(c) 2009 by ACTJ

Authors Note: For those who read “A lesson in Doggie Sex“, this is not the same story it may have some of the same people but the main characters are different then the first.

All my life I felt different but I always felt like being something else then what my life is about. One day I went for a walk around a local jogging spot. Since I lived in a very rural area not many people if at all were there. With the recent fight I had with my wife and other things. I need some time too be alone too think of things.

As I got too this fenced off area for people who wished too play tennis etc, I went too a more secluded area. There I sighed as I closed my eyes. Not sure how long it was but I heard this voice asking me something.

I heard “Are you in heat?”

Puzzled and surprise I open my eyes too see no one there. I then asked out loud “What do you mean am I in heat?”

The same voice said “You look like your in heat and need too have me help you.”

Not knowing what this voice was saying. I then asked “Show yourself.”

“Very well.” The voice said as this huge dog comes out of the bushes and asked again “Are you in heat?”

Puzzled but a little bit alarmed. I then asked “What dose in heat mean.”

The dog looked at me as if down right surprise and said “It means you want too have sex so you can create puppies.”

Well I am not pinkhorse.gif but I did have a fantasy of having sex with another man or even maybe in the darkest corner of my mind maybe an animal. But something about this dog made me wish too have sex with it.

I then asked “What about people etc?”

“Don’t worry there is only one person and its you.” He said

“Are you sure I am a female.” I asked

“Yes you are.” He said almost with a smile “Now you may be a bit different then others but you need too have those puppies.”

“So you want me too get naked and let you fuck me?” I asked

“Well yes.” The dog said “if you wish too not be in heat.”

I looked down and remembered that my argument with my wife was very huge and I would more then likely not be getting any sex for awhile. I then sighed and said “I never had it with a dog before, neither have I had sex in my ass before.”

“Don’t worry.” He said “As long as you relax and don’t fight it when I enter you. You will be fine.”

I then had the feeling he has done this before. I then took off my shirt and then took off my shoes and socks. Then I undid my pants soon I was butt naked. He then said “Bring your clothes over here. Then lay on your fours so I can mount you. When I enter you, there will be pain but then it will go away.”

I sighed and did as he said. I went on all fours as I did so he asked “Let me know when your ready to be fucked as you call it. I promise you will like it.”

I then sighed and let out a big sigh and said “Ok do what you said you wish too do.”

He then came close too me. Places his front paws on my bare back and then moved a little closer too me. Then I felt the tip of his cock rubbing my entrance too my Ass. Soon he little by little entered me. At first it was not very painful. But as he slowly moved more into me. It got a bit more painful.

He then said too me. “Move towards me. This may cause more pain but it will feel better soon.”

I did so and yes he was right it was a bit more painful but soon I felt pleasure instead of pain. Then he went as far into me as he could which was very deep in me. Then he started too thrust in and out.
At first it was painful but then it started too feel quite good. As be fucked me my balls and penis went back and forth. He then speeds up a bit. Then I started too mourn, as I did so he said too me “See you needed this. Soon I will make you a mommy and my bitch.”

“What if I don’t have puppies?” I asked

“Well then I will fuck you again till you do. If that takes forever then so be it.” He answered. “However the case you were in heat and my noise tells me you needed too be fucked.”

I mourned as I answered, “Well this is different talking too a dog. That’s able too talk back.”

“Oh it’s nothing all people can hear and understand us if they wanted too.” The dog said.

As he thrust in me deep and deeper. He then said too me “I am going too shot my load into you. However I will have sex with you later I need too do this three times then you need too come back too me in two months if you are not with puppies I need too do this too you again. Unless you take me too your home.”

“Hmm…” I said with a mourn as he hit a pleasure point “I may do that and take you home with me. My wife wanted too have a dog.”

“Good. Is she in heat too?” He asked

“Nah she isn’t into this sort of thing and she is the reason I am in heat.” I answered

Then I could feel his cock grow large and then he said “I am cumming now.” Then he shot his load up my ass. I felt this huge wave of pleasure come up my ass. He stayed in me for a bit then he came out. As I sat down on the grass with cum still coming out of my anus. I said “That felt good like you said. Aren’t we going too do it again?”

“Yes but later on.” He said “We will go home and you and your wife get along I will talk too her. She will like what I got too tell her. Trust me. You and her need too be having sex also.”

I said “Wait a moment you said her. You know I am a guy.”

He smiled and said “Yes but your special in more ways then one.”

I got dress and then I lead him too the car and we went home. There my wife was waiting for me. Not mad any more. Then she saw the dog and smiled even more. As I came too the door.
She then said “I see he found you.”

I looked surprise and looked at him. Then she said “He will be helping us have children. Even if some may be from you.”

I looked surprise and then she let us both into the house. She said too me “Go upstairs the two of you I will be coming up soon. But be undress, I am sure he already has made his move all ready on you.”

I look at the dog and asked “How is this too be.”

“Simple just do as your wife ask and you will enjoy this.” He said “See you will create children but in order too I have too fuck you and make you have puppies.”

“They come from my ass?” I asked

“Yes and it won’t hurt as much as you think.” The dog said “Now go upstairs and get naked. Since I am already naked I do not need too get undress.”

I went upstairs went on the bed got naked and then my wife came up as the dog wait pataicely for what will happen. She got naked and then said too me “You will go on top of me while he fucks your ass.”

I said ok. She laid out with her legs open. I started too go down into her pussy to lick as I did so the dog started too lick my Asshole. Then the dog said “I will mount you and move with you as you do whatever too your wife.”

As he said that he climbed on me and entered my asshole. This time no pain. But as he went as deep and as far as he could. He started too thrust I then started too lick more and more. My wife started too pant more and more and she said “dear stop licking me and just fuck me. I need you now in me.” So As I moved up with the dog still very much in me, he continued too fuck me as I move into position too fuck my wife as I went into her. He thrust deeper then he did before. As he did it touch places he didn’t before? As he thrust deep into me I was compelled too thrust into my wife. Every thrust he did in turn made me thrust deep into my wife.

He fucked my ass and the deeper he went the more bigger I got in my wife. The more she mourned and wanted more. With this the dog seemed too grow longer and bigger inside me. Every time he thrust the feeling was very good. Not sure if I was enjoying fucking my wife or the dog fucking me or both.

Soon, the dog then came as he did same with me. The dog let out a loud Howl while I gave out a loud mourn my wife just continued to mourn and I am sure she had an organism as well.

All three of us had sex and all three of fucked each other. I been the sandwich my wife and the dog the bread. I am not sure who benefited more me or them. However the case my ass had doggie cum in it. As I laid down next too my wife I as soon as he got off me. I felt a rush of his cum come out.

The dog then seemed too smile and said too me “ I will fuck you one more time then like I said either wait two months or if I live here I will fuck you when your ready.”

I nodded and asked “When do you wish to fuck me for the last time?”

“Lay naked but on all fours in about two hours. I will come up here. Then if you are in that position I will mount you however this last time I will go even deeper then I did the last two times. You will not be having sex with your wife though.” He said

“So I am too stay up here for two hours?” I asked

“Well if you want too we could have sex where you want too but you need too be able too be on your fours and be able too sleep there.” He said

“I understand.” I said

I waited two hours then after two hours still naked and still having his cum coming out of my ass. I then went on all fours. He then came up. As he did so I heard my wife say “Have fun with him. I hope you like my husbands ass.”

He then answered back and said “Oh I will and I love fucking his ass.”

He came up and got onto my back and then mounted me. Did take long at all too find my hole. He then as he said before went deep. Very deep. Then as soon as he could go farther into my shit hole he started too thrust and he went slow at first, I had low mourns, as he did so. Then I could feel his cock grow larger, and the length of it grow with it. It felt very good. Then he went faster and faster with this I started too cry in pleasure I said “Yes fuck me and fuck my ass make me your bitch and allow me too have your puppies.”

“Want me too fuck you harder then?” he asked

“Yes!” I said as I said so he begun too fuck harder. Then it came he shot his load deep into my ass. My bowls were coated with his cum. Then he said “If you want too be fucked like this before the time is up. Get into this position and call for me. I will come and fill you up with my seed.”

“After I have your puppies will you fuck me again.” I asked

“Yes for now on you are my bitch and I will always fuck you if you need the fuck.” I will be your puppies’ father and they will know that. Understand though they will one day bear humans.”

“Why do I have too have them though? I am after all a male.” I asked

“Cause your wife wanted kids and this is part of the deal she made. She was mad at you. So this was the deal.” He said kind of mad like “Be glad she didn’t wish for you too be laid by a elephant I am sure you would not liked that one bit.” He laugh as he went down stairs.

She came up and said “Well Honey like being someone’s bitch?”

I said “I guess so. But is this what it is about for what I called you?”

She nodded and said “Yes. I just wanted to be a mother, and you a father. However I think this sort of thing will definably help our marriage. Just remember if you get me mad I think I will have another animal make you their sex toy.”

I said “Ok honey.”

After two months pass. My wife was found out too be expecting twins as for me. I gotten big myself. Soon after whatever time it takes I gave birth out of my ass three puppies. The dog which I became he’s bitch laugh as I gave it three puppies. After a month therefore. He wanted me down stairs and naked.

My wife was gone at the time. And the door was strangely open. As I butt naked went too close it. I turn around too see two dogs. I then said “Let me guess I am too be fucked by two?”

Both of them nodded and said “Yes.”

The first one which is black said too me “See your wife wanted you too be fucked by three dogs so one by one we will come then we will plant our seed in you. Until there are three of us. Then afterwards it will be plain sex with you.”

I was wondering how I was suppose too be fucked by two Huge dogs. Then the first said “Simple as if he read my mind. One of us will fuck you in your mouth while the other fucks your ass. Till we both have had two turns fucking your mouth and ass.”

“So instead of being fucked three times I am going too be fucked four times?” I asked

“Oh its more then just that. Each four times is considered one fuck so you will be still laid three times.” They both said.

I sighed as I went down on all fours in the living room. The first dog went too my mouth and put his front legs gently down on my shoulders as I took his whole penis he started too thrust into my mouth. For a dog his penis tasted quite clean and not what expect for a animal. As this was going on the other one mounted me and rubbed his penis at the entrance too my anus. As he thrust into it not as gentle as the first one did when I first done then but there was no pain. For some reason he really went deeper then the first. He seemed too go very deep into my rectum. As he begun too thrust deeper and deeper into my rectum the same could be said for my mouth. But it was not too the point of choking me.

They both thrust in and out of me till almost at the same time they unloaded their first load. Then they switch between my ass and mouth. Same type of thing, however I was quite used too the size of the first so he made no difference too me. As they both fuck me, for three more times. I had too shallow doggie cum four times. And my ass I am sure my Bowls were well coated.

Then the first one said too me “Go ahead and rest. However this time we will be the ones fucking you. Your wife is expecting twins. So do not fuck her. For we will be the ones inside of you.”

“What about my sperm?” I asked

They laugh and one of them said “Just do what you were going too do before we started. Or while we fuck you, you can in turn masturbate and enjoy it more. Up too you.”

I sighed as I started to get up a huge river of cum went out of my ass. It kind of felt good, but it made me know my place in life. As I started too move upstairs one of the dogs said too me. “Stay undress and go onto your bed lay like you were we will join you too mate with you again.”

So I sighed went upstairs waited for them too come while be undress and laying on all fours for them too fuck the shit out of me again. As the two came up too fill my ass and mouth with their seed. I felt the first too go into my Rectum, then the other went around to me so I could suck on its dick. As the two fucked me, I just kind of just blanked out for a second.

After the two filled my holes again with their seed. And sperm coming from both my mouth and ass. I was relived too know I would have too be fucked one more time, they left me alone. As they told me the next and last time will be outside. Now its not summer any more and it is quite cold outside. Too be butt naked and being fucked by two giant dogs is like oh ok. I will definetly catch something.

Since it was nite time my wife came back. I sleep naked one more night. In the morning I wanted too take a shower but know I would have too take one again anyways. So I went outside there they were waiting for me. They had too pick the area with a lot of mud. Well I will be taking a shower anyways so I guess it didn’t matter.

I got down on all fours as they then went into my ass and mouth. This time it felt different even though it was outside it was not that different but something about it. I felt more like I really want them too more so fuck the hell out of me.

I then said too them between the thrusting in my ass and mouth. “I wish for you two too fuck me like the bitch I am. Please allow me too have your puppies. I am your bitch fuck me hard and fill me up like you have done before.”

The two then nodded and after saying that they both seemed too have grown larger in both my ass and mouth. They then started too thrust very hard however this felt extremely good for me. As they thrust in and out of me, they started too come for their first time. As they switch places they did the same.

They again grow larger and wider as well as in length in my holes. Although I never felt like choking I felt them fuck me very fast. I just wanted them too fuck the shit out of me and just plant their seeds deep within me.

This happen for awhile as they both fucked me hard. Then they stop. They were done. I went upstairs took my shower got dress and went too bed.

Two months later gave birth too another three puppies. I knew what was going too happen next. Instead of two I will be fucked by three. My wife knew when this was going too happen so she made sure she was not home and she made sure that my work thought I was ill etc.

I woke up. Got undress went down stairs. I saw three big dogs, and I for some reason want them in me and I wanted them now. I then said something that I think surprised them “Can all three of you just fuck my ass?”

They smiled and said “Sure we will all fuck your ass and feel you with our seed. Just remember we need too do this three times Before you get pregrenat”

“I understand.” I said some how we manage too have all three of them fuck me all at once. Too be honest it felt like magic or something.

I did in fact feel three penis’s in me and too be honest they were quite bigger then I remembered. They pounded my ass hard as I mourn and begged for them too go deeper and fuck me. They did so, cause in a sense they want nothing more but too seed me. The more they pounded me the more I let out cries of pleasure. I sounded like a female being banged hard core. I was mourning so loud.

As this happen. One of them shot their load deep inside my ass. Even though one of the cum already they all stayed and fucked me. Then another came. Soon all three of them came into my ass. All three of them came out of my ass and there was this very loud popping noise.

They then asked me “Did you enjoy that fuck?”

I said “Yes.”

“Good now we don’t need too fuck you again till after you give birth then any time you want we will fuck you but not too have puppies just for you too have fun.”

I then looked shocked and said “I am done with this one?”

“Yes you have became our willing bitch and we will fuck you as often as you wish too be fuck. Like we said we will not fuck you too have more puppies but only for you too enjoy us inside your Rectum.”

I then got up from where I was and said “Ok as soon as these puppies are born please fuck me again.”

“We will.” They said “you can count on us too fuck you. Our little bitch in heat.”

I then waited for the two months and three puppies came out. We had a total of nine puppies. The next day. I decided no matter if there was snow or not I went out fully naked the three dogs were waiting as I mounted one and another mounted me from behind. The third and last fucked my mouth. As they all thrust into me, I did not feel the cold of the winter but felt the warmt of them inside me.

As they keep on fucking me my wife fully dress came outside and said “Aren’t you cold honey?”

I said between mourns and cries of Pleasure “No wifey. I am quite warm they are warming me up by fucking me.”

“Good too hear well our twins are in bed. I want too ask you something.” She asked

“Go for it.” As a Mourn and cried in extreme pleasure as a bitch being fucked

“The only way for us too have kids is for you too do this type of thing.” She said then she kind of looked at me evil as her hand touch my ass even though two dogs were already fucking it.

“Would you consider being fuck by pigs?” She asked

I looked at her, she was begging me. I then looked at two of the dogs who were fucking the shit out of me and I said in mourns that were more so as they were really going hard and deep into me. “Do I need too have piglets though?”

“No. Just want you too be fucked by them.” She said “Please Hubby bears do it for me.”

I panted as they all came into me. I then said “Yes I will do so. Just no piglets.”

She smiled an evil smile and said “Soon I will have you being doing elephants as well. I hope you like that.”

Even though they were came they were starting on me again all three of them same position I didn’t care felt good for me. Not sure how many times they fucked me as I wake up with them still fucking the shit out of me. They then got done this time. I got off the first and went too take a shower. Got dress and they came and said too me “We are not leaving you even though pigs will soon fill you up where we did.”

“Will I still be able too be fucked by you three cause I love all three of you. I just want the fucking not too end.” I said

“Oh we will be here when you need us too fuck you.” They all said.

“So where do I meet my next animal too fuck me?” I asked

“They will more likely find you like I did.” The first dog said.

The End