(c) 2007 by redlegtiger and lisabplayful

Note for Karen and Michelle Sad Story fans. This story is set about ten years before the beginning of Karen’s story. Marta has just inherited a fortune from her dead mother and has recently purchased a kennel and surrounding land that was for sell. She became good friends with the previous owner who sponsored her into the Coch Slaver’s organization. Marta is just beginning her odyssey as a dominatrix and mistress and has not yet become the sadistic bitch that torments Karen. She finds out that a renowned female dog trainer has interracial fantasies and introduces her to the world of submission. In the process of investigating her new slave’s situation in order to sever her ties with her family, she finds that the woman’s son has racked up an enormous amount of gambling debt. After failing to pay the debt, the bookie orders her daughter Cynthia to be abducted and turned into a high priced whore to pay off his debts. After finding out how smart Cynthia is, Marta decides that she would intercede and abduct her first. This is Cynthia’s and her mother’s story as to how they both become slaves how Cynthia learns of a world she never dreamed of and ends up having two of her most desired dreams be made real.


Chapter One

Cynthia Palmer looked up at the clock on the wall again for the umpteenth time in the last hour. It was getting close to midnight and here she was still not finished with her final Chemistry Lab experiment. Tomorrow was the last day of class and her graduation. She had to finish everything tonight or she wouldn’t graduate as she planned. Cynthia hoped that the experiment would work this time. This was the fourth time that day that she had to do it. She kept making mistakes and having to start over. She wasn’t normally so distracted but the last few weeks had been hell for her.

Three weeks ago the beautiful nineteen year old, blue eyed, 5 foot, 3 inch, 110 pound redhead was on top of the world. She was on track to graduate from college two years ahead of the other graduates. She had graduated high school at the remarkable age of fifteen. She was a prodigy and graduated in the top five of her class. She took 26 – 30 credit hours each semester during college, including taking a full load during Summer School. As a result she was graduating after three years of college.

Her goal was to graduate and get into medical school. She had already interviewed and was waiting for a reply. She felt real good about her chances of being accepted with the grades she had and the recommendations she received from the doctors at the hospital she volunteered at the last five years. One of the doctors was on the board of the medical school and he had almost guaranteed her that if she did well on the interview and had at least a 3.0 grade point average that she would be accepted. As it stood now she had a 3.8 GPA and everything looked right on track for her final semester to be a 4.0 so that would only make her grades better.

Then she got the phone call that totally devastated her. The state patrol got a hold of her late one night at her dorm room and notified her that her parents had been killed in a car crash. After collapsing in total disbelief she finally managed to get it together enough to go home and take care of everything. She contacted all of her professors and explained the situation to them and they all gave her extensions, but they required her to have everything in to them by the end of the semester or she would get incompletes on her grades.

Cynthia managed to make it back home and help her older brother Dave take care of the funeral arrangements. She naively let her older adult brother handle all of the particulars of the estate. What she didn’t know was that he had a gambling problem and owed over $100,000.00 dollars to his bookie. She was so devastated at the loss of her parents and at the thought of not graduating on time that she didn’t pay attention to much of anything. If she had, she might have noticed the two big thugs that were always present in the area checking her out.

These were the bookie’s collectors and they were the ones that had arranged the little accident that had killed her parents. They hoped that Dave would sell the estate and be able to pay off his debts.

Cynthia spent a week and a half until the funeral was over and things had settled down enough for her to return to school. She got back to classes with only a week left to finish everything up. She worked around the clock all week and had everything finished and turned in but the chemistry lab.

She shook herself out of her funk and looked at the clock again. It was now after midnight and her experiment had just a bit over fifteen minutes left before it was finished and she could record the results.

She looked at the end of the counter she was working on and admired the single red Chrysanthemum in a large beaker that her boyfriend Rob had brought her. She thought about how great he had been to her through all of this. She knew she wasn’t ready to get married or anything but she hoped that he had feelings for her like she had for him. She had been saving herself for her future husband and had about decided that Rob was it. Time would tell. He had been patient with her so far and had showed none of the impatience that all of the other boys seemed to have about wanting her to put out to them.

Again Cynthia turned to the clock and saw that she had about five minutes now. Her thoughts turned back to the phone conversation that she had with her brother earlier that afternoon just as she was starting her experiments. He told her how their mom and dad had basically hocked everything and cashed in their insurance policies so she could go to college. He told her how even after everything was accounted for and sold off that they were still in debt by about seventy thousand dollars. Then he told her about his gambling debt and how he owed over a hundred thousand dollars. He told her that he thought that the bookie had ordered their parents killed in the hopes he would inherit enough to pay them off. He explained that without the money, he was likely to end up the same way before the next twenty four hours was up. He was scared to death and begged her forgiveness.

Cynthia had tears in her eyes as she looked at the clock again. She didn’t loose track of the time like she had all of the other times. It was this constant lapsing into thought about everything that had happened that kept causing her to let the experiment go too long on the previous tries. She had just a few more seconds and she would be done. She thought how great it was that she was finally going to be able to finish the experiment and turn in her work so she could graduate. That was at least one thing that was going to work out all right for her.

The time was finally up and she dutifully recorded the information from the experiment and wrote up her conclusions. With everything finished she cleaned up the lab and put all of the results of the experiments that she had recorded dutifully together in a large envelope. She left the lab, turning out the light and locking it. With her full book bag on her back, the envelope with the results of the experiment in one hand and the beaker with the chrysanthemum in the other she headed out of the building. She stopped by her professor’s door on the way out and slid the envelope under it so that he would get it first thing in the morning.

She finally left the vacant building and got in her car. She decided she needed a drink to celebrate finishing every thing so she went to the bar where her boyfriend worked as a bartender at night to pay for school. This was his last night at work too because he graduated the next day as well. She went into the bar and walked up to the counter and asked Rob for a beer to celebrate finishing everything. He congratulated her and gave her the beer on the house. Neither one noticed the two goons that had come in the door close behind her.

One took a seat next to Cynthia at the bar and ordered a couple of beers. The other one went over to the area around the pool tables. It wasn’t but a couple of minutes later that there was a fight going full throttle at the pool tables. Every patron in the bar was looking in the direction of the fight and no one noticed the guy sitting next to Cynthia slip a mickey into her drink. It had a couple of things in it. One was a potent aphrodisiac and the other was a hit of ecstasy.

The bouncer quickly broke the fight up and threw out the partner to the guy that had slipped the mickey into Cynthia’s drink. He got up without a word and took his beer with him along with one for his partner. He knew it wouldn’t be long before she started feeling the effects of the drug once she drank her beer.

Cynthia was already tired and anxious to get home to bed. It was now after one in the morning and the graduation ceremony was at ten. She finished her spiked beer and gave Rob a kiss goodbye and left for home.

Cynthia’s house was only about ten minutes from the bar. By the time she was half way, she began to feel strange and unable to concentrate. By the time she pulled up and parked in the driveway to the rental she shared with three other seniors, she was high as a kite. She attributed it all to the stress, the late hour and drinking the beer in such a short time. She had no clue that she had been drugged.

She thought ‘At least I’ll have a quiet night, or morning of sleep.’ She giggled as she fumbled with the keys. She knew that her roommates had decided to go on home and skip the graduation ceremony. They had their degree and that was all they cared about. If she hadn’t had to finish her Chemistry Lab, she would have probably skipped it as well.

Just as she opened the door, a large hand came around and covered her mouth while the other wrapped around her and picked her up. She was quickly forced into the house. When they were inside the guy whispered into her ear, “Your brother has a debt he couldn’t pay. So you are going to be his payment, not that he’ll ever get any benefit out of it. Now if you make a sound, you can count on joining your parents six feet under. A place your big brother is going as soon as we find him. ‘heh…heh…heh’ Do you understand?”

Cynthia’s eyes were round as saucers in fear and she shook her head yes that she understood. She felt the guy put her down as she heard the door to the house close. As she turned around she saw two big guys that somehow looked familiar. She couldn’t place who they were, but she knew that she had seen them around. They both were dressed up like typical crooks with the knit stocking cap rolled up on their head. They both looked mean and sinister and they both wore blue jeans and a gold T-shirt. Then she noticed that the guy that had just closed the door had two big dogs with him. She had always had a love for Labrador Retrievers and they had the biggest pair of male Lab’s she had ever seen. One was a black lab and the other was a golden lab.

Cynthia was now looking at the guy that had been holding her. She asked, “What is it you want? I don’t have any money. I know my brother has told you that there was nothing left in my parent’s estate.”

The guy laughed hysterically and evilly as he said, “Yeah we know. That’s why we’re here for you. You see, you’re going to be the payment for your brother’s debt. As for what we want? That would be your total obedience to every order we give you. If you cooperate, then you just might survive and live a long life, though I’m quite sure it won’t be the life you expected to lead. If you don’t cooperate, you will end up buried beside your parents and your big brother. Now what’s it going to be missy?”

Cynthia knew she had no choice. Tears were streaming out of her eyes and down her cheeks. The future life that she had planned on flashed before her eyes and was quickly gone. She knew that if she wanted to live, she had to cooperate. Maybe some day she would be able to pursue her dream again. She stammered out, “I…I…I’ll cooperate.”

The guy that had explained the facts of life to her was obviously the leader. He got a sinister grin on his face and said, “Let’s see just how much you mean that.” He pulled out a dog collar and put it around her neck and then continued, “I want you to strip out of your pants and panties and kneel on the floor and lay the upper part of your body over that nice coffee table over there.”

Cynthia was crying almost uncontrollably now as she begged, “Please don’t rape me. I…I…I’ve never been with a man before.”

The two guys both let out a loud whoop of celebration. The leader finally said, “That’ll make this even better. Now get busy and cooperate.” He pulled out a large six inch hunting knife and held it to her throat as he continued, “Or we’ll end this right now and you can go say hello to mom and dad.”

Cynthia was shaking with fear as she noticed that the guy with the dogs had pulled out a small camcorder and was getting it ready to use. She slowly started undoing the clasp to her pants and shimmying them down her hips. She reluctantly removed them and threw them on the couch. Then she removed her panties just as slowly but steadily and threw them on top of her pants. When she was done, she got on her knees and knelt across the glass top coffee table as she had been instructed. She folded her arms across each other and laid her head down on them and began crying in earnest with deep heart felt sobs.

While she had been undressing, both of the guys had lit up and started smoking a cigarette as they enjoyed the show. They enjoyed watching as Cynthia sobbed her heart out with her most private areas, never before seen by man, exposed. The dog handler with the camcorder began to feel her ass cheeks and stroke them gently. He ran his finger through her untouched nether region several times trying to make her more and more excited. The aphrodisiac that she had been slipped, along with the ecstasy, were starting to really have an effect on her. She was getting very aroused from all of the stimulation.

By the time the two had finished their cigarettes, the dog handler was satisfied that she was ready. He looked at his boss that was now sitting on the couch in front of Cynthia and said, “She’s as ready as she’ll ever be. Let’s get the show on the road.”

The leader of the two shook his head yes and ordered, “Great! Let’s start with Goldie then. I’m sure he’s up for a little fun. Give me the camera and get him started while I catch it on film.”

The guy’s partner handed him the camcorder and he stood up in front of Cynthia. The handler picked up the leash to the gold lab and brought him in front of Cynthia. He had him put his front paws on the table on either side of Cynthia’s head. She was so absorbed in feeling sorry for herself and crying that she didn’t notice the dog. The guy kept hold of the dog’s leash with one hand and reached under the dog and grabbed Cynthia’s hair, pulling her head up. He ordered, “Suck that dog’s nice cock good and hard now missy. Remember, cooperate or join old mom and dad.”

Cynthia swallowed hard and reached up and slowly began to massage the golden lab’s sheath. Shortly she saw the red tip of his cock begin to emerge. After about five more minutes, it had extended most of the way out and she leaned forward and tentatively licked it. She noticed that it tasted a bit musky, but otherwise was bearable. It was almost like giving her boyfriend a blow job when he hadn’t taken a shower. It wasn’t something she liked, but she could tolerate it. She opened her mouth and moved it over as much of the dog’s cock as she could take. She began to suck on it and could feel it begin to grow rapidly. The cock had just begun to hit the back of her throat and cause her to gag a bit when all of a sudden it was pulled away. Her mouth opened and closed a couple of times like a fish before she closed it tight.

Cynthia laid her head down on her arms again on the coffee table. She knew what was coming. She hoped it wouldn’t happen, but knew it would. It was just a few short moments until she felt the weight of the dog land on her back. What she didn’t see was the dog’s handler reach under the dog and align his cock with her nice wet pussy.

All of a sudden Cynthia felt the dog ram his big hard member in all the way, ripping her virginity from her in one quick lunge. She screeched in pain from the sudden intrusion. She had imagined many ways of losing her cherry before, but none of them had even come close to losing it to a dog.

The leader handed the camcorder to his partner and grabbed Cynthia’s arms so she wouldn’t try to move away. When the dog had ripped through her cherry, she had lurched up and almost thrown the dog off. He pulled her back down saying, “The worst of it is over now. The first time always hurts. You’ll start feeling good real soon. Now calm down or you’ll scare the dog. A scared dog is unpredictable. He may just decide to bite you if you don’t calm down.”

Cynthia grit her teeth and leaned back down on the table as she felt the dog begin to jack hammer his long member into her moist cavern of love. After a few minutes of steady fucking, she started to feel aroused. Then she felt something big begin to pound against her nether lips. Each time it hit a little harder and went in a little further. Finally she felt her lips expand outward and allow the monster in. She wasn’t familiar with a dog’s anatomy and therefore had no idea that she had just taken the three inch knot of the dog’s cock. She could feel its effect though. It was perfectly aligned with her G-spot and as the dog ramped up its in and out movements, she quickly built up to the most amazing and powerful orgasm in her life.

Cynthia had just come down from her plateau of ecstasy when she felt a flood of warmth inside. The dog howled in release as she quickly launched into an even more massive cum. She screamed out in pleasure from the glorious feelings washing over her. Finally though, all good things must come to an end. The dog finished cumming and as dogs do he lifted his leg over her and turned around facing away from her. His knot had swollen up to a large five inches and was stuck tight in her vagina.

The leader lit up a cigarette and smoked it as he looked at his partner and asked, “Did you get that on film. That was one of the most amazing things I’ve seen in a long time. I think we have a good one here. We just might make a little money out of her.”

His partner answered, “Yeah boss. I got it all recorded. The big boss will make a fortune with just the tape alone. Do you want me to get Blackie started?”

The leader spoke up and said, “Go ahead and have her get him ready.”

The dog handler brought the black lab in front of Cynthia and had him get up in front of her so she could reach his cock. She didn’t need to be told what to do. She reached up and began massaging the dog’s sheath. She guessed that they were going to have her suck the dog off since the other one was still stuck in her vagina. She never imagined where they were going to have the dog fuck next.

It didn’t take near as long to get the black lab ready as it did the golden lab. He was already excited from the sex that had been going on before. This wasn’t the first human he had mated. He was trained to like sex with humans. After a few short moments he was hard enough and the handler pulled him away and led him behind Cynthia. He helped the dog lift its hind leg over the back of the other dog so that he was straddling it. He connected the dog’s collar to the one on Cynthia’s neck with a short six inch tether that had a D hook on each end. He looked at his boss and asked, “Are you ready boss?”

The leader answered, “Give me a second. She’ll need to be held for this next part.”

He put his freshly lit cigarette down on the ash tray and reached forward to grab a hold of Cynthia’s arms. When he had a good hold of her he ordered, “Okay now put it in.”

The dog handler grabbed the black labs cock and lined it up with Cynthia’s most private little rosebud. All the dog knew was that he felt the tip of his cock against the tight opening of his mate. He rammed in with all of the force instinct had given him. His cock rammed in about half way on the first lunge.

Cynthia couldn’t believe it when she felt the handler behind her line the dog’s cock with her ass hole. She had just taken a breath to protest when the dog lunged and sank in half way. She let out a blood curdling scream and ripped her arms out of the leader’s hands. He quickly reacted and grabbed a hold of her right hand in front of her breasts with his left hand and her left shoulder with his right hand.

The leader pulled her back down to the table as he sternly ordered her, “Quiet bitch. If you scream too loudly, you’ll wake the neighbors and they’ll call the cops. I know that you hope that happens but rest assured that before they can get here, you’ll be dead and we’ll be long gone. Now grit your teeth and bear it.”

Cynthia quickly shut her mouth and clinched her teeth as he held her just above the table. She still squirmed from the pain of the double dog fucking she was receiving. She looked over her left shoulder to see if she was being filmed. Each time the dog thrust in she screamed through her clinched teeth in pain. She hoped that the handler wasn’t there with the camcorder. It was bad enough to be filmed having sex with one dog, but two at the same time was just too much. If anyone she knew ever saw the video, she would never be able to stand it. She didn’t see him there, but when she looked over her right shoulder, there he was behind her with a shit eating grin. He had the camcorder held up in front of his face pointed at her and the dogs as he watched the view finder showing every second of her humiliation as the camcorder recorded it for posterity. She turned her head back away so she could imagine just for a moment that she was being filmed, still gritting her teeth in pain.

Cynthia knew then without a shadow of a doubt that this was just the beginning of her humiliating journey. She turned back around and laid her head on her arms and cried her heart out. She still screamed in pain through clinched teeth with each thrust into her bleeding, burning ass that was made that much smaller due to the large knot stuck in her Pussy.

It wasn’t long before she felt the pounding of the dog’s knot at her most private entrance. Her screams of pain were getting louder with each lunge the dog was making. The leader leaned in and whispered in her ear, “You better get control of yourself missy. You’re getting a bit too loud for our comfort. I’d hate to waste a pretty thing like you, especially when we have such great plans for you in the future. Ole Blackie here is about to push that nice big knot of his up your nice sweet ass. You better find something to bite down on when it goes in or you’ll end up screaming loud enough to bring a whole army here. I’m sure you wouldn’t want that. Think about them finding a nice dead coed with two dogs stuck in her. Sounds like a great picture for the front page, doesn’t it?”

Cynthia had continued to scream through her clinched teeth with each hard hammering of the dog’s knot against her small rosebud. Each pounding widened the rosebud just a bit more. She knew that if she didn’t bite down on something, she would scream out when the knot entered. She thought briefly about biting the wrist of the leader where he held her shoulder. But she knew that he would probably kill her in anger if she did. She knew it would go in soon and so she laid her head back down on her arms on the table and tried to relax as much as possible. She opened her mouth and clamped it over her forearm. She no sooner had her mouth in place when she felt a searing pain in her ass as the dog’s knot finally slammed in to her all too small asshole. She bit down hard as she tried to stifle her scream. She bit down so hard that she drew blood. The pain in her arm though distracted her from the more serious pain in her ass. The soft tissue of her forearm also silenced the scream and kept the noise level low.

After the dog’s knot had entered her ass, it wasn’t long before Cynthia felt the burning flood of his cum filling her intestines. Cynthia didn’t achieve orgasm this time because of the pain. She could tell though that if the dog had continued, she would have had an orgasm pretty soon.

Her thoughts ran to her parents and her brother as she waited for the dogs to pull their knots out. She then wondered about her boyfriend and if he would miss her. She silently cried now at her lost future. As she was feeling sorry for herself, the leader grabbed her by the hair and pulled her head up. She immediately saw his huge, hard cock sticking out in front of her. He gave a quick command, “Suck it!”

This was something she had done for her current boy friend and so didn’t hesitate. She opened her mouth and sucked his cock in. She began twirling her tongue around the head to get it over with as soon as possible. She sucked with a passion that she had never used on her boy friend. This wasn’t passion out of love though. It was out of desire to end the most horrific night of her life as soon as possible. She was successful at it too. He came in less than a minute. He grunted out in pleasure as he shot stream after stream of cum down her throat.

When he pulled out, he was quickly replaced by the dog handler. She brought him off in about the same amount of time as she had the leader. She again found herself swallowing the nasty cum from her captors.

When the handler was done, he put his cock back in his pants. As he was doing that, the leader ordered, “Go search the rooms and see if there is anything of value to take. Let’s make it look like a typical burglary. No one will raise a stink about her coming up missing now. Her family is gone and her boy friend won’t be a problem either. I saw him with one of her room mates yesterday. I heard them saying they were going to the lake to camp out after graduation. It seems he decided to give up on getting anything from this bitch. It’s too bad for him. She sure is a hot one. Now go. It’s almost 3 am. I want to leave by 3:30.”

The handler quickly made a run through the house. He didn’t find anything of value. As is the case with most college students, the rooms were quite sparse when it came to valuables. He did mess the rooms up a bit though. When he was done, he came back out to where Cynthia and his boss were and noticed that Goldie was curled up in the corner licking him self clean. The handler went up to Blackie and released the tether holding him to Cynthia. The dog immediately lifted its leg and turned around to wait for his knot to finish going down. It wasn’t long before the black lab’s knot had gone down enough to pull out as well. It came out with a loud pop from the suction that had built up during the fucking.

The handler went about hooking the leashes back to the two dogs’ collars. While he was doing that, the leader had stepped to the same side of the coffee table and pulled Cynthia to a standing position by her hair. She reached up trying to get him to release her hair.

When she was standing and before she could react, he quickly grabbed the bottom of her sweat shirt and pulled it over her head and off. He threw it on the couch and turned back to Cynthia with his knife in his hands. She stared at him in fear thinking he was going to kill her. She let out an audible sigh of relief when all he did was put the tip under her bra between her breasts and cut it loose. He did the same to each of her shoulder straps which resulted in her bra falling to the floor exposing her pert 34 C Breasts. Her erect nipples revealed how aroused she had become from the abuse.

The leader pulled her arms behind her back and cuffed them together. He then picked up a leash out of a bag that Cynthia had failed to notice earlier. He attached it to the collar he had placed on her neck earlier. He then picked up her clothes and stuffed them in the bag. He picked up the ash tray holding the cigarette butts they had smoked and put it in a zip lock baggie. He put them in the bag as well and zipped it up

The handler went out and put the dogs in the van across the street. It was a stolen van so they were safe from it being traced to them. He tethered the dogs in the back with plenty of slack so they would be able to move around as they drove to where they would swap out vehicles. He backed up into the driveway as close to the house as possible. When he was at the side walk he put it in drive with his foot on the brake and waited.

While the handler was getting the van, the leader was giving a last warning to Cynthia. He said, “We are going to go out and get in the van here. Don’t go getting it in your head to try and break for your freedom or call for help. It will only end badly for you. Whatever future you had planned is over. You belong to us now. So come on pet. You have a debt to pay off.”

As the leader led her by the leash out the door and down the sidewalk, Cynthia silently cried at her lost innocence and her lost future. She knew that there was no one left to hunt for her. She was all alone and now she was nothing more than a bitch for dogs. As she got in the van, the only thing that she could think of was that it was better to be a bitch for dogs than to be dead. She cried as the van left the house and she rode off into a future she could never have imagined in her wildest and worst nightmares.


Chapter Two – Lisa’s Slave Auction

I am a wealthy business owner of a highly successful kennel that raises and trains large breed dogs in security and health assistance. Most of my dogs sell for between 15 to 50 thousand dollars depending on the training required. I am also a divorced single mom. My kids are all adults and grew up without a father until they left home. That’s when I remarried to a wonderful man by the name of Paul Anderson. My kids are Dave Palmer who is a 26 year old construction worker. My daughter is Cynthia Palmer and she is a 19 year old prodigy. She is just getting ready to graduate from college and I’m sure she’ll get accepted into Medical school. She is so smart and driven that when she sets her mind to something, she always achieves it. Between her college expenses and helping my son start up his own construction business, I am in hock up to my eyeballs.

As for me, I’m about 45, with long shoulder length Auburn hair. I had a rather impressive rack of 38EE tits that got all of the guys just drooling. I was about five foot six and weighed about 140 lbs. It was pretty tightly packed because I exercise religiously so I don’t get flabby and out of shape. I have two kids, a son who is 26 and a daughter who is 20. By the way, my name is Lisa and I am a slut extraordinaire. I don’t know where to begin so I think that I’ll start a little over two month’s ago.

You see I am a slut with a secret kinky side that I keep well hidden. I like to play around on the computer as a hobby and got involved in a Black Domination club on line. I found the interactions I had on line to be hot and they turned me on a lot. I always managed to get two or three good cums out of seeing the pictures and mpegs of black men, naked with their big black dicks hanging out and having sex with petite submissive white women.

Some of the videos were outrageously naughty. They showed little white girls being fucked in all three holes at once. The guys fucking them were as black as coal and the girls looked as if they hadn’t seen the sun in their entire lives.

There was one in particular that caught my attention more than others. She was a natural red head with the brightest green eyes. She had freckles that highlighted all of her most prominent and important features that only added to her beauty. I’ve never done it with a woman before, but my god if I ever ran in to her I actually think I’d beg her to let me make love to her she is so beautiful. Her tits weren’t all that big but they were a perfectly proportioned 32C with little pencil eraser nipples that looked like they were and inch long. I would sure like to suck on them too, MMmmmmmmmmmm Yummy.

Any way, let’s get back to my story. I masturbated a lot when I went to the web site. I even went so far as to buy a rather huge black dildo to play with while I was watching the videos or looking at the pictures. Sometimes I even chatted on instant messaging with some of the members and had computer sex with them. God it was great to have that big black monster pumping in and out of my pussy as the guy would type in that he was fucking me within an inch of my life and describing every little intimate detail of how he was doing it.

Well the end of February came around. It was the end of black history month and someone on the web site suggested a slave auction to raise money for black charities. They weren’t suggesting anything kinky, just a little exposure and a weekend of domestic duties, a kind of a pay back of sorts. It was all arranged to happen on Presidents Day weekend when there would be a three day weekend. I signed up for domestic duty for all three days of the long weekend

All of the volunteers and buyers agreed to meet at a farm owned by someone in the group. We all signed wavers and letters of agreement that spelled out exactly what we were offering in the way of services. Just the thought of being auctioned off was very erotic.

The white slaves were put on a raised platform. Some of the more daring sluts started flashing their tits while others who obviously wanted a lot more than just simple domestic chores, stripped completely. It really looked like things were heading more and more to this being a real sex slave auction as things went on. It seemed as if each new woman that got up on the auction block would take it a step further and add some new kink to the act to get the guys to bid more money. It became a challenge to see who could get the highest bid.

When it was my turn I was scared to death and feeling very vulnerable. I had never actually done anything like this before. Sure I fantasized about it, but doing it was something I always chickened out on at the last minute. I got up on the auction block and did a slow 360 degree turn to show my entire body off. The bidding started off slow as I just stood their trying to work the nerve up to at least start dancing a little. I had just started swaying to the music that had a good heavy beat to it when they started yelling, “Show us your tits”!

Now as I described, I’m attractive with a rather large set of tits that are quite real. I’ve taken real good care of them and I am very proud of how good they look. I saw no harm in it so I flashed my tits to them as I began to really get into the dancing.

The bidding began to go up as I danced around and really got into really exposing my tits and playing with them as I danced. I even brought them up so I could lick my nipples as the bidding war escalated. I can tell you that my cunt was really flowing by then. This was one of my favorite fantasies and here I was actually living it out and it was great.

I was so into it that I began to walk around in the crowd around the auction platform. I would swing my skirt up periodically to show that I didn’t have any panties on. Some of them would reach in and grab my bald cunt when I did that and I let them feel me for a few seconds before I continued on.

By then I was getting some very high bids and it was turning me on more than I ever imagined. I got back up on the auction block and continued my sexy dance, teasing and flirting and loving every bit of the attention. The fact that I was getting higher and higher bids had me so excited that I was almost cumming. I really began to show off my two beauties that I’m so proud of and that just drove everyone wild.

Then out of no where an extremely dark, very well built black man walked up and laid down a brief case and started counting out stacks of bills. He set them aside, looked up at me and said, “This is the highest bid by far white girl. Now give Big Daddy a peek at that pretty cunt and I’ll donate this ten thousand dollars. Then you will be the highest bought slave tonight. And you’ll be worth every penny before I get through with you.”

He kept teasing me and I kept refusing. The rest of the Blacks and other bidders started chanting “SHOW……YOUR……CUNT……SHOW……YOUR……CUNT.”

After a few minutes of listening to that I was so into it that I finally lifted my dress and showed my bald pussy to the guy. The guy stuck his tongue out and acted like he was licking something with it. Something primal inside of me took over and I squatted down in front of him and put my pussy on his tongue. The crowd went wild when I did that and the guy stepped back, smiled and whistled as he stared at my completely shaved pussy.

There had not been any more bids for several minutes as the crowd just stood there staring at the sordid little show I was putting on at that point. When he backed up, I started fingering my self, I was so hot. The auctioneer finally yelled, “Going Once …… Going Twice and SOLD!” There was a large bang of the gavel when he said it too.

The guy that had paid for my services for the weekend reached up and took my hand. He was very much the gentleman. He hugged me and whispered, “You’re my sweet pussy bitch for the whole weekend.”

He then grabbed my ass hard. I wasn’t used to being manhandled like that but got caught up in the moment. It was such a huge turn on. He put a dog collar on my neck and I reached up and felt it around my neck. As I did I had one of the biggest cums in my life. AND NO ONE WAS TOUCHING ME. He attached a leash to it and made me kneel at his feet beside him. He wasn’t happy until I was sitting perfectly back on my heels, with my back straight and my head respectfully bowed. I had to keep my palms on my thighs opened upward. If I moved from that position, he would slap me on the tit with the end of the leash. I would cum every time he did it too.

We stayed until the end of the party. Whenever he was thirsty, I fetched him his drinks. If he walked over to talk about business or other professional things with his friends, I would crawl on all fours along beside him. That’s how I spent the night. Kneeling at his side and acting every bit the perfect sex slave. After about an hour he actually reached down and exposed my tits completely to one and all in the party. I started to cover them back up which got me a lash with the end of the leash. It hurt like hell, but it also made me cum harder than ever.

It was obvious that I had cum from him lashing my tit. The guys he was talking with started calling me a slut, a whore and many other sexy and degrading things. I was very impressed with him and had really gotten into the whole slave/master thing. I started calling him Master and gave in to my lust. I decided to just go along with anything and everything he wanted. By the time we left the charity auction, I was very, very horny.

When the valet brought the car to us, we got in. As soon as he was in he leaned over and kissed me. His lips were so soft and warm on mine. He rasped out lustily, “Hey baby, ahhh why don’t you take that top down so I can get a good look at my tits again, I mean it ain’t like you haven’t shown them girls off already.”

He was right and by that time I was hot and feeling pretty good after the wine he had bought me. I took my top off and let him feel my tits right there with the valet looking on. You should have seen the bulge in his pants. I felt like such a ………… slave.

We kissed some more and he kneaded my tits as he did. What I failed to notice was that his hands were working my dress down and by the time he was done I ended up with my dress off. Now completely naked, I scooted down in the seat in embarrassment. I glanced over and the valet’s eyes were bulging out and there was a big wet stain in the front of his trousers. I giggled nervously.

My new master looked over at me and undid his pants. He pulled out the biggest, blackest cock I have ever seen. He said, “I bet you never seen a cock like this have you bitch?”

My eyes were like saucers as I stared at the absolute biggest monster cock I’ve ever seen. It had to be twelve inches long and it was still soft. I said in amazement, “No…… damn, HELL NO.”

“Here baby git a feel”, he said as he put my hand on it and started the car. It was huge, thick and getting harder by the second. I can’t remember if he pushed my head down or if I just went down on him. Either way, all I remember of the drive was sucking on his dick like a whore. I never swallowed with my husband but his pre cum was sweet and strong and I loved the taste. The harder I sucked the more it rolled into my mouth. I was rubbing my pussy while giving the best blow job I knew how.

He put his hand on my head and said, “Yeah, that’s it slut. You swallow my big cock right down your throat. When I cum, I want you to eat it all slave.” His cock swelled up and hot gushes of cum blasted in my mouth over and over. I swallowed without a second thought and by the time he had finished cumming, it felt like I had a stomach full of his cum.

I was both turned on and embarrassed. I’d never thought I would ever do anything like this let alone with a perfect stranger. If my kids ever found out they would be shocked and my new husband would probably divorce me without a thought.

My master for the weekend stroked my head saying, “Yeah that’s it white bitch. You liked that didn’t you? You just keep your Black Daddy’s cock right in those hot white dick sucker lips. We’re almost home.”

It was easier to do it now that his cock was getting smaller. It was still dribbling cum as it shrunk back to normal, adding to the fun. When I heard a garage door opening he started to get hard again. The car stopped and he pulled his cock out of my mouth with a loud pop and got out. He came around to my side of the car and opened my door for me. He picked up the leash and led me in the house. It was a nice well decorated home and everything was very expensive looking. His dick was waving back and forth with every step he took. I was still naked and my pussy was soaking wet. He took me to the master bed room and pointed to the bed.

I didn’t hesitate and crawled up on the bed and laid down on it on my back. I was so hot and my cunt needed his big fat cock so bad that I spread my legs automatically. I didn’t care how sluttish I looked. I looked at him and he ordered, “Finger fuck your self until I return. Do not leave this room no matter what and don’t even think about stopping. If you look up in the corners you’ll see camera’s so we’ll know if you stop. If you hear orders announced then you will comply. Any failure to comply with orders immediately will result in swift punishment. Now get busy.”

I wanted his cock so bad that I got up on my knees and begged saying, “Oh god, you can’t leave me like this. I need that cock. I want you to fuck my cunt until it’s raw. Please don’t go until you fuck me, please.”

My big black master quickly came over to the bed and slapped me so hard that I was thrown back against the headboard of the bed. He said in a very scary and sinister snarl, “I’ll fuck you when it is time and not until. You however, don’t have a choice as to what happens to you. The next time I hear anything out of you it had better be a yes master, no master, yes mistress or no mistress. You have no other words that you are allowed to speak. To do so will be punished most severely. Your body is no longer yours to do with as you please. It belongs to us now. Now get busy and do as you were ordered, or do I have to punish you further?”

I began to have some serious doubts about my decision to participate in the slave auction. This was getting serious. If it wasn’t for the surge of excitement in my pussy when he talked about my body not belonging to me any more, I would have bolted immediately. But I was so high on lust by that point that I ignored all of the warning signs and got on my knees in the position he had taught me and started masturbating. I was soon having orgasm after orgasm.

After about ten orgasms I passed out from exhaustion onto the bed. I don’t know how long I was out, but when I woke up I found myself kneeling on the floor with my stomach over a padded bench. My hands were shackled to the floor, outstretched so that they were spread in a wide angle. My knees were also spread out wide, maybe three feet apart. I had a dildo gag in my mouth. I don’t know how big it was but I found it hard to breath. The final insult was that I had a blind fold on and couldn’t see what was going on around me.

There was someone in the room with me. As soon as I started trying to get free I heard a loud crack and felt the most painful sting in my ass. I would have been screaming bloody murder from the pain of the blow but the dildo gag prevented anything but a muffled scream that could barely be heard. Just as I was almost recovered from the strike, I felt another more searing pain fill my ass again that was accompanied by a loud crack. This continued over and over again until I could barely stand it. And then it continued some more. I was crying hard now from the pain and tears were streaming down my cheeks and falling to the floor. But the spanking continued without let up.

My ass hurt so bad that I was beginning to get delirious from the pain and that is when I started to feel a change. There was just a flicker of heat beginning to grow in my pussy. As the strikes continued one after the other, the heat grew to excitement and finally I had an orgasm so powerful that I passed out.

The next thing I know is that I am awake, lying on my stomach on the bed. There were shackles on my wrists that had chains running to the ends of the head board. They pulled my arms out tight so that I only had a minimal amount of movement. The same thing was done to my legs. I am only assuming they were tied to the footboards because I was still blindfolded. The thing that really got my attention was the fact that there was a pair of very soft hands that was massaging my ass. It hurt like hell at first but as she continued to massage it, the pain lessoned to almost nothing. I assumed that she was putting some type of numbing ointment because when she stopped, I felt absolutely nothing on my ass cheeks.

I was again left alone for I don’t know how long. It seemed like forever. I know it was several hours, but with the blindfold on I had no sense of time. Oh how my cunt was burning with lust. It wanted a nice hard cock and I was almost ready to do anything for it. At some point I dosed off.

Again I don’t know how long I was out but when I woke up there was a dog dish in front of me with what looked like dog food in it. There was also a bottle with a plastic cock on it. There was a hole in the end of the cock so I assumed that it was like a straw. I couldn’t tell what was in it but I hoped that it was water. It was then that I realized that the blind fold had been taken off. I looked at the window and saw that the sun wasn’t up but there was still a bit of light left. I had no idea whether it was dawn or dusk.

I suddenly realized how hungry and thirsty I was. I took the plastic cock in my mouth and sucked. It was a sweet tasting concoction. I was so thirsty that I sucked half of it down before I stopped to eat something.

I tentatively took a dry nugget of food in the bowl and chewed it. It was dry and tasteless. At least it wasn’t horrible. I began eating it as quick as I could because I was famished. When I finished the food I sucked on the cock bottle again and drank the rest of it. I think I was close to finishing when a blind fold was put over my eyes again.

I lay like that for more hours on end. Only this time I felt something begin to lightly touch my cunt lips. It was nothing firm. I couldn’t tell what it was. But it raised my arousal higher and higher.

Whoever it was knew what he/she was doing. Whenever I got close to orgasm, the feeling stopped until it receded enough. Then it started all over again. I don’t know how long this went on but I know it was hours. I was hot as a firecracker and I had been sustained at such a high level of excitement without release that I fell asleep in exhaustion. I dreamt that my cunt was covered with insects all night and they kept me on edge of orgasm. I know it was a restless sleep but it refreshed me.

When I woke up this time, the restraints were gone as was the blindfold. I was more sexually aroused than I had ever been in my life. I can honestly say that at that point I would have fucked anything. When I sat up I saw that there was still no one in the room. As soon as I sat up however, a woman’s voice spoke out of thin air. It said, “You have a choice Lisa. Your agreed time is up from the auction. You can now leave through the door and go home. Or, you can lie across the bench at the foot of the bed and beg to be fucked. Understand that there will be consequences to your decision. If you go out that door, you will be blind folded and taken home, never to see that big black cock again that you wanted to fuck so desperately. On the other hand, if you lie across the bench and beg to be fucked and then fuck what ever cock is made available to you willingly, then you will get to experience that wonderful rod of pleasure that you so desire. Understand that if you make that choice, you will belong to me and will be my slave from now on. You make that choice and I will open new worlds of sexual pleasure to you but the pleasure will come when I say it does and not when you want it. You will never be allowed to go back to the world that you knew ever again. Now what is your choice?”

I knelt there on the center of the bed torn between the choices I had to make. I didn’t want to leave my life from before, especially with my new husband, my daughter getting ready to graduate and my son embarking on a new business. But god I needed to be fucked. I can’t ever remember being so high on lust in my life. I wanted, no needed to be fucked and fucked hard. As I imagined making that choice, giving up everything to become no more than a woman’s property to be played with as she pleases I came. Even though I hadn’t stimulated myself in any way, I still came. Then I thought about lying across that bench and fucking whatever cock I was told and I came again. The problem was that with each cum, I only seemed to get more and more excited. As I began to think of all of the sexual fantasies that I had ever dreamed of and thought about, things suddenly became crystal clear to me. This was the first step to fulfilling all of those fantasies and much, much more.

I got up out of the bed. Every rational thought in my head was screaming at me to walk out that door and go back to my real life. But I couldn’t do that. My legs seemed to have a will of their own. They took me right to the bench and then I knelt there. I stared at the bench for a few minutes before laying myself down on it. Once I laid myself down I saw the shackles there. I first put them on my ankles and then latched them to my wrists. I tried them and found them to be locked tight. I then yelled at the top of my lungs, “FFFFUUUUUCCCCKKKK MMMMEEEE PPPPLLLLEEEEAAAASSSSEEEE!!!!!!!!!”

As soon as I quit saying please I heard the door open and the click of claws on the floor. I looked over my shoulder and I recognized the dog immediately. It was my champion Great Dane Dutch. I would recognize him in the middle of a pack of Danes. As I looked at him he came up behind me and began licking my dripping cunt. God it was wonderful to feel that long rough tongue pushing its way up my cunt and writhing around. I began to cum even harder than I had earlier.

It was after my second good cum on Dutch’s tongue that a woman walked in. She was about 5 feet 5 inches tall and about 110 pounds. She had short black hair and brown eyes. Her measurements were 34C breasts, 25 inch waist and 33 inch hips. She was a very beautiful woman and would catch the eye of any normal red blooded male and she was naked as the day she was born. All she said was, “You know what you want. Ask for it. Ask for it now.”

Even after cumming twice on the dog’s wonderful tongue, I wanted a cock in my cunt. I wanted it so desperately that I didn’t care whose cock it was. I yelled out, “Fuck me. I need a cock, please fuck me.”

The woman quietly asked, “Whose cock do you want Lisa?”

I begged with desperation, “I don’t care. I need a cock. I’ll fuck Dutch if I have to, but I need a cock.”

The woman squatted down in front of me and took my chin in her hand and forced me to look in her eyes. When I did she said, “If you want him to fuck you then ask him to. Look at his nice big cock hanging there just ready to fuck his bitch. You know you want it so ask him for it.”

I looked down at the floor and knew in that second that my soul was lost. I begged saying, “Fuck me Dutch. Please fuck me.”

In no time at all I felt his full weight on my back and his cock banging all around my opening. The woman reached around me and guided his cock into my dripping cunt. All of a sudden I felt the largest cock I’ve ever felt ram in me all the way to my cervix in one quick lunge. I screamed in orgasm. But that was just the beginning. He started fucking me with machine gun rapidity and I came and came, over and over again. Then I felt something big pounding against my cunt every time he fucked in. After all of my years of breeding dogs I knew that it was his knot. I also knew that Dutch’s knot was huge. I hoped I could take it all. I really didn’t have a choice at that point.

When his knot finally forced its way into my cunt, I screamed in pain and the most massive orgasm I’ve ever had. That wonderful knot of his lined up with my G spot and I came and came and came. The woman moved up and stuck her cunt in my face. She ordered me to lick and like the dutiful slave that I knew I was, I complied. I licked her like I had been doing it forever, even though it was my first time.

I had feverishly licked and chewed on her cunt and clit until she was cumming like there was no tomorrow. Then I felt a hot flood of warmth in my belly and I knew that Dutch was cumming in his bitch. It was so wonderful. I screamed in a sustained orgasm like none that I’ve ever had. I passed out from the pleasure.

This time I knew that little time had passed when I woke up. I jerked awake from the smell of ammonia right under my nose. When I was fully alert I realized that Dutch was still on my back and I could feel a spurt or two of cum being shot into my cunt. I started to build to another orgasm from the glorious feeling it was filling me with.

The woman in front of me slapped my face and that backed me off of my imminent cum but not by much. She ordered, “Lick my cunt and listen up. There are several things that are going to happen here in quick succession. First, you are going to lick my cunt as I explain what your new future is going to be. Second, you will finally get to experience that wonderfully big cock that my slave joey sports. He’s the one that bought you for me Friday night. Third, you will go out to the kennel that has ten dogs in it and you will get in that kennel and let every dog there fuck you as many times as he wants. You will not leave that kennel until one of the dogs claims you as his bitch. Fourth and finally, you are my slave. You will now follow my orders unquestioningly or you’ll be punished severely. You are to be my trainer for my dogs because you are the best at what you do in this area. All of the dogs at your kennel now belong to me. You will be training them to have some very special skills. They will go for 50 to 100 thousand dollars by the time you are done with them. But you won’t have need for any of that as my slave so it will all go to pay for your upkeep. That was why I had joey seek you out and buy you. You may have thought it was only going to be for the weekend but it was forever. Finally, when you have accomplished all of that, I will have some divorce papers for you to sign as well as a letter to your husband that will explain why you ran away. Forget your old life bitch. Your new life is just beginning. By the way, you can call me Mistress Marta.”

While my mistress was explaining my tasks and my new life to me, I kept cumming and cumming from Dutch. He had turned his ass end to me now and he would try to pull out about every thirty seconds. Finally it popped out and cum ran down my legs. Mistress Marta ordered, “Get that hand back there and scope all of that cum up and suck it off of your hand. Don’t let a single drop fall on my carpet or I will cane your ass again.”

I did as she ordered as soon as she released my wrists. I quickly had all of his cum cleaned up. I then asked my mistress, “Can I clean Dutch’s cock off my mistress?”

Mistress Marta unhooked my leg shackles and I crawled over to Dutch who had just started to lick his cock. I leaned in and sucked his cock into my mouth and sucked it clean. When I was done I asked, “May I please fuck joey now my mistress?”

Mistress Marta said out loud to no one in particular, “Joey, it’s time. Come and give her what she has wanted since she saw you Friday night.”

A couple of minutes later, joey came in the room. He was naked and his cock was hanging down about ten inches. He stood in front of me and I didn’t hesitate to suck that monster into my mouth and suck it for all I was worth. After a couple of minutes he was hard. I pulled off and in as lusty a voice as I could muster I begged, “Fuck me joey. Fuck me please.”

Joey walked around to my ass and as I knelt on all fours he began caressing my sore ass cheeks. He lined up his cock with my ass hole and began to push.

I screamed, “Don’t fuck my ass. Not in my ass please. I’ve never had anything in my ass before.”

He slapped my ass hard causing me to yelp in pain. He said, “You asked me to fuck you so shut up and let me fuck you. You don’t get to choose which hole gets fucked. You just take whatever cock is offered you in whatever hole I or anyone else decides to fuck.”

He rammed that hard cock in as hard as he could. I screamed bloody murder from the pain. He ignored my screams or relished them, probably a bit of both. I’ll never know which. He pumped and pumped for a long time until finally I felt my ass flooded with warmth. It never did feel good. I think that is because it was my first time and his cock was so big. When he was done he pulled out and walked in front of me and stuck his shit covered cock in my face. Mistress Marta ordered, “One of my cardinal rules is that you will always suck clean whatever cock you get dirty. Whether it is from your cunt or ass and whether it is human or animal, you will suck it clean. Now get busy.”

I put my mouth over his cock and started sucking it. I had to stifle the urge to throw up, but I somehow managed. When he was clean he backed away. He said, “Follow me”, and turned to head out the door.

I started to stand up when I heard Mistress Marta yell, “Crawl slut.”

I got back down on all fours and crawled as fast as I could to keep up. He stopped in front of a kennel full of a bunch of dogs. That’s when I remembered what Mistress Marta had said. I looked at joey and asked, “Is she serious? Do I really have to let all of those dog’s fuck me?”

Joey just said, “Get in”

I knew then that I had no choice. I really don’t know why I was so reluctant to go in because my cunt was dripping in excitement of being fucked over and over again by all of those dogs. I crawled in the kennel and heard joey close and lock the gate. I was now stuck in that kennel until the dogs were done with me or they came to take me out.

I was immediately descended upon by the dogs. Every one of them was male and they smelled a bitch in heat. Their instincts were driving them and they were going to mate with the bitch. There was only one of me and ten of the dogs. It didn’t take long before the dogs were fighting amongst themselves trying to establish dominance.

The dogs were getting extremely violent with each other and I was panicking because I was afraid they would attack me. I didn’t realize that the dogs were fighting over me for first rights to mate with their bitch. I started to get up and get away but one of the dogs that was behind me jumped up with his front paws hitting my back and knocking me down on all fours. The dog started to mount me but another dog attacked him and knocked him off. I decided I was safer just staying where I was but I was shaking uncontrollably out of fear that one of the dogs was going to attack me. Finally the Rottweiller had the other dogs cowering and mounted me from behind. The thing about all of the dogs that had been placed in the kennel run with me was that they were all bred specially for the size of their cock and knot. They had also been trained to have sex with humans. The Rottweiller Quickly found his mark and sunk his cock in to the hilt in my cunt. I grunted from the suddenness of the invasion and then let out a squeal of pain when the dog mashed up against my cunt.

Once the dog sank his cock in to my cunt, he started rapidly growing larger and longer. His knot started to form and it was already the size of a large orange and he was banging it against the entrance to my cunt. This caused me severe pain because it kept banging against my tender cunt lips. Finally with a mighty thrust, the dog slammed his knot in to my cunt. He started fucking in and out much quicker and I could feel his knot continuing to grow. It soon felt as if the knot was going to split me wide open and I groaned in pain almost continually.

I wasn’t paying any attention to any of the other dogs when I felt a very heavy weight land on my back. I opened my eyes and was staring at one of the largest cocks I have ever seen. The Saint Bernard had jumped up on my back and was now starting to walk his feet forward. As he did, his cock continued to extend and was now poking me in the nose. I knew what I was expected to do and in order to prevent myself from being punished I took the cock in my mouth and started sucking. He Started fucking my mouth and I felt it continue to grow and extend down her throat. His cock finally stopped growing at 12 inches. Fortunately for me the dog’s knot was too big to enter my mouth. Unfortunately that meant that every time the dog thrust in, his knot mashed against my nose. It hit against me so hard that my nose started bleeding and there wasn’t a thing I could do about it. All of a sudden I felt my insides being flooded in warmth from the Rottweiller’s cum. When he was done he turned around and stood ass end to ass end with me.

I could feel the tension in my cunt start to lessen. The Saint Bernard rammed his cock down hard one more time and I felt my throat being flooded with his cum. I swallowed as fast as I could and still cum escaped out of the corners of my mouth. When he was done cumming he pulled out only to be replaced by another dog. It was apparent that they had established a pecking order. The dog now fucking my mouth was an Irish Wolf Hound. Ten minutes after the dog started fucking my mouth the Rottweiller finally pulled out. The Mastiff took his place and started trying to put his cock in my cunt and after the fifth try he finally had his aim right and sank his cock in.

The ten dogs continued fucking my cunt and mouth through the night and into the next morning. I was totally exhausted from the ordeal. Many times during the night I collapsed in exhaustion, but the dogs would growl, bark and nip at me until I struggled back up on all fours. They then would resume fucking me. At around three in the morning the dogs began dropping off and going to lay in a part of the kennel run and go to sleep. At ten in the morning the last dog left fucking me was the Rottweiller. He was on his fifth fuck since they started. My cunt was spread so wide and so slick from the dog cum that when he came the last time he slipped out immediately. I fell to the ground immediately, right where I was with cum pouring out of my cunt. I also had cum covering my face and tits where what I couldn’t swallow escaped out around my mouth. I couldn’t remember how many times I had cum through the night. But I do know that I was in a state of bliss that I never wanted to give up. The huge Rottweiller lied down beside me and put his head on my shoulder and fell asleep. I felt so content at that moment that I felt as if I had truly found my place in the world. I was soon sound asleep on the hard concrete floor of the kennel.

That afternoon Mistress Marta let me out of the kennel. She told me that the Rottweiller was named Jonesy and that he was my master now. She told me that whenever he barked at me twice in a row that he wanted to fuck me. A bark and a growl and he wanted me to suck him and two barks and a growl meant that he wanted to fuck my ass. I told my mistress that I understood.

That was the beginning of a wonderful new life. I got to do the job that I loved to do and experience and at the same time I lived my most perverse fantasies. I now train the dogs to have sex with humans as well as training them as security dogs. I still get to train an occasional one for health assistance on rare occasion. But what I live for is to be fucked by my master Jonesy. He fucks me at least five to seven times a day.

During the past couple of months I have been rewarded many times by my mistress, but I have also been punished severely. I don’t dare disobey my mistress for any reason. I also remember her bringing me papers to sign and I did as she wanted. I signed them and addressed an envelope to my dear husband.

It is now early May and Mistress Marta told me that a new slave was coming in. She said it was a surprise for me. She said that because I was being such a good and cooperative slave, I would be put in charge of training the new slave like I was trained. I couldn’t believe that mistress was going to trust me to train her new slave.

It was almost two in the morning when I heard the van pulling into the driveway. I couldn’t wait to see Blackie and Goldie again. They had been gone for a month and they were two of my favorites. I was also anxious to see who the new slave was and get busy beginning her training.

The two guys got out first and I saw a girl get out of the van. I didn’t get a good look at her but her hair was remarkably like my daughter’s. Then the guys started walking up towards the kennels where I was waiting for them with a kennel full of dogs. In the light that was available, I finally got a good look at her at the same time she saw me. It was my daughter Cynthia.

As we stood there in stunned silence she ran to me and wrapped her arms around me crying, “You’re alive… You’re alive…. I thought you were killed in the car accident with dad. But you’re alive.”

I wanted to tell her to run and get away from there but I was a well trained slut by then. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I hugged her tight and turned and walked to the kennel full of dogs holding her hand. I told her “Yes I’m alive. I didn’t know about any accident but I’ve been here for two months. I divorced your stepfather back then. This is my life now. And it is going to be your life now too.”

I had got to the gate of the kennel. I turned toward her and put my arms on her shoulders and looked her in her eyes. I couldn’t believe how fucking excited I was by then. I was still mortified by what I was going to do, but I was such a well trained slave that I ignored that little voice in my head screaming at me about how wrong this all was. Cum was literally flowing down my thighs from my excitement as I told her, “You are beginning your training now and I am your trainer.”

I opened the gate and pushed her in the kennel saying, “This is your new home for the next couple of days. When your new master has claimed you then I will start your training for real. I locked the gate to the kennel and turned away. I cried all of the way back to my doggy bed and laid down with Jonesy. I cried into his neck for hours. I didn’t want to train my daughter. But I also didn’t want to disappoint my mistress. I knew instinctively that this was a test, that if I could do this, I could do anything. When I thought about how happy my mistress would be if I trained Cynthia, well I almost came. That was the point where I began to really know that I would do what my mistress wanted. I would train my daughter to be the best doggy bitch alive.


Chapter Three – Cynthia learns to Love Doggies

Cynthia Palmer felt betrayed. She had already been raped by two dogs at the hands of two thugs. She thought that she was alone in the world and when she saw her mother she was so excited that she almost forgot how she got there and that she was walking naked with a leash and collar that was being pulled by a guy that had made her screw dogs. Having her mom back made her so excited she wanted to hug her and never let go. She told her mom briefly how she thought she was dead and that she loved her and missed her. Then her mom did something that left her totally stunned. She pushed her into a kennel with about 10 dogs and locked her in. She was so shocked by what her mom did that she couldn’t say a word. She just stared at her mom as she walked away. From what she could tell her mom didn’t even shed a tear over what she had done.

About that time, Cynthia heard a growl from behind her. She turned around and found that all of the dogs were surrounding her. She just knew that the dogs were going to attack her and hurt her. She started to scoot around the fence of the kennel, keeping her back to the fence. She couldn’t think of anything to do. A big Doberman lined up next to the fence in the direction she was moving and he snarled at her and nipped her buttocks. This caused her to jump away from him and she turned to face him. A big Irish Wolfhound jumped up and put all of his weight into his front legs. He hit her in the middle of the back and knocked her over. It all happened so fast that she didn’t have a chance to react. It was almost as if they were acting in concert with one another.

Cynthia fell forward and was just able to brace herself with her hands in time to keep her face from hitting the ground. She felt the big wolfhound on her back and he was a heavy dog. She pushed up and tried to gather her feet under her to get up. When she did, he bit down on her neck and growled. He didn’t bite hard enough to break skin but it was hard enough to let Cynthia know that he wouldn’t let her get up. And it seemed to her that he was bigger and heavier over all than she was.

Cynthia felt the dog reposition himself on her back as he began to hump her ass. She soon realized that his cock was banging all around her ass hole. She couldn’t imagine what this dog’s knot was like. He was so much bigger than the two retrievers that she had been made to fuck earlier that she definitely didn’t want to try the thing in her ass.

Cynthia reached back and grabbed the dog’s cock and pulled the end down until it was lined up with her sore pussy. As soon as he felt the nice warm and wet sheath surround the end of his prick he lunged.

Cynthia gasped as she felt the massive dog prick invade her warm sheath. She let out a grunt as the force of the dog’s entry knocked the breath out of her. The wolfhound did what nature demanded and began to piston rapidly in and out of her. At first Cynthia was feeling pain at the invasion of the third dog cock in her body within the last eight hours. But as the dog kept pounding away, his knot began to grow and it banged incessantly on her outer lips. She started getting more and more excited as the knot began to force her pussy lips wide.

At the same time as the knot forced its way into her tight sheath, the Doberman launched itself onto Cynthia’s upper back. His cock was forced into her open mouth as she was gasping for air due to her sudden and massive orgasm. The trained Doberman sank its cock to the hilt and she choked and gagged from it. Her stomach cramped and tried to empty the contents of her stomach but the cock was so deep down her throat that it plugged her throat and prevented her from purging.

After a few thrusts, she finally got used to the dog cock fucking her throat. After a couple of more minutes, she heard the wolfhound howl as she felt the warmth of his cum spread through her. The wolfhound soon turned until his ass end was facing Cynthia’s and faced out. He snarled and growled at the other dogs that were anxiously awaiting their turn. Thirty minutes later, he pulled out and a flood of doggy cum flooded out of her cunt.

Cynthia was still struggling with the Doberman cock that was fucking her throat and trying to keep his knot from forcing its way into her mouth. She felt a heavy weight land on her back and she wished she could turn her head around to see what dog was trying to mount her. If she hadn’t been using one of her hands to keep the Doberman’s knot out of her mouth, she would have been able to prevent what happened next.

A large Great Dane had landed on her back and was moving his hind quarters back and forth rapidly, trying to sink his massive cock into one of Cynthia’s holes. Without any assistance, when he felt the tip of his cock start to penetrate, he lunged forward hard and fast. Cynthia screamed in pain around the cock in her throat as the Dane’s huge cock pushed violently into her anal rosebud, sinking halfway in with the first lunge. Just then the Doberman howled and began to cum and flood her throat. Her scream came out muted and garbled with some of it spraying out her nose as none could escape her mouth. By reflex she swallowed the doggy cum down after she quit screaming as she really had no other option.

No sooner had the Doberman turned around, than his cock came sliding out of Cynthia’s throat. Cynthia regurgitated some of the cum back up but just barely kept from throwing up. She looked over her shoulder and saw the Great Dane that was plowing her nether regions at the moment. She also saw all of the other dogs that were lined up impatiently waiting for their turn. They had established a pecking order and would wait there turn.

Cynthia decided in that moment that it was no use to fight it. She gave herself over to the lustful, primitive feelings that had begun to flow through her after the first dog cock that fucked her. As a matter of fact, she still had never experienced the feeling of a human cock. She figured if her life was to be one of having endless sex with dogs, she might as well enjoy it.

Cynthia spent the next seven hours being repeatedly fucked by the dogs in all of her holes. She had become so exhausted that she had fallen down to her elbows and rested her head on her crossed arms. She wanted to just lie down and curl up so they would quite screwing her. But every time she tried a dog would come up and nip her on the ass until she got back up on her knees with her ass in the air. Even though her pussy and ass were sore, she actively pushed back to meet the thrusts of the dogs because it increased the pleasure she was getting. She had long ago quit counting the number of orgasms she had. She hadn’t thought it was possible to experience so much pleasure in such a short amount of time. There was a puddle of cum under her that was a mix of her juices and all of the dogs that had cum in her.

It was in the eighth hour of her time in the kennel that things finally began to settle down. The times between dogs coming up to her got longer and longer and one time she had gone about thirty minutes without being bothered by one of the dogs. She dozed off like that with her ass in the air and her head on her arms and dreamed that she lived like a dog. That she spent 24 hours a day naked cavorting around with a pack of dogs and she would not just have sex with them when they wanted, but actively sought them out and would get them excited enough to fuck her. She even dreamed that she took two dogs at a time on a regular basis. The thing that startled her enough to cause her to wake up though was when she dreamed that she had taken on three dogs at the same time. The thing that shocked her awake was the fact that she shuddered in orgasm without any stimulation from a dog.

In her half wakeful state, Cynthia began to fantasize about doing three dogs at the same time and she found herself getting incredibly excited about the prospect. When she woke up fully she saw that the big Irish Wolfhound was lying on the ground in front of her looking at her. She looked around and noticed that the other dogs were a greater distance from her and they were also staring at her. She decided that she would see if it was possible to get three of the dogs to have sex with her at the same time.

Cynthia crawled over to the wolfhound and pushed on his side as she said in a raspy voice caused by having taken so many cocks in her throat, “On your back boy, so I can take care of you.”

The wolfhound seemed to understood what she wanted and rolled over. His cock was starting to extend out of his sheath as Cynthia lowered her head and took the tip in her mouth. She sucked on the tip and allowed it to extend into her mouth as it hardened. When it was hard enough, she quit sucking on his cock and straddled the dog. She guided the rampant dog cock into her pussy and slowly sank down on to his massive prick. She began a slow steady fucking of the dog and as she moved up and down on his shaft she gasped out ‘Ass’… ‘Fuck’… ‘Come on… fuck… my.. ass.’

After less than a minute of gasping out the command to the dogs, two of them finally got up and slowly approached her. Cynthia gasped out again, ‘Ass’… ‘Fuck’… as she slapped her ass with one hand and supported herself with the other. A black lab came up to her and began to lick the cum that was streaming out of her ass and where she was joined with the wolfhound. A large tricolor collie came up and launched up onto her back over her head which put his cock in front of her eyes. She slapped her ass again and in a commanding voice yelled, “Fuck my ass boy, fuck my ass”.

That seemed to finally get through to the lab and he launched himself up onto her back and started trying to sink his cock into her. She reached back and guided the dog’s prick until the tip hit her anal rosebud. When he felt the tight sheath begin to grip the end of his prick, he lunged and sunk it in to the halfway point. Cynthia quickly put her hand down in front of her to support the extra weight of the two dogs before she collapsed. The collie had been scooting closer and closer to her until she could just lean forward a bit and get the end of his cock into her mouth. As soon as he felt her lips around his cock, he moved his legs quite a bit closer and began to fuck her with quick machine gun thrusts. Each thrust went a bit further down her throat.

Cynthia was in heaven. Almost as soon as she had all three dog cocks in her three holes, she began cumming. She began with a massive orgasm that was far better than any she had ever had. The eroticism of what she was doing and the utter debauchery of it was fueling her orgasms. As soon as she began to come down from that orgasm, the constant assault by the three dogs sent her back over the edge into an even greater one. This kept happening over and over again until she was experiencing one continuous orgasm.

The first dog to cum was the collie. She struggled to swallow the copious amounts of cum that he was injecting into her throat. Finally the dog pulled back as the last few spurts of cum shot out and covered Cynthia’s face. She began to scream in ecstasy from the wonderful full body orgasm she was experiencing. She had never imagined she could feel this good but it just seemed to keep getting better as the two dogs kept assaulting her ass and pussy. The black lab finally came in her ass which pushed her even higher. Before he was done, the wolfhound also began to cum. She screamed out in such wonderful ecstasy that they heard it all of the way up at the house. The scream was cut off quickly as Cynthia finally passed out in exhaustion onto the wolfhound.

Cynthia finally woke up to find she didn’t even have the strength to look and see which dog it was that was currently using her for his pleasure. She mustered all of her strength and turned her head and caught a quick glimpse and saw that the Irish Wolfhound was on her back and screwing her senseless. She couldn’t remember how many times he had been with her but she knew that he had continually butted into the line to have his way with her. The other dogs were always deferential to him and would quickly get out of the way. She guessed that he had fucked her at least a half dozen times and here he was, having another go, even after that wonderful threesome. When she was finally awake enough, she began to thrust back on him in time with his thrusts into her. She began to wonder how long she had been out and how she had gotten from having him on his back with his cock up her sweet juicy cunt, to having him on her hands and knees while he thoroughly pounded his meat into her stretched cunt.

Cynthia guessed she would never know. She then became aware of clapping coming from inside the kennel. She looked around and found that the wolfhound was the only dog left. Then she noticed that the claps she heard were from two women that were standing just inside the now open gate to the kennel. One was her mother and the other was a shorter, much younger black haired woman that looked like she was from the Mediterranean. They stood and watched until the wolfhound was finished with her and then approached her as the dog curled up by her and began to clean himself off. Cynthia decided that she wanted to do that for him and crawled the short distance and leaned in, taking his prick into her mouth. She sucked on it for a couple of minutes until she was sure it was clean and then hugged the dog’s neck like he was a long lost lover.

She finally remembered the other two women in the kennel and sat up and looked at her mother. She turned red from embarrassment at her mom watching her in such a sordid situation. Before she could say anything, her mom spoke up and said, “That was such a touching display of love for your new canine master. I’m glad you enjoy having him because he has selected you to be his bitch. From now on, wherever you go he will go. I know you have a lot of questions and I will answer them in a few moments. But before I do, I want you to meet my Mistress. This is Mistress Marta and I am her sex slave. I have been here of my own free will since February. I’ll tell you the story later, but understand that I’m here because I want to be. You however aren’t. At first I was upset at them taking you like they did, but after the last few hours, I agree that she did the right thing for you and for me. Before you ask me anything, I want you to come over here and kneel on your heals in front of my Mistress and thank her for allowing Teddy there to take you as your bitch.”

Cynthia didn’t fully understand what was going on at that time but one thing she knew. She was fully converted to sex with dogs and she loved her new canine master, Teddy. She thought how nice it was that she now knew his name. She knelt in front of Mistress Marta and began to talk. Before she could say anything, her mom was busy moving her legs and arms and back until she was in the proper position. When her mom finally stepped back, Cynthia looked up at Mistress Marta to speak, only to feel a slap on her back side. Her mom quickly said, “Don’t look at my mistress unless she gives you permission. You also need to ask her for permission to speak. You do that by being in the position I but you in, with you head bowed and your hands on your thighs palm up. Otherwise, kneel with you palms down. She will decide whether to let you speak or not. If she decides against it, then don’t say a word or you’ll be punished. Now do it properly.”

Cynthia assumed the position her mom had told her and waited, and waited and waited some more. She was about to move and say something without permission when Mistress Marta said, “You may speak Cynthia.”

Cynthia took in a deep breath and said, “Thank you for allowing Teddy…”.

Her mom interrupted, “Master Teddy”.

Cynthia started again and said, “Thank you for allowing Master Teddy to select me as his bitch. He is an absolutely wonderful lover. Thank you so much mistress.” Cynthia actually surprised herself that she really meant it. She loved her new canine master.

Mistress Marta patted Cynthia on the head like she was a dog and answered, “You are very welcome pet. Now please listen carefully to what your mother is going to tell you. You have a decision to make and it will be a hard one. She has a lot to tell you that you need to hear to understand why you were taken the way you were. Listen carefully and she will ask you to decide on one of three choices that you have before you. Don’t answer immediately, but think about them as long as you like. Once you make your decision it will be irrevocable. Please make sure that it is what you really want. Now listen to your mother. She will tell me what you have decided when the time comes.”

Mistress Marta turned and walked out of the kennel and Lisa got down on her knees by her daughter and hugged her as she cried at having her with her. They were tears of sadness, betrayal, relief, happiness and love all wrapped into one. She knelt like that as her daughter patted her back and told her, “It’s going to be all right mom, I don’t understand, but we’re together and that is what matters. I don’t blame you for any of this. Now tell me what you need to. I’m ready to hear what you have to say.

Lisa finally got control of her self and after wiping her tears away began telling Cynthia what she had learned.


First and foremost I want you to know that I never imagined that you would be involved in any of this. As for me, I’ve kept a secret from you guys for many years. It was what drove your father from me because he couldn’t understand my needs. I have always craved to be made to submit. When I told your father initially, he thought I was sick and demanded that I never speak of it again. I managed successfully to keep that need suppressed for many years but after you and Dave left home it began to really eat at me. I started going on line and joining all sorts of websites and reading stories about BDSM and bestiality and other perversions. It excited me so much. I even had an online master a few times but it wasn’t enough. I finally broke down and demanded that your dad take his rightful place as my master and do all the things that I had fantasized about. That was what finally drove him away. It made him sick to even look at me after that so we got a divorce.

After that, I really hit the internet and began meeting guys I met in the chat rooms. One of them was your step dad. He really was wonderful, but we never really had a chance to explore everything we wanted to because he kept leaving on business. Last January he went to a foreign country for his company and wasn’t going to come back until the end of April.

I found a website and chat room that focused on interracial domination, particularly black males dominating white females. When I noticed that they were going to do a fund raising slave auction, I decided to participate. What I didn’t know was that one of the guys I chatted with on the website was a slave of Mistress Marta. When he found out that I trained dogs for a living, he told his mistress about me. Mistress Marta as you can see trains dogs in a very special way. She wanted to expand the dogs training to include other areas as well and when she found out about me volunteering for the slave auction, she told Joey, her slave, to make sure that he bought me for the three day president’s weekend.

To make a long story short, not once during the three days did they allow me to have sex with Joey and that is what I wanted. They kept me excited and on the verge of orgasm all weekend. When my time was over they gave me a choice to let a dog screw me and then I could have Joey or I could leave and return to my life. Well this was right out of one of my fantasies that I wanted to experience so I decided to stay and become their slave. The only time I’ve regretted that decision was when I saw you being loaded off of the van. But when I found out why that was done, I agreed that Mistress Marta did the right thing because the alternative was to frightening to consider.

It seems that in the process of studying me and my background, Mistress Marta’s investigators discovered something very sinister that was going on with your brother Dave. As you know, last fall I loaned $100,000 to your brother, supposedly to start up his own construction business. What he actually used it for was to pay off a small percentage of the money he owed to his bookie for gambling debts. It seems that your brother ran up in excess of $300,000 in debt and they were demanding their money. The money I gave him bought him a little time, but since then he hasn’t been able to come up with a fraction of the money he owed and he has gone into hiding.

Because they couldn’t find Dave, they began to focus on his family, namely you and me. They began following both of us to learn our movements. After I disappeared, they stepped up their efforts in monitoring you and trying to find Dave. Mistress Marta had directed that her investigators keep an eye on you so if they decided to move on you, then she would prevent it.

While all of this was going on, I knew nothing about it. I was too busy being trained to be a perfect slave and training my dogs. I transferred my kennel business and all of my dogs to here and I train them here now. I decided that to be fair to your stepfather that I needed to divorce him. I had found what I was looking for in life and never wanted to leave my new life. Mistress allowed me to keep contact with him on the internet so he wouldn’t suspect. I wanted to tell him in person and give him the divorce papers. The divorce papers were ready and I planned on being at home on his scheduled day of arrival.

It seems though that he returned a few days early and when he found that I wasn’t at home, decided to take a drive in his new convertible that he got for Christmas. As you know, he passed away when his car crashed into the Columbia River. Mistress Marta didn’t tell me about the accident. She was getting ready to drive me there when she heard on the radio that I had been declared missing and most likely dead in the accident because they could find no trace of me and the last email I sent to him told him I couldn’t wait for him to get back home. They just assumed that I meant that I wanted to be with him but what I really meant was I couldn’t wait to serve divorce papers on him.

Mistress Marta decided that it was for the best and just told me that I no longer needed to go see him about the divorce. She didn’t tell me why. She said that I should just forget about it and everything would work out just fine. She thought that the remnants of the estate would give Dave what he needed to pay off his bookie and everything so she decided that it was best for me to be listed as missing and presumed dead. That way you guys would get whatever was left of my estate. She didn’t know about all of my debts or she might have made a different decision.

After the accident Mistress Marta kept an eye on you and kept me posted on how you were doing. It seems that during the funeral and subsequent days after, there were several men that Mistress’ investigators spotted casing you. They followed them without being found out and were able to actually get some video and audio of several of their meetings. I watched them while you were with the dogs. It seemed that they were going to abduct you and turn you into a high priced whore initially and when they wore you out that way, they would just make you a crack whore until you paid off all of your brother’s debts. Once they were done with you, they decided they would knock you off with a massive overdose of drugs. No one would ask questions about a crack whore overdosing.

When Mistress’ investigators found out what was being planned, they notified Mistress Marta. Mistress ordered that they monitor things closely and only move in when it was imminent that you were going to be abducted.

Apparently during the day on your last day of school, Mistress’ investigators found out that the order had been given to abduct you. They knew that you were in your lab at that time and so when you left they followed you. They put a little cocktail mix in your drink at the bar to get you sexually excited and make you a little more pliable. They followed you back to your apartment and that’s where they took you. They did things the way they did because they planted evidence in the house leading to the goons that were going to abduct you anyway. What they told you about your brother was absolutely true. The rest you know.

I didn’t know any of this until Mistress showed me the tapes and audio. She explained about the accident to me as well to help me understand why you thought I was dead. I didn’t know about any of this, but Mistress Marta wanted me to know that she takes good care of her slaves. She said that when she has someone as valuable as I am that she will go to the end of the earth to make sure my needs are met and that expands to watching out over my family. After she explained everything to me, I agreed that she made the right decision. Now Mistress Marta told you that you have a decision to make. Now that you have heard the whole story, please think hard about your choices.

Your first choice is to go back to the life you had before. Mistress Marta and I will never be a part of your life again and Teddy will stay here as well. Keep in mind that the order to abduct you is still out there. You would most likely end up as I explained.

Your second choice is to give up on your dreams and stay here as a kennel slut. I will use you to help train my dogs sexually and in every other way. You will be able to screw the dogs as often as you want. Teddy will be with you always while you are here. You would become a slave of Mistress Marta and I would be responsible for training you.

I can see from your face that you’re getting excited over that one, but before you say anything, listen to the third choice. It has a couple of possibilities, but one in particular that I think you would be extremely excited about.

The third choice is to become the slave to a young master who will be going to the east coast to medical school there. You would go with him, along with Teddy, and either attend medical school with him or, and this is the one I think you would really like, attend veterinary school. It seems that the president of the university is a member of their organization and has seen your grades. He has promised you admittance to either college of your choice. The organization would pay for your schooling and you would practice exclusively for their organization for the rest of your life when you graduated. You have to make your decision on this without knowing who the young master is. A slave doesn’t get to choose their master.

Now think about your options and tell me your decision when you make it. Mistress Marta would like to know by tomorrow. The young master is here now and will come to you if you make your decision. I think you’ll be very surprised and happy at who it is. I’ve met him more than once and he’s a very nice man. Think hard before you make your choice.


Cynthia stared at her mother with a look of happiness that just made her glow. She said, “I don’t even have to think about it mom. You know I’ve always wanted to become a veterinarian. There are so few schools and they are so hard to get into that I never even hoped to get accepted into one. That’s why I focused on medical school so hard. If I get the chance to keep Teddy, attend veterinary school and still come back on occasion to screw these wonderful dogs, then I don’t care who the master is. I want option three.”

Lisa left the kennel and went up to the house. When she returned, she had Mistress Marta and Cynthia’s new master with her. What they found when they got back to the kennel was Cynthia on all fours being thoroughly screwed by Teddy. They stood and watched until he was done. Cynthia was still quite stretched from all of the dogs she had fucked over the last couple of days and he pulled out immediately after he was done. She immediately turned around and cleaned their combined juices off his cock.

When she was finished, she looked up at her audience. Her hands immediately went to her mouth and she blushed from head to toe as she exclaimed “ROB”.

There between her mother and Mistress Marta was her boyfriend Rob. Her mother quickly spoke and said, “I told you that you would like him and that I had met him many times. I just didn’t say where because Mistress didn’t want you to know who he was. As a matter of fact, he didn’t even know it was you until he arrived here yesterday. You see, his parents are members of this organization and he had decided not to join in on their activities. It seems that when he was accepted into Medical school at the university I was telling you about, Mistress Marta took action. She realized what your desires were and what the organization needs were so she got the council to agree to pay all of his tuition if he took a slave to school with him that would be attending the school as well. He agreed and came here to meet his slave. You should have seen how happy he was when he found out who the slave was. I think he loves you. Mistress and I will leave you with him for now. I know you want to spend some private time together. Oh and don’t worry about getting pregnant. The gruel that you have been eating has birth control drugs in them so enjoy.”

As her mother and Mistress Marta left, Cynthia got up and ran to Rob and literally jumped in his arms and planted the most passionate kiss on him that she could. He was surprised at the passion that she kissed him with. He had kissed her many times, but never had she been this passionate. When she finally broke for air, she looked in his eyes with love and said, “I am so glad it was you. Do you know how much I love you? When they told me you were going camping with that slut roommate of mine, I was devastated. But here you are. If I have to be a slave, I’ll be your slave forever if you’ll have me.”

Rob said, “I was going to go camping with her and about 40 others. I wasn’t taking her as a date. I was just going to pick her up to go meet the others. But early that morning I got this mysterious phone call from Marta about the possibility of a slave going to the same medical school I was going to and that if she did, the council would like me to take responsibility for her. She didn’t tell me who it was but I agreed to do it. I didn’t find out until I got here that it was you. When I saw you in the kennel with all of those dogs, it had to be the hottest thing I ever saw. It made me love you even more. I’m glad it was you. You can tell me later all about how you ended up here. Right now I want to make love to you.”

Rob laid Cynthia down on the Kennel floor and immediately stripped out of his clothes. He got down and lined his turgid 8 inch cock with the entrance of her well used pussy and began to make sweet love to her. He kept at it for about four minutes before he came in her. Cynthia didn’t have an orgasm, but she was well on the way to one. When he pulled out, she turned around and sucked him clean. She didn’t stop however and kept sucking until he was hard again.

Once Rob was hard, Cynthia turned around and looked back at him and asked, “Please stick that nice hard cock in my ass Master Rob. I need a good ass fucking. I want you to be the first human cock to take all three of my holes. I give them to you willingly.”

Rob wasn’t about to turn her down. He quickly sank his cock into her ass to the hilt. As he was pounding her he said, “I accept your submission to me my slave. You are mine and I want to make it legal as well. Before I take you to school and after your training, I will marry you. After we graduate and return here, you will have lots and lots of kids. I will get you all of the dogs you want as well.”

Cynthia was already at the edge of orgasm when Rob said he would marry her. That made her so excited that she tripped over into a major orgasm. When she started to come down she knew what would make the whole thing perfect. She yelled “Teddy Suck”.

Teddy got up and came over to her, his cock extending out of its sheath in preparation to take his slave’s oral cavity. He launched himself up and landed heavily on her back. His cock was in perfect position for her to lean her head forward to suck. She took it in and closed her eyes in pleasure as she imagined her future with her true love and her canine master. She thought her life was over and when she thought about it, she realized that it was. Her old life was over and she was getting ready to embark on a new life that combined the best of her old and a completely new wonderful world she had never imagined.


Chapter Four – Cynthia’s Training and Graduation Ceremony

Cynthia was asleep and dreaming. In her dream she found herself lying in bed with her boyfriend. She was spooned against his back with her breasts mashed against his back. She dreamed that he was licking her pussy and asshole. Her brain was in a fog and it eventually figured out the impossibility of her boyfriend licking her with her lying with him as she was. That’s when she woke up and found that it wasn’t a dream. She was in fact laying in the middle of a King size bed spooned against her boyfriend and something was licking her and it felt wonderful. She looked down and back over her shoulder and saw Master Teddy lying down on his stomach with his hind legs under him and the front legs extended forward. He had stretched his head forward and was licking her.

That’s when everything that had happened in the last two days came rushing back. She remembered the nightmare of the dog rape, the betrayal of her mother and then all of her dreams being made real. She remembered her mother’s explanation about her brother’s gambling problem and his betrayal of the family.

She started to get angry until she remembered the wonderful feelings she had in the kennel with all of those dogs. How they mad her feel so good that she lost all other focus other than the depraved but erotic bubble she found herself in. Finally she remembered that she had agreed to be a slave to some organization and that she had to be owned by a master. Then she remembered that her master was none other than her boyfriend whom she loved more than life itself and that he was going to give her all of her most precious dreams.

That’s when she had her first small orgasm of the morning caused by Master Teddy’s ever persistent tongue. When she had recovered from her mild orgasm she decided that it was a wonderful way to wake up. She rolled away from Rob and very gently got him to roll over onto his back. She then very carefully crawled to the end of the bed and positioned herself kneeling between his legs. She leaned forward and opening her mouth took his limp cock in. She started to gently suck him and was rewarded for her efforts as his cock started hardening.

Rob groaned in his sleep from the pleasure Cynthia was giving him. She continued to gently suck and lick him all over. She had just gotten his cock fully hard when she felt a heavy weight land on her back. She let out a surprised grunt and immediately knew that Master Teddy wanted to take his slave. She stopped sucking just long enough to reach back and guide her canine master’s cock into her dripping cunt.

When Cynthia felt Master Teddy’s cock sink all of the way in she refocused her efforts back on Master Rob’s cock. As the big Irish Wolf Hound fucked her she groaned around Rob’s cock. That’s when she heard Rob say, “My god what a wonderful way to wake up. You can wake me up every morning like this my slave, my love.”

She looked up and saw that he was watching her being fucked by her dog as she sucked him. She saw the love in his eyes and tried to look back at him with all of the love she could muster. She was getting close to cumming and she wanted him to cum with her so she redoubled her efforts. She started forcing his cock farther and farther down her throat until it finally hit the back. She gagged at first but she remembered how she had to swallow to keep from throwing up when the dogs fucked her throat in the kennel. She went down again and this time when his cock reached the back of her throat she swallowed and it went down easily. She sank her mouth down until she felt his pubic hairs against her nose. She sucked and twirled her tongue around his cock to provide as much stimulation as possible. She could tell that he was getting close from his groans of pleasure.

She herself was getting close and Teddy’s knot was banging insistently against her nether lips. She was so close to cumming that a moment later when his knot forced its way into her cunt she screamed out her cum. The vibrations caused by her screaming was all that it took to sent Rob over the edge. He started cumming just as Teddy’s cock started pulsing stream after boiling stream of dog cum into her cunt. She shook from the glorious wave of pleasure that flowed through her.

Cynthia swallowed the cum that was being pumped into her throat as best she could. She had to pull off though because of lack of air and received the last couple of blasts across her nose and on her chin. She looked up towards Rob and with a big grin on her face as she took the finger of one hand and scraped the cum off of her chin and sucked it off her finger in as sexy a manner as she could. Then she repeated the process with the cum that was on her nose.

It was about that time that Teddy turned around ass end to ass end with her to wait for his knot to shrink down enough to pull out. She was absolutely glowing from the wonderful feelings. Then she heard Rob say, “You are absolutely the sexiest, most beautiful woman in the world my love.”

Cynthia glowed at the praise and answered, “Thank you Master of my Heart. Your love slave only desires to make you happy.”

Rob sat up and began to gently stroke her hair and cheeks as he responded, “You don’t know how happy I am that you agreed to be mine. I promise to always be a gentle and loving master. But I also promise to give you a firm and thorough tanning if you ever displease me. Now we have to think of your new slave name. All slaves have a name given to them. But I love you too much to force a name on you so I have decided to let you help me by choosing a name for yourself.”

Cynthia was surprised that she had to come up with a new slave name. She had just assumed that she would always be known as Cynthia. She responded, “I don’t know at this point what I want to be called Master. How long do I have until I have to decide?”

Rob answered, “I’ll let you have until we get married. But at our wedding ceremony, you will marry me using your slave name, not your real name. I want you to pick something very special and clear it with your mother and Mistress Marta. I want to hear it for the first time on our wedding day. That will be when I accept your gift of yourself and take you into my possession for the rest of your life.”

Cynthia smiled and answered, “Oh yes master. That will be a wonderful way to give myself fully to you. I will think very carefully about my slave name then. I love you Master Rob. So what’s in store for me today?”

Rob answered, “I truly don’t know. As soon as Teddy pulls out, you need to get out of bed and report to your mother ‘trainerbitch’. She has your training planned out for the next month or so. You are to do exactly as she says and not resist. The training will test you. You will be forced to do things that will repulse you and things that hurt you. But I want you to remember that this is the life you have chosen of your own free will. I will love you all the more if you make it through your training with a minimum of punishment. Keep our love and future life together as your focus when you are faced with a totally detestable act that you just don’t think you can go through. Remember that at the end of your training is our marriage and then to school. Never forget that I fell in love with the real Cynthia Palmer and don’t lose her as you go through your training. I don’t want some mindless sex slave. I want a slave that I can talk to and carry intelligent conversations with. One who will serve me without question no matter what. Can you do that for me my slave, my love?”

Cynthia took a deep breath and steeled herself as she answered, “I will do my best master.”

Rob said, “Then when Teddy pulls out I expect you to immediately go down and join your mother. She will be waiting for you.”

Cynthia answered, “Yes Master” as Rob got up out of bed and went to the bathroom to clean up.

It was almost twenty minutes before Teddy pulled out and lied down on the bed on his back. Cynthia quickly put her hand over her ass to stem the flow of cum and leaned down. She took Teddy’s cock into her mouth and sucked it clean as she knew she was expected to and felt a surge of excitement at doing it. When she was done cleaning Teddy she started cleaning herself up by using her hand to get as much cum as possible and then licking her hand clean. After another ten minutes she was satisfied that she wouldn’t leave a messy trail through the house. She knew that would lead to more punishment.

She got down off of the bed and crawled out of the bedroom with Teddy walking beside her. She had difficulty crawling down the stairs but eventually made it down and when she got to the front door she reached up to open it to leave. It was just as her hand touched the door knob that she felt something hit her hard on the ass followed by a surge of pain. She looked back over her shoulder as tears streamed down her cheeks to see her mother standing there with a riding crop in her hand.

Her mother was dressed in a leather corset that lifted her breasts up. She saw that she had rings in her nipples and that there were alligator clips attached to the rings. There was another alligator clip that was attached to the middle of the chain connecting the nipple clips. Cynthia’s eyes followed the small chain down to her mother’s exposed and swollen clit. It had a ring through it that had an alligator clip attached to it. She noticed that there was another alligator clip on the clit ring that went down and was attached to something in her cunt and from that to something in her ass.

Lisa saw where her daughter was looking and the confused look on her face. She cleared her throat to get her daughter’s attention. Cynthia looked up into her mother’s eyes and saw a mix of excitement and apprehension. When she saw that Cynthia was giving her, her undivided attention she said, “Don’t concern yourself with my attachments. You will soon have your own set and will understand what they are for. Now the reason I had to swat you was because you were about ready to go out the door for masters and mistresses. That will lead to severe punishment for you and for me for allowing it. Follow me and I’ll show you where your exit is.

Lisa put the riding crop between her teeth and got down on all fours and began crawling down the hallway to the back. They came to the kitchen and there was a door to the back porch to the right. But what surprised Cynthia the most was the fact that her mother turned left. On the opposite end of the kitchen on the far wall was a doggy door large enough for the largest breed of dog to get in and out. As a matter of fact, when Teddy saw they were heading to the doggy door, he rushed through it to the outside. Lisa continued to crawl out through the doggy door and Cynthia followed.

Cynthia couldn’t believe she was now relegated to going in and out of a house by the doggy door. She started to get upset until she remembered that Teddy was her canine master and in the realm of things, she was of less stature than he was. Then she thought about her love for Rob and her future life with him and took a deep sigh as she steeled her nerves to do what was expected of her. If this was what Rob wanted, then she would do it for him. She sped up to catch up the distance between her mother and her.

Once through the door, they crawled down an inclined path and headed toward a large barn. Teddy joined them, leading the way to the barn as if he knew what was going to happen. When they got to the open barn door her mother stopped and stood up. She drew a line in the dirt and ordered, “Kneel here and listen up.”

Cynthia crawled up to the line and assumed the slaves position. It was obvious she wasn’t in the proper position as she immediately felt the strike of the crop on her left tit. She let out a scream of pain and before she could take another breath she felt stinging slaps of the crop on her inner thigh. Nothing was being said but she started moving her thigh outward to get it away from the crop. When her mother was satisfied with the position of that leg she started in on the other thigh until Cynthia was sitting back on her heels with her knees extended so her thighs formed a 45 degree angle, exposing her most private region to the eyes of all. She blushed in embarrassment at how exposed she was.

She had very little time to think about her exposure however as she felt the sting of the crop on the back of her hands that were placed on her thighs. When she looked at her mother in confusion she saw her mother extend her hand out facing downward and then turned it palm up. Cynthia quickly flipped her hands palm up and bowed her head as tears of pain and humiliation flowed down her cheeks.

When Cynthia’s head was down in the proper position her mother finally spoke to her. What Cynthia couldn’t see was the single tear that was streaming down her mother’s cheek. She had never had to punish her daughter before in her life and she was finding it difficult to do what her mistress had asked of her. She took a deep breath to gain control of her emotions and after a brief pause said, “We will go through this procedure until you have learned the proper position of submission to your master or mistress. This is how you will present yourself to any master or mistress that calls for you. You will never hesitate to respond to their call. It is up to your master to set the limits of what another master or mistress can do for you. As it stands now, Master Rob has not put any limits on what they can do to or with you. No matter what I tell you to do, a master or mistress that calls you takes priority. When they are done with you, then you will return to your training. Understand that I am responsible for everything you do or don’t do well. Every time you must be punished, it is considered a failure of my ability to train you correctly so I am punished by my mistress at the end of the day. How severe that punishment is will be determined by how well you do with your tasks. Now for your first day of training, we are going to focus on oral techniques. Inside the barn you will find ten stalls. Each stall has a different task for you to perform. Each task will focus on a form of oral stimulation of the person or animal in the stall. I expect you to obey every order quickly and willingly no matter how repulsed you may be. Understand that I have done what you will be doing today. I hope you do better than I did. It won’t be easy so put your desire to achieve your most precious dreams to work whenever you doubt whether you can do what is expected. There is no time limit on completing your tasks. When you are performing to the standard expected, you will be allowed to move on to the next stall. The oral training won’t stop until you have finished all ten stalls. Then and only then will you be allowed to stop and rest. Do you understand slave?”

Cynthia shook her head yes and was rewarded with a whip of the riding crop on her right tit. She screamed in agony and brought her hands up to her tit to rub it. She felt an immediate strike of the crop on her hand.

Lisa said, “Get your hands back where they belong. Where you went wrong was when you hook your head yes instead of answering correctly. Now do you understand or not?”

Cynthia answered, “Yes mistress”.

Again Cynthia felt the riding crop land on her left tit, sending searing pain through her and causing her to scream. She looked at her mother with confused, tear filled eyes.

Lisa said, “I am not a mistress nor do I have the desire to be. You may refer to me as bitchtrainer. That is my new slave name. So do you understand what I’ve told you?”

Cynthia answered, “Yes Bitchtrainer”.

Lisa said, “Then you may enter the barn and begin your training in the first stall on the right. I will be there to guide you. Remember that if in doubt, act like a dog would in the circumstance you find yourself in.

Cynthia crawled into the barn and went into the stall her mother told her. When she got into the stall she saw a female Great Dane bitch that was lying in the corner licking her sex. The dog looked up at them and got up. Bitchtrainer put the ball of her foot on Cynthia’s ass and gave her a little push as she said, “Now think about what strange dog’s do when they great each other. That is what you need to do.” Then she pushed with her foot.

Cynthia scrambled desperately to keep from falling into the straw. She finally caught herself. She paused, trying to figure out how to greet another dog. She knew she should know this having helped her mother many times in the kennel. She tried to imagine herself back in the kennel at home and just for the life of her remember. She obviously waited too long because she felt a sharp pain on her left ass cheek as her mother whipped her with the riding crop. She got flustered at that and had an even harder time remembering so her mother whipped her with the crop again. Cynthia was crying now; more at being punished for the first time by her mother than anything else.

Cynthia stayed there on all fours flustered and crying as her mother continued to whip her for not acting like a dog. She was finally saved as Teddy came into the stall and stuck his nose in her pussy between the long pauses of the whipping. That was all it took for Cynthia to remember that dog’s greeted each other by sniffing each other’s ass holes. She even remembered that if a female was in heat that the male would lick the female’s sex before mounting the bitch.

Cynthia quickly scrambled toward the female bitch and went up to her ass. She stuck her nose into the dog’s sex and sniffed for a few moments then took a tentative lick. The bitch was in heat so she got into a stance and raised her tail. Cynthia remembered that from when she helped her mother mate dogs in her kennel at home. She began to lick repeatedly at the bitch’s cunt as she thought a dog would do and the bitch began to whimper and whine.

Cynthia hadn’t been paying any attention to her mother or Teddy. If she had she would have noticed that her mother had dropped down and began to suck on Teddy’s cock to get it fully hard as soon as she crawled toward the Dane bitch. The first warning Cynthia got of what was coming was when she felt the full weight of Teddy land on her back. She had been taken enough times in the last 48 hours that she instinctively moved her hips into the best position for Teddy to mount with minimal effort.

It only took Teddy a couple of tries to sink his cock into her dripping cunt. It was now Cynthia’s turn to whimper as Teddy began to push his cock farther into her. Cynthia had stopped licking the bitch’s cunt as Teddy fucked her and soon found that was the wrong thing to do. All of a sudden she felt a sharp sting of pain as the riding crop hit the nipple of her left tit. She screamed in surprise and pain as the fire spread through her tit and down to her cunt where she was getting fucked.

When bitchtrainer struck Cynthia’s tit she said, “You’re forgetting why you’re here bitch. Get back to work.”

Cynthia moved her head forward and pushed her tongue into the Great Dane’s cunt. She put all of her effort into fucking the dog’s cunt. She licked all around the dog’s cunt and began to wonder if she was supposed to lick the dog’s asshole as well. She was so afraid of being whipped by her mother she decided that she wasn’t going to take the chance of failing so she moved her tongue up and began to lick around the dog’s ass every few moments. She soon figured that her mother must be happy because she wasn’t being whipped any more. If she would have looked at her mother in that instance, she would have seen her fingering her clit ring to masturbate herself as she watched her daughter pleasuring and being pleasured.

Cynthia had been so focused on what she was supposed to be doing to the Dane bitch that she had not gotten the full benefit of Teddy’s fucking. She was brought back to full awareness though when his knot started banging against her cunt lips. She soon screamed from the momentary pain caused by the knot entering her cunt but soon began to push back to cause it to sink as deep into her as she could get it before it became to big. She was definitely feeling the wonderful feeling of a good canine fuck now. She redoubled her efforts on the bitch and tongued her as best she could. She quickly realized that it wasn’t as bad as she thought. She figured that if she wanted to get fucked in the future and there was a bitch in heat around, she would be able to just rub herself with the bitch’s secretions to entice a dog to mate with her.

After a couple of minutes of being fucked by Teddy’s, Cynthia began to get more and more excited. Her pleasure rose and she got more and more into licking the Dane bitch. She thought back a few short days ago and how all of this had started. She quickly realized that she no longer regretted what happened. Especially knowing what would have happened because of her brother’s gambling. She briefly thought about hating her brother for what he did and then she remembered that if he hadn’t, she would not have been accepted into veterinary school, get to be with her boyfriend forever or be exposed to the wonders of canine sex.

Cynthia sighed with contentment as she realized that doing these perverted things was a small price to pay. That if she really put herself into the task she would end up getting pleasure from it. It obviously worked for her mother. She had never seen her so happy in her entire life. Maybe being a sex slave to a loving master wasn’t such a bad way to live.

As Cynthia thought about being a sex slave to Rob, she launched into a tremendous orgasm and screamed it out into the leaking cunt of the bitch she was licking and sucking. Teddy kept fucking her as she came and it seemed as if her orgasm was never going to end. She finally started to come down a bit when the dog began cumming in her. That launched her into an orgasm even more powerful than before. She actually passed out because she came so long and so intensely. She fell to the ground in blissful oblivion. Her mother screamed out her orgasm shortly after and assumed a kneeling position to wait for Cynthia to wake up.

After about ten minutes, Cynthia groggily opened her eyes and found her mother kneeling beside her with a smile on her face. Bitchtrainer said, “Well it’s about time you woke up sleeping beauty. You almost got that right. You hesitated too much though. We’ll have to do it again and this time, don’t hesitate when you are given an order. Hesitation will always bring you punishment. And if in the process you find yourself being given a bit of pleasure while you are following your orders, don’t forget that you are there for the pleasure of the master or mistress you are serving, not your own. Receiving pleasure should never ever interfere with fulfilling an order that is given. Do you understand?”

Cynthia listened attentively to what her mother said and out of years of habit, shook her head yes. That earned her a strike on the tits with the riding crop. Cynthia quickly realized what she did wrong and answered “Yes mo… bitchtrainer”.

Bitchtrainer smiled and ordered, “Now go back outside of the barn and wait for me to call you. About ten minutes later Cynthia heard her mother calling her in. This time when she got to the first stall, there were three bitches of various breeds chained to the back of the stall so that their ass ends were facing towards the entrance. She remembered that her task was to orally pleasure what ever was there. She didn’t hesitate this time and went up to the bitch in the middle and stuck her face in its cunt. She brought her knees up under her to support her weight and then reached out to the bitches on either side and began playing with their oozing cunts. She alternately took her fingers and brought them back and smeared the cunt juice from them on her asshole and cunt.

Soon bitchtrainer came in with four huge male mastiffs. She released them and they made a bee line for Cynthia. The first one there immediately mounted Cynthia and began to fuck her. To her credit, Cynthia didn’t miss a beat and continued to lick the oozing cunt of the bitch she was licking and sucking. The other males focused all of their attention on her and ignored the bitches in heat. They had been trained to always pleasure any human bitch before they were allowed to mate with a real bitch. Cynthia quickly began to orgasm. She groaned in pleasure as she came and then she felt the knot slide in. It didn’t hurt her like Teddy’s did. It wasn’t nearly as big. She soon felt the dog cum in her and flood her with warmth causing her to cum again.

Cynthia backed away from that bitch and moved to the one on the left and began to suck on its cunt. She did this as the mastiff pulled out and another mounted her. This one found her ass hole and was soon raping her ass as she orally pleasured the bitch. She cringed a few moments from the pain of the entry of the knot into her tight ass but soon was cumming over and over again. She concentrated on her task like her mother said. Even when she felt her consciousness starting to flee she fought to stay alert. She became weak in the knees and wavered back and forth as her body almost gave up, but she struggled to keep herself to the task at hand. As the orgasm waned, she began to be able to focus more on her task. To her credit, she never quit licking and sucking the bitch’s cunt.

When the mastiff that was fucking her came and pulled out, she quickly moved to the other side and began to pleasure the third bitch. She was soon mounted by a third mastiff. This one quickly sank his cock into her and began to machine gun his cock in and out of her cunt. Cynthia screamed out her pleasure into the bitch’s cunt as she had orgasm after orgasm. The dog’s knot easily slid into her this time and he was cumming soon. That pushed Cynthia into another orgasm that almost made her pass out. This one was stronger than the one she had passed out on earlier. But she remembered her mother telling her that she had to focus on finishing the task that her masters had given so she fought to stay alert. She actually partially collapsed but just barely caught herself and held on.

As she pushed herself back up, the mastiff turned ass end to ass end with her but didn’t try to pull out. The fourth mastiff went up beside this one and then launched up onto Cynthia’s back as it had been trained. He then stepped over the back of the other dog with his hind leg so that he was straddling it and began trying to force his cock into her ass. After a few thrusts she felt his cock force its way into her tight ass. She groaned in a mix of pleasure and pain from the dual assault but remained focused on her task. She began to cum almost constantly from the overwhelming pleasure. She closed her eyes tight as she tried to concentrate to keep at her task. But the pleasure was too much and her arms gave out as she fell to the ground with her ass up in the air. She finally lost the battle and passed out from the pleasure.

Her mother knelt there again as she waited for her daughter to wake up. This time she had a huge smile on her face. Her daughter had managed to do in two tries what took her five to accomplish to the satisfaction of her mistress. She knew Mistress Marta was happy with the results because both of her dildos in her cunt and ass were vibrating and the clit and nipple rings that were connected by the chains were tingling with just enough electrical charge to give her pleasure. She relished in the knowledge that she had pleased her mistress.

This time when Cynthia woke up her mother said, “Well done you sinful little bitch. You are a natural at this. It took me five times to accomplish what you just did. You are a knot slut extraordinaire. You know… if you finish your training well I think that would be a good name for you. We’ll have to do a play on words and spell sinful, C Y N F U L instead of S I N F U L. Cynfulknotslut just has a ring to it.”

At that moment bitchtrainer’s dildos pulsed. She smiled as she knew that Mistress Marta approved of the name she had just given her daughter. It wasn’t often that a slave’s suggestion was taken but Marta just liked the sound of it as did Rob who had told her to let bitchtrainer know. She focused back on her daughter and said, “It seems that you have a new name. Mistress Marta signaled me that the name was approved and she wouldn’t have done that without Master Rob’s approval. So cynfulknotslut, let’s move on to the next station. I think you are going to find it a bit more of a challenge.

The two of them crawled to the next stall and Cynthia saw a big black man standing there naked. Cynthia remembered her orders at the beginning and quickly crawled up to him and took his cock into her mouth. She began to give him a blow job as she heard her mother say, “Okay cynful, your task is to learn to deep throat. You will not leave this station until you can take Master Joey’s thirteen inch cock all of the way down your throat and keep it there no matter what happens. The trick is to relax and swallow as soon as you feel the head get to the back of your throat. His cock is larger than most, but not all, of the cocks you will be expected to suck. But if you can do his monster, then you can do most of the others as well. One thing about Master Joey is that he can keep from cumming. That’s a little trick he learned when he was a slave for Mistress Marta. It’s not often that a slave becomes a master, but Master Joey brought in so many willing slaves to the organization that Mistress Marta belongs to that they allowed him to become a master when she freed him. She allowed him to keep one slave for every four he brought to the Coch Organization and that if he ever had ten in his harem, she would free him. Now I want you to do Master Joey well cynful. He is the one that got me into this. If not for him, we wouldn’t be together and I would have most likely died with your step dad and you would be a crack whore. And you wouldn’t be going to veterinary school nor be engaged to your Master Rob. Now take that cock down your throat and show him the pleasure he deserves.”

She watched as cynfulknotslut pushed the cock to the back of her throat. She tried to swallow but after she got seven of the thirteen inches down she started to gag and pulled off. She listened to her mother tisk at her and knew she had disappointed her. She tried harder this time and was rewarded by gagging as soon as she got five inches in. She pulled back off and remembered her mother’s admonition to relax and swallow so this time she closed her eyes and concentrated as she slowly relaxed and slid his cock into her throat. She swallowed and relaxed when the head hit the back of her throat. She concentrated on relaxing and pushed her face down until her nose was mashed into his pubic hair. His cock was so long that she couldn’t breathe through her nose with it all of the way down her throat. She held her breath until she couldn’t stand it any more and then pulled off remembering to twirl her tongue under his shaft as she did. She pulled off just enough to get a breath and then forced herself back on to his cock and held it there.

She had been sucking his cock like that for five minutes when she felt a weight land on her back. She started to panic and choke but quickly suppressed the urge. She didn’t pull off all of the way but did pull off to get another breath. As she pushed his cock back down her throat she felt a cock push into her cunt. She groaned in pleasure at the feeling. She felt the cock hammering into her but having learned her lesson from the first stall she focused all of her attention on Master Joey’s cock. She continued to deep throat his cock by holding it all of the way down her throat until she needed a breath. She tried her best to ignore the cock in her cunt and the pleasure it was giving her. Even when she felt the dog cumming in her cunt and the pleasure of the warmth of the cum spreading through her she continued to focus on deep throating the master’s cock.

Cynfulknotslut felt the dog turn around ass end to ass end but not pull out. She thought she knew what was coming and was prepared when she felt another weight land on her back. She soon felt another cock forcing its way up her ass hole. It was still loose and lubricated from the cum of the two previous dogs fucking her so the cock slid in easily. Cynful didn’t even pull off of Master Joey’s cock a fraction as the cock sank to the hilt in her ass and began fucking her. She focused all of her attention on pleasuring Master Joey’s cock. She was wondering just how much longer he could hold out when she felt him start to cum down her throat. She kept his cock all of the way down until the last couple of spurts when she pulled back far enough to catch them in her mouth. About that time she felt the dog cumming in her ass. She ignored the pleasure and looked up into Master Joey’s eyes and opened her mouth, showing him the pool of his cum that was there.

Master Joey looked at bitchtrainer and said, “You know bitch, this little bitch here is even better at sucking cock than her mother was. She’s a natural born cock sucker and she didn’t even loose focus when she was being fucked by the two dogs. I envy Master Rob. He has himself one fine bitch. Train her good for him and we’ll see you at the graduation ceremony. I’m sure it will make for a wonderful grand opening show.”

Cynfulknotslut was basking in Master Joey’s praise. Especially when he said that she was better at cock sucking than her mother. But she was confused at what he said about a ceremony and a grand opening. She sat back in the slave’s position to ask a question and when he recognized her she asked, “What ceremony and what grand opening are you talking about master? I don’t understand.”

Master Joey answered saying, “Well since I was going to tell your mother when she was done and since you did such a fine job, I’ll tell you. When I was freed I wanted to open a business. I didn’t have enough money and couldn’t find someone to go in with me. I eventually met up with the other Master Joey who owns the porn shop. It seems that he is a switch hitter in two ways. He is bi and into girls and guys. He also likes being both a sub and a Dom. Well when he propositioned me one time at the porn shop, I took him to the back room and reamed him a new ass hole with junior here. Well he loved it so much that he kept inviting me back and I started taking advantage of him and getting him to do things for me. He may be a Master in all respects, but he is my sub and will do whatever I want him to. I told him that I wanted him to help me open a roadhouse restaurant and bar. He agreed to put up half of the money if I put up the other half. I didn’t have the money so I countered him with an offer he couldn’t refuse. I told him that every day I would bring one of my slave girls up to him and he could whore them out and keep all of the money. He would also be recognized as their master after me if I was gone or something happened to me. I also told him that the restaurant would be in my name, but everyone would believe it was his restaurant and that I would act as the bouncer and manager. He agreed and the restaurant is scheduled to open at the end of July when you should be finishing with your training cynful. I arranged with Mistress Marta and Master Rob for the two of you to put on a little show at the grand opening as a sort of graduation ceremony. So we will be seeing you again and you will be putting on a wonderful performance for hundreds of people. Now I would love to stay and enjoy the rest of your training, but I have a company to help get off the ground. Keep up the good work cynful. You are going to make your master very happy.”

The rest of the eight stalls were almost a let down compared to the first two. The third stall had a couple of male goats in them that she sucked off. The fourth stall had a male pig which was the strangest cock she ever sucked. She couldn’t believe its cork screw shape but she sucked it like she was supposed to. The fifth stall was empty when she got to that. When she looked at her mother she pointed at herself.

Cynfulknotslut stared at bitchtrainer and then it dawned on her. She crawled over and pleasured her. When she was done she went on to pleasure a cow which included sucking on the cow’s teats and drinking the milk straight from the source. She groaned in disappointment when her mother made her quit. She really enjoyed drinking the rich, creamy milk straight from the source. The seventh stall was a bull that she sucked off and the eighth was a mare in estrus. She knew enough about animals to recognize this and she figured there was a male horse in the next one. She made sure to smear as much of the mare’s secretions on her face, ass and cunt as possible.

Cynful was actually looking forward to trying a horse cock. When she finished the mare station she crawled to the next stall. Sure enough it was a stallion as she had hoped. As soon as cynful crawled under his nose, the stallion nuzzled her face, then her cunt and ass, licking it. His cock began to extend and harden. Cynful crawled up to it and began to suck it up and down the sides of its over two foot length. It started out at about two and a half inches in diameter at the tip but gradually increased in girth to about six inches in diameter at the base.

Cynful put the skills she learned on Master Joey to work and began to deep throat the horse’s cock. She slowly relaxed and forced her face down as far as she could. She was actually able to slide about sixteen inches of cock down her throat before it got too wide for her mouth. It was quite a sight and her mother was encouraging her the entire time. What cynful didn’t expect was how much cum was produced when the horse began to cum. She was all of the way down on the cock when she felt the flood of horse cum. Her stomach quickly filled and began to painfully bloat. She pulled back and the cum began to shoot back out of her nose and mouth. She eventually pulled all of the way off and was covered from head to knee with several spurts of horse cum.

When she caught her breath she looked at her mother. She watched as bitchtrainer crawled up to her and began to lick the horse cum off of cynfulknotslut’s body. When she was clean, bitchtrainer said, “Come with me you slut. I wish I was half as natural at doing this stuff as you are. It took me two and a half days to get to the last stall. I kept having to do things over and over to get it right. You seem to get it on the first try. Now come with me and earn your reward. The last stall is all about you getting your pleasure. You’ve earned it and will spend the night in the stall.”

Cynful crawled behind her mother, looking into her ass and cunt as she went. Again she wondered what all of the dildos and chains were about but didn’t ask. She figured she would find out before it was all over with. When they arrived at the last stall, bitchtrainer opened the door and there were six dogs standing there wagging their tails. Cynful recognized Teddy immediately and crawled straight to him and greeted him like any dog would. She stuck her nose into his ass and was rewarded with him doing the same. She reached under him to begin to caress his cock with her hand when he pulled away. She soon felt him land on her back and she guided his cock into her juicy cunt.

Bitchtrainer closed the stall door and locked it. She crawled back to her Mistress’s house for the night. It had been a very successful day and she looked forward to her reward from her mistress. She had been promised a full night with Master Joey if Cynthia had finished in the first twenty four hours. It hadn’t even taken twelve to get her to pass each of the stations. She was glad that her daughter was taking to all of this. She guessed that she had inherited her submissive nature from her and was actually proud of what her daughter had accomplished. She entered the master’s house through the slave doggy door and went to the monitoring room where her mistress and Master Rob had watched the day’s training.

When she entered the room she immediately assumed the slave’s kneeling position in front of Mistress Marta and waited. Her mistress was on the phone. When she hung up she turned to bitchtrainer and announced, “That was Master Joey. He has agreed to pick you up and take you for the night. He couldn’t believe it when I told him that cynfulknotslut had already finished her training. He thinks it’s a record and I would have to agree. You definitely gave birth to a natural zoo slut. Nice slave name by the way. Master Rob wants her to be called that from now on. Cynthia Palmer no longer exists. She is now cynfulknotslut. She will receive her tattoos and brandings at the graduation ceremony at Joey’s Roadhouse and Restaurant opening ceremony. Since you I haven’t yet made you get yours, I’m making it a dual ceremony. Now go out to the drive and wait for Master Joey. Tell him that I expect you back first thing in the morning, no later than eight so you can continue your training of cynful.

Cynful spent the rest of the night enjoying her canine gang bang. She came multiple times, each successive cum more intense than the other. But the best cums were always with Teddy, her canine master. And when the dogs had exhausted themselves, she curled up around Teddy with her arm draped over him.

The next couple of months, cynfulknotslut was introduced and trained in every form of sex imaginable. She not only learned to fuck and suck any and all cocks and cunts presented to her without hesitation, she also learned about humiliation, where she was taken to a public park and made to fuck Teddy even though there were people in the park, some who stopped to watch. She was taken to restaurants to eat meals dressed in outfits that continually exposed her tits and pussy. She was even made to suck off three men under the table at a busy restaurant during the lunch hour. That was one of the toughest tasks she had to endure. She learned about water sports and scat, something she totally hated and that disgusted her but she learned at the end of the riding crop that she had no choice. She learned all about electrical torture of all types and especially the sting of just about every whip, crop, cane or switch available for BDSM Play. There were a few times she thought about rebelling and refusing but that was usually short lived and got her punished. At the end of two months, Master Rob and Mistress Marta were satisfied that she was in fact trained well enough to go through the graduation ceremony.

The day of the ceremony, cynful was taken to the house and allowed to clean up. When she was done, she had her hair done, a full manicure and pedicure as well. She was dressed up in a sheer black blouse that did nothing to hide her tits. She wore a black skirt that only came down about three inches below her bare pussy. She wore sheer black thigh high stockings that ended mid thigh, leaving about four inches of bare thigh between the tops to the bottom of her skirt. She wore patent leather pumps with four inch spiked heels. Anyone standing directly in front of her could look down and see her bare pussy in the reflection. The final items she wore were a black leather collar which was both functional and decorative with faux diamonds on it. She also wore matching wrist cuffs. In short, she looked like a wet dream. Her mother was dressed in a similar outfit, only it was red.

When the time came for the ceremony, cynfulknotslut and bitchtrainer were led out to a stretch limo. Cynful sat demurely next to Master Rob and bitchtrainer sat opposite of her with Mistress Marta sitting next to her. They had been told that a major part of the ceremony would be a branding to permanently identify them as slaves belonging to their master and mistress. They were not given an option to refuse, but because of how well cynful’s training had gone they were given the choice of having something for the pain or not.

The drive to Joey’s Roadhouse and Restaurant took them the better part of an hour as they had to go up into a resort area in the mountains. When they arrived at the roadhouse at eight in the evening, the place was packed. The parking lot was full and cars were parked along side of the road for a half mile either way. Cynful looked at her mother with a faint look of fear. She knew that they would be made to do things in front of a crowd, but they didn’t expect anything this large. She began to shake a little out of nervousness.

When they arrived, the limo took them right up to the front door of the roadhouse. Master Rob and Mistress Marta got out first and made a big production of opening the door next to their slave and attaching the leash to their collar. Their wrist cuffs were connected together behind their backs, causing them to thrust out their tits. This is the way that both women were led into the restaurant. As they entered the restaurant, they were met by Joey. He looked like the typical bouncer for a bar and if they hadn’t known the real story, they would have never guessed that he was in fact the owner.

Joey saw his attraction for the grand opening getting out of the car and whistled as he saw the lovely mother and daughter led up to the entrance. He looked at Marta and Rob and said, “You two have really got yourselves two of the loveliest slaves I’ve seen recently. It’s sure obvious where cynful gets her good looks from. Bitchtrainer sure looks like she could be her sister. Go on in and find a table. I’ll take our two star attractions and have them readied.

Marta and Rob handed Joey the leashes and entered the roadhouse. Instead of turning and entering behind them, Joey led them out of the restaurant and around to a back door. When they entered the door they went down a short hallway to a room. When they entered, the room was large with lockers on either side with a bench in front of them and in the center was a row of vanity dressing tables. It looked like the typical dressing room for a strip joint. Joey led them up to a group of women who were dressed in nothing but matching black corsets that lifted their tits for display and exposed their cunts.

Joey handed the leashes to the girls and told them, “Get them ready. Cynfulknotslut is going to receive her rings, tattoos and brandings. Bitchtrainer already has her rings and is going to receive her tattoos and brandings. Make sure they are properly prepared. Their masters have decided to allow the use of local anesthetic so that the brandings won’t hurt as badly. Make sure you do it right. They don’t want this show to be about pain. If for some reason they start screaming in pain during the process, all of you will go through the same thing again without the anesthetic so get it right. When you have them ready, open the curtain and the show will begin.”

As cynful and bitchtrainer were undressed except for the stockings, collars and wrist cuffs, one of the slaves attending them came up with a tray that had several syringes and a large vial of liquid on it. She told the two, “Don’t worry. I’m a Physician’s Assistant in real life and am well trained on how to do this. You should feel privileged. Most slaves have to go through this without the aid of anesthetic. I can assure you that it is most painful, having experienced it myself. Your master and mistress must love you very much to allow you to be numbed. I will be numbing the entire area around your tits as well as your pussy and clit. I will be using Lidocaine to deaden the area. You will have to suffer through several sticks of the needle but that is much desired over the pain of the branding.

The PA spent the next few minutes injecting the areas and deadening them. When she was done, they were led to the stage. They could hear the commotion on the other side of the curtain. It sounded like there were hundreds of people on the other side. They were led up to a pair of Saint Andrew’s crosses and strapped in so that they were in an X position. Their legs however had been adjusted up so that they were almost doing the splits.

Once they were locked into the crosses, there was a brazier wheeled in and placed in front of and to the side of each of them. They had steel rods sticking down into the almost white hot coals. There was also a square container of red powder attached to each one. There was an additional cart wheeled up between the brazier and cynful that held piercing needles and rings. The attending slaves ensured everything was ready and then opened the curtains.

The scene that cynfulknotslut and bitchtrainer saw amazed and scared them. There appeared to be several hundred people in the audience. In fact there were almost four hundred. The bar and restaurant could normally hold 250 people comfortably and 300 on a crowded day. But for this they had removed the tables and set up chairs. They had set up 350 chairs and there were still a lot of people standing.

Master Joey, the white and slightly overweight Joey, went up on stage and got everyone’s attention. When the audience was finally quiet he announced, “Masters and Mistresses, welcome to the grand opening celebration of Joey’s roadhouse restaurant and bar. We have a special ceremony here tonight to celebrate. It seems we have a mother, daughter pair of slaves to be branded and tattooed tonight. The daughter will also be receiving her piercings. Afterwards they will put on a little show for us and then be available for the crowd to enjoy. Let the piercings begin.”

A loud round of applause arose as the PA that had given them the shots stepped up in front of cynful. She tweaked and pinched her left nipple until she was satisfied it was as hard and as long as it could be. She picked up a needle out of a tray of alcohol and pushed it through the nipple at the very base. She left the needle in and took a fine gold ring out of a sealed packet and inserted an end of the ring against the end of the needle and then pushed it through the new opening. When the ring was all of the way through, she snapped it shut and put a drop of liquid solder to make it permanent. She then repeated the process on her other nipple and clit. Then to cynful’s surprise, she took a curved needle and stuck it through her naval. This area hadn’t been numbed and cynful let out a short squeal of pain. The PA’s face turned white when she heard the squeal of pain. She knew that she had screwed up and forgotten to numb the area. She finished up the piercing and then removed the cart. By the time she finished, she was shaking terribly from the full body sobs.

Within a few short seconds, a couple of male slaves had come up to her and shackled her hands and suspended her from a hook at the end of a rope and lifted her up so that her feet were off of the ground. When she was thus strung up, Joey stood up and announced, “I see we are going to have a little unexpected additional pleasure this evening. Our two starlets for the evening had been granted the benefit of a pain free ceremony for their good service and exceptional training. Both of these slaves have volunteered for this and their Master and Mistress were most adamant about that. Our dear little slave doing the piercings was to have deadened all areas before they were brought out on stage and she failed her instructions. For this evening, her punishment will include being made available to you to whip and abuse as you see fit. She is to receive no pleasure this evening. Limit your whippings to no more than one stroke per person. We don’t want her permanently damaged. A table with the whips and canes will be brought out and set behind her for you to choose from. Her actual punishment will be done by her master, in conjunction with Master Rob and Mistress Marta at a later date. Now we get on with the ceremony. The Branding will be the next stage. This will be done by our slave’s master and mistress.

Marta and Rob came up to the stage. They each grabbed an iron out of the brazier and dipped it into the red powder. Then they went up to cynfulknotslut and bitchtrainer and at the exact same time pressed the red hot end perfectly centered on their left nipples. Both mother and daughter looked down in an almost detached manner as the hot iron burned into their tit flesh. When the iron was taken away, left behind was a bright red burn that perfectly went around the areola. The burn was in the form of a sun with two of its flames extending up from either side to join with a word. Bitchtrainer had ‘BITCH’ and cynfulknotslut had ‘CYNFUL’ on it.

Rob and Marta returned to the brazier and put the rod down and picked up the next one. They returned to the two slaves and branded their right tits which left a similar brand except that cynful’s mom had ‘TRAINER’ and she had ‘KNOTSLUT’ above their right tit. They then branded the edge of their vaginal lips on either side with ‘PROPERTY OF’ on one side and the name of their owner on the other. Both cynful and bitchtrainer were happy that they had been numbed up before. Neither of them could imagine what it would have felt like to have that done without that.

When they were done branding the two slaves, both Marta and Rob returned to their seats. A man came up and knelt in front of Bitchtrainer and began tattooing her around her navel. When he was done she had a red star with a sun in the center of it centered on her naval. When he stood up he told them that the tattoo was to indicate that they were organization property. He then put the same tattoo on cynful. When he was done he packed up his tools and left.

The slave girl attendees quickly went to work and removed the braziers and began to remove cynful and bitchtrainer from the crosses. When they were released they were both led to a bench that had been brought and placed at the front of the stage with it’s long axis visible to the audience. They were laid down across the long axis of the bench on either side so that their heads were side by side. Their wrists were placed behind the other’s head with the cuffs connected. A strap was then attached to the cuffs so that they couldn’t remove their hands. When they were hooked up and in position, two slaves entered leading Teddy and Jonesy were led in. They ordered the dogs to fuck bitchtrainer and cynful.

The dogs immediately rushed to their human bitch and began to lick their cunts. It didn’t take long before Teddy launched up onto cynful’s back and begin to try and sink his cock into her cunt. He was soon fucking her with abandon. Jonesy followed suit less than a minute later. Neither cynful nor her mom could feel any pleasure from the stimulation of their clit because of the numbing. However, the friction in their cuntal walls and especially when the knot was forced in and began to rub their G spots, quickly took them to a good hard cum. Bitchtrainer was the first to cum with cynful cumming a couple of minutes later.

After cynful had her second orgasm, she lifted her head up to look into her mom’s eyes. She could see the lust in them. She knew that her eyes reflected the same lust. She told her mom to kiss her. Bitchtrainer didn’t even hesitate and they began to kiss each other in an undecidedly un-motherly like mother/daughter kiss. The crowd erupted in applause as they kissed.

For the next ten minutes the two were fucked by there doggy masters. When the dogs were done, they turned around and faced outwards, ass end to ass end. The next part of the ceremony was a complete surprise to both women and the audience. Reverend Patterson, who also happened to be a member of the organization, stepped up on the side opposite of the two knotted slaves. Rob approached and took up a position on the side towards the audience and stood there. Reverend Patterson was dressed in his religious robes and Rob was dressed in nothing but a bow tie. Rob’s best friend was standing next to him holding a pillow with a gold ring with a large half carat diamond on it surrounded by chipped emeralds.

The reverend announced, “Masters and Mistresses. Tonight we have a special addition to the ceremony that has been requested by Master Rob. Cynfulknotslut and Master Rob have known each other for a couple of years and developed a loving relationship. Master Rob had decided to turn away from the organization in order to pursue the relationship as is permitted for the sons and daughters of masters and mistresses. Due to circumstances beyond either of their control, cynful was forced to decide to either become a slave to an organization member or become the crack whore of a bookie to pay off her brother’s gambling debt. She was given the choice and she willingly agreed to become a slave of the Coch Organization, not knowing who her master would be. Master Rob had agreed to take possession of a slave to take to his medical school with him at the request of the organization. When they both found out who the other was, their love for each other was strengthened and Master Rob promised to marry cynful when she completed her slave training. Cynful has successfully completed everything in record time and is one of the most skillful and lustful slaves to come into the organization.”

Both bitchtrainer and cynfulknotslut were looking at each other with a mix of lust and surprise on their faces. Both had dreamed of how Cynthia’s wedding would be but this definitely didn’t come anywhere near their wildest dreams. The smile on their faces though, indicated that neither cared and bitchtrainer whispered to cynful, “It only seems fitting that you be married with a dog’s knot stuck in us considering the life we have chosen. Congratulations you sexy bitch.”

Reverend Patterson continued saying, “As you know, in real life I am a reverend and am licensed to perform weddings. This is an undecidedly non religious ceremony so in coordination with the organization council and with their approved blessing, we have created a ceremony befitting the marriage of a master to his slave.”

He begins the ceremony and speaks directly to Cynthia saying, “Cynthia Palmer, now known as cynfulknotslut. Do you take as your husband and master, Robert Billinger? To submit and obey his every order without hesitation or reservation?”

Cynfulknotslut didn’t even hesitate and answered with a groan of pleasure, “I do.”

The reverend continued, “And do you cynfulknotslut accept Teddy as your canine master and willingly submit to his every carnal desire?”

Cynful quickly responded with and “I DOOOoooooooooo” as she tripped over the edge into an orgasm as she said it. It sounded remarkably like a dog howling when she said it and the audience laughed and applauded.

The reverend then looked at Rob and asked, “And you, Rob Billinger. Do you take cynfulknotslut as your wife and slave? Do you promise to ensure her continual submission to you and to any master or mistress in the Coch Organization and accept Teddy as her canine master and your family pet?

Rob smiled and answered, “I do”.

The reverend then said, “It’s time for the ring”.

Rob went up to cynful’s ass and straddled Teddy. He lined up his rampant cock with her asshole and sank it in to the hilt. The best man went to her mother’s ass and did the same to her. When they were fully seated in mother and daughter’s asshole, the best man leaned forward and held out the pillow holding the ring toward Rob. Rob took the ring and reached down and placed the ring on cynful’s left ring finger.

When Rob stood back up the reverend announced, “I now pronounce you husband and master and wife and slave. You may fuck the bride.”

Rob began to fuck into cynful with all of the love and passion that he had. Cynful began cumming almost immediately when he started thrusting and continued to cum continuously until he came in her ass. It was the happiest moment in cynful’s life. She was now married to her true love. Definitely not the type of wedding she had dreamed of as a little girl but under the circumstances it was the most perfect ceremony for her. She was married to both Master Rob and Teddy now. She had tears of happiness streaming down her eyes.

When Rob finally came in her ass, he waited until his best man finished. When they pulled out, they pulled out together. They grabbed the collars of the two dogs and ordered ‘heel’. They walked off to the side of the stage. Rob handed Teddy to his best man and walked back onto the stage. He announced, “I would like to thank all of you for coming tonight and joining in our little surprise wedding. I hope you enjoyed the entertainment preceding the wedding. You have the rest of the night until closing, which I am told is three in the morning, to enjoy yourselves with my new slave and her mother. Please refrain from playing with the newly branded tits as I do not want them to be damaged.”

The crowd erupted into applause and soon people were lining up behind mother and daughter. At first they were fucked one at a time in their cunt or ass. Then some of them started stepping up and having them suck them off while another was fucking them. The attending slaves rolled out a cart with a variety of strap on dildos on them for the mistresses to use. The PA hanging towards the side of the stage was being whipped one time by every master or mistress that came up to fuck one of the women. Her screams punctuated the counterpoints of cynful’s and bitchtrainer’s moans and screams of pleasure.

After about a half hour, cynful and bitchtrainer were released from the benches and were then triple fucked. The wedding had been completed a little after ten thirty. For the next four and a half hours, mother and daughter were fucked repeatedly. Unfortunately the pain shots numbing the branded areas began to wear off after the first couple of hours. They were both given a shot of morphine to keep the pain at bay until they were done.

At two forty five in the morning, Joey announced the fifteen minute warning and the last remaining few masters and mistresses began to leave. When the doors were finally closed, the owner Joey and Rob went up to the women and saw that they were covered in cum but had a blissful smile on their face as they lay there in exhaustion. Joey ordered the attendant slaves to clean them up.

Three slaves got down around each of them and began licking and sucking all of the cum off of cynful and bitchtrainer. After they were sure all of the cum on the women and the floor was gone, two of the slaves helped each one of them up and helped them into the showers. The third slave washed them both inside and out as the other two held them up. When they were cleaned up, they were dressed back up in the clothes they came in and taken back out. The slaves helped the two thoroughly sated and exhausted women out of the dressing room to the back door where cynful was helped into a limo with Master Rob. Bitchtrainer was helped into a van and after the rest of the slaves were loaded up, Joey took them all home. As a reward to bitchtrainer for a job well done, Marta had given her two weeks with Master Joey. Over the next two weeks, Master Joey allowed bitchtrainer to punish the slave attendants for the pain that cynful experienced during her piercing.

The limo with Master Rob, Teddy and cynfulknotslut dropped them off at a remote cabin in the woods that was owned by the organization. Rob’s dad, who happened to be on the organization council, loaned him his cabin the organization allowed him to use because he was a council member. They spent the next two weeks enjoying themselves in every way imaginable before they made the trip to school when they returned.


Chapter Five – Best of Breed

Cynthia and Rob lay in bed staring into each other’s eyes with love and adoration for each other. They had been going at it like the newly weds they were for the last 24 hours. Between Rob and Teddy, she had had sex at least every couple of hours. She was a bit sore from the ceremony the night before and all of the activity, but it was a good sore. Rob was happy and that was all that was important to her.

They had been lying like that for a while when Rob said, “God you are beautiful my pet. You couldn’t have made me more proud of you with the way you handled your graduation ceremony and the wedding. I just want to show all of the other masters how perfect you are. They would all be so jealous after seeing you perform. What would you think about doing something like that to show off your beauty and your skills?”

Cynthia brought her hand up to caress Rob’s face as she continued to stare into his eyes with love and answered, “You know that my only purpose in life is to make you happy with me. If it would make you happy for me to do something like that, then it would be my pleasure to do it for you.”

Rob explained what he had in mind saying, “Weekend after next, there is a dog and slave show. There are three categories that are evaluated and awarded and there is a special award for the overall winner. They call it “Best of Breed”. The three categories that they evaluate you and your dog on are grooming, form and freestyle. Grooming is all about presentation and that my dear is something that you and Teddy will surely win. Form is an evaluation of how you and Teddy react to a given set of basic commands such as heel, present, suck and fuck. The freestyle part of the show is just that. You get to decide how to put on a show for the audience. You of course will be awarded for originality and level of erotic arousal. Is that something you think that you could do?”

Cynthia quietly said, “You know I will if you want me to.”

Rob sighed in frustration and said, “I am giving you the option to choose or not. This is something that I will not force you in to doing. So tell me what you want to do. I want you to be happy and will not force you to do this even though it would make me happy for you to do it. So please tell me what YOU want to do.”

Cynthia grinned at Rob for the love and respect that he was showing her by allowing her to choose. She answered, “Three months ago I had to make a decision. I could either end up being a crack whore to pay off my brother’s debt or I could become a slave to a master and get to be a veterinarian. When I was making that decision, I decided that there was really only one option. I decided that I would devote myself to making my master the happiest man or mistress in the world. When I found out it was you, that just made me doubly sure of my decision. Knowing that you would be happy if I did this show for you is all I need for me to say yes. Because making you happy is all that is necessary for me to be happy. So call whoever you have to and tell them you have a dog and slave to participate in the competition. Then tell me what Master Teddy and I should do to get ready for the show.”

Rob began to caress her cheeks and stroke her hair. He said, “Knowing that you have given yourself so fully to me makes me happier than you will ever know. I will call in the morning and make the arrangements for you and Teddy to participate in the competition. Bitchtrainer has been training Teddy for this during the times you were separated over the last three months. He knows exactly what to do and how to do it. You have also been trained on all of the basics. All we need to do is have you two work together and get use to each other and come up with a show for the freestyle part of the competition. We’ll also need to decide on how to groom you and Teddy for the competition. You have the prettiest red hair and I think you should do something to highlight that and draw attention to it. We will of course connect your clit and nipple rings with a decorative gold chain and we’ll get something ornamental to put on the rings to draw attention to them as well. Now why don’t you do something about Rob junior here and then climb aboard, I’m feeling like having a little more fun.”

Cynfulknotslut rolled over and nuzzled Rob’s cock and then sucked it into her mouth. She sucked a few times and then pulled off creating a loud pop from the suction as the cock came out of her mouth. She proceeded to lick and nibble with her lips up and down the sides of his cock. When it was half way hard she took it back into her mouth and began to work the entire length into her throat. She proceeded to deep throat his cock until he was fully hard. When she felt that he wasn’t going to get any harder she moved up and straddled his waist, grabbed his cock and guided it into her opening. When she felt the tip enter her wet cunt, she pushed down all of the way until she had taken it all in. She leaned forward, mashing her tits into his chest and kissed Rob with all of the passion one would expect of a new husband and wife on their honeymoon.

After a few moments of dueling tongues with cynful, Rob broke the kiss and said, “God I love you my lovely cynfulknotslut. But we need one more thing to make this perfect. TEDDY…… FUCK.”

Teddy, who had been curled up in the corner with his head on his paws watching, immediately got up, stretched and bounded up onto the bed. He immediately began to lick cynful’s and Rob’s joined cock and cunt and up to her asshole. He did that for a couple of minutes as Cynful rocked gently up and down on the turgid shaft. Finally Teddy’s cock had extended out enough and he launched himself up onto Cynful’s back. She reached back and grabbed his cock and guided it to her anal rosebud. She let out a grunt of pain when he forced his cock into the constricted orifice. It entered halfway on the first thrust and Teddy repositioned himself forward and then pushed in again. The second thrust pushed the cock in up to his knot which was just beginning to swell. She relaxed her ass as much as she could and on the next thrust his cock sank in past his knot. He repositioned forward one more time and began a rapid machinegun like fucking into her ass. He had been at it less than a minute before she began to cum. She screamed out her orgasm into Rob’s mouth.

The duel fucking cynfulknotslut was getting kept driving her orgasm higher and longer. She would just begin to come down when she would launch into another. For five minutes Teddy fucked her over and over while she came time and time again. Finally Teddy began to cum with Rob cumming before Teddy finished. She felt the warmth spread through her ass and belly causing her to come so hard that she passed out onto Rob’s chest. She was so exhausted that she fell into a deep sleep and wasn’t aware of when Teddy or Rob pulled out. She wasn’t even aware when Rob got out of bed and came back with a bowl of warm water and a rag which he used to clean her up with. When he was done he put the bowl and rag up and returned to bed and curled up next to his beautiful wife and slave and went to sleep.

The next morning when they woke up, Rob made all of the necessary calls to sign Teddy and cynfulknotslut up for ‘Coch’s Annual Interspecies Exhibition’ or CANINE for short. This was an annual event that was put on by the Coch Organization to allow masters to show off their slaves’ talents with multiple species. Some were kennel operators and slave trainers that were looking to attract new customers. The competition included slaves competing with dogs, Horses and many other animals. The catch was that a slave could only compete with one type of animal each year. There were awards for ‘Best of Canine’, ‘Best of Equine’, ‘Best of Bovine’ and ‘Best of Alternative Animals’. The overall award of course was ‘Best of Breed for Show’. The evaluation of the slave and their animal partner included 25 points for grooming, 25 points for form and 50 points for the Freestyle exhibition for a total of 100 points. If there ended up being a tie for first, the contestants then had to do their opponents freestyle exhibition as the tie breaker. The slave that does the best with the others original freestyle performance is the winner.

After all of the appropriate phone calls were made, Rob went out into the large space in front of the cabin and marked off the dimensions of the arena. For the rest of the week until Friday, he put Teddy and cynfulknotslut through the form requirements. The first couple of days that they entered the marked off area with Teddy leading and cynful in the heel position, she wasn’t positioned exactly right. The heel position was to be on the right side of the dog on all fours and halfway back. When cynful moved too slow or Teddy too fast then she fell back out of position. This earned cynful ten swats with the crop. Once Teddy and cynful became use to each other they developed a steady gate that allowed them to easily maintain the proper position to each other.

After getting the heel position down pat, Teddy and Cynful began to work on the proper form for display. Teddy was to stand with his front legs straight and his hind legs slightly to the rear with his head up and to the front. He would be holding in his mouth, the leash that was attached to Cynful’s collar. Cynful’s position was to be on all fours with her arms straight down, shoulder width apart. Her knees positioned shoulder width apart and her thighs going straight down front to back. Her back was to be slightly bowed so that her ass was slightly elevated to fully expose her asshole and cunt. Her head was to be held straight up with her eyes looking straight ahead proudly so that her breasts were fully exposed to a frontal view. When she didn’t immediately move into the proper position, she was cropped on her tits or her thighs ten times. Initially she was cropped on both her thighs and tits but soon was getting it on one or the other as she improved. She and Teddy practiced hours on end until they were able to get it right 50 times in a row. By the end of the first couple of days, both her ass and tits were red and burning. By Wednesday however, she was moving immediately into the proper position when they moved up into the present station in front of the judge’s panel.

During the evenings they discussed the types of things they could and couldn’t do for the freestyle portion of the competition. For the freestyle, additional animals of the species category you were competing in could be brought in to participate in the show as well as additional slaves. The difficult part was coming up with something unique. It was Friday afternoon before they decided on exactly the show that they would do but it would require some extra training for Teddy. Saturday, they packed up and went to Marta’s Kennels and cynful explained her idea to Mistress Marta. They all agreed that it was a good plan and cynful spent the rest of the week with Teddy and her mom perfecting the act.

While they were training, Rob purchased a special set of cunt and nipple ring ornaments that looked like little bow ties with a very small bell that hung from them. When shaken, the bells made just enough sound to make someone think they were hearing bells but couldn’t be quite sure. The bow of the ornaments clipped tightly to the ring and was made of silver with a chip emerald on each side of the bow. The bell was made of gold. There was a fine gold chain that connected the three together. He also bought a bright red see through teddy that left the tits and cunt exposed and had a red cape with hood that went along with it.

Friday night before the competition they loaded up all of the dogs and the slaves that would participate in the competition and traveled to Cochville, a town that bore the name of the founder of the Coch Organization. The competition began midmorning Saturday morning so everyone went to bed early. Cynful and bitchtrainer were up at three a.m. so that they could fix her hair and get her prepared for the show. Three hours later at six a.m. they finished with her hair and makeup. Her red shoulder length hair now fluffed out and was extremely full. She had green ribbons on either side that matched the green of the emeralds in the ring ornaments. For the grooming and form part of the show, she would wear nothing else.

At six thirty a.m. Rob loaded cynful and bitchtrainer into the car and departed for the show hall where the competition would be held. The rest of the dogs, slaves and props for the freestyle part of the competition were to arrive at noon. When they arrived at the hall they immediately went up to the registration desk to pick up the schedule of events. There were several slaves ahead of them, several of which looked like they had just been freshly whipped and were crying. Cynful didn’t think that they would be much competition if they had to be punished like that to participate.

Shortly after they got in line a hush came over the registration area and all eyes seemed to turn toward the entrance. When cynful turned around she saw a statuesque, black haired beauty walk in being led by a beautifully groomed German Shepherd. The woman was about 5’ 10” and weighed maybe 130 pounds. She had firm 36C tits with quarter sized areoles and half inch nipples the size of small raspberries. Her tits were definitely real and they didn’t sag one bit. Her waist was about 23 inches and her hips about 34 inches. She stood very regally and like cynful, she didn’t have a mark on her. Cynful turned back toward Rob with a look of apprehension on her face but didn’t say anything.

Rob saw how apprehensive cynful was and he leaned in and said, “That’s slutroweena. She was last years ‘Best of Breed’ winner and she is going to be your stiffest competition. Don’t worry though. You are much more beautiful than she is and your freestyle performance will knock her right out of the competition. Just relax and do your best.”

Cynful answered, “Yes master. She is beautiful though.”

They were at the registration desk then and picked up their kennel assignment and their time for the Grooming and Form part of the competition. They would be going on at 10:10 a.m. right before slutroweena who was scheduled for 10:20. After registering they departed the registration desk and went to their assigned kennel.

They walked down the row of kennels until they found one with a sign that said;

Teddy and cynfulknotslut
owned by
Master Rob Billinger

Cynful entered the kennel which was about five feet wide by ten feet deep. There was an elevated area that took up the back four feet of the kennel that was intended for the slaves and dogs to position themselves for display. As soon as they were in the kennel, cynful began to groom Teddy to put the final touches on him. Bitchtrainer did the same for her. Finally they were ready for the grooming and form part of the competition. They went up the steps to the display area and she knelt on the left side so that anyone going by the kennel would see her from the side. Teddy took up his place on the right side and faced cynful. They both took up the display position as they had been trained and spent the next hour and ten minutes on display for anyone wanting to come by and look at the contestants. Many masters and mistresses came by and cynful’s confidence began to grow as she heard them saying how beautiful she and Teddy were. She even heard a few say that they thought she had a chance to take ‘Best of Breed’ if she performed as well as she looked.

At 10 a.m., Master Rob came in and took a minute to do a little touch up and then had them get down with Teddy holding cynful’s leash in her mouth. He then led them to the entrance to the display arena. Cynful immediately noticed that it was exactly like the one they had set up for them to practice on at Mistress Marta’s. Master Rob said and then commanded, “Good luck you two. Teddy… Showtime”

Teddy and Cynful immediately entered the arena at the pace they had trained. Cynful stayed in perfect heel position as they went along the back picket fence that marked the edge of the arena. Cynful’s tits swayed and caused the bells to ring. Cynful heard a few people in the audience ask their neighbor if they heard bells. The typical response she heard back was that they had to be imagining things. Her chain that connected the ornaments swung back and forth and reflected light off of it adding to the beauty of the display. They turned left at the far side and traveled halfway up to the front side of the arena and then turned left heading back toward the side they entered. When they were in the center of the arena, they turned right and went up an inclined ramp that took them to a display platform. As soon as they reached the center of the display platform, Teddy stopped and he and cynful took up the display position.

There were three judges and they immediately got up and approached the dog and slave duo. They checked the grooming of both Teddy and Cynful going down a checklist. They had already made marks on their form as they entered the arena. Cynful was nervous but kept perfectly still as she had trained. One of the judges reached under cynful and pinched her nipple trying to get her to break form. She didn’t flinch or jerk at the unexpected contact. Even as the pinch got harder and more painful, she didn’t move. Just as she thought she could take no more, she felt her nipple released.

Just as her nipple was released, she felt a finger being pushed into her asshole. At the same time she felt her clit being pinched. Again the pinching started out as pleasurable, and when combined with the finger fucking her asshole, she started racing toward orgasm. Cynful started thinking of anything she could to keep from getting too excited and cumming as she knew that would cause her to lose points. The manipulation of her clit and ass continued and she felt her excitement getting higher and higher. It had been going on for two minutes when they finally stopped.

The next thing that happened was a hard slap on the ass. It was quite painful and she almost screamed out in pain but clenched her teeth tightly together to keep from it. To anyone looking on they would think she didn’t even react which was exactly what the judges were looking for. Any reaction would have been a mark off. They slapped her ass and then her tits several times trying to get her to move. Finally the time was up and they returned to the judges’ seats. The head judge announced, “Judging Completed”.

Teddy and cynful turned to the left to head off of the exit ramp to the left. They maintained the perfect position as they headed to the side of the arena, turned left and returned to the entrance. As they entered the doorway, cynful saw slutroweena waiting as she had been before. Rob was taking them back to the kennel area when cynful looked back and saw that slutroweena’s master was leading the dog onto the arena instead of the dog doing it on its own. Cynful smiled inwardly as she knew that they had just lost five points off of their score because of it.

When they got back to the kennel, cynful immediately took up the slave’s question position and waited for Rob to recognize her. He had been approached by a couple of masters and mistresses that were congratulating him on her performance. Several even offered to buy her from him for ten thousand dollars. He of course steadfastly refused. Finally they left and when Rob turned around he saw she wanted to say something. He said, “It seems as if you’ve made quite the first impression my beautiful slut. You did absolutely perfectly. I don’t think they can take any points off of you. I am very proud of you. Speak freely.”

Cynful looked at Rob and said, “Master my love, slutroweena’s canine master was led into the arena by her master. I saw them just before we left the staging area. Doesn’t that mean an automatic five point deduction?”

Master Rob was extremely pleased to hear that report. He answered, “It sure does. I bet that you are in the lead then. Didn’t I tell you that you had nothing to fear? Now get back up on the display until lunch time. I will allow you to take an hour break during lunch and will give you and Teddy a very special treat for lunch.”

Cynful immediately went up to the display platform of the kennel and took up her position that she had been in before. More masters and mistresses were coming by now than had previously. Most were remarking on how perfectly they had performed. Bitchtrainer was standing at the front of the kennel to answer any questions from the masters or mistresses while Master Rob was watching the competition. Many were interested in finding out who had trained Teddy and cynful and when they found out that she had been the trainer and belonged to Mistress Marta at Marta’s Kennels, they began taking down information. Bitchtrainer already had several orders for dogs from the kennel and she had actually had a couple of masters arrange for slaves to be trained by Marta’s Kennels.

Just before lunch, Master Rob came back to the kennel and cynful couldn’t tell whether he was happy or not. He allowed Teddy and cynful to come down off of the display platform so they could relax. When she was down to the doggy pad she knelt and looked at Rob. He handed her a piece of paper that had the standings. She was in first place with a perfect score in both form and grooming. One other slave had 48 points which she lost due to the dog getting skittish during the display portion of the judging. Slutroweena was in fifth place with a score of 45 points. She had lost the five points because her master led the dog in but otherwise was perfect. When she looked back up at Master Rob, she saw that he was happier than he had seen him since the wedding.

Master Rob told her, “You were absolutely the best out there this morning. Everyone is saying that if you have a good freestyle performance that you are a shoe in for ‘Best of Breed’. And having seen your freestyle I think you’ll walk away with it all. Now here is some raw steak I cut up for Teddy and some barbecue chicken for you with a dish of chocolate ice cream for desert. I know that is your favorite ice cream. You definitely deserved a treat after that performance. I love you cyn.”

Cynful beamed in happiness at hearing Rob tell her he loved her. She answered back, “Thank you master. I love you too.”

Rob left them to enjoy their lunch and to relax for the lunch hour. Cynful and Teddy enjoyed their lunch and then curled up for a short rest on the doggy pad. Their freestyle performance was scheduled for three to three thirty. Cynful laid there thinking through her freestyle performance. She hoped that it went as well as it had in practice the last few times.

Cynfulknotslut was able to actually nap for about an hour after she had lunch. When Rob came back to the kennel at one thirty, she and Teddy were curled up together asleep. Rob wished he could let them sleep but he knew that she needed to wake up and go over everything one more time with all of the participants for her freestyle performance, all of which had just arrived with the extra dogs.

Ten minutes after she was awakened by Rob, the two Master Joeys arrived with four male and two female dogs. Cynful immediately noticed that a female dog was missing and she had wanted three of them to make the performance perfect. She asked, “What happened to Princess? She was supposed to be here too.”

Her mother, bitchtrainer immediately answered, “Princess was bought last night after you left. The owner wanted to take immediate custody and wouldn’t wait. Don’t worry. I have an alternative that I think you will like.”

Cynful’s mother then explained what she had in mind and cynful readily agreed as she felt it would improve what was already a great show. She hugged her mother and thanked her for being there for her. They spent the next hour talking through everyone’s responsibility during the performance. At two thirty, the three masters went to be sure that the slaves were ready to rush in the props for cynful’s freestyle performance. Cynful looked at her mother and said, “I’m so nervous. I hope I can get through this without screwing it up.”

Bitchtrainer came over to cynful and wrapped her arms around her daughter and reassured her saying, “I know you will do a wonderful job. You have always excelled at whatever you put your mind to. I guarantee you will get a standing ovation from the audience. The couple of performances that I’ve seen this afternoon fall way short of the one you have planned. Let’s hope the rest are the same as they have been. Now relax and let’s get you ready.”

They spent the next fifteen minutes dressing cynful up in the red teddy and red cape. Both had been modified by having the seams weakened. Her long red hair was put up in pig tails on the side. She also put colorful red ribbons on each pig tail. She then put on red mesh nylons and red pumps with four inch heels. With the cape on she looked like a girl of fourteen or fifteen. But without the cape she looked every bit the almost 19 year old beauty that she was. At ten minutes to three they went to the entrance to the arena to wait for her name to be called to start her thirty minute performance.

Cynful watched the slave that was performing before her. She was surprised that the slave was only having sex with one dog and her master. It was an exciting and erotic performance but was uninspiring. This was the slave that was in second place to cynful. Cynful’s confidence in the quality of what she had planned grew exponentially. She wouldn’t be able to see slutroweena’s performance but hoped that it was no more inspiring than the one that was being done at the moment.

Finally the judge’s called time. The slave girl performing was still locked on her dog’s knot. It was another four minutes before he pulled out and she could leave. That ensured that she wouldn’t be any competition to cynful because of the penalties for going over the time limit. That was a big no, no. Five points off for each minute over the thirty minute time limit resulted in twenty minutes being taken off her overall score. Cynful was excited and knew that she had a better than even chance of winning now.

It was about five minutes after the previous competitor had left the arena when they announced cynful’s and Teddy’s name. Cynful hesitated just a moment as the slaves ran in with the props and positioned them. Teddy went in with the slaves and took up his position at what looked like a large log which was in reality a padded bench that had Styrofoam added to it that was painted so that it looked like a real log. Thirty seconds after their names had been announced, cynful began skipping into the arena carrying a picnic basket in her red outfit. She looked just like little red riding hood, which was exactly the effect that she was going for.

As cynful approached the center of the arena, there were trees that defined a path between them. The trees were like any painted stage tree that you might see in a high school play but they gave the impression that they were in a forest going down a path. As she skipped down the path she began to sing, “Over the hills and through the woods, to grandmother’s house I go. Dreaming of all of the goodies I’ll get, while listning to stories she knows.”

It was just as she said ‘knows’ that she came even with the log and Teddy jumped into the path facing her and crouched down, growling at her as if he was going to attack. Cynful abruptly stopped and brought her free hand to her mouth and announced fearfully, “Oh no, it’s the big bad wolf”.

Teddy rushed up to her and launched himself up so that his front legs were on cynful’s shoulders and he was looking into her eyes. She made herself shake like she was afraid and said loudly for the audience, “My, what big eyes you have. What big ears and what big teeth you have.” She looked down where Teddy’s cock was beginning to protrude and cynful said as sultrily and sexily as she could, “Ooooh what a big cock you have mister wolf. What do you want of me mister Wolf?”

Teddy let out a long howling noise that made it sound like he was talking in some kind of alien language. Cynful answered the noise with a statement so that the audience could picture in their minds what he said by saying, “You want to claim me for your bitch? Oh no mister wolf, I could never do that.”

Teddy again let out a long howling speaking noise and cynful said, “No… no… no…, you can’t do that mister wolf. Please don’t eat grandma. She has done nothing wrong and doesn’t deserve to be eaten.”

Teddy again howled in the speaking type noise and cynful answered, “Oh god no mister wolf. I’m a virgin and want to wait to give my cherry to my husband.”

The audience laughed at what cynful said and the way she said it. Teddy again howled but this time when he stopped, he bent his head down and bit down on the collar of the little red teddy that cynful was wearing. When he had a good hold of it he dropped down to all fours and pulled back ripping the teddy at the weakened seams. Cynful’s front was bared, exposing her perfect eighteen year old tits with the ornamental clit and nipple rings.

When Teddy began to rip the teddy cynful was wearing she acted like she was panicked and pulled back away from Teddy. She took a step back and then acted like she tripped and fell down on her ass screaming. She acted like she was struggling and got on all fours to get up only to have Teddy attack again. He quickly ran up beside her and bit down on the collar of the red cape she was wearing and pulled back, ripping the cape and the remainder of the teddy off of cynful, leaving her naked. Cynful at that point was yelling like she was in mortal fear, “No… no… no… I don’t want to be your bitch. I don’t want to be raped.”

Teddy barked and got in front of her growling and then making the howling sound again. Cynful had enough acting experience from high school to be able to make her self cry. She turned her tears on and cried out, “But I don’t want to be a wolf’s bitch. I’m not a wolf.”

Teddy came up to her growling and snarling and actually nipped cynful on the shoulder. Cynful let out a yelp of pain as the nip pinched her hard. To the audience it looked like Teddy was really attacking cynful which was the effect they wanted. He backed away from cynful and howled that mournful talking howl again. Cynful pushed the picnic basket toward Teddy and said crying, “Here mister wolf. Please don’t hurt me. Take the basket and leave me alone please.”

Teddy went to her ass and began nipping her ass cheeks. He had been trained to make it look like he was driving her toward the log bench. He continued this until she was laid over the log. When she was in position, Teddy went back to the picnic basket and put his nose under the basket lid and opened it. He stuck his snout in and when he pulled it out he had a small dildo in his mouth. He shook his head no vigorously and dropped the dildo beside the basket. He did that two more times, pulling out a larger dildo and a butt plug. On the fourth try he pulled out a large, white, ten inch dildo that had a band of holes around the circumference about three inches from the tip. At the flat end of the dildo was a large button. What the audience couldn’t see was that the holes around the dildo were for pins to be pushed out. The knob on the bottom was designed to be twisted in order to set a spring. Once the pins were pulled inside the dildo and had been set by twisting the knob, all that it took to release the pins was for the knob on the tail end of the dildo to be pushed hard. When the pins were released they would quickly stab out through the holes and then retract. The idea was for the dildo to cause her pain as if she was really loosing her cherry and then leave a little tell tale trace of blood.

Teddy had picked up the dildo with his teeth at the base so that about six inches were sticking out to the left of his snout. He went up to cynful and stood so that the dildo was at cynful’s mouth. She at first didn’t do a thing but when he growled she opened her mouth and he pushed the dildo in once and then twice and finally a third time. After the third time he went behind cynful and lined the head of the dildo with her cunt and he pushed it into her cunt. As he had been trained to do, he made it look like it was hard to get the dildo into her cunt, even though it would have normally just slid in easily. When the dildo was about three inches in he let go and went to her back. Cynful had to clamp down on the dildo with her cunt muscles to keep it from falling out. He lowered his head down and put the end of the dildo that had the knob against his forehead and pushed hard as he had been trained. The extra tension caused the spring loaded pins to release and push them in to cynful’s vaginal walls.

Cynfulknotslut let out a truly pain filled scream as the pins punctured her. The pain was short lived as the pins were released and then immediately withdrawn back into the dildo. Teddy continued to push the dildo into the hilt. Once it was forced all of the way into her, he gripped the end with his teeth and pulled it out. The dildo was covered with blood and the audience gasped in surprise and some said to no one in particular, “She was a virgin.”

Teddy dropped the dildo and launched himself up onto cynful’s back. She made it look like she was struggling but she was in fact trying to line up her cunt with his cock without using her hands. They were less than five minutes into the performance when Teddy sank his cock into cynful’s wet cunt. Teddy fucked her cunt for a couple of minutes and then began to howl as he came. During the whole time he was fucking, cynful was crying out ‘no… no… no…’.

As Teddy began to cum, cynful also launched into a good cum and screamed out her pleasure saying, “Oh my god mister wolf, I’m cumminggggg………”

After cynful calmed down a few short seconds later, Teddy made a howling mournful moaning sound that sounded like he said, “Call me Master Teddy”.

Cynful answered, “You want me to call you Master Teddy?”

Teddy let out a little affirmative yip.

Cynful responded dejectedly, “Yes Master Teddy.”

At that time there was a loud noise as the two Master Joeys and Master Rob entered the wooded area. The big black Joey was leading two large German Shepherds while the white Joey and Rob were each leading large Great Danes.

Teddy made a mournful howling noise and cynful looked at the direction of the hunters and announced for all to hear, “Please don’t let the hunter’s dogs fuck me too. I’m not a bitch.”

Teddy howled again and the dogs the three men were leading in started pulling on the leashes. Teddy had turned ass end to ass end with cynful and howled again. This time cynful said, “Oh great hunters of the forest. ‘Sob… sob’ Master ‘Sob… sob’ Teddy asks ‘Sob… sob’ that you please ‘Sob… sob’ let his brothers ‘Sob… sob’ enjoy his new bitch. ‘Sob… sob… sob’.

The crying looked so real that the audience was actually buying into the performance. The hunters released the four dogs as Teddy howled again with cynful interpreting, “Master Teddy ‘Sob… sob’ asks that you enjoy ‘Sob… sob’ his other bitches ‘Sob… sob’ while his brothers ‘Sob… sob’ are enjoying themselves ‘Sob… sob’ with his new bitch.”

At that point cynful’s naked mother came in leading two bitches toward the hunters. Cynful acted surprised at seeing her mother leading two shepherd bitches in and she yelled, “Mom…… what are you doing here??????”

That was the last thing that cynful said as one of the dogs launched himself up onto cynful’s back with his cock poking at her mouth. When cynful had exclaimed her recognition of her mother and while the four new dogs went to fuck cynful she announced for all to hear, “Yes my daughter. You are now the bitch of the wolf god, Master Teddy. When I was your age he made me his bitch like he is making you his bitch. You are just another of the Palmer bitches to become Master Teddy’s bitch. How can a dog or wolf live long enough to enslave several generations of us you ask? The short answer is that he is a god. He is god of all of the wolves. Just as he has done for centuries, he will make you his bitch like he did me, your grandmother and her mother before her and so on. Before the day is done one of the huntsman will fuck you and put a baby in your womb. It will be a girl when it is born and she too will become a bitch to Master Teddy when she is of age. That is how it has been for generations and will continue to be.”

Cynful took the cock that had been forced into her mouth as she felt another cock being forced up her ass hole. The remaining two dogs, the Great Danes, had been trained to put their paws onto cynful’s shoulders from either side so that she could reach under the dogs and grab their cocks. She started masturbating the two dogs letting the bench and her knees support her full weight. She was quite the sight with one dog tied to her facing ass end to ass end, one dog fucking her ass hole, one dog fucking her mouth and a dog being jacked off in each hand. Cynful was putting on a tremendous act and was enjoying every minute of it.

While Cynful was listening and now getting thoroughly fucked, the three masters began to fuck the two German Shepherd bitches and bitchtrainer. Rob was the one that got to fuck cynful’s mom. All three of them had been jacking off while they were waiting for their cue to enter the arena so it didn’t take long for the three of them to cum. Trainer bitch turned around and sucked each of the masters clean. She had saved the big black ex slave and now Master Joey for last and after she had him cleaned she sucked him until he was hard.

The judge had just announced the fifteen minute warning as Teddy pulled out. The big black Joey stood there with his thirteen inch long hard cock, looking like he wanted desperately to fuck cynful. While the dog was fucking her ass, he walked up and began fucking her cunt with his huge cock.

The crowd was going wild now and was chanting encouragement to the actors in the arena. The dog came that was in cynful’s mouth and he trotted over to the picnic basket and lay down waiting for his master to finish when he was done. The two bitches had been well trained and when they saw the male leave cynful, leaving her mouth open they both trotted up to her and backed their asses to her. Cynful began to lick up the cum that was leaking out of their cunts, alternating between them.

At the ten minute warning, the dog in her ass began cumming. Joey followed shortly thereafter. Cynful sucked on one bitch and then the other until they were both clean. Finally the two dogs she was jacking off began to cum all over her sides and tits as the judges called out the five minute warning. Her mother had backed up to her and forced her cunt against cynful’s mouth. Cynful dutifully sucked the cum from her and only stopped when the two minute warning was given.

Teddy let out a long mournful howl and cynful interpreted, “Master Teddy thanks you for letting your dogs play with his new bitch and hopes that you enjoyed his bitches. He looks forward to his next encounter with you. Farewell.”

Teddy begins heading toward the arena exit with cynful following in the perfect heel position. Then big Joey took the leash of all of the dogs and led them out while bitchtrainer, the other two masters and some other slaves began to clear the stage floor in a well rehearsed manner.

Just as they were nearing the arena exit, there was the sound of a crying baby that could be heard through out the hall. Cynful, always being quick on her feet took advantage and yelled out, “OH MASTER TEDDY, ITS A GIRL. IT’S ANOTHER PALMER TO BECOME YOUR BITCH AND CONTINUE THE LINE”

Teddy let out a loud and long cheerful howl just as the judge’s yelled time and they stepped out of the arena through the doors. The audience erupted into a loud and sustained cheer. The applause went on and on for ages and finally one of the handlers indicated for cynful and Teddy to go back out into the arena. When they did the cheers and applause got louder and everyone stood up, giving them the first ever standing ovation in the shows history. Finally the applause died down and cynful left with Teddy out through the arena doors. Cynful saw slutroweena looking at her with tears of sadness streaming down her cheeks as she walked past. Slutroweena knew that her freestyle performance wasn’t anything close to what cynful had just done and knew her master would be disappointed in her. Cynful just knew from that look that she had won. Her performance had gone perfectly and ended exactly on time. She almost felt sorry for slutroweena.

Cynful went to her kennel area where she found Rob, Mistress Marta and a lot of other masters and mistresses that she didn’t recognize. They were soon joined by the two Master Joeys and bitchtrainer. When they were all there, Mistress Marta announced, “I know all of you are eager to ask questions about the training of Teddy and his bitch cynfulknotslut. My slave and cynfulknotslut’s mother, bitchtrainer is the trainer of both the dog and the daughter. She will answer any of your questions and will take any orders that you want to make. Thank you all for your interest in Marta’s Kennels.”

Rob came up to cynful and took her hand and pulled her from the crowd. He led her to some chairs in the audience so she could see the rest of slutroweena’s performance. It was a wonderfully erotic performance that entailed a triple fuck with two dogs and her master. They managed to perform the triple fuck in three positions and finished on time. It was by far the best performance of the show other than cynful’s. Her form was perfect and it was extremely erotic but it lacked the panache and the emotion of cynful’s performance. And coming immediately after cynful’s performance, it was graded on a different scale than all of the other performances. It would have most likely been rated a near perfect performance if cynful hadn’t been there but as it was she lost four points for style.

After slutroweena’s show they returned to the kennel area and cynful took up the display position and waited for the end of the freestyle performances. As the afternoon and evening drug on, many masters and mistresses stopped by and ordered dogs from the kennel or arranged for their dogs and slaves to be trained at the kennels. Marta’s Kennels had just jumped in everyone’s eyes from being an also ran start up pretender to the most sought after kennel and training facility in the Coch Organization, all thanks to cynfulknotslut’s and Teddy’s performance.

It was eleven p.m. when they were finally ready to announce the winners of the day’s performance. This was the award for the canine competition. The ‘equine’, ‘bovine’ and ‘all other’ parts of the show were to be conducted on Sunday with the overall ‘Best of Breed, Best of Show’ awards being given at the end on Sunday evening. But the canine specific awards were awarded on Saturday night.

The first award given was the ‘Best Grooming Award’. This was a tie between cynfulknotslut and slutroweena and they both received a blue ribbon. The second award was for ‘Best Form Award’ and cynful received the blue ribbon. The third award for the evening was the ‘Best Freestyle Performance Award’ and that also went to Cynful. They had to wait about ten minutes for the applause to go down before they could award the ‘Best Overall Canine Award’. The trophy for ‘Best Overall Canine Award’ was a foot and a half high with a six inch base. It had the typical naked woman on the top on tiptoes with a wreath held above its head. There was another small statue on the base that was a cast of a woman being fucked by a dog. This overall award also went to cynful. The trophy nameplate had;


Cynful was the first ever contestant to receive a perfect 100 points out of 100 points in the history of the show. Second place went to slutroweena who got 91 points. The third place award winner only got 83 points. Cynful was ecstatic and couldn’t wait for the awards the next evening.

After the awards ceremony, they cleaned out the kennel they had used all day and then returned to the hotel. It had been quite the exciting day for all concerned so Rob and cynful made love one time and then cuddled together until they slept. The next day they returned to the arena where they watched all of the performances with the other animals. There were really no surprises to cynful. She had been well trained with just about every animal imaginable. But it did give her an idea of what kinds of things she wanted to try out while at the veterinary school. The one surprising thing was when slutroweena and her master came up to Rob and her. They congratulated them on their performance. They actually spent several hours together after that and cynful and slutroweena realized that they were kindred spirits and got along famously. It turned out that Rob and slutroweena’s master were acquainted with each other and had attended the same high school with Rob graduating three years after slutroweena’s master.

That evening at ten p.m. was when the overall awards ceremony was conducted. The canine awards were announced and cynful accepted the applause of the audience. The other awards were all given out and then it was time for the overall ‘Best of Breed, Best of Show Award’. The arena was silent as they extolled the perfect performance of the dog and slave in the grooming and form part of the competition of the winner. Then they extolled the very original and standard setting freestyle performance that was the rave of the show. Then they announced the second runner up. It was a horse and slave from the judging on Sunday. The first runner up was none other than slutroweena who had the second highest overall score. The winner of the “Best of Breed, Best of Show Award” was none other than Cynfulknotslut and Teddy.

The arena erupted in a standing ovation as Teddy led cynful in a perfect heel position up to the first place podium with Rob following along behind them. The trophy they received was huge, standing two and a half feet high. The base was ten inches square and had four columns that were a foot long. There was another base on top of the columns and another set of ten inch columns that were set in a couple of inches from the edge. There was another smaller base on top of those columns and there was a gold naked woman standing on her toes with a wreath held high above her head in the center. This was no ordinary trophy. The little statues were made to be anatomically correct and showed every little detail that you would expect to see if you were looking at a naked woman. In the center of the large base at the bottom was a gold statue of a dog standing in the perfect display position, with a huge erect cock complete with knot extending down. The dog was nose to nose with a gold statue of a naked kneeling woman on all fours in the display position. The plaque said;


After the trophy had been handed to Master Rob, the master of ceremony announced, “As most of you know that have attended the show in previous years, we have a special celebration with the top three finalists. The celebration is designed to be a fund raiser for raising money for the Coch Organization Scholarship Fund. The price of admission is $1,000 dollars per person. There are no exceptions. The only ones that are allowed in free are the award winners and their master or masters. The festivities will begin thirty minutes after the end of the ceremony in the Masters’ Lounge.

There were a few more announcements made and then the awards ceremony was over. The top three winners and their masters and canines, or miniature horse in the third place winners case, were led to the Lounge. When they entered the lounge they noticed that there were three stage areas with a bed on each one. Cynful was led to the center one that was a California king size bed. It was half again bigger than the other two king sized beds. Slutroweena and the other winner went to the other beds.

Cynful went over to slutroweena and asked, “Do you feel like putting on a little show for the Masters and Mistresses?

Slutroweena asked, “What do you have in mind?”

Cynful smiled lustfully and said, “I thought that you, me and the third place winner could do a daisy chain until the masters and mistresses came in. What do you say?”

Slutroweena answered, “I’m game if she is. I love sex in all of its varieties and if we can turn the masters and mistresses on more then I’m game.”

Cynful went over to the third place winner and introduced herself saying, “I’m cynfulknotslut a.k.a. Cynthia Palmer. What’s your name?”

The five foot three, 100 pound blonde bombshell smiled and said, “I’m Palominoslut. My master named me palomino because of my blonde hair. He doesn’t ever let me say my real name so I can’t tell you that. I loved your freestyle performance yesterday. I’ve been coming to these things for five years and no one has ever done anything that was nearly as good as your show was. On top of that, you’re the most beautiful girl here. I was just happy to place after watching your performance.”

Cynful was blushing from the compliments and answered, “Thanks. But you and slutroweena are just as beautiful. Maybe even more beautiful than I am. I thought that the three of us could put on a little show for the masters and mistresses when they come in to party with us. Why don’t we get into a daisy chain? We will be able to enjoy pleasuring each other and I’m sure the masters and mistresses will enjoy it.

Palominoslut smiled and answered, “I will have to check with my master but I think he will let me. You better clear it with your and slutroweena’s master too.”

Cynful smiled and said, “Tell you what. The three masters are all together so let me go ask them together for the three of us.”

Cynful went over to the masters and knelt down in a kneeling position. Rob immediately saw her and asked her what she wanted. Cynful explained her idea and Rob responded, “Go over to your bed and let me talk with the other masters. We’ll let you know if it’s all right.”

Cynful did as he said and returned to the bed she had been assigned to. Rob addressed the other two masters and said, “One thing I’ve learned about cynfulknotslut is that she has an uncanny ability of finding ways to make you just want to fuck yourself to death. I can assure you that the other masters and mistresses will enjoy coming in and catching them all in a daisy chain. We can let them do it alone or we can get in the act and form a daisy chain with them and us alternating. Personally I wouldn’t mind a little oral action with any one of our beauties. What do you say?”

The other two masters agreed that they wanted to participate in the daisy chain as well so Rob went to join cynful while the other two masters went to their slaves and brought them over to join the two of them. Cynful lay on her side and leaned over, taking Rob’s cock into her mouth. Slutroweena lay down on her side with her top leg bent and elevated placing her cunt in front of Rob’s Face. He moved his mouth onto her cunt as she took her master’s cock into her mouth and began sucking. Palominoslut lay down on her side and positioned herself in a similar position to slutroweena. Her cunt was now being eaten by slutroweena’s master while palominoslut sucked her master’s cock. Her master then sucked on cynful’s cunt to complete the daisy chain.

It was ten minutes later when the door opened and other masters and mistresses began to come in. When they saw the action on the big bed they all gathered around the bed and watched. Some of them even reached over to squeeze and pinch the girls’ tits.

Rob and the other two masters soon came. Cynful immediately turned around and grabbed slutroweena’s head. As soon as slutroweena’s mouth opened to French kiss, cynful pushed the cum in her mouth into slutroweena’s mouth. She slowly pulled her mouth off of her and allowed the cum to dribble out of her mouth and into hers. Palominoslut hadn’t swallowed the cum in her mouth and she moved over to cynful. When the last few dribbles of cum drained out of cynful’s mouth, palominoslut grabbed her head and kissed her with a deep kiss with a lot of tongue. As soon as cynful realized that she was getting a mouthful of cum she lay on her back and opened her mouth so that palominoslut could dribble the cum into her mouth. When the last little dribbles of cum were out of palominoslut’s mouth, slutroweena grabbed her head and did the same thing with the cum she had taken into her mouth from cynful. The three girls kept swapping cum until they eventually swallowed all of it.

When the three slave girls looked out at the masters and mistresses, it was obvious that there little show had gotten things going. There were quite a few waiting for the girls to finish so they could join in. Several of the mistresses were fucking and sucking two or three of the masters at a time. A regular orgy was already in the process. The three girls separated on the big bed and invited the three nearest masters to them and each one began to get triple teamed by the masters.

That’s the way things went for the next two hours. Then the organizer of the show stopped the action for a minute. When he had everyone’s undivided attention, he announced, “I just want to say that we were able to raise 150 thousand dollars for the scholarship fund. The funds this year that have been raised have already been allocated. Master Robert Billinger will receive a full ride scholarship to medical school and cynfulknotslut will be receiving a full ride scholarship to veterinary school. Both will return here to provide medical care to our members, both human and animal. I would like to thank Master Rob for bringing his slave cynful and Teddy here this weekend and for the wonderful show that they put on for us. I can’t remember such a good freestyle performance in the show’s history. Please give them a round of applause and then let’s have the animals in for a little fun.

The room erupted in applause and cheers. Cynful was actually blushing as she knew that they were applauding her. She also felt proud of what she had done. The organizer opened the door to the lounge and let in Teddy and slutroweena’s dog. What came in behind them though was no dog. It was a miniature horse and he was what palominoslut performed with for her freestyle. Cynful got real excited and immediately knelt as to ask a question.

Rob saw her and spoke loud enough for all to hear, “What is cynful?”

Cynful spoke up asking, “Master, would it be all right for me to take on all three of the animals at the same time? I think you all would like that very much and I would love to do it for you.”

Rob looked at the other two masters who nodded their approval. Then he looked at the organizer of the show and also got a nod of approval. He then said to cynful, “Yes cynfulknotslut. You may show the masters and mistresses just what kind of slut you are by taking on all three of the animals at the same time. But I expect you to take Teddy in your cunt, the horse in your ass and the shepherd in your mouth. Now get busy and put on a show for us.

Cynful called over the other two slaves first and whispered to them what she wanted them to do. Palominoslut readily agreed but it took a little persuading from both palominoslut and cynful to convince slutroweena to do it. When everything was set, cynful called Teddy over to begin fucking her.

Teddy got up from his curled up position in the corner and came running. He jumped up on the bed and found that his bitch, cynful, was kneeling on all fours waiting for him to fuck her. He was never one to miss taking advantage of a willing bitch so he began to lick her cunt and ass. Cynful made a production out of it by yelling, “Oh yes Master Teddy. Fuck me with that wonderful doggy tongue of yours. Rape my cunt with your tongue and your big doggy cock. Oh yes that is wonderful my master.”

Cynful kept up the sexy dialog for the benefit of the masters. Soon Teddy launched up onto her back and began to try and hump his cock into her cunt. Cynful reached back and guided his cock into her cunt. That was all Teddy wanted and he took a couple of steps forward to be able to fuck his bitch as deeply as he could. He then started pounding away, fucking cynful with all of the energy one would expect from a horny dog. When he forced his knot into her cunt, cynful yelled out, “Oh my god Master Teddy. I so love to have your big wonderful knot slammed into my tight juicy cunt. Oh yes Master Teddy, fuck your bitch like you own me.”

Finally Teddy’s knot was sunk completely in and Teddy began to cum. A couple of moments after he finished cumming, Teddy turned ass end to ass end with cynful. When he did that, palominoslut led her miniature horse and coaxed it onto the bed. She wasn’t real sure about whether the horse would accept straddling the dog but she was going to try. She needn’t have worried though because as she got him up on the bed, he smelled the female sex hormones in the air and knew that he was going to get his cock into another female mare.

Palominoslut helped the small miniature horse straddle Teddy and when his cock was at the right distance, she guided it into cynful’s ass. The miniature horse began to fuck his thirteen inch cock into the tight anal orifice. Cynful groaned in a mixture of pain and pleasure as the little horse fucked his cock deeper and deeper into her ass. Soon the horse’s cock was bottoming out in her ass. That is when slutroweena led her German Shepherd to cynful’s front and helped him up onto her back so that his cock was in front of her nose. Slutroweena started to rub the dog’s sheath until his cock started to protrude. When it was out far enough, she guided the tip of his cock into cynful’s mouth.

Cynflknotslut was cumming over and over again due to her triple beast fuck. It took her a few moments to remember what she had wanted to do. When she did she extended her arms straight out to the side. That was the cue for both palominoslut and slutroweena to get involved in the action. They crawled on hands and knees to the end of cynful’s extended fingers. They turned their asses toward her and backed up to her hands, guiding her two middle fingers into their wet dripping cunts. The mix of cum from all of the masters that had fucked them and their own cum made the entry fairly easy. Almost simultaneously they pulled off and then inserted all four of cynful’s fingers into their cunts. Palominoslut took them easily while slutroweena had to work onto them back and forth several times before she had them all of the way. Finally they pulled off again with palominoslut doing so a couple of minutes earlier than slutroweena. This time cynful put her thumb over into her palm and with her fingers extended. When the other two pushed back toward her this time cynful pushed toward them driving her hands into the two other slaves. Palominoslut groaned out in pleasure. She was use to taking horse cocks of all sizes and fisting was nothing unusual between her and her master. Slutroweena however wasn’t use to being fisted and had not had any cock larger than her dog’s cock and knot. Her groan was from pain initially but after fucking herself onto cynful’s hand and arm a few times, she became use to it and began to get excited.

Palominoslut had already waved a master over and was sucking his cock. Slutroweena looked over her shoulder and saw what was going on and not to be outdone she turned and yelled, “This slut needs a cock to suck on masters. Please use us as you enjoy cynfulknotslut’s performance with her beast masters.” She continued to rock back and forth, fucking herself with cynful’s outstretched arm as a couple of masters stepped up and presented their hard cocks to the three slaves that were performing for them.

Cynful was in beast paradise. Her three holes were full and she knew she was pleasing her master and putting on a great show for the others. She wanted all of the other masters and mistresses to be jealous of him for having such a good slave. There was one time that Rob was fucking slutroweena when another master had approached him and offered him five hundred thousand dollars for her. Cynful was scared at the large sum and afraid he would agree and sell her. He didn’t answer immediately and cynful started to become worried that he was considering it.

Suddenly Rob groaned out, ‘I’m cumming’ as he slammed into slutroweena’s cunt and sent jets of cum into her well used cunt. Finally he pulled out and looked at the master that had made the offer to him and said loud enough for the whole room. “Listen Reverend Patterson, and that goes for everyone else in the room. Cynfulknotslut is not for sale at any price. All of you keep coming up to me and offering me more and more money. Each time it is more and more outrageous. I don’t care if it’s five hundred thousand or five hundred million. She is not only my slave but she is my wife. I love her and there is no amount of money you can offer that will change that. If you want to continue to enjoy this little celebration with her, then you all will quit asking me if I will sell her to you. The answer is no and will always be no. One more proposition and I will take her out of here and never come back.”

There was dead silence in the room except for the sucking and slurping sounds of the beast and human orgy going on, on the bed. Finally the organizer of the show spoke up and said, “The next person that makes a proposition for cynfulknotslut will be asked to leave and banned from the show for five years. Now lets get back to celebrating such a wonderful sexy trio of slaves the like we have never had the privilege of enjoying before.’

Cynful had been holding her breath and hadn’t realized how tense she had become while waiting for her master to say something. When she heard him cum she knew why he hadn’t said anything, he was just too close to cumming to stop. Finally when she heard what Rob said to the other masters and mistresses she felt love for him like no other. How often does a woman get to see demonstrated in fact that her husband, lord and master loved her and would not trade her for any amount of money? Not just in theory but to actually turn down a large sum like that in her presence. She pulled off of the dog cock she had been sucking and yelled out to the room, “I LOVE YOU MASTER ROB”.

That seemed to break the tension in the room. The masters and mistresses turned their focus to enjoying the three slaves and the orgy they were putting on for their pleasure. When the animals finished fucking cynful, they were replaced by masters and mistresses. Soon all three of the slaves were being triple fucked by the masters and mistresses. The orgy went on for hours but gradually the number of people in the room began to dwindle and finally ended.

The orgy had gone on until the wee hours of the morning. Rob took cynful to the adjoining bathroom to the suite the celebration orgy was held in and led her to the huge multi person shower. They were soon joined by the other two slaves and their masters. Cynful was so exhausted that she wrapped her arms around Rob’s neck and locked her hands together and almost hung there as he gently soaped her up and washed her of all of the cum that covered her body from head to toe. This scene was repeated two other times with the other slaves copying her actions with their masters. They were envious of the obvious love that they saw between Rob and cynful.

Slutroweena loved her master but the feeling wasn’t returned in full because he had a whole bevy of slaves that were devoted to him. She wished that he didn’t have to share his love between her and the other slaves but she wouldn’t even consider leaving him because of it. She just had to be happy with what he gave her which she regretfully knew wasn’t near enough to satisfy her. That was why she had turned so easily to fucking her dog for the pleasure he gave to get her through the times that she couldn’t have with him.

Palominoslut was in love with her horses first and foremost. Her master could care less about her and only kept her because he loved to watch her debase herself by fucking any horse he brought to her. She didn’t consider what she did debasing at all though because she lived for horse cock. She was raised in an organization family and always felt a submissive streak. Her first sexual experience was cumming from just riding bareback on her horse. Things progressed from there and she eventually gave her virginity to her horse. She tried dating several times but she could never cum with a human like she did with her horse. When she graduated from high school she went to the owner of the horse ranch outside of Cochsville and proposed to him. She had meant that she wanted to marry him but he told her that he would be happy to have her as his slave. When she told him that she wanted to marry him he refused and told her she could stay only if she became his sex slave. She begged him to let her be his slave because of the large stable of horses that he had. She literally had her choice of hundreds of stallions of differing breeds to fuck and enjoy. This show that she did each year was something she loved to do because she was allowed to show off just how much she loved horses without having to worry about what anyone else might think. In fact, she relished the praise she always received after one of her performances at the show. No, there was no love at all between her and her master. She wished her master would show even a fraction of the love for her that Rob showed for cynful. She knew that if her master ever tired of her, he wouldn’t hesitate to sell her to the highest bidder.

Rob finished washing cynful and himself and then dried her off. He led her out of the arena and to the masters’ locker area where he stored a set of clothes for her. He helped her put on a simple sun dress and a pair of sandals. When she was dressed, he led her out of the building and to the car. He helped her onto the back seat where he had made up a bed for her to sleep on. He hadn’t told her before the show but they were leaving for college from the arena. They had to get to the east coast so that they could settle in and be ready for college to start the following Monday. Considering it was at least a three day drive to get to North Carolina from where they were in Washington that left four days to get moved into the apartment the organization had rented for them and get familiar with the area. He knew they would need a few days to recover from the long trip as well. He would drive until cynful woke up and then she could drive while he slept.

Rob glanced in the rear view mirror and saw the look of bliss on his angel’s face and loved her even more. He knew that she loved him as much or more than he loved her to do all of these things so willingly. He knew that she did it to make him happy. What she didn’t know was that he would be happy with her even if she didn’t want to be his slave. But that was just an added bonus that both of them were enjoying. He thought of all of the things that they could do while at college. The thought of being in such a target rich environment of young, horny, female flesh that was just on the verge of exploring their sexuality gave him another hard on which he tried to ignore. ‘Yeah’, he thought. ‘Who knows what fun we might get up to during four years of college?’


Chapter Six – Settling in for college

The trip to college was quite the trip for cynful. You see, when you’re riding with a sex crazed dog, like Teddy, that seems to want sex every couple of hours, a simple four day trek across country becomes quite the adventure. At first, they would stop at a rest area and cynful would take Teddy to the very back of the rest area as much out of sight as possible and let him fuck her. They found though that they were getting farther and farther behind schedule.

When they stopped for dinner that first day, Rob finally told cynful, “I’m sorry hon, but you are going to have to take care of Teddy in the car. We are over two hours behind schedule now and need to make it up if we are going to arrive on time for registration Friday.”

They finished dinner and got on the road again. cynful sat in the back seat with Teddy lying down and taking over half of the seat away. They hadn’t been on the road but about ten to fifteen minutes before Teddy was up on his feet and nuzzling cynful’s tits and face, licking them over and over. Finally cynful took her blouse and pants off. She got up on the seat on her hands and knees. It didn’t take but a few seconds before Teddy was up on the seat behind her and licking her from her clit to her asshole.

They hadn’t been in that position more than a few seconds before they heard a honk. When cynful opened her eyes and looked out of the window she saw a car that was beside them that was loaded with a bunch of college age boys. cynful blushed at being exposed like that and was starting to think about quitting when she felt Teddy launch up onto her back. He soon had his cock sunk into cynful’s juicy cunt and began to fuck her with the abandon that only dogs have.

The guys in the car beside them cheered and cynful thought she heard them a lot louder this time. She had been so into the fuck that she hadn’t noticed that Rob had rolled the windows down. She suddenly felt the wind blowing in her face and could hear everything they yelled but with the roar of the wind covering it. cynful looked out of the window, initially with little focus in her eyes as she was concentrating on the pleasure she was receiving from Teddy. She eventually looked into the eyes of one of the college aged boys and smiled at him, licking her lips as sexily as possible. She wanted to tease them as much as possible while she was being so royally fucked by Teddy. The added excitement at her public exposure pushed her into a massive cum like no other. The guys cheered as it was obvious to anyone looking that she was in ecstasy.

For the next fifteen minutes, the two lanes of the Interstate were blocked as the two cars drove side by side through the rural and desolate countryside of Montana. When Teddy came and turned ass end to ass end with her, the boys finally figured that the show was over and passed them. The built up traffic seemed to go around them very slowly as she recovered from the excitement of her first ever public fuck in the car. She couldn’t tell what was more exciting, the fuck from Teddy or the fact that it had been witnessed while they were driving down the road. Either way, she was sure that it would happen more than once during their trip.

That evening when they pulled into their hotel in Billings Montana, cynful finally got dressed again, just long enough to get checked into the hotel.
As they were unloading the suitcases to their room, the car full of college aged boys pulled up alongside their car and started piling out of the car. The ones at the far side of the car hadn’t seen Rob or cynful and headed to their rooms but the ones that were getting out on the side where Rob and cynful were getting their luggage recognized the car.

One of the boys went up to Rob and introduced himself saying, “Hey, my name is Gary. My friends and I sure loved the show your sweet little thing gave us on the highway this afternoon. Our friends are never going to believe us when we get back to campus and tell them. That had to be the hottest thing any of us have ever seen. Do you guys always do that kind of kinky stuff?”

Rob answered, “No, but Teddy here is such a horny dog that we had to do something. This beauty here is my wife Cynthia and she is a sinful little slut. I tell you what, get your buddies and come down to room 117 and she’ll put on another show for you. Give us about an hour so we can get cleaned up.” The two young men shook hands and parted.

Rob and cynful were soon in the room with Teddy. The two of them immediately went into the bathroom and had a quick mutual shower. Rob washed cynful, spending extra time cleaning her tits and cunt. He ended up eating her out and bringing her to a quick cum. cynful then washed him and once she had him clean, she got down on her knees and sucked his cock down her throat. She spent the next few minutes, worshipping Rob’s cock with her tongue in every way she knew how. Soon she was swallowing down his load of cum. When she was done she stood up and kissed Rob and hugged him as the warm water cascaded down over them.

Rob finally broke the hug and turned off the water. He said, “We’re going to have guests coming soon. I want you to show the boys a good time and put on a wonderful show with Teddy. Give them something to talk about for the rest of their lives.”

cynful answered, “Should I wear the red teddy that I wore for the show?”

Rob smiled at the memory and said, “Why don’t you wear the cape too and give the boys a modified version of your performance with just Teddy. I’m sure they would love that.”

cynful just smiled and dug into her suitcase for her red teddy she used to train Teddy with. The difference between this one and the one in the show was that this one was held together with Velcro that would rip apart while the one at the show just had the seams weakened so that it actually ripped. She was soon dressed and waiting, sitting on the bed.

Moments after she and Rob had gotten dressed, there was a knock on the door. Rob opened the door and let the six college guys in. They brought in a cooler filled with cold beer and after passing a bottle out to everyone, they visited for a few minutes. It seemed that they had just spent the summer, hiking through the Cascades and were on their way back to college at the University of Nebraska. After a few minutes of sharing their stories about the summer, they asked about Rob and cynful. They told very little of their true story. The gist of what they told them was that they were a newlywed couple that
had just finished their honeymoon and that cynful was a kinky slut that liked to do wild and crazy things like they did in the car.

After about a half hour of visiting and getting to know each other, cynful went from guy to guy and sat beside them just long enough to allow her to get him hard and ready to go and then she would go on to the next guy. Finally Rob caught her eyes and nodded the go ahead. He had Teddy by the collar and cynful went into the bathroom for a minute. When she paraded out, she did so dressed up in her Little Red Riding Hood outfit. The guys looked at her with lust but also with confusion. It wasn’t until Teddy got into the act that they began to realize that a show was being put on for their benefit. They cheered as it looked like Teddy and cynful were actually talking with each other.

They cheered even louder when it looked like Teddy was tearing the red teddy off of a very unwilling cynful. Then they cheered even louder as Teddy began to fuck cynful again, giving them an up close and personal view of the action. When Teddy launched up on her back to fuck her this time, she reached back and guided his cock into her asshole. When Teddy was pounding away at her ass, cynful gasped out and said, “I’ve got two holes left for a couple of you studs. Now get over here and get busy.”

The two more adventurous of the young men went over to cynful. One slid under her and lined his cock up with her cunt while the second presented his cock to her mouth. cynful was in her world now, the world of the slutty sex slave who took on all comers for her beloved master. She was soon cumming over and over again as each of the guys quickly came and was replaced.

Teddy, for his part, lasted a whole lot longer than normal. By the time he knotted cynful and came, four of the guys had cum and the other two were in the process of fucking her or being sucked off better than they had ever been done before.

For the next couple of hours, cynful entertained her guests, each one fucking her at least twice and a couple of them three times. It was finally about twelve thirty in the morning when the guys left. cynful went into the bathroom to clean up and when she was done, crawled into bed next to Rob and cuddled with him. Teddy jumped up on the bed and lay down on the opposite side of her. cynful slept the sleep of someone who was truly exhausted.

The rest of the trip went similarly with the exception that they didn’t have any more orgies at the end of the day. cynful did provide many a passer by a wonderful show of her being Teddy’s bitch in every way possible. She actually found it exciting to have complete strangers driving by and catching glimpses, and some even slowing down for the full show. Rob at times had a hard time driving straight due to the distraction of watching the two going at it in the back seat. But the overall goal of arriving by Thursday night was met. They pulled into town just after midnight Friday Morning with registration for them beginning at nine a.m. for Rob and ten a.m. for Cynthia. They checked into a hotel for the night as it was too late to get the key for the house they would be staying in.

The next morning they went straight to registration and spent the morning at the university signing up for the classes they had been registered for and picking up their books. While Rob was standing in line to try and change one of his classes, he met a beautiful, mocha colored African American named LaTesha Morgan that was about 5 feet 9 inches, had 34C breasts and weighed 123 lbs. She was very well built and looked as if she worked out quite a bit. There was something about the way she carried herself that made her stand out in Rob’s eyes. He struck up a conversation with her and found out that she was a junior in the Business College. Rob found her to be rather charming and after spending the better part of an hour together in line they were on their way to becoming friends. LaTesha couldn’t remember her address that she had just moved into that week and of course Rob hadn’t even picked up the keys to his apartment so he didn’t even know where they would live. They parted telling each other that they hoped they would see each other again though both thought the chances of that were slim since he was in medical school and she was a junior undergraduate student.

After touring campus Rob and cynful went to the address they were given to get the key to their house. The organization rented them a house that had a large fenced in yard with an eight foot privacy fence. It took them a while to find the house but it ended up being fairly close to the medical school and a fair distance from the Veterinary school. The main college campus was closer to the Veterinary school as well so they had to make arrangements for Cynthia to be able to get to classes before Monday. About a half hour after they arrived, and while they were both bringing in their luggage and boxes that you would typically see with students, Teddy came up and barked at cynful. She looked at Rob to see what he would say and with hope in her eyes.

Rob heard Teddy’s bark. He looked over at him and saw that he was jamming his nose up into cynful’s crotch and then he would back up and bark at her again. He said with a laugh, “Take him out back and give him what he wants. You know you want to and the yard is huge. I doubt that anyone can see into the yard anyway.”

cynful beamed a huge smile at Rob. She hadn’t enjoyed any attention all day and it was getting toward evening. She was used to sex four or five times a day by that time, most with Teddy. As she stripped out of her clothes she said, “Thank you Master. I’ve been feeling rather neglected today. I’ll be back as soon as Teddy is done to help unpack.” She turned and ran towards the back door with Teddy bounding along besides her barking excitedly. He knew he would be getting to play with his human slave soon.

cynful and Teddy ran out the back door and out into the yard. They wrestled for a bit before Teddy rolled over onto his back and barked at her. cynful reached over with her hand and began massaging Teddy’s sheath. When his cock began to extend out, cynful bent over and sucked the end into her mouth. She hummed in excitement and pleasure at the pleasure she was giving her canine master. Teddy was staring at her panting heavily as he watched her work on his expanding cock.

LaTesha had gone home immediately after she had finished changing the class she wanted. She thought about the young man she met there and hoped that she would meet him again. She liked him because most white men wouldn’t even look at an African American female, even though her skin was a mocha color and looked like she had a deep tan. She got the distinct impression that he was checking her out. When she finally got back to her house she noticed that she was the first one home. She thought, ‘God I could sure use a good cunt lapping right now. I can’t wait until Susie gets home. That little subbie of mine can sure suck cunt good.”

LaTesha went about unpacking a few boxes that she hadn’t gotten to in the last couple of days. She was just finishing up with the last box when she heard a faint barking. She knew that the house next door had been empty the last few days. She hoped that if they had a dog that he was well trained. She didn’t want to spend nights with a barking dog keeping her awake. The dog kept barking like he was playing so she became interested in what was going on.

LaTesha decided to take a look out of the window and see if she could see the new neighbor. What she saw absolutely stunned her. She couldn’t see very well because of the distance but she could tell that there was a woman in the back yard and she was naked as the day she was born. She could see that she was bending over something. After a few moments she saw it move and could make out that it was a dog. As she watched she saw the woman’s head moving up and down like she was………

LaTesha opened her mouth in shock as realization dawned on her and she said aloud to no one, “My god she’s sucking that dog off. I have got to get Susie a dog. That is so hot.” She stuck her hands down and began to rub her clit and fuck her finger into her cunt.

LaTesha was on the verge of cumming a few seconds later when Susie entered the bedroom. LaTesha looked at her with lust crazed eyes that caused Suzie to shudder. LaTesha ordered, “Hurry up and strip off, get max and come here. I need a good hard fuck.”

Susie didn’t dare object. It was always bad when she ordered her to get max. She could barely take the huge cock into her cunt. It hurt every time she fucked her with it. She stripped hurriedly out of her clothes and then ran to get max. She hurried back and handed Latesha the huge strap on dildo. The cock on the dildo was a monster at thirteen inches long and two and a half inches wide. LaTesha had stripped out of her clothes while Susie was getting max and she was ready. She inserted the smaller four inch cock into her cunt, making sure that the raised nub was on her clit. When she had it on tight she ordered, “Put your hands on the window sill and look into the neighbors back yard. I want you to imagine that it’s that cock fucking you and not me.”

Susie followed LaTesha’s orders and bent over, putting her hands onto the window sill. When she looked into the back yard she saw the woman there bobbing her head up and down. She couldn’t quite make out what she was doing but she looked like she was giving a blow job. She suddenly felt her cunt being stretched out obscenely by the huge dildo. She had been fucked by it numerous times but it hurt every time she thrust it in and continued to hurt for the first few strokes until her cunt stretched to adapt. This time LaTesha didn’t take her time either. She forced it in to the hilt as hard and fast as she could gasping in pleasure to the counterpoint scream of pain from Susie.

As the dildo sank into Susie’s cunt, she remembered what her mistress had told her about imagining that it was the cock in the neighbors yard. But she didn’t see a cock though it looked like the girl was giving a blow job. Finally the girl moved around and she got a glimpse at the massively huge dog she was sucking. This happened just as LaTesha bottomed out in her cunt. She grunted at the sudden pain and her face went white at the thought of what she knew her mistress was thinking. Susie thought, ‘She wouldn’t dare. Not with a dog. I won’t do it.’

It seemed as if LaTesha had been listening in on Susie’s thoughts as she fucked in and out of her cunt. She said, “I can tell that you just realized that the neighbor girl is sucking the dog’s cock. And yes, I am going to get you one and teach you how to do that and much more. And don’t even think of refusing or I’ll send those pictures to mommy and daddy of what you were up to last year. I’m sure they would like to know what a drunken, bondage, lezzie slut their daughter is. When I get done here, I’m going next door to introduce myself. Now just watch the action and see where your future lies.”

LaTesha reached under Susie and grabbed hold of her nipple rings and began to twist and pull them. Susie soon launched into a massive orgasm, followed by another and another. She had three more before LaTesha came from fucking her.

After LaTesha recovered from her cum, she undid the buckles and straps of the dildo. She left the huge monster in the collapsed heap that was her slave. She patted Susie on the ass and whispered in her ear, “I want you to clean the dildo up when you’ve recovered enough. I’m going over to meet our new neighbors.”

cynful continued sucking oblivious of her audience. She turned so that her ass was next to Teddy’s head so she could get more of his cock down her throat. She soon felt him licking her thigh. She decided she wanted some stimulation as well. She straddled his head and lowered her cunt until it was a fraction of an inch above his snout. Teddy took one long swipe with his tongue, licking from her asshole to her clit. cynful moaned in pleasure around Teddy’s ever growing cock, adding to his pleasure. He then attacked her wet and dripping slit with a vengeance. It was only a few moments later that she moaned out her first good cum from Teddy’s licking. His knot was just beginning to swell at that time. He kept licking and licking and cynful began to get more and more excited.

At the ten minute mark, Teddy was just getting to the point where his knot was about halfway to its normal size. cynful quickly turned around and impaled herself on his cock and forced the already three inch knot into her cunt and began to fuck her canine master.

That was when Rob was interrupted unpacking a box by a knock on the door.
When he opened it he exclaimed, “LaTesha! What are you doing here?”

LaTesha was just as surprised as Rob was and answered, “Well hello to you too. I just thought I would welcome my new neighbors to the neighborhood. It’s a small world isn’t it? Just this morning we met and started to become friends and here we are neighbors. How about introducing me to that wonderful wife you told me so much about?”

Rob went up to the bedroom, forgetting that cynful was out in the back yard with Teddy. When he remembered what they were doing out back he turned around, with a full blush going, and said, “Uhhmm… uhhmmm… s…s…s…she……”

LaTesha quickly guessed he was trying to find a way to tell her something other than what was really going on and make an excuse for her. She smiled and decided to go right for the throat. She said, “She’s in the back yard sucking off your dog the last I saw. How about taking me out and introducing us. I’m sure she won’t mind. I sure won’t.” She gave Rob a wink when she said it and grabbed his hand and led him down the stairs and to the back door.

LaTesha opened the back door and walked out to the patio and saw cynful facing them bouncing up and down on Teddy’s cock. LaTesha let go of Rob’s hand and clapped in excitement.

cynful had her eyes closed as she enjoyed fucking Teddy’s wonderful cock.
She suddenly heard clapping and when she opened her eyes she saw a tall statuesque African American woman standing next to Rob clapping. She blushed a little at the unexpected audience. But she was used to having an audience and if she was with Master Rob, there was no reason for her to stop. She waved at the girl with a smile just as she launched into a massive cum. She screamed out her cum, letting the guest know that she loved what she was doing. Finally she fell forward onto her hands and knees and gasped for breath.

Back at LaTesha’s house, Susie was just coming around after her serious fucking from her mistress. Max, the huge dildo, was still stuck in her cunt with the straps hanging down. Susie began to regain her coherence and pushed herself up. She looked out of the window just as cynful quit sucking Teddy. She watched in amazement, her mouth dropping open in surprise as she saw the new neighbor begin to squat over the dog. She thought, ‘Surely she’s not going to fuck the dog. That’s so…… perverted!’

Susie couldn’t see very well and she strained to see more. She remembered that her mistress had an antique set of opera glasses that she had gotten recently when her grandmother died. She got up and ran to the drawer that she stored it in for safe keeping. She got back just as cynful began to fuck the dog. With the opera glasses she could see quite distinctly, every bit of the action between cynful and Teddy. Susie felt her excitement growing and absentmindedly reached down and started to fuck herself with her left hand pushing and pulling the huge dildo in and out. Her right elbow was perched on the windowsill and she held the opera glasses in her right hand. She had her eyes glued to the glasses and watched as she fucked herself. She was really getting into the debauchery of what she was doing when she suddenly saw the new neighbor wave, never missing a beat, as she continued fucking the dog.

Susie moved her gaze in the direction that the neighbor had waved and soon stopped on her mistress standing beside a guy. She gasped in surprise and then moved back to cynful who was fucking with abandon now. She watched as the girl launched into what had to be a massive orgasm. Again Susie was amazed at the feelings this instilled in her. She was fucking the dildo in and out of her cunt as rapidly as she could. She was more excited than she ever had been.

As cynful knelt there on all fours trying to get her breath, Rob introduced her to LaTesha as if this was a normal every day occurrence at some party instead of a naked young college student kneeling on all fours with a huge dog cock up her cunt. Cynful gasped out hello as she finally got her breath and sat back up and began to fuck Teddy in earnest. Her beautiful tits were bouncing up and down in rhythm with her thrusts and counterthrusts as she fucked her canine master.

LaTesha noticed cynful’s nipple and clit rings and the bright red brands on her tits that said, ‘CYNFUL’ on the right tit and ‘KNOTSLUT’ on the left tit. LaTesha grimaced at the obvious pain that must have caused her but recognized the signs of what they meant. While she continued to watch cynful fuck Teddy she said, “Rob I see that Cynthia has a brand on her tits and has pierced nipples and clit. I take it you have a Dom/sub relationship?”

Rob looked at LaTesha and saw the lust that was in her eyes and that there was no condemnation at all there. He didn’t want to just volunteer their master/slave relationship yet though so he said, “Why do you ask?”

LaTesha recognized the question for the dodge it was and decided she would break the ice on the subject. She answered, “Well I have my own little sub slave over at the house. As a matter of fact when I first saw your wife sucking Teddy here, I made her watch out of the window while I fucked her with my monster strap on. I hadn’t thought about having her fuck a dog before. God that has to be one of the hottest things I’ve ever seen. So is Cynthia a sub?”

Rob realized that their neighbor wasn’t going to be a problem with their lifestyle so he answered truthfully, “Yes LaTesha, she is. She is not only my wife but my slave in every way. Her slave name is cynfulknotslut or cynful for short. As a mistress, please feel free to call her that. I will instruct her that you are to be treated as a mistress at all times. If you want your sub to get some pointers, feel free to bring her over for some sessions with cynful. I’m glad this isn’t a problem with you. We were a bit worried about what the neighbors might think. As a matter of fact, if I had known you could see the back yard from your house, I wouldn’t have allowed cynful to have her romp out here. But I’m glad she did.”

LaTesha answered, “I understand. I have three other roommates besides my sub Susie. One is 19 and two are 18 with one of the 18 year olds having her 18th birthday today. They aren’t aware of Susie’s and my true relationship and for now I would like to keep it that way. They just think we’re a couple of lezzies. At least they’re cool with us sleeping together. I think they are planning a little party for her this evening. I have to go to work soon so won’t be able to be there or I would invite you over. I don’t think it would be fair to them to have you show up without knowing any of them. We’ll plan a little get together next weekend.”

LaTesha continued with Susie’s tale saying, “Susie’s an interesting case.
For quite a few reasons, there was no way I could leave Susie to her own devices in the dorms. We were roommates last year and she was out partying all night almost every night. She was a party animal, coming back drunk, loud, and waking me up every time. She was on the road to flunking out because she would stay out until two or three in the morning. She was starting to interfere with my grades so I finally decided to do something about it. One Friday while she was partying, I went to a local adult store and got some toys. When she returned at 4 am, I helped her strip and get into bed. She was so drunk that she never noticed when I put cuffs on her wrists until it was too late. Then it was easy to add a spreader bar, dildo and butt plug to the mix. She woke up at 3pm that day and asked me what was going on and demanded to be released. I told her I was pissed at her for continually coming in and waking me up in the early morning hours. I showed her the pictures I took of her after I had her all bound up and even got a timed one with me eating her cunt out. I was wearing a wig to disguise who I really was and hid my face so they can’t tell whether I’m black or white. When I told her she had better straighten up or I would send those pictures to her parents, she got belligerent with me. I knew she hadn’t been to the bathroom since she had come in earlier in the morning. I realized that she probably had to go like crazy so I pulled her legs up by the spreader bar until her cunt was over her face. She begged and begged me to let her go but I told her that it was obvious from her attitude that she hadn’t changed and I wasn’t going to put up with it. When she learned that I wasn’t going to let her go until she pissed on her self, she really started to beg. I just ignored her until she couldn’t hold it any more. When she started pissing, I twisted her nipples and caused her to scream. She got a mouthful of piss and started coughing and crying like crazy. After she pissed on herself I sat down at the computer and started writing an email to her parents. That woke her up and she began to beg and promise she would be good. When she did I laid out the rules. The deal was simple at the start, she could go out one night a week, and had to be in by 2am. She could not cut a class, or score less than 85% on any exam, or she would pay a penalty. For about the first month everything was fine but then she fell off the wagon. This time I was more than pissed off. By the time the weekend was over she was calling me Mistress and I had her nipples and clit hood pierced and she had a red ass and tits. She’s been quite a compliant little sub since then. She’ll do just about anything I want within reason. She did balk a bit when I told her to dream that the dildo I was fucking her with belonged to Teddy there. I must say, it excited the hell out of me to imagine it was Susie fucking him.”

Just as LaTesha was finishing her story she caught a glint of light from the direction of her house. She looked over and saw Suzie in the window watching. She looked hard and realized that Suzie had gotten out her grandmother’s antique opera glasses. She said angrily aloud to herself, “That little bitch. She knows that she’s not supposed to touch those glasses. I’m going to have to punish her ass.”

LaTesha fumed as she watched cynful fucking Teddy. Her mind was trying to think of a way to make Susie pay for taking her precious opera glasses. They were something that had been passed down from generation to generation. No telling how old they really were. As she watched cynful fucking Teddy, an idea began to form. Finally she said, “cynful, you seem to have acquired an audience over at my house. Why don’t you wave at the second story window and wave at the little voyeur and then wave her down? I want her to meet you.”

cynful immediately followed orders. She turned toward the house next door and diverted her eyes to the window Susie was at. She waved excitedly at her and then waved for her to join her.

Susie had been watching and fucking herself, oblivious to anything else.
She closed her eyes momentarily as she neared orgasm. When she opened them again, she was shocked into inaction by what she saw. The neighbor girl was looking straight at her and waving. Then she began to wave for her to join her. Susie almost dropped the opera glasses. She definitely stopped fucking herself. She soon got control of her emotions and moved the glasses so she could see her mistress. What she saw scared her. She could see from her mistress’s face that she was angry. She also saw that she was pointing to the ground in front of her as she stared at the window.

Susie was truly scared now. Mistress was angry at her for something and she didn’t want to incur any more of her wrath. She quickly jumped up and grabbed a terrycloth robe and began to run down the stairs and out of the house as she struggled to put it on. To anyone looking, they would have laughed at the way she was running. In her panic, she had left the dildo in her cunt and it caused her to waddle in a very funny way. She even forgot to put the opera glasses down. Halfway to the neighbor’s house she realized she still had them and in a panic, put it in her robe’s pocket.

When Susie got to the neighbor’s house she immediately entered the back yard through the front gate. She waddled as fast as she could around to the back of the house. She didn’t stop until she was in front of her mistress and kneeling.

LaTesha waited a few seconds before she said anything. When she finally began to speak she said angrily, “You filthy little cunt. After all I’ve done for you, you can’t even follow a simple order. Now I want you to think back a couple of weeks. I gave you a very specific order about something. Do you remember what that order was you stupid cunt?”

Susie was so panicked that she couldn’t remember an order from a few minutes ago, let alone from a couple of weeks ago. Her pause was too long however and suddenly she felt a sharp stabbing pain in her cheeks from where her mistress slapped her. She fell over screaming from the force of the blow. Suddenly she heard her mistress yell in an even angrier voice, “Get back in position you stupid cunt and answer my question.”

Susie was shaking in fear so much, she could barely move. When she eventually got into position, she whispered dejectedly, “I… I… I… d…d…don’t remember mistress.”

LaTesha angrily said, “I’ll give you a little hint you stupid cunt. You were just using it to watch cynful fucking Teddy. Do you remember what I’m talking about now you stupid bitch?”

Susie did remember and she immediately remembered the orders her mistress had given her. She was to never touch the opera glasses for any reason, even if her life depended on them. Her face went white as she knew she had seriously screwed up. She quickly fell down and wrapped her arms around her mistress’s feet and began to beg, “Please forgive me mistress. I forgot. I’m so sorry. Please don’t punish me. I’ll do anything for you if you forgive me.”

LaTesha answered, “You’ll do anything for me whether I forgive you or not. But I’ll tell you right now that you are going to have to work off my anger. You fucking know you deserve it too. I have an idea of what I am going to do to you. You do this and I won’t paddle you. Do you agree?”

Susie answered in confusion, “You didn’t tell me what the punishment would be. How can I agree to something you didn’t tell me?”

LaTesha’s anger was beginning to wane a bit but she didn’t want Susie to know that. She acted angrier still and said, “I’m not going to tell you what I had in mind. You either agree to it or I paddle your ass every night until you pass out and then after a week of that I will send all of the evidence I have of your activities to your parents. Now what is it going to be?”

Susie knew she was between a rock and a hard place. She bowed her head down in defeat and mumbled very quietly, “Okay, I agree to your punishment.”

LaTesha slapped Susie again and said, “That wasn’t good enough bitch. Say it so everyone in this yard can hear you.”

Susie was crying in full body sobs as she tried to get the words out, “I…I…I
a…a…agree ‘sob…sob…sob’ to ‘sob…sob…sob’ to your ‘sob…sob…sob’ punishment

LaTesha smiled as she knew she had her right where she wanted her. She answered, “For violating my orders so grievously and because you did it so you could watch cynful fuck Teddy here, I think it only appropriate that you become Teddy’s bitch for a week. You will take care of his every need just like cynful does normally. There is no negotiation. For the time, you will stay over here with Teddy and Master Rob will be your Master. You will follow and obey him, just like you obey me. After your punishment is over, you will continue to follow and obey his orders as if they are mine. The only orders that take precedent over his from now on are mine. Otherwise he is your lord and master. Do you understand cunt?”

Susie was sobbing terribly and squeaked out a yes as she nodded her head in agreement. She did ask, “C…Can the punishment start after the party for Abby? ‘Sob…sob…sob’ I promised her I would be there.”

LaTesha relented but wanted to exact her first bit of punishment from her and said, “I want you to get out of that robe and crawl over to where cynful and Teddy are fucking and I want you to get down there and lick where they are joined. When the dog finishes cumming and pulls out, you will suck him clean and then suck his cum out of cynful’s cunt. Only when you’ve done that can you go back to the house.

Susie looked at LaTesha in amazement and said, “You’re going to make me lick up dog cum. I c………”

LaTesha interrupted Susie in mid sentence and said, “Before you say you can’t, remember the consequences. I’m sure your loving parents would like to know what a drunken, lezzie whore you are. Now get to it before it’s too late.”

Susie lowered her head in defeat and crawled over to cynful and Teddy. cynful had watched the entire thing and just couldn’t understand why Susie would agree to something like this and still be so dejected. No matter though. She was nothing but a slave and it was up to the masters and mistresses to make the decisions. She kept right on fucking Teddy through the whole thing. She watched with intensity as Susie crawled toward her. She gasped in erotic surprise as she felt Susie bend in and give her first tentative lick of the joined cock and cunt. What she couldn’t see were the silent tears streaming down Susie’s cheeks.

Susie may have been excited about watching another girl fucking a dog. But she never imagined that she would be involved in bestiality in any way. To her this was as low as a person could go. And to be made to do it in front of witnesses just added to the whole humiliation of the whole thing. Any form of resistance or belief that she would ever be free of her roommate’s grasp, was quickly being squashed. She fully began to realize that her future was to be a sex toy for LaTesha to play with. These thoughts were the focus of her entire awareness as she bent down and on autopilot began to lick the joined cock and cunt.

cynful’s excitement began to skyrocket as she felt the dual stimulation of Teddy’s cock in her cunt and Susie’s tongue all over and around the area they were joined. Her excitement was building more and more until suddenly she felt Teddy begin to shoot stream after stream of burning hot doggie cum into her stuffed cunt. That was enough to push her to the edge but not enough to push her over into a good cum.

Susie was tentatively licking around the joined cock and cunt for a few moments when she felt the pulse travel through the cock. She kept licking until just a bit of dog cum began to seep around Teddy’s knot. When she got her first taste of dog cum she began to pull away.

cynful was almost over the edge of cumming when she felt Susie begin to pull away. She immediately reached down with both hands and pushed Susie’s face back into her cunt and yelled, “Lick me you stupid bitch. I’m almost there. Don’t stop now.”

Rob and LaTesha had been watching the whole thing. When they watched and heard cynful ordering Susie around and forcing her face into where her cunt and Teddy’s cock were joined, they began laughing. LaTesha finally got control and looked at Rob and said, “Listen Rob. I meant what I said about her following your orders as if they were mine. Don’t let her ignore you. And after that little show cynful put on, I think she should get to mistress over Susie as well. Susie really pissed me off so for the next week, I want her to spend as much time as possible with Teddy. You can have Teddy do whatever he wants with her for all I care. I’ve got to get to work. Thanks for the show. I can tell it’s going to be a fun year. Oh, let her enjoy her last night of relative freedom so she can enjoy the party. I’ll make sure she comes over tomorrow for you to play with. Bye now.” She leaned in and gave Rob a quick kiss on the cheek before turning and walking to leave through the front gate to go home.

cynful guided Susie through the arduous task, for Susie, of sucking Teddy’s cock clean of their combined juices. Then she made Susie suck all of the dog’s cum out of her over flowing cunt. For the next hour, cynful enjoyed cum after cum until she couldn’t stand it any more. Finally she pushed Susie away and said, “I think master has something he wants to say to you before you go. I’m all cleaned up now. It sure has been fun. I’m going to enjoy having you live next door.”

Susie dejectedly got up and walked over to Rob. She never saw what hit her as Rob slapped her hard with an open hand across the face. She found herself picking herself up off of the ground again for the second time that afternoon. She wondered what she had done wrong when it dawned on her that she didn’t treat Rob like she did Mistress LaTesha. When she got up, she knelt in front of him and waited.

Rob waited until Susie was in position before he said anything. When she was he said, “In the next week or two, we’ll get rid of that little bit of a stubborn streak. Your problem is that you haven’t accepted your position as Mistress LaTesha’s slave. Well you better take a good look at these.” Rob threw down several pictures in front of her.

What Susie saw caused her to faint. When she came around, the pictures were gone. She looked forlornly at Rob and asked through her tears, “Tell me you didn’t send those pictures of me sucking the dog to my parents. Please don’t send them. I promise I’ll obey… PLEASE.”

Rob smiled and said, “Those pictures will be given to your mistress tomorrow. Then of course we’ll want to get some of you with Teddy fucking you both in the cunt and the ass. After that, we’ll just see what happens. Now it’s time for some ground rules. Your mistress has given you to me for the next week, except for tonight. Tomorrow morning I expect you to come over to the house and cook breakfast for us. I want you to plan on having breakfast ready for us at seven in the morning. Don’t even think of coming in the front door. All of the doors will be locked and if you ring the door bell, you will be punished. There is a doggy door here in the back that you can crawl through. For the duration of the time you are serving me, you will cook breakfast for me. Keep in mind that Teddy tends to get horny at night so if he sees you before you get inside or once inside and he wants to fuck you, be sure and let him. That is no excuse however, for being late with breakfast. If you think you might be late, it would be better to start a little earlier. The next rule is that you will no longer walk on this property. You will crawl like the dog’s bitch you are. The third rule is that you will always be naked while you are on this property. Rule four is that you will take care of all bodily functions in the back yard. You are not allowed to use the toilet in either house any more. The back yard is the only place a doggie bitch like you should go. Any time Teddy barks at you, I expect you to immediately start to attend to his needs. He will let you know whether he wants a fuck or to be sucked. All you have to do is stay on all fours and he will make the decision which hole he wants to fuck you in. I would recommend that if you haven’t been fucked in the ass that you get yourself loosened up with that dildo or you’ll be screaming bloody murder and the neighbors will call the police. Just think how mom and dad will react when they see the police report of you being fucked up the ass by a dog. I’m sure they would be proud of their lovely daughter. If you’re smart, you’ll sleep with that dildo in your ass tonight. Now get back to your house. You’ve got a birthday party to attend.”

Susie looked for her robe but couldn’t see it any where. Rob knew what she was looking for but wasn’t going to say anything until she asked. She kept looking over at him as if she wanted to ask but always stopped at the last minute. Finally she took a deep breath in resignation and crawled out of the still open front gate and all of the way home. Fortunately for her, no one came down the road in front of the houses when she was crawling between the houses. As she crawled, she wondered, ‘How much more screwed up can my life get. How can I ever face my parents again after all of the pictures that have been taken? On top of that, how could anyone be as happy as that cynful girl, or whatever her name is, when she is nothing more than a slave for sex? God, how I envy her! I’ll have to ask her how she adjusted to her life that way.’

Susie entered the house none too soon. If she had been a few seconds later, the birthday girl would have seen her crawling naked into the house. She heard the car pulling into the drive as the door was closing behind her. She hurried up the stairs to LaTesha’s room. She couldn’t really call it her room since she was nothing more than property to her mistress. She went into the suite bathroom and filled the tub. She knew she could soak and scrub for the rest of her life but she would never again feel clean. She had sucked a dog’s cock. Nothing could be lower or worse than that. But at least the hot water would help her relax. The thing that added insult to injury about the whole thing was that she had cum while she was being forced to suck the dog’s cock. It wasn’t a big overpowering cum like some she’d had but she did cum. Being forced to suck the dog’s cock was exciting to her. She could never admit that to anyone, let alone herself, but that was the case. She decided she would stay in the tub until the last possible minute. Then quickly get dressed and party like never before. She had the suspicion that this would be her last free night for a long, long time.

One of the nice things about the visit with LaTesha was that while Master
Rob and Mistress LaTesha had been watching, they also discussed transportation to and from the main college campus and it was arranged for cynful to ride with LaTesha to classes. Rob and cynful spent the rest of the afternoon and most of the evening unpacking and getting settled in. When they were comfortable with how they had everything, Rob led cynful by the hand to the door just off of the kitchen. It didn’t escape cynful’s notice that Rob had to unlock the door to go down the stairs. The stairway was rather dark and there was another locked door at the bottom of the stairs. When Rob opened the door, Cynful gasped in surprise. In front of her was what could only be described as a dungeon. There were manacles on the wall and floor. There were huge hooks on pulleys attached to crossbeams that supported the floor above. There was an area with a sink and open drain and an open shower head. There was a table there with shackles attached to it as well. There was also a St. Andrews cross. There were several cabinets in the room but when they looked, there was no actual equipment in them. Rob did find a note in one of the cabinets that gave them the address to a porn shop close to where they lived that catered to unusual tastes. It also had a code on it and indicated that they had a two thousand dollar credit line to get started on outfitting the dungeon.

Rob showed the note to Cynful who clapped her hands together giddily and said, “Oh goody master. Let’s go get our stuff tonight? I want us to have our very own dungeon so we can have all sorts of fun together.”

Rob shook his head in amazement as he was constantly being surprised by how
Cynthia responded to all of the things she was exposed to as a sub in the Coch Organization. He finally answered, “Then why don’t we go see just how much of this limit we can spend tonight. Come on you little slut. I don’t know if I’m going to be able to keep up with you. You do surprise me a little more every day. Just three months ago I would have never dreamed you could be like this.”

cynful turned toward Rob and put her arms around his shoulders and looked up into his eyes with love and adoration saying, “I don’t know how many times I have to say this to you, my master, but I’ll keep saying it as long as I have to. The old Cynthia Palmer died when I found out that my brother had sold me out to some bookie. When I was given a choice of becoming a crack whore and ending up in some gutter somewhere or being a slave to someone unknown and live my dream I decided that the latter was much preferable to the former and devoted my life to that choice. You know what changed when I found out that the master in question was you?”

Rob truthfully answered, “No I don’t. What changed when you found out it was me?”

cynful answered with sincere conviction saying, “If I was willing to give my all for a master I did not know, then I had to give you everything else I had left. That is my love, my trust and my undying devotion. You are the master of my heart and my soul. I am truly yours to mold and play with as you see fit. I pray daily that you will never violate that trust but you are my master in every way and it is my duty to help you to enjoy this body that belongs to you to the best of my ability.”

Rob bent his head down and took cynful into a bear hug and kissed her with every ounce of passion he had. He whispered after he broke the kiss, “I accept your gift and promise to always honor the trust you have given me my love. I also promise that we will explore every facet of play we can and find out what you love and what you don’t. If you ever find you don’t like something, just let me know and I won’t do it again. Now let’s go find out what kinds of things we can find to play with. I’m sure we need to find a variety of clamps, whips and dildos but we’ll just have to shop and see what else they have.”

The two left the house with Teddy and drove the half mile to the porn shop.
After showing the clerk the note, they were made to wait as he phoned the owner. Within five minutes the owner was in the shop and approached Rob and cynful. He shook Rob’s hand while he appraised cynful with his eyes. He said, “I was told you had a red headed beauty of a sub but I’d say she was an angel. She looks so innocent, are you sure this is the same slave I was told about?”

Rob laughed, “Let me introduce you to cynfulknotslut. She answers to cynful. We are here to stock up our new dungeon. The note said that we had a two thousand dollar limit to get us started.”

The owner of the shop had an evil, lustful sneer on his face as he said, “Yes the agreement was that I would give you a two thousand dollar credit line but that she would have to work it off. I have a little stage area in back and I usually keep a slave handy so customers can test their equipment before they buy. I tell you what. You put her back in that room and when she has earned me double the amount of credit you have, we’ll call it even. I’m guessing that if she is as good as I’ve been told, she will be done before the night is through.”

Rob responded as he looked at cynful, “I tell you what, you get on your phone to your organization members and tell them we have a little surprise for them tonight and charge them an admission. I promise it will be worth their while. cynful will earn the two thousand like you said but the money from the show will go to any additional purchases we might want to make over and above that. What do you think about doing something like that?”

The owner answered, “Let me have 25% of the take and it’s a deal.”

Rob was surprised, He expected the guy to want a lot more than that and had hoped for a 50/50 deal. This was much better and so shook his hand and said, “We have a deal. Let me get our purchases first and then we’ll have cynful in the back room. We’ll stay until you tell me she has earned her keep. I want to be in the room at the same time so I can protect my slave. Once she has met the requisite amount then give us about 30 minutes to get set up for a show. I want it understood that I will allow no permanent damage to be done to her. I also expect that any customers desiring to enjoy all of her assets will take appropriate precautions. I will not have my slave put at risk of being exposed to some disease.”

The owner shook Rob’s hand and answered, “It’s agreed. Just bring your purchases to the counter when you’re done and the cashier there will put it aside for you. When you’re ready, let him know and he will show you to the back room.”


Chapter Seven – Night At The Porn Shop

After talking with the owner of the porn shop, Rob and cynful began to shop. Cynthia giggled and acted like a girl in her favorite toy store as they went from aisle to aisle. When they got to the clamps section, she took one of every different combination of clamps. Giggling and smiling at Rob. She went up to him and whispered in his ear, “Just wait until you get a chance to try all of these on your little doggy slut… hehehehe…”

cynful went to the dildo section next. She picked up a nice leather brief case that when she opened it, it had every size dildo in it from a fairly small five inch long, one inch diameter dildo to a fourteen inch long, three inch diameter dildo. There were a total of six in the case. There was also a total of six butt plugs in the case as well. All of the dildos and butt plugs had a vibrator included in them. After almost reverently running her hand over the dildos, cynful threw them into the bag that Rob had.

cynful turned back around and saw a silver dildo with a control on it. She picked up the package and saw that it said training dildo. Cynful turned around and held it up to Rob and said, “I think that we should definitely get this dildo. That way I can wear it while I’m at class and train my cunt muscles to be nice and strong so I will always keep it nice and tight for you. What do you think?”

Rob answered, “I think that’s a wonderful idea. I wouldn’t want that sweet cunt of yours to permanently lose its wonderful tightness. Make sure you get a set of each of the electrical dildos too.”

cynful turned around and grabbed the dildos that Rob had pointed too and dumped them into the bag. The bag was getting full so they went up to the counter and traded it with the clerk for an empty bag. They were just turning around to continue shopping when the door to the store opened and in walked an older woman with a large Rotweiller.

cynful looked at the dog with lust in her eyes. She started getting excited. She turned to Rob and looked at him with all of the lust and hope that she had. She didn’t say a word because before she could Rob said, “Go ahead you little dog slut. Have a go. I’m sure all of the customers would enjoy the show.”

cynful turned to go but quickly turned back and said, “Why don’t you go get Teddy and bring him in. It’s obvious we can bring him in and they won’t say anything. I’m sure he hates being locked up in the car.

cynful walked over to the mistress, who had just walked to the dildo section that they had come from. She walked up behind the woman who was now crouching down and picking up the biggest of the dildos and holding them in front of the dog. There were about six different types of very large dildos that she picked up and held in front of the dog one after the other. When she did she would say in a kind of baby talk, “What do you think of this one my lover boy? Is this the one you want to use on mommy? Is it boy?”

It was on the fourth dildo that the dog barked and took the dildo in his mouth, balls first with the business end sticking straight in front of its nose. Cynful couldn’t help but giggle at the funny site. The woman quickly stood up, blushed in embarrassment and looked at cynful.

Before the woman could say anything, cynful held out her hand. When the woman hesitantly extended hers to shake it, cynful said, “I was just admiring your dog here. Would you let me have a go at him? Please?”

The woman looked at cynful as if she had just grown horns. She asked, “You want to fuck my Brutus? Here? In the store?”

cynful got down on her knees in front of the big dog and hugged it. With her arms around the dog she looked up at the woman with pleading eyes and said in a raspy, lustful whisper, “Oh yes. He is such a beautiful animal. I can’t wait to get his cock in me.”

The woman, rapidly overcoming her embarrassment said, “I think you’re in for a surprise. My Brutus here is a specially trained stud. He will give you a wonderful ride. You have to do whatever he wants with you, if you do this. I also want you to do it up front where the customers can see you.”

cynful stood up and hugged the woman and thanked her. She headed to the front of the store and told the clerk to play some music for her to dance to. As soon as the music started, cynful began to dance seductively to the music. She slowly began to unbutton her blouse as she danced. It didn’t take long for the customers to notice something going on at the front and began to congregate around the area where cynful was dancing. When she had the shirt unbuttoned, she pulled it open, exposing her tits to the crowd.

Cheers went up as she exposed her tits. The cheers quickly turned to groans of disappointment as she pulled the blouse closed. She continued to sway to the music for a couple of strains and then she took the blouse off completely. She threw the blouse to Rob who was now standing there with Teddy on his leash.

cynful continued to dance and began to work on her shorts. She slowly unbuttoned them. They all knew that she wasn’t wearing panties immediately. There was nothing but bare skin showing, not a single tuft of pubic hair. When they saw her bare skin they cheered again.

Cynful would have teased them some more but she was way too anxious to get to fucking the dog. She quickly began to pull her shorts down. She kicked them off in the direction of Rob and got down on her hands and knees. She called out, ‘Brutus… come Brutus.”

The woman holding Brutus’ leash knelt down, held the dildo in front of him and ordered, “Fuck her Brutus. Fuck her good.”

Brutus took the dildo by the balls end in his mouth. He quickly bounded up to cynful and began poking the business end into her ass. She was surprised that he was trying to force the dildo into her instead of licking her like most dogs do. She was already excited from the dance and she wanted to be fucked so she reached back and lined up the dildo with her cunt. Brutus pushed forward and began to fuck the dildo in and out of her cunt. It was amazing, the way he made it go in and out like a real cock. Every once in a while he would force the fake cock all of the way into her cunt and begin to lick her cunt and ass. After a few minutes of that, he would take the base of the dildo in his teeth and begin to fuck in and out again. cynful’s excitement began to grow and grow.

Brutus had been taught to take his human bitch to the edge with the dildo and then leave it in and stop. When he did, cynful yelled out, “Nooooo……… don’t stop. I need to cum. Fuck me Brutus, please fuck me.”

That was the command Brutus had been trained to wait for. He immediately launched up onto cynful’s back and began to position himself to fuck her. His cock began to batter her all around the dildo in her cunt. cynful reached back and guided his cock up to her asshole as she lowered her ass just enough to make it easier for the dog. She desperately wanted that cock in her ass. She had been so close to coming and was so excited she would almost do anything to go that last little bit over the edge. Besides, she thoroughly loved a double fucking.

When Brutus felt the tip of his cock hit her anal rose bud, he pushed in with all of his strength. cynful was use to being taken in the ass by Teddy so it slid in fairly easily. She still let out a grunt from the invasion of the large cock. When the crowd saw it begin to enter her asshole, they began to cheer.

cynful’s ass was well lubricated from all of the licking Brutus had done. He continued to hump his cock further and further into her asshole. As he did, cynful pushed back toward him to help. She was really getting close to cumming so she began to yell for everyone’s benefit, “Fuck me Brutus. Fuck me in the ass you wonderful dog. Make me cum. I’m almost there so keep fucking me. That’s a good dog. Fuck me… fuck me… fuc…………… ahheeeeiiiiii”

cynful launched into a massive cum. The crowd stood there in stunned silence as cynful shook in intense pleasure from her cum. The combination of the dual fuck from the dildo and the dog in front of an audience gave her a wonderfully exciting cum. It was ranked up there along with the best she ever had. For the next few moments the crowd stood there in stunned silence as they watched her body spasm from the force of her cum.

Finally Brutus’ owner began to clap and cheer. This woke the crowd out of their stupor and they all began to cheer. What they didn’t notice was that Brutus was still humping away at her ass. Cynful’s arms collapsed and she folded them up under her head as she rested through the wonderful fucking.

Rob looked around at the growing crowd. Word had apparently gotten out because it seemed that more and more people were showing up all of the time. He didn’t know how they were finding out, but he had a good idea it was the owner of the shop. He glanced over at the clerk and saw him on the phone as well. He suddenly got an idea and yelled, “Hey everyone. Cynful here is my wife. If you like this show, why don’t you leave a nice tip for her? We’re both just poor college students and could sure use the cash. Also, cynful will be in the back room after this for you to try out the stuff before you buy it. Please do the owner the favor of buying a lot for providing you with this wonderful show. And if you like this one, hang around for the show at closing. If you think this is good, just wait. That show will be even better. The clerk will take your tips and donations for us. Thanks and enjoy the show. I hope we’ll see you in the back room.”

All of the guys began to gradually make their way to the counter without taking their eyes off of cynful. They weren’t about to miss any of the action. They didn’t just leave one or two dollars. They were leaving amounts from 10 to 100 dollars. There were at least thirty people in the store at the time and more were coming in all of the time.

As the patrons were tipping, Brutus kept fucking cynful’s ass like there was no tomorrow. Finally his knot began to pound away at her entrance. It was swelling rapidly and cynful knew that if she didn’t get it into her ass soon, it would tear her apart when he did. She began to push back hard, grunting with each push because of the pain. On the third push, it finally sank in and cynful screamed in pain.

Brutus began to fuck her with a machine gun action as he forced his hips into cynful’s ass and his knot moved back and forth rubbing against the dildo in her cunt. She soon returned to actively pushing back when Buster pushed in. Her excitement continued to build and build. She was on the verge of cumming when she felt a lick from her chin to her nose. She gasped and opened her eyes and her mouth at the same time. She stared into Teddy’s eyes as he stuck his tongue into her mouth and began to lick her there, fucking his undulating tongue into her throat. To every one in the porn shop it looked like she was French kissing the dog.

Teddy soon pulled back and launched himself onto her back, face to face with Brutus. Just as Teddy began to try and fuck his cock into cynful’s mouth, Brutus started cumming and howled out as he did. This put cynful over the edge into a massive cum. She began to scream in ecstasy when Teddy found his mark and sank his cock all of the way down her throat. He began a rapid fucking motion, fucking her throat and muting her scream of ecstasy.

Brutus soon turned around ass end to ass end with her as Teddy continued to fuck her. This was the way things went until Teddy began to cum down her throat. Cynful greedily swallowed her canine master’s cum as he pumped it almost directly into her stomach. When he pulled his cock out of her throat a final spurt of cum splashed across her face. The gathered crowd of over 50 people erupted in cheers and applause. They knew that the show was winding down. Teddy immediately returned to Rob as Brutus began to try and pull his cock out of her ass. It was a couple of minutes later when he finally did. Cum ran out of her gaping ass and down over her filled cunt and thighs.

cynful knelt there breathing hard as she recovered from the intense dual fucking. The clerk saw the mess she was making on the floor from the cum and threw a towel at her. cynful felt it hit her in the face and immediately grabbed it. She began to clean herself up as best she could but the cum just kept flowing out of her ass. Finally cynful looked toward the clerk and said, “Can you hand me one of the moderate sized butt plugs from the stuff we gave you. I don’t want to leak all over your store.”

The clerk reached down to the bag he was keeping for them. He opened the case and took out the next to the largest of the butt plugs. It was eight inches long and at its widest, three and a half inches in diameter. Its narrowest diameter was two inches. When he handed to cynful she was startled at the size of it. She gave him a perplexed look but didn’t say anything. She heard exclamations and murmuring in the crowd as they took bets as to whether she would put it in her ass or not. She decided it was time for another show.

cynful took the butt plug and moistened it by bringing it to her mouth. She licked it in as lustful manner as she knew how. She covered it completely with saliva and after pushing it all of the way into her mouth one time at the end, she took it and slowly pushed it into her ass. It proved to be a bit difficult and caused her some pain. Finally she stood up and squatted down. She put her entire weight onto the butt plug and forced it into her ass. She let out a loud groan of pain as the plug spread her ass out and sunk in. Finally it was seated fully and she got up. She waddled more than walked to Rob who was quietly waiting for her. She smiled as she saw cash exchanging hands. Her smile turned even more radiant when she looked at the counter and saw the mound of cash that had been left for them by the clerk.

Rob announced, “That’s the end of the show for now. For invited guests there will be another show when the shop closes. Please let us have some time to finish shopping and then cynful will be in the back room for you to try your purchases out before you buy. Thanks for the donations. They will go a long way to helping us get through college. We’ll see you in the back room in a bit.”

Cynful started to go with Rob when she stopped in her tracks. She squatted down and pulled out the dildo in her cunt. She turned and walked up to Brutus’s Mistress and said, “I think this belongs to Brutus. You have trained him wonderfully. Would you stay for our performance tonight so that I can use him in the show? I would love for you to participate in it as well. I need a Mistress to pull off what I want to do.”

Brutus’s Mistress answered, “As much as I would love to stay, I have other obligations that I can’t get out of. I will let you use Brutus however. The owner has my address so please bring Brutus back yourselves. Brutus and I would love to spend some quality time with the three of you.”

Cynful took the leash that was offered to her and she led Brutus over to Rob. She explained everything to him and he gladly took the leash and gave Brutus’s owner a wave of thanks. They turned down the aisle with the whips and they began to fill their bag with one of each of the whips, floggers, paddles and canes. They then moved on and found the enema equipment. They took one of each there as well. As they rounded the corner at the end of the aisle, cynful noticed a door to another lit room and saw racks of clothes. She grabbed Rob’s hand and pulled him through the doorway.

They found themselves in a room filled with racks and racks of costumes. They began to go through them. She couldn’t find what she was looking for at first. She went to the back of the room to an area that said storage and started lifting up clothes that had been placed on the table. That was where she found what she wanted. She first pulled out a pair of Bavarian Lederhosen for Rob. She continued to dig through and found a Bavarian peasant girl’s dress that was only one size to small for her. She could make it work and it would be more form fitting that way. They went back out to the main area of the costume room and pulled out the third costume they would need. They just had to find the person to wear it. cynful was sure she would find someone by the time the show was supposed to happen.

Master and slave left the room with cynful carrying the costumes and one full bag of equipment. Rob had his hands full of another bag of equipment and the two dogs in the other hand. They quickly made their way to the counter where they placed their purchases. The clerk totaled their purchases and it came to over three thousand dollars. Rob started to take a bag to go put the stuff back when the owner put his hand on Rob’s to stop him. He said, “I know you think that there is no way you can afford all of that, even with her working it off but you would be wrong. Your slut here earned you over two thousand dollars in tips alone for her show. I guarantee that you can make up the remainder in the back room and then some. Everything you make on the show should be pure take home cash. So the stuff is yours as long as you follow through with what you have planned.”

Rob was surprised at the amount of tips cynful had earned. There had been one thing he left behind because he thought it was too expensive. He now realized that it was definitely on the doable list. He told the clerk what he wanted and then had the owner show them to the back room.

When they entered the room both Rob and cynful saw that she had a choice of hanging from shackles or putting her head and arms in a stock. Rob left the decision up to cynful and she chose the stock. The owner held up a set of signs with different prices on it. After the show that cynful had put on earlier, Rob knew that she would be in high demand. He chose the highest price listings. The owner attached the sign to the stocks so that it could be read as soon as a customer entered.

The sign said,

BLOW JOB = $100
FUCK = $200
ASS FUCK = $300
DUAL FUCK = $500
GANG BANG = $1,000 OR

Cynful saw what was on the sign. Never in her life had she imagined that she would be used as a whore. But that was what she was at that moment. At first the initial shock of it bothered her until she realized that she was her master’s toy and that she was there to please him. If that meant that she had to whore herself out then that is what she would do. She might not like it but she had made up her mind that she would willingly submit to whatever her master wanted. She would never complain about what he did to her. A slave doesn’t get that privilege. A slave just submits to her master’s pleasure. That settled in her mind, she was ready for her night in the back room.

It wasn’t long before a customer came in. He carried a couple of whips in his hand. One was a flogger and the other a cat. He stepped up and without saying anything took a couple of swings with each. Each swing landed on cynful’s back and she screamed out in pain. With the first scream Rob shot up and started to go stop the customer. Cynful opened her eyes just in time to see him getting up. She shook her head no vigorously just as the next strike hit. She screamed out in pain as she continued to shake her head no. She quickly opened her eyes again and gasped out, “It’s okay Rob. We have an agreement with the owner. Besides, you will be doing this to me soon.”

Rob shook his head in amazement as he sat down on the chair again. The customer used the flogger on her a couple of times and then left. He never said a thing to either of them. As he was leaving another one came in. He had a package with a dildo that had metal strips on it along its long axis and a remote control. He found one just like it in a cabinet. He took the demonstration model and put the dildo into cynful’s cunt. He took the control and tried each setting. There were ten settings and they ranged from a mild tingle at one to a heavy excruciating shock at ten. Cynful screamed in pain with the five highest settings. Then he put it on random. This randomly shocked cynful at different strengths and lengths of time. He let it cycle through at least five settings and then pulled the dildo out. He held the dildo in front of cynful and she dutifully sucked it clean. He put it on the cabinet counter instead of back in the cabinet so it could be used properly.

The customer paid Rob the $200 for a fuck and went back behind cynful. He put the required condom on his rampant cock and then proceeded to fuck cynful. He was just getting started as another customer came in. Before that customer managed to get half way across the room, the one fucking cynful came. He pulled out and stripped the used condom off, throwing it in the trashcan on the way out of the room.

The new customer proceeded up to cynful. He had different sets of tit clamps. Three sets to be exact. He took the first, which were essentially just alligator clips. He clipped one onto each of her tits and on her clit. Cynful was use to clamps and clips and just groaned from the short bit of pain. The customer left the clips on for about thirty seconds and then took them off. He set them aside and took the next set of clamps. These were vice clamps. He pinched and pulled on her nipples and clit to make them just a bit harder and then placed one on each tit and her clit. He turned the nipple clamps until they were firm initially. He then took turns turning the screw of the clamp tighter one turn. He soon had cynful screaming in agony with each turn.

Rob coughed and the guy looked over at him and saw the look he was getting. He quickly loosened the screws and took the clamps off. Cynful screamed in pain as the blood flowed back into each nipple and her clit. The third set of clamps was a combination alligator clip with a screw clamp. It had teeth along the front edge only. It was rectangular in shape and had screws that connected the top and bottom part of the clamp so it could be tightened down. There were only two clips to this clamp. There was a chain connecting them as well. The customer put the clip on each of her nipples causing her to cringe in pain and let out a little yelp with each one. He pulled on the chain, pulling her tits out into a conical form. This caused cynful to cry and whimper but she didn’t scream. Then he started turning each screw a quarter of a turn each. When cynful screamed loud with each turn two times in a row he stopped.

The customer went over to Rob and paid him the $300 dollars for an ass fuck. He immediately went over and put on his condom. He then pulled out the butt plug and took it to cynful’s face. She opened her mouth without being ordered and he stuffed it in. He returned to her back side and unceremoniously sank his stiff cock up her ass. To his surprise it wasn’t as loose as he expected. cynful’s training had helped her to be able to tighten her ass muscles enough so that she could still give a good ass fuck even though she was stretched out by the dildos. While he was fucking her ass, he reached under with his left hand and began to pull on the chains connected to the clamps on her tits. He spanked her with his right hand.

Cynful felt the pain in her nipples transfer straight to her cunt and she started climbing to a good cum. Soon the guy was cumming up her ass. She wasn’t close enough to cum so she began begging, “Please don’t stop. Please keep fucking me. I’m so close pleeeaaase help me to cummmmmm.”

As soon as the customer quit cumming he pulled out. Cynful yelled out a long no as he did and continued to beg for him to help her cum. When he reached down under her he grabbed the chain and pulled down on it hard. He jerked it back and forth so the teeth would dig into her nipples and the sensations and pain that it caused pushed her up over the precipice and she came, screaming out in a combination of pain and pleasure. Rob was amazed that she came from just pulling the chain of the clamps. He decided that he needed to get a set of those. He didn’t remember having a set with a chain connecting them like that one.

The customer reached under half way through her cum and released one of the clamps. The added stimulus pushed her cum higher and harder even though it had started to wane. Half way through this cum he again reached under and released the other clamp. This pushed her orgasm even higher until she passed out. When the customer was done he came over to Rob and handed him the clamps with the chain. He said, “You won’t find these in the store. This is a little something I made. After the little show you put on earlier, I just had to give your beauty a gift worthy of such a slut. I look forward to the show tonight. Welcome to town.” He then turned and walked out.

Other than the gift, that’s the way the next few hours went. Customers would come in and test the equipment and either leave, or pay for a fuck. There were no gang bangs though there was one dual fuck. It was a husband wife team. The woman had cynful eat her cunt while her husband fucked her ass. It was about a half hour before closing when they got another surprise for the day. Their new neighbor LaTesha came in with a cat and a set of tit and clit clamps.

When she saw cynful in the stocks and Rob sitting there, she said, “Now isn’t this fun. I didn’t expect to find you two here tonight. I see it didn’t take you two long to find the local pervert supply store. I thought I would stop by and get a couple of things for my misbehaving slave. I wanted to test them to see what kind of reaction I would get from them.”

She then went up to cynful and first began attaching the three alligator clips to her nipples and her clit. Then she stepped back and took a couple of swings with the cat in the air to get a feel for it. When she felt ready she stepped up and began to whip cynful’s back. She took two swings and then stopped as the clerk and told her to. But Rob said, “Go ahead and whip her until she begs you to stop. Cynful, if you beg too soon then I will whip you until I’m sure you really mean it and I’ll use these clamps on your tits while I’m doing it. Not to mention that I won’t let you fuck Teddy for a week.”

Cynful had actually been thinking of begging her to stop quickly just to get Rob to use the whip on her. There was no way that she could go without Teddy for a week though. She clenched her teeth and said, “Yes master. I promise to take my punishment like a good slave.”

With that LaTesha said, “I want you to count and ask me for the next one each time. I want to see just how long we can go before your begging me to stop.”

LaTesha swung and brought the cat down on cynful’s back. She counted one and asked for another. They continued this and cynful kept counting though it took her longer and longer each time to quit screaming. They were above 50 when Rob finally said enough. He went up to cynful who was crying terribly by that time and he asked, “I know that you were hurting terribly. Why didn’t you ask for it to stop?”

Cynful said through her tears, “I didn’t want to disappoint you master.” And then she giggled through her tears, “And of course you know I could never go a week without Master Teddy. That was cruel but wise of you sir.”

When Rob looked up he saw the clerk and the owner standing at the door. The owner said, “The time has been up for a couple of minutes but we were enjoying the show. You have about twenty minutes before the show starts. You might want to start getting ready.”

The clerk handed the bag to Rob with the costumes in it. He looked at cynful who was still in the stocks crying and decided to ask for her. He looked at LaTesha and said, “cynful wants to put on a little show for a group of people. We were going to try and find someone in the crowd but we would be honored if you would help out. She has a Hansel and Gretel thing planned. She needs a wicked witch to put the two of us under her spell. Then force her brother to help do unspeakable things to her. I’m sure she had a threesome in mind and the two dogs as well. We have the costume here if you agree.”

LaTesha answered, “Of course I will. That sounds like a lot of fun. But what is this group of people?”

Rob answered, “There is a large international group of slave owners that obtain and train sex slaves. I was going to talk to you about it in a couple of weeks but I think this will expose you more. The cost of membership is $50,000 or two slaves. The two slaves must be turned over to the local group for auction. Any money over the $50,000 will be put into a special account that you can use for purchases of equipment or buying new slaves. I think that you have it in yourself to do well with the organization. Are you interested?”

LaTesha said, “$50,000 is a lot of money. I don’t know where I would get two slaves either. But I definitely would be interested if we can arrange it.”

Rob responded with a smile and said, “Then I will introduce you as a candidate tonight. You will not be allowed full membership until you pay your application fee. You have a year to pay your debt. Until then you can only attend functions as a guest of another master or mistress. Once you have paid, then you can attend any function of the organization that you want. I warn you that the organization is obviously illegal but then so is blackmailing your sub Suzie so I didn’t figure that would bother you.”

LaTesha laughed and said, “Yeah, I never even thought about the illegality of it. But you’re right. Blackmailing that little bitch Susie was against the law. I kind of figured that a sex slave ring would be illegal. That doesn’t change things a bit. Just help me find a couple of slaves and I’m in. Now let’s get cynful free and get ready for this show.”

They spent the remaining time taking cynful out of the stocks and then getting dressed in the appropriate outfits. About ten minutes to show time, several men came in and moved the equipment out of the way. Rob, Cynful and LaTesha were all going over what they would do and say while the room was being set up. The owner came in and LaTesha explained that they would need some bread and that she needed him to participate in the show. The owner readily agreed and left to get a costume from the store room. When it was time for the show the three took their place as people started to come in the room. There was soon standing room only. Cynful realized that there was over a hundred people in the room and the only area that was clear was the area to the left and right of the small stage, a gap of about five feet from the wall to the crowd and the stage.

The owner came in carrying a loaf of bread, handed it to Rob and announced, “Tonight we have a special performance to be put on by our two newest east coast members. Rob is a life time member of the organization from Washington and is out here for medical school. His slave wife is also attending the veterinary school and is going to be working for the organization exclusively. All of the dogs that you get once she graduates will be receiving a clean bill of health from her before they are sent off to their new owners. cynful’s mother is the current organization trainer and is why the most recent dogs are much better trained than the previous ones. Two of those dogs will be performing with them tonight. I can assure those who weren’t here earlier that they do put on quite a show. I turn the rest of the time over to Master Rob, his slave cynful and their guest LaTesha.”

Rob whispered in the owner’s ear and the owner announced, “I have just been informed that their guest is actually a new applicant to the organization and that Rob is sponsoring her. She already has one slave and has promised to bring in two more for her membership fee. Let’s give a warm welcome to Master Rob, his slave cynful and Novice Mistress LaTesha. Welcome LaTesha to the group.”

A round of applause went up to greet them. It was only when they quieted down that Cynful and Rob began to walk away from the stage to the right to walk down the gap between the wall and the crowd around the room. Rob was tearing off small bits of bread as they went and dropping them on the floor. Cynful started out by saying, “Hansel, do you think the stories are true that there is a wicked witch in the forest?”

Rob playing Hansel answered, “I think that was just an old story that adults tell to scare kids from going too deep in the forest Gretel.”

Cynful playing Gretel paused just momentarily then said, “Thank you for helping me get away. It hurt terribly when papa put his thing in my private place last night. It made me bleed and hurt real bad.”

Hansel answered, “I know. I wanted to hit him but was too scared. I knew that if we stayed that papa would keep hurting you. You’ve seen how he hurts mama in the bottom all of the time. I bet that if you stayed he would be putting in his thing in your bottom like he does mama.”

When Rob and cynful were two thirds of the way around the room, the owner, now dressed in a huntsman outfit, led Teddy and Brutus from the right of the stage and began to follow the bread crumbs slowly. He was quietly encouraging the dogs to eat the bread crumbs as he went.

Gretel watched Hansel drop the bread crumbs for a couple of steps and then asked, “Why are you leaving a trail Hansel. If we are running away, won’t that lead papa right to us?”

Hansel said, “In case we ran into problems that we can’t handle, we can get back to the village. I’m still not real sure we’re going the right way so I want to be able to get back so we can go another direction if this doesn’t work out.”

They were now at the left side of the stage. They stepped up on it and started walking across, Rob still dropping crumbs. As they passed the center of the stage, LaTesha threw some glitter at cynful from the gap between the curtains along the back wall of the stage. Cynful froze in place and didn’t move as Rob continued to the edge of the stage before noticing that she had stopped. He turned around and said, “Come on Gretel, we don’t want to stop now.”

Cynful said, “I can’t move Hansel. I’m trying but I can’t move.”

Just as he was stepping toward cynful, LaTesha stepped out from behind the curtain laughing in a cackling laugh like the witch she was playing. She said as she threw a small handful of glitter at Hansel, “Both of you little kids are under my spell now. It has been too long since I enjoyed the flesh of a virginal girl and boy. Come boy. It’s time for you to take your sister’s clothes of.”

Rob started moving forward towards cynful but he was walking stiffly and in a jerking manner as if he was fighting trying to walk. He yelled at the witch, “Stop it witch. I won’t take my sister’s clothes off. You can’t make me.”

LaTesha as the witch said condescendingly, “So you won’t do it little boy. We’ll just see what you will or won’t do. I’m betting you’ll do exactly what I tell you to do. Now take off the little bitch’s clothes. She has an appointment with the god of all canines and his right hand mutt. You on the other hand are going to help her get ready.”

About that time, Rob had reached Gretel and still acting like he was fighting every inch he moved, he began to undress cynful by unbuttoning her dress. He started begging, “Please don’t make me do this. Don’t make me strip my sister.”

LaTesha cackled again and said, “You will do much more than strip your sister little boy. Now hurry up and finish the job. When you are done, you will get on your knees in front of her and suck on her little cunt.”

Rob fell to his knees as if he was forced to. He pulled the dress down until it lay in a puddle around cynful’s feet. She lifted first her left foot, acting like she was forced as Rob had. She moved it to the outside of the dress, then the right foot. She was now naked, the signs of her whipping on her back from earlier still showed. Her feet were now about three feet apart. Rob leaned in toward cynful saying, “Please don’t make me do things to Gretel. Please have mercy………mmmm… mmmm…mmmm”. He mumbled through the last of what he was going to say, right into cynful(Gretel’s) cunt. He began to eat cynful’s cunt for real.

Hansel(Rob) began to aggressively suck and chew on cynful’s wet cunt. He spent several minutes licking her inner and outer lips and thrusting his tongue deep into her hole. As he felt her excitement increase he finally moved to her clit and sucked and nibbled on it until she was on the edge. Just as she was tripping over into an orgasm, Rob remembered how her orgasm before had increased with the pain of pulling the nipple clamps off. He bit down hard on her clit causing cynful to scream in pain and bring cheers from the audience. The addition of the pain sent her orgasm screaming skyward to a massive orgasm. Gretel’s(cynful’s) scream of pain turned into a scream of pure pleasure. She came so hard that she collapsed to her knees. Rob just scrambled out of the way in time for her to fall forward, catching her self with her hands.

The wicked witch(LaTesha) stepped forward from her position at the back of the stage. She was wearing a black witch’s hat, a black robe that hung open, a bustier that held her naked tits up for all to see and a strap on dildo with a twelve inch dildo attached to it. She stepped up behind Gretel and quickly pushed the cock into her saturated cunt causing Gretel to cry out.

While the witch had been approaching Gretel, Hansel had gotten up and moved in front of her head as if he was still being forced. He had pulled his stiff cock out and was standing there ready when Gretel cried out. He stuck his rampant cock into her mouth and down her throat cutting the cry short.

Cynful had gagged when Rob’s cock went down her throat. She hadn’t been expecting it at the time. When they had talked about the scenario, they had agreed that she would suck him off. Between Rob biting her clit so hard and forcing his cock straight down her throat she realized that something had changed in Rob. She found her excitement and orgasms were getting better this way. She may not like the pain, but it definitely improved her orgasms. She hoped that Rob wouldn’t take it too far.

Hansel and the witch continued to fuck Gretel like there was no tomorrow. They were pummeling her back and forth without mercy. The witch was the first to cum. She shouted out in pleasure as she fell forward, supporting herself with her hands on Gretel’s back. She stayed that way as her orgasm surged through her. Hansel was still fucking Gretel’s throat and was no where near cumming.

While the witch and Hansel were fucking Gretel, the huntsman(The owner dressed in a huntsman uniform) was leading Teddy and Brutus around the outer edges of the room, making sure that the dogs ate the bread crumbs that Hansel had dropped. He made his way to the front left of the audience and waited until Hansel came down Gretel’s throat.

Hansel stepped back after cumming and announced, “I’m free of your spell witch. We are leaving. You can’t hold us here any more.”

Hansel reached down and helped Gretel up and as they turned to go off stage to follow the bread crumbs back. As they were getting up the witch laughed and said, “And where will you children go my sweets. My huntsman has been following you for miles and his hunting dogs have been eating your crumb trail. You have no where to go. Besides, do you think that I would let you go?”

The laughed again with an evil cackle and stepped up in front of Hansel and Gretel. She said as she ran her open hand down the right side of Gretel’s face, “And now that you have entertained me my sweet little play toy. You will entertain my huntsman and his boys.”

The witch turned and went back to the wall where she started from and turned back to face the audience and announced, “Come my huntsman. I have new toys for your boys. Come and play.”

That was the sign the huntsman was waiting for. Hansel began moving backward away from Gretel. He moved as if he was fighting an unseen force to keep from moving away. Gretel fell back down to her hands and knees so that she was staring ahead toward the direction the dogs and the huntsman was. The huntsman leaned down and released the leashes from the dogs’ collars.

The dogs rushed up to Gretel. The first one there was Teddy and he immediately launched himself up onto her back. He started humping into the air at first. He soon had his cock lined up and when it hit Gretel’s cunt he drove it into the hilt.

While this was going on, Brutus had launched himself onto her back from the front. He was humping air until Gretel cried out in pain from Teddy’s cock sinking into her cunt. Brutus at the same moment as she cried out sank his cock halfway into her mouth.

Cynful of course made it look like she was forced but she quickly clamped her mouth on the cock and started sucking. This is what she loved. She was a true canine slut and was terribly excited. She knelt there and took the battering that the dogs were giving her. Her body shook from the power of the thrusts.

Hansel stood to the right of the stage and watched the dogs begin to fuck his sister. He yelled, “Let her be you filthy ole witch. Don’t make my sister mate with dogs. How evil and cruel can you be?”

The witch laughed again and announced, “I think that you protest too much my little boy toy. I see that your manhood says that you find your sister being fucked by two hunting dogs excites you. I have need of that manhood.”

The witch waved her hand and Hansel fell to his knees. He began walking on his knees towards her. When he was about half way, where there was a good view for the crowd, he stopped and lay down on his back.

The witch had taken off the strap on and moved over to Hansel and sank down on his cock. She fucked herself on his cock for a few moments and announced, “Come huntsman and take care of your mistress. I need your fine cock in my ass.”

The owner was surprised at this. They had talked about the dogs but hadn’t talked about him participating in the show. He wasn’t going to pass up the chance to fuck a hot babe like LaTesha. He had been seeing her come in to the shop for months and wished he could fuck her. It looked like now was his chance. Slipping into character he started towards the stage announcing, “I’m coming to you my mistress. You know that your wish is my command.”

LaTesha had been fucking away at Rob for a few moments and had decided she wanted a double fuck. She had always wondered what one would feel like and decided that now was a perfect time to find out. That was why she as the witch had yelled for the huntsman. As the witch she yelled out, “Come, my huntsman. Your mistress needs her ass fucked. Come and prove to me you are the man I need.”

The huntsman came up and grabbed hold of the witch’s ass cheeks. He had taken his erect cock out of his pants as he approached. He spit into his hand and moistened his cock up while he put a wad of spit onto the witch’s ass. He lined up his cock and began to slowly push in. It was slow going at first but soon he was in to the hilt. He began to fuck the witch like there was no tomorrow.

The audience was getting a great show. This was more than any of them had expected. They imagined just a regular fuck show but nothing like what they were seeing. They stood in stunned silence. Many of the masters and mistresses had brought their slaves. They had but them to work, sucking on their cock or cunt while they watched the show. The smell of sex permeated the large room.

The witch came soon after the huntsman started plowing her anal passage. She continued to cum over and over as she was fucked by the two men. Cynful meantime was coming over and over from her dual fucking from the two dogs. The two dogs came first. Brutus pulled out and found a quiet corner to lie down in while Teddy was knotted to his bitch. He turned ass end to ass end with her and was waiting for his knot to go down. The owner was the next one to cum and yelled out his orgasm, letting the crowd know he was cumming. A couple of minutes later Rob came.

After they had recovered from their cum, they all stood up and looked over to cynful who was still cumming from being knotted to Teddy. The owner looked at Rob and asked, “I take it the show is over?”

Rob quietly said, “I definitely think they got their money’s worth, don’t you?”

The owner laughed and said, “More than their money’s worth if you ask me.”

The owner turned to the crowd and announced, “Masters and mistresses that concludes the show for tonight. Let’s here a round of applause to our newest master Rob and his slave cynful and our new applicant LaTesha for a wonderful show.”

The crowd erupted into loud cheers, except for those few who were cumming at the time. They were screaming out their cums instead. When the noise died down the owner announced, “Rob, LaTesha and cynful are all students at the university. You all know what it’s like to be a poor college student. If you think the show was worth more than the admission fee, please leave a donation to them with the clerk at the front desk. I will make sure that 100% of the donations go to our wonderful new additions to our group. Now let the orgy begin.”

That was all it took. Clothes started coming off and the audience was soon one seething mass of flesh as fucking of all kinds was going on. After they recovered, Rob, cynful and LaTesha joined into the orgy. They stayed for the next couple of hours until everyone was fucked out. Because they had already cum a few times during the show, the three performers found themselves worn out well before any one else was. They went to the clerk and told him that they would watch the front of the store if he wanted to join in the fun.

That is where they stayed for the rest of the night as masters and mistresses came out. They were welcomed and congratulated as each master and mistress left. Each one left a sizeable donation for them as well. After the last one left, leaving them and just the owner in the store, they began to count the donations. The owner counted up the admission fee for the show. When they were done counting, they had over seven thousand dollars from the donations and two thousand five hundred as their share of the admissions. They couldn’t believe how much they had earned.

The owner congratulated them and said, “Consider all of the items you purchased paid in full. You also have a credit line of fifteen hundred dollars to purchase items in the future as well. LaTesha, you have a five hundred dollar credit line now and the items you got tonight are on the house. All three of you made me a lot of money tonight. If you ever want to do something like this again, then just let me know. You were a big hit. They’ll be talking about this for weeks.”

Rob split the money three ways and handed LaTesha her share. This was totally unexpected and she thanked them profusely. LaTesha had taken a taxi to the shop and needed a ride home so rode with Rob and cynful. The first light of dawn was just beginning to peak over the horizon as they pulled into their drive way at home. LaTesha invited them in for a quick morning snack so they could meet the other members of the household.

When they entered the house, the stench of vomit was the first thing to hit them. When they entered the living room, they were met with a startling site. It seemed that the birthday party for the young 17 going on 18 year old girl had gotten out of hand. There was a girl on the couch with a vibrator in her cunt vibrating away and a closed bottle of hot sauce in her ass. There was another girl passed out on the floor with vomit by her head. Susie and the other girl were missing so Rob had cynful stay downstairs with Teddy while he and LaTesha went upstairs to check on the others. They found Susie and the birthday girl on LaTesha’s bed passed out in a 69 position. LaTesha was furious.


Chapter Eight – Party Aftermath

The first thing that LaTesha did was go to the closet of her room and grab several long strands of rope that she kept there to play bondage games with Susie. She brought them back to Rob and said, “These two obviously have a thing going so let’s make sure they get to know each other real well. I want them bound so they can’t move their faces from each other’s cunt. Position them so that Susie’s nose is in Molly’s cunt. I’ll do the same with Molly’s.”

Rob and LaTesha spent the next fifteen minutes binding the two passed out coeds in the 69 position they found them in. Then they went down stairs. LaTesha went to a storage cabinet in the pantry. While she was gone, Rob turned to cynful and ordered, “Cynful, I want you to go to the house and get the digital camera and the video camera. I think we are going to get some pictures for posterity tonight.”

Cynful took Teddy to Rob and left to comply with her orders. When she left, Rob went over to the girl on the couch with the vibrator and hot sauce bottle. He went up to her and wondered how she could stay in such a position. She was in a position where she was on her knees with them far under her and her ass high up in the air. Her face and shoulders were on the couch and she was looking to the left. Her eyes were open but they were dilated and very slow to respond. He waved his hand in front of them and she didn’t blink at all. He also noticed that she was drooling from her open mouth. He started thinking that the girls weren’t drunk but drugged. That made him curious. He decided to do a little test. He leaned down to her ear and ordered, “Close your mouth cunt.”

The girl closed her mouth but continued to stare. It was as if she was forced to comply with any order he gave. He decided to try something else. He leaned in to her ear and ordered, “Fuck your ass with the bottle that is there.”

The girl reached back in a drugged stupor and grabbed the hot sauce bottle and began to push it in and pull it out as she had been told. That is when LaTesha came in and saw what was going on. She said, “My, my, it looks like June is an insatiable slut.”

Rob looked up as LaTesha walked up to the couch and dropped an arm load of bondage equipment on the floor. Rob looked at the pile and then back up at LaTesha from his kneeling position by the couch near June’s head. Rob said, “I should have known that you would want to bind them up. Before you do, I think you should know that I think the girls aren’t just drunk but drugged. My guess is that someone spiked their drinks with rohypnol or ruffies. Her eyes are dilated and she seems to be very compliant. If all of the other girls are the same way, it may be fairly easy to get some good blackmail material on all of the girls. That would give you more than enough slaves to turn over for you entry fee to the organization as a Domme. Cynthia is over at the house getting my cameras now. Why don’t we stage a few scenes for posterity before we bind them up? I think we have plenty of time as ruffies tend to last about 8 hours. From how dilated June’s eyes are, I would bet they haven’t been drugged for much longer than an hour.”

LaTesha stood there in thought looking from June to Julia, the one lying on the floor where she vomited. She looked back at June then to Rob, making her decision. She answered, “I like that idea. We could stage them in the most degrading situations and get their pictures and make them look like they did them willingly. Doesn’t the drug make them compliant?”

Rob smiled and said, “That and more. They’ll wake in the morning with no memory of any of it. We’ll have the pictures to show them and tell them that was what they were doing when we got home. They’ll think it was all they’re fault when in fact we staged all of the pictures.”

LaTesha developed a wicked smile on her face as she rubbed her hands together in excited anticipation. She said “Let’s do it.”

It was about that time that cynful came running in the door with the two cameras. One was a Sony cyber shot, 12.1 mega pixels, digital camera and the other was a Sony digital video camera. She handed them to Rob and then went over to Teddy and knelt there waiting for more orders like the obedient slave that she now was.

Rob ordered, “Cynful, I want you to strip out of your clothes and come sit on the arm of the couch so that June here can have a go at that sweet cunt of yours. Then we’ll get Teddy in on the action.”

Cynful stood up and quickly stripped out of her clothes. When she was naked, she walked over and climbed up on the arm of the couch. She put her left leg along the back of the couch and let her right leg hang off the front edge. This opened her cunt wide open for all to see. Rob handed LaTesha the video camera and he took the digital camera. He saw that there were quite a few pictures of Susie with Teddy from earlier. Rob asked, “Did you down load the pictures from the camera to the computer cynful?”

Cynful answered with a smile, “Oh yes master. That is what took me so long. I knew you would want to take a lot of pictures.”

Rob smiled and went over and gave cynful a kiss. After the kiss he told her exactly what he wanted done and what she needed to say and when. After about five minutes, he backed up and reformatted the disk in the camera. He then gave cynful the go ahead.

Cynful, always the obedient little slave, said, “June… come here and suck on my pussy.”

LaTesha was getting it all on video and Rob with pictures as June slurred, ‘okay’ and moved to a position where she could get her mouth on cynful’s cunt. She began to eat her pussy slowly but surely. Cynful ordered, “Teddy… lick boy, lick.”

Teddy jumped up on the couch and began to lick around the vibrator and the bottle of hot sauce in her ass. Soon June was moaning and groaning in pleasure. Rob and LaTesha were getting the whole thing on video and taking pictures. The best were when June launched into an orgasm and lifted her head up and screamed in ecstasy. The look on her face was one of shear pleasure. When her orgasm settled down cynful ordered, “Take the vibrator out June.”

June reached behind her and fumbled with the vibrator in her stupored state. She finally got a hold of it and slowly pulled it out. She let it drop onto the couch when it was out. That is when cynful ordered, “Teddy fuck. Fuck boy.”

Teddy launched up onto June’s back. He positioned himself and was trying to fuck his cock into June’s cunt. He kept missing though. Cynful noticed and ordered, “Guide his cock into you June. You know you want Teddy to fuck you.”

June, who was still sucking on cynful’s pussy, reached back and after a couple of tries, grabbed Teddy’s cock and guided it into her cunt. As soon as Teddy felt his cock sink into the warm wet and receptive cunt, he slammed it in all of the way. He began to fuck in that rapid machine gun manor that dog’s do. It didn’t take long before June lifted her head and screamed out a long moaning orgasm captured for all posterity by the video and digital camera that Rob and LaTesha held.

After June quit cumming, Rob turned off his camera and put it in his pocket. He motioned for LaTesha to do the same. When they had the cameras off, Rob went over to Teddy and grabbed his collar saying, “Stop Teddy. Come here boy.”

Teddy stopped and dismounted, his large, hard cock, dangling under him, his knot just beginning to enlarge. Rob ordered, “Come Teddy, come on cynful, we have another victim to take care of.”

Cynful let out a little whimper as she got up from the couch to follow her master. She had been very close to cumming and didn’t want to get up but she knew that she had to obey her master. She quickly followed Rob and LaTesha over to the girl on the floor. When they got there LaTesha said, “This little thing is Julie. She is a foreign student from Hamburg Germany. She was in the dorms last year but decided to rent a room from me when I advertised for room mates. She will turn 19 next month. What do you think we ought to do to this lovely little thing?”

Rob didn’t even hesitate and said, “I don’t see any reason to do anything different. Let’s get her away from the puke, clean her up a bit and then get the pictures like we did June. I don’t know about you but I can barely stand the stench.”

LaTesha and cynful moved over and grabbed Julia’s arms while Rob grabbed her legs and they moved her a few feet from the puddle of puke. LaTesha went into the kitchen and came back with a couple of wash rags. She handed one to cynful and they washed the remains of the puke from Julia’s face.

When they were done washing Julia up, cynful got into position on the floor, sitting with her legs bent at the knees and spread as wide as she could get them. When she was in position she said, “Julia… come over here and suck on my pussy lips. You know you want to do it.”

Julia opened her eyes and looked cynful in the eyes. Her eyes weren’t dilated like Junes were. She had been so drunk that when she took a drink of the drugged beer she puked and passed out. She was drunk but not drugged. So when she moved and began to lick and suck on cynful’s cunt it was more because it was something she really wanted to do than what she was commanded to do. Rob and LaTesha didn’t know that however. They just took pictures and videoed her willingly moving up and sucking on cynful’s cunt.

After a few moments of sucking and licking cynful ordered, “Lick Teddy, Lick.”

Teddy wanted to fuck the girl but he had been trained well. He moved up and began to lick Julia’s nether regions from cunt to ass. He licked and drove his tongue into her cunt where he met an obstruction. Julia was a virgin. That didn’t mean anything to Teddy though. He kept trying to force his tongue in deeper and deeper into Julia’s virgin hole. She was soon groaning and moaning into cynful’s cunt. She soon launched into an orgasm and in the midst of the orgasm she turned her head and yelled out in heavily German accented English, “Fuck me Max, fuck me.”

Julia moved her head back down into cynful’s cunt and began lapping and sucking like there was no tomorrow. Rob and LaTesha couldn’t believe they just got her on video begging to be fucked. Cynful was gasping and moaning in pleasure. She finally gasped out, “Fuck her Teddy. Fuck the bitch.”

Teddy launched up onto her back and quickly positioned himself on her back in the best position to sink his cock into her tight pussy. For her part, Julia was only half coherent. She had been in the middle of one of her favorite fantasies where she dreamed that she was being made into a kennel slut when cynful ordered her to suck on her cunt. She thought she was still in her fantasy as she did what cynful said. The feelings she was experiencing were feeding her fantasy and she hadn’t fully realized that it wasn’t just fantasy any more, a fact that she was soon to find out in the most startling and surprising way. Still in her fantasy world and the real world both she reached back and guided Teddy’s cock into her virgin cunt, something she had done in her dreams a thousand times.

When Teddy felt the end of his prick find the entrance of her cunt, he slammed his cock home, breaking through her hymen in one swift thrust. Julia pushed straight up from cynful’s cunt and yelled. At first she yelled in German but after several obviously stressed and panicked phrases said in her accented English, “Oh my god take it out… take it out. It hurts… my god it hurts.”

Cynful reached up and grabbed Julia’s head and brought it down to her cunt. She had been near cumming when she stopped to yell and she wanted to cum so badly now. She pulled Julia’s head down to her cunt and forced her screaming mouth onto her saturated nether lips. Julia pushed against cynful to try and push herself up but cynful wouldn’t let her up. She held her head so that her screaming mouth vibrated her cunt and clit, taking her over into a massive cum.

By the time that cynful finished cumming, she let go of Julia’s head. Julia began screaming again but it was a different scream she screamed, “Oh my god it’s so good. Don’t stop. Fuck me Max, fuck me. I want you and all of your mates to fuck meeeeeee……………” At that time, Teddy sank his knot into her cunt, knocking the breath out of her.

Cynful had been thinking about what Julia had yelled moments before. She grabbed a hold of Julia’s head and looked into her lust glazed eyes and using the name she had yelled asked, “You love Max fucking you don’t you?”

Julia answered with an expression of rapture on her face, “Oh yes.”

Cynful continued, “You want to fuck all of Max’s canine friends too, don’t you?”

Julia replied, “Oh yes.”

Cynful asked, “You want to be a kennel slut, don’t you Julia?

Julia hesitated momentarily as she thought and then she gasped out, “More than anything in the world.”

Cynful took it a step further and asked, “Do you want us to make you a kennel slut?”

Julia, more alert now, realized she was at the brink of a momentous decision. She had fantasized just that very thing for most of her life and now she was being offered the chance to live it for real. She answered in a quiet voice, “More than anything in the world.”

Cynful said, “We couldn’t hear you. Tell us as loud as you can what you want.”

Julia didn’t even hesitate. She yelled out as her passion arose to the very precipice, “I want to be a kennel slut and live like a bitch. I want to be treated and fed like a dog. I want to be mated with every male dog in the kennel. I have dreamed of that for as long as I can remember. Make my dream come true. I beg you to make my dream come true.”

Cynful realizing that she could have herself a fellow slave to play with if she did this right said, “Do you promise to obey every order given to you by Master Rob or myself?”

Julia quickly responded, “Yes, yes, anything you want as long as I can live like a dog and be a kennel bitch.”

Cynful then said, “Master Rob. Would you come here and present your cock to your new slave?”

Rob was surprised at the turn of events as was LaTesha. They had no idea that Julia was such a kinky little thing. She was a blond, blue eyed sprite of a girl that was just over five feet tall and weighed just shy of 100 pounds. She was actively fucking against Teddy’s knotted cock in her cunt. Rob stepped up to her and took his stiff cock out of his pants. He presented his cock to Julia and as he did cynful said, “Take your master’s cock and suck him. You will not suck him off but keep him hard. When Teddy has cum and turns around, you will beg your master to take your ass cherry. That is how you will prove you really want to become his kennel slut. Take his cock and suck it now.”

Julia opened her mouth and leaned forward, taking Rob’s rampant cock into her mouth. She started licking and sucking on it over and over. She was careful not to bring him off though. Soon Teddy was cumming and it sent Julia into the most massive cum of her life. She opened her mouth and lifted her head up as she screamed out her cum.

Shortly after that, Teddy turned around ass end to ass end with her. Rob moved back from Julia who without prompting began begging, “Please master. Fuck my ass. I so want to be your kennel slut. Take my ass cherry as my submission to you and proof that I will obey you and be your kennel slut.”

Rob stepped over Teddy and got down on his knees straddling him. He leaned down and spit several times onto Julia’s ass hole and then stuck his finger in. He fucked it in several times and then added a second and then a third one. When he was satisfied that she was loosened up enough he lined up his cock with her ass hole and slowly began to push. He put more and more pressure against her anal rosebud until it gave way and the head of his cock forced its way in.

Julia screamed out in pain at the intrusion but she didn’t beg for him to stop like she had when Teddy began to fuck her. She reached down to her clit and began to rub that to add pleasure to the pain she was feeling and take the edge off. Rob continued to push in further and further. When he was about half way in, Julia began to cum and shook from the dual stimulation of having her cunt and ass occupied at the same time. Rob pulled part of the way out and then pushed in again, forcing more of his cock into her virgin ass. He began to saw in and out over and over again, sinking in a little more each time. Finally he was fucking her fully and Julia’s orgasms were cumming over and over with each one more intense than the one before. When Rob came in her ass, it sent her into the most powerful and all consuming orgasm in her life. She screamed out long and hard until she passed out from the shear pleasure she was experiencing.

When Rob recovered he pulled his cock out of Julia’s ass and presented it to cynful who took it into her mouth and sucked it clean without being told. After a couple of minutes, Rob looked over at LaTesha and asked, “Don’t we have at least one more victim to get pictures of?”

LaTesha smiled and said, “I think that we have them in the perfect position to get two for one. I’m glad that Molly is on top because that will give us the best leverage with her. Susie is firmly under my control already. Come on. Let’s get them on film.”

The three of them went up to LaTesha’s room and found the two girls bound up in the position they had been tied up in earlier. Rob, cynful and LaTesha went to work and began undoing the knots on the ropes they had spent so much time putting in earlier. It took them about a fourth of the time to get them undone that it took them to do it in the first place. When all of the knots and ropes had been removed, LaTesha leaned down and whispered into Molly’s ear, “Molly, I want you to start eating Susie’s slutty little cunt now. You know you want to.”

Molly began to slowly comply with LaTesha’s suggestion. She soon had Susie moaning and groaning. LaTesha leaned down and whispered into Susie’s ear, “Okay my little slut slave. You will suck on Molly’s cunt, no matter what happens until I tell you to stop.”

Susie lifted her head up and started licking and sucking on Molly’s cunt. Rob was taking pictures of the girls and after whispering to Susie, LaTesha picked up the video camera and began to film the action.

Cynful didn’t need to be told what to do. She led Teddy up to the bed and helped him up beside the two girls in the 69 position. She got on her back and scooted under him and took his cock into her mouth. She began to suck on it in an effort to get it hard. After about five minutes, his cock began to get hard. When she had it at the desired hardness she took hold of his collar and led him to the two girls making love to each other with their mouths. She helped position Teddy so that he was in the right position. He instinctively jumped up onto Molly’s back. Cynful stepped back and ordered, “Susie, take Teddy’s cock and stick it in Molly’s cunt. Then lick and suck her stuffed cunt as he fucks her.”

Susie in her drugged state didn’t even think of ignoring the order. She reached up and took hold of Teddy’s cock and guided it to Molly’s cunt. Teddy didn’t hesitate to do what he was trained to do. He quickly fucked his cock into her cunt and began to pile drive his rampant cock in and out of her cunt in a machine gun like fashion. Molly began to moan and scream in ecstasy from the stimulation of being fucked by a dog’s huge cock and licked at the same time by Susie. She suddenly lifted her head and screamed out in orgasm.

Rob and LaTesha couldn’t believe the wonderful shots they were getting. They knew that they had these girls in their pockets with what they had on them. They would do almost anything to keep the tapes from going public. They let Teddy fuck Molly until he came. It took a lot longer than it had earlier because he had just cum so recently before.

After about ten minutes, Rob and LaTesha quit filming and taking pictures. They had more than enough for what they wanted it for. LaTesha put the camera on the dresser and went up to Rob. She took his camera and put it with the video camera. She went back to Rob and started to unbutton his shirt. As she did she looked him in the eyes and said, “Fuck me. This night has made me hornier than I’ve ever been before. I can’t believe everything that has happened. I’ve never imagined anything like what we did at the porn shop and here. It has surpassed my wildest fantasies. Now take this cock and fuck me like there was no tomorrow.” She had finished undressing Rob by the time she finished.

They climbed up on the bed with Rob on the bottom. LaTesha climbed up and straddled him, guiding his cock into her wet cunt as she settled down. Rob looked over at cynful who was standing there looking back and forth between them and Susie and Molly while she fingered herself. He took pity on her and said, “Come over here and let me eat you while LaTesha fucks me cynful. You can play with her tits while she fucks me.”

Cynful quickly got up on the bed and straddled Rob’s head. He began to lick and suck on the lips of her cunt as well as spending an inordinate amount of time on her clit. While he was doing that, cynful leaned forward and began to suck on LaTesha’s chocolate brown nipples, bringing them to hard points. LaTesha bounced up and down on his cock, fucking Rob for all she was worth. On the bed next to them Teddy howled out as he came in Molly’s over stuffed cunt. After a few moments, Teddy turned ass end to ass end with Molly with Susie still compliantly licking away at the joined knot and cunt of Molly. Next to them LaTesha was launching into a cum of her own but Rob was far from done. LaTesha didn’t stop though. She kept on fucking with all of the strength and energy that she had. She lifted cynful’s face up and started kissing her with as much passion as she had in her. Cynful returned everything she got.

For the next fifteen minutes the three fucked with LaTesha having four good orgasms, each stronger and more powerful than the other. Cynful had six good solid cums and of course Rob only had one. For her part, after she had the most powerful orgasm of her life while being fucked by Teddy, Molly went back to licking and sucking Susie’s cunt and brought her off a single time. Molly passed out just after Teddy pulled out and Susie wasn’t far behind her.

After their little orgy, Rob, LaTesha and cynful all got out of the bed and picked up the ropes they had taken off of Molly and Susie. Teddy went to the corner of the room and lay down, licking his cock clean. Cynful held the ropes and handed them to LaTesha or Rob as they needed them to bind the girls in the same manner they had earlier, only this time, Susie’s mouth was forced into Molly’s dog cum filled cunt. The two girls were totally out of it again because of the drugs they had been given.

When they were done, they went down stairs to tend to the two passed out party girls there. They went to Julia first and tied her wrists together behind her back. Then Rob tied her ankles together. When that was done, they bent her legs up and then tied her wrists to her ankles so that she was bent backwards. LaTesha then had Rob move her so that her face was smack dab in the middle of the puddle of vomit she had left on her carpeted floor.

When they finished with Julia, they went to the couch where June was still kneeling with her knees under her, her ass in the air and her shoulders and head on the couch. The dildo was on the floor next to the couch where she had dropped it earlier, the bottle of hot sauce in her ass. Rob and LaTesha stepped up to the pile of bondage equipment she had dropped earlier. LaTesha bent down and picked up the spreader bar and handed it to Rob. She picked up a leather arm cuff. While Rob attached the spreader bar to her ankles, LaTesha brought June’s arms behind her, wrist to elbow, and laced the arm cuff up as tight as she could. When the two were done, LaTesha picked up a pair of hand cuffs and attached one end to a ring in the center of the arm cuff and the other to a ring in the center of the spreader bar. Finally she picked up the vibrator and replaced the batteries. She turned it on to its highest setting and pushed it back into her abused cunt. Finally, she took the hot sauce bottle, took the lid off and stuck it back into her ass hole, open side first so that all of the red hot liquid would drain out into her ass.

LaTesha stepped back, looked at the window where the first light of dawn was beginning to show. She turned to Rob and said, “I don’t know about you but I think it has been a long and eventful night. Why don’t you two go home and get some sleep and I’ll do the same. We’ll show these little sluts what their little party has cost them when you come back. Don’t rush either. I want them to have lot’s of time to think about how they got into the position they are in now.”

Rob had cynful pick up her clothes as he got dressed. They took Teddy and went home to sleep. It was about one in the afternoon when they finally woke up and managed to make their way over next door. When they knocked, LaTesha answered the door and invited them in saying, “Our little sluts have been demanding to be let go all morning. Little Julia must have not liked the smell of puke because she added a fresh puddle to the old stuff when I came down stairs. I’ve made sandwiches in the kitchen for lunch. I’m sure you two are hungry after last nights fun and games.”

The three were in the dining area of the kitchen when LaTesha finished talking. They could hear the yells and demands, mixed in with whimpers of pain from the girls in the living room. They ate a leisurely lunch while they discussed what they wanted to do next. They decided they would start with Julia first and see if she remembered her promises from the night before. If they could get her to willingly submit, it would be much better than forcing her.

Rob ordered, “Cynful, I want you to go in and remove the ropes from Julia, take her to the bathroom and wash her up. You are not to answer any of her questions, no matter what. You will bring her in here and I will talk to her.”

Cynful immediately got up from her kneeling position next to Rob and dashed into the living room. About twenty minutes later she came into the kitchen with a naked and embarrassed Julia in tow. Cynful led her to the end of the table and left her standing there as she took up her place kneeling on the floor next to Rob like the dutiful slave that she was.

Rob waited and stared at the gorgeous German student. She had naturally blond hair both on her head and in her pubic area. She had 32B tits with small nickel sized areola with long hard nipples that were about half an inch long. She stood there blushing with her hands behind her, rocking back and forth nervously, looking down at the floor. Rob finally asked, “What do you remember about last night Julia?”

Julia’s face turned a bright shade of crimson as the memories of her dog fuck and what she had said came rushing back to her. She was having an internal struggle trying to decide whether what she experienced was true or not. If it was, what would she now do with them knowing her deepest, darkest fantasies? Could they, would they really be willing to make them come true. She remembered how excited she got last night in her drunken state when she declared she wanted to be a kennel slut. She was getting more and more excited as she thought about being a kennel slut with lots of dogs and being forced to live like a dog. She had been embarrassed about her nudity at first, but as her mind warred with itself, the embarrassment turned to excitement. Cynful could tell that she was getting excited and smiled as she already knew what her answer was going to be.

Finally Julia came to a momentous decision. She would take a chance and declare what her mixed up memories told her she had done last night. She was a long way from her family and once school was over she would never see these people again. She looked at Rob and finally said in her accented English, “My memories are kind of mixed up and I’m not really sure of what happened and what didn’t. But on the chance that what I remember really happened, I am sure I meant them. I know that I was fucked for the first time last night. I remember that a dog took my virginity. I called him Max which is my parent’s dog at home but I know that isn’t possible. Then I remember you taking my ass for the first time. I thought it would hurt terribly but from what I remember, it was… you were wonderful and it felt good. I remember that I confessed to wanting to be a kennel bitch while your dog was fucking me. I also remember that I begged you to fuck my ass as a sign of my submission to you. Did I really ask you to make me a kennel slut?”

Julia had turned a couple of shades redder in embarrassment as she waited for Rob to say something. Finally he smiled and said, “That’s right Julia. You asked me to be your master and make you into a kennel slut. You asked me to make you live like a dog and treat you like a dog in every way. If that is what you want then come over here and kneel down next to cynful and I will make your dreams come true.”

Julia really did have mixed emotions now. She had been offered the opportunity to live out her greatest fantasy. But she wanted to finish her education too. She didn’t want to give that up. She asked, “Would I be able to finish getting my degree?”

Rob smiled and said, “Just like cynful here is my wife and slave and still going to school to get her degree, you will be able to finish getting your degree. As a matter of fact I will demand that you make straight A’s or you will be punished. You will just have to live with us and when you are at the house, you will live like a dog in every way. You will live in the same dog house as Teddy, the dog that fucked you last night. You will not refuse him anything and we will feed and water you like a dog. In short you will be treated like a dog the entire time you are at the house. Now if that is what you want, come over and kneel next to cynful here or go back out to the living room and wait until we finish with the rest of the girls.”

Julia didn’t hesitate this time. She wasn’t going to miss out on the chance to have her fantasies come true. She said, “Yes master” and immediately went over to the right of cynful and knelt next to her, trying to copy the position she was in. Rob smiled and turned to her and said, “You have agreed to be my slave in every way possible. You will never disobey me at any time or you will be punished. I promise to protect you and guide you in your pursuit of making your fantasy come true. Cynful, take this kennel bitch over to the house and show her to her new living quarters. You may take the collar and leash off of Teddy and put it on her until we can get her a collar of her own. Make sure she is fed and watered. There is an extra set of dog dishes in the dungeon. Give her a serving of your slave gruel for breakfast. Then stay with her and instruct her on how to be a perfect slave. I will punish you for every mistake she makes as well as her, so make sure you do it right. Julia, you will obey cynful in every way just like you do me. If she tells you to do it, then it is the same as if it came from me. You will be punished severely for doing anything wrong and she will too. Now go while LaTesha and I take care of the three other miscreants out there. Their world is about to come tumbling down around them. You will be punished for last night. But your punishment will be in accordance with your new chosen lifestyle.”

Cynful got up and took Julia by the hand. Cynful was fully dressed while Julia was naked. She led her to the front door without letting her get dressed. When cynful opened the door, Julia froze. She said, “I can’t go out there like this. Someone might see.”

Cynful smiled, looked at Julia and said, “You have chosen a life to be a dog. You will not be allowed clothes except to go to work or school in. In our house or this one you will always be naked from now on. You will not be allowed to wear any clothes, even when traveling between the houses, now come on.” Cynful grabbed hold of Julia’s hand and pulled her out the door. She led her on the long walk to her master’s house. Julia looked nervously around as she went, scared that someone would see her.

Back at LaTesha’s house, Rob and LaTesha went through the living room to the stairs. June screamed at them to let them go as they went by. They just ignored her and went on upstairs. When they got to LaTesha’s room, they found the two bound girls trying to squirm and get out of their bindings. Rob looked at LaTesha and asked, “So how do you want to do this. Do you want to release them and take them downstairs separately or leave them like they are?”

LaTesha got a wicked grin on her face and answered, “If you think that we can carry the two of them together then let’s take them down like this until they see the video. Then when we know we have them where we want them, we can release them and begin their punishment.”

Rob and LaTesha picked the two up and struggled carrying them down the stairs with Rob carrying one end and LaTesha the other. It was a lot harder than it looked like it would be. They had to stop a couple of times to rest. The two girls couldn’t complain other than muffled screams because their faces were bound against each others cunts too tightly for them to move. Finally they got them in position on the floor in front of the big thirty inch TV. They laid them down and then untied the knots of the rope so that they could move their heads. As soon as they could, they turned their heads to the side and began demanding that they be let loose.

Rob ran upstairs and took the DVD out of the Sony video camera. He ran back down stairs and put it into the DVD player, turned on the TV and hit play. June’s video came up first and began to play. As soon as the video started, all three girls stopped yelling and turned to watch the television. They watched as June began to eat out Cynful, though there was no way to tell it was cynful because her head wasn’t in the shot. It was obvious that it was June however because she lifted her face several times and it looked like she was enjoying herself. There was a loud gasp when they saw the dog get behind her and start licking her. When the June on the TV screen had her first orgasm, lifting her head to cry out, the June bound on the couch said, “Oh my god.” Then as she watched the dog mount her, and then her video self guide his cock into her cunt she broke down and started crying. Her face was up and had a look of serene pleasure on it. It didn’t look like she was drugged or anything but she just couldn’t remember doing any of the stuff on film. She just knew that her live was over. The film showed that she was a willing participant in what happened. There was no way she could deny it.

When the scene with June was over, they watched as they fast forwarded through the video of Julia. They saw that she too was fucked by a dog and then fucked in the ass by someone. The only face they saw though was Julia’s. Then the video was slowed back down when Molly and Susie’s video started. They watched as they made love to each other with no obvious prompting from anyone else. Then when they saw Teddy get up on the bed and start fucking Molly, with Susie obviously licking and sucking the joined cock and cunt, both of the bound girls started crying and sobbing desperately. The video ended after Molly screamed out her orgasm on film which is when they decided to quit recording and fuck each other.

After they stopped the video, Rob started undoing the knots on Molly and Susie while LaTesha began to remove June’s binding. When they were done they had all three girls sit on the couch. June started to take out the now dead vibrator and the hot sauce bottle but LaTesha stopped her. Rob sat on the chair to the side while LaTesha stood in front of them, between the couch and the TV where a scene of Teddy fucking Molly and Susie was frozen with Teddy’s cock half way out and Susie’s tongue extended out licking it with obvious passion.

LaTesha stood there for a couple of minutes as the girls continued to stare at the scene on the TV. Finally she cleared her throat and got their undivided attention. All three were blushing from embarrassment at the compromising position they found themselves in. Add that to the fact that they were all three as naked as the day they were born and June was whimpering in obvious distress from the bottle of hot sauce in her ass, they were off kilter emotionally and willing to do anything. They turned their focused attention to the one person that held all of the cards and looked LaTesha in the eye.

LaTesha finally announced in righteous fury, “I had to go to work yesterday and in a moment of weakness I allowed you all to convince me that you were capable of having a birthday party for Molly. You promised that nothing would happen and that you would all be good. I even arranged a bartender for you. When I got home, we found a bunch of drunk, passed out bitches that puked all over my floor. All of you were naked and in some form of sexual pose like you passed out in the middle of an orgy. And you Susie made your last mistake with me. I can’t trust you any more. The first mistake you made was spying on the new neighbors, then you disobeyed my direct order against taking my grandmother’s opera glasses and used them to help spy on Rob and Cynthia. Then I put you in charge of making sure the party didn’t get out of control, but it did. Finally I find you in a 69 with the birthday girl when you are supposed to be my girl and my girl only. I gave you the benefit of the doubt and this is how you repay me? Maybe I should just add the other pictures of you to these and send them to your mom and dad. I’m quite sure they would like to see what their daughter has been up to. You other two need to pay attention too. In addition to the video you just saw, there are over a hundred pictures of each of you that were captured on the digital camera. Now when you all signed a lease agreement with me, you gave me your parents name and address as well as email address. They charged me with taking care of you and making sure you didn’t get yourself into any trouble. What do you think they would say if I sent these videos and pictures to them to show them just what kinds of activities their precious little daughters are getting up to? Now Julia has already accepted responsibility for her actions. That is why she isn’t here right now. I want to hear from each of you about what happened last night. If you try to lie about it, we will know. Julia spilled the beans on you. So you need to be real careful about what you say. Any lies will only get you in more trouble. We’ll start with Susie, then Molly and finally June. Now what happened?”

All three girls were distraught at the mention of their parents finding out about what was on the pictures. They knew that they would be made to go home if they were sent to their parents. Susie had turned white as a sheet as LaTesha rattled off all of the things she had done. She knew that she was on extremely thin ice and that it was almost a sure thing that she would send her back home in disgrace. She knew she had to do something. None of them realized that LaTesha had lied though about Julia already spilling the beans.

Finally Susie begged, “Please mistress, don’t send the pictures to mom and dad. I’m sorry I let things get out of control. But it’s not all my fault. They had to have drugged us or something. We didn’t start an orgy or anything. I never would have voluntarily betrayed your trust, honest.”

LaTesha looked at the other two and asked, “Is that true, did someone drug you?”

Molly was too scared to say anything but June spoke up saying, “The bartender accused us of trying to steal her boyfriend. She must have drugged the beers when she gave it to us to get back at us. That’s the only thing I can think of.”

LaTesha looked at Molly and asked, “Is that true Molly. Did the bartender accuse you of trying to steal her boyfriend?”

Molly shook her head yes and said, “Uh huh but it was only Susie that was flirting with him. None of the rest of us was flirting with him. We were just having fun enjoying ourselves.”

LaTesha looked at Susie with fire in her eyes, “So back to Susie. I thought you said that you didn’t do anything and I find out that you flirted with the bartender’s boyfriend who was at a party where there was not supposed to be anyone from the opposite sex attending. So that’s two more things to add to the growing list of crimes you have committed against me Susie. Is their anything else you want to tell me before I find out from one of the other three?”

Susie said, “I didn’t think that allowing the bartender’s boyfriend in would cause a problem. I didn’t realize I was flirting with him. You know how I am. I’m that way with everyone, not just the guys. She had to have misinterpreted what I was doing. I didn’t mean to flirt with him. Honest!”

Susie was scared. She realized that what was coming was going to be worse than anything else that LaTesha had ever done with her. She had never seen her this upset. Finally she quietly said, “I can’t say anything as to how we got into the positions we were in or how it led to what was on those pictures. All I can do is beg you to have mercy. You already know that I will do anything to keep those pictures out of my parents’ hands. Please don’t kick me out, I promise that I will be good and will obey you.”

LaTesha stared at Susie with angry vehemence in her eyes and said, “Like you obeyed me so far? I don’t need that kind of trouble. I should just get it over with and put us both out of our misery. Give me one good reason to keep you around. I want something more than I’ll do anything for you. We tried that last time and it didn’t work too well, did it.”

Susie paused for a few minutes before she answered, she was trying to come up with something that would convince LaTesha not to tell her parents. Finally she just said without hope that it would be enough, “I don’t know what I can say other than I will obey every order you give me. Even if you decide to give me to someone else I will do what you tell me to. I can’t have my parents seeing those pictures or videos. I’ll do anything you want. Just name the price. Please don’t tell my parents…… please.”

Susie had gotten down on her knees to beg the last couple of sentences. She just stared at the floor with tears streaming down her cheeks from fear of what LaTesha would do. Finally LaTesha said, “I’ll have to think about a suitable punishment for you. I can’t take much more of this crap from you so you better be perfect from now on and especially until I decide your punishment. I promise that it won’t be easy either. Here are the rules you will live by until I decide what your punishment is going to be. Clothes are no longer allowed on this property or next door for you. Not even to go next door. You will do so as naked as you are now. The only things you are allowed to wear are your collar and leash which you will have on at all times no matter who is here. There will be no hiding when company is here either. I don’t care if it is the pope that is visiting, you will wear only your collar and leash. You will crawl everywhere you go on this property or next door at Rob and Cynthia’s. Same goes for going over there. You are not allowed to walk on this or their property at any time. You will also take care of every personal need or request from any one else in this house to include June, Molly or Julia. They are your superiors in every way. Their order is your command. They won’t dare abuse the privilege because they are going to have a few rules of their own. It’s just that your punishment is more severe because of our previous relationship. If you agree to those terms, then go upstairs, put your collar and leash on and come back here.”

Susie quickly started to get up to go upstairs when she suddenly felt a hard slap across the face that knocked her down. She was sobbing as she looked up at LaTesha who was shaking the pain out of her hand from having slapped Susie. LaTesha said, “That is just the one and only warning you are going to get. You just violated one of the rules I just gave you. You better think real hard before you go upstairs to get your collar and leash because if you break a rule again, those pictures will be sent.”

Susie took a moment to think before she took off. Finally it dawned on her that she had gotten up to walk out of habit. She got on all fours and began to crawl, her breasts swinging like pendulums underneath her. When she had finally left the room, LaTesha turned her attention back to the other two. She said, “Now that Susie is taken care of, do I send the pictures and video to your parents or do you have something to say?”

Molly looked down at the floor and said, “I will do whatever you want. My mom and dad would kill me if they saw that. They would never allow me out of the house again. Just tell me what you want.”

LaTesha turned her focus to June. She asked, “What’s your decision. Do I send the pictures and video to your parents?”

June trembled in fear as she answered, “No. I’ll do what you say. Mom and dad would make me drop out of school if they saw those. I can’t afford that. My only chance to make a life for myself is to get a college degree. If you will guarantee that we will not have to give up our education then I’m your willing servant.”

LaTesha answered, “Oh, you will continue at school, that’s guaranteed. As a matter of fact, you will maintain at least a 3.8 GPA or I will punish you. I guarantee that if that happens, you will never get a bad grade again. You will study for a minimum of two hours each night to help you get your grades up. I will get to see every test or graded paper that you have in every class. If you get a B then you will get 50 swats with my sorority paddle. If you get a C then you will get 100. If you get a D on any paper or test then you will get 50 swats a day on your ass and tits until the next graded paper is an A. An F will result in 100 per day on your ass and tits until the next grade comes out. I wouldn’t recommend anything less than a B. I also expect that you will all get jobs. Every dime you make will be put into a house fund. I will determine what that money will be used for. You are not allowed to date anyone without my approval. You definitely will not have sex with anyone unless I tell you that you can. I may even have you date someone from time to time and if I tell you to fuck them, you will. Each of you will go to the local animal shelter and adopt a large breed male dog. You will sleep with that dog in your bed from now on. I would recommend that you get a young dog that is trainable because you will be teaching it to let you suck it and fuck it. You will give me, or anyone I invite, shows whenever I want so I will be monitoring your progress. Do you agree to those terms?”

Both June and Molly simultaneously and sadly said “Yes”.

LaTesha yelled, “Yes what?”

June and Molly looked confused as they heard Susie coming down the stairs. LaTesha said, “Susie, tell these two sluts what they say when they agree to what I ask.”

Susie answered, “Just say, ‘Yes mistress” or if the answer requires a negative answer ‘No mistress’”.

Both June and Molly looked back at LaTesha and answered, “Yes mistress”.

LaTesha then said, “As for your immediate punishment for the fiasco last night, I think that we’ll have you work for a week at the bar where the bartender works. You will work under her guidance for the whole week and do everything she says. I’ll take you all down there tonight and make the arrangements. We will need to get the approval of the owner first though. You won’t get paid for it either. Any tips you get will be given to the bartender. I will see about figuring out some way to prove whether what you said about her drugging you is true or not. Now I’m tired of looking at your sorry asses. Get to your rooms and stay there until I call for you. I would recommend that you take the time to read ahead in your classes. You’re likely to have little spare time for the next week or so.”

The two girls took off to their rooms as LaTesha looked at Susie and ordered, “Get your lazy ass over here and eat me. Rob, you can have her ass while she does and don’t be easy on her.”

Rob got up and stripped out of his clothes as Susie crawled in front of LaTesha and began to take her pants off. When she had her pants off she quickly dove in and began to lick and suck on LaTesha’s nether lips and clit. When he saw Susie push her face into LaTesha’s cunt he stepped up behind her and aligned his hard cock with her ass hole. He pushed it in hard with one punishing thrust. He slapped her ass hard as he thrust his cock in without the aid of any lubrication. He began to saw his cock in and out, slapping one ass cheek then the other each time he forced his cock in. He had cum so many times in the last 24 hours though that he took a long time before he began to cum. Susie was silently crying and grunting into LaTesha’s cunt with every thrust because of the pain in her ass hole and the punishment of her ass. When Rob did cum, it wasn’t pleasant for her at all. It stung because the lining of her rectum was rubbed raw.

When Rob pulled out LaTesha ordered, “Turn around and suck his cock clean. That is going to be one of your duties from now on. Whenever someone gets fucked around here, you will be the one who sucks the cum out of her cunt or off of his cock. That’s all your good for is to be a cum dumpster. Now get in the kitchen and clean the floor. And remember, no standing to do it. You have to stay on your hands and knees.”


Chapter Nine – New Lives

After Susie’s fucking, LaTesha told Rob, “Why don’t you go home and get some sleep. It’s been a long afternoon. I need a nap. Let’s meet at ten so we can take our new slaves to get their piercings.”

Rob smiled and answered as he was getting up and getting dressed, “I’m definitely worn out. It’s been exciting though. I do think that you just solved your problem of a membership fee for the organization. You should give them Susie and one of the others as your entry fee. I for one am claiming Julie right now. She seems to have this fantasy of being a 24 hour kennel slut. We are going to give her a try at our house with Teddy and get her ready. If she works out like I think she will, we will take her to cynful’s mother to help train new dogs. She’ll get more dog cock than she ever wanted then. I’ll see you at two this afternoon. Get some sleep. You look like hell.” LaTesha turned over, pulling a sheet over her to go to sleep. Rob left the room and went back down the stairs.

While Rob and LaTesha had been busy with the three girls, Cynful had been instructing Julia. She took her down to the dungeon first and taught her the correct positions to get in. Every time Julia made a mistake, she would hit her with the riding crop. After a couple of hours though, Julia was getting into position correctly without error. Next cynful taught her how to address Rob when she spoke to him. About how important it was that she not speak unless spoken to. After a few punishments, Julia got that right as well. Finally cynful walked back up the stairs saying, “Come on Julia. It’s time to go meet your canine master. You will treat him just like he is Rob. You are to observe him and learn his mannerisms. You will do your best to act as he acts. I will teach you the barks and growls he makes to give orders and what they mean. Now come on.”

The two head toward the stairs. As cynful began to walk to the stairs, Julia got up to walk behind her. Cynful had been watching for that and quickly turned around and without warning whipped Julia’s tits with the riding crop. Cynful was getting a kick out of dominating the petite Julia so she put everything into the strike. Julia carefully climbed the stairs on all fours as cynful now walked behind her and swatted her ass with the crop. She drove her to the back door and realized they left the bowls in the dungeon. Cynful stopped and said, “Stop slave. We forgot to get your dinner and water bowls. Go down in the dungeon and get them out of the bottom of the cabinet on the right. I’ll give you two minutes to get them and don’t you dare walk.”

Julia turned and crawled as fast as she could back inside. She quickly went down the stairs and to the cabinet to the right. She opened the door to the cabinet and spotted the two bowls. They weren’t the type to stack on each other so she had to figure out a way to carry both of them. She decided that she would hold onto the bottom edge of the bowl with each hand and crawl that way. The bowls would drag on the ground but that couldn’t be helped. She closed the cabinet and crawled back at a much slower pace than she had come down. She did all right until she got to the stairs. She made it about a third of the way up when she brought a hand down on a stair too hard and the bowl was knocked out of her hand. The bowl rolled down to the bottom of the stairs.
Julia groaned in frustration as she watched the bowl tumble down the stairs. She finished her ascension and put the remaining bowl on the kitchen floor. She quickly turned and hurried down the stairs to get the bowl down there. By the time she made it to the top of the stairs her two minutes had been up for a bit. She picked up the bowl in the kitchen and began to proceed with a bowl in each hand again.

When Julia got to the door, she saw cynful standing there with the crop in one hand swinging the arm of the crop into her other and she wasn’t happy. As soon as she exited through the back door cynful swung the crop with all of her strength onto Julia’s back yelling, ‘You’re over a minute late bitch. Get down on your elbows and accept your punishment for failing to obey your mistress.” Cynful was getting excited and wet at dominating the small foreign student.

Julia didn’t argue and bent down onto her elbows. She turned her head to the left and laid it down on her arms. This presented her ass to cynful to whip. Cynful began to lay into Julia with a vengeance. She whipped Julia after each word saying, “Your… ‘whap’ over… ‘whap’ a… ‘whap’ minute… ‘whap’ late. ‘whap’ You… ‘whap’ must… ‘whap’ learn… ‘whap’ to… ‘whap’ your… ‘whap’ mistress. ‘whap’” Julia was crying uncontrollably from the pain of the whipping. When the whipping stopped it took a minute before she realized it. When she did, she pushed herself up to find cynful standing there with her feet spread whipping the rod of the crop into her hand.

When Julia finally got back into the all fours position Julie said, “That was for being late. I want you to pick up the bowls and put them on your back. You will carry them to the dog house without dropping them. I will be whipping you the entire way, so you better be concentrating on keeping the bowls on your back and not the whipping. If you drop one, I will turn you around and whip you back to the house and then make you traverse the entire yard again. We won’t stop until you make it the whole way across. Your punishment for dropping the bowl will be all of the extra whippings you get for having to start over again.”

Julia said, “Yes mistress” and began to put the bowls on her back. She didn’t quite get them centered with one bowl a little too far right and the other too for left. Cynful began to whip Julia’s ass, driving Julia toward the doghouse. The first few strikes shocked her and the bowls shifted a little toward her sides. When she stopped to reach up and adjust them, cynful whipped the hand. Julia quickly realized that she had to live with whatever placement she put them in until they fell off. She tried not to let the whippings rattle her and began to concentrate on keeping the bowls from sliding off. As she began to crawl again she felt the bowl on the left begin to slide a little and tried to adjust. This caused the bowl on the other side to slide even closer to the side. Her automatic adjustment to prevent it from falling off caused the one on the left to fall off. She collapsed to the ground and began crying, wondering if this is what she really had wanted.

Julia kept up whipping Julia until she finally realized that she had no choice but to go on or it would never stop. She finally started to get up. While the crop continued to rain down on her ass she took each bowl and carefully placed them in the center of her back. She concentrated on ignoring the pain and keeping the bowls on her back. She carefully turned around and began back toward the house. She still jerked a bit when the crop hit her but she was finally learning to ignore the pain. She slowly and carefully made it to the house without a problem. She turned around and headed toward the doghouse again. The bowls shifted just a little as she turned but they didn’t move far. She slowly and carefully began crawling her way across the yard. This time she made it across to the doghouse where she stopped and waited for instructions.

Julia went to Teddy and removed his collar. She turned around and put it on Julia. She then reached into the doghouse and grabbed the leash that was hanging on a hook just inside the door on the right. She turned around and hooked the leash onto Julia’s collar. As she held the leash she said, “You will wear this at all times here or next door. You are a bitch now. Master Rob will name you later and get you a collar of your own. Until you get a dog of your own, Teddy is your canine master as he is mine. You will obey his every wish and command, just like you do Master Rob or Mistress LaTesha. Now when Teddy barks at you twice, that means he wants to fuck. He will decide which hole he wants. You don’t have a choice. If he lines up in front of you, you suck him off. If he mounts you, you help guide him to your cunt. If he growls at you, then move it up to your ass. Do you understand bitch?”

Julia answered, “Yes mistress.”

Cynful finally said, “Okay then. Let’s see how well you listened. Teddy, training fuck.”

Teddy looked up at cynful who was standing. She was his bitch and that order was used when cynful was being trained so he associated it with her. But she wasn’t in the right position. Then he looked at the petite German and saw that she was in the bitch position. He looked back at cynful and then to Julia trying to make a decision. He didn’t move until cynful took the crop and tapped Julia’s head and repeated “Teddy, training fuck.”

That was all that Teddy needed. He knew that he was to fuck the person the crop tapped when he heard that command. He moved in front of Julia and mounted her from the front, knocking the bowl there to the ground. He shuffled forward until his sheath was in front of her. Julia didn’t know what to do but she guessed that she would have to rub his sheath to get the cock to come out. She reached up and began to massage the sheath. Teddy’s cock began to extend out of its sheath. She hesitated taking it into her mouth a bit too long and received a whipping on the ass with the crop. Cynful ordered, “Suck that cock like the bitch you are.”

Julia leaned her head forward and licked the end of his prick. Teddy thrust forward when she did that. The taste was a bit musky but it wasn’t too bad. She opened her mouth and took the dog’s expanding cock into her mouth. She began to suck on Teddy’s cock as she felt it expand down her throat. She didn’t panic though. She had learned to deep throat her old boy friend in Germany. She put those skills to work now as Teddy began to pump his ever growing cock into her throat.
The big surprise for Julie was when all of a sudden she felt this big ball of flesh begin to pound into her nose and chin.

Teddy’s fucking of Julia’s mouth went on for a few minutes until Teddy backed off and dismounted. Julia actually let out a groan of disappointment when the cock pulled out of her mouth. She had been getting more and more excited as she sucked his cock. She had been actually looking forward to getting her first real taste of dog cum. Cynful recognized the signs immediately because she had gone through the same thing when she was trained.

Julia didn’t have long to wait though because Teddy quickly went around to her ass and mounted her from that direction, knocking down the last remaining bowl. Julia remembered her instructions and reached under her and grabbed Teddy’s cock. She began to guide the cock into her cunt until she heard him growl. She immediately changed the direction of the cock and guided it to her asshole. She let out a short scream as the large cock slammed into her ass as soon as the tip touched her sphincter. She hadn’t quite lined the head up with the center of her anal rosebud and it hurt a lot as the cock was forced into her. She let out a low wail of pain as Teddy’s cock bruised the tissue at the bottom of her ass hole as it slid in.

Cynful got down and whispered into her ear, “That hurt like a son of a bitch. That happened because you didn’t line his cock up correctly. You’ll learn soon that you’ve got to get it exactly right or it will hurt like a son of a bitch when he enters you.”

Julia was only half listening as Teddy fucked her ass. She grunted with every inward thrust and groaned in disappointment as the cock with drew. She reached under her and began to rub her clit as she began to get more and more excited as the pain slowly vanished and pleasure took over. She was on the precipice when all of a sudden she felt the knot begin to bang at her opening. She started to panic, remembering how big that knot was and how small her ass hole was.

Cynful recognized the signs of panic and quickly said, “Don’t tense up. It will only make it worse. It’s going in one way or the other. Just relax and push out like you have to take a shit. That is the best way to ease the entry of that monster.”

Julia listened and slowly relaxed as she continued to finger her cunt and rub her clit. She started pushing like cynful said and sure enough, Teddy’s knot slipped in on the next lunge. It surprised her that it wasn’t nearly as painful as she thought it would be. As a matter of fact, the added pain stimulus was enough to push her into a cum more powerful than any she had before.

Teddy continued to fuck Julia for about ten more minutes bringing Julia to cum after cum. Finally after what seemed like forever, Teddy began to cum up her ass. That sent Julia into a final cum that resulted in her blacking out and collapsing. Teddy maintained his hold on her as she collapsed to the ground. After he quit cumming, he turned ass end to ass end.

Cynful waited for a few minutes and when she didn’t wake up she walked a few feet away and called “Teddy… come.”

Teddy turned and began trying to go to cynful. He initially drug Julia along with him about half of the 50 foot distance. That’s when his cock finally pulled out. Julia had awakened after the first ten feet and screamed in pain for the rest. She actually had a small orgasm when he pulled out. She got up onto her knees in the slave position after she recovered.

Cynful waited until Julia got a little more steady then she said, “If you are going to be a kennel slut then you need to learn to take a fucking like that without passing out. I had Teddy pull out early so you would know what it felt like. If you do that in the kennel with a dog in training, they will start dragging you around as soon as you’re out. They won’t wait for you to recover like Teddy here is trained to do. Now go back to the dog house and lie down. I recommend you get some sleep when you can. Teddy is a lusty animal and he will be at you all day and night. Don’t refuse him or he will bite you. I learned the hard way. You are his sex slave and must do anything he wants.”

Cynful watched as Julia crawled to the dog house and curled up inside. She then went about the task of putting out the slave gruel and water for her like Rob had told her. When she came back out with the gruel and a pitcher of water, she noticed that she was asleep with Teddy lying next to her and she had her arm draped over him like he was a lover. She smiled as she filled the food and water bowl and went back into the house. She was happy. She now had a sister slave and she got to boss her around. She went to the front door and waited for her master in the kneeling position with her head bowed.

By the time that Rob got back to the house, cynful’s knees were really hurting. Rob quickly asked, “How is our little canine slut?”

Cynful smiled as she leaned her head into Rob’s hand as it caressed her cheek. She answered, “She is taking to her new life just fine. She sure likes fucking Teddy. She passed out when he ass fucked her. We are going to have to train her so she doesn’t pass out when she cums hard. She learned the hard way with Teddy and he had waited about ten minutes before I had him move. She was in obvious pain though until it pulled out of her. Are we ready to go to bed now master?”

Rob smiled wearily and responded, “Yes we are. We need to get some sleep so we’re ready for tonight. I want you to go down to the dungeon and see if you can find four collars and chains to use on our new slaves until we can get them each one of their own. We have quite the evening planned for our little lovelies tonight. Once you’ve got those, a dildo and a blindfold for each one of them, come on up and get some sleep. I’m going upstairs now. Don’t wake me up until nine. That’s when we’ll go over to Mistress LaTesha’s and get our girls ready for the beginning of their punishment.”

Rob turned and went up the stairs as cynful quickly got up and went down to the dungeon to get all of the items that Rob had mentioned. It was about an hour later that she finally lied down next to Rob to get a little sleep.

Cynful woke up at eight forty five and went to the bathroom to clean up so she would be fresh for her master. Precisely at nine she crawled up on the bed and began to give Rob a blowjob. He woke up almost instantly but let her finish until he was cumming in her mouth.

When he had recovered he said, “Go get Julia and bring her in. We need to take the stuff next door and get our other slaves ready.”

Cynful jumped out of bed and ran down stairs. She was almost giddy with excitement at what was going to happen. She didn’t know what it was, but she knew it would be exciting. When she made it out to the dog house, she found Teddy lying on his back in the dog house with Julia giving him a blow job. It was obvious that he was getting close as he was thrusting his cock up into her throat. Cynful decided to wait for a few minutes and allow Julia to finish what she started. When she was done she quickly attached the leash to her collar and led her back to the house with Julia crawling along behind her and Teddy following her, licking up her juices from her cunt as she went.

When they rejoined Rob, she handed him the leash. She then went over to the kitchen table and picked up the bag that contained everything that he had told her to get. They immediately left and walked next door, cynful and Julia, naked as the day they were born except for their collars.

When they got next door, they found that June, Molly and Susie were standing naked in the middle of the living room with their legs spread shoulder width apart and hands locked behind their heads. From their tear streaked cheeks it was obvious that LaTesha had been having a little training session with the riding crop that she had in her hand when she answered the door.

As soon as they entered the room Rob ordered, “Put the collars on each of them and connect them with the chains. Then put the dildos in and finally the blindfolds. We need to get going. Our appointment is at ten and it takes fifteen minutes to get their.

Cynful scrambled over to the sniffling girls, noticing that they all had red spots on their ass where LaTesha had whipped them. She started with June and gave her the best looking of the collars. It was a two inch wide studded collar with rings on four sides. The second collar went to Molly and it was a training collar. It had a little electrical box on it that allowed the trainer to shock the slave if they did something wrong. It also had rings on four sides. The third collar was a heavy metal collar. It was three inches wide with rings on all four sides. It weighed about three pounds and was hinged on one side and had a latch on the other with a padlock. Cynful put the heavy steel collar on Susie and locked it closed. She connected a chain from the ring on the front of the collar with the ring on the back of Mollies collar. She connected a chain to the front of Molly’s collar and attached it to the ring on the back of June’s collar. Finally she connected a chain to the front of June’s collar and looped it around the dog collar Julia was wearing and locked it to itself.

After fitting all of the girls with their collars and connecting them, Julia got the dildos from the bag. She knelt down in front of Julia and inserted the eight inch long by one and a half inch wide latex dildo into her cunt. When she got up she warned her to not let it slip out. She inserted a ten inch by inch long by one and a half inch dildo in June’s cunt. Molly got a twelve inch long by two inch wide dildo in her cunt. Susie got an eight inch long by two inch wide silver dildo. She flipped a switch on it as she inserted it into Susie’s cunt.

As she stood up, cynful whispered into her ear, “That little dildo is set to randomly shock you at different settings throughout the night. If you let it slip out of that sweet little cunt too far, there are some pins that will extend out and keep it from falling out. That is of course, very painful.”

Cynful went back to the bag and got a small remote control and took it over to LaTesha. She knelt in the slave’s position in front of her and lifted it up, holding it with both hands. She said, “This is the control for the dildo I just put into Susie mistress. It is currently set to shock at random but you can shock her at anytime with this or change the settings. I thought you might like to enjoy torturing her a bit for what she has done wrong today.”

LaTesha got a wicked grin on her face as she took the control and thanked cynful. As soon as she took the control she pushed the button and an ensuing scream erupted from Susie as she fell to her knees as she held her crotch. Susie began crying and whimpering as she held her hands between her legs. LaTesha looked at cynful and said, “Such a nice gift. Thank you.”

Finally cynful went to the bag and got the blindfolds. She quickly put one on each of the four girls. When she was done she went in front of Julia and grabbed her leach. They were ready to go now.

Rob and LaTesha walked out the door and over to his SUV. He opened the back of the SUV and ordered, “You four get in the back end. We’re going for a little ride.”

As they went out the front door, Julia went willingly but June had never been outside naked and hesitated. The sudden jerk on Julia’s collar made her choke and let out a little squeak of surprise. LaTesha heard the noise and turned and saw June pulling back on the leash. She immediately went up to June and grabbed her nipple with her fingernails and pinched hard. The caused June to begin to beg, “Stop it. It hurts. Please stop. I can’t go outside like this.”

LaTesha sternly answered, “You are going to go out like that if you want to keep your nipple in tact. Or do you want us to send out those videos from last night?”

That finally convinced her to move. The other two had heard the whole exchange and didn’t even try to balk. Susie especially knew after having been under LaTesha’s thumb for over a year that she didn’t want to upset her any more than she already had, especially with that accursed dildo she had in her.

Cynful led Julia to the back of the SUV and helped the four naked girls into the back. Rob told her, “I want you to ride in the back seat. But I want Teddy in the back with them. You make sure that they take good care of him while we’re going to our first stop.”

Cynful patted the floor of the SUV and called Teddy to come. He leapt up into the SUV and she closed the door. By the time she was in the back seat, Teddy was already sticking his nose into Molly’s cunt and sniffing. She let out a squeal and tried to scramble backwards on all fours to get away from him. Cynful turned around and said, “It’s not wise to try and avoid Master Teddy. He will bite you if you do. I can assure you that it hurts like a son of a bitch if he does.”

Molly had backed into the corner of the vehicle side and the back seat and could go no farther. She closed her legs together to keep Teddy from getting at her cunt. She was still blindfolded and couldn’t see where he was or what he was going to do next. Teddy wasn’t to be denied though. She still had her legs bent and he quickly darted under her knees and nipped her pussy mound that was now exposed to him there. Molly squealed in pain and the tears really began to fall. It took another nip before she finally spread her legs to allow him access to her. He started licking her and pushing her tongue into her cunt, literally fucking her with it and lapping up her juices. Molly could do nothing but sniff and wipe her tears away as the dog worked her cunt into a lather. She came just as the car pulled into the porn shop that cynful had put on such a show at the night before.

When the back gate of the SUV was opened, the four girls heard Teddy growl menacingly and they scrambled out. Cynful grabbed Julia’s leash and after closing the back of the SUV she followed Rob and LaTesha into the store, pulling the four nude, whimpering girls behind her. Teddy followed behind Susie and kept sticking his nose up into her crotch just at the juncture below her ass cheeks.

Rob went into the porn shop and talked briefly to the clerk saying, “I called and scheduled a special little session for our girls here. Where do we need to go to do this?”

The clerk looked up from what he was reading and about had a heart attack when he saw the four nude girls all chained together. Rob had to clear his throat to get his attention. He finally turned to Rob and answered, “My god you are my hero. Just last night you had one slave and now you come in with four lovely slave girls. I’d sure love to spend some quality time with one of them.”

Rob quickly butted in and said, “Not tonight, maybe latter. Tonight we have places to go after we get the piercings and Tattoo’s done. Where do we go?”

The clerk got a very disappointed look on his face but answered, “Same room as the show last night. It’s all set up for you and Matt will be in shortly to do the deed. Just go ahead and put one of them on the table and get her ready.”

Rob turned and walked to the room where cynful had put on the show the night before. There on the stage was what looked like a gynecologist’s table with stirrups. There was a moveable arm on either side with cuffs on it. There were also straps along the side of the table at various positions.

When they were all in the room by the stage, Rob turned and walked up to Julia. He disconnected the chain from the back of her collar and told cynful, “You hold the others there. We’ll get to them next.”

Rob led Julia up onto the stage and helped her up onto the table. He pushed her back until she was lying on her back. He pulled her arms along the arm on either side and cuffed it to the moveable arm. He then went to the foot of the table and lifted each foot up into a stirrup. He immediately strapped them in and reached under the table to pull a lever. He pulled her legs apart until she was almost in a splits position. He finished by buckling straps on her head, above her tits, below her tits, on her waist, thighs and calves. Julia was whimpering in fear by the time he had her strapped into the chair.

It was about that time that Matt came in pulling a large metal cabinet on wheels with lots of drawers in it behind him. He pulled it up to the stage and stopped to shake Rob’s hand. He said in introduction, “I’m Matt. I do most of the piercings and tat’s for the organization in this area. That’s why I modified this tool cabinet to carry all of my stuff. That way I can go wherever they need me. All I need is electrical power. While I’m setting up, why don’t you take a look in the bottom six drawers? You’ll find my supply of rings and a book of tats that I do. Then we’ll get started when you’re ready.”

Rob smiled and answered, “You got it.”

Matt opened the top of the cabinet and took out an extension cord. He plugged it into the outlet on the wall at the back of the stage. He went behind a curtain and came out pushing a cart table on wheels. He stopped next to the table Julia was strapped to. He then began to put his tattoo and piercing equipment and inks on the table.

While Matt was setting up, Rob began thumbing through the book of tattoos. He found one in particular that he liked. When he was done, he handed the book to LaTesha and looked at the nipple and clit rings. He found a set that was perfect for Julia. He turned to LaTesha and said, “I think you are going to like the selection of rings he has. There’s a set in there that you’ll probably find is perfect for Susie too.”

Rob took the rings he selected and went over to Matt, who was just finishing setting up. He handed them to him and Matt opened his eyes wide in surprise. He looked at Rob and asked, “Are you sure this is what you want. She’ll have a hard time explaining these to anybody. I know she isn’t one of our slaves so I’m assuming she has a life to live.”

Rob smiled and answered, “She is my slave now and I plan on taking her to Marta’s Kennels over the winter break of school. She decided she wanted to live out her fantasy of being a kennel slut so I thought I would oblige her.” He then dropped his voice to a whisper that only Matt could hear and continued, “We’ll have to arrange something over the winter break for her and a couple of the other girls to disappear. They will be payment for LaTesha’s membership fee in the organization.”

Matt’s eyes opened even wider in surprise. Then he got a smile and whispered back, “I think we can get that arranged. It’s good that you mentioned it now because it will take a couple of months to arrange everything. I’ll talk to our regional counsel and arrange it for you. We’ll let you know when everything is set up.” He raised his voice to a normal tone and continued, “Now why don’t we get this little lovely taken care of.”

He picked up his piercing needle and dipped it into disinfectant. He turned to Julia and pinched her right nipple for a bit. When he was sure he had it as hard as it was going to get, he put the needle against the right side and pushed it through and out the left. Julia kept her mouth closed but screamed through her teeth. Matt picked up one of the nipple rings and put one end against the needle and pushed it through the nipple. Once the ring was through he took a special set of pliers and pushed the open ring closed until the pointed end of one side was pushed into the open end of the other until it locked. He then repeated the process on the other nipple getting a similar reaction from Julia.

When he was done with the nipples he turned to Rob and asked, “Do you want your slut with or without hair. Personally I prefer without.”

Rob answered, “No self respecting kennel slut has hair on her cunt or else where. She is from Europe so you’ll find she has hair under her arms as well as on her legs as you can see. I want it all gone, permanently if possible.”

Matt quickly said, “Consider it done.”

Matt opened a drawer in the top of his cabinet and took out a large jar. He put on some rubber gloves and then opened the drawer. He scooped out some of the cream and began rubbing it over Julia’s legs, armpits and finally her cunt. It was when he was about half way through that Julia began to scream in pain, “Oh god it burns. Take it off… please take it off.”

Matt said loud enough so that she could hear over her screams and for the other slaves to hear, “I’m sorry dear. I know it burns but it takes at least five minutes for this stuff to kill the hair follicles. If you’re lucky, you won’t need another treatment.” He turned to Rob and asked, “I forgot to get some soapy water to clean her off with. Would you have your slave go and get some? I’m sure that this stuff will have done its job by the time she returns.”

They waited for a little over five minutes until cynful returned pushing a cart with two bowls on it. The whole time, Julia was moaning and groaning from the burning sensation covering her most sensitive areas of her body. Cynful pushed the cart up next to the table Julia was strapped to and stopped. She looked at Rob and then Matthew who said, “Wash her down completely. Make sure you get it all off, otherwise it will begin to eat through her skin.”

Cynful looked to Rob who nodded affirmatively to her. She took a rag out of a bowl of soapy water and began to wash Julia off. As she wiped the salve off, all of Julia’s hair came off with it. The skin under the salve was a bright pink color from the action of the salve. It took about ten minutes for her to wash it all off and then rinsed her off with the clean water. By the time she finished, Julia no longer had hair on any of the places that the salve was on.

When Julia finished cleaning Julia LaTesha said, “Go ahead and swap that dirty water out with clean. We will be doing the same with the other three as well.”

Julia immediately took the cart and left the room. Matt reached his hand down to Julia’s clit and began to pinch at it when Rob grabbed his wrist and stopped him. He said, “Teddy’s been specially trained to do something that I think will do a better job. You’ll just have to sterilize her afterwards.”

Matt took his hand away and said, “Go for it.”

Rob turned towards the corner where Teddy had chosen to lay down in and ordered, “Teddy… clit.”

Teddy got up and stretched then sauntered over to Rob who repeated the command while patting Julia’s newly denuded pubic mound, “Teddy… clit.”

Teddy excitedly began to lick Julia’s cunt with his tongue. About every fifteen to twenty seconds he would bare his teeth and nip at the top of her slit where her clit would be. Julia screamed from the painful nips of Teddy’s teeth on her most sensitive organ on her body. But Teddy wasn’t going to be denied. He kept alternately licking and nipping at the clit until finally Rob commanded, “Down… Teddy.”

Matt was right there ready to sterilize the area when Teddy backed away and returned to his corner. When he was done he picked up the sterile piercing needle and pushed it through the base of her clit. Julia screamed in agony as the needle pierced the innervated organ. Matt pushed the ring through and clamped it closed.

Robb picked up the Tattoo book and showed Matt the tattoo he wanted and where he wanted it put. Matt then went to work and spent the next fifteen minutes tattooing the design onto Julia’s bare pussy mound. Julia kept screaming, “Oh my god it hurts… it hurts. Please stop.” She kept repeating it the whole time that Matt spent doing the tattoo. When he was done with that tattoo, he immediately began putting another one centered between Julia’s tits and her belly button. That took another fifteen minutes. By the time he was done it had been a little over an hour since they started.

Finally Rob began to undo all of the straps holding Julia to the table. When they were all loose, he helped her up off of the table and onto her feet. In the center of Julia’s stomach was the Coch Organization symbol of ownership, a red star in the center of a sun in the form of a circle of black flames. On her pubic mound was a black silhouette of a dog fucking a girl that was on her hands and knees. Each of the rings on her nipples and clit had a small silver dog fucking a girl on her hands and knees. LaTesha exclaimed, “Oh my god. That is absolutely disgustingly adorable.”

Rob took the leash and attached it to Julia’s collar. He led her to the center of the room and ordered, “Kneel so your master can fuck his new slave.”

Julia got down on her hands and knees. Rob looked toward Teddy who was watching intently and commanded, “Teddy… Fuck.”

Teddy got up and quickly walked over to Julia. He began lapping her cunt and ass for a few minutes. His cock was soon out and hard so he mounted her. He began trying to fuck his cock into Julia’s ass. She remembered what cynful had taught her and reached back to guide the cock into her cunt. When she did, he growled so she redirected it to her ass. As soon as Teddy felt the tip of his cock contact her anal rosebud he lunged forward sinking over half of his cock into her in one thrust. He repositioned his legs and began to fuck her with all of his might.

Matt said, “I’d love to watch the show but we’re a bit behind schedule so let’s get the next one up. Have you decided on what you want for the next one yet?”

While Julia was being fucked senseless by Teddy, LaTesha went over to the standing girls who were shaking with fear and crying silently from what they heard going on with Julia. She released Molly from the bunch and led her over to the table. After helping her up, Rob began to strap her down as he had Julia. LaTesha got the rings she wanted out of the cabinet and put them on the table. About that time, cynful came back in with the cart with two bowls of clean and soapy water.

Matt had put on the rubber gloves again and began to apply the hair removal salve in all of the same areas as he had with Julia. Molly began to scream out in pain from the burning a few moments later. When he had it all on, he took the gloves off and sterilized his hands. He picked up a sterile needle and turned to Molly. He pushed it through her nipple and pushed it in followed by the ring. He repeated the process with her other nipple. By the time he was done piercing her nipples, it was time to remove the salve.

Cynful quickly washed off the salve and then rinsed her off. Matt looked at LaTesha and asked, “Would you like to have the honor of prepping her clit or would you like me to?”

LaTesha answered, “I think I would like that honor. I have a good idea of what to do after watching Teddy in action.”

LaTesha got down and began to suck and nibble on Molly’s clit. She kept at it until it was as big as it was going to get. When she thought it was ready she backed away and let Matt take over. Matt sterilized the area and pierced her clit, pushing the ring through immediately afterwards. Once that was done, he picked up his tattoo gun and began doing the tattoo that LaTesha had shown him. When he finished with that one, he put the organization tattoo in the same place as on Julie.

When he was done, LaTesha and Rob released her and helped her up. Cynful exclaimed, “Those are beautiful. You really look the dyke’s bitch now.”

Molly had a silhouette of a woman fucking a kneeling woman on her pubic mound and her tit rings had in very small gold letters, “DYKE’S” on her right one and “BITCH” on the other so that when you looked at her it read “Dyke’s Bitch”.

It only took about forty minutes to complete Molly’s piercings and Tats. June was next for the treatment and she got a standard set of rings and the organization tattoo and that was it.

Finally it was Susie’s turn. They strapped her to the chair and after Matt put the salve on her, he looked and saw that she was already pierced. Then he saw the rings that LaTesha had laid out. He said, “Those rings aren’t designed for the nipple and clit. They are to go through the areola of the tits and through the base of her clit, with an eighth to a quarter of an inch on either side. Is that what you want?”

LaTesha had a smile on her face and said, “Yes it is. This bitch has caused me nothing but trouble the last couple of days and this will serve her right. I want her to feel those heavy rings every day. They will be hard to hide and I want her to be embarrassed from people staring at her and asking her about them. I want her to suffer for what she has put me through.” She leaned in and whispered to Matt, “Besides, she is going to be one of the slaves auctioned off for my membership fee.”

Matt just shook his head and went to work. He sterilized the entire areola of her right tit and then pushed the piercing needle through from edge to edge, left to right. He then pushed the heavy gauge steel ring through and closed the inch and a half wide ring closed. Susie screamed through the entire ordeal.

Matt repeated the process on the other tit and backed off. Cynful began to clean off the hair removal salve. When she was done, Matt got down and sucked and bit at Susie’s clit until it was hard. When he was satisfied he sterilized the area and then pushed the needle through the base of her clit starting an eighth of an inch to the left. He pushed the needle down at an angle, through the root of her clit, and then bent it up and out the other side about the same distance.

When Matt was done he looked at the table and saw another two rings that were two inches wide. He looked at LaTesha who reached up and tugged gently on her ear rings. Matt understood and quickly sterilized her ears and pushed a larger heavy gauge piercing needle through followed by the large rings.

When Matt was finished with Susie’s ears, she asked, “I wanted to put one through her nose but that would raise too many questions. You wouldn’t happen to have one that is removable would you?”

Matt smiled and opened the bottom drawer. He pulled out a two inch ring that had a small flat section on one end. He pulled gently on it and it popped free to show that it was a small barbell stud. He said, “I designed this little beauty so we could send our slaves to the college without raising suspicion. It should be perfect for what you want. The barbell is put through the septum of her nose and either end of the ring pops onto and locks onto the ball at the end of the stud. It takes just a bit of gentle pressure pulling out to pop the ring free. I’m rather proud of the design.”

LaTesha smiled and said, “That will be perfect. Let’s do it.”

Matt quickly sterilized the whimpering Susie’s nasal septum and then pushed the needle through. He unscrewed one of the balls and pushed the bar through the hole. He put a small drop of Lock Tite in the hole on the ball and then screwed it onto the bar. When he was done, he stepped back and admired his work. Looking down on her face normally you couldn’t see the bar. He picked up the ring after about a minute and snapped on the heavy ring. When he was satisfied, he picked up his tattoo gun and began the organization tattoo.

It was now one thirty in the morning when they finished up with Susie. Rob looked at his watch and said, “We need to get going if we’re going to make it to our next stop before they close. We have a little meeting set up to discuss the next stage of punishment for our beauties.

Cynful quickly scurried over to a table that had four collars on it. She picked up the first one and looked at the dog tag. It just said ‘Kennel Bitch’ on it. She took it over and immediately put it around Julia’s neck and slipped the end into a special locking slot. Julia felt the clicks as the collar was tightened around her throat. She felt like she was just beginning to feel the pressure get to tight and knew that if the collar was tightened much more it would be uncomfortable tight. She felt the vibration of another click and then nothing. The collar was snug around her throat but it wasn’t too tight. She reached up and felt the collar and couldn’t find a buckle. There was a little square on one end of the collar and that was where the other end was pushed through but there was no release on it to allow the collar to be removed.

Cynful had backed away and saw Julia feeling the collar. She said, “The collar is permanent. It takes a special tool to remove it and only a master on the local council has the tool. You will wear the collar wherever you go from now on. There is a tag on the collar that tells everyone who and what you are. You are ‘Kennel Bitch’ from now on. You will be allowed to finish your semester and then we will arrange for you to live out your fantasy of being a ‘Kennel Bitch’ for real for the rest of your life.”

Cynful turned and went back to the table and picked up another collar. This one belonged to Molly. The collar was a nice white leather that would look good with just about anything. It was a very fine leather that also looked like a choker. A gold plate was riveted onto the collar so that it would be on the front of the collar when it was worn. It was centered under a D ring that was fully a part of the collar. The gold plate read ‘Dyke’s Bitch’ on it and on the D ring was a tag that hung down. It had ‘Property of LaTesha’ engraved on it. Cynful closed the collar around Molly’s neck and locked it on like she had the one on Julia.

Cynful stepped back and said, “You are now Mistress LaTesha’s little dyke bitch. She picked this collar out for you. You will wear it from now on until she decides otherwise. She has named you Dyke’s Bitch so that is the name you will answer to. Only the members of the group that Mistress LaTesha, Master Rob and I belong to will know you by that name. Anyone who calls you that is a member of the organization and requires you to treat them as your lord and master. Failure to do so will exact a great punishment that I assure you is very painful and to be avoided. Only Mistress LaTesha can have your collar unlocked and removed. She is your owner now so you must obey everything she tells you.”

Cynful went back to the table and picked up the next collar. It was a heavy black leather collar. She picked it up and walked up to June and attached the collar. This one locked on like the other two did. There was no name on the metal tab riveted to the collar. It had a tag on it that read, ‘Property of the Coch Organization’.

Cynful backed away and said, “You haven’t been named yet. Your name will be etched into the collar when that happens. Until then you will wear this collar letting every master and mistress in the group here know that you are a slave. If they so desire, they may order you to service them. You are obligated to obey there orders in every way. For now, you belong to LaTesha and she will control your destiny. When she tires of you, your name and fate will be decided then unless she names you before then. I would be on your best behavior for her if I were you so that she doesn’t tire of you to soon.”

Cynful went back and picked up the last of the collars. It was a heavy leather collar with heavy metal spiked studs on it. It also had a blank steel plate riveted onto it. The D ring had a tag on it that also said ‘Property of the Coch Organization’. Cynful turned and walked up to Susie and locked the collar on. She stepped back and simply said, “You belong to the Coch Organization now. They will determine your fate. Until then you will reside with LaTesha and follow her orders to the letter. Any failure on your part will exact extreme punishment.”

Cynful took three lengths of chain and locked them onto the four girls’ collars. She then attached a leash to Julia’s collar and led them out of the porn shop and out to the car. All four girls were whimpering as they were again being led out blindfolded and collared. She helped them into the back of the SUV and then climbed in the back seat and waited. It was a good fifteen minutes before Rob and LaTesha came out and joined them. LaTesha had a big smile on her face as she had just been changed from being a temporary member of the organization to a permanent member of the organization.

They sped across town to a bar that LaTesha was very familiar with. It was fairly close to where they lived and was the one that she had been going to for the last year. It was far enough away from the college that few students ever went in, which is what drew her to it. She didn’t feel lake partaking in the normal college drunken partying that took place at the student dominated bars. This was also the bar that LaTesha had hired the bartender from that served drinks at the party on Friday night.

The SUV pulled up in the back of the bar. They got out and went in, leaving the girls in the back. They could feel the beat of the music as it pounded away from the main area of the bar. They quickly entered the office door. They met briefly with the owner and then Rob went back out and signaled cynful to bring the girls in. Cynful quickly jumped out of the car and opened the back up. She grabbed the leash and pulled the girls out. Teddy jumped out of the car as well. Cynful closed the back and then led the girls in through the back door of the club. She led them to the door where Rob was waiting and led the girls inside.

Once inside the club office, cynful lined the girls up in front of a desk. She made them kneel in front of the desk with their legs wide spread and their hands on their thighs. She made sure they had their heads bowed and looking at the floor in a submissive position. She then went over to Rob and knelt in the same position beside him as they waited.

Soon the owner of the bar came in through another door. He saw the four naked beauties in front of his desk. He looked at Rob and LaTesha and said, “You do have four beauties here. So let me get this straight. These four were flirting with Stephanie’s boyfriend while at your party Friday night. As punishment, you want each of them to serve as her slave here at the bar for one day. Then you want to have another party at your house this coming Friday with Stephanie as a guest instead of a bartender. Does that about cover it?”

Rob answered, “That just about covers it. We think that will be suitable punishment for their crime.”

The owner thought for a few minutes and then said, “I think it’s an interesting proposal but I can tell that at least a couple of them are underage for drinking. I’ll be putting my license at risk if I do this.”

Rob began to plead their case when he waved him off and continued, “I didn’t say I wouldn’t do it. I was going to say that if I do, my payment must be worth the risk. I will expect each one of these ladies to spend the night with me as my personal little sex slave the night they serve as Stephanie’s slave. They will have to wear the outfit I decide for them and I expect that they will obey my every order while they are working in my club. That means if I have a client in here and I want to reward him with a little sexual fun, then they will do it without protest and act like they are enjoying it. And then I want one final thing from you Rob. I want a night with lovely cynful there. I thoroughly enjoyed playing with her at the porn shop. Did you like my little gift to you cynful?”

The memories rushed back to cynful of the guy that had the wicked chain with the nipple clamps that he gave her after he tortured her with them. She remembered how painful they were and then how strong her orgasm was. She started getting wet at the possibility of spending a night with this guy and at his mercy. She also felt a little apprehension and fear at the prospect too. She didn’t know which of the emotions were more intense. She didn’t want to be tortured again but she also had a desire to experience it again to see if she could come like she did before. She was brought out of her reverie as Rob said, “Of course. I’ll leave her with you tonight and pick her up tomorrow afternoon. That will give you plenty of time to enjoy her. I just ask that you don’t harm her too severely. I don’t want any permanent marks on her when you’re done. If you can live with that, then we have a deal.”

The owner got a wicked smile on his face and then said, “Then we have a deal. Before we go though, I want to have a little show for the benefit of Stephanie. I have arranged for my boys to come in and give our little ladies here a ride. I would hope that cynful would join them with Teddy when the time comes. It shouldn’t be more than ten to fifteen minutes. I closed the bar when you brought them in and Stephanie should be just about done cleaning things up by now. I told her to come in when she was done.”

About that time, the door cynful had brought the girls through opened and in walked two men, each leading two Dobermans. As they came in the owner said, “Meet my boys. These are my guard dogs. I let them have free run of the place at night. They keep the riff raff out. These boys will really enjoy our little lovelies here. They haven’t had a good bitch for months.”

It was another fifteen minutes before Stephanie came in from the door the owner had come in once cynful had brought the girls in. When she saw the four girls from the party and then LaTesha and a couple of others she didn’t know she turned white as if she had something to hide and feared it getting out. She turned to the owner and asked, “You wanted to see me boss?”

The owner replied, “Have a seat on the couch. It seems that you have been a victim of these girls. I understand that they tried to steal your boyfriend from you, is that correct?”

Stephanie shakily answered, “Y…y…yes they did.”

The owner looked at her as a flash of anger appeared and then quickly went away. He had a policy of no friends or family being at a function that one of his bartenders worked. She violated that rule. He didn’t want to do anything now because he wanted these girls in the worst way. He was going to have fun playing with them. He quickly got control of his anger and then said calmly, “They have been brought here to be punished for their crimes against you. They each are to work for one night with you as your slave. They will obey your every order while the bar is opened. I will give you some basic guidance but how you use them in the bar is up to you. I will dictate what they wear and will have them after the bar is closed but you are their mistress during opening hours. Are you willing to do that?”

Stephanie’s mind quickly forgot the look of anger she had seen flash briefly on her boss’s face and then began to think about the possibilities. She answered with more confidence than she felt, “I would like that.”

The owner then said, “Then it’s settled. One of them will work with you on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. On Friday, they are going to have another little party for you. This time though you won’t have to serve as the bartender and will be the guest of honor. I expect you to be there without fail. Consider it a requirement for continued employment. No boyfriend this time though.”

Stephanie shook her head yes and said, “Yes sir. I’ll be there.”

The owner finally said, “Then it’s settled. It’s time for our little show. Stephanie, this little show is for you. This is a part of the punishment that they are all going to receive for what they did. Let the boys go. Cynful, you help get them in position and then take your position next to them with Teddy.”

Cynful got up and rushed over to the four girls. She grabbed the leash and pulled them to the center of the room and away from the desk. She lined them at an angle so that they were readily visible from both the couch and the desk. She then had them all kneel, still connected by the chains between their collars. She made them cross their arms on the floor and put their heads on them. This raised their asses high in the air. When they were in position she ordered, “I wouldn’t try to get away. These are attack dogs and you are all chained together. If you try to get away, you won’t go far and you’ll just piss the dogs off and make them want to bite you. I’d let them do what they want. Besides, I just know you’ll like it. I sure do. I’ll be right beside you entertaining Teddy.”

Cynful then got at the end of the girls next to Julia and got into the same position. She then yelled out, “Fuck Teddy… Fuck.”

Teddy immediately left his position sitting next to Rob and went to cynful. He stuck his nose in her crotch and began licking. He did this for a couple of minutes. While he did the Dobermans all began to pull at their leashes trying to get at the girls. They began to whimper in frustration as they weren’t being allowed to get at the naked girls kneeling there. They were specially trained dogs who were all trained to provide security but to mate with humans as well.

Teddy finally jumped up and landed on top of cynful’s back. He got up into position and cynful reached back to guide his cock into her cunt. He growled at her so she redirected it to her ass. As soon as he felt the tip of his cock against her anal rosebud he lunged forward. His cock sank into her ass over half way with the first plunge. He began to fuck cynful in earnest at that point.

One of the Doberman handlers gave the leash to one of them to the other handler and led the remaining one up behind Julia. He guided him up to her ass and commanded him to fuck. The Doberman began to lick her cunt for a couple of minutes. As he did his cock began to grow and extend. When it was almost fully out he jumped up onto Julia’s back and began humping. Julia reached back and guided his cock into her cunt and grunted as he rammed it home.

The handler turned away and went and got another dog from the handler. He then took that one to June, then he got one for Molly and finally for Susie. It wasn’t long before each of the five girls was being fucked royally by a dog. Cynful and Julia of course were enjoying there canine screwing. June, Molly and Susie however, were hating every second of it and were crying desperately at how low they had been made to go. They knew they had no choice, not if they wanted to keep all of the pictures from being sent to their families and friends. They couldn’t stand to have that happen so they submitted to this ultimate degradation.

June and Molly were also beginning to hate Susie. She was the one that had talked them into flirting with the boyfriend. She had done the most flirting of all of them. It was her fault that they were in this position. Though neither of them had, had a chance to talk, they both were wondering how or if they would get a chance to exact revenge on her.

For the next twenty minutes, the fucking went. Though Teddy was the first to start, he was the last to cum. They all forced their knot into their human bitch and locked with them. After they came, they quickly turned around until they were ass end to ass end. That was when the bar owner came up to Rob and LaTesha. He said, “You two have done well. For being brand new to our group you all have done well. I’ve never seen anyone come up with two slaves so fast. But not only do you bring us two, you each keep one for yourselves. You’re the kind of members we need here. We needed an infusion of new blood. I can’t wait for this week to start.”

The bar owner then turned his attention to Stephanie who was paying rapt attention to the action going on in the center of the room. She didn’t even look at him until he was standing between her and the action. Startled, she looked at him with a questioning look in her eyes. When he saw that she was paying attention he ordered, “I expect you to use these girls well when they work for you. If you do a good job, you will find a substantial bonus in your pay check at the end of the week. If I don’t think you’re being hard enough on them, then you will have your pay cut. I suggest you get creative. Now go on home. I’ll expect you to be in an hour early to participate in the slut’s preparation for their evening’s employment.”

Stephanie got up off of the couch, taking a last glance at the five girls locked up with the dogs and then looked at her boss with a smile and said, “I’ll see you Monday then. I can’t wait.”

It took another ten minutes for all of the dogs’ knots to go down enough for them to pull out. Teddy was the last and when he did he went up beside Rob and lay down next to him, licking himself clean. Rob went over to cynful and helped her up. After she was standing with dog cum oozing out of her ass he ordered, “You will stay here tonight. You entertain Max well and I will be back to pick you up later on this afternoon. I expect you to obey him as you do me.”

Cynful looked at Rob and said, “I promise I will not disappoint you my master. I will miss being with you. Do you want Teddy to stay with me?”

Rob looked over at the owner Max who shook his head no at the question and then turned back to cynful. He answered, “No. Max only wants you. I will see you around four this afternoon then.”

After that he went up to the girls and hooked the leash to Julia’s collar. He then led them out of the bar with LaTesha following the line. As she followed along she decided to take advantage of Susie’s bare ass and spanked her as she went. By the time they got to the car, Susie was crying hard. She had never really stopped crying after the dog finished with her but now she was sobbing almost uncontrollably. She climbed into the back of the SUV wondering what her future life would be like. She had a sneaking suspicion that it was going to be drastically different for her from now on. The rings she had received told her that much. They were hideous compared to the ones she had previously. And to have to wear the heavy collar everywhere she went from now on was almost too much to take. She cried in her misery as they finally went home for the night. The first light of dawn was just beginning to appear on the horizon.


Chapter Ten – Humiliations

Cynful watched as Rob and the others left. She trembled with apprehension. She remembered how much Max had hurt her Friday night at the Porn shop with those nipple clamps and knew that she was in for a rough day. She knelt there on the floor with her head down like the good slave she was.

Max sat there at his desk with his feet propped up on it and leaning back in his chair with his hands behind his head. He just stared at cynful as she knelt there. Finally after several minutes he got up and went over to a cabinet and opened it. He took out a long leather sleeve that had laces along it. He walked over behind cynful and ordered, “Stand up slave. It’s time for us to have a little fun. When I played with you the other day I had hoped that I would get a chance to have you to myself some time. I never in my wildest dreams thought it would be so soon. The bar is closed tonight so we have all day to play.”

Cynful was so nervous and scared that she struggled to get up. It seemed to her that her legs just wouldn’t cooperate. Her mind was filled with all of the terrible things that might happen. As she got up she kept her attention focused on the floor. She didn’t try to turn around as she heard Max opening the cabinets. All sorts of things were going through her mind. She finally got into a standing position and assumed a perfect slave’s standing position with her legs spread wide and her arms crossed behind her back with her hands on her elbows.

Just as she got her hands and arms in position, she felt Max put the sleeve on them. She then began to winch in pain as he laced them up as tight as he could get them. Cynful’s mind was racing trying to figure out what was going to come next. She suspected that it was going to be painful.

After Max had laced up the leather sleeve, he went back to the cabinet and pushed a button. A rope with a hook on the end lowered from the ceiling. He let the rope descend until it was level with cynful’s sleeved arms. He then picked up two ankle cuffs with foot long chains on each with the final link that had one long side that could be opened and closed by unscrewing a sleeve. He went up to cynful and knelt down and attached each cuff to one of her ankles.

When Max had the cuffs buckled on, he then took cynful’s left foot and pulled it up by the chain, leaving cynful trying to keep her balance on one foot. He pulled the foot up and attached then end of the chain to the left cuff to a D ring on the center of the sleeve. When he was done, he knelt down and grabbed the chain to her right cuff. He pulled it until it was tight and then waited for a few seconds to cause cynful to worry about what was coming next.

Cynful felt the pressure on her right foot and began to get nervous. She thought, ‘Surely he isn’t going to pull my foot out from under me and knock me to the ground?’ She hadn’t heard him lower the rope or felt him connect the hook to the sleeve. She just knew that if he pulled the chain to the cuff she would fall over onto her face. There was no way she could catch herself with her hands locked behind her back. All sorts of thoughts continued to run through her head as she felt the tension on her leg.

All of a sudden cynful’s right foot was pulled out from under her. She screamed as she fell forward. She just knew that she was going to mash her face into the hard floor. Then suddenly she stopped falling about three feet from the floor and hung in mid air by her sleeved arms and left foot. She felt her leg being brought up and hooked to the D ring of the sleeve.

Cynful presented a stunning sight. Her red hair hung down blocking her from seeing anything but the floor. Her bare tits hung down, making them look even bigger than they were. Her legs were spread wide open and bent up to the middle of her back, baring her nether regions for all to see. She was just hanging there swinging from the end of the rope, helpless to defend herself.

Max walked back over to the cabinet and grabbed a small box that he had pulled out. He then pushed the button for the rope and lifted cynful up so he could reach her tits without bending over. When he had her where he wanted her he released the button and picked up the box. He walked over to her and just for grins he slapped her hanging tits with his free right hand. He kept slapping them for several minutes, giving them a nice pink glow all around.

As Max slapped her tits, cynful moaned and tears streamed from her eyes from the sting of the blows. After the first few slaps, the pain began to really spread through her and seemed to light a fire in her groin. She didn’t understand what was happening to her. She had never gotten excited at being punished before. There was something about the way that Max did it that seemed to make it more exciting. She feared what was coming next.

Max stopped slapping cynful’s tits when he saw that they were pink enough to his satisfaction. Then he opened the box that he had brought over. He pulled out a nipple clamp that he had designed himself. It consisted of four arms that went up about an inch and a half and then formed an L, with the tip of the short arm of the L being pointed and needle sharp. At the inch and half point was a ring that the arms went into. There were springs attached to each arm inside the ring. Then there was about a half inch arm that came out the other side and that bent out and away from the ring. Hanging down from the ring in the center of the short arms was an inch long coiled spring with a hook at the end. He grabbed the short end of the clamp and squeezed the short bars. This opened the long end of the clamp.

Max lined up the clamp with the base of cynful’s left nipple. The sharp ends pricked her flesh but didn’t penetrate. It was painful and cynful groaned from the prickly sensation on her most sensitive nipple. Max then repeated the process with her right nipple. Cynful began to whimper just a bit from the constant pain that the clamps caused. But she felt the sting of the clamps sending messages straight down to her clit, only the feelings in her clit were exciting her.

Cynful couldn’t believe that he was able to excite her so much by inflicting pain. She didn’t understand that he specifically designed his devices to do just what she was feeling. He was a master at making his slaves excited at experiencing pain. He trained all of his personal slaves to become pain addicts, constantly seeking more and more pain in order to get off.

Max then pulled out a two ounce weight that had a long bar with the weight at the bottom of the bar in a flat circle. The other end of the bar had a ring on it. He put the weight on the clamp on her left nipple and then did the same thing to the right. He told cynful, “These little beauties I made myself just like the clamps I gave you the other day. The wonderful thing about these is that as I add weight, the pins pinch in harder and harder. The ends of the pins are sharp but have been dulled enough that it takes quite a bit of weight to penetrate the skin. Additional weight can be added to cause more and more pain. In addition to that, the weight is hooked to a spring so that as you move, it will cause the weight to bounce up and down. This will cause the weight to pull the sharp ends into your nipple flesh and then relax as it goes up. The more you move the more pain you will experience. They really are one of my favorite inventions. They are most popular with the members of the organization. These are the weight holders and only weigh about two ounces. I have two and five ounce weights that can be added. I can add up to a pound and a half of weight to your nips if I want. Because you aren’t my slave I’ll limit you today to just one pound eventually. To start I think a good five ounce weight added to each one will be fun.”

Cynful whimpered from the pain the clamps were causing. They hurt so much already that she couldn’t imagine what additional weight would do. When he added the first five ounce weight to the clamp on her left nip, she screamed from the pain caused by the four sharp points digging into her nipple flesh. Once Max had added the weight he pulled down on the weight and released it causing it to bounce up and down. The pain on her nip was excruciating and she screamed and cried from the repeating prickly pain. As she felt the sharp points of the clamp dig into her left nipple over and over again she suddenly felt a sharp piercing pain in her right one. She screamed again as the new clamp bit into her right nip.

Max listened to cynful’s screams as the weights he added harder and more severe pain. This is what he lived for with his slaves. He loved to hear their screams of torment. But he took special pleasure in causing them horrendous pain while making them get more and more excited. He wanted his slaves to associate pain with pleasure and he was a master at it. As he finished putting on the five ounce weight on her right nipple he smiled. He knew she hadn’t even come close to experiencing the amount of pain she would receive before the night was over. He was just prepping her to get started. But he knew he had plenty of time and was in no rush. The fact that she had been up for over 24 hours and was tired just added to his pleasure. He knew that a slave that was already on the edge of exhaustion was also more susceptible to the pain.

Max finally put the five ounce weight on and pulled the spring loaded weight down and started it bouncing. He pulled the other one down again so that they were both bouncing up and down, tugging and piercing at her nip. He listened with satisfaction as cynful screamed even more. His cock was getting hard and uncomfortable from the pleasure he was getting from torturing the beautiful college girl.

Max went over to the corner of the room and stripped out of his clothes and hung them up on a coat rack he kept there for times when he was entertaining his slaves. He had three at the moment but was trying to figure out how to add his cute little bartender to his bevy of slaves. That was why he hired her. As he stripped out of his clothes he thought about the situation that his bartender had created and was happy he had taken a fancy to her. Without her, he wouldn’t be in this situation, playing with one of the most exquisite young slaves that he had seen in years. She looked to be about fifteen or sixteen though he knew she was really nineteen. He wished that he could own her and add her to his collection of slaves but knew that wasn’t going to happen. He saw the love that she and her master shared. He knew that he would never be able to offer anything that would lead Rob to give up his slave.

When he was finally naked, he turned and watched as cynful squirmed in her bindings. Each time she moved, she would start the weights bouncing again, causing her more pain. She didn’t scream any more but she was whimpering from the repeated pricking of the clamps on her sensitive nips. This was what he was waiting for. He didn’t want her to get too used to the pain of the clamps. It was time to add the next clamp.

Max walked back to cynful and reached down to the box on the floor behind her. He pulled out a third clamp. Adding this one was the one he enjoyed most. He stood up between her bent legs and looked into her wide open cunt. He leaned forward and began to suck and lick her outer lips. He would do that for a minute and then he would move down to her clit and suck on that for a minute. He would bring her closer and closer to the edge of cumming and then move back down and gently lick her nether lips and cunt hole. As her excitement increased, he monitored her symptoms. If she got too close he would back off. Then he would start anew. If she didn’t squirm enough for him, he would reach up and pull the weights hanging from her tits and start them bouncing again. Finally he had her clit as large as he could get it. He then moved his lips to it and began to suck it over and over again. As cynful grew closer and closer to cumming, he took the clamp in his right hand and held it close.

Cynful couldn’t believe how masterful Master Max was at manipulating her excitement. She would get close to cumming and he would start the weights bouncing just as she was getting ready to cum. The pain would take the edge off of her cumming. Each time he did it she would feel the excitement begin to build again and each time she got close he would do something to take the edge off. But each time he did it, the next time the level of excitement and ecstasy seemed to increase to a higher level but she wouldn’t be allowed to go over the edge.

Cynful looked over at the clock on his desk and saw that he had been working on her cunt for over forty minutes. She had never been held at this level of excitement so long before. It was just a couple of minutes later that she felt him really begin to suck and chew on her clit. When she got close to the edge he didn’t stop her from cumming this time. As a matter of fact he redoubled his efforts. She finally tripped over the edge and began to cum as hard as she ever had before. She had only started cumming when suddenly she felt the pricking pain of a clamp on her clit. She screamed in a combination of pain and agony. The additional pain right at the beginning of her cum caused it to feel even better and took her higher and higher. She had just reached the peak of her orgasm and was starting to come down when she felt Master Max drop a five ounce weight onto the clamp and start it bouncing. That sent her into another cum before the other had run its course. It took her even higher. When her orgasm began to wane again, he dropped an additional five ounce weight on her two nips at the same time. He did it in such a manner to cause them to really bounce hard and cause the pins to really pinch into her nips. That caused her orgasm to begin again. Again Master Max waited until her orgasm began to wane and then he dropped ten ounces of weight onto the clamp on her clit.

The combination of pain and pleasure sent her even higher. He added another five ounces to her nips and then she felt him insert his cock into her cunt. It seemed as if her orgasm was going to go on forever. As he fucked her, her orgasm continued. When her orgasm began to wane, he would reach forward and start all three weights to bouncing again. He kept this up for ten minutes, never letting cynful have a moment’s rest. The constant contractions of cynful’s cunt on his cock eventually took its toll and he began to cum. The flood of warmth spreading within her was enough to push cynful to an even higher cum. She screamed out her pleasure and finally passed out.

The next thing cynful was aware of, she was feeling cramps in her arms and legs. It was enough to bring her out of her sleep. She noticed that she was closer to the floor than she had been before. She glanced at the clock on the desk and realized that she had been out for a couple of hours. She let out a groan of pain as she felt a spasm in her legs. That’s when she heard, “Welcome back amongst the living cynful. I was beginning to think that you would never wake up. Now let’s continue. You have now experienced how pain can increase your pleasure twice at my hands. Let’s see if we can go for a third time.”

Max got up and walked toward cynful. He was still naked and he carried a flogger in his right hand. He walked up in front of cynful and said, “You passed out before you could clean off my cock. I want you to suck it clean now. I am going to start whipping you while you suck me. But you aren’t to bite me or stop sucking me. You also aren’t to let me cum. If you do, I will make you hurt worse than you have before. I know you have been trained, we will find out just how well. But remember, not letting me cum doesn’t mean you don’t try to get me to. It just means that you suck me to the edge and then do something to keep me from cumming. We’ll see how well your master has trained you.

Cynful took his cock into her mouth and began to suck Max’s cock clean. He took his flogger and began to gently twirl it so that it would repeatedly hit her. He started twirling it so that it would strike her exposed stomach. The strands of the flogger were a very soft deer hide. It was intended to sting, not punish. He kept twirling it and repeatedly striking her over the left side of her stomach and tit. Initially cynful just felt a slight stinging sensation. The pain gradually increased as he continued to strike her with the flogger. It was only when cynful started to groan from the pain that he stopped whipping her with the flogger on that side. He then switched hands and began to flog her on the other side.

The whole time that Max was flogging cynful, she was sucking his cock. She sucked it like there was no tomorrow. She had to focus all of her concentration on sucking his cock and trying to detect the signs of his excitement as it increased. She didn’t want to miss the tell tale signs that he was on the verge of cumming. She kept on sucking him and when she detected the first signs that he was going to cum, she took his cock down her throat and clamped her lips around the base as hard as she could, using her tongue to put pressure against the base of his cock, closing of the urethra. Max came but he didn’t ejaculate. That was when Max switched to flogging her other side.

Cynful held her the cock down her throat like that without moving or swallowing until her air ran out. That was when she backed off and began to suck again. She had learned her skills well at the hands of her mother when she was trained. It had taken her over a month to learn how to do that little technique. She was proud of the fact she could suck her master off and stop him from cumming without ever taking her mouth off of his cock. She knew that by waiting until her breath was about out gave the guy time to settle back down and get through the highly sensitive time right after an orgasm. She would then start all over again just as if she had never started.

Max was amazed when he came but didn’t ejaculate. His slaves all would stop just before he came and let his excitement settle down while they very gently licked or sucked on his balls. He knew that he couldn’t punish cynful for making him cum because he hadn’t ejaculated. He never went soft either. He was also amazed that she kept his ten inch cock down her throat for almost three minutes. It was the most exquisite sensation he had felt in a long while. Then when she started sucking again it was like he had never cum before.

Max whipped cynful on her right side with the flogger in his left hand. He focused again on her stomach and her tits. He kept it up until she brought him to another dry orgasm. This one didn’t take as long. Once he came he began to flog just her right tit. The pain caused by the flogger hitting the tit clamps was excruciating to cynful and she screamed around his cock. This added pleasure brought him to a higher state of excitement and soon he was having another dry cum. He switched hands and soon got the same results after only a couple of minutes.

When Max had his dry cum this time, he switched the flogging to cynful’s ass and cunt. He didn’t twirl it like he had been doing. He took an over handed swing and brought it down along the crack of her ass so that the ends wrapped around her ass and hit her cunt and clamped clit.

For cynful, the strikes on her tits had been increasing her level of excitement with each stroke. When he switched to her cunt, it just took her higher and higher. As he whipped her cunt and clit he told her, “Okay cynful, I’m going to keep on whipping you on your cunt until you cum. I want you to make me cum for real when you do.”

Cynful had been getting more excited but knew it would be a while before she came like this. She focused all of her attention on making Master Max as excited as possible. She sucked him to three more dry cums before she was even close to cumming. Then she knew she was close enough that she could make Max cum when she got off if she timed it right. She had good control over her orgasms but had never tried that when she was sucking someone off like this. It took almost all of her concentration to detect all of the signs of Master Max’s excitement. She closed her eyes and began to increase her focus to try and do both. She slowed down her sucking but not too much. As her excitement built, she slowly increased her tongue action.

Cynful’s cunt and clit were beginning to really hurt from the constant flogging and the piercing pain of the clit clamp. When Max saw that she was getting close, he reached under her and grabbed both of her tits in his hands and began to pull them down. He would then pull the weighted clamps and start them bouncing and then squeeze her tits with his hands to increase her stimulation. This was enough to push cynful to the edge. She had to really concentrate to keep from cumming. She could tell that Max wasn’t ready to cum quite yet so she had to switch most of her focus to keeping her orgasm at bay. Finally she felt his cock begin to swell and she redoubled her sucking efforts and the twirled her tongue back and forth over the underside of his cockhead on the most sensitive part.
She felt his cock begin to expand and twitch and knew he was about to cum. She let go of her control and let go. She sank his cock all of the way down her throat and began to hum as she twirled her tongue back and forth across the base of his cock as she went down. That was enough to cause him to erupt into the best orgasm he had ever had. Cynful began cumming exactly at the same time. This one wasn’t as good as the previous one but it was close. She attempted to swallow as she screamed but his cum sprayed out around her lips and out her nose. She closed her eyes as her entire body spasmed in glorious ecstasy.

Max couldn’t believe how good cumming felt. All of those previous dry cums had just kept building up his excitement and supply of ejaculate. He felt like he was going to cum forever. Finally he quit cumming and collapsed to the floor exhausted. He knew he was done for the day. He normally came only two or three times in a day. With all of the dry cums that he just had, and the earlier cum he had cum at least ten times and maybe more. He had kind of lost count after a while. He never thought he would ever experience anything like this. He knew that he had to have Master Rod tell him where she learned how to do that. Wasn’t he going to be surprised to find out that she learned it from her mother?

Max was feeling very tired at that point. He knew he was done for the day. He went over to the cabinet and lowered cynful to the floor. He then went about letting her loose from her bindings. When she was loose, he ordered, “Kneel on all fours.”

Cynful did as she was ordered but took a moment to stretch each of her limps out and get the kinks out of them. As she did that, she heard Max open the door and whistle. Soon she heard the barking of the three guard dogs. She knew what was coming. She had to entertain the three dogs before she was done. She watched as he held the door open and let all three dogs run into the room. She wished that one of them was her Teddy but she had been fucked by enough dogs at Mistress Marta’s that fucking strange dogs didn’t bother her anymore.

Cynful knelt there and waited as the alpha dog of the three rushed up to her. He licked her cunt for a brief moment and then launched himself up onto her back. He began to hump into her as his cock began to grow. After several humps he managed to get his cock into her cunt and force it in. Cynful grunted from the entry because her cunt was still a bit sore from the flogging but it wasn’t excruciating. She pushed back into the dog as he fucked into her.

It wasn’t long before another dog launched himself up onto cynful’s shoulders from the front. She saw the dog cock in front of her and without hesitation lifted her right hand up and guided it to her mouth. She began to suck it with all of the effort and passion that she had used before on Max. She sucked hard on the dog cock as she was fucked from behind by the alpha dog. The third dog came up beside her and began to lick her tits as he had been trained to do. Cynful was beginning to get excited as she was double fucked and licked. Soon she had the dog she was sucking cumming down her throat. She swallowed the dog cum over and over until he quit cumming. The third dog quickly took his place when he pulled away and went over to a corner where he lay down and began licking his cock clean. Cynful took it as a challenge and decided to see if she could suck this third dog off before the first one came.

Cynful was soon cumming from the fucking she was receiving from the alpha dog. He was going at it, fucking his cock into her like a machine gun. She only paused momentarily as she came but then resumed sucking on the dog cock in her mouth. She redoubled her efforts and sucked it into her throat and began humming and licking with her tongue as she swallowed. Everything she did quickly brought the dog off and she found herself swallowing another dog’s cum. The dog fucking her kept at it for a couple of more minutes before he too began to cum. As soon as he did, he turned around, knotted with her. It was another fifteen minutes before his knot went down enough for him to pull out without causing her pain. As she waited, cynful looked over at the couch and saw that Max had fallen asleep on the couch some time during her fucking by the dogs.

As soon as the alpha dog’s knot shrank enough, he pulled out. He curled up beside cynful as if he were claiming her as his bitch and began to lick himself. When he was done, cynful just collapsed to the floor where she was at and fell asleep. Sometime while she slept the other two dogs came over and lay down beside her. That was the way Rob found them when he came by at four to pick cynful up.

Rob entered the back door of the bar and went straight to Max’s office. When he got there he knocked and got no answer. When he opened the door, he immediately saw cynful lying in the middle of the floor sound asleep with three dogs curled up around her. Max was lying on the couch sound asleep as well. He went over to Max and shook him awake. It took a few moments but Max finally woke up.

As soon as Max awakened he looked to see who was shaking his shoulder. He immediately asked, “What are you doing here? I was supposed to have cynful all day.”

Rob smiled and said, “It’s almost five in the evening. I was supposed to come by and pick cynful up at four so you’ve had even more time with her than we agreed.”

Max looked over at the clock and saw the time and he realized that he had fallen asleep from exhaustion. He had missed seeing cynful being fucked by the dogs. He sighed and looked at Rob and said, “Your little slave here wore me to a frazzle. I’ve never cum more than two or three times in a day before. She managed to give me at least ten and maybe more. I’ve never had that done to me before. How did you train her to do that?”

Rob smiled, “She is wonderful isn’t she? I didn’t have anything to do with her training. She was trained by her mother under the guidance of Mistress Marta of Marta Kennels. Marta trains most of the dogs for the organization.”

Max was startled, “Your slave was trained by her own mother. That’s kinky. I’ll have to arrange for my slaves to be trained like your cynful there. She had me so exhausted that I fell asleep before she fucked my boys there. It looks like she exhausted them too. Anyway, a deal’s a deal. You can take cynful home. Just remember to have the first of the girls here tomorrow night.”

Rob answered, “I assure you that we will have one of them here at four in the afternoon like you requested. We haven’t decided which one will be first yet. We do have one slave that is to be a lesbian slave so she isn’t to be fucked by anything other than a dog. You might want to consider having a ladies night for her night. She is to be Mistress LaTesha’s slave and she was very adamant that Molly not be fucked by guys.”

Max answered, “That’s easy. We’ll have Molly here on Wednesday night. That is ladies night anyway.”

Rob then said, “Julia, the petite German girl, is to be a canine kennel slut so I want her night at the bar to take that into consideration. The other two, June and Susie are the ones that LaTesha is giving to the organization for her payment to join. You can do what you want with those two. LaTesha would really appreciate it if Susie’s time would be especially humiliating and painful. She is the one that really screwed things up.”

Max thought for a moment and then said, “I’m leaving most of the planning for the girls to Stephanie as you know. I’ll let her know about Molly. I’ll have to think of something particularly nasty for Susie though. Why don’t we save her for last? Being you want Julie’s time to be canine oriented, I want to do her Tuesday night. I have something in mind for her. I guess that leaves June for tomorrow night. Why don’t you dress her in a school girl outfit? I think that would be a good start to the week.”

Rob smiled and answered, “That sounds good. We’ll have June here then tomorrow at four.”

Rob went over to cynful, woke her up. She immediately hugged him as he helped her up. They quickly gathered her few things and left. Cynful curled up next to Rob as he drove her home. She was still a little sore from her whippings she had received but she knew they would go away. She was happy to be with her master again.

When they got back home, they immediately went over to see LaTesha. Rob informed her that the order in which the girls would go would be June first in some sort of school girl uniform, then Julia; Molly would be there for Ladies Night at the bar on Wednesday. Susie would be the last to be put through her paces on Thursday night.

LaTesha called June into the living room. She immediately came running into the room. She knelt in front of LaTesha. Her form wasn’t perfect but she was trying. LaTesha asked, “Do you have a school girl outfit of some kind? You know a plaid skirt with a white blouse and black shoes.”

June answered, “Yes mistress. I have my school uniform from the catholic girl’s high school my parents sent me too. It still fits.”

LaTesha answered, “Good, that is what you will wear tomorrow when you go to the bar. Don’t wear a bra though. I think a nice pair of cotton panties is ideal for that uniform. It will emphasize the little girl look. The guys will just eat you up in it. I want you to go put it on and model it for us.”

June quickly said “Yes mistress” and ran up to her room to change. Ten minutes later she came down dressed in a blue plaid skirt that was just a couple of inches above her knees and a white opaque blouse with a matching neck tie to the skirt. You could just barely see the hint of her nipples through the blouse. If she had been wearing a bra, there would have been no hint of her nips. She also wore white ankle socks with black leather shoes. Her hair was brushed back into a pony tail. She looked every bit of a junior or senior catholic high school girl.

When Rob saw the length of the skirt he said, “That skirt is too long. You are going to have to shorten it. Come here so I can show you how high to shorten it.”

June walked over to Rob, trembling in fear. She watched as he rolled up the skirt. When he had it about four inches below her crotch, he took out his pocket knife and cut a two inch slit into the skirt. He then looked up at her and ordered, “You will cut the skirt off at the level I just put the cut. Then put in a half inch hem. That should make the length just right for the boys tomorrow.”

June blushed as she looked at how short the skirt would be. It would barely cover her ass and any time she bent over it would definitely expose her panties. She knew it was useless to protest so she just said, “Yes master” and went to leave.

LaTesha ordered, “Stop and turn around June. Lift up your skirt so we can see your panties.”

June turned around and lifted her skirt as ordered. She was wearing black bikini panties with the skirt. LaTesha asked, “I want you to wear plain white cotton panties like you wore when you were a little girl. Do you have any like that?”

June answered, “I have a couple of pair mistress.”

LaTesha ordered, “Go bring them down and model them for us so we can see which one would be the best to wear with your outfit. Oh and ditch the rest of the clothes. Just come down in the panties.”

June took off running to her room again. She was back in a couple of minutes wearing nothing but a pair of plain white panties and nothing else. She was blushing from her head to her breasts. She stopped in front of Rob and LaTesha and turned completely around. The panties were a very solid white and were almost like new. LaTesha ordered, “Put the other panties on now and let us see them.”

June turned to run back to her room when Rob said, “Where are you going slave. You weren’t ordered to go back to your room to change. Just change right here in front of us. We’ve seen everything you’ve got anyway so it doesn’t matter.”

June stopped in her tracks and turned back towards Rob and LaTesha. She went back to where she modeled the first pair and quickly stripped out of the panties she had on. She slipped the pair she had brought down with her on and had to struggle a little to pull them up. Once she had them on it was obvious why she hadn’t put them on first. The panties were white but were obviously old and worn thin. They were also at least a size or two too small. Once she had them pulled on, the crotch pulled into her cunt so tight that you could see every nook and cranny of her lips and cunt. You could easily see her skin through the panties as well.

Rob looked at LaTesha who was turning to look at him. They both shook their heads yes and Rob turned to June and ordered, “Those are the panties you will wear tomorrow. They are perfect for the sexy school girl outfit that we are looking for. Now come on over here and take care of me. Watching you model your sexy school girl clothes and panties has made me hard.”

June blushed as she went over to Rob and knelt in front of him. She unzipped his pants and took out his cock. She leaned in and began to lick the tip tentatively. Rob ordered, “Don’t take too long. I’m in a bit of a hurry. Just suck me off and then do Mistress LaTesha.”

June immediately sucked the end of Rob’s cock into her mouth and began to suck his cock while twirling her tongue underneath the head on the most sensitive area of his cock. It only took her about five minutes before she was sucking down and swallowing his cum. As soon as she was done she sat back on her heels and looked at Rob.

Rob saw her look at him and just nodded his head in LaTesha’s direction. She crawled over to LaTesha and knelt between her legs. LaTesha just sat there and waited expectantly. June reached up and began to undo the buttons on her jeans. She quickly had them undone and then pulled them down along with her panties. She didn’t stop until she had them all of the way off.

As June was stripping LaTesha naked below the waist, Rob got up and said, “I’m going on home. We start classes tomorrow and I want to be well rested.” He left the house and went home with cynful following behind like the dutiful slave that she was. They left the house just as June was lowering her head down into LaTesha’s crotch to do her duty to her mistress.

The next afternoon, it was LaTesha that took June over to the bar. Both Rob and Cynful were still in classes at the time. She was dressed in the shortened schoolgirl skirt with the worn out see through panties. LaTesha took her straight into Max’s office when she arrived.

When Max saw June he gave a wolf whistle to let her know what he thought of the way she was dressed. On the couch at the side of the room was Stephanie, the bartender. She had one of those smiles on her face that said, ‘I am so going to make you pay for what you did’.

Max looked at LaTesha and asked, “Are you going to stay and watch the fun?”

LaTesha answered, “No, She’s all yours to do with as you please tonight. Just don’t damage her too much. Let me know if you have any problems with her.” She turned to June and asked, “You aren’t going to disobey any of the orders they give you are you pet?”

June blushed and said as she bowed her head down to stare at the floor, “No ma’am. I’ll do what they say.”

Max asked, “If she balks, what kind of punishment are we allowed to give her.”

LaTesha smiled as she answered, “Whatever you feel is necessary to get her to do what she is ordered to do. Just don’t break skin. Also, remember that her piercings aren’t fully healed yet either so that would be a good way to punish her. I’ve got to go back home now and get some studying done. Give Rob or me a call if you have any problems.”

Max answered, “Thanks LaTesha. I will but I don’t expect that there will be any troubles. I’ve had several new slaves before and know how to handle them. She’ll be ready to pick up tomorrow morning at seven. I know she has classes she has to get to so will allow her to get at least a little sleep tonight. We’ll see you either tomorrow or the next time you come in.”

LaTesha shook Max’s hand and then waved to Stephanie as she left. Max immediately ordered, “Alright slut. Strip out of those clothes. We have some things to add to your outfit.”

As June stripped, Stephanie got up, carrying a bag of items she had selected from Max’s cabinet for the evening. She stopped in front of June just as she was standing back up after dropping her skirt and pants. Stephanie reached up to the naked girl and began to pinch and pull her nipples. She wasn’t into girls so she didn’t even think of sucking on her nipples. It took her a while but she finally got her nipples where she wanted them. She reached down to her bag of goodies and pulled out a pair of nipple clamps that were attached to each other by a chain. The clamps were the type that had two flat sides that were tightened together with a screw. She placed a clamp on June’s right nip and started screwing it down. She screwed it down until June began to beg her to stop, that it was tight enough. Stephanie looked over at Max who shook his head no. She kept right on turning the screw of the clamp until she couldn’t turn in any more. During the last three turns, June was screaming from the pain. She repeated the process with the left nipple eliciting the same results as the first.

When Stephanie was done, she grabbed the center of the chain and she pulled back as hard as she could. June screamed in pain and brought her hands up to her tits from the pain that caused. Stephanie kept pulling hard on the chain as she said, “Put your hands down and I’ll quit pulling it. You’re going to have this chain being pulled all night long. I don’t want you covering your tits at any time tonight when they do. If you do, it will be ten swats with the paddle for each time you do it, to be administered at the end of the night. If you spill a drink when they pull your chain, then the customer that you were taking the drink to will have the option of giving you your ten swats or we will add them to your tally for the end of the night. Do you have any questions?”

June answered as she had been taught by Rob and LaTesha saying, “No Mistress.”

Stephanie then ordered, “Bend over and spread your ass cheeks. I have one more thing to add to your outfit for the night.”

June bent over and followed orders and Stephanie reached into her bag. She pulled out an eight inch by two inch dildo that had metal strips up the side. She pulled out a tube of KY out of the bag and covered the dildo with it. She then pushed the dildo into her asshole. June grunted from the discomfort of the dildo but didn’t do anything otherwise.

Stephanie stepped back and reached into the bag again. She pulled out a control. She turned the setting to the middle setting of five and pushed the button. June screamed in pain as she was shocked in the ass by the dildo. Stephanie then set another dial at its middle setting and pushed the button. This time the dildo vibrated, exciting June who staggered a bit at the unexpected pleasure. Stephanie said, “That shock was just the middle setting. There are ten settings and six through ten are worse than that one. The vibrations that brought you pleasure was also its middle setting. Now listen up and listen well. Every time you don’t immediately follow an order, you will be shocked. The first time will be at a setting of one and it will progress up one increment at a time until you reach ten for each and every time you don’t obey your orders. When you receive a difficult order from a customer and immediately obey, I’ll do the same thing with the vibrator. The more you do the better the feelings. Remember, that every time you don’t obey, there are ten swats with the paddle awaiting you at the end of the night for each and every time. Do you understand?”

June answered as she kept her eyes cast down at the ground, “Yes mistress.”

Stephanie then said, “Okay then, you can get dressed and we’ll finish you up.”

June got completely dressed and started to button her blouse all of the way up like she was supposed to in school. Stephanie stopped her just as she was about to do the button that was just below her tits. She said, “That’s enough buttons. We want you to look like the sexy, slutty school girl that loves to advertise her wares. Let’s just tie that neck tie loosely so it gives you that rebellious look. Now let’s just look at you.”

Stephanie took a step back and June was a sight to behold. Her blouse was open and stretched across her tits exposing the insides of her tits. Her nipples could just be made out through the thin material of the blouse. The chain between her nipple clamps stretched across the gap between her tits going almost straight across with just about an inch of sag between her tits. It was in an easy position to grab and pull which was the intent. Stephanie reached out and gave a gentle tug on the chain causing June to groan in pain.

Stephanie looked at June and said, “Remember that customers are likely to pull on your chain at any time. So be prepared and the night will go well for you. Now let’s go get the bar ready, we open in about twenty minutes.

Stephanie attached a leash to June’s collar and led her out of Max’s office and into the Bar. Happy hour was well under way and the waitress that was on shift was struggling to keep up because she had to bar tend as well as deliver the drinks while Stephanie was in Max’s office. They spent the next few minutes getting everything ready for the evening. June spent the first half hour shadowing the waitress to learn what she was supposed to do. Then the waitress left for the evening leaving everything for June to do. Stephanie told her as she was learning, “Until ten this evening, everything will be normal. That is when the customers are allowed free reign to do what they want. That’s when the rules I gave you will apply like I told you in Max’s office. Until then you will take Cindy’s place as the waitress. She has been given the night off with pay thanks to you so generously volunteering your time.” Stephanie laughed at June after she said that.

After the first half hour, June did all of the waitressing. She took the drink orders and delivered them to the tables. She wasn’t manhandled or anything but she did get a lot of pinches on her ass and upper thighs. A couple of times, guys that had too much to drink groped her tits. But at ten, the bar was closed to public patrons for a special private function. Only members of the Coch organization were invited and the word had gone out that there were to be new slaves to get to know and play with. Above the bar was a sign that Max had put up that just said, ‘AUCTION NEW YEAR’S EVE’. None of the employees knew what the sign meant and when they asked Max he just told them there was a private party and charity auction then for people of this group. He wouldn’t expound on what the charity aspect of the auction was. (Think how it would be taken if he said that the charity auction was to auction off a young lady as payment for another person to gain membership into the organization that the person couldn’t afford.) All of the Coch organization members knew that the sign meant that the new slave being played with at the bar that night was up for auction at the New Year’s Eve party.

After the bar was emptied at ten, the organization members were allowed in, both male and female. The bouncer was the one that checked to make sure that only the right people got in. All windows in the bar had the shades pulled down so no one could see into the bar. Stephanie was allowed to stay even though she wasn’t in the organization. All she knew about them was that they were into sexual power games. She was being groomed by Max to be enslaved and this was a way to entice her in a little further. By participating in the June’s and the other’s humiliations, he was hoping that he would begin to influence her to investigate. At the time he had nothing to hold over her so he was trying to do it in a matter where she came voluntarily. This opportunity had been too good to pass up and was to be her first big test on her suitability to be in the organization.

Everything went pretty normally until just a little after ten thirty. There was a customer sitting at the very end of the bar, away from where Stephanie was bartending. She put the drink on the bar in front of June who had just returned from taking a drink to a customer. When she put it down she told her, “Take this down to the bald guy at the end of the bar.”

When June reached for the drink, the woman sitting at the bar reached over and grabbed the chain between her tits and pulled hard. June squealed in a combination of surprise and pain and jerked her hand just as her hand grasped the shot glass. The drink was spilled all over the bar. June gasped in horror because she knew that she now had at least ten swats coming and who knew what other kinds of embarrassment.

Stephanie watched what happened and when she saw that June had spilled the drink all over the bar she got an evil smile on her face and yelled, “You stupid bitch. You spilt whiskey all over my nice clean bar. Clean it up right now. Take off your panties and wipe it up.”

Stephanie was doing this as a test to just see how compliant June was going to be. June didn’t disappoint either. She looked at Stephanie and said, “But they’ll see me. I can’t do that in front of a bar full of people.”

Stephanie’s smile got even more sinister and she said, “So you’re refusing to obey an order? That’s now twenty swats. Do it now or I’ll double it. You’re here to be humiliated and that’s what I plan on doing so get use to it. Or do I have to get Max out here. I’m sure he will manage to get you to follow orders.”

June paled at the mention of getting Max involved, especially after her experience with the dogs late Saturday night and into the morning. She immediately began to take off her panties, right there in front of the bar for all to see. She quickly wiped up the whiskey and went to hand the soaked panties to Stephanie.

Stephanie said, “I don’t want your filthy panties. You put them right back on. Maybe if you feel the cold sting of the whiskey on your bare cunt, it will remind you to obey orders.”

While June put her panties back on, she blushed a deep red from the humiliation. Stephanie called down to the end of the bar and said, “Sorry Joe but the new girl just spilled your drink. I’ll get you another in a minute.”

Joe had been watching and enjoying Junes torment from where he sat. He got a good view of her upper thighs but didn’t get to see much else. There was a moment hesitation and he jokingly said, “Don’t bother Steph. I’ll just drink it from its current container. Send her on down, I can’t think of a better way to have my drink.”

Stephanie got a puzzled look on her face as she tried to figure out what Joe was talking about. After a couple of moments it finally dawned on her and her smile was even more sinister than before. But she was going to see if she could make it even more humiliating for the June. She called back and said, “Now that’s an idea Joe. But I think for such a special container that the drink should have a special surcharge on it. Give me another fifty dollars and you can have it served just the way you requested.”

Joe got out his billfold and pulled a fifty out, held it up for Stephanie to see and put it down on the bar. Stephanie smiled as she knew this was going to be a really big test of just how compliant June was going to be. She turned to June and ordered, “You heard the man. He wants his drink served up to him just the way it is. I expect you to go down there, take his money and sit on the bar and let him suck his drink out of your panties.”

June stammered, “B… B… But….” She thought that it would be better to not argue and just do it. She lowered her head to the ground and slowly walked to the end of the bar. Joe watched her expectantly as June hesitantly stopped at the end of the bar and then taking in a huge breath of resignation, hopped up on the bar. She just stared down at Joe as he reached forward and pushed her skirt up to expose her panties. He then leaned forward and began to suck the whisky along with June’s pussy juices out of her panties. June couldn’t believe that she was getting excited at being force to do this. But then again she knew that she had no choice and it was better to be known as a slut as opposed to a dog fucker. She’d die if her parents ever found that out.

While she was entertaining Joe, Stephanie was on the phone to Max. She explained what happened and made some suggestions. Max was very agreeable to the idea and told her he would be out with the signs momentarily. Joe was just sucking June to a good cum when Max came out from the back with a big poster board sign that he had made in the office. He hung it up on the mirror behind the bar. It said,




From that point on, June was made to deliver drinks to the tables and deliver them in the manner the customers paid for. From then until closing, she was sucked to orgasm over and over again. Some of the customers would yank on the chain to the nipple clamps as they sucked their drink from her panty covered cunt.

June was so exhausted by the time the bar stopped serving drinks that she didn’t object when Stephanie took her to the little stage at the end of the bar. Nor did she protest when she proceeded to strip her clothes of one item at a time. She held each item up and when the crowd started yelling for the clothes she threw them out to them.

When June was naked, Stephanie ordered, “It’s time to get down on all fours. You have three boys to entertain before your night is done here. As soon as she said that, Max came in from the back with the three guard dogs. He let them loose and they made a bee line for June. The first one there immediately launched up on her back and began trying to fuck his cock into her. It wasn’t long before he found purchase and sank his cock into her well lubricated cunt. The second dog then launched up on her shoulders and did the same until he was battering his cock against June’s mouth. It took an order from Stephanie for June to open her mouth and take the dog’s cock into it. She began to hesitantly suck on the cock. It was all she could do to keep from throwing up. She didn’t think she would ever get use to the thought of sucking a dog’s cock.

The first dog to cum was the one in her cunt. When he was done cumming, he turned around, ass end to ass end to await his knot shrinking enough to pull out. As soon as he turned around, the third dog stood up on his hind legs with his front legs on June. He started from the side but quickly worked his hind legs over the other dog until he was straddling the knotted dog. As soon as he was in position he began trying to sink his cock into June’s asshole. She began to scream around the cock in her throat but she couldn’t really say anything with the cock going in and out of her mouth. The dog’s cock soon found purchase in her ass and for the first time, June was being triple fucked. June’s humiliation was complete. She was now being fucked by three dogs in front of about a hundred people who had spent the evening abusing her. She cried at the loss of her innocence and wondered what her future held.

When the dogs were finally done with her, the bar quickly emptied out. It was almost three in the morning. She was made to help Stephanie clean up the bar before she left. After Stephanie left, Max took June back to the office where he put her through her paces in much the same way he did cynful. By the time noon came around the next day, June was hurting and totally exhausted. She was also numbed and resigned to her fate. She couldn’t imagine what her future held but she had a feeling that this was just the beginning. She wondered if the others time at the bar would be done the same way or if things would be different.


Chapter Eleven – June’s Bar Humiliation

Note to readers. After I posted the last chapter I found out that I had some inconsistencies in June’s experience at the bar. I have corrected those inconsistencies and have expanded the whole thing, adding almost seven pages. I hope you enjoy. Please comment on the story. I haven’t had any comments of late.

The next afternoon, it was LaTesha that took June over to the bar. Both Rob and Cynful were still in classes at the time. She was dressed in the shortened schoolgirl skirt with the worn out see through panties. LaTesha took her straight into Max’s office when she arrived.

When Max saw June he gave a wolf whistle to let her know what he thought of the way she was dressed. On the couch at the side of the room was Stephanie, the bartender. She had one of those smiles on her face that said, ‘I am so going to make you pay for what you did’.

Max looked at LaTesha and asked, “Are you going to stay and watch the fun?”

LaTesha answered, “No, She’s all yours to do with as you please tonight. Just don’t damage her too much. Let me know if you have any problems with her.” She turned to June and asked, “You aren’t going to disobey any of the orders they give you are you pet?”

June blushed and said as she bowed her head down to stare at the floor, “No ma’am. I’ll do what they say.”

Max asked, “If she balks, what kind of punishment are we allowed to give her.”

LaTesha smiled as she answered, “Whatever you feel is necessary to get her to do what she is ordered to do. Just don’t break skin. Also, remember that her piercings aren’t fully healed yet either so that would be a good way to punish her. I’ve got to go back home now and get some studying done. Give Rob or me a call if you have any problems.”

Max answered, “Thanks LaTesha. I will but I don’t expect that there will be any troubles. I’ve had several new slaves before and know how to handle them. She’ll be ready to pick up tomorrow morning at seven. I know she has classes she has to get to so will allow her to get at least a little sleep tonight. We’ll see you either tomorrow or the next time you come in.”

LaTesha shook Max’s hand and then waved to Stephanie as she left. Max immediately ordered, “Alright slut. Strip out of those clothes. We have some things to add to your outfit.”

As June stripped, Stephanie got up, carrying a bag of items she had selected from Max’s cabinet for the evening. She stopped in front of June just as she was standing back up after dropping her skirt and pants. Stephanie reached up to the naked girl and began to pinch and pull her nipples. She wasn’t into girls so she didn’t even think of sucking on her nipples. It took her a while but she finally got her nipples where she wanted them. She reached down to her bag of goodies and pulled out a pair of nipple clamps that were attached to each other by a chain. The clamps were the type that had two flat sides that were tightened together with a screw. She placed a clamp on June’s right nip and started screwing it down. She screwed it down until June began to beg her to stop, that it was tight enough. Stephanie looked over at Max who shook his head no. She kept right on turning the screw of the clamp until she couldn’t turn in any more. During the last three turns, June was screaming from the pain. She repeated the process with the left nipple eliciting the same results as the first.

When Stephanie was done, she grabbed the center of the chain and she pulled back as hard as she could. June screamed in pain and brought her hands up to her tits from the pain that caused. Stephanie kept pulling hard on the chain as she said, “Put your hands down and I’ll quit pulling it. You’re going to have this chain being pulled all night long. I don’t want you covering your tits at any time tonight when they do. If you do, it will be ten swats with the paddle for each time you do it, to be administered at the end of the night. If you spill a drink when they pull your chain, then the customer that you were taking the drink to will have the option of giving you your ten swats or we will add them to your tally for the end of the night. Do you have any questions?”

June answered as she had been taught by Rob and LaTesha saying, “No Mistress.”

Stephanie then ordered, “Bend over and spread your ass cheeks. I have one more thing to add to your outfit for the night.”

June bent over and followed orders and Stephanie reached into her bag. She pulled out an eight inch by two inch dildo that had metal strips up the side. She pulled out a tube of KY out of the bag and covered the dildo with it. She then pushed the dildo into her asshole. June grunted from the discomfort of the dildo but didn’t do anything otherwise.

Stephanie stepped back and reached into the bag again. She pulled out a control. She turned the setting to the middle setting of five and pushed the button. June screamed in pain as she was shocked in the ass by the dildo. Stephanie then set another dial at its middle setting and pushed the button. This time the dildo vibrated, exciting June who staggered a bit at the unexpected pleasure. Stephanie said, “That shock was just the middle setting. There are ten settings and six through ten are worse than that one. The vibrations that brought you pleasure was also its middle setting. Now listen up and listen well. Every time you don’t immediately follow an order, you will be shocked. The first time will be at a setting of one and it will progress up one increment at a time until you reach ten for each and every time you don’t obey your orders. When you receive a difficult order from a customer and immediately obey, I’ll do the same thing with the vibrator. The more you do the better the feelings. Remember, that every time you don’t obey, there are ten swats with the paddle awaiting you at the end of the night for each and every time. Do you understand?”

June answered as she kept her eyes cast down at the ground, “Yes mistress.”

Stephanie then said, “Okay then, you can get dressed and we’ll finish you up.”

June got completely dressed and started to button her blouse all of the way up like she was supposed to in school. Stephanie stopped her just as she was about to do the button that was just below her tits. She said, “That’s enough buttons. We want you to look like the sexy, slutty school girl that loves to advertise her wares. Let’s just tie that neck tie loosely so it gives you that rebellious look. Now let’s just look at you.”

Stephanie took a step back and June was a sight to behold. Her blouse was open and stretched across her tits exposing the insides of her tits. Her nipples could just be made out through the thin material of the blouse. The chain between her nipple clamps stretched across the gap between her tits going almost straight across with just about an inch of sag between her tits. It was in an easy position to grab and pull which was the intent. Stephanie reached out and gave a gentle tug on the chain causing June to groan in pain.

Stephanie looked at June and said, “Remember that customers are likely to pull on your chain at any time. So be prepared and the night will go well for you. Now let’s go get the bar ready, we open in about twenty minutes.

Stephanie attached a leash to June’s collar and led her out of Max’s office and into the Bar. Happy hour was well under way and the waitress that was on shift was struggling to keep up because she had to bar tend as well as deliver the drinks while Stephanie was in Max’s office. They spent the next few minutes getting everything ready for the evening. June spent the first half hour shadowing the waitress to learn what she was supposed to do. Then the waitress left for the evening leaving everything for June to do. Stephanie told her as she was learning, “Until ten this evening, everything will be normal. That is when the customers are allowed free reign to do what they want. That’s when the rules I gave you will apply like I told you in Max’s office. Until then you will take Cindy’s place as the waitress. She has been given the night off with pay thanks to you so generously volunteering your time.” Stephanie laughed at June after she said that.

After the first half hour, June did all of the waitressing. She took the drink orders and delivered them to the tables. She wasn’t manhandled or anything but she did get a lot of pinches on her ass and upper thighs. A couple of times, guys that had too much to drink groped her tits. But at ten, the bar was closed to public patrons for a special private function. Only members of the Coch organization were invited and the word had gone out that there were to be new slaves to get to know and play with. Above the bar was a sign that Max had put up that just said, ‘AUCTION NEW YEAR’S EVE’. None of the employees knew what the sign meant and when they asked Max he just told them there was a private party and charity auction then for people of this group. He wouldn’t expound on what the charity aspect of the auction was. (Think how it would be taken if he said that the charity auction was to auction off a young lady as payment for another person to gain membership into the organization that the person couldn’t afford.) All of the Coch organization members knew that the sign meant that the new slave being played with at the bar that night was up for auction at the New Year’s Eve party.

After the bar was emptied at ten, the organization members were allowed in, both male and female. The bouncer was the one that checked to make sure that only the right people got in. All windows in the bar had the shades pulled down so no one could see into the bar. Stephanie was allowed to stay even though she wasn’t in the organization. All she knew about them was that they were into sexual power games. She was being groomed by Max to be enslaved and this was a way to entice her in a little further. By participating in the June’s and the other’s humiliations, he was hoping that he would begin to influence her to investigate. At the time he had nothing to hold over her so he was trying to do it in a matter where she came voluntarily. This opportunity had been too good to pass up and was to be her first big test on her suitability to be in the organization.

Everything went pretty normally until just a little after ten thirty. There was a customer sitting at the very end of the bar, away from where Stephanie was bartending. She put the drink on the bar in front of June who had just returned from taking a drink to a customer. When she put it down she told her, “Take this down to the bald guy at the end of the bar.”

When June reached for the drink, the woman sitting at the bar reached over and grabbed the chain between her tits and pulled hard. June squealed in a combination of surprise and pain and jerked her hand just as her hand grasped the shot glass. The drink was spilled all over the bar. June gasped in horror because she knew that she now had at least ten swats coming and who knew what other kinds of embarrassment.

Stephanie watched what happened and when she saw that June had spilled the drink all over the bar she got an evil smile on her face and yelled, “You stupid bitch. You spilt whiskey all over my nice clean bar. Clean it up right now. Take off your panties and wipe it up.”

Stephanie was doing this as a test to just see how compliant June was going to be. June didn’t disappoint either. She looked at Stephanie and said, “But they’ll see me. I can’t do that in front of a bar full of people.”

Stephanie’s smile got even more sinister and she said, “So you’re refusing to obey an order? That’s now twenty swats. Do it now or I’ll double it. You’re here to be humiliated and that’s what I plan on doing so get use to it. Or do I have to get Max out here. I’m sure he will manage to get you to follow orders.”

June paled at the mention of getting Max involved, especially after her experience with the dogs late Saturday night and into the morning. She immediately began to take off her panties, right there in front of the bar for all to see. She quickly wiped up the whiskey and went to hand the soaked panties to Stephanie.

Stephanie said, “I don’t want your filthy panties. You put them right back on. Maybe if you feel the cold sting of the whiskey on your bare cunt, it will remind you to obey orders.”

While June put her panties back on, she blushed a deep red from the humiliation. Stephanie called down to the end of the bar and said, “Sorry Joe but the new girl just spilled your drink. I’ll get you another in a minute.”

Joe had been watching and enjoying Junes torment from where he sat. He got a good view of her upper thighs but didn’t get to see much else. There was a moment hesitation and he jokingly said, “Don’t bother Steph. I’ll just drink it from its current container. Send her on down, I can’t think of a better way to have my drink.”

Stephanie got a puzzled look on her face as she tried to figure out what Joe was talking about. After a couple of moments it finally dawned on her and her smile was even more sinister than before. But she was going to see if she could make it even more humiliating for the June. She called back and said, “Now that’s an idea Joe. But I think for such a special container that the drink should have a special surcharge on it. Give me another fifty dollars and you can have it served just the way you requested.”

Joe got out his billfold and pulled a fifty out, held it up for Stephanie to see and put it down on the bar. Stephanie smiled as she knew this was going to be a really big test of just how compliant June was going to be. She turned to June and ordered, “You heard the man. He wants his drink served up to him just the way it is. I expect you to go down there, take his money and sit on the bar and let him suck his drink out of your panties.”

June stammered, “B… B… But….” She thought that it would be better to not argue and just do it. She lowered her head to the ground and slowly walked to the end of the bar. Joe watched her expectantly as June hesitantly stopped at the end of the bar and then taking in a huge breath of resignation, hopped up on the bar. She just stared down at Joe as he reached forward and pushed her skirt up to expose her panties. He then leaned forward and began to suck the whisky along with June’s pussy juices out of her panties. June couldn’t believe that she was getting excited at being force to do this. But then again she knew that she had no choice and it was better to be known as a slut as opposed to a dog fucker. She’d die if her parents ever found that out.

While she was entertaining Joe, Stephanie was on the phone to Max. She explained what happened and made some suggestions. Max was very agreeable to the idea and told her he would be out with the signs momentarily. Joe was just sucking June to a good cum when Max came out from the back with a big poster board sign that he had made in the office. He hung it up on the mirror behind the bar. It said,




From that point on, June was made to deliver drinks to the tables and deliver them in the manner the customers paid for. From then until closing, she was sucked to orgasm over and over again. Some of the customers would yank on the chain to the nipple clamps as they sucked their drink from her panty covered cunt.

June was so exhausted by the time the bar stopped serving drinks that she didn’t object when Stephanie took her to the little stage at the end of the bar. Nor did she protest when she proceeded to strip her clothes of one item at a time. She held each item up and when the crowd started yelling for the clothes she threw them out to them.

When June was naked, Stephanie ordered, “It’s time to get down on all fours. You have three boys to entertain before your night is done here. As soon as she said that, Max came in from the back with the three guard dogs. He let them loose and they made a bee line for June. The first one there immediately launched up on her back and began trying to fuck his cock into her. It wasn’t long before he found purchase and sank his cock into her well lubricated cunt. The second dog then launched up on her shoulders and did the same until he was battering his cock against June’s mouth. It took an order from Stephanie for June to open her mouth and take the dog’s cock into it. She began to hesitantly suck on the cock. It was all she could do to keep from throwing up. She didn’t think she would ever get use to the thought of sucking a dog’s cock.

The first dog to cum was the one in her cunt. When he was done cumming, he turned around, ass end to ass end to await his knot shrinking enough to pull out. As soon as he turned around, the third dog stood up on his hind legs with his front legs on June. He started from the side but quickly worked his hind legs over the other dog until he was straddling the knotted dog. As soon as he was in position he began trying to sink his cock into June’s asshole. She began to scream around the cock in her throat but she couldn’t really say anything with the cock going in and out of her mouth. The dog’s cock soon found purchase in her ass and for the first time, June was being triple fucked. June’s humiliation was complete. She was now being fucked by three dogs in front of about a hundred people who had spent the evening abusing her. She cried at the loss of her innocence and wondered what her future held.

When the dogs were finally done with her, the bar quickly emptied out. It was almost three in the morning. She was made to help Stephanie clean up the bar before she left. After Stephanie left, Max took June back to the office where he put her through her paces in much the same way he did cynful. By the time noon came around the next day, June was hurting and totally exhausted. She was also numbed and resigned to her fate. She couldn’t imagine what her future held but she had a feeling that this was just the beginning. She wondered if the others time at the bar would be done the same way or if things would be different.

Late Tuesday afternoon, Rob and cynful brought Julia over to the bar. When they walked in, Max stared at cynful with her red hair flowing around her shoulders. Ignoring Julia completely and while still staring at cynful Max said, “Are you sure you wouldn’t want to sell me your slave Rob. I could make it worth your while. I could give you enough money that you could get a dozen slaves like her.”

Rob wasn’t about to sell his wife and slave. He did love her more than any amount of money. He responded firmly, “I can assure you Max that cynful is not for sale nor will she ever be for sale. She is my partner in life. The fact that she is my slave as well is just icing on the cake. No amount of money could make it worth sacrificing the love she shows me and the pleasure she gives me. So let’s get on with why we are really here. It is Julia’s turn to be humiliated tonight. She is into dogs and dreams of being a kennel slut so make sure that she gets what she wants.”

Max sighed and said, “Sorry cynful. I tried. He just won’t let me have you.”

Cynful actually had stepped next to Rob and had taken his right arm and was standing there with her head on his shoulder, almost purring with love for her husband and master. She held the leash to Julia, who had been crawling on all fours behind her in the heal position when they came in. She made no effort to respond to Max’s last statement other than to squeeze against Rob just a little harder.

Rob took the leash from cynful’s hand and held it out to Max. He said, “Let’s just stick to business. Here’s Julia. I hope your plan for her tonight will be just as humiliating to her as June’s was. She was absolutely beside herself this morning after we picked her up. She was crying the whole way home from her humiliating episode and she was still crying when I left for school. So tell me, what do you plan on doing with this little bitch.”

Max smiled and hit the intercom. He ordered, “Stephanie, bring in the stuff for your victim tonight. She’s here and I want you to get her dressed and out working as soon as possible.”

It was but a few moments later that Stephanie came in with a box in her hand. She immediately went up to Julia and ordered, “Strip out of your clothes. You won’t need them for the rest of the night.”

Cynful had been training Julia since the previous weekend and she didn’t hesitate to respond, fearing that she would be whipped with a crop or something worse as happened every other time she balked at doing something she was ordered. It was just a few moments later that she was out of her clothes and kneeling on all fours again, naked as the day she was born.

Stephanie reached into the box and took out what looked like a corset. She took the item and put it under Julia and aligned the top of the corset with the bottom of her tits. She then began to lace the corset up on the back, making it as tight as she could get it, even putting her foot in the middle of her back as she pulled to ensure it was as tight as could be. When she was done lacing it up, Julia’s body looked like it was covered in fur and her tits were still bare hanging downward.

With the corset laced up, Stephanie took out what looked like strange cuffs. One cuff was very large around and this was locked around Julia’s upper thigh. The other side of the cuff was a smaller ring that attached to her ankle. The two rings were joined together by a short immovable rod that was attached to either ring. When they were put on and locked, Julia could only crawl around on her hands and knees, her lower legs being held up into the air. Stephanie reached into the box and took out two long sheaths. She put them around her legs and laced them up, making her legs look like they were covered in fur. She then did the same with her arms, covering each of them with a covering. Next she took out a butt plug with a tale. She forced the butt plug into Julia’s ass with no preparation and that caused Julia to scream in pain from the assault on her anal rosebud.

Finally Stephanie took out the last item in the box. It was a four inch dildo with a mask attached to the end that looked like a dog. She held the dildo in front of Julia and ordered her to open her mouth. When she did, her mouth was soon stuffed with rubber cock. Stephanie pushed the dildo in until the mask was firmly pushed against her face, hiding what she really looked like. Once the mask was in position, she untangled two small chains that hung down from the mask. She took out two more chains that were attached to nipple clamps on one end and hooks on the other. These clamps were alligator type clamps that could be screwed down so that they wouldn’t release accidentally. The bad part of the clamps for Julia was that if they were pulled down, they would bite into her nipples even more firmly. Stephanie took a tray out of the box and hooked the four chains to it. The tray now hung down from her mask and her tits. Stephanie adjusted the chains so that the tray was level.

When Stephanie stepped back, Julia had gone through a remarkable transformation. She now looked like a dog. The only bare skin that was exposed was her tits and upper chest along with her cunt and pelvic region. Stephanie took the leash and led Julia over to the full length mirror in the office and let her look at herself. Julia, ever fantasizing about being a dog looked at herself in the mirror and was excited at the way she looked. She thought she looked very much like the dog she always wanted to be. She remembered that she now had a tail and began to experiment making it wag like a dog’s would. At first the movement was slight but as she figured it out she wagged the tail more and more to show her happiness.

Max exclaimed, “Will you look at that. She’s excited about being dressed up like that. Somehow I don’t think she is going to be too humiliated tonight. She enjoys being dressed like that too much.”

Rob turned to Max and asked, “What do you have planned for our little bitch tonight?”

Max laughed and said, “When you told me she dreamed of being a kennel bitch, I put the word out for the guests to bring along their dogs. She will definitely get a workout tonight. Until then she will just serve drinks dressed the way she is, on all fours. The fun will start after ten.”

Max looked over at Stephanie and said, “Why don’t you tell them what you had planned for her?”

Stephanie tugged on Julia’s leash and said, “Listen up bitch because I’m not going to go over this again. You will be waitressing, dressed the way you are all night long. I will put the drinks on the tray and you will take them to the table. Your hands are free so if you are careful, you can take the drinks off of the tray and put them on the table. If you fail to follow an order, you will receive ten swats at the end of the night for each infraction. To take a customer’s order, you will have a pen and note pad on the tray to give them to write their order on. You will then return to the bar, get the order and take it back to their table. If you spill a customer’s drink then he or she will swat you ten times at the table after you deliver the drink to them. If there are five drinks that you spill then each of the five customers will get to spank you. The customers will be allowed to play with you all they want. You only have one hole available so they will have free use of your cunt if they want. Of course the dogs will be allowed to fuck you at will, even if you are in the process of delivering drinks. If that happens, just concentrate on keeping the tray from being tilted so that drinks won’t spill. Remember that once the dogs are brought in, you aren’t to try and get away from them because they are there specifically for you. You will allow them to do whatever they want. Rejecting a dog will be 50 swats for each occasion. Do you understand bitch?”

Julia could only shake her head yes. It was after that, that Rob and cynful left, leaving Julia in the hands of Stephanie and ultimately Max. Stephanie took her into the bar where happy hour was just winding down. She took an order from the waitress that had been working the bar while she had been in back. She put the beer on Julia’s tray and ordered, “Take it to table four.”

The waitress went with Julia to show her where the table was as well as the other tables so she would be familiar with the layout of the bar. Julia started out crawling very slowly at first, trying to work out the best way to move without spilling the drink. She was humiliated at first that anyone could see her bare tits and cunt. She quickly got over her embarrassment and figured out how to move without jostling the tray and the drink. She was soon moving fairly quickly for someone crawling on her hands and knees. She managed to get there with just a few drops having been spilt over the side. No one paid any attention to the little dribbles and Julia let out a sigh of relief that she wasn’t going to be spanked.

When Julia returned to the bar and went behind it to Stephanie, she wasn’t prepared for what awaited her. Stephanie picked up a paddle from the bar and started spanking Julia’s ass as quickly as she could. Julia screamed around the dildo in her mouth and would have begged her to stop if she could have. It had caught her totally by surprise. By the time the spanking stopped, she was crying and sobbing from the humiliation and the pain. After Stephanie stopped spanking her, the customers around the bar that had watched the whole thing broke out in applause.

For the rest of the evening until 10 pm, that was the way things went. Julia learned to crawl very well with the tray hanging under her as she crawled. She managed to do so with little trouble and was only spanked one additional time before the bar closed at ten for regular patrons. Then members of the Coch Organization were allowed in. Many of them brought their dogs with them, having gotten the word of Julia’s penchant for the canine species. Most of the dogs were male but there were a few that were brought in that were female and two of them were in heat. This kept the males on edge, constantly trying to get to the two bitches, which they were denied.

As Julia watched the crowd come in, she shuddered in nervous anticipation. She actually desired to be with the dogs but she didn’t have any desire to do anything with her fellow humans. She knew however that no matter what happened, she was in for a wild night.

It was around ten thirty that the doors to the bar were finally closed and locked. There were about thirty men and women in the bar with most of them being men and only five women. There were sixteen dogs, three of which were bitches. Julia’s party was on.

The first order was to table of four again with the same customers as before. Stephanie placed the paddle on the tray and then put the four drinks on either side of it. Julia hadn’t made it ten feet before a chocolate lab came up behind her and started licking her cunt. She kept crawling toward the table with the dog following behind her, licking her. It was all she could do to concentrate and not spill the drinks as she went. She was about half way to the table when the dog jumped onto his hind legs and the upper half of his body landed on her. Julia wasn’t expecting such a jolt and two of the three drinks tipped over while the other two spilt half their contents. Julia cried silently as she looked down at the mess and felt the dog humping into her from behind, trying to sink his cock into her cunt.

Julia braced herself so that she wouldn’t spill anymore and let the dog do what it wanted. Soon the dog had worked his way up so that his cock was battering around the entrance to Julia’s cunt. She reached back and guided it in to her quickly moistening cunt. She quickly put her hand back down to support herself as she berated herself for not stopping earlier and bracing herself against the attack she knew would come. She had closed her eyes as the dog fucked her and enjoyed the exquisite feelings that she always got when fucked by a dog. Suddenly she smelled a very musky smell, just before the backside of one of the bitches in heat was pushed against her nose. The bitch had been brought by one of the men at the table she was taking the drinks to. The bitch kept moving back against her nose as she had been trained to do. Finally the guy that had brought the bitch yelled, “Eat the bitch out. That’s what she wants. Do that and I won’t spank your ass for spilling my drink.”

Julia had never thought of having sex with a female dog. She had only fantasized about being the bitch for male dogs. As she was being fucked by the lab the woman at the table came up and undid the lower strap on her mask. She pulled the dildo out and then tightened the buckle on the strap again. Julia tentatively stuck out her tongue when the bitch pushed back against her and took a lick at her leaking cunt. She could just barely stand the taste but knew that if she didn’t she would be spanked even more. Soon she had become used to the smell and was licking the dog and sticking her tongue deep into the dog’s leaking cunt. For the next five minutes she was fucked by the one dog and she sucked the bitch. Soon she felt her cunt being filled with the hot warmth of the Chocolate Labrador’s cum. She kept on licking the bitch until a few minutes later the Lab’s knot decreased enough for him to pull out.

When the Chocolate Lab pulled out, Julia began crawling towards the table again, with only two glasses still standing with most of their drink in them. When she got to the table, the first to get up was the woman. She immediately picked up the paddle and then handed the drinks to the two men at the table. She turned to Julia and said, “You only made it with two of our drinks and they were partially spilled. You will have to go back for the other two. To remind you of what happens to little dog sluts that can’t do their job, we will each spank you before you head back to get our drinks like we ordered.”

The woman stepped to Julia’s side, just a little behind her ass. She then swung the wood fraternity paddle down on her ass as hard as she could. Julia screamed in pain from the strike. She took the paddle and rubbed it over Julia’s ass, making sure to stimulate her cunt. She did that for a few moments, making Julia more excited and then hit her with the paddle again, taking the edge off of her excitement. The woman rubbed her ass again after the strike and increased Julia’s excitement even more this time before striking her with the paddle. She continued to alternate with a strike of the paddle and then rubbing her ass with the paddle, being sure to rub it across Julia’s exposed and swollen cunt. By the time she had been spanked ten times, she was on the verge of orgasm.

The woman turned to give the paddle to one of her table mates. All three of them begged off and gave their turn to her as she was doing such a good job. She turned back to Julia and leaned down to whisper in her ear, “It seems that the others want me to continue your punishment. I will have you begging me to spank you before I am done. I know you cannot speak but I will know by the way your body moves that you are in fact begging for me to continue. When that happens, I will relish that I have turned you into a lover of pain. It’s just too bad that I don’t get the chance to buy you. I’ll have to arrange for a visit to Marta’s Kennels sometime in the future.”

The woman stepped back and rubbed Julia’s cunt with the paddle again until her excitement built and then spanked her hard with the paddle. Each time she did the same thing and with each strike of the paddle, her excitement grew. After another thirteen strikes, to add to the first ten, the excitement she felt began to increase not only with the rubbing of her cunt but with the strike of the paddle. After that she began to push back against the paddle, lifting up her ass to expose it for the strike of the swat.

The woman was a master at what she did. She took Julia to the edge but wouldn’t allow her to cum. She paddled Julia as hard as she could and Julia screamed in pain around the dildo in her mouth, but the screams were combined with screams of frustration as well because Julia was so close to cumming that she wanted to cum more than anything else. When there were only eight swats left, the woman motioned for the people at the table to release their dogs. Julia soon found two of the dogs licking her tits and one that launched up onto her shoulders, presenting his cock to her mouth. Julia wanted to suck on the cock but couldn’t because of the dildo in her mouth. The woman spanking her noticed the problem and reached up to remove the dog mask. Once she pulled the mask off, she grabbed the dog’s cock and guided it in. Julia sucked in the dog’s cock as the woman continued to paddle her and rub her after each paddling. The dog began to fuck her face, forcing his cock deeper and deeper into Julia’s throat. The added excitement built more and more as the dogs licked her and fucked her while the woman paddled and rubbed her. The woman masterfully timed it so that on the very last strike of the paddle, Julia came hard. Her entire body spasmed in glorious pleasure as her orgasm ripped through her.

Julia cried in a combination of pain and humiliation at having cum while being paddled. She would have never believed that she would enjoy pleasure while being paddled. Tears streamed down her cheeks as the woman bent down and ordered, “Now go back and get our drinks that you spilt.”

Julia turned and began to crawl back to the bar. She heard the applause and the words of congratulations being given to her tormentor. She vowed that she would not spill any more drinks if she could help it. She quickly got new drinks to replace the ones that she spilled and took them to the table without issue. When she was done she returned to the bar to pick up drinks for a table of three. She was accosted by a dog again. This time as soon as the dog began licking her, she froze and steadied herself for what she knew was coming. She would have made it without spilling anything if the dog’s knot would have been normal sized. But his knot was five inches across and when it forced its way into her cunt, she jerked and screamed in pain. She managed to keep from spilling two of the three drinks. The one she spilt was a large beer that was in a glass that was larger at the top than the bottom, making it a bit less sturdy.

When the dog stopped fucking her and finally pulled out, the guy whose drink she spilled, stepped up and took drinks and the paddle off of the tray. He handed the drinks to his buddies and then swung the paddle a couple of times to get the feel for it and then swung it into Julia’s ass hard. The force of the strike was enough to knock Julia down to the floor. She let out a scream around the dildo. She lay there in shock as the pain seemed to spread throughout her lower body.

Julia didn’t get up on her hands and knees fast enough for the man and he grabbed her by the hair and pulled up hard as he ordered, “Get back up on your hands and knees like the bitch you are. That one doesn’t count because you fell down. Now stay in position as I administer your ten swats. Each time you fall down, I’ll start over at the beginning again.”

Julia scrambled to get back into position so the guy would stop pulling her hair. Finally he let go and after a momentary pause he swatted her with the paddle again. Julia screamed in pain letting out a shrill muffled whine from the agony the paddle inflicted. She just managed to not fall over this time. Again and again the guy spanked her naked ass. There were a couple of times that he brought the paddle down on the butt plug holding her tail. She screamed long and hard after each of those strikes. Tears were streaming down her cheeks to the floor by the time the guy finished spanking her. There was no joy or pleasure in it this time, just pain.

Finally her spanking ended and she went and got a replacement drink for the one she spilt. That’s the way the rest of the night went. She was set upon by a dog every time she took a tray of drinks to a table. Sometimes she made it without spilling a drink and sometimes one or more would be spilled. They were usually large glasses of beer. As time went on, the customers realized that and began to order the large glasses of beer so she would spill more. By the end of the night, Julia had been fucked thoroughly by all of the dogs, many more than once, and made to suck the cunts of each of the female dogs. She was paddled by most of the people in the bar before the finale.

When it was about an hour before closing, Julia was led to the stage at the back of the bar. Then all of the customers took their turns fucking Julia in the cunt or in the mouth. After a while, one of the customers decided that she didn’t need the tail any longer and pulled the butt plug out. He then proceeded to fuck her ass. After that, Julia began to be fucked by two and three guys or gals at a time. There were a few women who were satisfied with having her lick their cunt, but a couple of them sported dildos and fucked her like the men were doing. By the time closing time arrived at two am, Julia was worn out from being fucked for so long and being spanked over and over again.

Julia curled up on the floor of the stage when the last of the customers finished and left. She laid there and sobbed in misery from all of the abuse she had received. She hadn’t been there ten minutes before Max came in and took her back to his office. He then put her through her paces the same as he had done cynful and June. By seven in the morning, Julia was passed out from exhaustion. Her exhaustion was from being tortured and pleasured as she had never experienced before. She had no strength to get up and leave when Rob and cynful came for her in the morning. They had to help her to the car. They took her home and left her in the dog house to sleep and went to classes.

That night, LaTesha brought Molly to the bar just before five. She was dressed up in a short school girl skirt and blouse, much like June had been. The skirt had two straps that came up over her tits and on over her shoulders, going straight down her back to hook back up to the skirt. Her hair was done up in pig tails and she was made up like a little school girl. Clamps were put on her nipples and clit. These clamps were alligator style clamps that when pulled would bite down harder onto her nipples and clit. The clamps were chained together with a chain between her tits and another chain hooked on the center of that chain and attached to the clamp on her clit. Her blouse was buttoned up from the bottom to just below her tits so that the area between her small breasts was plainly visible with the chain stretched between them.

She spent the early evening waitressing at the bar for the normal customers. It was ladies night so the number of men was less than a fourth of the customers. At ten that night, the bar closed and then opened again for members of the organization. The difference was that the customers allowed in this time were all women from the Coch organization. Some of them were mistresses but quite a few were slaves. They were there to have a little fun and play with one of the newest lesbian slaves of the organization.

There was no pretense of serving these women once the doors were closed and locked. Molly was made to crawl from woman to woman and suck their cunt and clit. Every once in a while, she would be made to sit on the table in front of a woman and then that woman would lean down and suck on her cunt and clit while pulling the chains on her clit and nips. Quite a few of the women brought dildos of varying sizes and types which they used to fuck her with. There were a few times that Molly found herself being triple fucked by three women at the same time. She took a dildo in each of her three holes and took whatever punishment that she was given. By the end of the night, Molly had been molested by every woman in the bar except for Stephanie. She was spanked by about a fourth of the women for no other reason than that is what they wanted to do. Molly lost track of the number of times she came within the first hour. She was made to come over and over again. She passed out several times from being overwhelmed by her orgasms. She would be awakened quickly and put right back to sucking and licking the cunts of woman after woman and being fucked over and over. By the end of the day, she was totally exhausted from cumming so many times and her spirit had been totally broken. She would always be a lesbian slut slave for the rest of her life.

About a half hour before closing time, Molly was led up to the stage. There she was fucked by the three guard dogs. She took one in each of her three sore holes. This was to be the only time she was fucked by a living cock. LaTesha had declared Molly off limits to any male except for dogs. It was only once they were done fucking her and the customers had left that Max took Molly back to his office after her time at the bar. He proceeded to torture her much like he had the others. This time though he knew he wasn’t allowed to fuck her. LaTesha had made it quite clear that he wasn’t to touch Molly sexually other than to play with her, that she wasn’t to be touched by anyone other than another woman or a dog. He could torture her all he wanted but the only sex allowed him was for her to suck him off. He did use all of the tools and equipment at his disposal.

Max first stripped her naked and then hung Molly by her arms from the ceiling and then chained her legs to the floor. He stuffed a three inch wide four inch long vibrating butt plug in her ass and a ten inch by two inch vibrating dildo in her cunt. He turned them on and let their vibrations overwhelm her. When that was done he attached a wire to the chains connecting the clamps on her tits and clit. He set the control at the three setting which supplied enough current to cause her muscles to vibrate but not hurt.

Within minutes of Max hooking Molly up and getting the dildos and clamps vibrating he could tell that Molly was getting ready to cum. That’s when he lowered the boom. He told her, “I know you want to cum now. But every time you cum, I am going to whip you with the flogger ten times for the first, 20 for the second and so on adding ten additional swats of the flogger for every time you cum.”

Within seconds of Max finishing his statement, Molly came. She moaned in ecstasy from the wonderful cum she was having but she was too exhausted to do anything but hang there and moan. Max began to whip her with the flogger, which was made with deer hide strands so that they stung but didn’t cause any serious damage to the skin. He gave her ten swats with the whip on her back. Molly moaned after each and every whipping with the flogger. But this time the moans were of pain.

The vibrators and clamps were incessant in driving Molly’s pleasure ever upward. It was less than five minutes after her first cum that she came again. This time Max whipped her 20 times with the flogger. He did half on her back and half on her tits. Molly noticed that her excitement was building even when he was whipping her with the flogger. It was only a couple of minutes after he finished whipping her tits that she came again. Max began whipping her with the flogger again and just spread them all over her body where she hadn’t been whipped. The thing was, the vibrators kept up doing their jobs and she actually came before he finished the 30 swats with the whips.

After that, Max whipped Molly continuously for the better part of an hour. The pain had gone from stinging to excruciating as time went on. The whole time Molly was cumming in shorter and shorter intervals until she was cumming in one long sustained orgasm. The pain and pleasure seemed to merge and Molly was totally out of it. She continued cumming harder and harder until finally she passed out. At that moment, Max left and went to bed, leaving Molly hanging from the ceiling. He hadn’t gotten off but he had accomplished his goal with Molly. He had her cumming while she was being whipped. He knew she would always associate pleasure and pain together in the future. He had broken many slaves this way in the past. He just wished he had more time to train her.

The next morning, LaTesha came to pick Molly up. She saw her hanging there and Max sleeping on his couch. She didn’t bother waking Max but just lowered Molly and unlocked the cuffs holding her. She moaned in pain as LaTesha helped her to the car. LaTesha left a note for Max telling him that she had taken Molly home. Once she got her home, she put her in her room to sleep.

That night, LaTesha returned with Susie. She told Max that he could be as hard on Susie as he wanted as long as he didn’t break skin or break any bones. Susie was crying as she stood there and listened to her mistress tell Max to be hard on her. She already heard from the others what had been done to them and that was bad enough. She couldn’t imagine what kind of a hellish time she would have during her time at the bar.

This time it wasn’t Stephanie who dressed Susie but Max. First he made Susie strip. Then he put a leather bra on her. This wasn’t an ordinary bra however. The cup of the bra consisted of a three inch wide strap that circled her tits, leaving the areola and about an inch of tit flesh around it exposed. The strap could be adjusted to fit any size tit by a set of adjustable buckles. There was a cap to the bra that covered the remaining exposed tit flesh. Inside the cap was a clip that Max hooked onto Susie’s nipple ring. There was a spring attached to the clip that connected it to the cap. On the opposite side of the cap at the very center of it, was a T – bar that was connected to the spring on the other side. Once Max had the cap connected to her tit, he pulled it out as far as it would go until Susie was groaning in pain. He then released the bar and let the cap snap back against her exposed tit flesh, causing her more pain. Next he grabbed the bar and twisted it around several times until Susie was screaming in pain and he couldn’t turn it any more. When he released it, the spring inside caused it to spin around back to its normal position. The fact that the nipple rings were so newly pierced made it more painful to her.

Once Max had the bra on, he put on a pair of crotchless leather panties. There was also a leather loin cloth that he attached that covered her pubic area and her ass so that the exposed part could not be seen. He inserted a silver bullet dildo into her cunt. He told her as he did, “This little dildo is one of my more wonderful creations. It can sense changes in temperature. If you let it slip out of your cunt, some nice sharp pins will be released into the nice sensitive flesh of your cunt. It is quite painful I assure you. It is also controlled by this control. It will vibrate or shock as I want it to. It will stay in you until the action starts tonight. Until that time, I will play with you by setting it off at various settings when you least expect it. If you spill a drink, I will shock you. If you don’t I will cause it to vibrate. After we close the bar and reopen for our little private party, our guests will get the opportunity to try out their new toys. Unlike the rest of your room mates, you will experience little pleasure. You will suffer more pain than you have ever thought possible. I’m sure that you will remember tonight vividly for the rest of your life. Now go out that door and report to Stephanie. Happy hour is well under way.”

Susie went out to the bar and began waitressing. During the rest of the evening until ten, Max made a point of setting the control off at random intervals. It was a testament to Susie’s control that she did little more than squeal out when he shocked her with the dildo. Even when he set it at the highest setting she did little more than scream. There was one time where she lost a bit of control on one of the more severe times and the silver dildo began to slip out of her cunt. That caused the pins to be released and she collapsed to her knees in pain. Fortunately she didn’t have any drinks in her hands at the moment. She stayed like that screaming from the pain for the few minutes it took Max to get to her and reset the dildo. Tears of pain were streaming down her cheeks the whole time and for a bit after he reinserted the reset dildo. She did go back to waiting the tables when she finally recovered from the torture. Also during the evening, there were a few patrons that were from the organization and knew about the unique bra that she wore. They took great glee in pulling and twisting the little bars on the cups.

At ten, the bar was closed and regular patrons were asked to leave. At ten thirty, the bar was filled with close to thirty members of the Coch Organization. There were a few of them that brought their dogs with them. The auction sign was back up indicating that there would be a charity auction on New Year’s Eve. But it didn’t say what was being auctioned. All of the organization members knew that it was Susie herself that would be auctioned. Susie saw the sign and wondered what the auction was all about and what charity that they supported. If she would have known that it was her that was to be auctioned and the funds were to be the payment of LaTesha’s entry fee to the organization she would been petrified and tried to escape once her time in the bar was over. But she was blissfully ignorant of what her future was. She innocently believed that this was just LaTesha’s way of punishing her and that afterwards, things would eventually return to normal.

At ten thirty, Susie was taken up to the stage where a set of manacles hanging from a rope had been lowered from the ceiling. Max quickly locked her hands in the manacles. He then pulled her up until she was hanging with her feet a few inches off of the floor. He then cuffed each ankle with shackles that had chains attached. He pulled her legs outward and then attached the chain to eyebolts that were imbedded in the floor. When he was done, he turned the silver dildo off and took it out of her cunt.

He turned to the waiting crowd and announced, “This slave is here for your pleasure. Her mistress has said that anything goes as long as she isn’t permanently damaged and no bones are broken. She is being punished for being a poor slave to her mistress. I will take it as a great honor to hear her screams throughout the night. Please feel free to try out your equipment on this stupid bitch. To get started, take a look at the paper you drew when you came in. The number you drew is the sequence in which you will have your opportunity with this slave. You will be given ten minutes each. If a group of patrons wants to go together and combine their times to have her for a bit longer or to allow one of the group to do all of the torture that is acceptable. Remember that the only limitation on what you do is to not break skin or break bones. Other than that, she is fair game.”

One of the patrons was getting up at his table. There were five of them at the table and he asked, “So if we want, I can play with the cunt for fifty minutes? That would be ten minutes for each of us. And we can do what we want?”

Max smiled and answered, “Absolutely. Also, if you want to take the time to reposition her then you are more than welcome to but your time starts as soon as you get on stage. I’ll be keeping the clock and will let you know when your two minutes from running out of time. So if you are holding number one, the time is now yours.”

The guy smiled and picked up a gym bag that looked like it had a lot in it. As he approached the stage he said, “I had number one. My table mates have decided to give me their time and asked me to use their stuff on her. So we will be playing with the bitch for fifty minutes. Is fucking allowed?”

Max smiled, “Anything you want except for the restrictions I mentioned.”

The guy had just got up on stage and dropped his bag on the floor just in front of Susie. He immediately began to take the caps off of the bra. He pulled them out as far as he could, causing her to scream in pain. When he had held them out as far as he could and twisted them to his satisfaction, he reached in with his free hand to release the clip holding it to her nipple ring. He then repeated the process with her other tit. When he had the bra caps off, he didn’t remove the remainder of the bra, he just synched them up even tighter, cutting the circulation off and causing the exposed tit flesh to push out into a purple ball, tipped with pink nipples.

The guy reached down to his bag and pulled out a chain. On either end of the chain were alligator clips with sharp pointed teeth on them. The clamps were spring loaded so that they were hard to open but when released would snap down hard. When he attached them to her highly sensitive nipples, he pushed them closed even harder and listened to the screams from Susie. Every time she quit screaming the bar would break out in cheers and applause. When he had both nipples clamped, he pulled hard on the chain between them. This had the effect of causing the clamps to grip down even tighter than they were. Susie couldn’t believe the agony she felt. She screamed and screamed from the pain.

When he was done clamping her tits, the guy leaned down and began to suck and chew on Susie’s clit. He didn’t do it gently either. He tried his best to inflict as much pain on Susie as possible without breaking skin. The crowd was cheering and yelling for more as he kept Susie screaming from pain. When he was satisfied, he took another alligator clamp and put it on her distended clit. Her screams were long and hard as he pushed the clamps down hard. He finally attached a chain to the clit clamp and attached it to the chain between her tits. He ended by pulling the chain causing Susie severe pain in her nipples and clit.

Once he had the clamps on he reached into the bag and pulled out a huge butt plug. This particular butt plug was covered with little silver strips. It was three inches wide at its widest and an inch and a half wide at the narrowest. It was also about five inches long. He held it up to her mouth and ordered, “You better get this thing nice and lubed. It’s going into your ass lubed or dry, it’s up to you.”

Susie began to lick and slobber as much moisture onto the butt plug as she could. As she did, the tears continued to stream down her cheeks from the tit and clit torture. When the guy thought she had enough lubrication, he pulled the butt plug and immediately forced it into her ass. This of course caused her to scream in pain as the butt plug forced its way in. She thought that he was going to rip her apart as he forced it in. Once the plug was seated all of the way in, her screaming finally stopped and turned to whimpers from the residual pain.

Susie was hanging there whimpering as she watched the guy reach down and pull something out of his bag. When she looked, she saw that it was a long metal handle with a one inch wheel at one end. The wheel had sharp pins around its entire circumference. He took the wheel and began to run it over every exposed square inch of her body. The part that hurt the worst was when he ran the needles over her cunt. The screams she let out then were more than at any other time. He spent a good fifteen minutes with the wheel, torturing her and making sure the pins pricked her skin. Before he was half way done, Susie was begging for him to stop. That she would do anything for him to stop.

Finally he stopped. He had spent a total of thirty minutes so far torturing Susie. She was sobbing and crying now as he reached into his bag. He pulled out a knotted cat-o-nine tails. The strands of the cat were soft deerskin but the knots were hard with a small hard bead in the center. It was designed to leave little bruises on her body as she was being whipped. He began to methodically whip Susie over her entire body. He would whip her hard and then rub her with the handle as he waited for the pain to subside. Then he would step back and repeat the process. Each time she was hit with the whip she screamed and each time he would wait until the screams died out, caressing her most sensitive parts, her nipples and her clit, cunt or asshole with the handle of the whip. He kept this up until he had ten minutes left. That is when he dropped the whip into the bag, took out his cock and stepped up to her.

Susie’s cunt was at the right level for him to just step up and stick his cock in. As he fucked Susie, he grabbed the chain to her nipples and clit and began to pull it out hard. He timed each pull of the chain with every inward thrust of his cock. He would then gently pinch and twist her nipples or clit as he slowly pulled out. The combined pleasure and pain caused her excitement to grow. She couldn’t believe that she was getting ready to cum from being tortured. Her torturer was a master at what he did and when he noticed she was getting close to cumming he would pull hard on the chain and take the edge off. He kept on fucking her through the two minute warning and then the minute warning. It was when Max called thirty seconds that the guys sped up his efforts to bring her to orgasm. He sped up his thrusts into her and began to really pinch and manipulate her nipples and clit. He had her cumming ten seconds before his time was up. But the moment she went over the edge and came he grabbed the chain with one hand and the control to the butt plug with the other and with the control at its highest setting he pushed the button. The pain that flooded her body was excruciating but it also caused her orgasm to become more and more intense.

By the time the guy finished cumming into her cunt, time was called and Susie was still cumming. He pulled out and left her hanging there with her body writhing from the combination of pain and ecstasy. As he walked behind her he turned the butt plug off and pulled it out. He then quickly pulled the clamps off of her clit and tits and went back to the table. Susie was left whimpering and still crying from the pain still flowing through her body. Her spirit had been broken by the humiliation of being forced to cum while being tortured.

The rest of the night Susie was tortured, but none so expertly as the first. She didn’t cum again. The others just got off on her pain. The first guy was a master. He was a master at making his slaves love the pain because of the pleasure they got from it. Most of the others just loved to inflict pain. They could care less if the girl came or not. It was all about their pleasure and not the slaves. And their pleasure always resulted in someone else’s pain.

Every fiber of Susie’s body was wracked with pain after the last of the customers got done torturing her. She was never taken down from where she was hanging. At the end of the night she could barely lift her head. When she did, the look in her eyes was vacant. There was no free will left. She had accepted that she was a pain slave. When it was time to stop, Max gave the first guy another crack at her. He let him have his way with her for the rest of the night. Max went to his office and lay down on the couch listening to Susie’s screams of pain and pleasure. It was four in the morning before the guy got tired of playing with Susie and called it a night. He left her hanging there to be picked up the next morning.

That was the way Susie was found when Rob came the next morning to pick her up. LaTesha had asked him because she had to get to school early to talk to a professor before class. He was amazed at the bruises covering her body. But he could tell that there would be no permanent damage. He carried Susie out to the car and took her home. He knew that they had the party planned for that night and if things worked out they would find out exactly what had happened the previous Friday night.

That night at LaTesha and the girl’s house, they had a party with LaTesha, Rob, Cynful, Stephanie and her boyfriend with Julie, Molly, Susie and June being the dutiful servants. They were each made to wear little sexy French maid dresses and were to wait on them hand and foot for everything. It was just a private party and they had dinner and drinks as they listened to the music.

After dinner, the alcohol flowed freely and with the music, Rob danced with Stephanie, LaTesha and cynful. As the alcohol was served, LaTesha and Rob made sure not to drink much but kept filling and pushing Stephanie and her boyfriend to drink. When it was obvious that Stephanie was getting drunk, June spiked her boyfriends drink with a roofie. Soon he was sitting in one of the chairs, asleep and unaware of what was going on. Stephanie wasn’t aware of what was going on with him because Rob and LaTesha were keeping her busy talking about school and other things, especially about what happened at the bar and how she felt about it.

Once the boyfriend was out of it, LaTesha brought it to Stephanie’s attention saying, “Hey Stephanie, it looks like Tim can’t hold his liquor.”

Stephanie giggled like some girls tend to do when they are drunk and said, “Yeah I see that.”

Rob said, “I know you aren’t ready to call it quits yet so why don’t I take a couple of the girls and help him upstairs and put him down in one of the rooms until you decide to leave.”

Stephanie answered, “Why that sounds like a great idea. The night is still young and I really don’t want to go home yet. He never has been able to hold his liquor.”

Rob took Susie and June and the three of them helped get Tim up the stairs. It wasn’t that hard considering that he still was able to talk and walk but just wasn’t fully cognizant of what was going on like many a woman that had been given the date rape drug. When they got him into one of the rooms, Rob looked at Susie and said, “Okay, now we know that Stephanie drugged you guys so for payback you are each going to fuck her boyfriend. You will use a condom when you do and then save the full condom to give it to her as part of your payback. Susie, you will go first and then June. By the time you get done Susie, Molly and Julie will be up here. Here are the four condoms you will each need.”

Susie, still looking haunted from her ordeal the night before, looked down at the floor, in as subservient a matter as she could as she answered, “Yes Master.”

She turned around and started to undress Tim. June helped her out and they soon had him naked. He was too out of it to give any resistance but he was aware enough to comply with requests and orders as they were given. His libido wasn’t affected at all and once they had him naked, Susie started out by sucking him to get him hard. He quickly rose to the occasion and when he was hard enough, Susie took a condom and rolled it down his erect shaft. She climbed up and lined the cock up with her cunt and began to fuck him.

Down in the living room LaTesha watched as Stephanie began to squirm. Each drink that she had been given had been spiked heavily with an aphrodisiac. And with each drink, she had gotten more and more sexually excited. She was getting to the point that her sex was engorged and all she could think about was getting some kind of relief. It was shortly after Rob and the others took Stephanie’s boyfriend up stairs that LaTesha leaned in and put her arm around Stephanie. She began to gently rub Stephanie’s left ear with her left hand. She did this for a moment and Stephanie began to get a lusty look on her face. Finally she couldn’t take it anymore and remembering what she watched on ladies night at the bar, she turned to LaTesha and leaned in to kiss her. LaTesha smiled, realizing that things were going to be a lot easier than she had originally thought.

As soon as they started kissing, LaTesha began to knead and pinch Stephanie’s tits. She pulled away from kissing Stephanie and began to unbutton her blouse. She glanced at cynful and nodded her head in the affirmative and went back to nibbling on her ear and kneading her tits
Cynful turned around and took a video camera from behind the bar and set it up on the bar, making sure that it would be able to pick up everything that happened on the couch. She made sure the microphone was turned up as high as possible. When she was done, she stripped out of her clothes and walked over to LaTesha and Stephanie.

When cynful got to the couch holding LaTesha and Stephanie, Stephanie was literally squirming around, repeatedly lifting her hips as if she were fucking the air. She was groaning and begging, “Please fuck me” in soft sultry gasps. Cynful immediately went to work and began to unfasten the jeans that Stephanie wore. She soon had her naked from the waist down. Shortly after the pants came off, LaTesha finished unbuttoning her blouse and taking it off. Next to come off were her panties and bra, leaving her totally naked except for her socks.

Cynful guided one of Stephanie’s legs off of the couch to the floor and lifted the other and crawled under it, letting the leg rest on her back. She then leaned in and began to lick and tease Stephanie’s cunt and clit. Cynful knew her instructions. She wasn’t to get Stephanie off but to take her to the edge and hold her there. She soon had Stephanie begging to let her cum.

At the first sign of Stephanie’s begging, LaTesha asked, “You don’t mind if we make a little video of our little love session do you?”

Stephanie was so excited and so desperate to cum that she was only half aware of what the question was. She wanted to cum so badly and was so drunk and excited that she blurted out, “Oh god, I don’t care, just let me cum.”

LaTesha answered, “So you don’t mind if we tape this?”

Stephanie gasped out in desperation, “Yes, yes, go ahead and tape me, just let me cum”

LaTesha watched for a moment as cynful continued to take Stephanie to the edge of orgasm and hold her there for a few moments and then backing off and letting her cool down just a bit. Repeatedly she took her to the edge and stopped to let her cool down and each time she did, Stephanie got more and more desperate in her pleas to let her cum.

LaTesha finally asked, “Tell me what you did to my girls last Friday.”

Stephanie answered, “I mixed roofies into their drinks to make them more compliant. Please let me cum.”

LaTesha asked, “Why did you do that.”

Stephanie responded, “Oh god, please let me cum.”

LaTesha answered, “When you tell me why you drugged my girls, I’ll let you cum.”

Stephanie gasped out as cynful sucked on her clit, “Oh god… so my boyfriend could fuck them.”

LaTesha was stunned at the admission. The girls hadn’t been flirting like she had been told. It was all done to let her boyfriend rape the girls. She asked, “Tell me what he did.”

Stephanie said, “You said you will let me cum. Please let me cum.”

LaTesha answered in a voice holding much promise, “When you tell me what he did, I’ll let you cum.”

Stephanie answered, “Oh god, you have to let me cum. I can’t stand it anymore. Please let me cum.”

LaTesha sternly answered, “Not until you tell me everything you and your boyfriend did last week to my girls.”

Stephanie groaned in frustration and started breathlessly telling the tale while cynful continued her masterful oral manipulation of her cunt and clit. She got a dreamy look of excitement as she recounted her and her boyfriend’s escapades the previous weekend saying, “M…my boyfriend comes to all my parties. If he likes one of the girls, he has me slip a roofie into their drinks so he can have sex with them. When he saw your four girls last Friday he decided he wanted them all so I mixed a special pitcher of margaritas loaded with the drug. Susie was really flirting with him all night and had refused his advances saying you would get mad at her if she did. She really teased him too. The first of the girls to go under were Susie and Molly because they drank more than Julia and June. When Susie and Molly began to show signs of the drug, he convinced them to let him take them up stairs to go to bed. He proceeded to fuck them as he wanted when he got them there. If they were virgin, he wouldn’t pop their cherry. He didn’t want the girl he was raping to realize she was raped and that is a sure way for that to happen. If they were a virgin, he would fuck their throat or ass, depending on what he wanted at the time. While he was upstairs fucking them, as soon as the other two went under with the drug, I had my fun. Julia was the one that caught my eye. I stripped her and began to suck her tits. I finally worked her to the middle of the floor and turned her on her back. I licked her down to her cunt and she didn’t move to stop me because of being drugged. I started licking her cunt and moved around so my pussy was over her mouth. I lowered myself onto her face and ordered her to lick. She did what I told her but without much enthusiasm or strength because of the drug. But it was enough. She soon had me climbing towards my orgasm. I returned to sucking on her cunt when I heard a squeal of pain from upstairs. I watched as June struggled to head upstairs to see what happened. She never made it farther than the stairs before she passed out. I turned back to sucking and licking Julia’s cunt and timed it so I came when she did. Oh god I need to cum… but when I came I couldn’t help myself. I accidently pissed into her mouth. I quickly scrambled off of her as she began to throw up all of the alcohol she had drunk. I got dressed and went up stairs, leaving her on the floor in her vomit. I found my boyfriend just finishing fucking Susie in the ass. When he was done, I helped him position her and Molly so it looked like they were 69ing each other. I got a wash cloth and cleaned the cum dripping out of Susie’s ass and then we left. Now will you let me cum? Pppppllleeease.”

LaTesha asked, “So you and your boyfriend have done this kind of thing before?”

Stephanie responded, “Oh god… yes… lots of times.”

LaTesha asked again, “So you and your boyfriend drug and rape girls at parties you work at?”

Stephanie begged, “Yes we did… please, please, please let me cum.”

“How many times?”, LaTesha asked.

Stephanie groaned in frustration and begged, “Eight or nine, please let me cum.”

LaTesha turned to cynful who was dutifully licking and sucking on Stephanie’s cunt and shook her head yes. Cynful redoubled her efforts and focused all of her attention on Stephanie’s clit while LaTesha leaned down over her head and began to suck on her tits. Stephanie took the brown turgid nipple above her face into her mouth and began to suck. Soon though she tripped over the edge and screamed in orgasm. They kept at it and brought her to orgasm after orgasm. It wasn’t long before she was cumming over and over. She eventually passed out from the exhaustion.

About that time, Rob and the four girls came down. Each of the girls holding a condom that was knotted at the top, containing Stephanie’s boyfriend’s cum. LaTesha smiled at them and said, “You aren’t going to believe what I found out. We need to go see Max now.”

LaTesha went over to the video camera and after playing a short bit to ensure that their voices could be heard she took the camera and put it in her purse. She turned to the girls and said, “You all take care of Stephanie and her boy friend. We’ll be back in a while.”

LaTesha and Rob then left. When they got to Max’s bar they went to his office. It was just a little after midnight and the bar was still very busy. When Max finished watching the videotape of Stephanie’s confession he smiled because he knew he had exactly what he needed to make Stephanie his slave. He turned to Rob and LaTesha and said, “You two have just given me my next slave. This is dynamite. You two go on home tonight and bring Stephanie and her boyfriend here at about noon. I’ll have a little surprise for the bitch and her boyfriend. They both will pay for what they did while working for me.”

LaTesha and Rob both left and returned home. They found Stephanie and her boyfriend still sound asleep where they left them. The girls had all gone to bed, leaving cynful to watch over Stephanie. Rob took her and they went home.

The next morning at about ten thirty, LaTesha got up and woke up all of the girls. Then she woke up Stephanie. When she was awake, LaTesha told her, “Max wants to see you and your boyfriend at the bar at noon. He said it was very important. Something about a job he needs you both for, or something along that line. Why don’t you go wake up your boyfriend and get cleaned up. We’ll take the two of you over there. You still look a little drunk from the party.

Stephanie went to wake up her boyfriend. She found him naked, sitting on the bed with his hands on his head. He looked up when he saw Stephanie walk in and said, “I feel like I’ve been run over by a truck. That must have been some party but I can’t remember anything. I don’t even remember coming up here and getting undressed.”

Stephanie told her boyfriend, “I know what you mean. I don’t remember much from last night either. We don’t have time to fool around though. Max called and said he wanted to see me and you at the bar. He said something about a job for the two of us. I wasn’t aware that you worked for him.”

Stephanie’s boyfriend looked like he was trying to remember something and with a look of confusion on his face said, “I haven’t. I’ve never met the man. You sure he said he wants to see both of us?”

Stephanie shrugged her shoulders and answered, “That’s what LaTesha said. She said he wants to see us at noon at the bar. So let’s get cleaned up and get dressed. We both obviously had a wild time last night.”

They both went into the bathroom and quickly showered and cleaned up. After they got dressed back into the clothes they wore the night before, they went back down stairs. They quickly climbed into LaTesha’s car and they took off for Max’s bar.

When they arrived, they entered the bar and went straight to Max’s office. When they entered, both of them were immediately grabbed, thrown to the floor and handcuffed by a couple of police. The two were so surprised that they had no time to react before the cuffs were on. Once they were cuffed, the two cops helped them up and took them in front of Max’s desk. There the two cops, a slender, white, redheaded policewoman with Stephanie and a large, muscular black policeman with her boyfriend.

The two of them were standing in front of Max’s desk, held by the two cops. Max was staring at them with his elbows on the desk with his hands locked together with his chin resting on his hands. He had a predatory smile on his face as he stared intently at Stephanie. She shuddered in fear at the look because she knew it wasn’t good for her. She had seen that look on him before at the bar and it never ended up good for the person he focused it on.

Max finally spoke up, “You two have been very, very bad people. It seems that you Stephanie have used the little parties that I send you to, to bar tend to drug and rape innocent young women. Watch and listen.”

He hit a button on his desk and a screen on the other side of the room lowered and the video that LaTesha had taken the night before began playing. It played and they all could clearly hear the audio of Stephanie confessing to what she and her boyfriend did. Stephanie and her boyfriend’s face both went white at her confession, especially with the cops there.

When the video ended, Max said, “LaTesha was good enough to bring a condom full of your boyfriend’s cum with her last night. Our two police friends here were able to get it analyzed and compare it to their unsolved crimes files. They found that at least six rapes were tied to the owner of that cum.”

Max turned and looked at Stephanie’s boyfriend and said, “That would be you. The chain of custody and the identification are not contestable. So here’s the deal. You can leave with these police right now and be taken downtown where you will both be charged with the sexual assault and rape of those six women and all four of LaTesha’s girls. That’s ten counts of rape and or sexual assault and that should put each of you behind bars for the rest of your life. And believe me, all four of the girls are more than willing to testify against you after what you put them through in the bar. What do you have to say to that?”

Stephanie was in a state of panic and when she looked at her boyfriend she knew he wasn’t going to be any help. He was staring at her with a combination of surprise and hatred. She had basically given him up for an orgasm. He couldn’t believe that she had done that to him. Stephanie turned back to Max and said as she started to cry, “W…w…what is ‘Sob…sob’ our other option? ‘Sob…sob’ I don’t ‘Sob…sob’ want to ‘Sob…sob’ go to prison. ‘Sob…sob’ There has to be something we can do. ‘Sob…sob’”

Max smiled as he looked at Stephanie and her boyfriend. He had them right where he wanted them. He said, “Well here’s the deal. If we don’t turn you in, then we become accessories to each and every rape and assault you were party to. That would put us behind bars too. What do you think it would take to make it worth our taking that kind of risk?”

Stephanie knew about the girls being blackmailed by LaTesha and Rob into being their sex slaves. She figured that if there was a choice between going to prison for the rest of her life, or being a sex slave where at least she would have some semblance of a life then she would choose to be a sex slave. She looked down to the floor as she said, “I…I…I could be your sex slave like LaTesha’s girls are to her and Rob.”

Max knew he had Stephanie now, at least if her boyfriend went along with what he was going to propose. He turned to him and looked him in the eye and said, “You are the one who’s DNA matches the police reports of rape of six girls. So here’s the deal and think about this real hard. You can go to jail and become the sissy slut of the vilest of the inmates there, being raped night after night and having no freedom whatsoever to do anything or go anywhere, or you can become the sex slave of Larry and Monica here. You will still be raped night after night but at least in between you will have a little bit of freedom. You see they are members of the same organization I belong to and they have been looking for a new male slave to keep them entertained. At least with them you will get to experience something akin to a normal life in between the rapes, just that you will be used and abused sexually at their whim and I do mean by both of them. So what’s it going to be? Either you become their sex slaves or both of you go away for a very long time.”

Stephanie looked at her boyfriend and pleaded, “Please Joe. I don’t want to go to Jail. Being a sex slave has to be better than that. You know you wouldn’t last very long there. I know I can’t. Please… I beg you… please do what they say.”

Joe looked at Stephanie and then Max and then at the two cops. He finally turned to Max and said, “I guess I don’t really have a choice.
I’ll do whatever you want.”

Max smiled as he said, “Okay then. To seal the deal Joe, I want you to get undressed, go to Larry and take his cock out and suck him off. Stephanie, you strip and get under this desk right now and take my cock out and suck me off. Both of you better do a bang up job or there is no deal.”

Stephanie stripped out of her clothes before Joe even had his shirt off. By the time he got his pants off she was already under the desk and was in the process of taking Max’s cock out. Joe looked like he was going to his own funeral as he finished stripping and walked over to Larry. He knelt down in front of him and took out his huge ten inch soft cock. He looked at the cock in abject fear as he grabbed it with his hand and began to pump it back and forth. He leaned in and took a tentative lick at the head of his cock. He then opened his mouth and started to take the head of his fourteen inch long and two and a half inch wide cock into his mouth. As soon as the head of Larry’s cock slid into his mouth, Larry grabbed him on either side of his head and pulled him violently onto the entire length of his cock. Joe wretched and gagged and would have thrown up if the cock hadn’t been plugging his throat. Larry held him there until he stopped convulsing and then pulled his head off only to ram his cock back into Joe’s throat.

LaTesha and Rob were sitting on the couch watching the scene before them. They couldn’t see Stephanie but they could see the result of her efforts on Max’s face. But what was getting ready to happen to Joe was making both of them hot. LaTesha put her hands down her pants and began to finger her cunt as she watched while Rob pulled his cock out and began to masturbate.

While all of Joe’s attention was focused on the agony of being throat fucked by such a massive cock, Monica had unzipped her pants and pulled out an equally massive strap on dildo out of her pants. As soon as she had it out she spit into her hand and rubbed it on her huge dildo. That was all the lube she put on it as she moved up and lined the cock up with Joe’s ass. She grabbed his ass cheeks and pulled them apart. She put the head of the dildo up against his asshole and without any hesitation, pushed it in as hard as she could.

Joe screamed around the huge black cock in his throat from the horrendous pain of having a thirteen inch dildo shoved up his ass with little lubrication. He felt the dildo ripping and tearing at his asshole. He continued to scream as he was now being pummeled by the huge live cock in his throat and the matching dildo in his ass. What he didn’t know was that the dildo was in fact an exact duplicate of Larry’s cock that they had made for using on their slaves. They really hammered Joe from both sides.

LaTesha and Rob both came quickly from the excitement. Rob cleaned himself up while LaTesha licked her juicy fingers clean. Soon they got up and said, “We’re leaving Max. Enjoy your new slaves.”

Max smiled and said, “Thanks you two. I’ve been after this cunt for ages. You just sped up the process by at least a few months. You’ll find a deposit of $100,000.00 in each of your bank accounts Monday. This week you made me close to a million dollars with your little slave girls and then to top it off you gave me the slave girl I’ve been after for months. You two are by far the best thing to happen to our organization here in a long time.”

LaTesha and Rob both went home after that and enjoyed a nice quiet weekend. They were both wondering what could happen next that would match the excitement of the past week. They both knew though that they had to keep their focus on school.


Chapter Twelv

Cynthia was standing at the kitchen sink cleaning up after a Thanksgiving Dinner. As she washed the dishes by hand, she looked out to the dog house and watched as Julie and Teddy cavorted and played around in the yard. She thought back to the slow but complete transformation that the beautiful German girl had made. She remembered those first few weeks of Julia’s training after her night in the bar.

Julia had been totally devastated by what had happened to her. When they got her home, she curled up in the dog house and cried for almost 24 hours straight. It was only when Cynthia came out to the dog house two days later and pulled her out of the dog house by her collar that she was forced to snap out of it. That’s when Cynthia attached a leash to her new slave collar and pulled her to the house and down to the dungeon.

Cynthia happily hung Julia from the rafters. Once she was hanging by her wrists, Cynthia began whipping her with a flogger over and over again. Julia screamed in pain and agony as her skin turned from pink to red to purple in spots. Finally when all of her screams ceased, because she lost her voice as opposed to the whipping becoming less painful, she started to drift in and out of consciousness from the pain. That’s when Cynthia finally stopped.

Cynthia looked at her handy work and then stood in front of Julia and watched as she gradually came to her senses. When she was alert Cynthia asked, “Do you understand why I punished you?”

Julia let out a moan of pain and shook her head no as she answered, “No Mistress.”

Cynthia looked sternly at her and ordered her to think about what had happened in the last couple of days after her stint at the bar. When Julia thought about those first few days she recalled that all she did was lay in the doghouse and cried so she said, “I just lay in the dog house and cried mistress.”

Cynthia smiled at the answer and then asked, “So do you see anything wrong with the way you’ve behaved since the bar?”

Julia thought and couldn’t think of anything she did wrong so she told Cynthia, “I didn’t do anything wrong.

Cynthia looked at Julia like she was a ditz and said, “What am I training you to be?”

Julia looked at Cynful and quickly answered, “To be a dog.”

Cynthia then asked, “And have you been acting like a dog the last few days?”

Julia paled as she realized that she hadn’t been doing anything with Teddy. She lowered her head in resignation and answered, “No Mistress. I haven’t.”

Cynthia began to get a hint of a smile and asked, “What are you Julia?”

Julia gasped out almost silently, “I’m a bitch. I am to act like a dog, sleep like a dog and do absolutely everything like I am a dog.”

Cynthia then asked again, “And have you been acting like a dog the last few days?”

Julia lowered her head in shame and responded, “No mistress.”

Cynthia then said, “This is the first of many punishments I’m sure you will receive during your training. Every time I see you not acting like a dog, I will drag you in here for more whipping. I want you to eat like a dog, sleep like a dog, bark like a dog and just generally live like a dog in every way. That includes going to the bathroom. I watched you several times just crawl out of the dog house to go take a piss or shit. You would stand up and go to the area you are to use for that purpose but when you pissed or shit, you would squat like a human does. Remember, you aren’t a human any more. You are a dog. Dog’s piss and shit while on all fours, they don’t stand up to squat to do their business. From now on, I insist that you behave like the dog you fantasize about becoming. If I see you behaving like a human at any point, then I will drag you in here for another round with the flogger. If you act like a dog like you are supposed to then I won’t need to and you’ll actually earn some rewards. The only time you are allowed to behave in a human manner anymore will be to go to your classes and then two hours after coming home in order to do your homework. After your homework you are expected to revert back to being a dog. If you pay close attention, you will find that you can communicate with Teddy in a limited fashion. So do you understand what is expected of you now?”

Julia simply answered, “Yes Mistress.”

Cynthia smiled and said, “Good. Now I’m going to take you down and when I do, I want you to assume the best doggy begging position you can think of. I’ll help you to get the exact position I am looking for once you’re close. From now on, when a master or mistress comes to you, you will assume that position, begging for attention.”

After that, Cynthia let Julia down. Julia groaned in pain from the horrendous whipping she had received but once released she fell immediately to her knees. She took a few moments to think about how a dog looks when begging and she sat back on her heels and then curled her arms up and facing her palms away from her she bent her hands forward at the wrist, holding them in a very loose fist right under her chin. When she was in place, she looked up and Cynthia with her huge puppy dog eyes.

Cynthia took a few minutes to make Julia spread her legs a little wider so that her sex was more on display. She adjusted the hands a little so that they were a little tighter against her chin. Finally she stepped back and looked at Julia. She felt that something was missing but just couldn’t think of what it was. It finally dawned on her. She ordered, “Stick your tongue out and pant like a dog.”

Julia quickly followed orders and stuck her tongue out and panted. Finally Cynthia was happy. She ordered, “From now on, this is the position you assume when any master or mistress comes to you. If they want to pet you or play with you I want you to moan and whimper in pleasure the whole time they play with you.”

Cynthia broke out of her trip down memory lane and began to scrub the pan she roasted the turkey in. She watched as both Julia and Teddy romped and played. She thought about the times after that first severe punishment. From that point on, she always carried a crop with her when she went out to the back yard. She would watch for hours on end when she wasn’t studying for school and tally up the errors that Julia had made during that day and would punish her accordingly. If the error was very egregious, she would go out and punish her immediately.

The effect was that as time went on, Julia began to act less and less human and more and more like a dog. At first her grades at school didn’t suffer, but the more she was punished for doing things that were considered human traits, the more she acted like a dog. By mid semester, her grades had fallen from an “A” average to a high “C”. After that, she started missing more and more classes because she couldn’t stand to act like a normal human being anymore. When she was a dog, she had no worries. She enjoyed romping around the yard playing with Teddy. She especially liked it when he fucked her. The last couple of weeks, she hadn’t been to class at all and she felt no guilt whatsoever about not going to class. She just stayed in the yard and played like a dog with Teddy.

Cynful watched at the attention that Teddy was giving Julia. She couldn’t believe the interaction between the two. It seemed to her that Julia was able to understand and communicate on some level with her Teddy. She was a bit jealous of her because she was taking Teddy’s attention away from her but she knew that it was only temporary. Only one more month until Julia would be turned over to Marta’s Kennels. Then she would have her Canine Master Teddy back.

Cynthia was just finishing with the dishes when Rob came up behind her and reaching around grabbed her by both tits and rubbing his groin against her ass. As he did he leaned his head forward and whispered into Cynthia’s ear, “I think it’s time to take the doggies for a walk. When you finish with that pan, go get Julia ready. You’ll find the stuff she needs to put on in a box by the door leading to the back yard. She is to put everything in that box on.

Cynthia quickly finished with the dishes. She washed up and then took the box with her out to the dog house. She called Julia over to her. Julia stopped playing with Teddy and scrambled over to Cynthia. She assumed the begging position that she had been taught and knelt there with a happy face, panting while she looked for approval from her mistress.

Cynthia ordered her onto all fours. When Julia assumed the position, Cynthia took a long leather sleeve out of the box. She lifted Julia’s left knee up and doubled her lower leg up. She wrapped the leather sleeve around the leg and laced it up. She pulled the laces tight until her upper and lower legs were together. It was uncomfortable for Julia but it wasn’t painful. The leather sleeve had an extra thick pad of leather where the knee met the ground to protect the flesh from getting damaged when crawling on concrete or gravel. Cynthia repeated the process with Julia’s right leg.

When Cynthia was done with Julia’s legs, she pulled out a leather mitt. The mitt had a bar at the bottom for Julia to grip hold of. Cynthia then laced up the mitt enclosing Julia’s hands in the tight leather. She repeated the process with the other hand. She reached in to the box and pulled out a chain that had three ends. The chain was made of the same type of metal and was as thick as a dog’s chocker chain for a large dog. At the end of each link of the chain was an alligator clamp. Cynthia reached under Julia and pinched her nipples until they were sticking out like hard pencil erasers. When they were hard, she attached two of the alligator clamps to them. Julia expressed her pain at the bite of the clamps by howling like a dog instead of just screaming. Cynthia was pleased at hearing the howl and knew that she was close to truly getting Julia to live and act like a dog in every way. Finally she began to pinch Julia’s clit hard until it stuck out hard. She attached the last clamp onto it causing Julia to howl long and loud in pain.

Cynthia pulled a large butt plug with a tail sticking out of the end. She picked it up and applied some lube to it. She then pushed the end quickly into Julia’s ass. It was so sudden that Julia whimpered in pain, but she was used to things being shoved up her ass, in particular Teddy’s large cock and knot and the butt plug didn’t hold a candle to his knot. The last item out of the box was a leather mask that had been molded to resemble the head of a dog. Cynthia put it on Julia’s head and then strapped the mask in place. When she stepped back she saw that Julia had been transformed into the picture of a dog.

Cynthia attached the leash to Julia’s collar and then called Teddy over. Teddy came rushing over and stood in front of Cynthia with his tail wagging. She attached a second leash to his collar and then turned to walk back to the house. She called “Heal” as she turned and both Teddy and Julia moved into position to Cynthia’s left. Julia was next to Cynthia and Teddy was on the outside.

While Cynthia had been preparing Julia, the sun had set and dusk turned to dark. When they got to the back door, Rob joined them. He took Teddy’s leash from Cynthia and the two of the turned to begin walking. At first they circled the yard a couple of times with Rob and Teddy on the outside and Cynthia and Julia on the outside. After several circuits, it was completely dark and Rob led them to the gate leading from the back yard to the front. As they went through the gate, Julia panicked and pulled back on her leash. She didn’t want to be seen by anyone like this.

Cynthia was prepared though. She had the riding crop with her and after hitting Julia hard on the ass one time; she quit resisting and crawled through the gate. Julia looked around nervously; acting very much like any human girl would that was being led around the neighborhood naked. When they got to the sidewalk, Rob walked on the outside next to the street with Teddy on his left side away from the street. Cynthia walked next to Teddy with Julia to her left.

They walked for about five minutes before a car drove by. As soon as the headlights of the car came into view, Julia began to pull against the leash and trying to hide from view. Cynthia immediately began to whip her ass with the crop. As she whipped Julia’s ass, she said, “Dog’s don’t care who sees them. Are you a dog or a human bitch?”

It took a few more seconds before Julia realized and internalized what Cynthia had said. By then the car had passed by, though it did slow down as it went by, getting a good look at the beautiful naked girl being led around on the leash and being whipped. Truth be told, if Julia hadn’t panicked and fought the leash, the car wouldn’t have been able to tell that she was human. They would have looked like a couple out walking their two dogs. The little revolt not only resulted in her being punished, but also being humiliated by being seen naked. Cynthia took a few moments to explain that to Julia. It truly was an important lesson for Julia to learn and the reason that Rob had decided to go for a walk with Julia. They needed to teach her that as a dog, she was to have no concern over when or where they took her. She was to always obey her master or mistress and behave at all times as a dog would.

Rob and Cynthia began walking together again. It took a couple of more cars passing by before Julia finally settled down and accepted the situation. Finally she quit trying to resist whenever headlights appeared. It wasn’t worth the pain from the crop to act human. She finally let go of her last little bit of human nature and became the dog she wanted to be. It had taken them the better part of an hour for her to learn that lesson. That is when they turned around. This time it was Julia on the outside closest to the street with Rob on the inside.

It was on the way back that Julia had her next big test. A car pulled up to the sidewalk about a block ahead of them and a guy got out. Rob knew what was happening but none of the others did. As they approached, Julia began to pull back. All it took was a quick swat with the crop to get her to behave. When they got up to the guy he said, “Nice night for a walk. That sure is a beautiful dog you have there. Is it alright to pet it?”

Rob said, “She’s a bit skittish but I think she’ll do fine, go ahead.”

As the guy approached Julia, she began to back away. Cynthia swatted her with the crop and she stopped but let out a whimper as the guy reached out. She shied away from his hand in reflex but didn’t try to get away. She stayed there on all fours as the guy pet her head like a dog and then began to run his hand along her back and then her ass. Finally he ran his hand under her and played with her tits for a few minutes. Julia just knelt there whimpering in shame the whole time.

The guy finally stood back up straight and said, “You have trained her well. Wish she was going to be available and I’d buy her. As well trained as she is, she would exact a high price.”

Rob answered, “She’s already been promised to Marta out in Washington. She will be the kennel training bitch. Her whole life will be nothing but getting screwed my dog after dog as cynful’s mother trains them how to behave properly. She is a world class trainer and can do wonders but she needs a good kennel bitch to use as a training prop. That way when someone buys one of her trained dogs, they get a superior, well trained canine master instead of a run of the mill mutt.”

Rob shook the guy’s hand and then proceeded down the sidewalk. With Julia being on the outside, she was now totally exposed to any car that would drive by. Julia had learned her lesson though and didn’t flinch when cars did go by. She just followed Cynthia’s lead.

When they returned home, Cynthia put Julia back in the back yard with Teddy. Teddy immediately ran up to Julia and launched up onto her back. He quickly began to hump into her until his cock found purchase in her pussy. Julia actually moved her ass trying to help line up her pussy with his cock. Once his cock found purchase, he began to fuck her in that rapid machine gun fashion that dog’s have. Cynthia was standing by the back door watching.

Rob came up behind Cynthia and reached around her to massage her tits as he leaned in to nibble on her neck and ears. He reached down and took his rampant cock out of his pants. He then lifted Cynthia’s skirt and lined his cock up with her ass hole. When she felt the pressure on her ass, Cynthia pushed back, forcing her master’s cock into her ass to the hilt. Rob proceeded to fuck her as they watched Teddy fuck Julia. They were all so excited that it didn’t take long for them all to cum. Rob and Cynthia came at the same time after about three minutes. Teddy took about ten before he came in Julia. He turned ass end to ass end with her and took another fifteen before his knot decreased in size enough for him to pull out.

As soon as Teddy pulled out, he went and curled up in front of the dog house and began to lick himself. Julia crawled over next to him and curled up next to him. She lay on her right side and lifted her left leg and put her foot down on the ground with her knee up. She then began to use her right hand to wipe up leaking dog cum and then lick her hand clean. She kept doing this until the cum finally quit leaking out of her inflamed cunt. When she was finally finished, she looked up to the back of the house and saw that her master and mistress had gone inside. She then lay down, curling up alongside Teddy content with her world.

When Rob and cynful went into the house Rob said, “Tomorrow they are having a special auction at the porn shop. It will be Susie’s and June’s auction. They have requested that you be the one to put them through their paces.”

Cynthia responded, “Master, remember that tomorrow I have to spend the night at the school’s recovery stables. We talked about it earlier this week and you said I could go. If I don’t show up, there will be no one to help take care of the animals recovering from surgery.”

Rob quickly said, “That’s right, I forgot. There will be a lot of disappointed masters but they’ll just have to do without you. You will miss out on a fun time though, but I’m sure that you are doing the right thing by volunteering there. It should help with your standing with the professors. I understand that one of the professors at the Veterinary school is a member of the organization. So I’m sure she might be dropping by if she knows you are there. Don’t be surprised and you have my permission in advance to submit to her if she does.” Rob then led cynful to the bedroom and they spent the rest of the night like any other husband and wife would, in bed making mad passionate love.

The next night, cynful took the car to the school so Rob, leading Julia and Teddy on a leash went next door to catch a ride with LaTisha. When he got to the house, LaTisha had Susie and June standing in front of the fire place with their hands cuffed behind their backs. Susie was dressed in a white tube top that did nothing to hide her tits. She also had on a short red micro mini skirt and that was it other than her collar. She wore no bra or panties. June was a little more conservatively dressed but not by much. She wore a white blouse that was tied under her tits and a plaid school girl mini skirt. Again she wore no panties. Molly was sitting on the couch with LaTisha, who had her hand down Molly’s blouse, fondling her tits while she waited for Rob. Once Rob turned his attention to her LaTisha said, “This is all new to me. I’m still not sure how this all works but I’ll follow your lead. I was going to leave Molly here though. I don’t want anything to happen to her.”

“Cynful isn’t going to be able to make it tonight. They were counting on her to put these two fine young ladies through their paces. I forgot that she had prior commitments that she couldn’t get out of. We’ll need Molly to take her place. She’s your slave and nothing will happen to her that you don’t want to happen. But she better be prepared to do whatever is required of her. I understand that sometimes these things can get pretty brutal. She’ll have to do whatever the masters that are online want to do to these two. She might even be required to pierce one or both of them.”

LaTisha looked at Rob and then at Molly as she said, “I’m sure Molly will do whatever I want.” She grabbed Molly’s chin and turned her head to face her and said, “Won’t you Molly dear.”

Molly lowered her eyes and answered meekly, “Y…y…yes Mistress.”

After that Rob attached a leash to Susie and led her and Julia to the van. LaTisha attached one to June and led her out to the van with Teddy following closely behind. Molly followed behind meekly.

Once they arrived at the porn shop, they immediately went to the back room where they had spent many a Friday night being tortured by customers testing out different toys on them. As far as they knew, this wasn’t going to be any different than any other Friday night other than there was going to be people online that were going to be able to ask for things to be done with some of the equipment and toys on hand. If they knew the real purpose of that night, they would have turned and ran as fast as they could the opposite direction. You see, the whole purpose of the night was to auction off the two girls to be delivered during the Christmas break. The bidding for the two girls would be done via a different website while on this one, they would be bidding on the different things they want done. The proceeds of the night would pay for the trip to the Caribbean during the Christmas break that would be the guise for the disappearance of the girls. The proceeds that the auction of Susie and June brought in would pay for LaTisha’s membership in the Coch Organization and anything left over would be split equally between her, Rob and the porn shop owner. The bottom line is that by the end of the night, the girls would belong to someone else and would only have about a month’s worth of freedom left.

At eight pm, the auction actually began. Susie and June were standing in the center of a stage that had been set up in the center of the large room. Along two of the walls were a set of collapsible bleachers that had been pulled out. They were filled with about thirty men and a dozen women, all masters and mistresses. Online, there were another seven hundred masters and mistresses from around the world.

Precisely at eight, the bidding started for the privilege of being the first to get to play with the slaves. The winner was one of the online masters that had a fetish for tit bondage and he ordered Susie to be hung by her tits. This was one thing that took someone with experience. Fortunately LaTisha had a bit of experience and she stepped forward. She took a long length of rope and began to wrap the base of each of Susie’s tits. She made each wrap of the rope extra tight, each one adding a bit more pressure and tightness to her tits. When she was done wrapping both of Susie’s tits she grabbed the rope in between her tits and pulled her over to the rope that was now hanging from a motorized winch in the ceiling. She quickly tied the hanging rope to the rope wrapped around her tits. Once she had the rope attached, the winch started pulling her up. Susie began screaming in pain when she was lifted off of the ground by her tits.

The next item auctioned off to be used was a fucking machine. This was a fairly large device that stood about three feet high and had a long bar sticking out one end that had a screw on the end. On top of the device was a holder with a wide range of dildos and butt plugs in different sizes and shapes. One of them was a dildo that had two cocks on it, one that was ten inches long and about two in diameter and the second was eight inches long and an inch and a half in diameter. LaTisha and Molly both stepped up and LaTisha chose the double dildo and handed it to Molly. Molly quickly took it and screwed it on the end of the bar. Once that was done, LaTisha took the handle of the machine on the opposite end from the fucking rod and wheeled the machine over to Susie. Once the machine was in place, LaTisha and Molly got on either side of Susie and lifted her ass up, putting even more pressure on her tits. Molly reached in and guided the large part of the double dildo into Susie’s cunt and then as LaTisha began to slide her onto it, she reached in and guided the smaller of the dildos into her ass hole.

When both of them were in place, LaTisha went to Susie’s shoulders and pushed her onto the dildos until they were seated completely in both of her orifices. Susie moaned in pain as the large dildos entered her. Then LaTisha turned the machine on and it started to fuck into Susie with deep rapid thrusts. Because the dildos were already at their maximum penetration, the inward stroke quickly pushed through her cervix, causing her untold pain and she screamed in agony bringing a round of cheers and applause from the audience. The machine didn’t care though; it just plunged in then pulled out. It was set at its lowest setting at the moment. Each time it pulled back it would pull out of her cervix and then when it would cycle back and push forward it would plunge through her cervix again causing her more pain. Latish reset the control to its medium setting and it began to rapidly fuck Susie faster than any human would or could. One of the key things about the design is that it would continually inject lubrication into both orifices to slow down and minimize damage to the tissues.

LaTisha and Molly stepped back and watched. Susie was quite a sight to see hanging from her purple, rope wrapped tits and supported by the two dildos in her ass and cunt. Susie was groaning now in a mix of pain and pleasure.

The next item auctioned off to be used on Susie was a set of nipple and clit clamps with wires attached. The end of the wire fit into a connection on the fucking machine. Once the auction was completed, a mistress from the bleachers stepped up and took the clamps. These clamps were vice like clamps that screwed down tightly. On the inner surface of the clamps were small thin pins that were designed to puncture through skin and cause pain. The mistress leaned in and sucked on Susie’s right tit. She didn’t have to but it was something she just couldn’t resist. After a couple of minutes, she took the nipple clamp and tightened it down on her nipple until the pins on the clamp pressed firmly into the clamp on the opposite side of the nipple. Susie screamed in pain from the puncture of her sensitive nipples. The mistress repeated the process on her other nipple and then she moved down to her clit. She leaned in and began to suck on her clit like she had her nipples. This time it was for the express purpose to increase the size of her clit to make it as large and stiff as possible. When she was satisfied that Susie’s clit was as big as it was going to get, she attached the vice clamp onto her clit, pushing the pins through Susie’s most sensitive flesh. This was unlike any pain that Susie had felt previously. She screamed in agony as the pins pierced her. The pain was so bad that she passed out.

LaTisha was handed an ammonia capsule and told what to do with it. She stepped up to Susie’s head and broke it under her nose. Susie quickly woke up and jerked her head away from the nasty smell of the ammonia and looked at LaTisha with pleading tears in her eyes. She asked LaTisha, “W…w…why a…a…are you d…d…doing t…t…this to me?”

LaTisha reached out her hand and as she caressed Susie’s hair, she looked directly in her eyes and answered, “Because you were a bad slave and refused to listen to me. If you were truly my slave, you wouldn’t have to ask me why. You would just accept whatever I wanted to do to you without complaint. I kept warning you that you wouldn’t like the consequences if you kept disobeying me at every turn. And then to take my most precious item that was given to me by my grandmother and use it without permission, well that was the last straw. Now shut up and take it like the slave you are.” She leaned in so that she could whisper into Susie’s ear so that only she would hear and said, “And because I am washing my hands of you. After tonight, you will no longer be my slave. I’ll just have custody of you for a little bit longer and then you will be free of me forever.”

It was about that time that the mistress had finished connecting the wires leading from the clamps to the machine. She set the machine to variable settings and all of a sudden Susie’s entire body went rigid and she let out a blood curdling scream. The electric current flowing through her was brief however and as it died away, she moaned in pain as her muscles continued to spasm and cramp.

When the mistress finally finished, she stepped back to the bleachers and took her seat to the applause of her fellow masters and mistresses. The next winner didn’t want to use any of the equipment available. He was an online master and he ordered for Susie to be fucked in the throat by a dog. Rob quickly led Teddy forward to Susie’s head. He gave the order, “Suck Teddy”.

Teddy immediately launched up onto Susie with his front paws on either side of her under her shoulders. He began to thrust forward with his cock, gradually working it closer to her. About that time, Susie was shocked by the clamps again. She screamed at just the right time that Teddies cock was coming forward and it plunged right down her throat. Susie’s screams were cut off as Teddy’s cock was forced down her throat resulting in it vibrating around his cock. At that point, Susie had no choice as Teddy began to fuck his cock rapidly in and out of her throat. Susie just screamed and gurgled around his cock as it rammed in and out of her throat.

For the next few minutes the dog kept fucking Susie as the masters and mistresses watched. Here was poor Susie, being lifted off the ground and held by ropes wrapped around her tits, being held off the ground by dildos in her ass and cunt that was attached to a fucking machine, being electrically tortured by clamps that pierced her nipples and clit and finally being fucked in her throat by a large Irish Wolf Hound. On the online auction for Susie the bidding was going hot and heavy. There were quite a few masters and mistresses that loved having pain slaves that they could play with and torture. Susie was demonstrating that she could take it all and still be able to take more. When it was all said and done, Susie went for $124,000.00 paying LaTisha’s membership fee of $60,000.00 with plenty left over. Once the bidding was closed, the electric clamps were turned off and removed.

Susie’s new owner had made a few requests that he wanted done before he took possession and he wanted to watch it being done. Part of his request was that Molly was to change out the piercings that Susie had. The piercing and tattoo artist took Molly by the hand and instructed her on what to do. He then wheeled the equipment cart up next to Susie. He took a pair of cutters and removed all of the rings in Susie’s tits, clit and ears. When he was done, he picked up a skewer and a blow torch. He turned the torch on and ran the flame over the skewer until it was glowing red hot. He handed the skewer to Molly and instructed her what to do with it. She at first refused until he told her that her choice was to do it or take Susie’s place. Her face went white with fear and panic. She reached out and grabbed the cool part of the skewer. She put the still red hot skewer against the piercing hole on her right tit and pushed it through. Susie screamed in agony as the skewer burned the inner flesh of her nipple, widening the whole that already existed there. Finally he told June to remove the skewer and he forced a heavy chain link through the hole. The ring looked like a choker chain that was meant for the largest dog breed. The rings at either end were an inch in diameter and were about twice as thick as the previous rings. They then repeated the process with her other tit and then he had Molly widen the piercing on her clit the same way. The same type of ring was attached to her clit and then attached to the center of the chain between her two tits. Finally they pierced her ears the same way. They left the chains to these rings dangling for the time being.

The tattoo artist took over at that point and this time using a large piercing needle he grabbed hold of Susie’s lower lip on the left and pushed through at the bottom of her lip. He pushed through a ring that was about the size of the ones that he had cut off but that were the same style as he had just attached. Once that ring was soldered closed he repeated the process on the bottom lip on the right side and then on the top lip on both the left and right just above the piercings on the lower lip. He next took a bar out that had two hooks on either end that allowed him to connect the bar to the rings in her lips by pushing a button in the center of the bar. When he closed the rings, Susie couldn’t open her mouth more than a quarter of an inch. He put a mark on the outside of her nose on either side just above its widest part just a little under a quarter of an inch up and against the face. He took a larger skewer than the first one he had Molly use and heated it up. He then pushed the red hot sharp end through the marks he made. Susie tried to scream but couldn’t open her mouth because of the bar. The pressure that she put on the new piercings just added to the pain. Susie passed out from the excruciating pain. When he finished pushing the skewer through he took out a D ring. He disconnected the curved part and took the bar and pushed it through her nose so that there was a balled end on either side of her nose. He took the chains dangling from her ears and brought them to the bars in her nose. He connected the curved part of the D ring around the chains and then attached the free end of the chains to the rings in her tits, the left ear to the left tit and the right ear to the right tit. By this time, Susie had woken up again.

During the whole piercing procedure, the machine had continued to relentlessly fuck Susie. There was no pleasure in it for her anymore. Her cunt and ass were rubbed raw. She had been fucked continuously now for the better part of two hours. With the piercings being completed, LaTisha turned the machine off. Susie just groaned in pain as she was pulled off of the dildos. She didn’t think that she would be able to sit down for a week.

Finally LaTisha took sharp cutters and cut the rope at the knot, causing a sudden release of the tension on one tit while leaving it still wrapped tightly at the other. Susie screamed as loud as she could as circulation returned to her tits. The pain she had been experiencing was now almost tripled. On top of that, her full weight was now being lifted off the ground by one tit and that caused pain just as bad as she was experiencing in the other one. LaTisha knew she couldn’t let her hang from one tit for too long or it would cause permanent damage so she cut the rope to that tit too. Susie fell and crumpled to the ground screaming in pain. She curled up into a fetal position and cried.

Latisha wasn’t done though. She picked up the largest butt plug that the shop had that was almost four inches in diameter at its widest and two at its most narrow. She held it in front of June and ordered her to lick it. Once it was covered with a good coat of saliva she pushed the plug into Susie’s ass as hard as she could. Of course the large plug was being pushed against tissue that had been rubbed raw by the incessant fucking of the machine. But Susie was too out of it to do much more than groan in pain.

There was a sudden bleep on the computer screen and the porn shop owner read the message from Susie’s new owner. He ordered, “Turn her over onto her knees and have Teddy fuck her. She’ll be done after that.”

LaTisha and June got on either side of Susie and lifted her ass up so that she was on her knees but her shoulders and head were still on the ground. Rob brought Teddy over and commanded “Fuck Teddy”.

Teddy quickly launched up onto her back and soon found purchase for his cock with her sore cunt. The whole time Teddy was fucking her, Susie was letting out long moans and groans of pain. The worst came when Teddy forced his huge knot into her though. That put so much pressure on her raw flesh that she screamed loud enough to hurt the ears of all of the attendees. Teddy fucked her for a couple of more minutes before he flooded her with his cum. After cumming he turned ass end to ass end with Susie and waited for the knot to go down. Rob commanded Teddy to come to him. He did and pulled Susie with him. She screamed the entire way over from the pain in her cunt. He pulled her down the stairs and to his master where he stopped and waited for his knot to go down. June was now left alone on the center of the stage by herself, waiting for the bidding to start on her.

It was only a couple of minutes before an older woman in her fifties came down from the bleachers and picked up a large dildo and harness. She was dressed in black leather pants and a black leather vest with three inch high heels. She quickly stripped off her pants and put the dildo harness on. She screwed the large ten inch dildo onto the harness. This was no ordinary dildo though. It had a huge bulge almost all of the way down at the base that looked like a dog’s knot. The knot was covered all over with tiny metal points about the size of the head of a pin. At the very base of the dildo was a ring that was a bit wider than the dildo. The purpose of the ring was to provide a switch that would trigger an electric shock.

The woman walked up to June and grabbed her by the hair at the back of her head and pulled her over to a table at the edge of the stage. She forced June’s head down until she bent over the table. Then without warning, she spread June’s ass cheeks and quickly forced the dildo into June’s ass. The dildo only went in a couple of inches so she pulled almost all of the way out and then slammed in hard again. She kept this up until the knot was hammering against poor June’s anal rose bud. In June’s case she didn’t scream at first because she had been fucked in the ass numerous times by LaTisha and Rob as well as other times at the porn shop. But she had not had to deal with a knot going up her ass and when that large bulge began to hammer against her anal rosebud, she began to scream and beg for mercy. All that did was cause the older woman to reach under her and grab her tits. She squeezed and pinched them hard as she fucked the dildo into her harder, pulling her back toward her by her tits. June continued to scream and beg as the woman came closer and closer to pushing the knot into her asshole. June finally screamed even louder as the knot stretched her ass to the maximum and slipped passed her sphincter muscle.

That wasn’t the worst of it yet. The woman stopped for a couple of moments as if to get her breath and then she pulled back until the knot was just about out and then slammed into her with all of her strength. The dildo sank all of the way in and depressed the trigger ring. This sent an electric shock to all of the metal spots on the knot and a surge of electrical current flowed through June’s lower regions. She screamed long and hard and her body stiffened and then spasmed from the current. June’s scream of pain and agony quickly changed to a scream of extreme pleasure and her body continued to spasm and jerk around as the surge of pleasure flowed back and forth through her body. The woman pulled back almost all of the way out and then slammed back in. Again the knot shocked her caused June to orgasm again. After doing this several times, the woman finally came herself and pulled out. June had no strength to get up from the table.

For the next couple of minutes the bidding continued for the next person to play with June. It wasn’t long before LaTisha and Molly were stepping up to June. Molly quickly put a mask that covered June’s face while LaTisha took a fairly large butt plug and pushed it into June’s freshly fucked ass. Out of the back end of the butt plug was a curled little pig’s tail. LaTisha and Molly both then put a corset under June and pulled it tight. They threaded the laces through the eye holes and then tightened the corset as tight as they could get it. When they were done, June could hardly breathe.

LaTisha grabbed June by the hair and pulled her up, turned her around for all to see. The corset was flesh colored and left her tits bare. Below her tits were three fake tits on either side making her look like she had four tits on each side with each one just a little smaller than the one above. The mask that was on her face made her face look like a pig and she had a thin curly tail that extended from the butt plug. After turning June around for everyone to see, LaTisha pushed down on her head until she got down on all fours. This made her look even more like a little pig.

While LaTisha had been showing June off, Molly had run over and grabbed a whip. She rushed back and handed it to LaTisha. LaTisha stood in the center of the stage and ordered, “June, you are to crawl around the outside area of the stage and as you crawl I want you to grunt, snort and squeal like a pig. If you don’t sound enough like a pig, I will whip you. If you don’t move fast enough I will whip you. If you move too fast I will whip you, I may even whip you when you are doing it perfectly, just for the fun of it. Now get going.”

As LaTisha said the last she lashed out with the whip and caught June on the ass. June screamed and started crawling. LaTisha lashed out with the whip again as she said, “Don’t scream like a human. You’re a pig! Pigs squeal.” ‘Crack’ sounded the whip and June followed with a scream again.

LaTisha whipped her again saying, “I said to squeal like a pig you stupid ass.” This time the whip hit June even harder. Finally realizing what was expected, instead of the normal scream, June went ‘REeeee, reeeeee, reee, reeee’ sounding every bit like a squealing pig.

LaTisha didn’t whip her for a moment and let June crawl. She gave her about a minute and when she didn’t hear her grunting, she let loose with the whip again. As she did she said, “You are supposed to be grunting like a pig at all times piggy. June went ‘REeeee, reeeee, reeee, reeee’ followed a few moments later after she got control of herself with the grunts and snorts that sounded every bit like a pig.

LaTisha said, “Good piggy, just keep that up and you just might tempt a hog to come and take care of your itch.” ‘Crack’ went the whip on Junes ass again followed by a ‘REeeee, reeee, reeee, reeee’. Molly stood at the edge of the stage and when June went by, she grabbed her collar and led her to a small bench. She made her climb over the bench and stop with the bench under her stomach.

All of a sudden there was the sound of the grunting and snorting of a real pig that was being led in. This was a sow weighing close to 300 pounds. A man in black leather pants and a black leather mask led the hog by a heavy rope leash up in front of June’s face. He led the sow until its ass end was towards her and then coached the sow back until its ass was in her face. LaTisha whipped her ass with the crop and ordered, “Lick that sow’s cunt. You’re a born cunt lapper anyway. What’s the difference whether it’s a sow’s cunt or mine?”

June tentatively stuck her tongue out and began to lick the sow’s cunt. It was foul tasting and she almost heaved up the contents of her stomach. It was a good thing that LaTisha didn’t let her eat before they came or she would have. LaTisha whipped her ass with the crop again and ordered, “Not good enough cunt. Now get licking that nasty sow’s cunt like you do my sweet pussy.”

LaTisha kept right on whipping June’s ass until she began to really begin to lick and suck the sow’s cunt. After a few minutes a young woman dressed in a black leather bikini entered leading an even larger male hog. As she led the hog in, LaTisha stepped up and sprayed some fluid on June’s cunt and then stepped back. The young woman led the hog right up to June’s ass. The hog stuck its nose up to June’s ass and began to sniff and then lick her. After a couple of moments the hog jumped up onto June’s back, knocking the breath out of her. He began to hump against her, trying to get his cork screw like penis into her cunt. June screamed, not in agony but in abject humiliation as the big hog’s cock sank into her cunt. It was bad enough to be made to lick a sow’s cunt but this was the utmost humiliation to her. She began to sob and cry as she struggled to continue licking the sow’s cunt in front of her. Her spirit was broken, even more so than Susie’s was before her. It wasn’t long before the big old hog started cumming in her cunt.

When the hog finished and had dismounted June, the two handlers led the hog and sow out. June lay across the bench sobbing. Just then two guys came up to her and one of them began to fuck her cunt and the other stepped in front of her and lifted her head by her hair. As she screamed in pain he forced his cock into her mouth all of the way in, in one quick lunge. June started to gag around the cock in her throat as he started to fuck it in and out. After about ten minutes of steady fucking the guy in her cunt began to cum. The guy fucking her throat lasted another four minutes after that.

As the two men walked back to the bleachers, the porn shop owner stepped up and announced that the auction had concluded. After he did that, June was pulled up by two guys and laid on her back on a table. The guy that did the tattoos and the piercings came up and went straight to work. He cut the ear rings off her ears and put a pair of studs in her ears tipped with an emerald. He clipped her nose ring and replaced it with a u-shaped bar that had an emerald on each end. He took a needle and pierced her right nostril and put in an emerald tipped stud. He removed the nipple and clit rings as well and replaced them with u-shaped bars tipped with emeralds. Finally the guy had her turned over and he tattooed the silhouette of two women in a sixty nine position on her ass. When he was done she was left on the table to cry.

Unknown to June, she had just been auctioned off to the fifty something woman that had first played with her. She paid $275,000.00 for her. Now she just had to wait for delivery. She knew that things were being arranged to have the girls disappear in Aruba over the Christmas break. That’s what the funds from the auctioning of the abuse were for. She couldn’t wait for what she considered to be her Christmas present.

Now that the auction was over, a video feed of Marta came on the computer. The porn shop owner announced, “Ladies and Gentlemen. We’ve arranged for a demonstration of Marta’s new kennel slave’s training. Rob, I’ll turn it over to you.”

Rob smiled and ordered Julia, “Go up on the stage and assume position.”

Julia quickly crawled up onto the stage. She assumed the begging position that was second nature to her now. She stayed like that until Rob ordered, “Present”.

Julia quickly spread her knees out a bit further and locked her hands behind her head. She then thrust her tits forward and held that position. Rob then ordered, “Parade”.

Julia got down on all fours and began to crawl around the outside of the stage with her head held high, wagging her ass and therefore her tail the whole way. When she had done two circuits around the stage Rob ordered, “Play”.

Julia began to act like a dog with her forearms on the stage and her ass in the air, tail wagging like a puppy might that was trying to get you to play with it. Rob let Teddy go and he ran up to a sign he recognized from home. His human mate wanted to play with him and he always enjoyed it when she did. When Teddy first arrived they got up and circled each other with their noses in each other’s asses. As they circled they each licked the other’s ass like dogs do. Finally they began to play and wrestle with each other. That’s when Rob ordered, “Fuck Teddy”.

Julia immediately turned over and assumed an all fours position and Teddy launched himself up onto her. He then began to fuck into her trying to hump his cock into her cunt. She moved her ass in a manner to help align his cock with her cunt and he soon found purchase and sank his hard cock into her. Teddy was soon fucking Julia with all he had. Because he had cum twice that night already, it took him over twenty minutes to sink his knot in and cum. He then turned ass end to her and stayed there waiting for his knot to shrink.

On the computer monitor Marta was clapping and in the bleachers, everyone was clapping and applauding, yelling ‘Bravo, bravo’. When they finally quieted down, Marta announced, “Rob, you and cynful have outdone yourselves. She will be a perfect addition to the Marta Kennels. For all of you masters and mistresses in attendance and online, please keep me in mind for your future purchase of well trained canine masters and mistresses. We only provide the best trained, pure bred canines available. Rob, you will receive the deposit agreed on into your account upon delivery.”

Rob smiled and said, “Thank you Mistress Marta. Just to let you know, the primary trainer was cynful. She takes after her mother in that respect. She is a natural at it. I’ll let her know that you are pleased. That will be reward enough for her, to know that you are happy with her efforts. Tell her mother that cynful sends all her love.”

While the auction was going on at the porn shop, Cynthia was at the veterinary school’s recovery barn monitoring the recovering animals. With her was another young woman named Valerie that was in her early twenties. She was a red head with long, shoulder length hair. She was 5’2” and weighed 102 pounds. She had 34B tits and a 21 inch waist with 30 inch hips. She was a class ahead of Cynthia in school.

They had been there a couple of hours when Valerie asked, “What’s the most daring thing you’ve ever done Cynthia?”

Cynthia didn’t want to reveal that she was a sex slave so she answered, “Last year, Rob and I went skinny dipping in the ocean after a party. It was the second time we dated and we went to his fraternity party one Saturday. It was Labor Day weekend and the fraternity decided to have the fling at the beach. Well the party lasted all afternoon and well into the night. By then I was really, really drunk and I decided to take the dare. I got up from the bonfire and sort of ran to the water, stripping off my bra and panties as I went, right in front of all of the fraternity brothers and their dates that still remained. Rob was totally shocked and hadn’t really believed that I would do something like that but he wasn’t about to let me show him up. He quickly followed, stripping off his shorts as he went. That started a mad rush and soon everyone was naked and in the water skinny dipping in the ocean. We only swam for a short time before we were all making out and making love on the beach. That’s about it for my most daring moment.”

Valerie smiled and said, “I’ve got that beat by a mile. Last time I monitored the recovery barn, they had a nice stallion that was close to being completely recovered from his surgery. When I walked by the stall, I noticed his cock hanging down. It was such a monster cock that I wondered what it would feel like so I went into the stall and felt his cock up. That’s it for me.”

Cynthia wanted to laugh at Valerie’s limited experience with the horse. That didn’t even come close to what she had done. She was visualizing Valerie in the horse’s stall when she was startled into alertness by Valerie saying, “I bet you that you wouldn’t dare suck a horse’s cock.”

Cynthia never liked to back down from a dare but she didn’t want to be the only one doing things. Besides, she knew that there were security cameras in the barn and that if she could get this girl to do something like that and catch it on tape she would possibly be able to blackmail her into being a sex slave.

Valerie was thinking along the same lines. She didn’t know about Cynthia’s extracurricular activities and was wondering if she could get her on camera, then she could blackmail her into being a sex slave. So both girls were thinking along the same lines. Cynthia responded to the dare by saying, “If I’m going to do something as outrageous as sucking a horse’s cock, then you have to suck one too.” She was sure that Valerie would back out of the dare but hoped that she wouldn’t.

Valerie mulled it over for a few moments and finally said, “You’re on. If you do it, then I’ll do it. Now come on.”

Valerie grabbed Cynthia’s hand and pulled her along with her to the back of the barn where the two horses were. Both Stallions had been recovering from surgery. One of the horses was recovering from a surgery fixing a broken leg while the other one was recovering from having a tumor removed. Both of them were scheduled to be returned to their owners in a couple of days.

Valerie led Cynthia to the last stall where Thor’s Thunder was held. When they got to the stall Valerie said, “I’ll put his halter on and hold him after I hobble him so that he won’t be as likely to move on you. Once I have him ready, then just go to town. You haven’t completed the dare until the horse cums, ok?

Cynthia just smiled and shook her head as Valerie got the halter and put it on Thor’s Thunder. When she had it buckled on she lifted the horse’s left front hoof and looped a rope around it so that he couldn’t put it on the ground. When she was done, she grabbed the halter and held his head and petted him as she cooed things to him to try and keep him calm.

Cynthia quickly stripped out of her clothes and then walked over to Thor’s Thunder’s right flank and got down on her knees. She reached in and began to rub the horse’s sheathed cock. It didn’t take long for the cock to begin to extend down to its full length. She soon had it hard enough to lick and she moved her head down and began to go to town on the cock. She started at the flat tip and licked around the hole of his cock. She soon opened her mouth as wide as she could and got about two inches of the cock into her mouth. The cock at that point was about three inches wide and it was all she could do to get her mouth around it. When she did, she began to twirl her tongue around the head and then into the cock’s piss hole. Every minute or so she would pull off of the cock and lick along the full length of the long and now fully hard cock. After about ten minutes of effort, she had her mouth over the end of the cock and was twirling her tongue around it when the horse began to cum. She was only able to swallow about half of the first spurt of cum and the rest just sprayed out of her mouth. She pulled back and let the rest of the cum spray all over her tits and face. She reveled in the nastiness of what she was doing. When the horse finally stopped cumming she got up and looking straight into Valerie’s eyes she took her finger and scraped off the cum on her right cheek and then sucked it off of her finger. After she popped her finger out of her mouth, she said, “I kept my end of the dare, now it’s your turn.”

Cynthia had stripped and knelt down so fast that Valerie had missed the Coch organization tattoo that she bore. It wasn’t until Cynthia, still covered with cum for the most part, stepped up to help Valerie remove the hobble on the horse and then remove his halter. As they did Valerie finally noticed the tattoo. She recognized it for what it was and asked, “How long have you been a slave of the organization?”

Cynthia responded, “What organization?”

Valerie pointed to her tattoo and said, “The Coch Organization. How long have you been a slave?”

Cynthia asked, “How do you know about the Coch Organization?”

Valerie answered, “Relax. I’m a slave of the organization too. My mistress is one of your professors. She teaches small animal anatomy and physiology.”

Cynthia smiled and said, “Oh you mean Professor Eisen. She’s wonderful. That’s my favorite class.”

Soon they were in the stall next door where Phoenix Rising was being held. They worked together and quickly hobbled him and had his halter on. Cynthia then held the horses head while Valerie moved down to suck the horse. Though it was obvious that she had done this before, she didn’t show the finesse and expertise that Cynthia did. It took her twice as long to get the horse to cum.

After Phoenix Rising finished cumming all over Valerie, they quickly removed the hobble from the horse and removed its halter. They returned to the monitoring room and checked to make sure that all of the other animals were doing ok. Then Cynthia turned to Valerie and walked up to her and leaned in to lick horse cum off of her cheek. After she swallowed that mouthful she whispered huskily into her ear, “Let’s clean each other off. I for one am about as horny as I can get. I’ll do you first and then you can do me.”

Cynthia began to lick and lick all of the cum off of Valerie. First she started with her face and then worked her way down from there. She eventually ended up at Valerie’s shaved cunt and stopped there and began to really attack her cunt. She licked and sucked her outer lips and then tongue fucked her hole for a few minutes until she felt Valerie trembling with pleasure and recognized the signs that she was about to cum. She then replaced her tongue with her finger and began to flutter her tongue across Valerie’s clit. That was all it took to send Valerie over the edge. She came and came for several minutes as Cynthia gave her orgasm after orgasm. Finally she pulled Cynthia away. She then started licking the cum off of her face like she had done hers. She too ended up eating Cynthia out and giving her numerous orgasms before Cynthia pulled her off.

The two girls lay like that for a few minutes recovering. After about five minutes Valerie said, “Wow, that was something else. I haven’t cum like that in ages. My mistress is into denying orgasms. She will take me to the edge and keep me there forever and then if I’m lucky she’ll let me cum. When she does let me though, then I have the most wonderful cums in the world. When she finds out that I came with you, she will punish me. She doesn’t like me to cum with anyone else unless I’m acquiring a new slave for her. That’s what I was trying to do tonight until I found out you were already in the organization. Maybe your master and my mistress can get together sometime and swap slaves for an evening.”

Cynthia responded, “If you give me your mistress phone number then I will give it to my master and maybe he can give her a call if he wants to do something like that. It’s up to him though. I’ll give you my master’s phone number to give to your mistress as well. By the way, my slave name is cynful, what’s yours?”

Valerie answered, “My mistress named me valkrie. I went almost a year just being called slut but after about two months as her slave I started bringing her girls from college to enslave. She named me valkrie after the valkrie of Norse Mythology. She said that I bring her slaves to her home like the valkries carried those who died in battle to Valhalla.”

Cynthia said, “That is such a cool name. My master said that I am just too sinful for my own good so he modified it with the first half of my real name and called me cynful. He is also my husband and I love him dearly. How did you become a slave to your mistress?”

“Oh that is easy.” Valerie said. “I was struggling with her class and went up to her begging for help. I told her I would do anything for her if she helped me. I was willing to trade sex for a grade at that point but she wasn’t interested in that. She demanded that I pass the course. Well we were still early enough in the semester that she could do something about it. She explained that what I lacked was discipline. She said that if I agreed to her plan then she would assure me that I would understand everything by the end of the semester and get a passing grade if not better. I of course tried to agree but she wouldn’t let me until she explained what she had in mind. Well what she explained was that for every point below a hundred that I scored I would receive ten swats with a paddle or some other instrument used for punishment like that. If I got a hundred then she would make me cum like I’ve never cum before. She said that it was up to me but that if I did it her way, it would be a lot of hard work and it would be painful. Well I readily agreed and for the first couple of weeks I couldn’t sit down because my ass was so sore. But that motivated me to really study hard. My other classes started to slip and she found out and started adding swats for those grades too. Well I was soon one of the top students in all of my classes. It was a struggle but I did get all of my grades up to an A and all but one class I had a 100 on my final. That one test I got a 99. That meant that I got ten swats and five orgasms and it was so glorious. After that I asked her if she would continue to help me with my studies like that. She said that if she did that I would have to submit to her as her sex slave. Well with the results that I had gotten, and how well I came when she rewarded me, I quickly agreed. I almost quit being her slave the first couple of months because she was unmerciful. But I had a girl that helped me with the recovery barn like you are tonight. I left for a while to get something to eat and when I got back, I found her in one of the dog pens knotted to one of the dogs. She didn’t see me so I went and got the security tape and hid it. I then blackmailed her into being my mistress slave. The next day I took her to my mistress. She was so happy with me that she gave me all of the orgasms I wanted for a whole week. Well that sealed it for me. I decided I would be her slave for life if she was going to reward me like that. How about you?”

Cynthia explained her story and how that Mistress Marta saved her from being turned into a crack whore by the mob to pay off her brother’s debt. Then after accepting being a slave she was given to Rob, her fiancé as his slave and given a full ride scholarship to veterinary school there. The rest of the night after that was uneventful. The two girls talked well into the night about all of their slave experiences and promised to work together again sometime.


Chapter Thirteen

For the month following the events of the Thanksgiving Weekend, things picked up a steady routine. The Friday evenings at the porn shop ended after the auction and Susie and June were allowed to heal. The two still attended classes but their hearts weren’t into it. Susie because she was totally humiliated having to walk around with the piercings and chains hanging off her. Quite a few of her classmates stopped and asked her why she had done something so outrageous. She didn’t know what to say so she just told them that she had just decided to. June on the other hand was constantly being complimented about her new emerald piercings. As a matter of fact some of her friends went out and got similar nose piercings because they liked the looks. They would have been shocked to know where else she had been pierced.

Julia had totally stopped attending classes. She spent all of her time playing with Teddy in the back yard. She had become completely used to being naked except for her tail and mask which never came off, with the exception of removing the tail when she had to shit or bathing which usually consisted of cynful spraying her down with a hose and scrubbing her like she did when she did Teddy. Rob and Julia took to walking her and Teddy every night for an hour or so. Julia had become so accustomed to it that she never flinched when someone drove by or stopped to pet her. They were fortunate that their neighbors were all college students and got a kick out of seeing the girl being walked around the neighborhood naked as can be.

It was about a week after Thanksgiving that LaTesha came home from school to find a large envelope that had been mailed to them via FedEx. When she opened it, she pulled out a letter that said, ‘Congratulations, you have won an all paid vacation to Aruba for you and your family. You may take up to eight people for a week at the Shades of Paradise Hotel, a Luxury resort hotel on the Beach where you can relax and enjoy all of its varied activities such as golf on our professionally designed golf course, go horseback riding on the beach with your lover, or any number of other activities. You will find eight airline tickets enclosed for your flight on December 25th with your return flight on January first. We hope you enjoy your free vacation.’

LaTesha was surprised by the contents in the package; she had expected seven tickets not eight. She knew that this was the cover for how they were going to make Susie, June and Julia disappear and that Rob and cynful were going with them but she didn’t understand why an eighth ticket. She looked down into the envelope and saw a small slip of paper. She took it out and unfolded it. She read it and smiled. It said, ‘We have another slave that is going to be going to Aruba with you. You know her as it is Stephanie. She was purchased from me by a man from Arabia who offered me an exorbitant amount of money for her and it was just too good of a deal to pass up. You and Rob will receive an extra bonus for the trouble. She will be no trouble for you and the girls. She will be quite subdued and compliant by then and will do anything you tell her. Please pick her up from the bar on your way to the airport.’

LaTesha turned and opened the door squealing excitedly, running in to the house waving the tickets in the air. Molly, Susie and June were in the living room and turned in surprise when they heard her. They asked her what was going on and she showed them the tickets. The girls all started jumping up and down in excitement. Finally they stopped and Molly said, “I’d really like to go but I was going to go home for the holidays to be with my family.”

LaTesha quickly looked at the others and saw June shaking her head in agreement. LaTesha didn’t want to just order them to go, she wanted them to make the decision themselves as it would look less incriminating if they did. She looked at each of them and said, “There are people who go their entire life dreaming of taking a trip like this and never get the chance. They would give anything to have this privilege. You have been given the opportunity to live that fantasy and you want to give it up to spend time at home, something that you do every year. There will be more Christmases and New Years in the future for you to spend with your family. Don’t give up a life time opportunity like this for something you do all of the time. I’m sure that if you told your parents that you won the opportunity to go on a trip like this they would want you to go. Now how about it, are you going?”

LaTesha looked each of the girls firmly in the eye, silently daring them to turn her down. By now the girls all knew the look meant that they were going to be made to agree with her one way or another. She waited and soon each of them shook their heads yes. She smiled and asked, “Who should the other four tickets go to?”

Molly was the one that spoke up and said, “I think we should give them to Rob, Cynthia and Julia but I don’t know about the fourth. They’d love to go I bet.”

LaTesha smiled and said, “It’s great when two minds think alike. I think they will be ecstatic about it. They were just who I had in mind, but I wanted you all to have some say as to who goes with us. That takes care of three of the tickets. How about we invite Stephanie to be the fourth person? We all had so much fun with her at the party, I’m sure we could have even more fun with her in Aruba. Now do you two mind if that’s what we do?” She looked at Susie and June who quietly shook their heads no.

LaTesha quickly put the tickets back in the large envelope and said, “I’m going to go show Rob and the rest. You guys stay here and fix supper.”

Shortly after that LaTesha was knocking on the door to Rob’s house. When he opened it she stepped in and quietly said so that he would only hear, “The tickets arrived today. The girls think we won a trip to Aruba so you should let your girls know. Make them think I invited you along because I had extra tickets. Just for your knowledge, there was an extra ticket. Max wants us to take Stephanie with us. Apparently he was offered a deal that was too good to pass up. He is offering us an extra bonus for taking her. He assures us that she will be totally compliant by the time she goes.”

Rob smiled and said, “I’m sure they know what they are doing. Let’s just plan the trip for us and we’ll deal with Stephanie when the time comes.”

LaTesha turned and left. The next three weeks was a flurry of activity for all of them as they finished term papers and studied for finals. Because of the forced study time all of them received an ‘A’ or ‘B’ in their courses except for Julia. She didn’t even attempt to finish her courses and either flunked or got incompletes for all of them, she was too busy being a dog.

On Christmas day, the preparations started Early. Their flight left at ten and they had to be at the airport a couple of hours before the flight to get processed and through security. LaTesha made Susie wear a short, black micro mini that just covered the bottom globes of her ass. Every time she would reach up or bend down to pick something up, she exposed her ass. Of course underwear was not allowed. For a blouse she was made to wear one that was opaque that was just see through enough to show a hint of her areolas, but was tight enough that you could see her ever erect nipples. The blouse was tied under her tits so that the blouse was extremely tight and showed even the little bumps around her nipples. Of course the outfit was rounded out by the four inch high heeled pumps she was forced to wear. June was dressed up in a schoolgirl motif. Her skirt was a red plaid mini skirt that only went about three inches below the bottom globes of her ass. Her blouse was tight but did not expose her and she was allowed to button it and tuck it in. She wore white bobby socks and her shoes were the typical school girl black shoes. With her youthful looks she looked like she was a typical high school girl. Molly was dressed up in a black and red corset that went just above her nipples and when it was tied tight it mashed the upper part of her tits to make her look like she had more up top than she really did. She wore a tan blouse that came down off her shoulders to the sides of her tits and then buttoned on the last two buttons. She wore skin tight black Capri pants that left nothing to the imagination since she wore no panties underneath. She was every bit as much of a sexy wet dream as the others. All three of the girls wore their collars. LaTesha wore a simple blue striped business suit.

Rob didn’t go nearly as extreme in dressing up Julia or cynful. They both wore a too tight black T shirt that had “I (a heart) then a picture of an Irish wolfhound. Then they both wore tight jeans and regular comfortable shoes. Rob was dressed in a red polo and a pair of jeans.

They were picked up by a limousine at their front doors. When they got in, Stephanie was already in the car. She was dressed in a white Lycra tube top and shorts that were so tight they did nothing to hide her tits or pussy. They molded to her body like a second skin. She might as well have been naked since it just looked like she had been painted black in those areas. She did have on a micro mini as well but it didn’t even come halfway down her ass. She wore five inch heels to go along with the outfit. She had on a thick leather dog collar that had metal studs all around it. She looked forward with a dull blank stare. When Rob saw her he said hello and she looked at him blankly and said, “Hello Master” back.

When they arrived at the airport, all of the porters went out of their way to carry the luggage because of the way that LaTesha’s girls were dressed. As they went up to the ticket counter of the airline, all of the men stared at the sexily dressed women. The girls all blushed at the attention they were getting. Once they got their bags checked and through security, they got to the gate just as they were starting to board the plane. Rob and LaTesha were in first class but the others were in the coach seats.

After arriving in Aruba, there was a limo driver waiting for them at the baggage claim. They quickly got their luggage and he took them out to the waiting limo. Just over a half hour later they were at the hotel. This hotel was a Coch Organization exclusively owned hotel. They quickly noted that a lot of the women and some of the men were wearing collars and those that were, were dressed sexily or not at all. It was obvious who the masters and mistresses were by the way they were dressed and conducted themselves. Many were dressed in black leather and those that weren’t were dressed in a very professional way.

When they checked in they were given a copy of their itinerary. That night they had a special amateur night at a local night club that was opened to the public but owned by an organization member. There was a red star in front of it to indicate it was a mandatory event for the slaves. Only LaTesha and Rob were aware of the significance of the star. The next day they were scheduled to go out and dive along the coral reefs. There was a red star beside this event as well. The third day was scheduled for horseback riding, a picnic on the beach and then return. There was no star for this event or any after. The fourth day and fifth day were open to allow them to enjoy whatever activities they wanted.

They were led to a suite with a common area and four rooms. Two of the rooms had a single king sized bed in them and the other two had queen sized beds. They put Susie and June in one room, Julia and Stephanie in another and Rob and LaTesha each took a room with their slave. Once they were settled in they all took a short nap to recover from the days travels so they would be ready for the events that night.

At seven in the evening, they all went to dinner and then left to go to the club they were expected to attend. They were taken in a Rolls Royce Limo. When they arrived it was about nine in the evening. The place was just starting to get active. Rob showed the bouncer a letter from the hotel and they were immediately taken to the front of the club to a table large enough for all of them to sit at. It was right in front of the stage. When they looked around, the place was beginning to fill up with young men and women out looking for a good time. Most of them were American college students but there were a few others that were from other countries. Most of the people coming into the club had been drinking since earlier in the evening and were well on the way to being drunk.

As they waited for things to start, the owner of the club came over and sat at the table with Rob and LaTesha and their slaves. He welcomed them to the club and ordered them a drink on the house. After their drinks arrived he said, “We have a special amateur show tonight. The idea is to get some of the college girls to really get out of control and do things they’ll regret in the excitement of the evening. I’m going to ask that you guys periodically have one or two of your slaves to go up and escalate the activities a bit. We’ll start with simple stripping and nude dancing but as things pick up I’m figuring actual sex will be part of the activities but I’ve learned that unless we plant someone to start it all, no one else will escalate it. I’ll let you decide how you want to do it but I look forward to your girls performing.”

Rob asked, “Do you have any dogs? My two girls here are into dog sex and would like to put on a show for the crowd if you have any. Who knows, maybe a couple of drunk beauties will take up the challenge and follow suit.”

The owner smiled and answered, “I heard about your cynful. I’ve actually seen videos of her in action at a show last summer. She put on quite the little display. Definitely an award winning performance. I hope she can do something at least half that good here.”

Rob said, “You get her the dogs and I promise you she’ll put on a good show for you. You might want to have several of them available in case there are any adventurous tourists around. What about law enforcement. I don’t want to put any of my slaves in jeopardy.”

The owner turned and yelled at a big overweight black man sitting a few tables over, “Hey Antone, come over here will ya.”

The big man got up and after patting the waitress on the ass, he walked over. He asked, “What’s up Vince?”

Vince, the owner, turned to Rob and said, “Antone, this is Rob and his wife and slave cynful. They are going to put on a little show for us tonight that involves animals. They’re afraid about local law enforcement intervening and arresting them. What do you have to say about that?”

Antone laughed and said, “As Chief of police, I’ll fire any policeman that comes within a mile of this place unless there is a robbery or a murder. If they do come it’s to enjoy the scenery and absolute filthiness of what goes on here. I must say though, I don’t ever remember any animals being involved before. That will be a definite change from the norm. I can’t wait to see it.”

After chatting for a few minutes, Antone went back to his table. Rob turned to Vince and said, “I take it that he’s a member of the organization then?”

Vince smiled and said, “No, but we pay good money and the occasional time with a cute American college girl to keep him quiet about what goes on in here. We’ve had a few girls file extortion charges against us when we try to blackmail them and he always takes the information and lets us know. Those girls usually end up disappearing in some type of incident after that to make sure nothing official gets done. So far he’s been very supportive of us. We are considering inviting him to join the organization but it hasn’t been approved by the Head Governing Council yet. Well, the crowds big enough now for the show to start. Why don’t you have one of your girls get on stage and do a little strip tease. The MC will invite others up to take part. When things start to slow down, then I want you to step up with an escalation. I’ll let you decide how and when. I hope you draw a big crowd tonight, word is already getting out that there is going to be some extra activities going on so I expect the club to be packed. As you can see, we have a lot of college kids that come here. Well I’ve got to get back to work. Have fun.”

LaTesha turned to Molly and said, “Molly, I want you to go up on stage and give us the sexiest strip tease you know how. I’ll let you choose the music. If I’m not satisfied with the show, I’ll punish you when we get back to the room.”

Molly stood up saying, “Yes Mistress” and walked off. She went over to the MC and talked to him for a few minutes and then headed up to the stage. She stood in the center of the stage with her back to the crowd as the MC told the DJ the song. The MC then introduced Molly and the music started.

As the music began to play, Molly began to gyrate her hips to the beat of the music. As she did she unbuttoned the blouse she had on. At a crescendo of the music she turned around and as she did she slipped her right arm out of her blouse and then pulled it off of her left arm, twirling it above her head. She then flung it to LaTesha at the table. She spent the next few moments prancing around the stage, swaying her ass and shaking her corseted upper body and undoing the laces in the front of her corset. Finally when it was undone, she did a quick turn away from the crowd and let the corset fall as she did.

Molly looked over her shoulder at Latesha in a coy, sexy look that she had practiced many times before. She was moving and performing as if she was a professional. In truth, Mistress LaTesha made her strip for her every night before she went to bed. If Molly didn’t perform well enough to her satisfaction, then LaTesha would punish her and make her do it again until she was satisfied. Over the last few months, Molly had become very proficient at doing a sexy strip tease.

After she dropped the corset she danced and swayed around it flapping up the back of her skirt or the front of her skirt to give tantalizing glimpses of her pussy and ass. Finally with her back to the audience she bent over to pick the corset up while keeping her legs straight. This caused her skirt to lift up and give a direct view to her ass and cunt. She picked up the corset and walked over until she was in front of LaTesha and bent at the waist, keeping her legs straight to hand the corset to her mistress. When she stood back up she put her hands under her tits and lifted them up, swaying to the music as she did and bent down to lick her left nipple and then her right. The crowd went wild at that. Finally she put her hands at the top of her skirt and while she looked at her mistress she swung her ass and tits as she slowly and sexily pulled down her skirt while she stared into LaTesha’s eyes. The crowd went wild as she stepped out of her skirt and threw it to the center of the table that her mistress was sitting at. She then pranced back and forth across the stage with her arms outstretched, shaking her upper body back and forth to cause her tits to swing back and forth until the music stopped.

Molly quickly left the stage and returned to the table where LaTesha handed her, her clothes. The whole bar watched as Molly quickly got dressed. The MC didn’t say a thing until she was done and sitting in her chair. After that the MC explained, “We now open the stage to any of you fine looking ladies out there that would like to participate. There is a 200 dollar reward available to the winner. You will not be competing with the first girl. She is a professional at what she does and it wouldn’t be fair to you amateurs to have to compete with her. Please come to stage left and I will tell you the order and you can choose your song to dance to.”

The MC went to the stairs on the left hand side of the stage and waited for a few moments as there was a round of commotion throughout the bar among the thousand plus patrons there. There was a group of six girls standing just behind the table that Rob, LaTesha and the group were sitting at. They could hear the apparent leader of the group ordering a couple of the girls to go to the MC and participate in the amateur strip show. The two girls protested and refused until they heard the leader say, “If you two want to ever have a chance to join the Sorority, you have to do what we tell you. Isn’t that right girls?” The three other girls all agreed with the leader. The two that had been ordered to participate looked down in defeat and went over to the MC.

While there was a pause, Rob went up to the leader of the girls and invited her to sit with them in the only chair that had been empty at the table. The girl turned and told the others she’d be back in a bit and went with Rob to the groups table. When they got there and ordered a drink for the girl Rob introduced everyone saying, “I’m Rob, this is my wife Cynthia, Julia, LaTesha, Molly you know, then you have June and Susie and your name is?”

The girl said, “My name is Tracy and the girls over there are my sorority sisters Becky with the Blonde hair, Vicky with the red hair and the one with the black hair is Barb.”

“What about the two you sent up to dance?” Rob asked.

“Those two aren’t sisters, they’re sister wanna-be’s.” Tracy answered with a bit of disdain in her voice.

LaTesha smiled and said, “It sounds like there’s a story there. Do you mind telling us?”

Tracy smiled, figuring since these were complete strangers that it wouldn’t hurt anything to tell them about the two. She said, “Those two girls participated in the Fall Rush for our sorority, the Triple Deltas. At the end of the rush, they were blackballed by several of the members so didn’t make it in. When I informed them that they had been blackballed, Cathy, the dirty blonde with the blue tube top and jean skirt begged to be allowed to be a part of the sorority. She said that she would do anything if she was given another chance. The other girl with the huge tits is Bobbie and she was shaking her head in agreement to everything that Cathy said. So I said, ‘The decision has been made for this semester, there is no way I can change that. About the only way I could see for you to earn your way into the Sorority is to agree to serve the sisters in any way they see fit for the next semester. If you do everything they say without arguing and putting up a fight every time then you might change their minds and have a chance to join but I can’t promise you anything. It’s still a secret ballot at the end and there is no way to know if anyone would black ball you or not. If you agree to those terms, I’ll talk to the leadership and see if I can get them to agree to let you have a chance.’ I really didn’t want to let them in the sorority so I added, trying to scare them off, “If they approve, you will have to sleep on the floor in the basement of the house with nothing but a blanket. You will be responsible for doing all of the chores of the house whether it’s cleaning up after dinner, doing the laundry for all of the sisters or even entertaining one of the sister’s boyfriends in any way that the sister demands, including having sex with them. Do you still want me to talk to the sorority leadership?” They of course said yes so I presented the request to my vice president, the Secretary and the Sergeant of Arms for the sorority, the three with me here. To my surprise they all said yes. Well the next night the sorority had been invited to a party at one of the big fraternities on campus. We all liked to go to these parties but always hated that the guys were always trying to get us to go up to the bedrooms to have sex. So when I told the girls the decision I said, “The leadership has agreed if you can pass the first test. Tomorrow there is a party at the Kappa’s and you will go there. You will both tell the president of the fraternity that you are there to take care of the needs of any of the members who want to have sex of any kind so that they will leave the other sisters alone. If you do that then we will let you move into the basement and be a sorority servant until the end of the semester when the leadership will make a decision about your fate. If you get blackballed again it will be all over. If you agree to those terms then you have a chance.” Well both of the girls agreed to my surprise. So for the last few months of the semester we’ve essentially had two sorority slaves.”

LaTesha asked, “So how did you decide to come to Aruba over Christmas break with them all?”

Tracy said, “I won an all-expenses paid vacation to Aruba so decided to bring my friends and our two slave girls to have some fun with.”

LaTesha quickly figured out that this girl was there under the same pretense that she was. She stared the girl in the eye and said, “In other words, you saw the opportunity to acquire two sex slaves and decided to use them as your price for admission into the Coch Organization so you could become a member. How did you come to know about the organization?”

Tracy was shocked because that was exactly what she was doing. She hadn’t told anyone that she was trying to join the Coch Organization. She just brought the sorority leadership as part of her cover. She really didn’t want anyone to find out and she was very worried that she might have said the wrong thing to these people. She looked at Rob and then LaTesha and then asked, “How did you know?”

Rob chuckled and answered softly so only she could hear, “We’re here under the same cover story for the same reason. I and cynful, my slave are already members of the organization but LaTesha is just joining the same way you are so don’t worry. All of the other girls at the table are slaves to one of us just like those two girls are slaves to you. Your secret is safe with us. But you still haven’t answered how you knew about the organization.”

Tracy sighed and paused for a long time. She finally said, “My parents were members of the organization. My mom was a mistress and my dad was her slave. They loved each other very much. They never hid their way of life from me and told me that someday I would get to choose to be a part of the organization myself. As I grew up I came to know that I wasn’t submissive at all and definitely tended towards being a dominant. I was fifteen when they were both killed in a car crash. They left me penniless. They didn’t have a will or anything that could be passed on to me. They were pretty poor and had been born into the organization and their parents paid for their membership when they got married as a wedding gift. Right after their death a member of the organization came to me and offered to take me as his slave and take care of me for the rest of my life. Well I knew that a lot of masters didn’t keep slaves very long and a lot of times a slave would die from the abuses they were put through. I didn’t want any part of that so I told him that I wasn’t interested. He told me what I’d have to do to join the organization and left. I ended up being put into foster care. I was a good student so when I graduated from high school I received a full ride scholarship. I decided then that I would be a member of the organization but thought I’d have to wait until I’d saved enough money a few years down the road. That was until those two girls made their little offer. After a couple of months and seeing how well they were doing as the sorority slaves I contacted that guy and told him I was ready to join and had the two slaves that I needed as cost of entry and now here we are. Those two girls have no clue as to what awaits them. They haven’t even been auctioned off yet. As I understand it, several prospective buyers are in the club watching what is going on. I’ll know how much they went for tomorrow morning when we go on our little excursion to go see the coral reefs. Now let’s just enjoy the show. It looks like one of my girls is starting to dance.”

That pretty much ended the conversation as they all focused on the dancing. They watched girl after girl get up and dance for the next hour or so. When it looked like things were slowing down, LaTesha handed Susie a huge twelve inches long, two and a half inches wide dildo and ordered, “I want you to go up there and strip down quickly. Then I want you to fuck this thing into every hole you have. Make it sexy and look like you’re enjoying it.”

Susie took the dildo and put it down under her skirt and sank it into her sloppy wet cunt. She had spent enough time at the porn shop doing all sorts of unspeakable things that doing something as benign as fucking herself with a dildo in front of an audience didn’t bother her anymore. Once she had the dildo inserted she got up and went to the steps leading up to the left side of the stage. The only indication that she had a dildo in her cunt was that she walked with a bit of an abnormal sway to her stride as she walked.

When she finally got up on the left side of the stage, Susie began to walk with as sexy of a strut as she knew how. When she got to the center of the stage she faced the audience and began to sway to the beat of the music. As she swayed left and right she squatted down and when she was at the bottom of the squat she reached under and pulled out the dildo from her cunt. She slow swayed back up and as she did she initially held the dildo out, staring at it as if it was her long lost lover. As she swayed she slowly brought the dildo to her chest between her tits and weaved from side to side as if she were dancing with it. After a few moments she brought the dildo to her mouth and sank the dildo into her throat as far as it would go. Once the dildo was completely engulfed by her mouth with only about a half inch showing, she began to untie the blouse she wore. She swayed to the music, turning around in a circle and took her blouse off as she went. There was a gasp from the crowd when they saw the extent of her piercings and the chains connecting them. They could see the chain go under her skirt and many were anxious to see where it led to.

The crowd didn’t have long to wait. After Susie had thrown the blouse to LaTesha, she stood back up and took a hold of the chains to her nipples and clit. She pulled on them pulling her tits out and pulling on her clit, which had the result of sexually exciting her. After a few moments of that and about the time she was no longer able to go without a breath she took a hold of the dildo and fucked it in and out of her throat several times, getting a good deep breath each time she took it out. The women in the club gasped and the men cheered at how easily she took the large dildo deep into her throat stroke after stroke without gagging. Finally she took the dildo out of her mouth and ran the head back and forth down her chest between her tits. She brought the head of it to her left tit and ran circles around it for a moment or two and then did the same with her right tit. Then she slowly ran the dildo down over her stomach and stopped at the waist band of her skirt. She made it look like she was trying to get the dildo under her skirt’s waistband and just couldn’t. She took the dildo and stared at it for a moment as if she were frustrated and then shrugged her shoulders as she looked around as if looking for a place to put the dildo and then she brought it down as she squatted down again and put the dildo back into her cunt. She swayed her way back up to a standing position and then brought her hands to either side of her short micro miniskirt. She then began to sway down into a squatting position again. As she went down she lowered her skirt down slowly until she was in a complete squat and her skirt was down around her feet. While she was down like that she took the dildo and fucked it in and out of her cunt for several moments. She took it out and then brought the head to her clit and openly rubbed it around it, masturbating herself. Her entire focus was on what she was doing and not on the crowd. The crowd in the club was going wild watching her fuck herself and masturbating with the dildo. When she was almost ready to cum she stopped and began a slow dance with the dildo. She brought it up to her mouth again and sank it into her throat to get it wet.

When she pulled the dildo out of her mouth this time she brought it behind her and began to sway as she squatted down again. As she did she brought the dildo to her ass and slowly inserted it as she squatted until the whole dildo was in her ass. She then lay down on her back and brought her knees up as far as she could. Her ass was pointed in the direction of the audience as she began to fuck the dildo in and out of her ass. She did it over and over again, fucking herself. As she neared orgasm, she continued fucking her ass with the dildo in her left hand and then reached up and took the chain attached to her clit and began to pull on it. She pulled up and left and right, exciting her clit until she came. She screamed out loud as her orgasm surged through her. When she finally quit cumming she pulled the dildo out of her ass and brought it to her mouth. She stuck the filthy dildo all of the way down her throat and sucked it clean as she pulled it out. The crowd gasped and then there was dead silence. They couldn’t believe that this girl would fuck her ass and then suck the shit covered dildo. Finally Susie stood up and bowed to the crowd. The club erupted into applause.

After Susie returned to the table there was a brief pause as the applause went on for a while. Then the MC announced, “The stage is open to anyone that would like to try their hand at a little display as was just put on. The club will award one thousand dollars to the woman that has the best show. Susie will not be competing so don’t worry about trying to outdo her. She was here to just show you what could be done. I think you all agree that she put on a great show. It looks like we have a couple of contestants. While these girls put on their show, the floor is still open.”

The two girls that came up were the two college sorority wannabes. They had been made to go by Tracy. The girls put up a bit of an argument but not much of one. They knew that if they were to ever get into the sorority they had to do what Tracy or one of the other girls told them. And all of the girls with Tracy supported her order so there was really no choice. Besides, they had already done far worse at fraternity parties, just not in front of as big of a crowd.

For the next hour the two girls and three others put on an exciting show. None of them were as practiced and skilled as Susie was but the crowd still loved them. When it was obvious that there weren’t any more takers to perform, LaTesha looked at Stephanie and June and ordered, “You two are going to go up on stage and have a cat fight. The winner is the one that puts that dildo they’ve been using and these two in each of their competitor’s three holes. There are only three dildos so if one gets put into you, then you have to get the other two into the other girl before you can take it out, suck it clean and then put it in one of the other girl’s orifices. Do you understand what you are going to do?”

Both girls shook their head yes. LaTesha handed the two dildos to Stephanie and ordered, “Give these to the MC and then wait on stage for June to join you. He will hand you a dildo when you have your competitor down in a position where you can use it.”

Stephanie took the dildos and went up to the MC on stage and handed them to him. He stuck one dildo in his pocket and then held one in each hand. While they were doing that LaTesha turned to June and said, “While you are up there I want you to remember that if it wasn’t for Stephanie, you wouldn’t be here in this situation. If she hadn’t drugged you so her boyfriend could have his way with you then you wouldn’t be here. I want you to make me proud. I want you to take her down and put her in her place and hard. I expect you to win. Don’t let me down.”

June was smaller than Stephanie. Stephanie was five foot seven inches while June was a petite five foot three. Stephanie weighed about 135 pounds while June only weighed about 110 pounds. Both girls were physically fit but June had an advantage that Stephanie didn’t. First she had grown up with four older brothers that were between 190 and 210 pounds. She was a tomboy and grew up wrestling with them and as they got older and heavier, she learned tricks to even the odds. Secondly she had martial arts training that would help her against the untrained Stephanie who hadn’t been in a fight in her life.

June smiled as she went up on stage. The MC announced, “We have two girls here that are going to have a little catfight for our benefit. The winner is the one that forces a dildo in each of her mouth, cunt and ass. There are no rules other than they can do no permanent harm to the other. Girls, I want you to stand about ten feet apart from each other. I will say go and then it’s all up to you. The match doesn’t end until one of you has a dildo in each of your holes. Now get ready, get set, GO.”

Both girls quickly started to run toward each other like they were going to run into each other. Stephanie held her arms outstretched as they got close so she could wrap the smaller June in her arms and wrestle her to the ground. June acted like she was going to do the same but at the very last second; she dropped to the ground like she was sliding into home plate and slid between Stephanie’s legs. As she went under her opponent she reached up and grabbed a hold of the white Lycra micro miniskirt she was wearing. As she slid under her, June pulled down hard. Her momentum carried her on under and as she went Stephanie’s mini skirt came down until it was around her ankles. Before she came to a stop, June rolled over, never letting loose of the skirt and twisted it around Stephanie’s ankles and pulling hard as she came up onto her knees. Stephanie went down hard and hit her chin hard on the hardwood floor of the stage. The force of the blow stunned Stephanie and she just lay there as June hurried up to her and began to strip off the Lycra shorts she was wearing and then the Lycra tube top.

As Stephanie was collecting her wits, she started to get up. While she was getting up to her hands and knees, June reached her hand out to the MC, who put a dildo into her hands. It was the largest of the dildos that had been used all night. She took it and as Stephanie got into the all fours position she rammed the dildo into her unprotected cunt without mercy. It took her three shoves before she sank the entire length of the dildo into Stephanie’s cunt.

By that time Stephanie was beginning to gather her wits. She started to stand up but was still a bit shaky on her feet. June held her hand out to the MC for another dildo and then moved a respectable distance in front of Stephanie. Stephanie took up a stance to try and protect herself as June started running the length of the stage at her. This time at the last minute she jumped up so that she hit June in the solar plexus feet first. Two things happened at that moment. Stephanie went flying up and back from where she was standing. At the same time all of her breath was knocked out of her and she couldn’t seem to catch her breath. It seemed to her as if she were suffocating. She landed hard on the stage on her back and in short order, June was there lifting her legs up and bending the struggling for air Stephanie essentially in half. This made it even harder for Stephanie to breathe and it opened her asshole so that June could stuff the dildo she had into her ass. She wasn’t gentle doing it either. She lifted her arm up and brought the dildo down hard, jamming it into the poor girl’s asshole in one hard plunge. As the dildo hit Stephanie’s sphincter, it tore the skin in a couple of spots. June used so much force though that the dildo didn’t stop until it was fully seated. The pain was so great that Stephanie would have been screaming in agony if she had any breath to scream with.

June quickly stood up and reached to the MC one last time and received the third dildo. As she approached Stephanie, she was just getting up on all fours, still struggling to catch her breath. June quickly straddled her and grabbing her by the hair she pulled back as hard as she could.
Stephanie felt like her entire scalp was being pulled off and tried to scream as she reached up to try and release June’s grip on her scalp. She was only able to make a quiet squeaking noise as she still hadn’t fully recovered her breath. As her mouth was open, June brought the dildo down and stuffed it into her throat in one quick, smooth thrust. It all happened so quickly that Stephanie just didn’t have a chance to react or stop her.

When June finally released Stephanie’s hair, she just collapsed to the stage. The MC walked up to the petite June and lifted her right hand into the air declaring her the victor. June went over to Stephanie then and helped her up, taking the dildos out one at a time. First she took out the one in her mouth. She handed it to the MC who took a towel and wiped it down. Next June pulled the one out of Stephanie’s cunt and then held it up to her mouth. Stephanie took a couple of deep breaths as her solar plexus began to work properly again. As she did her mouth was opened to allow as much breath as possible to get to her lungs. This allowed June to slide the dildo in to the hilt. She dutifully sucked the dildo clean as it was pulled out of her mouth. Finally June took the dildo out of Stephanie’s ass and repeated the action. As the dildos were removed after having June clean them off, she handed them to the MC who cleaned them off.

Finally June helped the weak Stephanie down off of the stage and back to the table with Rob and LaTesha. As the two girls returned to the table, the MC announced, “Is there anyone out there who would like to settle a grudge? We open the stage for anyone who wants to wrestle here on the stage. There will be a thousand dollar award to the winner.”

There were no takers until Tracy turned to her two sorority slaves and said, “You two get up there. The winner will have a leg up on the loser for getting accepted into the sorority. Now get to it.”

The two girls walked up to the stage like they were going to their own funeral. When they got up there the MC Gave them the go signal and it was essentially a free for all. They both started grabbing the other’s clothes and punching the other one trying to get the advantage. They flailed away at each other for several minutes until they were both nude. Each had their share of scratches and bruises on their body. Finally one of the girls hit the other right on the trachea of the other and that girl collapsed with her hand on her throat and gasping for breath. Without warning the other girl took her long brown hair and quickly hogtied her ankles and hands together almost bending her in half. The poor girl was still struggling for breath as her opponent took the dildos and stuffed them into the girl’s cunt, ass and finally her mouth. When she was done the winner stood up and pumped both fists in the air above her head. She immediately got down off of the stage and approached the table where Tracy was. She left the loser on stage hogtied.

As soon as she arrived at the table Tracy ordered, “You thoughtless, inconsiderate idiot. You get back up there on that stage and release your friend now. You got her into that mess and you are the one to get her out of it. I would have thought you would have learned a little consideration for your friend after the last few months. You just lost any brownie points you earned by winning. Now get up there and release her.”

The poor girl lowered her head and went up to the stage and began trying to untie the girl’s hair. Unfortunately she couldn’t get it undone. Finally she had to beg the MC for a pair of scissors to cut the girls hair. Eventually he produced a pair of scissors and the winner carefully cut the ass length brown hair of the girl off at the neckline. After she had cut the hair off of the girl’s feet and hands, she helped her up. She took hold of the dildo in the girl’s mouth and pulled it out. Then she pulled the one out of her pussy and held it to the girl’s mouth. The girl looked at Tracy who shook her head yes and she opened her mouth. She sucked the dildo clean as the winner pushed it into her throat and pulled it out. Finally she took the dildo in her ass out and presented it to her mouth as well. The girl didn’t even look at Tracy this time as she knew what the answer would be. She opened her mouth and took the foul smelling and tasting dildo into her mouth and sucked it clean of her shit as well. She handed the dildos over to the MC and then led the other girl off stage to thunderous applause.

The MC then nodded to Rob. Rob knew it was time for Cynful to put on her show. He leaned over to her and told her it was time. She immediately ordered Julia to strip out of her clothes. Without hesitation Julia stood up and started stripping. As soon as she was naked she got down on all fours without being commanded. Cynful stood up and attached the leash to her collar and then led her around to the stairs leading up to the left side of the stage. Once they were at the center of the stage, cynful removed the leash and ordered, “Sit.”

Julia immediately sat down on her heels, keeping her hands on the ground on either side of her knees. As soon as she was in position cynful gave the order ‘Speak’. Julia barked once and stayed as she was. The next order given was beg and Julia got up on her knees and brought her hands up under her chin bent forwards, barking a couple of times after she did. Cynful then proceeded to give her command after command such as lay down, heel, roll over and others that she had been working on. Finally cynful stopped when they were facing the crowd and asked, “Do you see any boys you want to fuck tonight doggie?”

About half of the men in the crowd that weren’t with other women began to raise their hands and yell for her to pick them. About that time there were a couple of barks from the back of the room. Four men had entered the club with four large Rottweilers on leashes. As soon as she heard the barks, Julia’s attention immediately focused on them and she began to pant excitedly and barked twice. She then barked in a long whiny tone that sounded very much like a dog in heat would do. When she did, the dogs in the back began to bark excitedly and pull away from their handlers. Two of the handlers let their dogs go and they immediately ran up to the stage and jumped up onto it from the front.

As soon as the dogs were on stage, Julia barked playfully at them and as she liked to do with Teddy she got down on her elbows and was wagging her ass as if she had a tail. As she barked and bounced around like that the other dogs began to act playfully too. For a few moments they played like that until one of the dogs got excited enough and stuck his nose into Julia’s ass. After that Julia and the dogs started going around in circles with their noses in each other’s ass sniffing as dogs do. Finally Julia had, had enough and stopped. She let out the long whiny bark again and the dogs began to both try and get their noses into her ass, licking away at her ass and cunt as she did.

After being licked for a few minutes by both dogs and obviously experiencing several orgasms, one of them jumped up onto her back. Julia reached back and guided the dog’s cock into her cunt causing the audience to gasp in surprise. Very few of them had actually expected her to actually let the dog fuck her. When that dog was actively fucking her, Julia let out a couple of barks and the other dog came around to her front. When he got there, Julia let out a combination of whines and barks and when she was done, the dog lay down and rolled onto his back. Julia leaned down and began to manipulate the dog’s sheath until his cock started to emerge. It didn’t take long for it to and as soon as it did she leaned down and took it into her mouth. As the dog’s cock grew she sucked it deeper and deeper into her mouth and throat. She couldn’t take the knot into her mouth but she took the dog’s seven inches of cock all of the way down to the knot.

For the next few minutes Julia was fucked by one dog as she sucked the other. The one fucking her came much quicker than the other dog and began to howl as he came in her juicy cunt. As soon as he quit coming he turned ass end to ass end with Julia and stood there tied with her. After another couple of minutes of her sucking the other dog, he finally howled as he came in her mouth. She drank it all down without spilling a drop. She finally released the dog’s cock and got down on her elbows waiting for the other dog’s knot to subside enough for her to pull off of it.

While she was waiting like that the MC got up to the microphone and announced, “The stage is now open for anymore young ladies that would like to try their hand at a little doggy fuck. We have a couple of more dogs in the back that would be happy to take care of you at this time if we have any volunteers.

After he said that, the two girls belonging to Tracy looked at her in dread, hoping that she wouldn’t tell them to go get fucked by the dogs. That would be a new low. She had made them do a lot of nasty things in the last few months but they had never included animals of any kind. Unfortunately for them Tracy looked to her sorority sisters, all of who looked exceedingly excited as they shook their heads yes. She turned back to the two and said, “If both of you go fuck a dog, I promise that we will come to a decision about your fate tomorrow. Now go on up there and show us how bad you want to be a member of our sorority.”

The girls stood up and stripped at the table. They had been naked so many times and done so many things that evening that it didn’t even faze them as they did. They walked up to the stage naked and stood on either side of the MC. The handlers of the two remaining dogs brought their dogs up to the stage. The MC ordered the girls to get down on all fours and the handlers brought their dog behind one of the girls and gave the command to fuck to the dogs. The dogs immediately began to lick the girls’ cunt for a few moments. As soon as their cocks had stiffened and extended down they launched up onto the girls one after the other. The girls didn’t try and help the dogs to sink their cock into them and one of them ended up with a cock in her cunt but the other had it go into her ass. She screamed in pain at the intrusion into her asshole. At this point there was nothing she could do and she just cringed and took it up the ass.

The two handlers moved around to the front of the girls and while they were being fucked by the dogs, they took their cocks out and stuck them in the girls’ faces. The one being fucked in the pussy took the cock into her mouth without hesitation but the other one closed her mouth and turned her head away. The handler took her by the hair and yanked her head back. She screamed and when she did he forced his cock into her throat and began to fuck her throat as if it were a cunt. The poor girl began to gag and would have vomited if the guy’s cock hadn’t been plugging her throat. For the next few minutes the crowd went wild as the girls were raped in their cunt, ass and mouths. Eventually the dogs began to batter their knots into the girls. The one fucking the one girl’s cunt easily forced his knot into her but the one fucking the other girl in the ass had a more difficult time. It was extremely painful for her as he battered her ass harder and harder. Finally the dog managed to sink his knot into her and she screamed in pain. When she did it opened her throat wider and the vibration was enough to allow the guy fucking her throat to push the final part of his ten inch cock into her throat as he came. He pulled out just in time for the last couple of spurts of his cum to land right between the girls eyes. The other girl got all of the cum from the handler of her dog all over her face right after that. The crowd erupted in cheers as the handlers turned around and bowed to the crowd. The two girls couldn’t move as they were tied with the dogs. It was another fifteen minutes before the dogs’ knots went down enough for them to pull out. When they did the handlers connected the leash to their collars and led them out. The two girls got up on wobbly legs and made their way back to the table. There were no more volunteers for the night. Rob and LaTesha said goodbye to Tracy and made their way back to the hotel.

It was almost one in the morning when they finally got back to their rooms. They knew they had to be at the docks for their snorkeling expedition on the reefs early. In spite of it being so late, Rob immediately stripped cynful, threw her on the bed so that her knees were on the floor and her upper body was on the bed. He unmercifully sank his cock into her well lubricated pussy and fucked her with no thought to her satisfaction. He had had an erection since Molly did her strip tease. He only lasted a few minutes before he was cumming. When he did he collapsed on top of her as he caught his breath. Cynful for her part was purring from the fucking her master and husband was giving her. She came twice during the fucking. After a couple of minutes Rob pulled out and cynful immediately turned around and took his cock into her mouth and sucked it clean. After that they both crawled up in bed and cuddled until they went to sleep.

The alarm went off four short hours later. Rob and LaTesha both knew this was the day that the slaves would be taken. All of the girls except LaTesha and cynful complained at getting up so soon after going to bed, Rob and LaTesha pushed them to get ready on time. They really didn’t have much to do. After a quick shower they were all dressed in identical but small white bikini tops and bottoms. The part covering their nipples was no more than an extremely small triangle and just did cover the areolas on everyone but Susie. It didn’t completely cover the areola on her. The bottoms weren’t much better. They consisted of a small triangular patch that just covered the naughty bits. If they would have still had pubic hair it would have been visible. What they didn’t know yet was that the material would become totally transparent as soon as it got wet. Molly and cynful both wore similar styled bikinis but Molly’s was red and cynful’s was blue. LaTesha was in a more conservative two piece swim suit that still showed off her trim, muscular figure but didn’t expose any part of her like the other’s did. Rob just wore a pair of standard swimming trunks.

After everyone was dressed they headed to the docks. When they arrived there were three boats there. Two of them looked to be fairly new while the third, the one in the middle looked like it was on its last legs. As they approached, they saw that Tracy and her friends were there. As soon as they arrived the owner of the boats, a member of the Coch Organization, stepped up in front of them. As soon as he had their attention he announced, “We will be taking you out to the beautiful coral reefs this morning to allow you to swim among the fishes and admire the reef’s beauty for the day. We have three boats here because we only do groups of four to six. The two newer boats only hold four passengers with all of their equipment. As you can see the older boat is bigger and can hold six with their accompanying equipment. I’ll let you all decide which boats you ride in. Once you’ve decided who goes in which boat, we’ll get started.”

LaTesha, Rob and Tracy already knew which boat the slaves were to go on from their meetings with the organizers before the trip. LaTesha immediately piped up and stated, “Rob, Cynthia, Molly and I will go on the one at the end of the dock. Susie, June and Julia will go on that older boat in the middle.”

Tracy was the next to speak and she announced, “I and my Sorority leadership will go on the boat closest to us here. Ariel and Clarice will join the other three on that older boat.” Tracy turned to Ariel and Clarice and continued, “The reason you are going with them is so we can decide your fates. Last night you proved that you will put the sorority first above your own physical and mental wellbeing. We now know that you will do anything for the sorority. We need to discuss whether to approve you or not. When we all return at the end of the day, I promise that we’ll have an answer for you.”

The groups divided onto their assigned boats and after a few minutes prep, they were all headed to different areas of the reef that surrounded the island. By the time they were at their final positions, they were over a mile apart. While they were underway and as soon as they were separate from the other two boats the boat with the slaves on it went into action. Immediately two big black men went into the cabin and ordered the girls to stand up. As soon as they all did, the men went behind them and cuffed them. Then they put cuffs on their ankles that were connected to each other. Each slave found themselves with their feet chained with a two foot chain connecting the cuffs and then a four foot chain connecting each slave to the next slave. When they got to their stopping point and had anchored they had to wait about a half hour until it was clear to the girls what was happening.

The boats with Rob and LaTesha and their slaves, and the boat with Tracy and her friends radioed the slave boat when their passengers had finally gone overboard and were swimming among the reefs. As soon as they got word the slave boat captain switched the frequency and then turned on an encoder that scrambled the signal and simply said, “It’s time.”

Within five minutes a small tourist submarine that was usually used for sightseeing pulled up next to the boat. The slaves and the entire crew were quickly loaded into the submarine. The Captain of the boat pushed the engine start button three times in quick succession and then joined the rest. The submarine submerged and left the area, heading for a privately owned island about thirty miles away from Aruba. About ten minutes after the submarine left, the boat caught fire and then exploded. It sank in less than five minutes.

In the boat with Tracy and the Sorority sisters during the trip out they discussed the future of their two slave girl and sorority sister wannabes. Tracy started by saying, “We have a decision to make about our two girls. I know that you all have enjoyed having those two as the sorority slaves over the last few months. What we need to decide here is whether or not to let them become members or not. Keep in mind that if we allow them to join the sorority they will essentially become equal sisters to us. You have to ask yourselves if we want little sluts like them actually being a sister on an equal basis with us. If we allow them to join we essentially lose two sorority slaves. Now on the other hand I don’t think we should just black ball them and kick them out either because we definitely lose them as our lackey slaves. What I propose is that we start up a new part of the sorority that allows girls like these two to be associated with us without being actual members. Maybe call them The Sister Support Group or something like that. It will allow them to associate with the Sorority but they will have to do everything we tell them like these two girls. If they want to be a member of the sorority that badly, then they will willingly volunteer to be associated with us even if it means they will essentially be sorority slaves. Who knows, if we have enough girls like that, maybe all of the leadership can have a personal slave to take care of them and then a couple of girls for the rest of the sorority. What do you think?”

The Vice President of the Sorority spoke up and said, “I for one would never want those two sluts or anyone like them to be an actual sister of the sorority. We want people that have self-respect, and believe in themselves. But I like the idea of having a couple of slaves like these two have been. I’ve gotten used to having them around and doing stuff for us. I vote that we create The Sorority Support Group and let them remain with us in that status or not at all.” The other two agreed with that statement.

Tracy then said, “Okay, to make this official, all those that are for creating The Sorority Support Group and allowing Ariel and Clarice to be the first members, raise your hands.” All of them raised their hands.

Tracy concluded then and said, “We will need to bring this to a vote at the next meeting and let all of the sisters vote on it. Make sure that between now and then that you talk up the advantages of having these and future girls as sorority slaves to take care of them. I’ll let our two girls know the news when we get back.”

Tracy of course knew that she wouldn’t be able to tell the two girls anything since they were disappearing today. About that time their Boat captain came in and announced, “Let’s get your scuba gear on and then we’ll go swimming among the reefs. In about ten minutes all of them were under water, over a couple of miles north of the boat carrying the two girls they were talking about.

A couple of miles south of the slave boat were where Rob and LaTesha ended up. Their trip out was uneventful and they spent their time cuddling and just talking about the fun they had the previous night. Rob and LaTesha both talked about how they hoped they would be able to repeat something similar to that when they got back tonight.

For about an hour they swam among the reefs, enjoying the beautiful fish and other sea life that is always found among the reefs. By the time they came up, the slaves had been transferred from their boat and the boat had exploded and sunk. There was no sign of the boat anywhere to indicate that there was any trouble. They ate a leisurely lunch as the boat moved to another point. When they arrived and had waited an hour after eating they donned on new oxygen tanks and then went back down. They spent another hour underwater observing the beauty of the abundant life there to include a couple of sharks and sting rays before they finally called it a day.

After they were finished and starting to head back, it wasn’t but a couple of minutes later that the captain came in and said, “We can’t get hold of ‘The Minnow’. We’re going to go to their last reported position and see what’s going on. The other boat is going to join us.”

As they approached the last known location of the older boat, all they found were floating debris. As soon as they did, the captain of the boat Rob and LaTesha were on called in and reported the mishap to the authorities. They were all soon joined by hundreds of boats hunting for survivors of the staged disaster. Molly was the first to break down and start crying for her lost friends as the search went on and on. Even though cynful knew that the girls were supposed to be abducted during their trip to Aruba, she didn’t know the details and Molly’s descent into tears started her crying as well. Rob and LaTesha sat with their slaves and cuddled them and comforted them as best they could. They both produced a few faked tears to show to the girls that they didn’t know what happened and were sad for the loss too. On the other boat, Tracy’s sorority sisters were in hysterics over the loss of the two girls. They may have been cruel to the girls but they never wanted any harm to come to them. Tracy put on an extremely good act of sobbing and crying along with them to defray any suspicion on their part that she had anything to do with the apparent disaster.

As it started to get dark the hunt was called off for the night and they were all taken back to their hotel. The passengers of both of the remaining boats ate a quiet dinner together and told stories about the girls, good stories, not the stories of their slavery. They retired for the night and went to bed after dinner.

For the next several days, the surviving passengers of the two remaining boats were joined by the parents of the missing girls. They were given complimentary suites in the hotel that the survivors were staying in. Of course the cost of everything was being paid for in full by the money made from the auction of the slave girls. After ten days of the authorities searching, bringing even the U.S. Coast Guard in for help, the search was finally called off and the girls pronounced dead. When that happened, there was a complete emotional breakdown among the survivors and the families of the missing girls who thought of Rob, LaTesha, Tracy and the rest as friends of their daughters, little did they know.

A local church, who’s reverend was a member of the organization, held a memorial for the missing girls. A large crowd was in attendance to pay their respect to the girls. After the memorial, everyone parted. They soon returned home. Rob and LaTesha traded information with Tracy in case they ever decided to get back together. When they returned home, LaTesha’s hold over Molly became even more cemented. The disaster had brought them closer together and much to LaTesha’s liking, Molly clung even tighter to her as if she were afraid LaTesha would be taken from her like her friends. She believed the act put on by LaTesha and didn’t think she had anything to do with the missing girls.



Over the next few years both Rob and cynful completed their schooling and residency. They moved back to Washington where Rob joined the women’s clinic that provided OBGYN services to the organization and their slaves. Cynful joined the Veterinary group that took care of the well trained animals of the organization members if they became sick or were injured. During her schooling, cynful did participate several times in setting up unsuspecting students that worked at the animal hospital barn. She was involved in seven of them being turned into slaves.

LaTesha went on to finish her schooling and went on to law school. She became a defense attorney and represented organization members that couldn’t afford it pro-bono. She had an excellent record of getting her clients off or their sentencing reduced. She kept Molly as her slave all through the time she was in school. During that whole time the existence of the organization was kept a secret from her. She knew that there was a D/s world out there from her exposure to it but she never knew the full extent of the organization’s reach. In time, Molly met a man she wanted to marry. LaTesha allowed her the freedom to leave and marry her boyfriend. The marriage lasted two years but during that time, Molly missed the D/s relationship that she had with LaTesha. She tried to get her husband to dominate her like she wanted but he refused, telling her it was sick and twisted. Finally she divorced him and begged LaTesha to take her back. Even though LaTesha had another slave at that time, she took Molly back with the understanding that it was permanent this time and that she would never let her go again. Molly agreed and she soon found out about the organization and came fully under its laws. She continues to live with LaTesha as her favorite slave.

Susie was sold to a hardcore lesbian Domme. She suffered tremendously from the constant torture and whippings that she received. She lasted five years before her body gave out and she died in the middle of a long bondage session with her mistress.

June was sold to a husband and wife pair that were hog farmers that were members of the organization. The wife’s previous slave had developed an infection and died from it so her husband purchased June for her. June was kept in the hog pen most of the time. Every morning, her mistress would come out and apply urine from a sow in estrus to her ass and cunt, injecting it inside of her as well. June spent the day being fucked over and over by the hogs of the farm. When she first arrived she was also fucked by most of the farm hands. To eat, June had to fight to eat the same slop the hogs ate out of the same trough. She was much weaker than the hogs so she barely got enough nutrition. About twice a week she was allowed to eat a high protein, high fat feed that kept her going. Also about once a week she was taken to the barn where she was whipped and tortured by the Farmer’s wife. After her torture session she would be given a day or two to recover and then placed back in the hog pen. It was only her will to survive that kept her alive for four years before the toll was too great for her. She passed away in her sleep in the hog pen after passing out from a long multiple fucking by ten hogs.

Julia was delivered to Marta’s Kennels. There she lived her greatest fantasy of becoming a kennel slut for a bunch of dogs. Cynful’s mother Lisa used her to train the organization’s dogs to fuck and be sucked by a human as well as teaching them to bark in distinct ways to indicate whether they wanted an ass fuck, cunt fuck or be sucked. She also trained them to rotate which way they wanted to fuck randomly so that it appeared to anyone that the dog was actually deciding how he fucked a slave. For her part Julia never spoke another word to a person. She lived the life of a dog 24/7. She did such a good job of being a human bitch for the dogs that she earned her own kennel that was set up to take care of the most pampered dog in the world. Lisa took good care of her but she treated her just like a dog. It was the next Spring Break after the abduction that cynful found out what had happened to Julia. When they went back to Washington to visit they saw Julia in the midst of fucking a dog that Lisa was training when they arrived. Cynful rushed up to Julia and hugged her. Julia never broke out of her canine persona and licked and acted with her as if she were every bit a dog. Julia lived another thirteen years. She died when she was training a wolf to fuck humans. The wolf attacked and killed her and seriously injured Lisa in the process. After that Marta banned wolves from her kennel. She had come to really love having Lisa and Julia around as her slaves. She made the owner of the wolf pay one million dollars for the death of her beloved dog Julia as well as pay all of the medical bills for Lisa to recover. The owner of the wolf also procured a replacement slave for Julia. The replacement slave was Laura Peterson, Mother of Karen Peterson who served as the dog training bitch for fourteen years before she was retired by Marta and given back to her niece to care for.

Stephanie had been purchased by a member of the Saudi royal family as a present to one of his sons on his sixteenth birthday. There she suffered for a couple of years as the sadistic boy tortured her and used her as his sex toy. After he tired of her she was used to service wealthy businessmen and other Arabs that the Royal family wanted to impress. After another couple of years the wear and tear on her made her unusable for that purpose. She was sold to a whore house where she served the local populace as their whore. Most of the Muslim men didn’t consider her human and beat and abused her terribly. It was a member of a radical Muslim group that finally ended her sorry existence. He fucked her on his last night before he was to wear a suicide vest into the Green Zone in Iraq to kill more Americans. He slit her throat after he fucked her, leaving her to bleed to death in her bed.

The two college girls that Tracy turned over both were auctioned off. They were given as a gift to the Chief of Police that Rob and the others had met in Aruba. His membership fees were waved for services rendered. He enjoyed his slaves and they both lived long lives as his sex toys. He used them to bribe or blackmail Aruba officials to gain favorable decisions about anything relating to the organization and their operation in Aruba. They are still alive today living pampered lives as his sex slaves. They are kept on a very short leash but have come to love their master and how he treats them. They understand that they could be in worse circumstances. All thoughts of their previous life were long forgotten. They knew also that if they tried to escape their life of luxury would come to a swift and dramatic end.