(c) 2015 by Stableboy60

I am bound bent over a table. Ankles tied with leather reins to the bottom of each table leg, arms stretched out as far as they would go bound to the opposing corners. I am face down with a curve bit in my mouth as a gag. I hear the stallion moving into position behind me. I half smile through the bit and think to myself “My God, how did I get here”…. How indeed.

12 hours earlier…

It had been over three years since I had seen Jessica and her husband James and I was feeling a little nostalgic as I drove down the country road toward their ranch. My mind drifted back to the years we spent as fast friends all through high school. We went to a small school in the country surrounded by farms and small ranches. Jessica’s family were very well off due to her fathers booming construction business and her mother raised and bred cutting horses. Jessica herself was an excellent rider and built like it. A little over five and a half feet tall with long strong legs and a toned upper body, much like a tennis star. Her dark auburn hair framed a fine lined face with soft high cheek bones and light freckles off set pale blue eyes that were amazingly clear. She never gave the impression of being privileged, kind and out going with a sharp wit and brilliant smile. James had been her boyfriend ever since junior year in high school and they made a stunning couple. James was a sandy blonde haired football star standing right at six foot tall built like a mid weight boxer, not a scrap of fat on the guy. Square jaw line and hazel eyes made him the picture of a rough cowboy… which he was. Then there is me… five nine and well muscled if not as cut as James, ruddy complected and red/brown haired with dark blue eyes. I had been friends with James since we were 14 and adding Jessica to the mix just seemed to fit, I never felt left out.

James and Jess had always been an incredibly adventurous couple. They would often include me in their stories about wild parties, druken sex and even bondage after they had been together for a while. It wasn’t till five years later on a trip home on leave from the military that they first invited me into their bedroom. I hadn’t known it but James had always wanted to try it and Jess was more than happy with the idea. We explored each others bodies and sexuality till there was nothing we didn’t know about each other. Time passed and as my deployments increased and military life got more hectic the three of us drifted apart. One day I get a call out of the blue from James telling me that Jessica had inherited the ranch and her parents had up and moved to Florida. He wanted me to come out and see the place and I happily accepted.

I pulled up to the massive ranch house and there were James and Jess to greet me. Jess hadn’t changed a bit despite a few fine lines around her eyes. James looked handsome as ever although a little softer than when I last saw him… but not much. They gave me a big group hug and invited me in. We spent the remainder of the evening touring the ranch and drinking.

As we walked through the immaculately clean barn a big buckskin stallion caught my eye.

“Now that is a good looking animal” I said.

James replied with a wink to Jess. “your prize right honey?”…

“Well he does anything I ask… unlike you” she said with a coy smile. “His name is Stud” Jess added…

“Very creative” I said with a sarcastic smile. Stud had a wonderful smooth coat with dark socks and I fetched a glance at his smooth dark sheath and testicles before we headed back to the house.

The remainder of that night was spent over a good meal and many drinks. After some light flirting between the three of us we decided to take things to the bedroom. As soon as the door was closed James slipped out of his pearl snap shirt and unbuckled his pants and I did the same. Jess watched with growing excitement as we walked toward her. James from behind wrapped his arms around her and slowly began sliding Jess’s shirt off as I kissed down her neck and unbuttoned her jeans. His hands sliding up her body and over her full breasts, lightly squeezing her pink nipples. She gasped with pleasure. I kissed down her body as I slid her panties off. She leaned back into James laying her head back onto his shoulder. As her drew closer his throbbing cock moved up her thigh and pressed between her legs right as I kissed down past her waist. I split the lips of her pussy with my tongue and moved my mouth back to tease the tip of his cock pressed between her. With a sudden motion and surprising strength Jess grabbed me and threw onto the bed. I was caught more than a little off balance and ended up knocking over the end table next to the bed. The table landed with a crash and as it did the drawer flew open and a large horse cock shaped dildo fell to the floor… Utter silence. Jess gasped and covered her mouth with a giggle. James stood stunned like a duck hit on the head. I was more than intrigued. I walked over righting the end table and picking up the dildo I rolled it in my hands.

“You know” I said. “I have always been strangely turned on by the sight of an erect stallion”… The mood in the room instantly changed. James began to smile and Jess had a devious look in her eye.

“Well…” Jess began. “No.. no, you would think we are freaks”…

“come on Jess I think we are well past that” I replied. James shifted a little nervously.

Jess began again
“We uh kinda do more than just the dildo”.

“Please tell me this involves “Stud” I said eagerly.

James; “You are down for that!?”

“Oh yes…yes I am” I said “But on one condition”

“Name it” Jess said.

“I want to be your slave for Stud…and you of course”

Jess flushed with anticipation looked at James and said.
“Honey… get the bit and lets continue in the barn”

James led me over to a closet while Jessica followed beside her husband lightly stroking his rigid cock and smiling at me. When he opened the door it was full of bdsm gear. Whips, rope various restraints but James reached to the back and pulled out a curve bit rigged to fit a human head. Jessica pulled out a dogs choke chain and slipped it over my head.

“You’re ours now boy” she said playfully…and a little dark.

“Open up” said James as he grabbed my hair and shoved the bit in my mouth. My whole body was trembling with anticipation.

Jess pulled out a smaller choke chain and knelt down in front of me. Sliding it down to the base of my shaft and giving it a sharp tug. I moaned with pleasure.

“ummm little precum I see” she said smiling “let me get that for you” and with that she jerked the chain toward her taking my cock all the way to the back of her throat. Swirling her tongue over my shaft and sucking hard on the head as she slid it out.

Gaining her feet she led me by my cock chain out of the house and into the barn, James close behind his wife caressing her perfectly toned ass. Upon reaching the stall where the buckskin stallion was dozing James disappeared into the tack room and Jessica hitched my cock leash high (making me stand on my toes) while she slid the stall door open.

“Hello big boy” she said to the stallion brushing her fingers down his neck. “we brought you a little gift”

Stud, nuzzled his head into her beautiful naked body, lip quivering and raising slightly as his nose grazed her pussy.

She giggled “not just yet my big man”

I could tell that Stud was already becoming aroused by his sniffing and snorting. James returned with a narrow table that he placed in the center of the stall. Jessica came over to me and while my cock was still stretched tight began kissing down my body as she unhitched me from the wall. James came over then and pulled me away, muscular arms forcing me face down bent over the table. I could feel his warm shaft press against my inner thigh as he held me down while Jessica bound my wrist with twine to the opposite end of the table. Pulling as she did so forcing my muscles to flex in my arms and back. James slid his hand down my back and over my ass, fondeling my testicles as he went down to bind my ankles to the legs of the table. I was bent and stretched out helpless and I loved it.

“Let’s make him watch first” smiled Jessica, James nodded and grinned leading Stud into my full view hitching the horse to a tie in the wall. Jessica began to run her hands over the stallion as James came up behind her. She started to bend over pushing her hips into James as he ran his hands over her back. She continued to bend and run her hands down the stallion till at last she began to caress his balls. James was rubbing the head of his cock between the lips of her dripping wet pussy. The stallion shifted slightly as his massive black and pink cock slipped from it’s sheath. Jessica ran her hands over the head of Studs now hardening cock. She slowly brought the shaft up to her lips and began to tease her lips and tongue over the flare of his cock. James slid his hands over her hips and began to plunge his cock ever so slowly into Jess. She moaned slightly as he buried himself fully into her. Her moan was muffled as she began to push the head of Studs cock deep into her mouth. I was amazed at how much she could fit, she gaged spit a little precum onto the stallions cock. Then she took him in her mouth again, massaging the precum over his shaft even over his balls. I could see the clearish precum drip down her chin and over her chest and she drove the massive cock in and out of her mouth. Her perky tits swaying as James thrust into her with growing speed. The muscles in his back flexing, ass pumping as his wife sucked and fondled the stallion. She began to moan and give high pitched cries as James pounded away. Then James began to jerk and buck as his whole body gave into a massive orgasm.

Jess slid the stallions cock out of her dripping mouth “Yes!… Cum for me” and shoved the horse cock back into her mouth.

James convulsed a few more pumps and then slid his cock out of his wife, cum oozing out of her pussy as he did. James instantly dropped to a knee and began to lick her clean of any spunk. Pushing his tongue deep into his wife, cum dripping out the sides of his mout. Then Jess spun and began to force the stallions cock into her wet pussy. Stud began to flex his hips forcing himself deeper into the toned body. Jess moaned so loud it border on pain but she kept rolling her hips into the massive pink and black cock. With one massive jerk of the hips Stud came in Jessica. Spunk flowin into her, filling her and pouring down her legs. Upon the second massive squirt on spunk Jess began to gasp quiver and moan as the horses own orgasm caused her to climax violently. Jessica with infinite care let Studs massive cock fall from her pussy, convulsing a little as he slid out. As the couple caught their breath and James licked the remained of the cum from the horses mighty shaft. I felt something warm drip down my thigh. I was so caught up with watching them I had climaxed myself, cum dripping off my legs.

“So soon?” Jess asked mockingly. “This is far from over” as she pinched a perfect pink nipple between her fingers.

Jessica walked over to where I was strapped to the table and began to trace her fingers over my back with one hand and the other gathered the reins attached to my bit. As her fingers ran lower lightly tickling my skin she also began to pull the reins tighter and tighter. inch by inch her fingers moved down my body and the curve bit in my mouth began to move back in my throat. Then with a sharp tug on the reins she slid her thumb inside me and squeezed my testicles with her finger. I groaned from the smattering of pain and the sheer pleasure of it. I gagged a little and tried to raise my hips further into Jessica’s hand.

James was holding the lead rope of Stud and also lightly playing with the stallions flare. twirling his fingers around the head and running his thumb over it to collect any cum still dripping out. The pink and black horse cock began to rise slightly as James teased Stud back fully hard.

It took several minutes of stroking, teasing and licking by James to get the stallion ready again. During which Jessica swirled her thumb inside me pulling the muscles of my hole. She dropped the reins with her other hand and shifted her body under me. I felt her warm tongue slide up my shaft and then wrapping her whole mouth around my stiff cock. Sucking, swirling, bitting and fingering me all at the same time. I began to tremble the sensation was so strong.

“I think he is ready” Said Jess slipping my cock from her mouth. James nodded eagerly as he led the big stallion over to me. James carefully walked Stud over the top of me. his belly gently pressed against my back. I was so alive with sensation I could feel every hair pressed to my skin. Then I felt the massive shaft of Stud press up against my balls. The size of it thrilling and intimidating me at the same time. Jessica grabbed our cocks together and began to rub the flare of his member over the head of my cock. He was deliciously warm and wet with his own cum as he slid against my shaft. James watching began to stroke himself as he watched. I could feel Stud swelling hard agains me, then James backed him a bit and I felt that large wet head press against my hole. Jess reached down and began to push his flare inside me. She pulled my reins as I gasped from the pain of Studs cock stretching my muscles to the limit. Slowly I felt the flare of his cock push in me and expand ever so slightly. Inch after inch he shoved into me till I thought I might scream then he stopped and began to pull out jerkingly then he gave a massive shove of his hips and pumped his shaft back into me. Stud pounded away at my insides my whole body shaking violently from the subsiding pain and the growing pleasure. Every time his flare passed a certain point inside me I came a little. minutes passed that felt like eternities of pleasure. I couldn’t hold back anymore I growled and chocked through the bit as I came, hard, violent, painful even and Stud still pounded away. A few pumps after I climaxed I thought I would lose my mind from all the sensations. It was too much and just as I began to bite down on the bit to keep from screaming. Stud jerked and I felt a enormous load of warm sticky spunk fill my body. Filling my guts and running down my body. Jessica took some of the cum and rubbed it over her clit and continued to please herself as she watched. James left Studs massive cock in me as he grew softer, slowly, painfully slowly dripping out of me. James came with a jolt of the hips and a long spurt of cum gasping and grunting as he did. Jessica climaxed not long after repeating “yes, yes, YES” louder and louder.

James pulled Stud fully out of me and my back arched a little as he did. Jessica unlatched my bit and bonds and I panted unable to move off the table. Stud was backed off of me and I tried to gain my feet. It took several tries. I finally gained my composer and we all began to clean up. Stud was given some hay and left in peace for the night. The three of us showered and finally crashed out for the night. Before I closed my eyes I wondered what amazing things tomorrow might hold.