The following is not at all meant to titillate or arouse anyone. It is simply the story of how I first started enjoying sex with my dog.

My name is Jennifer and I was 18 when I lost my canine virginity. I live in a college city and so a lot of people stay with their parents after high school to save on costs of going for an apartment or living in the dorms, I did not do this. While my parents do live here and I did live with them before college, I wanted to be “on my own” as soon as I could, so during the Summer after high school but before college, I moved into an apartment that my parents paid for but I was responsible for paying them back.

A requirement of any apartment I was potentially going to move into was that medium-sized dogs must be allowed, so my German Shepherd, Duke, could stay with me and keep me company, as I would not be having any roommates. It should be noted that this decision was in no way influenced by sexual relations with my dog on any level. We did not do anything sexual together until a few months into apartment life.

Before we get to that though I’d like to backtrack a little and talk about sex in general. I was a sexual girl in high school and am now a sexual grown woman. I lost my virginity early in high school and over the course of months and years of high school I gained a lot of experience with sex and how good it can feel, with males and females.

For as much as I do enjoy sex though I tend to be pretty picky about who it’s with, which is why I was alone and bored in my apartment that fateful Sunday afternoon. A couple of months after I started college I actually had a Sunday free, no homework and no more studying needed to be done.

I hadn’t had any action in more than a week and was starting to get antsy. Normally a quick text message or two to someone I know will fix that right up but today was different. I didn’t feel like being around people, male or female, stranger or friend or friend with benefits, just wanted to be by myself. But how am I supposed to sate this desire to have an orgasm or ten?

Right after I asked myself that question I noticed my dog’s tongue, he had come up to the couch and was staring at me from the floor with his tongue in plain view. From my experience with girls, and some guys, I know tongues can be very pleasurable when properly applied to the right places of a girls body.

So there I was, horny, alone and seeing my dog’s tongue. A body part which I knew could satisfy my horniness. I took him to the bedroom and we wrestled on the floor for a few minutes. I did this in my underwear. This only made me hornier and so my panties were flooded and I needed to satisfy that hunger.

I laid on the edge of my bed, now naked, legs spread, pussy at the very edge of the bed. My dog immediately smelled something he liked, found his way to it and began licking and oh my god it was heaven (still is wink.gif ). He couldn’t get enough human pussy and I couldn’t get enough of his tongue. He brought me to several orgasms like I’d never experienced before.

We did this daily after my last class of each day for a few weeks. When I would rewardingly pet him afterwards, he would start to thrust his hips in a humping motion. I never put 2 and 2 together to figure out he wanted to actually mount me and nor did I ever consider having him penetrate me. A dog’s penis just isn’t usually in your mind, as it’s usually hidden by its sheath.

That is until one day while petting him after a thorough oral sex session my hand to a little too close to his dick and it started to protrude from his sheath. When I saw it’s tip the lightbulb IMMEDIATELY went off in my head. “No duh! I never even thought to let him penetrate me” I thought to myself.

I was worn out already at the time so we didn’t, but I was VERY excited for the next day because I wasn’t going to waste any time in attempting to have full-on sex with him.

So class finally ends and I rush to my apartment, underwear been soaking pretty much all day from the thought of what I was about to do. It never even entered my head that this was gross or wrong or anything and I to this day I don’t believe it is.

I get inside, drop my backpack at the door and we immediately go to my bedroom. At this point he already knows and expects to get to lick my pussy after I come home, but he has no idea what is in store for him today.

We start out normally with some licking and the corresponding orgasms. I stop him before I’m worn out there and I call him up to stand. My bed being low enough for him to stand and still penetrate me, having thought of this beforehand lol.

I called him up, being a well-trained and intelligent dog, he did what he was told. His sheath just barely rubbed my pussy and he began thrusting. After a few thrusts and some help with my hand, the tip of his penis found my pussy and it fully came out of its sheath and into my body and again it was heaven and still is.

He only really thrust in and out of me for a few minutes before pulling out, but that was all it took. Though I didn’t orgasm from it, I was hooked none-the-less.

He finished me off with more licking and that was the end of our first time together. I spent the rest of the evening on the computer reading about male canine anatomy and reading up on how to best have sex with a dog so I could not screw up and hurt myself or anything like that.

From then on, we practiced daily. He didn’t have a lot of stamina and he still had trouble finding my entrance but practice made perfect.

We did it missionary on my bed at least five times a week, the weekdays and not usually weekends as I’m pretty busy catching up with my friends.

I experimented with doggy style, but I didn’t want him knotting inside of me for fear it would hurt or accidentally penetrate my ass. I’m just not an anal type of girl, dog or not lol. I had read the proper technique for keeping him out of my ass and that the knot wouldn’t hurt or hurt that much but I was still afraid. Still though, keeping him out of my ass before penetration, then having to stop him from knotting with me made doggy style was too damn awkward. So we stuck with missionary on my bed. Almost impossible for him to enter the wrong area or knot inside me, so it was perfect.

We did it like that for a few months. Come home after classes, take him to my bedroom, wrestle for a bit, then have sex.

During those few months I had been getting in contact with other woman that had experience with male dogs (obviously not on this site though lol) and they were all encouraging me to give doggy style a serious try.

So I did. Got on my hands and knees for my dog one day, kept him out of my ass of course and this time let him go all the way to the end and it was even more heavenly. His knot will press right up against my G-spot and for the 10-20 minutes that he’s swollen. The whole time while we were knotted I felt a strange sensation inside of me every few seconds, a warm sensation. Thanks to my prior research I already knew that he was ejaculating into my pussy but I had no idea how it was going to feel. It felt amazing, it was so warm and there was so much of it!

And that is my story. Started when I was bored and horny and continues to this day. We are both far more experienced in it now and we both get maximum pleasure now. He enters my pussy almost effortlessly and together we manage to keep his knot inside me through the full length of his ejaculation, which I have learned requires at least one towel folded a few times to be laid beneath us.