(c) 2007 by knotttt

My mind was locked in the memory of letting Thor take me. I had to know how it felt to have his whole length inside me. For the remainder of they day, I focused on our next encounter. This time, I wouldn’t guide him in and I WOULD keep his knot from leaving me.

Now wasn’t the time, though. I was too sore from our last experiance. In fact, it was a little painful to walk normally. Since I would be home alone for the weekend, and quite possibly the entire week, I didn’t bother to dress. After taking a very hot shower, I made some dinner and watched various movies the rest of the night with Thor laying his head on my bare body.

By the time I was finished, Thor was sound asleep. I didn’t want to wake him, so I decided to sleep there tonight. It actually wasn’t that bad. Thor acted like a heater, most of the night. There was one time he got up, around three. In the dim light, I could see his figure looming over me. His cold nose was probing me, trying to find my hole. When I didn’t give him access, he wimpered for a moment, then started again.

For a time, I thought about getting up. It was clear what he wanted, and I was having a particularly erotic dream at that moment. I ended up pretending to still be asleep because this would only be my second time having sex with him, and the first time I would allow him to fully take me. I wanted to be taken in the day first, and maybe during the night later on.

Thor didn’t wait long; after it was evident that I would not allow him his prize, he left and paced in the kitchen. I counted each lap he made around the kitchen by the sound of his claws on the wooden floor; ten. When they could no longer be heard, I looked around. Granted everything was a large black blur, things close to me could be distinguished; the couch, television, the coffee table.

I closed my eyes and sighed. Not even a minute later, Thor returned. As he straddled me, I could feel his hair brush against my bare skin. He laid down on top of me. There was only one reason I could think of: when I woke up, he wanted to also. Somehow, his action helped me fall to sleep quickly with a strange feeling of safety.

Nine eighteen is when I opened my eyes next. Thor had rolled of me sometime during the night, however his head was still resting in the arch of my back. I stretched and woke him up. He eyed me wearily. In the back of my mind, I wondered if he would let me get up without attempting to mount me. I had my usual morning duties to preform; bathroom, breakfast, shower. Then it dawned on me, I knew when I wanted Thor to take me: after my shower. I don’t know why, but the thought of Thor having his way with the ‘clean’ me seemed very erotic. I didn’t hesitate to get up. The first thing I noticed was that the sorness from yesterday was gone.

Evidently Thor’s mind was in the gutter like it was last night. He watched me walk away for a few seconds before getting up to
follow me.

Over the next half hour, I got all my duties done and prepared for my shower. I couldn’t help but twitch anxiously with the thought of afterwards. I went about cleaning myself thoroughly, not missing a spot. By the time I was finished, my constant turning up of the temperature had exhaused our supply of hot water.

The bathroom became a steam-bath. When I opened the door, I was slapped by a burst of cool air. I shivered violently, until I saw my loyal lover laying in the doorway. His presence helped my body cope with the cool temperature outside the bathroom. I stepped outside and headed for the kitchen. I was taken completely by suprise by what Thor did next. He reared up, slammed into my back, and wrapped his legs around my waist. I was luckily enough to catch myself before I tumbled to the ground.

I stood for a moment, dazed at what had just happened. I pried Thor’s paws apart and continued on. I was getting hornier with each step.

With Thor hot on my heels, I quickly grabbed our usual lubricant and, using a turkey baster, measured out an ounce, then applied it to my rectum. I was now ready to make my fantacy come true.

I walked to the living room, our usual starting ground, and got on all fours, making sure my butt was pointed away from Thor. I decided before he has his way with me, I would tease him, make him taste the feeling. Thor stood before me, tail slightly wagging, penis slightly exposed. He advanced and began licking me.

His tongue first caressed the skin of my hip, moved lower to the outside of my butt, then began working its way to the glory hole. I closed my eyes, reveling in the pleasure that warm, wet insturment of pleasure brought to me. That was all I allowed freely.

The time came and he stopped licking. I glanced back. He was just workng his back legs forward enough to propel his body onto my back. As he did so, I coyly turned away. He landed partly on me, but mostly off. His claws scratched me as he pulled back for another shot. I moved forward at the last moment. He landed just far enough back to lose his grip on me and slide off.

He growled at me. I paused my movements and he approached again. Thor set himself up again. I turned and moved to the side. This was the last time he would miss. I turned and faced him. Thor stared into my eyes for a moment before moving closer. I thought this would be another attempt to get around behind me. Boy was I wrong.

He mounted me as I was facing him! The strange part of it was that his hind legs were not positioned for thrusting and his front legs hung losely at my sides. He growled again and I started to move. Just after my first step, his teeth sunk into my hip. Not enough to cause damage, but to serve as a command to stay still. I did so. He dismounted and worked his way around behind me again.

I felt his breath on my anus as he came in for one last lick. I heard some shuffling and looked down between my legs. From this new perspective, I saw him lower his pelvis down while at the same time move in closer. When his back paws came in line with his front, he reared up and sprung forward. I was forced forward a ways in reaction to his force.

Thor didn’t land too far up on my back. He used his back legs to propel himself up higher and his front to lock down his vice grip upon my waist.

I was awed by this new perspective. I could see his back legs reposition themselves, bringing his penis closer to its goal, and I could see his balls swaying gracefully with each movement. He began thrusting and I looked forward, bracing myself for his entry.

Initially, it began much like yesterday; Thor thrusting wildly as he tried to his his mark. But this time was different. Thor  would occasionally take a pause from his thrusting and drag his precum soaked penis up and down my crack. I felt a spasm every time he glided past my anus.

It was obvious he was becoming frustrated. Nearly a minute of probing without success. I concidered helping him, but remembered my decision; this time he would be on his own. Of course, that didn’t mean I couldn’t shift my hips or adjust my height as a normal dog who wanted to be screwed would. I began by raising my butt up then bringing it down. Next I tried rotating it slightly. Eventually, I did a combination of the two with an added twist; I thrust back.

That did the trick. Initial penetration couldn’t have been more than an inch, but Thor wasn’t about to allow his penis to slip out. Upon entry he pulled me in closer with his front legs, and thrust forward with the back. I moaned as his penis burrowed deeper.

Thor briefly paused, positioned himself for pistoning, and went to work. His thrusts were quite a bit quicker from yesterday. Occasionally, he would pause for one long, powerful one to get more of his quickly growing penis inside my rectum. At those moments I would push back into him.

I could feel his warm doggy cock shoot a small load of precum into me everysooften. I knew something was up. By this time yesterday, he was beginning to approach his full erection. Now he was just thrusting wildly. After a few more moments Thor clamped down on the back of my neck. His thrusts began to become more powerful. I could now feel the hair of his sheath as he thrust. This shot a warning through my head; his knot must have already entered my rectum.

His length was almost too much for me to bear. It seemed as though I had had been penetrated by a completely different dog yesterday. I started breathing more heavily. THor gave one more strong thrust. I just felt his knot enter my rectum, as well as another good two or three inches of his penis. Everything started to swell to the limit. His knot now sat just beyond my sphincter pushing outward in all directions. Thor’s balls were firmly pressed against mine, His grip on my waist tightened suddenly.

I couldn’t help but groan in pain with the feeling of his knot swelling inside me. I couldn’t believe how large it was getting! It felt as though it would tear me in half! It kept growing for nearly thirty seconds! During that time, I couldn’t help but release small cries of pain and pleasure.

Suddenly Thor’s grip on my neck grew. He began thrusting even more powerfully than before. I was forced forward with his balls slapping into me. He released a groan as I felt his penis grew again. His penis spasmed. The tender shaft of his penis below the knot began channeling cum down the entire length. Each contraction of it sent waves of pleasure through my body.

He was shooting jets of hot cum into my sealed rectum. I couldn’t help but breath heavily as he did so. Pulse afer pulse, wave after wave of his seed filled me. He stood above me, gripping tightly at my waist and neck, while spasming uncontrollably. The feel of his balls rubbing up and down my butt every time he unloaded his gun combined with the hair of his sheath brushing against my anus drove me crazy!

Finally, after near ten minutes, Thor released his grip on my neck and lessed the one on my waist. It was about time too, my rectum was so full of cum, the pressure caused some of it to get shot around the knot and start running down my legs. He was panting heavily. He stood over me, still locked tight. He made the first move. I was stabbed by daggers of pain as he tried to dismount.

I protested his movements. He didn’t pay heed. Thor tried again…and succeeded. I groaned in pleasure as his knot rotated a hundred and eighty degrees inside me.

Thor pulled me from the living room, and down the hall. We entered the guest room. It was fairly large, very dark on account of the closed blinds.

The knot began to shrink, moving closer to its exit. I groaned, holding Thor tight as he attempted to pull out. The knot was still much too large. Thor continued to put pressure on our bond. It took only another minute for it to break. His penis popped out of me followed by a large gush of cum, larger than both of yesterdays combine!

I remained still, standing there on all fours breathing heavily. Thor proceeded to do most of the cleaning again, but when he finished with himself, he turned to me again. I thought this was his way of thanking me for allowing our tie, but this was a day of suprises. He continued to lick me for six or seven minutes. After that, I started to crawl out of the room. Before I could reach the exit, Thor aggressively mounted me again!

He pulled me back to him harder than ever before. I yelled in shock and tried to get away from him. He wouldn’t have any of that. This wasn’t about sex anymore, it was about who was boss, and also payback for earlier.

Thor practicly lept forward with his next trust. He remembered the level at which his target sat and his semi-erect penis had no trouble entering again.

I groaned. Thor was thrusting with all his might, forcing himself deeper. The sound of his juicy thrusts filled the air. Once again, I could feel his hot breath upon my neck. I coudn’t believe I was being turned on by this! By all rights, I was being raped by my dog!

His penis was now at full length and the knot was just starting to pound against my anus. It was partly swolen, but Thor was still intent on buring it in me again. It was lucky that I was so well lubed by the cum from before. Otherwise, the knot would have had a good chance of tearing something it entered. His knot slid in without trouble.

I started thrusting back at Thor. Without laying a hand on my cock, I blew my load with a loud groan of ectasy. I had to stop my thrusting and rest. Thor was nearing the same fate. I moaned feeling his knot reach its fullest inside me once again.

Thor made one last thrust, sending me to the ground. He had to release the grip upon my waist or else I would have drug him down with me. Thor began to fill me with his cum again. I didn’t have the strength to get up again, so I lay there at his mercy.

Thor stood with his front paws on either side of me, with my pelvis suspended beneath him, locked by the enormous knot. His penis continued to spasm within me, unloading more and cum, for another fifteen minutes. I was practicly unconcious by the time it fell out of my rectum.

I passed out shortly there after; laying in a pool of both his cum and my own.


Well, once again thanks for reading my story. I just couldn’t resist adding the last part in because it has always been a fantacy of mine; being taken twice in a row. Chances are I won’t write another, but on that note, I would appreciate suggestions on what else could be done between me and Thor. I actually find it really fun to write these stories. Well, please leave a comment if you got this far! Cheers!