(c) 2007 redlegtiger and lisabplayful

Note: This story can stand alone by itself but the end is much more impactful if you read Cynthia palmer’s New Life that is currently posted in the 1st Annual Beastiality Stories Contest first. I had not originally planned on a sequal to the story I wrote for the contest but a friend sent me a rough sketch of a story that she had started to write. After reading it a bit I started to see a storyline develop that I thought would be enjoyable. I will continue if I get enough positive feedback.


I am a wealthy business owner of a highly successful kennel that raises and trains large breed dogs in security and health assistance. Most of my dogs sell for between 15 to 50 thousand dollars depending on the training required. I am also a divorced single mom. My kids are all adults and grew up without a father until they left home. That’s when I remarried to a wonderful man by the name of Paul Anderson. My kids are Dave Palmer who is a 26 year old construction worker. My daughter is Cynthia Palmer and she is a 19 year old prodigy. She is just getting ready to graduate from college and I’m sure she’ll get accepted into Medical school. She is so smart and driven that when she sets her mind to something, she always achieves it. Between her college expenses and helping my son start up his own construction business, I am in hock up to my eyeballs.

As for me, I’m about 45, with long shoulder length Auburn hair. I had a rather impressive rack of 38EE tits that got all of the guys just drooling. I was about five foot six and weighed about 140 lbs. It was pretty tightly packed because I exercise religiously so I don’t get flabby and out of shape. I have two kids, a son who is 26 and a daughter who is 20. By the way, my name is Lisa and I am a slut extraordinaire. I don’t know where to begin so I think that I’ll start a little over two month’s ago.

You see I am a slut with a secret kinky side that I keep well hidden. I like to play around on the computer as a hobby and got involved in a Black Domination club on line. I found the interactions I had on line to be hot and they turned me on a lot. I always managed to get two or three good cums out of seeing the pictures and mpegs of black men, naked with their big black dicks hanging out and having sex with petite submissive white women.

Some of the videos were outrageously naughty. They showed little white girls being fucked in all three holes at once. The guys fucking them were as black as coal and the girls looked as if they hadn’t seen the sun in their entire lives.

There was one in particular that caught my attention more than others. She was a natural red head with the brightest green eyes. She had freckles that highlighted all of her most prominent and important features that only added to her beauty. I’ve never done it with a woman before, but my god if I ever ran in to her I actually think I’d beg her to let me make love to her she is so beautiful. Her tits weren’t all that big but they were a perfectly proportioned 32C with little pencil eraser nipples that looked like they were and inch long. I would sure like to suck on them too, MMmmmmmmmmmm Yummy.

Any way, let’s get back to my story. I masturbated a lot when I went to the web site. I even went so far as to buy a rather huge black dildo to play with while I was watching the videos or looking at the pictures. Sometimes I even chatted on instant messaging with some of the members and had computer sex with them. God it was great to have that big black monster pumping in and out of my pussy as the guy would type in that he was fucking me within an inch of my life and describing every little intimate detail of how he was doing it.

Well the end of February came around. It was the end of black history month and someone on the web site suggested a slave auction to raise money for black charities. They weren’t suggesting anything kinky, just a little exposure and a weekend of domestic duties, a kind of a pay back of sorts. It was all arranged to happen on Presidents Day weekend when there would be a three day weekend. I signed up for domestic duty for all three days of the long weekend

All of the volunteers and buyers agreed to meet at a farm owned by someone in the group. We all signed wavers and letters of agreement that spelled out exactly what we were offering in the way of services. Just the thought of being auctioned off was very erotic.

The white slaves were put on a raised platform. Some of the more daring sluts started flashing their tits while others who obviously wanted a lot more than just simple domestic chores, stripped completely. It really looked like things were heading more and more to this being a real sex slave auction as things went on. It seemed as if each new woman that got up on the auction block would take it a step further and add some new kink to the act to get the guys to bid more money. It became a challenge to see who could get the highest bid.

When it was my turn I was scared to death and feeling very vulnerable. I had never actually done anything like this before. Sure I fantasized about it, but doing it was something I always chickened out on at the last minute. I got up on the auction block and did a slow 360 degree turn to show my entire body off. The bidding started off slow as I just stood their trying to work the nerve up to at least start dancing a little. I had just started swaying to the music that had a good heavy beat to it when they started yelling, “Show us your tits”!

Now as I described, I’m attractive with a rather large set of tits that are quite real. I’ve taken real good care of them and I am very proud of how good they look. I saw no harm in it so I flashed my tits to them as I began to really get into the dancing.

The bidding began to go up as I danced around and really got into really exposing my tits and playing with them as I danced. I even brought them up so I could lick my nipples as the bidding war escalated. I can tell you that my cunt was really flowing by then. This was one of my favorite fantasies and here I was actually living it out and it was great.

I was so into it that I began to walk around in the crowd around the auction platform. I would swing my skirt up periodically to show that I didn’t have any panties on. Some of them would reach in and grab my bald cunt when I did that and I let them feel me for a few seconds before I continued on.

By then I was getting some very high bids and it was turning me on more than I ever imagined. I got back up on the auction block and continued my sexy dance, teasing and flirting and loving every bit of the attention. The fact that I was getting higher and higher bids had me so excited that I was almost cumming. I really began to show off my two beauties that I’m so proud of and that just drove everyone wild.

Then out of no where an extremely dark, very well built black man walked up and laid down a brief case and started counting out stacks of bills. He set them aside, looked up at me and said, “This is the highest bid by far white girl. Now give Big Daddy a peek at that pretty cunt and I’ll donate this ten thousand dollars. Then you will be the highest bought slave tonight. And you’ll be worth every penny before I get through with you.”

He kept teasing me and I kept refusing. The rest of the Blacks and other bidders started chanting “SHOW……YOUR……CUNT……SHOW……YOUR……CUNT.”

After a few minutes of listening to that I was so into it that I finally lifted my dress and showed my bald pussy to the guy. The guy stuck his tongue out and acted like he was licking something with it. Something primal inside of me took over and I squatted down in front of him and put my pussy on his tongue. The crowd went wild when I did that and the guy stepped back, smiled and whistled as he stared at my completely shaved pussy.

There had not been any more bids for several minutes as the crowd just stood there staring at the sordid little show I was putting on at that point. When he backed up, I started fingering my self, I was so hot. The auctioneer finally yelled, “Going Once …… Going Twice and SOLD!” There was a large bang of the gavel when he said it too.

The guy that had paid for my services for the weekend reached up and took my hand. He was very much the gentleman. He hugged me and whispered, “You’re my sweet pussy bitch for the whole weekend.”

He then grabbed my ass hard. I wasn’t used to being manhandled like that but got caught up in the moment. It was such a huge turn on. He put a dog collar on my neck and I reached up and felt it around my neck. As I did I had one of the biggest cums in my life. AND NO ONE WAS TOUCHING ME. He attached a leash to it and made me kneel at his feet beside him. He wasn’t happy until I was sitting perfectly back on my heels, with my back straight and my head respectfully bowed. I had to keep my palms on my thighs opened upward. If I moved from that position, he would slap me on the tit with the end of the leash. I would cum every time he did it too.

We stayed until the end of the party. Whenever he was thirsty, I fetched him his drinks. If he walked over to talk about business or other professional things with his friends, I would crawl on all fours along beside him. That’s how I spent the night. Kneeling at his side and acting every bit the perfect sex slave. After about an hour he actually reached down and exposed my tits completely to one and all in the party. I started to cover them back up which got me a lash with the end of the leash. It hurt like hell, but it also made me cum harder than ever.

It was obvious that I had cum from him lashing my tit. The guys he was talking with started calling me a slut, a whore and many other sexy and degrading things. I was very impressed with him and had really gotten into the whole slave/master thing. I started calling him Master and gave in to my lust. I decided to just go along with anything and everything he wanted. By the time we left the charity auction, I was very, very horny.

When the valet brought the car to us, we got in. As soon as he was in he leaned over and kissed me. His lips were so soft and warm on mine. He rasped out lustily, “Hey baby, ahhh why don’t you take that top down so I can get a good look at my tits again, I mean it ain’t like you haven’t shown them girls off already.”

He was right and by that time I was hot and feeling pretty good after the wine he had bought me. I took my top off and let him feel my tits right there with the valet looking on. You should have seen the bulge in his pants. I felt like such a ………… slave.

We kissed some more and he kneaded my tits as he did. What I failed to notice was that his hands were working my dress down and by the time he was done I ended up with my dress off. Now completely naked, I scooted down in the seat in embarrassment. I glanced over and the valet’s eyes were bulging out and there was a big wet stain in the front of his trousers. I giggled nervously.

My new master looked over at me and undid his pants. He pulled out the biggest, blackest cock I have ever seen. He said, “I bet you never seen a cock like this have you bitch?”

My eyes were like saucers as I stared at the absolute biggest monster cock I’ve ever seen. It had to be twelve inches long and it was still soft. I said in amazement, “No…… damn, HELL NO.”

“Here baby git a feel”, he said as he put my hand on it and started the car. It was huge, thick and getting harder by the second. I can’t remember if he pushed my head down or if I just went down on him. Either way, all I remember of the drive was sucking on his dick like a whore. I never swallowed with my husband but his pre cum was sweet and strong and I loved the taste. The harder I sucked the more it rolled into my mouth. I was rubbing my pussy while giving the best blow job I knew how.

He put his hand on my head and said, “Yeah, that’s it slut. You swallow my big cock right down your throat. When I cum, I want you to eat it all slave.” His cock swelled up and hot gushes of cum blasted in my mouth over and over. I swallowed without a second thought and by the time he had finished cumming, it felt like I had a stomach full of his cum.

I was both turned on and embarrassed. I’d never thought I would ever do anything like this let alone with a perfect stranger. If my kids ever found out they would be shocked and my new husband would probably divorce me without a thought.

My master for the weekend stroked my head saying, “Yeah that’s it white bitch. You liked that didn’t you? You just keep your Black Daddy’s cock right in those hot white dick sucker lips. We’re almost home.”

It was easier to do it now that his cock was getting smaller. It was still dribbling cum as it shrunk back to normal, adding to the fun. When I heard a garage door opening he started to get hard again. The car stopped and he pulled his cock out of my mouth with a loud pop and got out. He came around to my side of the car and opened my door for me. He picked up the leash and led me in the house. It was a nice well decorated home and everything was very expensive looking. His dick was waving back and forth with every step he took. I was still naked and my pussy was soaking wet. He took me to the master bed room and pointed to the bed.

I didn’t hesitate and crawled up on the bed and laid down on it on my back. I was so hot and my cunt needed his big fat cock so bad that I spread my legs automatically. I didn’t care how sluttish I looked. I looked at him and he ordered, “Finger fuck your self until I return. Do not leave this room no matter what and don’t even think about stopping. If you look up in the corners you’ll see camera’s so we’ll know if you stop. If you hear orders announced then you will comply. Any failure to comply with orders immediately will result in swift punishment. Now get busy.”

I wanted his cock so bad that I got up on my knees and begged saying, “Oh god, you can’t leave me like this. I need that cock. I want you to fuck my cunt until it’s raw. Please don’t go until you fuck me, please.”

My big black master quickly came over to the bed and slapped me so hard that I was thrown back against the headboard of the bed. He said in a very scary and sinister snarl, “I’ll fuck you when it is time and not until. You however, don’t have a choice as to what happens to you. The next time I hear anything out of you it had better be a yes master, no master, yes mistress or no mistress. You have no other words that you are allowed to speak. To do so will be punished most severely. Your body is no longer yours to do with as you please. It belongs to us now. Now get busy and do as you were ordered, or do I have to punish you further?”

I began to have some serious doubts about my decision to participate in the slave auction. This was getting serious. If it wasn’t for the surge of excitement in my pussy when he talked about my body not belonging to me any more, I would have bolted immediately. But I was so high on lust by that point that I ignored all of the warning signs and got on my knees in the position he had taught me and started masturbating. I was soon having orgasm after orgasm.

After about ten orgasms I passed out from exhaustion onto the bed. I don’t know how long I was out, but when I woke up I found myself kneeling on the floor with my stomach over a padded bench. My hands were shackled to the floor, outstretched so that they were spread in a wide angle. My knees were also spread out wide, maybe three feet apart. I had a dildo gag in my mouth. I don’t know how big it was but I found it hard to breath. The final insult was that I had a blind fold on and couldn’t see what was going on around me.

There was someone in the room with me. As soon as I started trying to get free I heard a loud crack and felt the most painful sting in my ass. I would have been screaming bloody murder from the pain of the blow but the dildo gag prevented anything but a muffled scream that could barely be heard. Just as I was almost recovered from the strike, I felt another more searing pain fill my ass again that was accompanied by a loud crack. This continued over and over again until I could barely stand it. And then it continued some more. I was crying hard now from the pain and tears were streaming down my cheeks and falling to the floor. But the spanking continued without let up.

My ass hurt so bad that I was beginning to get delirious from the pain and that is when I started to feel a change. There was just a flicker of heat beginning to grow in my pussy. As the strikes continued one after the other, the heat grew to excitement and finally I had an orgasm so powerful that I passed out.

The next thing I know is that I am awake, lying on my stomach on the bed. There were shackles on my wrists that had chains running to the ends of the head board. They pulled my arms out tight so that I only had a minimal amount of movement. The same thing was done to my legs. I am only assuming they were tied to the footboards because I was still blindfolded. The thing that really got my attention was the fact that there was a pair of very soft hands that was massaging my ass. It hurt like hell at first but as she continued to massage it, the pain lessoned to almost nothing. I assumed that she was putting some type of numbing ointment because when she stopped, I felt absolutely nothing on my ass cheeks.

I was again left alone for I don’t know how long. It seemed like forever. I know it was several hours, but with the blindfold on I had no sense of time. Oh how my cunt was burning with lust. It wanted a nice hard cock and I was almost ready to do anything for it. At some point I dosed off.

Again I don’t know how long I was out but when I woke up there was a dog dish in front of me with what looked like dog food in it. There was also a bottle with a plastic cock on it. There was a hole in the end of the cock so I assumed that it was like a straw. I couldn’t tell what was in it but I hoped that it was water. It was then that I realized that the blind fold had been taken off. I looked at the window and saw that the sun wasn’t up but there was still a bit of light left. I had no idea whether it was dawn or dusk.

I suddenly realized how hungry and thirsty I was. I took the plastic cock in my mouth and sucked. It was a sweet tasting concoction. I was so thirsty that I sucked half of it down before I stopped to eat something.

I tentatively took a dry nugget of food in the bowl and chewed it. It was dry and tasteless. At least it wasn’t horrible. I began eating it as quick as I could because I was famished. When I finished the food I sucked on the cock bottle again and drank the rest of it. I think I was close to finishing when a blind fold was put over my eyes again.

I lay like that for more hours on end. Only this time I felt something begin to lightly touch my cunt lips. It was nothing firm. I couldn’t tell what it was. But it raised my arousal higher and higher.

Whoever it was knew what he/she was doing. Whenever I got close to orgasm, the feeling stopped until it receded enough. Then it started all over again. I don’t know how long this went on but I know it was hours. I was hot as a firecracker and I had been sustained at such a high level of excitement without release that I fell asleep in exhaustion. I dreamt that my cunt was covered with insects all night and they kept me on edge of orgasm. I know it was a restless sleep but it refreshed me.

When I woke up this time, the restraints were gone as was the blindfold. I was more sexually aroused than I had ever been in my life. I can honestly say that at that point I would have fucked anything. When I sat up I saw that there was still no one in the room. As soon as I sat up however, a woman’s voice spoke out of thin air. It said, “You have a choice Lisa. Your agreed time is up from the auction. You can now leave through the door and go home. Or, you can lie across the bench at the foot of the bed and beg to be fucked. Understand that there will be consequences to your decision. If you go out that door, you will be blind folded and taken home, never to see that big black cock again that you wanted to fuck so desperately. On the other hand, if you lie across the bench and beg to be fucked and then fuck what ever cock is made available to you willingly, then you will get to experience that wonderful rod of pleasure that you so desire. Understand that if you make that choice, you will belong to me and will be my slave from now on. You make that choice and I will open new worlds of sexual pleasure to you but the pleasure will come when I say it does and not when you want it. You will never be allowed to go back to the world that you knew ever again. Now what is your choice?”

I knelt there on the center of the bed torn between the choices I had to make. I didn’t want to leave my life from before, especially with my new husband, my daughter getting ready to graduate and my son embarking on a new business. But god I needed to be fucked. I can’t ever remember being so high on lust in my life. I wanted, no needed to be fucked and fucked hard. As I imagined making that choice, giving up everything to become no more than a woman’s property to be played with as she pleases I came. Even though I hadn’t stimulated myself in any way, I still came. Then I thought about lying across that bench and fucking whatever cock I was told and I came again. The problem was that with each cum, I only seemed to get more and more excited. As I began to think of all of the sexual fantasies that I had ever dreamed of and thought about, things suddenly became crystal clear to me. This was the first step to fulfilling all of those fantasies and much, much more.

I got up out of the bed. Every rational thought in my head was screaming at me to walk out that door and go back to my real life. But I couldn’t do that. My legs seemed to have a will of their own. They took me right to the bench and then I knelt there. I stared at the bench for a few minutes before laying myself down on it. Once I laid myself down I saw the shackles there. I first put them on my ankles and then latched them to my wrists. I tried them and found them to be locked tight. I then yelled at the top of my lungs, “FFFFUUUUUCCCCKKKK MMMMEEEE PPPPLLLLEEEEAAAASSSSEEEE!!!!!!!!!”

As soon as I quit saying please I heard the door open and the click of claws on the floor. I looked over my shoulder and I recognized the dog immediately. It was my champion Great Dane Dutch. I would recognize him in the middle of a pack of Danes. As I looked at him he came up behind me and began licking my dripping cunt. God it was wonderful to feel that long rough tongue pushing its way up my cunt and writhing around. I began to cum even harder than I had earlier.

It was after my second good cum on Dutch’s tongue that a woman walked in. She was about 5 feet 5 inches tall and about 110 pounds. She had short black hair and brown eyes. Her measurements were 34C breasts, 25 inch waist and 33 inch hips. She was a very beautiful woman and would catch the eye of any normal red blooded male and she was naked as the day she was born. All she said was, “You know what you want. Ask for it. Ask for it now.”

Even after cumming twice on the dog’s wonderful tongue, I wanted a cock in my cunt. I wanted it so desperately that I didn’t care whose cock it was. I yelled out, “fuck me. I need a cock, please fuck me.”

The woman quietly asked, “Whose cock do you want Lisa?”

I begged with desperation, “I don’t care. I need a cock. I’ll fuck Dutch if I have to, but I need a cock.”

The woman squatted down in front of my and took my chin in her hand and forced me to look in her eyes. When I did she said, “If you want him to fuck you then ask him to. Look at his nice big cock hanging there just ready to fuck his bitch. You know you want it so ask him for it.”

I looked down at the floor and knew in that second that my soul was lost. I begged saying, “fuck me Dutch. Please fuck me.”

In no time at all I felt his full weight on my back and his cock banging all around my opening. The woman reached around me and guided his cock into my dripping cunt. All of a sudden I felt the largest cock I’ve ever felt ram in me all the way to my cervix in one quick lunge. I screamed in orgasm. But that was just the beginning. He started fucking me with machine gun rapidity and I came and came, over and over again. Then I felt something big pounding against my cunt every time he fucked in. After all of my years of breeding dogs I knew that it was his knot. I also knew that Dutch’s knot was huge. I hoped I could take it all. I really didn’t have a choice at that point.

When his knot finally forced its way into my cunt, I screamed in pain and the most massive orgasm I’ve ever had. That wonderful knot of his lined up with my G spot and I came and came and came. The woman moved up and stuck her cunt in my face. She ordered me to lick and like the dutiful slave that I knew I was, I complied. I licked her like I had been doing it forever, even though it was my first time.

I had feverishly licked and chewed on her cunt and clit until she was cumming like there was no tomorrow. Then I felt a hot flood of warmth in my belly and I knew that Dutch was cumming in his bitch. It was so wonderful. I screamed in a sustained orgasm like none that I’ve ever had. I passed out from the pleasure.

This time I knew that little time had passed when I woke up. I jerked awake from the smell of ammonia right under my nose. When I was fully alert I realized that Dutch was still on my back and I could feel a spurt or two of cum being shot into my cunt. I started to build to another orgasm from the glorious feeling it was filling me with.

The woman in front of me slapped my face and that backed me off of my imminent cum but not by much. She ordered, “Lick my cunt and listen up. There are several things that are going to happen here in quick succession. First, you are going to lick my cunt as I explain what your new future is going to be. Second, you will finally get to experience that wonderfully big cock that my slave joey sports. He’s the one that bought you for me Friday night. Third, you will go out to the kennel that has ten dogs in it and you will get in that kennel and let every dog there fuck you as many times as he wants. You will not leave that kennel until one of the dogs claims you as his bitch. Fourth and finally, you are my slave. You will now follow my orders unquestioningly or you’ll be punished severely. You are to be my trainer for my dogs because you are the best at what you do in this area. All of the dogs at your kennel now belong to me. You will be training them to have some very special skills. They will go for 50 to 100 thousand dollars by the time you are done with them. But you won’t have need for any of that as my slave so it will all go to pay for your upkeep. That was why I had joey seek you out and buy you. You may have thought it was only going to be for the weekend but it was forever. Finally, when you have accomplished all of that, I will have some divorce papers for you to sign as well as a letter to your husband that will explain why you ran away. Forget your old life bitch. Your new life is just beginning. By the way, you can call me Mistress Marta.”

While my mistress was explaining my tasks and my new life to me, I kept cumming and cumming from Dutch. He had turned his ass end to me now and he would try to pull out about every thirty seconds. Finally it popped out and cum ran down my legs. Mistress Marta ordered, “Get that hand back there and scope all of that cum up and suck it off of your hand. Don’t let a single drop fall on my carpet or I will cane your ass again.”

I did as she ordered as soon as she released my wrists. I quickly had all of his cum cleaned up. I then asked my mistress, “Can I clean Dutch’s cock off my mistress?”

Mistress Marta unhooked my leg shackles and I crawled over to Dutch who had just started to lick his cock. I leaned in and sucked his cock into my mouth and sucked it clean. When I was done I asked, “May I please fuck joey now my mistress?”

Mistress Marta said out loud to no one in particular, “Joey, it’s time. Come and give her what she has wanted since she saw you Friday night.”

A couple of minutes later, joey came in the room. He was naked and his cock was hanging down about ten inches. He stood in front of me and I didn’t hesitate to suck that monster into my mouth and suck it for all I was worth. After a couple of minutes he was hard. I pulled off and in as lusty a voice as I could muster I begged, “fuck me joey. fuck me please.”

Joey walked around to my ass and as I knelt on all fours he began caressing my sore ass cheeks. He lined up his cock with my ass hole and began to push.

I screamed, “Don’t fuck my ass. Not in my ass please. I’ve never had anything in my ass before.”

He slapped my ass hard causing me to yelp in pain. He said, “You asked me to fuck you so shut up and let me fuck you. You don’t get to choose which hole gets fucked. You just take whatever cock is offered you in whatever hole I or anyone else decides to fuck.”

He rammed that hard cock in as hard as he could. I screamed bloody murder from the pain. He ignored my screams or relished them, probably a bit of both. I’ll never know which. He pumped and pumped for a long time until finally I felt my ass flooded with warmth. It never did feel good. I think that is because it was my first time and his cock was so big. When he was done he pulled out and walked in front of me and stuck his shit covered cock in my face. Mistress Marta ordered, “One of my cardinal rules is that you will always suck clean whatever cock you get dirty. Whether it is from your cunt or ass and whether it is human or animal, you will suck it clean. Now get busy.”

I put my mouth over his cock and started sucking it. I had to stifle the urge to throw up, but I somehow managed. When he was clean he backed away. He said, “Follow me”, and turned to head out the door.

I started to stand up when I heard Mistress Marta yell, “Crawl slut.”

I got back down on all fours and crawled as fast as I could to keep up. He stopped in front of a kennel full of a bunch of dogs. That’s when I remembered what Mistress Marta had said. I looked at joey and asked, “Is she serious? Do I really have to let all of those dog’s fuck me?”

Joey just said, “Get in”

I knew then that I had no choice. I really don’t know why I was so reluctant to go in because my cunt was dripping in excitement of being fucked over and over again by all of those dogs. I crawled in the kennel and heard joey close and lock the gate. I was now stuck in that kennel until the dogs were done with me or they came to take me out.

I was immediately descended upon by the dogs. Every one of them was male and they smelled a bitch in heat. Their instincts were driving them and they were going to mate with the bitch. There was only one of me and ten of the dogs. It didn’t take long before the dogs were fighting amongst themselves trying to establish dominance.

The dogs were getting extremely violent with each other and I was panicking because I was afraid they would attack me. I didn’t realize that the dogs were fighting over me for first rights to mate with their bitch. I started to get up and get away but one of the dogs that was behind me jumped up with his front paws hitting my back and knocking me down on all fours. The dog started to mount me but another dog attacked him and knocked him off. I decided I was safer just staying where I was but I was shaking uncontrollably out of fear that one of the dogs was going to attack me. Finally the Rottweiller had the other dogs cowering and mounted me from behind. The thing about all of the dogs that had been placed in the kennel run with me was that they were all bred specially for the size of their cock and knot. They had also been trained to have sex with humans. The Rottweiller Quickly found his mark and sunk his cock in to the hilt in my cunt. I grunted from the suddenness of the invasion and then let out a squeal of pain when the dog mashed up against my cunt.

Once the dog sank his cock in to my cunt, he started rapidly growing larger and longer. His knot started to form and it was already the size of a large orange and he was banging it against the entrance to my cunt. This caused me severe pain because it kept banging against my tender cunt lips. Finally with a mighty thrust, the dog slammed his knot in to my cunt. He started fucking in and out much quicker and I could feel his knot continuing to grow. It soon felt as if the knot was going to split me wide open and I groaned in pain almost continually.

I wasn’t paying any attention to any of the other dogs when I felt a very heavy weight land on my back. I opened my eyes and was staring at one of the largest cocks I have ever seen. The Saint Bernard had jumped up on my back and was now starting to walk his feet forward. As he did, his cock continued to extend and was now poking me in the nose. I knew what I was expected to do and in order to prevent myself from being punished I took the cock in my mouth and started sucking. He Started fucking my mouth and I felt it continue to grow and extend down her throat. His cock finally stopped growing at 12 inches. Fortunately for me the dog’s knot was too big to enter my mouth. Unfortunately that meant that every time the dog thrust in, his knot mashed against my nose. It hit against me so hard that my nose started bleeding and there wasn’t a thing I could do about it. All of a sudden I felt my insides being flooded in warmth from the Rottweiller’s cum. When he was done he turned around and stood ass end to ass end with me.

I could feel the tension in my cunt start to lessen. The Saint Bernard rammed his cock down hard one more time and I felt my throat being flooded with his cum. I swallowed as fast as I could and still cum escaped out of the corners of my mouth. When he was done cumming he pulled out only to be replaced by another dog. It was apparent that they had established a pecking order. The dog now fucking my mouth was an Irish Wolf Hound. Ten minutes after the dog started fucking my mouth the Rottweiller finally pulled out. The Mastiff took his place and started trying to put his cock in my cunt and after the fifth try he finally had his aim right and sank his cock in.

The ten dogs continued fucking my cunt and mouth through the night and into the next morning. I was totally exhausted from the ordeal. Many times during the night I collapsed in exhaustion, but the dogs would growl, bark and nip at me until I struggled back up on all fours. They then would resume fucking me. At around three in the morning the dogs began dropping off and going to lay in a part of the kennel run and go to sleep. At ten in the morning the last dog left fucking me was the Rottweiller. He was on his fifth fuck since they started. My cunt was spread so wide and so slick from the dog cum that when he came the last time he slipped out immediately. I fell to the ground immediately, right where I was with cum pouring out of my cunt. I also had cum covering my face and tits where what I couldn’t swallow escaped out around my mouth. I couldn’t remember how many times I had cum through the night. But I do know that I was in a state of bliss that I never wanted to give up. The huge Rottweiller lied down beside me and put his head on my shoulder and fell asleep. I felt so content at that moment that I felt as if I had truly found my place in the world. I was soon sound asleep on the hard concrete floor of the kennel.

That afternoon Mistress Marta let me out of the kennel. She told me that the Rottweiller was named Jonesy and that he was my master now. She told me that whenever he barked at me twice in a row that he wanted to fuck me. A bark and a growl and he wanted me to suck him and two barks and a growl meant that he wanted to fuck my ass. I told my mistress that I understood.

That was the beginning of a wonderful new life. I got to do the job that I loved to do and experience and at the same time I lived my most perverse fantasies. I now train the dogs to have sex with humans as well as training them as security dogs. I still get to train an occasional one for health assistance on rare occasion. But what I live for is to be fucked by my master Jonesy. He fucks me at least five to seven times a day.

During the past couple of months I have been rewarded many times by my mistress, but I have also been punished severely. I don’t dare disobey my mistress for any reason. I also remember her bringing me papers to sign and I did as she wanted. I signed them and addressed an envelope to my dear husband.

It is now early May and Mistress Marta told me that a new slave was coming in. She said it was a surprise for me. She said that because I was being such a good and cooperative slave, I would be put in charge of training the new slave like I was trained. I couldn’t believe that mistress was going to trust me to train her new slave.

It was almost two in the morning when I heard the van pulling into the driveway. I couldn’t wait to see Blackie and Goldie again. They had been gone for a month and they were two of my favorites. I was also anxious to see who the new slave was and get busy beginning her training.

The two guys got out first and I saw a girl get out of the van. I didn’t get a good look at her but her hair was remarkably like my daughter’s. Then the guys started walking up towards the kennels where I was waiting for them with a kennel full of dogs. In the light that was available, I finally got a good look at her at the same time she saw me. It was my daughter Cynthia.

As we stood there stunned in silence she ran to me and wrapped her arms around me crying, “You’re alive… You’re alive…. I thought you were killed in the car accident with dad. But you’re alive.”

I wanted to tell her to run and get away from there but I was a well trained slut by then. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I hugged her tight and turned and walked to the kennel full of dogs holding her hand. I told her “Yes I’m alive. I didn’t know about any accident but I’ve been here for two months. I divorced your stepfather back then. This is my life now. And it is going to be your life now too.”

I had got to the gate of the kennel. I turned toward her and put my arms on her shoulders and looked her in her eyes. I couldn’t believe how fucking excited I was by then. I was still mortified by what I was going to do, but I was such a well trained slave that I ignored my that little voice in my head screaming at me about how wrong this all was. Cum was literally flowing down my thighs from my excitement as I told her, “You are beginning your training now and I am your trainer.”

I opened the gate and pushed her in the kennel saying, “This is your new home for the next couple of days. When your new master has claimed you then I will start your training for real. I locked the gate to the kennel and turned away. I cried all of the back to my doggy bed and laid down with Jonesy. I cried into his neck for hours. I didn’t want to train my daughter. But I also didn’t want to disappoint my mistress. I knew instinctively that this was a test, that if I could do this, I could do anything. When I thought about how happy my mistress would be if I trained Cynthia well I almost came. That was the point where I began to really know that I would do what my mistress wanted. I would train my daughter to be the best doggy bitch alive.