(c) 2007 by Bethanie

My name is Amanda, I am 43 years old. My family have been into the logging business for many generations. I married a wonderful man, who was a logger too. He was killed five years ago in a car accident and I was left with our small farm.

I have had four wonderful kids that are grown up now; three of them are married, have jobs and lives in the city. My youngest, is still at school. But she live with relatives during the week as they live near by the school and she come home on week-ends.

For revenue I rent stalls in the barn I have on my small farms. I have twelve box and they are all occupied with horses that are owned by other peoples. I feed them and clean the boxes. Their owners come to groom, brush them and take them out for exercise. I have a small track around the barn and there is some path you can take around in the woods behind my place.

So I have been around horses all my life. My father was logging for a living and he had a team of big horses, really big horses. One was a Belgian Percheron and the other was a Clysdale. Those are the calmest horses I know. They are big and almost nothing would startle them. I remember playing as a child around them and I could already make them do what I wanted, even if I was just high enough to catch their bridles. My father would work with each of them every other day, one day of work and one day of rest. He was logging our private forest land. He would cut logs and take them out with the horses so it would have less impact on the forest floor. Most of the time, he would only tell them to pull from right to left. The horses would know what to do and were to go.

After works I would go and help my father to brush, feed, give water, and clean the stall and how to care for their health.

Those who know me, would tell you that I am not really higher than I was then. People joke a lot about how tall I am. Like I already told you, I am 43 years old and I am about 4’ 8”, tall and I weigh about 105 pounds. I have always been fairly athletic and agile. I don’t know if I am unique, but I don’t know other woman like me so I cannot compare. But I have a very stretching cunt. It as always been that way. Of course after four births I have been open a little more, but I have always been able to stretch a lot. Giving birth was always fairly easy, they were all born within two hour.

I love to have sex with a man and I can squeeze my vagina so it would be pleasurable for me and my partner, but I can take a nice horse cock into me very easily. As a widow now, I need to be fuck at least once a week or I am grumpy and feel miserable. From time to time I would meet some man, but I don’t go out much and I don’t do it with anybody.

In stall number 3, I have old Beau. Beau is a clysdale that have made a lot of farmer exposition, pulling competitions and work in team of horses for big wagon. But now he is too old to do that anymore, his owner keeps paying the rent for him to have a nice retirement. He does not come to see him often and I am paid to groom him and everything.

In the middle of the week, when it is very calm around, I like to go and have special time with old Beau. I go into his stall nude with my little wagon grooming kit. I have soap, perfume, oil, towel, brush and all I could need to have a nice time.

Old Beau knows the routine and I can tell he is happy to see me naked. I always begin by cleaning his box itself, then I would brush him, I need a stool to be able to brush and go up on his back. I love to feel my breast rubbing against his rough fur as I brush him. I would mount on his back, it is so large, I can walk on him while I brush him and he seem to appreciate the naked foot massage I do for him as I walk along his spine. I would sit and rub my pussy along his mane as I would brush him and would braid his neck hair.

I would clean and soap his behind, between his hind legs and of course his cock. Once I have finished all that, I would go in front of him and give him some treats, he love apples and carrot. Old Beau know me also and between treats as I make him wait a little he would entice me while bending his strong neck and put his nose against my clean shaven pussy as I would stand legs apart and he would stick that nice, long, fat tongue of his out between my legs and he would strongly lick me a couple of time while slurping all the pussy juices that are running down my legs, then I would give him some more treats.

It is like choreography now between me and him. Then I am almost burning between my legs and Beau has his big cock half out of his sheath. I would put some nice cream I have all around my pussy and I would apply a good oil all over Beau’s cock. Even Beau is anticipating when I will bend a little while gripping his big fat cock, the mushroom head just beginning to flare as I would put it at the entrance of my vagina and start to push him in me. I have to tell you that the way the stall is made, Beau could not move a lot. He is too big for me to permit him to move around, he could hurt me easily without him realising it. So I control the whole thing. It permits me to have a nice and long fuck that way.

Like I told you, I can stretch my pussy a lot and that old Beau fuck meat goes in me nicely as he stretch me in a very pleasurable way. I have a mirror that I put on the wall so I could see my pussy as they are all stretched out around that big fat cock of his and as I back up on him I can slide a good 18 inches of that nice cock into me. Once full of nice horse cock, I would be in a kind of fucking fever. Nothing exists out of me and Beau and I would fuck myself silly on that nice cock. I go back and forth on him, I take him almost half out and then back on it hard, until the tip of that big cock bump against my cervix. I cannot stuff myself more than that. I am so excited that I produce a copious amount of pussy cream and it slide easily as we fuck nicely for a long time. I could feel the mushroom tip of his cock flaring really hard now in my pussy. I know he is about to Cum and fireworks is about to explode in my head as I am near my orgasm to. I keep fucking him in short, but strong movements as I back on his cock.

Then he arches his back as he finally cum in me, flooding my cunt with all that nice hot horse’s semen. I am like a sperm bladder as I am attached to Beau now, I cannot move anymore as he flare so big in me while flooding me, I can feel my belly growing with all that cum and as he began to slide back out of me I would orgasm like crazy and would fall off his big nice cock on my hands and knees as sperm and our love juices spew out of my pussy, hard.

I clean myself and Beau, I give him a good ration of oats and I go home to have a nice hot bath. I feel warm and nice in my belly for at least one day. Nobody can stretch me as nice as Beau does. He is one of my best lover.

Beth xxx