(c) 2007 by renn

Lindi wandered on up the rocky path and once she came to a level place she stopped amongst the craggy rocks and twisted trees to catch her breath. It felt good to be out after working all week in an office – the air was crisp and cool, refreshing, unlike the warm, dusty, almost sweaty air of the office building she worked in. Out here it felt ridiculous she ever went to work anyway, a part of her simply wanted to stay; live among the rocks and not bother herself with the petty human world. Once her breathing had slowed she could hear the rush of running water not so far away. She listened closely for a second and set off in that direction, off the track and into the trees. She could soon see the bright early summer sun glinting off the river and she couldn’t wait to get there and take a quick drink and a rest.

Once on the pebbled bank she set down her small day pack and untied the sweater from her waist, leaving just a khaki vest and her combat trousers. Her hiking boots gave her good grip in the shallows as the gravel of the riverbed shifted slightly beneath her, she found a slab of rock sticking out into the water and walked along that to get to the deeper parts instead. Standing there surrounded by the deep running water was glorious, she knelt down and scooped up the pure water and drink a few good mouthfuls, then wiped her lips with her hand.

The slab of rock was warm, so she careful laid down and placed her head on her arm to rest. She couldn’t help but smile as the sun beamed down and warmed her skin. The only sounds were the rushing of the water, the ‘shhhhh’ sound of the trees in the breeze and the occasional bird call. Lindi looked around lazily, examining the rocks at the water’s edge, hoping to maybe see a small animal or a deer come for a drink. Eventually her eyes were drawn to a sunny patch of rocks, nothing particularly alarmed her but it just looked a bit odd, the rocks were a different shape to those around that area. There were some with harsh jagged edges whereas most of the others were smoothed by the river.

Then, she wasn’t sure, but she thought she’d seen the rocks move? Seconds later her thoughts were confirmed, some of the rocks raised themselves up in the air, and then she saw a glittering eye peering out and suddenly she was aware that she was looking at some kind of…giant….lizard. A dragon? Lindi sat bolt upright with shock and stared as hard as she could as the dragon’s great eye swivelled towards her. It didn’t seem alarmed at her presence, more intrigued. Without taking its eyes from her it rose to its feet and walked into the water.

Lindi was so stunned she couldn’t even think of running away, she stayed frozen tot the spot and in no time at all, the dragon was stood in the water within arms reach. She took in the brown scales with a bright peacock green sheen in the sunlight, the green eyes reminded her of a cat’s, the creature’s head was a couple of feet higher than her own, it was big. Naturally it’s eyes were big also and she could see a great deal of detail, and they were beautiful, like exotic jewels, the sort of thing rich people would pay their fortunes to have as trophies.

The woman waited tensely to find out what the dragon’s next move would be, she knew that if it was hostile, she would have no hope of getting away. This beast was huge, with large wings, sharp teeth and claws. She got the feeling though, that it wasn’t being aggressive, there was nothing to suggest it was. It was calm and intent. Presently, it’s nostrils flexed and it bent its head down to her ear. Lindi stayed stock-still, her heart pounding harder than ever before. The dragon , when confident she wasn’t going to move, lowered his muzzle ever lower, and Lindi heard the breath rushing in and out of his nostrils as he took great sniffs of her scent.

She had been sweating whilst hiking and could faintly smell herself, it wasn’t unpleasant, although it would have been considered as such in human company. The smell seemed to please the dragon however and he went from one shoulder to the next, lightly brushing her warm skin with his leathery lips on his way over her breasts. It felt electric, Lindi couldn’t believe this was happening. The dragon then rose out of the water, its hard claws scraping on the sandy rock, the shiny water dripping from its scales. Once out of the water it circled Lindi , holding it’s muzzle towards her and sniffing.

Now Lindi was feeling confident, it seemed the dragon wanted to make friends rather than eat her and she felt able to move – she turned her head to watch as it circled, then she saw it stop and turn its nose to the sky, mouth upturned in a smile and dangerous teeth showing. Its head started to twist one way then the other, and soon the twist turned into a shake, and the neck became involved too. Gradually the shaking picked up in speed and a rattling sound started as the dragon moved its shoulders, and then its entire body was shaking like a dog does, and the scales were rubbing on each other and the sound rose and rose until the air was filled with the rattle and Lindi wanted to cover her ears.

Gradually the dragon’s head got higher and then bent backwards, its front feet rising off the ground as the creature bent further, exposing the pale underbelly, and the rattling subsided as the shake trailed off, ending at the tail. Lindi noted the icy sheen to the belly scaled and as her eyes travelled she saw them pinken around a mound between its legs. The mound reminded her of a woman’s parts when aroused, swollen and pink, a slit down the middle, Lindi couldn’t take her eyes off it. The dragon’s head returned to an upright position with a groan and Lindi glanced up to see those aqua green eyes turned upon her face and she looked away guiltily.

The dragon however, did not move and continued to watch her, so she stole another glance at the mound and noticed it was even pinker, and more swollen. She looked up at the dragon’s face and it still didn’t seem to mind her watching, so she returned to watch and saw the mound bulge, then to her amazement, a little pink point appeared from the slit. Suddenly it made sense, the dragon was a male, and he was aroused, the rattling had been to impress her, like a courtship thing and he had bent his head back as a gesture of trust, showing her his most vulnerable parts and bending his head, and his teeth away from her.

The great muzzle lowered again and the his head was over her shoulder, scenting again. Lindi kept watching the penis, it slid out a little more as the dragon sniffed, and the hips pushed forward a little, but no more. Then the dragon nudge her gently to lie on the ground, and his muzzle wandered to her own mound between her legs. The dragon grunted with pleasure and she raised her head to watch as a long tongue snaked out from between its lips and a claw pulled up her vest, exposing her vulnerable soft belly.

The tongue touched her skin, it was thin and soft, the dragon licked across her belly, then again further down, making its way towards her waistband. The tongue was very strong and skilled it curled into her waistband and made its way lower, into her panties to touch the trimmed hair there. Lindi was by now feeling very excited, she could feel the blood rushing to the lips down there, swelling them, and the tongue was very nearly delving into the crevice there, but it couldn’t quite reached. The woman was disappointed when the dragon retracted the tongue.

A long claw hooked into her fly and the button effortlessly popped off into the river, Lindi felt the hot breath as the dragon breathed heavily as he worked. The claw slowly tore open the fly and pulled her trousers lower to gain better access. He simply ripped off her panties and suddenly Lindi rose a little and drew up her legs one by one to push off her loosely tied hiking boots, and the dragon bent over her as she did so, she noticed the tiny, barely controlled thrusts of his strong hips. Then she lay back and dared to touched the dragons head as he resumed his licking. The tongue once again delved deeper, this time teasing the lips lightly, working lower, then higher again and Lindi pushed her hips towards his tongue, willing him to lick her fully, on the vital part.

Finally, the dragon dipped his tongue into the crease and found the spot, lightly pushing over it before returning and doing it again. Then he pushed the tongue lower and lower, laying it right along the fold, and the tip probing until it found the soft wet hole. The dragon grunted with pleasure to find his mate wet and he savoured the juices. Lindi felt the dragon begin to growl, his deepest rumble, and to her delight the vibrations were travelling down his tongue and thrilling her further. It felt so divine it was almost unbearable and Lindi began to shift and squirm with pleasure, which prompted the dragon to growl more and vary the pressure of his tongue on her parts, before finally pushing his tongue right up inside her, further and further and Lindi yelped with surprise and delight!

Desire made Lindi suddenly bold and she held the dragons head and pushed it gently higher, sliding her hips forwards suggestively, towards his bulging mound. She hoped his penis would grow more, surely such a huge creature would have a member to match? The dragon gladly placed his foreclaws at either side of her shoulders and lowered his hips between the lady’s legs, bending his head down to touch her neck with the tip of his mizzle. Lindi felt the hard teeth against her shoulder, not biting, just pressing against. She go the impressiong he would very much like to bite her, to hold her in place. Dragon mating was probably a lot rougher than this but he was being sensitive to her humans needs.

The mound a tiny pink tip moved closer but the dragon couldn’t kneel or quite get close or low enough to touch, it was maddening for both partners, Lindi felt hot and flushed with need and desire, remembering the vibration of the tongue inside her and desperate to find out what his penis would feel like. She quickly rolled over and felt the dragon’s hand/claw hook under her belly and lift up her hips urgently. She felt hot smooth scales touch her backside, and arched her back towards the ground to open herself up. She felt the mound and that slick tip rubbing against her, moving around to find the right spot.

Lindi felt that tip slide past her anus and suddenly slide into her well lubricated opening, the bulge pressed against her own swollen lips and then in a rush she felt a huge hard penis surge into her in one easy movement, with a great thrust of the dragons hips. It knocked the breath out of her and a feeling of excitement rose within her breast, the dragon clutched her to him with his great claw, the other propping himself up on the rock. Lindi leaned over onto her elbows and cried out. The dragon very gently eased back, and then pushed forwards again, it seemed he was testing how much she could take, where he should stop. His penis had grown to an astonishing length and there was no way a human could take it all, he knew that.

Once he had established what he needed to know he could speed up his thrusting and Lindi gasped in pleasure as her sex was filled and stretched, the dragon thrust faster and faster, grunting and groaning and her juices made everything so slick. Lindi could feel that the dragon was holding back, he was close but wanted to please her. He bent his head over and curled it back to hover near her own. “growl for me” Lindi whispered through her gasps, her eyes were shut so she couldn’t see the slight curl of a smile on the dragons muzzle. He began to growl and Lindi felt the vibrations through her entire body and it sent her into ecstasy. Her cunt tightened around the dragons hard penis and the dragon began to come, steadily filling her with an impossible amount of fluid. Lindi felt quiver after quiver inside her as he thrust and the juices soon overflowed and ran down her legs, she could take no more and she came hard, held steady by her strong dragon-lover until she had returned to normal.

Then they were both still, and eventually he pulled out of her, freeing a small cascade of their mingled fluids which fell onto the rock slab. His penis returned into the slit between his legs and he lowered his body to the ground, his ribs heaving. Lindi was panting heavily and lay herself down by his belly, his claw still draped over her body, and shut her eyes.