This is my eighth story posted to this site about Belly Riding as a way of life. For context this is one of the earlier stories I’ve written as a compendium originating from a story called “The Belly Riders – by Jillian, and Pomponio Magnus.” that I did not write. I just fell in love with that story and felt like it needed to be expanded upon a lot. So I did.

Almost of my stories have some length to them because they have to describe the entire set-up each time. So they aren’t quick to conceive, write or edit. The themes are pretty much always around the catharsis of women learning to love sexual intercourse with stallions and the men as a secondary backdrop to the real exhibitionism/voyeuristic bestiality story line. Each story is particularly detailed and errs on the side of grotesque detail. I do greatly appreciate your feedback. Without further ado:


Chapter 1

Lady Godiva had lived a wonderful life, even having lost her first husband. The land her husband controlled, Coventry, was beautiful, and she was happy to call it home. She had fallen into a bit of a depression after her first husband had perished. were born. All of her hand maidens said this was normal and she would recover, but nothing seemed to be working. Every day blended into the next. She was heavy hearted over the loss of her previous husband and the solitude she had felt, even after meeting her new husband. Thankfully her sister, Wulviva had helped her keep her company. Godiva really had no idea what she would have done without her.

Her husband, Leofric the III, had managed to make himself quite a few enemies around the countryside, because of his heavy handed taxation. He donated quite a bit of his money to the Benedictine monastery and Leominster, Chester, Much Wenlock and Evesham. Yet their stockpiles continued to grow as the people of the local lands became successively poorer with each passing season of taxation. There were rumors of great unrest, and even several anonymous messages sent to Leofric, indicating his life was at risk should he continue this path.

Upon feeling her husband’s misery at the fact that his own people were close to a revolt, Lady Godiva began to ask her noblemen and her guards questions about the people of Coventry. The more she learned the more she was interested. At one point one of the guards let it slip that the people were so uncultured that the women of the countryside even laid with horses. That sparked a new line of questioning that made the guard very uncomfortable. It was clear that he knew nothing more than the snap comment he had already made, but Lady Godiva was immediately curious what that meant. Not one to back down from questioning, the guard promised to make a journey into the countryside under a false name to get more information, and that seemed to satisfy Lady Godiva.

Several weeks later the same guard was proud to tell the Lady that he had found several women under their horses, strapped to them with a belly riding saddle in such a way that they were hung nude beneath them, and in many cases they would stay in such positions for hours on end, while tending to their daily tasks. He had many graphic details to tell about the women, where they lived, and so on. The guard, who Lady Godiva finally realized was named Arthur after years of working with him, was also happy to announce that he also found that this was the same village where most of the protesting against the taxation was originating. Lady Godiva thanked the guard and went back to think about what she had heard.

Several days later she had come up with a plan. She went down to the stable, leaving her husband to rule with an iron fist, to set her plan into action. Her body guard followed close behind her, unaware of her plan. The head of the stable met her, “Ah, Lady Godiva, shall you have a ride today?” “No thank you, but I have a favor to ask. I was told the women of Coventry sometimes belly ride under horses. I’d ask that you procure such a saddle so that I might ride in that manner.” The stable hand looked at the body guard, Arthur, and both men began to protest, but before they could get any further she interrupted them and said, “I’ve made up my mind, I intend to belly ride, for the sake of my husband and peace for Coventry. Now please do as I ask.”

Both men considered a quick consolation by looking at one another for help, but neither had the courage. Sensing as much Lady Godiva declared victory, “Thank you, please alert me immediately as soon as you’re ready.” She turned in a flurry of long ruffles as her dress trailed behind her. Lady Godiva swallowed hard, for she knew exactly what she was getting herself into. It was the first of a long series of events that would have an unknown conclusion. But she knew it was something she had to try. If she could speak to these people on their own level, perhaps she could convince them not to murder her husband, and perhaps even find a way to have everyone live in peace. It was the only thing she had to give – herself.

The very next day the head of the stables came to meet Lady Godiva. She was in shock that he managed to find a belly riding saddle so quickly. He looked somewhat proud but he didn’t want to talk about it further. She quickly stood to follow him out to the stables, Arthur in tow. There was only one other person in the stables – a young maiden, not much older than 20 years old who was sweeping up. Lady Godiva asked one of the most even tempered stallions to be saddled and asked the maiden to come and help her get undressed. Everyone was shocked by this directness, but no one questioned her. The body guard simply stood at the doorway, trying not to watch.

Before long, the maiden had helped Lady Godvia strip her clothes until she was down to nothing. Her pubic hair was light, like her blond hair. She was in great shape. She was as pretty as any young maiden, and maybe even more so. She carefully climbed into the saddle, feeling the cool leather on her skin. Coventry wasn’t a particularly warm climate, but she ran hot blooded, so it felt nice. She laid in the saddle, and the head of the stables went around and secured her arms and legs to the saddle. Lady Godiva hadn’t expected this part of it, but she didn’t protest. She also didn’t protest when he snuck glances at her open pussy and her breasts. She figured he would see enough of these things as he would have to help the horse enter her.

She asked him politely to help her, once she was secure. He obliged and began to rub the stallion’s soft skin that surrounded his penis. After a few seconds the shaft began to emerge. Lady Godiva finally felt the large penis beginning to press against her pubic mound. She could already sense how big the stallion was. She had only been with humans and both of them were small men in stature, so as she began to try to accommodate the giant animal’s penis she thanked God that she could fit this large member in her body, so that she might be able to make this moment that she had been thinking about for weeks finally come true.

The horse was obviously getting excited by the ministrations and with one push, Lady Godiva’s mouth gaped open as if it would help her accommodate the massive animal’s erection and the horse thrust several inches into her open vagina. She was ready for the sudden impaling, yet it was still huge and overwhelming. She couldn’t believe how big the stallion felt inside of her. She gasped for air and tried to scramble away, which was, of course, impossible. Her bonds kept her firmly in place, only letting her swing slightly in place as inch after inch continued to enter her as the horse’s penis kept expanding. She felt her insides being invaded, and she gasped for air again. Soon the tensions in the room began to stabilize as everyone could tell Lady Godiva would survive the onslaught of the initial penetration of the stallion because she began to relax and even sighed contentedly as if she had overcome a huge burden.

She asked Arthur to come closer and tell her how many inches she thought the horse had penetrated into her. He was shy, but tried to make an accurate assessment. “Seven inches, my Lady? It’s difficult to say for certain.” She sighed, “Thank you.” She began to swing gently in the saddle, leaving two inches or so of her vaginal lubricant on the horse’s thick shaft as she retracted before swinging back. Before long the horse began to shift it’s weight and eventually buck it’s hips. Lady Godiva’s eyes were wide open again and she looked down the length of her nude body, seeing the thick horse’s penis disappearing beyond her blond pubic hair, slipping into her. She felt a sense of danger.

She could feel the massive horse’s head begin to flare up inside of her and the horse began to thrust. Lady Godiva began to panic. She had not anticipated the violence the horse was unleashing within her. The two men she had ever slept with, her husband and her ex husband were both cautious and careful lovers. The stallion cared not for her, but instead thrust into her with abandon, as if she were just a willing receptacle. And so she had been for the few minutes she had been copulating with the animal, until the moment she had felt her insides being pummeled.

She tried to cry out for help, but at the same time she simply moaned. She couldn’t believe it, but she actually was feeling a tremendous amount of pleasure in that moment. Her stomach began to tremble, and her buttocks tightened and lifted off of the saddle, allowing the stallion a more direct angle into her. The stallion bucked more wildly into her, and then the three onlookers watched as Lady Godiva began to arch her back and curl her toes. She was holding her breath in what looked like a prolonged agony, but her anus was clearly pulsating in what appeared to everyone to be a tremendous orgasm. In that same moment the horse began to make a loud sound which sounded like a tremendous and rhythmic cough as it’s penis pulsated and jerked within Godiva.

After several more tense seconds Lady Godiva collapsed into the saddle, spent. The horse was still pulsating as she tried to catch her breath. Suddenly Lady Godiva began to feel a tremendous amount of wetness between the crevasse of her buttocks, and on her anus, and tailbone. Through deep breaths she felt flushed and embarrassed, wondering if she had just wet herself she asked, “What is that wetness?” The head of the stables said politely, “Your grace, I believe this beast of burden has taken you as his mate. Congratulations.” Lady Godiva blushed furiously and asked to be let loose, trying to pretend like she hadn’t enjoyed what had just happened. Without a word she was let loose, letting a torrent of semen gush out of her royal vagina as she did so. She quietly got dressed, with the help of the maiden, a thin strand of semen quietly oozing from her as she did so.

Over her shoulder as she left she quickly said that she would be back the following day and went back into the house, with Arthur in tow. She had a lot on her mind, if she really intended to save her husband, this would mean a lot of self sacrifice.


Chapter 2

It was a restless sleep, although she tried to remain motionless for her husband’s sake. He had a lot on his mind and needed his rest. She couldn’t believe she had done it, and now that she had proven it to herself she had no choice but to continue her plan. The next day she went up to Arthur and told him her plan to save her husband. She intended to ride through town to find the small village and talk to the people there. She wanted to do this under the belly of the horse both to go unnoticed so that no one would suspect she was on this mission, but also to come to the women of the countryside as a friend. “How do you intend to walk through town under a stallion without anyone noticing, my Lady?” Lady Godiva smiled and winked as she said, “A horse blanket.” The body guard smiled and nodded, understanding immediately what she meant. She asked him to find a stable boy who could ride on top of the horse around town, so that she could get used to a longer time bound to the stallion. He nodded and was on his way.

She made arrangements for him to meet her at noon, with a horse blanket that would fit the horse and cover her. At noon on the dot, Lady Godiva slipped out to the barn to begin her mission. She wore only a thin dress that was easy to quickly remove, and before long she was naked and in her saddle as the same trio of her conspirators watched on. The body guard, true to his word, was waiting there for her with a large blanket under one arm. After undressing, Lady Godiva stood there, stark naked, tying her hair up, with butterflies in her stomach, wondering if she could really go through with this. Her body was on automatic pilot though and before she knew it she was on her back, in the saddle, with her legs in the air and the horse’s penis gently pushing against her wet vulva. It was far easier for her to take the horse in her body the second time, as she was obviously very wet, having thought about this moment all morning.

The stable master sighed as he stood, “My lady, it appears you two are ready for travel. Ah, and here is Horacio, your stable boy.” Lady Godiva rocked her hips up and down several times, trying to get accustomed to the girth as she saw a boy approach her. He looked like he was 18. She said that she was pleased to meet him and held out her fingers, as if to shake his hand. It was silly, but he shook her fingers and stammered that it was his pleasure. The stable master rubbed a lotion on the horse’s penis saying that would help him to stay erect for several hours, and he gave a small container of the cream to the stable boy to take with him.

They placed a large horse blanket over the stallion and Lady Godiva, who had her eyes partly closed and who was also gently moving her hips. The blanket shrouded her in near darkness, except for what was visible between her legs, above her head and whatever light came in from below her. The two men checked around looking at the stallion that hid their beloved Lady Godiva from different angles. The body guard told Lady Godiva, “Now you mustn’t make any major movements with your feet or arms while you are under there, or you will give yourself away.” A muffled agreement came from under the blanket. After being satisfied that they had properly hid her, the body guard lead her out of the stable, where the stable boy mounted the stallion, took it’s reigns and slowly walked the stallion down the dirt road a ways, and into the crowded streets of Coventry.

Lady Godiva felt like she was swimming. Every step sent jolts of pleasure through her insides, as the magnificent stallion’s penis quivered in her. Each step forced the penis backwards and forwards inside her sensitive body. She had no idea where she was as the stable boy took her through the winding streets of Coventry. She could hear footsteps, and noises all around her. If she looked to either side, beneath the blanket she could see feet walking all around her. She was really in the midst of her people. Had the blanket been gone, everyone would have seen their beloved Lady Godiva, nude, and having sex with a giant stallion. She was incredibly turned on, although she tried to hush her emotions. This wasn’t about her, it was about saving her husband and bringing a calm to Coventry. Yet, she couldn’t help herself, as each thrust tortured her body with ecstasy.

After ten minutes of walking She felt the boy guide the horse down to an alley and stop the horse where she heard him say, “My grace, if you continue to make so much noise, surely people will catch you.” Lady Godiva froze, as she hadn’t realized she had been making any sound at all, but even as she froze, she realized she had been moaning gently, and totally subconsciously, while breathing extremely heavily as well. He could sense her fear, and he quickly corrected himself, and said, “How about I let you know when it is safe? If someone is close by I will say, ‘Down boy’ and if no one is around I’ll say, ‘Good boy’.” Lady Godiva sighed and whispered back, “Thank you, Horacio!” “My pleasure, my grace. Actually, now is a fine time if you need to… you know.”

Lady Godiva knew exactly what he meant, but she wasn’t sure she liked the implication that she needed time with the stallion. The goal was to get accustomed to the stallion for longer periods of time and travel, so that she could stand the rather long walk through Coventry to the outskirts of town. It wasn’t to have sex with a horse in the middle of the streets of Coventry. She felt suddenly very flustered and upset, but she realized she was a bit at the mercy of this stable boy at the same time. She tried to swallow her anger, and instead of telling the young boy to take her back immediately, she calmly whispered, “No, thank you, just continue to walk the horse around town.”

Horacio said, “Yes, my Lady. As you wish.” She could sense he seemed slightly dejected by her tone of voice and she suddenly felt awful. He obviously hadn’t meant her any harm, she considered ways to make it up to him. He was a simple boy, and this was surely the most interesting thing that had ever happened to him. She felt badly as he turned the horse around, and continued to walk around the town. It was far more difficult to keep herself steady than she thought it would be. Each step was a sensuous torture. She knew the stallion was having it’s way with her, despite her desperate attempts at keeping herself calm. She was starting to get extremely excited. In just that moment, Horacio said, “Good boy.”

Lady Godiva realized that she wasn’t going to last much longer, and that an orgasm was impending. She huffed, “Horacio, I take it back. Please find me a secluded spot, immediately.” “Yes, my lady. Down boy.” Lady Godiva began to move her hips up and down, almost imperceptibly, as the crowd of people walked around her, until she realized that with each step the horse’s blanket moved quite a bit, so even if she moved a lot, it was unlikely that anyone would notice her. She began to really work her buttox up and down, taking several inches of horse flesh into her with each step. She bit her lip, trying to hold it in, as the horse began to buckle and thrust gently in an odd way. Lady Godiva knew she was close to bringing the horse to orgasm too, but she knew that there were still many people around.

She could feel the horse penis begin to thicken and pulsate firmly inside her. She lifted her buttocks high off her saddle, knowing that no one could see her. She was entranced, and she needed to feel the full extent of the stallion’s girth in her as her orgasm neared. Suddenly she could tell the horse’s balls had tightened and the horse’s steps turned more into a weird sideways gate. Lady Godiva flexed her legs, bringing her buttocks as high up as possible, as the horse began to thrust hard into her. She knew people were all around her, she could hear their voices as the boy said, “Excuse me. Oh, I’m sorry sir. Pardon me. Down boy.” Clearly the horse was having a mind of it’s own and as it thrust into the British royalty, the crowd was none the wiser.

Suddenly, Lady Godiva could take this assault no longer, and with a deep breath, her whole body tensed. She quivered and shook as her whole body climaxed. After several more hard thrusts of the horse’s thick head against her sensitive cervix she began to feel the extremely strong spurts of the horse’s ejaculation squirting against her insides. Rope after rope of hot animal semen erupted into her orgasmic vagina. The two lovers were orgasming in unison right in the middle of the town. Lady Godiva’s body pulsated, including her anus. After several tense moments, she felt the hot flush of semen erupting from her tight vagina. She stifled a moan, to which she heard Horacio say again, “Down boy.” Several more thrusts from the horse further inseminated the young royal, as she continued to milk the beast’s penis for every last ounce of fluids.

Finally she collapsed into her saddle, and tried to breath slowly, but it was hard not to moan loudly. Finally after another minute, Horacio said, “Good boy.” Lady Godiva laughed, “You were a minute too late, Horacio. He has had his way with me.” “I am sorry, my Grace, it was difficult to get through the crowd. I’m sure everyone thought I was a terrible rider, as I made my way through them, and the horse was riding so erratically.” “I’m sorry!” “No, my Lady. I’m the one who’s sorry. He was just very difficult to ride. Normally he’s a lovely ride.” “He’s lovely alright.” Lady Godiva couldn’t believe she had said that, and Horacio didn’t say anything in response. She wished she could see his expression but alas, she was still under the horse and shielded by the blanket.

She felt Horacio jump off the stallion and saw him lift up the blanket. She was shocked by his sudden invasion, although it was clear he knew very well what was going on. Her pussy was filled to the brim with hot horse cumm, and she was still obviously flushed from her orgasm. “Sorry for the intrusion, my Lady.” He wiped some of the balm from the small container he had been given all over the horse penis, which made it move quite a bit in her. She bit her lip and tried to remain perfectly still, but she was sure as he massaged the horse’s penis more semen was oozing out of her. She tried to stay as distinguished as possible during the process, however. Once he was finished he jumped up on the horse again.

She breathed heavily a few more times, and said, “Okay, Horacio, I’m ready. Please continue.” “How much longer would you like to ride, my Lady?” “How long has it been?” “I would suppose it has been one half of an hour, my Lady.” Lady Godiva knew it was only an hour’s ride to the outskirts of town, and she knew she could simply ask to be uncoupled from the animal should it become too much for her, so if she could last an hour, that should be long enough. “Just another quarter of an hour and then back to the stables.” “Yes, my Lady.” Lady Godiva thought for another moment, “And upon arrival, please fetch a mirror for me, if you would.” She realized she had no idea what she looked like under the stallion, and if she intended upon giving a good impression, it might behoove her to know if she was in utter disarray.

They continued walking around for several minutes, winding their way through the busy streets. Lady Godiva felt wonderful, laying with her legs spread open for the virile stallion. She knew what she was doing was right, but she still fought the emotions of desire. She knew her husband would be upset if he knew what she was up to, but it was for the best, and she couldn’t stand the idea of losing another husband. Especially if there was something she could do to stop it. No, she needed to talk to the people of the village.

The ride seemed longer than fifteen minutes, but soon enough she could tell she was approaching the stable, and then she heard the voice of the stable master, who lifted the blanket as Horacio jumped off the horse, “Success, Madam?” Lady Godiva nodded, feeling very horny. He asked, “Shall I untie you?” “No, not quite yet.” Horacio was gone in a flash to fetch a mirror. Her body guard was standing in the corner of the room, silent with a frown on his face. “Is everything alright?” She asked. “I’m concerned about leaving you be for so long with no protection.” “Fear not, I assumed you would escort me to the village.” That seemed to relax Arthur and he nodded with a smile. Soon Horacio was back with the mirror, and she asked him to position it around, so that she could see herself.

He slowly moved it around her so she could see herself from different angles. She would need to wear her hair slightly differently, perhaps wear some gloves and shoes and definitely more jewelry. Then she caught glimpse of her buttocks and legs. She could see her vagina, fat, wet and filled with the horse’s penis. She stiffened slightly in seeing herself. She asked Horacio to stand still, while she watched herself. “I must see what I look like, so I don’t make a fool of myself in front of the villagers.” “Of course, my Lady. I’ll hold still.” He stood perfectly still so that Lady Godiva could raise her hips, and take more of the flesh in her.

She was extremely turned on, although she would never admit as much. She was a lady, and this was for her husband. Yet her sex was giving her away. As she watched, the blood engorged her vulva, wrapping itself tightly around the horse’s member. It was clear she was extremely turned on, because her clitorus was engorged as well. Her body betrayed her true feelings, but even she couldn’t admit that to herself. The horse too began to react to the sudden movements around it’s sensitive penis. Lady Godiva could feel the horse begin to react and thrust into her. It was sudden and took her by surprise, but she held tightly and pushed downward to let the stallion have as much of her as her body could handle. The two made lewd squishing sounds with each thrust. Lady Godiva couldn’t help herself as she moaned gently, her toes curling and her back arching. Soon the tempo increased, and Lady Godiva could feel the horse thickening in her. The thick rubbery head flared deep inside of her, pressing hard against her cervix.

The horse began to thrust harder to the point where the three onlookers were somewhat worried about the frail looking royal Godiva as her half open eyes continued to watch the mirror intently. Her breasts shook violently, and each thrust of the fat penis pushed her closer to the edge. Finally the horse began to make loud coughing sounds as a sudden hot flush of semen erupted from his penis deep into Lady Godiva’s pre orgasmic vaginal canal. The horse continued to thrust as it thrusted and ejaculated ounce after ounce into her. After several more seconds the horse began to relax slightly even as it’s penis was still shooting rope after rope of cumm into her, but Lady Godiva wasn’t finished.

She was amazed when a sudden spurt of liquid began to erupt from the lower half of her vagina, sticking to her skin, her pubic hair and the horse’s member as it drooled onto the floor. That was enough for Lady Godiva. She arched her back once more and with a loud yell she violently shook and held her position with her butt high in the air, as her pussy continued to milk the animal’s penis. Lady Godiva tried to hold perfectly still yet even still there was a lot of movement. The horse’s penis was still pulsating, her vagina was pulsating, her anus was pulsating, and the semen was still drooling out of her.

She slowly lowered her butt back onto the saddle, and breathed heavily as she tried to catch her breath, feeling the horny horse’s ridgid flesh still twitching in her as she did so. She closely examined herself in the mirror. Her pussy was extremely red, and her anus was still gently pulsating as her climax slowly subsided. The semen had covered the bottom half of her vagina almost completely, and during her wild motions it had managed to cover her anus as well. What was previously soft individal blond pubic hairs had combined with the sticky seminal fluids to turn into a matted wet mess that had turned her hair a dark color. She hummed to herself, in delight. It was perfect. She was a complete mess, and she was sure the belly riders would accept her as a real belly rider if she was able to pull this off.

She sighed in relief, as she finally realized what she had just done. She had most definitely just willingly engaged in a very perverse act, un-befitting a lady of her stature in the community. She had defiled herself in front of what were, essentially her servants. But for some reason her heart lept. For the first time in her life she felt free. She asked to be let down, and with a loud sucking sound as her she dislodged the stallion’s penis from her distended sexual organs she was free. She quickly got dressed and said, “Tomorrow please be ready – we ride out at 10. And Arthur, please wear farmer’s clothes. God willing tomorrow we will save my husband.” Everyone murmured that they would obey.

She went and washed herself of her sperm covered vagina, buttocks and legs, as she thought hard about what she was going to do. It would be a long day tomorrow. Several hours later she still continued to wonder if she could really do it, as she brushed her long blond hair, and got into bed with her husband. She kissed him softly and went fast to sleep. She was glad he didn’t feel amorous. He hadn’t asked much of her sexually since the death threats started – something else that had worried her tremendously. Although she honestly believed that she’d be able to save him. She wished she didn’t enjoy it as much as she actually did, though. Or at minimum she wished she could hide the fact that she was so deeply pleasured. Looking at herself in the mirror, she knew everyone could see how turned on she was. She’d just have to try to pretend as best she could. It was the only way to save her husband.


Chapter 3

In the morning, Lady Godiva got dressed in her favorite summery dress, which she knew full well she wouldn’t be wearing much that day. She also neatly tied her hair up in the prettiest way she could. She adorned herself with jewlery, and fine scents. She also wore thin gloves and pretty shoes – her only articles of clothing she intended to wear all day. At the appointed hour she quickly stole away from her husband, and went down to the stable.

Her body guard, Arthur, was standing there, as ordered, wearing clothes only befitting a farmer. Although he did still wear a large weathered overcoat, which concealed his broadsword and a knife. He had smeared some dirt on his face, to give himself a look of authenticity. Lady Godiva was pleased. They had found a new blanket for the horse, that was slightly larger than the previous one, and tied around the front of the horse and the back to secure it better. It also looked weathered, like it belonged to a farmer. The only thing that was out of place was the horse itself, with it’s shiny white coat. But Lady Godiva was convinced no one would notice, long enough for them to travel to the countryside.

The stable master gave Arthur the small container of cream for the stallion’s penis, and waved Lady Godiva to come in. “Ah, my Lady, the day has arrived. Are you quite certain I couldn’t talk you out of this?” “I’m afraid not. I would give anything for my husband, and some mild discomfort or fall from social grace is a small price to pay. Wouldn’t you agree?” He certainly didn’t agree that it was worth being fucked by a horse, but didn’t want to disagree with a woman who was so certain about her purpose.

She took a deep breath and stripped her clothes. The two men watched silently, both waiting for their turns to help her. She was no longer embarrassed by her own nudity in front of them. She had much bigger things on her mind. She slid her dress over her butt and placed it on the wooden table, and then gingerly slid into the belly riding saddle. It was more comfortable than she had remembered. She was getting used to the idea and the feeling. The stable master and Arthur both strapped her ankles and glove covered wrists into place.

Soon the stable master had masturbated the stallion so that it was ready for her. She was more tense than usual, but mostly because she was worried about what was going to happen later that day. She took a deep breath as the horse entered her. Both men breathed deeply too, as if they too had taken a huge horse into their body. But it was clear they were just sincerely worried about how big it was, and how tiny Lady Godiva’s body was in contrast.

The stable master rubbed the balm on the horse’s penis and stood back. Arthur too stood back and said nothing. Lady Godiva was all nerves as she asked, “What’s the matter?” “Nothing, my Lady, you are simply remarkable” said the stable master. Arthur nodded his agreement. Lady Godiva took it as a sincere compliment. She knew that her subtle wardrobe changes had been worthwhile. She clearly felt better about how she looked and the men confirmed that. “Thank you, kind sir. Now if you’re quite ready, shall we continue?” Arthur nodded as he realized it was his turn. He put the horse blanket over Lady Godiva and strapped it into place around the horse’s butt and in front of it’s chest to hold it securely. Both men circled around the beast, trying to see past it and both agreed it was impossible to see Lady Godiva hidden beneath it, mating with the animal.

“If you’re ready, my grace.” “I am, Arthur, let us go.” And with that, the horse took it’s first step forward. Lady Godiva was all butterflies and nerves. Today was the first day anyone outside of her staff would see her, and they would be the same people who hated her husband. She was completely defenseless, except for Arthur, who was strong and brave, but she doubted even he could defend her against an angry mob. She was really putting her life on the line, and she would be completely incapacitated if the situation became dangerous. The best she could hope for would be that her beauty and the fact that she was doing something extremely lewd might keep her alive.

With that terrible thought in her head, she realized she had no idea how far they had walked. And unfortunately she hadn’t set up a system with Arthur, like she had with Horacio. So she bit her lip and tried to remain quiet. People passed close by and even bumped into the horse, and her leg under the blanket occasionally. It was a close call… almost too close. But Lady Godiva began to enjoy the danger of it. She couldn’t admit it to herself, but she knew she was enjoying this more than she should. Every step began to torture the young woman, as the thick cock buried in her moved back and forth. Soon the sounds of the hustle and bustle lessened and although Lady Godiva didn’t know the area well, when she looked down it looked more like a rural path than a town road.

Lady Godiva waited several more minutes, and tried not to breath much. Finally, not being able to bear it any longer, she whispered, “Arthur, are we alone?” Arthur resounded back with a chuckle and a normal speaking voice, “Yes, my Lady, we are well outside of the city limits of Coventry. In fact, this is not a particularly well traveled road. I could probably undo the blanket even now, if you’d like. Lady Godiva froze in fear, thinking about it. Could she really go through with this? She must have been thinking for a while, because Arthur said, “My Lady, did you hear me?” “Yes, Arthur, yes, please remove the blanket.”

Arthur stopped the stallion, and proceeded to undo the blanket’s buckles both in front and behind the stallion. Finally he rolled it off of her and her eyes were nearly blinded by the daylight. It was a warm summer day on the English countryside, and it was broad daylight out. Arthur walked several paces away, leaving the horse and Lady Godiva by themselves, as he hid the blanket off the trail, behind a fallen tree. He quickly returned and crouched down to Lady Godiva, “We’ll return here, and pick the blanket up on our return.” Lady Godiva nodded. She felt like she wanted to cover her breasts with her arms as her nipples stiffened in the warm breeze, but that was a silly thought now. It was her goal to be on display so she could talk to these people on their level.

Arthur continued the walk, towards the little town. After several more minutes, Lady Godiva began to feel extremely horny. She felt extremely free. Her legs were spread out, facing Coventry off in the distance, with a stiff horse penis in her. She felt like she was defying Coventry, but at the same time she loved it, and felt like she was finally showing it what she was really made of. She began to gently move her hips up and down. She was feeling extremely relaxed. Arthur continued to walk beside the stallion as Lady Godiva continued to have sex with it. She was like a woman in heat, suddenly. She began to moan and twist. The leather saddle was making creaking sounds. Arthur suddenly interrupted the moment and asked with a sense of concern, “Do you want me to stop, my grace?” Lady Godiva felt suddenly alert and embarrassed as if she had been caught having a good time, when this was clearly a mission.

“No, Arthur, we must continue. There’s no time to waste. Don’t stop for me. Besides, I must be in proper form so the ladies believe that I am a real belly rider.” She meant, of course, that she needed to be inseminated prior to arrival. He nodded, understanding full well what she meant. She was hoping Arthur would understand her sense of duty, and not see her as a woman who simply wanted to have sex with animals in front of others. But either way, she was glad that she had given herself a solution to having an orgasm right then and there. She continued to lift her buttocks high into the air, giving herself a tremendous amount of pleasure. Before long the horse began to react to her ministrations, and began to walk with a sideways gate.

Lady Godiva began to moan more loudly. No one was around and no one could see her in the dense trees, so she felt more confident in being as loud as she wanted to be. She upped her volume, as she got more into it. She raised her hips high, allowing the best possible angle for the stallion to penetrate her as it began to thrust. She grunted as it bottomed out hard against her cervix. The horse began to orgasm almost immediately, as it thrust hard into her. She quickly followed suit, and began to yell out loudly, feeling her breasts swaying with each thrust. She ground her hips hard against the animal as it injected hot sperm deep into her body. She moaned loudly and continued to shudder and shake. She was so pleased with herself. She was finally ready to meet the people of the village.

She finally collapsed into her saddle, and tried to catch her breath. Arthur stopped the horse and began to apply more balm to it’s long penis to keep it erect longer. He smiled at Lady Godiva and said, “I believe you will impress the belly riders, ma’am.” Lady Godiva blushed. Her pussy was still pulsating, in post orgasmic bliss, and her throat felt a little hoarse from moaning so loudly, but she still couldn’t admit it to herself that this was something she actually enjoyed. Even as she left a trail of semen that had just been injected into her loins, she still felt like belly riding was so far away and foreign to her.

Gradually, after another twenty minutes of riding, the road became a clearing, and they crossed a small bridge, leading them to the tiny villiage that had caused her husband so many woes. Even as they approached, Lady Godiva could sense that these people were extremely poor. Their houses were quaint and small, but also very simple. Finally some people started to come into view. Lady Godiva felt very scared, suddenly. She was in a foreign land, and she was completely nude under a stallion who’s dick was shoved many inches up her cumm soaked vagina. She suddenly felt panic, but she tried to quell her fears.

The villagers began to notice the upcoming farmer, and his horse. She was not immediately noticed until Arthur stopped short, by a few dozen yards and say, “This is the great Lady Godiva, husband of Lord Leofric the third, Earl of Mercia. She has traveled all the way from Coventry to come to speak to you, your village elders and your belly riders. What say you?” There was some murmuring amongst the villagers. They could smell a trap, but clearly, in plain sight was a woman, dressed like a noble in jewelry and with her silk gloves. None had ever seen the Lady Godiva before, so seeing her in this state was a very strange first impression.

Still, one of the villagers said, “One moment, please.” And hustled away, while a larger crowd began to encircle Lady Godiva, making her very uncomfortable. Lady Godiva waited patiently, before a number of people appeared, looking slightly angry. She knew these were the people she had come to meet. “Lady Godiva?” said the least angry looking of the men. “Yes, sir, I am, what is your name?” “I am Leon. Not to sound rude, Lady Godiva, but this is an interesting way to make an entrance, and not that we feel this way about you personally, but your family is not thought of fondly in these woods.”

“I understand, Leon, and I seek to speak to you about my husband, in an open dialog. I had been told you have a small community of belly riders here, and to show my truest intentions, I belly rode from Coventry to your village under this stallion.” Leon looked under the horse and walked around it, inspecting her. Sure enough her pussy was still very wet from the horse ejaculate. She even tensed her buttox slightly several times to show that it wasn’t a trick of any sort as he watched. He stood motionless as she wiggled her bottom at him. She nearly laughed as she said, “I seek your approval, kind sir.”

“Oh!” He looked embarrassed, “You are a remarkable woman, my Lady. The Lord Leofric doesn’t deserve such a beautiful woman. If you would be so kind, come, let us talk.” Lady Godiva felt a huge sense of relief, but she stopped him, “Where are your other belly riders?” “Plowing the fields, ma’am. Shall I fetch them?” Lady Godiva was shocked that women would be plowing fields under their horses, but Arthur had said that he these women were going about their daily tasks under their horses. Surely there was no way these stallions could be put to waste in such a poor community.

“Yes, please. I would very much like to meet these women.” So it was done. Chairs were pulled up near a table in the middle of an open area near one of the small homes and after several minutes two horses, with a woman under each wandered in from the fields. Lady Godiva was amazed that no one was helping them. There was the boy not much older than 18 who had surely alerted them to come in from the fields and had probably unhooked the horses from their plows, but the women were steering their horses from underneath.

The women arrived, and turned their horses around, so their exposed vaginas that were filled with the horses’ penises. Both women were hot, and sweaty looking. Their vaginas were both clearly matted with semen. They wore no clothes or jewelry. They both seemed dark skinned, as if they were from Portugal or Spain. Their skin was covered in a fine dust, probably from the field, and where their sweat had dripped and where the sperm had drooled out of them it had made a black line on either side of the moisture, making them look fairly disheveled. They looked like sisters, and upon introductions she confirmed that they were indeed twins, named Maria and Marta, further making Lady Godiva believe they were from Latin decent. Lady Godiva could not help but notice that both of the women who were in the mid 20’s were slowly raising and lowering their buttocks, even as they introduced themselves. Lady Godiva slightly wiggled hers in response, but felt very awkward in doing so.

“Lord Leofric has put you out to stud, my Lady?” Lady Godiva was shocked by the question, but she wasn’t quite sure why. “No, of course not, I came here on my own. I heard there were belly riders here and I wanted to show that I am not above your people. I would like to find some way to work together for peace.” The two women continued to bob their butts up and down, as she talked, taking the full girth of their horses into them as they did so. The elder said, “That’s a wonderful idea, Lady Godiva. We are very receptive to your idea. Perhaps we should talk about our problems with your husband’s taxation on our peoples.”

“Yes, please, do tell.” The elder began to tell stories about how the community had gone through several seasons of drought, and how all but the bare necessities had been sold. Maria chimed in, “I had to sell two of my horses. Now both Marta and I have only two horses a piece. Spending all day under only two horses is very difficult on the horses and us both. Especially without the expensive balm.” Lady Godiva nodded, understanding their problem, “How long have you been belly riding?” Maria smiled and as she continued to hump her body up and down she said, “Since we turned 18. We asked for belly riding horses from our mother, who gave us both stallions for our birthday. We come from a long line of belly riders. Our mother before us and our grandmother could often by found out in the pasture. They have both passed away now, but we have kept their legacy alive as best we can.”

Marta nodded, “I wanted to be an actress when I was younger. But because our village needed everything we could give, I had to put my dreams aside, sell several of my horses, and start plowing the fields. Instead of being on stage, belly riding for the whole village to enjoy, I spend most of my days making sure we are tilling in straight lines. Which, as you can imagine, is very difficult to do under a stallion.” Lady Godiva could tell Marta’s horse was getting excited by her motions and it began to hump into her hard, but Marta didn’t stop talking once, or even flinch with the violent thrusts, “We realized there was a higher calling. Our village needed us.” The horse began to buck, and thrust even more wildly, but Marta barely seemed to notice. Lady Godiva was amazed as the cool headed Marta as she continued.

“So we talked with the elders, and it was decided that they wanted to continue the spirit of the belly riding community, but we would need to do our share. It was the least we could do. Oh, excuse me for a moment, my grace.” The horse was obviously ejaculating deep into Marta’s body, and she wrestled to hold herself still as she began to moan and shake. The two were entangled and clearly orgasming in unison, although Lady Godiva could hardly believe the pretty young woman could be so calm leading up to an orgasm like that. Out of courtesy to the belly rider, everyone waited for her orgasm to subside and didn’t say a word. Lady Godiva couldn’t help herself, she began to move her hips, absently as she saw a huge flash of semen erupt from Marta’s vagina.

After several more tense moments Marta’s caught her breath and without taking even a moment’s rest, she said, “Again, I apologize. Anyway, we discussed it with the elders and we decided that plowing was an easy way for us to contribute the resources of our stallions, even if it meant we could no longer wander freely.” Lady Godiva continued to rock her hips as she spoke, but no where near as much as Maria who was quite clearly egging her horse on. “So you wanted to act while belly riding?” “Yes, Ma’am, I did, the idea of having such an intimate moment in front of so many people while saying your lines… Well, there is no greater challenge that I know of.” Lady Godiva was quite certain Marta would have made a wonderful actress – she was beautiful, and she barely skipped a beat, even while the giant animal was inseminating her.

Maria chimed in even as her own horse was beginning to start to react to her wild movements, “And I wanted to be a music teacher. Teaching people how to sing has always been a gift of mine. I taught our older brother how to read music in just a few months, and he moved off to Coventry where he helps run a shop there.” Lady Godiva just could not picture sending her people to school to learn from a woman who was having such open intercourse with an animal. Still, she was turned on by watching Maria tell her story and even more by watching the stallion who was beginning to thrust it’s cock deep into her.

Maria continued to tell a very similar story to Marta, but Lady Godiva could only pay attention to the animal who was aggressively pummeling poor Maria’s insides with it’s huge cock. Lady Godiva could tell the animal was injecting Maria with it’s virile seed as Maria finished up her story, “… so Marta and I agreed to use our belly riding skills to help the village and plow the fields. Excuse me one moment.” Maria began to tense as her own orgasm overtook her. She was very similar to Marta in the way she orgasmed and moaned. Lady Godiva was impressed by the twins, and started lifting her butt in approval, taking the huge horse’s penis openly and much more vigorously than she had since she arrived.

Maria huffed and breathed deeply as she said, “Now, Lady Godiva, do you think you can help us regain our heritage? Can you release the burden of these terrible taxes your husband has inflicted on our people?” Lady Godiva felt her horse start to react to her movements, as she tried to think of how she wanted to answer the question. Of course she had the best of intentions but how? Suddenly the horse began to thrust quickly, and before she could even get herself ready for an orgasm the horse was already ejaculating. Lady Godiva looked upset, because she was no where near ready, and she let her butt drop to the saddle, feeling slightly dejected.

Maria laughed, “My grace, you have terrible taste in lovers it seems. First your husband’s taxes, and now your stallion was premature.” Lady Godiva didn’t know what to say, but Maria didn’t let her answer she called one of the 18 year old boys over who had pulled them from the fields and asked him to bring her other stallion over. No sooner had she said it than the boy was off like a flash. Lady Godiva didn’t know what to say, but she tried to be polite and not ask either, she just had a dumb look on her face as a fresh load of horse semen began to ooze out of her. The boy came around the corner of a building with a huge animal. It was similar in size to Marta’s and Maria’s horse, but was almost a foot taller than the royal steed.

Marta said, “Maria’s horse was born and raised to be a belly riding horse. It may not be as expensive as your horse, but it took years to train it.” Maria smiled, “Please, your grace, let us switch horses. This one will suit you much better. Also, the saddle you’re using is new, and is missing several things that make it easier to ride. My saddle is much older, softer and easier to use if you must navigate by yourself.” Lady Godiva didn’t know what to say, but she felt humbled in the presence of such hospitality. She asked Arthur to untie her, which he did. She pulled herself free of her stallion, unleashing the semen that had been dammed up in her.

“I don’t know what to say. Thank you, Maria!” Lady Godiva thought for a moment, and then she proceeded to remove her shoes, her gloves, and her jewelry onto the table. It was worth much more than the stallion was, she was sure of it. In fact perhaps ten times as much. But she felt it was a solid token of her thankfulness. “Perhaps this will help purchase back a few stallions or pay for some food for your families.” Everyone murmured happily and thanked her. She slipped under the much larger stallion that Maria had given to her, and just as Maria said, the saddle was far superior. It wasn’t just better constructed, it was also far nicer on her skin because it had been worn.

Arthur tied her up to her new beast, and began to masturbate it. All of this attention was really getting to Lady Godiva as the horse’s penis finally met her open, semen coated vulva. This horse wasn’t only bigger, Lady Godiva realized, it also had a penis that was easily an inch thicker around, making it far harder to enter her. But once it did, she realized why the twins had chosen this horse over just any pure bred stallion. She couldn’t help but gently lift her buttocks several times to get used to the girth. Maria noted, “He is a big animal, but while you can never really train stallions, he’s delightfully attentive and gentle for his size.”

Lady Godiva could already tell that it was true. The animal seemed to respond to every flinch and every movement she made. It was almost imperceptible, but sure enough the animal was moving ever so slightly with each of Lady Godiva’s thrusts. She wanted to cumm almost immediately, but tried to hold off, as she suddenly had an epiphany, “I’ve got it!” The people looked at her as if she were crazy for a moment. Lady Godiva continued, “I’ll make my husband withdraw the taxes by enticing him with belly riding. He will ask me to do it if I talk to him about it, never letting on, of course, that I have been doing it for days now, and that will be my bargaining chip. I will fool him!” Everyone seemed to think it was an idea worth thinking about, except for Arthur, who no doubt thought it was a terrible idea. The idea wasn’t well flushed out even in her mind, but she’d come up with something.

The eldest said, “Lady Godiva, our people have met true greatness today. That you would take it upon yourself to care so much for our lowly peoples gives me tremendous pride to be part of the land you help govern.” Lady Godiva felt like she was on the cusp of a huge orgasm, and thankfully the stallion inside her began to thrust deeply. She could feel his veiny cock jabbing deeply and pushing her cervix hard at the height of each thrust. She thanked God that she had had a few days to practice on a smaller stallion, because he was so big that she felt like he would split her in two. She was also glad the other stallion had already inseminated her which acted like lubrication as the stallion began to buck and thrust harder. And then he began to grow inside her. Her eyes opened wide, as the huge stallion’s penis began to flare in her and with the huge pelvic muscles deep in the horse’s body it’s pulsations nearly lifted her whole body.

She was now completely at the mercy of this strange animal as it pushed her closer and closer to the edge. Lady Godiva did everything she could to hold herself off until the last possible second and then finally with a loud grunt the stallion erupted in Lady Godiva’s pussy, coating her insides with jet after jet of hot semen. He was absolutely huge inside of her. She hadn’t felt any penis that big in her pussy. Lady Godiva moaned loudly, and twisted and arched her back and with one last thrust, she too began to climax. Her toes curled, her butt flexed and in one amazing moment, she felt like she was flying. She lifted her hips so high they met the coarse belly hair of the horse who was trying it’s best to impregnate her.

So too was Lady Godiva doing her best to let the animal’s ejaculate enter her womb and inseminate her. She quivered and bucked and with each pulse of her pussy, her cervix drew more of the animal’s seed into her womb. She was completely possessed. The animal continued to erupt in her, with rope after rope of the sticky fluids. She continued to climax and moan, even as the horse finally began to calm down. She felt like she could cumm for another hour straight, but she was suddenly very embarrassed by her situation, because the horse was no longer moving. She still wanted to continue her orgasm, but she thought it was rude, embarrassing, and if she continued she was sure she’d give away the fact that she really truly was enjoying herself. Perhaps even more than she should. She also realized no one had said a word in over five minutes as each and every person quietly watched her politely. Apparently it was the belly rider way – no one interrupted the women while they were having their orgasm. It seemed polite, but also very awkward.

She slowly lowered her butt, even though she was still shuddering in post orgasmic lust. Her stomach was still flexing and moving as she could feel the horse’s penis settle gently against her G spot. Her anus was pulsating and spasming too as she felt the slick seminal fluids ooze out of her and cool in the air. She could feel the matted mess that was her pubic hair, sticking to her skin in places, and to the horse’s penis that was still very much lodged in her. She blushed furiously, and said breathlessly, “I’m sorry, I just got… carried… away for a moment.” Maria smiled, “I’m glad we were here to see your first mating. He seems to be a good fit for you. May it be the first of many to come.” Lady Godiva thought that the new stallion was far too big in girth for her, but that certainly hadn’t stopped her from having an intense orgasm. Maybe she could get used to him, but he also might split her in half before she ever got around to trying to get used to him.

Lady Godiva politely thanked Maria but Maria gave her a stern but funny warning, “My mother always warned us about this line of stallions: that women who ride them often end up wanting to give up their bodies to them indefinitely and often end up desiring to impregnate themselves with the horse’s offspring.” Lady Godiva laughed but when she saw Maria not smiling, she wondered if it might be true. Neither of the twins looked married with the absence of rings. Although perhaps they actually were indeed not just mated to but also married to their stallions. Lady Godiva still smiled politely and said, “I will take your words of caution seriously.” That seemed to satisfy Maria who said, “Just ask my father.”

Lady Godiva had no idea what Maria was talking about or who her father was until she nodded towards the elder who had been leading the conversation on behalf of their village. She was shocked, “Oh! I hadn’t realized.” “It’s okay,” the man said, “I’m proud of my daughters. They take after their grandmother and my wife. Their grandmother immigrated from Spain when she was a teenager, and I married her daughter a number of years later. It was only a few years after our marriage that my wife’s mother decided she wanted to start belly riding again, since she missed it. Soon after my wife decided to take a horse as a lover as well. My wife’s mother used to do it when she was a teenager back in Spain and many of the women in their family did as well. At first it was difficult for me and my parents but gradually I came to accept it and love them for who they were, as did our community. My daughters are doing their best to live up to the traditions of their family, with all the hardships that come with their decision. Now I couldn’t imagine our community any other way.”

Lady Godiva felt ashamed. She had just had sex with horses to talk to them, she didn’t realize she was treading on family traditions that went back many generations. “I had no idea, and I’m sorry that my husband’s taxation has been such a burden on you and your traditions here. Please believe me that I will do the best I can to help both your families and your traditions thrive.” With that, the meeting was over, but Maria and Marta offered to help Lady Godiva learn how to steer the horse while impaled on it. Lady Godiva felt honored but embarrassed by the offer. She finally accepted after they pressured her and for the next half an hour they walked with her showing her how the reigns could be manipulated and how to press the horse with her legs to steer it. After a while she began to get used to it and could even turn the horse around, and make it back up. She was amazed how easy it was, even though she felt distracted by the horse’s giant penis and the the sperm that was still freshly matting her pubic hair.

Lady Godiva profusely thanked the women who bobbed their butts up and down, thrusting their hips upwards, and waving their fingers and toes as they said goodbye. Lady Godiva did the same – thrusting her hips upwards and waving her fingers and toes. It was fun to do at the same time, and odd sensation but fun.


Chapter 4

When Arthur and Lady Godiva were out of eyesight of the village, she stopped the horse and a near panic she said, “Arthur, please remove this animal from me, immediately. It’s simply immodest.” She wasn’t sure why, but she was suddenly very self conscious about what she was doing, plus the giant animal was far bigger than her previous stallion and it was overwhelming. He mirrored her look of panic as he quickly kneeled down and with some pushing of her butt and pulling of the horse’s giant cock, after a loud sucking sound she was free, however just as the stallion was pulled free it tensed and thrusted overwhelming Arthur.

The slippery cock slid out of his hands and landed on Lady Godiva’s stomach where a small amount of sperm oozed out of the horse’s erection and as it smacked against her it left a giant wet mark across her pubic hair and stomach. The horse thrusted a few times, rubbing the length of his huge erection over Lady Godiva’s pubic mound and clitorus as she rocked her hips upwards trying to fend off the huge erection. “Sorry, my grace!” Arthur struggled for several more seconds and after fighting with the overwhelmingly large animal he managed to pull the horse’s penis down so it was beneath her. Her gaping hole drooled out sperm for several seconds as she sighed and laid back in her saddle. Lady Godiva sighed deeply. It felt wonderful to be free of the torture. This stallion was just so much bigger than the other stallion, it was nearly all she could do to stand it.

“Thank you, sir. Now that we have accomplished our task, I see no need to continue. Although leave me under here. I don’t want to walk with my bare feet.” Arthur nodded silently and they continued walking. After a few minutes of walking the horse’s still semi-erect penis bounced up and down, slapping hard against her buttocks, leaving red marks and smearing horse penis shaped swaths of semen where it slapped. She hadn’t been slapped that hard on the bottom since she was a child. It felt strangely nice, especially the cool feeling of the semen evaporating in the afternoon air at the same time as the warmth of her skin where the slaps had landed.

She began to feel horny again, feeling even more exposed than normal as her open vagina continued to ooze out small amounts of the seed the two horses had inseminated her with. She also continued to wave her fingers and toes, which felt funny to do at the same time. She felt alive, and like she was misbehaving. She watched the horse’s penis retract, with some disappointment. They walked in silence for some time, and with her draining pussy in view of the world. From her field of view she could see her seminal fluid covered stomach and matted blond pubic hair that had a pretty strand of translucent sperm running through it. It stood out nicely against the horse’s balls as they rocked back and forth with each step.

Lady Godiva suddenly felt very empty inside and horny again. Although the horse was no longer inside her, she instinctively rocked her hips. She couldn’t believe herself. She still wanted to be fucked by the stallion, even though she couldn’t stand it even just ten minutes earlier. But now she was stuck. She had told Arthur that this was all just to talk to the people of the village. What would he think if she had to admit that she wanted to have sex with a horse, and for no other reason than she just really wanted to? Could she even let herself do that? She was supposed to be a lady! She was supposed to be an cornerstone of morals and virtue. She felt butterflies in her stomach like she had never felt before. The more she fought it the more she knew she wanted it. She suddenly heard herself talking, “Arthur, has this adventure been a terrible thing for you?”

“Terrible my lady? No, not at all. Why would you ask?” “I mean… seeing me with a horse… it must be hard.” “My Lady, I hope I have not given you the idea that I have been burdened by your task. Aside from my concern for your well being, nothing about the last few days has been difficult.” That wasn’t quite what Lady Godiva was getting at. She tried again, “I mean, seeing me with a stallion. I must disgust you.” “To be honest, I thought it was definitely beneath you at first, but it has grown on me, and now I feel differently. You have proven me wrong – belly riding is an interesting tradition.” “So you don’t mind if I am with horses?” “No, my lady, I don’t mind at all, and I hope that I have not dissuaded you in any way.”

Lady Godiva swallowed hard. Could she really ask? “Arthur, would you do me a favor in that case? If you really don’t mind that is… Could you please get the stallion ready for me again?” Arthur stopped in his tracks. He actually looked shocked, “But I thought you would never do this again?” Lady Godiva blushed hard, she had been caught, she knew Arthur knew the truth about her. She wanted to cover her breasts but she couldn’t, “I know. I’m sorry.” “No, my lady, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to sound derogatory. I was simply under the impression this was just for your husband’s sake. Now that I know you do enjoy the comfort that a horse provides as a mate I shall aid you to that end.” Lady Godiva wished he hadn’t said the word mate, but she didn’t need any more convincing, “Good, now please get him ready for me.”

Arthur stooped down and began to massage the stallion. Lady Godiva moved her hips in small circles. She was incredibly turned on, and she was getting impatient. But before long the stallion’s penis began to emerge, and before long, Arthur had gotten the horse’s erection hard enough to begin pushing against Lady Godiva’s labia. The horse’s penis was so wet from his own ejaculate and Lady Godiva’s vaginal juices and her vagina was still covered in sperm, that it was extremely hard to get the two mated. Plus the horse was quite a bit bigger than the other horse, so it took several tries, frustrating Lady Godiva and Arthur both, as he tried to push her labia aside with the penis and still push into her at the same time. Lady Godiva wished her hands were free to spread her vagina apart for him, and she could tell he was being polite by not doing it for her, “Please, just open me up for him, will you, Arthur?”

“Yes, my grace.” He took his other hand and began to probe into her pussy. Lady Godiva arched her back slightly with the new sensation of Arthur’s strong fingers as they entered her and held her labia open so that she could mate with the animal. His fingers quickly covered with her lubrication and the horse semen that still coated her insides. Finally with one last push and a gasp from Lady Godiva, Arthur was able to join the inter species lovers. She was in heaven. She quickly made circles, taking inch after inch into her until she finally felt the stallion’s penis resting against her cervix again, “Whew,” she panted. “All set, my Lady?” “Yes, Arthur, and thank you.” “Of course, my Lady, I’m glad you’re happy.” Lady Godiva smiled prettily. She was happy, she realized. She felt whole, happy and free. Being buck naked on an abandoned road in the middle of a pretty forest with a horse dick in her was just about the best thing she could possibly imagine.

She rocked her hips upwards, thrusting to give the horse and herself pleasure as she thought. She would have to figure out a way to do this more often. But how and continue to maintain her stature in the community? As they walked on, and her sling swung gently back and forth with each step, driving both her and her stallion closer to orgasm, she began to have deviant thoughts about what would happen if she rode through the streets of Coventry wearing nothing but her jewelery, with a horse dick in her, and sperm dripping out of her. She was so horny thinking about it that she began to climax almost out of the blue. She moaned and bucked as she looked over at Arthur, who leaned down and smiled back at her. She stopped moving. She wanted the horse to stay pent up for a little while longer.

Even after they came to the place where Arthur had dropped the blanket and he fastened it in place, Lady Godiva was plotting, Yes, she thought, she would have to try to figure out a way to belly ride through the streets. But there were so many things to think about, so many dangers. After a few more minutes Lady Godiva felt like she needed another orgasm. Lady Godiva giggled as she tried to open her legs wider for her chosen mate. She was suddenly like a school girl, sneaking away with her boyfriend. It suddenly seemed new and exciting. She almost wanted to get caught. Lady Godiva could hear the people of Coventry getting closer and suddenly she knew she was surrounded on all sides by people.

That was Lady Godiva’s cue. She began to work her hips up and down, as quickly as she could, taking as much of the horse’s erection into her as she could before she rocked her hips downward. The horse thrust harder and Lady Godiva held herself almost completely still, with the exception of some movements of her hips. She saw the stallion’s balls tightening, and she said out loud, almost mistakenly, “Give it to me!” “Excuse me, my Lady,” he whispered through the horse blanket that shrouded her. She was incredibly embarrassed as she whispered back, “Oh, never mind, Arthur…” “Okay, we are in Coventry now. It might be best to remain quiet.”

She felt her orgasm impending as they walked on as the horse began to thicken in her. She could feel the horse’s head flaring inside her, pushing hard against her cervix. She wanted to moan so badly. Knowing that Arthur knew her dirty secret really aroused her. The stallion began to buck slightly and haunch forward, driving him hard against her. She still wasn’t at all used to this treatment, and certainly not by an animal as big and strong and well endowed as this stallion. The horse thrusted in her several more times, working the few inches of it’s long penis back and forth, massaging itself with her semen soaked vaginal walls. Lady Godiva heard the people of Coventry fading away, and all of a sudden Arthur was removing the horse’s blanket, revealing her nudity and their sexual act to the stable.

The stable master was standing there with a smile on his face, waiting to hear the news, but Lady Godiva’s face and chest were flushed and the horse was fucking her hard. He said with a laugh, “You left with a thoroughbred stallion and you came back thoroughly bred by a different stallion!” Lady Godiva would have laughed but just as he said that the horse began to inseminate her pussy. A hot splash of gooey ejaculate erupted from the tip of the horse’s penis deep within her body. It quickly filled up the little amount of space left in her vaginal canal, just as she began to have her own orgasm. The walls of her vagina pulsated and milked the horse’s climaxing erection. At the same time her cervix sucked directly from the opening of the horse’s surpring penis.

Her uterus was quickly filling with squirt after squirt of the fresh animal semen. Just at that moment there was a flash of darkness at the door and before anyone could say or do anything, Wulvia, Godiva’s sister, entered the barn, obviously looking for Godiva. Lady Godiva froze, even as the horse continued to thrust into her body. It took a moment for Wulvia’s eyes to adjust but then she saw Lady Godiva under the climaxing horse, legs wide, pussy exposed and a look of surprise and embarrassment on her face. “Godiva! What are you doing?!” Lady Godiva opened her mouth, but couldn’t stop from uttering a very loud groan of pleasure, “Ooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhh…. Sister!”


Chapter 5

Wulvia was surprisingly nice when Godiva had managed to get herself uncoupled from the horse. It was an akward minute or so before the horse had finished ejaculating in her before she could get free of the stallion, but once Arthur and the stable master had untied her wrists and ankles, Lady Godiva quickly got dressed and grabbed Wulvia by the wrist and dragged her back to her room, where they talked for an hour. Lady Godiva told Wulvia all about what had happened, how she had convinced the people of the village not to kill her husband, but rather, she had to figure out a way to stop her husband from taxation. She told Wulvia all about the belly riding, why it had started and how it had ended in her being unceremoniously caught by her own sister.

Lady Godiva went to wash herself as her sister watched. There was still over a cup of sperm in her uterus that slowly drained out of her for nearly half an hour, as she simply stood straddling a bowl she had placed on the floor. A long strand of horse semen continuously drooled out of her for nearly half an hour as they talked. Wulvia said almost nothing for the entire time they talked until she asked Godiva, “Do you like being with horses?” Lady Godiva knew she could never lie to her sister so she frowned and said, “Yes. I know that makes me a terrible Catholic, but I love it, Wulvia.” “Well then, I suspect your next step should be the church. If you can convince them, there’s nothing stopping you. The only reason not to, is if your husband forbids it, or if the moral authority prohibits it.” “So you don’t think I’m simply awful?” “Of course not. It was surprising, to be sure. But I still love you. I just wish you had told me first before going off into the woods with only Arthur to protect you.”

Lady Godiva and Wulvia talked for hours and Godiva told her sister all the gory details of her sexual experience, as Wulvia listened patiently. It was a lot of fun, Godiva realized. Telling her sister was wonderful. Lady Godiva decided Wulvia was right, and she wanted to take care of this before dark. She got dressed and went down to the church. She requested to speak with the Deacon Smith. When they were finally alone in his office Lady Godiva nearly broke down in tears as she began to tell her story, “Father, I have been terribly beastly. I know it is wrong and the bible prohibits it, but is there any forgiveness for women who sleep with horses?” The Deacon was taken aback by her question, “My dear, have you…?” “Yes.” “I see.” He straightened his back and thought for a moment.

“Can you tell me more? When did this happen?” “It started two days ago, then again yesterday and today.” I see, and how many times today? “Four times. Two with each horse.” “Each horse?!” “Yes, I had intercourse with two horses today. Just a few hours ago. Can I gain forgiveness?” The Deacon sighed heavily, not knowing what to say, “And why did you do this?” “For the people, Father. I did it to learn who wanted to assassinate my husband. I was told they had sex with horses, and to come to them on equal footing I needed to show them I was not above them. Then they opened their arms to me and told me it was indeed the taxes which caused them to conspire against him.” “I see, yes, these taxes have hurt everyone, including the church which relies on donations from the people, as well as wealthy individuals, such as you and your husband. So… this wasn’t a selfish act?” “No, Father, and now I’m afraid I need to do it again.” “Why is that, my dear?” “I need to get my husband to lower the taxes on the people, so that they won’t kill him, and I’m afraid the only thing that will work is a public display of my will. This is the only way. Am I going to hell?”

The Deacon stood up and walked over to a set of books against the wall, as if he were perusing them. He then walked over to the window and looked out of it, as the light started to fade. Finally he spoke without looking at her, “The bible says that you should not lay with animals. Did you actually lay down with these horses?” “Oh, no Father, I absolutely did not.” “Well, then,” he turned around with a slightly disingenuous smile on his face, “You have no sin to be guilty of. The church supports you and your efforts, especially if they are for the good of others.” Lady Godiva frowned as if she didn’t understand at first, but then all of a sudden she totally understood. If her husband lowered the taxes, that would mean people would be able to afford more for the church. It would make them more money. So she smiled back and said, “So if I ride through the streets of Coventry, will you wait for me on the footsteps of our home with open arms, as a child of God?”

“I still cannot condone acts against the bible, but as long as you do not lie down with the animal in question, I do not see why the church would be upset with you. But I would also suggest that if you do this, you also consider how the people see this as well. I would architect a solution that gives your story the best possible feel by the public.” Lady Godiva could sense that he wanted her to lie. She smiled and said, “Yes, Father, I will do exactly that.” The Deacon smiled, “Well then, shall I see you around town tomorrow?” Lady Godiva got that sense of butterflies in her stomach once again, just like when she had told Arthur her true feelings. “Yes, Father, I will be out and about tomorrow. I would suggest being at the steps to our house tomorrow around eight in the morning.” “Great, thank you for talking to me first.” “My pleasure, Father. See you tomorrow.”

And with that, Lady Godiva walked home to find her husband. She found him at his desk in his office, doing some paperwork, somewhat absently. She nearly scared him when she walked in. “My lord?” “Oh! Yes! Hello, Godiva. How are you?” “Not well my Lord.” “No? Sit. Tell me.” She sat down modestly, with her hands folded in her lap. “I would do anything to see these taxes go away.” “Oh? Why?” “I’m concerned about your health. You seem distracted ever since you enacted the new taxes. And I would do anything to get my husband’s happiness back.” “Anything, huh?” “Yes…” She paused and swallowed hard, “I would even ride naked through the streets of Coventry.” Leofric laughed, “Surely you jest!” “No, sir, I am deadly serious about this. I will ride through the streets of Coventry, with nary a stitch of clothing on tomorrow at seven. I will ride through the streets of Coventry and meet you at the steps of the house at eight, if you will end these taxes.”

Leofric sat back in his chair amused, “I see you have thought this through.” “Yes, I have, my Lord. And I will continue to do so every summer day that it is warm enough to do so going forward, if you will end these taxes.” “Now that, I would like to see.” “Then we have an agreement?” He laughed again, “You’re serious?” “Yes, my Lord. Do we have an agreement?” He smiled, “Yes. I will see you on the steps at eight.” “Thank you, Leofric, I will see you then!” It was a silly greeting goodbye, because she would see him in less than an hour when it was time for bed.

She immediately found Arthur and told him to ride around town and tell anyone he could find that Lady Godiva intended to ride nude through through the streets of Coventry at seven in the morning. She told him to tell everyone that if she did so, the Lord Leofric himself said he would lift the land from his heavy taxes. But even when bedtime came, Godiva and Leofric said almost nothing, trying to feel one another out. She felt bad not telling him that she was going to be belly riding, but she thought it best if he not know that she intended to have sex with an animal in public. Lady Godiva could hardly sleep, but she was also exhausted from her day, and she finally managed to drift off.


Chapter 6

The next morning, Lady Godiva ate her breakfast while noticing that her maidens were averting their eyes from her. “What’s the matter?” “Oh, nothing, My Lady.” “What is it?” “It’s just… we heard a rumor.” Lady Godiva swallowed hard. She had totally forgotten that people in the house would certainly find out, immediately. And they had. Lady Godiva was sure, everyone from the cooks to the guards knew. “I see, well it will be a spectacle. Do you intend to watch?” “Oh, I don’t know, Ma’am, I have to take care of the house work.” Lady Godiva thought about it and decided it was already too late. No, it was best that everyone found out all at once, “I encourage you to bring the staff outside at Eight. Now I must be off.”

Lady Godiva walked by Leofric’s office and he saw her. He appeared to be writing something – perhaps a speech. Their eyes met, and Lady Godiva half wanted to throw herself at his feet and tell him the truth, but that was too hard. It was too late, she had chosen her fate, so she just smiled, and curtsyed, “Eight then?” “Eight it is.” Lady Godiva curtsyed again and headed down to the barn where Wulvia, Arthur and a the stable master awaited her. She looked around and said, “Let’s get ready.” Wulvia helped her out of her dress, and within a few minutes she was free of all her clothes. She stood nude, with only her jewelery on. She massaged her breasts and nipples for a moment before she took a deep breath and cautiously climbed under the horse. She got herself situated in the saddle. Arthur had already started masturbating the stallion so she simply started to work herself down the hard shaft. After a few tense moments, she managed to get the massive horse head past her labia, which made everyone sigh with relief.

She gently worked herself down the stiff pole by rotating her hips and gently sliding further and further down, until she felt the familiar and slightly uncomfortable feeling of the horse against her cervix. Arthur rubbed the balm all over the animal’s thick shaft. She was completely impaled on the girth of the animal as he did so, so the subtle motions of Arthur’s hand up and down the long shaft drove small vibrations through her loins. She lifted her legs high so she could get her ankles strapped into place, and then her wrists. She asked Arthur to put the horse blanket over her, so they could ride to the edge of town and then walk towards the house. They did exactly as she asked. She was soon enough shrouded in darkness. She tried to remain perfectly still as she was lead out of the stable. Wulvia and Arthur lead the horse down the side alley and around the edge of town. It took quite a while, but just when the church bells began to ring seven, they reached the road leading them back into Coventry, and towards the footsteps of her house.

Arthur removed the horse blanket, rolled it up and placed it out of sight by the edge of the road, saying that he could pick it up later. That didn’t calm Lady Godiva’s nerves, but she nodded anyway. With that she took a deep breath and like she had done before, she nudge the horse forward, and began to steer it by herself, from underneath, while impaled. She started to hear people come nearer, and suddenly there was a roar of laughter and cheering. It seemed like every person in the whole town had come to see her. The streets were lined with people. Wulvia and Arthur walked in front of the stallion, trying to open a wedge to let her through. The people were shocked by what they saw. She was true to her word. Her hair was tied up, prettily, her jewelery was perfect, but that was the only thing the people recognized about her. She was stark naked, underneath a stallion, pleasuring herself and the stallion at the same time.

She did her best to smile and wave with her fingertips and toes, like she had seen Maria and Marta do the day before. It felt cute and it made her happy to do so. Surprisingly people seemed to be not that upset. Many people were so shocked that they covered their eyes or their mouths. Surely, she had surprised everyone, beyond even their expectations. They were likely expecting her to be naked, atop her steed, her long blond hair covering most of her body. They weren’t expecting to see her blond pubic hair, agape, stuffed to the brim with rigid horse flesh. She began to get extremely turned on. She looked at all the faces, and smiled prettily. She was so excited that she began to even rotate her hips gently. She was actually proud of herself, and her body. She was glad she could show herself to her people, and be one with them. She wasn’t above them, she was quite literally below them.

Slowly she began to increase her tempo, as she raised and lowered her hips. She had been dreaming about this moment since the day before, and could scarcely believe it was coming true. She continued faster movements, up and down. She decided that she wanted to take a turn and she guided her horse, inelegantly around a corner, and down an alley. People followed her and more people appeared at the end of the alley at the next street. She intended to walk through a large part of the town, before her hour was up. If she never belly rode again, she was going to make the best possible use of her hour. Twenty minutes turned into half an hour, and the crowds continue to follow her. People continued to cheer when they saw her. She registered complete shock on at least half of the women, and laughter and delight on most of the faces of the men.

She decided that she wanted to have an orgasm, and soon. Arthur and Wulvia continued to walk in front of her, clearing the way, for Lady Godiva’s perverse parade through the streets. Her breasts giggled, as she continued to work her pussy up and down the thick horse’s penis. Finally she began to feel the horse begin to react to her vaginal massage. She could feel him widening in her, and before long she began to feel the horse’s head flaring inside of her. She knew he was close to an orgasm, but she didn’t want to let anyone know until the last possible second. She renewed her vigor and worked her hips up and down faster. The animal finally almost buckled under the weight of Lady Godiva and it’s own impending orgasm. It caught itself and began to thrust violently into Godiva’s vulnerable hole.

Lady Godiva tried to push away from him on the height of his thrusts to give him some room to penetrate her, but it was simply no use. She was completely trapped and the animal was going to inseminate her, no matter what. She was out of control. She felt like she was swimming, and almost despite herself she continued to thrust backwards, and raise her hips, allowing her stallion to thrust into her with as much vigor as he could muster. She began to moan gently, but her own voice scared her. She looked around, but no one seemed to even really notice. Maybe it was weird that she wasn’t moaning, and when she moaned, it actually made more sense to everyone around her. So she moaned louder, and looked around at the faces who were all still cheering and laughing and looking shocked.

So she moaned again and again, and finally, with one last glimpse at their faces, she closed her eyes and let herself go. She had no idea where the horse was headed, or where she would end up, but she knew she was going to have a huge orgasm. The horse thrust harder and quicker into Lady Godiva’s open pussy, it’s balls slapping against it’s legs and cock. Godiva’s toes began to curl, and she could feel her orgasm approaching. Finally, with a few more last haunches, the horse’s cock exploded with hot semen into her wet vagina. She screamed and arched her back, lifting her butt high into the air. Her orgasm shook her, as her stomach and butt tensed hard. Her pussy convulsed and sucked at the spurting animal’s penis. Godiva’s body sucked up the animal’s ejaculate, as it tried it’s best to impregnate her on the best lover she had ever had.

She held her butt high in the air as the stallion continued to fuck ounce after ounce of the hot cumm into her body and she continued to drink up every last drop that her body could. Her whole body, rippled and spasmed. Finally, and with an oddly abrupt movement the horse stopped walking but continued to thrust into her. Lady Godiva’s eyes flew open. The crowd roared as a small squirt of spemen erupted from around her labia, covering the horse’s penis, and her own pubic hair as it made it’s way down the crack of her butt, onto her anus and down onto the streets of Coventry. The crowd had grown to nearly a thousand people, but she could only see a few hundred deep. She had managed to steer the stallion into a corner, and Wulvia and Arthur did their best to rescue her and turn her around. Godiva blushed hard, as the small amount of still very fresh cumm continued to drool out of her.

Lady Godiva was horrified. She realized that anyone who had ever seen a horse mate would know that a horse ejaculates a lot more than the small amount that had just exited her sex. Everyone would now know that her body wasn’t just reacting to the sex, but she actually was harboring the animal’s ejaculate deep within her. People would know that she wasn’t just overflowing, but that her body’s orgasm had sucked the bulk of the stud’s semen into her womb. Indeed, they would know she was trying to impregnate herself as they looked at the small amount of semen that now matted her soft blond pubic hair and now covered many inches of the horse’s phallus. There was no mistake, Lady Godiva, wasn’t just doing this out of obligation for her people. She loved horse dick, and her body desperately wanted to be inseminated as everyone watched.

Yet, even through her embarrassment she still continued to lift her butt several more times, getting the last of the wonderfully delicious seed from her lover, as her pussy continued to convulse. She tried to catch her breath, as the people laughed at her predicament in the corner. And Wulvia commented, “You seem to be enjoying this.” She cutely shrugged her shoulders, at Wulvia, at the fact that her lust had driven her into a corner, and that her loins were visibly overflowing with animal cumm. People adored her for that, and smiled and laughed. It was fun and games for them, and they adored her – even with her faults. She continued to ride through the streets for another twenty minutes, as Lady Godiva and her stallion recovered from their intense orgasm that they had shared. Soon the hour of eight was nearly upon them.

She gradually steered her entourage towards her home, where she knew her husband, and all of her house staff would be waiting for her. Soon enough Wulvia and Arthur had lead the way all the way to the house. Lady Godiva could see through the horse’s legs that Leofric was confused – because he couldn’t see her atop the horse, as he had expected. Suddenly his eyes and his expression went wide. She couldn’t interpret his reaction as she rode closer. The staff looked surprised but they stopped short of pointing and laughing at their Lady. The staff had put a large podeum out in front of the house, up on blocks, presumably so that Leofric could address the crowd, with his nude wife on her horse by his side.

Lady Godiva rode the horse up the slight incline that had been quickly constructed just for that purpose. She made eye contact with her hand maidens who covered their mouths, as if they too were simply shocked. Surely she had made her entrance. With a stomach full of butterflies she finally stood next to her family. Leofric leaned down and whispered, “What is this?!” “I told you I was going to ride a horse nude through the city. I lived up to my promise. Now, Leofric, please live up to yours.”

Leofric looked at his wife’s drooling vagina and whispered, “Did he…?” “Yes, he did, and so did I. In front of everyone. I’ve been doing this for several days now?” “Days?” “Yes, I rode beneath a horse blanket all the way to one of the distant villages to speak with the people there. I was hidden most of the way under the blanket – like the story of the Trojan horse. I didn’t want to upset you. I did it for you. I’m worried about you. But I must now be completely honest, I was with two horses yesterday, and it simply wasn’t enough.” Leofric said, “Two?!” “I would entertain an entire stable full if you allowed it.” He stiffened and looked pained, as if he had been punched in the stomach. He stood up straight and stood in front of the crowd. The noisy crowd calmed down and became quiet. He had some papers in his hand, as if he had prepared a speech just for this. Lady Godiva also spotted the Deacon, who was sitting off to the side, with a huge grin on his face, as if it were his birthday. Leofric, who was at a loss for words suddenly seemed to get inspiration and tried to recover by reading his speech.

“You may all wonder why you are here, looking at the lovely Lady Godiva, my wife, who is naked before you.” Lady Godiva smiled broadly, at the idea that his speech fit perfectly, and it was even a bit modest, because Leofric hadn’t anticipated that his wife would let herself get inseminated by a stallion in front of the entire town. “First of all, let me thank the Deacon who has come to bless this day, and had has said that the church acknowledges the sacrifices of Lady Godiva and has absolved her of all sins associated with this day and all days related to today’s ride. Taxes are an issue that affect us all….” It was a somewhat dull speech, Lady Godiva thought, aside from her part of it, and she was really getting horny again, looking at all the faces, of the nearly two thousand people who had come, so her mind began to wander.

Her vagina was on display for everyone to see. She was positioned so that her anus was at head height for the entire crowd, so nearly everyone could see her, plainly, except for a few people in the back. But she saw a few heads jumping up in the back as well as people tried to get a view of Leofric’s wife as she continued to stay impaled on the stallion’s stiff erection. Lady Godiva couldn’t help but move her hips several more times. She felt like she could have another orgasm easily, but she really wasn’t sure she should. But at the same time, nearly everyone had already seen it, except for her husband, and her the few others who lived with her. She felt like it was almost her duty to fulfill her fantasy, right here in front of everyone.

So at the risk of annoying her husband further, she began to lift her hips upwards, taking several inches of the horse penis up back and forth with each movement. It made the saddle creak noisily, which caused Leofric to look over, and temporarily lose his train of thought. He saw his wife enthusiastically humping the fat horse penis, but then Leofric continued quickly almost without skipping a beat. That’s what Godiva had fallen in love with – his ability to think under fire. And this was by far the greatest test of his ability to do just that. She was encouraged by that, and continued her sexual ministrations, grinding her hips, and moving around in her saddle. She was getting more and more into it, and she wanted to start moaning again, but she wasn’t sure it was a good idea. It was still the middle of her husband’s speech after all.

But after some thinking she decided she had better give this all her efforts. Because if she could never ride again, she had to release every last ounce of frustration she had right then and there. She began to moan gently. Leofric looked over again at his wife, who was beginning to get closer to her orgasm. She felt bad cuckolding him so publicly and with an animal of all things, but she needed the release and she needed to feel the stallion releasing himself into her. The fact that her loins were already coated with semen, and her uterus was nearly overflowing with the animal’s seed didn’t matter. It wasn’t enough. After several more minutes of gentle moaning, the horse began to thrust. It scared almost everyone on the stage, including Leofric who backed away slightly.

“It’s okay, I’ll be fine. I promise.” They looked a little relieved, even as the horse continued to thrust it’s engorged cock into their Lady’s wet pussy. Leofric turned around and continued his speech as Godiva began to moan loudly again. She was getting closer and closer to an orgasm, and she was so relieved she would be able to fulfill her greatest fantasy. Leofric said, “Lady Godiva has shown herself before you today to convince me about the seriousness of the plight of the peoples.” Godiva’s breasts giggled lewdly, as did her buttocks with each thrust.

With several more large thrusts the horse began to pulsate and Godiva could see it’s balls tightening as her own orgasm began to overtake her. “So as of today, I have decided to repeal all of the tax increases over the last month, and indeed cut them even further, so that as of today, all taxes are cut in half.” A roar of applause rose from the crowd. Suddenly the stallion began to thrust harder and made a tremendous coughing sound as it began to spray Godiva’s insides with another round of hot semen. She came in a huge crescendo and bucked her own hips wildly. Leofric turned to his wife and held out his hand as if he was introducing his wife to the crowd, “The great Lady Godiva has made this possible.” Godiva’s insides were already full of horse semen from earlier that morning. Her uterus filled to the brim with sticky warm animal sperm.

Yet the giant stallion continued to inseminate the royal in front of the thousands of people, her family and their staff. A huge amount of sperm began to squirt out of her, which Godiva found to be less embarrassing. She heard the sounds of the heavy drops on the podium as they landed. At least it wasn’t the small amount that it has been earlier when it was clear she was sucking most of the eruption up. Still, here insides were absolutely full, but her cervix continued to suck at the stallion’s penis in vain. Her blond pussy hair was already matted and wet with semen, and she continued to make loud squishing sounds with each thrust. Even more of the excess clung to the individual hairs, making a number of individual strands of sperm ooze from her in various places around her exposed and engorged vaginal lips. She was a complete mess, including her clitorus, which was red and distended. Either side of her pussy oozed shimmery strands of horse semen, as did her anus and tailbone. She continued to moan loudly, and hump her hips as the animal continued to inseminate her in front of everyone.

Leofric turned to the audience, even as his wife was accepting the hot horse ejaculate and moaning like a whore, and said, “My wife is not merely trying to impregnate herself with this steed here today, in vain. Let it be written that today, here and now, the great Lady Godiva rode nude but modestly through the streets of Coventry, but that no one saw anything. Let it be known throughout time that my wife did so for the people. And if someone should disparage her name by saying anything other than this, let them forever be called a peeping Tom, and let the community curse their name as the gift of tax relief is repealed.” The crowd immediately knew what Leofric was saying. If anyone wrote that Lady Godiva was desperately attempting to impregnate herself with a horse’s seed in front of the entire town he would increase their taxes right back to where they were, or possibly worse. So everyone had better quietly enjoy the spectacle, but never write or say anything but nice things.

Lady Godiva was so happy, as her pussy continued to convulse. She couldn’t help it, as she began to have successive orgasms. She loudly moaned and shook and arched her back as her uterus full of horse sperm quivered deeply inside her. She didn’t care what happened, this was the best moment of her life. Leofric didn’t appear to be upset anymore, and the townspeople loved her. She came again, and again… she couldn’t stop herself. The horse had long stopped ejaculating in her, but the fact that her husband had said that she was trying to impregnate herself got her off again quickly. She so did want to make babies with this stallion, and her uterus was completely full of his seed. She wanted to have ponies, and then she wanted to have sex with them too when they got older. She came again.

She was rolling and twisting as her sperm soaked insides made lewd sucking sounds. She didn’t care. She wanted every last person to see her cumm with her sperm coated vagina sucking at the the fat horse phallus. She finally realized that she was the only one making any sound at all, except for the shuffling of the people in the audience as they adjusted themselves as they looked at her blond haired and matted pussy lips. She couldn’t stop her orgasms. She came again, screaming out loud, and arching her back. She tensed her toes and her hands as her butt quivered. She held the position for close to a minute as she continued to scream, and pant. Her vagina convulsed hard in the most intense orgasm she had ever had.

The crowd erupted into a thunderous applause. Lady Godiva was horribly embarrassed, but she was also proud. She had tamed the largest dick she had ever seen, and let it fuck two huge loads of sperm into her, so much so that she couldn’t hold a drop more. She had done it in front of her church, her family, and her entire community. And best yet, she was still climaxing. The applause finally died down, even as she was still grinding her hips. Wulvia finally walked over and said, “Godiva, don’t you think it’s time you had better stop?” Lady Godiva dropped her butt onto her saddle but still continued to hump her butt upwards and shake. Her anus was still spasming hard, and she was totally out of breath, but she realized she had been orgasming for almost ten minutes straight, while the crowd simple watched – stunned.

She finally calmed down, and caught her breath, when Leofric turned to the crowd again and said, “This is not the last you will see of Lady Godiva being put out to stud. Lady Godiva will continue to ride the streets. Whenever the weather is warm enough, Lady Godiva has promised to ride the streets and she will meet with each and every one of you personally, to get to know you, your families and your concerns. I expect she will continue to mate with this any many other stallions, for many years to come. And for as long as she does so, and as long as this town continues to respect her, I will keep your taxes down. For this, you have only to thank the beautiful Lady Godiva.” The crowd began to clap again, as if they were agreeing with the deal. It was like the entire town sighed a deep breath of relief, which slowly rose in intensity and eventually turned into a roar of applause.

Lady Godiva blushed hard again. She hadn’t expected Leofric to tie her bestiality to the town’s tax burdens. And that meant that he wasn’t just going to live with her decision. He actually wanted her to continue to do it. That was an incredibly sexy thought for her. Her orgasms were suddenly an integral part of the town’s politics. She waved her fingers and toes and lifted her butt swinging long strands of fresh semen as she waved to the crowd. Every day she attempted to impregnate herself with animal ejaculate was a day that Maria and Marta could act and teach under their own horses, and another day that her husband is free of concern for his life. From that day forward her sexual appetite, fetishes and desires would be heavily monitored by every towns person. No one would judge her, no matter how much semen was pouring out of her, and how many horses she enticed to inseminate her every day. Her wishes had come true. She was finally happy again.
