(c) 2009 by Mindy2911

Monday morning, the cute blond with the ponytail at the cash register looks at her watch. It is 11.29 am, the small fast food outlet will be filled with students in about half an hour she thinks to herself. Although she works at the outlet like the dozen of other employees, there was something that distinguished her from them instantly. It isn’t the fact that she is the only girl on her shift. Her uniform is the same as the other employees; same colours, name tag and hat, except she is the only one wearing a skirt and blouse which looks a little too big for her 5’2 figure. Her name tag reads Tina. Most people however still look at her tag while knowing her name as it is just on top of her 36 D breasts.

Waiting for the customers to come, she remembers how she used to come here with her friends for lunch. This was until four months ago. Four months since her world ended, four months since all her dreams came crashing down, where all her future prospects vanished. She knows that she only got this job because of her good looks since having been expelled from college on charges of cheating, she couldn’t get into another one easily so she was stuck doing such jobs. Just in case she might forget how she got the job, her changing locker is actually the manager’s office.

The forty something pervert, who was named Arnie, liked to watch the young girls on the security feeds at his restaurant and when he had one three months ago desperately looking for a job, he was sure to add a few special rules for the new employee. Since there was only one female employee, they didn’t have the facilities to accommodate for a girl locker or at least that was the official line for her having to change in the manager’s office. Another rule was that every employee had to wear the same number of items of clothing which meant in her case that she had to remove her bra while in uniform.

If he had known how desperate she was he would have added other rules also but fortunately for her he didn’t. So except for having to stay in just panties for five to ten minutes while he retrieved her outfit there was no harm done. The first few days she was very shy and tried to hide her breasts with her hands but then it took much longer to retrieve her outfit and since she was paid by the hour, she got less money. So she decided to do anything to get her clothes quickly. Lately she doesn’t even bother to wear a bra to work anymore.

The first customers coming through the door snaps her back to reality, it is a group of construction workers. She takes their orders and ask them to take a seat, while keeping a smiling face. The clientele does seem to have changed a lot since she started working there. At the start it was exclusively students from the local college but now it seems more varied, although the variation is more across the male population. She waits for their orders to get ready and then brings it to their table. As usual one of them feels up her ass, she doesn’t like it but still shrugs it off as this usually gave her better tips.

One of the other thing that she accepted to be able to get better tips is to put on 3″ heels and stockings, this usually meant that her feet were killing her after her shift but at least the money was better. She looks back at her watch it is almost time. As if on queue, the students come into the outlet and start ordering their meals. She takes their orders and bring them their food. Some of them, asking her phone number at the same time. She always ignores them. She is just delivering one of the orders when she sees familiar faces at the table.

It is the group of friends she used to hang out with. Jill, the redhead has been her best friend since kindergarten but after her expulsion, even her would no longer return her calls. Mike had been her boyfriend but he too forgot that she existed after the incident. Jake on the other hand never liked her. Finally there was Brenda, the new blond of the group she was an addition only after she ‘left’ her friends. She didn’t know a lot about Brenda except that she had a ridiculous laugh and that she works part time in administration.

She finishes giving them their drinks and is about to leave when Jake’s fork falls on the ground. She bends down to pick it up. She is about to get up when Jake talks to her.

“See something you like” Jake asks her.

She follows his finger to see what he is pointing at and sees that Jake’s member is out of his pants. She blushes. As she is getting up Jill’s strawberry milkshake falls on Tina’s back, drenching her blouse with the cold pinkish thick liquid. It is cold but still she tries to walk away but slips in the pool of milk shake and falls on her bum.

“Ahhhh” She lets out.

Everyone turns around to see what the commotion is.

“Well if you don’t know how to walk in high heels you shouldn’t wear them.” She hears from Jill.

She can’t believe she just said that to her. Her ‘friends’ start to laugh at her. She tries to get up but because of the position in which she fell, she is unable to do so without first turning over. The wet blouse starts to stick to her skin making it apparent that she isn’t wearing any bra. Feeling completely humiliated, she just hides her face with her hands and sobs. It is only when Arnie comes to investigate the situation that he pulls her back to her feet. He tells her to stop crying, he asks her what happened. Being unable to speak, Jill gladly helps to fill in the details.

“She hit the table while getting up and spilt my drink all over her. Instead of apologising and cleaning it up, she tried to walk away and slipped and fell down. Then she started to act like a baby. I want some excuses, her to clean up her mess and a new strawberry milkshake.” Jill tells Arnie.

Tina hearing all this just tries to walk away again.

“Where do you think you are going? You are going to ask her to forgive you then clean this up and then serve her a new strawberry milkshake.” Arnie asks her.

“I am going to change first.” She tells him between two sobs.


She walks back to the table.

“I am sorry for having spilt your drink Jill.” She says with her head bent down.

“That’s not good enough. You have to admit your fault and what’s with the Jill, it’s Miss Harold to you.”

“I am sorry that my incompetence has caused the spilling of your drink. Please forgive me Miss Harold.”

“Well that’s not much better but I guess since I am a good person I will let the matter go.”

“Thank you Miss Harold.”

“Now go get me a new strawberry milkshake and make it quick.”

She leaves the table tears running down her cheeks. She gets a new milkshake and brings it back on a tray.

“Service is so bad around here you just wonder what kind of person they employ.” Jill adds as Tina starts to mop up the spillage.

“See how she is liking it, her nipples are all erect, I wouldn’t mind getting some milk shake directly from those.” Jake adds pointing to her bouncing tits.

All the while the poor wet waitress taking the abuse without once retorting back. When she is done, she goes back to Arnie’s office to get changed.

Arnie allows her to use the bathroom to take a shower.

As usual she has to strip in front of Arnie but this time she has to let go of the panties too. There she is in her birthday suit feeling cold while he looks for the bathroom key.

“Here’s a razor, you better shave down there if you want to come to work tomorrow.” He says as he gives her a razor.

He opens the bathroom door. She steps inside. She turns on the shower. She starts to wash her body. The warm water does feel good. She turns off the water lathers up her body and genitals. She proceeds to shave off and then turns the water back on to rinse the excess soap. She proceeds to clean it all. She turns off the water. She steps out of the bathroom all wet. She then dries herself up with the towel.

“Can I leave now?” She asks him.

“Well your shift ends in two hours. So I guess I can let you leave early because of all that happened today. But I want you to do something for me first, here is a makeup kit. I want you to put makeup on to look like the girl in this photo after that I will give you your clothes back and you can go. Give the towel over.” He tells her.

She goes off to bathroom and puts on the makeup. Doing her best to look like the girl in the photo she received. She comes back looking quite similar to the girl in the photo.

“Good job. Now I want you to do just one thing before you leave. Sit on my desk with your legs spread apart and suck on this lollipop. As soon as you finish the lollipop you can leave.” He tells her while handing her a lollipop.

She sits on the desk with her legs spread such as each foot is on one arm rest of the chair he is sitting on. She pulls off the wrap and starts to suck on the candy. He watches her intently. She tries to finish it as quickly as possible. He is definitely getting weirder, she thinks to herself. She finishes it and pulls out the cleaned lollipop stick.

“OK here are your clothes.”

He gives her clothes back. She gets off the desk and goes through her clothes looking for her panties but can’t find any.

“Wait a minute where are my panties?” She asks.

“I threw them away along with your stockings. They were sticky from the milk shake anyway. But here’s some money for some new ones.”

She takes the money and puts on the remaining clothes and prepares to leave.

“By the way, don’t bring any underwear from now on.” He tells before she leaves.

She leaves the outlet. She starts walking home, it does feel weird to not be wearing any underwear, she feels that she is vulnerable. Suddenly she feels a drop hit her face. It is starting to rain. She is near to the bus stop she takes shelter at the bus stop. She looks at her watch, the bus will be around in 35 minutes. She sits down and can feel the fabric of her skirt touching her private parts. It is such an odd feeling. She doesn’t like how this day went by. She just wants to go home, get drunk and forget about all this. She doesn’t want to go to work tomorrow.

Suddenly a car stops next to the stop. The passenger side window opens up. Jake is inside.

“Want a lift?”

“No thanks.”

“Come on, it is raining heavily.”

“I will not get wet in the bus.”

“Yes but you will have to walk home when you get off the bus.”

“I will be alright.”

“Oh come on, I am trying to apologise for what I said earlier. I didn’t mean it.”

“Just go, will you.”

“Come on don’t make me beg.”

“Well why not I had to.”

“Will it make you feel better?”

“May be.”

“Well if you get in, I will tell you a secret. I even promise that I will not try anything.”

“OK then.”

He opens the door for her. She gets in and closes the door. He starts to drive.

“First of all, I want to apologise for what happened earlier. By the way it was all Jill’s idea. She is the one who spilt the milkshake on you.”

“I figured as much.”

“I always liked you.”

“If it’s one of your lines to get me to sleep with you, it’s not going to work.”

“I already said that would not try anything.”

“So …”

“I will help you get back at her. Humiliate her in front of the whole school.”

“What’s your idea?”

“Well you know how she is with Mike now, she is actually two timing him with me. So I was thinking of taping her having sex with me and showing it in front of the whole school.”

“What is it for me?”

“Well, you never knew who sent the letter that you cheated to the dean. How about you get back at her?”

She was furious at Jill, she made her life a nightmare and for no apparent reason. The rain has stopped.

“OK I accept.”

“Good choice.”

“So what am I to do?”

“You film it. Are you OK with that?”

“Yes I am.”

“So let me get you a gift for your effort.”

“That won’t be necessary.”

“I insist.”

“Fine then.”

He stops the car before a shop.

“Follow me.”

She follows him out of the car and into the shop.

“Mr. Keats. What a pleasure to see you. How are you today?” asks a middle aged guy.

“I’m fine, Walter.” Jake tells the guy.

“So who’s the lovely lady with you?” asks Walter.

“She is my future fiancee. She needs some nice clothes. Please put it on my account.” Jake tells Walter.

“Fine Sir.” says Walter.

“Go on choose any two outfits and I will choose the one for this evening.” Jake tells her.

She chooses her clothes. They all look very expensive and very nice. She tries them on. They fit her perfectly, apparently Walter is really good as estimating sizes. As she chooses her two outfits, Walter gives her a package to use. She opens it and finds thongs. She is both happy and embarrassed. She puts it on. She continues to try on different outfit. Finally she selects two. Jake gives her a third outfit and tells her to put it on as she will be wearing it tonight. She puts it on, it was composed of a crop top and a short skirt. There is also a coat that ends at mid thigh. Finally there are boots with spike heels which complement the outfit. She walks out wearing the outfit.

“It looks lovely on you.” Says Walter.

“Here is for you.” He tells her as he offers her a glass of champagne.

“To your life together.” All three drink. It is very good actually she thinks to herself.

Having selected the clothes they pay and leave the shop. Jake gives her a digital cam and tells her to lose the coat as it is going to be hard to walk among the bushes with the coat constantly getting entangled. He drives her to Jill’s house. He drops her a bit further away for her to be able to go hiding easier. Since it was already dusk, it was quite easy to not be noticed, specially since she was wearing black.

She goes behind the house and hides behind the hedge. She moves around so that she has a perfect angle into her room. She can see Jill getting ready for her evening date, putting on makeup, doing her hair etc. She knows that she will have to wait a while, she can’t spend all the time crouching down. She checks the grass. It is a bit wet from the afternoon rain but she sits on it anyway. She thought that her ass will be wet from sitting on the grass but surprisingly it isn’t. She thinks it must be the fabric from which the clothes are made.

She starts to think whether it is right to do what she is doing. She is starting to get cold feet. Well Jill did hurt her a lot but what she is going to do to Jill is not better. May be it will be better to just forget about it. That’s it. She will just forget about it. She is going to tell Jake that she has decided to scrap the plan. She just has to wait for him to come around. She suddenly starts to feel that she has the urge to pee. She looks around and cannot see anyone, well it is so dark she can’t even see the area around her.

Once again she looks around but still she can’t see anyone or anything. She puts the camera on the hedge. She backs off a bit from the hedge and can feel something big behind her. It must be a tree or something. She pulls down the thong around her thighs and squats. She holds up her skirt to not get any of it on her new skirt. She is so relieved that she is wearing a skirt instead of pants. It is so much simpler this way. She starts to pee. She feels so good. She is done. She stands up and looks at the place where she left the camera and notices that Jake’s car is next to the house.

She is late, she runs towards the camera. Suddenly the thong that was still at her thighs falls below her knees and tightens causing her to stumble forward. So instead of stopping at the hedge she falls through the hedge. In her fall she dislodged the camera that falls next to her. Unfortunately for her she didn’t fall all the way through the hedge but instead she got stuck in the middle of the hedge. She looks like a ballerina with the hedge where her skirt is entangled in acting as her tutu. She tries to move out of the hedge but the thorns are scraping against her midriff making it painful. She tries to get up but can’t put enough leverage. She has to stay on all fours and cannot even move.

With her stuck in this position she doesn’t have a lot of options and Jake will probably want the tape anyway so she decides it will be best to film the scene. With the camera knocked off, it has been reset. She attempts to set the values of the settings as they were. Since the position is now much lower, she tries to compensate by holding the camera in the left hand and then raise it as high as possible while using her right arm as support. She looks at the mini display on the camera and can see that Jake is already in her room.

She starts filming. She continues to look at the mini display. It seems that he is talking to her. Caressing her red hair holding her hand. Being stuck in this position is making her very getting impatient and she just can’t wait for him to make his move. Her left arm starts to feel tired, she decides to switch arms. when her right arm is raised she can see that he has started kissing her. Finally they are going to do it she thinks.

She is busy filming Jake’s plan in action when she suddenly feels something wet brush against her pussy lips. She freezes, she can’t move or think, she just knows something brushed against her pussy. She dares not even cry for help. She is completely terrified. She was so focused on filming her ‘friends’ fucking that she didn’t notice anything else around her. Wait a minute, was there really something. She moves her ass around trying to feel around since her arms are stuck on the other side of the hedge. She continues to feel around but can’t seem to hit anything.

There doesn’t seem to be anything around her back, it might just have been guilt over what she is doing making her feel things. There can’t be anything else around there. She resumes filming. Jill’s top is already off but since she is leaning against the window there isn’t a lot the camera can capture of her unfaithfulness. She moves the camera around and again she feels something brush against her pussy. Again she stops what she is doing and this time it isn’t just something from her imagination. What can it be? It only happened while she moved so probably it’s just be a branch from the hedge that brushed against her.

She continues filming the scene happening in Jill’s room. The thing brushes against her pussy again. She takes no notice of it and just continues filming. She tries to push against it. She hears a kind of muffled sound. She lets go of the camera, which tumbles to the ground. There is something there hiding in the darkness. She tries to look around but all she sees is the hedge nothing past it. She close her eyes and try to focus on what is behind her. She can feel something breathing. She holds her own breath and hears that it is actually panting.

She tries again to try to find out who is this guy that is getting so excited from her misfortune, but the hedge is blocking her field of view. She can’t see him but she can hear him. He is probably going to do weird things to her. She already has to deal with one pervert at work so she knows that there is no limit to what their minds can think of. She hopes it is not debasing though. In fact she knows that what he will do to her is going to be humiliating but at this point she is just hoping that it isn’t too humiliating.

In the position she is right now, she can’t very much call for help or anything along those lines so her only real option is to try to get out of the situation. She tries to push herself out of the hedge by pushing against the hedge but it is her arms that go through the hedge instead of her body out of it. With her hands on the other side she tries to bring down her skirt to cover the privates but they seem stuck in the hedge. She uses her hands to try to fend off the assaults of the pervert while she whispers to him to go away and leave her alone.

During one of his attacks she is able to feel his attacking member and to her surprise it feels hairy. She attempts to push it away and hears a growl. Oh no, it is a dog. She is being attacked by a dog. She tells him to go away that he is a bad dog but tries to keep her distance as she doesn’t want to be bitten. The dog starts to lick her pussy. Its canine tongue starts to lick the outer parts of her genitalia. It is licking all over and so every time its tongue is making contact with her clitoris she is being aroused a bit more.

As her genitalia is being more and more covered with dog saliva, she is starting to get more and more wet from her own juices. However she continues to tell it to stop although her pleas are getting less and less convincing mainly because she is starting to moan in between the pleas. Suddenly it happens, she can feel a new sensation growing, her first orgasm ever and what is most disturbing for her is that she is getting her first orgasm from a dog. Then it hits her, she doesn’t care about it anymore. She cannot contain it and lets out a bestial cry.


As the dog continues to lick her, she gives in more and more. She tries to push her ass out more for him to have a better access to her genitalia. She even starts begging the dog to do it harder. The idea of it being an animal has long been lost to her. Since her ass is out more, the dog starts to lick along her crack too. She has never even been felt back there so the sudden change in the dog’s area of interest sends a thrill through her body. She wants him to go back to his previous spot so she spreads her legs a bit further to allow him to get access to her pussy.

While she is concentrating on getting the dog to pleasure her she doesn’t notice that she is halfway out of the bush. Her arms and underbelly have been scratched by the thorny branches of the bush but she doesn’t care, only the small pain is registering somewhere in her head but she can’t feel it being so overwhelmed with pleasure. It is the rhythmic tugging on her skirt that makes her realise that she is almost out of the bush. There is no way that the stupid skirt is going to prevent her from having fun and she proceeds to unzip it.

She tries to find the zipper on it but is so frustrated by the dog not licking her in the right spot that she just doesn’t care about finding it and just pulls on the material of the skirt and she can hear a ripping sound. With the skirt finally freed from the bush she uses her hands to spread her lips thinking that this will give more incentive to the dog that is now licking her on the length of her crack. The dog however doesn’t follow through with her plan but instead starts to back off causing her to feel even more exasperated by it.

As if tired of playing with her, the dog slows down his licking and starts to back away.

“Come on boy, lick me again, lick my pussy.” She starts telling the ff.gif animal.

The dog disappears into the darkness as silently as it had come. There she is, begging an animal to lick her, what can be more humiliating than this but for her right now all reason is gone the only thing driving her right now are instincts. Instincts to be pleased sexually whatever the source. As she slowly recovers her senses, she starts considering what she is doing. Should anyone have told her that she would be so debased she would probably have hit the person but there she is on all fours having asked gratification from a dog.

She thinks about it and decides it is better to get out of here and feel guilty or sorry for herself a little bit later. She thinks to herself that it wasn’t so bad and also thanks to the dog she was out of the bush although she would have to put on some cream on her scratched skin when she gets home. Before that however, she needs to get the camera and finish filming Jill’s exploits with Jake. She starts feeling around looking for where the camera is. She can’t seem to find it. She feels around and feels something she tries to hold it but it moves away.

She thinks that it might be the camera and that she just pushed it even further away. Then she remembers that she did let go of the camera on the other side of the bush so it must still be there. She looks towards the hole that she accidentally made and can see the red light on the camera. All she needs to do now is get hold of this camera film what is left of Jill’s display of her unfaithfulness and then she can just leave this place. She reaches out to the camera but it is too far away for her to reach for it.

The only way for her to be able to get it quickly is to get it through the hole. She puts her arms in and pushes herself in the hole, pushing only until her head gets out of the other side she doesn’t want to get stuck again. She is almost reaching the camera when she feels something brushing against the wet back again. She gets excited out of it. With her in this position she can’t help but feel vulnerable. There she is on her knees head lowered with her arms stretched in front of her. At the same time she knows that there is a dog at her back ready to lick her again.

She is able to grab the camera and sees that it is still working. She feels him sniffing her back side. She knows that it is trying to have access to her wet backside again may be for seconds. She doesn’t want him to do it right now but remembering the pleasure of the previous encounter gets the better of her. There is no harm in having some fun while she is doing her task at hand so while she positions the camera and sets it to point at the window, she makes sure that the camera is filming the room before she decides to help the dog.

She uses her hands to pull up her skirt for it to have better access. She thinks she might have been right in the first place, it does seem to be a pervert, just a perverted dog. It is only when she seems to be doing something else that he comes to her. May be he enjoys toying with her. She is therefore going to just play the part of the toy. If that is the only way that he is lick her out she will do it. She stretches her body out although there is no need for it and raises her ass up in the air for it to lick her up.

“Come On boy do it to me.” she asks the dog.

She shakes her ass at him trying to get the dog to start his licking again. He however just sniffs her out. She is tired of waiting and loses her calm.

“You stupid dog. Get on with it will you.” she screams at the dog.

Still the dog doesn’t respond. She therefore tries to get up from her kneeling position. She tries to get out of the hole but then something finally happens. The dog starts licking her again. This time it is much more excited and licks her longer and faster. It is however hitting too high to reach where she wants it so she tries to help it reach the right spot by raising her ass. It still seems more interested in licking her ass than her pussy, what a weird dog she thinks to herself. Not that she is comparing it with other dogs but just that it seems weird to her.

Anyway she can’t make it do what she wants she can still try to enjoy it. She closes her eyes and to better enjoy his licks. After a few licks, it stops. She wonders if it is over as she can no longer feel his tongue. She just knows that all of her backside is quite wet. She decides that she has spent enough time here and that she will just give the camera to Jake and be done with this. First thing she will have to dry her ass and pussy up first as she doesn’t want him to accidentally notice that she is wet down there, he might get the wrong idea.

She turns off the camera and is about to go when she feels something jump on her. As she feels something scratching against her back she guesses it must be the dog but what is he doing now. The claws scratching her skin sure is not very pleasant and so she tries to shake him off. He moves further up and puts his paws on her upper back. Feeling the weight of the dog near to her shoulders is so disconcerting. Trying to turn around to attempt to see what he is doing her ponytail gets entangled in the thorns, preventing her to turn around.

She wonders what he is trying to do may be he is trying to lick her face, that is what dogs like to do right. She feels something hit her right ass cheek. He can’t be trying such a thing can he. She feels it again this time a bit harder and closer to her pussy. She understands what he is doing, but can’t believe it is happening to her. He is trying to fuck her. She isn’t going to let this happen. It is one thing to let him lick her but for it to fuck her is something that she doesn’t want to happen.

She attempts to get him off first by telling him to.

“Get off of me you stupid go.”

“Go leave me alone.”

However the verbal commands do not affect the animal. She attempts to throw him off by shaking her ass from side to side. He starts to growl at her. She continues her movement. He starts to bark. She is not going to back down not when his thrusts are so close to her pussy. Suddenly he hits the mark. She freezes instantly. It is too late, he is now connected with her. The pain is incredible, she can’t help but cry out.


With the tip having broken into her ring, the animal tries to thrust the whole length in. She feels so full as the member invades her. She can feel her previously virgin ass expanding around the intruder. It is so painful. She continues to scream.

“No, it hurts. Stop.”

“This can’t be happening.”

What is more disconcerting for her is the ease with which he is entering her. She thinks it might be due to his previous licking which acted as lubricant. She can feel hairs brushing against her ass. She thinks he might be all in. She has a problem with the idea that one thrust was all it took to open her up. With him firmly embedded in her, he starts to hump. She can feel that with each thrusts it is releasing some kind of warm liquid. She is relieved. That certainly means that it is just finishing with her.

From her experience with men, which was limited to Mike, they came a few times and then withdrew. She figures that it must be done and will surely get out of her sore asshole. She feels him shifting position pushing his fore paws up her back getting between her top and skin. In this position its claws are digging into her flesh but she doesn’t care as long as he is getting off. She knows that it would look that he is actually pinning her to the ground but she only wants one thing, for him to get off and she will do whatever it takes to make it happen.

Feeling more and more spurts shooting in her, she decides to finish him off as quickly as possible for her to go home. She pushes herself on his dick trying to meet his thrusts with her own. There doesn’t seem to be an end to his spurts as her bowels gets washed with waves after waves of dog seed. There is so much that it starts leaking out of her ass and flows down her legs and onto the grass. She is a bit relieved that she isn’t wearing stockings or they would have been completely ruined from this ordeal.

She can feel something weird. It seems that her ring is being stretched even more by the dick. She hopes it is not trying to get his balls in her. It feels like the dick is growing sideways now. She attempts desperately to get the balls out of her ring by pulling herself further up the dick, she feels them slip out of her ring. She is relieved, being fucked by this monster was bad enough without having to worry about getting the balls also into her.

As it continues to thrust she can feel the balls between her cheeks, they are quite big kind of twice the width of the dick in her. She is just happy that this thing is not in her, she wouldn’t have been able to pull it out. As she was struggling with the dog her hair has become unstuck from the bush. Perhaps she is starting to get lucky now. She feels him stop humping and can feel bigger spurts being released deep inside of her.

It attempts to pull out but it is too big for her asshole right now to be able to do this. He at least gets off of her and moves around with both of them being ass to ass. He then starts to move away, pulling on her. She holds on to the base of the bush for support and can feel the dick being pulled out of her. She can feel her filled asshole lubricating the process. When it finally pulls out she can feel her asshole being relieved as she feels that a gush of the seed inside her come out at the same time.

She decides to get out of here as soon as possible before anything else happens to her. She rises to her knees making sure to lower her skirt. She tries to get the camera but it doesn’t seem to be here. She rises to her feet and decides to look for it. She walks around and tries to look for it bending over as she does so. She can feel the dog seed still running down her leg.

“Oh my isn’t this a wonderful sight.”

She is too shocked to be able to register who has just spoken. She turns around and can see a figure in the darkness, a reddish orange light dangling around it. It can’t be. She knows who has just spoken as it is smoking a cigarette. She is so shocked that she can’t even say a word.

“At a lost for word are you. You weren’t a few minutes ago when you were so keen for Samson to take you. I personally think that it needs a bit of editing but the original footage is still so good. You are not to speak to me, unless I speak to you first and then again I want no word except for you to agree with what I say.”

“I guess it must have been Jake’s plan seeing how he is still there kind of waiting for something. So now go home and don’t get in his car or talk to him. I think walking with Samson’s seed running down your leg is a good start for your new life. If fact I guess since you are now my personal slave, you will have to be courteous.”

“OK. Now go and do as you are told dog slut but first I want you to tell me that you are a dog slut and like dog cock. Be enthusiastic about it or this tape will be on youtube in before you reach home.”

“I am a dog slut and I love dog cock. I just love how it feels inside me. There is nothing that pleases me more than getting fucked my a dog.” She says as she has no other way out.

“Good slave, now go. But be ready for my call tomorrow for you to get your duties for the day. Well it is going to be a lot of fun at least for me, may be not for you but what makes me happy makes you happy so you will BE happy.”

She walks out of the garden and past Jake’s car. She can see him asleep. Fortunately for her, the passenger window is open so she just grabs her bag and leaves. Since it is quite early, there are a few people walking around. She feels that they are all watching her. She also knows why. Here she is scratched up at different places, her hair completely messed up. The dog seed still leaking from time to time down her legs and into the boots. She is grateful that most people wouldn’t recognise her in this state as she wouldn’t be able to take it.

Suddenly it starts to rain. She gets completely wet. It feels good. She feels that the rain is cleansing her from the events of the day. The top that is wearing contrary to the skirt is not water proof and the wet material clings to her torso. The water going down her body goes into her boots filling them up. At least it is no longer dog seed that is going between the toes. With her torn up skirt exposing her bare ass with every step and the top moulding her torso, she might look like a dream come true to the guys around her and she can hear certain remarks.

She makes it home without any major incident except for some guys being too friendly with her. She finally gets her keys out of her bag and opens the door to her apartment.

“You are late.” Comes from a feminine voice inside the room.