(c) 2012 by BigBadWolf01

Chapter 1

The smell of the food in the picnic basket drifted through the woods. A large dark head rose up from the ground sniffing the faint aroma. His stomach growled angrily in protest at being reminded it was empty. The Wolf slowly came to its feet and followed the sweet smell. Drawing closer it began to salivate; the smells were unmistakable, fruit, cheese, fresh bread, pheasant and human. All were wonderful things to eat. Surely his tummy wouldn’t be empty for long.

He crept through the shadowed underbrush towards a great oak tree. He grinned cruelly about his luck at catching someone so far off the path where few would hear them cry for help. He didn’t like being out under the bright, noon sun but this was too good to pass up. Circling around the tree he paused on all fours and peered at the source of the smells. First he spied the wicker basket that undoubtedly held the food, and then he looked to the human. His eyes rose in appreciation. Laying there a sleep was the most beautiful human woman he had ever seen. His eyes roamed over her stunning body. Her long, barely covered legs tucked into a short skirt that had ridden up enough to show the slight curve of her derriere and then a red velvet hooded riding cape that covered the rest of her. Surely her face must be as angelic what he could see of her. The girls full breasts rose and fell with her steady breaths, mesmerizing him for a moment.

Moving closer, the wolf leaned down to her legs and took a long whiff of her scent. Oh she smelt wonderful, full of youth and fertility. Ever bold, the wolf took a soft lick of her exposed thigh with his long tongue. Her skin was soft and smooth. She tasted clean, not like the tired old woodsmen he normally caught sleeping. She was young and intoxicating. He wanted more; the beast gripped her silk covered knee with his paw and eased her legs apart, turning her onto her back. The girl slept on as she was repositioned, her cloak falling open to expose her tight blouse and bare throat. He paused to admire the better view of her charms and looked to her face. The hood still covered it form the brightness of the day but her full red lips were visible.

Grinning he moved his nose down between her toned legs and began to lick the exposed skin of her inner thighs. The slight taste of salt and the freshness of her feminine aroma were amazing. He no longer desired to devour this female for food. He wanted to claim her. Her short skirt bunched up near her waist exposing her white panties. The wolf kept lapping at her thighs for a bit longer though, coating each one in his saliva before pressing his wet nose to her quim and inhaling deeply. Little Red Riding Hood had begun to moan during this attention, murmurs escaped her luscious lips as the wolf adorned her legs with his tongue and groped her stocking covered thighs with his paws.


Chapter 2

Her moans were soft and alluring to his pointed ears. He let out a soft growl as he sniffed the air, and once again enjoyed her alluring aroma. Looking back down at her panties; once again he lowered his muzzle, and began to explore their contours with his strong tongue. He was enjoying the taste of the clean fabric and a hint of the sweet taste of a young female in heat. Everything about her was so alien to the filthy world he lived in. The wolf found her female button and began to rub it with the tip of his tongue as his hot breath blasted across her inner thighs and quim. He pulled his head back, and while licking her inner thigh he used his muzzle to push her knee, and give himself a little more freedom. He noticed that now her panties were very wet and it was not only his salvia. He continued dragging his talented lingua across her quim in long strokes, from top to bottom. Dragging his tongue all the way up from in between her sweet little butt cheeks, to the top of her slit savoring the flavor.

Suddenly she jerked up, startling him. Red looked down sure she was having dream. The wolf pulled his head back and growled his eyes locked onto a very beautiful, but frightened pair of blue eyes. Suddenly she realized this was no dream, starring into the glaring eyes of the wolf. The wolf that had been violating her sleep, she was frightened, confused could this be real, she cried out. Quickly she jumped to her feet she had to get away, and fast. She turned to run and just as she took her first step, a branch almost as it had reached out for her caught her foot. Just before she hit the forest floor she managed to break her fall with her hands and knees. She could hear the wolf growling behind her, and slowly began to try and crawl away. She heard a short growl and a gnash of teeth, at the moment she closed her eyes and began to cry. This was it she was going to die in the woods, eaten by a wolf never to be found. She waited, but there was no rush of pain, ravenous growling, or ripping of flesh. Then she felt it a breeze on her exposed backside, she thought to herself how lucky she was, he had missed his mark, and only got her undergarment. She started to crawl again, and was suddenly once again frozen in fear as she heard a deep long growl. He was till right behind her.

The wolf slowly stalked closer to her once she stopped, the sweet aroma was so much stronger now that the fabric was gone. It was definitely the smell of a female in heat, his sheath twitched with excitement as he lowered his muzzle, and placed his nose right into the center of her flower and breathed deeply to enjoy the scent.

She felt his cold nose on her labia it shocked her, she screamed and tried crawling once again. Then she felt it one heavy paw on her calf she could not mover leg, then suddenly her other calf was pinned as well. She screamed, but she was in the dark woods no one ever comes out here, her mother had warned her not to come here. Then she felt a warm, moist powerful sensation in between her legs. Her eyes opened wide, oh god the wolf was licking her, licking her sweet delicate flower. This can’t be a wolf, licking me, ahhh she shuddered in a sensation of pleasure, as his long tongue went up the entire length of her slit. She closed her eyes crying, and asked herself “god what’s wrong with me, how can this feel good, it’s a wolf, this is wrong isn’t it?” She felt the sinful sensation of pleasure again, as the strokes of his tongue became quicker and more powerful. She let out a soft moan, as she felt the dampness between her legs; she tried to fight it one final time. Then finally she closed her eyes and gave in to the feeling. It was like nothing she had ever felt before; she loosened her arms and rested her head on the forest floor. As she did this, the feeling became even more pleasurable. She felt each stroke as the warm, rough tongue pressed down on her clit, then slid up separating her petals and sliding inside of her at least 6 inches. A slight sensation of pleasurable pressure on the bottom of her pussy as it slid back out, finally grazing the skin in between her two holes, and another tingle as it slid her across her ass. She was breathing very heavy now as the strokes began to get faster. This was the most amazing thing she had ever experienced she had never been this wet by herself before. She began to moan very loud, the wetter her honey pot got, the more her slit leaked the fluid of pleasure the louder she got. She arched her back pushing her ass up higher, and spread her knees a little wider to give the wolf a better angle. As his powerful strokes began to touch even more of her flower, and got deeper, she knew it wouldn’t be long. Oh god not long at all, she tensed, and it came. She closed her eyes and let the tremor take over. Her pussy quivered and leaked.

This was quite possibly the best thing the wolf had ever tasted. He noticed right as the girl screamed that even more of tasty creamy liquid came. He licked feverishly trying to lap up every last drop. Making sure none of the juice from her trembling flower would escape him. Her aroma was really strong now, and his sheath had gone from quivering, to full on arousal, as he stood there looking at the girl.

Chapter 3

Staring down at the girl the wolf could tell she was exhausted, but she was also visibly excited, and smelled like she was in season. Her face lying sideways on the forest floor, arms stretched out in front of her, her auburn hair a tangled mess, but elegantly shuffled and laying about. He could hear her deep breathing, see her arched back rise and lower with each breath. Her delicate flower visibly twitching and spasming, all of this as well as the taste of sweet nectar had him extremely aroused, his cock was no longer sheathed, he was ready to knot with her, he could feel it. He pushed up with his hindquarters raising his paws off her calves, and she did not move. He gently wrapped his paws around her waist sliding them down, and hooking them on her upper thighs. Pulling his body in closer, placing his rear paws next to her knees and gently sliding them out just a bit further to give her a good base.

She was laying there; feeling a bit dirty, embarrassed exposed with no idea what was going to happen next. Feeling every pulse, and wave of pleasure as it rushed through her body this was way more amazing than anything she experienced alone in her bedroom. Looking back she saw something on the wolf that she had not noticed before. He now had a pinkish red, veiny object protruding from his groin along his stomach. It was awkward shaped thinner at the tip and getting thicker as it got closer to his body probably 2 inches around at its thickest. Right at his body it had an odd bulge in it probably 4 inches around, all together including that it must have been 9 inches in length. Just as she asked herself “What is that…..” she felt his weight shift and it came down on her butt and lower back. His paws wrapped around her waist, and settled in the crook of her waist and upper thighs. She felt a slight scratch as she felt him begin to pull her waist towards him. Whatever that thing was it hot, very hot and moist she could now feel it rubbing on the inside of her thigh, her labia, and stomach as he gently rocked back and forth. She couldn’t believe how sensitive she was shuddering as he pulled back this time, and the hot rod split her lips down the center, and pushed a little on her clit. Then she felt “Oh shit” she screamed as he thrust forward and she felt the tip of it spread her open a little and slightly slide inside of her a little, then back out again. This was the wolf’s plan he was going to violate her sweet little forbidden kitty. He thrust forward again and this time she felt a rush of pain as his hot cock went in even further this time. Her tight pussy was throbbing, wet and very warm, and he still felt hot inside of her. This time he didn’t come out of her, he just sat there for moment as if to enjoy the moment. Then she felt his paws pull on her thighs again, as he thrust into her pushing past her hymen sliding that thing deep inside of her warm velvety pussy. She screamed, and then moaned it hurt, but at the same time she was filled with pleasure. That thing must have been very deep inside of her, as he started thrusting. Feeling his hot cock deep inside of her, she was once again over come with pleasure. Every thrust was even more pleasurable than the last, not even six strokes and she could already feel her silky walls, twitching, and trembling again, clamping down on this huge foreign object that had penetrated her. Breathing very heavy now, moaning uncontrollably she could feel that bulge she saw now pressing on her lips, pushing them open, and rubbing on her clit with every thrust. She arched her back a little more, raising her ass into him, she couldn’t help it, and it just felt so right. Just at the moment she felt it, oh my god the bulge was inside of her. She felt it again her body flooded out another orgasm, as he relentlessly humped her sweet little flower. He was sliding in and out so fast, and so hard in and out as she clamped down on his rod with her tight little pussy walls. She was feeling light headed, and weak not sure how much more she could take. Gripping the moss on the ground as tight as she could, pushing back into him trying to get even deeper if it was possible. Her vision was starting to go and just when she thought she could not take any more he thrusted further one last violent time, and let out a long deep Howl. She felt his still, hot rod pulsing, and twitching inside of her, spraying something very hot on the inside of her warm pussy. She felt his warm, furry chest come down on her back, and his paws loosen and slide down her thighs. Just as this happened she was hit with one final wave of shuddering pleasure before she blacked out.

He was proud he had knotted her, and he had done it good. He was so deep inside of this little treasure; he must have sprayed for a good 15 minutes before the swelling in his knot finally went down. She already began to leak before I ever even pulled out, the semen seeping out from in between us, and trickling down her thighs. She was laying there exhausted from his prowess, from his breeding technique. After he pulled out it was like a flood gate, our nectar running from her delicate pedals down her thighs, and puddling on the ground. He stalked around her very proudly, slid his muzzle under her stomach and gently rolled her onto her back. He stood there over her gazing down on her precious face with his yellow wolf eyes. His still dripping member, trickling ever so slightly on her stomach hoping she would come out this way again. He needed to experience her again, to smell her, to feel her, to ravage her. He had made her his little love dove, and she enjoyed it he was sure of it, He would see her again. He stalked off into the brush and turned and lay down. Watching to make sure no harm came to his precious little dove.

She woke up alone so she thought, feeling exhausted and sore, but still feeling an amazing wave of pleasurable energy coursing through her. She rolled over and pushed herself up to her hands and knees, feeling something seeping out of her and running down her thighs. She managed to stand up, and realized there was clear, creamy fluid running down her thighs. She couldn’t go home like this; she grabbed her torn panties and began cleaning herself off. She straightened her hair, and fixed her skirt, hopefully mother would not notice the missing panties or the scratches on her thighs she thought. As she slowly began to make her way home, feeling less embarrassed, and more satisfied by the whole ordeal she could not help but think. Is this why mother said not to wonder into the dark forest, was she protecting me from this? Maybe she should have been more afraid that her sweet little red would revel in the darkness of the twisted path she thought to herself. Her face now filled with an ever so slightly naughty, devilish grin.


Chapter 4

She lay there in her bed as the morning sun tried peeking in on her glorious body through the curtains. Blowing a strand of her red hair away from her mouth, her eyes shut tight feeling the quivering her thighs, the trembling her now moist quim, as memories flooded through her mind. Since that day this had become the only way she could reach orgasm. Everything else seem to leave her unsatisfied, unfulfilled.

She remembered the warmth and weight of his furry chest on her back, his warm breath as it hit her neck. She could almost feel his big paws on her thighs as he pulled her hips back into his groin. The feeling of his hot, red member pushing against her lips. The feeling when it finally parted them and she was filled with his red hardness as he mated with her. Gently stroking at first, feeling him grow inside of her as he sped up. Feeling her wetness growing around him soaking his cock, making it easier for him to slide in and out. As he brought the pace up to an animalistic speed, feeling the raw power and passion., Remembering the feeling as something very big started pushing on her labia, almost beating on it like it was knocking on the door, trying to get in out of the rain. The stroke where he pulled back and almost out of her, and then violently forward and suddenly she was fuller than she had ever been. The heat of his member as he stroked deep and fast now, Until he finally gave a final deep, hard stroke, and started to pulse and twitch in her. Feeling the hot sticky juice as it shot inside of her with every pulse. The fact that the orgasm was so amazing she blacked out. Though her body remembers what happened after that. He stayed there tied deep inside of her, as he orgasmed filling her up with his DNA. Watching over her making sure the woods would not get her in her moment of weakness, protecting her. Tied inside of his beautiful prize, feeling her squeeze and relax involuntarily on his knot. Her body tells her eventually his knot began to shrink, until he finally stepped and pulled it out with a loud, “POP!. The sound of her labia releasing its hold on his knot, followed by the sucking sound of her lips closing around the shaft as he slid it out, and they finally closed trapping some of his seed inside.

“Sigh” she let out and a gentle moan as she cam thinking about all of this. That is what she needed another orgasm as good at the one she just reminisced about. Was she actually thinking about this, wow, and yes it was exciting her. The only thing she could think is wow, I must be some kind of freak, then she just laughed to herself.

She stood up glad her curtains were drawn, otherwise someone might have seen her. She stood there in front of the mirror admiring her own hour glass figure for a minute. All 5’10” of it, her milky white skin, her supple firm breasts. She slowly buttoned up her blouse., as she finished she reached down, bent over and peeled off her now wet cotton panties. For this occasion she needed something nice she thought as she pulled out a sheer, black lacy thong. Finally she pulled on her pleated red mini skirt, and threw her red cape over her shoulders. She looked in the Mirror and said “Ready or Not” with a big smile.


Chapter 5

His yellow eyes were the only thing visible in the forest mist. It was going to be another morning without breakfast, where was everything hiding it. Then he heard it the silence was shattered by a loud piercing scream, followed by the unmistakably ferocious growl of a grizzly. Not again he thought, we will get blamed as always. With that he took off like a bolt through the forest.

Running as fast he could, breaking brush snapping twigs, crunching leaves there was no need for stealth now. As he approached, he could hear sobbing, and smell the distinct stench of the bear. As he approached he noticed another aroma in the air, a very familiar smell. He thought to himself “No it couldn’t be?” After what he did last time, he was sure she would never venture out here again. He had made sure of it, taking his me showing exactly how nasty these woods can be. However as he got closer the smell was unforgettable, and his vision only confirmed his thoughts. There she was his precious little red slumped against a tree, crying, hands in the air trying to fend off the Giant grizzly towering over her.

He mustered everything he had and took off full speed, leaping and hurling himself all 125 lbs right at the side of the bear. It staggered him as the wolf collided and then tumbled through the air, until finally hitting the ground and rolling to a stop. The impact had hurt the wolf, but he quickly righted himself, and got into a defensive posture. The bear on two legs still; turned and stared down the wolf, squared up with him and roared. The wolf hunkered down, bore his teeth and growled right back. Circling around towards red, the bear mouth open, and paws ready kept his eyes on the wolf and circled with him. The circling continued until the Wolf finally stopped in front of red. Snarling, and growling, posturing in front of her like it was his catch. He knows we live in packs thought the wolf, he will back down, and sure enough he did. With a snort the bear dropped to the ground, and sauntered off.

She sat their still shocked, but in it enough to finally see her wolf. Relaxing against the tree she took him in with her eyes, he was so beautiful. For the first time she saw his dark brindle coat, the way the red and black danced together in his fur. The red almost matching her deep auburn. He stood there hunched as if still in the defensive staring at her now. Turning his head from side to side, his deep yellow eyes, she wandered what he was thinking.

She was thinking what an idiot she was, how did she know he would come, and what if he hadn’t she would be bear food right about now. None of that mattered though now. Here they where just as she had planned. She thought did I really plan this, what is wrong with me, did I actually come out here hoping to be satisfied by an animal, a wolf. “OMG, there is definitely something wrong with me” she said and chuckled.

He stood there staring at her, wondering what could have possibly brought her back out here. He noticed that as she stared at him, her horrified face had suddenly turned into something different. As she stared at him, he saw that she suddenly started to develop a smile.


Chapter 6

She leaned forward and wrapped her arms around the wolf’s neck, leaning in and kissing him on his cold nose. The wolf thought what is she doing, and then she licked him on his lips. He couldn’t help it, he remembered the taste, and how good it was, he parted his lips and let his long tongue escape.. He just enjoyed her taste for a minute as they kissed, well as close to a canine and a girl can come to kissing.

She felt his warm breath in her mouth, on her face, his sharp teeth on her tongue, his long warm tongue in her mouth probing, on her lips so raw and sensual. She felt the warmth below as her sweet pussy started to warm up. This was it, this is what she wanted. Still passionately trading licks with her wolf she took her legs and wrapped them around his back. She raised her hips up and pressed them towards his groin. She could feel his sheath pressing into the top of her sex though her skirt. She reached down and pulled it up, so her panties were the only thing between them. She could feel his warm furry sheath twitch as she slowly began to grind herself against it. She knew it was growing as she suddenly felt it get really hot, and something hard press on her panties. She could feel it part her lips, and begin to rub on her clit. She could feel her own wetness, and she began to get more excited.

He could smell it as she was slowly grinding herself on him, she was in heat and trying to mate with him. He could not help himself, his red member was coming out, after all it was only instinct. He could feel her warmth, and how wet she was through the soft material around her waist. Her opening was giving way as he grew, allowing him to slide through her lips. She tasted so good, and it felt good as she rubbed on him for what seemed like forever. As she started to rub more vigorously he could tell she was becoming more excited. He could smell it in the air, he could feel the wetness around his red rocket. He could feel her lips twitch and spasm, she begin to softly moan between licks.

It was amazing just as she remembered, she was soaked already, she reached down and pulled her pin knife off her boot and cut her panties loose. She gasped as his hot, hard cock touched her bare lips as the panties fell away. She could hear his small growl of excitement, as his rod became fully erect. She reached down and took a hold of it guiding the tip to her opening. She held it there licking him, and tasting him as she slowly moved up down, letting her clit rub on it. At that moment she couldn’t control it anymore, she was so wet, and she pressed down on his back with her legs and pulled it inside of her.

As he was enveloped in her sweet honey pot, feeling the velvety walls close around his rod, he thought this is a bit odd for a wolf. He had never experienced a position like this before. It still felt amazing, feeling her tight opening around his cock, as she slowly humped him. As he felt her spasming around him, he became more excited, and began to thrust with her.

OMG there it was she thought as she cam once on his hard, red member. She felt it again as he started to thrust with her. His thrusts becoming quicker and harder. She let go of his neck and let her shoulders and head fall to the ground. Making sure to keep a hold with her legs but allowing, a better angle. Giving herself deeper penetration as she could feel it again. The swollen bulge in his cock pressing on her labia. Begging to come in and fill her up, begging her to scream, and writhe in ecstasy. Hitting her clit with each thrust, bringing her closer to orgasm number three. This time she was in control though she would decide when it entered. Keeping her legs tightly around him for the moment, not allowing it to enter. Enjoying every thrust, losing herself in the moment.

He could tell she was holding him back, she must enjoy the knot rubbing her outside. With each thrust she became more excited, he could smell it, he could feel it as she got wetter. He could finally feel the spasms again as her sweet spot began to lightly clamp down on him, and release, then he felt her legs relax. As soon as they did he thrust even harder, ensuring to get the knot in for a successful breeding. As he did he could her gasp, and the spasms got harder, and with that it became harder for him to hold back. He began thrusting deeper and harder, as she moved her hips with him. Then he felt it and lost control as her velvet walls closed in on his cock. She was clamping down, it was milking him, taking everything, and leaving a wetness around his groin.

She felt it she had squirted all over him, as she cam, she also felt him tremble, and his cock pulse and twitch. She felt his final thrust, and the hot squirt of his seed. She was spasming, screaming, enjoying every minute as she milked every last ounce of his cum. Lying there staring up at his eyes, as he filled her with his seed. Se lye there for what seemed like 20 minutes just staring into his yellow eyes, feeling the warm liquid fill her up. Then there it was just like her body said, he backed up and POP, it popped out, and she shuddered in pleasure hearing the sucking noise as her lips closed around the shaft, and finally closing completely trapping his sperm inside of her. He leaned in and kissed her one more time, and then he was gone. She lay there for a minute, taking it all in and enjoying the moment, before she righted herself, and headed home with the biggest smile ever.