(c) 2008 by TheCommander

Part One

Dani and Dave had everything ready for the next two nights camping at the beach. They had found a secret place where nobody came by in about three hours when they were there the last weekend. They had a wonderful fuck session between the rocks directly at the water and they wanted this again.

Dani called Dave to come into the car so they can get to their secret place and so Dave came running out of the house. He closed the door, locked it and started the engine of the car. After 40 minutes driving they took the tent and the two bags with clothes and food and got down to the beach. Dave had marked the entry to their place and they followed the small path. There it was, just as it had been the last time.

They put up the tent, got into their bathsuits and jumped into the sea. It was wonderful to swim in the warm water and Dave came up behind Dani to feel her breasts from behind. He gave her kisses on her neck, felt her front and pushed himself into her back. They started to feel each other, kissing. They slowly came back onto the beach and took a the first ground contact to lay down. Dave had pulled down his swim shorts and his cock swung free. Dani took it into her hand and rubbed it up and down, making him hard. She opened her mouth and licked it once, twice, and more, then took it deep inside and sucked on his dick.

Dave was in heaven and after a few minutes he came into her mouth. Dani swallowed and continued her sucking till he was hard again. The complete time Dave was fingering Dani’s cunt and had made her wet. When he was ready again he pushed her on all fours and pulled away her swimming suite. He pushed his dick inside until he hit ground and started a rhythm. Because this was a secret place Dani had no fears to moan out load and so she did.

Dave started to fuck her faster and harder, took her hips into his hands and pulled her to him when he pushed inside. Every time he pushed inside he hit ground and opened her cervix a little bit and after a while he was able to push inside her womb until his cock was inside complete. Dani moaned even loader when Dave pushed through and got her first orgasm for the day. She got two more till Dave was coming inside her and they collapsed into the wet sand, his cock still inside her.

After they washed themselves clean in the sea they searched for some dry wood to make a fire. They made their evening meal over the fire. Dani laid down into his arms afterwards and Dave started to touch her skin slowly. It was the beginning of the next sex session in the warm evening sand.

Dave laid down into the sand and took Dani’s head into his hands and kissed her deeply. Slowly he pushed her to his dick and pushed it inside her lips again so she can suck it hard. Dani knew that Dave loved it to have his cock licked and sucked and so she did. Dave again fingered her while she was sucking him and so she was nearly at her orgasm when Dave was ready to fuck her. She lifted herself up and straddled over his hips and sat down onto his cock. Because she was so wet Dave slid inside easily and just slipped inside her womb through her cervix again. Dani moaned deeply and moved her hips over his cock and got her first orgasm after a few seconds. She got five good orgasms till Dave got his and because it was a warm night and she just loved to keep his dick inside she just laid down on his breast after she came down.

Both drifted into dreamland and so they didn’t notice that someone was coming to their place. The fire had burned down and was only a little glow but this stranger was able to see both of them clearly. The unknown man had a dog with him and just looked at the two people on the beach. A woman laying on to of a man, both naked. He got closer and let his dog loose while he got behind the couple. He saw that Dave’s dick was still inside this woman and smiled to himself. A fresh fucked woman with his semen inside… This would be a delicacy for his dog who had often fucked women before. The dog got behind the two sleeping and sniffed at Dani’s cunt, then slowly licked her cunt to get her juices.

Dani moaned because of the dogs licking but she didn’t awoke and so did Dave. They both dreamed that the other would be licking each other and so they just keeped sleeping. The only thing that happened was that Dave got hard again and pushed out his semen. The dog keeped licking and got aroused himself and so after some time the dog jumped up and tried to fuck Dani. Because her cunt was filled by Dave’s cock there was only one way for the dog to come inside: her ass! The dog hit the mark and pushed hard to get inside but it was no good. It was just a little to tight for him till now but his owner had an idea.

The stranger got his dick out, it was rock hard already, and got behind Dani. He spit onto her asshole and pushed his dick inside slowly. Dani loved to be ass fucked but Dave was not into it and so she wondered that Dave fucked her ass but she loved it and so pushed against it, ignoring that there was another dick inside her cunt. The stranger hit ground and started to fuck this woman slowly, but because this scene was so hot he came after just a few minutes. The stranger pulled out and smiled because the girls asshole stayed open a little bit.

He called his dog again and the dog missed no time to jump up. When he found his mark he was able to push inside slowly inch on inch. Dani felt that she was again fuck into her ass and pushed against “her man’s dick”, as she thought it would be. The only thing that was different, this dick was thicker and longer than normal and it even hurt her once when the dick came inside completely. The dog had pushed inside his knot into Dani’s ass and was stuck for the next minutes. But the dog keeped fucking the woman and so the dick of Dave was going in and out into Dani’s cunt causing her and him the next orgasm. The dog stopped moving and came into her ass. After the dog was done he got down and turned ass to ass to the woman and tried to get away although his dick was still stuck inside her.

The stranger saw it and tried to calm down his dog but it was no good. The dog was a mean one after he was done fucking a woman and always pulled out his knot with power, hurting his fuck mate. And so the dog did this time, once pulled hard and his cock came free hurting Dani. She started screaming when she felt the pain and opened her eyes. Dave awoke too and both only saw someone with a dog run away. Dani laid down on her back and felt her asshole. There was a little blood but it hurt more and more. She didn’t knew that she had been ass fucked by a dog and she just cried into Dave’s shoulder because of the raping. Dani and Dave both thought that she was raped by the stranger, both didn’t knew that there was more.

They packed the tent and their bags and left the beach. Both had enough of the place and so they canceled their trip and drove home. After a few days Dani’s ass still hurt and so they went to a hospital. The doctor gave them the horror news: She had been ass fucked by a dog and her ass hole had ripped a little bit. In a few days and with a healing gel her ass will be OK again. But one thing was clear to both, they will search for a new secret place to complete her weekend without strangers and dogs fucking Dani. What both didn’t knew, the doctor knew all secret places at the beach…


Part Two – Another encounter

It was half a year ago when Dani and Dave had tried to stay at the beach for a weekend at a hidden place. Their evening was very good with a few good fuck sessions as they had planned. But at night their dream had changed into a nightmare when Dani had been raped twice, first by a stranger then by a dog. On top of it the dog had ripped Dani’s asshole and she had pain in her ass for about a month or so. In this time there was no thought about sex with her boyfriend.

Dani had enough of that beach and so Dave could say or do what he wanted, he couldn’t get her back to the beach to try to get to another secret place as they have to be there enough. He even tried to just drive there when Dani was asleep in the car but he never got her down to the beach. Instead he got into a fight with her why he had driven to the beach.

They relationship was nearly at the end but they managed to get back to each other and their love had grown a lot since then. Their sex was good, and they did it when ever they wanted. Even in public they started to get sex again. Once in the mall they nearly been caught but that ist another story.

Dave had never forgotten the night at the beach and how good it was to swim in the water and to start a good fuck session with his wife in the water. He wanted back and try to get a new secret place and so he drove there alone after work. He searched for two weeks till he found a tunnel in the cliffs. It was deep and dry and the sun would shine inside directly at sunset. There was even enough sand on the ground so it wouldn’t be too hard to lie on it. He checked the deepth of the tunnel and it was endless. He walked for 10 minutes inside and there was still enough to walk.

At the next free weekend of both he talk to Dani about his new found secret place and she just wanted to start a discussion about their last night at the beach when he told her that this was not directly at the beach. He told her about the tunnel and how deep it was and that he had search for two weeks for it and that he had found its entry only with luck. He walked by again and again and he had made no sign to it so nobody would find it. He talked to her for about two hours till he got her into it.

Saturday morning they drove to the beach and since the last time was a disaster they only wanted to test the place for one night and when it is safe they would come back. They arrived about 40 minutes later and got they bags and walked down to the beach. Unknown by both the stranger had already seen Dave when he was on searching and now that they were on their way to the place.

Dani and Dave got down to the beach and searched for the entry. Dave had made no sign to it so they walked by a few times till Dave saw a stone he remembered and so they got inside, followed a few minutes later by the stranger.

When the two arrived in the tunnel Dani was lucky to say yes to this vacation. It was wonderful, better then theis last place. Totally open to the sea and closed to everything around them. She undressed immediately and jumped into the sea naked, followed by Dave. They had fun in the sea which was not deep here. Both could stand without problems and so they started to have their first love session. When Dave had gotten her wet enough they came back to the beach a little bit so that Dave could sit down in the water and Dani sat down on his dick. Their session was good and cause of the water they couldn’t hear the stranger.

The man had come into the tunnel and was looking through their personal things. Nothing special, a few clothings, a bit of food and a small tent. Inside the bags there were their purses and keys. The stranger got everything and left the place, leaving to naked people in the sea fucking with nothing left there. When the stranger came back about 20 minutes later he found the two still fucking in the water and just looked at them. His prick got hard again but he managed to cool hisself down and just left a notice in an envelope under a stone for them.

After another ten minutes Dave came inside of Dani and both slowly left the water still kissing and feeling each other. When they saw that their bags and everything was gone Dani started to cry. They should not have to get back here and she had known it before. Dave calmed her down and said that theis things only could be stolen by someone. He told her to get hersolf calm down and that he would try to search for them and left her in the tunnel since she was safe there.

Dave just wanted to left the secret entrance when he heard a few people coming towards him. He got back behing a rock and peaked outside just to see a couple of young rockers. The group of about eight young man carried two girls on their shoulders. The girls where passed out and naked and looked as if they are not there on their own will. The men put them down roughly and directly opend their jeans and started to rape the girl who came back to life screaming at them.

Dave got back to Dani and told her that he could not get outside since there was a couple raping two wifes. Dani againg started to cry that they would be found and again she would be raped by strangers. Dave could not manage to calm her down and this was when he saw this notice. He walked over there and opened the envelope. He started to read and Dani looked up looking what her man was doing. She saw that he got white and whiter and aked him was it was.

He told her and gave the letter to her. It shaked her when she read it. Swallow the pill… get on all four… bound her with seaweed… Her eyes got wider and wider till she got to the end. The writer knew that they were trapped by the rockers at the entrance and the writer would send them into the tunnel if they would not do what was written in this letter.

Dani again started to cry out and even Dave came up the tears. He wanted to get a horny weekend at the beach and again it would be a nightmare. After an hour of crying and fighting between Dani and Dave the young woman swallowed the pill unknowing what would happen. She got on all four slowly and Dave got some seaweed to bound her into this position. The letter demanded that Dave had to swim out into the sea and turn around so he can see everything but was forbidden to swim back or his wife would be harmed.

After an hour or so waiting in the water a man came into the tunnel. He looked over to Dani and looked into Dave’s direction. Dave just wanted to swim back when he saw that the stranger had a gun and a dog and Dave immediately knew that this was the same man as the last time. And Dave was sure that he had seen him before but didn’t knew where.

The stranger got over to Dani and got her up onto his should and walked away, leaving another notice for Dave. After the dog was gone a few minutes later Dave got out of the water and ran behind him into the hidden path. Again he had to stop at the entrance since the rockers still were working on the pour girl they were raping. He got back and opend the next envelope getting out the letter and another pill.

He read the letter and looked at the pill. It seemed to be the same that his girl had to swallow. He had to wait for sunset by orders till he has to swallow this pill and so he did. He walked around after he had swallowed and slowly he got tired. He was still walking when sleep took over and Dave fell down onto the ground. The stranger had already waited and so he got Dave on his shoulder and brought him to his wife.

Dani was already awake again, fixed down an all four and had a buzzing analplug-vibro in her ass. Against her will she had had two orgasms and was on her way to the third when the stranger arrived with her man. She could see him the first time now and was shocked. She knew the man that appeared there with her man on his should. Could it be or not she asked herself but there was no doubt. It was the doctor of the hospital who had examined her after the dog had raped her the last time on the beach. This pervert she thought by herself seeing whan this man was going to do to her man.

The stranger bound Dave down onto a wodden plate with rolls under it. Hands and feet, his stomach and his neck were fixed down onto this plate and than he was positioned below Dani. She tried to wake him up but he was sound asleep by the pill.

The doctor started to tell Dani what would come next, that she would be fucked by him and his dog for the next hours and that she would have to suck her man off by the time she was fucked by him or his dog. When she was not fucked she would fuck her man by sitting down on his prick. When his dog and himself is satified they would be free. But everything is filmed by him and if they would tell somebody espacially the police, he would send the video to their bosses and make it public on the internet.

Dani paniced by the thought that her boss would know something like that and asked what she would have to do now. The now naked doctor walked over to the door and let in his dog. He told her she would know fast and walked over to her head and pushed his dick inside her mouth. She had just started to suck on his dick when she felt the dog licking on her wet cunt. The analplaug had done its job well and Dani climaxed by the first lick of the dog.

The dog got up when Dani came down and pushed inside his dick in one fast pushing. She bite down onto the strangers dick in shock and pain as the dog hit ground. The doctor slapped her face and told her not to do this again or she would get it was twice. After ten minutes the man came into her mouth and pulled out just to tell her to suck her man awake. She spit out his semen and did as she was told, still been fucked by the dog fast and hard. She already had his knot inside and felt every pushing and pulling twice intense. After another ten minutes the dog pushed inside hard to get inside as deep as possible and so the dog opened her cervix and pushed inside her womb. Again she bite down onto the dick inside her mouth but this time it was Dave’s dick. He awoke by the pain and looked around just to see the doctor directly over him.

The doctor told him the same he told to Dani and pushed Dani’s head down so she had to deepthrought Daved dick. When she started to choke he let got of her head and the message was clear to Dave. By the time the dog had come into Dani and as the last time the dog got ass to ass with Dani and tried to pull out against the resistance of his knot. After two minutes it was done, hurting Dani and Dave (she had bit down again).

The doctor got behind her and checked her cunt for damage but there was nothing but dogsemen leaking out of her cunt. The doctor pulled the plug out of her ass and pushed it into her cunt after cleaning it. He pushed his dick into her ass and started to fuck her hard and fast, pushing her head down onto Dave’s dick a few times forcing her to deepthrought again. After the doc had come into her ass he left her for his dog and hadn’t wait for long. The dog jumped up and pushed inside and again a long assfuck started for Dani.

By the time Dave could hold no longer even in this situaion and came into Dani’s mouth hard. Dani swallowed and stopped sucking her man just to be welcomed by the doctors dick been pushed into her mouth deep. She had to deepthrought again and the doctor hold her down till she nearly passed out by choking.

This went on and on, fucking her ass by the dog, fucking her cunt by the dog, fucking her ass by the doctor, fucking her cunt by the doctor, blowjob for the doctor, blowjob for Dave. After 4 hours of steady fucking the stranger and the dog where exausted and Dani had to sit down on her man and fuck him. She had to choose where she wanter Dave’s dick and where she wanted the buzzing thing. After another hour of fucking her man the dog was ready again and fucked her into her ass.

Dani had to lift from her man and start to blew him again when she was fucked again. Again the dog pushed inside his knot and again he hurt her when he pulled out just to be replaced by the stranger who fucked her ass now. After the doctor had come againhe had a last evil idea. He pushed inside the anal-buzzer and let her sit down on her mans dick and fuck him. He waited till the dog was ready again and pulled at the collar of the dog to get him in front of Dani.

He told her to suck him and it would be the last task for her and Dave and afterwards they would be free. Dani wanted to protest when the dog was already up on her shoulders and so the dog pushed inside her mouth deep. Dani started to suck and inside her mouth the dog grew deep into her trought. she nearly chocked when she felt the knot at her lips and paniced. What would be when this evil dog would push this thing inside? She had not thought till the end when the dog pushed hard to get it inside. Danis mouth opened to the limit but the dog managed to get its knot behind her lips and between her teeth. It hurt the dog when she pressed her teeth into his knot and so the dog tried to push even deeper.

Dani couldn’t get any air and after a few seconds she passed out. The dog inflated its knot a little more and with Dave shouting below the couple, his dick inside his passed out girl, the doctor tried to pull the dog out of her mouth. The dog growled at his owner and even bite down into his arm but there was no good to get him out. A minute later, Dani already a little blue around her mouth and eyes, Dave and the doctor could her something crack aloud and the dog pulled out of Dani’s mouth.

By pulling out the dog had broken the lower jaw of Dani’s mouth. She awoke from her unconsciousness and screamed by pain. The doctor paniced cause he never thought this would happen. It never happened before so why should it this time? The doctor released Dani and Dave and told them this was not what he wanted. Dave didn’t hear up to end but just knocked out the doctor by a straight hit on his chin. He bound him down into position where his girl had been a few seconds before and got out with his girl, leaving the man to his fate, knowing what would happen to him the next hours.

He got inside the car of the doctor after he dressed Dani and himself and drove to the next hospital to get medical assistance. After nearly an hour of driving they arrived at the hospital and Dani got into the operating room to fix the broken bones in her face. Another thirty minutes later the police arrived and Dave very slowly told the policemen what happened and where the rapist could be found. The two officered laughed a little and said that the doctor would have to wait till the next morning. He would not be alone as the dog is still there. Again the officers laughed and even Dave had to grin a little bit.

After three hours Dani came out of the OP and was brought into her room. Dave had been examined but there was no harm to him and so he could get to Dani. She was still a little sleepy and so they both said no single word. They hadn’t to speak, everything was clearly by only one view. They knew, they would get to the beach since there was no doctor anymore who could rape them. Dani had to sty in hospital for four weeks and was not alowed to speak for the first week cause her bones were broken three times.

The doctor was visited by the policemen the next morning. The was a lot blood and semen on the floor but there was no doctor and no dog. The doctor had managed to free himself but he surely had been fucked a few times by his own dog. And it was surely not pleasuring him when the dog withdrew its knot from his ass. All available men were sent out to find this pervert but the doctor was not found. Surely because he knew all hidden places at the beach. The police told nothing to Dave and Dani and after a few month they closed the documents.

The End