This is my eleventh story posted to this site about Belly Riding as a way of life. For context this is one of the earlier stories I’ve written as a compendium originating from a story called “The Belly Riders – by Jillian, and Pomponio Magnus.” that I did not write. I just fell in love with that story and felt like it needed to be expanded upon a lot. So I did.

Almost of my stories have some length to them because they have to describe the entire set-up each time. So they aren’t quick to conceive, write or edit. The themes are pretty much always around the catharsis of women learning to love sexual intercourse with stallions and the men as a secondary backdrop to the real exhibitionism/voyeuristic bestiality story line. Each story is particularly detailed and errs on the side of grotesque detail. I do greatly appreciate your feedback. Without further ado:


Chapter One

Kelly bit her lip as she perused the pictures on her computer that Letitia had emailed. Sure enough, just like Letitia had written, women were engaged in sex with stallions in each one of the pictures. Kelly finally believed it was true. Kelly hadn’t believed her that Letitia had started Dressage because her mother had ridden horses underneath and in the nude. Kelly thought Letitia was pulling her leg. But it still astonished her that a woman of so much clout in the Dressage community – knew so much about bestiality. As it turned out, Letitia explained that many of the women in the equestrian schools in Brazil, which is where she was from, partook in similar rituals. Not all, but many. Dressage was a natural fit for these women. This was quite a shock to Kelly, who was barely eighteen and still very shy about these kinds of things.

Still, her stomach was in a knot as she read and re-read every word that the much older Letitia sent. Kelly had been asked to find someone very high ranking in the equestrian world to officiate the last competition of her career. It was a strange feeling for Kelly because she fully knew that this was going to be the last event she would attend, as she was planning on going to school across the country. She had decided that she hadn’t got enough out of her many years riding. Although fun, it wasn’t satisfying enough. Plus as she gained rankings in the Dressage world it became quickly clear that she was on the hit-list for every aspiring young girl, because she was the one to beat.

Kelly never felt that competitive spirit, so the competition of it all seemed more of a burden than fun – even when she won. She hadn’t gotten what she wanted out of the horses, and the girls were all bitchy. She loved the attention when she won, and she wanted to do something crazy during her last competition. At first she was thinking about doing the whole thing backwards – that would be sure to upset a number of people. But that seemed childish at best. Then when she contact Letitia her mind started really spinning. What if she were to belly ride?

She masturbated several times looking at the pictures, imagining herself in their saddle. It was an incredible thought. She had never considered it as a possibility. She was sure she wasn’t doing a particularly good job of hiding her interest from Letitia, even over email. But she decided to keep things professional and invited her out to the to officiate the last Dressage event of her riding career. Although Letitia had lived most of her life in Brazil, she now owned a small ranch only a few hundred miles away. It wasn’t the biggest event of the year, but it meant the most to her personally, and the head trainer, a crusty old woman named Frances, had asked her to find someone


Chapter Two

In a way Kelly was graduating from her childhood riding career, into a woman. It scared her, but it was something she had to do. It was time to move on with her life. And with that she got Letitia to agree to drive across the state and officiate. A few weeks later Letitia, and her parents drove with her horse down to the arena. They always got there earlier than most people to help set up, get the horses saddled, help lay things out and so on. It was an all day event so they had to arrive rather early. Her parents were dressed to the nines, as people generally were at these kinds of events. Her mother’s huge floppy hat shaded her nicely as the sun was just beginning to warm up the ground.

Letitia arrived in a large Chevy truck with a small trailer in tow. Kelly went to greet her and instantly Kelly felt a deep connection with the older woman. They talked for quite a while, all the while dancing around the one thing that most interested Kelly – the pictures Letitia had sent. Kelly looked back at the trailer, “You brought a horse, huh? Thinking about showing us some of the
finer points? I know everyone would love that.” “No, actually, I brought a horse for you to ride for the day.” “Huh?” Kelly felt herself swallow hard.

“It’s a belly riding horse. One of the best, actually. He comes straight from Brazil. I paid quite a bit for him and haven’t even had a chance to ride him yet. Since this is your last day doing Dressage, I thought I would let you have the opportunity to ride him.” Kelly tried to play dumb, “Oh, sure, I could re-saddle him. Does he know how to piaffe?” “Yes, he does know how. He’s very well trained. However, you can’t use a normal saddle. I already saddled him for you. Here, let me show you.”

Kelly followed reluctantly as Letitia opened the trailer and got the horse to walk backwards out into the open. Sure enough, the horse was already saddled with a strange contraption swinging beneath it’s stomach and chest. Kelly was already embarrassed, hoping someone wouldn’t notice. “Oh my God, please put him back!” “Why?” “Because, someone will see.” “Of course they will. That’s part of the belly riding tradition. Women show their horses and themselves. They’re on display, like in the photos you saw.” “That’s in Brazil. Not here.” “It’s all over. More so in Brazil than here, surely. But it is more common than you may think. I’ve trained many women.”

“I can’t. I just can’t. I’ll get arrested!” “No you won’t. This is private property, and it’s legal in this state. Why do you think I live here? Besides, I will take the blame, should anyone ask, if you like. We can go somewhere secluded.” Kelly looked at Letitia hard, and looked around hoping no
one was watching, and no one was. She looked back again. Maybe she could sneak away for half an hour or so before the people started showing up. In fact, she knew the perfect place behind one of the older barns that no one ever went – only the older girls when they wanted to smoke, and even then only when no one was around.

Kelly really wanted to try it and she bit her lip, almost as if she was waiting for Letitia to pry more. Letitia could tell she did want to try it, “Okay, let’s do it.” Kelly sighed a breath of relief, as if she had been holding it in for an hour, “Okay, let’s go behind the old barn over there. There’s a little shack behind it, and no one will see us.” “Okay, but we have to hurry.” With that Letitia grabbed her purse and she lead the horse over behind the barn with Kelly, quietly following, not believing what she was going to do.

They reached the barn, turned around towards the back and they spotted the small abandoned shack, that was probably at one point meant to hold firewood. Letitia tied the horse up and looked at Kelly. Kelly looked back not knowing what Letitia wanted, “What?” “You should probably get undressed.” “Oh!” Kelly blushed hard. As she stripped off her boots, her riding pants, her coat and her shirt, she realized how incredibly stupid this was. What if Letitia were an axe murderer. Sure, she had the kindest and most honest smile Kelly had ever seen, and she had been nothing but nice and accommodating, but still.

She stood there in her thong and bra looking at Letitia, “Come on now, take those off.” Kelly took a deep breath, and then wiggled her thong over her buttocks and then reached back to unfasten her bra. She stood there in the nice warm summery morning air completely naked, not knowing what to do. Latitia smiled and said, “Okay slip your leg through the straps and lay down here.” Kelly did as she was told, wordlessly. “Yes, now scoot your butt down further. Yes, further. Now I’m going to tie your legs up so it’s easier.” Kelly didn’t like the sound of that, but she still had her hands free, so she let the old Brazilian woman do just that. First her right ankle and then left were incapacitated. Kelly was glad her long brown hair was up in a bun, so it wouldn’t drag on the ground.

Then Letitia began to stroke the sack that contained the stallion’s large member. Soon enough it began to emerge. Kelly had seen tons of horse’s penises before, but this was almost like the first time. Her jaw was agape as she saw it distend towards her body. Letitia kept massaging the horse’s penis as it grew in her hand, like magic. After a few seconds, Kelly stiffened as the horse’s head touched her vaginal lips, and sent sexual shocks through her body. Kelly reached down and held the horse’s head as it began to expand further, and tried to guide it into her body. It was far bigger than she had expected. She pushed her hips downwards and pulled the horse’s penis into her. It was like a wrestling match and she started to get frustrated. She knew she was now very wet though, and after almost a whole minute of tension she felt the horse’s huge head push past her vaginal muscles and enter her body.

She arched her head back and moaned gently as she felt her entire body tense. It felt painful at first, but in a good way. She knew the pain would subside, as another inch of the thick horse meat pushed deeper into her. She had always loved horses, but now it was different. She felt somehow subservient to them, even though she had always been the one leading them around. The power of the giant animal suddenly felt daunting in a way it never had before. She felt a small ripple of an orgasm overtake her almost immediately, and she breathed hard as another inch of the horse’s flesh pushed into her body.

Letitia smiled, “Now lean back and let me tie your hands into place. That way you can concentrate.” Kelly felt brain dead as she let took her hands off the giant shaft and let Letitia tie them to the stallion. She knew she had another huge orgasm left in her, and she wanted to try it before she was let down. Letitia tied up her right wrist and then her left. Then she went to her purse and took a shot out and gave it to the horse. Kelly asked, “What’s that?” “Oh, it’s just a small shot to make sure he stays hard.” Kelly smiled, “He won’t have to stay hard long, I’ll probably cumm again in no time.”

“I’d like to practice a few Dressage moves, so that you can really appreciate what this sport has to offer.” Kelly smiled, sensing that the old woman wanted Kelly to continue her Dressage. Kelly placated her. Letitia untied the horse and gave the leads to Kelly, who’s wrists were still tied into place. She spent a few minutes explaining how to make the horse trot, passage, pirouette and even piaffe all while Kelly was underneath. Kelly had another orgasm, as she spun the horse around. She couldn’t believe she had never thought to do this before. It felt wonderful and confusing, because she couldn’t really tell where she was. Everything was upside down and backwards from how she normally rode the horse.

Letitia smiled and said, “I’ll be back in a few minutes, my dear. I need to freshen up after the long trip. Will you be okay?” Kelly nodded breathlessly, “Yes, I’ll be fine, just hurry back.” Kelly watched Letitia disappear around the barn and then Kelly took it upon herself to start rocking her hips and feeling the full girth of the giant animal as she swung back and forth. She inadvertently gave the horse a few cues to walk and cantor, almost walking out into the view of the arena, several times, but she eventually started to get the hang of it after several minutes, and another small orgasm.


Chapter Three

Letitia came around the corner finally and said, “Great, we’re all set.” “Hmm?” “I signed you up for the beginner Dressage competition.” “Beginner?” “Yes, belly riders can’t compete at the higher levels.” Kelly swallowed, “Wait, what? I’m not going to do this over there!” Letitia crouched down and looked Kelly in the eye, “Look, Kelly, I know you think this is the worst idea ever, but you have to trust me. I won’t make it seem like it’s your fault. By the time today is over, you will be a new woman, you have to trust me on this.”

“No way!” “I can just simply leave you here or I can drag you out there kicking and screaming, but no one will believe that I forced this upon you, and if you defy me I will claim that I found you like this.” It didn’t even occur to Kelly that people would be dubious at best that Letitia wasn’t involved since she had brought the horse and the saddle. Kelly was too frightened to think of anything but what Letitia was proposing. Letitia said, “You just stay here, and when I give you the cue just come around the corner, okay? I brought my bull horn today.”

Kelly didn’t say a word as Letitia turned, not waiting for an answer. Kelly watched Letitia walk away, wondering what she should do. Letitia was going to call her out and if Kelly didn’t come around the corner, people would go looking for her anyway. Either way she would be caught. Thoughts raced through her head for many minutes as she contemplated her position. She knew she was in trouble already, but she had no idea how the day would play out.

After several more minutes Kelly heard the bull horn as her riding instructor welcomed the crowd of people that had shown up to watch the girls ride. Kelly could hear the rustle and mumbles of the people. She imagined with the sounds of the cars that she had heard and the number of clopping hooves, there must be over a hundred people. Worse yet, she had probably known almost every last one of them for years. Her instructor, Frances, thanked everyone for coming, and introduced Letitia as one of the foremost influential and important people in Dressage. Kelly felt butterflies in her stomach as people began to clap. Kelly waited and sure enough Letitia began to talk.

“I have ridden on five continents, for four decades. I have lived for Dressage my whole life. When I was a girl in Brazil my mother rode in a traditional style not commonly seen elsewhere in the world, and she imparted her love for the sport onto me. Although I too trained in the traditional method of Brazilian Dressage, I never had the opportunity to show the world what it was like. Although it’s not like the French classical Dressage, it has a unique spin that made it a pleasure for both horse and rider. It was a style unlike anything elsewhere in the world. In fact, it is forbidden in many areas of the world.”

She continued, “Here, in this state, it is not forbidden, although many people still find it degrading or even repulsive. When Kelly asked me to come here and officiate, and I agreed to do so but I must confess, I coerced Kelly into attempting the traditional style. While your gut reaction upon seen it may make you want to overt your eyes, I encourage you to watch quietly, and be kind to Kelly, who very reluctantly agreed to show us what my mother and the Brazilian culture has to offer the Dressage world. And with that, please give Kelly a warm round of applause.”

Kelly swallowed hard, not knowing what to do, but as the applause grew in tempo she knew she had no choice now. She gave the horse a small kick to encourage it to canter out from around the old barn and into the open. The applause stopped almost immediately, but it wasn’t that they saw her, most people rightfully assumed she must have fallen off the horse. A riderless horse is not all that uncommon. But soon she turned the horse around and faced the horse away from the audience, so they could see the teen aged girl’s legs spread out and impaled by the giant horse. Laughter, amusement, shock, horror… all the emotions of the crowd nearly exploded in one giant wall of sound. Kelly felt her naked breasts sway. Her sloppy wet vagina felt cool in the morning air even as it was wrapped around the warm horse penis. Kelly blushed furiously as she knew her pubic hair and anus were easily seen by everyone in the crowd. Her friends and family and their family could all see her. She hadn’t even ever skinny dipped before. This was a shock and she felt like she might pass out from embarrassment. Letitia was quick on the bull horn.

“Please, everyone, please, be quiet. Please be ladies and gentlemen about this. Kelly will be demonstrating the beginner Dressage course as a traditional belly rider might. This is far more technical and difficult than the modern Dressage that you are all used to, and Kelly has only had a few minutes to practice. I didn’t even warn her ahead of time that she would be doing this, so she had been extremely brave to agree. I encourage everyone to be demure and kind to Kelly, in her demonstration, especially because this is her last day participating in Dressage. I know she would appreciate that, as would I. You can save your remarks for when you leave, and until then I expect everyone to behave in a civil manner, or you will need to deal with me. Does anyone have a problem with that?”

No one said a word, or even made a sound, “Good, and thank you. I will be officiating Kelly along with the other beginning class, so that everyone can see how different it really is. And with that, beginners, please line up by the gate.” Kelly couldn’t believe she had tamed the entire crowd of people. There were tons of rather wealthy people, wearing fine clothes and jewelry. Kelly would have been one of the least dressed people, even with her riding outfit on, and now she was the least dressed person there, by far. She was so embarrassed it hurt, but at the same time Letitia had made it seem like she was like a museum piece, or a national geographic special or something. While foreign and even disgusting, she was to be admired for that uniqueness. She would actually felt a little proud of herself if she weren’t so totally freaked out by what was happening to her.

Two of the girls went first, as Kelly just waited for her turn patiently. She made eye contact with her mother who looked upset, but her father looked slightly amused, despite the fact that he was clearly trying to be stoic. Kelly tried not to look at anyone. She instead tried to watch the competition. They were nowhere near as good as Kelly, but she didn’t think she’d be able to do better with six inches of horse penis inside of her. After a few minutes it was her turn, “Kelly, if you would, please?” Letitia waved her into the ring. “I will not be grading Kelly for this round since she won’t be able to compete well in her situation since she is clearly hobbled, but I will explain how she might have done against other belly riders in her class. Kelly, if you would?”

Kelly took a deep breath, still not believing what was happening, and she began to trot the horse around the ring. The sensations within her body were overwhelming. She had feared that the horse might kick her, but surprisingly it knew not to and was very careful with her. She noticed it’s legs were a little further apart than other horses she had ridden over the years. No doubt this was an intentional breeding program that had caused this, and it was suddenly appreciated, as the thick shaft in her worked back and forth with each step.

Letitia said, “Look at the rhythm and gait of the stallion as it circles. The horse has been very well trained, and Kelly is keeping it at a good constant rate, despite her incapacitation. The belly rider must show an ability to keep this gate constant. Also, look at his canter purity. A horse must be positively shown how to do this while inside of the belly rider – a daunting task that takes years for the horse to master, to make sure that the belly rider is injury free. In many ways belly riding Dressage is more of a demonstration of the horse’s abilities than the belly rider herself.”

“Belly riders have a long history, that lore says originated with a cheating husband. The wife chose to ride a horse in this manner, to show him that she had found happiness elsewhere. Whatever the reason, it is generations old. As Kelly moves into a canter half-pass you can see that she has great contact. Very little movement in the reigns at all. This is tremendously difficult for a belly rider because it requires arching their back to the side in line with the horse’s gait. This is hard to do because Kelly is wearing no clothes, so she has less grip on the horse and has to use her wrists and ankles. Clearly she can also use any tension in the horse’s phallus to aid her, but that’s usually not enough to keep her body arched appropriately. Kelly is doing a great job for her first time. Look at the impulsion between them!”

Kelly blushed hearing all this over the bull horn, as Letitia explained the entire scene to the audience. “Now you will see Kelly trying a canter pirouette. This is probably the second hardest movement for a belly rider, because unlike traditional Dressage, she cannot rotate her head and spot to make sure she doesn’t get dizzy. Therefore it’s very disorienting. Oh wait, the horse is stopping.” Kelly too noticed the horse was stopping, and she also noticed that it’s penis suddenly felt like it grew a lot inside of her. So much so that she felt like she couldn’t stand it if it did grow any more. The horse haunched forward. Suddenly, Kelly realized in horror that the horse was going to cumm in her, right there in the center of the Dressage ring, in front of a hundred people.

“Oh yes, the horse has found it’s rhythm. Although her program has ended abruptly, and it appears that this is unusual, in a belly riding Dressage course, this is considered quite normal, and there are no points deducted. It’s also a nice test of impulsion, and the relationship of rider and horse. The judges simply wait for the mating to complete. Although points are deducted if the belly rider cannot recover sufficiently quickly, and that is mostly to ensure that the pace of the competition stays relatively quick.” As she was talking the horse was shoving it’s huge cock deep into the poor girl. Kelly felt panicked. It started to hurt. The thick shaft forced it’s way deep into her, and she felt it pushing hard on her cervix. She wondered if it might kill her. After all, horses were not exactly gentle lovers.

Suddenly the entire audience gasped as the horse almost reared up, forcing even more penis painfully into Kelly’s tender body and then it began to buck hard, forcing the cock back and forth extremely quickly. Kelly braced her legs and winced, trying to hold herself slightly away from the horny animal. “Don’t worry, everyone, this is normal, and the burden of a belly rider. Horses aren’t complicated animals, and they simply want to procreate. If Kelly uses her legs, she will always be free of injury. See? There she goes.” Kelly couldn’t believe it, she was riding the horse’s thick cock as the two humped each other in unison. The pain quickly subsided and suddenly she was in ecstasy. She felt a huge orgasm approaching.

She began to curl her toes, feeling the horse’s thick hair between them and on the bottom of her feet and against her fingers. Her stomach tensed, and she looked down her body, to see the throbbing shaft disappear beyond her dark, neatly trimmed bikini safe pubic hair. The horse’s testicles raised up, and Kelly became immediately aware that the horse was about to orgasm, and just the thought of having sex with a horse in front of all of those people was more than she could take. Suddenly she felt the horse begin to tense, and before she could properly digest the idea, she felt a hot jet of horse ejaculate spray against her tender cervix. He was cumming inside of her and almost at the same moment, Kelly arched her back and totally against her own better senses she began to have the orgasm of her life.

She couldn’t help herself. It was the most amazing sensation she had every had as the animal continued to inseminate her, right in the middle of the ring. Her vulva contracted heavily and she arched her back, with her mouth agape. Although she didn’t know it, the audience was suddenly in awe of how amazingly gorgeous Kelly was in that moment. More than one person thought she was worthy of a statue or painting in her honor in that moment. Yet all she could think about was the throbbing cock that was still shooting thick ropes of semen into her. She continued to arch her back and she moaned loudly, trying desperately to regain her senses, as her pussy betrayed her by lewdly sucking and massaging the horse’s still spasming penis. She knew that she was now completely filled with sperm, as it began to leak out of her. She huffed, and tried to catch her breath as she began to calm down. She couldn’t believe what she had just done. Now she could never live this down.

“See? This is an entirely unexpected reaction to belly riding. Even very experienced belly riders will intentionally do this during their program, to show their skill difference before and afterwards. Now that the two, horse and rider, have successfully mated, it should remove some of the tension that they had at the beginning, but now it will test their stamina to finish the event, and also a good measurement of relaxation and pushing. Although Kelly is tired, she has another test – the piaffe.”

Kelly took a deep breath and she held the reigns and dug her heels in slightly, and sure enough the horse did exactly what she hoped it would and trotted in place as if it had done this a thousand times. Kelly had to wonder how many women this horse had satisfied in it’s life. Maybe only one, but how many days and months and years of training had it taken to train a stallion in this way? She felt her pussy tense as she thought about it. Fucking a horse for years on end? What an amazing and foreign thought.


Chapter Four

“Well? Let’s hear it for Kelly, everyone. She deserves a big round of applause!” The crowd exploded in a round of applause, like they had been holding in their breath the entire time. Kelly blushed hard as she finally left the arena. The girls were all smiles and even said she did a great job. A few of them gave her nasty caddy looks, but that wasn’t new. The last of the beginner class walked into the ring, thankfully, and somewhat diverted attention away from Kelly. One of her friends, Lana, came over and said, “Wow, you looked great out there.” Kelly didn’t know what to say, so she decided to be a little self deprecating, “Yeah, now you can see how big and white my fat ass is.” Lana laughed, “Yeah, right, as if anyone is thinking that, geez. You looked hot out there. Did you really cumm?” Kelly blushed, “Yeah. I couldn’t help it.” Lana snickered, “I bet! Don’t let those bitches talk bad about you, I bet half of them are going to rub themselves all night thinking about it.”

“No one has said anything yet, but thanks. I appreciate it.” “No problem. Oh, your parents are coming. Just a head’s up.” “Oh, thanks.” “Good luck.” Lana smiled and turned around and walked away just as Kelly’s parents walked up in a huff. “What are you doing, young lady?!” Kelly’s mother looked horrified. “I’m sorry mom.” “You’re sorry?! This is the craziest stunt you’ve ever pulled! Why?” “I dunno… Letitia wanted to show everyone the traditional way. I guess I just… ” “You guess what?” “I guess I just wanted to try it.” “You wanted to have sex with a…” Her mother couldn’t even complete her sentence, she was so upset, standing there in her high heeled boots, and elegant dress with her large hat and pretty jewelery. Kelly suddenly thought her mother had great legs and she said so, “Mom, I don’t mean to change the subject, but you look great today.”

Her mother looked confused, but probably no less confused than Kelly, “Oh, well, thank you, but please don’t change the subject.” “Mom, it’s just this once, and I think Letitia made it okay. Please just be nice, I didn’t plan any of this. It just sort of happened. Please, it’s hard enough without you yelling at me.” Her father finally chimed in, “She’s going to get enough flak from her friends, honey. There’s no reason to be upset with her. Besides, it looks like she’s having fun.” “Fun?! Do you really think fucking a horse is fun?” Kelly’s mom looked furious. “Well, no, but I’m sure she doesn’t need us berating her. We can talk about this later.”

Kelly’s mom was red in the face as she turned to Kelly, “Do you know your fathers’ boss is here?” Kelly’s father was a senior executive and her boss ran the company. Getting in good with his boss was always a family priority and it had been, in fact, the reason they had signed Kelly up for Dressage in the first place. His boss was a huge patron of the local pony club and owned the property that the Dressage arena was on. “Oh my God, I’m so sorry, daddy. What did he say?” “Nothing yet. But don’t you worry about it. I’m sure I can figure out something to say to him.” Kelly’s mom continued the assault, “Your father works so hard for this family. I just hope you haven’t ruined his career with this stupid stunt.” Kelly lowered her eyes. She felt terrible. But she still felt like this wasn’t entirely her fault at the same time.

“Let’s get you down from there.” Kelly shook her head, for reasons she couldn’t yet explain, “No, not yet, Letitia told that she wanted me to ride like this for the rest of the day. I think she wants everyone to get a chance to see how it’s done, up close, or something.” Kelly’s mother shook her head, “I’m going to kill that woman.” “No mom, she didn’t force me, well, she kinda did, but I could have said no, and I didn’t. I’m just as to blame as she was.” Exacerbated, her mother rhetorically asked, “Are you happy with yourself, Kelly?”

In fact she was happy this was the last time she would ride, and despite herself, her father was right – this was the first time she had been happy riding in ages. It was a big middle finger to everyone who had been mean to her for the last four years of her riding career as she slowly got to the top. She never wanted to compete, she just liked being around the horses, and here and now, she liked having sex with them even more. “My God, Kelly, you’re a mess.” Kelly’s mother removed a small handkerchief from her purse and crouched down and began to wipe Kelly’s pussy and anus, like she was an infant. Except Kelly wasn’t an infant and instead she was covered in horse semen. “Mom!” Kelly’s dad had to agree, “Yes, just leave her be.” “She’s disgusting though.” “No, honey, just let her be.” “Fine.” Her mother stood up, and folded her handkerchief into a small bundle and tucked it back into her purse.

Kelly felt her stomach tense when she thought about a mixture of horse semen and her own vaginal lubricant in her own mother’s purse. It turned her on in a weird way. Kelly heard Letitia over the bullhorn asking the beginning riders to return to the arena for judging. “I guess that’s my cue.” Her mother frowned and said, “Come on,” to Kelly’s father as they walked away, leaving Kelly to walk back to the arena, as she slowly guided the horse from underneath. He was such a well trained horse, Kelly couldn’t believe it. Although it was awkward having seven inches of sperm covered penis in her, it was still very intuitive to guide the stallion anyway.

She felt so naked as she took her place in the line of girls. All of the horses were facing the crowd, except for Kelly’s who was facing away from it, so that she could look down her body and see the crowd, instead of the more awkward position of leaning her head way back. Although there was a soft strap that supported her head that could also easily be moved down to her neck, she still preferred to lean her head upwards. It also left her pussy and anus on display to the crowd of spectators and competitors who were outside of the ring.

Letitia began by saying who the first, second and third place winners were. Unsurprisingly all of the other three competitors took the ribbons. Letitia then paused and said, “Not that we should diminish Kelly’s fine work today, but it is simply unfair to pit a belly rider performing Brazilian Dressage against French Dressage. However, it was clear that she was able to perform the movements relatively well. Sufficiently, in fact, that I would like to award her an unofficial award for best in show during the first annual belly riding Dressage competition. Would you all please stand and give Kelly a big round of applause for her bravery?”

Everyone did as they were told gave Kelly a standing ovation. She blushed hard, and waved her fingers to her audience. Letitia thanked the audience and calmed them down again, “As you all know, Kelly made the decision to make this her last day as a horsewoman. But I would like to ask you to encourage her to come back next year, if she so chooses and compete again. Would you like to see Kelly belly ride again, this time next year?” About half the audience began to clap and whistle in approval, and then the other half slowly added to the noise as they were convinced by the crowd. Mob mentaility won, and finally, Kelly was formally accepted by her audience. “What do you say, Kelly? Will you ride again next year?” Kelly blushed furiously, not knowing what to say. All eyes were on her.

She swallowed hard and tried to find her voice and something good to say, but all she managed to say was, “I don’t know… I mean, if everyone wants me to, I guess so.” The crowd burst into applause. It was settled, Kelly had agreed, to have sex with a horse on more than one occasion in front of a hundred witnesses. She felt suddenly very turned on and she took the opportunity to shift her weight which moved the horse penis back and forth gently. She was very uncomfortable with all of the sudden attention, but still, it was impossible to ignore what was happening.

“I know my mother would be proud of Kelly, and thankfull for your understanding and support of the hidden Brazillian Dressage. With that, Kelly agreed to stay like this for the rest of the afternoon. I encourage everyone to talk to Kelly, and congratulate her in person. Now, onto the Intermediate class. Please line your horses up and prepare yourselves. We will start the next group in ten minutes. Thank you, everyone.” Kelly left the arena, blushing – thinking about staying like this for the rest of the long afternoon. A few of the girls congratulated her – although Kelly couldn’t for the life of her figure out what it was that she was being congratulated on.

There were a number of people hovering around Letitia as Kelly navigated her horse over to her. Letitia spotted Kelly and said, “Oh my dear. There she is.” Her crusty instructor had a bright smile on her face, “Yes, look at little Kelly. She’s finally made a lasting impression on this little community of course. Maybe we should name something after you.” “Oh, you don’t have to do that, Frances,” Kelly was mortified as the small group of people all stopped talking to listen. Letitia said, “Yes, that’s a wonderful idea. Maybe name the ring after her, or the old barn where she first got herself saddled for the first time.” “Great idea, we’ll have to make a little plaque.” Kelly couldn’t believe Frances was being so nice. Normally she was a tyrant.

“Thanks, but really, you don’t have to do that.” Frances leaned down and said somewhat quietly, but still loud enough for everyone to hear, “Normally it’s hard to get anyone to show up, but I bet a lot more people start talking about this even than any of the others we’ve had. See… you just can’t quit now!” Kelly, couldn’t believe all these people were being so nice. All she had done was fuck a horse in front of the bulk of the upper class of their small town, and now she was like a local celebrity. “Thanks, everyone, I appreciate it.”

In an akward moment and realizing that all the people around her in that minute were waiting for her to do or say something, Kelly lifted her hips gently, causing a little more sperm to ooze out of her vagina as she said, “I guess you all get to see how big and white my ass is now, huh?” Frances turned on Kelly in a way that sort of shocked her, “Kelly, stop fishing for compliments. It’s not ladylike.” Kelly blushed hard, she hadn’t even realized that she was, but she realized that she really was fishing for compliments. That may have been the first time in her life that she felt like screaming, “LOOK AT ME,” but instead she simply said, “I’m sorry, you’re right. I don’t know what’s gotten into me. Well, I mean… whoops, I mean, other than him that is.” She lifted her hips again to flaunt the large penis in her, which got a laugh.

One of the girls asked Kelly, “Are you really going to stay under there all day?” Kelly said, “Yeah, that’s the plan, I guess.” She smiled and nodded, “Cool.” Kelly wasn’t sure it was cool, but she was pleased that it wasn’t perceived as disgusting by everyone, like her mother thought. Letitia said, “I’m very proud of you, Kelly. And I’m glad you’ve decided to continue riding, even if it is only once a year.” Kelly almost sneered as she said, “You sorta forced me into it.” Letitia smiled, “It was like leading a horse to water, Kelly. I didn’t make you drink.” Kelly didn’t want to get into it right then and there, but she knew she’d be sending Letitia a nasty email in the morning. Kelly instead just nodded and looked around.

Lana came up and in a serious tone said, “OH MY GOD, KELLY, YOU’RE FUCKING A HORSE!” That made everyone laugh, because Lana had already seen Kelly. Kelly wiggled her hips as she played along, “I sure am!” But Frances said, “Lana! Watch your language in front of our guest!” “Sorry, Frances and Letitia, I was just messing around with Kelly.” They both nodded in approval. It was a good joke, even to them. Kelly smiled, “It’s been quite a morning, I’ll tell you that.” “What did your parents say?” “They were pretty upset, as you’d imagine.”

Lana said, “Yeah, your mom looked red in the face when she was walking over. I didn’t want to get in the middle of it.” “Yeah, mom was pretty upset. But my dad seemed to be fine, actually.” Frances interjected, “That’s always the way it is, honey. Men are far more laid back about these things. And I’m also sure more than one of the men fancied your performance more than any of the other girls.” Kelly smiled and rotated her hips a few times thinking about it. For once in her life she actually liked being the center of attention – even if she ranked the worst in the beginner group in the process.

“Anyway, speaking of them I’m going to go find my parents.” Frances said, “Sure, thank you for coming, Kelly, you’ll be missed. And please thank them for coming too. I sure do hope you come back soon. Look at it this way, you won’t have to buy any more riding gear!” With a small laugh and a shake of her head as if she agreed, Kelly turned the horse with some trouble and managed to navigate it towards where she thought her parents were. The sun was just beginning to beat down in the mid day heat and people were huddled under the large tents that had been set up earlier that day, to escape the heat. Kelly was mostly shaded from the horse she was having sex with as she rode, but still her leg and arm were partially exposed, so she too tried to get under the shade. Kelly was suddenly getting extremely turned on as her arms and legs brushed past the crowd of people as they pushed together to avoid the heat and get lunch.

By the time Kelly found her mother, she was aching for another orgasm. Her body was flushed, her stomach was tense, and she was gently raising and lowering her hips, carefully. Her butt muscles shook gently as she tried to savor the feeling of the massive horse’s head buried in her as the horse’s sperm gently oozed out of her exposed vulva and stuck to her brown pubic hair. She knew she was a mess, but she was suddenly caring less and less. Her mother looked down at her daughter, who was quite clearly aroused as her chest was flushed, her body was writhing and breathing irregularly as she slowly rode her body up and down the fleshy pole.

“What are you doing, young lady?” Kelly tried to stop herself, but as soon as she stopped moving her body instinctively started again, “Nothing.” “Nothing? Ugh. We’re going to have words when we get home.” The megaphone announced the start of the intermediate class, but no one seemed as interested as they were in her. Kelly’s father was several feet away and talking to his boss, Mr. Talbit, who was asking about her quietly, but Kelly still heard every word, “What is your daughter’s name again?” “Kelly, sir.” “Yes, Kelly, that’s right. Would you mind introducing us again?” “Sure.” Her father walked the several feet with Mr. Talbit in tow and said, “Kelly, do you remember Mr. Talbit?” Kelly moaned slightly and opened her mouth in a very sensual way as she said, “Ohhhhhh, yes, sure, hello, Mr. Talbit.”

She couldn’t help moving her hips in a small circle as she looked at them, “Kelly, I hear that you are giving up Dressage. It seems like you are a natural. Why are you giving it up?” Kelly paused for a moment, trying to think about the reasons, “Well, I didn’t get accepted at the University, so I decided to go to school in California instead. It would be extremely difficult to ride at the school, and until today, I hadn’t had all that much fun recently.” “But today was fun, huh?” “Well…” Kelly looked at her mother, and not wanting to start anything more than she already had she said, “I dunno. Yes, I guess.”

Kelly’s mother looked like she might take Kelly’s head off with the glare she gave, and Kelly tried to recover, “I mean, Brazil is a unique culture. I’m glad I got to experience some of it.” Mr. Talbit nodded, “Yes, I see… but if you wanted to go to college here you should have told me. I am a huge patron. I could easily get you in, and probably get you a free ride, if you like. I know that would help your parents out, not having to pay for college.” Kelly raised her eyebrows and Mr. Talbit continued, “And I know girls like to get out of their parent’s house. If you’d like you can live in my guest house. I have my own stable as well.”

Her father who was now slightly behind Kelly smiled and nodded to Kelly as if she should take the deal. Kelly, paused for a moment and in the most gutsy moment of her life she said, “I know my father has been looking for a raise too. Could you help with that?” Mr. Talbit smiled, “Oh, are we negotiating, my dear? Well in that case, sure, but I have one condition.” “What condition?” “I’d like you to admit how much fun you’re having right here and now in front of everyone.” Kelly looked around, and at least a dozen people were listening, “What?” “You heard me. If I’m satisfied by your answer, I’ll give your father a raise, and I’ll give you free room and board for your entire college career.”

Kelly knew he was a man of quite power and influence, and he certainly had the money to do it, but could she really admit to everyone how she felt? What a crazy thought that was. She looked at her mother, who’s face was nearly expressionless, as if she were entirely curious what Kelly would say. Her father’s expression was of almost delight, like two of the three wheels on a jackpot had surfaced and the third was still spinning. He nodded to Kelly as if to encourage her. She paused for a long minute and thought to herself. She was certainly enjoying herself and she was easily horny enough to orgasm again. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad.

Kelly started tentatively, “Okay…?” She paused again, waiting for someone to stop her, “I mean, I’m really enjoying this. Being completely naked is somehow pretty liberating, and having… you know… sex… with the horse earlier. That was really fun too.” Kelly paused, and her father looked panicked as he slowly and discreetly drew his hands outward, as if to signify to Kelly that she needed to draw out her story. Kelly coughed a little and said, “I mean, there’s more to it than that, of course.”

She took a deep breath, and with that she decided to tell the whole thing, “Letitia sent me a few pictures a few weeks ago of her Brazillian traditional Dressage, and I was intriqued, so when she showed up with her stallion, I was really nervous. But then, when I felt him inside of me, I seriously, couldn’t stop cumming.” Kelly looked at her mother, who was still somewhat expressionless, but certainly not going to kill her as she continued, “I didn’t think I’d be able to do it at first, but it was entirely natural.” Kelly began to lift her buttocks again and squeeze her vaginal muscles as she talked, “When he came in me, I wasn’t sure if I could take it all. But now I know that this is what was always missing from Dressage for me.”

She went on but increased her tempo as her lust increased, “I saw horses do it and I was always a little curious, I guess, but I never really thought I could have sex with an animal. And definitely not in public. But once it started, I couldn’t imagine trying to get him to stop. He was so powerful. I can’t wait to feel it again, to be honest. I know my pussy is already filled with his sperm, but I guess I’m greedy because I want more.” She huffed, “And I know I said I didn’t want to do Dressage again, but that was before I tried Brazilian Dressage. If I could have you buy me anything, Mr. Talbit, I’d have you buy me a horse just like this, and I’d train it every waking hour that I wasn’t at school. I’d ride him every night and every weekend.”

Mr. Talbit smiled, “That’s a good glimpse into your future, Kelly.” “I mean, my immediate goal is to get him to cumm in me again while you are all watching so you can see it up close and you can see it gushing out of me and sticking to my pubic hair. And maybe someone will take some pictures that I can hang up on my wall.” Kelly moaned and rocked her hips a little faster, thinking about it. “That’s not a fantasy, Kelly, that can and will happen. Tell me what your fantasy is.” “Like what?” “Well, I meant, something like would you want the stallion to impregnate you?”

Kelly laughed a little and looked around, and no one else was laughing. She looked at her mom again who scowled a little in a twinge of disgust. But there she was – her own mother was watching her fuck a horse. Now was not the time for modesty and frankly, Kelly was almost through with what her mother did or didn’t think of her, “Well, I mean, that’s a sexy thought, yes. Having him pump me full of his cumm and then I get all fat and women ask, ‘Oh, who’s the father?’ and I say, ‘A stallion I met at the pony club.'” A few people chuckled at that, but Kelly didn’t, she was suddenly deadly serious as she arched her back and pushed herself down the length of what she could take of the horse’s huge penis, “Oh God, yes, and then I could continue to fuck it while I was pregnant, every waking hour. Maybe I could even stay underneath him for a whole day straight. Oh God, I’d love that. Yes, I’d definitely have a pony with him. His cock is wonderful.”

Almost on cue the horse began to dance a little in place, which made everyone lift their head from their trance. Kelly too almost squealed, “Oh good! I thought he’d never cumm again!” The stallion started thrusting into the teen aged girl as her parents and other pony club guests watched on, “Oh God, he’s huge. His penis is growing inside of me!!!” The guests watched as Kelly desperately rode the giant animal’s distended penis. Deep within her the horse’s head began to flare and push hard against her cervix with each thrust. Kelly held on, as her stomach and buttocks tensed hard. She wanted it more now than ever. In that minute she was unleashed for the first time in her life. She lost all her inhibitions.

She started yelling and moaning and arching her back, “Oh God, yes, fuck me! Fill me up! Impregnate me!” The crowd who hadn’t been paying much attention all heard this and of course her loud cries brought a lot more attention. Suddenly everyone in the crowd knew that she was trying to get herself pregnant with the stallion. Her fertile womb was already filled to the brim with horse semen, but she wanted more. Much more. Finally horse’s testicles raised up and the horse began to buck wildly, forcing it’s penis hard against her, and she cried out, “YES! YES!!! EMPTY YOURSELF INTO ME!!!” The crowd’s faces were mixed, with horror, disgust, amazement, and amusement. But nothing could stop her now. She leaned her head back and then the horse’s penis began to bounce hard, almost lifting her off her belly riding saddle.

Finally with one last hard thrust, a thick jet of ejaculate left the horse’s engorged prostate and fired down the two foot long penis deep into Kelly’s body, forcing her into a frenzied orgasm. Her pussy began to ripple, milking the thick soft flesh of the horse’s taught penis, coaxing it to shoot more of it’s seed into her fertile womb. Meanwhile, true to her word, her cervix was sucking up even more of the animal’s hot semen into her womb as her body desperately tried to impregnate itself in front of all of the onlookers. The two orgasmed together, as Kelly rode the large penis, trying to force as much into herself as she could. Hot semen began to ooze out all the way around the tight union of Kelly’s vulva and the animal’s thick cock. The thick liquid matted her pubic hair and drooled down in thick strands from her labia and pubic hair onto the ground for everyone to see.

For the second time that day the two were successfully mated to one another. Kelly continued to arch her back and moan as Mr. Talbit said, “Well, Kelly, I’m satisfied with your explanation. I don’t think anyone here has any questions left about your feelings. Does anyone have a camera?” A few people did have some cameras, “Please take some pictures of Kelly. She’d like them for her wall, if you’d be so kind.” A number of people took pictures of her. She was flushed, hot, and her pubic hair was soaked with fresh horse ejaculate but she smiled as her trembling body still shuddered. She didn’t want to admit it but she was still orgasmic, and she hadn’t stopped cumming. She wasn’t sure if it was obvious or not that she was still having her orgasm, but she didn’t want it to stop so she continued to move her hips as Mr. Talbit continued, “Please sent Kelly some copies, if you would.” They nodded, and Kelly wanted to ask them for the rolls of film to protect herself from people distributing the copies, but she knew it was already too late, and that thought made her want to climax even longer.

“Kelly, I think you’re a very special girl, and I’m glad to see that you’ve finally turned into a woman, instead of that mousy girl I’ve known so long. You’ve finally come out of your shell. I promise to buy you a breeding stallion, and I can have my stable hand put you out to pasture every day after school, if you like.” Kelly moaned approval, “Ohhhhh, yes, that would be wonderful! Thank you, Mr. Talbit!” She continued to rock her hips back and forth, and suddenly she realize her pussy and anus were spasming hard, and it was probably quite obvious to everyone that she was still cumming. She paused for a moment, thinking that someone said something, but not having any idea what they said or who said it and then decided to just be honest, “What? Oh, I’m so sorry, I think I’m still cumming a little.”

Her mother said again, “I said, I think it’s time to mingle around a little, don’t you?” “Oh, okay… mmmm…” “Say goodbye and thank you to Mr. Talbit, Kelly.” “Oh… uhhhh… thank you… Mr… Talbit. I’m sorry… it’s just hard…” “It’s quite alright, Kelly. I totally understand. I’ll be in touch.” Mr. Talbit laughed as he turned around, and then many people followed suit. Kelly’s father came up and squatted down to Kelly and kissed her hand, “You did a great job, Kelly, wow. I didn’t know you had that in you.” Kelly’s mother was even smiling, “Yeah, I guess I didn’t know how important this was to you, but I stand corrected. I’m sorry I yelled at you earlier. I just want you to know I’ll support you in whatever you do.”

“Thanks mom….” Kelly wished she weren’t still having ripples of her orgasm in that moment, but at the same time she couldn’t help herself. She continued to rock her hips and moan gently as her parents walked her through the crowd to meet more people. Kelly hadn’t met a few of the older women, who were grandmothers of some of the girls that Kelly had ridden with. Kelly tried her best to be sociable, talking to everyone. She explained as much as Letitia had told her and what she could tell them from her own experience. Yes, she could cumm like this, heavens no she couldn’t get pregnant, yes, she did yell out that she wanted to get impregnated, yes, it was a huge turn on, yes, she planned on staying like this until the end of the day, and yes he had cumm in her twice already.

Her mother looked down at her teen aged daughter’s post orgasmic, sperm matted pubic hair and made a face. “Kelly, dear lord, you’re a complete mess down there. Let me clean you up.” “No mom, please don’t.” “But, honey, honestly, you are a disaster, you just can’t see it. It’s really gross looking.” “I know, mom, and that’s just fine. I’m okay with it. I prefer it, actually. Do you have your camera?” “Yes?” “Can you take a few pictures of it for me, so I can see it later.” “Kelly! Don’t be perverted. Besides, if that’s what you’re after other people took pictures. I’m sure you’ll get a copy. It’s rude to ask your mother to take pictures of… that.” Kelly raised her hips gently, and sighed deeply, “Please?” Kelly didn’t even know why she wanted it, but she knew she needed her mother to take a picture.

Her mother looked down at Kelly, “Fine, here…” She pulled open her small hand bag and fished around for her camera. She pulled it out and took a few pictures of her naked, impaled daughter. Kelly said, “Please get a few closeups too, mom.” Kelly’s mother sighed deeply but did as she was told and got extra close – only a foot or so away from Kelly’s hot vagina, and took several snapshots with her digital camera. She turned the camera around and showed Kelly what she looked like. Her mother was totally right. Kelly was amazed at her own vagina. Suddenly it was like seeing herself for the first time.

Kelly’s vagina was clearly visible through the small camera LCD. She was clearly still turned on, because her vulva was engorged with blood, and a shade of deep red. Her vagina was open wide and taut around the dark color of the horse’s veiny penis. The horse’s penis was slick several inches past where her vagina was in the picture, clearly showing how much more of the horse she had managed to take inside of herself during their mutual climax. Worse yet, her pussy, anus and pubic hair was thickly matted and clearly sticky and juicy with ejaculate. She was a complete mess, but even as she looked at her perverse union she was extremely turned on by the scene in the small view-finder, “Oh God… that’s hot. Thank you, mom. Wow.” Kelly’s mom looked at the window and stared at it for almost a full minute. Kelly was getting a little embarrassed because her mother was looking at it much more intently and for far longer than she had looked at her own daughter in real life.

Kelly’s mom said, “Yeah, you’re a mess….” Kelly smiled and blushed, “I know, it feels so great to be messy though. In fact, I really want him to cumm in me once more before Letitia has to go.” “Well, why don’t we introduce you around a bit more. I’m sure that’ll give you a few opportunities, right, honey?” Kelly’s dad nodded, “It’s worth a shot… Let’s make sure everyone gets a look. I’m sure that’ll do it for you.” Kelly couldn’t believe her own parents were talking about her having sex with a horse so openly. Her dad was even trying to find things that turned Kelly on. She was actually delighted, and she couldn’t hold it in, “Great, let’s go. You lead the way.”

Kelly’s father took that as his cue and began to schmooze the crowd, making sure to introduce Kelly to as many people as possible as the Advanced group started their session. Kelly was overwhelmed by all the people. Half an hour passed, and they had worked their way through the majority of the crowd of people, stopping to gossip with the occasional girl in the pony club. When they were nearing the end of the massive crowd, Kelly’s mother flatly said, “Kelly, I know you said you wanted to have the horse cumm in you once more, but you’re not exactly doing your part.”

Kelly laughed, “Okay, mom, I’m sorry.” Kelly’s father said, “Yeah, you brat. Get going already. Enough relaxing. We don’t have much time left.” Kelly began to move her hips at her parents’ prodding, “Do you think Letitia will make me give up the stallion before I’m done? That would be terrible.” Kelly’s mother said, “Good question. How much longer do you think you’ll be?” Kelly didn’t want to answer that question, because really she wanted it to last as long as possible, “Maybe an hour?” “An hour?! The awards will be handed out before then.” “God mom, I don’t know… I’m so horny. I know that’s perverted, but I’ve never felt like this before.” Kelly’s mom looked like she was taking pity on her daughter, “Let’s go talk to her.”

They walked over to Letitia, each step forcing the horse cock back and forth into Kelly as she swung back and forth under the stallion. Kelly’s mom waited until after the scoring of one of the advanced girls that Kelly would normally be competing against and said, “Letitia?” “Yes?” “Kelly would like to borrow your horse for another hour or so, if you’re okay with that?” “Oh?” Kelly’s mom looked at Kelly, who took a deep breath, “You were right, Letitia. I’m sorry for doubting you. This has been the best day at pony club that I’ve had in a long time.”

“I’d say so, by the looks of it.” “So if you wouldn’t mind, I really feel like I need a little more time with him.” Letitia laughed a little, “So said the belly rider. Look, how about this. The award’s ceremony is in twenty minutes or so. Save yourself for then, and we’ll give out the awards together, you and I. How about that? Everyone will be watching.” Kelly smiled, “That would be great. I think I’d like everyone to watch me again.” Letitia turned to Kelly’s parents, “And you both?” Kelly’s father said, “Kelly’s really impressed me today. I didn’t think she had this in her. She’s always been so shy. I’m really glad to see she’s opened up and let the world see her real self.” Kelly’s mother laughed, “Yes, she’s let the entire town see her true self, hasn’t she? More of herself than most people expected, I’m sure. I don’t think this is what most people were expecting of today’s pony club.”

Letitia said, “Okay, give me a few minutes and get yourself ready.” Kelly thanked her and her parents went back to mingle with the crowd, leaving Kelly by herself by the arena. She slowly moved her hips, allowing herself just enough pleasure so that she wouldn’t forget the 7 inches of horse penis buried in her pubic mound, and the cup of semen in her womb. Finally after several more long minutes the last of the advanced Dressage riders finished their ride, leaving Frances and Letitia to tally their votes and decide the winner. Letitia walked over to Kelly. Letitia always seemed to have a plan. She called out over the bull horn, “Please, ladies and gentlemen, gather around.”

“We are about to give the results of the advanced Dressage. Please come closer. Advanced group, please go to the center of the ring.” Everyone did as they were told, and Letitia began to call out the names of the last place finishers as to add tension. Letitia put down the bull horn for a moment and quietly said, “Now is your time to shine, Kelly. If you want to show off, I’d start now.” Kelly obeyed and began to lift her hips, and arch her back. She felt the massive penis, slick with it’s own ejaculate and her own vaginal lubricant slipping back and forth. The creaking of the leather saddle added to her tension. She was suddenly no longer bashful. She loved this attention – even craved it. She wanted to be looked down upon, and scolded. She wanted to think of herself as a perverted horse fucking slut, and she wanted other people to treat her like one. She wanted people to recognize her by the thick matting of horse cumm in her pubic hair that was always visible.

Suddenly there was a gasp. The crowd murmured and parted and there was a strange noise coming from the audience that grew and grew until it parted in a way that made a man suddenly visible. It was the town mayor. Kelly was suddenly frightened. She had no idea what would happen to her now. The mayor would certainly have her arrested. He walked closer and laughed when he saw Kelly. Frances ran over to him and took him aside for a moment saying something completely inaudible to him, while Kelly, helplessly laid in her saddle, 7 inches of horse semen up her cunt as the most powerful man in the city nodded and shook his head looking at her. She felt so helpless and horny. Even if she went to prison over this, she knew she could spend every night with three fingers in her pussy remembering exactly what this felt like. She lifted her buttocks again and moaned thinking about it.

The mayor approached, and looked at Kelly, who, with guilt on her face said, “Hello, Mr. Mayor, this isn’t what it looks like… mmmmm.” She couldn’t help moaning ever so slightly as she lifted her hips involuntarily. She cursed herself for being so turned on, as he said, “Frances tells me this is a cultural exercise and you’re demonstrating international relations by showing the public how our Brazilian counterparts live. Is that correct?” Kelly looked at Frances, and then looked back at the Mayor. She didn’t know what to say, but that sounded like a better story than she desperately needed another half cup of fresh horse ejaculate shot up her ravaged horny cunt, “Yes sir.”

“Good, well, let the award’s ceremony continue.” Letitia nodded and continued reading off names as the Mayor came over to stand next to Kelly as he whispered, “I know this is a huge thrill for you, miss, but if you can keep telling that story, I won’t make any problems for you. In fact, I’ll make it a lot easier for you.” Kelly didn’t know what to say, as the Mayor went on, “How about this. If you tell people what a great guy I am, I’ll let you ride like this in the summer solstice. What do you say?” Kelly had no idea what to say. This was an incredible offer, “Wait, you’re saying I can have sex with a stallion on main street?” “No, you can’t. But you can show the cultural differences between French Dressage and Brazilian Dressage. If that means you’re naked with him inside of you, so be it. You see, it’s all about perceptions, my dear.”

“So… I can still cumm?” “I encourage you to do whatever comes naturally to Brazilian Dressage students.” “And him?” “Horses will do whatever horses will do, miss. One could hardly blame you for any rowdy behavior that the horse may engage in while you two are copulating. If you two are mated together, I would suspect he would try to inseminate you, and that sounds quite rational and reasonable to me. And it also sounds quite reasonable that you would react to him, given his size and strength. It’s not your fault. Even if you openly enjoy it, anyone would forgive that. I would just ask that you keep your head about you. No obscenities, or vulgarities. Lewd behavior should be kept to a minimum. But that said, I think your style of riding is just what this city needs to open people’s minds and get them to be more worldly. So how about it are you in?”

Letitia began calling off the winners, but then she said, “And now for the top three winner. In third place…” Kelly knew that was her time to shine, “Yes, Mr. Mayor, that sounds wonderful. But you’ll have to excuse me. I need to release some tension here, quickly, before the awards are finished…” Kelly began to rock her hips rapidly. She almost completely ignored what was going on around her as she struggled to get herself off. After a few minutes of going through the lower rungs, Kelly felt herself beginning to get closer and closer to an orgasm. She was thrilled, but the attention wasn’t completely on her. It was also on the awards. Kelly really wanted to yell out to have everyone stop and watch her, but she couldn’t see herself doing that. She wanted to be seen as a whore in heat in that moment, but still. She couldn’t disrupt everything.

“And the second runner up is… Cindy!” Kelly’s arch nemesis had won third place. Kelly smiled and rocked her hips, as the crowd clapped gently for the third place winner. Cindy smiled gracefully and rode up to the fence to receive her ribbon. But then, as if Letitia had been reading Kelly’s mind she said, “Now for the winner, I thought we’d do something special. I wanted Kelly to read off the winning girl. But only after she is finished. In Brazil is considered rude to force new belly riders to do anything before they are ready. Once they become more competent, it is expected that they multi-task, and even carry out work while engaging in their daily routines with their horses. But novices are given more leeway, and I would hope that you help in giving Kelly her leeway. Once she is finished, she will read off the last name for us.”

Kelly looked a little panicked. Was Letitia really going to hold up the most important moment of the entire day so that Kelly could get herself off? Kelly looked at Letitia like she was crazy, but Letitia looked back with a straight face, as if this was the most natural thing in the world. She looked over at Mr. Talbit, who was smiling. Her mother too had a smile on her face and was nodding. Her father had the biggest smile of all. He was genuinely proud of her, and his face was lighted up, as if this were the proudest day of his life. Kelly noticed a bulge in his pants too. She wasn’t sure if he was just naturally hard, or if he was starting at her cumm soaked vaginal orifice. Either way, it turned her on.

Kelly said, “Okay….” With that she closed her eyes and began to lift her hips and rotate them in circles. She could feel the horse’s giant phallus moving back and forth in her body. Kelly never knew she was into bestiality, but she now knew that this was the most erotic thing she had ever done, and there was no chance she’d ever stop. Her stomach was in knots and she continued to arch her back, as her moans grew steadily in tempo and volume. After many long minutes, Kelly began to become extremely self aware. Her breasts were shaking, her butt was giggling and she desperately needed a strong orgasm. Kelly wasn’t sure exactly how long she had been, but she knew it had to have been at least fifteen minutes by now, as she just continued to swing herself back and forth, moaning gently. She knew she had come close to an orgasm several times, but she wasn’t about to let herself go until the horse did.

Kelly, fearing the crowd’s impatience, said loudly, “Thank you for being patient, everyone. He’s being a little stubborn, all of a sudden. Don’t be shy, boy. Inseminate me. Come on, boy…. Mmmm… Yes, fill me with more of your cumm. I want to feel you shooting inside of me! Mmmm… Oh God!” She couldn’t believe all of her friends and her parents were patiently watching her copulate with an animal. She also couldn’t believe no one seemed upset by her dirty talk, so she continued to do it. It made her feel better at least, and she was sure it was entertaining more than one of her audience members.

Finally the horse began to feel the effects of the horny girl milking his big cock with her hairy, cummy vagina. She was so happy she felt a small tear roll down her cheeks as she said, “I can feel his cock growing inside of me! Wow…” She felt the thick horse’s penis head expanding and filling her up. She tensed her butt and as she did so the horse began to thrust hard with it’s haunches, forcing several inches of it’s fat penis roughly back and forth into Kelly’s body. She panted and her stomach tensed, but the loudest sound was the horse, who was making a loud coughing sound with each thrust, and the squishing sound of her own sperm filled cunt.

She arched her back and moved her legs as she saw the horse’s testicles begin to raise up. Soon enough the horse’s long thick shaft grew to it’s maximum, and began to pulsate and bounce violently. Kelly knew she was about to get a huge amount of sperm shot into her fertile hole, “Oh, God, he’s about to cumm! Someone take some pictures, quick!! OH GOD!!!” A few people pulled out their cameras, and began to take pictures. Suddenly the horse’s huge penis exploded with long ropes of hot sperm into Kelly’s already well fucked pussy. Kelly arched her back hard, tensed her butt and with a very loud moan she began to climax. Thick rope after sticky rope of semen shot into her body. Kelly’s sperm covered pubic hair was soon awash with a fresh coating of the horse’s sticky semen as it bubbled and oozed from all around her full vulva.

Kelly continued to moan, as more and more of the thick cumm coated the hairs of her vagina, her clitorus, the horse’s long shaft, and her butt, as she kept moaning. She was cumming hard, and with each spasm of her loins, Kelly lewdly milked more cumm, greedily, from the engorged horse phallus. Her anus tensed hard, feeling suddenly warm with the hot sperm that covered it. The horse bucked a few more times but then began to relax and even shook it’s mane happily. Kelly, however, was not finished with her orgasm. She cried out, “I’m still cumming!” That was quite clear to everyone as the teen aged girl’s sperm coated pussy made gross squishing and sucking sounds each time she tensed her legs and swung the sling, forcing her body up and down the horse’s still engorged penis.

Kelly kept the audience watching for several minutes as she panted, and moaned, and writhed, like a whore in heat. She really couldn’t get enough of the feeling between her legs. She heard Letitia cough slightly, “Kelly, you’ve kept everyone waiting for nearly half an hour. Now we’ve all been very patient, but I think everyone would appreciate if you continued to mate with your stallion later so that we could get on with the ceremony.” Kelly blushed hard. She had no idea she had taken that long – she thought it had been no more than ten or fifteen minutes, which itself would have been too long.

Kelly’s anus was still rhythmically tensing and her pussy was still spasming as she said, “Oh yes, I’m so sorry, everyone. Please forgive me. I must have lost my head.” Her engorged pussy lips were a deep red, as was her sensitive clitorus. Letitia showed the peice of paper to Kelly, with the winner’s name on it, and Kelly with one last loud moan and as she lifted her butt high into the air, to get one last hard climactic spasm, “Mmmmm… the winner is… oh god! Lana!” Lana was clearly surprised and happy. Kelly was happy for her though, because she genuinely liked Lana, and she had been especially nice to Kelly that day, after everything.

The mayor leaned down and whispered with a brief flash of a smile, “Are you planning on holding up the entire parade like this?” “I’m sorry, was that too long? God, it felt so good though.” “Yes, it was too long, but… people will just have to deal with it, I guess. If you and I work together, I think you can really help raise my popularity in this town amongst a group of people who are typically fairly disillusioned by politics in general. Are you okay with that? This would have to be completely unofficial and discrete, of course. You’d have to deny any formal agreement between, us.” Feeling slightly emboldened as the last of the spasms rippled through her body, she smiled and said, “What’s in it for me?”

The mayor smiled, appreciating her selfishness in that moment, “I’ll make sure the police don’t arrest you for public indecency, or any other laws you bend while you’re under there. Give me a few weeks to talk it over with everyone, but by the end of the month you should be able to ride right down the center of main street, naked as a jay bird, having sex just like you are now and no one will stop you.” Kelly really liked the sound of that. “What about school?” “I’ll figure something out. But don’t worry about it. The mayor’s office controls a huge amount of budgeting and the permits for the school. I’m sure they’ll see our point of view. It’s a small private liberal arts college anyway. Very few people are going to complain.”

Kelly loved the idea that her pussy was completely covered with sperm as she pondered the deal. Could she really live like this? Could she really take a horse as a mate, and live out the rest of her college career with a horse dick in her? Maybe living in this small town wasn’t so bad after all. She agreed, “Okay, you have yourself a deal. Consider me your new grass root’s campaign manager.” “Unofficial!” “Yes, unofficially, of course.” He stood up straight, “Good! It’s a deal then.”

The ceremony came to a close, and people began to mill around and chat. Kelly’s parents came over and stood next to Kelly, answering questions of people as they walked by. “Yes, we’re very proud of how much she’s come out of her shell.” “Yes, it was completely unexpected.” “She does seem to have a glow about her, doesn’t she?” Kelly blushed at the attention, but Letitia came over and looked at Kelly with a look that Kelly had been dreading for the last several hours, “Okay, Kelly, I think it’s time for me and my stallion to depart.” Kelly frowned, “Are you sure? We could just stay for a while…” “No, I have a feeling if I don’t take him from you now, I’ll never get to ride him myself.”

Kelly frowned again, “Alright.” Letitia took her cue and began to undo the straps that held Kelly’s arms and legs in place. Kelly slowly extracted herself from the thick horse phallus creating a very loud and disgusting sucking sound. She felt her lips stretching around the thick horse head before it pulled free with a pop and a torrent of hot semen as her vagina slowly returned to it’s normal size. Kelly reached down and felt her pussy with her entire hand, and sure enough it was completely covered in the horse’s ejaculate. She rubbed some of the sperm on her breasts as she stood up, still completely naked, “Wow…” Letitia asked, “So, I take it you’re a convert?”

“I’m sold. Now, how do I buy belly riding horses, exactly? I get the distinct impression that the entire town wants to breed me out.” Kelly’s mother overheard her daughter, “Only because it’s clear you enjoyed yourself so much. You even admitted you wanted to get yourself pregnant! That’s more than just wanted to get bred out, he’s your lover now.” “Is that such a bad fate?” Kelly reached between her legs and fingered her semen coated clitorus and smiled, “No, I think you’re right, mom. I think I found my perfect mate.”
