timber was really thrusting into Veronica now. The bed was even shaking. Veronica was yelling now. Terrence called me a screamer. Surely I had never been that loud?! Timber’s knot, that had enlarged and was so big, was blocking my view of his penis sawing in and out of her pussy. His giant balls were swinging like two clock pendulums. With a scream that frightened me his knot, to my amazement, disappeared inside Veronica. Her pussy actually opened up like a flower to accommodate that huge ball and closed around it. Timber’s thrusting stopped but his asshole was moving as if he was constipated trying unsuccessfully to expel.

“Yes! Yes! Oh yes!!”

Veronica was climaxing. I recognized that sound and it was then I realized what Timber was doing. He was cumming in side her! That thought sent me over the top and I thrust my fist into myself at the same time as Justus had got my scent and pushed his snout between my legs his tongue snaking out to lick at my juices flooding around my fingers. I came big!! I revelled in the exquisite feelings so much I even pushed Justus’s head against my mound, my legs widening obscenely and my smelly hand dangling by his nostrils. He cleaned up my hand before attacking my pussy with some relish with his tongue.

When my attention returned to Veronica she was quietly whimpering almost in time with Timber’s panting, his mouth gaping open, tongue sloppily hanging, his eyes wide and his teeth grinning, almost saying, “Look what I’ve just done.” He was indeed a very happy dog. He moved a little and Veronica’s pussy opened just enough for me to see his crimson knot peep out surrounded by a copious amount of whitish but almost clear liquid that dribbled out running down the back of her legs onto the bed sheet.

Timber’s movement had been enough to give Veronica another orgasm because she gasped with the painful pleasure making Justus stop his attack on my puss and turn his head. He, too, saw the fluid and his nostrils must have smelt its aroma because he moved away from me, jumped up onto the bed and
licked up the remains including the moisture on her legs. He even tried pushing his tongue into her pussy that was blocked with Timber’s knotted cock.

My senses returned and disgusted with the scene in front of me and my own behavior I quickly made my escape, found a spare bedroom and went inside locking the door behind me. I fell onto the bed and shaking both inwardly and out, closed my eyes. Amazingly I fell asleep. I don’t know how long I was in the Land of Nod but I was awoken by a sound of frantic knocking on the bedroom door and Veronica’s voice pleading with me to let her in.

“Only if you’re alone.” I yelled back.

“I am. I tired them out. Me too.” She called back.

I let her in. Even in the gloomy light I could see she was still naked. She looked at me still with my clothes on.

“Get undressed. Your clothes will be in a mess and it will be more comfortable. I’ll help you.”

“I can manage, thank you.” I quickly replied.

She was already under the bed covers when I climbed in beside her my arms touching my breasts to find I was leaking milk.

“Damn.” I said. My brast pump was in my bathroom.

“What’s the matter?” She asked.

“I’m lactating. I left my pump in the bathroom. I won’t be a minute.”

“No.” Her hand gripped my arm. “I’ll take care of that. Please.”

Instead of her previous demanding and authoritative voice it was sensuous. How could I not relent. I got under the covers beside her. Her fingers touched my face and caressed my cheeks and when her lips moved down and I felt her tongue against my flesh it was like an electric shock. Her mouth fastened onto my left nipple whilst a hand gently caressed my right breast. She knew how to suck and extract my milk. I wondered how many women’s breasts she had suckled at. My milk flowed into her mouth and it was like I was feeding my babies again. My babies. How were my twins. How could I have left them? I prayed it would not be too long before we would be united again and this nightmare was over. Nightmare? How could something so exquisite as this be a nightmare? I pushed the thoughts from my brain and gave myself into the pleasures traveling through me.

Veronica was good. Very good. Much better than Terrance or his partner. I wasn’t even missing their cocks. She emptied the breast and then moved to my right one, her hand moving down to my pussy, fingers entering me. I moved my legs making it easier for her. We didn’t speak. I was a violin and she was the orchestrater, playing me, using her bow and plucking my strings at the same time. We made beautiful music.


Our love making continued into the night before both of us fell asleep. For the first time since I had arrived on this crazy island I was contented. I had even gone down on Veronica, tasting dog sperm in her vagina. Knowing that two thirds of it was my own dog made it more perverse – more exciting. She told me he was good and the easiest dog to train. “A natural.” she had said and her words made me feel proud of him. I think, if he had been in the bedroom with us and he had wanted me, I would have let him. A thought I quickly suppressed.

I was disturbed by the movement and noise of Veronica getting up.

“I have to go before the curfew and mist lifts. I don’t want Mattie to know I was here.” She said before disappearing.

I got up and followed her into my bedroom. Timber and Justus were wagging their tails and she was bending down loving them both up. They were oblivious to me. My darling Justus was not interested in me at all and it was soon apparent why. Veronica did not expect what was coming. As she fondled and kissed Timber, Justus was behind her and mounted her inviting rear in a flash. His front paws, now with only one sock that was dangling and it, too, almost coming off, wrapped themselves around her waist and he thrust forward humping her. He was lucky and he hit pay dirt almost immediately.

“Bloody Hell!” she shrieked. “He’s in me! Damn!” She resigned herself to her fate.

Justus was very enthusiastic, fucking into his bitch like a there was no tomorrow. I had seen dogs fuck and this was no different. The sheer intensity and rapid fire of his cock pumping into Veronica coupled with the taboo act itself caused un-natural feelings in me. I was enjoying the spectacle and when she started to moan under my k-9, her master, I silently urged him on. I wanted him to make her shriek. To dominate her. It was turning me on, but before I could let my fingers do the talking Timber’s snout startled me by pushing hard into the cheeks of my bottom. I felt a wet tongue explore me there, penetrating both my slit and ass hole.

“Oh, no you don’t.” I shrieked, turning myself to push him away. A mistake. The big german shepherd jumped up onto his back legs wrapping his paws around me. Thankfully his socks were still on as he would have clawed my titties, his head reaching my neck. I tried pushing him off and he growled, fighting with me. I started to panic and was frightened.

“Help me, Veronica. Get him off me.” I shouted but Veronica was in another world. She was enjoying the bestial act too much to worry about me and I doubted she would have come to my rescue. After all that was why she was here. To mate me with a canine.

I struggled. I fought. I even punched him on the nose but I couldn’t get enough leverage to hurt him at all. I think he was enjoying the game knowing what the prize was going to be when he won. There was no doubt who would be the winner. To make matters worse my tits were leaking again and he even had time to slurp and lick at the seeping milk at my nipples before finally I fell onto the floor in a heap together with Timber, his 70lb plus weight, crushing me almost into the floor knocking all resistance out of me. I did, dear reader, try to stop him. I lay on my back, trying to kick him away. I did not want it to happen. If the deed had to be done it was to be on my terms with my own dog and at a time I was OK with in privacy.

I did manage one good kick. It caught him by surprise and right under his neck. He even yelped but it made him more determined and rough. His jaws snapped back at my neck, even nipping me, before grabbing my hair and yanking me almost up into sitting position. He, then, burrowed his head down trying to get under me and succeeded in moving me sufficiently to get enough purchase to roll me over. He stood over me, his breath coming out in little pants, his jowls open and I could feel spittle landing onto my back. Then his head came down and he licked at the back of my neck. I lay still protecting my head with my hands staring into the floor. I still had some hope that if I lay in this position he wouldn’t be able to get into me but he was well trained. Too experienced for poor me and very intelligent.

The first nip on my bottom stung. The second one hurt and the third one made me yowl. I quickly got into position, kneeling obediently, waiting and dreading the awful moment that was about to come. But I was prepared. I wasn’t going to fight anymore. I was his.


I looked across at Veronica and Justus in time to see the dog’s knot disappear into the human’s hungry cunt. I could sense Timber poised to jump onto my back when it happened. It was unexpected. Both Justus and myself had only heard it once before so it was really startling but it caught Veronica and Timber by surprise too.

The shriek of the end of curfew siren sailed through through the room like the roar of an express train. Justus gave a yelp of fright, pulling his knotted cock from Veronica’s pussy and spraying his semen everywhere. Veronica yelled at the pain and rolled over clutching her ass. Timber barked and ran to his mistress. I sat down upon my rump momentarily bewildered.

Veronica was the first to recover. With a cry of panic she grabbed her clothes slipping them on.

“I have to get away, now. It’s probably already too late. They’ll know I’ve been here. I must take Justus with me. Tell them I called to take your dog to the farm to check him over.”

She was gone with both dogs at her side. Justus paid no heed to me. He’d had a taste of his bitch and wanted more.

“When will I see you again?” I yelled after her.

“Tonight. At the Truth or Dare. I’ll give Justus back to you then.”

She was gone. At least she had called him Justus and not Heinz. The Truth or Dare. Where was this held? I presumed someone would instruct me. Janet had said I had to be there. Just the thought of her made me feel funny. I wanted to see her again. That kiss we had shared. It was so unlike anything I had experienced before. I was so attracted to her.


I tried to pull myself together but my body wanted relief. I now wish it had happened. The abhorrent act of fucking with an animal now started to feel attractive. A hard fleshy cock ramming itself into my body. My breasts were heavy so full of milk. My cunt was wet and wanted attention. Like a woman in a trance I went into the bathroom. I ran water into the tub, one hand squeezing my breasts gently, feeling the milk running over my fingers whilst my other hand was busy at my cunt. I watched the water rising and I briefly felt the temperature adjusting the hot and cold faucets. I climbed into the tub and laid myself down. The water felt so good. I closed my eyes, still squeezing and letting the milk flow from my breasts. Still moving my fingers inside my pussy, feeling my clitoris hardening whilst I imagined.

I was with Janet. We were in a field alongside a stream. I could hear the laughing and singing of the water as it lapped around the rocks. Janet was at my titties. Gently squeezing and sucking my milk into her mouth. Her lips felt so good at my nipples and I wanted it to last forever. Then a huge grey wolf appeared. His look was fierce and he stared at us. I was afraid but Janet said he was her friend and she had summoned him to pleasure me. He would not harm me at all. The wolf came up to us and Janet stroked his fur before kissing him. Their tongues caressed before she moved back to me, kissing my lips, pushing her tongue into my mouth, twining with mine and then she attacking my breasts again, sucking up my milk.

I felt a tongue at my pussy. The wolf was there between my legs. His snout pushing further into me. I welcomed him. I wanted more. So much more. Janet moved away, smiling. She told me to give myself to this wonderful creature. He wanted me and she knew I wanted him. The wolf had stopped his licking. I rolled myself over and adopted the doggie position of submission. His weight landed onto my back. I felt his cock enter me. It found me at his first single thrust. I heard my voice cry out and felt the immense pleasure as the huge beast fucked me. My orgasm came giving me relief. The relief my body craved. His cock felt so good and I came and came. I could feel his cum spurting up into myself. But where was his knot? Shouldn’t I be feeling that? That surely would be inside me now. Hurting me? Where was it. I opened my eyes and staring down at me was a smiling face. It was Mattie.


I shrieked. I yelled. I waved my arms splashing water everywhere. Mattie was gone in a flash. She must have thought she had a mad demon in the house. I lay still letting the water settle whilst I got myself together. The water was now tepid. How long had I been asleep in the tub? I looked down at the water. It was covered in a film of white. My milk. Had I been squeezing my titties whilst I had been having this disgusting dream – no nightmare. But it had seemed so pleasant, so erotic, so —- Stop! I closed my eyes, said a silent prayer and pulled myself out of the water.

I decided to dress appropriately as a priest of the Anglican faith. Thankfully, Terrence and I were of similar build and he had packed a spare plain black cassock which I pulled on over my bra and panties. I was betting no ‘real’ female priest wore underwear like mine. Then I affixed the clerical collar around my neck – a ‘dog’ collar! How appropriate, I thought and smiled.

I could smell bacon cooking and supposed Mattie was cooking breakfast for herself and hopefully me, too. I could also smell coffee brewing. I suddenly felt ravished. I looked at myself in the bedroom mirror. Very good. I brushed my hair but I couldn’t persuade myself to pin it up into a conservative style. I went half way.

I joined Mattie in the kitchen. She was eating but immediately rushed to her feet indicating the various cereals she had got out, the bacon and eggs in the pane, oatmeal, waffles, etc and pored me a mug of coffee. I accepted the coffee with a smile, putting her at ease as I could see she was very nervous of me, but indicated I would help myself to the food. I was very generous with the cereal and the cooked breakfast!

Although we sat in silence, Mattie kept smiling and made enough signs to let me know she was asking if the food was alright. I nodded and made an appropriate sign I thought she would understand that it was forgetting she could lip read. She looked so young and vulnerable. Dressed as she was, like a child she could easily be mistaken for a ten year old. Remembering what I had been told by Janet, I suspected she dressed that way deliberately.

After eating and with Mattie insisting she wash and clear up I decided to investigate and go outside. The church seemed a good place to start so I made for it as a good priest should. What would be my first duty. Say Mattins I supposed. That’s what Terrance did, not that anyone turned up to hear them except for widow Blair. She was only in her forties but she attended every service and was on every committee that Terrence spearheaded. Hmm. I wondered if Terrence was the reason. Now I was ‘out of the way’ maybe she would strike or maybe this was another reason I was here. Maybe they were already ‘doing it’. Maybe. Stop. I mustn’t think like this. I thought of the twins. I hoped they missed me. How could I have left them? Then I thought of Justus. He was probably having the time of his life. How many times had he fucked Veronica? I hoped he was fucking her to death almost. Why didn’t the thought of him doing that disgust me like it would have yesterday?

I walked out into bright sunlight and arrived outside the church. The noticeboard said ‘Judith. Anglican Episcopal Church of the Parish of Bethulia. Services: Weekdays – optional by arrangement. Sundays – mandatory – 9:00am.’ mandatory. Did that mean the whole island would be there? And if they didn’t attend, would that be a death sentence from the crazy woman with the same name of the church? Bethulia? Now that name was familiar. Where had I seen that name. Then the story of Judith came back to me. Bethulia was the name of the town where Judith had lived. I made a mental note to re -read the book when I returned to the house – the rectory – I corrected myself. Then I saw the name underneath the sign. ‘Rector: Rev. Mother Anne Daniels.’ My name was on the sign. I looked at the paintwork. The age looked the same as the the rest. Not new and not old. And why put my name already on a sign? I was here temporarily. I only knew about it myself yesterday and this paintwork was older than that. Surely Rev Mary Triggs name should still have been there not mine? Another puzzle.

I walked up the concrete pathway marveling how nice the grassed areas and gardens had been kept. A lot of attention had gone on here, to the building itself and the grounds. I looked up at the huge sign painted on the face of the church above the door “Judith Episcopalian”. It towered above all the other buildings around. ‘Little boxes’. Apart from my home they all looked the same. Just like the Malvina Reynolds song made famous by Pete Seeger in the 1960’s and the theme song for “Weeds”. And they all could have been made of ticky-tacky for all I knew. No. I believe that means shoddy. These houses were standardized but didn’t appear poor quality. They had withstood hurricanes.

When I tried the entrance door of the church it was locked. There was a little alcove with a slot for putting in a card and a pad all similar to an ATM. I didn’t have a card. I returned to the rectory and found the same situation. I was locked out. It was no use knocking as Mattie was deaf. Then I noticed the bell push. I supposed there must be some communication if Mattie was the housekeeper so I pushed it. It opened in a few seconds. As if she was reading my mind she held up her ring finger. A ring with a large green stone was flashing. She touched it and the flashing ceased. I started to walk in when an electric car came to a standstill outside. It was the horrible guard, Tonilee. She marched up to me carrying a small package and a box that looked like it was a camera.

“Good. You’re up.” She greeted me and without being invited strode into the house ahead of me. I noticed Mattie trembling and I could see she was scared stiff of her. As soon as were in the house she shut the door and fled into another part of the house.

Tonilee led me to the sitting room and sat down at one of the tables. Se indicated for me to sit as if this was her home. I stood defiantly staring down at her.

“These are your credentials, key card, etc. Use the card to make purchases from the stores. Your salary and duties are outlined in the credentials. First, however, I need your fingerprints of your left hand.”

“My fingerprints!” I exclaimed. “I am not a criminal.”

“No. You aren’t but most of us are.” She replied with a smirk. “Although copulating with animals is I believe in Louisiana. Luckily for you it is encouraged here so feel quite at home. I don’t enjoy it myself but I love to watch, especially if the bitch makes a lot of noise. Are you a screamer?”

“Mind your own business.” I shouted at her. “And I don’t want my fingerprints taken.”

“Then you won’t be able to make any purchases nor use any transport or get inside your church and home. Put your left hand inside the receptacle. Now! It’s not going to bite it off.”

Reluctantly I did. She pressed a button and there came a tiny whirring noise. I felt only a minor irritation as something rubbed my fingers. It took only a moment before I was allowed to remove my hand. She then opened the package and took out a card looking exactly like your normal credit one. This was inserted into the machine and almost instantly removed. She handed it to me.

“Now you’re one of us. Try not to lose it. There is punishment if you do.”

“Oh, not a visit to the Judith?” I asked stone faced.

“If I was in charge it would be. That would stop people being careless.” She got up. “Right. The Beloved requests a meeting with you.” She looked at her watch. “She should be almost finished with her riding so now will be a good time. You can also pick up your car. Come.”

I followed holding my card plus credentials and got into the car beside her. She was not anxious to speak and neither was I. How I loathed this woman. She gave me the creeps. She looked like Dracula’s daughter – the stereotype you see in the movies. Maybe Bella Lugosi or better still, Christopher Lee, would appear and drag her away. We passed people, all dressed the same as yesterday. The cars were the same but there were some electric delivery vans all bearing the name ‘Bethulia’. ‘Bethulia Groceries’ . ‘Bethulia Deliveries’ Bethulia this and Bethulia that. Even the shops were all named ‘Bethulia’.

We drove out of the town into the countryside and about ten minutes later stopped outside an imposing wrought iron gate and high brick wall. Tonilee got out, inserted her card and placed her hand over the keypad beneath the card slot. The gates opened and she retrieved her card and drove in. This was like being in another world. I can only give you one word. The grounds and building in front of me were ‘palatial’. ‘Grand’ was not good enough. Green lawns, fountains, flowering beds. The Queen of England would be at home here. Even the White House had nothing on this. Where was the staff? I didn’t see anyone until we pulled up outside the building entrance when a woman appeared and directed Tonilee further down the driveway. We eventually arrived at what looked like stables. They were as I saw the horses inside but my eyes were affixed at the sight in front of me. A woman dressed as everyone else here except for a riding hat was holding the reins of a beautiful black stallion. Tonilee indicated for me to get out and we both stood by the horse but it was what was under the horse that astounded me. There was a naked woman, eyes clothed, strapped under the animal lying under a large platform/saddle. Her legs were fastened onto stirrup like hangers where a system of pulleys moved the platform to and fro. The woman and the platform were doing just that and I could see she was in control of the movements. She was moaning softly and I could see she was having an orgasm. Inserted obscenely into her pussy was the biggest penis I have ever seen. The stallion’s cock was fucking her!

“Meet The Beloved’ said Tonilee pointing at this woman.


I stood open mouthed. The woman under the horse was of slim build, around my age and there was no mistaking she was my husband’s sister, Alixes. She had his features, eyes, ears and even his mouth, the latter screwing itself open and shut as if in agony. Her eyes, which had been rapidly opening and closing, now stared open wide, almost bulging out of her angelic face. Her body went rigid and I could actually see the shape of something inside her lower abdomen. A giant penis belonging to the horse she was suspended under and partly protruding from her vagina.

A loud snort came from the stallion and its body shook and he stamped first one fore leg and then the other, the hooves thumping hard on the concrete floor outside the stable. The woman holding the reins stroked the horse’s head and murmured something in his ear.

“This is the best part. It never fails to turn me on.”

Tonilee’s voice broke through my trance, to reality. I cannot really say how I was feeling. Emotions circulated through me that were foreign. My senses were in turmoil. I know I should have been revolted but I was marveling at how Alixes must be feeling. There was no doubt that this mighty and magnificent beast was climaxing along with her. I could even see the muscles and veins on his cock moving as he was pumping and spewing his seed into the belly of his human mare. Even with the very tight fit some of the fluid was escaping between the lips of her vagina and dripping onto the floor.

Alixes did a sudden push and pull movement with her feet and the stallions cock pulled itself from its cavern. With a loud plop it finally emerged with a huge splash of sperm that hit the ground spraying everywhere including hitting my legs making me shrink away.

Tonilee and the attendant rushed to Alixes who was already removing herself from the seat, straps and stirrups. The attendant had magically found a cloak and was wrapping it around her naked mistress whilst Tonilee went down onto her knees and pushed her face between Alixes thighs and started licking at the wide open vagina there that was still emitting the stallion’s spunk. I actually wondered what it must taste like. Doggie cum was so metallic and different to the salty flavor of human sperm. I actually wanted to bend down and dip a finger into the milky pool and put it into my mouth. I quelled the nasty thought and screwing up my eyes and emptying my head, prayed for forgiveness.

The attendant took away the horse to stable it. The black beast was nodding his head, shaking it and looking very pleased with himself as he walked off with her, his cock still dripping from the flare. Even though it was slowly diminishing it was a formidable weapon and behind it two black balls swung in time with the horse’s steps. With one final snort it disappeared from my sight.

“Diamond was very, very good this morning. I am glad to learn you are a zoo and not offended by what you have just seen. I go for my horse ride every morning. Diamond is the best. If you a very good girl and please me I might allow you to try him out.”

Alixes’ voice was gentle, melodious even and not at all like Terrence’s. It left a slight echo effect in my ears and I could imagine her singing to a harp. It would be almost hypnotizing.

“I – I -” I found myself stammering a reply. “I thank you but it won’t be necessary.”

“Hmm.” She looked at me and her eyes bore into mine as if she was trying to read my mind. “Maybe I will insist. Come here.”

I walked slowly to her. Tonilee was still licking and sucking at her slit, almost reverently. She pulled out her breasts. They were not as big as mine but more round, better shaped and I was jealous. The areolas were dark and nearly 1 1/2in diameter around luscious long pointed nipples. She held them both out to me indicating for me to touch them. I did and found them firm and when I squeezed them milk appeared from the many ducts in her nipples.

“Suck.” She commanded.

As so many people now had sucked on mine I sucked on hers. First one and then the other. The milk flowed, not as easily as mine and I had to suck and draw on each nipple to extract the food. It tasted different to my milk. Sweet, yes, but more like honey than sugar and there was something else, too. I couldn’t catch what it was. Spicy and intoxicating. The more milk I extracted the more I wanted. I found myself trying to devour more from her breasts. I squeezed harder and sucked stronger. I was like an alcoholic craving for more scotch. I had to have it.

Alixes didn’t mind and encouraged me more. She even tried to help and squeezed her breasts even harder than I was doing. Finally there was no more of the nectar. I had emptied her ducts. When I withdraw my lips I felt light headed. By this time Tonilee was standing by me with the attendant and if they hadn’t been there I would have fallen down. Instead I collapsed into the attendant’s arms. Before I passed out I heard Alixes instruct Tonilee to take my legs.

“Help carry her to my bedroom. She is now mine. Forever.”


I don’t remember how long I was out. I don’t know what were dreams or reality. I suppose I had moments of consciousness and I will do my best to relate these as coherently as I can as they are essential to this story.

There were people talking. The voices I recognized as Alixes and Tonilee.

“You couldn’t find the dog.”

“No. Mattie assured me the mutt was not in the house when she returned.”

“Mattie was supposed to have stayed with her. You will punish her but not as severely as last time. You have a cruel streak, sister, and you need to curb it. If I give Anne to you as your pet I do not want her harmed. She belongs to The Judith.”

I belonged to The Judith……… my senses swam and I was in blackness.

Later there was a strange female voice. It had an almost musical quality about it, reminding me of small silver bells. Alixes was talking to her.

“I am almost convinced she has not mated with her dog. She told that story to save him from being destroyed.”

“You said ‘almost.’ We have spent too much time and preparation for this to have happened. Why did your brother get the dog and not have him neutered? He knew the risk.”

“He wants to see her mated with him. It is almost an obsession. He has slowly corrupted her but that is the ultimate one. There is no way she would have contemplated such a thing. It has not happened.”

“After the Truth or Dare she can mate with him as many times as she wants. The more the better.”

“Tonilee wants to pack breed her.”

“Mmmm. I would like to see that myself.”

I felt a shadow come over me and I barely allowed myself to breathe. The shadow was from the other woman. She was peering over me and when she spoke I could even feel her breath.

“She looks so innocent. So precious. So perfect. The poor thing has no idea what her husband has been feeding her all this time. We will do one more check on her own milk just to be sure.”

I felt my cassock being pulled up and another pair of hands, Alixes’, helped.

“What naughty underwear. Not befitting a priest at all.” I felt the stranger’s fingers unclasping my bra and my breasts sprang free. Fingers touched my left nipple. “Her breasts are full. You will have her regularly milked until the birth. She can join the others starting after the service tomorrow but make sure her milk is kept separate. Let’s take her milk now and I will test it just to satisfy myself. After the breeding tonight I want her urine tested.”

“Mattie has been so instructed. She’s looking forward to it.”

“Even with Sister Tonilee in the house?”

“Even that.”

I felt suction cups of a breast pump being applied to my nipples, I heard the soft purr of the motor, and as my milk was being extracted, I fell unconscious again.

When next I came to, Alixes and the same woman were talking away from the bed I was in. I couldn’t make out what they were saying but I slowly opened my eyes a little to take a peek. Luckily they were facing sides-way onto me deep into conversation. Alixes was nodding as the other woman was obviously giving her instructions. So Alixes wasn’t in charge. The other woman was wearing black from head to toe. There was a thick black veil hanging over her face from her hat and I realized she was wearing widow’s weeds as if I mourning. I first thought how strange but realization soon came. The Story of Judith” from the bible. Judith was a widow and wore widows clothing the whole time until she went to meet Holofernes. No one saw her face.

The woman talking to Alixes was Judith! The mad sword killer. But her build looked too slim to wield a sword that would have to be heavy enough to lop off a head. I made an involuntary noise in my surprise realization.

“Hush.” Judith warned. “She’s awakening. Get her ready and primed for the Truth or Dare in a few hours. How is Holofernes?”

“Ready. He cannot understand why he hasn’t been bred all this week.”

“And what boar will you use to complete the act?”

“Archior. He won’t be too heavy for her and his cum is thick and solidifies quickly.”

“Good. I am looking forward to success.”

Judith disappeared out of the room and Alixes strode purposefully towards me, smiling. I moved and propped myself up with my right hand. My mind was racing widely. Holofernes? A boar. Truth or dare? What, indeed, was in store for me?


“What’s going on?” I asked Alixes as she, smilingly, strode towards me.

“Going on?” she mimicked. “You fainted, my dear. We were all so worried about you. Sister Ruby will be here soon to examine you. We must have you fit for The Truth or Dare, mustn’t we?”

“Who was that woman you were speaking to? She was dressed in black wearing a veil.”

“No one to concern you. Rest a little more.” She pushed my head gently down onto the pillow. Her hand was cold. “Your head is hot my dear. Do you have a headache?”

I did. I could even feel the pounding of my heart inside my head. I nodded.

Her hands felt good on my forehead. The coldness of them instantly soothing the ache.

“Thank you.” I murmured. I could see her breasts peeping out of her white gown, almost teasingly. I remembered how I had suckled from them a few moments ago. A few moments? Didn’t I hear that The Truth or Dare would be in a few hours? How long had I been sleeping? And my breasts did not feel heavy. I thought of the suction cups. I had been milked.

“There.” Alixes soothing voice was like her hands. “Does your head feel better?”

It did. Only seconds before it felt as if a hundred hammers were loose in it and now the pain had gone.

“Yes. Thank you.” I replied. “My dog. Justus. Is he alright? She took him?”

“Who took him?” Her voice was now cold. Almost demanding.

“A woman.” Of course it was a woman. There are only women here. “Veronica. She took him to the farm to check him over.” I could see puzzlement on Alixes face. “That’s what she said.” I added, lamely.

“It could not have been Sister Veronica. There is only one Sister Veronica and she was with me this morning when I was riding. You saw her attending to Diamond when you arrived. I will warn you only this once. To lie is death. There is no second chance. That is the law. Because of your unique position I will pretend you did not say that. I cannot save you if you lie again. Judith knows everything. Tell me the truth!”

“I am telling you the truth. She told me her name was Veronica. She lived at The Farm and she trained animals. Trained them to mate with humans. She was disgusting.”

“You are keeping something back, aren’t you? Where is your dog. Tell me now. I promise I will not harm him.”

“You will not harm him? What about others harming him?”

“No one will harm him. I am sorry, Rev mother. Your stay with us is to be very short. I cannot help you. You have sealed your fate.”

Alixes moved across the room towards a small table where a small silver bell was perched. She picked it up and looked almost sadly at me. Then she stopped. Her eyes closed and I could tell she was listening to someone. Her earrings. They must be wireless microphones. Judith. She must be giving her instructions. So this room was bugged. Was there a camera, too. I searched with my eyes but nothing caught my eye. I saw Alixes lips move. She was quietly answering Judith. She walked back to me, smiling and looking relieved.

“I apologize to you, my dear. It would seem you were told a lie. Everybody will be at The truth or Dare. You will look closely at the sisters and identify this impostor who has your dog. I hope Justus has not been terminated or abused. Hopefully his maleness has not been removed. You did tell Sister Janet 2 the truth didn’t you?”

I couldn’t remember now what I had told Janet. I looked blank.

“You told her you did not fuck your dog. You wanted to save his life so you concocted a story that you did. I can forgive one fib so you have now used it up. I ask you, have you fucked with Justus or any animal? Remember, I have promised Justus will not be harmed in any way and when he is found you can have him back.”

I thought hard. I didn’t have much of a choice. These crazy people were earnest. I silently cursed Terrence for making me come here. I hoped madness didn’t run in his family because his sister was totally insane and a raving pervert.

“I have not had intimate relations with my dog or any animal nor do I intend to.” My reply pleased and also amused her.

“Your intent doesn’t matter. Life is always full of surprises. I have found many surprises very pleasant and from what my brother has told me you have found many of his surprises for you very enjoyable.”

“Damn Terrance, again.” I thought. Our intimate moments and deviants with a third party had been shared with her. She voiced my thoughts.

“Did you like the feel of two hard cocks inside your body at the same time? One sliding up and down your juicy cunt and the other pistoning to and fro in your pretty tight ass with just that thin membrane separating them. Terrance said you squealed and bucked to get more of that hard flesh into you and when you felt both cocks together in your pussy at the same time you shouted out that you must be in heaven.”

Her words made me think of those terribly naughty moments. I daren’t even think of how I very nearly gave myself to a dog during the early morning with part of me actually wanting it.

Her face move against me. Her lips touched mine. She kissed me, lightly at first but as I warmed to the touches it was more passionate and my mouth opened to receive her tongue. I felt the bed covers being pulled down and a hand slip inside my panties. A finger wormed itself into my cunt, now wet and slick and I was lost once again.


I found myself murmuring, “Yes,yes,” as one, two and three fingers entered me. Then, shockingly, she stopped and her fingers withdrew from my nest.

“Please.” I begged for more.

“You have a visiter. Sister Ruby is here. She is a doctor. Although she is a gynecologist she is also a general practitioner, too. Here, we cannot be too particular in our specialities.” With that, Alixes walked out of the room leaving me alone.

I adjusted my clothing and swung myself around, sitting on the edge of the bed with my legs touching the floor. Alixes re-entered with a tall, thin woman carrying a brown leather case. So this was Sister Ruby. She wore a yellow dress like all the other women I had seen here. From her throat dangled a blue sapphire on a silver chain. I noticed her full breasts moving free beneath the dress, her nipples prominently pushing against the cloth. I swallowed. Why was I becoming so attracted to the women here. I had never thought myself as having any lesbian tendencies, even when Terrence had casually suggested we bring another female into our love circle. I had dismissed it with a shrug and instantly forgotten. But there was something about Sister Ruby. I had seen her before. Was it in Texas or Louisiana? I fought hard to remember but it wouldn’t come. Best to leave it. Often the remembrance would come back at another time.

“So this is our newest resident. How nice. We have been waiting a long time for you, Rev. Mother.”

Ruby’s voice was deep, almost manly. I did not recognize it. Maybe I was mistaken. Perhaps we hadn’t met before. She took my wrist, checking my pulse. She nodded and smiled at me.

“Why have you been waiting for me?” I asked. “I only knew late yesterday I was coming here. Yet my name is on the church’s sign board and it appears to have been there for some time. Why wasn’t Rev Mary’s name there. She has been your minister for some time, hasn’t she? And what has happened to her? Did she have her head chopped off by this mad woman, Judith? I know she is listening.”

I got up from the bed. “I want to leave. Now!”

Ruby looked questionably at Alixes who barred my way, holding my shoulders in a tight grip.

“You can’t leave.” She said, firmly. “There are only two ways off this island. The way you came in, by boat or by helicopter. Both need my permission and it is not granted. You are only here for a short while, if that is your wish. We are hoping your stay will be permanent.”

“I have a husband and two children waiting for me at home. You know very well I am no priest.” I retorted.

“But you are, Rev Mother. You have been ordained and I even have a copy of your licence. I can show it to you, if you insist. As for Rev Mary, of course she hasn’t had her head lopped off. She has just disappeared. I have spent days trying to find her. Ann, we haven’t had a beheading for a long while now. And that was Sister Janice 3. A natural be-heading.” Alixes’s fingers bit into my shoulders very hard causing me to wince with the pain but I withstood my ground.

“There is nothing natural about a be-heading. And you’re hurting me.”

Alixes did not lessen the pressure. Ruby was now opening up her case.

“Janice had reached the age of 70. She knew, as everyone here does, that life terminates seconds before her 71st birthday. Three score years and ten the Bible says. I’m sure you are familiar with that.”

“You are all crazy. Now, let me go.” I tried to push Alixes away but she was like an iron door so I stamped on her foot. That worked and I gave her a hefty shove sending her flying to the floor. I strode forward not caring where I was going but the doorway was immediately barred by two women I hadn’t seen before. Then I felt a prick on my arm and Ruby was pushing a hypodermic syringe into me. Before I could attack her or pull my arm away I felt the contents of the syringe enter me and the needle was pulled away. Whatever it was it worked instantly and I swooned and blacked out as I crumpled to the floor.

When I awoke I was sitting, tied to a chair in the center of a large auditorium like room. I was naked except for a long yellow skirt that at least gave me a modicum of modesty. The auditorium was filled with women, all undressed like me. Their bared breasts wobbling as they talked in hush whispers to one another. I was certainly the ‘star’ attraction as I was constantly eyed by the curious spectators. There were two other chairs, one on either side of mine, empty, all on a raised dias with steps on two sides and it slowly turned so I could see the whole room. Also on the dias was a padded structure complete with straps. I had no doubt what that was to be used for – a human victim for some perverse punishment. As the dias moved around 180 degrees I saw a high level stage with another dias and chair, but this was fixed as it was against a wall. The lower stage had another chair in front of which was a computer on a desk and some other equipment. On both sides of the stage were closed cages where various large dogs lay or stood looking out through the cage bars with mouth open and tongues hanging out. There was one larger cage which housed a fierce-some looking huge black boar with horns. We made eye contact and we locked together for a full minute. Fear overtook me then but I had no time to dwell as the lights dimmed and the auditorium quickly became hushed.

Tonilee walked onto the stage covered by a spotlight. She was totally naked and her nipple rings and two clittie rings sparkled in the light as she made her way to the chair in front of the table. I noticed that each clittie ring had a single rose colored crystal dangling on a gold chain. Her pubis was completely shaved like a baby. Connecting the nipple rings was two cross chains holding four matching crystals centered by one large sparkling pear. She stood like a Babylon princess and waited whilst from either side two pairs of naked attendants appeared. I recognized two of them as the guards as I had first seen at the cave entrance. All four of them wore a black leather belt around their waist hanging from which were imitation obscene phalluses of various colors and sizes. A loud bell rang and everyone stood.

Alixes entered very theatrically in another spotlight. She walked slowly onto the stage accompanied by the attendant I had seen in the morning. This time, the attendant was walking on all fours and being led on a leash with a dog collar around her neck by Alixes as if she was really a dog. Then I noticed that was what she was portraying. She was wearing a pair of big floppy ears and a tail that was affixed to an anal plug that protruded from her bottom. Otherwise she was naked and her breasts drooped underneath her body, swaying in time with her doggie walk. When Alixes reached her seat at the top and rear of the stage she sat and this was the signal for everyone else to sit. The attendant sat on the floor obediently beside her until Alixes clapped her hands and pointed down to the structure in front of me. The attendant ran on all fours and draped her body over the structure smiling happily and even her tongue hanging out of her mouth. Three of the cages immediately opened by remote control and the occupants ran out. A golden retriever, a labrador retriever, and, I think, a german short-haired pointer. All were light brown in color. They surrounded the attendant who put both her hands out and stroked two of them whilst the third, the golden retriever went to her rear.

It was like watching a rehearsed play. There was no fighting. All had been here many times before. The golden licked almost hungrily at the attendant’s pussy and then mounted her. He entered her with one thrust to great applause and delight from the audience and the attendant gasped and panted in time with the vigorous thrusting. I had a perfect view of the dog’s cock pistoning to and fro in the human love canal and my tummy turned over as I once again witnessed the bestial act. I wondered, too, at my own fate. My husband had wanted to see me bred. I had overheard that. But why had he waited? Why wait for now and here? What hadn’t I been told? There were so many answered questions and the terrible thing I was becoming very aroused watching the scene in front of me. Whatever fate was going to befall me, I knew I wouldn’t have long to wait now.


The attendant was moaning now as the big golden retriever fucked her even more vigorously. The attendant. This was the real Sister Veronica, the woman who trained the dogs. Did she mate with other animals, too? I tore my eyes away from the bestial scene and looked around the room but it was too dark. There were two large screens on the wall in front of me and there were two different views on the screen of Veronica and the dog. One from the front, which showed her face, her mouth gaping wide open and her eyes closed. The dog, on top of her, was almost grinning, his ears set back and his giant paws wrapped around her waist trying to get more purchase as he thrust his cock into her cunt.

I marveled that this was now the third time I had seen a dog fuck a woman in less than 24 hours. My own dog being one and I again wondered what had happened to him. The woman posing as Veronica had said he would be here at The Truth or Dare. I turned my head to look at the cages again and he was not in any of them.

“Yes! Oh, yes!”

Veronica’s shouts of ecstasy brought me back to the taboo sexual act. I could see the dog’s knot, now like a baseball, disappear into the body of his human bitch. His ass hole was moving in and out and I surmised he was now shooting his semen inside her. I wondered what it must feel like. By the amounts of sperm I had seen gush out of the impostor Veronica’s pussy, so thoroughly rogered by Timber and Justus, there was much more than their human partners can produce. The thought almost made me cum. I tried hard in pushing away the obscene thought.

Veronica was now sucking on the penis of one of the other dogs – the pointer – whilst one of the guards held the dog and his penis between his back legs. The dog looked very happy as his cock went to and fro into the human mouth that wrapped itself almost deliciously around it. I stared almost in awe as it got bigger and bigger and the knot took shape before that too disappeared into Veronica’s sucking mouth.

It was at least ten minutes before the golden retriever finally got tired and pulled his slowly wilting cock from the very wet receptacle it had been in. Spunk dripped from his cock and flowed out from Veronica’s pussy. The dog immediately went to work, lapping at Veronica’s pussy and cleaning up the ‘mess’. Her legs opened giving the dog more access to it. Finally he finished and another guard stepped forward and led the dog back to his cage.

Now it was the turn of the last dog – the labrador. He ran forward, licking at the freshly dog fucked pussy in front of him, before jumping up onto Veronica’s back and thrusting wildly. He was not as expert as the retriever had been and it took a number of tries before his cock sank into his partner. I nearly said pussy but I then noticed he had missed it and was fucking furiously into Veronica’s ass. She didn’t seem to mind and was still sucking contentedly onto the pointer’s penis.

I was startled when a pair of hands cupped my breasts from behind. It was Tonilee.

“Enjoying the show?” She asked, whispering it into my right ear. “Your breasts feel full. We shall have to have you milked before the Truth or Dare. Who would you like to do the honors? There are three hundred people here. You can choose two. One for each breast. Or I can have you fitted up to one of our milking machines. We have twelve other milkers, excepting The Beloved. You will be joining them from tomorrow for the two milkings.”

She then squeezed one of my breasts and the nipple filled with milk and stooping she licked at the drip before squeezing again allowing the milk now to squirt into her mouth.

“Nice.”’ she murmured. “So sweet. I almost cannot wait for you to be given to me. Oh, the fun I will have with you.. And watching you being bred to the dogs and all the other animals.”

“Other animals?” I was resigning myself to being fucked by a dog. But other animals? No. I had seen Alixes with the horse and there was no way that huge penis would fit into me.”

“Of course. Tonight you will have your fill of Holophernes. Then of Achior. Holophernes is only partly dog. Mostly wolf. Achior is a boar!”

“No!” I cried it out.

If I hadn’t been tied into the chair I would have jumped up and tried to hit Tonilee. She moved away and looked mockingly down on me.

“Unless you opt to go for The Truth. But I’m sure there are a lot of nasty little secrets you wouldn’t want to divulge here.”

“I’d sooner die than mate with a damned pig. Send for your crazy Judith”

“But you cannot die by Judith’s hand nor any other, here. You are exempt.”

“Then you have no hold over me. Release me now. I won’t take part into your stupid game.”

Tonilee smiled sweetly.

“At the Truth or Dare you have two partners. Any lie you tell and any refusal by you, sentences them both to what would be your punishment. A visit from Judith. You will be solely responsible for their deaths. And then two more will be selected and so on until you behave. Oh, you will mate eventually tonight. After twelve deaths at your hand you will be trussed up like a turkey and mated with them so why not save their lives now and be a good little girl?”

I hung my head. I was beaten. At least I had tried. It would not be my fault. But the nagging questions reeled around my head. Why me? Why the need for me not to have been prior mated with a dog? Why had the impostor been so keen on me actually doing it before the Truth or Dare? And who was she? Where is she? Where is Justus? What role has Terrance played in all this? Where had I seen Ruby before? Ruby! It twigged. I remembered. It was a few months before I had become pregnant.

Terrance and I had tried unsuccessfully for three years to start a family. Finally we had gone to a gynecologist in the French Quarter. It was a male doctor who had examined me. He had a german name and we had both been assured he was the best. Ruby had been there. She had not been introduced but I had seen her in a lot of consultations with him. Almost as if she was on equal terms. I remember thinking it was odd and I meant to have asked who she was. I had been put out because I had been told the internal examination would be painful. More than the regular Dilation and Curettage even. There had been some bleeding and I had to rest up for ten days. Whatever had been done worked because within two months I was pregnant with the twins.

My attention was once gain brought to the dog mating of Veronica. The pointer came spraying sperm over her face and into her mouth which became so full it was running out of her mouth. I could hear her choking as she fought to gulp it all down her throat. Almost simultaneously, the labrador came to, filling Veronica’s ass with his knot and cum that even managed to run out of the tight, narrow cavity. Neither dog stayed. The pointer pulled away, turning his head and lowering it to lick at his cock and the labrador pulling free his cock with a very loud plop. It was clean, too, so Veronica must have had an enema. I wriggled my ass and squeezed my pussy and for the first time I noticed that both my nether openings felt a little sore. What had been done to me when I had been put to sleep?

No time for more conjecture as some equipment was being wheeled across the floor to me whilst Veronica was led away with the dogs to much applause. It was a single cow dairy milking machine complete with trolley, bucket, four cups, tubing and motor. I was to be hooked up like a cow. Before I could protest my mouth was forced open by two pairs of hand and a small rubber penis was pushed in attached to a rubber gag that was tied into place. My skirt was pulled up and my legs forced open and tied into place. The chair rear support was moved and I fell backwards. A spotlight came on and I was revealed to the audience showing everything except my ass.

Another piece of apparatus was brought in. I had never seen one before but I knew exactly what it was. A motorized mechanical fucking machine with TWO penises attached to two arms.

“We heard you liked being double penetrated. You can thank us afterwards.” Tonilee’s mocking laughter erupted again.

Fingers pulled open my ass and I was moved further down into position. Thankfully the smaller of the penises was pushed against my anal opening and it surprisingly entered fairly easily with little pain or discomfort. I must have been greased in that orifice. Then the bigger penis pushed into my vagina and I felt it pushing hard against the other one in my rectum. Now I felt I wanted to shit! Cups from the dairy machine were attached to my nipples.

Tonilee did the introductions.

“Meet your new priest. We have been waiting for her with great anticipation. I present the Reverend Anne.”

To great applause and whistles both machines were started. I felt the suction cups squeeze tight around my nipples and the two penises started to move to and fro in my pussy and ass. I bit onto the rubber penis and it was then I realized there was a large hole in the centre of it. I didn’t have to wait too long to wonder what it was for. A tube was inserted through it into my mouth whilst the other end was attached a clear plastic bottle full of a white liquid that was in turn attached to another motor.

“It’s cum darling.” Tonilee answered my grunted question. “Dog cum. And when you’ve drunk all of it we have plenty more full bottles. It will help you get used to the taste.” She turned a switch on the motor and immediately liquid started to shoot into my mouth hitting the back of my throat.

I shut my eyes from the blinding light, listened to the noise of the three motors and concentrated on fighting back the sensations running through my body. My breasts. My pussy. My ass. My mouth. I prayed for help knowing it would not come … but I knew I would CUM!!!


I came quickly. I couldn’t help it. The two penises pumping together in my pussy and ass were moving alternately. When one was pushing up into my ass the other one moved down my pussy. I couldn’t feel the thin membrane separating them – it was as if both were in the same hole. The occasions I had experienced the real thing had each time been over two quickly for me. The pressure of my pussy and ass against their cocks and the tightness had been too much for the men to hold back. But the feeling of the cum splashing inside my two holes at the same time had been wonderful. That had been enough to get me off.

The dog cum shooting down my throat had tasted horrible at first. I remember holding a rusty old iron pipe when I was a child and some of the rust had stayed on my fingers. When I had accidentally wiped my fingers across my lips I had tasted the rust. This was almost the same. I wanted to spit it out but I couldn’t do that with the constrictions of the cock gag so I had no choice but to swallow it. I felt a little sick in my stomach at first but the human body, well mine most certainly does, learns to adapt. I began to enjoy the taste and the taboo thrill that this was doggie cum coating my throat and the linings inside my tummy were adding to the enjoyment. Knowing, too, that there was an audience out there, watching this debauchment triggered another reaction. Another orgasm and I found myself actually sucking hard on the fake phallus trying to extract more and my body pushed down onto the other cocks to get more of them inside me.

There was also the feeling of being milked. The exquisite pleasure of my tits being squeezed and sucked, even though it was a machine, and feeling my milk flowing out increased already the wonderful pleasure. If it had been suggested I would have agreed to do this every day for the rest of my life!

I do not remember how many orgasms I had. I do not how many times the bottle of doggie cum was replaced with another full one. It seemed to last for ages yet at the same time it was over quickly. I was told afterwards I had blanked out and there was some alarm, especially from Alixes that I had been injured. She had publicly berated Tonilee and Dr. Ruby had attended to me bringing me back to consciousness with smelling salts. When I was released from my bonds and I stood up, it was to a standing ovation. I felt I was a super star.

Alixes took me by the hand and led me through the auditorium into a dining room with kitchen nad sat me down at a table by the door. She told Tonilee, who was following us like a wounded dog, to get some food and drink asking me what I wanted. I intimated that anything would do and said “I wasn’t that thirsty” making her smile. She ordered for me.

“I have something for you but first I want you to tell me if your recognize anyone as they come through the door as the woman who called herself Veronica. Right on cue here is the real Veronica with Sister Janet 2. You are already acquainted with Janet.” She intimated that they were both to sit down with us.

Veronica had cleaned up but was still naked as I was. She still had the dog collar around her neck and the leash was held by Janet. It was the first time I had seen Janet’s naked breasts and her nipples were large and pointed. I felt a stirring inside me as I longed to touch them.

“Yes, she has beautiful breasts, doesn’t she?” Alixes’ voice startled me and I found myself blushing and feeling like I was a schoolgirl caught playing with herself.

I was a little disappointed that Janet decided to sit next to Alixes and Veronica sat by me. However, I could still stare at her breasts.

“What did you think of the show so far, darling?”

I was about to reply, thinking Alixes was talking to me but then realized she was addressing Janet.

“Arousing, My Beloved. Especially Rev Mother’s performance.” Janet smiled at me.

“Hopefully she will not disappoint us at The Truth and Dare. You won’t dear Anne, will you? We have been waiting for this mating for a long time. It will be a Dare to be remembered and one that if successful will change all our lives. And yours, too.”

Before I could reply people started to enter the room. They all paid homage to Alixes by kissing her hand. Some she nodded too and others her other hand slipped over a naked breast and lightly touched it. The recipient looked grateful and whispered a “thank you.” I studied all the faces but there was no one I recognized. During this Tonilee came back with our food and drink and then she was ordered by Alixes to get food for Janet and Veronica. It was during this whilst everyone’s attention was diverted that I felt a hand push something into mine under the table. It was Janet and her lips and eyes gave me a warning. It was a piece of paper and I crushed it hard into my palm now itching to know what it contained.

“Can someone point me to the bathroom?” I asked.

“Of course. I apologize for not anticipating such a request. Go with her Veronica but do not speak and Anne do not ask her any questions. First, though, did you recognize anyone as the impostor?”

I shook my head.

“Then there is only one explanation. Janet will get a photograph which she will show you when you come back.”

I was dismissed and Alixes whispered to Janet who got up and went back into the auditorium whilst I held onto Veronica’s leash which she gave to me but she was leading me.

People were lined up very orderly in six lines front of the kitchen counter and stared at me with inquisitive eyes. Most smiled but others looked almost as if they were sorry for me.

The bathroom was large, clean and would have done justice to any at a five star hotel. I looked at myself in one of the mirrors and I smiled back at myself. There were a number of people there but none spoke. I waited for a vacant cubicle and when one was available went inside and locked the door leaving Veronica outside as if she was on guard. She probably was.

I sat down on the seat and opened my hand. It was only a small piece of paper but the message on it was clear.

“You must do the DARE options. Do NOT mention my involvement in your visitor. Lives depend on your silence. It is too late now. You must go through with it. I am falling in love with you. XXX Destroy.”

My heart leapt at the last sentence. I knew I would do anything she asked. I longed to kiss her again.

I peed, cleaned my vagina and ass and felt the grease that had been applied in both my openings. I decided to leave it in there. I might be thankful of it later on. I flushed the toilet including the note and watched it disappear from site.

Veronica was waiting for me in exactly the same position I had left her. She waited whilst I washed my hands and patted my hair and then handing me back her leash was walked back into the restaurant and we returned to our seats.

Janet was already seated and Alixes was holding a photograph which she handed to me. It was my visitor. I nodded.

“This is the woman. Who is she?”

Alixes answered.

“Your predecesor. Rev Mother Mary Triggs. Well, we can now be relieved she is still alive. The questions are, why did she disappear and why did she visit you to take your dog?”


The same questions were running through my brain but also another. Why did she want me to mate? She tried very hard for me to do it. Teaching Justus to fuck her and turning him into a randy beast. Why did I smile. I didn’t realize I was being watched.

“You find this amusing?” Alixes’ voice rapped out. “What haven’t you told me?”

Just at that moment Tonilee returned with the rest of the food and I chose to start eating mine and disregard the question. Even though I had not wanted to eat anything when I started I felt ravenously hungry. The food was delicious. Cajun. Gumbo, boudin, jambalaya and crawfish. The quality would have done justice to any good Louisiana restaurant. I don’t know what the drink was but it had a minty flavor and was definitely alcoholic. After every sip my head spun a little but it settled my stomach and what with the combination of the spicy food the nasty dog sperm taste soon disappeared.

Tonilee hovered behind me like a vulture watching her prey die before she pecked at its flesh. She really did give me the creeps. I tried to ignore her presence.

“The food and the cocktail is delicious. Compliments to the chef.” I spoke as sweetly as I could.

“Would you like some more?” Alixes asked pleasantly.

“No. I am full but perhaps some more…” I raised my now empty glass.

Alixes nodded to Tonilee.

“Anyone else?”

All declined. Tonilee disappeared but was back almost instantly with a full glass. She placed it under my left breast and with her other hand squeezed it.

“A few drops of milk makes it taste even better. Especially human milk. You don’t mind if I try and coax a little more out of your beautiful breasts?”

Tonilee didn’t wait for an answer but squeezed harder. Sure enough some milk driplets expelled from the nipple and she helped them into the glass. She held it up noting how the milky fluid lay on top of the liquid. She gently shook the glass but wasn’t satisfied.

“Tut.” She muttered and then she held up her index finger and plunged it between her thighs pushing it hard into her vagina. She worked it up and down a few times before removing it. It glistened with her juices. She smelt it and placed it infront of my nose.

“Does it smell nice?” She asked me.

I moved my head away in disgust. She laughed and I noticed everyone smiling, including Janet. The whole room seemed to have gone quiet as if time had gone still for everyone. I thought I had better do something quickly and show I was not to be intimidated. I suddenly grabbed her finger, plunged it into my mouth and bit as hard as I could. She yelled and dropped the glass and it smashed into pieces as it hit the ceramic tiled floor dispelling its contents into a puddle.

“You fucking bitch!!” She shouted and she looked at her finger. My teeth marks had pierced the skin and drawn blood. She sucked at it and her eyes were flashed with anger.

I looked around. There were mostly shocked faces but some did show some amusement which quickly disappeared as Tonilee looked around the room.

“Get down on the floor on your hands and knees and lick it up.” She commanded me.

I stood up.

“Do it yourself. But first get me another drink.” I commanded back and sat down.

The silence that followed seemed eternal and it was broken by Alixes who clapped. She stood up and encouraged everyone else and soon the whole room followed suit. Tonilee looked miserable, almost choking with tears in her anger. When Alixes sat down the room was calm again and she indicated that the show was over and for everyone to finish their dinner.

“Clean and bandage your finger, Tonilee.” She said. “I will replenish Rev. Mother’s glass myself.”

She stood up again and took Tonilee by the arm. She whispered something into her ear and Tonilee’s face changed and she nodded looking at me. Whatever had been said had pleased her and I knew it had something to do with me and not necessarily pleasant. They walked off together.

“I have told you before, Anne, you are unwise to make an enemy of our sister. She is the chief guard and The Beloved’s favorite. You have been promised to her and she can make your stay here very unpleasant. You will find out in a few minutes at The Truth or Dare how powerful she is.” Janet’s voice held concern. Veronica nodded but her face betrayed nothing. Alixes returned and gave me another drink. Two ladies were already busy clearing the mess up from the floor. Alixes was also carrying what looked like a large jewel box. She gave it to me as she sat down.

“My present to you. It is yours to keep.”

I opened it very puzzled. Inside was a dog collar. It was made of leather but it was studded with what looked like diamonds.

“Take it out.”

With trembling fingers I did as Alixes said. It was heavy and I touched the stones. There were twelve of differing colors – clear white, yellow, brown, blue, green and orange.

“They are synthetic diamonds. We make them here. Our main source of revenue. Most of them are used industrially in abrasives, for cutting and polishing tools and in sink heat. Some, however, we cut and turn them into fine jewelry like these. It is difficult to tell the difference between these and natural diamonds even with a spectroscope. Perhaps Janet will do the honors and place the collar around your pretty neck?”

I did not like the emphasis Alixes placed on the word ‘neck’ and I took it as a warning. In the box was also a gold colored padlock with two keys. She reached across and took them as Janet placed the collar on me. Just feeling her touch, her breath and smelling her perfume excited me. I longed to feel her arms wrap themselves around me and feel her lips upon mine. When her breasts touched my back it was like an electric shock that tingled for many seconds afterwards.

“It is appropriate that a woman of your calling should wear a dog collar, don’t you think. And yours is so much nicer and more valuable than my precious doggie bitch.”

Alixes stroked Veronica’s hair as if she really was a pet dog. But then she was and obviously enjoyed it. Alixes handed janet the padlock and it was fastened into place. The collar didn’t feel too bad and it was thankfully not too tight. I h0ped I would be able to take it off at night but Alixes’ next speech scotched that.

“You will wear that collar for the rest of your life. It will show everyone here that you are a bitch. One if the highest standing and you belong to a mistress. She will hold one key and I the other. Your mistress will be Sister Tonilee. You will be her pet. You will obey her just as any pet dog obeys her mistress. Otherwise you will be scolded and punished. From now on you will only speak when you are allowed. Any repeat of the performance we have just witnessed will not be tolerated.”

Alixes’ eyes bored into mine.

“Any disobedience by anyone is punishable by death. By the hand of Judith. In your case, because you are a priest, someone else from our community will take your place. Your actions will determine who lives and who dies. It will be no use your pleading your case and begging forgiveness. Everyone knows here what happens. There is no trial only a sentence of death. Many have found out the hard way. Do you want to test my words.”

I stared at her. I knew she was not joking. I also could tell she hoped I would be defiant. I stared back at her

“Answer me!”

“I understand.”

“Good. Now it is time.”

As if she had given an indication. A bell rang and everyone stopped. Almost as one they took their utensils back to the kitchen counter and trooped back into the auditorium. When the last had gone I followed with Alixes bringing up the rear.

I knew now my life was about to be changed forever.


Tonilee was waiting for me and I was pleased when I say the bandage around her finger. She showed me to the center seat I had been tied in before but made me wait for Alixes to sit down before pushing me down into it.

“There is no need to restrain you this time. Your not going anywhere and if you do some poor innocent here will meet our Blessed Judith because of you.”

I nodded. I knew I was beaten but there would come a time and place when the positions would be reversed. I longed for that day.

“I will submit to your will, dear sister.” I murmured sweetly with my head down.

Tonilee was taken aback. She didn’t think I would give in so easily and she pulled my head up by my hair and looked into my eyes.

“Hmm.” She said. “Your tongue doesn’t speak for your eyes. They are just as defiant. I will look at them again after tonight’s proceedings and see if they still have the same look.”

“I may not want to do your wishes, dear sister, but I will without question. Do I have a choice?”

“Of course, you have a choice. If I was you I would take great delight in sending people to their death just so I wouldn’t have to do the things I have in store for you.”

This time my voice matched my eyes. “But then, you are not me.” I stared at her and she was the first to break away. She pushed me hard down into my seat and walked to hers. Two guards stood either side of me.

Tonilee opened the proceedings and the microphones carried her voice to the many speakers around the room. As the auditorium dimmed, the monitors came to life and showed closeups of her cruel mouth.

“Our Beloved. Dear Sisters. You have met our new priest, Mother Anne, and seen her in action. The milk we extracted form her beautiful breasts has been packaged and is up for auction to the highest bidder. I will start the bidding at five dollars. Who will start?”

There were a big of show of hands and the bidding continued briskly at five dollar advances until a lone voice yelled out, “I bid one hundred dollars.” It was Janet. She stood up and a spot covered her in light. The high bid for my milk was greeted with some shock. There were no further bids and I saw a see thru plastic container with my watery milk being brought down and handed to her. Still in the spot light she opened the lid and drawing her head back she downed some of it to great cheers and claps. She sat down and I saw her wiping her lips. I secretly hoped next time it was her lips suckling at my nipples and there would be no charge.

“Well done, Sister Janet 2. I hope you share some with your lover.”

My heart stopped. She had a lover. I now remembered she had told me she had a partner. I was overwhelmed with jealousy. An emotion I rarely felt.

Tonilee’s voice broke into my thoughts.

“And now it is time for the main event. A very, very special Truth or Dare. The one we have been waiting for for a number of years. Mother Anne we finally have you here now to dare you to mate with some of our beasts. Very unique matings. A new birth and a new civilization. A new species and we are all here at the very beginning.”

She stopped and there was much clapping and cheering. What was she talking about? What else was going to happen after my matings? I could tell there was excitement in the air. I hoped I would be in a position to witness it myself but I feared I would be mentally and physically a wreck after what was going to be done to me.

“Mother Anne unexpectedly became pregnant. Her husband’s doing unless our priest has some dark and naughty secret to share with us?”

More laughter. I smiled back at the audience noticing the closeup of my face on the monitors. I mouthed. “Twins. Definitely my husband’s.”

Terrance had a lot of my questions to answer when I got back home.

“Mother Anne has been appraised of the rules and has agreed to them. She now has to nominate two sisters to sit on either side of her and accompany her on her voyage.” Tonilee now addressed me. “Do you want to name your two companions or select randomly?”

I was tempted to nominate Janet but her note seemed to indicate that that would put her in some danger. I chose the random option. I was given a black metal box with a red button to press. I did. Immediately numbers flashed across the monitors finally stopping at 93. A light flashed above one of the seats and guards moved quickly to escort the now unhappy looking girl down to the left hand seat beside me. Before she sat she had her skirt removed and I heard her breath sucking in and out and I guessed it was in fright.

She was a woman I guessed in her thirties. On the plump side with an ample bosom and fat teats. She was a natural blonde with a nice bush and she clasped her hands together. I reached across and held her hand tightly. It was not returned and felt clammy. She was very much terrified.

I pressed the button again. This time it was very dark brown skinned woman who had drawn the short straw. She was slim and muscular looking with small, almost nonexistent breasts. I put her around 50 and she looked very much the stereotype butch/dom. She was obviously of African descent and she strode to the chair beside me well ahead of the guards. She stepped out of her skirt and left it there for one of them to pick it up which the guard did and left it neatly beside her chair. She flashed me a look of anger as if it was my fault that she had been chosen. In a way, I suppose it was. I mouthed I was sorry and she did nod before looking away.

Tonilee introduced my companions referring to a computer laptop screen as she spoke.

“Well, look what we have here tonight. On our Rev. Mother’s left we have Sister Gloria 6. She hasn’t been with us very long. She was very good and told the truth the whole time at her welcome appearance. This is only her second time in the chair. Maybe our plump chicken will pluck up more courage this time and do a dare. What do you say my sisters?”

There were a number of shouts of “Dare!” from the audience.

“I will have to make the questions very revealing then. There must be something you won’t want anyone to know about you. Some dirty little secret that you would do anything not to reveal.”

I thought Gloria was going to faint. Thank fully for her, Tonilee turned to her companion.

“And who have we on the other side of the Reverend? Why it’s dear, sweet, Sister Abena. On your welcome appearance you chose to do a dare. And want you horrified when you had to suck off that nasty doggie’s huge cock? You vomited up all over the floor when he flooded your mouth and we made you clean it all up. At your second and last appearance you chose only to tell the truth and we learnt such a lot about your fetishes and what turns you on. Pain. You love inflicting it and of course, that’s why you are here on our little island. Maybe we will find out tonight if you really did intend to kill that poor man you were giving massage. You fled from the authorities because it had happened before. Three times we have found out. Maybe we have a serial killer in our midsts?”

There were a few “whoops” and I could almost feel the tension in the auditorium. I looked at Abena and her face was like stone. Only a twitch showed at the side of her eye to betray any emotion.

“Now let’s just make sure, for our Reverend Mother’s benefit, that we all know the rules and the game. You will be asked before the question is revealed whether you will tell the truth or take the dare. If you take the dare you have a 50/50 chance of it being a blank dare. In other words you won ‘t have to do anything. However, the other dares are all very sexual. Some are taboo to some people and very exciting to others. Most involve animals. As Reverend Mother insisted on bringing with her her own male fully intact dog with her, we can assume she has a love for animals. Well, dogs, anyway. But we have other animals here. Goats, pigs, horses and even a mule. If there is another animal that takes your fancy we will bring it in for you. Do you fancy a croc or a hippo? How about feeding a snake into your pussy. It’s tongue flicking all over your clittie as it explores your cunt.”

There was some laughter at this but it made me squirm. The thought was not pleasant. Snakes were something I was very frightened of.

“If you refuse to do the dare or tell a lie it is death at the hand of Judith. There is no second chance. Even a hesitation can be interpreted as a refusal or lie. And how do we know if you are telling a lie? We are going to affix some wires and tubes to your body which will be connected to a box and wirelessly sent to a computer which our Beloved will interpret as truths or lies. As they say in all rules, the decision of the judges or judge is final.”

As she was saying this the tubes and electrodes were affixed to us by the guards. The one connecting up me leant across and to my surprise whispered into my ear.

“You dog is at the Rectory. In your closet. It is very important he mates with you as quickly as possible after you leave here.”

She moved away so quickly I wondered if I had heard her correctly but I couldn’t ask. Once more it was important I mated with Justus. Why? Tonilee was speaking again.

“In our Reverend Mother’s case she is exempt from a meeting with Judith. If she lies or refuses the dare she will pick one of you to take her place. So, Gloria and Abena, be nice to your priest. Now let us begin. Reverend Mother you will go first. Truth or Dare?”


Dear readers, I know it was silly and my action could have caused an instant death or even deaths but I have never felt such jealousy before. I did not think I was a jealous person. I also felt betrayed. So, please forgive my rash decision. Isn’t it normal for us women to change our minds?

As Tonilee asked me the question ‘Truth or dare,’ I had looked up at one of the monitors. It showed Alixes and she was kissing another woman. The kiss was passionate and the other woman even touched Alixes’ face lovingly. When the kiss was finished and the couple broke away the other woman sat down beside Alixes and held her hand. Alixes touched the cheek of the woman before looking at her computer. I was dumbfounded and Tonilee had to bark her question at me twice more before I responded. You see, my readers, the other woman was Janet. No wonder Tonilee had sneeringly said “Well done, Sister Janet 2. I hope you share some with your lover” after Janet had successfully bid for my milk. Her lover. Alixes – The Beloved. No surprise to me now why she was in such a privileged position. What had she told Alixes about me? Well, I was going to expose her for what she is. A scheming, lying, bitch!!

“Truth.” I finally replied. “Screw the Dare. I’ll opt for telling the truth.”

I was instantly taken aback by Tonilee’s reaction. She didn’t seem surprised. Even her lips curled into a smile.

“Good.” she said. “It makes it so much easier to have an excuse for a beheading. I do so love them and it is good to remind everyone that Blessed Judith is always ready to wield her sword. It helps to keep order here and there has been noticeably a feeling of unrest in the air, prompted by your predecessor. I repeat again that we are all so pleased to have you with us, dear Reverend Anne.”

During this speech I turned my head and looked at Alixes and Janet. Alixes was staring intently into her computer but Janet looked horrified. Almost frightened. She saw me looking and gave an almost imperceptible shake of her head and lips mouthing a kiss. Even her right index finger came up and touched her lips. I quickly turned my head away and stared at Tonilee, my heart thumping against my chest and hoping no one had seen the exchange. I knew instantly I had done wrong. Her question confirmed it.

“These questions all relate to the Reverend Mary Triggs. How long was she with you last night?”

I didn’t answer. How does one cheat a polygraph? I searched my memory. I had read about lie detectors not being accurate recently and nervousness is prone to making you fail. What was it that you could do to fool them? Pain. Produce pain, but that would only work if one answered “yes” or “no”. There was something else. Something very simple.

“You are hesitating, Reverend Anne. Are you trying to hide something?”

“I am nervous.” I replied and that was no lie. I really was. “I am trying to think.” Again, true.

The break in my mental strain proved beneficial. The answer just popped into my head. Contract my anal sphincter muscle. I looked down at my chair seat. There appeared to be no pressure-sensitive seat pad. Controlling my breathing, and praying at the same time, I squeezed my anus together. This was something I was well practiced at. Thank you Terrance.

“I don’t know. She just appeared. At the sound of the siren. The all clear one. She grabbed Justus, my dog, and said she had to take him to the farm to check him over.”

“That was all?”

“I think so. No. There was something else. She said she would be at the Truth or Dare and give Justus back to me there.” I looked around. “But I don’t see her or Justus.”

“How did she know your dog was called Justus?”

“Sorry. I told her. She kept calling him Heinz. It annoyed me.” I laughed.

“Kept. What do you mean ‘kept?’ This would imply she was there more than you have suggested.”

Damn. How do I get out of this hole I had just dug for myself? I had made the mistake of giving more information than I had been asked. I shrugged and waved my arms out as if in despair.

“Maybe it was longer. This is all so confusing. She did call Justus ‘Heinz’ more than once. Heinz 57 varieties. I believe they make more than 57 varieties? Well Justus certainly has more than 57 varieties of breed in him.”

That brought a big laugh from the audience.

“When did she announce she was Sister Veronica?”

“Oh. When she first appeared. She said ‘I am Sister Veronica’.”

“And the name meant nothing to you?”

Now this was a problem. Do I mention Janet? I decided to tell half the truth and I couldn’t see it would cause her any problems. I still clenched my anal muscles, though.

“Sister Janet said that there was a Sister Veronica who had similar tastes to mine. Janet assumed I was a dog fucker.”

I deliberately spat out the last two words hoping that would help hide the part lie.

There was a long pause as Tonillee waited for Alixes to make her decision. I saw her speak to Janet and janet nod. Confirmation of what I had said.

“It seems that we have a truthful priest. Thank you Reverend mother.”

There was applause from the audience and a feeling of relief flooding through me. I could not put myself through that again. Mating with an animal had to be better.

“Now for sister Gloria. Truth or dare?”

Poor Gloria. She looked like she was going to pass out with fright.


Her word took us all by surprise. Gloria was going to try her luck on a dare. Maybe she was a secret animal lover. One can never tell with people. But even so she looked very uncomfortable. She had to be hiding a secret. Something she didn’t want to reveal. Something she was terrified she would be asked.

“Push the button on the machine in your hand, Gloria, and let’s see what happens.”

Gloria, with trembling hand, pushed the button. On the overhead screens various dares flashed on and off with the word ‘blank’ but it was so quick I couldn’t see what the dares were. Finally the flashing stopped and poor Gloria’s had no luck, it had stopped on a Dare.


Gloria had her eyes closed and couldn’t look at the screen to see her fate. Some people murmured, some laughed but there were a notable number of others who sat still. They obviously didn’t get anything out of people being forced to mate with animals. Tonilee read out the sentence and it involved both Abena and myself.

“Your Dare, Sister Goria, involves mating with two dogs. You have the choice from any in the cages. You will have to take one in your pussy and the other in your ass, but not at the same time, unless you really want to.”

Gloria shook her head vigorously, hiding her head in her hands as if in shame.

“But before you do that you will offer both dogs to your partners alongside you to lick and eat their pussies. Your partners will also assist in getting the dogs ready for you by either sucking or manually manipulating the dogs male appendage. After the dogs have mated with you your partners will clean your ravaged opening with their tongue. They will also perform that duty upon you there before you mate. Both partners must do this willingly. If either refuse you will be deemed to have failed the Dare resulting in a visit by Judith. I suggest you open your eyes and read the dare on the screen so you understand all of it. Your life depends on you completing it to my satisfaction.”

I felt so sorry for Gloria. She had tried her luck and lost. Lost badly. Would telling the truth have been worse, especially as she didn’t know what the question would be? There were tears in her eyes when she finally looked up and read the screen.

“Do you understand?”

Gloria’s timid reply came after an agonizingly long period of silence.


She looked at me imploringly.

“Will you assist me in the Dare?” she asked.

I nodded and tried to give her a reassuring smile. She turned to Abena and asked the same question. Abena looked at her and then smiled.

“Of course…” she said sweetly. Gloria gave a loud sigh of relief but Abena hadn’t finished.

“Not!” she shouted. She sat back, folded her arms and gave a smirk completely oblivious to the boos that rang out from the audience.

“Oh dear, Gloria.” said Tonilee. “I will ask Abena myself if her decision is final. Abena —”

I stopped Tonilee.

“Before you do that,” I jumped in, “As I have been included in the Dare I declare I have the right to assist Gloria in getting Abena to change her mind.”

“You have no rights -” Tonilee started to say but Alixes’ voice interrupted.

“That will be allowed.” She nodded to Tonilee and then loked away as if to say ‘don’t you dare argue.’

“Very well.” Tonilee reluctantly agreed.

Abena looked defiantly at me.

“Don’t waste your breath,” she said. “The first and only time I had to perform a disgusting act upon a dog has given me nightmares ever since. What do I care if this scared rabbit dies? She’ll be better off.”

She turned to Gloria who was sobbing and looking at me in despair.

“Sorry sweety but your life means nothing to me. No dirty, filthy dog is going to eat my cunt nor I touch his dick. This tunnel is only visited by humans and only ones I invite.”

She smiled at me and obscenely pulled open the lips of her vagina. “You darling can eat me there before I piss down your throat.”

She laughed and turned away. The auditorium was silent waiting for me to respond. I didn’t disappoint.

“I’m sorry you feel this way, Abena.” I began. “I understand the nightmare of partaking in this farce. Being made to do these acts for the amusement of a few depraved people who administer a form of justice that is abhorrent and unlawful is disgusting. When I leave here I will be going to the authorities and informing them of what is happening here. This Judith woman, whoever she is, will be found and brought to justice for murder along with all others who are associated with her, especially my husband’s sister.”

There was a gasp and to my surprise some boos started and I could feel anger on the faces of more than half of the audience. This speech of mine was not popular. These people enjoyed their life here. As long as they obeyed the rules they were happy. Rules? There was only one rule – truth. If you tell the truth you are safe. Is life any better in the real world. I realized, then, that to most people here it wasn’t.

It was Alixes who stood up and called for silence.

“Thank you, dear Reverend Mother. I respect your views because you do not understand why everyone is here. We all came willingly. We are all different. You also came willingly, even if reluctantly. You do not understand, yet, that you are different, too. When you do understand you will not want to go back to the life you were living, but no pressure will be put on you to make you stay. You are very special to us otherwise your words and actions to date would not be tolerated. After tonight you will begin to understand. Your emotions and your body will change along with your thinking. Please, everyone, forgive the Reverend Mother, she does not yet know the very important role she is to play here.”

Alixes sat down. All eyes turned back upon me. I was puzzled at her words and a fear swirled in my stomach. What had I been chosen for? Once again this had been said. But I had something more pressing. I had to save Gloria’s life.

“Very well.” I said. “Abena. You have two choices. You will join me and do as Gloria has asked. If you don’t you will lose your life, too. At my next turn at this game I will opt to do the dare and whatever it is I will refuse. Nothing will budge me to change my decision. The penalty for that is death. Not mine but yours. Gloria will have already been sentenced to die and you are the only other option.”

“You wouldn’t. You couldn’t.” Abena was horrified.

“Oh, I will. You want to bet. Dare me!!” I snarled the words out. There was much clapping at this. I had won back my audience.

Abena didn’t know what to say but I knew she believed me. It was a good job she did because I would have done exactly that. Didn’t the good book say, ‘an eye for an eye?’

“Well” Tonille asked Abena “What is your final decision?”

To be continued…