(c) 1998 by shelly desire

First Time

I am going to tell you a story, about my boyfriends and I. I grew up as a boy, and I was able to sneak a neighborhood dog into my basement and sucked his dog cock, and got humped by him. I knew from the time that I was eight that I was really a girl. It is my earliest recollection of dressing in girl‘s clothes. I always admired the way girls were, the way their bodies were shaped, their breasts (I wanted them so bad), and the clothes they would wear.

I was seventeen when I was able to sneak this dog into the basement of our house. He was a Black Heinz 57, but about the size of a Labrador. I knew the girl that was his owner; she was a new person on the block. She was also in my High School class, and she was also lovely. I found myself wishing that I was like her, being a girl, and having her life. One day when I was over talking to her, her dog mounted my leg; I was very embarrassed in front of everyone because he would not let go, but I also though about him fucking me. But I was finally able to shake him off.

When I had her dog in my basement, he was curious about what was going to happen. I playfully rubbed his back, and scratched his ears, and rubbed his belly. I slid out of my jeans and clothes and continued to play with him after I was naked. He started licking my small cock, and his cock started coming out of his sheath, and I rubbed it. His cock came further out of his sheath and I continued to stroke him as I got down on my hands and knees. His shoulders were a little above mine, and I moved so that my body was next to his, my head was at his rear, and my rear was by his head. I grabbed a small jar of Vaseline and lubed one finger and put it inside me, and then repeated this a couple of times, until my virgin ass was very slick inside and out.

I also put my head under the dog and licked his cock; he was also doing the same to me. I licked him and then sucked him into my mouth. He then mounted my head, and started to hump on me, he pistoned his cock in and out of my mouth, and I tasted his precum, which shot out in little jets, it was salty and strange tasting. I was shocked and let his cock fall out of my mouth, he continued to hump my head, and I liked feeling his cock slapping against my face, and the warm precum squirting onto my face.

He humped my head for a couple of minutes, and then stopped and got down. I turned around and shoved my butt in his face. He started licking me around my asshole, and then I felt him climbing up onto me again. I felt him start humping and his cock slapped into me everywhere but the target he was looking for. I moved around with my butt under him, but it seemed he couldn‘t find the mark that either one of us wanted him to hit. I reached back between my legs, and found his flailing cock and guided him to the mark. He thrust once and he was into me, and it really hurt at first but I was so hot and it started feeling really good. He was behind me and on top of me, making me the bitch I knew I was. His cock thrusting in and out in short strokes going deeper and deeper into me. I was coming and rock hard and moving my ass on his cock, I was also moaning and whimpering, it stung but felt soo good.

I was only seventeen, and didn‘t know about how dogs were stuck when they mated, I always though it was because of the female clamping down on the males cock. I found out when I felt a bump on his cock bang into me a couple of times then it slammed inside of me. I almost passed out when his ‚knot‘ entered me, and I almost screamed out when it did. He continued humping me; I felt his cock swelling and his ‚knot‘ getting huge inside me, it hurt so bad, but felt so good. I felt his cum filling my insides, and I knew what I was, I loved this soo much. I loved the feel of his fur, and the strength of his paws and legs wrapped around me, and his big swollen cock locked inside me. He was still thrusting a little bit, but his cock would not move, he was locked tight inside of me. It really hurt, but it was also a very intense orgasm that I had, I started shaking and shuddering, had tears running down my face.

We were locked together for almost twenty minutes, my cock came almost five times when he was locked inside, I stayed rock hard, and my cum spayed my face, I felt his cock squirting and oozing his doggy cum into my insides for almost fifteen minutes. I had my arms, hands, and face covered with my own cum. He had gotten off of me and we had been locked together, tail to tail, when I felt his ‚knot‘ shrinking and slip out of me.



I never got another chance with him, but I always was looking for him. It was how I started to be a bitch, I loved what had happened to me, and it was also my secret, I wanted more. I went and graduated from high school, and started a couple of different jobs, then I went into the Marines for four years. I had a couple of friends, and one soon to be special friend. His name was John, and since we were stationed in a remote area, we began to take care of each other. I would suck him off and let him fuck me; I scared him once when I started moaning and rocking back and forth on his cock inside me. He also had a Black Labrador named Angus, Angus was a beautiful dog. He was taller than the first dog by an inch or so, but he was very lean and friendly. It had been a few years since my first time and I knew I wanted to mate with him and be his bitch.

I liked being Johns bitch and sucking his cock and letting him fuck me. I enjoyed playing the feminine role with him, although we both acted very masculine around others. We even played around with some of the local girls. One time we went to LA with some other guys and all banged a local hooker on a couple of occasions, so nobody was wiser to what was really going on. The only thing that John couldn‘t do was tie up and lock inside me; I really liked that feeling.

My opportunity came almost six months later. John was transferred overseas. I was transferred to another unit and stayed in the same area. John asked me to take care of Angus for him, of coarse I agreed, John didn‘t know of the new relationship between Angus and I. I had already started with him, one day John was stuck overnight at the base, Angus and I were alone together.



I brought Angus into our house located in a remote area and got naked with him. He knew what I was doing and started to get excited. He started to butt me with his head; I got down on all fours and started to smell him, putting my head under him. Angus looked at me and licked my bitch butt. I saw his cock starting to appear from his sheath and I started licking the tip. Angus must have liked that because the next thing I knew he was mounting my head and his cock came all the way out of his sheath.

I licked and sucked him into my mouth and he started to hump my head with his doggie cock in my mouth. I was careful not to let his ‚knot‘ enter my mouth. I could already see how excited he was. I let him fuck my face with his doggie cock. I liked feeling it grow inside my mouth and his little jets of precum lube squirting from his cock. He was humping my face trying to lodge his ‚knot‘; I wanted him lodged in my bitch butt.

I let his cock slip out of my mouth and let him hump away at my face, watching his cock going up and down air fucking. He soon got tired of it, and got down and moved around. I started putting my bitch butt in his face, and he knew what to do. He licked my bitch hole and lapped and wetted me from my ballbag to my lower back. He also was able to slobber all over my little puckered bitchhole and lube me really good. I was really hot by now, and couldn‘t wait until he mounted me.

I started backing up into him more and more, he finally decided to mount me. He climbed up my back, I looked back between my legs and saw his hard doggie cock, his knot was all the way out and his cock looked so good. I had to have it inside me. He walked up closer and closer, and he started humping me. His doggie cock slapped me in both thighs, my ballbag, and between the crack of my ass. I moved my hips and received a near miss, then I reached back between my legs and guided him to my bitchhole, and he went right into me.

His doggie cock started pistoning with him as he started humping me furiously. I went wild with pleasure as his doggie cock pumped in and out of my bitchhole. I wanted him pumping me for a while so I kept his ‚knot‘ away from my bitchhole for a little while, I knew this was driving him crazy because he started humping and fucking me harder. He was driving me crazy, with his doggie cock inside me. My cock was rock hard and throbbing and bouncing around as he was humping and fucking me. I started to shoot cum all over my face arms and hands. I let him ram into me deeper and deeper, his ‚knot‘ started banging into my bitchhole, then it slammed into me, it popped in and out twice, then slammed into me again and lodged and locked him inside me.

I started seeing colors and gasped for air. His doggie cock inside me twitched and jerked as he slowed down his fucking and humping action to a few thrusts a minute. His doggie cock inside me was squirting his doggie cum inside me and filling me with his seed as his cock continued to grow inside and his ‚knot‘ swelled against my prostate and we were locked together, him and his ‚bitch‘ in constant heat. I loved it when he ‚tied‘ with me, although I wasn‘t really used to it yet.

He slipped his leg over and got off of me. We were now locked together tail to tail, with his swollen cock locked inside me. I felt his cum still squirting inside me. He started to walk away, dragging me like his little bitch; I loved this even though it was a little painful at first. His knot was pulling against me from the inside and I had no choice but to follow him backwards. I was his little ‚bitch‘ now; he was my master. I loved being his ‚bitch‘.

His cock slipped out of me about twenty minutes later. I couldn‘t believe the mess that was made. I had cum about six times, and had orgasms racking my body the whole time he was fucking me and when he was locked inside me. I knew I was a bitch, but the orgasms were so fantastic. Wave after wave of rushes, and colors, big boomers, and little boomers, flashes of light, like I was inside a thundercloud. I loved it. Angus moved over and lay down and licked his cock, I moved over and licked him and helped him with his cock. I loved the taste of his doggie cock after he had fucked me; it had all taste mixed together, his cum and the inside of my bitchhole.

I then moved around the room and started to lick up the mess on the carpet. Angus came over and helped me clean up. He licked around my asshole when his doggie cum was leaking down my thighs and lapped it up. I noticed he was starting to get horny again. I think it was the heavy smell of his cum and the sex that we had just had because his cock was starting to show again. I started to lick under him and around his doggie cock when I knew he was ready again.

I was surprised at his ability, but I knew I would enjoy what I was thinking about doing. I moved my head under him further and licked at his cock harder. I then sucked him back into my mouth and he again mounted my head. I wrapped my lips around my teeth and sucked him as he started fucking my face and humping my head.

I took all of him into my mouth and loved the feeling of his humping motion and his cock inside my mouth fucking my face. I watched as his ‚knot‘ was banging into my lips and his jets of precum lube sprayed into my mouth. I allowed his ‚knot‘ into my mouth and locked my lips around it. His doggie cock swelled into my mouth and started squirting his cum into my throat. I kept my teeth away from his cock and sucked him for almost thirty minutes as his cock was inside my mouth jetting his cum down my throat. I swished my tongue under his hard cock in my mouth as I sucked and sucked. Angus stayed mounted on my head, while I sucked until his cock started shrinking and finally slipped out of my mouth.

John came back the next day and I played with him, I missed the ‚tied‘ part when he fucked me, but I made him feel lucky that he knew me. I fucked and sucked his brains out, and also told him that I really though I was a girl. I didn‘t tell him that I was his dog‘s ‚bitch‘.

I started dressing up with John he seemed to enjoy this more and more. I would satisfy him all the time when I was dressed. This was our secret, and we only did it at our remote house where no one else would know. I would get so horny, but then I would always miss what Angus had when John was fucking me.

John left for overseas for a year. Angus and I really got going. On days that I was off, I would almost spent the entire day naked and on all fours. He would spend most of the day and some of the night fucking my face and little bitchhole. I was always surprised at how strong he was. I would let him mount and ‚tie‘ me. And I would suck him dry but he always came back for more. Everyday that I worked we would ‚tie‘ twice, and I would suck him off once. He never seemed to get enough of his bitch in constant heat. I was enjoying every minute, and the time flew by faster than I wanted it too.

John came back from overseas, and took Angus with him to the East Coast where he lived. I stayed in California, and started missing my lover. I got out of the Marines. I also started living as a girl full time. I had some male lovers, but I missed the ‚tied‘ feeling and all of the orgasms I had when I was. I started doing a hormone replacement therapy, grew my breasts, I really love these.


Lucky Times

I had been out of the marines for about a year. I started Hormones to become a girl, about a month after I got out, and loved my new life. I would always play the lottery, but I was always almost broke. I worked, as a cashier in a local supermarket, nobody there knew I was really a guy. The owner hired me cause I was giving him blowjobs and letting him play with my large breasts. Those were done in Mexico when I had some money. He also removed my Adam‘s apple.

I rose to head cashier, but I also worked on the streets in the he/she area, doing guys for twenty to fifty dollars a pop, always using condoms, some of the guys were nice and fun, some were ok, and some were really creepy. I barely had enough money for my hormones and apartment and clothes and food until I hit one of the jackpots in the lottery.

I moved north and west of San Francisco, I bought five acres of property, and had my own house built, back away from anyone. I built up a fence around my place, and had four houses built along the street for rental income, and also bought a nearby apartment building. I also started my own business in realty; I hired a manager and let them work my
business. Shortly after I moved into my house I found a young gorgeous black lab male puppy. He was so cute I bought him when I looked into his eyes.

I named him Duke; he always would look at me with his eyes and look so formal. I was getting him used to seeing me naked, and playing with him inside my house on all fours. He quickly grew, up and was soo clumsy he was really funny sometimes. I was getting some sexual fulfillment once or twice a week from a black guy who lived in SF, he was well hung and fucked me really good but I wasn‘t interested in a long term relationship with him, and he also had his wife. But she was older and tired of his big twelve- inch long, and six inches around horse dong. I liked it, I could deep throat him and take all of him inside me, and I liked they way he would fuck me, but it still missed what I loved most, and that was the huge ‚knot‘ that ‚tied‘ me, and made me know what a ‚bitch‘ I was.

I loved playing with Duke when he was a puppy. It was also fun training him. He knew not to jump on people, and he also knew where he could and couldn‘t go. He also knew that when I was naked and on the floor with him on all fours I was a ‚bitch‘, and when I was dressed and on my feet I was in charge. I watched him slowly grow and patiently waited. I was getting him used to me touching him, and he was licking me allot.

When he was just over eight months old he started to try to mount me, but he was still a puppy. I wouldn‘t let him hump and fuck me, but I would let him air hump me, then suck and lick him afterwards. I waited until he was just over eleven months before he fucked me, and let him ‚tie‘ me to him. I couldn‘t control myself. It had been almost three years since I was last ‚tied‘ I barely remained conscious though it. I orgasmed again and again while his cock was locked inside of me.

I started to look though the Internet for my next master; I always heard about how big Great Danes were. I went to some local dog shows and I was amazed at how big and beautiful they were. I started reading up on how to chose and take care of one. I visited a couple of breeders and found my new master.



I found him, he was so gorgeous as a puppy, and big and clumsy, with floppy ears and so lovely and handsome, I named him King. He was still a puppy, ten weeks old, when I brought him home and he and Duke met. I couldn‘t believe he was so cute. I loved and snuggled with him and he started growing soo fast. He ate like a horse, and at times I though he would grow into one. At six months he was taller than Duke was, and he didn‘t seem to mind licking me when Duke was fucking me and humping me. I think Duke trained him more than I did, these two never fought or got territorial. They just seemed to like each other.

King was easy, it seemed, to train, and wash and stuff, King Duke and I would bath together, and Duke would mount me, and hump and fuck me. King started trying to hump me when he was seven months old, but I wouldn‘t let him enter me yet. Duke would hump and fuck me and I would lick and suck King. I would never let him go unsatisfied, and he knew when Duke ‚tied‘ and locked himself inside me, and when I would orgasm and shake sucking on his young dog cock, I could see how big he would be. Sometimes I would suck his ‚knot‘ into my mouth and taste his young doggie cum.

King was about thirteen months old when he first tied with me. We were all bathing in the bathhouse by my pool, (I had it built just for this) Duke had just slipped out of me and King was lapping up the cum running down my thighs. King jumped on me without warning and his doggie cock found the mark right away and he slammed all the way into me the first thrust, he then just humped on me, fucking me furiously. I was in orgasm heaven from Duke, and a little spacey, when I felt his ‚knot‘ slamming in and out of my bitchhole driving me crazy until he slammed it into me again and I realized we were going to be ‚tied‘. I was too late in reacting when he was locked inside my bitchhole. He was still humping me and fucking me furiously, his knot was locked inside of me and swelling up fast, I had seen his ‚knot‘ before and it was almost twice the size of Duke‘s ‚knot‘.

King‘s ‚knot‘ swelled up to full size, and his doggie cum squirted inside of me, he was still humping me, and I went crazy when the first wave of my orgasm hit. King‘s ‚knot‘ felt like softball stuck inside me, with a baseball bat on one end, jerking back and forth, pulling me with it. I loved this, and although it hurt, it felt good, my orgasm came and crashed like heavy surf on a beach, during a strong storm, wave after wave after wave. With stars and flashes of light, big boomers and small boomers, crashed around my head and body. I moaned and whined and cried. God, it felt soo fantastic.

I knew what I liked and I had my two boy friends, whenever we showered together I would suck and clean them and turn off the water. They would mount my head or my ass, and hump and fuck me, driving me crazy. I loved my boy friends, and loved how they fucked me and treated me like the little ‚bitch‘ slut I am.



I found Bull when I was looking around for some doggie toys, for my two masters. I went to one breeder and saw Bull‘s daddy. He was one of the biggest Great Danes I had seen. Almost two inches taller than King. King was a beautiful tan color. And this dog was a solid black color. I asked if he had any litters he had sired, and was shown the momma nursing four-week old puppies. I couldn‘t believe one of those beautiful puppies was soo cute like his daddy, solid black, and the biggest puppy in the litter. I asked if they were accepting applications and turned mine in, and picked him out.

I spent about an hour with Bull‘s daddy; he was so gentle and sweet. He was also soo huge I couldn‘t believe he was 40“ tall, and 210 pounds, he reminded me of a miniature horse. King was 36“ now and 160 pounds, and King was soo gorgeous, almost full grown, he was going to fill out a little more, but not grow any taller.

The Breeder left me alone with Bull‘s daddy, and I played with him and scratched him. I also had a chance to cop a feel and I was surprised at what I felt. Kings balls would fill up my hand and be a handful, these balls I could only hold one at a time, they were like miniature bull balls. His cock was bigger in the sheath than King‘s was; I didn‘t try to see how big his hard cock would be though.

The Breeder called me and told me I could have Bull, in a month and I sent him a check for my new Boyfriend. I anxiously waited for the day when I could go and get him. I told King and Duke about the new boy coming home soon. I was so excited and happy about my new Boyfriend. King and Duke were very happy because I would get soo horny, and let them fuck me crazy.

I took both King and Duke out to the bathhouse and got naked with them. I could tell that they were ancious to do me again. I was so excited about getting my soon to be new boyfriend and lover the next day. I couldn‘t control myself when I though about having three big boyfriends so suck and fuck me and to make me their own ‚bitch‘ again and again. I removed my bathing suit and got on my hands and knees. Both of them came over and locked me between them. I had a juicy doggy cock on either side of me and I alternated between them, licking and sucking their cocks hanging under them. I enjoyed the licking they were giving me. They were both licking on my cock-hanging limp between my legs (it never got hard anymore, it was due to massive amounts of hormones, I think).

I wanted Duke to mount me first, and he was ready, his cock was out of his sheath. His ‚knot‘ was starting to grow, and his cock was totally hard. I moved with my head towards King, and moved my ‚bitch‘ butt towards Duke. I licked and sucked King into my mouth. He was very huge now, almost thirty-seven inches tall and 175 pounds. His big doggie dick was out of its sheath and hanging there hard. It now measured almost five inches from the tip back to his big ‚knot‘, which measured another four inches, and then he had another inch and a half behind that. His cock was a dull point which went out to six-inches almost three inches before his ‚knot‘ then went to his big ‚knot‘ which was over ten inches when he was coming, right now it was only eight inches around.

Dukes cock was easy to take first, his was only three inches before his ‚knot‘, and his ‚knot‘ was three-inches, and another inch behind his ‚knot‘. His cock started out with a dull point then grew to five inches around, his ‚knot‘ was eight inches around, and his was a nice cock for starters. But I loved King‘s humping style. I also loved Duke, but he was always the first to hump me and fuck me, getting me ready for the King.

Duke licked my ass slobbering all over me and getting me wet and really horny. I licked and sucked King into my mouth, and he mounted my head. He started humping me and fucking my face, I kept my lips from his cock‘s ‚knot‘ so he didn‘t cum yet. I would alternate letting him hump air, with his cock slapping my face, and taking his precum squirting cock into my mouth. Duke had licked me enough and started mounting me. He had his hard doggie cock between my legs, and I reached back and guided him to my bitchhole. He slid right in all the way to his ‚knot‘ on his first hump stroke.

They both pumped and humped me, one fucking my face, and one was pounding away at my bitchhole. I felt his ‚knot‘ banging into my bitchhole again and again. I knew it wasn‘t going to be long before he rammed it into me. I was getting hotter and hotter, and starting to moan, having a doggie dick in my mouth and ass at the same time made me really hot. I was already close to orgasm when Duke pounded his ‚knot‘ inside me. I felt it slip out once and then slam inside me again. That was all it took, my orgasm came rumbling up from my toes and swept over me. I felt the heat of my body boil and Dukes cock lodge and ‚tie‘ me at the same time. As his cock grew and started squirting his cum seed into me I went over, and over and boom, boom. I started rocking against him inside me when he thrust into me with his doggie cock inside me. My orgasm rose and crashed, and lights and sound and flashes, Duke was still humping into me with his cock ‚tied‘ inside me. I was twitching and shaking, rocking back into Duke and his cock inside me, moaning and whimpering. His ‚knot‘ was swollen and sealed him inside me, he was shooting his seed inside me and filling me. Everytime his cock squirted more of his seed into me it sent a wave of pleasure through my body.

King was very hard I put my hand around his ‚knot‘ while his cock was inside my mouth and squeezed with my hand, I was getting squirts of his precum lube into my mouth. It was leaking around my mouth and down my face. When I started squeezing his ‚knot‘ I tasted a change to his seed. King and Duke were filling me with their seed at both ends. I loved the feeling as doggie seed squirted into me at my mouth and inside my ‚bitchass‘. They were both happy as I could hear both of them moaning and whining as both cocks continued to squirt their seed into me.

I was enjoying myself and loving every minute when I was naked with my boyfriends. I was soo horny, and I loved being ‚tied‘ and being a ‚bitch‘ in heat all the time. I went and slept with my boyfriends, King woke me with his paw and I knew what he wanted. My ‚bitch‘ as was slick with the seed from earlier and King‘s tongue. I got up on my hands and knees and he was on top of me. I guided him into me with my hand and he started humping and fucking me. I went down onto my elbows and put my face into Dukes groin. And started massaging his ‚knot‘ inside his sheath. His cock soon appeared and I sucked him into my mouth and fucked my face on his hardening cock as King humped into me. Duke‘s ‚knot‘ came out of the sheath, and his hips started humping. King rammed his ‚knot‘ into me and locked inside me. I sucked Duke‘s ‚knot‘ into my mouth and became ‚tied‘ at both ends. King‘s ‚knot‘ filled my ‚bitchass‘; Duke‘s ‚knot‘ filled my mouth. They both started squirting their seed into me and I loved it. A midnight hump and fuck session with my boyfriends, I enjoyed it soo much.

I went and picked up Bull the next day. He was soo cute, big and clumsy, I found myself wishing that he were already full-grown. I had so much fun with him when he was growing up. I took the time to be very patient with him and I would always wonder at how big he would grow. The first time Bull watched me getting humped and fucked was just after seven months had gone by. But he was still to young to have him hump me. When he was eleven months old I started sucking him and playing with his balls and cock. He was still too young for full sex, but he was getting big.

When Bull was almost fifteen months old was the first time he humped me. It felt soo good. He was a little bit bigger that King was. I knew his doggie cock was bigger by almost an inch in length, and thicker. His ‚knot‘ was almost a half-inch bigger in length, and an inch in thickness. It was incredible to have him humping me and pumping his doggie cock in and out. I went into instant orgasm when he locked his ‚knot‘ inside me and his cock and ‚knot‘ swelled. I enjoyed it soo much.

Bull is now almost three years old; we have had so much sex it is had to tell. One thing that Bull does to me when he is ‚tied to me now is my knees are off the ground. He is that big, and I feel like a real bitch now. Hanging off a cock after I have been fucked, my hind legs in the air as his ‚knot seals my bitchass to him. His cock squirting his seed into me. All I can do is wait, and know he is in charge of me.

Oh, by the way I am 5‘5“ I wear blond wigs, and blue eye contacts. I weigh 135 pounds, and my measurements are 38D-27-37, slim and sexy, you cannot tell I was born a boy. I also have my big black boyfriend, who loves to have his cock sucked while I am being fucked. He doesn‘t live with me though; I like being myself with my real lovers who make me their ‚Bitch in heat‘.