(c) by Nathan Harvey

I lived in the upper floor of one of those converted houses on the south side of town. It was one of those changing neighborhoods so it was real cheap rent. My landlord had the bottom floor and I had the second floor. It was a great place because it was cheap and the only thing wrong with it was I could hear his damn dog barking at night at everything thing that moved. I wondered why the Sergeant couldn’t keep his damn dog quite at night. Every time they dog would carry on all night I thought I was determined I would stop by and complain on the way to work. By morning I never had the guts to face the Sergeant. He would always be out early sitting on the porch with Bruno his dog. The dog would lay there chained and they both just watch people coming and going. They never seemed to move except when Sarge would take a sip of beer or the dog would wag his tale.

Looking at the Sergeant it seemed like such a waste. He was retired but he was still one hell of a hunk. When he had retired from the force he had moved back to his parents empty house. He told me at first he wanted to sell it but with the neighborhood going the way it was he could never get what it was worth. Well I hoped he would keep it for a long time because it was cheap rent. Besides I loved looking at that horny bastard running around in his skivvies. The one thing he had in conmen with that dam dog of his was they were both really hung and horny beasts. Well once at work I would put all that our of my mind. That night when I got off the bus I could see the flashing lights in front of the house. Rushing in I saw the Sergeant on a gurney being lifted into the ambulance. Grabbing my hand he begged me to take care of his buddy.

I thought Damn him, now I was going to half to be Bruno’s nursemaid. Going in I was at least glad the door to his apartment didn’t lock. The Sergeant had never put locks on any of the doors. The only door that locked was the front door. For all practical purposes the house was still a single family dwelling. As soon as I pushed open the French doors into the living room Bruno was on me licking my face. It was as if he knew I’d come in to take care of him. As moved toward the kitchen Bruno followed behind nosing my ass. Pushing him away I rummaged around finding this big bag of dog food. Pouring some of the food into his dish I looked at him and added more. He was one damn big beast.

After giving him water I left the door to the sergeants apartment and went to my place to eat. I had hoped to shower and go out cruising tonight but carrying on with that damn dog had taken so much time. Now all I could do was take a quick shower, have a couple of beers and watch television. I was in my shower when I remembered seeing that big TV set the Sergeant had in his living room. Pulling on my PJ’s and padding down to his apartment I slipped into his apartment. Bruno was at the door waiting for me. Leading him to the kitchen door I let him out to do his duty. Then rummaging in the Sergeants refrigerator I found a well stocked supply of beer. Well I figured if I am going to baby-sit his dog I might as well drink his beer.

I was just about to close the box when I spotted a line of little bottles on the shelf on the refrigerator door. Picking up one of them I had to laugh. The old bastard had a years supply of rush on hand. I bet he was every girls nightmare or delight with that horse cock of his. I had just settled down to find something to watch when I heard Bruno scratching on the door. Getting up and letting the dog in I went back to find something to watch. I was surprised the Sergeant didn’t have cable or a dish. That was when I spotted the Video tapes. Pulling out a couple of them I damn near shit. They were all porno tapes of men. Going through them I knew I was going to have a real good time tonight. Pushing in a tape called Foxhole buddies I sat back and relaxed with a beer. As the credits and warning sped past I began to get a hard-on just thinking of that old bastard and his porno tapes. Pushing my Pajamas down I sat there naked as the action began on the screen. Damn he had a good tape, I wondered how many more of them was in there. Getting up and crawling over I began checking out the supply of tapes. Then I felt that wonderful feeling of a tongue working my ass. It felt so good I spread my legs giving him a good shot at my ass. That was my big mystake and the damn dog took that to be submission and he was on my ass with his paws around my sides. That damn beast was trying to fuck me.

Trying to push him off the dog let out a low growl and I realized there was no fighting him if I didn’t want to be bitten. Bowing my head I though how bad could it be getting fucked by a dog. He fished and poked around a few seconds and then I felt him make entry. It was real strange as he pumped and wiggled getting into me. Spreading my legs wider and kneeling forward my head on the ground I gave him his best shot. Finally he was in and pumping and I was loving it. That’s when it started, I felt the swelling of his knot and I knew I was in deep shit. Trying to pull away it was two late, he’d tied to me. Gritting my teeth from the pain of the knot swelling in me he began his staccato pumping filling me with his cum.

I never realized it took a dog so long to cum but he kept at me for the better part of a half hour. Finally turning on me we were butt to butt and then he began slipping out of my ass. Coming around and licking at my face he lay down beside me. He had accepted me as his bitch now. Moving into the bathroom I began washing my as. I was seeping his cum and my ass was sore as hell. Finally getting cleaned up I went back to the TV. Somehow watching two studs fucking wasn’t that exciting now, I had just been the bitch for a Doberman. Sliding down to the floor and putting my arms around Bruno he looked up and me and licking my face sent to sleep. I lay next to him until the tape finished and decided to call it a night. It had been one wild experience tonight.

I went to sleep then like a little baby, if anything I liked being a bitch for that damn dog. It was about midnight when I felt this tongue on my face and waking I started to say something when his tongue slipped into my mouth, Damn it all to hell now the dog was French kissing me. Laughing then I began licking and sucking back. I was a real first class bitch. Sliding out of bed and spreading my legs I was going to give him what he wanted. I knew what to expect now and when I felt the swelling of his knot I just gritted my teeth waiting for that hot lush filling of cum as he began fucking me. We stayed coupled for a long time and then when he turned and pulled out of me he began licking me clean. Shivering from the thrill of his course tongue I’d never been on such a trip in my life and I loved it.

Pulling Bruno up in bed then we both went into a deep sleep. He had me up at dawn to let him out and then after giving him breakfast I told him I had to go to work. God, now I was talking to the damn dog like he understood me. All that day at work I though about being a bitch for that dog. I know I should have been ashamed but I really liked being fucked by a dog. I even liked kissing him. Stopping at a Wendy’s for some burgers and fry’s I was eager to get home to Bruno. As I let myself in he was on me in a flash. Laughing and dropping my food I hurried to let him out. He was out and back in a flash. I knew damn well why he wanted back in. Reaching down and feeling his cock as it began coming out of its sheath.

I began stripping telling him we would be in real trouble when the Sergeant came home. Getting on my knees he was on me in a second. As his paws came around me I could feel him working his cock into my ass. I was getting good at being his bitch. It was when we were tied and he was pumping my ass I heard the front door opening. I tried to pull out first, and Bruno started growling, then when I tried to crawl away he just hung on and I pulled him across the kitchen floor still fucking me. That was when I saw these boots and then looking up saw the grinning face of the Sergeant. You really are taking care of Bruno aren’t you boy. As he moved toward us Bruno let out a growl warning him to stay away from his bitch. Chuckling he sat down at a kitchen chair and just watched. I was mortified as he just sat there watching me getting my ass fucked by his dog.

Finally Bruno turned and as his knot went down released me. I was going to stand when he pushed me back down saying he wanted sloppy seconds. He was out of his fatigues in a second and naked ready for action. Staying on my knees then and spreading my legs I felt his cock sliding into my ass. He was really and animal as he rammed his cock into me and as he began slamming into me like a bitch in heat. Bruno not to be outdone by his master and mounted my face and began working his cock into my mouth. Holding the knot back I let him fuck my mouth. We stayed like that on the floor as he continued to cum again and again saying I was the best piece of ass he’d ever had. Finally pulling out of me I could stand then. I had been so damn hot I had shot my load all over the floor and Bruno was cleaning it up now.

The Sergeant then went over to the counter and pulling a drawer open pulled out a collar. Putting it around my neck he asked me if I wanted to be their bitch. As we sat there that evening he said I should bring my things down and live with him and we would rent the upstairs. Laughing I suggested we might like to put locks on the doors now. Over that next week we fell into an easy routine. At night Bruno would fuck me and then the Sergeant always got sloppy seconds. Then we would watch Videos and when we would to bed and the Sergeant would fuck the hell out of me. He was all man and I was all bitch. I began to think of him now as my master. When the Sergeant showed the upstairs apartment to this young man I was thrilled when the man ask if he could bring his dog. Pulling me close to him he said he had a male dog and a bitch and we loved dogs.

They guy looked at Bruno and then at me with my dog collar and with a smile said he understood. Perhaps he could breed his dog to the bitch. Sergeant said that should work out just fine with him. Then the guy said he thought he was going to love living here.