This is my fifteenth story posted to this site about Belly Riding as a way of life. For context this is one of the stories I’ve written as a compendium originating from a story called “The Belly Riders – by Jillian, and Pomponio Magnus.” that I did not write. I just fell in love with that story and felt like it needed to be expanded upon a lot. So I did.

Almost of my stories have some length to them because they have to describe the entire set-up each time. So they aren’t quick to conceive, write or edit. The themes are pretty much always around the catharsis of women learning to love sexual intercourse with stallions and the men as a secondary backdrop to the real exhibitionism/voyeuristic bestiality story line. Each story is particularly detailed and errs on the side of grotesque detail. I do greatly appreciate your feedback. Without further ado:


Marco rubbed his sister, Nicole’s naked shoulders. She stood there, completely undressed, except for cowboy boots, in front of almost 200 onlookers, who were eager to get the competition started. It was the annual belly riding competition, in which several women got together to compete for whomever could get the most amount of horse ejaculate in them within a day. It was a fun event that the local belly riding and samba schools helped to organize. Many people traveled for miles to see the spectacle.

The Brazillian sun was just about to rise over the treetops which would mark the beginning of the competition. Marco said, “Are you ready?” Nicole, who was not only naked but in the 8th month of pregnancy smiled, “I’m ready and can’t wait.” “I’m sure you can’t.” There were three other contestants. One asian girl who wasn’t even 5′ tall, another Brazillian girl, like Nicole, only younger, and one woman who was clearly from a Scandinavian country in decent based on her hair and eyes, but spoke without an accent. The Scandinavian girl had enormous breasts and blond pubic hair. Nicole was the only pregnant girl, and therefore she asked ahead of time to have two people help her. Both her brother, Marco as well as her husband, Julio.

Marco would be helping Nicole get saddled, and would hold the bucket under her buttox as the horses climaxed to capture the fluid which was used to score the contest. Julio would saddle the horses and get them ready for Nicole. Marco had helped Nicole learn how to belly ride, so it was only natural that he would be her coach, while her husband played the backup role of getting the horses saddled. Normally belly riders injected their horses with a chemical to keep them erect for hours, but given that this contest was about volume of sperm, each girl was instead allowed to have a maximum of 20 stallions that they could switch out at any time. Each girl had brought the maximum stallions to the competition, borrowing upon the stables of the local belly riding schools and samba schools as well as any one of the spectators who had donated their own belly riding stallions for the competition.

The rules were relatively simple. Each girl was to make as many horses orgasm as they could. The sperm that they managed to milk from their stallions would be collected and measured at the end of the day. Whomever had the most, won. The prize was bragging rights. But also, the sperm would be collected at the end of the day and poured over the winner. The thought excited Nicole tremendously. They had from sun up to sun set to do what they could, and if they were caught making a horse orgasm while it wasn’t inside them and while all four of their limbs were tied to the horse they would be disqualified, which was aimed at stopping women from masturbating the stallions, which wasn’t as much fun for the audience, or the women, although clearly a faster path to winning by volume. Many years before the rule had been put in place and ever since the women and the spectators have enjoyed the competition much more.

Nicole took a deep breath as the judge finally looked at the sky, seeing the sunlight gently begin creeping into view, “Belly riders – on your marks!” Nicole held her huge pregnant belly ready to get saddled up, “Get set!” The sun finally touched the judge’s eyes and he expressively yelled, “Go!” The four women all hurredly began to get themselves saddled and tied. Nicole was by far the slowest to get saddled, given her huge stomach and slow, deliberate movements, but soon enough she was properly saddled and Marco got the horse excited enough so that it’s penis began to push against his sister’s tender opening in the familiar way she loved.

She knew she was extremely wet, as she had been looking forward to this day for months. She couldn’t see the horse’s huge penis like she could a few months before as she looked down her pregnant body. After a few long moments the gigantic horse penis pushed into her wet hole. She tensed momentarilly as she adjusted to the size. Marco, who had been squatting by the horse patted Nicole on her thigh only inches from her vagina as the union was complete before  he stood up. His job was over until Nicole could entice the horse to climax. Then he would place a bucket under her bottom to collect the sperm as it leaked out of her. So he smiled and said, “Okay, Nicole, it’s your turn.”

She nodded, acknowledging the burden was hers, and also realizing the slightly intimidating audience around the four small corrals who were cheering the four young women on. Nicole had already begun to hump up and down. To both  Marco and Nicole’s surprise the horse was easily excited, and after only a minute the stallion began to thrust into the young woman. Nicole laughed, “Wow! Marco, look, he’s cumming!” Marco laughed and quickly grabbed the bucket. Indeed the stallion began to thrust and work it’s huge girth into Nicole, who began to laugh hysterically since she was totally taken by surprise at how quickly the horse orgasmed and was embarrassed by her sudden popularity amongst the crowd.

The crowd started applauding as Nicole was clearly in an early lead already as the horse began to ejaculate hot milky ropes of semen into the young girl’s hot vagina. A few people began to exchange money. Apparently, Nicole had won someone some bets that she would be the first girl to make a horse cumm. She laughed harder as she helplessly was pumped in front of her audience. She felt like a spectacle, and even as the thick cumm began to gush out of her pussy she continued to laugh. Marco laughed too, “Surprise, you just took this stallion’s virginity!”

Nicole stopped laughing, “Really? That make so much more sense!” Marco caught the sperm that was leaking out of his sister’s occupied vagina as he carefully began to unhook his sister’s legs and arms, making sure to catch all the semen as it flowed out of her as he did so. Nicole thrusted several more times against the horse head, before she was satisfied that she had milked the young stallion’s cock dry. She stood up carefully, making sure to go slowly enough to let Marco capture as much of the semen as he could. Nicole’s husband, Julio, had the second horse standing there ready. He smiled at his wife who was bearing his unborn child as thick streams of animal semen lewdly oozed out of her gaping pussy. She took a deep breath and said, “Okay, round two!” The quick changeout of the new stallion put her well ahead of the other girls.

She grunted and rocked her hips as she straddled the next stallion’s penis, who her husband had gotten ready. After a few tense moments she was well on her way to pleasuring her second stallion of the morning. Her slick insides let the horse quickly penetrate her with relative ease. She was on a mission to continue her lead. She did her best to pleasure her stallion, using every trick she could use. She knew that she had one advantage over the other girls. Her large stomach rubbed against the coarse horse hair of the stallion’s stomach, giving each stallion more stimulation than the rest of the girls.

Several tense minutes passed as the audience hushed, listening to the gasps of the four contestants and the whinnying of the stallions. Several minutes later the Asian girl in the stall next to Nicole began to start moaning in her first orgasm of the day as the horse began to buck into her. Nicole too felt close to an orgasm so she couldn’t help but speed up her rythm, which apparently did the job of finally getting her own horse off. Nicole moaned loudly and stiffened, as the horse began to thrust into her. She was glad she had managed to time it so well. It was always more embarrassing to orgasm when the horse wasn’t ready. Even after the last several years of having sex with horses almost non-stop, she was still embarrassed by her own orgasms. But it was always easier if at least the horse was distracting any onlookers with it’s own climax.

This time her orgasm was dwarfed by the orgasm of the horse who violently thrust into Nicole. The audience clapped for both Nicole and the Asian girl who were orgasming in near unison as both the horses fucked them full of sperm. Nicole’s cervix tightened with her orgasm, and sucked the spurting semen right from the head of her horse lover. She knew she still had lots of semen from the previous horse in her, so her uterus was filling quickly with all the semen it could handle. The baby in her womb reduced the available space for the semen. Ever since she got pregnant, she would gush more sperm even while the horse was still inside of her, just because she had less space in her uterus. But she didn’t care one bit as she gasped for air. She was incredibly turned on having so many people watch her every move.

Gradually all the girls began to coax their horses into a frenzy. The Scandinvian girl was next with the other brazillian girl close behind her. The race was a close one but Nicole was well in the lead as she got mated to her third horse that morning. The asian girl was onto her second horse and the other girls were trailing, tied for last. Slowly but surely Nicole began to pull ahead of the other girls. At first it was only a few minutes apart. By the time the eleventh pair of horse testicles had been emptied into Nicole’s quiverring body, she was already two horses ahead of the asian girl, four ahead of the scandinavian girl and five ahead of the other Brazillian girl.

Nicole felt like she was coasting at this point and finally started relaxing and enjoying herself a little more. She started waving to the audience and blowing kisses while she was squatting over the bucket, sperm oozing from her vagina while the previous horse was taken away and the next horse was positioned by her husband. Her brother was nice enough to lift her into the saddle to make it easier on her. She was careful to try not to leak sperm everywhere while he did it, so that he could quickly grab the bucket. Even after only an hour the bucket was just about an inch high in sperm. Nicole guessed that each ejaculation was just about one half of a cup of fluid in total and there were around five or six cups in the bucket. By the end of the day she guessed she could have somewhere between thre and four inches of sperm in that one small bucket, at this rate.

Nicole suddenly saw the size of the twelfth horse and was immediately impressed by it’s size. It was a monster. Nicole had never seen a horse that big, let alone let one have sex with her. Nicole wondered if she could even do it at all, when she spotted the massive horse penis that dwarfed all the other horses she had had sex with over the last several years. It wasn’t longer in size, but it was much thicker. Nicole blushed, wondering if she could even make it work. After several long minutes of tensed hushes by the audience, Nicole finally felt the large penis pop into her. She had lost some ground but not too bad. However, within the first few strokes, Nicole knew she was in heaven.

She hadn’t felt this full since the very first day she had belly ridden. The girth filling her up pushed her over the edge almost immediately, but she fought to hold her orgasm in, which only made it worse. Her butt was quivvering from tension. She bit her lip. She was so filled up she couldn’t stand it. She began to scream and moan, abruptly, which made the audience look over at her. It was the first orgasm she had had that wasn’t spurred by the climaxing of her partner. She wrythed and bucked. But the horse was stubborn and wasn’t cumming. Nicole was determined, and felt like she was floating on air as she continued to press herself down against the engorged horse penis that felt like it was tearing her in half.

After several long minutes of moaning, she could feel the girth in her expanding. “Oh my god, Marco!” “Yes?” “He’s huge!” “Yes, honey, that’s what you like best about horses, right?” Nicole nodded as a thin ripple of extasy pulsed in her pussy, and her eyes glazed over. The horse was clearly getting turned on and Nicole did what she could to rub her pregnant stomach against the belly of her stallion lover, to give him the most sensation. The horse’s giant penis began to throb, and Nicole braced for the impact. Sure enough, a rough jolt struck Nicole’s cervix as the horse began to thrust violently. Nicole had long ago gotten used to and in fact loved this sensation, but it was like this horse was doing it for the first time. Nicole hung on for dear life as the powerful animal began to buck and fuck it’s hard cock deep and hard against her cervix.

Nicole could feel her baby stirring in her stomach. Nicole was convinced the baby was a girl, and a belly rider in training because generally the baby slept during the day, and even during Nicole’s orgasms, but this horse, or Nicole’s reaction to it had woken the baby up and it was kicking. Even though belly riding accidents that resulted in miscarrages were almost a myth, Nicole suddenly feared for her baby’s life. But before she could react the giant stallion began to bathe her insides and her baby in warm ropes of hot seminal fluid. Nicole realized she had been so tensed that she hadn’t realized how incredibly turned on she was. As soon as the horse began to squirt her insides she began to scream again. It was unreal. Marco patted her on the butt as the thick sperm drooled out of his sister’s vagina and into the bucket. Nicole was so horny that when Marco stood up to untie Nicole she quickly said, “No, Marco, I’m not ready.” Marco looked at his sister, puzzled. Nicole was so turned on she could barely talk. She was still gasping for air, “I need this. Please, Marco, give me another minute with him.”

Marco looked into the pleading eyes of his younger sister who’s breasts were heaving from her ordeal and realized that his sister was very turned on and just need some time to herself. He nodded in that understanding older brother way and said, “Sure, Nicole – take a minute to yourself.” Nicole nodded and began to thrust back against the warm phallus. She was already orgasmic and she just kept her orgasm going. She moaned and bucked. She heard the audience clapping for the young asian girl, and for the Scandinavian girl. She knew  they were catching up, but she didn’t care. She could fuck this horse for the rest of her life. This was the reason she had gotten into belly riding in the first place – this feeling. She was powerless against this stallion. She was at it’s mercy but she was so overwhelmed that all she could do was worship it with her loins. She had been cumming for several minutes straight when she heard more clapping for the other brazillian girl. Nicole wasn’t deterred. She didn’t care about the contest. She was so close to the biggest orgasm of her life she could feel it.

Suddenly the audience clapped again for the young asian girl, who was now tied with Nicole. Nicole hadn’t realized how long she had been under the horse. Her husband Julio came over and said, “Sweetheart, don’t you think twenty minutes is long enough with one horse?” “Twenty minutes?” Marco nodded and looked at his watch, “Almost. Are you almost through? I don’t want to rush you, or anything, but…” Nicole blushed. She had no idea it had been that long. She looked at Julio with tears in her eyes as she moaned and then looked her brother as she said, “Please, Marco, tell Julio – just a few more minutes, I need this! I need it! Julio, please!” Marco nodded. “It’s okay, go ahead. Don’t worry, Julio, she’ll make up the time.” Nicole knew there was no time to waste, and even though she was on the cusp of the most explosive orgasm of her entire life she had to do it quickly.

Julio had never really understood his wife’s needs, but she loved him anyway. He begrudgingly let her belly ride all day. She knew she had been a terrible wife to him and she would continue to be as long as there was any horny horses close enough for her to get off on. She had become a belly rider only after having gotten married. She knew that Julio resented Marco for introducing her to the idea of belly riding, but it was her decision, not Marco’s or Julio’s. She needed that naughty sensation. It was such a dirty feeling, and she loved being so totally out of control. The massive beasts took complete control over her, sexually. And for that, Julio could never measure up. But she stayed with him because she loved him too. She had married him, but she lusted only for horses now. After the first time a stallion had filled her wet hole full of sperm those three long years ago, it was all she could think about ever since.

She closed her eyes and began to hump more desperately, her baby was kicking in her stomach, which made her even more determined, like her unborn baby was spurring her on. Nicole came very close to orgasming several more times, but held back, knowing that she wasn’t quite ready. Minutes and nearly constant moaning passed, as she kept herself in a nearly constant orgasmic state. The thought of her soaking wet pussy, full of vaginal juice and having been filled up by a dozen horny horses who had filled her insides to the brim that very morning finally sunk in. She was extremely excited and the sucking sounds her pussy was making, although vulgar were really turning her on even more.

The audience cheered once more for the young asian girl. Nicole knew she was being beaten now. She was so embarrased. She knew she had been having extremely lewd sex, and had been moaning like a whore in heat for close to half an hour straight at that point. The audience had seen the horse’s sperm oozing out of her and knew she had already milked him dry long before. It was painfully obvious that it wasn’t about the game at that point. She was just pleasuring herself at that point. Her pussy was all she could think about. That was it. She couldn’t wait any longer. She was deeply embarrassed by her compulsion and it was causing her to loose the race. So she gritted her teeth, closed her eyes, tensed every muscle in her body and held her breath and she rode the giant stallion’s sperm coated penis as hard as she could.

Finally she felt body reaching the most erotic plateau that she had ever concieved of. Every muscle in her body began to contract and with the explosion of a fire cracker she began to scream and moan and twist as her orgasm ravaged her body. She humped upwards, taking as much of the giant stallion as she could manage. She didn’t care who saw her at this point. She didn’t care if everyone knew she just liked the sensation of a horse’s giant penis in her. Every ounce of her body wanted to be penetrated by this giant stallion. Her anus tensed violently as her cervix sucked even more of the semen from her pussy into the nearly full uterine opening where her baby was. She knew people were watching the pregnant girl get herself off, but she was too far gone to care. Her pussy clenched hard and milked the giant stallion’s thick cock, massaging it and worshiping it.

After several tense and akward moments she finally collapsed back into her belly riding saddle. She was hot, sweaty, and her breasts were heaving. She needed that orgasm so bad, that she had nearly cost herself the competition. Marco came up to her and said, “Are you done, Nicole?” Nicole nodded, “I’m sorry, I just had to.” “It’s okay, but now you have to concentrate, you hear me? Enough games. You have a lot more horses to fuck, okay?” Those words made Nicole shudder. She was still turned on and she sheepishly wanted to tell Marco as much, “I can’t wait! Untie me. I need more.” She blushed even as she said it. Marco nodded and smiled, completely understanding his little sister’s perversion.

Marco untied his sister and began to cycle in the horses. Nicole was one hell of an athelete and only took a few momentary breaks to eat a bite of food or drink some water and even those were done while impaled on a hard horse cock. After a few hours she had regained her lead considerably. The asian girl had almost broken down in tears after almost ten minutes of frustration, trying to mate with a horse that was just too big for her. Nicole smiled to herself, trying not to gloat but still being amused at how the tiny girl cried as she desperately tried to mate with the big horse. Only after ten minutes or so the asian girl gave up and asked for another horse, which really slowed her down.

Nicole had twenty horses to herself and managed to cycle in the same giant stallion once more before noon. She tried to pace herself, but the stallion was far too excited and orgasmed almost immediately into Nicole’s pregnant hole. It was disappointing, but still fun. She knew she couldn’t afford herself any more opportunities to screw up. She was at 48 loads of sperm in her by the time it was noon. The next closest girl, the asian girl was at 40, and the other two girls were at 34 and 31. Nicole knew she would win the race. Of course, it all would come down to the volume of sperm she had collected, so she wasn’t taking any chances. She was very careful in handling the bucket, as was Marco, making sure none of the precious horse sperm spilled.

After several more hours, her lead only expanded. The horses she was having sex with had already orgasmed two or three times at this point, so it began to be harder to get them to climax. Still though, she was a trooper, and continued to milk each horse cock relentlessly. Each time the giant horse came around, she tried to save herself and not cumm for several horses prior to him, and then let out all her energy on the giant stallion. Each time it was a great orgasm, but not quite as good as the first. She might have to adopt this stallion. She wanted more time with him. A lot more.

Nicole was sore, and tired as the Judge finally blew a whistle and told the girls that it was time to stop as the sun finally set over the horizon. Nicole’s pussy was drooling out hot sperm as the judge walked around and collected each bucked to bring to the front, where the award ceremony was to be held. Each of the women dismounted, just to stretch their legs and back. Nicole held her big stomach, as she sheepishly stood there, completely naked except for her boots, as sperm ran down her legs from her sore wet pussy. She removed her boots, finally, knowing that her crazy day was finally winding down.

The four women stood there, tired, ashamed and naked as the judge announced the winner. Nicole had lost count, but she estimated that she had had 85 horses orgasm in her. She had no idea how many orgasms she had had herself, but she was happy thinking about it. The next highest girl, the asian girl had had 75 and the next two girls were tied at around 60. Nicole’s bucket was nearly completely full of horse semen. The judge announced, “And now, her team-mates will pour her prize and the other girls’ prizes over her.” Julio and Marco stepped forward as Nicole walked forward to a bench. Her pregnant belly stood out and her breasts giggled as she laid down. Marco said, “Smile!” Nicole smiled wide as her brother began to pour cups of sticky sperm over her face, and hair. She swallowed some of it and felt for a moment like she might drown but he began to pour it over her neck and shoulders too. Her face was completely covered with the semi-transparent white fluid.

Nicole’s husband began to pour another bucket over her feet and legs, while Marco made his way down her breasts. Before long they both met her stomach and her pussy. Nicole spread her legs wide and opened her pussy wide with her fingers to let Julio pour sperm into it that the scandinavian girl had milked from her own horses. Nicole’s pussy was quickly filled to the brim with the blonde girl’s own pussy juices and the horse sperm that had been so dilligently collected. Marco poured some of what was left from Nicole’s bucket on her stomach and arms, completely covering, Nicole. Nicole then slowly got up and got on her hands and knees, facing away from the audience.

Marco took the remainder of the first bucket and poured it over the back of Nicole’s head and shoulders. Then he took another bucket from the other brazillian girl and poured it all over her back, her butt and the backs of her legs, as Julio stood by and watched. That left only the last bucket, of the asian girl. Marco asked Nicole to open her butt. Nicole nodded and felt her pussy squeeze gently, gushing out some of the horse sperm in her pussy as she did so. She was turned on by the thought as she reached back and with two fingers, slowly worked them into her ass and spread them apart. Nicole’s brother stood above her and slowly began to pour cupfull after cupfull of the asian’s pussy juices, mixed with horse semen into her open ass. She moaned and loved ever bit of it.

The pungent smell of semen covered her entire body. Every hole was full of sperm, and every inch of her body was slick from it. She stood up slowly as the audience clapped. She smiled from ear to ear. She was so proud of herself. Marco poured the remainder of the bucket of sperm into a large goblet that one of the judges had put there. It had some nice things inscribed on it about her being the winner of the belly riding competition. The judge also handed him a straw and he handed it to Nicole who smiled and gently sipped on her drink of asian vaginal fluid and horse semen as she went around and greeted her audience. She gave a few hugs to the other girls, covering them in sperm where they touched her. But they all got off on the feeling so it wasn’t a big deal.

After the long day, she finally gave Julio a big kiss. She slipped a tongue into his mouth and gave him a taste of her horse semen covered tongue to which he laughed in a little bit of disgust and smiled. He spanked her butt, covering his own hand in even more of the thick fluid. Although it was clear Julio wasn’t comfortable with his wife’s pass-time, for once he had a smile on his face, and that was enough for Nicole. Marco also gave her a big hug, getting the semen all over his shirt and pants. But he was too proud of her to really let it get in the way. More importantly she was proud of herself, as she sipped her sperm drink. She would never forget that day, for as long as she lived, and she’d make sure her whole family heard the story of her pregnancy for generations to come. It was her proudest moment, and she’d never forget it.

The End