It has been a very long time I have written anything here on BF but I have read and appreciated all the new authors and the high standard of literacy. This story should have been told much earlier but it involves my late husband who died some time ago and it has taken all this time to write about it. If there is a response I will write more as to how e managed to keep this lifestyle and bring up our two children with FOUR dogs in the house plus a visiting friends free from them not knowing anything about it. There were some close calls but there were also strict rules and the house we moved to in Florida was large. The one in Seattle where we first lived and married would not have worked.

But I am getting ahead of myself.

To recap to all those who have not read my previous accounts my hubby (I will use his first initial as I cannot bare putting a false name to my partner, my lover, my friend and my life.- ‘R’) had only just been married when I first got into doggie loving – see “Collie’s First Time” and with 4 dogs too! R was and engineer and worked on the oilrigs in the North Sea off Scotland. It was very good money but the conditions there were rough and he would be away for three months and then home for a month.

I loved sex and still do and I am very submissive when it comes to sex – VERY – and from an early age I was part of the swinging scene and I am bi-sexual and love and enjoy sex with both males and females. I love male cocks – LOTs – big, medium, small, fat or thin it doesn’t matter nor color. I crave it and I have always loved dp and all holes filled – airtight. I have a very large pussy and can accommodate even three cocks in there at the same time. I love also a cock up my ass especially when my pussy is full.

I adore female breasts. I get turned on all the time looking at my female race with their bosoms bouncing inside their clothes imagining I am feeling and sucking on them. And sucking and licking a pussy and making her cum is also a real turn on. I know just where to apply my tongue. And I love all this done to me too.

I think that is enough as a preface to this story and I do have lots of other kinks, too.

I met R at one of the swing meets and it really was love at first sight. R was a big muscular man, with a hairy body and a nice medium sized fat cock that fitted me perfectly. He was a very long stayer and he got turned on watching me being taken by men and women especially in groups. I had sex with them but I made love to him.

I too liked watching him enjoy another woman’s body but he was completely heterosexual although he didn’t mind pushing his cock alongside another one when it was my body he was getting into.

Some of his fellow workers on the oilrig also were let into our secret life and I used to fly up to Scotland and meet him and his friends and their friends too for some really intense sex. They were very imaginative too!! After my surprise introduction to doggie loving and my trepidation into telling R about it and then to my immense joy his great pleasure at hearing about it, we set about trying to find dog or dogs for me.

And it turned out to be very difficult. I didn’t realise how taboo this was and any suggestion of it to our swinging circle caused shudders and horror from both men and women alike.

In those days there was no Internet and one had to rely on Adult contact magazines and there was very little in the way of bestiality. It was nearly a year before we struck it rich and it was indeed rich and it was in Scotland it happened.

R had chanced seeing one of the oil men (not one of our swing partners) reading a magazine that showed a cartoon of a woman surrounded by a lot of dogs with one humping her lying across her back and sucking another’s dick for all she was worth.

R had said to him that looked interesting and the conversation developed from there.

The oilman – I will call him Ted – confessed he had had a girlfriend who was into it and he had watched her do it with multiple dogs and how it had turned him on. She had eventually met someone else, married and disappeared from his life. He had sighed and said he probably will not see that again or meet anyone into it. R asked him if he still had contacts with the people who owned the dogs. R said Tom did and his friends had asked him to find someone who their dogs could meet.

R said in confidence he did know someone and could he arrange a meeting. He himself was turned on by it but had never seen it. Tom was suspicious at first so R told him it was his wife and that I had been with four dogs.

That blew Tom’s mind as he had seen me and asked if he did set it up could he “have a crack” at me too. R did not let on that six of his fellow co-workers on the platform had had a crack at me more than once!

Unfortunately both Tom and R’s shift did not quite work out together except for one of the weeks when both of them were on a home break.

This meant I would travel with R and stay in Scotland with him for one week to meet Tom as he started his break. I had opted to stay in Scotland for another week on my own and R had informed me Tom would look after me!

I was very excited in the three weeks leading up to the meeting and so was R and we did get together with friends for some very good sexual encounters and I got thoroughly ‘rogered’. In fact the afternoon we left for Scotland I was ‘purring’.

Changing planes in Heathrow, London, England I was on my way to Edinburgh, Scotland.

Tom had booked a room for us at an hotel in Perth that was about a 90 minute drive from the airport. It was Summer and it really was a lovely evening as we drove in the hire car – it was standard drive (‘stick’) in those days.

Scotland is so very beautiful.

The hotel was, shall we say, quaint. Nothing like USA ones but it was comfortable and the staff charming.

All the omens were good.

There was a message from Tom and he would pop by in the evening.

He did just that and I found him a very nice man. I would guess he was around ten years older than R and I. He had a really broad Scottish accent and he said he was born in Glasgow and moved to Perth five years ago. Perth is a very pretty City and fairly small. Baskets of beautiful flowers hung from the street lamp posts. I was looking forward to walking around the place the next day.

Getting back to Tom he had a full beard and piercing brown eyes that stared out from a weather beaten face. He laughed and grinned a lot and his hand was firm when he shook mine and he had a huge smile.

I found his accent at first very difficult to understand – very ‘broad’ to put it mildly. Tom told me he was an Instrument Technician, not that I was very interested in any of that. I wanted to know about dogs. When and where? This was discussed after we had dinner and were sitting quietly in the small dinner lounge in a fairly private spot away from the other hotel guests. Tom seemed to be well known with some of the staff and guessing from some blushes and smiles some of the young girls there did know him well!

Tom started saying how lovely I was and how lucky the dogs and their owners’, he looked quizzically at me, I nodded, and he laughed.

“How many dogs?” R asked.

“So far only three but maybe 2 more before the week is out. Definitely more the following week. And more men, too, if you’re OK with that?” Tom answered. “I am,” I said quickly and Tom looked for confirmation from R.

“We are regular swingers. Together and on our own,” R agreed. I was pleased to know R hadn’t discussed too many details about our open marriage on the oil rig. Then Tom asked me directly about my doggie loving.

I didn’t go into specifics but told him I was with a girlfriend and her aunt and she had introduced me to it. The aunt reared and trained dogs and her niece had unknown to her given the dogs some additional training. Tom seemed very impressed I had done four dogs regularly in a week. I also told him that sadly after I had gone the aunt had found out and that was the end.

“It’s been almost a year,” I said, “and I can’t wait to do it again.”

And so the evening ended with Tom joining us in our bed with R watching him use his fairly impressive cock in me and when he told Tom I loved it in my ass he was very quick to respond. Obviously the tightness of my ass after being in my rather slack pussy had the desired affect as soon I felt a nice load of sperm shoot into my bowels.

R took over and lasted much longer and I finished by sucking his sweet jism down my throat.

We took a rest and we did get to sleep for a few hours before I was awoken and two stiff cocks penetrated me both front and rear. I do so love double penetration. Don’t you girls? Especially when one is your loving husband.

I realized very quickly from the beard I was on top of Tom as his whiskers tickled me and R whispered in my ear that tomorrow it would be a doggie on my back and a doggie cock hammering into me. I came immediately at the thought.
Tom’s hands cupped my ample breasts and I felt both my nipples get a painful pinch as I concentrated on the exquisite feeling of two cocks inside me.

R pushed his cock right up into me to the balls at the same time Tom thrust his hard into my pussy.

I gasped.

Then R pulled his cock slowly out and then as he pushed back down I felt Tom’s move out. As if these two men had been practicing this for years they got their rhythm going. This time I cried out with pleasure and I used my hands to help move my body up and down in time with the alternating cocks.

Bottom in. Top out. Top in. Bottom out. And so it went on. And my breast being squeezed and nipple pinched.

I know I kept climaxing but I have no recollection how long they both kept up their attack on my body. I do remember they both came together and I rolled away from my men and immediately fell asleep.

When I did wake up R was alone with me. He cuddled me and said Tom would be back around 12 noon to pick us up to meet three dogs and their owners and some friends.

With that delicious thought I fell asleep again.


I awoke late – trying to get used to the time difference – but still managed to have a walk about the shops in the heart of the City of Perth. It is even more beautiful than on my first impression that was very good. I don’t think you want to hear about anything of that so let’s get quickly into the “meat”!

I don’t know who was more excited that morning – me at the thought of doggie boning or R at the thought of watching me being mounted by a dog. The wait on Tom seemed forever and he was only five minutes late but that seemed an eternity.

I was wearing a corset under my dress that stopped short of my breasts and if you haven’t seen them here is a pic of one of them and me playing…!! The corset was protection from the dogs claws as they do scratch as I remember very well from a year ago!! I had no panties on and no bra and thankfully the weather wasn’t too cold – for Scotland it was a heat wave!

Tom told us we would be driving out to a friend’s smallholding not too far away in a place called Dunning. Everyone would be meeting there in the evening, he said, but the owner had a three year old Rough Collie – I was not familiar with the breed – that was always trying to hump anything and anyone who moved. He was big – over 70 lbs – said Tom and would keep me busy until the party! The party!! Oh my. I was almost wetting myself.

Tom asked if I was into bondage and I nodded. Other kinks, he asked.

Everything, except extreme pain and scat, I told him.

“And peeing?” he asked almost afraid.

I looked at R and he decided to answer for me, as I am always embarrassed at this.

“Pet is into it but only when she is fully immersed into sex,” he explained. “Right, my darling?”

“Yes,” I agreed. “I will not do it like now but when I am getting well and truly fucked then I find it exciting. And,” I paused, “Even into my mouth and I swallow.”

“Wow!” Tom was now excited and I guessed I would be receiving a very wet tribute from him before the night had finished!

“I like being made to do nasty things,” I said enjoying watching him getting more excited.

“And other animals?” Tom asked.

I had never even thought about that.

“No.” I said. Slowly at first but then emphatically a “no!”

To this day I very much regret my hubby never saw me with other animals besides dogs. I refused to do other animals even though he tried very hard to get me to do it. Something stopped me and I cannot really understand why. Maybe I was frightened and ashamed of what I was becoming? I cannot fathom it out. (A tear.)

As some of you know by my stories I was actually tied up and forced against my will when I first had a horse cock inside me, well after R had died, and the second time was in Costa Rica, when I was tricked into mating with a pony and then I really did enjoy it and now I have mated with goats, boars (love being mated with them), a camel and just recently a chimp!! A very naughty chimp that I was looking after for four months. I have done belly riding and now I get with a pony at least twice a week. I am a REAL beastie gal. Six weeks ago I had my first horse gangbang — I did SIX in one evening and 2 did me again. How about that? Yes I am boasting! I know I should be ashamed but I am not – I loved it, so there!! If only hubby had been alive to see me… Life can be so cruel.

But back to the past. I am reliving this wonderful experience with him being there. It is amazing because as I write I can hear his voice and I am remembering everything now – things I had forgotten. So yes R is with me. I will always love you R. Always. XXX

It was not a long ride at all and I was surprised at how rural the area was only a few miles outside of Perth.

The smallholding was like a farm except it looked like a big farmhouse in the middle of a huge field. In fact the property was a little over 8 acres and the house was built on the highest point with the most panoramic views imaginable. Bleak in winter I imagined but inside the house it had all the home comforts. It had 5 bedrooms, 3 reception rooms, stables and a huge Dutch barn – the naughty room it was called.

When I was shown it I could see why.

There was a large King sized four poster bed (no top) in the corner of the room on wheels and lots of hooks hanging down from wooden trusses. Straps would be attached to these hooks and there was various chains and wheels arranged throughout the building that at my first visit I couldn’t fathom what they would be used for. I found out eventually!!!

There were a number of cupboards and chests of drawers and a bathroom. Definitely not your usual Dutch barn!

Along the center of the barn was a rail that ran about the third of its length and there was electricity and lighting and even heating.

We were greeted almost immediately by the owner. To my surprise he was colored. And very handsome! And he had a broad Scottish accent any Scot would be proud of.

Even though I asked who his ancestors were and how they had come to Scotland and when I was not told and it is a mystery. Tom didn’t know either. His family had lived in Scotland for a very long time. (NOTE: I decided to change what I had first written to protect his identity)

He even had a Scottish name – Arran. Arran was tall – over 6ft – with an athletes’ body and as I was to find a cock that was 14 inches long. I know because I measured it! And Arran was deliciously deviant! He had a warm smile with a big grin and he took charge of me straight away after a very brief welcome to R. Arran was definitely not gay or bisexual!

Of course he told me how beautiful I was and the prettiest girl Dougal had ever mated with.

Dougal I presumed was the Collie and I was right.

“And I expect you want to meet him?” Arran asked leading me into a large Sitting Room that would not have disgraced a room in a Lord’s castle.

Before I could answer his hand delved under my dress and a he grunted with approval when he found no barrier from panties and a finger sought my pussy and entered it making me gasp.

“You are a delicious wet bitch aren’t you?” he said withdrawing his finger and placing it into his mouth.

“Mmmm,” he said, “What an exquisite taste and even more so when your pussy is filled with doggie cum. Get ready to meet Arran, but first take that dress off.” I obliged.

Tom and R were already sitting on a long sofa and I could even see a bulge in R’s pants.

“My. My.” Arran almost purred. “You have the most perfect breasts I have seen.” He came close and squeezed both of them. Then he bent his head down and started to suck first on my right nipple and then on my left. I was reaching climax when he stopped and he had to hold me as I almost collapsed. My legs were trembling.

“Mmm. Your breasts should be filled with milk. Don’t wait for a baby. Fill them with milk. Your husband,” he looked across at R, I am sure would love to feed off them with your own milk.

My God, I thought, this man is making me so hot.

“How long are you here for?”

“Two weeks,” I said. “R has to leave in a week and then I am staying with Tom.”
“no. No. You are staying here with me and Dougal. And Dougal’s friends. Dougal has male and female friends. But it is only his male friends you will be interested him. And seeing you are like a bitch in heat Dougal will not want any other bitch other than you.”

Oh my. What a man. How many of you gals are envious of me? I looked quickly at Tom and R and they both nodded.

“Tom, of course is invited here anytime he wishes. I want you to stay from now. Check out of your hotel and stay here. I don’t want you to leave. I insist you stay. And try and stay an extra week or two.” Arran looked at R. “Can she stay here for five weeks? I can promise that your lovely wife will have breasts full of milk and that will be my present to you. What do you both say?”

I didn’t know how that was possible to have my breasts naturally fill with milk without first becoming pregnant but I believed him and the thought was arousing me even more if that was possible.

R spoke first. “I have no objection. It will be fine. But it is up to Pet. What do you say?”
I looked at him.

“Would it make you happy for me to come back to you with milky tits?” I asked him.

“Yes. Very much.”

“I would like it. Yes I will stay.”

With that he kissed me. Warmly but gently and then more passionately. I felt his tongue push against my lips and my mouth opened and it entered exploring it. My tongue met his and we moved them together, tickling, and then when his tongue moved away mine entered his mouth and out tongues danced together there.

I felt dizzy and his body pushed against mine. I felt his hardness and my right hand slipped down and squeezed his cock through his trousers. It felt huge and it was hard but he stopped and pulled away from me.

I noticed with some difficulty he said, “No.” For a second I had become his master and I smiled.

“As soon as Dougal has had his way with you then it will be my turn but not until then. You do want to meet Dougal?”

“Of course,” I said. “I have traveled miles to meet him.”

“Then sit in that chair,” he said indicating one of the six tall wooden chairs with a padded seat against one of the walls, “with your legs apart and play with your cunt, get it to smell like the bitch you are. Now!”

His command rang out and I knew I was in the presence of a true master and I would do anything he asked. Anything.

I went obediently to the chair and brazenly opened my legs, pulling the lips of my vagina apart and fingering my pussy that was dripping.

“Good,” he said watching with a smile. He walked across the room and opening the door announced,

“Meet Dougal. Dougal meet your bitch!”


And Dougal walked into the room looking expectantly at his master. And Dougal was so beautiful. He wasn’t a handsome dog. He really was beautiful. I had never seen such a dog before. He had a wedge-shaped head with rounded muzzle that tapered to his black nose. He had a rough coat, hence the name rough collie and I suppose there is a smooth breed as well. He was tri-colored but predominately white mixed with black and tan.

I wanted to go down on the floor and pet him but being a good bitch I stayed in my position on the chair with my legs wide open. I did start to play with my pussy and it was soooo wet.

I was expecting an aggressive and excited dog but he wasn’t. Not then. However…
Dougal kept looking at his Arran. For a few seconds Arran just smiled and then he pointed at me.

“Bitch!” He said in a commanding voice. “Bitch. She is yours. F—k your bitch!”
Dougal did not hesitate. He was across and attacking my pussy so fast I jumped and his toungue was against my hand before I managed to pull it away and give him full access to it.

Oh he was good. Very good. Wonderfully good. Ecstatically good. And I came. His tongue dug into me and he kept it up making me moan and groan. When I thought I couldn’t stand anymore. He stopped and climbed on me. He licked my face and then became aggressive coming to the side of my head and attempting to push my head down.

I knew what he wanted and I was so eager to oblige.

I moved and dropped down onto the floor onto my knees and stopped.
“No bitch,” Arran was commanding me. “Move slowly around. Shake your ass. Show him how much you want to be his mate.”

And dear readers I did. With no shame I crawled on the floor and wriggle my butt and with another quick lick me climbed onto my back.

He was heavy. As I was told he was 70lbs and he felt all of that so I had to brace my arms to support his weight. His fur tickled the flesh of my rump and his front paws wrapped themselves around my waist and the feeling of his power and I was giving myself to a beast instantly made me climax. I even heard myself cry out, “Yes!”

He started humping me then. Fast and furious and he couldn’t find entry.

“Move your ass down,” Arran told me.

I tried but my arms collapsed and Dougal fell off me.

He looked at me in surprise. Obviously his other human bitches were better trained than me. It had been a year ago since I had mated with a dog and I was our of practice.

I felt a stinging slap upon my rear.

“Bad girl!” Arran scolded me. I deserved it. I wanted Dougal’s cock so bad and it was me that had failed. I would do better. I got up onto my knees again, moved and wriggled my bottom and Dougal once again took me.

Dougal climbed upon me and his powerful front paws gripped me actually pulling me against his humping cock and with just a few seconds he was in.

Yes his cock was inside me!

“Yes! Yes! Oh Yes!!”

I heard the shout not realizing it was me.

His stabbing hard cock found the mark. It was small at first but grew like a magician’s wand. Expanding and I felt spurts of liquid – his precum – like oil – making his pathway into me smooth and so exciting for me.

And he f—ked me like no human can. Fast. Furious. Hard. I could feel his breath. I could feel his back legs against my thighs. Scrapping me. Scratching me. And it all felt so good.

I knew I was screaming with the joy of it all. I gave myself to my doggie master and pushed back against his cock. I was willing it to get inside me more. More. Yes more. Yes more of that hard cock. Possess me. Take me. Breed me. I wanted his cum. I wanted it so bad and above all I didn’t want it to end.

And he pummeled me. Knocking the breath from me as his cock shunted in and out. In and out. An express steam train couldn’t have shunted any quicker than Dougal.

Then I felt it. And I knew what was about to happen.

His knot. I felt the expanding ball against my cunt. I shut my eyes tight and waited. It was only a second.

With one huge lunge his knot was inside me and he stopped. Dougal stopped humping. But his cock didn’t. Hot fluid started to shoot from it. Into my womb. Lots of it. So much more than a human male can give. That is the main difference. And that’s what makes mating with a dog so special. So better. And I came and came and came, too.

With his knot pushing against my clitoris. His paws gripping me. His whole body pushing hard against me. His cock twitching and shooting his fluid all the time. Heaven couldn’t be better than this moment.

At this moment in time a dog was God. My master. He could do anything to me. I was HIS!!


Dougal had finished his humping – his pounding of his cock into my poor helpless body. He was breathing hard and I could even feel his heart beating as his furry body laid over me back, his huge paws holding me tight as they wrapped around my waist.

However, his cock was still busy. Twitching and sending more spurts of hot spunk into my longing cunt. It is a most glorious feeling. Very difficult to describe.

“So what do you think of your wife now?”

My new world was brought back to order as Arran’s almost taunting voice came to my ears.

“She’s wonderful. Wonderful.” R answered, his voice trembled with excitement.
I was rewarded just to hear that.

“But she is now a bitch. A bitch for every male dog that has a cock.” I looked up and Arran was staring down at me.

“You won’t be able to help yourself, you beautiful bitch. From now on any dog that wants you will have you. You understand?”

“Yes,” I said. This man’s words were having such a powerful affect upon me.
“You are a bitch. Let me hear you say it.”

“I am a bitch.” I said it without hesitation.


“I am a bitch!!”

“From now on any dog can take you when they like, wherever they like, no matter who you are with. You understand?’




“Tonight there is a party here in your honour. Six friends of mine will be here – 4 men and 2 women. You will service all. There will also be three more dogs, maybe more I am working on that.”

What a simply delicious thought. 7 men, 2 women and four dogs. And all for me. Well I hoped they were all for me. I hated the thought of sharing any of those dogs with the two women. What a greedy cow you must think I am dear readers?
But Arran was still talking. He was behind me now and I could feel him raising Dougal’s tail.

“Just take a look at that, gentlemen.” He was talking to R and Tom. “See how Dougal’s knot is completely hidden. Buried into that pretty pussy. Wouldn’t you like to bury your cock in your lovely wife’s pussy alongside that doggie cock? Maybe difficult to achieve but I believe it can be done. Dougal is well trained. It has been done before.”

I couldn’t believe my ears. I have a big pussy but this was a doggie cock with a very large knot. It had to be the equivalent of three male cocks that I have taken there before and there was no room in this inn for more that I was sure. And a dog has his own agenda.

But R was game to try.

“Sure.” I heard him say. I could hear him dropping his pants onto the floor.

“Tom. Come here and hold Dougal’s tail up and out of the way whilst I talk to him.”

And so the exercise began.

Arran was kneeling down beside Dougal. He was stroking him and talking quietly into his ear.

I could hear the dog’s mouth was open and he was as excited as I was. I felt his spittle wet falling onto my neck.

I had never imagined this but I now wanted it too. My darling hubby’s cock along with my new lover’s cock – a dog – in side me at the same time. I would never have thought such a thing possible if such a thought could ever had entered my brain.

But it was happening. I could feel R’s cock now at the entrance to my cunt. I felt it pushing. It didn’t get very far as the tip of it was barred by Dougal’s knot. R’s cock pushed harder.

Dougal moved. He was not liking this but Arran’s soothing voice made him stand still.

“Take it slowly but firmly,” instructed Arran. “Push hard. Tom hold the dog.” And so it began.

At first there was not much success and R had to stop as he said he was nearly cumming.

“It is so hot in there.” I heard him say. There was not much room either I wanted to reply but I now wanted him to succeed.

Do it.” I heard myself say. “Do it.”

What a dirty filthy slut I am. Not content with a huge dog cock inside me I now wanted my husband’s too!

“Yes. It’s going,” my excited husband said as I too felt Dougal’s knot yield to the invasion. And within seconds R’s cock was fully inside me, too.

Sadly it was all over almost as soon as it was in. I felt R cumming immediately.

Shooting off. And the surprise of this was enough to make Dougal pull away. He shot forward and R fell backwards and with a sharp pain my vagina was empty, except for the copious amount of fluid that was poring from me. I collapsed in a heap at Arran’s feet.

But not for long. I was turned over onto my back.

My legs were forced up and apart and Tom was fucking me for all he was worth and my head was straddled and a long black cock was pressing at my lips and my mouth opened to receive Arran’s mighty weapon. As he forced tore of it down my throat I sucked on it like a good girl should. But of course I was a bad girl. But a very, very good bad girl. A bitch!!


After we had cleaned up and relaxed a bit, I took a long and lovely bath with R washing me tenderly and telling me how magnificent I was I was sitting alone in a small sitting room, exquisitely furnished and decorated I had Dougal laying looking contented at my feet. His jowls were open and I could hear and see his hear beating. I hoped I hadn’t worn him out. I patted him a few times and he rolled over, exposing his balls and sheath and I was tempted to kneel down and give him a friendly suck and wank but instead rubbed his belly and he liked it a lot. Every time I stopped a paw would come out pushing hard against my hand telling me to continue. As he was now my master I had to obey…..

Tom and I had gone to check me out of the Perth hotel and bring our belongings back here so I was alone with Dougal and Arran had disappeared.

Dougal’s sheath, however, was becoming too tempting and just as I was about to touch it the door opened and Arran appeared with an elderly lady, tall and slim, large breasted and of mixed race. She had long black hair and piercing green eyes and a broad smile that showed off a set of gleaming white teeth.

She was tastefully dressed in a brown sweater and matching long skirt. No stockings and bare feet enclosed in brown slip on soft shoes.

Even though I guessed she must be at least in her 60’s she was very, very attractive and she wore long slim jeweled earrings that ended in miniature crystals that sported the Scottish Satire.

Dougal immediately jumped up and went straight to his master looking expectantly at him.

“I hope you have been a good boy and not had your wicked way with your bitch, again,” Arran said to him. He then looked at me, waiting for me to respond.

“No. He has been a very good boy. I am afraid, if you hadn’t entered I was about to try and get him interested,” I answered.

“What a delightful bitch you are. But Dougal knows this is not the room for such pleasures. He would have been denied taking part in your gangbang tonight if he had done such a naughty thing. But I will let him have his way with you again in a short while but that will be it as I want him in prime condition for later.” Arran did not smile and I knew he was serious. However, he patted his dog and then held out a box to me. “A present. You must wear it at all times here and it also yours to keep.”

I opened the box and inside was a leather dog collar studded with small stainless steel studs with spikes.

Arran motioned to the lady who he had not introduced and she immediately took the collar and placed it around my neck. It felt comfortable in place there and gave me a strange feeling, not exactly excitement and very difficult to describe, but I felt myself getting wet in my pussy.

“Come Dougal,” commanded Arran and he left with the dog.

The lady moved the clasp to the front.

“When they leash you always make sure it is there. Never at the back of your neck like a dog. A strong pull would easily break your neck if it there,” she advised me.

She then looked me full in the face and took my hands in hers.

“I am Qi,” she introduced herself. “It is a Chinese name and it means ‘wondrous’. And you are Patricia?”

“Pat,” I corrected her. “My friends call me Pet.”

“We shall be friends and I shall call you Pet. It is a good name for a doggie bitch. And did you enjoy Dougal?”

“Very much”

“He is very good.”

“Have you?”

“Naughty girl. I shall have to spank you. You are not to ask me questions. You are a doggie bitch. You must remember that. You understand?”

I nodded. This was becoming more interesting by the second. I love to submit when it comes to sex.

She sat down.

“Kneel at my feet.”

I obeyed.

“Show me your breasts.”

Strangely I felt nervous but I obeyed unbuttoning my dress and allowing it to fall from my body showing my corset and exposing my bosom.

She nodded with approval.

“Very nice. And they will look even better when they are filled with milk. Come close to me.”

I wriggled my knees and did as she said. Her legs had opened and I moved my body between them. She immediately stroked and felt my breasts and pinched my nipples. When she had finished this arousing me very much she instructed me to pull up her sweater.

I did and immediately two of the most beautiful full breasts jumped out at me.

“Suck on them.”

She needn’t have told me as I was immediately drawn to them. I excitedly held the left one and sucked on the long nipple. To my surprise milk shot into my mouth. So much I actually choked.

“I have kept them full for you. But don’t be too greedy you must leave some there.”

For about ten minutes, dear readers, I feasted on those milk filled titties. It was soooo arousing. At first it was a little difficult. Just a hard suck did not readily produce milk. I soon learnt I had to squeeze the nipple with my lips first and then suck to get the most reward. And I would have continued but she made me stop and turn to the right breast and perform the same delightful duty upon that.

All too soon Qi stopped me and stood up indicating me to do so. She pulled down her sweater motioning me to stand up.


I strted to bend down to pick up my dress.

“Leave it there,” she said.

I followed her through a long passage until we came to a door on the left. She opened it motioning me to go in.

It looked like a kitchen but there was no stove and I learnt it was a room where persons received certain unusual sexual pleasures. I was to find out all this later…

There was various tables of varying heights and lengths, stools and to my surprise a small scale milking machine. Another surprise was to see Dougal chained up and sitting in a corner of the room. He got up and gave a bark immediately we entered.

“Shush.” Qu said. ”She will be yours but you will have to wait.”

She motioned me to sit on a stool. She them went to small cupboard and took out a glass jar filled with pills that she gave me.

“This is domperidone. Take it four times a day. I am going to give you a breast pump. You just plug it in and you will use it at all times except when you are with other persons excepting, your husband, myself or Arran. Even during the night and when Dougal is fucking you or your husband or others if that is Arran’s wish. Then when your milk comes you will spend 20 minutes six times a day with the pump or your husband and his friends sucking on this lovely breasts of yours. However, I find this particularly arousing.”

She went over and picking up a stool sat down on it by the milking machine.

“This is for cows and I love being a cow. I am sure you will enjoy it too. My milk goes into a container and our guests drink it. Some have no idea it is human milk they are drinking.”

With that she pushed the nipples of her breasts to the suction caps and turned on the machine.

I was fascinated at watching her milk flow from the tubes in to container and I actually felt envious of her. I hoped it would not be long for me to have that joy.

She motioned for me to take one of the pills and I did, managing to swallow it without the aid of any liquid. I had hoped for some more of her milk to help get it down.

It only took ten minutes before she was empty of her milk and she unclamped the suckers and turned the machine off.

She next brought a very small bench up and motioned me to drape my body over it. Then the breast pump was brought up and the two cups were affixed to my nipples. She plugged it in and immediately I felt the suction and squeezing of my beasts. It felt most delightful!

Then she moved another padded stool in place so my head could rest and sked me if I was comfortable. I nodded. Then she went to Dougal who immediately showed a lot of excitement. She led the dog over to me and affixed his leash to my collar.

“Go on Dougal. Claim your bitch!”

The dog attacked my rear swiping my ass and pussy with his tongue and then I gasped as he sprung upon me his cock stabbing at my flesh. After only a few he found me and his cock was pounding me … but he was inside my ass!


I actually screamed as it hurt like hell and was so unexpected. There was nothing I could do to stop the ferocious pounding but eventually the pain subsided and my ass has had plenty of action but I had forgotten about the knot.

The precum from Dougal’s cock was lubricating the tight passage making it easier on me and with the constant sucking and gentle squeezing on my nipples from the breast pump I headed for my first orgasm, quickly followed by many more.

Dougal’s hot breath on my neck and his back legs moving constantly as if he was running plus his front paws gripping me all succeeding in making me feel owned. Owned by a dog. I loved the feeling. I was so submissive. Then I felt his knot. Growing larger against the cheeks of my big ass.

Yes I do have a big ass and it something I hate. But I was born with it and there is nothing I can do to shrink it. But R loves it and most of lovers say they do so why should I want to change it?

I felt a little frightened but then I braced myself, shutting my eyes and gave myself completely to my 4 legged and now very excited master.

Dougal’s paws gripped me even tighter wrapping me just below my breasts and his knot was pushing hard against my ass hole. I could feel the dog pushing harder and harder as he pounded his cock even further inside me with even more spurts of precum sending me wild with pleasure. Now my entire body was on fire.

I even heard myself moaning and I felt moisture around the inside of my thighs. Even my cunt was throbbing as the incredible fucking continued.

Then I really did scream. The dog’s huge knot shot inside my ass.

At the same time the immense pain hit me I climaxed. Huge.

At the same time hot, almost scalding cum shot deep into my ass.. On and on it pored into me making me orgasm again and again.

Finally everything stopped.

I was like a quivering body of jelly lying underneath a heavy dog joined together as if one.

Dougal was trembling, his heart beating and his breath keeping almost in time with it. Panting.

“Good boy.” I heard Qu say and then she was beside us patting his head and stroking his body.

“He’s wonderful, isn’t he?”

“Yes,” I whispered. I wondered how many times she had been in the same position as me and I hoped I would witness it before my time here had passed. Sadly I didn’t, Dougal only wanted me, but I saw her do something else I had never seen before, even more taboo.

“Now let me take a look at how much of his cock he has up you.” I felt her move towards my rear and then her hands were there.

“Oh, yes. Deep inside your lovely ass. And no sign of his knot. Disappeared completely. Not many ladies have been able to take his knot in their asses. Now let me see if I can feel it.”

I felt her fingers at my pussy lips and some fingers entering me.

Dougal moved as he felt the intrusion and he even gave a growl but Qu’s voice soothed him and he allowed her to continue. I felt her fingers stroking his knot and cock with just that thin piece of flesh separating the two openings.

“Would you like me to fist your aching pussy darling? It also deserves something big inside there.”

Her fingers moved out.

“No, I don’t think-“ I started to say.

“Shh!” She scolded me. “ You are a submissive dog slut and everyone of us can do what we like to you. I have to punish you remember. Would you like me to strap that ass and redden it up or shove my hand up your twat?”

“Your hand,” I sobbed.

“Say ‘please’.”


“Please, what?”

“Please put your hand in.”


“My pussy.”

“Pussy? It’s not a pussy. It’s a dirty, filthy cunt. Say it.”

“Dirty, filthy cunt.”

As I said these words I came. Why did saying that turn me on?

“Good girl.”

Qu was at my head and she was spreading oil all over her left hand right up and over her wrist.

Surely she wasn’t going to try and get all of that inside me there with a dog cock and knot already inside my ass.

But I already knew the answer.

She warned Dougal not to move and he seemed to understand as he gave a small bark.

Then it began.

She was very careful and very slow. I believe it so the dog would not get spooked. But I felt her fingers and then her hand pushing hard, her fingers spreading and opening my vagina further. She would stop and pull out a little and then push further into me. It was squeezing Dougal’s knot and to my surprise I felt his cock twitch and another stream of hot cum shot into my entrails and I came again. As I did this she pushed hard and her whole hand was inside.

“There.” She said. “I didn’t believe it could be done it could be done but there it is. If only your husband could have witnessed it. Perhaps we could do this again so he could watch. What do you think?”

I couldn’t answer. I was cumming once again. At that moment in time I couldn’t care. Tears started to roll from my eyes wetting the cheeks of my face.

How beautifully depraved this all was.

Her fingers stroked Dougal’s cock and this time he moved unexpectedly. He tried to hop off me and Qu’s hand pulled sharply out of my pussy. The dog turned and I cried out as his cock and knot also turned with him buried still inside my ass.

The dog had now both of his legs planted on the floor and he tried to move away. But he couldn’t. We were tied together.


Dougal pulled hard again and I had no alternative but to go with him as his cock was sure to tear my poor ass hole. I tumbled not too hard onto the floor from the stool with Qu grabbing him by his collar with a warning. Thankfully he stopped.

Qu, with a beaming smile, looked down on us and she picked up the leash attached to my collar. My breasts had been ripped from the breast pump suckers and she ordered me to get up on my knees so she could affix them.

They felt nice in the cups and the squeezing on my nipples and suching was sending tingles all over my body as was Dougal’s cock still twitching inside my ass.

“Now it’s my turn,” she said, to have some enjoyment.

She moved to Dougal.

“Lick,” I heard her say.

Presumably by some intakes of breath he was doing exactly that and I presumed she had exposed her pussy to him. What a slut I thought forgetting the position I was in!

She didn’t stay long there before she dropped on her knees in front of me. Pulling up her skirt.

“Now let’s see if you can do a better job than Dougal. He didn’t seem to be too interested in my pussy. You are his bitch.”

She then laid herself flat on the floor exposing her pussy that was even hairier than mine. She spread her legs pulling her cunt now right into my face and I was very happy to dive in.

She tasted nice. Almost sweet. I pride myself in eating pussy and I have had lots of practice and no complaints. Only a woman knows where to place her tongue and lick inside another woman’s private parts.

Very soon I had her moaning and her hands reached out for my head and she gently stroked my ears urging me on. I was very happy to oblige. I teased and stroked her clittie with my tongue and when she told me to lick harder I stopped. It was my turn to be in charge and I knew it would make her pleasure last longer and give her an intense orgasm. She even cursed me as I kept her on the point of climaxing and then I would pull my tongue from THE spot. And how she was juicing, and like a dog I lapped up her delicious spend.

So engrossed I was with this I did not notice that Dougal’s knot had shrunk and he had pulled his cock from my ass. It was only when I felt his tongue there lapping up his sperm that was leaking from the hole that must have looked like an abyss that I realised we were not locked together.

“F—ing bitch make me cum!” Ou screamed and she was trembling and her hands were gripping my ears tight and hurting me.

I did as she bid and attacked her clittie with a vengeance.

She came!

She shrieked!

She screamed!

I heard footsteps running and the door was flung open.

“Well. Well.” It was Arran’s voice. “Aren’t we having fun.”

Ou scrambled to her feet.

“The bloody cow.” She said. She was shaking. “You will pay for that, my dear Pet. Oh, yes, you will.”

How ungrateful, I thought. I had just given her one of her biggest orgasms and she was angry.

I suppose it was all about control. I’m glad I am so submissive. It is much more fun.

“Come.” Arran said to her and they left the room.

Dougal came and sat down beside me and still on my hands and knees I petted him and stroked his back telling him what a good boy he was.

It was like this when the door opened and R came in smiling.

“Still good friend,” I see.

“He’s just had his naughty way with me.” I said. “He is very good. I’m his bitch.”

R picked up the leash and stared at the breast pump.

“Well, I’ll have to detach this. We’ll go to our room. It’s very nice.”

“I think we have to take it all with us.” I was reluctant to take the cups off as I really did enjoy the sensation.

He nodded, found the end of the cord and unplugged it.

I detached it from my breasts and started to get up.

“No. No.” He said. “You are a dog bitch and Arran told me you must behave like a dog the whole time you are here. Come bitch.”

With that he collected up the pump and putting it under his arm led me out of the room on all fours.

As we passed Arran and Qu Arran stooped us.

“We have a few more dogs tonight. Four and with Dougal that’s five. Plus ten friends of mine. Just males tonight. Thirteen of us with R, Tom and myself but Qu will behave like a male. Can’t have an unlucky number. She has some very interesting strap on cocks and she tells me she can’t wait to try them out on you,” he said.

My heart beat faster.

What had I got myself into?

A night of long pleasure.


As soon as we got to our room R allowed me to stand up and we kissed long and hard and I told him about my fun again with Dougal claiming my ass and he was disappointed to miss that. I assured him I would take Dougal there again just for his pleasure and I said I expected it would happen again tonight.

I did disclose to him that I did get more pleasure from the doggie cock in my pussy although I cum more from a human cock up my ass. Strange. All holes filled though is my favorite but then those who have read my stories also know that my party tick is 2 in my puss, one in my ass and two in my mouth. That is the ultimate satisfaction for me with you naughty human males. And as for you women I get turned on by breasts, especially big breasts and when I look at ant woman I can’t help imagining what their breasts look like under all those clothes and strappings. I also love licking a nice wet pussy and making another woman cum and tormenting her as I just did with Qu.

R asked me if I would suck a doggie dick off and let him cum in my mouth and I laughed and said I would. I did not say it to R but for many years and even after R’s death I never liked the taste of dog cum It tastes metallic like a rusty metal pipe – the old ones we used to have. Now I adore the taste. Strange how our taste buds change as we age. I have ALWAYS love the taste of human male cum. And love it all over me and lap it up and swallow it. I have also done the really nasty act of wanking cocks off in a glass and swallowing it like a rare wine. I am a dirty cow aren’t I. I have also done a similar antic with doggie cocks too. I also like going down on another woman who has just been boned by a dog.

And yes I do, as I have already said in this story, enjoy fresh pee, over me and in my mouth. I said FRESH pee. Stale pee is horrid and often I felt sick after swallowing it.

R was now very horny with all this talk and despite warning him to save himself for tonight he couldn’t and wouldn’t. So we made love. And it was beautiful. I make love to my husband and I f—k everyone else. There is a big difference.

Since R died I have never found another man to love. I thought I had a number of times and they all ended up in disaster. Even a woman I fell deeply in love with ended dying on me but even she turned on me just before her sudden death that also affected me deeply.

Enough of this morbid stuff.

After our love making I lay down to sleep and my breasts were hooked up to the breast pump machine. I loved it and even after R’s love making I had to play with my pussy for a while and then I fell asleep very contented.

I was awaken with R bringing me a cooked late lunch. This was to be my last meal of the day until after the fun and games this evening and tonight. I would have to watch others eat a sumptuous meal because I had to take an enema in a few hours time and clean that little hole out. A couple of quick acting laxative pills he also handed to me along with the domperidone.

It was around 7 pm that we were summoned for the dinner and to meet Arran’s friends. Tom had been the first to arrive and he had shown his face with a giant smile at seeing me still naked tied up to the breast pump. Over the last half an hour I had heard cars arriving and also dogs barking.

I wore another corset, a dark green one, that covered my torso only and stockings with garters with red bows. Over the top I wore a tight fitting white dress that finished just a few inches from the floor. It was almost virginal except for the top that was low and quite revealing showing my breasts were bare underneath what was covered – and that was not much! I wore small stud earrings but a long thin silver necklace with a small white pearl at the end.

I knew I looked quite stunning and not the slut, tramp I believe most of Arran’s friends would be expecting.

I certainly made an impression on the elderly man who had knocked on the door to take us to meet the guests. His eyes almost popped out of his head and he even stammered when he introduced himself as Angus.

R had also dressed for dinner and looked very handsome in his black suit, bow tie and white shirt. He said Arran had intimated smart casual but he wanted also to look like a gentleman.

He was glad he did because Arran was very well attired complete with a kilt and short waistcoat over a light yellow silk shirt.

The other guests were a mixture of young and middle-aged. Only two wore kilts but all had jackets and ties, some wore beards, etc. I cannot really remember all of them and what their names were I have no idea. None of them told me anything about themselves and I didn’t ask. It’s not the sort of thing one does at a gangbang dinner.

We all made a little small talk and after a little bit we all got more comfortable with each other. The missing person was Qu.

The room we were in was very cozy and of course richly attired but I know you are not interested in anything of that.

We had drinks and I sipped at my white wine feeling more than a little nervous. Then we all moved to the dining room.

I will also forgo what the dinner was and as I didn’t eat I am vague on that too. It was served by Angus and his son – a very handsome young man and more about him later in this story!!

The mood of everyone got merrier as the evening wore on and the conversation got louder and bolder. I was asked how many dogs I had been with and I told them the story of my first time and the number of dogs and they seemed impressed. I said Dougal had taken me twice and they laughed when I said I hoped he was still up to the task. I made them roar when I chided them for how much drink they were washing down their throats and hoped they wouldn’t get ‘brewer’s droop’.

One paid me the compliment by saying even a saint would want me as I was so beautiful.

Arran asked R to explain what they could and not do with me. The only restriction was extreme pain and marking and scat. Everything else was OK. They asked me for a word to call if it was too much and I said ‘Scotland” and that impressed them.

“Now gentlemen it’s time for the ‘Naughty Room’.

We walked outside and entered the Dutch barn that I had described earlier.

Comfortable armchairs had been placed around all sides of the bed and I made my way to it but was stopped by Arran. He indicated a tall backed wooden chair for me to sit on but first asked me R to take my dress off me. He did and held it whilst I parade my body off to applause from everyone else. I sat down a little puzzled.

Then the lights dimmed except for a row of spots that came on and from a side door a horse followed by a small pony entered. The horse was led by Angus and the pony by his son, Gavin.

The men all clapped and at first I couldn’t see why. Then I saw. Underneath the horse was Qu. Stark naked. She was strapped under the horse’s belly with her arms and hands free. Her eyes were closed but her legs had been pulled and fasted wide apart.

The horse’s cock was hard but only part of it was exposed. The rest was inside Qu’s cunt!


I remember my feelings were confused. It was erotic but I felt uncomfortable. I don’t know why. At that time I did not wish I was in Qu’s place. I suppose it was just curiosity and a shock.

However, R was turned on, as was the rest of the audience. They clapped. R was sprouting a hard on beneath his trousers and when he whispered to me he wished that it was me in Qu’s place I just smiled but said nothing.

Arran was now beside the horse with a microphone in his hand and he invited R as he was his guest of honor to come down and inspect more closely.

R almost jumped down but he ran quickly and was there in a trice. He bent down under the horse and even took hold of the exposed part of the cock that protruded from Qu’s pussy.

“Qu. Tell R how it feels?” Arran instructed.

“Fulfilling,” was the answer and that greeted much laughter.

“Would you like a cock in your mouth, my dear?” he asked Qu.

“If it is your cock, my master.” Qu obediently replied.

“I am afraid I am going to disappoint you my dear. My cock is reserved for that delicious tight ass of R’s pretty wife. But R can take my place. I am sure he will do a fine job and cum down your throat. What do you say, R?”

R didn’t say anything. He just unzipped his pants and out came that lovely cock I have loved for so long. Quickly he pressed it against Qu’s lips and her mouth sprung open and closed around it. He held her head as he thrust his weapon in and out. Now that turned me on. I love watching my darling f—k another woman just as much as he loves watching me being f—d by another man.

Normally R can last a long time – he has remarkable control but this time before a minute was up he was groaning and I knew he was cumming. When he finally pulled his cock away from Qu’s lips even from where I was sitting I could see driplets of cum on her face.

“Well done, sir,” Arran said, “and now it’s my turn for a ride.

I was in for another surprise. With just cupped hands from Angus and a well placed foot Arran was up and on the horse’s back. With no saddle or stirrups and just reins Arran using his feet pushe the horse forward, from a trot to a run.

What on earth must this be doing to Qu I wondered. Of course, now I know having been in her position a number of times myself – in fact only 6 weeks ago I was having that same pleasure. And it is pleasurable. Frighteningly so.

Arran only did a few turns around the barn when he pulled the horse to a stop and jumped athletically down.

The action of all this had made the horse climax and he snorted and stamped his two front feet even making a loud noise. Qu was also climaxing as she swayed and yelled beneath the horse’s body. I did feel very moist and yes wet watching this unique spectacle and when both had finished I thought that would be it.

I had forgotten the pony. All this had made the pony excited. Arran and Angus quickly unleashed Qu’s body and holding her almost limp body with huge quantities of horse cum poring from her cunt they helped her over to some rails where she bent over them almost as if she was passing out.

To my utter amazement Angus’ son let the now very agitated pony loose and he made immediately for Qu bent over body and proceeded to mount her – his cock growing longer before my eyes.. With just two or three probings his cock found her pussy and he drove it into her.

She gave a loud scream and I feared for her until I realized the scream was of pleasure because it was followed by a loud, “Oh Yes! Yes!”

The pony was actually f—ing her! I cannot remember how much of his cock was up inside her because the whole act was over in seconds but they both came. The pony climbed down and walked away to be caught b Angus’s son.

More cum streamed from Qu’s vagina before she collapsed like a heap of rags onto the floor.

The applause from everyone was loud and I even joined in.

When the applause had died down Arran announced, “And now it is Colleen’s turn. I’m sure you are all ready to give this American/Irish damsel a taste of Scottish hospitality – a good boning before we give her to the dogs.”

There was a chorus of “Yes” and all of them started to undress. Leaving the horse and pony tied to the rail and Qu had disappeared Angus and son beckoned to me and I as a lady should walked imperiously towards them. My heart was beating and my legs felt like jelly but I think I made it. Without showing any sign of consternation.

My dress was quickly divested and my wrists were shackled to straps and chains and others around the ankles of my legs. A spreader bar was attached expertly just above the anklets and as my legs and thighs were pulled apart my body was lifted above the ground.

I couldn’t wait to see and feel what was going to happen next.


The first thing that happened was two middle-aged women, who I hadn’t noticed before, appeared. They were both well bodied with small breasts, naked, close cropped brunette hair. They could have been sisters although I found out later they weren’t but they both definitely were butch. One carried a jar and the other a very large double ended dildo. I guessed what was going to happen next. I expect you can, too…..

I am not going to dwell too long on the gangbang as this is a bestiality posting but suffice to say I did get one of the best bangs of my life. The women were just as good as the men and I was bale to perform my part trick I mentioned – 5 cocks at once although there was a slight variance. This was the first time I had not laid down and inserted two cocks inside my pussy first and then leaned over between the two men for the third to be inserted in my ass. I was firmly placed astride the first cock inside my pussy and the second cock, it was Arran’s as he claimed my ass the whole time, inserted in my rear. Another pair of cocks appeared at my face and I dutifully opened my mouth wide and gobbled up those lovely morsels of pulsating flesh sucking them as hard as I could like lollipops. Mmmm. The thought of it makes me wet… It was only then that I felt the fifth cock. The owner of it was behind and somehow had managed to find enough space to push it into my cunt alongside the other one …. And it went in quite easily! Arran had helped in the maneuver by moving further up almost onto my back. The beauty of all this was they all did the work. I just swung on the chains and straps as they sawed in and out of my orifices! The two women also got into the act by sucking on my breasts and then my hands were put into good use by being placed around two more cocks.

I hope you can picture the scene. I have described it as best as I can but no description can do justice to the thrills I got from being able to do this. I have never been able to repeat it, mainly because of the apparatus involved…. There is still time for that, of course.

I cannot remember how long it took but whenever someone was about to cum they shouted and all action stopped for the person to get control. Of course Arran was in charge and it was only when he decided to climax he gave the word. And what a climax it was! I was hammered and hammered. Fast and furious. In and out. I even choked on the cocks that were both attempting to get down my throat. They all didn’t manage to blast cum into me at exactly the same time but it was pretty close. I was cumming long before I felt the first jet of sperm enter my body.

As one can say … it was indeed a blast! How that tiny morsel of flesh dividing the two orifices didn’t get sawn apart is a mystery. Our body is indeed tough. But it certainly felt as though there were three cocks altogether in one hole!

And the sperm shooting down my throat with two cocks and two pairs of balls banging against my lips certainly made breathing difficult but I cannot remember anything about that. It is surprising how I managed it without fainting but I did.

When I was released I was turned on my back onto the bed and seven cocks were pointed at me from my breasts up to my face. At a command again from Arran I was almost drowned in pee. Yes it was gross but at the time I didn’t mind and I even drank almost greedily the disgusting liquid and even opened my mouth wide to receive it.

I am so sorry if that sickens any of you but at that moment it was enjoyable.

If I had thought that was the end I was mistaken as Qu appeared stark naked wearing a replica of a giant horse cock strapped around her waist.

Hands grabbed my legs pulling them apart and she bent right over me.

“Let’s see how much of this you can take, “ she said.

I was not going to disappoint her or the ones watching. As I felt the imitation cock at the entrance to my pussy I actually pressed my self onto it as Qu started to push. I then felt the huge thing start to enter.

Qu pushed harder and I started to rotate my hips and hump back against it. Qu even commenced a slight fucking motion and I did the same but also pushing to get more of it up inside me.

It was sliding in and out of me now, and every time it went back in, I could feel myself shaking more and more. I was now full to the brim but there was still more outside so I still tried to get even more up me. I wanted it all even though that was impossible but at that moment in time I didn’t care if Qu was going to kill me.

I then heard Arran shout, “Enough! No more!”

I was most certainly stretched and then I started to feel a huge climax building. This one was even bigger than any from the gangbang. I went wild then and just humped back and forth against it. I yelled at the top of my lungs and I know I scared R almost to death. He had run up and physically pulled Qu off and I didn’t even feel the giant dildo pull out of me.

There was certainly relief when he and the others realized my scream was from pleasure.

We all took a break and Qu even put he arms around me saying she was sorry and whispered the real thing is even better. I just squeezed her hand. I was not convinced.

Arran soon asked if I was ready for the dogs and I nodded.

“We have a surprise for you,” I have been able to obtain six dogs plus Dougal. Seven up!” Everyone laughed. “One is a complete novice. Never been with a human but has humped many a 4 legged bitch. One other has only been with a human once. The rest are all very well trained. I am sure they will entertain you as you have entertained us.”

A padded bench had been brought in and Arran said most of the dogs were big and the bench would help take the weight. There were cushions too in place and I laid down and they made sure I was comfortable before they actually strapped me down onto it.

Once more I felt the excitement start. I was now going to be bred by seven dogs as their bitch. Oh my!


My heart was beating very hard as I waited but it was Qu who arrived first carrying a large butt plug with a small imitation doggie tail. She didn’t say a word as she pushed it not too gently into my ass. She then gave my ass a really hard smack.

I hadn’t noticed until he spoke but Angus was also by her and turning my head I could see he was carrying a rag. Qu saw me looking puzzled.

“The rag has been inside a real doggie bitch in heat,” she explained. “Although you stink with all that sperm and piss it probably won’t be needed but this will really get them aroused.”

Angus was at my rear and I felt the rag being wiped all over my pussy lips and then inside me. It actually felt nice. I didn’t notice how bad I was smelling.

Then I heard barking. Excited barking. The dogs were close and they had got a whiff of me. And I wanted them too. How I wanted them.

I didn’t have long to wait. They came running in and I was surrounded by seven dogs. There was no messing around like the others from Dougal. He went straight for my rear and without even a lick he was up onto my back and his cock found the mark immediately.

I was even cumming before I felt it enter me. His now familiar pounding inside my now well used and slick cunt was heaven. I was a machine. Oiled and on a mission. I was traveling to la la land and the passenger on my back was the driver. Dougal didn’t last long at all this time. I didn’t feel his precum but I felt his knot shove hard into me and his cum was shooting like pellets from a gun. Dougal pumped even harder and faster until he had drained his balls and filled me.

It was sooooooo good and I never stopped climaxing. He didn’t stay long after he was finished and pulled out. Immediately I felt and heard the barks from other dogs. There were licks and then another dog was on my back but he was having difficulty finding the mark and after some miserable attempts he was off and another was on me.

I do not remember all the breeds of the dogs. The smallest was around 40 lbs but most were of Dogal’s size. There were a number of German Shepherds – the Brits call them Alsatians and Labradors but in truth I really didn’t care.

This other dog found my pussy fairly quickly and he rutted me like a champion. Once again I came and I became overwhelmed at the sensations going through me. I knew then I was going to be a doggie bitch for the rest of my life.

I loved the dog’s legs wrapping themselves around me. The feel of his fur on my back. Being possessed by a beast. Feeling a primal being’s cock inside me that was fucking me harder and faster than any human being.

At each frantic thrust my head was driven down onto the bench and I was at this beast’s mercy. And he had no mercy. Faster and faster he pounded me. He was in total control. I loved it. Then I felt his knot and I even ground myself as much as I could to help it get inside. It didn’t need any help. I could even hear myself groan as I orgasmed.

I felt weak before I was aware the dog had stopped thrusting but I could certainly feel his hot cum hitting my insides.

When he was finished he didn’t stay long on me either. Whether it was because the other dogs were barking and waiting there turn I don’t know but he was off me very quickly and another was at my rear. This one took his time at my ass licking and licking my pussy. He only stopped to growl when another dog tried to mount me from the side and he stopped to give that one a nip. His tongue was back and it felt amazing. I exploded with the pleasure and every nerve in my body came alive.

I wanted him inside me now. Although his tongue was wonderful I craved for more. He seemed to sense this and he stopped. Almost instantly I felt him on my back and I came again long before he eventually got his cock into me. I don’t think it was long but to me it was an eternity.

We both wanted it and at last he was inside me. He clamped my waist with his paws, shuffled his back legs forward and plunged right up into me. And how he humped. His cock felt so hot and my honey pot was just that now filled to the top.

It was glorious and my pussy was so slippery as he humped long, hard and fast pushing against the walls of my cunt. Once more I was in ecstasy and climaxing and I could even feel his cock swelling and swelling. Precum was sending me into convulsions and my body shuddered and shuddered. Then I felt the knot and I heard myself scream as it popped inside. This dog came much more than the others. I didn’t mind at all. I didn’t want it to stop. By now I was almost out of control. The more doggie cock I got the more I wanted. The more I craved. With each jet of cum I came. And came. And came.

Oh my God my final climax was colossal. When he pulled out he even walked in front of my face as if he wanted to show me how big his cock was. It was at least 9 inches long from his knot to the tip and I likened it at the time to a cucumber.

I didn’t have long to ponder as another dog was there pounding his cock against my ass cheeks before he found the mark and once again I was being hammered.

There isn’t a lot more to tell. After that sensational bout I cannot remember much. It was an anti-climax. The other dogs were not as experienced and one hadn’t a clue and had to be placed on me and his cock inserted. Once he got it in he was good and I remember very enthusiastic.

All good things must come to an end and I know I was helped into a bath tub and washed by R and then he carried me to bed.

There is a lot more to the story and one day I might tell you more. Ater R left I watched Qu being driven out in a car at night into a field and at a signal other cars arrived and she was well and truly ‘dogged’ by men. The sport is now known as dogging. And yes I did do that to..

And as for the milk. My breasts produced milk very quickly and when I went home to R my tits were heavy. And he loved it. For the rest of my wonderful life with R my breasts were always full of milk and he fed off them just like my two babies did.

We found a dog very quickly – a year old mutt that had not been neutered and he learnt very quickly. This was followed by a 2 year old pedigree black Labrador that we bought for breeding purposes. We smiled at that. Then we got two pups and lived happily with our four dogs until R died so suddenly.

Thank you for reading this and every word is true as much as I can remember. It is amazing how as you write and you are taken back into time past how memories you thought were lost come back.

I am very emotional now finishing this. I had sex with lots and lots of people but I only ever made love to R.