Chapter 1

Jacque wasn’t sure how to act around his new Master. He lay beside the fire, reminiscing about the past. Then it was easy. You got up in the morning, got fed, dug a hole to squat over, caught up on the daily gossip, and get ready to pull the sled. Even though he was bigger than most dogs, he wasn’t Leader. He didn’t want to be Leader. When you’re Leader, you have to make sure all the dogs are well, that nobody went “wolf”, that Master was happy, lead the sled, and keep everybody in line. That was not too much of a problem. Except for Snooty. Snooty didn’t allow anybody to hump him but Master, and Leader; and only after Leader ripped the fur off him, and then only under the tail. Snooty thought he was too good for anybody.

Jacque didn’t mind it either way. He could play `male’ or roll over for another male. Even old Master’s huge cock was nice. But old Master very seldom took Jacque into his den. Old Master liked those who howled, and fought. Some howled all right, but only because they liked being humped so much. Most simply took it as part of life. When everyone is male, you either humped another male, or did without. Jacque shuddered. He could never do without, even if he had to screw himself! His balls ached to be touched, but this Master never did more than pat his head, and say, “Good boy.” Shit! If something didn’t happen soon, he’d be after the neighbor’s goat.

What a strange Master word, “Goat”. It should be called No- Brains, or Noisy-At-All-Hours or something like that! He looked around, then nuzzled his ballsac. Master didn’t like for him to be too open with his sexual play. He sighed. That was better.


Chapter 2

Jacque heard a noise outside, and went to investigate. Just that stupid animal next door. It had wound it’s rope too tight around the tree, and was complaining about it … Ah! There was his Master. Jacque wouldn’t mind getting humped by that nice, big dick! He had seen Master without his fur before, in the den where the water runs. Master was wet, and Jacque had come in, afraid Master would get cold and stiff like old Master up north. New Master smiled, patted his head, and sat down on water bucket/shit hole.

New Master had been amazed to see Jacque use shit hole. After Jacque had seen many “Men” (another Master word), take the top off of this strange bucket, and shit inside, he couldn’t see any reason to dig holes in the hard ground. This was much easier. He licked Master’s leg, his eyes on that immense cock. Master laughed an said, “I can dry myself, Jack.” Jacque had bit his lip. It dangled between Master’s legs, enticingly. He wanted to suck on it like a famished cub. He took a step closer, drooling… And was shooed out. Damn! Jacque shook himself. Someday he was going to get that piece of meat!! The Husky went back to the “Rug”, and made himself comfortable.


Chapter 3

Master didn’t know it, but Jacque had tasted his seed, before. Master sleeps soundly. Very soundly! And New Master doesn’t sleep in furs, like old Master. One night, Jacque heard Master groaning, and went to see if Master was well. Master was lying flat on the “Bed” (another funny word), and had no furs on him. Master’s massive cock was erect, and Jacque, drooling, padded quietly over to the edge. He carefully got on top of the furs, and maneuvered himself between Master’s legs. Jacque nuzzled, then, sucked on Master’s ballsac. As he gently caressed them with his tongue, they swelled with seed, and Master moaned, but didn’t wake up.

Jacque couldn’t endure it any longer. He let them slide out of his mouth, and lapped at the cock-stalk. His tongue slithered across the fat head, and Master groaned. Jacque looked up, to be sure Master was still asleep. Then he sucked on the bulbous tip, and swallowed it to the roots. The Husky’s head bobbed over Master’s dick, gyrating his tongue around the tip on every upstroke, ears open wide, to catch the slightest hint Master was awakening. A paw felt Master’s ballsac. They were almost ready. Now Jacque wished he had 2 mouths, one to suck on Master’s dick, and another to lap at Master’s Balls. Oh, well, he would just have to make do with rubbing Master’s Balls with his Forepaws. As the prick throbbed in his mouth, Jacque sucked harder. The first spurt shot down his throat, and the Husky jerked his head up, catching the rest of the deluge in his mouth. While Jacque’s tongue slapped at the cock-head, his paws kneading Master’s balls, drawing even more cum out, which disappeared down that ravenous maw.

When the gusher became a slow trickle, Jacque clamped his muzzle around the hilt, and stripped Master’s prick of cum. He swallowed one last time, and cleaned off the cock knob carefully. Master sighed, and rolled over. Jacque gave one last lick to Master’s scrotum, then jumped off the bed. The odd thing was his own prick hadn’t yelled for attention. All the better, then. As he went out of the door, he shook his head. Drinking cum still made him thirsty. He had padded off to get a drink.

Jacque sighed heavily at the memory. There had been other nights, but not near enough to suit the Dog.


Chapter 4

Jacque stood by the “Fire Place”, fit to be tied! Master had come in, patted him on the head, said, “Good Boy, Jack.” Then pulled his clothes off, and went into the den where the water runs. Jacque shook himself. If Master came in, called him a good boy, and drove him over the hill by standing there, without his furs on, one more time; Jacque was going to tie Master down, suck on Master’s dick until Master passed out, then screw Master until dog-cum came out Master’s ears!! Master came out, scratched his ears, and went into the sleeping room. That’s right! Today’s the day Master goes to “Town”.

Good! That meant the young male would be here. Jacque chuckled. That male had his furs off 5 ticks after Master was out the door. Here he comes, up the walk. Jacque tried to keep his excitement under control, but Master didn’t notice. Master must be late. He let “Chip” in, and left. So much the better. The male asked Jacque how he was. Horny, that’s how Jacque was!! Chip closed all the shades, and locked the door. Jacque still couldn’t get used to not having open holes. Not that he minded. No wind, no bears, no other jealous dogs… Not one bit did Jacque mind!

Chip removed his furs, and got on all fours. Jacque came over and lapped at the man-cock until it was hard. Then He went around to the young male’s backside, and lapped at his balls. Finally, Jacque jumped up, wrapping his paws carefully around Chip’s hips. Making sure he had a good hold, the Husky pulled the male’s butt back, and shoved his hips forward. Jacque growled, as his erection sank into Chip’s hot asshole. That felt soo damn good! Jacque kept up the dual pressures, until his entire length was buried, and his furry balls rubbed the young male’s.

Jacque enjoyed the feeling for a moment, then rotated his hips, corkscrewing out, then back in the young male’s tail-hole. Chip grunted, and moaned. Jacque dug his elbows into the man’s hips, his paws pressing Chip’s dick between them. He slid out, then thrust back in savagely, causing it to slide between his paws, in effect masturbating the young male, while Jacque pounded his ass, but good!

Jacque howled, hoping never to cum, expecting to explode with every plunge. All eight inches of dog-cock plowed through Chip’s asshole, their balls kissed, and the man-cock slithered up through Jacque’s paws, then Jacque would pull out until just the head was left inside, Chip would move forward, pushing his cock down, and moaned. This went on for sometime, with Jacque grinding his belly into the male’s furless end, and Chip making various sounds of pleasure. The young male came first, arching his back, and clutching at Jacque’s doggy-cock with his anus, who then howled, his cock throbbing, as he emptied his balls into Chip’s hot, tight ass.

Yow!! Jacque lay on top of Chip for a while, exhausted, then pulled his cock free with a wet sklortch, his balls totally drained. After cleaning Chip’s cum off the floor, and getting the mandatory drink, he returned to find the young male reclining on the floor, his cock bent over and soft. Well, we’re going to have to do something about that. He smiled, padded over, and nuzzled Chip’s dick, then lapped at it, which responded by getting fatter. Jacque sucked on the swollen tip, causing the young male to moan. When it was hard, and stiff, Jacque reluctantly let it slip out of his mouth, then turned around, and elevating his tail, invited Chip to fuck his ass.

The young man moved behind Jacque, placed the wet tip of his manhood against the dog’s crinkled anus, and grabbing Jacque’s shoulders, shoved his hips forward. The dog yelped, as Chip’s massive dick-head split him wide open, then moaned, while a huge man-cock plowed deep into his bowels. Unggggh! The young male held the dog fully impaled for a moment, then rotated his hips, pulling the bulky mass out. Now, only the plump head split the dog’s anus. With a growl matched by Jacque, Chip savagely thrust in to the roots, and hammered the dog’s ass with long, powerful strokes.

The tip explored Jacque’s innermost depths with every instroke, and when pulled out, held the doggy-anus open, for the next plunge. The Husky grunted, and shoved his hips back, matching the young male, thrust, for savage thrust, groan for throaty groan. How could anything feel sooo good?

Jacque spread his forelegs wide, and shoved his head between them. The Husky swallowed his own cock, both for the pleasure, and to keep from roaring. Too much noise could be fatal, especially if one woke a sleeping Bear! A big dick in his ass, A dick in his mouth, and a mouth on his dick … His doggy senses were close to overloading.

Finally, Jacque howled around his muzzleful of male-meat, as Chip drove in to the hilt, his cock expanding in the confines of the dog’s intestines, and whitewashed Jacque’s bowels with spurt after spurt of seething, hot cum. The Husky’s own orgasm hit, and Jacque swallowed the deluge, his anus rythemically pulling on the young male’s cock. They both fell into a heap, neither wanting to stop, both too tired to go on. At last, balls drained, Chip extracted his massive dick from Jacque’s ass, and gasping, headed for the den where the water runs, to get cleaned up. Jacque sighed. That was fantastic! Too bad Master didn’t screw him like that. Well Jacque was working on that.