(c) 2007 by enigma18586

Jane was settling into her morning routine, breakfast, juice and reading the paper, when she started to think about her life. She was married to a wonderful man, had 3 great kids, 2 in college, 1 high school senior. She was married to David young, and they had their children young also, but now as they are entering their 40’s they are starting to have more and more alone time.

Just like last night, she can still feel David’s cum seeping out of her pussy. She was raised a bit prudish, but David keeps pushing her limits over the years. They have a great sex life, they use toys, have gone to strip clubs together even swapped once. David has made her do things she thought she would never have done. She just wished she could come with David’s cock deep inside her. Yes, they used toys, and he bought a vibrating cock-ring, that would just make her explode, but her body just was not put together to get off while she fucked. However, David made up for it with toys, or his wonderful tongue. He could eat her pussy for what seemed like hours, and he had a way of sticking his fingers in her pussy, while eating her that sent her through the roof. Yes she was one lucky woman.

She loved these mornings after a good fuck, David was off to work, the kids all off to school, she could walk around in her skimpy camisole, but today was a little chilly so she threw a robe over her camisole and attacked her breakfast. While she was eating she kept thinking about last night, and the small pool of cum forming on her chair. She was really starting to get herself all worked up thinking about David’s head between her thighs, when a crash from the patio brought her thoughts to the present.

She got up from the table to look out the patio doors, and saw her favorite plant lying on the patio, it looks like the plant stand must have fallen over. She quickly glanced around an did not see anyone or anything, and she decided to quickly step outside in her pajamas and set the plant upright, to prevent it from dying, she would clean everything up later. She stepped out on the patio and bent over to pick up the plant when all of a sudden she felt something wet on her pussy. She yelled out, and dropped the plant again, as she spun around and saw a large German Shepard behind her. Now her husband was more of a dog person, she was not much of an animal lover however, she thought they were smelly and a nuisance.

She does not remember seeing this dog in the neighborhood before, and wonders where it came from, but more importantly, she was trying to think how she can get around this beast and get back in the house. Then she notices him licking his lips, and staring at her, the way David does after he licks her pussy. She pushes this thought out of her mind, as just her imagination working overtime, because of how horny she was making herself thinking about David.

All of a sudden the dog turns around and bolts into the house through the open door. She runs into the house, wondering how she is going to get this animal out of her house. The dog is walking all over, like he is exploring the house, and she thinks that maybe he is hungry, and she might be able to lure him outside with some food. She heads to the refrigerator and is looking for some of last night’s steak, when she feels that cold wetness between her thighs again. The dog has his head under her robe and camisole, and just licked her very wet pussy. She was startled, but “damn that felt good”, she thought, as the tongue hit her clit dead on, and sent an electric charge up her spine.

While that lick felt great, her mind is telling her to get this filthy beast out of her house. She holds the steak in front of the dog, and starts to lead him to the open patio doors, he is following her closely, “this is going to work” she thinks to herself. She gets to the patio doors and tosses the steak just out the door. The dog moves to the doorway, she has her hand on the door, ready to close it, when he stops, she puts her foot out and tries to quickly push him out the door with her foot. As she starts to push, he starts to growl, which freezes her. She desperately wants him out of her house, but does not want to be mauled in the process.

He looks at her and stats to sniff the air, and she is horrified as his nose is leading him to her pussy. She is horrified and starts to slowly back away, and does not realize she has just backed into the arm of the sofa, she quickly looks over her shoulder to see what she backed into, when the dog took the advantage he was waiting for.

He shoved his body between her thighs, and stuck his nose up to her pussy, she screamed at the lunge, but was too terrified to do anything for fear that he was going to bite her, when in fact what he did do was give her a long lick from her ass to her clit. The lick was rough and wet, and the stimulation was electric, but this was some damn dog, and she tried to push his head away. He let out a low growl, which froze her. His head was inches from her pussy, and the last thing she wanted was to be mauled right there. When she stopped trying to push him away, he stopped growling, and started to lick again.

His tongue was hug and rough, so much rougher than David’s. She thought maybe if she just let him lick for a bit, he would lose interest and then go after the steak. The dog started licking her ass hole, and would then move back to her pussy. It then felt like he was trying to stick his whole tongue up into her pussy. With all of this attention to her pussy, her body started to betray her, and she was breathing harder and faster now, as this dog was doing a great job eating her pussy.

Even though this was a disgusting animal, her body was responding to the attention. Jane felt the warm tingles spreading from her pussy, to her whole body. She spread her thighs wider to give this dog better access to her dripping hot pussy. She leaned back on the sofa arm, her robe falling open and off of her shoulders, her arms almost tied behind her. “Oh god” she thought as this beast kept up his licking, “I am going to cum on a fucking dogs face.” Her breath was almost coming in pants now as her orgasm started to build in her. “Oh yes, eat my pussy” she exclaimed to the dog.

The tongue was alternating between filling her pussy and licking her clit, when she felt her orgasm approach and explode over her like a tidal wave. “AHHHH” he screamed as the orgasm hit her hard, her legs becoming weak, and trembling, as the dog continued to eat her out. She wants to push him away, the stimulation is too much, her pussy way too sensitive she needs a minute to recover, but he won’t stop licking. Her hands are wrapped in her robe behind her. The licking is way too much, and she drops to her knees, and finally this causes the dog to stop licking. She quickly untangles her hands from the robe, and fall forward onto her hands. She is breathing fast now, and staring to come down from the fantastic cum she just had, when she feel the dog come down on her back.

“Oh my god” she thinks, “he is going to try and fuck me now”. She tries to stand, she thinks letting him lick her is one thing, but she will not let this beast fuck her. As she tries to get up, she hears his low growl next to her ear, she pauses for a minute, and thinks this is all show, and tries to stand up again. This time the growl is louder and he is bearing his teeth. She freezes, realizing she is not the one in control here. She feels his legs around her waist, as he starts to edge up her body, she can feel his soft fur, and then notices something hard and wet stabbing at her thigh. “Oh no, his cock is seeking me out.” Her brain is screaming for her to stop this, and her mind is racing for a way out, when all of a sudden she feels his cock brush against her pussy lips. This freezes her for a second, and the dog stops too. She thinks maybe he is going to stop, but the dog, recognized the feeling as he just brushed against his target. He positioned himself for his next thrust, which buried half his cock into this new bitch.

The cock pierced her pussy in on hot, hard and fast motion that she was not expecting. His cock was much warmer than David’s. The dog having found his target started to lung into his new bitch. Jane was surprised at the speed of the dog; he went from standing still to hyper-fuck in an instant. Her mind was telling her this should be repulsing, but her body was really getting off on this fuck. She felt the dog grab her tighter and seemed to be trying to get in deeper, when she felt something large in addition to the dogs cock. Jane never had a dog, and really knew nothing of a dogs knot, but she was about to be educated by a master.

She felt the cock swelling and something large was trying to force its way inside of her, and she started to become worried, just as the dog succeeded in shoving his inflating knot into her tight pussy. She screamed at the invasion, and then felt something swelling up inside of her. She was scared, until the rapidly inflating knot began hitting her g-spot. The hot cock, the rubbing of her g-spot was quickly sending her to another orgasm, as she felt the dog unloading hot just of cum deep inside her belly, this sent her rocketing over the edge and she let out a loud animalistic scream as her orgasm washed over her body.

She felt the dog shooting into her pussy for what seemed like 10 minutes. She became worried as the dog seemed unable to pull his cock free from her pussy, and every little movement kept sending little cums to her body from the g-spot contact. All off the over-stimulation eventually caused her to black out under this beast. When she awoke she was lying on the floor and the dog was nowhere to be found.


Chapter 2

Jane had this wonderful body, that would throw her into complete ecstasy whenever she came. This experience with the dog, was an even more intense experience than she had ever experienced before. She did not remember ever blacking out from an orgasm before. When her head started to clear, she started to look around for the dog, but it appears that he must have slipped out of the open patio doors, which she quickly closed, and locked.

Jane looked at the pool of juices on the floor, and the streams of cum running from her pussy down her thighs, and just stared in amazement. She had never seen so much cum in her life. She quickly got some towels to wipe up the floor. While cleaning up, she noticed several dark dog hairs matted to her flesh, and she felt ashamed and disgusted, and really desired a shower.

She walked around the house in a half daze, still trying to get her mind around what had just happened to her, she was raped and fucked by a beast, a damn dog. Nothing in her world had ever prepared her for this, all she could think about was getting in her shower and cleaning the beasts cum from her body.

As she adjusted the water temperature, she could still feel his cum seeping from her pussy, and she stepped into her shower stall. They had a great shower set up, a big enclosure, with a built in platform where she could sit or put up a leg and use it to shave her legs better. Today she was sitting down, still a bit weak in the knees from the wonderful fucking she just had. Wait, did she just think it was a wonderful fuck, she tried to get that thought out of her mind and replace it with terrible experience, but wonderful kept creeping back in.

Jane removed the shower head from its cradle, and put the head between her legs, she wanted to clean off all of the dogs cum and hair from her thighs. She then moved the shower head to her well used pussy to spray out all of his cum. While she is doing this, a war is being raged in her mind, between the utter depravity she just experienced and the sheer joy she just experienced. The shower spray felt so good on her pussy and clit, and her mind kept focusing her attention on the feeling of that hot dog cock that was just in her.

She recalled the feeling of his soft fur on her back, as he wrapped his powerful legs around her. While she is remembering this, her other hand slips to her pussy to add more stimulation to the shower spray. She thinks about how he licked her to a mind blowing orgasm, then just took her to use for his pleasure. She thinks again about him holding her tightly as he sought out her pussy with his hot cock. How he impaled her in one hard fast thrust. She remembered that she did not want it to happen, but then remembered her body eventually betraying her, as she fucked back into his driving cock.

Then she remembered something huge slamming into her pussy and forcing itself into her, really driving her over the edge. She then realized she was cumming again in the shower, the water massaging her well used pussy, her fingers playing with her clit. “My god,” she thought, I am getting myself off again, thinking about that dog. She let out a scream of ecstasy as her orgasm crashed into her a combination of her playing with her pussy, and her thoughts about her dog lover.

Her body was very weak now, and she just let the water run over her body. “What have I become?” she thinks to herself. This morning I had no thoughts of ever even wanting a dog, and now, I let one rape me, and I replay it over in my head, as I masturbate to the experience. Jane finishes washing her body and steps out of the shower and towels off. While she is toweling off, she notices that her pussy is still wet, “why am I still so fucking wet and turned on?” she says as she starts to get dressed.

The rest of the day was a haze, her mind could not keep focused, whenever she tried to concentrate on some task, her mind would ultimately wander back to her bestial tryst from earlier in the day.

Eventually David and the boys all came home from their daily activities, but even that did not snap Jane out of her haze. After a little while even David noticed and asked Jane if she was alright. The question set her mind to work, thinking to herself; maybe David is what will get me to clear my head.

She replied “I am ok, just really horny,” and she leaned in to David and gave him a deep sensual kiss, as her hand slid down his chest to his crotch, where she gave his cock a little playful squeeze. David replied, “mmm, I like the way you think, I can’t wait until I get you in the bed tonight.” He gave Jane a return kiss, and slid one hand up to give her left breast a squeeze, and pinched her nipple between his fingers.

Jane gave out a little squeal, as she felt the electric charge of David’s contact spread from her breast throughout her body to her clit. Yes, she thought this is what I need a good fuck from David tonight to know I am not crazy, or some dog crazed pervert. She could feel David’s cock twitching with life. But they had to pull apart as they heard one of the boys coming down the stairs and inquire about dinner.

The rest of the evening the dog fuck was still in her mind, but the now extremely horny David was pushing it out. She loved this power, just a little touch here a little suggestion there, and David turned into a horny beast. This thought stopped her in her tracks, yes, she thought, David was like a beast with a one-track mind when he was horny, and even if she was not in the mood, he had a way of changing her mind and getting what he wanted, what he needed. Just like the dog this morning, taking what he wanted, what he needed.

What did this revelation mean? It kept swimming around in her head, and she kept comparing what happened this morning to how David had her any way and time he wanted, and she would always give in. “No,” she thought, this is different, David is my husband, this has got to be different, I want to be with David, but the lingering question of her actions and feelings persisted.

She kept wrestling with this thought, and was really unaware that the whole night had slipped away, and now her and David were heading up to their bedroom, after the rest of the house retired.

No sooner had she walked into their bedroom, when David closed the door and was on her. His hot mouth found hers, and his tongue shot into her mouth, one hand was squeezing her ass, while the other was already under her shirt and was squeezing her breast. She felt David push her up against the wall, as his tongue went further in her mouth. This quick assault on her senses, quickly snapped her out of her mental anguish and into the present. She felt his hips pressing against hers, and felt his cock getting firm in his pants.

David’s hand opened her pants, and she felt his hand slide inside her panties, “My god, you are so fucking wet,” he whispered in her ear, as her pussy drenched his fingers. “I have been thinking about sex all day,” she replied, not letting David know the true fantasizing and the dog fuck she had earlier in the day. She was relieved to see herself responding to David in this way, and the dog fuck almost completely out of her thoughts.

David had her bra off and was nibbling on her nipples, which sent little charges to her clit. She pulled David’s cock out of his pants and felt it growing harder in her hands. David pulled back and pulled her pants and panties off of her, and she removed her top and bra. She then proceeded to strip David down, even though it was difficult, because he would not stop touching or licking or nibbling her somewhere.

When they were both stripped, David pushed her down to the bed, and spread her thighs, she could feel his hot breath on her clean shaven pussy. David liked her shaved, and he shaved himself for her also, and the feelings were great without the hair. Jane gasped as David’s mouth found her pussy, his mouth was so hot. For a second she was scared, and wondered if he would taste or smell the dog on her, even though she showered. But that feeling of concern quickly left her as he sucked her clit into his mouth, and began flicking his tongue over it.

“Oh yes,” she moaned she loved when he ate her pussy, and made her cum on his face. She started to buck her hips on his mouth, her hands went to David’s head as she tried to pull his whole face into her. David then started to work a finger into her well lubricated hole and started to rub her g-spot, as his mouth and tongue worked on her clit. This was it she thought, this was going to push her over the edge, and her orgasm came crashing down on her, the room started to spin, and her vision blurred. The orgasm came crashing into her and would not stop, and David’s wonderful tongue just kept her cumming.

Her body could take it no more, she pulled David’s face from her pussy, and looked at his shiny face, with her juices all over him, and said “Fuck me now!” David crawled up her body, and in one swift motion plunged his cock deep in her. He did not even have to guide it in, she was so wet. She let out a groan as he buried himself in her in one thrust. She knew he was so worked up, that this was going to be the way she liked it, hard and fast. David raised himself up on his arms, as he looked for more leverage, as he drove his cock deep into Jane.

In David’s mind this is what he needed, and he knew Jane wanted it this way to. Rarely did they ever do the slow intimate lovemaking anymore. It seemed like every time was more animalistic, more intense. At first David was concerned he was going to hard and deep, but Jane just kept panting, “Fuck me, Fuck me.” So he did what she wanted, and what he wanted he would pull way out, and lurch his whole body forward, burying his 8 inches into her pussy. He would thrust so hard and deep that their pelvises would pound together.

He loved giving it to her like this, after a bit, his mind shut down, and his body took over, driving him to bury his cock into her, wanting to bury his cum deep into her. Jane could sense that David was getting close, she put her hands on his ass, and pulled him even deeper and faster into her well used pussy. The great thing about David is he was so vocal, and would yell out when he came, he was the only man she had ever been with that would cum so vocally and it turned her on.

Then she could tell it was hitting, David started to yell out, and she could feel his cum shooting into her. David kept hammering into her body, as his balls emptied their seed into her. David slowed and gave her a deep kiss. She usually did not like kissing him much after she came on his face, but tonight she did not mind too much.

Both spent, the lay in each others arms and drift off to sleep.


Chapter 3

Jane woke up to a quiet empty house, which is pretty typical for a weekday. It took a while for the sleep to clear from her head. She noticed she had a contented smile on her face, that usually shows up after a good sex session with David. Then she remembered that it wasn’t just the sex with David, it was that nasty dog, and her shower fantasy/masturbation session from yesterday.

It has been a long time since Jane experienced so many orgasms in one day. She felt completely content and relaxed, but ashamed and a little disgusted by her actions with the dog, even though he gave her a fantastic fuck, her mind was telling her to be disgusted by what she did.

Still, part of her mind was so turned on by it, and started to focus on the events of the previous day, when she noticed her hand had absentmindedly slipped to her pussy, and was lightly stroking her clit. She jerked her hand away from her very moist pussy, and thought to herself, “what is going on with me, I am acting like I have not had sex in weeks.”

She pulled herself out of her bed and slipped on her robe. As she looked at herself in the full-length mirror, her eyes were drawn to the dried cum all over her thighs. “My, my, David really unloaded in me,” she said aloud to no one in particular.

She walked down to the kitchen and got her breakfast ready, and opened up the paper that David had brought in from the curb, before leaving for work. As her morning routine progressed, she noticed herself glancing out the patio doors fairly often. She stopped reading the paper, and started to chastise herself, for thinking about the dog rape yesterday, but still a little part of her wanted to see if he would show up again.

She finished her paper and breakfast, and took one last walk to the patio doors, she was not sure why she was looking out the doors. Was she relieved not to see the dog, or was she a little disappointed? As she turned away from the doors, her mind was going a mile a minute, and she was wondering why she was letting the dog rape enter her mind again. It was over and done with and it was time for her to move on from it.

The next several days saw her life fall back into her normal routine, her days taking care of her family, her nights where she shared her bed with her lover and mate David. Things were back to normal, and the dog fucking her still played in her mind from time to time, but it did not consumer her like it had earlier in the week.

One little quirk in Jane’s psyche was that almost every night she had highly erotic dreams. They did not usually include anyone specific; it was usually just raw, intense coupling with her and some indistinguishable male. During these dreams, she almost always experienced an orgasm. This was always strange but very enjoyable, and they usually just served to make her even hornier when she would wake up. David knew about her dreams, and he knew they were just dreams; it did not bother him that they were not about him. In fact he loved when Jane would tell him about her dreams, which usually led to a very steamy sex session.

For some reason she did not have any dreams since her dog rape until tonight. This dream was different, though she did not know it was a dream at the time. She found herself walking in a field; the sun was shining down warming her flesh, as a gentle breeze blew. Something didn’t feel right though, and she looked down and realized she was naked, strolling through this field.

Jane quickly looked around to make sure no one saw her nakedness. She was relieved she did not see anyone, but she did see a barn, and she hurried towards the barn, maybe there would be something in there to cover my nakedness, she thought. The barn seemed deserted, and there was no farm house nearby.

She slowly opened the door to the barn and peered in, it was empty, no horses no cows, but then she heard something, in the hay. She slowly walked to the stall where she thought she heard the sound, and peeked inside. There she saw two dogs, she was scared at first, but they did not see her.

Then she noticed why they did not see her, one was standing very still, and the other had its muzzle up to the ass of the other one. She kept watching, the one dog sniffing the other, and then she saw the tongue snake out and lick the other one. As she watched she realized that the dog getting licked was a female dog, and the other dog was licking her vagina. Her eyes followed the shape of the other dog, and saw he was all male. Jane could see the pink tip of his cock poking out of his sheath.

Jane stood there mesmerized at the scene playing out in front of her, as the male dog reared up and mounted the bitch in heat. She could see his pink cock jabbing at her inflamed and swollen pussy, and saw his cock split her open, as he thrust it deep inside her. She wanted to see this better and got down on her hands and knees and crawled to the mating couple.

Her breathing was fast, her heart pounding in her chest, as she approached the couple, mating right in front of her. She crawled up close and could see his cock swelling and his knot swelling. She stared as the male grabbed his bitch and his muscled body pounded his cock into the dog below.

All of a sudden she felt a long wet swipe on her aroused pussy. She looked back at a huge black dog, licking her pussy, and she was in heaven. He licked from her clit up to her tight ass, and he shoved his snout deeper into her crack.

She felt herself pushing her hips back into his hungry mouth, she turned and saw the huge knot swelling up in front of her face, in the bitch right in front of her, and she could see and smell the sex in front of her. Her pussy was sending electric charges throughout her body, her mind was swimming. She could hear the dog licking her devouring her essence. The hay strewn about the floor made her feel like she was an animal in heat, in this barn, watching the mating in front of her, and her pussy being licked so expertly behind her.

She almost screamed when the big blackie behind her stopped his licking, the pair in front were still fucking, why couldn’t this dog get her off too. Her disappointment came to a quick end, when she felt him land on her back, almost causing her arms to give out. His front paws grabbed her around her waist, and pulled her body towards him.

She looked back and saw his huge red cock, poking out of his sheath and dripping for her. She felt his front paws pull her back as his back legs thrust forward, and in one quick motioned she was impaled on his huge cock. No more foreplay, no asking what she wanted, just this beast taking what he wanted, and her giving it to him.

She felt the cock stretch her insides, it was so long and thick, and oh so warm, it felt so good inside her. The dog started to pound her with an intensity she was not ready for, he was pounding in to her so hard, she was sliding forward into the still tied couple, She ended up next to the other couple, and she realized this must look like some of those porn scenes where two couples are fucking next to each other. Only this was different, she stared at the tied couple next to her and the look of bliss on the bitch’s face.

She realized her face must look the same way as the big black was hammering away at her. She suddenly felt his knot start to bang into her tender pussy lips. The massive intruder was banging her clit hard with his jackhammer thrusts into her tight pussy. She wanted that knot to fill her, so she started to push back in time with the black’s thrusting. The knot spreading her open a little more with each thrust. She could feel her pussy swelling to unreal proportions as her lover tried to bury his cock up in her. The sensations on her clit were amazing as the knot kept up pressure on her, most sensitive flesh.

She felt his front paws grabbing her waist tighter just as he slammed his massive cock forward, burying the huge knot in her tight little hole. The feeling was bliss, as the knot swelled even more in her stretched out pussy, rubbing her g-spot. She felt his cock twitch as he started to unload his seed in her well used pussy, and the dog’s orgasm then sent her over the edge, and she screamed out in ecstacy.

Jane’s eyes shot open, and she looked around her bedroom, she was in her bed, David was asleep next to her, her hands were in her sopping wet crotch. She was breathing hard and fast. She got up and stumbled into the bathroom, took a long drink of water, and some deep breaths.

She looked at herself in the mirror, and could see that she had been sweating, her legs were trembling, like she had just been fucked good. She looked at her eyes in the mirror, and said “what the hell is happening to me?”



The next week began uneventful for Jane, Monday morning everyone was off to their Monday routine. Jane woke up alone, and ate her breakfast in peace. She caught herself taking a few glances out the patio doors, but quickly brought her eyes back to the newspaper. Today she was going to clean the floors, so she put off her shower and just put on some sweatpants and a t-shirt.

Jane hooked up her iPod and started to sing to herself as she cleaned the floors. She usually liked to have up-tempo music to keep her going. She had a lot of pent up energy today and noticed that things were moving along quickly and he was working up a pretty good sweat.

When she completed her chores, she grabbed a diet cola and sat down to catch her breath. While relaxing she noticed the mail truck driving down the street, so she hopped up and went out the front door to gather up the mail. Halfway down to the mailbox she swore she heard the front screen door slam shut, she turned to look, but there was nothing there, must have just been the wind, she thought to herself. She finished retrieving the mail and went back into the house.

She scanned the mail, nothing interesting and she tossed it on the kitchen counter, and went upstairs to take her shower. She picked out the clothes she wanted to wear, and her matching bra and panty set and went into the bathroom, and set these on the counter. She turned on the shower to get the warm water flowing and she stripped off her sweaty clothes, and admired her body in the mirror. Not bad for a mother of 3 she thought to herself.

She stepped into the shower stall, closed the door and felt the warm water cascading over her naked flesh. She was enjoying the hot water and felt like she was just melting away under the powerful spray. She rubbed the body gel all over her glistening body, lathering herself up real good. Her hands felt so good sliding over her flesh. She spent extra time soaping up her tits, playing extra attention to her sensitive nipples.

Then she lathered up her crotch to allow her to shave off her stubble, that had accumulated around her pussy. She wanted to be nice and smooth for David tonight as she had designs on having him eat her pussy tonight. She finished shaving and rinsing off the soap from her smooth skin, and turned off the water. Jane proceeded to towel off her skin, and admired her body one last time in the mirror. She stepped over to the counter, to grab her panties, but they weren’t there.

Jane looked around on the bathroom floor, but could not find them. “Must have dropped them on the way in,” she said. She stepped through the doorway to the connected master bedroom, looking at the floor, she saw nothing. As she lifted her head, she stopped dead in her tracks. There lieing in her bed was the dog that raped her the other day, and her panties were laying on the bed next to him.

He looked her in the eyes, and lowered his head to the panties and sniffed them very loudly, and turned back to look at Jane, and licked his lips. Se wondered if that was intentional and for her benefit, but then she thought it couldn’t be he was just a dumb animal. Her mind was racing, what should she do, how did he get in here? Then she remembered the door slam, when she was going to get the mail. This beast must be stalking me, she thought.

She was a few paces in from the bathroom and a few paces from the bedroom door, if she ran to the bathroom and closed the door she would be safe, but trapped in the bathroom. If she ran to the hall, she could lock him in her bedroom, but she would have no clothes. She was trying to figure out her next step, and noticed that he was staring at her with his intense eyes, and she was almost mesmerized.

She watched him sniff her panties again, and then lick them, and he looked at her again, and licked his lips. “You filthy beast, I know what you are implying and I am not going to let that happen again,” she said out loud and then realized he probably could not understand a thing that she said. She noticed as his attention was turned back to her panties, and that is when she decided to make a move towards the hall. She turned and took a quick first step, and didn’t notice her pair of running shoes in the exact spot her first step was landing. She stepped on the shoe with her bare foot, and her ankle twisted out from under her, and she tumbled to the floor.

This misstep led to her downfall, as the big Shepard was up and between her and the open door, staring into her eyes, like a silent sentinel, just waiting for her to make her move. She slowly started to back away, still thinking that she could make it back to the bathroom, when she saw him curl up his lips and bare his gleaming white teeth. She paused for a second, and when she saw that he was not making a move towards her, she started to crawl back once more, when she heard the low growl escape from his lips. This sound along with his bared teeth, caused her to freeze in terror.

Apparently, this dog had other things in his mind today, and they all seemed to end up with her being bitten, she thought. Her mind was racing, why is he being so menacing to me, and she wondered if she angered him in some way to cause this aggressive stance. She looked at the floor length mirror, next to her and saw quite a sight, her on all fours, face to face with the now angry beast that raped her not so long ago.

Once she froze in her retreat, she noticed the dog stopped his growling. Plus he was not baring his teeth anymore. This caused her to notice she was not breathing, and she allowed herself to take a deep breath, and try to calm her nerves down. As she started to calm down the dog took a step forward and licked her face. This act caused her to cringe a bit, partly in fear, and partly in disgust. She could never understand people that let their dogs lick their face.

The dog seemed to stop his aggressive stance and Jane tried to figure out her next move, as he started to sniff her body. She did not like this development, since the last encounter with this dog, this led to him raping her. She slowly started to inch her way forward towards the door, when he licked the side of her breast as it hung down beneath her chest.

The tongue caused her to start a bit, but he plan was working and he apparently did not notice her edging closer to the open door. However she did not realize that as she was moving towards the door, he was moving in behind her. He buried his cold nose into her hot pussy, which caused her to let out a little squeal. This sudden contact also paused her in her progress to the door, and as she stopped there frozen, she felt his nose in between her ass cheeks sniffing her ass. “Oh my god,” she thought “I have put myself in the same position when he raped me.”

She was getting ready to take off like a sprinter out of the blocks, when she felt his tongue lick from her clit to her tight ass. The electric feel of his long rough tongue sent shock waves through her body, and she remembered how good he felt those many days ago. He started to lap her pussy, like she was a bowl of water and he was in the desert. Every lick sent shivers through her body, and she could feel herself responding sexually to this beast.

Her pussy was on fire, and she could feel her pussy opening up to him, lubricating under the sexual stimulation his tongue was giving her. The pleasure was getting too much, she slipped down from her hands to her elbows, her breasts now brushing the carpet on the floor. Every lick, was met by her hips thrusting back onto his tongue, the rocking motion causing her nipples to rub back and forth on the carpet below her, setting her whole body aflame, with desire.

She spread her thighs apart to allow more access to his wonderful tongue, that seemed to be snaking deeper and deeper into her pussy, almost like he was fucking her with his tongue. She could hear herself almost panting like an animal, as the long, strong tongue was rapidly bringing her to an orgasm. A brief moment of doubt flashed in her mind that this was wrong, but another lick on her clit quickly forced that thought back out of her mind.

She kept rocking back in time with his lick, and she could feel a mind blowing orgasm just seconds away, when se tried to take a peek under her body, and could see the beast licking her pussy. “My god his tongue is so long,” she said aloud, “yes, get me off you fucking beast.” The sight of his tongue licking her was too much to bear, and she could feel the waves of her orgasm begin to build quickly now, when she saw it. His red cock peeking out of his sheath, and then it hit her that she wasn’t going to be done anytime soon. She didn’t want to be raped again, him licking her is one thing, but looking at the bright red cock growing between the beast legs was too much. But no matter what her thoughts were, they all left her mind as the beast gave a few quick licks to her clit that sent her over the edge.

Her orgasm hit her with an intensity she was not ready for, she screamed out in ecstasy as his tongue took her pussy to a new level. Her whole body trembled with the orgasm, her arms gave out on her, in effect presenting her for breeding. She was panting like a dog she thought as wave after wave crashed over her body.

She was trying to get as much air into her lungs as she could as the orgasm subsided, but before she could gather her thoughts, she felt the dog land on her back. “Oh god he weighs so much,” she said as she tried to get to her feet, and she hers the now familiar growl in her ear. She stops trying to struggle, and can feel his soft fur rubbing her back. But then something hurts, and she feels his front claws wrapped around her waist, scratching her sides.

She then feels the dog pulling her body back, she complies, until she feels his hard cock touching her thigh, and then she realized that he is trying to pull her onto his cock. She starts to struggle again, and the dog stops, and then she feels his teeth on the back of her neck. Not hard, not biting her, just letting her know he can if he wants. She thinks to herself, this must be how dogs take care of their bitches that do not comply. And then she realized that she just compared herself to a bitch, a common dog in heat.

She realized that fighting this would be futile, so she might as well give him what he wants then get him the hell out of her house. She quit fighting and she felt him release her neck, but then he did something strange. He took a mouthful of her hair, and pulled her head back. Not forcefull, but just enough so she moved her head and ended up looking in the mirror. She looked into the mirror and into the eyes of the beast on her back. If she didn’t know better she would think he is trying to make her watch herself get fucked in the mirror.

She was looking at the unnatural scene in the mirror, and tried to lower her head, and he pulled her hair again. The she realized that he did want her to watched being fucked by him. She again looked at the pair in the mirror, as she felt him bury his cock halfway up her pussy in one thrust. She let out a scream as the hot cock pounded into her. Now that he found his mark, he started to pick up speed, burying his cock deeper into her. She could see him as he grabbed her waist, and his strong flank thrusting into her bottom. She could see his back arch as she felt his cock plunge even deeper into clutching pussy. Plus she could see his eyes locked on her as he continued to use her body for his pleasure. It was like they were piercing into her soul, trying to consume her.

The she felt the pressure of something swelling on his cock, just like last time. She felt the banging against her pussy lips, and her clit. This large object hitting her just right, repeatedly banging into her needing clit. Then all of a sudden she felt him slow down, “No, keep fucking me,” she screamed. She noticed he was staring at her in the mirror, and noticed him repositioning himself, and then he shoved into her hard. It was so forcefull, it knocked the air out of her lungs in a grunt. And she felt the huge lump on his cock force its was past her resisting pussy lips, and bury itself inside of her.

She felt him growing inside her, felt her g-spot tingling with the contact, she felt his cock deep into her womb, and felt her pussy stretched to its limits, as he worked his fat cock in her pussy. She then felt herself being filled with his warm cum, which sent her over the top. “OH FUCK,” she yelled. Her body was tembling uncontrollably as she felt his cock filling her completely with his seed. She watched as a look of pure contentment washed over her face, and it appeared to be the same look on the dogs face.

“Oh my god, that was the most amazing thing I have ever experienced,” she exclaimed to her lover, as she stared at him in the mirror, clutching her back like his bitch.

She kept thinking to herself, “What am I turning into? This is wrong but oh does it feel to fucking good!!!” Something inside of her loved the felling of her ff.gif four-legged lover on her back, with his hot cock shoved deep into her. She still loved her husband, but this is something completely different, and I love this too.

How could she have these thoughts, was she being unfaithful, well it was not like she was fucking another man, she thought to herself.

She felt the dog cock start to shrink and it slid out of her well used pussy with a slippery sucking sound, and she felt a gush of cum flow from her pussy. Jane got up on wobbly legs, and headed into the bathroom.

She leaned on the sink and put her face close to the mirror, and looked at her face and into her eyes, and she saw a truly happy and satiated woman in the mirror. “How can this be wrong if it feels so good and gives me suck pleasure?” She said aloud as if to reassure herself that this was ok.

As she was staring into her soul through the mirror, the large dog headed into the bathroom, and started to lick his new bitch clean. As his nose and tongue hit her pussy, she saw her reaction in the mirror. A look of pleasure, and wanton lust crossed her face, as she watched herself, and could feel her thighs spreading open to give her canine lover better access to her creamed pussy. She leaned forward on the counter to be able to spread herself open to his hungry tongue even more. Every swipe of his long tongue, started to drive her to another orgasm.

Her face was a look of pure ecstasy and lust, she wanted him to shove his entire tongue up in her pussy and tongue fuck her, but he had other ideas, he pulled his mouth away, and she saw the look of disappointment on her face as her pussy was neglected. But that was only for a second as she saw him rear up, and his paws landed on the counter on either side of her. She looked in the mirror and saw her face filled with longing, and desire, desire to be mated again.

She felt his hard cock at her pussy lips, and felt it impale her, as he shoved it in with one mighty thrust. She was pinned with the counter in front of her and a hard dog cock behind her, and for the time being this is the only place she wanted to be. She watched herself being mated for the second time today, and was loving every hard thrusting inch of it.

She could feel his large knot getting ready to split her open, and to her surprise she herd herself say, “Fuck me hard you fucking beast!” She did not know where the words came, but it felt so right as his knot slipped into her wet pussy, and she screamed again, “Make me your bitch, AHHHHHHHH!”

His cock was now buried in her again, and her body was shaking with a huge orgasm as she felt him hosing her insides with all of his doggy cum.

He slipped out of her pretty easily this time since she had been fucked twice already. She slowly slid to the floor, her legs unable to support her weight. She saw the dog walk over to her and he licked her face, she felt, almost like he was kissing her, and then he walked out of the bathroom. A minute or two later she heard the screen door bang shut, as she drifted off to a well deserved nap.