(c) 2007 by Bethanie

My name is Patricia, I am 45 years old, widow with 4 children. I work as a marine biologist in south Florida.

I am about 160 pounds, 5’ 6”, I have short, strong legs, a large butt, and a well endowed breast. I have been told often that I am very cute, but you won’t see woman like me doing modeling on a cat walk for sure. I am what people referred often as a BBW. God give me strength and endurance, I can lift my fair share of heavy things and can go all day without tiring.

My husband died almost five years ago and I have support my family with that job that I love to do, I am outside all day, and I work in water. It is my element. You see a beautiful fat woman like me, float in water like a cork. I did not even have to make an effort to stay afloat, I just do. I have very good pulmonary capacity and can keep my breath under water for almost two minutes. So I often work in shallow water with my scuba gear and dive while doing narguile breathing, which is diving without air tanks.

But other wise I work with air tanks and a heavy weighed belt to be able to sink, but once under water, I am free from gravity and I am in my element.

One day, I was making measurements of sea life on a muddy bank of a small river near the Everglades and I felt some clicks coming true the water. I knew that some dolphins were around. Habitually, they are curious, but stay a fairly good distance from us. But that day I had 3 young dolphins that come near me and were checking me out. I felt strange as felt them zapping me as they were passing by.

I kept doing my measurements while looking at them with the corner of my eyes. I could tell that there were two females and one young male. They were a pale grey with a strong stream of darker dots from their melons to their tails.

They seem to play around more than anything and I kept doing my job as they went further. I had my boat almost over me as I work with an air hose connected directly to a compressor in my boat as I had only about 20 feet of water on top of me.

Then I felt a small jerk about my air hose that almost tear my mouth piece out of my mouth. I turn around and saw those dolphins turning over me and looking at me. One of them had tug a little my air hose to get my attention. I am sure they wanted to play with me as I turn toward them, they immediately went to me as a group. I was impress and a little panicky. I was alone in the water and I had those 3 juvenile dolphins that were at least as big as me, coming to me in a flash.

But as I felt the wave of panic going true me, they were already going near me and rubbing a little of themselves to me as they come near and slow down enough to allowed a short contact with my arms and my legs.

I don’t know why, but at that moment I felt secure. Like if their contact make me realized they were friendly.

I was very surprised at the feeling of their skins against mine. I don’t know why, but I anticipated a rough texture, like a fish, but it felt really soft and mostly, they were hot. I was thinking in my head, that –“ Of course, stupid, they are hot, they are mammal after all!”.

What a marine biologist I was, I thought.

Soon we became more friendly and they let me touch them as I extended my arms and was able to caress them as they would swim near me, just enough so my fingers would run along their body as they would swim by.

After about fifteen minutes of this, they were gone as fast as they had appeared.

Then I decide to go back to my boat as I have been under water almost for an hour now. I was beginning to look like an old prune as I was all wrinkled.

About a week later I was in the same part of the river, I was diving with air tanks and I was collecting information on the quality of the water as well as the capacity to sustained Frey. About half way into my dive, I saw my 3 friends again, I ear them first and they went directly to me as they turn around me. I am sure they were saying –“Hello!”.

As I continue to sample water and write on my samples bottle, I witness the young male swimming under the females as he was rubbing himself over them and I could see them well as they were going near, and a little below me. I could see the slit at the base of the male dolphin open and a strange pointy pink cock, with a little dip at the end like a dairy queen ice cream cone. It as a hook shape and the female seem impress by it as she swim with him to have her own vagina slit in live with his cock and I was watching the two of them mating as they keep swimming around me.

I was very impress by it.
One – – – – – As they seems to be comfortable enough around me to do that.
Two – – – – – I was surprise myself at how I was breathing hard true my mouthpiece.
Three – – – – I was having very strong feelings, right between my legs.

I am not sure of dolphins could smell under water, but the third female came directly to me and put her snout right between my legs. I was afraid she would hurt me, but she only rub it a little and she turn on his side to look at me and the way she looked at me, I know it is in my head, but. I am sure she was smiling at me while thinking that I was excited and she was moving her head as to say, – “ Come play with us!”.

Right then, I came to my senses and had a check to my air gage and I had only 20 minutes left. I had no security margin left. I had to come up. As I got to my boat, I stow my gear, attached and clean it. I went under to change and dry myself. I had the image of those friendly dolphins mating in front of me and I had to admit it to myself, I was so excited by that, that I had to masturbate like a teenager and while I was shoving four fingers deep in my cunt while rubbing my clit with my thumb, I start to cum hard and long. It as been so long since I had some sexual release and could not believed myself as it was while fantasising about mating with dolphins. But it was so great.

The next time I have seen my favourite Pod, was on a week-end. I was going diving for pleasure, near the coast. There were only 18 feet of water. I was diving on a small wreck that was there for the last 30 years, lots of small marine life developed around it. Fish and marine life of all colors and shapes. The water was hot and clear, I had anchor my boat and I was diving only with my mask, scuba, a light weighing belt and my palm. No wet suit, I had my black bikini.

I had dive for at least an hour, I went back on my boat to dry a little and have a lunch. As I finish my sandwich, my friends manifest themselves while turning around my boat. I was more than happy to see them. I geared up and jump in the water with them.

It was magic. I had the impression that I had been adopted into the Pod. The three of them come to me without fear and we swam together. They were all play, I could hold to them and they would bring me with them. God, they are strong. They seem to be able to tug me for the ride without much effort.

I was surprise myself at how I liked the feeling of their skins against mine. I think they like it too as they rub themselves a lot on me also. Even the females seem to appreciate their rubbing. They loved for me to run my hand along their body and as I was caressing one, they were going around and as one was going, another one came in. I had the impression of being on a petting assembly line. But I enjoyed it immensely. May be too much.

Without realising it, my pussy was really wet and I must have sent some chemical message into the water as soon I notice that the vagina slit of the female were puffy and almost open and they were moving around so I could caress them over it.
Even the male wanted me to caress him over his penile slit.

I witness them as the male mated with each of the female, but very briefly. I think it was more of a bonding gesture.

Then the male come to me and he went against me upside down and as I caress his penile slit, I saw that nice pink penis come out. I continue to rub him and soon it was completely out over my hand. I could not resist and I put my hand around it. God, my own pussy start to twitch and I could feel him throbbing to. But he kept with me and I start to masturbate him.

He seem to like it a lot as he was moving his tail in short movements, it was more like a throbbing of his tail muscle and them he completely surprised me as I was still rubbing his penis, the curly end of it became all hard and strait and strong jets of white semen shoot out of it. He must have spurt four or five strong stream of it as I felt his penis decrease in size and going back inside him. I let him go reluctantly. I loved that feeling and was very excited myself.

The three of them came in front of me like if they were thanking me as dolphin’s semen was still around me, floating around in the hot water. Then as if there were a signal, they were off together.

I went back to my boat. I was dizzy, excited and so horny. Once again I was nude, down in my cabin masturbating myself until I reach orgasm. As I came down, I think to myself -“What a beautiful day!”.

For the next two weeks, I had a hard time doing my things. I was continually thinking about that Pod of dolphins. I am not sure what they have done to me.
Have they stolen my heart?
Have I gone mad for having those feeling for dolphins?
How come I had so much difficulty interacting with humans and it was so easy with those dolphins?

I was at my river study again, and my male dolphin friend came to me alone this time. And he made immediately some sexual advance as he present himself on his back while rubbing himself against me with half of his cock outside.

I went in a second state of mind.

I went in Rut. I could not explain it other wise, I was in Rut.

I went back to the boat, put my diving equipment with two air tanks, but I dive naked. I knew that my pussy juices would not lubricate enough into the salt water so I put some white thick cream that I use to protect skin where the wet suit rub against skin. It does not dissolute into water.

As I jumped into water, my friend must have felted my condition as he came to me and I had my legs wide apart. I rub him a little and he did the same. He seems surprised a little by my breathing tanks, but it was only a minor distraction as he presents himself upside down to me. I put my arms and legs apart and grab his pectoral fins, he start to swim forcefully. That had me to hug him tight by the force of the water and I could feel his cock right at the entrance of my pussy. I put my strong legs around his tail and locked my feet together so I was locked under him.

It was the signal he waited for as he pushed his nice hot cock up my vagina. It felt incredible and he was swimming very hard now. As we were flying true the water, that swimming movement had him fucking me forcefully. I could feel all of his cock in my vagina, he was stretching me nice and I could feel that twirly end of his cock rubbing my cervix.

My head was twirling, I was breathing hard and fast. Bubbles were fling behind us. Then he start to shake in tail hard and he had me climaxing as I could feel him shooting his seeds deep into my belly. I was cumming and cumming so hard.

I was in seven heavens with my male dolphin lover.

So sense came to me and I let go of my legs and hands as he continue fast into the water while I start to float upward toward the surface. I was not moving, legs and arms out while still feeling dolphin’s semen in my pussy. As I reach the surface, luckily I was near my boat. I was coming back to my senses as I swim for it. My lover came to me for a last caress and then he was gone.

We had some other encounter and play with them, but nothing like that magic moment, until I did not saw them anymore.

Beth xxx