(c) 2008 by knotttt

I was in a deep sleep that night. Who wouldn’t be? I mean, Thor was laying on top of me, we had just had sex, and there was nobody around to catch us in the act. This would turn out to be the perfect weekend.

I couldn’t have been asleep for more than fourty-five minutes or sowhen I became faintly aware of a poking-like feeling. It was focused around the lower crevace of my back, just above my butt. I was in so much of a haze, I didn’t think much of it for
quite a while.

It hit me when that area started to get wet. The poking stopped altogether. The warm shaft of his semi-erect penis slid over my skin. I wasn’t sure if Thor was trying to penetrate me, or if he was still asleep. I decided to find out. As I began to roll onto my back, Thor released a bark of surprise. A burst of cold air ran across my back as he jumped to his feet. Once I was on my back, I stretched out as far as I could.

In the dim light, I could see the vague outline of Thor pacing around the doghouse. I watched him for a bit, then, as his lap brought him closer to me, I reached out and stroked his underbelly. His imediate reaction was to stop and jump back. After a moment, he walked over to me, positioning himself so that he was directly over me. I could feel the soft fur of his back feet on either side of my hips and his front feet just under my armpits.

I could tell he was still horny by the positon of his feet; a little closer together to form an arched back. Precum was also still leaking from his penis, falling onto my stomach. Earlier that week, I was reading up on some different positions we could use for sex. I figured this would be a perfect time to try one of them out. I slowly pushed myself back about a foot. Then, carefully as I could, brought one leg at a time up to my chest, then around to the outside of Thor’s. Once I was there, I lifted my pelvis up until I was touching Thor with my belly. I could see that if this position was to be ours, I would need to have more support. I moved my arms down, so that I could rest some weight on them, and placed my hands upon my waist. I was now in the reverse doggystyle position.

Thor didn’t know what to make of what I had just did. His penis was just barely touching inbetween my butt cheeks, still leaking precum, but he hadn’t so much as tried to thrust into me. I moved toward his penis far enough so that it was now pressing against my anus. Thor still did nothing.

If I had a free hand, I would have scratched my head. I had only one course of action. I pushed up against his underbelly, back harder into his penis, then repeated the process. THat did the trick. Thor started to figit aroud, as he usually does just before he mounts me. I put a stop to my actions and waited for the moment. His front legs locked down on my waist as he lowered himself to follow the conture of my body. Once his head was next to mine, Thor made his first thrust. He hit the right spot, but since I was using most of my muscles to hold myself up, his penis didn’t have enough power to penetrate. I tried to relax myself. Then it hit me. I hadn’t lubed up yet! I was about to drop to the ground when he achieved penetration.

The sheer force of the thrust made me groan. Thor started thrusting wildly. Much to my amazement, I couldn’t feel any pain. THen I realized, I was already pre-lubed as it were from when Thor and I had had sex before. Dang I was glad that he cummed so much. The sensatons of this new position were something. His soft fur rubbed against my chest, my balls were being pushed up and down because they rested a little above Thor’s sheath, but the most erotic of all was the pressure on my balls as they were pushed back and forth. It was just enough to be stimulating, but not harmful.

Inch after inch of Thor’s growing penis was being pushed inside of me. From experiance, I knew there was still a long ways to go. Despite having a majority of Thor’s previous load in me, I could still feel his hot precum being squeezed into me.

Thor’s penis must have been six or seven inches inside of me when it started to gain more girth, prying my rectum open to make way for the knot. It wasn’t soon after the growing slowed until Thor put it into overdrive. He pushed harder into me, stopping only a moment to rearange his footing to keep up the new pressure.

For the first time this session, I could feel his large, swelling balls hitting my butt, and the course hair of the tip of his sheath brushing against my opening. His knot briefly pressed against me, then entered. I groaned as he was drawn out, and thrust in again and again. I tried a number of times to squeeze down below it to lock it inside, but failed each time. Thor thrust again with all his strength, driving his knot part of the way into me. It was beginning to grow rapidly. It popped out just before his next thrust. Despite the force of the thrust, the knot wouldn’t go in again. It had grown roughly the size of a tennis ball, but even with it outside my body, it didn’t stop what was coming next.

Thor twitched wildly, keeping as much pressure as he could on our bonding. His breathing hastened, almost to the point where it could be interpreted as groans. His body tensed up all over. THen, Thor released a loud groan. His cum surged from his balls, down the shaft of his penis, and into my waiting body. I was only able to hold myself up long enough to take the first fraction of his load before I collapsed onto the floor because of fatigue.

Thor still clung to the upper part of my body, and since  his penis was no longer inside me, his cum was being shot all over my stomach and lower body. I reached down and gripped the his penis just beneath the knot. As I started to gently squeeze down on his shaft, Thor started to make small thrusts, each resulting in another load of cum being shot onto me.

Thor continued to ejaculate for about five or so minutes. When he had finished my entire stomach area was drenched in his cum. Once he got up, I released my hold on his penis and he slowly moved off to clean himself.

I don’t know if it was the position we used, or because Thor didn’t knot me fully, but I had an empty feeling. Before the night was over, I would make sure we had tied together. When I rolled over, the cum on my stomach rolled off, falling into a pool. As I lay in it, I started plotting when to encourage Thor to mount me again. It had to be quite a bit later in the night, after all, he needed to get some strength back. Perhaps in an hour or so.

Being the planner that I am, I decided to go outside and find the ideal location for our next union. As I exited the dog house, I could hear Thor pacing around inside. It was very dark in the yard. Slivers of light from the street-lights out front broke through the shrubbery around our yard. Since I wanted to be outside, we would have to avoid them, just to be on the safe side.

I slowly walked around the yard, finding only two safe places. The first was actually the middle of the yard, and the second was on side of the shed. It had fairly dense shrubbery growing in it, enough to mask me at least.

I was outside for about thirty minutes when Thor stuck his head out the door and barked. I whirlled around to see what was going on. He barked again. I quickly ran over to him and tried to shush him. He went back into the house. I didn’t follow because I still wanted to look for more possible spots, this time on four legs as an invitation to Thor if he came out again.

Sure enough, when it became evident to him that I was not going to follow, he stuck his head out again. He barked once. THe second time it died off. Apparently he saw me. I seducingly looked back at him. He was hesitating on whether or not to come out or stay inside. I slowly began walking away.

Almost instantly, I heard him start running. I didn’t stop, but continued walking forward. When he reached me, he buried his nose into my butt. His tongue was moving up and down so fast, it was as if he was trying to lick me in half.

I stopped and opened myself as much as I could. Almost instantly, the licking stopped. Thor reared back, then thrust himself upon me. I lurched forward as all his weight landed square on my back. He released another bark, almost a howl, when his front lets clamped down on my waist, and he thrust forward.

Suddenly, I was frozen with fear. I saw the fragmented beam of a flashlight to my right. I couldn’t get back into the dog house with Thor on my back, and my life would literally end if I was discovered like this. I tried to push Thor off, but he wouldn’t release his grip on me. There was only one last course of action for me.

I began to crawl again. The destination wasn’t far away. With each step, Thor continued to thrust and bury his doghood deep within me. The beam of light crossed my path again. I did my best to hurry. Sure enough, I got to the side of the shed just in time. Pushing the shrubbery aside, I moved in about three or four feet. I pulled my knees up to my chest, and stood so that my feet were not behind Thor’s. I did my best to make sure Thor was not thrusting at an angle.

Not long after I had finished my movement, the flashlight beam fixed upon us. THe moment of truth came.

“Well, well. This sure isn’t something I had expected to see.” I put my hand over my mouth to keep from yelling as Thor harshly shoved his penis into me. He groaned, quickly readjusting his footing before thrusting as fast as he could. The pleasure of his movements was almost enough to make me forget of our ‘visitor’.

“Damn it Thor! Make sure there’s something left of that dog when you’re done with her!” There was a long pause, the air filled only with the sound of Thor’s penis plunging in and out of me. My neighbor laughed. “I’d love to stay and watch you finish, but I have my own chores to do. Just try to keep it down next time, okay?”

The light faded and I could hear the footsteps of him fading into the distance. I was so relieved that I hadn’t been discovered. Now, I was going to turn all my attention on more important matters. Due to our awkward position, Thor had only managed to get the first couple inches of himself inside me. I got back down on my knees. Thor really started to thrust once I did. I urged Thor to move backwards. The motion forced him to cease all his movements, yet he kept as much pressure as he could on his penis to keep it inside of me.

Once we were out of the brush, I turned and proceeded into the middle of the yard. Thor did his best to squeeze in a thrust here and there as we moved. When we did stop, he pulled me into him and thrust forward like there was no tomorrow. He had about five inches inside of me now and he was starting to ejaculate precum.

I pulled forward at the same time Thor pulled back, far enough so that only the tip of his penis was inside of me. Then, I pushed back into him. He thrust forward into me. His balls slapped against mine and the hair of his sheath was pushed between my cheeks. I moved forward to push back into him again, but Thor was faster. I was now almost leaning forward as he continued to push his doghood in and out.

Precum was starting to run down the inside of my lets. There was only another inch or so before Thor’s knot would enter my body. I knew it would come soon. The thrusting was gradually becoming slower and less pronounced. I tried to relax myself as much as I could. After only a few more thrusts, it entered. Thor’s entire penis started to swell. I pushed back into him to make sure his knot remained inside of me. Thor continued to make small thrusts.

His knot started to swell inside of me. I squeezed with my anal muscles to keep it inside. Thor must have liked the feeling it gave him because he groaned and pushed in harder. As his knot reached it’s final size, I couldn’t help but release a moan of pleasure.

We both stood there breathing heavily. One thing I hadn’t figured out was why hadn’t he blown his load yet. His paws were still clamped down around my waist, his doghood was twitching inside me, and there was no sign that he would release me anytime soon.

When I tried to crawl forward, Thor growled and increased the grip on my waist. He was putting too much weight on me so I couldn’t use my hands to stimulate him. THat’s when I thought of it. I’ll just do what I did before. I squeezed with my anal muscles, pulled forward a bit with my hips, then quickly released my grip and repeated the process.

That did the trick. Thor started twitching violently, tensing up every part of his body. His penis grew harder. He pulled me into him. I could feel the first blast of sperm enter my body as it was rocketed down the shaft of his penis. Even as Thor ejaculated, I continued my pumping motions on him. It seemed to stimulate him more, causing him to ejaculate larger amounts of cum into me.

After five minutes of constant ejaculating, I was beginning to feel as though I would explode. After all, this would be the second full load I have taken this night and not to mention the partial one from just half an hour ago.

Another ten minutes passed. Thor was still going strong! His knot was harder than ever inside me! I had to stop my pumping actions. Anther five and Thor was beginning to settle. He was starting to become edgy and eager to move. I relaxed as best I could, hoping that his knot would be able to slip out of me soon.

Sure enough, it did. Once his knot shrunk, Thor’s entire penis was forced out of my rectum by a tide of cum. I tried to keep as much of it in as possible. When Thor dismounted, he went around behind me and did his best to clean up my cum-soaked body. It took quite a while, but once he was finished with me and himself, we retired to the dog house for the remainder of the night. I for one slept like a rock that night.


So there’s the story. I have to say up front that I was a little iffy on a couple of the parts. I wanted to get this done so badly, and I caught a bit of a head cold this weekend. Well anyway, please leave some feedback! Oh, and for those of you who were curious, I’m going to write another one. When is the only question, hopefully it’s soon.